#more friends references than you can poke a stick at!!!
kcaitlyn · 14 hours
hc. how i imagine the yj girls in relationships. part 1 (pre-crash nat, van, tai, lottie. others in pt. 2)
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A/N: fem!reader, nsfw references, but nothing crazy. mention of drugs, alc. ooc, possibly? not proofread well cause who has time am i rite, been a while since i've watched yj lol. if this does well, i might do a post-crash version..
𓇼 Your relationship with Nat would be 110% banter, no doubt about it. Teasing (in and out of bed), name calling, little pokes and bites are a constant for you two. I feel like she's not the best (intentionally or not) at being traditionally romantic, so instead of heartfelt declarations of love, you're more likely to receive a 'yeah, you're pretty cool' or a 'I suppose you're not too bad' accompanied by a grin and kiss instead. However, that's not to say she doesn't express her love in other ways.
𓇼 Skipping class to sit with her friends together at least once per day, and cramming a whole semester’s worth of notes together when her (and/or your) grades eventually slip. Although, I doubt much would get done..
𓇼 I feel like most of your dates or hangouts would be outside- not necessarily doing anything, just relaxing by a lake or on some random curb in Wiskayok to escape your families (mostly Nat’s) and just to catch a break from everything.
𓇼 When you are together at someone’s place though, it would be your house more often than her’s. Nights would consist of sneaking in through windows, trying to stifle giddy laughs and smoking on the rooftop of your home or her trailer.
𓇼 Natalie would 100% be sneaking you in and out of the school locker rooms, too. She thinks it’s a shame to waste such a private space, always pulling you in there to make out or just relax in-between periods (much to the rest of the team’s annoyance. They’ve actually started a petition to ban you).
𓇼 Natalie pretends not to notice, but deep down seeing you in the bleachers during her games always makes her mushy. Seeing you cheering for her, encouraging her- it only makes her play harder.
𓇼 She’s always super affectionate after games, too- running up to you and squeezing you, all sweaty and tired. The evenings after more often than not would consist of weed and cuddles, Natalie being the little spoon as you massage her sore muscles, laughing and talking about whatever comes to mind.
𓇼 Speaking of, if you’re down for it then Natalie would absolutely revel in getting high with you. Relaxing, sharing a blunt, cuddling, making out and letting her eat you out is an insanely common occurrence- her favorite way to spend her time. Sharing any drugs she got from her friends with you, yet her loyalty to you would never even come close to wavering even under the influence.
𓇼 This girl would be incredibly loyal. Natalie knows abandonment, she knows being fucked over by someone else- and never ever would she subject you to that on her terms. Although her communication may not be the best, and her temper’s far from perfect, she’ll always stick by your side.
𓇼 I feel like she’d be the jealous type, too. Fights and bickering between you two wouldn’t be far apart, but never serious- and always mended with tender cuddles, sex and apologies after.
𓇼 For some reason I have this feeling that pre-crash Van was super outdoorsy and adventurous. I can imagine her dragging you along to camping trips, hikes, time on the lake or just to spend time hanging out in nature.
𓇼 Definitely with her family, too. Van to me seems like her family and partner would come first in her heart, and would love to spend time with everyone together.
𓇼 Super playful. Van would be the type to always tease, always joke. You wouldn't be able to count on two hands the amount of times she's shoved a bug in your face, or chased you around with a spider.
𓇼 (Always met with soft chuckles and apologies, your face attacked with remorseful kisses and holding you for hours. Until she does it again.)
𓇼 Van would be very, very touchy and affectionate. Quality time and physical touch are 100% her main love languages, along with teasing meaning this girl cannot keep her hands off you. An arm around your waist or shoulder when you're out with friends, holding hands as you weave through trees, even pinkies or feet touching under a table in class. She can't get enough of you.
𓇼 Basically, Van's best comparable to a loving little dog- always at your hip, your biggest fan. Any sports you play, hobbies you indulge in- she's there to encourage you.
𓇼 And when you reciprocate at her matches, cheering her on proudly from the bleachers? You've probably had her so distracted and giddy that she's missed a few balls whizzing into the goal beside her.
𓇼 She would take you celebrating after her wins, to your most common date spot (and Van's personal favorite), the cinema. With Van, you'd be there at least once a week. What can she say, two of her favorite things? You, and movies? A chance to geek out together? Why wouldn't she insist you go nearly each day after school?
𓇼 Although, I feel like Van could be a little oblivious and dismissive at times. After unknowingly receiving flirting from some other girl at a party or unknowingly saying something that could be perceived as flirting when she was drunk, Van might be quick to wave it off as an accident. This could spark fights between you two, but quickly after seeing how it affected you Van would be quick to apologise and come to.
𓇼 (May I add that in those scenarios, she 100% turns into a service top, as part of the apology of course. Anything to make her girl happy.)
𓇼 Taissa’s definitely a more mature and slow paced partner compared to some of the other Yellowjackets, like Natalie or Lottie. Your relationship would be a lot more domestic than them, too.
𓇼 Sure, you and Tai would still attend parties together, you would get to support her at her soccer matches and do all the usual teenage stuff together. However, dates where you just co-exist the way adult couples do would be a staple in your relationship. Cooking together, tagging along to run errands, lazy Sundays in are common when you’re with Tai.
𓇼 Your relationship would also be very academic, too. Study dates, talking for hours about what career you strive for and how awesome everything would be after graduation. Revising together made fun, taking an item of clothing off for each failed cue-card or only getting a kiss if you can correctly recall something.
𓇼 Tai wouldn’t be down for PDA at all. She’d definitely be the type to be affectionate behind closed doors only, not just out of embarrassment but in favour of keeping her romantic and public life seperate (a fact that holds true especially as she gets older).
𓇼 Tai’s communication and openness is a strong point in your relationship, but I feel conflicts could stem from the idea she wasn’t intending to stay with you long run. Tai’s grand plans to leave for university, have her share of lovers- she was never intending your relationship to last past high school.
𓇼 However, after whatever fights or even temporary breakup ensues, Tai would realise that you’re worth more to her than a high school romance and that she can really see herself with you in the long run.
𓇼 As long as you're with Lottie, you wouldn't lift a finger- let alone a credit card. She's got you covered.
𓇼 I feel like Lottie’s the type of partner to love just.. existing in the same vicinity as you. It majorly stems from her decent, but lonely childhood- parents always out of the house leaving Lottie by herself.
𓇼 But now that Lottie has you, any time she’s just at home alone- be it studying, training or just relaxing she’s always quick to call you over. Luckily for you two, you have all the privacy in the world alone in her large home to do whatever you please.
𓇼 Lottie’s primary love languages are 100% Gift giving, and quality time. Any time she’s out and sees some little trinket that reminds her of you, best believe she’s stealing buying it. On top of that, any chance to be near you Lottie takes. You’re running an errand? She’ll be there. Lottie’s heading to do some after school practice? You can come, and read a book on the bleachers or something. Just so you’re near. Just so you’re close.
𓇼 I feel like Lottie’s not too big on PDA, but doesn’t entirely hate it, either. Full on kissing or making out isn’t on the cards in your relationship, but linking fingers, holding hands or leaning against each-other is totally okay by her- whatever makes her girl happy. Another thing Lottie loves is sharing a headphone cord with you- or singing along loudly to music in her car. However, around her family Lottie would be colder and more reserved with her affection.
𓇼 Lottie wouldn’t necessarily flaunt your relationship like Jackie- but she wouldn’t be shy, either. If someone asks, they’d likely be met with a- ‘yeah, I’m with (y/n), she’s my girlfriend’, or something along those lines. She isn’t secretive about you by any means, just casual. Keeping you to herself. She wouldn’t be vocal about jealousy, either. Just clingy, or sad.
𓇼 I also have a feeling that since Lottie’s always had access to quality clothes, items and whatever else- having something with real sentimental value rather than monetary value would mean so much more to her than a regular gift. Little homemade keychains or a good luck charm is something I can totally see her carrying around with her, especially since it was made by you.
𓇼 Since all her meals were made by nannies, her room cleaned by maids, having you there to do all that with her really resonates deep inside Lottie’s heart. Having you there to teach her how to do the things she never had to learn- how to cook, wash her clothes, empty a vacuum- it means so much to her.
𓇼 I feel like Lottie can be a real tease, too. Cheeky banter back and forth similar to Natalie, except she’s better at expressing her love sincerely. It’s all situational with Lottie- teasing and cheeky, or tender and soft. No matter how she is, though- Lottie’s loyalty is made clear.
𓇼 Although, at times I think Lottie could grow distant and pull herself away from you when she’s overwhelmed, angry or tired. If you try and talk to her, she might get frustrated and say something she really didn’t mean- again, likely stemming from her family. However, once she’s cooled off, Lottie would do anything in her power to make it up to her partner.
𓇼 Little gifts, massages, fancy dates or just fucking you for hours- anything to pamper you, take care of you. On that note, Lottie’s totally a switch, but greater than that, a huge service top. She wants nothing more than to make you feel good, happy and safe.
𓇼 In terms of pet names, I feel like Lottie would steer away from the really corny and sappy ones, settling for a variant of your name or something simple like ‘love’ or ‘babe’. Study hangouts would also be really common between you two, and even more often than that just lounging around at her place or going to parties together.
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pjisskullourful · 4 months
K̲̅e̲̅e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅n̲̅g̲̅ S̲̅e̲̅c̲̅r̲̅e̲̅t̲̅s̲̅
🎀 Damiano × reader
NSFW 🔥 smutathon, adults doing adult stuff
° Damiano David/female reader insert
° you gotta know I need it, tired of losing by Keeping Secrets ||| things change between you & your longtime friend damiano when he makes a cheeky comment at a party, you cant help reading into it [based dec 2020, lets not talk about the pandemic]
wordcount::. 19,684
° commissioned by lore (@lifeofa-fangirl) 💋 i have thanked you profusely& i will continue to thank you. thanks for sticking with me through this extended process& for believing in me when i didnt believe for myself [commissions are temporarily closed]
° lyrics stolen from madison rose & kandy
° [ITA:] bella: pretty
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Shooting stars crash, crack and collide In the shadows we come alive Rub your skin on my skin to ignite Burn it down baby, let’s play with fire
“This guy!” Rachel exclaimed, instantly louder than what you had been saying to Damiano. “This is exactly the guy that I’ve been waiting to see.”
You had heard similar things said to him during the couple of hours since arriving at Taren’s Christmas party. You wondered if it was tiring for him, having so many people paying him attention and expecting it back. In the two years that you had known him, he had been gradually becoming more in demand, gaining more-and-more momentum with his band. The level of fame he had achieved had changed how people in your group of friends saw him. Not everyone, but enough that you had noticed.
The only thing that it had changed for you was how much time you got to spend with him - success meant a very full schedule. But he was still the same guy to you. He was the guy that you had almost shared a kiss with on four different occasions. He was the friend that loved superhero movies just as much as you, the two of you going to the cinema whenever something new came out. He was the one guaranteed to laugh at your jokes, when others seemed to not hear you.
Your little crush on him was your secret and to remain as such, because you couldn’t compromise the solid friendship that you had. Hours spent together laughing, unprompted text messages of support, all of those things were just as good as being his girlfriend - or so you told yourself.
You knew how to handle your friendship with him (you’d had a lot of time to practise that). A relationship was a swift way to surrender any control. And you needed control, you clung to it, because you saw how badly things went when you didn’t have it.
Before turning to the enthusiastic Rachel, he made a subtle gesture to you. Your shared code for put a pin in it. He wanted to hear the end of your rant about your job.
Rachel hugged each of you in turn, but it was only a one-arm embrace. Her other arm was occupied by a sizable plastic container, the contents concealed by wrapping paper. You exchanged the polite pleasantries.
“You were waiting to see me?” He asked.
“Rum balls.” She said concisely.
“What did she just call you?” You joked, seeing the confusion on his face. That was a feeling you were currently sharing.
She removed the lid from the container and held it out so you could each look inside. There was a collection of the brown and white bite-sized treats. You recognised them as something of a Christmas tradition, but you sensed there was more context eluding you.
But Damiano appeared to have figured out what was going on. “Right, rum balls.”
“Last year when I made them, he complained.” She started to explain to you. “He said I hadn’t used enough rum, so they weren’t rum balls, they were just ‘sweet balls’.”
You theatrically rolled your eyes. “You would say sweet balls, wouldn’t you? You’re always bringing balls up. And in public, too? Where’s your sense of decency?”
He played along, furrowing his brow. “Decen-... who?”
“Yeah, maybe there’s still time to add that to your wishlist for Santa.” You said.
“I called them sweet. I didn’t say they were gross, or anything.” He told her. “I was just expecting more of that rum flavour.”
She held the container closer to the two of you. “That’s why I did them differently this year. There’s definitely enough rum in these.”
Neither you nor he immediately moved to pick up one of the treats. It was a well-shared fact that Rachel wasn’t a good cook. Not due to lack of trying or ambition. But the little hobby she pursued more often than not produced results that didn’t taste as she hoped. She couldn’t get the heat of the oven perfect, or she had to substitute an ingredient with something not mentioned in the recipe. She always found a way to make chicken dry - no matter how she prepared it, or what she paired it with. At group dinners, her dish was usually the only one with leftovers.
But she always tried again. She took the good-natured teasing for what it was, proceeding forward with the goal of one day proving everyone wrong. Victoria played her ‘fussy eater’ card to avoid trying Rachel’s creations. But she could typically get some friends to eat the food out of pity.
“So, you found a new recipe to follow this year?” You asked, your hands kept at your sides as Damiano tentatively plucked one out.
“No, the same recipe. I just did my little alterations, working off of his constructive feedback.” She said, seemingly filled with optimism and pride.
Even though you were feeling uncertain, you knew that you didn’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings. You picked up a coconut-covered sphere as he was slowly raising his to his mouth.
“Mmn.” He was enthusing as soon as the dessert touched his tongue. He smiled as he began to chew. “It’s good.”
She perked up onto her tiptoes. “Better than last year?”
“Yeah, I think-...” His swallow was slow, almost as if it required extra effort. You hesitated from eating yours, watching as his eyes grew wide. “Oh, yep, there’s- there’s the rum. That’s more rum than last year, for sure.”
You were quickly understanding his choice of words, tasting rum, and then even more rum with every bite. You felt the texture of the shredded coconut, but you couldn’t taste its sweet flavour. Likewise the taste of the cocoa had been drowned out. The tang of the alcohol filled your mouth, overpowering to a degree you hadn’t been expecting.
It was like swallowing the contents of a shot glass - and you had never been a fan of shots. The dry flavour seemed to coat your throat. But you forced a smile onto your face, stifling your dislike of this taste as she looked for your reaction. She genuinely wanted to feel like she had done a good job and you couldn’t stand the thought of taking that from her.
“Ooh, yeah. That’s very rum-y. I think he’ll have to try harder to find something to complain about with these.” You said before suddenly spurting through some small coughs. You kept smiling as you reached for your glass of water. “Sorry, the coconut just tickled my throat a little.”
“Ray.” Taren said, getting her attention. “Come on, Keith is waiting to hear how terribly that mechanic ripped you off.”
“Right, let me-”
Before she could begin to turn away, Damiano surprised her (and you) as he grabbed for the container of rum balls. “Leave these here with us, will you? I don’t think I’m finished with just one and I’m lazy so I want them closeby.”
“Yeah, I was definitely planning on having more.” You lied.
She relented, transferring the food to his hands. She appeared pleased as she walked away with Taren, heading to a different area of the expansive house. You greedily gulped down more water, wanting to rinse the taste from your mouth. He quit smiling as Rachel left from your current view.
“What’s your plan, dude?” You asked. “Because I have no intentions of helping you eat those. I already feel like I’m over the legal limit, and that’s from one.”
He wasn’t eating more as he turned to you. “I had to do something to keep her from inflicting these on anybody else. And what if she offered them to someone more blunt than us? That could ruin the whole party for her- that’s not really in the spirit of the happiest season.”
This was one of the qualities that made Damiano a great friend: he wanted everyone to get a win. He was always there when somebody needed a cheerleader, boosting them and encouraging them forward so passionately.
“You’re very sweet.” You said.
“As sweet as balls?” He asked with one of his trademark mischievous grins.
You acted as if you hadn’t heard his joke, or noticed how handsome his smile was. “But you’re not gonna get me to eat those.”
“I think I could.” He said. “Come with me for a second.”
You didn’t resist, even though you had no idea what he was leading you to. It could result in trouble, his plans had ended that way more than once.
He carried the dessert with him, heading inside from the patio. You followed along, taken into the spacious basement. This was set up as something of a game room: featuring an air hockey table, a dart board and a large TV with various gaming consoles hooked up to it. There were some people relaxing in this area, but he didn’t stop to chat with any of them, he was set on his mission.
He walked directly over to the air hockey table, which wasn’t currently in use. He spun around, allowing you to see the smile still fixed on his face. He wasn’t distracted in the slightest, his eyes completely focused on you, which brought up the beginnings of feelings you didn’t want to address.
“Beat me and you don’t have to eat any others.” He said. “But if I win-... well, maybe you don’t wanna think about that.”
“And what if I just don’t agree to play?” You asked.
His smile didn’t slip, he didn’t see this as a true threat to his plan. “Oh, you mean if you forfeit? Well, I suppose I would just leave the rum balls here and hope someone else feels like being a good friend to Rachel…”
He was banking on your competitive side being activated. He had seen on countless occasions how much you loved to win at any kind of game or contest. He knew how difficult you found it to walk away if there was a slight chance that you could win, and he was exploiting this.
And you were letting it happen, wearing a smile to match his. Because who else were you going to hang out with? There were no other friends that you would prefer to spend time with. You knew that the best fun of the night would come from him and you weren’t done soaking up his company.
“Alright. The winner gets the most points out of seven games?” You said, going over to one end of the table.
He set the rum balls down closeby, then took up his position at the other end. “Uh-huh.”
You turned the table on, activating the miniscule air vents that covered the surface. The puck was placed inside of the painted circle, the middle point of the rectangular table’s length. You each collected your circular paddles, which weren’t much bigger than the palm of your hand.
“Ladies first.” He offered and you acted quickly, hoping to catch him off-guard. But this didn’t work out, with him ready to send the puck flying your way before it could get too close to the goal.
You kept going, striking the puck from different angles. You hit it so hard that it flew across the table at an impressive speed. It moved too fast for him, slipping past his paddle and into the little recess that served as your goal.
“Ladies first indeed.” You boasted, wearing a bigger smile now.
You almost forgot about everyone else in the room as you focused so intently on the game. You couldn’t look away for a second. Your mind rushed to come up with tactics, needing to come up with the key to winning.
And you succeeded - earning six goals to his singular point. You did a little happy dance while he accepted his defeat, that spectacular smile leaving his face. He ate another rum ball and with Rachel out of the room, he didn’t fake any part of his reaction. Instantly he grimaced, seeming to labour through each bite. He shut his eyes as he swallowed, all of the joy gone from his expression.
“Bloody Hell, I’m not sure that she left any rum for the rest of the world. It’s all in those little disasters.” He said.
“Why did you say they needed more rum?” You asked.
“Because that was the only thing I could think of to tell her. And I thought she would add an extra teaspoon or something, not an extra ten litres.” He said.
“Well those ten litres are all for you, my friend. Because I’m just getting started on my winning streak.” You said.
He stepped up to the table’s edge, wrapping his fingers around the paddle’s handle again. “We’ll see about that.”
You won the next set of games as well, feeling your cockiness swelling up, even though he had improved, gaining three points this time. His suffering added to your victory and you let yourself get carried away with it, laughing with the malice of a Disney villain. He scrunched his face up even more, adding extra drama to his reaction to this serving of the dessert.
The trash talking started with the next round, each of you enjoying getting invested in this contest. You gleefully teased one another, your words selected to get laughs, not to incite any actual hurt. This became a playful contest, each of you trying to find the most outrageous thing to say. You mangled one another’s names, adding extra syllables so the word loser could be incorporated. There were times when you were too distracted by laughing that he could sneak the puck past you, scoring more than a few points this way.
The teasing only got louder after Ethan had followed through on his offer of getting each of you drinks. This was your third glass of alcoholic eggnog tonight and you were enjoying the buzz you had developed. You didn’t often drink, but when you did you liked the fun-loving side it brought out of you. You got looser, forgetting about those responsibilities that plagued your days.
It didn’t take long for the eggnog to disappear. You used its far superior taste to rinse your mouth after losing and being forced to consume more of the rum balls.
Their intense flavour wasn’t getting any more appealing. So you concentrated harder after every loss. You began trying to fake him out, moving like you were going to hit the puck from the right, only to actually strike from the left. But this only worked a couple of times, the rest he could easily block.
“That’s, like, the third time you’ve done that.” He noted when you came in too strong with your paddle, sending the puck into a momentum that launched it over the raised frame of the table. “You’re getting too aggressive.”
“Boo-hoo. I lose that point every time it happens, so it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. It just happens.” You said, leaving collecting the puck from the floor up to him.
“I don’t know if losing the point is doing enough to discourage you, maybe we need a harsher penalty.” He said as he returned the puck to its starting point.
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at him. “Like what?”
“You hit it off the table and you lose the point, but you’ve also gotta eat a rum ball.” He said.
“What? That’s a bit of overkill, don’t you think?” You responded.
He smiled as he pushed the cuffs of his long-sleeved shirt further up his forearms. “Don’t knock it off the table and it won’t be your problem.” You rolled your eyes as he grabbed the top of his paddle, returning to his less-relaxed stance. “Alright, we’re at a draw of three points each and it’s my serve.”
You gripped your paddle tightly, not thinking of any funny things to say as you clenched your jaw. He hit the puck in your direction and you tapped it back, not following through with all of your power. He moved to the right, ready to knock it away from his goal. It zipped across the table, quicker than before. You were getting into position, anticipating where it would travel to after ricocheting off the side.
But its speed continued, launching the disc over the frame and onto the ground. Instantly you started to laugh, especially tickled by the way his face fell. He was silent as he grabbed the puck from the ground, then he went to the container of Rachel’s dessert.
“Don’t knock it over the side and it won’t be your problem.” You quoted him, deepening your voice in your effort to imitate him.
He frowned as he ate another rum ball, apparently he was struggling just as much as you were to find anything to like about them. He dusted the excess shredded coconut off of his hands before walking back over to the table.
“Hang on. Aren’t you forgetting something here, dude?” You brought up, successfully getting him to pause. “That’s a point to me, four to three- you lose this round. You have to eat another one.”
He complied without any enthusiasm, but you were grinning the whole time. He popped a rum ball into his mouth, chewing it unhappily. He visibly shuddered as he swallowed it, poking his tongue out to further express his distaste.
He had a couple of mouthfuls of water as he returned to his position opposite you. “Alright, get ready to pay for that.”
“Ooo, I’m so scared.” You mocked. “My serve.”
You proceeded through more rounds, wins shared mostly evenly between the two of you. From time-to-time different people came over to watch, Victoria was very excited over the prospect of him losing. Rachel didn’t appear in the room, allowing you to keep torturing one another with her food.
“I think we should call time.” You said before a new round could begin - even though you weren’t sure how long you had spent playing. Time could behave strangely when you were around Damiano. Hours could pass under the guise of minutes, leaving you feeling like you needed more.
“Aw, do you need a break from getting beaten?” He mocked. This façade was immediately dropped. “Actually, I was so close to suggesting that myself. I don’t think I can physically eat one more.”
You looked into the container, your hands held behind your back as you surveyed what remained inside. “We ate at least half- maybe more. She’s got to be pleased with that. I would say we were way more generous than just having a pity nibble.”
“Yeah, but at what cost to ourselves?” He asked, overly solemn.
You agreed that some fresh air was necessary. You could feel how ruddy your cheeks were as you stepped back onto the patio. You considered whether your current state could be categorised as tipsy. You sat down on one of the padded benches, but he didn’t join you.
“I’m gonna get us some water.” He said and you were quickly nodding along to show your support. “And some kind of something to eat to soak up the rum- a bit of it.”
As he was leaving through the door, he passed by Thomas, the guitarist walking in the opposite direction. He came over to where you were sitting on your own, greeting you with a smile.
“Hey, I feel like I’ve barely seen you tonight. Where have you been hiding?” He asked.
“Oh, I was with Damiano.” You said and the way his eyebrows jumped up couldn’t go unnoticed. “We were playing air hockey.”
“Is that what we’re calling it these-days?” He asked, lightly nudging your side with his elbow.
“What? We really were.” You defended, your voice getting a little louder as discomfort trickled in.
“Are you sure? Are you sure that you didn’t meet under the mistletoe, and that’s why you were missing for hours, and why your face is all flushed?”
You didn’t know how to handle your friend’s scepticism at first. “Is there mistletoe? I haven’t seen it.”
“Nice deflection.” He said, still wearing that sly smile.
“I promise you that we were just playing air hockey.” You told him sincerely. “Ask Ethan, he saw us.” Unfortunately for you, the drummer was nowhere in sight. “Or if you wait for, like, a minute, you can ask Damiano himself when he gets back.”
“It’s okay, I’m not genuinely going to call you a liar.” Thomas said, trying a different approach. “I just wouldn’t be surprised if you guys did sneak off to be alone.”
“Really, why?” You asked.
“Sometimes there’s a vibe between the two of you.” He said.
You furrowed your brow - was your secret crush on Damiano a lot less secret than you were aware of? “A vibe between us? What kind of vibe?”
Thomas shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, a vibe.” Him adding extra emphasis didn’t help you gain any clarity.
“A vibe? Oh good, I was worried you would be vague about it.” You sarcastically quipped.
You didn’t get the chance to get any more information out of him. Instead you were swiftly trying to act inconspicuous as Damiano made his return.
“You’re going to be really happy with me, dude.” He told you, both of his hands were very full. “I found a little stash of dinner rolls for us.”
“Is that to help you get your energy back after all of that air hockey?” Thomas asked, apparently not done with stirring the pot.
“Oh, she was bragging about all of her victories while I was gone, was she?” Damiano asked.
“No.” Thomas said, turning to look at you. “Did you beat him?”
You smirked after being handed a cup of water and a few small bread rolls. “Of course I did.”
“We were pretty even. It’s not like you were wiping the floor with me.” Damiano defended.
“You take my seat, man. I’m gonna go see if I can find that mistletoe.” Thomas said, standing up.
“Mistletoe?” Damiano repeated. “Who do you need that for?”
Thomas patted him on the shoulder. “Maybe I’ll hang it above my ass, just for you.”
Damiano grinned. “Hell yeah, I was hoping I would get lucky at this party.”
Instead of responding with another joke, Thomas just shot a look in your direction. You thought the smile on his face was saying more. 
But he didn’t cause any trouble for you, waving as he departed. Damiano sat down next to you, apparently oblivious as he bit into a bread roll.
“Thanks for getting the food.” You said after having a gulp of water.
“You’re welcome.” He replied casually. “You know you only got so many wins because you kept topping the puck, right?”
You knew what he was referring to, using the flat bottom of a paddle on top of the puck to halt it, gaining control of its momentum. But you didn’t know why he was bringing it up.
“I was not.” You said.
“Dude, you were.” He said.
“If I was doing that- if- why didn’t you call it out when I was supposedly doing it?” You asked. “I never topped, and you can ask all my exes, they will confirm that fact.”
The words had slipped out of your mouth. Your cheeks immediately filled with a hot blush as you mentally scolded yourself for your lack of impulse control. You blamed the alcohol in your system as you covered your mouth with your fingers. You wished you hadn’t said it, and you didn’t know how to play it off.
