#more ncis next time
wanderingsoul6261 · 3 months
Match has been Made
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credit for gif goes to k-wame
james beaufort x reader
synopsis: Lydia plays matchmaker for James and her friend
Note: I have Jury Duty next week, so I want to try and get everything done before then, but if not, I will try to have most finished so that I can post them periodically through next week so that I can still provide y'all with content. I also want to start writing for other fandoms, such as Call of Duty, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Uncharted, etc) so if you are interested in more works, keep an eye out for those.
Not a big fan of this one honestly. Might delete it later and do a better version of it. Just didn't have any other ideas for it, so if anyone has a better way for this to have gone, let me know, and I will definitely consider redoing it after some of the others are completed.
Lydia wasn't as stupid as James and Y/N. Maybe stupid wasn't the right word, as oblivious seemed fitting, not that the two were stupid. Although, they were definitely oblivious. Lydia had wanted to strangle them both, considering how blind they were. James, staring all the time at Y/N, not thinking anyone would notice. Lydia definitely noticed. And then Y/N, not even noticing James looking at her and how long he would do so. Lydia also noticed that too. 
Many who also noticed had just thought that maybe Y/N wasn’t interested in him, but Lydia had taken to disagreeing. Y/N was a good friend of Lydia, and therefore, she was also a good friend of James. Y/N and James had initially butted heads quite often at the start of the friendship between the two girls, but over time, it had gradually stopped, and had actually turned into a playful teasing. 
Now, Lydia could tell James was smitten with Y/N just as much as she was smitten with him, and this had sparked Lydia’s plan into getting the two by themselves and admitting their feelings. 
Initially, it also meant getting their driver, Percy involved. He would have a large part to play in the plan, helping her get one or both of them to the Manor, hopefully when their parents were away on their upcoming business trip, and then leaving with Lydia. Percy and Lydia would then find something to pass a few hours by. Whether she went over to a friend’s house, or she treated Percy to a friendly night out for all his work done for the family. 
Percy was inclined to help, considering he too had noticed what was, or the lack of what was happening between James and Y/N. It didn’t matter how he spent the time afterwards. Him leaving the manor would then mean that neither James or Y/N had a way to leave. 
It was a sound plan, and Lydia knew that the probability of it working was high. 
“Hey! Y/N!” Y/N turned around at the sound of her name being called. Behind her, Lydia hurried over to her. She stopped, waiting for her friend to catch up so that they could walk side by side. “What are you doing tonight?” Lydia asked. Y/N shrugged. 
“Nothing really. Mom and dad are home but I don’t have anything planned with them. I was probably just going to watch some movies and call it an early night.” 
“Would you want to come over for a bit? Do some swimming. Maybe stay the night? Our parents are out of town for a few nights for a business trip.” Lydia had explained. 
“Who all is going to be there?” She had asked. 
“Just me and James, plus you. Figured the three of us could hang out without the suffocation of a party.” Lydia had explained. 
Y/N thought about it. Admittedly, getting out of the house for a little bit had seemed like a better idea. Lydia could tell she was contemplating it. The way Y/N tilted her head and bit the inside of her cheek, some of the very few mannerisms she possessed that gave away when she was truly thinking about something told her so. Mannerisms that James had appeared to have fallen in love with. 
After several moments, and pausing in the hallway of Maxton, Y/N had given Lydia her answer. 
“Alright. I’ll come over.” 
“Cool! I’ll have Percy pick you up at about 5!” Y/N agreed, telling her that that worked for her, and left her friend behind so that she could move on to her next class, which she also shared with James. 
Lydia watched as Y/N met up with James outside of their next class, a smirk on her face, and then left quickly, before either of them noticed that she was watching. 
“Hey.” James smiled at Y/N as they walked into the classroom. “So did Lydia talk to you yet?” He asked, as they set their stuff down on the shared desk and took their respective seats. “Something about just us three. Swimming. Maybe some movies. Something like that.” 
“Yea, actually. Just before I came here. I told her that I should be free to come over. She said she would send Percy later to come get me.” 
“What about your driver?” 
“Sick. I gave them a few days off.” Y/N flipped through her notes, trying to find where she left off. James watched as she did so, his eyes on her fingers as they flipped through the pages, before he turned his attention to her face. She was concentrated, focused on trying to find where she left off in her note taking. 
“What time did she tell you?” 
“Percy will be at my place at five.” He nodded slightly as she finally looked up at him. “She said I could also potentially stay the night. Mentioned something about how your parents are out of town for a business trip?” 
“Yea. Meetings with potential business partners for their next clothing line.” He explained. “They will be gone most of the week.” She nodded in understanding. James flashed her a smile, one that she had returned as their professor walked in, introducing their topic for the day.
Percy was a few minutes early, rolling the car in the driveway of her family manor at about quarter to five. Stepping out of the car, he greeted her politely, flashing her a small smile as she advanced over to the car. 
“Good evening, Percy.” She flashed a smile back at him, thanking him as he opened the back door for her. He had taken her overnight bag, putting it in the trunk of the car. 
“Good evening, Miss Y/L/N. I hope you are well.” 
“I am. Thank you. I hope Lydia and James are treating you well.” She teased. He flashed her a smile of amusement as another voice rang out, just as she climbed into the vehicle. 
“We are treating him just fine.” Y/N was met face to face by James, who flashed her an amused smile as she took her seat next to him. The door closed and the two flashed each other a smile. 
“Miss me?” she asked. Percy climbed into the driver side seat, putting the car into drive and taking the three of them back to the Beaufort manor. James smiled brightly at her.
