baixueagain · 2 years
TFW your friend sends you a treasure
(thank you @mooonbride ❤️❤️❤️)
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pyreo · 3 years
whats going on rn i saw an anime twink and then he became a huge man with horns??? hmu?,,
it shocked me too but the anime man collection game took one of them and made him fuckable
and also he invites you to duel once a week so he can learn to beat you and starts it by saying ‘I promise I’ll be gentle’ then he turns into that and pummels the shit out of you and he’s fucking enormous
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halcyonmusings · 4 years
Ship thing for Astor and Gascoigne :^) ? spare astor/gascogine please?
How did they first meet?
After Eileen brought her to Yharnam and started training her, Gascoigne showed up in the middle of a sparring lesson. She almost smacked him with her wooden sword and even though she didn’t hit him, she apologized like, 283290 times.
What was their first impression of each other?
Gascoigne thought she was very kind, a little naive, and was wondering why someone like her would want to be a hunter. He immediately had this feeling of wanting to protect her. Astor thought he was intimidating just from his sheer size, but once they talked for a short while, she thought he was intriguing but also thought he looked lonely.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Everyone wanted them to get together. Well, minus Eileen, but that was mainly her mentor/motherly instinct of looking out for her.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
They both did, but they both thought it was unrequited. They invented yearning/pining.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Gascoigne did when his beast side was beginning to come out more and more and did his best to avoid Astor, but another part of him needed to see her, be around her. Astor didn’t resist her feelings, but she never tried to tell him about them either. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Well, for sure they’d both be really happy about it.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
After he talked to Henryk and Djura who both told him to get his head out of his ass and make a move, life’s too short, etc. which.... the timing of it all because his beast form was becoming difficult to control, then Djura left to Old Yharnam, and everything was going downhill, so it was too late for him to say anything.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
They weren’t dating, but they spent the first time alone together by hunting some beasts and while Astor watched Gascoigne in action, she got hurt so they spent the rest of that time with him tending to her wounds. He carried her home even though she kept telling him she was fine enough to walk.
What was their first kiss like?
After he escorted her back home, Astor quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and was about to run back inside her house but he called her back out. When she came back, he gave her a proper kiss on the lips and was like “I prefer these sort of kisses” and she got flustered and ran again lmao
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
For her, he was her first kiss, love, (almost) relationship.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
I... have no idea how old Gascoigne, so I’m assuming the age difference is... pretty high. For the height difference, she’s 5′8″ and he’s like 6′9″ ahahaha... :)
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Astor’s parents are dead way before she meets Gascoigne, so... but she’s met his daughters who both love her and who she later adopts.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Astor. A lot of people get intimidated by Gascoigne’s stature lmao
Who gets jealous easier?
Gascoigne................... He’ll see Alfred talking to her and he’s in the background like >:( One time Alfred kissed the back of Astor’s hand and Gascoigne got so angry he broke a table by slamming his fist on it.
Who said “I love you” first?
Astor said it as she held Gascoigne while he was dying :)
What are their primary love languages?
Being in tune to the other’s needs/wants. Knowing each other’s body languages when they’re upset. Being there for each other.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They do that thing where their hands brush against each other in passing, but that’s as far as they’ll go otherwise they’ll get teased by the other hunters.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Her reading while he’s resting his head on her lap, sparring.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Astor! She knows to hold his hand when he’s feeling off, or if he’s become more quiet than usual. They’ll sit together in silence and she’ll wait until he starts to feel like himself.
Who’s more protective?
Gascoigne. He goes out of his way to make sure he never transforms in front of her, even on the night of the hunt when he bumped into her before her fight with the Cleric Beast, he ran off once he felt himself becoming unraveled.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical all the way. Astor was never shown any type of affection while growing up, so once Gascoigne brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she was a goner.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
heart skipped a beat by the xx, sweetest kill by broken social scene, pay no mind by beach house
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Astor calls him “my love.” Gascoigne calls her “my heart.” 🤧
DOMESTIC LIFE (purely au so let me dream)
If they get married, who proposes?