His eyes lit up. “Oh, is that how it is?”
You began shaking your head. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“What? Why? It’s not like I’m judging you for your position preferences.” He said.
This didn’t help you to stop blushing. Was he thinking about it, or picturing it in any way? You didn’t know what you wanted the answer to be and you were finding it difficult to meet his eye.
“Thanks. It would be pretty awkward if you unfriended me just because I'm a bottom.” You said, finding a way to joke through this.
He laughed. “As if.” You dared to look up at him again. “The reason I'm gonna unfriend you is for you topping the puck.”
“I was not!” You burst out, your indignation making him laugh more. “If you saw it, you should have said something.”
“I'll have to remember it for next time we play.” He said, his laughter stopping. “Oh, I’m an asshole. I totally forgot that you were in the middle of telling me about that friction at work, with what’s-her-name.” He said. “That’s my bad, dude. Did you wanna tell me more about that, her being overbearing as Hell?”
Sumia seemed like a safe topic to move onto - you could get back to how you had been communicating earlier, when you had been at ease, your feelings seemed less unavoidable then.
And your co-worker gave you a lot to vent about.
“I don’t know how much more patience I have for her and her telling me how to manage my team.” You said.
“Why does she think she’s your supervisor?” He asked.
“Beats me. Supervisors make more money, so maybe that’s what she’s angling for.” You said. “It’s like she’s trying to prove that she can do that job, by supposedly helping improve how the lab runs. But there’s no indication that the boss has that kind of promotion to give.”
He had finished eating, crossing one leg over the other towards you. He rested his elbow on the top knee and then held his chin in his hand as he listened to you. “Maybe she’s into manifestation.”
“Maybe she’s a jerk.” You said, grateful when he let this pass without pointing out the immaturity of trying to make this part of your argument. “She’s a shadow, a really terrible shadow. It’s like she’s always waiting for me to slip up. Instead of doing her actual job, she watches for me to do something that she doesn’t agree with slightly, so she can run off and tell everyone I’ve been naughty or something.”
“Well I hope she’s not in touch with Santa.” He said, surprising you out of your train of thought. You cocked your head to the side as you looked at him, too perplexed to speak. “‘Cause naughty girls get punished by Santa, you know.”
The image surged into your mind - too fast and too powerful for you to fend off. Your friend wearing only a Santa hat, calling you naughty. The word punish posed so many possibilities and your mind wanted to explore them, your heart already racing just as your thoughts were.
Your eyes had grown wide and you could feel the revealing blush in your cheeks again. It felt like your mouth was stuck shut as you willed this increasingly-detailed fantasy from your brain.
You didn’t have to be speaking to give him a response he wanted to observe. His eyes remained on your face, watching the changes in your expression - which were beyond your control. A smile was beginning on his mouth as you were scrambling to keep yourself together.
“This isn’t the reaction I was expecting. You’re looking a little shocked.” He said.
“Am I?” You asked and an attempt at clearing your throat brought on some coughing.
“Yeah, why are you acting like this is brand new information?” He asked.
You looked down at your lap, finding the napkin your bread rolls had been resting on was clear, you couldn’t use your food as a distraction. “I’m not trying to act that way.”
“Okay.” He said and when you looked up again, it was to find that he was still wearing his amused smile.
You feared what he might say if you asked what he was smiling about. You wanted to know, but you feared the change it could bring.
You were trying to recall a normal way to act. Maybe you could have found the right thing to say - 
- if not for Rachel serving as an interruption, again.
“You guys, oh my God, you ate so many.” She said as she rushed over to where the two of you were sitting. She carried the container and wore a broad smile. “Someone said you were eating them the whole time you were playing air hockey.”
Now that the focus had shifted, you found that your ability to speak normally had mostly returned. You had to protect Rachel’s feelings, and you had to make sure that eating all of those rum balls hadn’t been for nothing. “Did they say anything else?”
“Like what?” She asked, proving how oblivious she was, which ushered in some of the relief that you needed.
Before she could read too much into your question, he was distracting her with compliments - tapping into that charm he had a seemingly endless supply of. “Of course we ate so many, they’re great. I don’t know about her, but it was hard to stop once I started eating them. Maybe all that extra rum made them addictive.”
You nodded along to what he was saying and it was clear that she was buying it as she went on smiling brightly, standing with her shoulders pushed back. The dishonesty was giving her a boost in confidence - could it be such a bad thing?
“I feel a little bad that we had so many before anyone else could really have a chance to try them.” As he spoke, the movement of Thomas coming back onto the patio caught your eye.
“No, I think there’s still enough left.” She said.
“Hey Ray.” He greeted, standing beside her.
She swung her body to face him, presenting him with the selection of dessert she still had. “Hi, have a rum ball?”
“Oh, nice.” He said, his optimism surprising you. Did he think she had purchased them, instead of making them? “I was hoping someone would bring these.”
Damiano grabbed your wrist, each of you watching carefully as Thomas picked out one of the rum balls. There was no way to guess how he would react - he had always been a wild card like that.
He began to eat and it appeared there were no issues. He didn’t wince or frown at all.
“Mmm.” He hummed as he swallowed it down. “That’s good, it isn’t too sweet.”
“That’s exactly what I was going for.” She said, briefly showing Damiano a favourable smile.
Thomas wasn’t dropping the act. Was his poker face stronger than you had realised? He took another of the small spheres, happily eating this as well, not needing to be pressured into doing it.
At the same time, you and Damiano looked at each other. You could already tell that he was thinking the same as you - your unpleasant efforts hadn’t needed to be undertaken at all. While you had been groaning through every mouthful, Thomas would have enjoyed eating Rachel’s dessert, fulfilling her desire to have her cooking validated.
You started laughing first, feeling foolish but not embarrassed. As Damiano continued to look at you, he joined you in fits of laughter. That sense of obligation towards Rachel was evaporating and you kept laughing as even more relief took its place. His hand went from your wrist, now holding your hand. You were united in finding this unexpected outcome ridiculous.
“What are you two laughing about? What could possibly be this funny?” Rachel asked.
“Oh, you know what they’re like, always up to something, that’s their vibe.” Thomas said.
As you tried to get your laughter under control, you shot a glare in Thomas’ direction. But it seemed that Damiano had missed the statement and its potential subtext, he was too busy giggling to notice.
The other two left after a moment and his continued snickering made you want to start up again.
“Dude.” He said through a gasp for air.
“We literally didn’t need to do that, any of it.” You said, smiling as you shook your head. “I’m gonna have rum in my system for weeks. And the whole time, Tom would have eaten them and spared Rachel from heartbreak.”
He was still laughing. “Her Christmas spirit didn’t need us to save it.”
“We are so dumb.”
You properly noticed that he was still holding your hand and you looked at how your fingers fit perfectly with his. He had held your hand before (squeezing through crowded clubs and not wanting to lose track of each other, amongst other instances). You told yourself that this shouldn’t feel any more significant than the other times it had happened. You rejected your own inclination that this was a ‘couple-y’ thing to do.
But you missed his hand in yours as soon as he took it away. He used his fingers to wipe beneath his eyes as he steadily brought his laughter to an end. “That’s my bad, I should have remembered that he eats absolutely anything.”
“Yeah, I thought you guys were supposed to be brothers.” You said.
He looked you in the eye, he had quit laughing, but he was still smiling. “That’s definitely naughty girl behaviour.”
You stared back at him, denying the insistent imagery your mind was all too ready to produce. “What, what are you talking about?” Once again you were trapped under that gaze that seemed to see too much.
“Lying, only naughty girls lie.” He said.
You knew that the way you were holding yourself together would disintegrate further if he said more words. “Can we drop this?”
He playfully pushed you a little further. “Why, do you not like being called that?”
You kept your lips firmly pressed together. You didn’t know what to say, you couldn’t risk slipping up. It was the opposite of not liking him calling you a naughty girl, but you didn’t know how to make sense of that for yourself. There was no way you could explain it to him.
The teasing smile fixed to his face made you squirm. It differed to the typical way you would make fun of each other. A thought occurred to you - if you kissed him you wouldn’t have to see that smile anymore, you could get a break from its disarming effects.
This situation had shifted and you could feel the control you used to protect yourself under threat. And you weren’t ready to be without it, regardless of how appealing and handsome he was.
You had to fight yourself, and your urges, back, the effort feeling almost physical. But you did it, producing distance between the two of you by getting to your feet.
“I’m gonna go and see if I can find some pudding. I would like to get to the part of this night where I’m eating a dessert I don’t have to pretend to enjoy.” You said. “I’ll see you later, dude.”
“See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.” He said, showing no signs of hurt feelings.
You didn’t hesitate to walk back inside, you needed space and time. You knew that you and your friend could get back to normal before too long. But for the moment you needed solitude, time for the ripples he had created to die out.
*** *** ***
 Hey dude. Are you home? I kinda have a favour to ask…
This wasn’t the first time you were hearing from Damiano in the week since the Christmas party. The way you had been communicating could be characterised as normal, the word naughty hadn’t been used once.
But that didn’t mean you had stopped thinking about it. When your brain wasn’t actively engaged with something (work, Pilates), it wandered and a fantasy was unfolding. In your mind’s eye you saw a Santa hat as the concept of punishment produced many ideas. Would it be spanking? Would it be restraints on your body? Would it be more telling you how bad you were?
Your ventures into rough play had been short. Previous partners had treated it as a brief aspect of foreplay, doing as much as it took to turn them on before progressing to the ‘main event’. How much you wanted was usually ignored, but your people-pleasing tendencies kept you from voicing any complaints.
As you imagined going further than you had before, you willed a different face to appear under the Santa hat. You didn’t want it to be your friend. You tried to replace him with Harry Styles, or other celebrities you found sexy. Or a guy that you had gotten a crush on in the four months that you had worked together - what was his name?
But Damiano’s visage always returned to claim ownership of this role. There was a vast catalogue of memories that could be called upon to create a very clear image. You had gone swimming together countless times, you were familiar with what he looked like in nothing but a Speedo. Maybe other people at these group activities didn’t pay as much attention to his body as you did. But you always found something to like.
The fantasy always stirred something deep in your gut. You didn’t hate it, but you didn’t want it in your brain. It could compromise what you had and enjoyed.
You hoped for it to be a phase. It was like getting a song stuck in your head, it couldn’t stay on a loop forever. Sooner or later, your mind would move onto the next.
For now you were doing everything in your power to act normally with him. Surely the actions would impact your mental state, taking you back to a place of feeling normal (and in control).
Tell me what the favour is first. Maybe I’m not sure if I’m home yet.
You considered the words before hitting the send icon. Typically you gave messages a pre-send proofread to make sure there were no embarrassing spelling errors.
This was different: you were checking for anything that could be misconstrued or turned into innuendo. You had to conceal the swirl in your mind, picking up the implications that came with him reaching out to you so late at night. Why was he thinking about you past 11PM? Was it too much of a stretch to think he might be having difficulty falling asleep in a way that was linked to you? All of these theories had to be kept to yourself.
Haha. I’ll see you in about 20. He responded.
You stared at the screen of your mobile phone, feeling like you were on the way to becoming out of your depth. Hold up! You still haven’t told me what the favour is yet.
There was a brief pause (time for you to squirm on your sofa and tap your fingernails on the phone’s case) before you received his next message. I ran out of wrapping paper. None of the stores are open this late. & I’m driving to see my family tomorrow afternoon.
Running out of wrapping paper on Christmas Eve sounded like a stressful situation to be stranded in. It wasn’t a problem for you to worry about - you had packaged up your final purchase earlier in the week. You were the perfect person to rescue him and he was especially grateful when you confirmed that you could help him out.
From the highest platform of his cat tree, Iggy watched you sit up on the couch. You halted the renovation show that you had been watching, now motivated to get to your feet.
With the purpose of his visit so obviously platonic, it would have been odd to try to impress him, too much effort put into your appearance would be a waste. But you didn’t want to look like crap either. You went into the bathroom because brushing your teeth seemed like the best place to start. As you did this, you considered your reflection. The pyjamas you were wearing weren’t covered in any kind of embarrassing print and the robe you wore didn’t have gross stains on it.
You looked casual and comfortable. This wouldn’t be the first time he had seen you in your pyjamas. They were hardly glamorous or sexy, but they were you: the friend that he knew he could rely on.
After brushing your hair, you gathered the supplies he would need to get the gifts ready for his family. You placed all of this on the coffee table.
Instead of sitting on the sofa to await his arrival, you headed in the direction of your bedroom. You had just decided that putting a bra on was a good idea.
Suddenly Iggy was done with his lazing about. Your cat went sprinting past you, needing to get to the bedroom before you, for some unknown reason.
He had just disappeared out of your sight when you heard a knocking on the door. You would have to face Damiano without a bra, as your cat maintained his anti-social way of life.
You opened the door and couldn’t help laughing at what you found waiting for you. Damiano was dressed up - wearing an elf costume, complete with a hat and a green shirt that had a bright red collar. In one hand he carried a large fabric sack, it seemed a bit extra to transport his family’s gifts like this. But maybe he was this level of dedicated to the joke.
He smiled, seeming pleased with your reaction. “Are you going to let me in, or just stand there laughing at me?”
You moved to the side, still laughing as he came inside. “I’m sorry, but seriously, what are you wearing? Did you guys have some kind of themed Christmas show? Because I do not remember you mentioning that.” There was a bell at the tip of his green hat and it made a merry little sound with every step he took. “Or is this a service that you provide to the community every year? You put this costume on and you go door-to-door spreading the festive spirit?”
Once he had reached the lounge room, he stopped walking, turning to face you and you could see he was still smiling. “No, you’re the only one I’m seeing.”
“Okay. Well, can the elf wrap the presents himself? Or was he expecting me to help ‘cause I’m good with ribbons?” You asked.
“I lied about needing wrapping paper.” He said.
“Huh? Why would you do that?” You asked, more confused than upset by the deception.
“It was the only excuse I could come up with to come and see you. I needed to see you.” He said, his tone more serious than you had been expecting of a man dressed in a novelty T-shirt.
“What on Earth is going on?” You asked. You were trying to pick up clues from his expression, but you weren’t sure you had seen him like this before.
“Okay. So, part of this thing is that I wanted to give you a good laugh. I know how stressful your job has been lately and I know that you’ll be spending Christmas alone.” He said and it was flattering to know how well he listened to you, even when you were just talking about your parents going to England to spend the holiday with your little sister. “I figured you could use a little extra merriment, from an external source. And it seems like I accomplished that, awesome.”
“Yeah, you have.” You said. “What’s the other part to this?”
He paused to set the sack down on the floor and take a deep breath. “Don’t feel any pressure to respond in a certain way. I’m gonna be honest with you and I just want you to be honest back.”
“Okay.” You said - you were too confused to joke with him in any way. Your brain was so preoccupied that you had stopped noticing the silly hat and shirt.
“I want you.” He said.
The monumental statement wasn’t followed up by any laughter, keeping the sincerity present.
“I don’t mean to surprise you with this. But it kind of surprised me.” He said, happy to fill the silence as you remained too stunned to speak. “It started at the Christmas party-... well, maybe that’s not fully true. I guess I’ve thought about you, us, a couple of times. But it changed, it got more serious after the party.
“I was genuinely joking with that naughty girl stuff, ‘cause that’s what we do, lightening the mood and all that. But the way you reacted… I would have to be blind to not see that. You were having thoughts about it that went beyond a joke, maybe feelings, too.
“A lot of people think you’re shy, I’ve seen new people come into the group with that perception of you. And by extension of that, you seem innocent.” He said. “But I don’t think you’re what you appear to be. Your reaction makes me think that you like being called names and you like being put in your place, in a very un-innocent way.
“And thinking about you like that you got me all worked up. And I’ve barely been able to get it out of my head. So I thought we could bring our ideas of what Santa would do with a naughty girl together, and see what we like best.” He said and he picked up the sack, bringing it to sit in front of his feet. “I have my bag of tricks and I have a role that you could play, if you’re interested…”
He paused, looking down as he drew in a deep breath. “And if you’re not… I completely respect that. I will just go away, I might hit up Rachel’s place on the way home and see if she has any rum that she can share, so then I can drink this embarrassing moment out of my brain.”
“She’s not gonna have it. There isn’t a single drop left anywhere in Italy because she used it all.” You said, smiling. “They’re rushing to import more from the West Indies, but that would take a couple of weeks to get here.”
He met your gaze again, smiling as well. You supposed that he was waiting for you to say something. 
You powered through the trepidation, endeavouring to meet him in the middle. You had to act on your feelings, denying them hadn’t gotten you anything good.
You walked the short distance that separated the two of you. The way he was looking at you added to the certainty you felt, able to combat the nerves. You were filled with adrenaline and the concept of stopping didn’t feel possible.
You placed yourself directly in front of him. You stepped over the sack with one foot as you raised both of your hands to his face. You cradled his cheeks in your hands, wondering if you had ever before been able to truly appreciate all of the beautiful features of his face at the same time like this. He was familiar, but changed enough to provide new excitement.
You expressed these different feelings by kissing him. And putting your lips to his felt immediately good, not that level of awkwardness a first kiss could hold. You weren’t making adjustments, nothing needed to be changed.
After a moment (perhaps giving you a window of time to change your mind and back out of this whole thing) he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your heart was fluttering as you tasted more-and-more of his top lip, the pleasing scent of his cologne adding to this. One of your hands travelled up, moving into his soft hair, enjoying what wasn’t trapped under the obnoxious hat.
You parted very slightly, your nose still resting against his as you tried to somewhat catch your breath. “Naughty girls get punished by Santa.” You said, not needing to pause to recall these words that had been ever-present in your mind since first hearing him say it.
“That’s right.” He said.
“Then how come you’re dressed as an elf?” You asked, teasing.
He laughed lightly, which you joined in on. “This was what I had at home. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind.”
“You’re right, I don’t.” You said. “I don’t see it bothering me for long. Everything’s gonna come off of your body soon.”
He was grinning. “Are we-... do you really wanna do this?”
You caressed his cheek. “Yes, I’ve hardly been able to stop thinking about it too. But this isn’t the only time I’ve thought about you like this. Not to sound like a high schooler, but I’ve got a crush on you.”
“And you never told me?” He asked, the tips of his fingers playing at the spot under your chin. “Keeping secrets is more naughty girl behaviour.”
“It sounds like there’s a lot of things you could punish me over.” You said, the adrenaline keeping you from being too shy to say something like this. You could inhabit this character and speak your truth without overthinking every single word.
“Have you ever been punished before?” He asked, his tone less flirty.
“No, but I wanna be.” You said.
He gave you a brief kiss before taking a small step back. “We need to start with boundaries because I don’t wanna do anything that interrupts your fun. I’m not going to do this with you unless we do it the right way.” You nodded along, even though you didn’t fully understand what was expected of you yet. “Do you have any strict no’s?”
You couldn’t help feeling a little intimidated. Usually it took a few dates for you to get into this kind of kinky conversation, but you had only kissed this guy a couple of times.
“Uhm, I'm not a big fan of anal. If this is something you’re into, I’m sorry, but I don’t like calling people Daddy…”
“That’s totally fine.” He said. “Do you have a safe word?”
“Well, have a think about it.” He said. “I don’t mean to make it sound intimidating. If there’s something you don’t want to do, you just have to tell me.”
You made an attempt at looking more confident, pushing your shoulders back slightly. “I’m not intimi-...” He compelled you back towards honesty without any words, a glance was all it took. “I’ll let you know.” In his silence, you noticed how the smile on his face was growing. “What, why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something funny?”
“No, there’s nothing funny. You’re just really adorable right now.” He said. “And I’m not used to seeing you like this. I like watching you squirm, it’s not how you usually act around me and it’s not just so fucking cute. It also gives me inspiration, it makes me want to do other things to see what else makes you squirm.”
“I’m squirming?” You asked, all of these movements had been happening involuntarily, they didn’t feel significant to you.
He had walked over closer to you again. “Yes and I’m getting a little obsessed with it.”
“I bet you could show me all new ways to squirm.” You said.
“Only if you're a good girl…”
You were smiling as he put his fingers under your chin, guiding you to tilt your head back so he could capture your mouth with a kiss. There was safety and excitement in the way he wrapped his arms around you. You didn’t resist this rush for one second, letting your lips part at the first touch of his tongue because you wanted to indulge deeper.
Before you could find that perfect rhythm with him, he was bringing the kiss to a gentle end. You waited to feel his lips again as his breath continued to caress your face.
When you opened your eyes, you found that he wasn’t moving in for another kiss. Instead he was carefully studying your face, seemingly unwilling to overlook a single feature. For the first time in your life, you felt like you understood what it meant to be admired.
“I'm more turned on than intimidated.” You wanted to clarify.
“And I intend to keep it like that.” He said as he smiled. “Do you wanna go into the bedroom?”
“Uh-huh, I really want to.”
He picked up the holiday-themed bag and you began down the short hallway.
The epiphany came to you as you were walking and you immediately spun around, needing to share the thought.
“Grinch.” You stated.
He stared at you, waiting for it to be his turn to talk. “I’m gonna need some sliver of context before I can get to be as happy about this word as you are.”
“What if we make Grinch the safe word?” You asked. “Or is that a bit too obvious and uninspired?”
“Of course we can use that. Good work, baby.” He said.
The way that he sounded so pleased added an extra spring in your step as you continued toward the bedroom. Earning his approval was having an effect on you.
And you definitely liked the sound of him calling you baby. It was so different from the way he would usually address you, joking as he called you dude. This rolled off his tongue giving you some intriguing feelings, which you didn’t feel compelled to run from. Your old reactions wouldn’t suffice in this brand new scenario.
Once you were standing in the illuminated bedroom you turned to face him, and he was instantly upon you. It seemed that none of the toys he had brought were breakable, with him paying no attention to how the sack landed after he had tossed it in the direction of your bed. You were more than willing to be distracted from this, getting swept up in more of his exciting kisses. He put his hands to either side of your face, holding you in exactly the place he wanted. You wrapped your arms around his middle, feeling the acceleration past the point of no return - you could not walk it back from here. 
You savoured how it felt to explore beyond the typical with him. His lips left yours, travelling downwards. As he continued gracing your skin with kisses, he tilted his head and the bell attached to his hat jingled. It was almost funny how out of place it was, failing to add anything to the established mood.
But you didn’t want to laugh and you didn’t want to hear anymore of it. You grabbed for the cap’s tail, the bell ringing again as you pulled the hat off of his head. His mouth was discovering your neck as you tossed the accessory away, hearing the jingle for the last time. Your hands moved into his hair, the soft strands gliding between your fingers. His slow kisses moved across more of your neck. You wondered if he would leave marks, they would be exciting to wear.
He paused before getting too much lower. “I can’t get to any of the fun bits, you’re so bundled-up.”
You scoffed. “It’s winter and it’s nighttime. What were you expecting, should I be lying around my apartment in lacy lingerie and high heels?”
“Thank you.”
“You should be lying around in absolutely nothing.” He said.
“I guess that I’m gonna be the first present you unwrap this year.” You said.
He smiled and returned his lips to yours. But the distraction of getting you out of your clothes soon took priority. You saw the enthusiasm on his face as he undid the tie of your fuzzy bathrobe. He didn’t take his time, moving consistently quickly to remove your layered comfortable clothing.
Your skin formed goosebumps as you became more exposed. But this wasn’t in response to the low temperature that had seen you grab for so much covering. This was the anticipation, which was also keeping a blush in your cheeks.
You didn’t feel judged as his eyes took in all of the details of your naked body. You knew that your safety with him wasn’t at risk.
He began to experience your body beyond sight, and the touch of his hands brought to your attention just how sensitive you were. A caress to the small of your back brought warmth into your gut. The way he gave your hip an affectionate squeeze made you notice a tremble in your knees.
For the moment you had entirely forgotten about his sack, you definitely weren’t trying to guess at which sex toys were inside. You were feeling like a toy yourself, being played with. He was gently exploring you, getting a hint of your features that lay beneath the surface. 
His fingers continued to trail all over your bare skin and you saw the tantalising sparkle in his eyes before he gave you some more kisses. You wrapped your arms around his middle, low enough that you could slip your hands under the hem of his festively foolish shirt. Now it was your turn for fingers to trail as you appreciated his skin differently to ever before.
You followed your inclination to experience more of this, aware of your greed rising. One of your hands travelled up his back, while the other pulled the hem up because you were wondering how it would feel to have your bare skin pressed against his. It was a very inviting idea and you continued to gradually raise the bottom of his shirt.
His fingers caressed your cheeks as the kiss reached a gradual conclusion. “Are you feeling a bit eager? Don’t get too distracted now, you’re the one getting unwrapped here, babe.”
“What? I’m just trying to make it more even, is that so bad?” You asked.
“I wouldn’t classify impatience as a good girl quality.” He said with just the right amount of sternness in his voice.
You played along, pouting your bottom lip out a little. “You’re gonna make my punishment harder ‘cause I don’t like to wait?”
“Your punishment will be as harsh as you want it.”
“As harsh as you want.” You corrected.
“I have something that could be a counter to that impatience before you get too unruly.” He said.
“Alright, I trust you.”
It seemed that this was the right answer because it earned you some more kisses. As you soaked up the heat from his body, he slightly altered the way he was holding you. One of his hands reached lower to the back of your thigh and his arm tightened around your waist. Squeezing you close to him, he manipulated your body until both of your feet were leaving the ground.
This gave you a different type of rush. You had never been carried by a partner like this before. You clung to him as your eagerness continued to run rampant through your system, unwilling to forfeit its dominance. The muscles on his arms that you had noticed a fair amount of times weren’t just for show, he held you steady. He took careful steps, moving blindly as his focus went to continuing to kiss you.
He made it to the bed with barely a falter of his grip. The momentum changed and you were moved away from his body, his hands guiding you elsewhere. Your butt reached the mattress first as your eyes started to flutter open.
He was in the ideal spot directly in front of you for no more than a second. Then he was turning away, fetching the bag he had brought to delight you with. You regained your balance, trying to anticipate what he was about to show you, even though there were no visual clues. Judging by what he had said, you expected some form of restraints - but which style would he favour? Fuzzy handcuffs would go with the novelty of a Santa sack. Or did he prefer the precision and care of tying you up manually?
Amongst the other items in the sack, he found one, showing it to you as he walked over again. You were pleased to be proven correct by the sight of handcuffs, his thumb hooked through one of the shut loops. These weren’t novelty items, there were two thick cuffs that appeared to be made of leather. Despite the cute stars printed across them, you knew they would be strong enough to hold you.
“Would you like to veto these?” He asked. “And there isn’t a limit on your vetoes, you can use as many as you need.”
You were shaking your head before he had finished speaking. You weren’t very interested in ruling things out - you had already decided that you wanted to show off how much you could take. You were attached to the idea of impressing him.
Your eyes went to his other hand, which held the bag, its shape distorted by the items it still held. “It’s pretty obvious you didn’t just come over here with some cuffs. What’s left in that sack, what else did you bring?”
He smiled without a hint of bashfulness. “I think you’re probably better off asking what I didn’t bring.”
He wasn’t about to show you his entire hand yet. Instead of upending the bag, he reached in to collect something else currently out of your sight. A subtle crease came into his brow as he briefly concentrated. Before you could offer any assistance, he achieved his goal and showed you two of his fingers brightly decorated. They were unique finger puppets, but they weren’t entirely unfamiliar to you. You leaned forward, eyes greedily studying the little protruding bumps and ridges.