Percy watched them from the rearview mirror, taking in the interactions to the two of them. Lydia had been right, about the way the two of them look at each other. The way James looked at her when she was talking, like he wanted to take in everything she was saying and have it memorized. The way Y/N watched as he drew in his sketchbook or the way he watched her as she watched the numerous trees and other flora as they drove. Lydia was right when she told Percy all those days ago about how oblivious they were. The emotions in their faces surely show how they feel about the other, but both are too oblivious to say or do anything.  He smirked, turning his eyes back on the road. 
Arriving at the manor, Percy had stayed with the car, while James and Y/N had gotten out. James took her bag inside, handing it to another person to take to Lydia's room, where she would likely be sleeping. 
Lydia was already outside at the pool when the two finally joined her. She looked up and back at them, a smile on her face. Standing up from where she was dipping her toes into the pool, she walked over to them. She bypassed James, who only playfully rolled his eyes as she hugged Y/N. 
“Glad you can make it. You guys enjoy the water and snacks. I’m going to go and get changed. Be back in a jiffy.” And with that, Lydia was gone. James, who was already wearing some swim trunks with a t-shirt when they picked up Y/N, had taken off his shirt, leaving Y/N the only one who had yet to show her swimsuit. 
Her eyes were on James body for several seconds and had stayed focused on him for several more seconds after he had jumped into the pool.
Y/N had been smart, having put her swimsuit on underneath her clothes before Percy and James arrived at her home. She had slipped off her shirt, exposing her skin and the bikini top that she wore. James had caught sight, his eyes on her before he dipped underneath the water before she could catch him staring. When he had come back up, she had already pulled her shorts off, fully revealing herself in her two-piece bikini. 
While James slowly swam around the perimeter of the pool, Y/N relaxed on a floaty, drifting around the pool. The two relaxed like that for a little bit until one of them realized that one of them was still missing. 
“James.” He had looked over at Y/N, who now sat on the end of the pool, a water bottle in her hand. 
“Did Lydia come out at all?” She asked. “I would have figured that she would be out here by now.” James stopped swimming, moving to stand in the shallow end of the pool. He looked past her, towards the open doors that led into the house. 
“No I haven’t.” He finally answered. His eyes drifted back towards Y/N, where some droplets of water rolled down her stomach. Her hair was wet, meaning that she had slipped into the water at some point and he didn’t notice. She tilted her head in thought, turning her body around as well to look inside the house. 
James watched as she stood up and walked over to the chairs. She didn’t find any sign that Lydia might have even been there in the first place, and no phone was found. 
“Her phone isn’t here. Maybe she has it. I can give her a call.” Y/N walked back over to her own phone, picked it up, and easily dialed Lydia’s number. James watched as she pressed her phone to her ear, but after several seconds, put her phone back down. “No answer.” 
“She’s probably okay. Probably just got caught up doing something else. Maybe she’s taking a nap so she can conserve energy for movies later.” James reassured her, and Y/N agreed. James wasn’t sure where his sister went, and it definitely wasn’t a part of their plans. 
Unless it was a part of her plans. 
Y/N shrugged and had gone back to sit on the side of the pool, her feet dangling in the water. James went back to floating around the pool. His eyes moved over to Y/N several times. They were alone and she was right there. He could say what he wanted and make his move. If he was rejected, no one would know. 
Her eyes were on the book she was reading, invested in the pages and the words that told the story within them. He hovered in the water for several moments before he finally decided to slowly make his way across the pool. 
His eyes had remained on her, watching her movements as he neared her. The way her fingers flipped to the next page. How her expression changed based on the scene she was reading. He was happy to listen to her when she went on and on about a book that was either currently reading or had just finished, having loved the way that she got so much joy and excitement from something so simple. 
When he finally reached her, his hand reached out for the book, gently setting it aside without getting it wet. Y/N was confused, a noise getting caught in the back of her throat as James put his palm on the edge of the pool, hoisting himself partially out of the water and slightly closer to her. He made eye contact with her, before he looked down at her lips. She caught the movement, relaxing as she waited. She knew what he wanted at that moment, and when he didn’t make the move first, she did. 
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him even more closer, and pressed her lips against his. He quickly melted into it, one arm wrapping around her waist. James tugged her into the pool once more, before pinning her against the side of it. Her arms remained around his neck, while his arms looped behind her, settling the edge of the pool. 
It was a slow and gentle kiss, allowing the two to enjoy and savor it. Her hands tangled themselves into his hair, and one of his hands moved to her back, his fingers splayed across her skin. James was running out of breath, as was Y/N, but the two hesitated to separate, as both of them seemed to have wanted their first kiss together to go on longer than what was physically possible. 
And when they finally pulled away from each other, they rested their foreheads against each others, breathing heavily, a small smile on their lips. 
“Do you think Lydia left?” Y/N asked. 
“I think this was part of her plan.” James agreed. “Get us alone together. Means Percy was probably also in on it.”  Y/N laughed a little. 
“You sister, playing matchmaker, and Percy helping. Who knew.”
“My guess is that they knew something we didn’t.” He had smiled, kissing her again, this time with a bit more energy. James had stared at her lips, before moving away and planting kisses along her jaw, pressed one final one to her forehead, and then moved back down to her lips. He was kissing her like a man starved of it all.  
“How about we watch those movies?” He finally asked, after finding the heart to stop kissing Y/N and finally allowing her to breathe. She gave him a smile and nodded. 
That was how Lydia had found the two of them. They were laying on the couch in the shared living area that Lydia and James shared, the tv going on in the background. James was on his back, his head against the arm of the couch, and Y/N was asleep on his chest. Her arms wrapped around James, and a blanket was wrapped around her. 
Lydia had smirked, snapped a photo to show Percy that the plan had worked, and wandered off to get ready for bed, leaving the two by themselves.
