#moon would for sure have iridescent scales
aerknight · 1 year
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snake boys
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ssplague · 6 months
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Benighted Beloved
Chapter One 
(Read the PROLOGUE first)
Dragon King Bakugou x Moon Princess y/n
Warnings: A/B/O themes, soulmates, mating, sex, manipulation, power and control.
Oh how can one’s feelings
spin a tale so profound? 
For only true love shall
Determine whether darkness 
Or light shall abound?
The clouds of mist stemming from your shaky panting breaths resemble tendrils of smoke unfurling from the snout of a dragon. The vapors dissipate as they flow up towards the darkening sky. You had been running for at least an hour now, with no thought of stopping. Regardless of how much distance you’d put between yourself and the castle which you had escaped from, it would never be far enough. Sweat stung bleary e/c orbs as it slipped from your forehead down into them. The mud that you had carefully packed over the scent glands on each side of your neck was becoming itchy as it flaked off. It wasn’t just on your neck though; Each wrist had so much mud caked around them it almost resembled an earthy colored bangle. As well as the insides of your thighs, they were coated in it as well. Now that it was getting dark out you would have to be even more careful of getting tangled up in thorn bushes or slapped by jagged branches. The tiniest drop of blood would have him centered in on your location as soon as the breeze carried its scent to him.
All of these precautions were necessary when you were fleeing for your life. The gigantic disadvantage of just who was sure to begin pursuing you at any moment, already meant luck would be the only thing on your side.
Slivers of moon light forced their way between gaps in the tree tops.
He has to of returned by now.
Once that man steps a single foot inside the castle, your absence will be made instantly apparent. Not from the fretting of the structures hired occupants as they frantically searched for you, or threw themselves at the king’s feet pleading for mercy, shrieking apologies. None of that noise alerted King Bakugou of your disappearance, nothing so trivial. 
It was the sudden feeling of emptiness that caused tightening in his chest, the return of that lonely longing in his soul.
Ignoring the idiots prostrating themselves before him, the beast of a man turned on his heel and exited the castle. Anger was coursing through his veins, white hot fury made his blood boil, sparks began emitting at random from clenched fists as he lost control of his thoughts. The hulking physique of the Dragon King was always imposing, but as his cloak billowed behind him in the night air, the man seemed to be growing larger. Anyone who had previously been out on the castle grounds was nowhere to be found, and good thing because even the bravest man’s heart would have given out as his eyes caught sight of the approaching ruler. 
Katsuki Bakugou could easily be mistaken for the devil himself as he storms across the court yard. Muscle began swelling beneath the flesh of expanding limbs as they grew larger. The teeth that were clenched in a snarl elongated and sharpened, horns sprouted from the king’s skull to accompany the wild blonde hair atop his head. Smatterings of Glittering gold scales could be seen mixed into the majority of the inky black ones that made up his protective hyde. The now large ruby irises were iridescent as they shined with what resembled hellfire itself. Where the king had been standing, a dragon of monstrous proportions now stood. Leathery wings expanded outward as the beast threw back its head to release a bellowing roar. With that, it launched itself skyward and zoomed off into the night.
You were kneeling down at the bank of a small stream, gulping down handfuls of water as you tried to catch your breath. The soft rustling of bushes across the way had you frozen in fear, ready to spring up and start running again.
The head of a doe pokes out from a bush, you and the animal blink back at each other for a moment.
Your body sags in relief, deeming you not to be a threat, the doe and her fawn come to stand on the opposite bank. Both dipping their heads down to drink, you watch them with a small smile on your face as you begin to reapply mud atop your scent glands.
The fawn watches you with its head cocked to the side, curious as to what you were doing. All of the sudden both deer’s are on high alert and that was a good enough cue to you that it was time to get going. The three of you all bolt off in separate directions. Your legs were practically screaming in protest, feet were undoubtedly swollen inside your soaked slippers.
The one thing you were thankful for was the thick cloak you’d thrown on before making your daring escape.
You had never wanted this life to begin with, you’d merely been minding your business walking down the beach when you stumbled across him. Seeing such a beautiful man laying there with such grievous injuries, you were compelled to help him.
One year prior
The people of this village had a shrine erected to the moon goddess Selene. Upon entering their midst, the island dwelling folk took one look at the crescent moon on your forehead and immediately welcomed you. Their crops were flourishing and nets were bursting with fish ever since you had taken residence within the shrine. It was far from easy to lug such a heavy man to your current home, but you inevitably succeeded. At first Katsuki was anything but grateful for your help. He scoffed at your efforts and cursed you out while doing your best at nursing him back to health. You took it in stride, never hesitating to clap back at the man with a gorgeous face and terrible attitude. As time went on you two had grown fond of each other, he knew you were the only one in this life for him.
Eventually the day came where he needed to return home, not once had he ever mentioned his title.
So when the young monarch confessed his feelings to you as he gripped your hands tightly, informing you that you were to be his future queen and he would soon return to bring you home, you were shocked. When he released his hold on you to step back and became a giant dragon, you screamed in terror, falling to the ground. Shrieking even louder as you attempted to scramble backwards when the beast leaned down to rub its snout against you.
I’ll be back for you soon, I promise.
You heard it clear as day inside of your head, lifting a shaky hand to caress the beasts sparkling scales. 
The magnificent creature closed its eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of your touch. Then it was gone, leaving you standing there with misty eyes and a trembling lip. That was the first time you had experienced grief that stemmed from loneliness. All the while you remained silent. Watching the dragon flying on the horizon until you could no longer make out its shape.
“We wanted to tell you…but felt it wasn’t our place” the village priestess and wife of the chieftain says, coming to stand by your side.
“Tell me what? That he was royalty? Or a dragon?” You attempted to joke, failing to notice how grave the other woman’s expression was.
“To tell you that he is a monster, goddess born please you must flee from here, that man has caused rivers of blood to flow across these lands ever since he came of age”she pleads with you,“Katsuki Bakugou is more beast than he is man, his soul has been permanently darkened by all of the lives he’s taken and misery he’s sewn”.
“Please elder tell me more about this dragon king…I need to know what exactly I’m up against…”
A short time later you’re seated around a table of other women, a few men are leaned up against the walls of the chief’s home, including the man himself. Every person in attendance has told you the frightening stories of the dragon king’s cruelty, how he revels in the blood of his foes, commands a massive army made up of both beasts and men. You sit silently, soaking all of this information in, thinking back on the time you’d spent with Bakugou.
“I know what you must be thinking my dear, the man from our stories couldn’t be the one you’d helped…It’s only natural for a kind soul like yourself to want to see the good in others” a very old woman addressed you softly, reaching her gnarled hands across the table to gently grip your’s “Selene shines through you in every aspect of your life, you are a strong, smart, beautiful woman with an aura as pure as snow….A treasure that no mere mortal could ever create”.
The women at the table all chime in:
“Those reasons are surely few of the things that lead to the beast’s fascination and resulting infatuation with you…” 
“A pure soul reaching out to one that’s grown so dark over time….”
“A beacon of light shining across a blackened ocean, a diamond hidden amongst coal” 
Then the men speak:
“Dragons are self serving, stingy, beasts; Anything that shines beautifully they can’t help but be drawn too”
“They will obsessively seek out whatever it is that they desire, disregarding rationality and consequence”
“Once they get ahold of whatevet is they hide it away, if they can keep from destroying it beforehand that is, they may treat their hoard delicately, but how many of those treasures do you think were crushed under foot? Speared by talons?”
The villagers were right.
The man that you met was on deaths door, Bakugou was probably more vulnerable with you than anyone else had ever seen him. Anger is a result of fear, now the man’s crude language and sharp tongue made sense. Unfortunately, now that he was back to his beastly self, there was no telling what would happen between the two of you. 
Or what would happen to you…
So you agreed to leave, accepting hugs and parting gifts from familiar faces, promising to return when it would be safe to do so. As you set sail on your one person raft, you admired the beauty of the moon shining down on you.Thankfully the mainland was only a day’s journey from here, and once you reached the shore you set off again. The best plan of action was to head west, but your journey towards the neighboring kingdom still took you through Bakugou’s territory.
Maybe I jumped to conclusions?
You couldn’t help but wonder as you rest atop a down tree within an unfamiliar forest. The village folk had no reason to mislead you, they were sad to see you go after all…
Still, the monster they described was nothing like the Man you had spent time with. How unfortunate would it be if all of this turned out to be a complete misunderstanding?
Seven moons later a red dragon soared over the vast ocean with ease, but the person atop its head was riddled with anxiety.  Katsuki opted to have Kirishima fly him back to the island, that way the king could enjoy holding you close during the ride back.
Back home both people and creatures alike were all excited and joyfully anticipating the crowning of a new king, as well as a queen. After all this time thinking they wouldn’t ever have another one.
The current Queen Mitsuki was thrilled at the prospect of finally being a grandmother, she had just about forced her idiot son to at least reproduce with one of the now out of work concubines. Katsuki may hold the title of “Dragon King”, but he has yet to officially take the throne. It was traditional for the first in line to be mated before being granted the right to rule. The kingdoms oracle had foretold the young monarch’s eventual meeting with an ethereal beauty capable of soothing the savage beast residing inside of him, and the two of them would rule together over their prosperous kingdom for many decades to come. At least that is the official part of the prophecy the public was privy to…
“Land here Shitty hair, we don’t want to frighten her” Bakugou commands his companion, making an effort to mask the excitement in his gruff voice. Once the king dismounts, the crimson dragon begins to shrink and soon a red haired man of similar stature appears in its place. Both men walk through the now silent village, so focused on the task at hand they fail to notice the lack of activity or occupants. On the edge of the village a short forest path leads to the shrine where the king stayed with you. Kirishima stops short and allows Bakugou to walk up the short staircase alone.
“I’ve returned for you, just as I promised I would” Bakugou announces before sliding open the door. Instead of the beautiful woman he was expecting, the shrine was empty…a single insense burned beneath the painted moon.
No sign of the woman he loved.
Sensing the distress of his best friend, Kirishima comes to peek inside, seeing the empty space makes his heart ache for the man beside him.
“Maybe she’s out enjoying the sun? Why don’t we walk around a bit, I’m sure we’ll find her!” The red head 
suggests, always the optimist.
The suggestion is met with silence, and now the absence of this island’s inhabitants dawns on both of them.
Unbeknownst to the dragon shifters above, the villagers had fled down into the island’s underground cave system.
It was the best shot they had at avoiding the vengeful Dragon King’s retaliation. Yes all of them were far beneath the surface where they planned to reside for some time to come. Well all of them with exception of one…
“Did you really believe she would wait for you after finding out all of the awful things you’ve done?  After she learned the truth about you?” A voice calls out from behind the two shifters. They turn to see a man similar in age but his build was drastically smaller than each of there’s. He was the village chief’s eldest and most arrogant son, Shindo. The newcomer shows no respect to the royalty before him, his eyes are narrowed and he sneers at the king he hates so much.
“A monster has no right to claim one that is goddess born, your darkness will suffocate her light, the blood on your hands will sully her pure heart, im sure you know that though…but you don’t care do you, your majesty?” Shindo taunts.
“Where is she?”
Three words are all he gets in reply to his mockery of the king.
“Where is she?”
The question is repeated, gradually becoming more aggressive and louder than the time before.
“Somewhere you won’t be able to reach her” the dark haired man replies with a shrug, all he’d wanted to do was get under Bakugou’s skin and obviously he’d succeeded.
Just as Shindo turns his back on the Dragon king, does he feel something yanking him backwards. A shocked cry follows the agony of sharp talons stabbing into his shoulder.
“Tell me where she went and maybe I’ll be merciful and make your death quick, or I can peel your flesh off In tiny little strips, before I roast you alive on a stick like a pig” 
So began an interrogation turned execution, the screams resulting from it had all of the birds on the island taking flight. 
Kirishima watched as Bakugou washed the blood off of himself in the ocean, the kings cape hung off his faithful companion’s outstretched arm. Flames shot up towards the darkening sky as a raging inferno engulfed the empty village behind them. A rare grimace had replaced the red head’s usual shark toothed smile, beads of sweat lined his brow and dribbled down his broad back. The only sympathy within the red dragon shifter’s heart was for his best friend; Not an ounce was spared for the people that had now lost their homes, nor the bastard that had his life snuffed out by royal hands. This was the price to be paid for causing the king such immense grief. They got off easy honestly, maybe the two dragons would return when the rats thought it was safe to come out of wherever they were hiding. Only to end up being massacred by unforgiving talons and teeth. Once the blonde exits the water he takes his cape back, fastening it, and giving his comrade a simple nod before both of them begin to shift. Neither one of the massive dragons spared the burning island a glance as they took off toward home. 
“Oh what should I do now? I have no idea” you huff, somehow you ended up in a picturesque meadow.
Various types of flowers are surrounding you, all of them are so colorful and vibrant. You apologize to each one you plucked from the earth, nimble fingers setting to work on weaving a crown to set atop your head. “Id gotten so comfortable with life at the village I’d almost forgotten that I’m not originally from this world…nor am I used to such solitude…” Your whispers are carried away by the wind as it begins to blow rather harshly.
“I think that’s good enough to replenish my stock for now, guess I’ll head back and drop these off before I go back to the capital, better hurry if I want to make it in time for Kaachan’s return” the green haired male says to no one in particular, wiping the sweat from his freckled brow. “Oh no looks like a storm is approaching” Izuku mumbles as he exits the dense forest and takes in the darkening sky over head “Damn”. Upon reaching the floral meadow the first drops of rain begin to fall, just beyond the flowers hidden by a clump of trees, sets a small house his deceased mother used to call home. It now serves as a miniature library, as well as a laboratory that the greenette uses to practice his alchemy. The spontaneous down pour is surprising in itself, but the sudden boom of thunder, and flash of lightning is unnerving. What could have caused such a sudden severe change of weather? Another loud boom sounds above but a frightened scream comes from somewhere in the meadow.
Emerald eyes squint against the pelting rain as they scan the surroundings, and then he sees her.
A lone figure shivering amongst the flowers, hands clasped over her ears and eyes squeezed shut.
Midoryia wastes no time hurrying over to the frightened woman, “Hey there! Are you out here all alone miss? Have you been injured?”.
Your eyes open as you hear the concerned tone of a stranger, opening your mouth to reply a bright strike of lightening hits a tree mere yards from where you sit.
A yelp escapes you and suddenly you have one of the man’s arms in a tight hold. “Oh no you’re soaked, c’mon I have shelter just ahead and I’m sure you would appreciate a change of clothes” the green haired stranger gives you an infectious smile that you do your best to return, allowing him to lead you out of the storm. 
A/N: Thoughts? Should I open a tag list? 
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 20 days
Naga bf that wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling very cold, and their human mate is right there, suffering from mild cold, feverish and super warm (asleep or not, it's up to you :3)
I actually want a Naga bf so badly, @slightly-knot-insane . Ty.
(Just like usual, I'm going to do my best to make this gender/sex/size neutral (not ALL of my stories are byt yk. <3 if you have tips on how to do this better lmk <3)
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(Imagine this but with purple instead of green :3)
I had been sick for the past week. It was a miserable cold, sinus blockage accompanied by cold sweats and excessive feverish shaking.
My boyfriend, Inferno, did his best to tend to me. He'd bring me soup and various things he thought would help. At night or any time I'd lay down to sleep, he'd wrap around me - his cold skin pressing desperately against my burning flesh.
It was one of the most relaxing feelings, and I couldn't help but keep as close to him as possible. Last night, however, he seemed extra needy, staying in bed with me all day, holding me there and telling me repeatedly to "Rest."
I woke to the moon shining brightly off of Inferno's beautiful, iridescent, purple scales. his pupils dilated as he watched me, my eyes opening softly to take in his appearance.
I could feel his cold tail creeping up my chin and gripping my ankle as my beloved stared deeply into my eyes. I pressed myself into his cold chest and sighed happily, melting against him.
Inferno ran his hands over my sides to my hips and dug his claws into me as herolled me over onto my side and gently pressed his newly found hardened cock against my panties, teasing himself into desperation for my wet warmth.
He'd been trying to contain himself while I was sick, but my constant fever drove him crazy.
He gripped the thin faneric and tore me out of my panties before thrusting his stiff length into my un-prepped hole. thankfully, his body made sure he was covered in his one lubrication before letting himself become fully erect enough to mate.
My beloved Naga couldn't resist letting his tongue lay against my skin. Sliding it all over my shoulder and neck, filling his senses with my scent and flavor.
His tail slinked up my leg further and gently rubbed over my clit as he plunged himself into me.
The violation was so unexpected but seemed well needed. My sinuses cleared slightly as we moved, and he held me tighter. I could feel his claws digging into tender flesh.