“Oh, I used to own stuff like that, I know how they work.” You said.
He didn’t let this deflate him or take away from his presentation at all. “You know all about them, huh?” You nodded, still feeling some self-confidence. “But have you had someone use them on you?” You stopped nodding. “‘Cause that can really change the experience. Do you want me to demonstrate that?”
You weren’t intimidated, feeling like you weren’t entirely out of your depth yet allowed you to stay possessed by intrigue. “Uh-huh.”
The cuffs and the remaining contents of the bag were ignored for the moment. He came in close again and you were relieved to not have to wait for the next kiss. You shut your eyes and drew your desires purely from his mouth.
You could have gotten distracted by this, still learning the little techniques that his kisses possessed. But before you could fully forget about the accessories placed on his fingers, you were feeling the rubber toy stroking down your chest. It dragged across your skin differently to his bare touch and you were hotly anticipating where you might feel the other toy.
The second stimulator got your attention when he flicked it against one of your hardened nipples. You couldn’t help flinching, bringing laughter from him, even as he continued to kiss you. The sound was muffled by your mouths, dying out as you pictured that cocky grin on his face.
He began to trail his fingers (both covered and not) down one side of your body. This whisper of a touch left you with goosebumps. He moved his hand up-and-down, applying pressure with the toys in a kind of massage, the slow patterns were so attentive. At the same time his tongue was pushing into the small space between your lips, easing them further apart. The exploration of his tongue paired perfectly with the caresses of his hands, one on either side of your body now.
You squeezed your thighs together when you felt him firmly grab your hips, almost pinching. Then he rubbed and clenched his fingers, rubbed and clenched. You couldn’t help lifting your hips a little, keen to press more of yourself against him. His tongue kept playing against the roof of your mouth, encouraging you further.
“I like the way you’re squirming under me.” He said. “I can tell this good girl is enjoying herself already, hm?”
“Mm-hmm.” You responded.
His hands moved lower than your hips, the toys pushing against your skin. The movement held your focus. He went to your ass, holding it in his hands, fingers extending and massaging this area. It seemed to you that he was truly trying to learn your body, giving you the sense that this was so much more than a fleeting interest and you let yourself get more excited, writhing a bit more frequently now. 
When you opened your eyes it was to find him watching you, something of a smile still on his face as your reactions intrigued him. He noticed you looking and smiled a bit wider. His hands were now dragging up-and-down, going from the top of your butt to the tops of your thighs.
“I’m not used to having a knowledge advantage like this. You’re so clever, so quick, so tuned in, you always know more than me. Not in a cocky, or arrogant way- that’s never been you. But you’re a smart, smart girl, and maybe this is an area where I’m ‘smarter’, so I think I might savour how this feels.” He said. “Having all the control as I show you something new, surprise you a little.”
“That means you’re gonna stretch this teasing out, aren’t you?” You asked.
“Is that not what you want, baby?” He asked with a teasing grin now on his face.
“I need to work on my patience. And I just want to know if it will be worth it.” You said.
“Of course it will be worth it. If you can earn it: you’re going to get a big reward.” He said. “And I don’t really wanna rush something I’ve waited so long for.”
“Waited, what do you mean?” You asked.
“All of the times you’ve popped into my head and I’ve wondered if it would only work as a quick fantasy… what’s that expression, if I had a dollar for every time?”
“You would have a lot of dollars?” You offered.
“Precisely.” He said. “Naturally my smart girl knew what I was talking about straight away.”
You wondered if he would be able to give you a more specific amount of this metaphorical money - you made a note to hold this question for later.
For now you were just concentrating on kissing him, his mouth covering yours again. His expectations were present in your mind, but they couldn’t intimidate you, not while you were preoccupied by how right everything felt. One kiss melted into another, a perfectly correct rhythm.
You felt one of his hands wrap around your thigh, the fingers splayed out in a purposeful grasp. He began to ease your legs apart.
Your concentration instantly sharpened when his covered fingers got to the area typically covered by your panties. You wrapped an arm around his neck, needing a hint of steadiness. He rubbed and massaged at your pubic mound, the pressure enticing you. You noticed how much blood was pumping into this area - all before he had made any contact with your labia majora. He was warming your body up inch-by-inch and it was splendid.
You felt the want pooling in your cunt as he started to work over your labia. He took his time to caress these folds, the rubber fingers gliding over your pubic hairs. It was a nice increase of intimacy, keeping you on track of hoping for what his next move would feel like.
He broke the kiss and you saw how he was grinning, his tongue dragging over his top row of teeth. “Isn’t that so much fun, so much more fun than just playing on your own?” He asked.
It seemed he wasn’t done with making you wait. Instead of going forward, he took his fingers away and it was only the cool air touching your pussy.
But you didn’t relax, expecting more and wanting to be prepared.
You kept your eyes shut for the moment. You weren’t motivated to open them until he spoke again and he had straightened up, some distance between your bodies as he returned his hands to the sack of supplies.
“So you’ve met this kind of toy before, how about this? How familiar are you with this?” He asked, showing you a larger object.
“Oh, a wand. Of course I’ve used one of those before.” You said.
His hand went back into the sack. “Alright, I’m gonna need something to help me surprise you, then.” He produced an eye mask, which bore the same star pattern you had seen on the handcuffs. “Do you want to veto this?”
“No, but, well, I mean, not veto, but…” His eyebrows raised as you stumbled over your words. “I’m not against the blindfold, but am I really not gonna get to see you? You get to see me totally naked, but I’m not gonna see anything?”
“Just for a little while…” He said and he wore a smile as he came closer with the eye mask. “God, you’re adorable when you’re pouting like that. Don’t worry, kitten, you will get to see me naked, I’m here to tease you, not subject you to cruel deprivation.” He eased the mask over the top of your head, not pulling it any lower than your eyebrows for now. “My plan is actually for you to get sick of the sight of me naked.”
You smiled at this obvious joke. “Why would that be your goal? That would take a whole lot of nakedness.”
“Exactly.” He said. “What’s your definitive verdict for the blindfold?”
“I’m okay with it. That's the same stars as the…”
“Uh-huh, it goes with the cuffs. Actually it’s from a four-piece set. It also came with this…” He left the mask not blocking any of your view, his focus going back to the bag. He pulled out a small, flexible-looking paddle. Its body was decorated with the same solid white stars.
Then he showed you another item, which carried on the star motif on its thick straps. These adjustable straps were short and attached to a modestly sized ball. You knew exactly where that solid sphere was supposed to go, and it truly intimidated you.
“A ball-gag?” You asked, wondering how you could stall for a little time.
“Yeah, we don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. Personally, it’s not my favourite. But I brought it along anyway because I’m here to explore your favourites, and we’re gonna do that without judgement, one hundred percent.”
“I don’t need it.” You said.
“Cool, let’s just…” He trailed off, stopping himself mid-gesture. “I was gonna throw this to the side, but I don’t want your boy to come along and think it’s a toy for him and get at it.”
“Iggy’s scared of everyone, you’re literally not gonna see him at all.” You said of your cat.
The ball-gag returned into the sack and you felt better for it. He opened the velcro of one of the handcuffs. You straightened your arm and he wrapped the band around your wrist, then pressed the two ends together. You were smiling as you offered your other wrist to him.
“I’m proud of you for using a veto.” He said as he got the second cuff secured.
“Oh, thanks.” You said, not entirely sure how to respond to this unexpected compliment. Was it sexy to him that you had said no? You supposed that one veto wasn’t going to place many limitations on him, the bag in his hand still heavy with possibilities.
He kissed you, his fingers brushing up against the sides of your face. You lifted your hands, the chain giving a little rattle to remind you of your restrictions as you extended your arms. You held onto his shirt as his tongue massaged against your lips.
You felt something soft pressing against the top of your face. When he eased away, you opened your eyes to only see the dark fabric of the eye mask. You continued to hold onto his shirt as you waited for his kiss. You knew that it would anchor you through the rushing emotions and uncertainty.
A new but quiet sound got your curiosity as soon as you heard it. This proceeded you feeling the vibrations of the massaging wand, its rounded head pushed into the soft area beneath your belly button. At the same time, he leaned his body into yours. You had the sense that he was close enough to kiss, but it didn’t come.
“Lay back.” He said.
You instantly leaned away, your body blindly seeking out the bed. “So stern. Yes, sir.”
His lips crashed against yours before you were laid out. He was setting a lustful pace, faster than before.
Your back reached the bed, with him lying on top of you. The pressure from his weight was wonderful, further adding to the concept that he was fully in charge.
You had stopped noticing the mechanical humming of the magic wand. But it was brought back to your attention when he applied the stimulating bulb to your pubic mound. Your heart launched into your throat and you were breathlessly trying to keep up with his rushed kisses.
“It’s better like this, hm? It’s less intimidating for you, right?” He asked in a low voice. “Because you’re not trying to read my expression, you aren’t worrying about where I’m looking. You don’t have to wear the blindfold for the whole night, but it’s got its advantages.”
“I’m seeing that.” You said before giving a giggle. “Well, not seeing in the literal sense, but you know what I mean.”
“You’re still maintaining that knowledge advantage.” You said.
“And loving every second of it.” He said. “Raise your hands up above your head.” It wasn’t a request. At the same time you were feeling the vibrating toy moving lower, in a drawn-out manner.
“Yes, sir.” You said, making this adjustment.
In the same second that you had finished speaking, he swiftly delivered the vibrator to your clitoral hood. This opened you up to an excitement greater than before and you couldn’t help squirming as his body kept you pinned down. The vibrations titillated you, awakening nerves, even at this low setting.
His lips going to one of your nipples brought a choked sob from your mouth. He began to suck and the intensity perfectly matched the vibrations, creating a fire in your gut. You saw stars, but these weren’t the same as what was printed on the fabric. These little stars were appearing and glowing prettily in your imagination.
He transferred to the other nipple and increased the toy’s pulsations. He kept it against your clit, set on this as the best location.
When he gradually moved his mouth down lower, he also took the sex toy to a lower spot. Now its smooth head nestled between where your puffy lips usually concealed your entrance. The pressure he utilised had you feeling the consistent vibrations in your labia minora, an intensity you needed more than a moment to adjust to.
The desire reached deeper into you, rocking you on a greater level as his lips massaged across your skin. You were amazed by how much effort he was putting into your experience, working so hard for your pleasure. His lips trailed onto your belly as he stepped the vibrations up to the next mode.
You felt his lips parting so he could flit his tongue on your skin from time-to-time. And as you rode the sensations higher, more sounds fell from your mouth. Containing them felt entirely beyond your control and your face coloured with more pink as he heard every honest reaction.
He adjusted how his weight rested, lying his body on your legs as he progressed to kissing beneath your waistline. Your hands went to the pillow, gripping it as a means of supporting yourself as you anticipated what might be next.
The surprise was more than you could fathom when your clit was encapsulated by unique vibrations. Your mouth opened but no words came out as your brain struggled to make sense of what you were experiencing. The massage on your clitoral hood existed independent of the work of the stimulating wand, which he was continuing to hold at your entrance. This didn’t deliver the moisture from his lips, and you could still feel those on your belly, anyway.
You didn’t know what created the sensation, but you did know that you liked it. You watched the unreal stars growing, completely blind to anything else as your mind focused on the present.
“There’s the surprise I wanted.” He said, the stimulants persisting at the two spots on your crotch.
“Oh, uh-huh.” You gasped as your back arched.
“And have I found a toy you aren’t familiar with?” He asked, his tone a little gloating.
“I think so.” You said, slowly adjusting to this unrelenting intensity.
You guessed that he was no longer within kissing range, now his voice seemed to be coming from a spot close to your hip. It wasn’t much of a leap to presume he was getting a close-up view of how your pussy was reacting to his treatment.
“This fun little tool is a clit sucker.” He said as the pulsations continued to engulf the hood.
“I definitely don’t need to use a veto for that.” You said.
He chuckled. “That’s good baby, that’s really good.”
He took the wand away from your pussy. You weren’t sure where it was relocated to, you just took the opportunity to concentrate fully on what was happening to your clitoral hood.
When the pulsations came in harder, you could only guess how much he had turned it up by. Were there more powerful levels he intended to use on you?
It didn’t feel the exact same as having a pair of lips sucking on your sensitive peak. But it felt wonderful in its own way, consistently getting you more excited, until your toes started to curl.
All of a sudden there was an external heat at your entrance, with him pressing a kiss onto your pussy lips. Your heart skipped a few beats and you awaited more.
It didn’t take long for him to initiate another kiss, then another - more-and-more until it felt like he was making out with your entrance. He sampled how your desires tasted with some swipes of his tongue. All the while he kept the active toy sucker on your clit.
His tongue began moving into you, prompting your thighs to quiver and shake. More noises began to swell up in your chest and you bit into your lower lip, feeling unwilling to fully share them. He lapped in deeper, and greedy (yet incoherent) whines came from you, barely muffled. You sucked on your lip as great chunks fell out of your composure.
“Hey, hang on…” He said once his lips were detached from your cunt. “No, no, no, don’t hurt that pretty lip.”
You stopped what you were doing before you had fully understood what he said. You lifted your head from the pillow, momentarily forgetting that the eye mask blocked your vision.
“That’s my lip to bite on, to suck, to play with- I’m gonna be the reason it’s swollen tomorrow, okay?” He said. You hoped that your continuing wiggling wouldn’t be perceived as you not listening (something worth punishment). You simply couldn’t hold yourself still, not while the sucking device was working its magic. You nodded your head to prove that you were paying attention, trying your best to behave.
“If you really need something to bite down on…”
“Not the ball-gag.” You said quickly.
“No, no, I wouldn’t dream of bringing it back.” He instantly reassured you. “Here, bite on this if you need to.”
Something flat nudged against your lip and you complied by opening your mouth. Your mouth was only partially filled. As you shut it, the confusion left you, he had given you the flexible paddle to set your teeth into. Or at least that was what you guessed it to be. You could comfortably close your lips around it, keeping it in place without his assistance.
“Is that good?” He asked and you gave him the only answer you could of nodding your head. “And what about this?”
He seemed to refocus on how he was holding the sucking device to your clit, bringing it closer so that you could feel its pulsations with complete consistency again. Appreciatively your hips bucked up, which made the toy’s power all the more apparent. The makeshift-gag muffled your whimper.
“Yeah, that’s good for you, huh?” He asked. “And this is probably even better.”
He turned the vibrations up and your jaw clenched, your teeth locking onto the paddle. You raised your bound hands up to your face as you felt yourself getting lost for the moment. The intensity was huge, making you feel like all of your senses were being overwhelmed. How could you grasp for even a shred of composure in your current state?
He parted the device from your clitoris and it felt like you could come back to yourself a little. The breaths you drew were shaky, but they were full.
Then his tongue returned to your cunt. This slower stimulation felt like exactly what you needed, with him lapping appreciatively at the moisture. You lowered your hands and stopped gritting your teeth against the paddle as you started to settle into this sensation.
He slowly dragged his tongue up to your clitoral hood. You blindly reached your hands out, placing them on his head with your fingers exploring the soft strands of hair. Your lungs filled with more (needed) air as he gently drew circles around your sensitive nub.
Before you could get too invested in this progression, the intensity sharply increased with the reintroduction of the sucking device. You gave a dramatic twitch beneath him.
The thrilling vibrations were taking you back to that place with no thoughts and limited control. The quivering in your thighs was soon accompanied by the thrusting of your hips. They moved according to their own rhythm, just trying to make use of all of this feverish excitement. It accelerated the effects of the device.
But you didn’t find the ideal pacing, because the device was taken away too soon. This void was filled by his mouth before too long. As he worked his tongue and lips on your clit, you decided that this felt better than the device - this was the sublime experience of having your clit sucked.
The toy couldn’t replicate this perfectly. But when he switched it back, you still found plenty to enjoy of how it treated your clitoral hood, keeping your mind blissfully blank. It was a solid consolation, you couldn’t deny how titillating its vibrations were.
He kept switching from one to the other, your clit consistently stimulated and the tingles this brought to your body only grew more pronounced. You gave in more with each switch, beginning to see each as your path to orgasm.
But he never quite let you get that high. You spat the paddle out of your mouth, letting him hear your noises louder, in the hopes this would persuade him to allow you to ride this excitement to its logical end.
You pumped your hips, patience wavering as you tried to match him, tried to find the essential synergy. Your hands in his hair curled into unthreatening fists, gripping as more of your desperation showcased itself.
“Sir…” You whimpered, hoping you had found the cheat code to make him give you exactly what you wanted.
He applied more pressure with his tongue as he repeatedly worked it up-and-down against your clitoral hood. In response you lifted your ass higher off the bed. Your pussy was brought flush to his face as he seemed focused on working your clit in this promising way. His hand grabbed your butt as you delivered thrust after thrust into his face. The stars in your eyes got even brighter as it began to feel like your body was floating. A powerful fire burnt in your gut, with involuntary sounds falling from your mouth (you were too enchanted to feel self-conscious over whether the sounds were to his liking or not).
Your next noise was a loud and mournful moan when he took his mouth off of you. You kept your hands in his hair, even as your arms shook. The seconds without feeling anything from him seemed to stretch out.
“Please, don’t stop.” You said as he kept you waiting.
“Oh, so you’re not a fan of edging?” He asked, his tone so casual.
“I can’t say that I am.” You said, squirming in your wet-thighed anticipation.
“But the noises you’re making are just so nice, so so sexy, can you really blame me for wanting to savour them? I’ve been waiting a long time to hear you like this.” He said.
You huffed, trying to find the winning approach as you pouted again. “But-but don’t you wanna know how I’ll sound when I come? Aren’t you curious about hearing that noise?”
He caressed your ass now, still not giving you what felt as essential as oxygen. “I suppose that’s the noise I really want to hear. But I didn’t know that you wanted to come.”
“Damiano.” You substituted the curse words populating your brain for his name.
“What?” He asked, playing at being oblivious. “How am I supposed to know what you want unless you tell me?”
“Is that what this is about, you’ve been waiting for me to say it?” You asked.
“Uh-huh. I wanna hear you say exactly what you want. I wanna hear your dirty talk.” He said.
You shifted your legs, feeling a seed of insecurity over the possibility of doing this wrong. You wanted to sound sexy for him - but did you know how?
“Don’t overthink it.” He told you, demonstrating a superior intuition of what you could be thinking thanks to how long he had known you. “Just say what you want, that’s all I’m looking for.”
“Well, I wanna… I wanna come.” You said, feeling like you were stating the absolute obvious.
His fingers caressed your butt and it was the only thing that you had to hold onto.
“Uh-huh, and who’s gonna make you come?” He asked.
“You. I want you to make me come.” You said, before rushing to add. “Please.”
“Good girl.” He said. “How do you want me to make you come?”
Fingers playing in his hair, you considered making a joke. You could poke fun at him by saying that it was more than dirty talk he was after: he was going to have you write an essay of how you wanted to achieve an orgasm before he actually made it happen.
You wet your lips as you let this half-baked idea go. You chose to not get distracted. “I want your lips and your tongue.”
“Want them to do what?” He prompted.
“Please, I want you to use them on my pussy to make me come.” You said, too impatient to feel embarrassed over saying something so explicit. “Please.”
This proved to be what he needed to hear. Without a further word, he returned his mouth to your pussy, satisfying the way you burnt to feel more.
He didn’t come at you with any of the toys (both known and not). Instead he was finding his own rhythm with just his mouth and you let out an appreciative moan. Your hands rested on the back of his head as you got drunk on how these wonderful sensations were building. He kept one of his hands on your ass, a secure hold that was matched by the way he gripped at the top of your thigh, maintaining the distance between your legs that he wanted.
He created something of a seal around your clitoral hood with his lips, then applied his tongue to it. He played with the peak, seeing how far he could push it and experimenting with your responses to different patterns. You could focus on every swirl, no stops or toys to interrupt the flow. It was simpler than before, but it was such an effective way of blowing your mind.
He moved his tongue up-and-down consistently, not letting his mouth slip even slightly. The pressure was fantastic and you capitalised on this by thrusting your hips, driving your pussy into his face again. Your hands gripped his hair, needing him to stay where he was.
It didn’t matter how hard or fast you grinded, his mouth never failed you. You felt your chest hollowing and it seemed that you became smaller, so easily dwarfed by the immense pleasure.
Your breaths were marked by little whimpers as the effort took more-and-more from you. But you knew it would be worth it, getting blinded by the imaginary stars.
He made a slurping sound as he worked to keep the moisture in his mouth. The suck that corresponded with this brought a tremendous quake through your core.
You were irrevocably overpowered, levitating off of the bed further than before. Your fingers gripped onto his hair as you began to greet that lovely edge.
“Yes.” You whined, feeling how good it was to let everything go. “Oh my God, yes.”
You began to come undone, getting lost entirely.
There was an unexpected spike, the pleasure hitting a new level when he reintroduced the wand vibrator. You felt the pulsations in your clitoris as your pussy enjoyed the climax.
It was a spectacular explosion, the aftershocks still racing through you even after the vibrator was taken away. You didn’t know how to pull yourself back together, but for now you didn’t care.
The brightness of the room came back to your attention before you had opened your eyes. He had pushed the eye mask out of the way, allowing the light to push against your eyelids. The corners of your lips started to lift into a smile.
“Feeling that extra merriment now?” He asked before his lips captured yours for a moment.
“So much.” You said. “The merriest ever.”
“But I haven’t finished showing you all the surprises in my sack.” He said.
“And you still haven’t taken that silly costume off.” You said.
“It’s part of my character and it’s effective.” He said in his own defence before he seemingly had a realisation. He sat back on his knees and reached for the bottom of the green shirt. “But I guess it has served its purpose.”
He discarded the shirt and you were finally given the luxury of your eyes exploring his torso with little to no shyness. You could study like you never had before, really fixating on the details. You could notice and be enticed by everything that you saw.
You were grateful when he didn’t hesitate to take his jeans down. But just watching wasn’t enough to satisfy the desires swirling through you.
You extended your arms out. But before your hands could reach the waistband of his briefs, he stopped you by grabbing the chain that connected your handcuffs. He gave you a stern, but not disapproving, look as he used the chain to direct your hands closer to your chest.
“You haven’t learnt how to be patient yet?” He asked and you instantly identified this as a challenge.
It wasn’t a challenge you could ignore. “I guess I haven’t fully grasped the concept.”
You saw his eyes flicker, but the movement that corresponded with it was too quick for you to see. Instead of seeing him pick up the paddle, you felt its return to the scene.
He slapped the flat object against the side of your thigh, instantly compelling you to ditch any further challenges. Your breath hitched as you felt your leg heat and sting. You were caught off-guard by this sensation, needing to pause to figure out your own reaction.
His eyes were on your face, he was holding the paddle up, his arm tensed as if to strike again. But he didn’t follow through. At first you were reminded of a video that was buffering.
Then you realised he was waiting for your consent. And you gave it. You licked your lips as you turned your hips a little, presenting him with more thigh, and even some butt, to spank. You kept your hands to yourself, lying on your chest in what seemed like a safe zone.
The next slap from the paddle surprised you less, now you knew how to register the feeling. You liked it, hoping your skin would glow pink in a way that would please him.
There were no words coming to mind because the seconds between each spank were filled by you trying to prepare for the next. Then when it came, your mind went totally blank. As the sting radiated out, you began the climb of anticipation again. Your body was filling with tension, growing more intense. But you held onto the faith that he would be able to resolve all of it.
Another satisfying slap filled the quiet in the room. You heard his heavy breathing as more heat filled into the raised side of your butt. You still weren’t feeling pain from the continuing spanks, it was a sharp sensation and each time it cut through absolutely everything else. Your enjoyment was only increasing.
He pulled his arm back and your eyes fluttered shut as you awaited the next strike. Instead, he spoke. “Do you feel like having another try at behaving correctly?” He placed the paddle against your ass, resting it against the curve. “Or would you rather be a naughty girl?” Your need to be cheeky had definitely dulled. “There’s something I really want to show you from my sack. But I’m not about to share it with a naughty girl.”
“I’ll be good.” You said. “I’ll be very good, sir.”
He smiled, starting to lean down. Before his mouth could meet yours, he gave you another slap from the paddle. You couldn’t help flinching but you loved how it felt, settling into the feeling as he kissed you again. You let out a little whimper, your hands going to his hot pectorals.
Before you could get too accustomed to how his bare skin felt on yours, he pulled away. He ditched the paddle as he stood up.
He brought a small, slim box out of the sack. He moved too quickly for you to properly gain all of the details from the box. The device that came from it wasn’t familiar. It was matte black, probably made of silicone. It had two thin prongs, which kind of resembled legs, coming together at a compact disc. You kept your eyes on it, willing clarity to come.
He set it down on the bed, beside your leg, then proceeded to get something new from the bag. This next thing was far more straight-forward - a box of condoms. He collected one of the packaged items before getting back to taking his pants off. As soon as they were lowered, he took his underwear down as well. There was no missing how keen he was - immediately the stiffness of his dick confirmed that you had succeeded in turning him on.
There was a portion of yourself that felt self-conscious for wanting his cock so much. But overwhelmingly, you felt excited. All of the lust that had been developing now had a place to land.
He started at the tip, covering it then unrolling the latex further. As you watched this motion, you thought about what it would be like to experience his dick for the first time purely through taste. It was an intriguing and enticing fantasy, it didn’t seem farfetched to assume he would greatly enjoy it too, continuing your seduction.
But then you realised he didn’t want you to have any thoughts at all. At once you tried to empty your mind.
When he picked the tong-esque item up, you noticed a second, detached disc, but he held this in the palm of his hand, downplaying any significance.
“Did I bring another surprise?” He asked.
“Yeah, I have no idea what that is. I might be able to guess what it does.”
“You can guess, if you wanna. Or I could tell you and explain it. Or I could show you.” He said, entertained even in this in-between moment.
“Show me, please sir.” The answer seemed so obvious to you.
He grinned as he climbed up, placing his knees on the bed. “I really like it when you call me that.”
“Then I guess I have no choice but to keep saying it.”
Remaining above you, he placed the new device on you, its legs reaching toward your mound. At first you felt only the faint hint of its weight and nothing else.
Then he pressed a button on the tiny remote in his hand, and the disc on your lower tummy silently began to vibrate. It wasn’t too intense straight away, but it was enough to make you smile. He dragged it closer to your cunt and you worked to not squirm in your anticipation. You looked from the strangely-shaped device to his face - naturally he was still smiling, as his eyes glittered.
“But what do these little legs do?” He asked the question that was on your mind.
He picked the toy up and showed you how the prongs could be repositioned, bending them with little to no resistance. He curved them to face opposite directions and you were doing a lot of thinking trying to figure out the advantages of this. Was it supposed to go inside of you? It looked too thin, but you guessed the capability to hit two different angles at once had a lot of potential.
“Uh-huh, and what’s the point of that?” He asked.
He answered by taking the toy down, towards his dick as he changed the bend in the legs again. He placed it over his length, the connecting disc at the top. He gave the legs another repositioning twist, one at a time wrapping them around his cock, close to the base. He got this adjustable cock ring how he wanted, the ends of the legs crossed over at his balls.
“That’s a great surprise.” You said, showing him that you were less confused.
“You like looking at it, wait until you feel it. Wait until this pad is vibrating against your clit while I’m fucking you so deep.” He said.
Your legs were already spread, it was hard to know how much longer you would be able to hold yourself back. “Show me, sir?”