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
Laito Sakamaki bf headcanons♤♤
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🃏- Ok so uhhhhh let's all just be honest with ourselves
🃏- I really really do enjoy his character and its development, but this man would not exactly be the best boyfriend
🃏- Obviously all diaboys have their extremely toxic flaws, so I'm gonna be as unbiased as I can and give him a worthy depiction
🃏- Depending on your personality and how you've acted towards him, I see him as someone who usually seeks out your comfort in trying times
🃏- It's moments like these where he's so unaccustomed to being vulnerable that he'll have a slight panic attack that you'll betray him
🃏- Luckily however, the more your relationship grows, the less that feeling will be there, but it will definitely take time
🃏- He's definitely asked you to shower with him multiple times, but for different reasons
🃏- Like sometimes he's genuinely so at peace to finally be naked and not hate himself after, or to share something so intimate with you that isn't sex
🃏- Let's be real, sex isn't something special for him, it's just a regular Saturday night
🃏- But knowing that he gets to share it for the first time in his life with someone who he feels safe around, is something he can get behind
🃏- Has you sit on his lap while you both do crossword puzzles together
🃏- Doesn't seem like the type who enjoys making big meals, so he prefers to take you out to eat if it's a special occasion
🃏- Honestly loves talking to you late at night(?) Or morning or whatever it is
🃏- He enjoys the honesty of the conversations and the fact that he doesn't need to see through you, you're just reading to him the pages of your mind
🃏- Watches shows like NCIS, Law and Order, Dexter, etc. He begssss you to watch it with him and catches you up to speed with the episodes
🃏- Realistically, he doesn't always want to cuddle and be in your space. Some nights he just needs time alone for whatever reason and teases you when you get lonely
🃏- Extremely clingy when he's having a hard time keeping his mask on so he tries to play it off as just his normal behaviour (if you know him well enough, you'd immediately catch on)
🃏- Give him well thought out gifts and he'll start planning your future together
🃏- Talks about growing old together and having kids
🃏- Speaking of, you're not dying to old human age on his watch. Whether you want to become a vampire or not, he will turn you into one, you are not leaving his side
🃏- Dry ass texts when he's fully awake and long ass convos when he's about to pass out
🃏- Helps you learn how to play sudoku but will purposely give you wrong tips the first time around so he can flaunt how good he is
🃏- Doesn't understand why you like it when he wears his glasses and insists he looks like an otaku
🃏- Late night walks away from the manor so you both can moon gaze and enjoy the serenity of nature
🃏- One time when Ayato bit you, you insisted that instead of causing drama, he try something more civil (He put laxatives in his Gatorade before a basketball match against another school)
🃏- Also on a related note, really enjoys pranking you and encourages you to prank him back
🃏- For some reason I can imagine him getting really into butterflies and their anatomy. I personally think he has his own sketchbook where he draws them and makes notes on the different species
🃏- Loves to fly kites, he does not care whether you're with him or not, will fly a kite because why not
🃏- Watches mukbangs with you and even chooses the next couple videos
🃏- Jokes about you starting an OF, but had a nightmare that your dream partner found you and whisked you away from him like a prince in shinning armour
🃏- He enjoys playing hand games with you. Yeah idk why I thought about this but it seems to fit
🃏- Enjoys seeing you wear modest clothes. Not because he's picturing the underneath, but he knows you're gorgeous because you can pull being modest AND being naked off
🃏- Wants a Shiba Inu as a pet someday
🃏- He really tries to love you even if he does hurt you from time to time
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slutforsilverfoxes · 10 months
Agents DiNozzo
[A/N #1 TLDR version: Got busy with an externship, got hospitalized for a cat bite, I missed u all v v much
A/N #2 for realsies: Would Tony and his wife be allowed to work together on a team? Probs not. Would Gibbs be crazy enough to voluntarily work with both of them? Even more probs not. But it makes my lil heart happy so here you go :)]
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo x wife!agent!reader
There are two things in your career that satisfy you to no end: 1) Getting justice for the victims whose case files come across your desk and 2) Working with your husband every day. The latter presents complications, of course- the occasional conflict of interest, quibbles over theories following you home from the office, an added level of anxiety during contentious takedowns- but it also allows you the distinct privilege of spoiling and, arguably more importantly, embarrassing the hell out of one Anthony DiNozzo, Junior, on a daily basis.
Your head lifts on its own volition, guided by your nose tuning in to the sweet smell of hazelnut creamer and woodsy cologne permeating the air of the NCIS bullpen. Your partner, both in and out of the field, has evidently returned from a midday coffee run looking as delicious as the pastries you’ve spotted by the to-go cups on his desk. Checking to make sure your boss is still nestled securely in the Director’s office, you cross over into Tony’s space just as he lays his suit jacket across the back of his chair. Slipping your hands into the back pockets of his tight-fitting slacks, you can’t help but serenade him with the ten-second clip of brain rot that plagued your social media for a ridiculous number of weeks. “Can I get to the yams?” you whisper-sing through a giggle, pinching his favorite cheeks of yours, maintaining your grip even as you attempt to dodge the hand nearing the back of your head. “Sweet ya-am- ow!” Darting out of his reach, you drop into Tony’s seat with a pout, arms crossed petulantly. “You have hereby been demoted from Very Special Agent to just Special Agent for that.”
“You-” Tony sneaks a glance at McGee and Ziva who are trying- and failing- to hide their smiles before crouching to meet you at eye level and lowering his voice to carry on, “You are the reason we had to sit through that inappropriate conduct seminar for three hours last week.” He maintains an even tone, but you can see his lips twitching with amusement.
“I’m sorry everyone in this office is jealous I can touch your butt and they can’t,” you huff with an eye roll.
