demonsfate · 2 years
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@moonglittering sent: Virote was half-dressed and busy inspecting the slight, slight bruising on the inner part of his bottom lip when Rick decided to wake up. ❝Welcome back to the land of the living,❞ he said, now putting on his jewelry. ❝There's some juice on the nightstand and a powerberry bar you can take back home if you want. You must've had a real shit night with the way you came in here.❞
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Waking up hungover was a feeling Rick was intimately familiar with. It might not happen as often as it had used to, but it was still common enough for him to expect it out of habit. So, the times when he didn't, it was always a pleasant surprise.
Useless to say, that morning was very much not one of those lucky occasions.
The first thing the scientist did when his consciousness started to resurface was groaning in discomfort. His head was pounding as if someone had been using it as a drum while he slept and his mouth was dry as a desert. Not to mention the tense ache in his limbs for having passed out in an odd position and the disgusting tasted that coated his tongue, a mixture of acid and something nauseatingly sweet.
Then there was the fact that he didn't know where he was and had no recollection of how he had gotten there. The mattress underneath him was far too big and comfortable to belong to his cot and the room was far too bright. His first guess would have been that he had hooked up with some random fancy weirdo, but him being fully dressed ruled out that possibility.
Damn. Just how much had he drunk the night before? It had been a while since he had had a full blackout. Even if considering what had happed the day before, because he still remembered that, it wasn't too surprising.
Still, knowing why he had gotten wasted didn't answer all the questions he had. Before he could further speculate, however, the answer reached him without warning, in the form of the last voice he would have expected to hear.
What the fuck. Was that...? Why was he in Prince Moonshine's bedroom, of all places?! What. The. Fuck.
His mind whirled for a few moments, as he tried to recall what had possessed him to pick Virote's palace for his drunken stunts, but he quickly gave up when he found just a dark hole in his memory. Alright, time for a change of strategy.
With a grunt, Rick pushed himself off the expensive mattress, bumping in the nightstand as he stood up on unsteady legs, causing some of the juice that had been left for him to spill on the smooth wooden surface.
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"Fuck," he cursed under his breath as the room spun all around him. His hands clumsily patted the pockets of his coat and he relaxed a little when his fingers closed around the handle of his portal gun.
Ignoring everything Virote had said, he pulled the device out, pointing it towards the floor. Time to bail and forget this ever happened.
He spared the quickest look at the younger man, to make sure that the night before he hadn't done something as idiotic as punching him in the face, and, once he had made sure that there was no visible bruise, he shot a portal at his feet.
"B-Be fuckin' grateful that I-I didn't throw up on your fancy bed," was all he said, before he hopped in the green vortex and vanished in an entirely different dimension.
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❝Fail to see how this is a problem, Tai. I'd say Vi's a charity case helping him out, 'cause no offense, your dad is a bit of a scrub. It's just unfortunate, really.❞
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cantuscorvi · 2 years
2, 3, and 5!
SHIPPING MEME. // @moonglittering
2. what sort of things does your muse look for in a partner?
Raum is not exactly looking for a partner most of the time. He doesn't like to think that deeply when it comes to other people. Usually, the only thing he is actively looking for is entertainment. He is following the vibes of the interaction and seeing how interesting it can become.
That said, he is better suited with someone mature and independent, who can go toe-to-toe with him, someone who can challenge him intellectually or emotionally. Otherwise, he will manipulate the hell out of weak-willed partner, which is it's own kind of fun, but certainly not an equal relationship. And eventually, he might become bored of someone who is his doormat.
3. what sort of things does your muse AVOID in a partner?
The list is LONG. But mainly, it's about clingyness, immaturity, the constant need to be reassured, or how much affection/emotion/commitment they expect from him. He is selfish person, and he knows it. He doesn't want to change. He is not looking for someone who can't understand that part of him or wants him to change his behaviour. Basically, he's avoiding people who want the perfect son-in-law to meet their parents. HE IS THE OPPOSITE.
5. how easily does your muse fall in love?
Not easily at all. It's very possible -- but it has to come in such a way that it sneaks up on him, otherwise he will start to sever connections that he thinks are becoming too much of a burden.
Raum is the type of person that is actively avoiding the sentiment of love, he denies to the death that it's happening to him, he will try his best even ruin it -- and yet when it actually hits him properly he goes batshit insane over the way it makes him feel. He will literally try to kill you over it. It's both a thrilling and terrible thing to be loved by him and honestly only people who are as fucked up as he is can handle it.