This earned you the proximity that came with making out. You lifted your arms out of the way, passing the cuff’s chain over his head. You rested your hands at the base of his neck as his body pressed so perfectly on top of yours. You settled into one another, lips working together as the synergy kept strengthening.
With no hesitation, you moved deeper into the lust. Your thighs clung to his hips as his tongue tasted and played with your bottom lip. Your tensed body wanted to melt for him more than anything.
He sucked on your lip as he started to sink down into you, accepted by your thoroughly-primed pussy. You identified this as the best sensation of the night, instantly superior to the toys, and definitely worth waiting for. Your fingers curled, grasping for his hair as you stretched to accommodate him further.
His body settled on top of you, fitting in between your legs. This closeness brought even more excitement - you already knew that he would be able to take you to another stunning peak. He had more energy to give to your pleasure.
Rather than seeking the greatest penetration at once, he gave you time to adjust. He was going to build to the moment of overwhelming you. For now he tested his range of movement, pumping his hips so you could feel the potential of what he could do with his shaft.
Gradually he worked himself deeper. You couldn’t help imposing little breaks between kisses as the pressure increased inside of you. 
It wasn’t long before you gave up from trying to keep up with his mouth altogether, a parting suck applied to your lip before you leaned your head slightly back. You decided to give your attention to moving your hips, attempting to match his affectionate pace.
Before you could truly sync yourself to him, the vibrating toy collided with you, surprising you momentarily beyond comprehension. Your hips dramatically jutted up as your mind slowly began to catch up. You shook as you adjusted to this new intensity.
It seemed your vulnerability was clear because he paused to ask. “Are you okay, bella? Is it too much?”
You arched your back to press into him, smiling. “Oh, it’s good. It’s really fucking good.”
“You don’t need your safe word?” He asked, still not moving.
“Absolutely not.” You said.
You opened your eyes and lifted your head in the pursuit of capturing his lips in a kiss. It didn't matter how short on breath you were feeling, you prioritised cultivating your connection with these excited kisses.
You also drove your hips forward, craving the beginnings of friction. He stopped hesitating and grabbed your butt as he gave you a push, moving in deeper. You couldn’t help whimpering as he delivered another thrust.
He swiftly and confidently took the lead - it made you want to call him sir repeatedly.
With each pump from him, you had begun to feel the silicone legs of the toy wrapped around his dick. You felt the smooth material rubbing against your pussy, but you had yet to register the vibrations (not that you felt you needed it).
You rested your head in the curve of his neck, unable to keep up with his kisses. But you were managing to stay with the pacing of his hips. You met every strike, lengthening each motion and giving you even more to enjoy. His energy was matching and coming together with yours as it had so many times over the past two years - but in a brand new way, more intense than you would have associated with him.
This was the most important mutual goal you had ever worked toward with him. You stuck with him, even as the threat of getting overwhelmed crept in again.
As everything wanted to shatter around you, he remained your constant. Listening to his raspy breaths kept you from getting entirely lost. Your short nails pressed into his skin and your nostrils were filled with the enticing scent of his sweat mixed with cologne. You didn’t care about anything beyond his body.
The tender massage between your inner-walls got even deeper, touching at a depth his tongue hadn’t reached. It brought the stars back to your shut eyes, but they were so much bigger and brighter now.
“Fuck.” You exclaimed in response to feeling the vibrations on your clit again.
Your gut clenched as you rode this sensation higher. He let you enjoy this stimulation, not rocking back according to the earlier pacing. Your cunt fluttered and spasmed around him. This prompted some cuss words from him too.
He writhed against you, barely pulling his hips away. Instead he completed some quasi-thrusts, seeing what else could be gained from this closeness. 
When he returned to full motion, it was absolutely electric. The quick touches of the vibrator to your clitoral hood were enough to keep you reeling.
The perfect synergy of your bodies soon brought you back to the edge. Little ecstatic cries began to fall from your lips.
“Yes, uh yes, yes-yes.” You stammered as you failed to meet more than a few of his bucks.
He kissed across your forehead, something so affectionate was in direct contrast with the frantic rhythm of his body. “Merry Christmas, babe.”
Hearing that wholesome phrase was so unexpected that it felt out of place and you couldn’t help but laugh. This noise transformed quickly into an audibly strangled breath as he plunged all the way in again.
There was no composure left for you to regain. Even as he adopted slow and shorter strokes, you were helplessly overstimulated.
He put his hands to your sides, a determined hold. He kept his hips pressed against yours as he grinded into you repeatedly. The vibrator was directly on your clit, the pulsations were ready to devastate you.
“It feels like you’re ready to come.” He said. “Are you?”
The prospect of him edging you again occurred to you, and you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist before you answered. (You didn’t know how you would cope if he put you through more of that.) “Yes, yes sir, I am.”
He spared you any further teasing, he didn’t retract. He stayed close, quickly snapping his hips. He whimpered as he kept working his tip on your sensitive walls.
You held him tighter (your cunt clenching too), giving yourself up to the pressure that just kept rising. Your hips stuttered at their own tempo, there was no rhyme or reason to it, simply moving to express some of your excitement. He didn’t correct this behaviour, letting you continue as everything began to come together.
Your gut tightened and you had to bite your lip to stop the loudest noises from getting free. He moaned your name over the consistent sound of your skin slapping together.
“Oh, fuck. I think I’m…” His pitch changed and you noticed how he had begun to be plagued by tremors. “Yeah, I’m gonna come, like right now.”
You were holding onto his taut shoulders as you opened your eyes. As he remained in motion, you saw the look of concentration on his face. Instantly you were enthralled by the idea of seeing him become complete, as you were on the threshold of.
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Yeah. Oh yes, yes, yes.” He said, his eyes squeezed shut as he kept rubbing into that deepest part of you. “Yes, yes, fuckin’ yes.”
You wanted to watch him driving to that point of perfection. But the relentless pulsing against your clitoris was stealing your focus, insisting that you fall apart. The fluttering of your eyelids became harder to fight against.
There was a powerful moan that was swelling in your throat as he suddenly became rigid. He pressed against you firmly, loudly trying and failing to catch his breath. You felt how he shivered on top of you, demonstrating less control than any other point of the night.
The pressure caused by having him so close (and deep), with the vibrating disc still on your clitoris, was enough to take you over the edge. Your pussy clenched around his shaft as the orgasm dawned throughout your entire body. Biting your lip wasn’t enough to stifle the cries that your revelation brought out. You were stunned on every possible level.
Even once the vibrator’s massage was over, and he had pulled out, you still felt like you were on the verge of breaking apart again. Moving was beyond your capabilities right now and you thought it would be easier to fall asleep than recover.
“Oh my God.” You gasped when upon opening your eyes, your vision filled with him. The reality of this situation was beginning to settle in, things were clearer now.
“You alright?” He asked as he moved closer to free your wrists from the restraints.
“Uh-huh, I don’t feel like I need to say Grinch, still.” You said.
“I wasn’t going to make fun of you, but you really did pick the dorkiest possible safe word.” He said, wearing a cheeky smile.
You rolled your eyes and pulled up the top of the blanket. “It suits you, then.” This earned you a laugh from him. Before you could slip into the old and familiar teasing, you stayed tapped into this vulnerability. “You’re gonna stay, right?”
He smiled as he finished removing the cuffs, then he swept in to kiss you. “Of course, I would love nothing more than to stay with you, bella.”
As his fingers caressed your cheeks, you kissed him. This led to another, then another, at a slower pace than before because you knew you didn’t need to rush. This was an affectionate yet lazy continuation of your intimacy.
It didn’t develop into anything more, he simply laid down with you. You wrapped your arms around him, the two of you sharing looks that lingered longer than what you would have classified as normal.
You didn’t need to ask him to move his limbs, he hadn’t positioned himself in a way that had brought you any discomfort. You liked the way his arms fit around your waist. You didn’t need to put any of your clothes back on, this embrace had you feeling warm enough.
He broke the silence, speaking softly and at the sound of that you didn’t feel like you needed to prepare any witty retorts. “Thank you for trusting me. This was one of the biggest gambles of my life, and I feel lucky that you were willing to go along with it.”
“I’m glad I could maintain my unbroken streak of always going along with your ideas.” You said, able to see the smile he wore even in the limited lighting. “You mean the world to me, I’m always gonna trust you.”
Maybe more could have been said - there wasn’t a finite amount of emotions to be told. But the silence didn’t bother you. You didn’t feel obligated to speak: to win him over or otherwise make this moment. You were so content, running your fingers through his hair until sleep arrived.
*** *** ***
You began hearing a consistent tinkling, fun and non-abrasive, but persistent enough to keep you from falling asleep again. You didn’t open your eyes, trying to determine the source without seeing it. You were floating in the daze of not yet awake, the world covered by a kind of fuzziness. You rolled onto your side, yet to realise that Damiano was missing from your bed.
Your thoughts were clearing up as you continued to listen to the jingling. As you readjusted the warm blanket over your bare form, you recognised this gentle, non-rhythmic music. You had heard it very recently, even though it wasn’t a regular fixture in your home.
It was the silly bell from the elf hat. You were certain of this, opening your eyes at once. You lifted your head from the pillow, too curious to resist now. You looked around, trying to gain as much information from the room as possible.
You found Damiano was sitting on the carpet and he had the novelty hat in hand, jostling the fabric so that the bell would dance in the air. It was shaking and bobbing directly in front of your cat.
Seeing Iggy was the last thing you needed to drag yourself fully out of sleep. You hadn’t expected to see this, but he looked completely at ease. In the two years that you had owned him, he had never played with anyone but you. In all of his visits to your home, Damiano had only managed to briefly pet the cat, with Iggy always maintaining his strict disinterest in outsiders.
But now he was playing, seemingly totally invested. He sat so close to Damiano’s legs, those predatory eyes fixed on the silver bell. Damiano swung it close to Iggy and he picked up both of his front feet to swipe at it. The whole time, Damiano was beaming, so clearly enjoying this brand new experience.
“I don’t believe it…” You said, keeping your voice low to avoid startling your cat.
Damiano kept the hat in motion as he looked at you. “Crazy, huh? I guess he finally decided that I’m not his enemy. I didn’t even need to use any catnip to bribe him into this.”
“It’s a legitimate Christmas miracle.” You said. Reflecting back on how Iggy had shunned the attention of all of your past partners, this didn’t seem like an exaggeration to say.
“I know, right?” He said. “He was sitting there looking at it on the ground when I woke up. And I thought he would run away as soon as I got out of bed.” His words were accompanied by the music of the bell, which you were coming to enjoy more. “But…”
His face fell when Iggy began to walk away, unhurriedly going to the opened door. “Oh, now he’s leaving.” Iggy didn’t look back, disappearing without a sound. “He’s done with me, I guess.”
“Bye, sweetie.” You called after your pet.
“Damn, I miss him already.” He said sadly.
You couldn’t stop smiling. “He hates everyone.”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I’m better than those other nobodies. That’s just how it is.”
You giggled. “You’re still naked.”
He got up on his knees, walking his way toward the bed in this fashion. “So are you. We’re just hanging out, naked.”
“I like it.” You said, sitting up higher as he got closer to you.
“Yeah, me too.” He said.
He reached the side of the bed, just slightly beneath eye-level. He leaned in, his eyes going to your lips as you put your hands on either side of his face. You kissed him, slowly, enjoying this indulgence just as you had last night.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, keeping his face close to yours.
“I’m good.”
“Yeah? You haven’t got any sore spots that I need to kiss better?” He asked.
You pushed one of your hands up the nape of his neck, into his hair. “Nuh-uh, no spore spots, no regrets.”
“That’s fantastic, babe.” He said before moving in for more kisses.
You managed to drag your tongue along the line where his lips met, before he eased back. You were left with building cravings.
“I’ve been awake for a little while, and I’ve had time to check Santa’s sack. It appears that there’s still something in there for you, one more thing.” He said.
“Oh, but it’s too early to be calling me a naughty girl. At least, I think it’s too early.” You realised that you hadn’t seen any form of clock, or even glanced at the window.
“This isn’t something for a naughty girl.” He said. “This is a gift.”
“Well in that case: gimme!” You said enthusiastically.
He laughed as he got up, going over to where the sack had been sitting overnight. He picked out an item that was wrapped in festive paper. You smiled, ready to love it, even with no inclination of what it might be. He handed it to you, taking a seat at the edge of the bed with you.
“I hope you like it.” He said as you started tearing away the wrapping.
“I have no doubt that it’s going to be amazing.”
Beneath the paper, you found a sleeve of protective bubble wrap. In here was your gift, a rectangular photo frame. You recognised the series of small photos from a photo booth at the cinema you usually visited. The five photos showed you and Damiano, side-by-side, making various faces for the different photos. You hadn’t seen these photos for two years, you had no idea he still had them.
“Oh wow, this is from forever ago.” You said, seeing how happy the two of you appeared.
“Yeah, do you remember this? It’s from when you dragged me to that midnight screening.” He said.
You rolled your eyes, unimpressed by how he was attempting to rewrite history. “I just said that I wondered what those were like, how the vibes were. And you said you would try it with me for Endgame’s premiere. There was no dragging involved.” You jabbed your pointer finger into the air before he had a chance to cut you off. “And it definitely wasn’t my fault that you fell asleep less than halfway through the movie.”
“I had been touring for months. It’s a miracle that I didn’t fall asleep while we were taking these photos.” He said. “I thought you might like to have these, like a time capsule of us being nerdy together.”
“I love it. I’m gonna put it somewhere that I’ll see it every day.” You said. “Just looking at it, it’s like I can feel how much fun we had that night… before you fell asleep.”
He eased your unruly hair back from your face. “You are really cute when you’re telling me that I’m wrong, did you know that?”
There was the beginning of a blush in your cheeks as you looked at him. “I know now.”
With a smile, you closed the distance between your bodies with a kiss. His arm slipped around you. You didn’t feel like you had sacrificed any of the significance of the friendship showcased in these old photos. Nothing needed to be lost on the path to this new level.
“If you check under my tree, you’ll find there’s a gift for you there.” You told him.
He grinned. “Really? You always get me the best gifts.”
“Why don’t you go get it?” You asked.
“I was thinking that I would open it later.” He said. “Like when I’m opening other presents with my family. And maybe you could be there too?”
“You want me to spend Christmas with your family?” You asked, thoroughly surprised.
“Don’t you think that would be better than spending the day alone? There’s no racist or otherwise weird uncles to ruin the vibe. My dad is a really great cook. And I’ll drive. And I don’t have to introduce you as anything more than my best friend if it feels too early for that.” He said.
Your heart had started fluttering as you listened to him. Now you picked up one of his hands, squeezing it as you found another of his appealing ideas to go along with. “What time do we need to leave?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
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suashii · 3 months
— 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑔𝑒𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝒶𝓂𝓊 ౨ৎ
miya osamu x reader. 0.7k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ papa!osamuノ reader is referred to as mom ノ repost!
a/n: father's day drabbled #3! kuroo's version and atsumu's version are available to read :3 suna tomorrow!
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“dad, odie got mr. stuffins.” at the voice, osamu looks down beside him as he turns off the faucet to the kitchen sink. your daughter stands with her hands held out, her favorite stuffed animal nearly in tatters. the fabric is torn open by the threads, exposing the fluffy stuffing. and the offender is nowhere to be found.
“oh no. how about i hold onto him until mom gets home to patch him up?” osamu leans down to her level after drying off his hands.
“nuh-uh. he needs surgery right away!” the girl thrusts the damaged bear into his chest.
“i know, baby. i just don’t want to ruin your toy.” well, ruin it beyond its already ruined state. despite the stuffed bear already being torn apart, osamu’s sure that if he gets his hands on it, it might just end up looking worse. it’s more than likely that your daughter is already harboring ill feelings for the poor family dog and osamu doesn’t want to be next.
“daaad, you gotta fix him now. please?” she sticks out her bottom lip in a pout, fat tears pooling in her dark eyes. osamu swears he can hear a little sniffle.
how can he say no to that face?
“okay, okay. i’ll see what i can do.”
maybe it wasn’t the best idea for osamu to offer his services so hastily. even after several youtube tutorials, he still isn’t completely confident in his abilities to mend the broken. before now, he’s never had any reason to learn to sew. to make things worse, a whole piece of the fuzzy material is nowhere to be found. at this rate, even if the tutorials were of any help, he still wouldn’t be able to sew mr. stuffins back together.
but he’ll make this work—for her.
that’s how osamu ends up cutting up an old pair of his pajama pants to stitch your daughter’s beloved toy back together. it takes longer than he imagined it would to fit all the stuffing back into the bear and he poked himself with the needle more times than he could count, but, eventually, the task is done. the plushie is in considerably better shape than when it was brought to him, but it’s far from the bear your daughter knew.
after building up the courage to present the new and somewhat improved teddy to your daughter, osamu makes his way back into the living room where the girl sits coloring at the coffee table. upon hearing her father’s footsteps, the girl drops her crayons and runs to his feet. she looks up to him with expectant eyes.
“dad tried his best, but mr. stuffins looks really different,” osamu admits. it probably won’t be much help—the warning, that is, but he wants to prepare her for the very unfamiliar version of her old friend.
she bounces on the balls of her feet, excited for the fated reunion.
“if you don’t like it, i’ll buy you a new one.” he finally pulls the bear from behind his back, presenting it to the little girl. she quickly grabs it, eyes silently taking in all of the changes to her toy. osamu waits for a reaction. he never thought he’d be one to seek his kid’s approval, but today seems to be full of surprises. this moment is more nerve-wracking than any volleyball game he’d played in high school.
“so…” osamu starts, not able to wait any longer. he’s feeling just as impatient as her now. “how’d i do?”
“mr. stuffins is wearing your clothes,” she giggles, running her little fingers over the recognizable flannel patch. the tiny smile on her face and the absence of disappointed cries must be a sign that he’d done something right, but osamu wants to know for sure.
“you like it, then?”
“mhm, i can’t wait to show mom!” she hurries back to her place at the coffee table, surely excited to update mr. stuffins on everything he missed while he was undergoing his operation. thinking better, she stops in her tracks. the girl turns on her heel to make her way back to osamu. she wraps her arms around his leg in a hug, the bear trapped between her body and osamu’s limb. 
“thank you, dad!”
he sets a hand on the top of her head, ruffling the strands of hair. “you’re welcome, sweetheart.”
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thanks for reading! reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 5 months
𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊 - 𝙽𝚊ï𝚟𝚎𝚝é|𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎
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ft Weed, vaginal fingering, Sero speaking Spanish, hints of Bi Mina and her thirsting over you, allusions to possible future gangbang
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own BNHA or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 2,306
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: includes usage of weed/marijuana, Google Translate Spanish, use of Y/n, 3rd Person POV, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: I’ll use this when the explicit mention is over(tho there will be small references after that point) ✯ ✯ ✯; The reader is described to have a cat(-like) quirk
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Hanta breathes out the smoke and drags his fingertips down her arm as she cuddles into his side. She flicks her tail in contentment.
“Here, baby,” He smiles lazily as he holds the pipe to her lips. Humming lowly, she happily breathes in and holds it in her lungs for a moment before breathing out, feeling all the tension leave her body.
“This is fun, Hanta.” She grins up at her boyfriend.
“Damn right, you’re one of the best smoking partners I’ve had in a while, gatita,” he chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Hey!” Denki cries indignantly, “I thought I was your favorite smoking partner!” He leans back against the couch and over-exaggeratedly pouts, even huffing loudly as he makes a big motion of crossing his arms.
“Denki!” Hanta laughs out, trying to calm his giggle fit before he speaks again, “You are an excellent smoking partner, I promise, hermano,” he says through the tail end of his giggles, “but I can’t exactly shotgun you, now can I? Nor can I have you up against me like this,” He emphasizes by curling his arm around Y/n’s waist and kissing her lips.
“I mean-” Denki throws his arms up like he’s stating the most obvious fact in the world “-you could!” His exclamation makes all parties present burst out laughing, even Denki himself.
“Denki, bro, if you wanna cuddle up to someone, I’m always free!” Eiji calls out to his “kind-of-boyfriend” and holds his arm open to beckon the blonde into his side.
“See?! Ei loves me!” The electric blonde calls out dramatically as he climbs into Eiji’s hold. Everyone chuckles again at his dramatics and mostly return to the conversation.
“Sure do, babe,” the redhead chuckles and takes a hit before shotgunning Denki. He earns a pleased giggle once the smaller boy exhales. Hitoshi leans his head away from Eiji’s shoulder to chuckle at the boy before plopping his head back down on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Ay Dios mío,” Hanta fondly rolls his eyes with a laugh at his mejor amigo. “A very dramatic gilipollas.” He jokes, fake whispering as if a secret to his pretty kitty, earning another indignant noise from the electric blonde and a giggle from his favorite girl. Denki didn’t understand what his friend just said but he can guess that it was something that garners his noise of offense.
Mina has Katsuki’s head in her lap as she combs her manicured nails through his hair, eliciting soft groans every now and then as he lets his Weed Haze take over his consciousness.
“You still awake, booboo?” She asks, lightly poking his cheek and not getting much more than a grunt and a nose wrinkle in terms of dissuasion.
“Yea, I’m still here, Pinky.” He grumbles, opening his red eyes, now no longer just his irises making her laugh.
“Alright, just wanted to make sure,” she leans down and presses a kiss to his forehead, getting another nose wrinkle when he feels her lipgloss stick to his skin. It was always a sight when Katsuki smoked, he would get 50x more affectionate and would even cuddle up to people and accept their affection in turn, like he is now. The self-proclaimed Bakusquad was always happy when they got him to smoke so that they could all their their ‘Katsu-Cuddles’ as Denki deemed them. He still blames the effects on still practically being a ‘Baby Stoner’, also a name by Denki, even though he’s been partaking for a good few months now.
Y/n purrs at the feeling of her boyfriend’s hand on her waist and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Hanta strokes her side and curls his hand further around her, now reaching further to the front of her hip. Her leg then stretches out a bit, unconsciously, to accommodate his hand, so it can slide over her more easily. Seeing how relaxed and buzzed Y/n is, Hanta finishes up the last little bit of his blunt and then shifts to hold her more comfortably.
✯ ✯ ✯
Now, he has his leg propped up against the back of the couch and the other extended onto the floor with her between his thighs, her own legs mostly aligned with his, her leg thrown over his as it hangs off the couch, her back comfortably resting against his chest with her head laying against his shoulder. His arm wraps around her middle and his fingertips lightly trace over her lower belly, not moving anywhere else.
Her hips squirm a bit at how close his fingers are to where she wanted him and he, thankfully, decided not to tease her. He reaches his other arm around her to the tops of her thighs and drags his fingers to inch her comfy skirt up to expose her pretty little black, white, and yellow panties that she had asked Momo to make. Mina gave a playful hum when she saw the Cellophane-themed panties and whistles at Y/n, making the girl blush.
“Damn, girlie, lovin’ the Cellophane merch you’re workin’! And does that say ‘Ay Papi’ on the waistband?!” She teases which makes her blush deeper but the embarrassment goes away nearly the instant that she feels fingers slide up and down her panty-clad slit. A pleasured breath leaves her as her boyfriend’s fingers dance along her dampening cunt.
“F-fuck..!” Y/n’s voice escapes in a high-pitched moan as Hanta’s fingers focus on her clit. She moans out in surprise when he pinches it lightly and grinds her panties into the pleasurable nub. Her panties feel rough against the sensitive skin of her throbbing cunny and it makes her whine. Her tail flicks at the feeling and wraps around her and Hanta’s side-by-side thighs making him chuckle.
Enjoying her little moans and whines, Hanta speeds up his ministrations against her clitty and makes sure to grind her panties into it. Y/n throws her head back against his shoulder as more whines escape her and her hands weakly grip onto whatever fabric she could reach with her still hazy mind. Her left clutches at the couch while her right flies back to grip the fabric of her boyfriend’s cutoff tank top. He smirks at the reactions she gives him and decides to take pity on his poor little Kitty.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’mma make you feel good, okay?” He speaks against her sensitive kitty ear on top of her head that twitches at his breath fanning over it and shifts the h/c fur and makes her shudder.
“Please…” She whines out, shifting her hips and clenching around nothing. He chuckles again, the husky sound in her ear sends a noticeable shiver down her spine.
“Ohh, poor baby, she looks cold~!” Mina cries faux sympathy lining her words, “You’d better warm her up, Papi.” He playfully rolls his eyes at her teasing but proceeds nonetheless. He runs his fingers to the bottom of her poor soaked little cunny and drags upwards until he reaches the hem of her pretty panties with a cutie little black bow adorning the band. From there, he dips his hand under the fabric and moves down to play with her puffy pussy lips directly.
Her hips arch up at the contact and her leg thrown over her lover’s flexes straighter. She’s not usually this sensitive but the plant, that she’s now donned her favorite, made her far more sensitive and acutely aware of all Hanta’s skillful touches. Cute little moans fill the air as the tape-quirked boy slides his middle finger through her slick folds up to her sensitive little bud, flicking it every time he meets it.
“P-please… Hanta…” Y/n mewls while he still only teases her when he just barely dips his fingertip into her entrance before moving on.
“Please what, pretty kitty? I can’t do anything if I don’t know what you want..” He punctuates his teasing sentence with a soft kiss to the base of her twitching ear.
“Want… Want you to touch me…” Her tail’s grip on their thighs tightens and twitches with her near-desperate whining.
“But I am touching you, princesa.” His noncooperation draws more whines from her throat while his touches feel so, so good but are just not enough.
“In.. Inside..! Please!” She practically sobs out the request before her desperation is cut off by a pleased keen when his third and fourth fingers finally, finally, breach her opening. Her moans are accentuated by her loud purrs. Her lover decided to not start out slow, though he doesn’t set a particularly fast pace at first.
He rocks his hand into her sex hard and fast enough to have her bucking her hips into his palm and letting out high-pitched moans. He smirks and speeds up his pace to get her whining and drunk on the sensations of him getting her off on just his fingers. Y/n’s chest rises and falls with her heavy breaths at the intense pleasure she’s getting just from being fingerfucked. Granted, her boyfriend has magical fingers, it’s never been this intense before. The herb has really affected her, so it seems.
“You feeling good, bebita?” Hanta asks in a teasing tone as he flexes his wrist and curls his fingers at the same moment and presses deliciously into the spongy spot inside her that has her seeing stars after the pleasure he’s already given her.
“Yes.. Yes!!” She moans out in a cry, her tail straightens out like an arrow and twitches about like crazy. He then moves his other hand from where he’s been palming himself at all her gorgeous little sounds and slides it around her body to her front. His hand slithers down her form, setting her nerves on fire from her sensitivity from both his fingerfucking and the weed in her system.
Her hips buck up and a shocked cry leaves her when his long fingers find her clitty and start setting loose, slow circles around her swollen little button. Hanta’s deep chuckle vibrates against Y/n’s back and into her whole being as she arches back against him. With a devious smirk, he dips down to nip and kiss and suck on her neck.
“H-Han.. Hanta..!” Y/n’s voice trembles with arousal and need and her ears fold flat against her head. Her cheeks are flushed and a desperate need shines in her glassy eyes with her unshed tears of too much pleasure.
“Cum for me, Mi Princesa. Go on and cum. Déjate sentir bien, gatita. Cum so fuckin hard, gatita. You wanna show our friends how pretty you look when you cum? Muéstrales tu cara bonita, Mi Linda Gatita.” Hanta groans against her skin as he trails his lips up to the juncture of her jaw, the place that makes her weak.