“Literally no one is jealous of you for that,” McGee calls from his desk across the aisle.
“Well, you guys are missing out,” you respond with an exaggerated sigh.
Shaking his head, Tony fixes you with as stern a look as he can muster. “Save it for later, Bee,” you intone in an imitation of your husband’s voice, “I know.”
“You would think,” he begins, offering you a hand to help you up and walking you back over to your desk by Ziva’s, “that you’d have moved past the infatuation stage at this point in our relationship.”
“And you would think you’d have stopped calling me ‘Probie’ by now, Anthony.”
“I have! ‘Bee’ is different than ‘Probie’. It’s a nickname and it’s cute.”
“Says who?” you challenge, eyes narrowed.
“Says the-”
“If you say ‘Senior Field Agent,’ I swear to God, Tony, you’re sleeping on the-”
“DiNozzos!” Gibbs’ gruff voice puts an immediate stop to your squabble as he descends the steps two at a time. “Ziva, McGee, all of you, front and center. Whaddya got? Besides too much time on your hands.”
“Coffee and a suspect,” you supply with a smile, turning on the plasma display as Tony presents Gibbs with a cardboard cup. “For once, Agent DiNozzo’s go-to theory seems to hold water.” Raising an eyebrow at your husband, you playfully mock, “It was the wife.”
Tim picks up the next leg of your shared insight. “Credit card history has the Lieutenant Commander’s wife meeting with our hit man at a hotel in Anacostia two weeks before the murder, Boss.”
“We also traced these calls from the burner found on our victim’s body,” Ziva indicates for Tim to highlight the outgoing calls on the phone logs before continuing, “…to his sister in law, Anna.”
The redhead’s photo pops up on the TV, and your husband lets out a low whistle that has your hand instantly connecting with the back of his head. “You are my light, my sunshine, and the very air I breathe, my dear,” he speaks through a grimace, trying to gauge your reaction through his peripheral vision.
“Go pick our hitman up,” Gibbs instructs, cutting off your bickering before it can begin by dangling the sedan’s keys on his index finger in front of you.
You snatch them up, sharing a catlike grin with Ziva. “My pleasure, Boss. I might be needing his services soon, anyway.”
“Uh uh,” your boss calls as the two of you start collecting your things. “Take Tony.”
Your husband flashes you a sheepish smile while you grumble at him over the lip of your coffee cup. “Let’s go, Dick-Nozzo.”
“It’s your last name, too,” he points out astutely, holding out his hand for the keys.
“Shut up. I’m driving.”
As the elevator begins its descent, Tony slips two fingers under your chin and turns your face towards him, concern muting the typical sparkle in his olive green eyes. “Are you really upset with me, babe?”
You count the seconds ticking away in your head, relishing in the way he squirms under your stern gaze, before relenting at second fourteen. “No, you big dummy,” you say with a nudge to his side. “She’s hot.”
Tony lifts your hand to his mouth and presses his lips against your wedding band before asserting, “You’re hotter.”
Curling your free hand around his tie, you tug him closer and land a sound kiss on his lips. The elevator dings to indicate you’ve reached the parking garage, and you reluctantly release your husband from your grip with a satisfied smile and a murmured, “I’ve taught you so well.”
ADJ Tags 🖤 @bakugouswh0r3
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withlove-amber · 7 months
He Did The Thing
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gibbs x reader
“I’ll be right down Abbs.” Gibbs said, snapping his cellphone shut. As he made his way to the lab, he had started to wonder where (Y/N) had gone. She briefly mentioned something about going to see Abby for an update on the current case, but that was 20 minutes ago. He didn’t quite catch what she was saying, as he was on the phone with Ducky about an update on the case as well. The first thing he heard as he stepped off the elevator was (Y/N) asking Abby, “Did he do the hot guy thing where he puts his hand on the small of your back to get through a crowd?” “YES” the forensic scientist replied. “I don’t know what it is about that certain gesture, but when someone does it-” (Y/N) was interrupted by Gibbs asking, “What you got for me Abbs?” as he handed Abby a Caf-POW.
(Y/N) was starting to blush, and part of her hoped Gibbs didn’t hear the conversation, but the other part of her hoped very much that Gibbs heard the conversation. She’s had a crush on her silver-haired, steely-blue eyed boss, since she started working for team Gibbs as the new probie. But now, as a full-time NCIS Special Agent, she felt that having a crush on her boss maybe isn’t the best. But there’s something about the way his vivid baby blue eyes stare into (Y/N)’s when he’s talking to her, or maybe it’s how softly he speaks to Abby compared to the rest of the team. The ‘ding!’ of Abby’s computer brought (Y/N) out of her thoughts, and back into reality. Abby shared the new update, and Gibbs and (Y/N) went back upstairs to the bullpen to share Abby’s update to the rest of the team. 
The next bit of the workday seemed to go agonizingly slow. Half the team was waiting for someone to call them back, and the other half went through evidence and bank records. At a certain point, Abby called everyone into the lab, asking for help. She needed extra hands to help with something, and wasn’t sure who could do what to help. It felt a little crowded in the lab with everyone being there, but (Y/N)’s thoughts abruptly faded away when she felt Gibbs’ hand on the small of her back, while trying to navigate through the crowd. She wondered if he overheard the conversation between herself and Abby, and the smirk on his face confirmed her thoughts. After that flirtatious gesture, she started to wonder if there was a chance he felt the same. And the way his beautiful blue eyes stared into hers across the room, gave her a little more hope that one day there could be something more between Gibbs and herself.