My body betrayed me and seemed to coat Inferno's length even more, making his movements much easier as he sped up. He breathed heavily over your shoulder and soon slipped his tongue down to your nipple, wrapping around it and flicking over it.
I panted and moaned, my breath syncing up with his as he moved inside of me. Within just a few minuites I was already squiriting on his cock, but he refused to stop, only throbbing in he as I rode out my orgasm.
"Oh my gooooood!", I whined, trying to press my hips back into the pleasure.
Inferno grunted in my ear before pinning me face down and ramming himself into me.
"Mine.." he groaned, pushing my face into the pillow. My hot breath was pushed back against my face as I felt his claws pressing against my skull.
His knot threatened to enter me, and he seemed to be trying to force it in.
"Im going to breed you - you've been driving me crazy-"
I tried to whine in protest and it only caused him to push me harder into the pillow, muffling my sounds.
I felt his cock throb against my walls and my body reacted well, contracting around him and gripping his length inside of me.
He pushed his knot into me and teased me, pulling his knot back against my g spot as he rode out his own orgasm, his hot, thick cum coating my walls.
The warmth felt amazing, and he just kept milking himself. I came harshly around him again as he pushed himself right up against my cervix screaming out.
We both breathed hard, and he laid across my back, holding onto me tightly.
We both laughed alittle as I moved my hair out of my face and cought my breath away from the pillow.
"You're going to be stuck for a second." After a moment he carefully worked his way out of me as his knot started to go down and curled around me, his tail wrapping around my lower calf as he spooned me.
Inferno rested his hand on my stomach and nuzzled my neck. "My beautiful mate."
I sighed and shook my head as I held his arms around me. I couldn't wait to be the mother to his children, however, that would play out.
(This one wasn't very long or descriptive but if you'd like a longer one let me know!)
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by... - LadyLondonderry -
When the moon finally reaches directly overhead (which Louis mostly notices because Niall grabs his hand and squeezes it like he’s trying to pop the eyes off a trout), Lady Oich swims up before them and recites the ceremonial vows, her mermaid tongue twisting the words into a haunting song about being bound for life to one’s lover. Louis shivers as the words wash over him, at the magnitude of their meaning. 
When she ends her speech, Louis suddenly realises he wishes badly that he wasn’t one of the best looking omegas here, because he really doesn’t want to be first. 
But then Lady Oich makes eye contact with him and raises her hand, and Louis’ heart nearly stops in his chest. She’s signalled that he’s first, and that his choosing begins now. 
He’s been up at the Help Desk for about half an hour when someone in a fireman uniform who is not Liam comes up to him.
This man, this not-Liam man, is probably the most attractive man Harry has ever seen. Did he say the other day that Liam was hot? That was a lie. No one could hold a candle to this perfect human specimen right in front of him. He’s got soft chestnut coloured hair that Harry would like to run his hands through, a bit of stubble that defines the set of his jaw, the cutest button nose Harry has ever seen, and the curve of his neck… This man cannot possibly be a mere human. Perhaps this Christmas is the second coming of Christ, because this man is compact perfection.
“Hello,” Perfection says when he reaches the counter.
Harry squeaks, and tries to cover it up with a cough.
“I’m Louis,” says Perfection. He sticks his hand out and… shit, is this what Liam felt like? What hand does Harry use? Which is the right one?
By the time Harry gets back to the office, Louis’ arrived and is sipping coffee from his signature fox mug. He waves at Harry. “You’re not dead!” 
“I’m not dead,” Harry agrees. “Just had to go rescue my roommate.”
“Ah,” says Louis. “Nick said you had one hour vomiting sickness.”
“That too,” Harry says. He sits down and goes back to his stack of plans that he had barely started copying. His head still hurts. He doesn’t want to have to go stand at the copier for the next hour fighting with it, so he takes the six that were successfully copied and brings them up on his screen, indexing and archiving them. 
The plans that Harry copies are supposed to have no paperclips, no staples, no sticky notes. 
The people who create these packets are what Mitch likes to call “incompetent nutters”.
On the wall behind him, Harry’s started a collection of sticky notes that he’s pulled out of the copier when the pages jam. He cuts them up to protect privacy information which makes them unique and wonky and wonderful. He takes a moment to flip through the six on his desk, and adds two to the collage; Please add blood and dissenting opinion. That’s satisfying at least. 
Now trying to distract himself from the faint salmon smell that seems to be growing stronger, Louis starts people-watching with a purpose. There’s a woman with a young child in her arms who has a stuffed bear in her arms, and all three of them are in matching blue dresses. The person now sitting opposite him has purple hair and earrings that hang past their shoulders in a tangle of tiny glinting beads. Louis wonders how often they get stuck on things. He can see what he thinks is a soulmate tattoo just below their jawline, something short. Good for them. 
There’s a man at the far end of the tube who is wearing a chunky oversized sweater, colourful knit squares patched together like a clown outfit made for winter. Louis isn’t sure, but he thinks it might be hideous. The guy is turned around, though, so he can only see the back of it. 
- answers below -
[1] Moon Dances Over
Louis knows that his tail is, frankly, stunning. His iridescent blue scales shimmer in even the slightest sunlight, and his fins have grown since he presented, delicate and almost transparent in their webbing.
He also knows that that means he’ll be one of the first to pick tonight, as the most beautiful omegas are blessed to pick their mates first. It’s considered a huge honour, since the guppies they’ll eventually birth will certainly be beautiful as well, bringing favour on the whole clan.
Louis has a stubborn streak, though. He’s always been rather a fan of mating for love, and there’s someone he’s had his eye on for a long time now.
[2] Frankincense-ational
Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. It’s December, which means Christmas, which should be the happiest month of the year…
Except Niall just broke up with his boyfriend, Zayn needs to let up on the rules a little, and the library is getting their fire alarm system replaced, which means that for the next few weeks there are going to be firemen patrolling the library ‘looking for fires’ while the system is down.
Harry almost hits one of them with his car right off the bat - and of course he’s the hot one.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
A 2017 Advent Fic
[3] Give A Little Sing To The Singles
Harry Styles is an adult now, with a real adult job (and benefits! Whatever those are!). He spends his days at the copier. Copying things.
That being said, no one told Harry that being an adult came with a confusingly chaotic boss, a copier machine that would be hell-bent on ruining his life, and a coworker so good looking that Harry might just have to quit. After all, Christmas is coming and if their office doesn’t win the decorating contest, Louis has threatened to break several laws and kneecaps in retaliation.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
[4] Things Unsaid
"That chunky oversized sweater is like a clown outfit made for winter."
It feels like time slows down.
Those words echo in his mind, familiar. Why are they familiar? The— the sweater he saw last week. The one with all the knit squares.
The train slows to a stop and Louis just— he doesn’t move. He feels frozen in place as people surge around him. Suddenly everyone is moving too fast and then just as suddenly the car is near empty, taking off again.
The man is gone.
His soulmate is gone.
Or, where you have a tattoo of the first thought your soulmate has when they see you.
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berryhobii · 1 year
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maybe a lil sum sum with this AI pic🤭🫣
Ahhhhhh I couldn’t help but think of merman!Yoongi with this and I actually made this a little more angsty than I intended hehe😭but I do have a spicy idea for the Taehyung photo you sent me. Please enjoy this very sweet longing romance
The moon shone down on the water, the reflection rippling and distorting as its gravitational pull worked on the water.
You felt relaxed under its gentle beams, ears picking up on its siren song—quiet as the dawn and soothing as a mother’s hand. Eternity suspended under its call and your body electric as you neared the cascading water.
Its waves lapped at your toes, a pleasant thrill going up your spine. The need to just dive in overwhelming you but you stayed strong. For fear that if you entered, you’d never leave. You left once already….who knows what would happen if you allowed the water to whisk you away….
That voice….
“What a lovely night to be out. The moon is gorgeous.” You breathed out.
“It is but it pales in comparison to you.”
You smiled, kneeling down to sit on your knees, the wet sand sinking under your weight. “You are a poet with your words, my love. They enchant me.”
He slowly moved through the waves, his large tail flapping and splashing. Under the moonlight, the colors were dim—navy and lapis blue, scales glittering and sparkling. You remember how they look in the sun, how they reflected its light and blended him with the bright water. You always said his tail was water—how it changed and moved. He was the water.
His dark hair was long, wet strands hanging in front of his face like a dark curtain but not even his hair could hide the sparkle of his eyes. Those beautiful irises you’ve stared into for decades still as iridescent and full of love as always. But now mixed in was a hint of melancholy and yearning. You were sure yours looked the same.
“You enchant me, my starlight. How I’ve longed to gaze upon you again.”
He hauled himself up onto the shore, enough so that he could dive back into the water if need be. You doubted anyone would be walking the beach this late though.
His head came to lie on your thigh, your hands resting on his hair, sighing in content now that he was touching you.
“Have you been well, Yoongi, my love? Winter is approaching so you’ll need to move to warmer waters soon.”
His head lifted from your lap to gaze into your eyes and you could already guess what he would say.
His brow furrowed and a part of you wanted to kiss it away. “I am not migrating without you. How could I when you are up here among humans?” The venom in his voice was thick and you couldn’t be upset with him for it. You two held a disdain for humans but the ones you had interacted with had shown you that there were more to them than greed. There were also kind humans and humans who loved the ocean. You’ve explained this to Yoongi but he didn’t care and you never tried to force him to. His opinion was his own and that was okay.
Still, you wished he could see your side.
“I’ve made a good life up here among the humans, Yoongi. You could be happy up here with me.”
That seemed to hurt him, judging by how his eyes changed.
“Were you not happy with me in the ocean? With our people? Everyone misses you.”
You sighed again. “Of course I was happy, my love. I didn’t come here because I wasn’t happy.”
His tail flapped against the water. “Then why did you? Why would you come here? Why did you leave me?”
A single tear trailed down his face. You knew that wasn’t a droplet of ocean water.
You reached out your hand to cup his cheek, leaning down so that your foreheads were touching.
“What did I promise you before I left? Tell me.”
He sniffed. “That you’d return one day.”
“And…….and that you loved me.”
“I do love you.” You leaned back, pushing his hair back out of his handsome face. “I promised to protect you and the pod. That starts with getting the humans on our side. Once that happens, all of us will be able to return home.”
Yoongi understood the real reason you left. Humans had threatened your home, polluting your waters and chasing the food away while destroying the delicate ecosystem. You’ve seen it firsthand and you wouldn’t stand by anymore and watch it happen. So you ventured from home and joined the humans, learning their ways and dialect and working your way into their society. Now you’ve managed to find a sure fire way that your waters would no longer be taken advantage of by humans. A little more time and Yoongi and your people could return home.
You could return home.
“Do you trust me?”
Yoongi’s glittering eyes locked with yours, all the love and trust in his body swirling within them.
“With everything I have.”
Your lips ghosted over his, “then I will make our waters safe again and bring the pod back home.” The kiss you shared didn’t dissipate all of Yoongi’s worries, yours either but it did let both of you know that your love was strong enough to handle this. That you’d be together again. Forever.
“I love you, starlight.”
“And I love you. More than the moon.”
He hummed. “Could you join me for a swim? While I think you’re beautiful no matter what, I prefer your tail over legs.”
That made you laugh. You’ve been on legs for a while and they were still weird to you.
“I’d love to.”
And as you swam with your beloved, that familiar feeling settling over your body, you knew that you were doing the right thing. It hurt a little but you’d push through.
You felt Yoongi’s hand brush against yours, your head turning to flash him a smile, him reciprocating. You opened your palm to intertwine your fingers, squeezing his hand in yours. Your tails swished past one another, his deep blue contrasting your bright lavender.
You’d protect all of them. You’d protect him.
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The pearl
<<<Prev(At what cost)
Pairing: Buggy x female mermaid reader
Word count: 2100
Warnings: none
Content: sorry for the delay but here is the final chapter!!
The power contained within your fingers broke loose making shivers run down your skin and for the first time, you were grateful for the scales on yours hands. They glowed in iridescent blue like metallic armour made just for you. Theodora sunk her poison tipped nails into anyone who dared cross her path. Eleanor was ready to fight side by side Helge who had his own sword raised. Buggy was by your side, his hands twisting his blades as though he was impatient and tired of this constant nuisance.
“What do you say we wrap this up quickly, get your crown and go out for dinner?”, he leaned towards you, a dangerously smile on his lips even at a time like this.
“Then it’s a date.”, you smiled back at him. It was something to look forward to that this fight didn’t seem daunting anymore. He knew how to get you to be at your best and he didn’t fail to ease you now.
You walked towards Theodora to stop her path towards the throne as your band of friends split up to contain the crowd and guards. Helge was being targeted for treason. Buggy was the wanted pirate and you were the imposter. Somehow, hearing those very words made you want to dig in your heels and stand your ground more firmly. Because you were done running, of being driven from the place that was supposed to have been your home.
“I warned your parents.”, she grinned with glee.
“To either forfeit the crown or to erase their history.”, she shrugged her shoulders without remorse.
“And it looks like they were too fond of their child to play the game.”, she lunged at you as you stepped back.
“Sometimes, not everyone is a psychopath”, you held your hands together as your palms faced her to blast a bolt of blue fire.
It made her hiss as she caught the tail end of the flame. As you dodged and she attacked, you realised how close you were to the throne. Her eyes set on the price she wanted while yours was on your friends, making sure they were all alive. But when the moon was in place, it sent down a crackle through the dome that it got everyone's attention. It was time, the moonlight that streamed in began to glisten as it took new form.
You set up a wall of fire around you to prevent her from coming any closer but you heard Buggy yelling your name.
His blades were not in his hand, his arms were held down by the guards, his bandana ripped away making his hair run down in a ragged mess. But his eyes were on you, telling you to sit on the throne as he got dragged away to the balcony. They were going to throw him over to the lagoon below that held fresh seawater that filtered in. It would kill him.
You had no time to think. It was down to the same decision as your parents. It was him or the crown. The blue flame wall faded and you watched Buggy get hauled up, his eyes never leaving you, instructing you to do what was part of the plan. But the moment the flame wall vanished, you stepped away as Theodora lunged at you. Evading her grasp, your feet carried you towards the only thing that mattered.
The guards threw Buggy over the balcony and you jumped after him, his eyes widening as time froze, you watched him plummet below and yet he wore that smile, the joy of knowing that you were coming after him.
He hit the water hard as he fell into the deep pool and you dove straight in. You watched his eyes close, his hair resembling the water as it fluttered along with his sinking body. Your legs had gone and your tail swirled behind you, giving you the strength to grab him and propel yourself along with him as you carried him back to the surface.
He weighed down on you and any thought of the crown had vanished, your worst nightmare had occurred and now you were trapped in it. You broke to the surface and there no sign of movement in him, no one else was around as you swam to the edge to prop him up on the stone platform. You hoisted yourself up and your tail would take a while to transform. So you crawled to him, his lifeless body resting gently as though he was asleep. Your fingers shivered as you turned his face to yours. He wasn’t breathing. You tapped his cheek as you pushed yourself up over his chest to try and pump out the water in his chest.
“Don’t you dare die on me, clown.”, you said frantically as you masked your panic. You continued till when he coughed up the water lodged in his throat, you stilled.
“Would never dream of it, doll.”, he coughed as he finally gave you a smile
Your heart stopped for a second before it began to beat again making the blood rush to your cheeks as you slumped over his chest. All your fight now replaced with relief as you felt his heart beat beneath your palm. His hands held onto you tightly around your waist as though he had been terrified. He didn’t have to confess, you knew. You rested on your elbows as you saw his face. You pushed away the wet strands of hair from across his face as you leaned down to kiss him. And he returned it as though he was gasping for air. He held the back of your neck and his lips sunk into yours as though this was the kiss that had brought him back to life. He didn’t need to breathe. He only needed you.
And so there you laid, your legs slowly taking form as your pirate captain kissed you blind having come alive again.
You made your way back to the throne room quite certain that you would not be let in. That you choosing to save your love would have now resulted in your family history being destroyed. But the rogue guards had been captured as Eleanor instructed her troops to reinstate order within the castle.
“My queen.”, Eleanor took a bow.
“My king.”, she turned to Buggy.
You weren’t sure what had transpired for such a greeting to take place.
“Your crew were pivotal in protecting the people from Theodora’s guards. I am forever indebted to you, your Highness.”, she spoke as she looked at Buggy.
“I thought they had left.”, he sounded a bit surprised, the soft smile creeping up on his face as he reached for your hand. His crew, his family, they had not run off but instead had stuck around for him just like you had said.
Eleanor smiled shaking her head as she turned to you.
“He’s waiting for you inside.”, she said, a solemn look on her face.
“It is my honour to be in your service, your majesty.”, she said again before she left.
Buggy tugged on your hand as he led you into the now cleared out throne room. Helge stood by the throne where he was looking at a stone sculpture.
But it was Theodora, her form turned to stone, on her head glistened the crown.