“Yes, Hanta..! Yesyesyes!!” Y/n practically screams as her hips buck up off the couch and soaks her pretty panties with her cum as she gushes around her boyfriend’s fingers. Her cross and roll to the back of her head as her mouth gapes in a perfect O and her claws come out and scratch line rips into the couch cushion and back and her whole body trembles from the intensity of her orgasm. Her ears twitch nonstop against her head and her tail shakes wildly as it coils around Hanta’s arm tightly and her hips shake as her pretty cunny drenches her favorite panties.
“Holy shit..” Mina chuckles in amazement at the sight before her. She doesn’t know who she’s more jealous of in this moment. On the one hand, Y/n clearly just had one of the most intense orgasms of her life, but on the other hand, Hanta gets to give that to her, not just now, but he gets to play with her pretty pussy whenever he wants.
Her look of wonderment is mirrored on Denki, Eijirou, and Hitoshi, as well. That show was stunning. Seeing Y/n make such a pretty face when she came was like a glimpse of heaven to them. No doubt, Katsuki would have had the same reaction had he not fallen asleep in Mina’s lap after a few minutes of Hanta teasing Y/n’s perfect slit over her panties, no matter how hard he tried to fight against it(he didn’t really, he didn’t even realize he was falling asleep until it was too late).
“You were absolutely right, I think that’s the prettiest cum face I’ve ever seen.” Mina breathed with her eyes still wide.
“Right? Mi Bebita Bonita has the prettiest faces when she feels good, isn’t that right, Mi Linda Gatita?” He purrs with a smug smirk at his friend as he presses a kiss to his baby’s cheek. His pretty kitty is too worn out to answer, only able to heave for breath limply against Hanta’s chest with a fucked out expression on her pretty pretty face. The only noises that leave her are pathetic little moans and whines of overstimulation as Hanta gently rubs his fingers over her little cunny as if it’s a soothing motion.
“Damn… And you’re really keeping such a pretty kitty all to yourself, huh? Can’t blame you, man…” Hitoshi lightly teases, even while he can’t tear his eyes away from where they can all see Hanta’s fingers still gliding over her poor little overstimmed pussy.
“Well, whether I keep her all to myself is ultimately up to this Bonita Gatita. Who knows? Maybe she’d be up for a little… group bonding. We can ask once she’s not so blissed out from my fingers in this pretty cunny, sí?” He smirks over at his friends and finally slides his hand out of her soaked panties that make a wet ‘plap’ against her sensitive pussy and makes her flinch and whine from the sudden sensation.
“In the meantime…” He deviously smirks again, holding up his glistening hand in a display, “Who wants a taste?”
— — —
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dilfth1rster · 6 months
I was wondering if you could do some smutty head cannons about Dean Winchester
Hi anon this is my first head canon like this, hope you enjoy it and if you want to further explore it, you know where to send me a request:)
Let's start with Dean is definitely a kinkyyyy himbo...
He's very dirty minded, any conversation that sparks as something a little sexual is like poking a bear with a stick. You never know what can trigger him.
I surely see him as both a dom and sub depending on a situation and or his mood. He doesn't see gender and would fuck anyone.
Nice chick in shorts a little too revealing? ... Yeah he would definitely try to hit that.
An older guy that gets a little too touchy after a couple of beers? Dean, umm- WOULD!
As of what he's into, it's a damn wide spectrum.
Starting with dress up... He loves that damn wild west cowboy shit. He loves getting in his cowboy boots and hat and a fringy jacket which also activates a dominant confident side in him.
He loves dominating and being dominated.
VERYYYY verbal whether it be about how nicely his big cock slides into you or how he degrades you and calls you his dirty cumwhore OR- how he pants in your ear while ramming into your ass with a speed of lightning.
He can NEVER decline a blowjob, he loves that shit. With him, it's more of a deepthroat or a "skullfuck" because he'd be holding you down on his wide 7 inches till u smelled the musky trimmed bush of his and later on definitely got lightheaded...
While I already mentioned his musk, I must add that his usual body smell is sweat mixed with a strong woodsy cologne and "leftover" whisky.
Dean appreciates when a lady shaves down there but he's a wild one for a hairy cunt as well as a bushy, hairy guy.
Loves high heels and "girly" accessories especially pink ones.
Is not scared nor intimidated by being called or referring to himself as Daddy.
Knows you're obsessed with his hands and loves helping you get wet by putting his chubby fingers in your mouth/throat.
DEAN WINCHESTER LOVES RISKY/OUTDOOR SEX!!!!!!! (includes public places such as dirty bar restroom which leads me to another thing that is...)
Unprotected sex. He's not friends with condoms, loves breeding you, and seeing his cum ooze out of you... and he CUMS A LOT.
He also loves getting bred by older guys(daddy issues I guess).
If you're okay with it:
He's definitely into watersports. Would love to piss on you, in his words "mark" you as his and degrade you.
Slap and choke you around(a little manhandling never hurt nobody huh?)
Make you worship his boots as a sign of your ultimate submission.
(let me include an image because it's getting hot in here...)
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If it's longer than a one night stand he'd definitely want to cuckold you and make you watch as he breeds and destroys another young chick he met at the bar and brought to the motel room. Maybe if you're nice enough and behave he'll let you lick the juices off his cock after?
This man got a thing for piercings, belly button one that pops out from under your top, lip piercing or ESPECIALLY tongue and tits pierced... GOD DAMN!
Sex with him is usually fast paced(I say usually because from time to time it's not fast, IT'S DAMN RAPID)
SO... CUM-
we estabilished that mans got a breeding kink but well- Dean also loves cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow his sweet, chunky load, as well as painting your whole face in his seed.
If he's titty-fucking you he can explode directly on them.
If he's with a guy he enjoys getting bred and getting his face painted.
This guy is a goddamn foodie, he loves to eat his sweet treats like the well known pie and such... he also loves to incorporate that into sex...
making you eat the pie he just came on or stuffing pieces of it into your pussy and eating you and IT out :)
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Well- I think that's it for now. I'd love to further explore some of the aspect with you all, so if you got any questions or ideas, write away in the requests in my bio :)
(I'm a new writer so if you could like and reshare or leave a comment with your thoughts I'd really appreciate that)
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adnauseum11 · 8 months
Avenue of Approach (John Price x Reader)
Kate tries to pick up where she left off. John plays developments in your relationship close to the vest.
less than 1k words
CW: reference to oral sex
feedback welcome
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It takes Kate almost half the night before she can pinpoint what’s different about John. Which annoys her. Which in turn throws her game off. Which annoys her even further when John wins the pot that evening and sticks around to count it out slowly, mirthful in his victory. She decides to exact some vengeance and sharpens her metaphorical blade on his thick skin. 
“Took a while but it finally dawned on me what’s different about you tonight. You might be in the best mood I’ve seen in a year or two, John.”
“mm…depends on which year or two you’re referring to, I suppose.” He says by way of agreement, tapping a small stack of bills into order against the table top. 
“Got anything to do with your lady-friend from last time? Get things, er…moving in the right direction?” Kate asks, having had enough whiskey while sitting around waiting for the game to end to feel braver than she ought.
John tucks his chin into his chest and looks up at Kate with his brows raised, assessing. A familiar look of disapproval slowly settles in to his features. 
“Are you asking to be a friend or to be a sore loser?” John pokes back, nailing Kate in her soft underbelly. Their friendship, hard fought and well tested, a vulnerability for them both. 
His response confirms her earlier suspicions, no matter his half-assed denial. Kate knows him well, and won’t be swayed from her assessment of the situation easily. She’s happy to watch him try, though. 
“John, please. You’re leaving with all my spending cash for the rest of the week, at least cough up some details.”
The corners of John’s mouth twitch as he fights off a smile, his face mellowing again. He can’t summon the energy to be cagey with Laswell, simply in too good of a mood to act otherwise.  
“What did you want to know?” He’s humouring her, tucking the wad of cash that is his winnings into the inner pocket of his jacket.      
“Surely you’ve got her to agree to do more than just kiss you by now?” Kate’s nursing the end of a whiskey, spinning it in her hands while she waits for John to answer. 
“We’re taking it slow, but yes.” He doesn’t elaborate and Kate’s smart enough, even drunk, to not stray further down that avenue. John has to physically start a task or he’ll starting reminiscing about eating his love out on her couch the other night. Her delectable thighs wrapped around his head were not enough to muffle her keening cry when she came on his face and fingers. He starts picking up the playing cards and facing them in the same direction, keeping his hands busy and his brain preoccupied. It works and stymies the beginnings of an erection. Kate’s prying works wonders as an ice bath, too.   
“Thought you’ve known her a long time, why take it slow? Don’t know her well enough yet? Do you think maybe another 20 years ought to do it?” The drink is making Kate mouthy, something she’ll regret tomorrow. 
“Piss off, Laswell. She’s scared to lose something we’ve had for a long time.” John stacks the cards on the table and crosses his arms over his chest.
“How did you two meet?” Kate tries a different tack, asking for details from the past instead of the present. It works, as much as anything ever works on John. 
“She was dating a mate of mine for a while before I shipped out. By the time I got back on my first leave they had broken up.” He kept the fact that his mate had taken to harassing and intimidating her, and that John had broken the lad’s cheekbone convincing him to leave her alone, to himself. Going forward he’d dropped the mate and kept tabs on the pretty bird. He’d yet to regret that choice. 
“And you didn’t get an opportunity to ask her out in the last two decades?” Kate is the embodiment of skeptical. 
“No.” John deadpanned, shutting down that line of questioning. He watched Laswell sulk into her whiskey for a moment.
The truth was, he’d had a front row seat to half of her life. His line of work, and being away as much as he was with no guarantee of return was too much. He knew it would kill a fledgling relationship with her quickly. She didn’t have the temperament for long periods alone, and John didn’t have the heart to ask it of her. He’d promised himself that if he made it to retirement, if she was single by some stroke of luck, he would finally do something about the feelings he’d been harbouring. The rest, as they say, was history.    
Recent history. It had been enough, once upon a time, to know she was out there, doing well in the world. Made it easier to leave, to know it was ultimately keeping her safe, what he did in the shadows. Now, selfish man that he was, he couldn’t sit and watch and have it be enough. He needed more; from her, from their relationship. He was willing to go slow, and like a starving man brought to a feast, it was probably wiser to do so.
“If you’re done, Kate? I’ve got somewhere else to be.” 
He pushed back from the table, swinging his coat over his shoulders smoothly. He gave Kate a smirk on his way past, just to rile her up and was gratified to see it working.
Good. Nosy git. 
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solarmorrigan · 7 months
For the heart prompt could you possibly do 💚 please? Thank you in advance ☺️
My guy, I cannot even tell you how much this one argued with me. A challenge! It was fun, though, thank you for the prompt :D
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed
Prompt from this post
It’s practically the stuff of fairy tales – like something out of the story books Steve’s mom would read to him before bed, back when doing stuff like reading to your kid was in vogue.
It isn’t that soulmates aren’t real—it’s the sort of thing you’ll hear about a friend of a friend or see in the news sometimes, that a soulmate pair has come together, usually when one or both of the people involved are already famous—it’s just that they’re rare.
Not everyone is lucky enough to find their fated person – the person who will complete them, whose presence will soothe, whose very touch is said to be healing (and Steve has no idea if that’s all built-up, romanticized bullshit or not, but he likes imagining that it’s true, anyway).
Steve used to fantasize about it, if he’s honest: finding his One True Love, having a soulmate, someone who would love him unconditionally and never want to abandon him.
Of course, as he gets older, he realizes that it’s both unlikely and unrealistic to imagine that he, of all people, would have a soulmate. And in any case, he doesn’t need one. He still finds his people – people who love him and who care about him and who he loves and cares for in return. No soul bond required.
People like Dustin and Robin – and Eddie, who Steve enjoys being around more than he possibly could have imagined. Eddie, who takes the time to explain his references when Steve gets lost, who listens when Steve wants to talk about his own things, who not only tolerates but seems to delight in when Steve wants to take care of him, who sticks up for and takes care of Steve in return.
Eddie, who seems just as drawn to Steve as Steve is to him.
Even now, when they’d had plans to hang out for the day and Steve’s goddamn brain had ruined it all by smacking him upside the head with a migraine, Eddie is there. He isn’t even mad that their plans have been derailed – he’s just bringing Steve water and his medication and making sure that the blinds are closed and that he’s comfortable, and who the fuck even needs a soulmate, Steve fucking loves this man.
In his muddled state, he thinks he might try to say as much, but it comes out as more of a sleepy mumble. The jumble of syllables catches Eddie’s attention, at least, and brings him back to the side of the bed, where he perches and leans towards Steve.
“How’re you doing?” he asks softly.
Steve hums – less of an answer, and more of a confirmation that he’s still alive.
Eddie gives him a soft smile of sympathy and reaches over to brush Steve’s bangs back from his forehead. Steve swears his head clears a little just at the touch.
“Sorry the day got ruined,” he finally manages, and Eddie shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s fine. We’ve always got more time. Sorry you’re feeling shitty, though,” Eddie says.
And then– and then he leans in and presses a kiss to Steve’s forehead, quick and soft, and the touch of his lips against Steve’s skin sparks. It tingles and spreads and Steve gasps and shivers at the weird, weird feeling of all his pain suddenly draining away, leaving him feeling perfectly well and completely fucking stunned.
He stares up at Eddie, who stares back at him, just as startled, his fingers hovering somewhere near his lips as if he’d been poking at them trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.
Steve can see the moment he comes to the exact same conclusion that Steve has.
“Oh,” Eddie says quietly, and Steve laughs, sitting up to throw his arms around Eddie’s neck.
Those stupid storybooks were right, Steve decides, as he pulls Eddie in for a full and proper kiss – sometimes dreams really do come true.
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loverboy-havocboy · 4 months
infodump at me about aliit au tattoos? please?
kissing you on the mouth about this, if i may. long post ahead, i imagine.
starting with comet:
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starry night tattoo - comet is a painter and his favorite artist/main stylistic inspiration is van gogh. i think this is one of the first real tattoos boost did after beginning his apprenticeship in keldabe
honeycomb - this is the testosterone symbol! it's also a matching tattoo with his ori'vod thorn, who was (likely) the first other transmasc he ever met and whose non profit helped pay for comet's top surgery.
art is the weapon - a reference mcr's danger days album and a quote by either frank or gerard: art is the weapon, your imagination is the ammunition, stay dirty and stay dangerous, create and destroy as you see fit. i think that speaks to comet both as an artist and as a queer person, and i think the whole pack is insane about mcr. boost probably gave him this one in high school.
trans symbol - this commemorates his first hrt injection! boost did the injection and the tattoo a week after comet turned 18.
phoenix - this is a huge part of comet's character, and is done in out of the ashes. it's a cover up that helped him let go of an abusive relationship and reminds him of what he's capable of. it's also dedicated to/inspired by @brokenphoenix99, who's been around for comet since day one.
cowboy star - sinker gave him this tattoo under boost's very careful supervision!!
flowers - suggested by phoenix when i didn't like his old chest tattoo, these accentuate his scars rather than distract from them. they're something he's very proud of, so that makes much more sense for him. the flowers represent growth, new beginnings, and him finding the comfort in himself he needed to embrace his femininity. the butterfly is for change/transition.
pack tattoos (dog, sun moon stars, swords) - i'd say all of these are probably from high school if not very soon after. the wrist tattoo was the first tattoo any of them ever got and the first boost ever did. it was a stick and poke and they were around 14-16. sinker's given name means sun ray, boost has always been caught in his orbit (yes, we're excluding earth for this metaphor) and is the more quiet/reserved, so has always been his moon. idk yet when comet chose his name or whether he was already their star at the time, but this became Their Thing. the dog is because they were so rabid/feral in high school (and because comet drew blood biting another kid in a fight) that they were dubbed a pack of wild animals/dogs. they took that and ran with it, calling themselves a pack. the swords are an all for one and one for all kind of deal.
i am creation & lightning bug - i am creation is a lyric from creature by half alive which is transgender To Me. the lightning bug was just cute and comet likes bugs.
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moths: obligatory sun and moon tattoo to symbolize him and boost. these were really fun to do, i just feel like he's a moth tattoo kind of guy, you know?
darasuum: mando'a for eternal/eternity. this is in boost's handwriting, over his heart.
snake: much like with the moths, he just gives me snake man vibes? i think he likes snakes a lot, as he's a friend to all creatures. the snake has a pattern of suns, moons, and stars.
hip star: i think comet probably did this one! either way, it's dedicated to him.
baby/doll: boost calls him babydoll sometimes. they both have other partners (mostly hook ups for boost, sinker goes on a lot more dates/has other relationships), but babydoll is something just for them. the baby tattoo spends a lot of time under collars (or boost's hands).
others: he's got a lot of random ones because he's been boost's practice body for almost a decade!
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his tattoos would need their own fucking post, and some of them can be explained by comet and sinker's, so i'm just gonna hit a few.
dinosaur: sinker did this one!
"i'm here" star: comet did this tattoo! i'm gonna say maybe in high school.
lighter: "ni partayli gar darasuum" is mando'a for "i remember you, so you are eternal", which is part of the mandalorian death remembrance. this is a memorial for his parents. they died right before the pack started high school, and he was adopted by sinker's parents, who were already his godparents.
molotov cocktail: lyric from baby, i'm an anarchist by against me.
tic tac toe board: this is for sinker to play with when he's board. sometimes boost plays with him, sometimes comet.
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tallies: coric gives him a new one every time he does something stupidly risky that lands him in medical (which gregor generally just considers victory tallies, much to the medic's chagrin).
212: for his battalion!
bicep tattoo: foxtrot squad symbol framed by the words "jatnese be jatnese", mando'a for "best of the best". i'm gonna say his whole squad probably has this one!
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
Why do people think it’s mean? I am referring to your tags on that 2003 post. I thought the humor was funny I dunno I guess I am not understanding what the meanness is. They are teenagers teens can be jerks.
post and my tags on it were 03 season 6 and 12 season 1 but I'm answering about 03 because I've watched it more recently and more often
First thing: it isn't a criticism of the characters (who are fictional and would be very pointless for me to nitpick their behavior) but a comment on the writing
And specifically how the writing is different because it's from that era. Mean-spirited humor is always a thing, but it was popular and mainstream at that time in particular (and having been a teenager at the time who didn't find it funny or participate and was therefore labeled as--well, mean, I guess in a way, or at least a stick in the mud, I have some strong feelings and biases against it).
(That said, not being a teenager anymore and having a bit more media literacy, I do want to add, humor changes, what's socially polite changes, it's not the end of the world, and by saying I hate what the writers did, I don't condemn them as people, we were all there together and we move forward together. Personally I still find season 6 enjoyable, just have certain issues with it. Which is what I will be focusing on since it's what you asked about)
So, the point: in earlier seasons the boys are mean to each other in ways that are believable, match their maturity level, and serve a purpose in the story to show them responding to stress or teach us about their characters. Sometimes they cross lines simply making fun of each other, but there are always underlying story beats. It isn't just the writers saying 'look this one's dumb let's laugh at him'
Season 6, especially with Mikey and Raph, feels like the writers are using them as comic relief in a very mean-spirited way. Sometimes that's reflected in the way Splinter, Leo, or Donny treat them, but it's also sometimes just the way the plot moves to exaggerate and poke fun at their flaws, ignoring character growth from past seasons.
When Raph used to call Mikey shell for brains and Mikey called Raph ugly, they were being teenagers. It was a thoughtful piece of characterization showing that being close friends doesn't make them perfect, being isolated is hard and they lash out at each other sometimes. Mikey was especially hard on Raph when he was having to share his space with April; it served a story purpose of showing the difficulty for the turtles in letting another person into their life (not something they've had to do often). I'm blanking on times Raph was harder on Mikey but the point is that he wasn't needlessly mean, sometimes it was played for a joke but it also had a purpose in the narrative.
Season 6? Oh it's sooo funny how no one wants to go watch wrestling with Raph, something he has literally wanted his entire life, btw don't forget he hates the future, isn't it fun to watch the angry turtle be homesick and isolated? Like Leo and Don are certainly less interested and helpful in that scene than they would be in earlier seasons, but the point is that the writers are being mean. We aren't supposed to understand Raph's brothers as being inconsiderate, we're supposed to laugh at him for being sincere and excited :/
Mikey's intelligence is also a huge example. Mikey is extremely clever and competent, but in season 6 they just constantly make him either pick on Raph or obsess over video games and forgot the rest of his character. Okay, so they flattened him a little, that happened to everyone. But it's worse because his apparent lack of intelligence is constantly made fun of. Donny makes a lot of just completely unnecessary comments that don't serve either of their character arcs, and come across much more as him speaking for the writers (and the audience, supposedly) to mock the dumb turtle.
I hate that extremely.
My brain is not in a good space for more examples. But the principle is that the type of humor popular in that era (which the op referred to) (2007ish to like 2014 I think) is, idk the best way I can describe it is emotional slapstick? mocking a character's emotions or lack of intelligence, almost creating a 'straw man' to beat on. Of course that type of humor has always and will always exist but it was a real mainstream popular thing; we don't usually call it 'literary movements' when it's shows and movies instead of writing but idk how else to explain it.
It's very much a thing in early 2012 writing as well, but I feel that sort of worked better because it landed at the beginning of the show instead of the end, so even though it may or may not have been deliberate (I honestly don't know 12 well enough to say), it worked well to play into their growing up arcs. As opposed to the 03 situation where their social maturity from the first five seasons just evaporated (and after a slow believable buildup too 😔)
tldr: the writers' humor is what I refer to as mean-spirited, not the characters. And yes I do think it's mean to mock the act of having emotions or not knowing enough information or struggling with discipline or being homesick (all things Raph and Mikey were mocked for, not just by other characters but by the narrative in a variety of ways)
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
Do you have any ideas about the differences between Macaque and fem!Macaque? Like how MQ is more emotionally intelligent than her male counterpart but also more cold to Peaches, I think fem!Macaque looks like she’d be shyer and perhaps more emotional than pragmatic than male Macaque.
Also is it cool to just refer to her as Plum to differentiate between fem and male Macaque?
Yes! I'm still working some stuff out in my head, but here's what I got for now (also, of course you can refer to Fem!Macaque as Plum! That's what I was hoping would happen!):
- So first off, Plum is shier than Macaque... or at least comes off as it. What I mean, is that she's not so much shy as she is quiet upon first introductions. Plum is the type to observe first and then, depending on her first impression, act according to her opinion.
So for example, if after introductions she decides you're a good person, Plum will start to let her more playful side out. This is kind of a second test to see if the newbie really is good. Plum will test the newbie's patience as she messes/teases them; should the newbie remain kind, or even better, play along or laugh, Plum will start to give in. She let's her charisma bleed through with every new interaction with the newbie... her playing becomes more gentle, more touchy; instead of teasing, she's flirting. Plum really starts to open up.
Now if Plum decides that the newbie is a bad person... there are multiple paths she could take:
1. (Passive aggressive) Bully them out of the lives of her and MQ. She'll insult and poke at every little insecurity she can find on the newbie, using her silver tongue as a dagger. Along with that she will "play" with them. Plum will go through their belongings and scatter them about, destroying them, stealing them, etc (She'll even get her monkey friends in on it). Should the newbie continue to stick around, Plum will pull out the big guns and start working on mentally breaking them with her shadow magic: causing them nightmares, playing on their paranoia, creating scenarios to gaslight and decieve. Just anything she can do to rip them to bits mentally.
2. (Cordial) Silent treatment with splashes of sharp insults. Keeps to herself, but is always watching.
3. (Aggressive) Beware! Violent Monkey woman on the loose! Proceed with caution.
Plum is very good at discernment, with her analysis of a person being almost never wrong.
- Now, both Plum and Macaque are pretty straightforward... but there are differences in how they show it.
Plum is actually more physical while Macaque is more verbal. "Growing up", Plum has learned to rely more on touch to express her feelings rather than words due to the females in their troupe being more physically affectionate with one another. With it being almost a daily occurrence, the females would gather together to socialize and groom one another, or to help watch over/play with the group's young.
For Plum, words can't always properly express how she's feeling despite her skill with them, so she'll use cuddling, love bites, grooming, and other methods to show her affection for a person. If angry or hostile, she'll withdraw completely from a person, wanting no contact at all. It's very easy to tell how she feels about a person because of these habits, and to be honest, Macaque would probably have an easier time opening up if he did the same as Plum, but alas he is emotionally constipated to the max, so at this point it would probably break him if someone even tried to high-fived him.
- All in all, Macaque and Plum are pretty similar. The both of them are confident, intelligent, charming, and very frightening in battle. Both Macaque and Plum are some of the only people to make MK and MQ sweat in a fight, with their fighting style being very cutthroat and brutal. It almost makes up for the small gap in strength between the hero and his/her warrior friend.
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theradicalscrivener · 9 months
The Life and Tinies of Trevor: OnlyGlans
I started this fic aaaagggesss ago. Like, you can carbon date the first draft by the fact that it references the Jack-O challenge. I'd been wanting to revisit Trevor and friends for ages, and I was in a hardcore micro mood this past month, so I dusted this off and finished it.
(P.S. Ya boi's got Linktree and Bluesky now)
[First Chapter] || [Next Chapter]
                Simon glanced up from his homework and over at the far side of the desk where Trevor was positioned in front of Simon’s cell phone – which at Trevor’s two-inch height was far larger than Trevor himself. The cell phone was mounted on a stand which kept it more or less upright so that Trevor could watch it like a movie screen, but Trevor seemed more interested in participating in what was going on on the screen as opposed to just watching.
                “… what in the wide, wide world of sports are you doing?” Simon asked.
               Trevor hopped up from his position and shouted up towards his colossal boyfriend so that Simon could hear, “It’s the hottest new meme,” he explained. “People all over are mimicking this fighting game pose.” He then leaned back down so his booty was in the air and his chest was down on the ground.
               “Looks uncomfortable. If I was gonna mimic a pose, I’d probably stick to something like The Garfield Power Coma pose or something,” Simon commented.
               Trevor once again hopped up and faced his giant boyfriend. “How boring! You won’t get any likes like that!”
               “Oh? That’s your game? Gonna be internet famous? Might need to put some pants on before you go posting to TikTok, though.” Simon teased and gave Trevor’s exposed midriff a playful poke with the eraser end of his pencil.
               It was supposed to be a soft jab, but with their current size disparity, it was enough to send Trevor tumbling onto his ass. After all, the pencil was bigger around than Trevor’s whole head! Getting poked with one of those was like getting bodied with a pugil stick.
               However, the sudden tumble barely slowed Trevor down. He quickly hopped back up on his feet. “I… uh… guess I got a little too used to not wearing anything around the house. I didn’t even consider the clothes thing…” Trevor said with a bashful chuckle.
               “Well, I for one am not complaining,” Simon said with a sly wink.
               “Yeah. You would enjoy it,” Trevor replied back and returned the wink.
               “TikTok might not allow you to leave the goods out, but I’m sure some other sites would be more than happy to show all of you.”
               “Ha! Yeah. I can get me an OnlyFans and become the world’s tiniest porn star!” Trevor laughed.
               “Then you can finally start paying rent,” Simon teased.
               “Sure! I’ll only pay for the portion of the apartment that I actually use though,” Trevor replied. He then paused for a beat and asked, “Do you think you can break a penny?”
               “A whole penny? You must really be expecting to rake in the big bucks,” Simon teased playfully.