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theoceanandthestars · 5 months
Friendly Lies
A/N: This is my first post/story, I’ve written before on Wattpad but never committed to writing but I feel like this is something I can actually commit too. Let me know any NCIS requests and I’m hoping to open up my writing to other fandoms soon too. This is definitely a testament to my ability to yap. Apologies for any mistakes :)
Also, I know the timelines probably don’t match up in terms of Gibbs knowing Tobias etc and Tobias having another daughter, or maybe they do, I don’t know but I thought it was a fun idea so belief will just have to be suspended. ;)
NCIS y/n fanfic, slight y/n x tony dinozzo, tony dinozzo x reader
Word count: 1969
Summary: Fornell’s daughter, Gibbs' Goddaughter, is an FBI agent working a case with her father and Godfather and decides to help get her dad to leave McGee alone after he found him asleep on the sofa with his ex-wife (I loved that episode so much) at Tony’s expense.
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You’d only known Tim, Tony and Ziva for a few weeks but already you knew you’d be great friends. After only knowing them for 5 minutes the day you ended up sharing a case with both your father and godfather, you were making plans to hang out with them. Your godfather, or your Uncle Gibbs as you preferred to call him, was of course more than happy to see you and be working with you, although the protective dad act from the NCIS and FBI agents had driven you slightly insane. Although you loved the rare times when you and your father shared an FBI case, that time had made you nearly want to quit, which had driven you straight to Gibbs’ team, who were more than welcoming and friendly to you.
Now, you sat on Ziva’s desk, chatting to her and McGee while your father and godfather interrogated a suspect and Tony watched.
‘And that’s why your dad hates me’, concluded McGee after explaining to you what he described as the ‘incident’ between your dad and his ex-wife Diane.  Both you and Ziva had been laughing the entire time he told the story.
‘I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, Tim’, you smiled at him ‘he’s only mentioned it a few times.’
‘A few?’ Tim asked in horror, causing Ziva to snort in laughter. This topic had taken up a good 20 minutes and it had clearly been playing on his mind for a long time before that.
‘Look if you want me to talk to him I can’ you offered, trying to ease Tim’s obvious panic, but your offer only seemed to send McGee into a further state of pure anxiety.
‘No, absolutely not, that would only add to it.’ He spoke moving his chair slightly as it was currently situated next to Ziva’s desk where you were congregated. As Tim moved you gaze shifted to DiNozzo’s desk and an idea popped into your head.
‘McGee, I’m sure y/n’s right, Fornell can’t be holding on to a grudge for that long.’
‘He brings it up every time we see him!’ Tim insisted.
‘Hang on’ you quickly said jumping up from Ziva’s desk and captivating both agent’s attention, ‘I think I know how to get my dad to forget about you and Diane.’
‘First of all there was no me and Diane’ Tim quickly insisted, causing the pair of female agents to roll their eyes as they failed to hold in their laughs ‘But what’s the idea because I will do anything to make him stop bringing it up?’. Both agents’ gazes were fixed on you as you moved from Ziva’s desk to sit on Tonys.
‘Oh you wouldn’t have to do anything McGee, it would be all me’, you smirked as the two agents watched eagerly, ‘this isn’t entirely selfless though, remember when Tony told Gibbs and my dad that I’d been sleeping with an NCIS agent to try and piss them off? And it took me weeks to convince them he was just trying to mess with me and them?’, the two NCIS agents nodded, smirks growing on their faces as they pieced together what you were planning to do, ‘well I think it’s time I get Tony back for that, don’t you?’.
Just as you said this your father and Gibbs reappeared into the room and as they did, you got up from Tony’s desk and made a beeline for them, meeting them just in front of Gibbs’ desk.
‘Dad, Uncle Gibbs I need to talk to you’ you said, grabbing their attention in the most serious and anxious voice you could muster, grabbing one of their hands in each of yours, ‘I know this is really important and I want to be honest with you both’ you took a deep breath to highlight your nervousness. At this point you had captured your father’s and Godfather’s attention, squeezing their hands as you raised your eyes to meet theirs you finally said, ‘I’m pregnant.’
Now Ziva and Tim were clearly shocked and impressed by your lies, hiding their laughter surprisingly well and instead adorning looks of shock and intrigue. Your father and godfather on the other hand, with hands still held by yours, were looking at you with such pure shock your father had turned slightly white. Before they could even utter a word, you quickly continued, ‘and its Tony’s’.
At this revelation, McGee and Ziva quickly turned so that Gibbs and Fornell couldn’t see the laughter that was daring to burst out. The silence was quickly broken by a synchronised ‘WHAT?’ from the two men who held your hands. Their gazes had turned harsher, but you knew that if you wanted this to have the best effect you had to really milk it.
‘I know we haven’t known each other long’ you stated looking them both in the eyes, but were quickly interrupted by your father half shouting, ‘How did this happen?’, quickly followed by Gibbs’ ‘I’m sorry what?!’
Before you could think of an answer though everyone’s attention was diverted in the sound of a voice, Tony’s voice, ‘hey boss. Fornell.  You look like you’ve seen a ghost, what did y/n do? Tell you she’s pregnant? I told you she was sleeping with an NCIS agent.’, as he Tony laughed at his own joke, Tony sauntered towards his desk, but only for a second before Fornell was on him, pinning him to the wall. Tony’s face quickly shifted to panic and confusion, his eyes scanning the room.
‘You got my daughter pregnant!’, Fornell shouted.
‘What? No’ DiNozzo squeaked out as Gibbs removed Fornell from him, freeing him from the wall. You quickly shifted your eyes to where Tim and Ziva were still at Ziva’s desk, attempting to contain their laughter. You knew you didn’t have long before the two of them blew the prank, but you also knew that the damage would be done soon enough and you would have got Tony back and your dad would definitely forget about finding McGee and Diane on the sofa asleep together.