Helge turned to see you, a relieved sad smile on his face as he walked up to you. He embrace you before anything could be said, you felt him sigh and you returned his hug. He needed it more than you.
“I don’t understand.”, you said looking at the frozen form of Theodora.
Helge inhaled deeply as he looked at his mother again.
“To think I lost my father, your parents, you and this kingdom because of her greed, makes me feel sick and angry. I deserved better. I hope I am better than her.”, he looked away but you knew where his worry was stemming from.
You took his hand in yours to get him to look at you.
“You are better. You are not your mother, Helge.”, you said to which he gave you a soft smile as he nodded.
He stepped away from you as he reached up the statue to grab the crown.
“The truth behind the moonlight crown, is that it chooses it’s ruler. The wrong ones get turned to stone.”, he turned to you and the metal gleamed as though it recognized you.
You took a knee and bowed your head, Helge leaned down to place the metal around your head. The cold whirled around your head before it felt snug, it felt like it was a part of you. Not heavy, not insignificant, just right. You stood up to the proud smile on Helge’s face and the pure look of admiration in Buggy’s eyes.
Against all odds, you were home.
“Come on.”, you pulled on his sleeve as he trudged behind you.
“You know how I feel about blindfolds.”, Buggy remarked.
“You don’t have to work this hard to pique my interest. I’ve seen everything.”, he spoke and you gasped.
“Not even being King can rid you of that mouth.”, you complained as he came to an ubrupt stop to tug you to him. His hands holding your waist in place as his lips found yours without having to look.
“This mouth?”, he murmured as pulled away.
“It’s useless arguing with you.”, you smiled almost forgetting the purpose of bringing him here.
It had been a year now you had both ruled together but it was the moment of a very rare event. Buggy’s knowledge of the sea had helped for trade to boom on the island. The harbour was always full with merchants and entertainers. Everyone flourished and the houses within the castle were at peace. Helge married Eleanor shortly after you tied the knot with your pirate.
There were no more loose ends to tie except this one. You had brought him to the one place that was hidden to everyone else. Only the royals knew the location on this very peculiar treasure. It was on the side of the island but beneath the water such that it was built into the core rock. But the thick glass walls made for a pretty view into the sea that brimmed with life.
You knew how he longed for the ocean, it was only fair he got to see it too. You positioned him in front of the glass as he chuckled at your happiness as you fluttered around him. You pulled on the ribbon that covered his eyes and watched him take in the sight in front of him. The water so clear the light from the surface filtered below. Sharks lurking past along with schools of fish swimming over the corals. He could look at nothing else as the edges brimmed with tears.
“Even my dreams fall short to this.”, he whispered.
“I’ve wanted to bring you here even since I knew about it.”, you told him to which his fingers reached for your waist as he pulled you close to him. To engulf you in a hug, his lips kissing you on the edge of your shoulder.
“But you will always remain my most beloved gift that life has bestowed on me.”, he held you for a second longer before he let you go.
You intertwined your fingers with his and tugged him down a hallway that his face lit up with curiosity once again.
“Now where are we headed?”, he asked.
“To retrieve your treasure.”, you said as you turned the corner to come face to face with the hidden clam. Makara’s myth.
The clam sat in the middle of an enormous room that was extravagantly made. Buggy reeled you to him as his smile said everything you needed to know. He placed you in-between his arms as he rested his chin on your shoulder so that you both could witness this moment. The clam began to open slowly and from within it the crystal pearl held a purple glow that lit up the entire room. In full view in was unlike anything you had ever seen. So when you moved to get it for him, he stopped you.
“Do you not want the most rarest artefact to exist?”, you smiled at him. Certain that it would be a great item to add to his collection.
“Nothing is more rare than you. And none of these things could compare to the joy you give me.”, he twirled you so that you could face him.
“But the lights are too pretty waste this opportunity.”, he whispered as he pulled you to him.
He held your hand out and danced slowly as he led you gently. His clothes made of the finest silk, his makeup not needed to cover his face anymore. He was his truest self without his doubts and fears.
Not an act anymore.
It was how your life was, after the struggle and the chaos was this undisturbed peace where neither had to run. You could just be. So you swayed as he held you.
You were where you were meant to be.
@lotr-got @juhdoche @wooyoungsrightsock @mysingularitybts @yuriwk
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finnified · 4 months
mermaids are, by and large, a phenomenon that no-pirate really understands. 
they’re not particularly known to be social creatures- in fact, depending on which circles you move in, some will say they don’t even exist, that reports of mermaids are just sirens mis-identified.
adalwulff isn’t sure if she buys it, either way, but she hadn’t guessed before this that it would be something she’d have to give real thought to.
it’s been two months since finneas’s disappearance. adalwulff has been out on the water since day one, searching for a clue of where he might’ve fled or been taken to. the only clue that’s been revealed to any of their motley crew- adalwullf and finneas’s friends, still on the isles- was his star-spangled seajacket, which someone- maybe it was the siren?- found washed up under the docks of one of the kestrel piers.
it had left a sick, metallic taste in everyone’s mouths. 
adalwulff is summoned out of their thoughts by a cry from the starboard side of the ship. “captain! there’s something caught in the line! maybe a dol- woah!”
“jay? speak, man!” adalwulff calls as they practically trip over themself to emerge from belowdecks. the sounds of a frantic struggle ring out from the starboard deck, proper cursing and all. 
the pirate captain’s saber is already drawn as she skids to a halt on the top deck, twisting about in a start to reorient herself as she catches a flash of something ruby-iridescent in the light. she blinks, and then- 
“fi- by jove, men! let him go!” adalwulff rushes over the roiling, flopping figure in the net as fast as ze can, but fae can’t move fast enough to beat the horrible, rotting feeling eating up jaer insides. 
she skids up to the side deck where heath, maryssa and jay are crouched in a loose semicircle around the flailing form caught in the wet mass of netting on the deck. locking xer jaw to keep xemself from crying out, adalwulff takes in dark red and purple scales on thin, pale arms and a huge semi-translucent purple tail-fin twitching under the weight of a heavy fishlike tail and- 
huge, dark brown eyes that seemed blue in their darkest depths, peering out from beneath dark wavy hair plastered to a pale, scaled face by the salt water crusted in the curls. 
adalwulff reaches out vaguely to their left side, and jay takes hyr arm as he hauls himself to standing. “captain?” 
after just a moment, adalwulff shakes off his arm and shakes hyr head, before stumbling over to the moon-white face peering out from the net. zie fumble zir belt for a switchblade and shakily reach out to start cutting the netting, ignoring the way the creature- the mermaid- starts twitching and thrashing when he sees the knife. 
“shh, shhhh, it’s okay… it’s okay-“ adalwulff mutters as she deftly works the net away from what is probably his very sensitive tail. as soon as he’s free enough he immediately begins to lash out, and it’s all adalwulff can do not to cut him. 
“dear seas, finneas-“ adalwulff lunges back as finn growled and snaps at her, releasing a guttural sound from its throat. adalwulff loosens her grip on the knife and allows it to go flying, glancing at it to make sure finn sees its go. 
finn opens its mouth and makes another deep gargling sound, and adalwulff holds up jaer hands in surrender. his name slips out of hyr mouth without her even realizing. “oh, finn- who did this to you?” 
finn vocalizes yet again, and the captain realizes that it’s not an angry sound, maybe- it sounds like he’s trying at her name, maybe- 
“finn, buddy, do you remember me? captain adalwulff?” 
he opens his mouth and his throat catches on the ad- sound at the beginning of hyr name. 
adalwulff sits back on their heels in shock, reeling from the reality of this situation that’s washing over xem like so many waves. the wiry little crafty kite she used to know is a seas-forsaken mermaid. he can’t speak. he’s so thin and battered, even this way. without intent, adalwulff feels their eyes begin to mist. 
“oh, finn.” she reaches out to him again, thoughts a million miles away, trying to craft the best plan on to inform his friends of his fate. “oh, finn, i’m sorry i couldn’t save you from this.”  
if i speak, i am in trouble, so i am NOT going to speak! (To be abundantly clear this is for the MERMAY AU i have been cooking with the gang , finneas is not actually dead. i prommy)
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sunatoru · 2 years
bottom of the deep blue. (7)
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⇒ mermaid!suna x siren!reader
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summary : sirens, creatures of unmatched beauty and cunning charm, they lure men in with their voices and grace, taking advantage of all the gullible fishermen and pirates. mermaids, the peacekeepers of the deep blue sea, naive and kind to a fault at times. a fated encounter between the two underwater dwellers leads to a difficult situation and a love that shouldn’t be.
warnings : naive reader, mentions of death, mentions of blood , mentions of being captured, mentions of torture, cruel treatment, brief description of mutilation.
genre : mermaid au, pirate au, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, betrayal
a/n : the way this couldn’t even hit 2k… it is quite a bit of dialogue tho so.. enjoy!! i’m gonna try and drop the last two chapters within this week and next week and then i’m gonna take a break with writing.
w/c : 1.9k
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your lips quiver, your arms burn from being locked into place above your head yet again, your body feels heavy and your tail has gone numb. yuuji stares down at your pathetic form with a satisfied grin. he lets his men continue their abuse, cut after cut they continue to fill the bucket.
you whimper and gasp and cry from the pain, pleading wouldn’t work with such cruel, heartless men. they were thirsty for vengeance and you were the perfect target to release their pent up frustrations on. with your tail raw and stripped of nearly all of its beautiful iridescent scales, they let you have a moment to catch your breath, they wouldn’t kill you tonight — not when captain yuuji had a better plan on ending your life.
with a wave of his hand his crew left you two, scurrying out of the room with cruel grins and quiet comments, you wouldn’t die tonight, but captain yuuji would surely make you beg for it.
it was a tense silence once the room was cleared of all the loud pirates, and you couldn’t tell if that was for the better or worse. yuuji examined you, watched you like you were a predator ready to attack — and if you weren’t so battered and weak, you’d understand his caution. with a short inhale, yuuji took one step forward and then another, walking slowly until the light of the moon illuminated his face. he was looking down at you, smirking at your state.
“you truly are pitiful. to think mankind is so fearful of something as weak as you.” he sneered. with an unimpressed chuckle he threw the cell door wide open, dragging your limp body out and dropping you carelessly. “i’m in charge, i hold the power. you will fear me.”
you whimpered and groaned and squirmed, he could only laugh at your feeble attempts of pushing yourself up. he pressed his foot down against your back, pushing hard the more you tried struggling under his weight. “poor little siren-bitch. who would’ve thought you’d be betrayed by the same man twice!” he lets out a loud laugh, giving another harsh push of his foot.
his laughter dies down and the weight in your back lifts, you hear him take a step back, you feel his gaze leave your body. “y’know… i lost everything that day,” he takes another step back before slumping against a nearby wall. “i lost my crew — my friends. my title, my power, i lost my power. shit, i even lost myself at some point.” the quiver in his voice was painfully obvious even from where you were lying practically dead on the ground.
“i tried moving on, i got back to shore and settled in a town. i drank every night and slept through the days, but it worked.” he pulled a knee up, resting his arms on it with his eyes trailing back over to your quiet form. you both locked eyes. “then i heard about another attack, and then i saw you, and i knew you were far too beautiful to be a mere mortal, and then i saw your legs and how awfully you tried hiding the scales. your pretty boy toy wasn’t doing much of a good job either, saw him slip out of the water with a long tail trailing behind him.”
a breathy chuckle falls from yuuji’s lips, he pulls up his other leg before resting his forehead against the tops of his knees. his fingers tap lightly against the floorboards. “when he brought you to that spot— when i saw you looking around so brightly, thinking you’d runaway or see the human world again… i,” he took a deep breath through gritted teeth, giving you a toothy grin. “i wanted you to feel every ounce of pain you made me feel, i wanted to kill you so slowly you’d be screaming for me to put you out of your misery. and it was because you were so… weak. i knew i could break you.”
your heart stuttered at his closing words, his mologie burning a vivid image into your brain, the pain he went through, the suffering you knew you had caused. except — you didn’t have a choice, it’s not as though you’re in control of your destiny, and the minute you tried you were thrown into a ship with a deranged pirate who’s thirsty for the blood of all sirens to be spilled. you were damned to suffer whether it be by the weight of your burdens or the hands of humans, you could never win.
mustering up what little strength you had left, you offer him a strained smile. “i never— i never wanted to hurt you,” you pause to choke down a breath of air. “i never wanted to hurt anyone. i always begged my sisters to leave me out of it… that’s why— why i believed rin so easily. because i believed he’d get me out of that lifestyle. i didn’t see the need in hurting humans, i never wanted them to suffer…”
you shifted a bit, pushing against your forearms to support your upper body, you looked at him with a mirror image of the cruel smiles he’d send you. “you showed me why humans don’t deserve mercy.” yuuji sneered at your words, he pushed himself up, sending a strong blow to your stomach before turning to leave you. he paused at the doorway, sparing a quick glance over his shoulder.
“i’m going to make sure you suffer the same pain i did, you vile creature.”
rintarou pushes through the underwater currents, swimming faster than he’s ever swam before, he’s gasping and groaning and growling under his breath at his ignorance and naivety. you were right, he was far more of a fool than you’d ever be.
in record speed he makes it to the cave where the two of you had spent many days together, escaping responsibilities and making many new memories with one another. rintarou knows that after everything he’s done, there’s no way you could possibly forgive him, but he’s much rather have you hate him for an immortals lifetime than die by the hands of the people you wanted to cherish.
he picked up the pace, a new burst of energy getting him through the final stretch before he broke through the large seaweed and school of fish. there in the centre was a group of siren’s each one cleaning off the flesh of another dead fool.
rintarou clenched his hands and settled his nerves, he needed to do this, he needed their help and he knew he needed to save you.
“ahem—” before he could finish clearing his throat he had already been surrounded. “hello before you kill me, i know where yn is!”
the sisters looked at one another, almost as though they were talking telepathically to each other, rintarou would have been impressed if he hadn’t felt so threatened in their presence.
the eldest looking siren swam forward, giving him a firm nod. “welcome, now where is my little sister?”
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taglist: @lomlsuna @akaashiwife @plixy @on-crows-wings @1-800-s1ya @sabztov @keiji-in-a-can @tamak00 @erintaro @bertqut1 @usermins @yanihatesu @rntrsuna
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panthera-dei · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 12 (Very Late Entry)
Prompts: "Trapped under rubble" / "I can't move my legs."
Fandom: Wings of Fire
Story Info:
Title: "Broken Crown"
Characters: OCs (Links to view images of them can be found below)
Rating: T for canon-typical injuries
No warnings apply
Idiots to lovers, and also idiots who are already lovers (what can I say? Apparently Visionwhisper is a great matchmaker for everyone but herself.)
Dragon OCs:
Sleeper Shark
Story beneath the cut!
“If you liked our razzle-dazzle, my IceWing friends, our dear music-maker Sleeper Shark will be coming around with the magician’s hat. Any amount you can give will be appreciated! We want to keep bringing our shows to dragons across the continent. And please, tell your friends! Write to your acquaintances in the Sand Kingdom and remind them that dragonets below age three get in free!”
Behind the thick velvet curtain, Visionwhisper rolled her eyes. “You were right about Nightsnake making a good master of ceremonies, but I wish he would just stop talking.”
Crown-of-Thorns huffed and wrapped her short, wide wings closer around herself, curling into as small a ball as she could - although, considering that the MudWing hybrid was easily the largest member of the troupe except for Forger, she had limited success. “Who cares what he prattles about? The IceWings are still clapping, and more importantly, parting with some of their gold. Three moons, it's cold out here.”
“Well, it is the border of the Ice Kingdom,” Vision replied, reaching for the mug of steaming cider on the backstage table.
“It's so cold that even if I possessed the ability to breathe fire, I couldn't, do you hear what I’m saying, Viz? It's cold enough to freeze the cloaca off a SkyWing!”
Vision promptly coughed up some of the cider, wincing as a few drops of steaming liquid shot out of her nostrils as well. “Really, Crown?!” Both dragons fell silent and watched as the cider droplets quickly froze to ice. “You know what, you’re right. It is cold out here!”
Vision's quip caused both of them to burst into peals of laughter. Vision took a sip from the mug and passed it to Crown, who took a gulp and sighed in satisfaction before returning it.
“Where’d you find that, Viz? Not enough cinnamon for Anglerfish to have made it.”
Vision clicked her claws together, suddenly very interested in her talons. “Oh, um, just a couple minutes ago, while you were doing the Feat Of Strength bit.”
“Uh, I said where, not when.” Crown narrowed her eyes, unconsciously flashing the bioluminescent patches on her legs. “Spit it out.”
“It was nothing, Forger brought it by earlier, I’m sure he made some for everyone -”
“By all the whales, no wonder you were squirming like a salamander when I brought up SkyWings earlier. Hm. And no, none of the rest of us got any fancyscales drinks,” Crown replied with a little sniff.