“What? You don’t think I know how to work it? Get that camera rolling, and I’ll show you what I can do!”
               Simon smirked and cocked an eyebrow skeptically. After a moment he shrugged and then tapped the screen of his cell phone a few times and adjusted the angle so now the screen showcased the tiny Trevor standing atop Simon’s desk.
               “Well? Go on. Don’t keep your fans waiting,” Simon said.
                 “The site is called Only Fans for a reason! I’m nothing without my audience! So, you tell me what you want to see!” Trevor called up to his towering boyfriend.
               “Well, I already see a lot that I like. Why not show that to the audience?” Simon replied with a smirk.
               Trevor glanced up towards his boyfriend’s huge smirk which loomed far above him. His gaze stayed a moment at his boyfriend’s cute face and then slowly worked a path down the seeming miles of Simon’s shirt.
               “You know… if I’m going to make a name for myself as the world’s tiniest porn star, I should have a partner for comparison!” Trevor said.
               “Oh? Did you have someone in mind?” Simon replied playfully. He played dumb, but even without being asked, he began to undo the buttons on his shirt letting his toned chest and abs come into view.
“Take! It! Off! Take! It! Off!” Trevor cheered as Simon continued his striptease. Once his shirt was fully unbuttoned, he then shimmied his tight jeans down along his slender thighs before stepping out of those. Soon he was clad in nothing but his full open-fronted flannel shirt and a pair of bulging boxer briefs.
Simon started to reach down and slip his fingers into the waistband of his boxers, but Trevor quickly shouted for him to stop.
               “Wait! Wait! I have an idea!” Trevor shouted.
Simon cocked an eyebrow questioningly but waited as Trevor scampered across the desk towards the large keyboard that Simon usually worked from. Trevor crawled up onto the wrist rest before leaping across the gap to the keyboard proper. Once there, Trevor knelt down and slammed his palms down on the track pad as if he was putting his prints on the Hollywood walk of fame.
               Simon admired the view as Trevor took up a pose very similar to the meme pose he was trying earlier. Trevor had his legs spread wide so that he had a foot planted on one of the two mouse keys. Trevor had his two hands placed together almost as if he was trying to guide a Ouija puck. Trevor had to lean all the way forward so that he had most of his body weight balanced on his two hands in order for the track pad to even register his weight enough for him to move the cursor. The pose put all of his goods on display. His ass was raised high and held in such a way as to give Simon a clear view of Trevor’s tight, tiny hole, and his balls and dick swung beneath. Simon couldn’t help but ogle Trevor’s fit, firm backside as the tiny guy worked away at the computer. Each time Trevor needed to shift the cursor, he had to put his full body weight behind the push which caused his tiny cock and balls to swing heavily between his miniature quads.
               Simon was quickly getting beyond chubbed up as he watched his tiny boyfriend flex and wobble with each shove of the trackpad. Simon wished it was physically possible for him to plow that firm ass, but even before Trevor had been reduced in height to the size of a Lego figure, Simon’s impressive rod had been too much for his boyfriend to take. That wasn’t to say that Simon was dealing with blue balls, however. Despite his tiny size, Trevor had a seemingly boundless wellspring of energy and an even bigger imagination. In fact, the only reason the two of them weren’t going at it like rabbits every day was because Simon often needed to rest between rounds, and there were also those pesky classes and homework and a job that kept Simon otherwise occupied.
               Simon was so fixated on his fit, tiny boyfriend that he wasn’t even watching what was going on on the monitor. Trevor had already logged into the app that controlled the webcam and was adjusting the angle of the video.
               Calling it a webcam was probably a bit of a misnomer. It was a higher quality camera than one usually used for face timing, and it was able to be remote controlled. This camera and the touch pad mouse were two of the items that Simon had installed to give Trevor a way to keep in touch with him if he was out of the apartment for any reason. The camera was able to zoom in on the less than two-inch tall dude so that Simon could clearly see his pint-sized paramour at any time of day. Today, however, the camera was fixated on Simon’s package.
               “Chin up! Trousers down!” Trevor said into the microphone that was attached to his little control center.
               Simon blushed beet red. He had been mostly joking about having Trevor film the two of them together. Trevor was the outgoing one. Simon was often just along for the ride. However, he couldn’t deny that he was excited by the prospects. Simon wasn’t naïve. He knew his cock was huge, and his dick was just going to look even more massive when placed alongside a dude who was crotch high to a G.I. Joe!
               Simon once more slipped his fingers into the waistband of his tight boxer briefs and shoved the soft garment down along his hips until his huge, fat cock spilled out onto the desk before him. His impressive meat landed on the cool, wooden surface with an audible whump. The tremor from the impact was such that even Trevor, who was a good foot away from the point of impact, had to struggle to maintain his precarious pose.
               Simon watched in awe as the camera zoomed in to focus on just the head of his huge cock. The soft, supple flesh of his spongy cockhead filled up almost every inch of his extra wide monitor. His pre-dribbling slit made it look like his desktop background had been swapped out with an off-brand rendition of the eye of Sauron.
               It was strange staring at an image of his own cock like this. The glans appeared larger than his whole head! The slit appeared bigger than his own mouth! Was this what it looked like to Trevor? On some level, Simon started to feel a little jealous that this is what Trevor got to experience on a daily basis! But even as these thoughts flooded his mind, he knew that he was lowballing just how huge his dick looked to his tiny boyfriend.
               Once satisfied with the camera position, Trevor stood back up and stretched the kinks out of his back and shoulder before hopping off of the mouse pad and scurrying across the desk over to where Simon’s massive meat awaited him. Trevor was already rock hard before he even left his workstation which gave Simon an amusing and erotic view of Trevor’s tiny rod swinging and dripping from side to side as the little guy jogged across the desktop.
               Soon, Trevor was staring down the beast. Trevor was so small and Simon was so hung that the massive, spongy head of his semi-boned cock completely dwarfed Trevor’s body. Just the glans of Simon’s fantastic cock was the size of an igloo! As Trevor stood there staring down Simon’s massive, fleshy, one-eyed monster. Trevor felt like Chrono standing face to face with the planet-devouring parasite. However, unlike Chrono, Trevor was more than happy to let this beast erupt all over him.
               Trevor leaned up against the tip of his boyfriend’s colossal cock. No matter how many times he did this, the sheer size of it always took his breath away, and the surreal sensation of the massive, soft, spongy tissue against his tiny hands made it feel like he was petting some kind of massive beast. Trevor had never pet an elephant before, but he imagined it would probably be a very similar experience… at least if he was doing it at his old size, anyway.
               Trevor glanced over his shoulder and marveled at the image on the screen behind him. It was strange seeing himself as a giant! Everywhere he went, he was surrounded by people that completely dwarfed his tiny form. Some part of Trevor’s mind pondered for a split second what it would be like to be the big guy in a relationship, but he’d never want to trade places with Simon. Trevor loved having a skyscraper-sized boyfriend, and he knew that Simon absolutely adored having a pocket-sized lover as well.
               Internal thoughts aside, Trevor was pleased at what he saw on the screen. He and his boyfriend’s cock were framed perfectly in the shot. Trevor flashed a sly wink to the giant figure of himself on the screen (and by extension to the fans watching at home) and turned to face the beast. Now that he was in position, he wasted no time. He pressed his body against the tip of Simon’s fully-engorged cock head. By this point, Simon was rock-hard. His dick-tip was as puffed up as it could get. Pre flowed freely from the huge slit.
               Trevor began to rub his whole body against his boyfriend’s massive cockhead. He rolled his entire body like a Gogo boy doing body rolls in a cage above a dance floor. With each thrust of his hips, his own cock rubbed against the drooling lips of Simon’s massive slit.
               Simon shuddered and moaned. He struggled against himself to keep himself from cumming so quickly. Sure, he had been busy with class lately, but he hadn’t thought he was so backed up! He was ready to cream, and they had barely even started! He could feel Trevor’s tiny dick rubbing against his oversensitive slit! He could feel Trevor’s tiny hips rubbing against his over-engorged cockhead! Simon was so close to cumming just from the sensations on his cockhead, and it didn’t help that he could see the entire spectacle of his tiny boyfriend grinding against and licking and suckling his own cockhead in HD on his large computer screen. 
               Simon’s cock head gave a flare. His dick lurched violently. The motion nearly sent Trevor toppling flat onto his ass, but Trevor was not about to be shoved aside even if Simon’s meat was so massive that even the head of the fat cock could easily eclipse Trevor’s entire body. He was determined to stand his ground. He didn’t want to let go of his boyfriend’s cock for even a moment, and he definitely didn’t want to disappoint the fans at home. Not to mention, that being able to make the titan which loomed over him tremble with just the movement of his hips, drove Trevor wild!
               Trevor glanced back over his shoulder to make sure that his audience still had a clear shot of what was going on. He flashed another playful wink, and then returned his attention to his titanic boyfriend’s shuddering cockhead. Trevor got down on his knees so he was now staring down the dribbling slit. The scent of cock sweat and pre filled his nostrils. The sheer heat emanating from his boyfriend’s meat was astounding. It was like just the head of his lover’s cock was overwhelming all of his senses! But Trevor was not so easily cowed. He leaned in and rubbed his face against the pre-drooling gash of Simon’s monolithic cock. Simon’s slit was so huge that Trevor could get his entire face into it as if it was one of those face pillows on a massage bench, but the sides of this pillow were far warmer, softer, and wetter than any spa pillow he could have used.
               Simon slammed his hands down on the desk to stabilize himself. He was now shaking like a leaf. His breath was coming in ragged gasps. Simon’s cock was so sensitive that he could feel Trevor’s tongue against the inside of his dick tip. He could feel Trevor’s nose brushing against the walls of his dick. Trevor really knew how to get to him. Trevor was far smaller than even just Simon’s cock, and yet Trevor could easily make the titan collapse with bliss, and the sensations were only amplified by the video displayed on Simon’s monitor.
               Simon could see Trevor kneeling down before the camera. The video gave a clear glimpse of Trevor’s tight, tiny hole. Simon was leaking so much that his pre was completely coating Trevor’s tiny body. Trevor’s body glistened in the light of the desk lamp. Simon watched as Trevor moved a hand away from Simon’s sensitive cockhead and reached back towards Trevor’s own firm butt. Simon was so horny that his throat felt so tight that he could barely swallow. All he could do was struggle to remain upright while he felt his tiny boyfriend grinding against his cock and watched the incredibly sexy show on his screen. He was struggling to keep his cool and his load, but he nearly lost both when he saw Trevor reach back and slip two pre-soaked fingers into his own tight hole.
               Trevor was using Simon’s own pre to finger fuck himself! Trevor was so tiny that Simon had long since given up getting any part of himself in that dude’s cute hole! Trevor was so small that Simon couldn’t even slip his pinky inside! Yet watching Trevor finger himself with Simon’s juices sent Simon spiraling into a new stratosphere of hot and bothered.
               Simon’s cock trembled and lurched so hard that the force of it sent Trevor tumbling backwards. ! In actuality, Trevor had only slid a few centimeters, but at Trevor’s small size it was as if he had slid a few feet! The pre-soaked shrunken stud slid across the desktop as if he was in an ice rink.
Trevor knew it was time for his hard work to pay off. The sound of the giant’s moans was like music to his ears. Each labored breath that escaped the titan’s lips made Trevor hornier and hornier. Trevor was ready to cum right then and there, but he was determined to hold off until Simon had found release.
               Simon was so horny that he didn’t even have time to wrap his hands around his fat cock before he started spewing. The first rope of jizz arced into the air, completely missing his tiny lover.
               Simon struggled against his own arousal and orgasmic bliss and forced enough of his body to listen to him. Simon was so addled from his own climax that he wasn’t entirely sure why he was struggling so hard. Did he want to put on a good show for the camera? Did he just want to completely coat Trevor in his cum?  Whatever the case, on some level, he knew that he needed to get his dick back in the shot.
               Simon reached both hands around his fat cock and angled the cum-spewing tip down towards the desktop. Simon was so hot and bothered that he could barely keep his eyes open let alone focus them, but between gasps and spurts, he watched in awe as the image of his own cock was magnified several times on his computer screen. Jizz erupted from the slit like a geyser. The burst of cum crashed into the tiny figure that stood unsteadily before it. The torrent of jizz was so powerful that it sent Trevor flying backwards as it collided directly with his chest.
               Trevor had been blasted clean out of the view of the camera. Now the computer screen only showed Simon’s spewing cock head. That image was incredibly hot even by itself, but even as his senses were overwhelmed by his own climax, Simon refused to take center stage on what was supposed to be Trevor’s special production. Fortunately, a blinking red light caught his attention.
               Simon had never stopped recording on his cell phone! The device was positioned camera-side down, so all it had picked up so far was noise, but it was still running!
               Simon quickly reached over. He scooped up his phone in one hand and his pint-sized lover in the other. He held Trevor up to the tip of his massive cock and held the phone unsteadily above and recorded the last few spurts of cum. He watched in hormone addled awe as the screen of his cell phone lit up with the image of Trevor’s shrunken form getting buffeted by shot after massive, messy shot of hot spunk! Simon’s load had been one for the record books even by his standards! His load completely flooded his entire palm! The thick spurts had left Trevor so soaked in spunk that he looked like a victim of the Staypuft marshmallow man!
               “y-you ok…?” Simon gasped breathlessly into the phone as he zoomed in closer and closer on the shrunken figure which now lay buried in spunk in the palm of his hand. His question was answered by a pair of two emphatic thumbs up emerging from beneath the muck.
[First Chapter] || [Next Chapter]
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stardustviolet · 8 months
“I was at the supermarket, picking up some little pre-mixed martinis to enjoy in the sun, when I sensed the store manager hovering behind me. “Got any ID for that?” he asked, sighing protractedly. I didn’t. “But I’m 30 years old,” I said, motioning towards my face. “See? 30.” He laughed as if I were an over-confident sixth grader trying my luck. “Yeah, I don’t think so,” he said, scooping up the cans. “Sorry, no can do.”
Right then I felt like kicking over a nearby cereal display, spilling Shreddies everywhere. Think I’m a teenager? Watch me act like one, then. But I’m 30, so…my impulse control kicked in.
People love to say “consider it a compliment!” when you get mistaken for someone a lot younger, but I don’t at this point. I graduated from college nearly 10 years ago. I’ve worked as a journalist and editor for almost as long, been in multiple relationships, and navigated intense life experiences. I own a Hetty hoover. I’ve published a book. I remember AOL! When someone says I look younger than I am, what I really hear is: None of that counts. I still don’t take you seriously. Not that people in their 20s don’t get taken seriously, but I’m a different person to who I was at 24, 25, even 26. I want that to show, externally.
I don’t think I actually look physically younger than 30. But—like other millennials—I possibly give off a younger “energy.” My arms are covered in stick ’n’ pokes from my 20s. I look at ease in a cozy hoodie and low-slung jeans. Plus, I barely scrape 5’2”. The way I speak and hold myself hasn’t changed much in the past few years. And I’m not alone in this: my friends, who are broadly the same age as me, could easily be five years younger. My fiancée is a full-time musician with bleached blonde hair and a penchant for motocross jackets. As a kid, I didn’t picture 30 looking like this. My high school teachers were 30. We definitely look different from them. We act differently from them, too.
Much has already been said about millennials’ inability to “grow up.” We’re lambasted for not owning homes or having kids soon enough (who can do either of those things unless you have a hefty two-income household and/or an inheritance?). We’re living with friends and roommates like overgrown students for a lot longer (plenty of my single friends can’t afford to live alone). And things like marriage, or toiling away in the same career, appear to have lost their shine for many. Even so, that doesn’t explain why we don’t always look like the 30-somethings of yesteryear—or why I can’t get served a pink martini in my local supermarket.
I’m not the only person to be mulling this over. TikTok is overrun with videos about why millennials don’t seem to be aging “normally” (“why don’t millennials age?” currently has around 19.4 million views on TikTok). Some have hypothesized that it’s because “tweakments” like filler and botox are cheaper and more widely available now. Others have joked that it’s because millennials “have depression, so we’re indoors all day, and we don’t let the sunlight age our skin.” Still others have wondered whether it’s due to camera phones, and the fact that we see ourselves more often than ever before, meaning we pay more attention to our looks and outfits. Or maybe we are aging normally, we just don’t think we are, so we don’t act like it.
There are likely countless reasons for this time-body-mind warp. One of my personal theories is that our image of a “real adult” is simply outdated, and fails to take more recent style and culture shifts into account. Your parents and grandparents didn’t post photo dumps, wear athleisure in the workplace, or DM their colleagues “lmao” in their 30s. But frames of reference evolve constantly, and that’s what 30-somethings are like now. You don’t just suddenly get a cropped haircut and start saying the word “trendy” as you age. We’re stuck with an image of a 30-something that is no longer relevant. I’m sure Gen X—the Britpop kids, the ravers—didn’t always resemble dads. It must have taken a moment to catch up.
Before I continue, I must add: I’m well aware that age is mostly meaningless, and that attaching labels to a person based on an arbitrary yearly marker is a disservice to their individualism. I know that most people don’t actually “feel” their age, because they just feel like themselves (same here). And I am so much more interested in a person’s mind than how old they are. But that doesn’t mean I am not intrigued and curious about how I appear to others now that I’m in my 30s. I find myself fearful of becoming a Benjamin Button-like character—like when you google a child actor and they look the same as an adult, just weird and with facial hair. Are millennials like child actors? Stuck, and frozen in time, forever?
One of the most frightening things about existing is that the world keeps spinning and time keeps hurtling onwards. Stop, you feel like protesting, I’m not ready yet, I’m not ready. But the universe does not hear you, and it doesn’t care anyway. That’s the great tragedy and gift of living. We all move forward. And one day soon, Gen Z will wake up and they will be middle-aged, and Gen Alpha will have children of their own, and their grandparents will not be wearing slacks and cardigans and taping money to Christmas cards. They’ll be wearing Juicy Couture and Post Malone Crocs and sending skull emoji reacts to their grandkids’ messages.“
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feyda-enjoyer · 6 months
My brother's friend (chapter 2/?)
a/n: here's the part 2 babes. It's kinda slowburn so...🤷‍♀️ just enjoy the comic relief... so have you found out which of the boys is y/n's love interest??
December 1995 After a month of getting to know the three, you've grown fond of each other. You are sitting by the door of Shinichiro's shed, eating a stick of dango from the bundle that you've brought for Shinichiro and Takeomi's siblings, your brother and the three top executives of Black Dragon are talking inside.
Someone joined you to sit by the snowy doorstep, the beads from his earring made a sound as he sat by you. "Shouldn't you go inside? Damn, it's cold outta here." he said rubbing his arms for warmth. "It's fine, I'm wearing a lot of layers, Waka-niichan." Your head is peaking from behind your brother's scarf that you wrapped around yourself. "Heh. By the way, don't call me 'niichan'." He leaned back. "Why not? The other two are okay being called that? Not to mention, you seem okay with the other kids calling you that." His defiance of being referred to as an older brother intrigued you. "Because..." He paused before dramatically sighing. "What?" You started chewing on the last dango skewered on the stick. "Who knows, you might fall in love me anytime now. So it's best to not refer to me as a brother. You can call me SENPAI" He dramatically looked away before smiling at you and huskily declaring the last word. Swallowing the last ball of the chewy goodness made you want to get some more. "Did the cold shrink your brain?" You were relieved, thinking that he is joking. "Maybe. So, what do you say?" He leaned in towards you , waiting for your response. This movement caused you to point the sharp stick towards him. "Pervert. Lonely hormonal teenagers sure are weird. Don't talk to me like that ever again." The defensive act made him lean back a bit. "Yes, yes. I'm just kidding." He paused before he started talking again "But seriously, don't call me nii-chan. I'm just weirded out when you do that." You just blinked in confusion before replying "Sure, old man." "Now that's a bit-" He tried to rebut. "Do you two want to freeze?! Get inside!" Your brother called out from inside. "But, isn't it weird to like someone 5 years younger than you?" You looked at Wakasa. "Huh?" He looked back at you, blinking in confusion."Nevermind." You stood up and shoved off the snowy particles that has fallen on your clothes. "Brother! I'll go play with the kids!" You took off to the Sano's main house a few moments after that, leaving Waka. Benkei went to the doorstep to look at you running towards the main house before looking down at Wakasa. "What are you two talking about?" The latter just smiled while looking at your direction. "Nothing that important. I think." He stood up before going inside the shed. Running towards the building, you're flustered by his attempt to flirt with you but you know better, he is the type of guy who'd girls would dump your brother for. Without a doubt he is definitely a player so slapped your face for falling for that, not realizing that you did that infront of the little five yearolds. "Are you alright?" A concern came from the white-haired little boy, it is Takeomi's little brother, Sanzu. "You're like a maiden inlove, sis." A taunt came from Emma who is playing with Senju's hair. "Who is she inlove with?" Senju asked while chewing a dango on her hand. "N-no you got it wrong!" You squeaked. "I'm just a little dizzy." You reasoned with them which received a harmonious "Ehhhhhh" from the three of them. "These dango are so good. Have some before we finish it." Mikey, one of Shinichiro's little brother held out a stick of dango for you. "That's no fair Mikey! You already had 6 of em!" Keisuke called out to him which caused Mikey to poke his dango filled cheek. "Quit playing with me!" The black-haired kid shouted at the blonde at which he only laughed it off. "They sure know how to act so immature." The blue-eyed boy sighed. "I doubt that they'll ever mature. They're the type of idiots who always stick together." Emma looked at the boys with slight indifference. "That's not a very nice thing to say. Thank you, Manjiro." You took the dango that Mikey held out for you. "Now, now, don't fall for me nee-san" The little boy devilishly smiled. "Where did you exactly learn this from?" The similarity of his expression to Wakasa made your skin crawl.
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gretavanfunk · 2 months
Fighting Fire (Series)
Chapter Eight
Word Count: 7,257
Summary: Stevie and Sam never seemed to be what people refer to as "two peas in a pod" growing up. He got under her skin more times than she could count and Sam was desperate to be on a level playing field as his older brother and Stevie's best friend, Jake. One summer, Sam is forced to face his demons and in turn, Stevie is too.
Warnings: smut, 18+, minors dni, explicit content
This story is written and edited by me and it is my baby so I hope some people out there can enjoy it as much as I enjoy creating it! If there are typos, bear with me lol
Chapter Eight Playlist for the vibes!
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Stevie was chanting the word "fuck" over and over again, not sure what to say and Sam stood there with their soaking wet clothes in his hands, struggling to find words of his own.
Stevie reached for the door and hesitated, still completely naked from the night before. She looked at Sam with panicked eyes, "Can you get me some clothes from my room?"
Sam smiled cheekily and nodded, "Yeah, I guess ya shouldn't just strut around naked."
Stevie looked down at herself and chuckled, meeting his eyes again, "Yeah, ya think?"
She turned around and Sam gasped when he saw an interesting-looking tattoo on her ass, "What is that?"
"What?" Stevie gasped, "What is what?"
The clothes in Sam's hands fell to the floor with a flop and he walked to her, poking her where her tattoo was "That! What is that on your ass, Stevie?"
Stevie craned her neck to see what he was looking at and she laughed, "Jesus, Sam! It's just a tattoo! Will you relax? We have more pressing matters right now!"
"I didn't know you got an ass tat," Sam chuckled, giving the tattoo a small smack, "Kinky."
Stevie jumped and scurried away from him, "Jake has the same one, ya know."
Stevie turned around just in time to see the color drain from Sam's face and she smiled, approaching him and laying her hands on his bare chest, "Chill out, Sam. They're just matching tattoos we got when we were twenty-one and drunk."
"What is it for?" Sam asked, grabbing her wrists and taking her hands off of him so he could try and look at it again.
She walked around in a circle with him, blocking him from another view, "It's two stick figures wearing rain coats! It's stupid."
"Why exactly did you guys do that?"
"It's from a song we like," Stevie swatted his hands away from her, "Will you cut it out? We're on a time crunch here!"
"Right," Sam rolled his eyes, "Clothes."
Sam turned on his heel but he looked at her over his shoulder, "I will be inspecting that later, just so ya know."
She raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms over her chest, "Not until your brothers are gone, sure."
Sam glared at her, "Mhmm, we'll see about that."
Sam left the room and Stevie took in a shaky breath.  She could feel that she was about to be in deep shit. Part of her felt angry about them not telling her they were coming, but she knew that she couldn't be mad at them. She really should have been mad at herself for not bringing this up to Jake at all. She should have gone to him when she was even just having thoughts about Sam.
But now she was here, standing naked in a bedroom because Jake's here and this would be a very fucked up way for him to find out that she slept with his brother.  Stevie dug her finger nails into her arms as she paced the room, thinking about what she'd even say to Jake when the time came. It would mean a lot more now that Josh also knows and he's the only one in the dark about it. Maybe now isn't the time. She hadn't even really thought much about this herself.
She knew she wanted Sam, but she didn't actually know what any of that meant to her, truly. She didn't want to figure any of that out right away. She just wanted to be with him and keep getting to know the things about him that she clearly was unaware of. But, keeping a secret from Jake felt like such a huge, impossible burden to carry. It put a lot more pressure on her to actually figure things out so she could have more of an explanation for Jake other than "I don't know, Jake. Sam's really hot even when he's acting like a bitch?"
The door creaked open again and Sam slipped inside, smiling at her and breaking her anxious thoughts. He approached her and stuck the clothes out for her to take, "Here you go."
Stevie grabbed the pile in his hands and she set them on the bed, searching for underwear first.
"Sam," Stevie stewed, "Where are my underwear?"
Sam snickered and he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck, "You don't need 'em."
"Sam," Stevie's voice stayed firm but her eyes fluttered closed and she craned her neck wider at the feeling of his kisses, "You're a menace."
"It can be our little secret, baby," Sam whispered as his hands swept farther down her body but she grabbed them as soon as they passed her navel.
"Speaking of," Stevie broke away from his grasp and turned around to face him, "We can't tell Jake about any of this."
"What?" Sam made a face of disgust, "Why not?"
Stevie sighed but she held onto his hands tightly, "I just need him to hear it from me first, and I don't know what I'm going to say to him, okay?"
Sam pouted but he nodded, "I guess that's okay. I kind of wanted to rub it in his face."
"He would be horrified," Stevie frowned, "Especially because I told Josh before him."
"You told Josh?" Sam's eyes widened, "What? When? It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours!"
"Not about us fucking!" Stevie whisper-shouted, "About... you."
"Oh," Sam smiled, "What about me?"
He held her by her hips and she kept a hand on his chest, tracing small circles into his skin, "Wouldn't you like to know."
"I told Josh about you too," Sam laughed, "I wonder if he knows why we're taking so long."
Stevie's jaw dropped but almost immediately cracked into a smile, "He knows too much."
Sam nodded and his eyes darted across her face, "He does."
Stevie's hand ran through his hair, fingers intertwining with the strands and holding onto it, "I'll tell Jake when I'm ready to. Now just isn't the right time, I don't think."
Sam nodded, licking his lips, "That's okay Stevie, I won't tell him."
She stood on her toes, pressing a small and light kiss to his lips, "Thank you."
Her hand withdrew from his hair and Sam caught it in his own hand before they were completely apart, bringing it to his lips and kissing her knuckles.
Stevie smiled and turned back to her clothes, yanking the sweatpants Sam picked out for her up her legs and turning to him again, "Did they tell you why they're here with no warning at all?"