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inseparableduo · 2 years
@moonglittering replied to your post “She isn’t being body slammed but, Andrew is...”:
vi, in the bg: A N D R E W .
​“What? I didn’t body slam her and I didn’t throw anything on her.” He’s feeling very smug right now.
Until Darla manages to grab his hand and bite it hard enough to draw blood. 
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velvetineblue · 2 years
❝Please Tell Me… What Is A Correctional Cake .❞
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“ you don't want to know... ” but he's gonna tell Vi anyway. of course he is. “ — basically, it's crushed up kit-kat's, reese's mini's, and graham crackers. he said, if you can get ahold of some marshmallow, that's what you use to get the 'cake' to stick together. then, he tops it off with Oreo cream... that's the frosting. it's a 'birthday cake' you'd only give to your Worst Enemy; it's a birthday cake for someone you want to DIE. ” he speaks of it like a campfire ghost tale, describing a mythical monster in the dark forest night. but it's a true-life horror story. as unappetizing as it may sound, it was admittedly a testament to the human spirit: the ingredients to produce a proper birthday cake in prison were severely limited, leading to 'creative' innovations like so . . . “ sorry if knowing he ate that ruins the... 'THING' you two have going on. ” a pause, before he adds, “ actually, I'm not sorry; you deserve to know what you're dealing with here. he's a monster. ”
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itscnlyfcrever · 2 years
⚜ How many people do you not like?
the salty af munday meme
There’s a lot of people I don’t like. I just unfollow them and complain to my group chat of people not in the rpc and move on.
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the27percent · 2 years
Onyx: How do they handle hostility from others, whether verbally or physically?
It really depends for Atieno. Because they are the kind of type that will infuriate someone by purposefully not responding to things. Especially if the insult they find is really ... pathetic or not particularly cutting.
They will just kind of shrug and be like "alright, you can feel that way.. but that means very little to me."
However if they find themself actually stunned by the verbal hostility, there's a weird like... "Oh.. oh that landed. Damn. Good for them. "
Given that they genuinely feel like they have been in the wrong with that person, they'd go out of their way to apologize and give them space.
But if someone's just being an asshole just to do it - they will verbally cut back, or just lean into that uncanny feeling that they tend to inspire in others. Make it worse on purpose. Just do a little existential damage.
Physical hostility though - someone tries to come for them, they have no problems casually just throwing someone elsewhere. Just to get them out of their way. Usually it's all about.. okay you're in my way, you're being annoying. you're trying to fight me - fucking move.
They usually try to wait a while before getting physical because.. throwing their actual strength around is a lot. But when they get there, they don't start mess, but they will end it. And one doesn't easily forget being tossed like a rag doll, or feeling a truly weird force in a punch or kick which produces just a bizarre lingering, agonizing kind of pain.
Haunting is actually a pretty good word for how the aftermath feels.
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vvrongedd · 2 years
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@moonglittering :: 🍻 + “ who are you, really ?”
send me a 🍻+ the question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer.
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“I don’t even know anymore, man. I think who I originally was died a long time ago, which I guess is kind of just how life works, but, like….” He shook his head and took another drink. “I don’t think any part of me is even alive anymore.”
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5mind · 2 years
📂 x for each one.
Send ���📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
(( oh, like for each unit right?
Red One used to have a little scarf on them but it kept getting in between their neck seams so they don't wear it anymore (they still carry it around though)
Ig this isn't really a useless headcanon but Blue Two has the highest visual acuity out of the five.
Since all of them are just extensions of the same being, they're p much all the same "age" but Yellow Three is internally considered the youngest by Fivemind just cuz a lot of yellow rangers in sentai tend to be the younger/youngest ones (altho ig this mostly applies for female yellow rangers???)
Pink Four was initially designed to be sent out to colder regions so heat dispersal and cooling wasn't that high of a priority when designing her. Overheats the easiest during the hot n dry season.
Green Five ,on the other hand, has a better cooling system. Technically the newest model out of the bunch, so its a tad more complex than the others.
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shibemuses · 2 years
@moonglittering - luigi - s.c.
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As much as he didn't want to admit it, Luigi hated the dark. He hated how all-encompassing it was, coating everything in shadow. It would be impossible to see very far. Spooky scary creatures and critters could hide in the dark, make their attack against the poor timid plumber at any moment.
That's why he walks so shakily, hands held up defensively in an almost karate-like position to try and defend himself should somebody come near.
