montied · 5 months
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is it olliev or ally i cannot tell the diference yet
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dilfsuzanneyk · 5 months
1, 4, 6, 12, 18, 23, 30 for the ask game!!
WAURGHG thank you for the asks moon!!
what song makes you feel better?
been listening to a lot of nine inch nails to feel better, lately. especially the downward spiral album!! if i had to pinpoint one specific song, then it'd probably be march of the pigs since it gets me pumped up enough to not feel so shitty.
4. what flower would you like to be given?
i answered this here!
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
i'm smart (or i like to think so lmao), i'm a good friend, and i make nice art :]
12. how are you?
answered this one earlier, too, but i'm getting by.
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
absolutely. bed is full of them. no space for Me.
23. favorite piece of clothing?
OUGH so many. the thrift store has so many good clothes lmao. rn i'm obsessed with these red and black checkered flare jeans that i got, though.
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
THE SEA!!!! if i could just become some kind of fish or perhaps a piece of driftwood i would be happy.
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kkgore · 1 year
yellow, grey, brown and gold for the ask game?
Hey, thanks for the ask!
Yellow: tips I ignore. Honestly, writing an epistolary most tips go out of the window, but particularly those on prose. Most of the documents I produce for my writing are minutes of meetings or memos between colleagues, so describing what characters or settings look like is rarely a concern.
Grey: tips I (try to) follow. When I'm on a roll I follow Pratchett's advice of aiming for about 500 words a day (although I usually aim a bit closer to 750). I can usually do this in a few hours and most of my entries are around 750-1000 words so I'm happy to go a bit over just to finish each one off.
Brown: writing space. I am currently bereft of a writing space. I sometimes write on my husband's computer but his mechanical keyboard tends to aggravate a strain I have in my left hand. Other times I write on my laptop in bed but then I also read there so I tend to get easily distracted. I'd like to get a bike so I can start easily going to the lakeside library to write and also maybe film some book reviews. As it is getting a grab there every day is unrealistic.
Gold: lessons and morals. My work doesn't so much contain explicit lessons and morals as explore moral conflicts created by political events. I usually start from a premis for a world and from there work my way down to what the culture and moral crisis would be. So my current WIP is about how various cultures might cope with the reintroduction of faster than light travel after a period of 250 years of communication being purely digital, and their cultures having had 250 years to develop or calcify free from physical external influence. Another WIP that is currently stewing in the back of my mind is about a race who excrete a stress hormone in high conflict situations that induces a semi catatonic state or extreme listlessness in all those within a certain radius, and what would happen if they managed to somehow weaponise this against other races as a form of enforced pacification.
I have no idea how to sign off on these things, but thanks for sending it to me. It's been interesting thinking about my writing as a whole instead of just my current WIP.
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theamphibianmen · 5 months
Neurodivergencies are not disabilities, unless you are mentally disabled ala neurodevelopment, you are not mentally disabled 😮‍💨
Ok so there's a lot to unpack here.
I don't even know what post this is referring to
Most neurodivergences ARE disabilities. Schizospectrum disorders are disabilities. Dissociative disorders are disabilities. Disorders like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalcula are disabilities. All of these conditions make you neurodivergent. Very few, if any, are neurodevelopmental. Autism is not the only way to be a disabled ND.
The only way I can maybe see any validity to this is the fact that not all neurodivergent people identify as disabled. If you don't want to identify as disabled, that's perfectly fine. But you don't get to deprive neurodivergents who are disabled by their conditions of community.
Congratulations. You have submerged yourself in online communities so niche that you've convinced yourself PTSD is not a disability.
Genuinely I don't know what happened to you. Everything about this ask is so ludicrously incorrect I'm inclined to believe you're trolling me. I'm choosing to give you the benefit of the doubt and answer this as if you genuinely hold these beliefs.
I swear to God if you came from the post I think you came from I'm gonna scream. I've had that post muted for MONTHS now.
If you're referring to me specifically, as in saying that I myself am not disabled, I got bad news for ya buddy I'm disabled no matter how you slice it. I am neurodevelopmentally disabled. Diagnosed with autism at age six. And I'm physically disabled. Do better.
Anon hate is soooooo 2012. Get off anon and duke it out with me in the notes. You know you can reply from a throwaway blog, right? Right?
Mutuals, rip them to shreds.
@kullimos-the-despoiler @thosegoodbois @corypaws @wolfofgallifrey @sunnydropsstuff @clowncarfullofrats @moonlight19256 @fleshengine @salty-squid223 @worm-in-a-trenchcoat @your-resident-boat-person (IK I don't talk much to most of you) (sorry if this is weird)
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galacticlamps · 1 year
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better!
Tagged by: @smooth-mccrimmonal
Last song listened to? Better Things by The Kinks!
Currently reading? I'm halfway through the play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, I just started the 11th Dr novel The Silent Stars Go By, and as far as nonfiction goes, I've been working on The Material Culture of the Jacobites for an embarrassing amount of time (it's not even a slow read, it's just physically a bit big for the bag I commute with, so I have fewer overall opportunities for that one)
Currently watching? Star Trek TNG (very slowly) // begging myself to resume my Season 5 Dr Who rewatch that went off the rails even more than usual when the disc drive on my laptop broke (but I think I finally fixed it? fingers crossed!)