"Your birthday," Sam said, "Which I swore wasn't until Friday, anyway."
"Yeah and," Stevie nodded and smiled with endearment at him, "today is Thursday, Sam."
"Right," Sam nodded aggressively, "I definitely knew that."
Stevie laughed and pulled her t-shirt on over her head, "It's okay."
She walked towards him, giving him another kiss, "You've been a little busy."
She winked at him and headed out of the bedroom casually, hurrying her way down the stairs excitedly. Sam stood still, overwhelmed with how quickly she could have so much power over him. Nobody has ever made him feel under some kind of spell, but he really didn't want to fuck this up. He took a deep breath to try and collect himself and took the wet clothes off of the floor, going to put them in the laundry like he originally said he would. 
As Stevie practically leaped down the stairs, she pulled her hair up into a bun, quickly, trying to hide how fucked up it must look. When she rounded the corner of the stairs, she saw Jake and Josh sitting on the sofa in the living room and she squealed, "YOU GUYS!"
They both stood up suddenly with smiles plastered on their faces and rang out in unison, "Happy Birthday!"
She ran to them, pulling both of them into a hug, "God, am I glad to see you!"
"I bet you are," Josh quipped, "Ya know, with how insufferable Sam has probably been."
This earned a small pinch on Josh's arm from Stevie which he wrestled out of and they both managed to keep smiling as she released them from her hug.
"He's been surprisingly very helpful," Stevie responded, "Give or take a few tantrums."
"Well," Jake smiled, "I'm glad to hear he isn't fighting with you everyday."
Josh hummed at this too, wearing a small smirk on his face and as Jake looked away, Stevie glared at him and mouthed, "You're a bitch!"
Josh mouthed back, "We need to talk!"
He stuck his tongue out at her and Jake looked back at them, "It's a lot later in the day than you usually sleep, Steve. Everything okay?"
Stevie glanced at Josh who raised his eyebrows at her and she looked back at Jake with a smile, "Everything's fine! My schedule just isn't normal here. Been cleaning a lot of stuff up."
She snapped her fingers and pointed at them, "Which reminds me, I've got tons of stuff for you two to take home."
Jake could feel the nervous energy buzzing off of Stevie. He could see it in the way her eyes darted between him and Josh, never looking at either one of them for too long. And she seemed way too overzealous in the talk of cleaning her dad's things.
"Wait," Jake said, "Tons of your dad's stuff?"
Stevie stopped in her tracks, turning to look at Jake. His face look concerned, saddened.
"You're excited to just give his stuff away?" Jake asked, "That sounds very unlike you, Stevie."
Stevie shook her head, "No, of course not, Jake. Not excited in the slightest. But, thankful that I can share some of it with you."
However, she stopped what she was doing, "Not now. It can wait. We can go through all of it together."
She sat on the sofa in between the two of them and she wrapped her arms around Jake's torso, allowing his arm to drape over her shoulders, "Thank you for coming guys, I love you."
"Of course!" Josh drummed his hands against her legs, "Celebrating you is my favorite!"
"Love you too, Steve," Jake rested his head on hers for a moment, "Told ya I'd be back!"
"Not soon enough, Jake," Stevie sighed and Jake shook his head, "Everyone's a critic."
"How have things been for you two?" Stevie asked, resting her head against Jake and glancing at Josh.
"Fucking boring," Jake muttered, "Been trying to write some, but it's been a bit hard."
"It's been great for me," Josh smiled, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, "Lots of writing, lots of vocal stuff, but otherwise, lots of free time too."
Stevie laughed at him and she looked at Jake, "I get the writer's block a lot. I haven't even tried in months."
"Maybe you could find some downtime to try some while you're here," Jake smiled at her and she nodded, "Yeah, maybe."
She grabbed onto Jake's arm, giving him a squeeze and kicked her legs into Josh's lap, which he gladly accepted, unphased, "What do you guys wanna do today?"
Jake shrugged, "Maybe cliff diving? Pool time? Not sure! We're just here to hang with you!"
"Plus," Josh spoke up, "We've got some scheming we need to do without you too. Where is Sam?"
Just then, Sam rounded the corner of the stairs and walked into the living room too, wearing a shirt this time, "Aw, did you actually miss me, brother?"
Sam smiled at Josh and his eyes raked over Stevie's body stretch out along the couch, landing on her wrapped up in Jake, smile falling quickly. He had just finished hyping himself up to be on his best behavior for Stevie's sake, but seeing the way that she could just so quickly fall right back into Jake's arms like that made that pep talk go straight out of the window. Seeing him get to hold her like that when he had to pretend that he wasn't sharing a bed with her last night, it made his skin crawl. It made him feel as low and ashamed as he had all of this time.
All Sam wanted was to love Stevie, loudly. He wanted to reap the benefits of being hers and vice versa. She was the only person who he truly had ever felt that way about. And yet, here he was, a dirty little secret. He tried not to dwell on that. He knew Stevie needed time, but it was hard not to think about the negative self talk when Jake and Stevie were right back to being all over each other right in front of his face. Even if it was completely platonic. He could never just do that with her without raising some suspicions.
If he ever even touched her as casually as Jake did, red flags would be raised everywhere. He could never get away with something like that and he wanted it so badly. Just to hold her hand or even wrap his arm around her innocently. He wanted to be consumed by her all the time.
Stevie sat up, patting both Jake and Josh on the legs, "Well! Before we can do anything, I've got to shower."
"Yeah," Sam smiled, "You smell bad!"
"Fuck off," Stevie snapped, bumping into him on the way down the hall to the stairs.
Sam watched her go and when he turned back to his brothers, Jake was staring at him questioningly and Sam shrugged at him, "What?"
"That was rude," Jake said, "You haven't been giving her a hard time, have you?"
Sam rolled his eyes and sat in a chair across from the twins, "Hardly!"
Sam scoffed, "It's an inside joke, Jake. Are you shocked that Stevie and I actually have one of those?"
"No," Jake said, "Just making sure you're treating her kindly. Being here is hard enough for her as it is."
Sam looked away from Jake, annoyedly, "I am aware. Unlike you, I've been here for the last couple of weeks with her."
Jake glared at him, "Hmm. You wouldn't be if you could just get a grip, Sam."
Josh interjected then, "Okay! Enough of the bickering. Maybe spend some time together this weekend and work this shit out, okay? The last thing Stevie needs is to hear you guys fighting."
Jake looked at Josh and nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Let's figure out what we're going to do for her birthday."
"You guys showed up here without a plan?" Sam scoffed, "Well, ya got 'til tonight fellas."
Jake's eyes fell back on Sam, sighing as he sat back against the sofa, gesturing a hand to him, "And what idea might you have, Samuel?"
Sam crossed his arms over his chest, buzzing with irritation and he didn't think before the statement left his lips, "I don't know. You could get another set of matching tattoos, Jake. Maybe on the other ass cheek?"
When Sam saw Jake's jaw drop, he was filled with satisfaction but he immediately regretted saying it when he noticed that Josh's expression matched.
"How the fuck do you know about that?" Jake questioned, leaning forwards and resting his arms on his knees.
Sam rolled his eyes again, "Relax, Jake. I saw it in the pool and she told me about it."
Jake sat back again slowly, keeping his eyes on Sam nervously. So, Sam changed the topic, "If you really wanna know what Stevie would like to do for her birthday, take her to that bar nearby. She loves it there."
"She does?" Jake asked, "I've never heard about that."
"Her dad used to take her for karaoke," Sam explained, "She took me there on one of the first nights here. Pretty good grilled cheeses, I will say."
Josh chuckled, "Well that's a great idea! A small dive bar with karaoke and food? Recipe for some party antics."
Jake looked over at Josh and finally smiled, "Okay, yeah. Sounds fun."
Sam stood up, pulling his hair into a bun, "I need to run to the store though. Josh, you wanna come and maybe get some birthday related items?"
Josh nodded, "Perfect! Let's go."
Josh was dying to talk to Sam about what the hell happened between him and Stevie, and it worked out because they would definitely need a cake of some kind. Sam really did need to go to the store, but it was also a perfect excuse to get away from Jake. He shuffled some sandals on and grabbed Stevie's keys off the hook by the door, ushering Josh out of the door with him.
As soon as they were in the car, Josh turned to him, "Okay so, what the hell am I missing here?"
Sam couldn't help but smirk at the thought of what unfolded after his phone conversation with Josh and Josh saw this and snapped his fingers, pointing at him.
"Spill it, Sam!" he exclaimed, "Did you guys talk?"
Sam groaned, turning the music up and pulling out of the drive, "Yes, we talked. We did a little more than that."
"Ugh! Foul!" Josh hid his face in his hands, "Tell me everything right now."
"Jesus, Josh," Sam laughed, "I'm not going to give you all the details. I'm hoping she'll do that for you, but let's just say, both of us were quite surprised by your arrival this morning when we woke up... together."
"Oh my good God," Josh smiled, "Is she going to tell Jake about this?"
Sam shrugged, "I'm not allowed to. She said she would and she's pretty stressed about it, so I'm doing the best I can to keep it to myself."
Josh hissed, "Oh, I'm sure this is going to go over well."
After her shower, Stevie put on a fresh set of clothes. Fully clothed this time, underwear and all. She made her way downstairs where she found Jake, looking at all of items that riddled the mantle in the living room.
"Hey," she greeted, "Where's Josh and Sam?"
Jake jumped at the sound of her voice and he laughed, looking at her, "They went to the store."
"Oh," Stevie combed her fingers through her wet hair, "Sam keeps going to the store without me and without sharing a list with me. It's honestly a little annoying."
Jake eyed her, "Is he being kind to you, Stevie? You can be honest."
"Yes, Jake," Stevie laughed, "Shockingly, actually. He's been a great person to sort through all of this stuff with. I'm learning a lot about him."
"Okay," Jake smiled, "That's good. I know how hard all of this is for you. If you want, we could do your birthday just us. We don't need to invite him, if you need to get away."
"No," Stevie protested, "Sam can come! Don't be silly!"
Jake raised an eyebrow at her, "Even if we risk the chance of another Electrik episode, Steve? Are you sure?"
"He actually hasn't had anything more than a beer since we've been here," Stevie said, "Another surprising thing 'cause I'm not regulating that, either."
"Oh," Jake said with a smile, "Well that is a good thing, for sure."
"Yeah," she insisted, "I'd love for him to be there. For all of you to be there!"
Jake smiled slightly, widening his eyes, "Wow, that's weird."
She laughed lightly, looking at him with a questioning look, "What is weird about that?"
Jake shrugged, "Just that a couple of weeks ago you were dreading spending time with him. I was expecting you to be ready to take off by now."
Stevie looked away from Jake, feeling her cheeks burn, "I don't know. It's been pretty unexpected how well we've been getting along."
Jake hummed, narrowing his eyes at her, "That is surprising."
"I'd love some one-on-one time with you though!" Stevie exclaimed, "Especially since last time I barely had any."
Jake smiled and nodded, "You got it!"
She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing tightly, "I'm so glad you're here. I wish the circumstances were different though."
"What do you mean?" Jake asked as he hugged her back.
"I know you're really upset about the tour," Stevie sighed, "I'm sorry it was interrupted and didn't go as planned."
Jake sighed, resting his head on hers, "It's okay, Stevie. Frustrating for sure, but we're used to staying on our toes. Sometimes things don't work out and there's good in it too! I haven't spent this much time with you in way too long!"
"Way too long," Stevie sighed, closing her eyes, "It's been hard not to spend a lot of time with you, as you know."
"I know," Jake admitted, "Miss you."
They pulled away from their hug and smiled at each other and Stevie hit his shoulder lightly, "We should barbecue tonight! You love doing that!"
Jake laughed and nodded, "That'd be fun. A little pool party?"
"Yes," Stevie responded enthusiastically, "I haven't used the pool yet at all this summer!"
She looked out the back door, studying the sky to see if there were any signs of the rain they had yesterday and Jake hesitated for a moment, thinking about what Sam said about the tattoo earlier.
"Not at all?" he questioned, scratching his head.
"Nope," She stated, looking back at him with a smile of excitement, "I cleaned it but I've only been swimming in the lake so far. Sam and I used the canoes."
Jake bit his lip, nervous about whether Sam lied to him about how he saw the tattoo, or if he just misspoke and meant he saw it at the lake. He decided not to question it, happy to see Stevie so excited and nodded, "Perfect! No better way to christen it for the summer than with a pool party!"
Stevie pulled out her phone, "I'll call Sam and make sure he actually buys the stuff that we need for it!"
She stepped away and dialed Sam and Jake looked after her, walking away. He knew Stevie had always tried to see the good in everyone she met. Hence her last relationship. However, he was slightly worried about her. She was a little overly happy when this was something she had been putting off for so long. Maybe she was deflecting how she really felt. But between the hip bumping Sam this morning and the compliments she kept giving him, he was worried that Sam was manipulating her somehow.
Stevie, while kind, also didn't tolerate bullshit. Jake knew this too. He trusted her more than most, so he tried not to worry about her too much usually. There was just something about her behavior that wasn't sitting right with him. Something about the vibe was off. Jake knew he'd figure it out eventually, but he wanted Stevie to trust him enough to come to him with anything she needed and for some reason, he could feel her holding out on him. She barely spoke about her dad, which he thought was fair, but being here was even hard for Jake. He had to admit that. He could only imagine how Stevie felt.
Stevie stood in the hallway upstairs while she called Sam, not fully trusting he wouldn't say something she didn't want Jake to hear.
"What's up?" Sam answered and Stevie spoke, "We're barbecuing tonight. Can you get charcoal for the grill, please?"
"Sure thing," Sam said, "We don't have anything to barbecue. What do you want, babe?"
Stevie's stomach erupted in butterflies when he said this and she gasped, "Sam! Don't do that!"
He chuckled, "I'm just with Josh, Stevie. It's no big deal."
"I'm serious, Sam," Stevie sighed, "But I want dogs, to answer your question."
She heard Josh's voice in the background, "You got it, babe!"
"Hit him for me," Stevie instructed Sam and he laughed, "Gladly."
"See you soon," Stevie said before hanging up and rejoining Jake downstairs.
After Sam and Josh got home, they brought the groceries in, both of them being secretive and taking some top secret stuff upstairs. Stevie and Jake worked on loading the stuff for the barbecue and Jake took it upon himself to be on grill duty, causing Sam to bicker with him about this when he returned.
"By all means Jake," Sam said, "Grill the veggie burgers. I'm sure you won't fuck them up at all."
Jake rolled his eyes, "Please! I'm way better at the grill than you are!"
"Sam," Stevie intervened, "Choose your battles, okay?"
This shut Sam up and at the sight of it, Jake laughed, shocked that Sam actually backed down. He took the plate of burgers and dogs outside to get started. Sam grabbed Stevie's wrist as soon as Jake was gone, "I need to talk to you. Upstairs."
Stevie sighed but she let him drag her up the stairs back into her dad's room, "What is it?"
Sam walked to the bed and ruffled through a plastic bag from the store, pulling out a small box. He waved it in the air and gestured it out for her to take.
"I picked this up at the store for our rather reckless behavior last night," Sam explained and she walked to him, taking the box and realizing it was a Plan B pill.
"Oh," Stevie's face flushed, "I see. You bought this at the store with Josh next to you the whole time?"
Sam laughed and shook his head, "He didn't know about it, don't worry."
"Just to be safe," Sam said, "Not that I regret it at all."
Stevie laughed and shook her head, "I know that you don't."
Sam smiled, "Who could?"
Stevie went into the bathroom and ripped the box open, Sam following her and posting himself up in the door frame.
"Hey," she said before popping the pill in her mouth and filling her cupped palm with water to sip on.
Once the pill was down, she spoke again, "You've got to cool it with the jabs at Jake, okay?"
"Well then cool it with being all over him, Stevie," Sam's jaw clenched and she rolled her eyes, "Relax."
"He gets to have his hands all over you and I just have to watch?" Sam whined and Stevie looked at him through the mirror, "You sound like such a baby, right now."
"You do not understand what it's like to see you laying across him like that, practically sitting in his lap, Stevie. I just have to watch him hold you and I don't get to touch you? I've been dealing with that for so much longer before this."
Stevie chuckled at how pathetic he sounded and she turned around, leaning up against the bathroom counter, "You know it'd be weird if we were all of a sudden just all over each other, Sam."
"Where is he sleeping tonight?" Sam questioned, "Tell me that plan, Stephanie."
She winced at her full name and glared at him, "In here, with me. Does that make you feel better, Samuel?"
Sam's hands were on her hips before she could even blink, lifting her up onto the counter, "You better be fucking with me."
Stevie rolled her eyes again, "You always made fun of me for being obsessed over Jake and I think you're a little obsessed yourself. I don't know Sam, I haven't figure any of that out yet."
"He better not be in a bed with you," Sam scolded, "I'm serious Stevie."
"I was probably going to give Josh my room," Stevie bit her lip, "And sleep in here with Jake."
"You're serious?" Sam's eyes widened and Stevie groaned, holding onto his shoulders, "Come on, Sam. It's not that deep! I've been sharing a bed with Jake since we were like babies!"
"Do you know what this information is going to do to my brain later?" Sam pouted and Stevie leaned in and kissed him softly. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Jake's not the one making me wet, baby."
Sam grabbed a hold of her hair, tugging her head back and making her laugh loudly, "Sam!"
"When he's wondering where you are," Sam groaned, "Just know you did this to yourself."
Stevie giggled, not protesting to what he was suggesting and Sam's lips met her neck roughly. She gasped out of relief and her eyes fluttered.
"Be careful," she whispered, "You leave any evidence of this and it'll be the last you see of me for a while."
Sam smiled against her neck and hummed, "Mhmm. You talk too much."
Stevie wanted to quip back but she no longer cared when his tongue lapped over his small nip at her neck and she closed her eyes, bringing a hand to the back of his head and pulling him closer.
"Make this quick," She said and Sam tugged on her hair again, "I'm not rushing this on my brother's behalf. That bitch can wait."
"Sam, come on," Stevie pleaded, "Why do you need to take your time?"
"If you're cuddling with him tonight," Sam stared at her intensely, "I'm taking what I can get, Steve."
Then, Sam wasted no time reaching for the button of her shorts, popping it open and yanking them just far enough where he could get his hand in there with no delays. She sighed when she felt his fingers dip into her and he gasped lightly, feeling her dripping through his fingers, "Fuck, you're so wet. Just from us arguing?"
Stevie laughed and Sam kissed her aggressively, pulling away to pant, "That's fucking hot."
Sam's eyes remained on her as he got to work, drumming his fingers against her clit quickly. She hissed at the sensation and mindlessly began to work her hips against him, causing Sam to groan.
"That's it," he sighed, "Use me, baby."
Stevie let out a deep growl, opening her eyes to look at him and her free hand shot to the waistband of his pants, tugging them down just enough so she could get a grip on his dick. She let it fall from her and lifted her hand under his chin.
"Spit," Stevie instructed and Sam's eyes widened but he did as he was told.
Stevie gripped him again, pumping slowly at first all while still grinding against Sam's fingers. He watched her in awe, breathing deeply. They then both were working quickly, racing to see who could get who off first.
Stevie got there first, finding her face in the crook of his neck and biting his shoulder as she shook. Sam gasped at the feeling of her gushing around his fingers and he slipped his hand out of her shorts and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them. Stevie was lazily stroking him now, trying to regain her composure and Sam's hand wrapped around hers, helping her quicken the pace.
Once she had calmed down enough, Stevie pushed him back, hopping off of the counter and dropping to her knees in front of him. Sam looked down at her, a light sheet of sweat on his face and he shook his head, "Stevie, I'm so close. You don't-"
"And I want you in my mouth," Stevie cut him off and smiling at the view of him trying to work himself up, "Got a problem with that?"
"Not at all," Sam said through gasps of breath, "What about Jake and Josh?"
"I'm about to suck your dick and now you're concerned about them?" Stevie chuckled, "What happened to 'that bitch can wait'?"
Sam sucked in a sharp breath as Stevie took him in her mouth. He wasn't sure what aroused him more, the sight of her on her knees for him, or the fact that she just called Jake a bitch indirectly. Stevie cursed all the time, but the way she snarled as she said it made it sound so filthy. He decided that it really didn't matter though as Stevie's tongue swirled around the head and his head fell back with a sigh of pleasure.
"Fuck, baby," Sam gasped, "You're finally putting that mouth to good use."
Stevie's hand flew up to Sam's hip, digging her nails into him and her other hand met the base of his shaft, following her mouth along him. She didn't have to work very hard, bobbing her head lightly and she started to hum a song.
Sam's hand quickly found itself wrapped up in her hair as he reacted to the new sensation of her mouth vibrating around him. She knew she had him now, his body tensing under her touch. He twitched a bit in her mouth and Sam groaned, "Holy shit, I'm gonna-"
Sam tried to pull away from her but she tightened her grip on him, shoving him farther into her mouth and Sam had no time to react as he unloaded directly in the back of her throat. Stevie wasn't even kind enough to remove him from her as she swallowed, Sam shuttering at the overstimulation from feeling her mouth contracting around him.
She slipped her mouth away from him, carefully replacing his waistband to where it was originally and planting a light kiss on his hip. She smiled and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before she stood up.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Stevie," Sam sighed with a smile as he panted, "That was-"
"So much fun," she said and kissed him quickly.
"That's definitely a word for it," he laughed, "What the hell were you humming?"
Stevie laughed a loud, genuine laugh and Sam felt goosebumps on his skin as he watched her, admiring how beautiful the joy looked on her face, "American Pie."
Sam furrowed his eyebrows, laughing along with her and she shrugged, "It worked, didn't it?"
Sam grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him, "You are such a dork."
"You love it," Stevie said and Sam felt his heart fly to his throat hearing the word leave her mouth. He calmed down quickly though and smiled.
He kissed her forehead and she smiled, resting her head against his chest, "By the way, thank you for this, but I was lying about the sleeping arrangements."
Sam looked at her quizzically, "What? What do you mean?"
"The twins are getting our rooms, I'm sleeping here and your ass is on the couch!"
Stevie giggled and Sam glared at her, "You're kidding."
She shook her head, "Nope. But who knows? Maybe I'll take up sleep walking."
Stevie winked at him and Sam shook his head, "You better cause if not, you'll be paying for it later."
"Mhmm," Stevie nodded and leaned into him slowly, planting a sweet kiss on his lips. She pulled away from him and patted his chest, "Now, go out there and play nice!"
She turned away from him and started walking away, but Sam reached out and slapped her ass, causing her to gasp and flip him off before she was out of sight.
Once Stevie was in her own bedroom, she changed into her bathing suit and tried to calm herself down too quickly. Stevie knew it was risky to sneak around with Sam when the twins were just down stairs and if they had come up them, it would probably be hard not to hear their antics. In the same breath though, it was incredibly thrilling to her. Sam knew what he was doing.
He was good at it, too. She smiled at the thought of it and pressed her fingers to her mouth, relishing in the memory just minutes before.
"Fucking hell," she whispered as she struggled to tie her bathing suit top around her back.
Stevie took a deep breath, trying not to let the intense feelings she harbored bubble over.
Something even more thrilling to her than hooking up with him in secret however, was the way they matched each other's energies. Maybe that's what she was missing in her relationship with Ryan and why he went looking elsewhere. She knew that wasn't her fault.
She never felt desired by him the way she wanted to be desired. He didn't ever look at her like she was a cherished possession he held close to his heart. He never looked at her the way Sam did. He didn't kiss her as if he needed it to survive. He didn't kiss her the way Sam did.
She put on a knit bathing suit cover up and smiled as she looked at herself in the floor length mirror in her room. She did a little twirl and sighed. She loved this cover up because it was incredibly comfortable and had bell sleeves while also being a relic of a thrifting trip she took with her dad.
Stevie pointed her finger at the mirror and gritted her teeth, "Get your shit together, Stevie."
She jumped when she heard a knock at her door and she took another deep breath before opening it up. Josh stood there with a weird, goofy smile on his face.
"Hello, Stevie," Josh ushered himself in and closed the door behind him sharply, "We must converse right this instance!"
Stevie sighed, smiling softly at him and nodded, "Okay, okay. But, you're gonna help me change the sheets on this bed in exchange."
Josh smiled and nodded, "Deal! Now, what the fuck is going on?"
Stevie ripped the pillows off of her bed, holding onto the comforter and she dragged it off too and sighed, "I don't even know what to tell you!"
She stopped suddenly, "Wait, what did Sam tell you?"
"Ugh," Josh groaned and threw his head back dramatically, "Barely anything, Stevie! He was incredibly vague. All he told me was that you woke up together and come on, that could mean a number of things!"
She chuckled at his annoyance, "Well, we talked. He can be so dramatic sometimes, jeez! He literally stood outside in the rain just to avoid addressing things with me."
Josh chuckled and helped rip the fitted sheet off the mattress, "Sounds like him."
"Anyway," Stevie sighed, "I told him I wanted him and then... other things occurred."
Josh gasped, "What other things, hm?"
"Well, we had sex," Stevie admitted and Josh gasped.
She made a face at him and shook her head "God, Josh! I am not going to go into detail about your younger brother, ya freak."
"Hello?" Josh protested, "As the keeper of secrets, I deserve to know! I wish you saw Sam's eyes fall out of his head when he opened the door and saw us."
Josh laughed and Stevie shook her head, "Joshua! This is so fucking uncomfortable!"
Josh rolled his eyes and helped yank the pillow cases off the pillows, "Well, was it at least good?"
Stevie's cheeks tinted immediately and she scrunched her nose in a tight-lipped smile, looking away from him.
Josh pointed and wagged his finger excitedly, "Aha! That's all I needed to know! That you're both obsessed with each other."
"Woah, woah, woah," Stevie stopped after she tossed one of the pillows to the ground, "Who ever said anything about being obsessed?"
"Please," Josh scoffed, "You both called me freaking out just because you kissed!"
She rolled her eyes, "So?"
"So?" Josh crossed his arms over his chest, "Ya don't think that means anything to you?"
Stevie sighed in defeat, walking over to her closet and grabbing a fresh set of sheets, "Okay, okay. I kinda begged him to stay when he said he was going home so I guess that could mean something."
"You guess?" Josh laughed, helping her secure the fitted sheet on the bed, "You begged him to stay and then had fiery sex with him? Yeah, I'd say so."
Stevie shook her head and laughed, "Man, he must get his dramatics from you."
"So, what does this mean, Steve?" Josh pestered and she whined, "God, I don't know!"
She tossed a pillow at Josh's head and he caught it, peeking at her from around the pillow.
"He's so desprately in love with you, Stevie," Josh sighed and she bit her lip, "I know."
Josh held one of his hands on his hip and made a face, "You know?"
"I mean, what else does it mean when someone tells you you're all they ever wanted?"
"God damn," Josh hissed, "That's deep! Especially for him. So, what is next then?"
She hesitated, straightening out the flat sheet with her hand before smiling and sheepishly adding, "I don't know, Josh! It's complicated! We did just hook up in the bathroom though."
"God," Josh made a face, "That's filthy! What are you going to do about all of this?"
Stevie shrugged, "I have to talk to Jake before I do anything about Sam."
Josh nodded enthusiastically, "Yep! The sooner the better because if you don't they're gonna rip each other's heads off! You should've seen them downstairs earlier."
"Oh god," Stevie rolled her eyes, "What happened?"
Josh chuckled as he reached for the corner of the fresh comforter, helping her stretch it out across the bed, "Well, Sam made a comment about your matching tattoos with Jake and he kind of panicked about how Sam knew about that."