Vision felt the scales of her cheeks heating up. “We - um. We should probably see if Angler needs any help loading the wagon.”
“Ah, I see how it is. The only other female dragon in the troupe, and you'd rather make me work than let me enjoy the juicy gossip. I see how it is.”
“There isn't any gossip.”
“But you wish there were?”
“No! I mean - well - but - I -”
“OK, OK, don't kill yourself, Viz. Great kingdoms!” The snowflakes were beginning to stick to Crown’s iridescent brown and magenta scales as she shook her head. “Besides, your reactions are telling me everything I need to know.”
Vision froze, and it had nothing to do with the snow. “You won't say anything?”
Crown rolled her eyes. “And give my boss a stroke? I don't think so. Besides, with you dead - or a sea cucumber - then I would be the only one left to run the place, and you’d better believe I’m not doing all this work by myself. Speaking of which - you’re right, we should help load the wagons, and I’m sure that some of those crates are NightWing size.”
“Hey! I’m not even that small!”
A few minutes later, the wagons were almost entirely packed, the stage had been dismantled, and every tent had been rolled up tight.
“We missed a box,” Vision said. “I’ll get it.”
“I got it,” Anglerfish replied, already stepping towards it as he flexed his forearms.
Crown jumped over, trying to beat him to it. “Allow me!”
“Are they always like this?” Forger whispered to Vision, causing her to jump.
“Don't do that, I didn't even know you were there! … Also, if you're asking if they're always bickering and trying to impress each other? Yeah, pretty much.”
Suddenly, there was a loud crack, followed by an eerie groan and the sound of splintering.
“Look out!” Nightsnake shouted, but it was too late. An enormous chunk of ice broke off from the ridge above the two dragons and hurtled in their direction. Anglerfish leaped out of the way, dropping the box in his scramble, and Crown began to jump after him. Before she could launch herself out of the path of the falling ice, her claws lost purchase on a slippery patch, and she ended up sprawled across the frozen ground as the ice smashed to the earth.
When the spray of snow and ice crystals had subsided, the first sound was Anglerfish bellowing in shock and terror. “Crown!” He plowed into what remained of the ice chunk, hoping to roll it away from her, but her cry of pain stopped him.
“Curse this moons-forsaken kingdom,” Crown whimpered, her body shaking. “I can't move my legs. I'm pinned.”
“Don't panic,” Visionwhisper said. “We’ll get you out of there. Sleeper Shark, you go find an IceWing, see if we can get some help. They must know how to get rid of this. Nightsnake, you keep her warm until we can get her out of there.”
The two dragons nodded, Sleeper Shark breaking away and flying towards the IceWing village while Nightsnake, the hot-blooded SandWing, curled up beside their trapped friend. Crown closed her eyes and nodded to him in thanks.
Forger rubbed his chin with a talon, deep in thought. He knew that he had the power to fix this, all of it, but using his animus magic was too risky, even if it meant saving Crown’s life. He would have to find another way. “If we can't roll the ice away from her without hurting her, perhaps we could melt it.”
Anglerfish shook his head resolutely. “Too dangerous. That could kill her.”
“At worst, she could come away with a few burns. That's better than being trapped in ice. The only dragons who can survive for long here without getting at least a case of frostbite are the IceWings - which none of us are.”
“Let's not lose our heads over this,” Vision interrupted. “You two are talking about worst-case scenarios. Nobody’s going to freeze to death or burn to death yet. Sleeper Shark went to get help… If we're lucky, one of the IceWings can tell us what to do.”
Dissatisfied, the other two dragons nodded.
“Hey, guys?” Nightsnake called.
“Is she OK?” Vision asked as she stepped over to them.
“Not really.” Nightsnake held up his talons - and they were soaked in red. “I think that the ice boulder thing must have cut her up when it hit her. She's losing blood. I think it's pretty fast.”
“No,” Anglerfish whispered.
Vision swallowed hard. “OK, we can't wait for Sleeper Shark and the IceWings. We have to get her out of there now and get a healer to look at that wound.”
“But we can't do it without hurting her worse,” Angler said, his brow creasing in worry.
“I know, and nobody wants to do that, but it's going to be worse if she keeps bleeding like that. We have to move fast. So here's the plan: Forger will melt the ice boulder. Start at the top so the fire is less likely to touch her. Then, Angler, once it's light enough that you can lift it straight up without rolling it, you pick it up and get it away from her. I’ll grab the bandages and be ready to stop the bleeding the best I can. Nightsnake, you keep her awake.”
“I’ll try,” Nightsnake replied, even though the fear was evident in his voice.
Forger nodded. “I’ll need everyone to stand back a bit.”
With surgical precision, the SkyWing hybrid emitted a thin jet of superheated flame that danced across the top of the ice. The hiss of rising steam mingled with the odd sound that preceded SkyWing dragonfire. After mere seconds, almost half of the boulder was liquid, with the remains of the boulder glazed with melting water.
“Stop,” Anglerfish signaled. “Let me try to lift.”
“Careful,” Forger said. “That water could still be hot.”
If Angler felt any burns, he didn't seem to notice or care as he gripped the ice with his talons and hefted it straight up into the air. Carefully, he pivoted and hurled the ice away from them and into a snowbank.
“You did it!” Vision cried, snatching up the bandages and dashing forward.
“Guys! Guys!” Sleeper Shark huffed, dashing into the midst of his friends. “I got an IceWing!”
The snowy white dragon swooped gracefully down and landed beside the SeaWing, tucking her wings against her body and leaning in to see Crown’s wounds. “Well, it looks like you don't need me anymore. What did you do?”
“We melted the ice until it was small enough I could lift it,” Anglerfish replied. “Can you help her? Are you a healer?”
The IceWing shook her head. “Our village doesn't have anyone above the Fifth Circle, and we can't take you further into the Ice Kingdom without the gift of diplomacy. Sorry, but you're on your own. Good luck.” With that, the white dragon flew back towards her village, disappearing into the snowy sky.
“Well, that did us no good!” Anglerfish roared.
“Step aside,” Forger said to Vision quietly. “Does she have any bones broken?”
Vision shook her head. “Not that I can see. I think it's just some lacerations from the sharp edges on the ice. She’ll be OK, once the bleeding stops.”
“Do it,” Crown piped up weakly, wincing in pain. “I know what you're thinking, Forger. Just make it quick.”
Forger nodded. “Stand back.” Slowly, he peeled back the already-soaked bandages.
Vision knew what was coming as soon as she heard that same odd, guttural hiss that always preceded Forger’s fire. She covered her ears, closed her eyes, and stepped away, curling up into a snowdrift.
“Uhhh… What's happening?” Sleeper Shark asked.
“You might want to look away for this,” Nightsnake told the SeaWing brothers, his face wrenched in a look of pity.
Blocking out the sounds of Crown whimpering and her short claws digging into the ice, using the same expert precision and care, Forger exhaled thin yet strong bursts of fire to cauterize each of the wounds.
“It's done,” he said finally. “You still all right?
“A little grossed out, but I’ll live!” Nightsnake quipped.
Despite her ordeal, Crown still had plenty of strength left to swat the SandWing. “Shut up, you!” Then she chuckled. “Downside of being half MudWing and half SeaWing: I can't breathe fire, no matter what temperature I am. But the upside?” She tapped her brown scales, which were already beginning to heal over. “Fireproof scales. I came from a blood egg. Comes in handy, every now and then. Now I just need some mud and I won't have anything to worry about.”
Vision smiled. “Then let's get out of here! What are we waiting for?”
“Guess the wagon’s already packed,” Crown grunted. “Oh wait, it's not.” Dragging herself to her feet, she grabbed the box that Angler had dropped (and which everyone had forgotten) and chucked it onto the last wagon. “There. Gotta do everything myself, don't I?”
Anglerfish wrapped his tail around hers and squeezed her tight. “Don't ever do that to me again.”
“Ouch, get off me, squid-brain!”
Forger scoffed in disbelief. “They really are always like that.”
Vision nodded. “Like nothing ever happened. Unbelievable!”
Forger didn't know what came over him then. He saw the snowflakes sticking to her deep purple scales, and for the first time, he noticed the faint silvery sheen on two teardrop-shaped scales around her eyes, and it was like time seemed to slow around them. Gently, he pressed the side of his snout against hers.
With a quiet giggle, she bumped his snout back. “You're warm.”
He didn't even think about it when he spread his wing wide and let her snuggle against his side. He walked quietly and in awe.
Ahead of them, Anglerfish twisted back his head to sneak a glimpse of them before turning his focus back to the wagon he was pushing. “Are they always like that?”
Crown snorted. “What, you mean are they always madly in love and everybody notices it except for the two of them?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Then yes, my shining pearl. They're always like that.”
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calboniferous · 2 years
for @greenbeanssssss, pspspsps gome get ur dreamling Mer AU
“Did I hear you say that you have no intention of ever dying?”
Hob starts upright, nearly falling from his perch on the end of the pier as a mellow voice rises from below.
And there, where his feet skim the waves, void-like eyes gleam up at him from a strange, handsome face framed by trailing raven locks—a man like night itself given form. That is, if night swims bare-chested by the pier of some lonely fishing outpost, pearlescent under the full moon and adorned with translucent fan-like structures—with fins.
He should probably flee. Every song he’s ever heard about such creatures of the deep point to Hob being eaten or drowned should he stay.
Yet he is transfixed. The buzz of alcohol warm in his limbs likely has something to do with it. His lowered inhibitions weaken him to this ethereal stranger but by god he is gladly a weak man tonight.
Perhaps he is dreaming. Night visions of mythos brought to life by drink and the darling illusions from the full moon pouring silver over the docks, through wisps of cloud masquerading as swirling horses and silk banners.
They look at him expectantly and he remembers their question.
“Uh, yeah,” he replies. Dreaming or not, it seems the polite thing to do. “Yeah, that’s right.”
A smile haunts their face.
“So sure,” they hum. Fishhook nails dig into the wooden planks by his knee and closer, he can make out fine pattern of scales like those of a whiting, green-blue-silver iridescence playing over their proud features. “Yet you do not lie.”
The moon’s soft rays shatter off their skin and scales, fractals dancing as they fold long, bony arms in front of them, bracing against the planks to lift themselves half out of the water and Hob stills at their closeness.
In his chest his heart flutters—with fear or something else he cannot tell. And he should be afraid, with the long, sinuous curve of their spine ending not in legs, but with a serpentine tail that winds back and forth, idly stirring eddies.
He swallows.
They’re near enough to make out the individual strands of hair plastered wetly to their crystalline cheeks and shoulders, to feel the coolness radiating from their body.
“A curse none would wish for,” they tilt their head, “none save you.”
“All the more living for me, I suppose.”
That razor smile flashes again.
“Then you must tell me what it’s like, Robert Gadling.” A webbed hand comes to cup his cheek, their voice resonating in Hob’s own chest. “Let us meet here, again, ten years hence,”
He doesn’t dare move.
“Ten years’ time, on this day?”
They nod, amusement flickering in the dark pools of their eyes.
In return he gives his own silent vow, and the creature surges up and catches his lips with theirs, silencing his surprised cry.
Their hand is cold on the back of his neck, tangling in his hair, nails grazing his skin as they press closer, deeper, kissing him like the tide: salty and relentless, and Hob yields to it thoughtlessly, arm sweeping to cradle their back and finding scaled gills rippling under his palm.
He forgets to breathe.
The sea roars loud in his ears and he’s dragged impossibly closer, bowed toward the water. It is only by some miracle that he keeps his grip to the pier, tethered as he is by his solitary hold on a mooring.
Sharp teeth prick his lip and the sweet tang of copper blooms on his tongue as he bruises and drinks moonlight from their cool, cruel mouth like a man dying of thirst.
He burns, he freezes and is unmade, shivering under their touch—the sharp tug of their hand in his hair, the press of their chest to his, and the blinding force of their kiss.
For a moment, he thinks he dies.
Then they break away then and he gasps. The rush of his own pulse nearly deafens him to their murmured goodbye against his cheek.
“Ten years,” they say and it’s the hush of sea foam and sand washing against the shore—the soul-heavy pounding of waves against a headland, felt more than heard—and they draw back, silver pinpricks of stars glowing in the inky darkness of their eyes.
“Ten years.”
And they are gone, a spray of diamond droplets in their wake.
Shirt soaked through and breathless, Hob sits there until dawn.
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paradoxrealm · 5 months
A Return Worth Waiting For...~
A soft giggle escaped her at how Moon seemed to poke fun at himself, the ancient fragment now seeming to be coming out of her shell a bit as she got more comfortable with the interaction.
...Well, despite that, they're rather good to their friends.~ Once you get to know them.~
For moment it seemed that Astel decided to poke her head up for that comment as she felt its sentiment wholeheartedly. Midnight could feel her looking over her shoulder for the moment within the shared mind, though she didn't mind it.
"See?~ I told you it'd be fine, Midnight.~"
"...Okay okay, you were right, 'stel.~"
...As they spoke though, I don't think Moon realized that the girl before him could feel... IT too. A familiar sensation not unlike the crackle of static through the air around them, making your hair stand on end as a sense of unease settled into them both...
Because it's not just his realm...
It's the whole dimension...
Midnight's smile slowly fell away, concern crossing her face as she looked towards the Beldam when she realized that... he could feel it too...
And Astel was terrified...
She's seen this before...
...Moon? You... Y-You feel that too, don't you.
"...no... ...No- Nonononono not here- Not now-"
"...'stel, what is this-? What's going on-?"
"Midnight, you know what this is too- You can feel it- You've seen this before-"
"What-? No- Y-You don't mean-"
...The very threads of this reality were beginning to tremble and a distinct rumbling could be felt through the very earth beneath their feet as whatever power this was began to ramp up and build...
"Yes, it's coming-"
And a sound like distant rolling thunder sounded throughout the dimension...
"It's a Reality Check-..."
...Oh Creation have mercy- Moon-!!
A burst of energy, invisible to all, erupts from the very seams of this reality as a sound as loud as a clap of thunder sounded throughout the dimension while the earth shook and the walls of reality quaked. Before they all knew it, everyone's worlds went dark as the whole dimension seemed to fall unconscious at once so that the changes may be made in peace.
And as quickly as their worlds went dark, one by one everyone slowly came to, though the residents of this dimension were not quite the same as before. But the only one who remained untouched... was the Impossible Girl herself, who woke to find herself back in the forest instead of the garden she knew she was just in before.
...She slowly stirred with a soft groan, pushing herself up as she brought a hand up to her head. God they forgot how much that sucked...
...nghh... ...what... happened...? ...Moon...?
Her head quickly popped back up as she realized that she was alone, frantically looking around the silent forest only finding that it was just her
...Moon?! Moon!! Where are you?!
"I-It's okay, Midnight- He's... H-He's probably just back at the house! Uhhmm... ...H-Here, how about you take a backseat for a bit. I've got this."
...Midnight's form slowly fell away like glittering shards of glass, the shards fading away as Astel was left to push herself up to her knees. She could feel that the world was different now though she wasn't quite sure how just yet... Though it wasn't long before she soon felt what she knew to be a familiar set of eyes on her, she just couldn't pinpoint where.
...Snatcher? Is that you?
Moon’s hair stood on end at a quick surge of his magic in an attempt to hold his realm together.
The world felt almost eerily still outside of a slight breeze- and then the grass moved- not due to the wind, but a sleek iridescent body slithering through it.
His scales shimmered as he moved about the girl, eventually deciding to push the top half of his body out of the growth. His tongue flicked at the air as piercing yellow eyes scrutinized Astel- Midnight- Eclipse. “… Well you seem to be just fine. Would I be wrong to assume this is your doing somehow?” He hissed, sharp teeth showing slightly, the tip of his tail whipping in an annoyed manner.
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bi-disastersoup · 1 year
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Every Shape of You
He knew her as a spirited Miqo'te girl, a rising star of an adventurer headed who knew where. He chased her as a legend in a time long gone, an unreachable but guiding force of hope. Now the Exarch realizes that the Auri woman he has come to know means much more to him than he ever thought she would. And he means to tell her as much before the new night has slipped away from them.
But R'alma has far more baggage than he could ever have anticipated. And this will be the last night she dances where anyone can see her ever again.
Link above, and preview below the cut! This also counts as March of the Tropes: Day 30 - Unrequited.
He wasn’t entirely sure when it had happened. Just that, somewhere along the line, it had. Creeping softly and undetected into every corner of his mind and heart, into every fiber of his being until he could no longer distinguish himself from this immutable truth.
Perhaps it had been all that time digging through records for every scrap of her he could find. Or the fairytale-esque stories told around campfires to warm the souls of the lost, painting her with a brush of fables and legend. Hahtoa’s tales spun from inferences and microscopic analyses of what little information they had. All of it casting a lens over his own memories of her, causing him to reexamine everything he thought he knew and view it in a new light.