Suddenly Tony rushed over to you seeking some sort of explanation or help but before he could squeak out another word, you grabbed his arm hugging it slightly and turning the pair of you to face Gibbs and Tobias.
‘Me and Tony are in love, dad, you can’t stop our love’ but as you got to the end of your sentence McGee and Ziva had burst into full belly laughter, causing you too to crack and lean on Tony as you couldn’t stop laughing. As the three of you continued to laugh, Gibbs only rolled his eyes at your antics, shaking his head slightly and letting out a slight chuckle. He knew that DiNozzo had told Tobias that you were sleeping with someone at the agency to piss him off and he also knew that your dad had practically become a helicopter parent for a week after he had done so.
As Gibbs moved back towards his desk, you patted tony on the chest before calming yourself enough to say, ‘you should have seen your face’. Quickly, McGee walked behind you both to return to his desk, slapping Tony on the back as he continued to laugh at Tony’s expense. He stopped by your side quickly whispering to you how he was now free from any comments about Diane. Your gaze then shifted to your father who still stood in front of you both, surprisingly quite but glaring at you both.
‘Gotta keep you young dad.’ You smiled at him, kissing his check and moving back to Ziva’s desk, the pair of you still giggling and smiling. Your dad however, kept his gaze on Tony, glowering at him, as Tony seemed to continue to shrink under his glare, still looking stunned and scared. Finally his gaze shifted as Gibbs called him telling him to go down to autopsy to see Abby with him.
At first he didn’t move, continuing to stare, before finally moving when he heard his name shouted by Gibbs. ‘I still don’t trust you DiNozzo.’ Tobias said, finally moving towards Gibbs’ desk, his gaze remaining on Tony until they were out of site.
At this point you, McGee and Ziva all began to laugh again with the same force you did when your dad had pinned Tony to the wall.
‘I did not think you would take it that far’ commented Ziva, ‘I admire your commitment’. You smiled at her amongst the laughter but couldn’t respond as tony too moved towards Ziva’s desk, where McGee had now joined you and began to stare at you all.
‘Not funny guys, I thought I was going to die!’, Tony’s statement only caused more laughter though, as his hand reached his neck, fiddling with his shirt collar even though your father had only grabbed his shoulders. Finally you spoke through the laughter, ‘I told you I was going to get you back Tony and McGee needed by dad to lay off him about the whole thing with my ex stepmother, so really I was just helping a friend’ you smiled a sickly sweet smile at him before the phone at his desk began to ring causing Tony to quickly scurry over to his desk, grabbing the phone before answering.
‘Yes boss?’ he questioned into the phone, as you high fived Tim and Ziva, ‘right away boss’, followed by him quickly grabbing his things after he put down the phone. ‘Gibbs says Abby’s matched the ballistics from the gun, wants me and Y/N to bring in the suspect.’ He stated as he continued to gather his stuff. As you listened, you quickly grabbed your bag that was sat next to Gibbs’ desk, but before you could leave Gibbs and your father returned, arguing as they walked.
‘I’ll go with DiNozzo Gibbs’ your dad argued, his gaze landing on Tony, at which point Tony swallowed.
‘No you’re not’, Gibbs deadpanned.
‘Then, I’ll go with them both’ he stated as he moved towards the pair now standing together with their bags, but not before Gibbs grabbed his shoulder directing him towards the director’s office and repeating ‘No you’re not’.
As you and Tony turned and began to walk towards the elevator, he quickly began to argue with you. ‘You know your dad is going to kill me, right?’ he questioned as you pressed the elevator button, your gaze shifting to him.
‘No he won’t’ you dismissed, ‘but he won’t trust you for a while, just like how he’s been hovering over me for weeks after you told him I was secretly sleeping with someone at your office, or like how he constantly brings up that time he found Diane and McGee together asleep. I guess it’s just time for you to get a taste of what we’ve been putting up with for years now.’ You smirked as the elevator reached your floor and you stepped inside, turning slightly as you watched Tony’s face change from looking like he was about to argue, to just giving up.
‘You know’, he turned to look at you, smirking, fully grasping your attention, ‘if you were to sleep with anyone in this office, I’d be the perfect guy. You’ve already told your dad and although he’ll keep glaring at me and probably wanting to kill me, he’d never suspect that we were actually sleeping together.’ He said, waggling his eyebrows at you as you chuckled, and he reciprocated your laughter.
As the elevator doors, reopened on the ground floor, you turned away from Tony, shaking your head slightly and rolling your eyes , before simply stating, ‘In your dreams DiNozzo’ before walking out of the elevator, not missing Tony’s whispered reply, ‘oh you bet’, before he followed you out to find your suspect.
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months
— Drive All Night
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— 🖊️. Synopsis. You’ve been quiet; more quiet than normal. Gibbs wants you to know that despite as stoic as he is, he does care. (inspired by ‘call your mom’ by noah kahan and lizzy mcalpine)
— 🖊️. Warnings. Ooc Gibbs but idc. Comfort fic kinda. I self project. Mentions suicide. Mentions Shannon and Kelly Gibbs.
— 🖊️. Tracklist. Track One Track Two Track Three Track Four Track Five
Gibbs looked over at your form, slumped over. He looked at his watch: 23:37. You were usually the person to stay late, to work on the things that were undesirable for everyone else. You hadn’t left the building earlier than 20:00 in months.
He knew why- or rather, knew of why you stayed late. Jenny had told him you had problems, problems taking care of yourself and neglecting yourself; sometimes choosing to take out your own anger and depression on yourself. But you were the best of the best. In fact, you were the best and the youngest. Aged twenty eight.
You snapped up, eyes landing on your boss’s. “What’s- what do you need?” You asked, setting your pen down and closing the file.