Gascoigne!!! He places the ring in the music box that he puts on the nightstand for her to find and is giving her hints like “Hmm.. you should play the music box...” and she’s like ??? and he’s like “Yep... would be nice to hear it right now.......” Astor: “Then play it?” Gascoigne: “Yeah but I’d prefer it if you did... :)”
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Everyone’s there :) your oc Evie is her maid of honor. Henryk is the ringbearer... manlet rights! I’m kidding he’s the best man most likely. The vault dweller is the one officiating the wedding, thank you. It’s a small ceremony, nothing extravagant.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Astor adopts Gascoigne’s two daughters. She tells them she won’t ever replace Viola, and dotes on them as best as she can. They’re both very playful and love to play with Astor and Gascoigne who make time for them whenever they’re able to.
Do they have any pets?
The girls have a bird that they like to let loose in the house. Gascoigne hates the bird because it chirps very loudly when he’s trying to sleep.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Gascoigne. The girls will whine about wanting to stay up a little longer but he’ll be like >:| no until they go 🥺🥺 and Astor will be like “Aww let them stay up for another hour...” He relents but he’s not happy about it.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
They both do, hello. They’ve killed beasts, they will definitely kill bugs no problem.
How do they celebrate holidays?
We’ll say there’s holidays and I’ll say that the girls and Astor decorate the house for every holiday.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Gascoigne. He’s a big cuddler and is very lazy in the mornings, so when he feels Astor getting up, he’ll reach out to grab her and be like “No... stay in bed a little while longer...” and she’ll be like “I have to make breakfast for the girls” but he’ll crawl over to her to bury his face on her lap and be like “Just for a few minutes, come on.” And she’ll give up and go back to bed. It works every single time.
Who’s the better cook?
Gascoigne. He has two kids okay, he had to learn how to be good at cooking.
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bai-xue · 4 years
Writing commissions open!
Now that I’m done with my thesis I’m opening up for commmissions, both writing and art. I know it’s a bit inconvenient right now as a lot of people are out of work due to the pandemic, but I’m needing to stay fed myself as I begin my search for jobs and/or fellowships.
My rate starts at $5 USD/100 words
What I won’t do: scat, vomit, piss, extreme torture/brutality, l*li/sh*ta, zoo, BBW fetish
What I will do: pretty much everything else, though if you want me to write sensitive material I reserve the right to negotiate price or subject matter, or to turn it down
As an example, here is a written commission I did for the lovely @mooonbride
For more of my writing, see my AO3 profile
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tagged by @chuckhansen @denerims @fakefroot & @wildflowersmp3 to do this cute picrew!!
arden (dmc) | eris (dh) | luna (f:nv) minako (yakuza) | rosalind (rdr) | serena (vtmb2)
tagging @jennystahl @honesthearts @vitosscaletta @cryptcombat @honeybite @queennymeria @mooonbride @fillianore
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dasha-aibo · 4 years
This anon has an explanation for that victim-blaming post about nerds by mooonbride you reblogged: the Left only stood up for bullying victims back in the 80s and 90s when the bullies were usually straight white male jocks, so victims were useful to the left's "overthrow the white male oppressors" narrative. But now nerds want female and minority bullies punished TOO, and so aren't useful to the left. And to the radicals, there's no worse crime you can commit than "confusing the narrative."
Oh damn, that's a good one
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honeyjaws · 4 years
lmaoooo its the questionnaire the queen wolf questionnaire @mooonbride lets gooooo also @kiryukazumas hiiiiii
1. How did they first meet? so like one day Reina was just doing her job going to hope county and then everything went to shit and this sleazy preacher guy looked her dead in the eyes and said “no one is coming to save you” and then his brother with eczema and battle scars was like im gonna hunt you for sport meat and that was Jacob!!! omg!!! 2. What did they think of each other at first? What was their first impression of the other? Reina was like wow this guy likes wolves and maybe probably ya he needs therapy and Jacob saw her as the same as everyone else lmao meat city baby
 3. Were they immediately interested / attracted, or did that come later? that came later and they still have issues even admitting anything because vulnerability = death 4. Why did they fall for each other? Reina was ~*not like the others*~ in Jacob’s trials which made him Interested in her and how she could flow so effortlessly through them and still not respond in the way he wanted her to. she was always checked the fuck out and he wanted to know why and how to bring her back in because he’d seen what she’d done to his men he knew there was something there she was hiding. n that interest grew into something more but who is gonna admit it. Reina tho Reina always had people tell her she was a fucking idiot and Jacob was the first person to really see her, despite everything lmao, and that confused the fuck out of her but she was into it but wary but into it