Whatever it was that had caused it, he knew he would never be able to look at her the same way again.
And particularly now. The entire Crystarium had turned out for an impromptu festival to celebrate the return of the night sky. Food and drink and various festivities had begun earlier in the day, but now, as the sun vanished behind the horizon – a phenomenon all in attendance still relished with great vigor – the spirits of all gathered were kicking up into high gear. The moon, bright and round and full, had risen up over the crystalline spires of the city and shone down now into the Exedra, where a crowd of people had gathered to watch.
To watch their Warrior of Darkness display the newest skill she had acquired. Moonlight glinted from the jewelry and silks she had donned, gleaming off of her iridescent scales and bathing her gem-tone skin in pale, lustrous illumination, highlighting every miniscule movement for all to see. She had captivated them, and the Exarch most of all, every turn and flourish, every step and leap a mesmerizing exaltation to the sacred veil of twilight stretched above them. He had never seen her so carefree, so relaxed. Not since their earliest days together, at least.
And, he was surprised to find himself musing… she had never looked so beautiful to him as she did in that moment.
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justapurrcat · 3 years
Sing My Love To You | t.s.h
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I don’t usually do moodboards for oneshots, but I felt inspired...
Pairing: merman!Tom Holland x fem!reader
Excerpt: “That secluded place had become your hideaway, a safe haven where the most important secret you jealously kept in your heart could no longer be a secret.
Said secret had a name you almost couldn’t pronounce and the sweetest, kindest smile ever. A smile that never left his face for too long whenever he looked at you.”
Word count: 8.797k
Warnings: English not being my first language, fluff, angst if you squint, (poorly written) smut, idiots to lovers, my usual weird dialogues.
A/n: I have no excuses for this thing, it just happened. I’ll be back with the fourth part of Unscripted on next week, you have Mr. Thomas Stanley Perfect Curls Holland to thank for it.
Tom Holland Masterlist
General Masterlist
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Sometimes you felt bad, completely disappearing into thin air as soon as the night would fall, putting all your efforts into making sure not to leave any trace behind, like you didn’t even exist… but you had no other choice: no one could know, or you had no idea of what they would’ve done to him. And, quite frankly, you had no interest in finding out.
Taking a look behind you every once in a while to make sure you were truly alone, you made your way towards the open cave, the bright full moon guiding your steps, even though you would’ve had no trouble walking down that path blindfolded.
That secluded place had become your hideaway, a safe haven where the most important secret you jealously kept in your heart could no longer be a secret.
Said secret had a name you almost couldn’t pronounce and the sweetest, kindest smile ever. A smile that never left his face for too long whenever he looked at you.
You had met him by complete chance, thanks to, or rather because of a funny prank your so-called friends, that you now avoided like the Plague, had decided to pull on you, pushing you off the boat during a ride and abandoning you there, challenging you to get out of the water and make your way back home with a ‘long seaside promenade’.
You had tried to reach the cave, panic only increasing and weakening your body with every useless stroke of your arms, to the point you were about to pass out… about to, because you distinctly remembered an arm wrapping itself around your waist, holding you close to someone’s chest, your head resting on their strong shoulder, as an enchanting voice caressed your ears, the unknown words allying your soul.
Your saviour could’ve left you there on the sand, but had instead decided to lay next to you, waiting for you to get fully conscious again.
And you couldn’t have been able to describe what happened in your brain when you’d seen him for the first time.
He was splendid, probably the most majestic creature you’d ever laid eyes upon. And the fact that he was real did nothing but increase your wonder.
Despite the saltwater, his hair was incredibly soft. It was dark and smoothed back when wet, but as soon as it dried off, those wonderful brown curls appeared in all their beauty. The mixture between his gentle eyes and the strong, defined features gave him a childish, yet adult appearance at the same time, something that would’ve looked off on every other face, but that was nothing short of perfect on his.
Hadn’t it been for the gills on his neck, you would’ve mistaken him for an actual angel… but a quick glance at the rest of his body had made it clear that he was something else.
The upper part of his body was something you would’ve had no problem believing to have been carved by divine hands, decorated with iridescent scales covering the spots where – had he been human – his nipples would’ve been. They also returned around his waist, blending the pale skin with the magnificent combination of blues and greens of his long, powerful tail, making it seem like it was covered in fragments of every possible shade one could find the ocean.
That was how he had told you you could call him. Well, actually, he had suggested ‘Thomas’, which was the ‘human version’ of his name, a name that sounded so beautiful in your ears, but tasted incredibly difficult on your human tongue. The nickname had only been a natural consequence, due to your ever-increasing closeness.
“Tom?”, you called, your voice echoing in the air as you carefully stepped on the slippery rocks, getting closer to the water. “Are you there?”
You were expecting him to come out of the sea as he always did, since it was way easier for him to do that, instead of reaching the shore, having to drag his body on the sand. He would use his strong arms to prop himself up so that he could sit next to you, tail dangling in the water, the scales lightly brushing against the naked skin of your legs every now and then.
But when you heard him, his voice was coming from behind you.
“y/n!”, Tom greeted you, causing you to turn around.
You spotted him immediately, on the small stretch of sand near the entrance, his head popping out from behind the rocks, the messy mop of fully dried curls giving away the fact that he had been standing – or rather, laying to be more exact – there for a while, waiting for you.
“I’m sorry, I fell asleep”, he explained with an embarrassed smile, fingers combing through his hair to get rid of the grains of sand. “I’m so happy that you’re here!”
“Of course I’m here, mate”, you chuckled, starting to make your way back to him. “We had an appointment, remember?”
Tom lowered his head, a light shade of red spreading on his cheeks. “I know, but I have something to show you!”
“Something as in–”
“A surprise?”, he finished for you, his pretty brown eyes shining with an excitement that made your stomach do a double somersault. “Yes!”, he nodded vigorously.
Before you could have the time to ask him what that surprise was about, he stood up, revealing a pair of definitely new legs… and you had no other choice but to stop dead in your tracks, as your jaw dropped to the ground.
You were only able to see them from the knee up, but had no trouble noticing how well they matched the rest of his statuesque body. The shimmering scales were completely gone, even the ones on his chest, and the same thing had happened to his gills, all of his skin now uniformly as smooth and white as the marble from which he seemed he had been carved off.
Oh well, a surprise indeed. Especially considering the legs were not the only definitely new thing he was revealing to you…
Tom opened his arms, the enthusiast smile shining on his face. “Look! I’m human!”, he exclaimed.
Oh, he was. He was fully human.
And a well-equipped one, too…
That sight had two very different effects on you at the same time, causing your mouth to water and the blood to drain from your body all in one go.
Thankfully, you managed to gain your voice back. “W-what are you-why are you naked?!”, you stuttered.
“I’m human! Just like you!”, Tom repeated, before taking a few tentative steps. “See?”, he added, with the same pride of a kid showing their parents a new ability they just learned. His legs were not failing him, so he didn’t stop, rounding the rocks and heading in your direction. “I can walk!” He frowned immediately after, lowering his gaze as if he were noticing for the first time that he had something between his legs. “Though I’m not quite sure what this thing is for…”
“Oh my-please don’t come any closer!”, you shrieked, jumping back and covering your face with your hands.
“W-what’s wrong?”, he asked as he stopped, his tone of pure happiness suddenly turning into a confused one. “What have I done?”
“NOTHING!” You shook your head violently. “Nothing, just…”, you said again, trying to sound a bit calmer. You figured that not facing him could be helpful, so you promptly turned around and dropped your hands, but still didn’t dare to open your eyes. “Just stay right where you are.”
“Oh my God…”, you murmured to yourself, the tempting image of his body in all its naked glory still burning behind your eyelids, every detail so painfully accurate…
“You’re upset…”, Tom observed after a bit. “Is it because of me? Do you want me to sing for you, so you can calm down?”
Oh no, not the singing, I couldn’t control myself!
“No!”, you croaked. “Just put some clothes on, for God’s sake!”
“Clothes?”, he wondered, sounding genuinely taken aback. “I… oh, I understand: you’re embarrassed because I'm naked.”
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.
“I was so excited to show you my transformation that I forgot that you humans have the custom of covering your bodies”, he told you. “But I…”
“I have nothing I can use…”
You almost didn’t let him finish: opening your eyes, you knelt to the ground, rummaging through your bag until you found your beach towel. “Here.” You stood up and extended your arm out. “Use this. Use it however you please, just use it.”
He took it carefully, and you tried to ignore the fact that, in order to do that, he had been forced to come closer and was now, most likely, standing right behind you.
“… y/n?”, he let out in a small voice.
Your shoulders tensed. He was close. “… yes?”
“I… I don’t know how…”
“Oh fucking hell”, you muttered. “Fine.”
You turned on your heels and, looking anywhere but at him, you ripped the towel from his hands, throwing it around his waist and cursing to yourself a few times since it kept falling due to your shaky hands and the fact that you weren’t watching what you were doing.
“… am I that hideous?”, Tom asked you in a murmur, the sadness in his tone feeling like a needle piercing through your heart.
Your head snapped up, gaze finally landing on his face, every other movement coming to a halt. “What? No, I’m just–”
“Embarrassed, I know”, he completed your sentence with an understanding look. And yet, the fact that he understood wasn’t enough to erase that drop of sadness spreading in his eyes. “… but you seem so shaken…”
“Tom…”, you sighed. He looked like he was on the verge of tears and you hated yourself for being the reason behind it. “It’s not like that. At all.” You found the courage to lower your gaze on your hands, fixing the goddamn knot once and for all. After being satisfied with the result, you looked at Tom again, cupping his cheeks. “Listen to me: you’re not hideous. In fact, you’re beautiful.” You smiled, taking in his adorably surprised expression. “So beautiful it almost hurts.”
His eyebrows knitted together. “But I don’t want to hurt you…”
Bringing his face closer to yours, you made sure he couldn’t advert his eyes. “It’s a good kind of hurt, mate, I swear.”
“So…”, he began hesitantly. “You like my human form, then?”
“I just called you beautiful, didn’t I?”, you reminded him with a chuckle. “And, for the record, you’re a very handsome merman, too.”
His big brown eyes lit up at your words. “I… I’m glad that you’re saying this… I was afraid you wouldn’t like me…”, he confessed.
“That’s simply impossible”, you countered, the smile never leaving your lips. Fighting the urge to pinch his cheeks, you rested your forehead against his. “How did you do it?”
“My mom taught me”, he said, letting out a giggle at the fond memory, the adorable wrinkles forming around his eyes tugging at your heartstrings. “She was actually surprised that I learned this quickly.”
“I’m not.”
“How so?”
You rubbed the tip of his nose with yours. “You’re smart.”
“No”, he replied seriously. “I just had a good reason.”
You fell silent, any possible reply dying in your throat before you could even attempt to formulate it. So you simply decided to enjoy that fragment of peace, letting the calming sound of the waves do all the talking and your imagination run free, keeping your eyes closed as your thumbs brushed over his cheekbones, your breaths mingling together.
“Can I taste your Sea?”
You pulled back a bit, just enough to look at him. “My sea?”
Tom nodded. “I mean, your water?”
“My what?”, you asked, more puzzled than ever.
“You’re producing water between your legs”, Tom pointed out as if it was the most common thing ever. Literally, he was pointing at your crotch with his finger. “I can smell it. If we were in the sea, I could taste it.”
Eyebrows practically reaching your hairline for the shock, you dropped your hands, letting them fall at your sides.
Seeing the pure bewilderment that was shaping your features, and probably misinterpreting it, he proceeded to tell you more. “It’s like… how can I explain it to you…” He pinched the bridge of his nose, clicking his tongue. “Oh, right! It’s similar to when you humans wear perfume and other people smell it. Well, sort of… the water we create has our scent, but we do it intentionally, and it’s for one specific… target. Or more than just one, if we prefer it that way. We release our Sea to let others taste it. If they want to, of course. It’s a way to create a mating bond.”
“A what?!”
“A mating bond”, Tom repeated, confirming that you had heard him correctly. He pointed at your crotch again. “I taste your Sea”, then at his own, “you taste mine, and that will make me your mate”, he concluded. Or at least that was what you thought…
“So, since we’re not in the sea and I can’t taste it through the water, should I get on my knees? Is that how you humans like to do it?”
He wasn’t doing it on purpose. He wasn’t saying it on purpose. And you knew it, but fuck if it didn’t make you want to yell that yes, that was indeed one of the many ways you humans liked to do it.
And yes, you wanted to be his, in every sense of the word. His girlfriend, his wife, his friend, his mate, or whatever else he would’ve pleased to call you. You didn’t care about the label, as long as you got to spend the rest of your life with him.
Tom took a step forward. In response you jumped back as if you were trying to avoid a lighting. “Absolutely not!”, you squealed.
You couldn’t do that. And, most importantly, you couldn’t do that to him. He probably didn’t even realize what he was actually asking you, at least from a human point of view. He was talking about something so pure and meaningful, and you were just horny. Yes, in love, but still horny. You would’ve only scared him to death and he would’ve hated you forever.
You couldn’t.
“I… don’t understand”, he mumbled as he stopped, eyes studying your face to find a clue, something, anything that could explain your strange behaviour. “I thought you wanted to create a mating bond with me.”
Please, stop saying that.
You winced, wondering if you should really voice the question that was resonating in your mind. “… how?”
“You call me ‘mate’ all the time”, he reminded you. And he did it with such innocence, that it made you feel like a monster. “And you’re producing your Sea… like, a lot of it–”
“Stop talking about how wet I am!”
“Wet?”, Tom repeated, tilting his head to the side. “That’s the word you humans use? Well, it makes sense…”, he pondered. “So you get wet on purpose to communicate–”
“It’s not on purpose!”
“… it isn’t?”
You had yelled it, such a tiny word spreading around, increasing in size with every echo coming back to you. And then, silence.
Tom went still as if he just got petrified, eyes boring into yours and mouth agape, the only sight that he was alive being the colour slowly draining from his face. The light in those warm chocolate irises lost its intensity, getting duller and duller, to the point it was reduced to a tiny, weak spark, engulfed by a gelid numbness.
“Oh… I-I apologize.” He dropped his head, looking like he was bowing to you, and despite his voice being barely audible, you could distinctly hear a light shakiness in it. He must have noticed it too, because he cleared his throat and straightened his back. “I thought you wanted me as your mate”, he mentioned casually, the way someone would do to dismiss a silly topic that has been given too much attention.
“Tom… are you okay?”
A nod. A mild chuckle. “Yes.” And then another nod. Another mild chuckle. “… I’m just sorry I embarrassed you.”
You raised your hand to give him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, but decided against it and let it fall to your side. “That’s okay, you didn’t know”, you attempted to cheer him up. “But… are you sure that’s all?”
Tom gave you a tight-lipped smile, nodding, eyes looking in your direction… but not at you. “Yes.” Then he awkwardly moved away from you to go sit on the sand.
You observed him as he tried to decide what to do with his legs, unsure if he should cross them, like he had seen you do so many times, or not. In the end, he went for the first option, tentatively resting his elbows on his knees.
With a sigh and a worried look clouding your face, you took off your rock shoes and sat next to him, mimicking his position. “Tom…”
He kept looking ahead of him, as if the mere sight of you could destroy him in the blink of an eye, a light blush coating his cheeks. You could see it even under the moonlight.
“Tom”, you tried again, resting a hand on his knee and rubbing it gently. You didn’t miss on the light shiver shaking his body. “You can tell me.”
“How can you be human?”
You arched an eyebrow. “… I’m sorry?”
“Your voice”, he repeated, finally turning towards you, the intensity in his gaze starting a fire all over your skin. “I’ve never heard a voice like yours. Not even among Merpeople. It’s so beautiful…” He seemed frustrated, like the mystery was causing him actual physical pain. But it wasn’t just that. He appeared broken, consumed by an overwhelming feeling. “How can a human have such a beautiful voice?”
“Well… you haven’t met many humans, darling”, you joked tensely.
“No, I suppose I haven’t. I guess that explains it”, he hummed, going quiet once again. “You know, I would’ve loved it…”, he said with a little voice.
“For you to want me as your mate.”
Those puppy eyes. The subtle crack in his voice. The tenderness of his melancholic smile. It all hit you in the face like a bloody avalanche.
And you just couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Oh, fuck it”, you muttered, crashing your lips onto his.
Much to your surprise, he didn’t skip a beat, hand shooting up to cup the side of your face as he promptly kissed you back, chapped but still soft lips moving against yours, their salty taste filling your mouth and making your head spin. Your hands moved to his hair, running through his curls, lightly tugging at them.
“Your lips are so sweet, y/n…”, he mumbled.