Gibbs watched you watch him, rigid in your chair.
He knew you were scared to trust; to open your heart and let people in. You had been working for NCIS and had only went out for drinks with the team thrice- Ducky’s birthday, Ziva’s birthday, and Abby’s birthday. You were included, but you seperated yourself for reasons unknown.
“I want to go for a drive. Come with me,” Gibbs said.
Lately, Gibbs had noticed how tired you were, closing your eyes for longer amounts of time, straight chugging your coffee, and getting in and leaving althe office after Gibbs got there. But you were efficient, getting not only your paperwork done, but working on most of Tony’s as well (something that made Gibbs unusually mad).
You were literally working yourself to death and chose to add more to the pile. Was it to get away from your thoughts? To get away from your home situation? What were you running from?
“I have work to do-“
Gibbs chuckled. “You’re the fastest agent to complete their paperwork. You do Tony’s. Tim’s, even. You’re more than ahead on your reports.”
You gnawed at your lip. “Sir, I’m getting ready to go home.”
Liar. Gibbs shook his head in amusement. “That’s an order, y/n.”
At that, you shut off your light and grabbed your coat. “Ok.”
The walk to the elevator was quiet. You wondered what Gibbs wanted. Were you getting fired? You had not done anything out of the ordinary recently… what could Gibbs want?
You climbed into the passenger seat and prayed you were keeping your job.
Gibbs started the truck and drove out of the parking lot. “So,” he started.
You didn’t say anything. You just looked out the window, taking in the life. “What do you want?”
“To know,” Gibbs replied. He turned down the radio and kept his eyes trained forward.
“Know about…?” You prompted, cutious as to what he wanted.
Gibbs shrugged. “You.”
“Y/n l/n, aged 28. My eyes are-“
“Not from your file.”
Silence fell. You didn’t have amything interesting to say about yourself other than the fact that you went to the gym and had an extensive collection of sunset polaroids. And there was no way Gibbs wanted to know about your childhood. That sould be disappointing. Disappointing to tell him about how ordinary and unimportant you were, your own family leaving you. It’s disappointing- exactly the reason why she did what she did: to be more than disappointing. In fact, you had a new reason not to be a disappointment: Gibbs. He, in your time at NCIS, had become one of the few people you never wanted to disappoint.
“Well then… I don’t know what you want to know,” you mumbled dully. Please, you thought, don’t let this change your opinion of me.
Gibbs looked over to see you already looking at him. He couldn’t see your expression, but you looked like you were already thinking about what he would say next.
“Tell me something, y/n. Anything.” Gibbs stated. He slowed down and turned left. He himself didn’t seem to have a destination, making you wonder how long Gibbs would drive around.
You didn’t want to talk, but you yearned for Gibbs to know, to look at everything you’ve gone through and done and understand why you are the way you are.
Of course you trust him, though. That’s not the problem for once. The problem is you don’t want Gibbs to get the wrong impression of you, or come to the conclusion that you’re a fraud or something.
“Tell me something about you first,” you shot back easily, relaxing a little bit into the seat.
So, Gibbs told you about a woman named Shannon and a beautiful baby girl named Kelly. He told you about Shannon’s rules, how he knew that she was the one. A young Leroy Gibbs knew that Shannon Fielding would be the love of his life.
And Gibbs also told you about the case that killed them: the gun, the bullet, and the casing. He told you about his habits after they died, how cold and snappy he was. He told you about- despite his madness- a certain Donald Mallard kept forcing his way into Gibbs’ life, making sure Gibbs knew he wasn’t alone.
“What I’m tryin’ to tell ya is… we are here for you, kid. You aren’t truly alone in this miserable world,” Gibbs finished quietly.
By now, Gibbs had parked in front of a house- his house?- and completely torn down the barrier between boss and coworker.
You weren’t gonna lie, you were crying by now. Tears silently streaming down your cheeks as the man you most admired and looked up to told you about the best and worst days of his life- all the while he had no idea about who you are.
“I didn’t-“ you started, sniffling. You turned to look at him, tears blurring your vision. Some of the phrases he had used to describe his pain rang in your ears and Gibbs knew it- he knew you could relate to some of the things he said and felt.
“Stay the night, kiddo,” Gibbs said, reaching over to pat your shoulder.
As he exited the truck, you felt more tears burning in your eyes: that pat on the back literally gave y/n a reason to live.
Maybe, y/n thought, all the lights that had shut off could turn back on.
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kdogreads · 1 year
Y/n is close with Abby like the mom figure to Gibbs being her dad figure. Gibbs and y/n have only ever had words in passing They are always friendly with a flirt now and then. One day Gibbs uses Abby's cot to get some rest he wakes up to y/n and Abby talking about blind dates.
"Y/n I'm gonna find you a companion in life. Just do one more date"
*y/n sighs* "I'm just not the type of person people are looking for and that's ok"
*as she leaves the lab* "Abs some people are ment to be alone"
Gibbs comes out telling Abby that he will be taking y/n on the next date.
This is such a sweet idea!! I’m sticking it with this request bc I feel like they just fit together so perfectly. I hope that’s okay by both of you 🥹 thank you so much for the love!
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Jethro Gibbs x f!reader
TW: alcohol, a smidge of angst (reader thinks she’ll be forever alone), mostly just a heap of fluff
A/N: I’ve never been able to use any of my nerdy lab knowledge in a fic before so sorry if I went a little overboard lmao (I’m a pre-analytical training coordinator and spend my days teaching people to be labbies basically). Thank you so so so much for reading! ❤️
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Just before you left for the day, you decided to head down to the lab check in on Abby. It was quality control week, meaning she had to got to run test patients on all of her instruments, confirm the results are what they should be, order biological indicator tests to make sure no foreign bacteria snuck its way in where it shouldn’t have, then do it all over again a dozen or so times to make sure the results match up.