Trying to comfort himself, the mustached twin began to whistle, voice and breath shaky and uneven. His teeth soon begin to clatter together like merry castanets, even if he was anything but merry.
A branch snaps nearby. With a "YIPE!!" Luigi whirls around towards the sound, still hunched into that defensive pose. What was that?!
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demonsfate · 2 years
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he  just  stares.  for  a  whole  minute.  “  what...  did  you  say  ?  ”
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countlessrealities · 2 years
What's with you and the moon prince guy?
The question has Rick raising an eyebrow. He knows whom they are referring to, also because Virote in question is the only person ruling over a mun he currently has a proper relationship with, but he doesn’t want it to look like his thoughts have instantly moved on the younger man. They have, for the aforementioned reason, but people tend to draw the most annoying conclusions, even when the logical ones are right under their nose.
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“M-Moon prince guy? W-Who, Virote?” He asks crossing his arms on his chest and shrugging. “W-What sort of question is that? I-I mean, shit, not is any of your business, b-but if you’re waiting for me to admit some funny business, w-well...you’re barking up at the wrong tree, pal.”
Is this Summer hiding behind the anonymity of the internet? He can’t rule it out completely, but he also knows that his granddaughter is smoother than that.
“H-He’s Morty’s and Sum-Sum’s friend. I-I don’t like how much he tries to mother Morty, b-but for now it’s been harmless, s-so I let him do it,” he goes on then, with a little huff. “W-We drink and smoke together. Y-You could say that he’s my fuckin’ drug dealer when it comes to those moon flowers. B-But I’ve been trying to grow my own, s-so he might not have that role for much longer.”
Virote insists that there is no way that someone can grow Solar Golds and Royal Frangipani somewhere that’s not his moon. Good thing that Rick isn’t “someone”. Not to mention that the more he gets told that he can’t do something, the harder he tries to prove that he can instead.
“W-We ended up under a fuckin’ mistletoe, s-so I kissed him. An-And then, for some demented reason, he thought that making out with me again would be a proper payback.” A snort. He still doesn’t get the logic behind that. “I-If you ask me, I kissed him stupid an-and he had to get another taste ‘c-cause I’m that good.”
He pulls out his flask and brings it to his lips to take a casual swing before speaking up again.
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“W-What the fuck do you want me to say? H-He’s real fuckin’ pretty, he’s not a bad kisser...e-even if he could use some practice. An-And I’d tap that nice ass. I-I don’t see what the big deal is. I-I mean, shit, my type tends to be ‘consentient and not hideous’. Ha-Have you seen him? C-Can’t you really blame me for sparing a thought about shoving him down in his fairy tale gardens or-or in on the floor of his fancy ass wine cellars? B-Because if you do...you need your eyesight checked.”
{ @moonglittering - mentioned }
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I hate to reopen wounds here... but @moonglittering, @starfoam, @velvetineblue... this is a throwback to the previous mayhem we unleashed on the dash.
Roxy is clearly C.rystal Me.thyd, Tai is T.rinity feeding her the cake, poor Vi is A.lyssa E.dwards, and Lo is S.hea C.oulee.
I'm so sorry Vi, don't be afraid to give Roxy a smack upside the head when she gets too bold 🤣
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guttersniper · 2 years
omfg laneyyyy!!! laney. you're one of the best writers i've ever met, tbh. your world building, character building, and ability to craft a story is such a gift. ur gifted as hell. when i see u on dash doing replies and providing us w. content about mutt, i cant wait to read what uve whipped up for us in the kitchen. ur writing is a sprinkle of himalayan salt on a fresh, grilled veggie medley. and we feast on it tbh.. nd outside of ur talents, ur overall just a rly cool person. ur good, ur hot, ur fresh, ur fly! funny.. fashionable.. ur aura is immaculate!!
it’s the end of 2022 – tell me your totally anon opinion about me!
real recognizing real, because every single one of those can be applied to you! i’ve told you before, but i love reading your writing, especially when describing food. god, you’re great at describing the cooking process and the food that comes from it. your headcanons for virote are always so in-depth, and i love learning every little thing there is to know about him and the great npcs peppered throughout his story. you, diren, are a goddamn delight. you’re hilarious, take no bull, and you have great taste in everything. i couldn’t be happier knowing that we’re friends. happy new year!! <3
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mechahero · 2 years
listennnn ur new icon is so cute.. good choice, it rly stands out on my dash esp since im using the goth rave dashboard theme 🌟💖🔥
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