Every time you tried to pull back, he eagerly chased you, stealing another kiss. And another, and another, and another…
Not that you were complaining, the butterflies filling your stomach having the time of their lives as he stole your breath, along with your heart.
“What is this?”, Tom whined, suddenly breaking the kiss. “What are you doing to me?”
He looked… flustered. The paleness from before now entirely gone, red blooming on his cheeks.
“What–”, you panted. “What are you–”
“I feel… I feel the need to touch you”, he confessed bluntly, the burning need leaving no place in him for shame. “With my hands, and my mouth and… all of me. I…” He stopped, taking a deep breath to clear his mind and find the right words.
“Go on”, you encouraged him, moving closer to his body so that now your side was pressed against his. “Tell me more.”
You were going to Hell. But you would’ve made sure to offer him a taste of Heaven during your downfall.
Tom threw his arm around your shoulders, the other hand still glued to your cheek, craving your closeness like his life depended on it. “I-I want you… under me”, he told you, burying his face in your hair, getting drunk on your scent. “I want to see you lying on the sand as I… ah!”
“What is it?”, you asked, fear and concern lacing your tone.
“It hurts!”, he whimpered desperately, sounding as if he was on the verge of tears. “It hurts and I don’t know why! And every time I look at you…” He sucked in a breath through gritted teeth. “It hurts more, but it’s like I do want more of that pain and I don’t know what to do!”
Oh, you could tell. It would’ve been impossible not to notice the very evident tent under the towel.
You kissed his cheek. “Tell me how you feel”, you told him sweetly, then kissed his temple. “Tell me what you want.”
“I… I want you to touch me.”
Keeping a hand in his hair, softly scratching his scalp, you dragged the index of your free one along his cheek, down his neck, tracing his collarbone. “I am touching you.”
“There…”, he whined, and he was so desperate he considered grabbing your wrist and guiding you himself. He decided against it, not wanting to force you to do anything. “I want you to touch me d-down there…”
You splayed out your hand on the centre of his chest, and then moved it down, towards where he needed you the most. “How?”, you asked, as you easily undid the knot, letting the towel fall from his hips and his cock spring free, enjoying the mouth-watering sight. You didn’t give him the time to answer, wrapping your fingers around him, barely able to encircle him due to how thick he was. “Like this?”
“Oh!”, he gasped, squeezing your shoulder so tight you almost feared he could break it. He pulled you even closer as you started to pump him, smearing the little drops of pre-cum all over his length. “Y-your hand feels so nice…”, he mouthed against your neck. “So, so nice…”
You gave him slow, delicate strokes, never forgetting to pay attention to his tip. “Do you like it, Tommy?”
“I do”, he murmured, hips bucking up into your touch. “I do…”
You rubbed your thighs together, trying to get some sort of alleviation as you clenched around nothing, but it soon became unbearable. “Fuck… can I try something else?”
You removed your hand from him and instead threw a leg over his now out-stretched ones, straddling his hips so that your scarcely clothed core ended up flushed against his bare one, making you let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh my… this… this is even better…”, Tom stuttered, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. “Y-your Sea, I can feel it.”
You never would’ve thought that a sentence like that could have such a strong effect on you, but there you were, already a mess, and he hadn’t even laid a finger on you yet.
“You’re so wet… and warm…” He inhaled deeply, breathing in your fragrance. “Can I touch you?”
“I want nothing else, love.”
His hands came up to your waist, shoulders and back, feeling you through your clothes. “Soft… so soft…”
The more you gave him, the more you wanted. Out of instinct, you grinded against him, coating his length with the wetness soaking your costume.
“I’m sorry!”, you apologized, silently cursing yourself. “I didn’t–”
“Again”, Tom demanded, with an authority you had never heard in his voice. You had no idea why, but it reminded you of the way of speaking a powerful individual would use. Someone who’s used to order and be obeyed. However, it all slipped from your mind with the next thing he said, back to sounding like the Tommy you knew. “Do it again, y/n, please.”
You did, dragging your sex against his over and over again, until he was reduced to a whimpering mess. Not that you were doing any better…
“H-how does it feel?”
“I like it.” His teeth sank into his lips, jaw squared and clenched. “I like it so much…”
“But?”, you questioned. It was obvious that he had something else to say, something that he wasn’t able to put into words, both because of how embarrassed he felt and of how new all of this was to him.
“… i-it’s not enough…”, he admitted shyly, even with a tinge of guilt.
You moved your hands to his head, gently massaging his scalp and temples, continuing to dry-hump him. “Tell me what else you want, Tommy”, you purred, the nickname only adding to the pile and making him groan. “I’m here for you.”
“I… I want it to…”
“You want it to be inside me?”, you suggested.
His puppy eyes blinked at you in disbelief. “… i-is that possible?”, he wondered.
“It is.”
“Then yes. Please, yes.”
You ceased your movements, quieting his complaints with a sweet kiss, then stood up, backing up a bit so that he could take you in entirely, the reality of what you were about to do weighting on your shoulders like a sack of rocks.
“Tom, listen to me”, you began, looking at him in the eyes. “If there’s anything I do that you don’t like, I need you to tell me right on the moment, okay?”
Nothing about what you just said seemed to upset him in the slightest. “I like everything you’re doing.”
You bit your lip, holding back a flattered smile. “That’s lovely to hear. But it’s impossible for a human to be perfect and faultless–”
“Not for you.”
Your breath itched in your throat, the beating of your heart so loud you could hear it in your ears. “Tommy…”, you tried again with a faint whisper. “This is… delicate.” You gulped, your hands restless as they tortured the flimsy fabric of your sundress. “And the last thing I want is to hurt you or force you to do something you don’t want…”
“I want this”, he stated.
“You don’t even know what we’re doing”, you pointed out.
“It doesn’t matter”, he dismissed it with a shake of his head. “It can be anything as long as it’s with you.”
He was so sweet, so adorable, and you wanted to cry because you absolutely didn’t deserve him, but you still loved him so so much. “… just, please, promise me you’ll tell me if something’s wrong. Can you promise me that?”
“I promise.”
His serious tone finally reassured you and your concerned expression abandoned your face, a smirk finding the courage to occupy the vacant place. “Good. Good boy”, you praised, and he literally growled at that, the noise going straight to the hungry aching spot between your legs.
Reaching under your dress, you removed your bikini with slow, calculated gestures. It wasn’t an attempt to tease him – considering how goofy you probably appeared while doing that –, but your own way to ease into it. Taking a deep breath, you let the thin shoulder straps fall from your shoulders, the flowy material pooling around your feet, leaving you completely exposed to the touch of his adoring dark gaze.
“Beautiful”, Tom said, licking his lips, the contrast between his innocence and the sinful act eliciting a soft moan from you.
“Come here.”
You obeyed, your shaky legs guiding you back into his lap, your fingers once again wrapping around his thick cock, until the tip was kissing your slick folds. Using his strong shoulders as leverage, you finally sank down on him.
You took it slow, being as careful as you could, and yet the pleasure was still stained with hurt, the unrivalled stretch and fullness making you forget about everyone and everything else that had come before him.
If you tried to keep your moan quiet – you didn’t even know why, considering you were alone – the same thing couldn’t be said about Tom, who was far too gone in how good, how right you felt around him to contain his loud groan.
“Ah!”, he whimpered. “T-this… y-you…”
“Yeah… same here…”, you giggled, eyes closed and brows furrowed as you tried to regulate your breath. “Are you okay?”
There was no reply, but, when you took a glance at him, his appearance told you everything you needed to know.
He looked nothing short of divine, eyes screwed shut, thin lips forming a perfect circle, his big hands gripping the towel underneath him so hard you were afraid he could hurt himself.
You raked your fingers through his curls, pushing them away from his forehead. “C-can I move?”, you asked, the pain forgotten like a meaningless memory.
Once again, you were met with a silent answer as he agreed with a feverish nod.
It was all you needed. You attacked his neck and collarbone with an urge you didn’t know you had in you. The firm but soft skin turned into your personal playground, even the smallest inch of it being thoroughly explored. With every roll of your hips came a new bite, promptly soothed with a kiss. You marked him up as you welcomed him in your body, claiming him as you offered yourself up to him.
You reached the spot right under his ear, right where his gills would’ve been, a moan louder than the others telling you that he was more sensitive there. So you decided to pay special attention to it, the enthusiastic sounds he kept letting out only spurring you on.
“Lay down”, you told him, releasing his lobe and brushing your lips against the shell of his ear. “Let me take care of you.”
He did as you told him and you ran your hands up and down his torso, enjoying the muscles reacting to your touch.
“So pretty… my pretty Tommy.”
Taking him in deeper, you arched your back, grunting softly every time his tip hit your cervix, every time he brushed against your g-spot.
“So good…”, he panted. “You feel so good…” He opened his eyes to admire you, enraptured by the sight of you rocking on top of him, but it didn’t last long. It felt too overwhelmingly good to keep them open. Therefore, despite the heavenly image still burning in the back of his mind, he realized he needed something else, a different way to look at you.
“I need… I need to touch you!”, he cried out. “Please, let me touch you!”
Without a word, you took his hands, resting them on your hips, allowing him to fondle and squeeze you. You had no scales there, just delicate skin that felt unreal under his palms. You kept guiding him, making him caress your belly and grip your waist, introducing your now fully naked body to his touch, letting him explore every inch of you.
And then you kept moving his hands up, up, up, until they cupped your breasts, fervently kneading the soft flesh as if they had been created to do just that.
“N-no scales here either…”, Tom observed breathlessly.
“Is it weird?”
He shook his head no, licking his lips. “I love how soft you are”, he confessed. “How soft you are everywhere…”
He couldn’t hold still anymore and, almost without realizing it, he started fucking you back, hips coming up to meet yours in a messy, desperate fashion that forced you to increase your pace, so that you could match his one.
You felt like you were losing your mind, between his thrusts and the echoes of your joint moans overlapping each other and destroying the silence of such a quiet night, making everything that was happening ten times more intense, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“Oh, your Sea…” He was pounding into you now, using his hold on your hips to bring you down, ruining you without even knowing it. “I can feel it all around my… I-I feel like I’m drowning in you… I… oh, it’s too much…”
He was close, you could tell. It wasn’t the exact same for you. It felt good, amazing, actually, but you needed a bit more. Right now, though, you didn’t care.
“Let go, Tommy, it’s alright”, you encouraged him as you caressed his cheek, running your thumb across his lips. “I got you.”
“Let me hold you!”, he pleaded.
You complied, leaning forward until your chest was glued to his, elbows resting on both sides of his head as your fingers went back to his curls, right where they belonged.
Tom threw his arms around your waist, keeping you there. “Yes…”, he sighed. “Yes, let me hold you…”
“I’m here”, you reassured him, kissing along his jaw to get to your favourite spot. “My sweet, sweet Tommy.”
He came with a cry of your name, hips going still as his length pumped and flexed, releasing his load into your tight heat.
You rested onto his chest, patiently waiting for him to come down from his height, cuddled in his arms, his heart beating furiously against your own.
“That… that was…”, he mumbled when the fog clouding his mind started to clear up. “I never knew I could… we don’t… we have nothing like that…”
“That’s how humans pleasure each other”, you said with a satisfied smile, so happy of finally being in his arms that you didn’t even care about not finishing. “I’m glad you like it.”
However, he noticed quite soon that something was… off with you. You were happy and he could sense it, but there was something about your body that didn’t convince him. “But you… you didn’t…”, he observed, hating that he didn’t know the proper words to use.
“It’s alright, Tommy”, you reassured him, peppering kisses all over his pouty face. “I still enjoyed it.”
“No, it’s not”, he countered. “Let me help you.”
Without neither waiting for an answer nor pulling out of you, Tom swiftly manhandled your pliant body until you were lying on the sand under him. He stopped for a moment, admiring the sight of you, naked and completely at his disposition, your surprised yet needy expression nearly driving him insane.
You let him do that, intrigued by this switch in his behaviour, by the sudden confidence transpiring from his gestures, curious to find out what else his instinct would suggest him. What else he would do to you.
He looked confused for a split second, but then a sparkle flashed through his eyes, and a pleased grin lifted the corners of his mouth.
He leaned down, making you think that he was going to kiss you, but instead he hid his face in the crook of your neck. The moment he parted his lips, an overwhelming sensation ran through your veins, enflaming every single drop of your blood.
He was singing. Singing in his native language. And, even though you couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, you knew he was singing for you.
“And this…”, he breathed against the shell of your ear, briefly interrupting his song. “This is how we pleasure each other.”
“Oh, fuck…”, you whimpered, gripping his shoulders, your nails leaving angry red crescent moons on the flawless skin. “Y-yes… yes!” Your hips were now moving on their own account, and you pathetically fucked yourself on his cock as he fucked you with his voice.
Seeing you like that, just like he had pictured you, feeling you like that, made Tom fully hard again, and it only added to the ever-growing pleasure he was giving you. You tightened your legs around his waist, drawing him closer, deeper. And then your walls clamped down on him. Hard. It elicited a growl from him, but he still kept singing, determined to accomplish his mission.
“… oh, Tommy!” Your eyes rolled in the back of your head, back arching against his chest to the point it almost hurt, but you couldn’t have cared less. Not with the feelings your Tommy was sparking in you, not with the way he was making you his.
And maybe it was because nothing had ever felt that intense in your entire life, maybe because his voice was filling your brain, annihilating every other thought, or maybe it was because you realized you had never loved someone that much…
But next thing you knew, his name, his real name was all you could say, all you could invoke. The captivating melody hidden behind those foreign syllables took control of your mouth, it echoed all around your bodies, bouncing off the rock walls, spreading in the rhythm of the water, planting roots in the sand, soaring towards the stars filling the night sky.
You used his language, singing his name as you reached your peak. That, combined with the way you felt as you did, triggered the same reaction in Tom and, as he ended his song, he emptied himself inside of you, filling you up for the second time.
You both didn’t move for a while, staying tangled in each other as you slowly regained full control of your beings after such a mind-shattering experience. Tom was resting on his elbows, careful not to hurt you as he used his body to shield you from the chill air.
“Was that your language?”, you asked softly, legs finally dropping from his waist and hands caressing his back.
“Did I say your name right?”
He answered without answering you, humming contently, as he nuzzled the tender skin of your throat.
“What were you singing about?”
“You”, Tom replied bluntly, the loving gaze he directed at you nearly punching the air out of your lungs. “I think you humans would call it a serenade.”
He seemed unsure whether he should say more or not, so you tightened your arms around him and kissed his shoulder. “Go on.”
He raised his head just enough to look at you. “I was singing about your beauty. And kindness. And the funny faces you make when you get flustered”, he told you, an amused smile brightening his features.
“And the passion that transpires through your every word. And about how lovely your laugh is. And how perfect it feels to have you in my arms and…” His cheeks turned red. “… to be inside of you”, he added sheepishly.
You’re too adorable for your own good, my love.
“And how your voice is the most enchanting sound I’ve ever heard, and that I want to listen to it for the rest of eternity, and how much I–”, he stopped halfway through his last sentence, like he’d just realized it was something he wasn’t supposed to say.
He decided to change the subject, focusing more on how he said what he said. “It’s simplified. It’s… a bit weird to use your language. Any human language, in general. They are much more… schematic and concise than the one we use. There are a lot of concepts I'm not able to express at their full potential because your words…”
“Lack depth?”, you offered.
“… yeah, basically”, he agreed with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t”, you replied. “If anything, I’m kinda sad I can’t understand it… and a bit jealous, too: your language sounds amazing.”
He was literally beaming at your compliment, delighted that you appreciated something that was so important to him.
“And now I can tell why they depict you as irresistible tempters”, you sassed, playfully poking at his side.
He blushed at your words. “That’s… that’s made to sound like that. Seducing, I mean”, he tried to explain. “Not all our melodies sound like that, otherwise…”
“You would be going around giving each other eargasms every time you try to communicate, I get it”, you joked, kissing the tip of his slightly crooked nose. “It’s still fascinating, though. And your voice is lovely.”
He returned the sweet gesture. “Thank you.”
“So… what were you going to say next?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“After that part about you wanting to listen to my voice for eternity…”, you recalled quite proudly. “How much you what?”
“I… I wanted to say that…” His voice dropped in the blink of an eye, almost getting covered by the waves crushing on the sand and rocks. “That I love you, but then I… felt like a didn’t have the right to.”
Wait, what?
As much as hearing those words was what you had been dreaming of for months, now you couldn’t enjoy their marvellous effect on you, that weird conclusion digging a whole in your stomach that was threatening to destroy all those happy butterflies.
“What do you mean?”
“We cannot say it to someone who doesn’t want us back.”
“You think I…” You gaped at him, not believing your own ears. “Tommy, I don’t know how to tell you… but what we just did…”, you tried to explain, a weird shyness setting your whole face on fire. “… it’s sort of the human equivalent of a mating bond.”