Stevie groaned and hit her palm against her forehead, "God dammit, Sam. What did he say about it?"
"Sam told Jake that he saw it in the pool and then Jake backed off," Josh explained, "But, it even shook me a bit, so I could only imagine the reaction that would come from information about something bigger than a tattoo on your ass."
"Fuck!" Stevie exclaimed and Josh shot his glance at her, "What?"
"I just told Jake I hadn't used the pool yet this summer!" Stevie whined and Josh's hand clasped over his mouth, "Yeah, you gotta tell him before this shit gets any worse!"
They finished making the bed and Stevie pouted, anxiety filling her body. Josh walked around the bed to meet her and hold her by the shoulders, "It'll be okay Stevie. Just be honest with him about it, even if you don't know exactly what your motives are with Sam. Jake will understand."
He wrapped her in a hug and Stevie sighed, "I know."
When they pulled way from their embrace, Josh pat her on the head, "Jake is just worried about you, Stevie. Talking to him is going to make you both feel a lot better, trust me! Now, come on! Let's have some fun!"
"Wait," Stevie laughed, "I gotta change the sheets in Sam's room for you too."
Josh frowned in disgust, "I get Sam's room? Gross!"
Stevie laughed and shrugged, "Sorry!"
Josh smiled away, linking his arm with hers, "Let me help you!"
The two of them left her room and went down the hall to Sam's room, gossiping some more during their task.
When Stevie finally joined everyone outside after starting some laundry, Sam immediately approached her and grabbed her waist, picking her up and walking threateningly to the pool.
"Sam!" Stevie shouted, "Put me down!"
Sam laughed at her attempt of hitting him in the back, "What do you say, Stevie?"
"Sam, I swear to fucking God," she yelled, "If you get this bathing suit cover soaked in chlorine, I will end you! It's vintage!"
Jake watched them from his spot at the grill and he bit the inside of his cheek in worry. This behavior was not too far off for Stevie and Sam, but it was the way that Stevie was hitting him and still smiling as she shouted. Previously, if Sam had done this, she'd have no problem drawing blood to get away from him.
Josh was beside him, fiddling with a blue tooth speaker and Jake leaned over to him, "Do you think there's something going on with them?"
Josh looked at Jake and then followed his line of sight to where Sam and Stevie were, bickering while both of them laughed uncontrollably.
He scoffed, "What are you asking me for? She's your best friend."
Jake knew that was a cop out, if not for the way he claimed Stevie to only be Jake friend, then for the way Josh's voice changed octaves when he said it.
"You know something, don't you?" Jake pointed the barbecue tongs at Josh and Josh shook his head, "I know nothing, Jake! Just talk to her about it, jeez!"
Jake looked back at them, Sam now in the pool and Stevie walking to the chairs by the pool shed. He watched her intently as she peeled her cover up off, tossing it on top of one of the chairs and started to apply sunscreen.
Jake noticed that the way her swimsuit rested on her body, her tattoo was nowhere to be seen and he nodded as he processed this information, smiling an annoyed smile to himself. He turned back to the food on the grill, trying not to do anything irrational.
Now, he knew something was up. Someone in this equation was lying to him and he was going to find out who it was.
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hudine · 1 year
First chapter of a crossover fic that came to mind after talking to a new friend who likes writing crossovers. Something I also always find to be fun. So this is an unholy fusion of Netflix Witcher and Doctor Who. WIP first draft of an idea and the first chapter. Even though I should be finishing my Doctor Who fic Sideways Parenthood… will get back there eventually. Is some references to it here briefly but don’t need to have read any to follow along. Working title is currently Free Bird
Geralt had just said yes to Borch about going on the dragon hunt and was watching Yennefer at the bar. Jaskier had been grumbling to himself but suddenly stood up knocking his chair over and pointed at someone new who just walked into the tavern and yelled out in the most angry voice Geralt had ever heard come from the bard, “You!”
The man he yelled at froze. He was near the same hight as the bard and build, had the same blue eyes and hair colour, but that’s where similarities ended other than the predilection to dress weirdly. He was older than Jaskier, his face was shaped differently, hair was cut another way and what he wore was more like a military uniform than bard clothing, with a strange grey military long coat that belonged to no military on the continent. The man held his hands out in a warding off gesture as the bard approached and said, “Jaskier! It’s great to see you again!”
“Captain Jack Harkness! What did I tell you I’d do if I ever see you again?” Jaskier asked as he poked him in the chest.
“I’m not sure I quite caught all of it… it did involve my balls and a cheese grater… or was that that friend of yours, Pricilla, and you were the one that said you’d stick my head in a wine press?”
“Give me one good reason I don’t kill you where you stand!” Jaskier snarled.
“I didn’t know the artefact would do that! And solved the time loop problem, everything put back to normal.”
“After getting me and my friends stuck reliving the same day over and over for how long exactly? No, really? How long? I genuinely lost count sometime after loop number eight hundred. Wouldn’t have even been that bad if it didn’t always end with Pricilla dying every time but the last one! I had to watch my friend die, over, and over, and over again, with no one other than the three of us and Valdo Fucking Marx able to remember it,” Jaskier ranted.
“Jaskier,” the man tried to say but got interrupted by the bard.
“All because you had to have a cover and a way in to get into Countess deSteele’s vault. Then I drink admittedly too much and run into that idiot over there,” Jaskier points at Geralt this time, “trying to wish away all his problems with a djinn of all the crazy shit to do. Just because he is running away from his aforementioned problems as usual. Then almost gets me killed.”
“He takes me to her,” the bard points at Yennefer who was now standing beside Geralt watching the spectacle, “who was good enough to get rid of the djinn’s spell. Thank you by the way Yennefer because quite frankly death via asphyxiation is my least favourite way to die that doesn’t involve dismemberment. Only for her to go and try to capture the djinn herself by becoming its vessel… Just be glad that didn’t work out by the way… saw someone do that once, it was not pretty…. They exploded like a bladder filled with really chunky soup all because they used that spell you tired. You never want to do that by the way. The elder was transcribed wrong and djinn being the masters of loopholes that they are… well… like I said… really chunky soup.”
Jaskier paces as he gets fully into his rant. “Then those two have been hooking up ever since. I mean Geralt can fuck whoever else he wants. We’ve never even pretended to be monogamous, but it’s obvious the djinn did something to both of them. It makes them get so wrapped up in each other they don’t notice a damn thing else going on until they fuck. Seriously they didn’t even notice an entire house almost falling down around them. I have a little issue with consent and how much I really believe people should consent to things. I’m not entirely sure how much either of them actually are consenting to it all, and how much is the spell making them think they are.”
“Bad time, huh?” Jack asked.
Jaskier took a deep breath to calm himself and asked in turn, “What do you want Dad?”
Geralt and Yennefer looked at each other confused and mouthed, ‘Dad?’
“We need to leave, they found us,” Jack replied without missing a beat.
“What? How? We picked this backwater planet, devoid of nearby heavily trafficked space lanes, in the ass end of nowhere on the edge of a not so well populated galaxy in order to hide. I’ve spent the last three hundred years without indoor plumbing on this technologically back slidden world. We’re only about two steps up from hiding with my great uncle Brax on Legion! And in the wrong fucking universe!”
“Three hundred years?” Geralt asked without thinking.
“Seriously Geralt, for a really smart man and a Witcher you can be really fucking unobservant at times,” Jaskier sighed, “just look at me Geralt. Really look at me. Have I aged a day since you first met me over two decades ago now?”
“Actually now you mention it… but I’ve always known you’re not entirely human. The second heartbeat gives it away.”
Jaskier puts his head in his hands and makes a frustrated groaning noise. “Fuck. I now owe Vesemir three hundred crowns. He bet you wouldn’t say or notice anything about it until I said something first. Fools bet really. That man knows his pups.”
“Ok. I’m not going to get into how you know Vesemir or bets. What are you? I never could figure that one out,” Geralt asked.
“Time Lord. Just a bit over half human and the rest gallifreyan. You see he,” Jaskier pointed at Jack, “fucked one of his best friend’s daughters, and I was the result. Which was a surprise since gallifreyan women are supposed to be sterile”
“It really sounds worse than it actually was when you put it like that,” Jack complained, “I didn’t even know she was related to the Doctor at the time, yet alone she’s his long lost daughter from back on Gallifrey. Heck I thought Gallifrey and the Time Lords where all destroyed in the time war.”
“Yea well I inherited Dad’s gift… or curse… of immortality. We don’t know how. Just that I literally can’t stay dead. Same with him but we know why he is like he is. A goddess of time liked him too much and decided she wanted him to live… she just was new to the whole goddess thing and brought him back permanently. Time Lords are happy enough with that explanation… what they aren’t is why I am the same way. So we’re now on the run from the Time Lords because they want to cut me into lil biddy pieces to see how I tick and I’ll be alive during the whole thing and experiencing it.”
“What’s a gallifreyan or a time lord?” Yennefer asked this time.
“Just another species like humans, elves, dwarfs, and so on. Just not one you’d typically find on this planet or sphere as you say here. Time Lords are pretty much all Gallifreyan but not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords. Time Lords are a bit like Witchers in a way. We’re made not born. Taken from our families at a young age, normally eight, exposed to secret ways of mutating the body. No one I’m aware of has died from the process but not all make it through with their minds intact.”
“That explains a lot about you then,” Yennefer quipped.
Jaskier ignored her and continued, “Then we go to the Time Lord Academy for about a hundred years where we learn a lot of academic stuff, not just how to control our mutations. I’m not a typical time lord. Time lords have this thing they can do twelve times if they’re dying where they can repair every cell in the body but it is uncontrollable and makes us change, new body, new face, new everything. We become a different person in a way. All the major stuff about us is the same, but we tend to get new personality traits here and there. That’s a normal time lord. I’m not normal.”
“Nothing new there,” Geralt said with a smirk.
“I, much like my grandfather before me, take great pride in embracing being a weirdo. Thank you very much. Anyway as I was saying I’m different from the other time lords because I have died so many times and in so many ways now I’ve genuinely lost count. I’ve never regenerated, just came back to life. If I’m in pieces when I die I do a mixture of regrow new ones and my old ones reattach and it’s like nothing ever happened. Not even a mark. Which is why a secret society within the time lords want to experiment on me.”
Jaskier walks over to Geralt and surprises him by pulling him into a passionate kiss in front of everyone then said, “I’m going to miss you the most.”
“Jaskier?” He asks questioningly.
Jaskier ignored him and actually surprised Yennefer this time by hugging her. “Look after him Witch.”
“We need to get a move on. Reading a Gallifreyan life sign headed this way,” Jack interrupted looking at the scanner on the vortex manipulator around his wrist.
“Do you know who?” Jaskier asked as he looked over at Jack.
“No. Never stuck around to check. The proximity alarm went off to say they where on the on the planet and came right here. Better do your thing and we get out of here.”
“Already have, no one will remember anything we said except for Geralt, Yennefer, and Borch over there.”
“Not wanting to take the time to break the mental shielding of a sorceress and a Witcher to wipe memories I get… But the old short guy? Really?”
“Oh that’s right, you’ve never met Villentretenmerth before. You weren’t on that little misadventure. I’d introduce you properly but we need to go. Sorry I won’t get to write a song about your grand adventure Vill. Although why a dragon wants to go on a dragon hunt I have no idea.”
“My mate is injured, our egg is in danger and cannot be moved yet.”
Jaskier sighed and shook his head. “Why didn’t you just say so in the first place?”
“Didn’t want to blow your cover. You do play the part of the harmless and hapless bard very well after all,” Borch replied.
“We can’t leave Dad,” the seemingly harmless and hapless bard said to his father.
“Time Lords coming right this way. They’re outside,” Jack reminded.
“It’s ok. I picked up their telepathic signature now. False alarm. It’s just—“
A man with flyaway brown hair in a blue pinstriped suit walked into the tavern with a blond woman. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked curiously at them. “Jack?”
“Doctor? What are you doing here? This thing must be on the fritz. It’s never been the same since you scrambled it with your sonic screwdriver.”
“Jack!” The blond woman exclaimed and ran over and they hugged enthusiastically.
“Jack!” The metacrisis Doctor warned.
“I’m just saying hello,” Jack replied without missing a beat with the old familiar argument.
“You never just say hello Dad,” Jaskier replied rolling his eyes, “He’s worse than I am and that’s saying something,” he added in aside to Geralt and Yennefer. “So turns out it’s a false alarm and I don’t have to scramble to get off this planet as soon as possible. It’s only my grandfather… sort of… Anyway any chance I can get either of you to forget everything I said because I would have regretted leaving without telling you?”
“Not a chance bard,” Yennefer replied smirking.
“Wait… Dad…” the Doctor trailed off looking over Jaskier and really looking at that with what senses he had left to him because of the metacrisis. “You’re a Time Lord, and you’re related to me…. And apparently Jack?”
“How much does your other body pickup from the other universe?” Jaskier asked, “It’s just some of it could be universe endingly bad if he knew at this point in your timeline.”
“Not much now. We get impressions of what each other is doing but not what exactly what unless we both concentrate really hard when both of us are at a weak point between universes. So we gone from being the same person in two different bodies at the same time pretty much, to being connected individuals. Nothing you tell me will get back to him,” the Doctor answered.
“Gallifrey stands.”
“Yea you pretty much used the moment to move Gallifrey into a pocket dimension and the Dalek’s destroyed themselves when trying to fire on a planet that was no longer there and made it look like Gallifrey was destroyed.”
“But you already knew that didn’t you Rose?” Jaskier asked.
“What?” The Doctor asked again looking at Rose this time.
“It’s not like I could tell him. Like you said the universe could have exploded from the giant paradox that would have created if he knew too soon. Especially bad since I’m a giant walking paradox as it is. I only exist because of bad wolf. In all the realities I went through to find the Doctor there wasn’t another Rose Tyler for that reason. It was better to just play stupid and pretend I didn’t remember bad wolf, or the moment, or any of it.”
“You where there…on Gallifrey… you brought me to see my future… It wasn’t a projection was it? It was actually you. Bad Wolf. You said you ended the time war but you didn’t mean the Daleks on the game station…” the Doctor started remembering.
“Like I would ever let you kill so many innocents when there was another way,” Rose added. “I hated every moment of letting you think you had.”
The Doctor’s head was spinning with the new information. “You still have access to that power don’t you?”
“Some. No where near as much as when I was acting as the moment. Can’t do anything a time lord can’t do. Sorry Jack about the whole immortality thing. I can’t actually fix it.”
“What about him,” Jack asked pointing to Jaskier. “He’s my son. I’ve had children since the whole immortality thing started but he’s the only one that inherited it from me.”
“I really don’t know,” Rose replied.
“I don’t know either. It really shouldn’t be possible Jack,” The Doctor added then turned to Jaskier, “Now how are you related to me?”
“I’m your grandson. Or will be. Depends on your perspective I suppose. I’m pretty much an accident, your son who just regenerated and became your daughter at the time got curious about what sex is like as a woman. Susan is my older sister if you’re wondering which of your kids.”
“I swear I didn’t know she was related to you!” Jack exclaimed with his hands out in a defensive posture.
The Doctor just deflated and sighed. “I really should be surprised, but I’m not.”
“Ok be careful what you say, people are going to notice soon and some of them really aren’t the people we want knowing anything,” Jaskier said holding his hand up and levelled a glare at his grandfather, “That includes you. Some of us don’t want to pick up and leave sooner than they have to.”
“Mass hypnosis to make them forget? Not very ethical,” the Doctor replies with a raised eyebrow but just sits beside Borch.
“Literally all I did was make people forget about a conversation on what to most of these people is a boring Tuesday. Besides. You’re going to lecture me about ethics? You? Try that on someone who doesn’t actually know you granddad.” Jaskier replied and took a seat beside the Doctor. “I’ve kidnapped my granddaughter’s school teachers for example.”
“You don’t have grandchildren,” Jack pointed out as he took a seat as well.
“Not the point,” Jaskier shot back.
“I panicked!” The Doctor defended. “I hadn’t been off of Gallifrey for long then. I hadn’t quite worked out yet that no one is going to take notice of two humans claiming to have followed a student into a police box and it turned out to be bigger on the inside. Now I know that if I leave a bloody big blue box in the middle of somewhere obvious that it shouldn’t be at, no one even notices. I swear most of the time it’s not even the perception filter, people just can be that stupid at times.”
“Susan still talks fondly of Ian and Barbra though,” Jaskier added shaking his head and laughing.
“I thought you where her at first. Picked up on the telepathic signature soon as I arrived. Wasn’t until I saw you I picked up the supple differences.”
“I get that a lot from people that know her. She used to volunteer to babysit me when I was a kid. Practically raised me before I went to the academy. Sorry to say I haven’t seen my sister since before I escaped from the division three hundred years ago now. I can tell you she made it out the other side of the time war though. All your kids have except for Zaiden, yet I’ve met an alternate version of him. He’s running around with an alternate version of you, Narvin and Rose.”
“Narvin?! Celestial Interventions Agency Coordinator Narvin? Really?! What is any version of Zaiden doing with the CIA?” The Doctor asked perplexed.
“He was in it. Apparently he joined just to spite both you and your father. Besides Narvin’s not so bad. You and him aren’t actually all that different, especially after the war. There’s a lot of stuff he’s not as comfortable with that he once was. Narvin helped me escape the division, had access to the axis to get me out of that universe, and had access to a TARDIS that will work in most of the multiverse. If it wasn’t for him and Great Uncle Braxiatel I’d still be being cut into little pieces to see how I work and if they can replicate it.”
“That’s the second time you mentioned the division, who, what?”
“A secret society within the time lords that’s older than the time lords themselves. They claim to have discovered the secret to regeneration, yahdee yahdee yahdah… Did they really? I got no idea. Let’s just say they’re crazier than Rassilon, well not surprising, he was one of them. Anyway they’re a bunch of crazy time lords who want to experiment on me. I’m hiding on this planet because of all the natural rift energy should cover me on any scans they do to look for me, and we where very panicked a little while ago because Dad thought you where one of them.”
“He’s supposed to be one of the exclusions on the scanner. Must be the metacrisis messing it up. What brings you here anyway Doctor? I thought you had been stranded on Earth.”
“Grew a new TARDIS out of a bit of the old one. She’s still got a lot of growing to do so we came here because of all the rift energies. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I don’t know how this universe yet alone this planet is in one piece.”
“I don’t know what happened but probably ripples from the time war. They call it the conjunction of the spheres. The whole planet is covered in scars from it. Something happened that brought a lot of different people from different races here. I don’t think they all came from this universe, and certainly not all from the same time period. There’s examples all over the place of it,” Jaskier explained.
“I only understand about a third of what they’re talking about,” Geralt said in aside to Yennefer.
Overhearing, Rose replies to them, “I only ever understand about half of what comes out of the Doctor’s mouth on a good day. I find it easier to just nod and take in what’s going on around us. I swear for someone really smart and observant he has a tendency to miss the obvious sometimes.”
“Jaskier has a tendency to play dumb but is actually one of the smartest people I know. He also notices everything. Unless it’s something like a horse about to run him over because he’s too busy composing something in his note book to look where he’s going.”
Rose groans and makes an exasperated gesture, “That’s exactly what I am talking about! The Doctor does that sort of thing all the bloody time. Your friend is definitely his grandson then. Why couldn’t he inherit some of your common sense Jack?”
“Common sense? Me? We met because I was a conman who was too stupid to think that just maybe an ambulance from an advanced civilisation might contain medical equipment on the subatomic level so of course I won’t be able to see it. I even had nanogenes in the ship I was using from the same civilisation and time period.”
They all talked amongst themselves for a while before Jaskier started playing as he’d arranged to earlier with the tavern owner. He did a number of the ones he was famous for including much to Geralt’s annoyance ‘Toss a coin’.
After a while just to be obnoxious Jack called out, “Free bird!”
“You can’t play that one on a lute Jack,” The Doctor replied.
Jaskier took that as a challenge. It sounded a little weird but he actually managed to do a passably recognisable version of the opening cords without the metal sound and started to sing.
If I leave here tomorrow,
Would you still remember me?
For I must be traveling on now,
'Cause there's too many places I've got to see,
But if I stay here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same,
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you cannot change,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
And the bird you cannot change,
And this bird, you cannot change,
Lord knows, I can't change,
Bye-bye baby, it's been sweet love, yeah, yeah,
Though this feelin' I can't change,
But please don't take it so badly,
'Cause Lord knows, I'm to blame,
But if I stay here with you, girl,
Things just couldn't be the same,
'Cause I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you cannot change,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
And the bird you cannot change,
And this bird, you cannot change,
Lord knows, I can't change,
Lord help me, I can't change,
Lord, I can't change,
Won't you fly high, free bird, yeah.
He finished without the solo metal part at end became they’re really is only so much he can do with strings made from gut, and even he knows when to admit defeat. He bowed at the claps he got from the three people in the room who actually knew what that song was supposed to sound like, and a few others who seemed to like the song. “You’re right, that really does need metal strings to sound right.”
And so the night went on with The Doctor, Rose and Jack challenging him to convert rock songs to play on the lute.
Later that night Jaskier was surprised when Geralt joined him in bed in the room he’d earned them with his performance. He’d expected him to forget all about him as usual and go off with Yennefer wherever. He was even more surprised but presently so that he was being very affectionate with him.
“Not that I’m complaining, but any particular reason you’re so determined to kiss every inch of exposed skin I have?”
“There’s a few inches of skin not so exposed right now I’d also like to get my lips on,” Geralt replied giving a feral grin as he smelled the spike in Jaskier’s arousal. “You’re normally horny after a rowdy performance like that one. You didn’t disappear off with anyone so I thought I’d help you out.”
“What about Yennefer?” Jaskier couldn’t help asking.
“Well if you really want to I could probably talk her into joining us, but I rather like having you all to myself right now,” Geralt said only half joking and started sucking on his neck causing Jaskier to moan.
“Not what I’m talking about. Normally you’d be in bed with her by now.”
“I’m not good with words,” Geralt said being serious now. “I’m trying to do better by you Jask. You almost left today, and for good. Not just a few weeks or months but gone forever. It hit me if you left here tomorrow like that song you sang, I’d not only remember you I’d be devastated. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“‘But if I stay here with you, things just could be the same, cause I’m free as a bird now, and this bird cannot change,’” Jaskier quoted. “There’s truth in that too. I’ve loved being Jaskier the bard. The problem is I don’t age. People assume I got some elder blood in me and don’t make much of it lots of people do. Even then though there’s only so long I can keep up the rues before I need to move on. I love you Geralt and I’ve stayed so long already because I needed to be near you. Pathetic I know.”
“Then I’ll go with you,” Geralt stated. “And you’re not pathetic.”
That caught Jaskier by surprise and he gasped running a hand over the Witcher’s face. “You come with me?”
“You’ve followed me around for over twenty years now. Maybe it’s time I followed you for a change.”
“You’d do that?”
“Yes,” Geralt replied running a hand through the bard’s hair.
“What about the path, and you’re tied to Yennefer by destiny and all that.”
“I love you and I know it’s not some damned wish from a djinn causing it all. You had a point earlier when you said you didn’t know just how much either of us are consenting to it all. Truth is when she’s not around I barely think about her then I see her and it’s like some sort of spell comes over me and she’s all I think about. When you’re not around I’m thinking about you constantly. Just ask any of my brothers they complain about me moping every winter.”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Jaskier added.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me too. You may have hidden your identity but not the small things about you. I know you have cold feet in the mornings, hog the blankets, but always end up cuddling during the night. You prefer to drink wine over ale and like things spiced with ginger. FYou hate geese but love pretty much all other animals. You spoil Roach rotten with treats. You once made a pet of a mouse you found with its leg stuck in a trap because it refused to leave after you nursed it back to health. His name was Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, you called him ‘Nearly Legless Nick’ for some reason, and he lived in your pocket. Those things and twenty years worth of getting to know you like that isn’t made up. But I’d like to get to know the rest.”
“Fine. Run away with me for once. After we help Borch, and stop whatever ill advised plan Yennefer is concocting. Maybe we should kidnap her and take her with us when we run away. She needs protecting from herself. If you had to bind yourself to a sorceress at least you picked an interesting one.”
“That’s enough about Yen. I believe we where in the middle of something that most definitely doesn’t involve her,” Geralt replied before kissing Jaskier.
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keanuvelasquez · 4 months
Welcome to Aurora Bay @aurorabayaesthetic, [KEANU VELASQUEZ]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [EVAN MOCK]. You must be the [TWENTY-SIX] year old [CASHIER AT LAVENDER HAZE SMOKE SHOP]. Word is you’re [ENERGIZED] but can also be a bit [IMPULSIVE] and your favorite song is [SHE BY TYLER THE CREATOR FT. FRANK OCEAN]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! [mad, 27, pst, they/them].
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Name: Keanu Anthony Velasquez Nicknames: Key, anything related to his pink hair (pinky, bubblegum, highlighter) Age: 26 FC: Evan Mock Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him/His Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Dating Kylee Anthony @kyleexanthony Height: 5′8 Blood Type: O+ Build: Medium Vices: Cannabis, alcohol, vape, occasional psychedelic Favorite Colors: Hot Pink & Lime Green
Quick Facts
Keanu was born and raised in Aurora Bay. His mother had him fresh out of high school and his father was never in the picture. He lived with his mom and grandmother all the way up through high school and maintains a good relationship with both women to this day.
Keanu had been an underachiever since day one. He never applied himself in school often trying harder at being a class clown than excelling in school. He managed to graduate high school with a C average greatly due to cheating on tests and relying on others during group projects. College was never in his cards. Even if he'd had better grades he'd never be able to afford it.
He's worked all over town, usually at minimum wage jobs like McDonalds. He recently got a job at Lavender Haze which is great for his vape addiction. He really likes working at the smoke shop because he's actually knowledgeable about the products and likes the music they play. Keanu got addicted to Juuls in high school right when he started smoking weed and has been a daily user ever since. He usually shows up to work stoned but no one cares.
The one subject Keanu always excelled at in school was art. He'd always been a doodler and used to draw references off cartoons he'd watched as a kid it later evolved into Keanu becoming a tagger. He's usually armed with a paint pen and has littered his signature alien in a little space ship all over town. He's yet to be caught so he's getting more and more daring with his placement.
Keanu's love life is tumultuous. He's never had a relationship lasting longer than six months. He's usually the cause of his relationships going south and has been a cheater in the past though the older he's gotten the less he's inclined to cheat and will just break up with someone if his gaze starts to wander. He's finally learned his lesson there. He's not afraid to send a late night text either and has many people he keeps on rotation.
His body is covered in shitty tattoos all of which have been stick and pokes done by himself or friends. He's always been too cheap to get a real tattoo and many of the tattoos he'd done back in high school have already started to fade away.
He's banned from The Reef because one night he got too drunk and started lighting playing cards on fire at the bar. He spends most of his nights off at Sharky's instead and has probably seen every local band play live there. He doesn't spend many evenings just sitting at home unless he's nursing a hangover from the night prior.
On his 21st birthday his girlfriend at the time dyed his hair pink and he's kept the look ever since though he's usually pretty poor on the upkeep and his hair is usually fade.
Both his front teeth are fake due to a pogo stick accident as a kid. He's also covered in tons of scars from various mishaps growing up but has luckily never managed to break a bone but the possibility is still there. He's taken to climbing to get at hard to reach tagging spots and he rarely does so sober.
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