 5. Who flirted more before they started their relationship and how? Jacob would tease her over the radio n shit and compliment her so! much! In the trials but is it flirty hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 
 6. Who made the first move/confessed first? no confessions there’s no gods here!! the first move however! jacob! He was like “youre pretending to be a soldier and killing my men…,,.,.,. you have my interest” and then sent people after her to capture her so he could tell her shes lovely like a deer about to become prey in person!!! 7. When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? hahhaha, so like one time, a few months after reina and friends got to hope county, reina had been in the mountains for a while doing her fair share of trialllls, jacob had reina there in his big fucking house where he shows his wolf slideshows right, she was tied to a chair and he was asking her why she didn’t respond to his trials like ‘where’s your head at because you are just going through the motions’ and she just shrugged and he got frustrated saying something like ‘youre doing it again’ and she would say sorry and ask to leave and Jake would be like ‘thats it isnt it, you just want out’ and reina would finally look him in the eye and realize how close he was and he’d whisper ‘you want to escape’ and reina would feel his breath on her face and shiver and he’d bring his hand up to cup her cheek, not wanting her to look away when he was this close to figuring her out and it would be the most gentle action she’d ever seen from him. she would try to free her hands, not to leave but to maybe try to bring him in closer, because in that moment she knew she could trust him; she had spent enough time with him to know how to read him. he’d trace a circle on her face tell her he knows how to get out, and she would believe him, feeling his cheek so close to hers she felt it brush hers with the shape of every word before finally feeling his mouth meet hers. she noticed the small moment of hesitation before he kissed her, too - the same hesitation she had before returning it. 
 8.  Which one is more easily made jealous? okay not to be to idealistic but I just feel like there wouldn’t be any because of the situation lmao but if I had to pick its Jacob 
 9. What do they fight about? Who’s the first to apologize? ideologies lol
 10. Did they have a first date? Where did they go? wow first date they could like go somewhere pretty on the mountains and sit in an awkward silence because lol lol im only kidding but could u imagine
 11. What do their friends and family think? Do they approve of the relationship? literally no one knows what the fuck is going on or what to think lmao reina offers no answers 
 12. Do they like to cuddle/hold hands? Do they prefer to do it privately rather than in public? omg lol. Everything is private first but lololololol they wouldnt hold hands ever but would mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe cuddle,,,, I guess. If reina falls asleep @ the wolf house.
 13. How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time (If they do)? Under what circumstances does it happen? probably not long after they kiss but like not that night. they’d probably meet a lot in various places in the mountains, well like. jacob would probably find reina because thats just a thing that he can do well. theyd always in secret and in hidden places n allll and they’d kiss a lot and it could get ahhhh steamy lol but at some point one of them would be like hahaha wait we should not do this that has a lot of weight to it and who is ready to face and accept that not I!!! its only when one night, instead of Jacob finding Reina, she goes to him, sneaking her way into his stupid wolf training centre and he says the CLASSSSIC “what are you doing here” and she answers it with her own question of “why are you doing this” and he doesnt have an answer for her right away because he doesnt want to tell her that his interest in her has grown from something so much more than wanting to mould her into the perfect soldier like all his other recruits, with her he’d want to leave, he’d want to get away. with her it’s harder to keep pretending he cares about what joseph is planning and stay by it. So when he sees her standing there, knowing she made it in with her own skills he doesnt know how to react, he walks over and holds her and tells her he doesnt know, he doesnt want to anymore and she asks if they can leave and he tells her soon they will and neither knows who kissed who first but they dont care because soon it escalates and I rly cant write about that rn I’m shy 
 14. Who tops? lmao @ me never answering this one but like u can figure it out I trust you 15. Do they get married? Who proposes & how?
 holy shit no
 16. Do they have children? How many? What are their names? no, you freak!!!
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cutepiku · 4 years
accioharo replied to your post: honeybite: mooonbride: mooonbride: Cops...
cutepiku: yeah i saw there have been protests now, but I put this in my queue a few days back and forgot. whoops.
aight all good haro. just felt mildly insulted that people are implying canadians are okay with this shit when we are, in fact, not
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messmertheimpaler · 4 years
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got tagged by @chuckhansen @queennymeria & @jmcolt to use this picrew :) (thank you!!)
eris (dh) | mara (twc)
astoria (bb) | minako (rgg)
i’ll tag @roberthouses​ @cryptcombat​ @fillianore​ @honesthearts​ @mooonbride​ @coruscas​ @vixenlesbian​ @jennystahl​ @vitosscaletta​ (no pressure obviously!)