You cringed a bit as soon as the words left your mouth, getting the impression that you were downplaying the importance of what just happened between you two. And low-key feeling like one of your aunts was talking through you, basically saying that sex had one meaning and one meaning alone. You definitely needed to elaborate more.
“Even though some people do it just for the fun of it. Nothing wrong with that, of course. Hell, I too have done it for the fun of it sometimes.”
Tom narrowed his eyes at you and you internally face-palmed yourself. This whole blabbering thing was getting out of hand and you cringed even more, looking for a way to expose your point in the easiest and, at the same time, least embarrassing way possible.
“Uhm… it all depends on how you think of it as you do it.” Yes. Yes, that could work. “If you want it to have a certain meaning or no meaning at all.”
“I see…”
You tipped your temple. “It’s all in the head, I guess.”
“And what’s in your head?”, he inquired. “What meaning did you give to it?”
You held his face in your hands, craning your neck to kiss that rebel eyebrow you adored so much. “That I love you”, you murmured. “As simple as this sounds…” Then you pulled him in for a kiss, repeating those words every time your lips would part. You wanted to breath them in him, pour them into his soul, lock them inside his heart in the exact same way he had done to you. “Did this answer your question?”, you asked when you finally pulled away.
He couldn’t contain his joy, the shine of his eyes putting the sun to shame. “So you do want me to be your mate?”
“We can formalize it your way, if you prefer”, you said with a breathy laugh, that suddenly turned into a gasp as Tom pulled out of you all at once, moving to kneel between your legs to taste your Sea.
“Wait!”, you stopped him, placing a hand on his arm. “I… might need some time before we do that.”
He immediately came back to you, laying on the sand and pulling you into a hug. “Are you alright?”
You nodded, hiding your face into his chest. “I just have to recover. You really did a number on me”, you laughed quietly.
“… did a number…”, he repeated, trying to understand what you meant. “… is it a positive thing?”
“A more than positive thing.”
“Even if I didn’t do it right?”
“Honestly?” With a small wince, you raised a leg, wrapping it around his waist. “You were surprisingly good for not even knowing what you were doing. You’re a natural.”
“But surprisingly good is not extremely good”, he complained, and you could tell that he was pouting.
“You just need some practice, that’s all.”
“Will you teach me?”
“Of course, Tommy.”
You kept cuddling for a while, your fingers moving idly on his chest, tracing invisible words on the paper of his skin, writing down your love for him, screaming it in silence.
“Do you think I could be able to learn your language?”, you wondered.
“Without a doubt”, he answered, almost without letting you finish. “You have a smart mind”, he said, kissing your temple and then brushed his fingers on your throat. “And with your voice… all of our melodies would sound so mesmerizing when coming out of your lips…” He made you raise your chin so that you would look at him as he trace the shape of your mouth. “And you could create so many more incredible ones…”
“You mean that I could…” You bit the inside of your cheek, mentally calling yourself stupid for the silly joke you were about to crack. “Write down ‘Our Song’?”
“Write down?”, Tom pondered with a confused frown. “I mean, you can, that’s… a bit unusual, though”, he added, considering your peculiar request. “They are special songs, so we simply cannot forget them once we create them.”
“I know, it was a stupid joke.”
“Oh… okay, I understand”, he said, but then corrected himself after a brief pause. “Well, I don’t, but okay.”
You let out a chuckle, then returned serious. “… could we create one together?”
“I’d love to, but…”
“But what?”
“That would bond us forever”, he told you carefully. “It’s something even stronger than a mating bond. Our souls would become one…” His hand cupped your cheek. “Are you sure you want me like that?”
“I am”, you stated firmly, then mimicked his action. “And what about you? Do you want me like that?”
“I do”, he nodded solemnly. “With all my heart.”
“Good. ‘cause I can’t wait to sing to you how much I love you, mate.”
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As he turned back to his original form, Tom sighed contently, staring at the bright full moon casting a silver glow on your exhausted bodies. It turned out he wasn’t just a natural, but also a fast learner, and the two of you had gone for several more rounds – you had called them like that – and were now laying on the sand next to each other, hands tangled together.
You were out like a light, the last thing your brain had been able to register before literally passing out from one too many orgasms, being his head buried between your legs.
But Tom… Tom was wide awake, almost unable to contain the excitement buzzing in his whole body. He turned to look at you, at first only with his head, then laying on his side, admiring your breath-taking profile.
After a while, he slipped his free hand between your legs, brushing it against your sore sex as delicately as he could. You shivered in your sleep at the contact and he was quick to kiss your temple. “Shh, it’s alright, darling”, he murmured in your ear, singing a few comforting words under his breath to calm you down.
It worked as he expected it would, your weak human brain obeying him even when you were unconscious. He smiled fondly, observing the crease between your eyebrows disappear, your chest raising and lowering regularly as his fingers slipped between your folds, gathering the mixture of your juices still leaking off of you.
He took his time savouring it, a satisfied growl vibrating in his chest as he recognized your Sea. “Taste so sweet…”, he praised, talking more to himself than to you. “I would devour you from head to toe if I didn’t love you so much.”
He had wanted you for so long, dreamed of you accepting him as your mate ever since the first time he saw you. He had approached you, befriended you, trusted you with the secret of his existence, ready to risk it all just to know you, to give up everything if that meant he would get even just one minute of your company. And, unbeknownst to you, he had made sure to get back at your stupid friends. Nothing severe, just ‘a taste of their own medicine’, as you would’ve said.
He had been patient, forcing himself not to taste your Sea whenever the two of you would get too close while bathing together, resisting the temptation to seduce you with his voice, instead using it to tell you about the myths and legend of his people, just to see your beautiful eyes sparkle with curiosity and admiration.
It would’ve been easy. So easy, but it wouldn’t have been the you he wanted. The you he had learned to know and love, outgrowing the initial simple desire drawing him to you.
But oh, had all his efforts been repaid in the best way possible… he had never thought that being a human could be so… beautiful.
The things you had showed him, taught him, done to him, let him do to you… he had no words to describe them, he just knew that you had turned him into an insatiable creature. He wanted more, more, and more… and he could safely say that he much preferred the human way of tasting someone else’s Sea…
But the most important thing was that he had become your mate now, and he almost couldn’t believe it.
He felt like he had been waiting for this, for you his entire life. All those meaningless empty years, the sense of void that was slowly eating him up from the inside… all of that had faded to nothing the moment you had appeared. All his knowledge, all his beliefs, completely destroyed by the eyes and the voice of a prey…
His past self would’ve certainly laughed at the irony of that situation: a mighty, powerful creature, a king, giving googly eyes at the fragile human sound asleep in his arms. A predator wrapped around the finger of his natural prey. But Tom really couldn’t care any less.
He had made you his, and yet he felt as if he belonged to you more than you belonged to him. He could feel his own heart beat inside your chest, he had given you all of him and yet, he would’ve been ready to give you some more, if only you had asked.
“Mate…”, he whispered, running his thumb over your bottom lip before giving you one chaste peck. He was yours. He was yours and he couldn’t have been any happier.
“Your Majesty…”, a timid voice broke the silence.
“What?”, he snapped at the mermaid who dared to intrude his precious time with you. Instinctively, he embraced you, using his body to shelter yours, an act of both protection and possessiveness.
The poor thing cowered at his tone, and he wasn’t even looking at her. “I-I’m sorry to disturb you–”
“You better be, Nerea”, he hissed menacingly. “I trust you’re not that stupid to bother me without a good reason while I’m clearly busy.”
“F-forgive me–”
“Enough of that”, he interrupted her again with an annoyed click of his tongue. “What do you want?”
“Y-your father has sent for you, M’lord. I-I didn’t mean to interrupt your meal…”
“Meal?”, he repeated with an amused chuckle. He finally turned around to face the young mermaid, and sat up, gently lifting your body in the process and making you sit in his lap… or rather, tail. Your head fell onto his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you, cradling your sleeping form and covering you as best as they could. That human habit may not have made any sense to him or his kind, but it did to you.
“Oh, you know better than to call your future queen ‘meal’.”
Nerea’s jaw dropped at his words, eyes going round as she took you in. “That?”, she asked with disgusted incredulity. “Y-you want that, Your Majesty?”
“Oh, I don’t want her, my dear”, he grinned, pearly white fangs flashing between his lips. “I already have her.”
“Y-you didn’t…?”
“I’m afraid I did.”
“Oh!”, Nerea gasped, bringing her hands to her cheeks. “What will everyone say?”
“They can say whatever the hell they want. I don’t care”, Tom scoffed, his features softening immediately when he laid eyes on your face. “… as long as she wants me, I don’t care”, he added in a murmur.
“Now leave us.”
“But Your Majesty, your father…”, Nerea made another weak attempt. “H-he needs you to meet your advisers…”
“Let them wait”, he replied, not even bothering to look at her.
As long as you love me, I don’t care.
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///Quick info: The final dialogue is in their native language, the names being the translation we would use, so even Nerea actually has a quite unpronounceable name 😅///
A/n: Aaaand here we are. It’s bad, I know, but I just couldn’t stop myself from writing this. Curse you and your beautiful curls, Tom. Thank you so much if you made it here, let me know what you think if you want! Love you 💜
Tagging: @hunnybunimdun
(Let me know if you wanna be added or removed, add yourself to my taglist or follow me on my writing side-blog @lia-s-liabrary and turn the notifications on)
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i saw ur new post and !! i think thats such a good idea ! i dont often get crushes on niche characters , but i get super fixated on them when i do because i cant just binge their content ;(( one of those characters is so niche the only thing i found about her written online was when she was mentioned in her show ' s wiki page , , which is only about 6 sentences long </3 sorry for the ramble though ! if i can request a character , i would love to have something written for shaiapouf from hxh :,) a big part of his character is that he hates humans / are disgusted by them but , , what if he just had a really soft spot for the reader and the reader had a soft spot for him :,))
I hope this one is okay!! I barely know who this man is but he's insane I love him
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“Your wings are—” you pause for a moment, trying to find a word that encompasses all your thoughts. In the end, you have to settle on “—gorgeous.”
He almost flinches back— although you’re gentle about it, he’s not sure anyone else has ever touched his wings before. He’s not even completely sure why he’s letting you do it.
You shift your weight to get more comfortable on the rough shingles of the rooftop; the strange man had spirited you off into the night and set you down on the tallest building he could find. You’d expected him to vanish on those stained-glass wings, leave you trapped up here as some kind of cruel joke— but instead, he’d collapsed next to you, folding his long legs under himself and staring intently at the people down below.
Shaiapouf blinks, realizing that he hasn’t responded to you, and that you’re watching him carefully for signs of discomfort. And then he realizes that the weight of your hand on his wings isn’t uncomfortable at all; if anything, it’s the opposite.
He bristles and a scowl climbs its way to his sharp face. “You should be honored you’ve even gotten this close.” There’s no real bite to his voice, though; he doesn’t even move back, despite the fact that your thighs are touching. He ruffles his wings in the breeze, and underneath the black, you catch the smallest glimpse of those iridescent scales.
Ever so gently, you take the edge of his wing between your fingers, keeping your eyes on his face; his own eyes are trained on your hand, but he doesn’t move as you lift his wing higher, unfolding it until his scales catch the moonlight.
Gorgeous isn’t even the right word— you don’t know the right word. Breathtaking. Exquisite. Sublime.
“Would you let me see them more sometime?” You know full well what his answer will be, but you ask anyways.
Shaiapouf tilts his head, his eyes sliding shut as he pretends to think. Without saying anything, he draws himself to his feet in one smooth motion, completely unafraid of the slope of the roof— anyone who can fly ceases to fear a fall.
He extends his hand down to you. You blink up at him, but he won’t meet your eyes.
“Come on, then— I don’t have all evening.” 
That’s another lie. You both know it.
When you accept his open hand, he’s quick to swing you up into his arms; as thin as he is, he’s not human, and you can feel a strength that far surpasses your own rippling through him. He’s surprisingly warm; now that you’ve gotten up close and personal, your gaze traces the lines of his jaw, the slender curves of his neck, the broadness of his shoulders as you try to get comfortable— and then, in a rush of air and light, his wings unfold behind him.
They glow. You knew that, but still, getting to see it like this, the shimmering colors that threaten to outshine the moon— you’re so caught up in your daze that you don’t notice the way he’s looking at you, his smile soft and his hold gentle.
You also don’t notice when he asks, “Ready?”
All at once, his powerful wings have caught the wind and lifted you both off into the night.
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chaoticgeminate · 3 years
Bloody Shores
Part of the Iridescence Fictional Universe
Precious Sea Glass Series
Pairings: Dragon!Pero Tovar x Nereid f!Reader
Series Rating: E (Minors DNI) [TW: Semi-graphic battle scenes, minor character deaths]
Word Count: 3.6K
Series Summary: After meeting the one his magic calls for Pero must fight against Immortals, Elder Fae, and magic beings alike to keep her safe by his side.
Chapter Summary: The Elder War still rages, battles are still causing destruction, and peace seems like a fleeting dream.
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Never had the waters of the Glennrior Bay been tinted such a horrendous shade of magenta, your eyes took in the blood-stained water as you exited the churning waves and sought out the remainder of your siblings all taking refuge on the beach. None of the elder nereides remained, you were the eldest now, and your brethren looked to you for guidance as the meré corpses were steadily devoured by the sharks drawn to the carnage.
“We will fight, this is our home. We are the daughters and sons of the Ocean Lord, even so far from us our Father fights to ensure that we are safe from the Elder One the meré worship and we must show him the same respect by defending this bay.” Pelanos hurried to your side to support you, the exhaustion in your limbs heavy as you leaned more weight onto your halberd, and you shied away from his fussing.
Almost idly you looked heavenward, half expecting to see Pero descend from the clouds like a blanket of black scales, but that would not be the case for now. His involvement in protecting Gale Ennore had evidently led to other dragons calling him home to question him, back to the isles you’d visited only once before, while William had been left in charge of assisting the elven magi and the dwarf stone masons in upgrading the buildings and adding protective spells around Kvia.
“Glennrior Bay was carved out of Ostrea as a gift to our Father by the Huntress, his love and worship of her silver glow was such an honor that she created this place of solace for him to call home, it is our duty to see that it never fall into the fins of the meré and their false sea God.” The story was one that spanned thousands of years, of an Immortal so enamored with the moon that he offered her prayers and love, and the soul of the Huntress lurking within the heavenly body was so honored to have a being of such power offering her his love that she gave him a piece of her to keep.
The Bay was a perfectly shaped crescent for that reason, carved out of the land itself by silvery magic when your oldest siblings were still newly born, and the depths of the Bay had been your home and nursery ever since. Father had fought off ancient dragons, sealed a leviathan of great power deep below the ocean floor, all to protect this place and you would do whatever you had to in order to make sure the Bay was safe when he returned home to you.
“We have riders approaching from the South, waving the Flag of the Citadel!”
Hearing Khazos’ bellow made you lift your arm feebly to show him you’d heard, the Masters of the Citadel and their Necromancers had agreed to help bolster the defenses of Kvia so the Consortium could focus their magi and witches closer to the Taunmack Flats where the Immortals had called for the Elder Ones to meet them in direct combat. The sheer scope of magic power from the meadows was strong enough that anyone with a sense for it could feel the constant thrum of battle. You stood straight and nodded, glancing back over the bay waters, and Melodia pressed her hand to the back of your shoulder as you gathered your own power.
With each nereid that returned to the sea the rest of you grew stronger, absorbing the power of your siblings when they fell, so casting the necessary spells to cleanse the bay waters had become easier and easier despite the emotional toll that you took with each loss. Pero had been there with you for many of them over the past two years of the war, fighting in both shapes depending on how he was needed, but even his love couldn’t quite erase the fear or anger or sadness lurking in your heart.
Nereides were not born through intercourse, your kin were made with magic, and the ritual was one only your Father had the power to perform properly. But many of your kin that had traveled away from the bay to find their own homes and lives had abandoned the sea, choosing to tie their spirits to rivers or lakes and ponds instead, and some even choosing to live as simple water elementals.
Your family was steadily falling and until your Father was able to return to the sea the likelihood of it growing again was slipping away.
“Sister?” The clear waters no longer churned with blood, the sharks and predators dispersed now that the grotesque remains of your battle were gone, and your eyes were beginning to grow moist with tears. You were tired and you just wanted to go back to the time before the Elder Ones decided they were willing to try and change everything.
“Have the magi finished the barrier spells around the outer rim of the village?” You turned away from the water and followed the others, all five remaining brothers and sisters after nearly two years of constant war, and you felt that slight edge of resentment as you noticed Gawain proudly show off another pup. The selkie had begun vastly procreating, all women were ordered to begin bolstering the numbers of the pod, and Gawain’s harem were all heavily pregnant and unable to help defend the Bay waters.