Currently obsessed with? uhhh can I say Shakespearian foils without sounding either pretentious or overly-specific? Hamlet & Laertes, Henry V & half the characters in the (good) Henriad... those plays in general have been on my mind a lot lately - I think because I randomly realized the 'How all occasions do inform against me' speech could fit Hal nearly as well as it does Hamlet. I didn't mean anything in particular by that comparison, but it just got me back to thinking about/revisiting those plays more often
Tagging: @uighean @seismologically-silly @terryfphanatics @moonlight19256 @queen-boudicca @rystonlentil @livesonthebside @wheelybard @arbeaone - but no pressure! (really, nobody's worse at acknowledging these things than me lol)
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myblogishaunted · 1 year
tagged by @saint-of-switchblades (the reblog controls were weird idk)
list ten songs youve been listening to lately and tag ten people
dont dance - anthony green
tomorrow's money - mcr
boy division - mcr
centre of it all - anthony green
trading doses - anthony green
clock - queerbait
no shows - gerard way
red - deal casino
snakes on a plane - cobra starship
rebel girl - bikini kill
tagging: @moonlight19256 @batw1nggg @definitelyadamstanheight @un-interactive-introvert @capybaraonabicycle @thebellatnoon @mygenderenvyromance
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wrathkitty · 3 years
The Sleazy Place - Chapter Two
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Chapter Two
An enormous plate of loaded nachos materialized in Janet’s right hand, followed by a frosty, salt-rimmed glass filled with her signature margarita mix in her left.
Mollified, Eleanor sniffled, seized the loot without asking and plopped herself down in the closest chair.
“All better?” Chidi teased as she savagely dove into the nachos.
Eleanor shoved a cheese laden tortilla chip into her mouth, ignoring him.
“’Kay,” she said thickly. She gestured to Tahani with her glass, sloshing half the contents onto the floor. “‘’M lish’ning. Go.”
Tahani took a cleansing breath and carefully straightened her peacock feather bowtie. (Much like her dear friend Mary Kate Olsen, who had forged an entire career out of violating countless sartorial traditions, she had taken to wearing the tie daily in tribute to Michael – always impeccably coordinating the feathered accessory with her morning frock, of course, and her afternoon frock, and evening frock when she was working after-hours, which had been occurring rather frequently as of late...for good, albeit distressing, reasons.)
The Sleazy Place
Summary: Choking on a buffalo wing while drowning his sorrows over a combo platter at TGIFridays wasn’t on Michael’s list of ‘Preferred Ways to Die.’ And a broken heart sure as shirt wasn’t on his list of ‘Reasons He Would Keep Failing His Test in the Afterlife.’ But the possibility of him never making it into the Good Place is why Janet (literally) reassembles the Soul Squad – and what they owe Michael is why Eleanor doesn’t hesitate to team up with her friends one last time to try and save their favorite former fire-squid.
...She just needs to finish that margarita first.
Tags under cut; I based it off of likes from the last post.
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montied · 5 months
ello ello ello
whats you favourite type font thing
also tell me a fun fact abt yourself i fyou want
uhhhhhh lets go with book antiquita
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montied · 9 months
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dilfsuzanneyk · 6 months
what is your fave colour? do you prefer hot or cold weather? whos your fave oc and why? and what is your fave thing you've drawn?
ahhh hi moon thank you for all the questions!!!
my favourite colour is green!! any kind of green but i especially love the darker shades of green or like army green :33 im a huge purple enjoyer also <3
i prefer cold weather more honestly!! i get cold very easily actually but i also hate being hot because i get really overstimulated. so cold weather over hot weather any time of the day
and picking a favourite oc feels like picking a favourite child which just feels wrong... HOWEVER i will say whenever i'm doodling my default oc to doodle is jack hardy. mostly because he's so easy to draw but also... he's so so easy to put into situations. take this however you will
and for my favourite thing i've ever drawn!!! this is kinda hard to pick but!!!
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i'd probably say this one!! it's a screencap from an animation i haven't finished yet. i don't usually do very detailed backgrounds and i don't usually do my colour palettes like this so i was really just fucking around until it looked nice. and i think it did turn out REALLY nice so i'm pretty proud of it!!
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montied · 9 months
for the ask game!!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I do not, and have no idea whether I'd want any or not.
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Hmm, I don't often watch animated films, the most recent one a couple months ago was Nimona, which I quite enjoyed, so. Nimona.
📺 - Favourite show?
At the moment? Band of Brothers. Could you tell?
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
A really depressing grey-blue.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I don't have any, but I'd like to get my ears or maybe septum pierced I think.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
It depends who you ask. According to me, they're grey, though.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Hmm. Autumn or perhaps spring.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
SO many. Too many to count. Most notably: Playing the clarinet, writing, reading, making Things.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
Ooh, that's a hard one. The first place I'd go would be the city to go on as many trains as possible. Wait no I'd go to Stony Point. For the Sprinters!!!!!!!
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
Hmmm... I think I don't really mind either way.... If I had to choose, country I guess...
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dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
radiaton, splat, arson, i could fix you
teeheehee let's go i have the lighte- Wait. What's Behind Your Back.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
YAYYY!!! , grrrr and uhh i forgot the name but the one iwth the sunglasses!!!!
yaaaay yippee you can keep me in your petri dish as long as you feed me /silly
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montied · 9 months
partly vibes, partly bcuz they were your pfp for a while
you know what thats fair
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dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
hmm well i'd say... weird al or mash? or like, the way you speak? with the o7 and stuff lol
i hope every time i text, you imagine a little soldier guy scuttling around and saluting you every five minutes /silly
thank you moon !!!
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montied · 9 months
it is still your bday so happy bday!!! (again)
mwah hi moon thank youuuu <3 💙
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