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baixueagain · 5 years
I didnt realize until u reblogged it but that post-apoc looking pic of the girl with the eye patch with the man hanging over her emits joe and mint energy
If Mint were only allowed to live out her badassery rather than having been kidnapped and forced into his harem it’d be perf
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halcyonmusings · 4 years
got tagged by @queennymeria to use 10 pictures to describe my oc, i'll choose minako from ya/kuza since she's currently in my head rent free
i'll tag @roberthouses @coruscas @cryptcombat @radlurk @honesthearts @honeybite @mooonbride
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halcyonmusings · 4 years
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OCS + BIOGRAPHIES (part two)
The Basics
Full Name: Arden Eilhart
Codename or Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: November 11th 1988
Birth Place: Fortuna
Nationality: British/Saudi Arabian
Organisation/Group: none (retired)
Former Affiliates: worked with Dante at the DMC shop
Family + Friends
Father: Vince Eilhart (deceased)
Mother: Cressida Hawthorne (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Dante, Lady, Trish, Lucia
Spouses: Vergil
Children: Nero, Freya (after 5)
Height: 5′10″
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: light brown
Any Scars: a few on her upper back and neck, which is why she prefers to wear turtle neck blouses
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears
Other Notable Features: her left eye is a little smaller than her right
Random Facts: she thought herself how to write with her left hand because she was bored back when her mother would lock her in her room
The Basics
Full Name: Rosalind Vitalis Winslow
Codename or Nickname: Rosa, by mostly everyone except MICAH she threatened to kill him if he ever called her that.
Birth Date: June 16th, 1872
Birth Place: Tumbleweed, New Austin
Nationality: Greek/American
Organisation/Group: Van Der Linde gang
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Tomas Vitalis  (deceased)
Mother: Julie Vitalis (deceased)
Siblings: Alena Vitalis
Friends: Arthur Morgan, Hosea Matthews (more like a father figure but yeah), Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, @honeybite ‘s oc Lua and @mooonbride‘s oc Violet, Kieran Duffy, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Tilly Jackson
Spouses: John Marston.... (Arthur Morgan in another world :\)
Children: Noah Marston
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: brown
Skin Colour: tan
Any Scars: one on her right eyebrow and another across her nose. she’s got a few gunshot wounds on her torso and a large scar on her right thigh
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: none
Other Notable Features: her nose is a little crooked from not healing right after she got in a fight with some bounty hunter
Random Facts: she doesn’t know how to put on makeup, so she relied a lot on mary-beth and karen. after the group disbanded, she never tried to do it herself.
The Basics
Full Name: Luna
Codename or Nickname: Courier lmao, Boss - by Raul which Luna tells him he doesn’t need to call her that but he’s like “okay boss” 
Birth Date: May 23rd, 2253
Birth Place: Mesa, AZ
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Mojave Express
Former Affiliates: NCR... very briefly
Family + Friends
Father: Charlie Luna (alive)
Mother: Anya Luna (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Arcade Gannon, my oc Leon Miller :p, Craig Boone (reluctant friend), Raul Tejada, Veronica Santangelo, Daniel
Spouses: J Money
Children: Gideon and Elias [redacted]
Height: 5′5″
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Colour: light brown
Eye Colour: green
Skin Colour: medium tan with honey undertones
Any Scars: on her the side where she got shot in the head, a few on her knees
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: she likes to wear a baseball cap or a tie a piece of cloth around her head to cover the bald spot she got from the gunshots on her head :(
Random Facts: hates sunsparilla and almost dehydrated because she refused to drink it until Arcade made her drink it so she wouldn’t die hjfkljhkf
The Basics
Full Name: Drew Argento
Codename or Nickname: Fledgling :\
Birth Date: April 7th, 1980
Birth Place: Huntington Beach, CA
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Anarch
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Sebastián Argento (alive)
Mother: Angela Argento (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Velvet Velour, Nines Rodriguez, Damsel, Smiling Jack, Mercurio
Spouses: he’s not her spouse, but Maximillian Strauss
Children: none
Height: 5′6″
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: medium beige
Any Scars: none
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her nipples, ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: always has to wear pink even if it doesn’t match her outfit for the night
Random Facts: she’ll play britney’s greatest hits in the bar nines/damsel/jack hang out in and even in strauss’s chantry
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