The pod was losing bulls as fast as you had lost your siblings and yet the selkie still found reason to try and blame you and your siblings for their falling numbers.
“Oh, hello.” You paused and turned at the voice, the woman was clearly from the Citadel with a hellfire shine that sometimes broke through the darkness of her eyes, the elongated ears and aquiline nose screamed dark elf.
“Hello?” Having her attention focused on you was discomforting, your skin felt stretched as your aura bubbled up unintentionally, and when she smiled to reveal those sharpened teeth you knew your assumption of dark elf was indeed correct.
“I had not expected to see such a lovely creature in this silly little village, you are simply divine.” The sensation of her aura swelling around you was enough to make you step back, your siblings all looking on nervously with their weapons in hand ready to fight if you asked. But a sudden flare of hot magic that came from you lashed out at the woman’s energy, the rot and blight and undeath in her soul seared by dragon’s fire as Pero’s magic responded to your fear.
“I am also very much unavailable, or does your Citadel allow for you to so brazenly force your magic onto others?” It was the equivalent of molesting someone in the world of spell slingers, to do such a thing to you under the assumption you didn’t know better was far worse a crime. When you’d first met Pero it was your magic that swelled in response to his normal levels of power, a tentative flare to show him you were there and interested, but you’d not wrapped him in your very essence as this woman had tried with you.
“No, we do not. Delmaré, since I cannot trust you to behave you will be working with our casters on the front line.” The woman sneered and stalked by the man, this one very clearly human and holding what looked like a very valuable tome in his hand, and yet his presence made you more on edge.
“Master Delmaré will be properly punished for such… liberties. I am Master Beros, of the Citadel, we will do what we can to ensure Kvia’s safety.” You couldn’t find the words to answer so instead you nodded, chest tight as you looked beyond him to see the Necromancers beginning to set ghouls and reanimated skeletons to patrol the grounds beyond the village. Something about this did not sit right with you and you had no idea why.
Seeing that you weren’t going to answer Beros departed, leaving you watching as he grabbed Delmaré by the elbow to drag her away for a quiet conversation, and you sighed heavily with the added stress of the influx of casters. Marta handed you a helping of a thick fish stew as you approached where she was feeding the villagers, the hunk of herb baked bread hanging out of it was definitely your favorite and she’d given you a much larger portion than the others, but nothing soothed the worries you had being separated from Pero.
He would likely be asked to fly out toward the flats again, to bathe Pesta’s followers in dragon’s fire and deplete the number of foot soldiers the elder ones had. The past three years had been endless battles taking him great distances away, you and your siblings forced to fight below the depths for weeks on end, and the prolonged fear of losing each other. But Pero refused to fully meld his aura and yours, to take you as his mate and wife, his promise was that the moment the Elder Ones were subdued he would do so and no sooner.
You knew why, Pero had not hesitated to inform you that the moment your vows were said and everyone knew that you were his that he fully intended to spend a minimal period of three months flying you all around the world just the two of you. To explore, to have quiet time to yourselves, and for him to ravish you and claim your body without the weight of the war hanging over your heads.
Marta sat beside you and looked over at Gawain, his harem of cows all in various states of pregnancy while the smaller bulls worked to ensure they were all fed and cared for, and after a moment of just general peace her exhale made you look at her weary face.
“I wanted you to know that the pod is planning to leave the bay and Kvia, we’re going to be taking the fishing boats and sailing North toward Ash Hollow. They are… unlike the other were-kin we are not comfortable around those who would so brazenly manipulate death.” You paused eating to study her, Marta had been born and raised here in the Glennrior Bay and you could still remember the day her mother had introduced you to the newborn pup. Selkie rarely left the places of their birth, ancestry and tradition were part of what made them strong, and for them to leave it was quite a blow.
But you knew better than to try and stop them.
If the Glennrior Bay weren’t such an important place to your Father you might’ve been willing to leave too.
“Just be safe, do what you can to survive, and try to live.” Marta nodded and you set your empty bowl aside to hug the selkie as she burst into tears, the constant attempts at Gale Ennore had long since brought strife to the village and the number falling was only continuing to grow. But if Kvia fell to the hands of the Elder Ones it would try mean Gale Ennore was well and truly surrounded. The elven city was at a nexus point, right where two leylines intersected, meaning it was a font of magic; the reason many of the most powerful magi and witches lived in Gale Ennore was simply due to the natural enhancement to magic-born that lived within proximity of the city center.
At one point the Necromancers had lived within the clean marble walls until the Consortium found a secondary source of power, centered around the magic of death and blood, where the Necromancers opted to construct their Citadel.
You heard a loud, echoing, bellow from above and smiled as Pero’s large body blacked out the sun. The Necromancers all gaped as he descended, wings kicking up dust and grit, and he shifted forms to land gently on the ground. Pero’s eyes were wild until he finally saw you, brow furrowing at Marta’s distressed state, and as he walked over Marta sniffled and waved before grabbing the empty bowls and leaving you be. There wasn’t quite animosity between the selkie pod and your dragon, though the pod was still upset that you had not chosen any of their kin, but there was still discomfort when any of the bulls would be too friendly.
“Mi amor, what has happened?” Pero sat down and pulled you into his lap, tucking you in his arms and against him as tightly as possible. You told him of the Necromancer that had brazenly tried to drape her essence around you and of the selkie’s decision to leave the bay, of losing another two siblings to the meré and Pero’s little croon of comfort turned to a warning growl as he looked at something nearby. Delmaré was watching the pair of you and you felt the rising heat of his aura, a warning to the spell slinger, and she wisely ducked her head and turned away.
“My kin refuse to get involved, as we suspected they would, but they have not ordered me to step away from the war. Mi cristal marino, I told you I had a favored owed to me by the water attuned dragons, sí?” You nodded gently and he cupped you face in his hands, warm and big and soft, a reminder of his strength and his presence that you needed more and more each day.
“Ulean, one of their strongest, has agreed to come live within the bay and help with its protection to repay that debt.” You had a flood of relief smash into you, the crystal tears that began to form in your eyes solidified into shining gems that fell and sang like chimes as they landed against his armor, and Pero cradled you into his neck with another low croon to offer what little comfort he could.
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Nighttime had struck when Pero was jolted awake with a snort, the sound of screams from below his dreyerie shaking away the usual cobwebs that came with such a sudden awakening. You weren’t by his side, you and your siblings were grabbing your weapons and he watched as the magic around each of you pulsed to life as you solidified the outer layer of your water form that made up your bodies into armor.
“Something happened below, Pero, we have to-“ He nodded and shifted forms, his heart did certainly leap in his chest when you simply dove toward the water but he had no reason to fear for now since the spells keeping the meré at bay were still holding. Instead he descended, seeing skeletons and ghouls attacking the people of Kvia, and the sickly green flames of the Necromancers were strengthened by the coating of miasma lurking over the buildings.
His wing beats whipped up the dark haze, lifting it as he circled and created a tornado of vile poison, and one spark set the tornado blazing before it winked out of existence. A sharp pressure against his flank drew his gaze, the Necromancers were trying -failing- to cast spells that were meant to subdue him but it was clear none of them had encountered a dragon before.
The magic hit his scales and slid away like water, his aura scorching any threats before they could truly take root, and as he rounded on the spell slingers their screams were music to his ears as he spewed a jet of flames in response and left nothing but ash. The screeching of ghouls, the rattle of bones being broken, as the ursa and selkie fought off the undead creatures and a battle cry he knew uncomfortably well practically exploded through the sound of fighting.
He shifted forms in time to watch your halberd cut one spell-slinger in two, the shocked cry cut off as Pero’s own blade cut through him in a vertical slice. The searing heat of the beskar blade, imbued with his aura, ignited the Necromancer’s remains so that he couldn’t be reanimated. You nodded at him and Pero growled, seeing you like this was something he hated and loved, you were strong and fierce and powerful all on your own and yet knowing that you were in danger set his instincts to bathe the terrain in fire up to a high gear.
“Sister!” Pelanos’ cry earned your attention, the last five siblings of yours were pinned down by several ghoulish canines and your magic flared in response, his growl cut through the air but Pero’s attention shifted to the sickly green fireball that whizzed by your arm, and his ire spiked seeing the dark elf woman staring him down.
“Once I get rid of you the little nereid will be my toy to play with, you overgrown lizard.”
Whatever the woman said to Pero had been a mistake, one moment you cutting down the ghoulish dogs surrounding your brothers and sisters and the next you were forced to ferry your siblings away from Pero as heat erupted from him. You’d seen your dragon angry before but this was different, for the first time in his human shape you witnessed the way fire escaped his mouth with each breath and the way his claws seemed to grow just a touch longer.
His beskar sword was encased in flames now and you were about to call out to him but he was on the offensive, the blade cutting through the spells hurled at him like they were nothing, and the Necromancer let out an unholy screech as he cut through her. The anger radiating off of him was clear and he turned to look at you.
“Get everyone out to the shore, now.” The order was sharply delivered and in the blink of an eye you were staring at his dragon body, the sickly hue of the green flames reflecting off the ebony scales, but you nodded and hurried with your siblings to get everyone away from the village center. It took several walls of water to delay the undead, to prevent anyone from being burned, but the moment you hit the sand Pero’s roar bellowed across the sky.
You threw up the strongest wall of water you could as a blanket of white-hot fire was breathed onto Kvia, his massive wings fanning the flames as he flew overhead, and the survivors of the attack were clinging to you as Pero turned midair and came back around for another pass. He was truly magnificent to watch but the very real sight of Kvia being burned to the ground broke your heart no matter how necessary it was.
As Pero landed on the sand you could hear the apology rumbling in his throat, even if he couldn’t express it in words, and by morning there was nothing left. Not even the enchanted stones had survived his fire, the runes and spells of protection had been broken by the Necromancers, but even the earth was scorched and dead. You looked over at your dragon as he shifted bodies, prepared to apologize to the survivors himself, but when he did Gawain simply wrapped the man in an embrace.
“You saved our lives, Pero Tovar. Do not apologize for that. When the war ends the Stone Lord will no doubt traverse Solvora and repair the damages, but thanks to you our pod will live on.” You watched as Pero and William helped load the small fishing boats, the surviving magi and stone masons doing what they could to imbue the crafts with protective spells and runes, and by mid afternoon the pod was gone.
William turned to look at you and your siblings net but you shook your head, knowing the question he planned to ask. You also knew that Pero would have to leave and head to the Flats soon, someone had to inform the Consortium that the Necromancers of the Citadel were a threat and he’d be the fastest.
“I’m not abandoning the bay, I can’t, there’s a lot of latent magic here that the meré and their Sea God cannot get access to.” William’s mouth formed a line but he nodded at your answer, glancing at Pero, and your dragon pulled you into a tight embrace with a heavy exhale. You found a grip just below the pauldrons of his armor, and held tightly, breathing in the scent of fire and smoke and musk as he shook slightly.
“Ulean will protect you in my stead, for now, mi amor. You must promise me that you will be as careful as you can, losing you-“
“You won’t lose me, Pero, just as I won’t lose you. Go, my love, the sooner you do the sooner you can return.”
He exhaled heavily and slotted his mouth to yours, the kiss was searing in how much grief and desperation sat between the two of you. It was a battle and a plea all at once and Pero’s essence blanketed you, reaffirming his intent to claim, and you did the same. It was watching him and William depart that was the hardest thing to do, your eyes finding the ursa and ogres that were now trying to steadily map out a place of their own.
Khaszos captured you in a hug and you said your goodbyes as the were-kin decided to head to Gale Ennore, promising to let the elves know that the bay was not abandoned. It would be risky, having the land open for any soldiers to try and camp on, but there were too many lost and the Citadel’s betrayal had to be made clear as soon as possible before the Necromancers were able to slay too many others.
As you dove into the water of the bay, seeing it clear and safe for now, you swam deep to the center where your family’s grotto was nestled safety and hidden; the others joined you in the space that suddenly felt too big and too empty. All you could do was try and rest for now, since there was no way to predict what would come next.
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undead-merman · 3 years
Oh! Oh! Siren Simeon! Please?
I got your follow-up on wanting to make it yandere headcanons. Thank you for the clarification✌
🧜‍♂️Siren Simeon🧜‍♂️ as a yandere GN- reader SFW
Out of the water he looks so unearthly and beautiful. His skin is so smooth and soft looking, not a mark or blemish on his whole body. You’d have to rub your eyes to see if he’s actually glowing or not. 
His scales are a blinding hombre of deep sea blue, seafoam, and pale blue and they shimmer brightly in the sunlight, they even have a slight iridescent quality to them. His tail is a half moon shape with two longer spines with a soft appearance making them flow in the water like a flag in the wind. His tail is much longer than his body allowing him to swim faster and is littered with small fins just like his caudal fin. 
But when he’s excited or he’s gotten his prey his glamor shifts away revealing his true appearance. His serene look is completely gone. His teeth become razor sharp like a shark’s and his hands grow torn webbing and long claws. 
Small thorn-like protrusions come from his elbow and go to his wrists as well as down the sides of his tail making it easy to cut and slice up his prey. 
His tail colors melt away and become a slate blue. Those slate blue scales now run from his webbed hands up to his shoulders and gather around his mouth and eyes. 
Deadly songs and the Dark Depths 
Despite his teeth, claws, and thorns his voice is his deadliest weapon. His lullaby which he thought of as he grew older can hypnotize weak willed people into doing whatever he wishes. He can sing this melody and his target will bend to whatever whim he commands of them. Throw themselves off a cliff, kill their crewmates, walk into the ocean and drown themselves. Though unlike his brothers and sisters he prefers a less painful method of taking their hands and drowning them as they stare blankly into his eyes as the air bubbles disappear from their mouth and nose. 
He lives in an underwater cave far below the surface, it hangs in a slope overlooking an openscape that overlooks the transition to the midnight zone of the depths just as the light starts to dim and the longer you look into it the darker it becomes. His home is along a mesophotic coral reef filled with biolument creatures yet to be spoiled or discovered. 
Sometimes he sings to the abyss below in hopes something will respond, sometimes something does but it’s never what he wants. Someone he can spend his life with, a partner. He knows it’s strange that he wants company but he just can’t help but crave conversation and companionship. 
Sometimes he wishes that someone would be special, someone that would thrill him every time he looked at them. But none of them do, they all stare at him with empty and powerless eyes.  
Spending Time with You
His whole entire world changed when he met you. You were able to withstand his song. You even whistled it back to him. It set his heart aflame and burned a passion in him he didn’t even know possible. He needed to see you. Needed to meet you. Needed to keep you with him so nothing like his kind could find you and take you away from him. 
He’ll find ways to try and stay with you. He’ll keep up his glamor so he won’t scare you away, so you’ll adore him and keep coming to him. He’ll study magic, he’ll try to convince you to take him with you. He’ll do anything. 
If you ever happened to find out about his true form he’ll be ashamed but desperately hope it doesn’t drive you away. He couldn’t take that. But if you don't mind it or get used to it he’ll love you so much that he’ll never let you go. He’ll try to cling on you for as long as he can.
He loves to play with your toes, he thinks they're the cutest thing about you. Such small little appendages. He traces the muscles from your toes and trails his fingers up your legs. 
He also adores your eyelashes. Such tiny fluffy little things. He has none of his own so just seeing them move as you blink. He could just watch them for hours.  
Dark Tendencies
He’s not going to let you go no matter what. Eventually he’ll get fed up with you having to leave him. He can’t let anyone else find you, he can’t let that flame you burn in him out of his grasp. Once he makes up his mind he’ll drag you to a cave with some air and force you to stay there. 
He’ll be upset if you panic and try to run, though luckily he picks a cave that there's no way you could get out. He’ll just watch you and give you space until you clear your mind. He’ll bring some gifts to help try and calm you down. If you don’t panic he treats you like a frail thing, he tries to do everything for you since he doesn’t want you to get hurt. 
If any other siren dares to try and come near you he suddenly turns. All smiles are gone and he will bite, claw, and ram against them with his thorns. He doesn’t take any chances with your safety and other sirens are the biggest threat to that. After he drives them off he’ll make sure to wash off and swim up to you asking for praise with a toothy smile.  
Misc Stuff
His scales shed a lot since his kind gets into a lot of rough fights. So he likes to make jewelry out of them when he finds the materials. And he gives you some of his best pieces. It makes him extremely happy to see you wear them too.
Human hair is really nice to him, so soft unlike his coarse hair. If you let him, he'll make jewelry out of your hair for him to wear as well so you both can have little trinkets of each other. 
Siren’s tend to collect prizes from their prey if they have them. The more intricate looking the better. But if they don’t have anything like that they just keep the skull. Simeon has a vast collection of skulls and trinkets but his favorite is a jeweled badge, despite its age it still glimmers even in the dimmest light. 
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