Not that Abby is anything less than capable of completing the quarterly checks, it just gets very tedious, and Abby is not a fan of busy work.
“Hey Abs,” You greeted her sweetly.
“There is no Abby, only QC’s,” She quipped back in her best robot voice.
You only chuckled in response and grabbed a pair of gloves without another word. You started resulting the tests in her queue, a feeble attempt to help the boring task move along faster.
The two of you worked quietly on opposite sides of the lab for another half hour until you moved the last tube into the “finished” tray.
“Wanna grab some dinner?” You questioned, removing your gloves and heading over to the sink to wash your hands.
“No, thanks; already ate,” Abby responded without looking up from her work, “Hey! How did that date go last night? I can’t believe I forgot until now! Tell me everything.”
Abby turned towards you excitedly, her eyes bright and body fidgeting in anticipation. You swear she was more invested in your love life than you were sometimes.
You started to shake your head “no” and Abby let out a loud groan.
“Ugh! I had such a good feeling about this one,” She spoke in disappointment.
“You said that the last time, too, Abs,” You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms lazily, “He asked me to meet his mom. On the first date!”
Abby visibly cringed and put a hand lovingly on your bicep.
“I’m gonna find you a companion, I swear it!”
You let out a sound that’s half laugh, half sigh before you speak, “It’s okay, really. I’m just not the type of person anyone is looking for, and I can’t find the person I’m looking for. It’s just the way it is, Abby.”
She sent you a sympathetic look, squeezing your arm in reassurance. Abby pulled you into a tight hug, like she was trying to will a new love life into you with her bare hands.
You sent her a loving smile when she finally pulled away from you.
“Well, I’m gonna head out. You sure I can’t drag you away for something to eat?”
“No, no. I have too much to get done,” She motions to the empty tubes behind her, “Don’t lose hope, Boss Lady. Your perfect man is out there.”
You headed towards the door before turning around to tell her goodbye, “Some people are just meant to be alone. It’ll be me and the dogs forever,” You smiled slightly, “Goodnight, Abs.”
You made it almost out the door of the NCIS building before you realized you left your purse in the lab. With a huff, you begrudgingly dragged yourself back into the elevator, down to the lab, and right up to the doorway. The surprise of two distinct voices coming from within stopped you in your tracks.
“Gibbs! You can’t sneak up on me like that! I didn’t know you were using the cot.”
“Sorry, Abs. You often set her up on blind dates?”
“Yes! I am determined to find my wonderful boss’ soulmate somewhere in the greater DC area.”
Jethro chuckles.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before now! She’s just your type, Gibbs, and she’s so fun and cryptic just like you and—“
“Abby,” He paused, “Way ahead of you.”
You decided now was your chance. Knocking gently on the doorframe, both of them turned their heads to see who was there.
“Hey Abby; Jethro,” You smiled, trying not to act like you just heard their whole conversation about you, “I just, uh, left my purse.”
Abby looked around and spotted your bag, handing it to you with a cheeky grin on her face. You all stood there in semi-uncomfortable silence for a beat before Gibbs spoke.
“Have any plans tomorrow night, Red?”
You straightened up a bit at his question and the playful nickname. You are just his type.
“Um, no. I don’t. Not yet, anyway.” You tried to keep an even tone, but the nerves and excitement were practically seeping out of your pours.
“My place, 7 o’clock,” Gibbs said in his nonchalant tone, “Casual. Hope you like bourbon.”
He winked at you and walked out of the lab before you could even exhale the breathe you hadn’t known you were holding. You looked at Abby, your eyes wider than ever before.
“Eee! I’m so excited!” Abby squeals and flings her arms around you.
You couldn’t even put any thoughts together. Your heart pounded out of your chest and your hands must’ve been shaking, the adrenaline of the situation just starting to wear off.
“Come on,” Abby said while sliding her jacket off the back of her chair, “I’ll finish up tomorrow. We have to plan your date. With Gibbs!”
You let out a laugh and wrapped an arm over Abby’s shoulders, heading out to grab something to eat.
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You nervously sifted through your tops, trying to find something that felt “casual,” as Jethro had requested, but still nice enough for a date.
Oh screw it.
You grabbed a plain olive green hoodie, the big white letters reading NCIS. You figured if he asked for casual, he would get casual.
The drive to Gibbs’ house went quickly. You’d been there once before, when Abby insisted Gibbs needed company one New Year’s Eve. You didn’t end up staying very long, but he left an impression on you. After the visit, Gibbs started stopping to say “hello” in the hallways at work, or bringing a coffee up your office every now and then.
One detail you remembered from your brief visit is the front door was never locked, so you didn’t bother to stop and knock.
Walking through the doorway, your eyes immediately gravitated to the only light on in the house — the one leading down the stairs to the basement. You took this as your sign to invite yourself downstairs.
The stairs creaked slightly as you made your way down, the sounds of sandpaper meeting wood filled your ears.
“You found the place,” Jethro’s strong voice greeted you as you stepped into his workspace.
“How could I forget?” You teased back.
Jethro let out a honey-soaked chuckle and offered you a stool to sit on. He poured you two fingers out of his half-empty bottle of bourbon, then did the same for himself. He tipped his glass to you and you tapped yours against it with a slight clink.
You shut your eyes as the amber liquid burned down your throat. Instinctively, you leaned back against the counter and let out an exhale.
“Long day?” Jethro joked, but you could see the genuine care when you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
“Long week,” You responded before taking another sip, “Abby’s up to her eyeballs in evidence to examine, plus all this QC crap takes so much time. I just feel bad I can’t help her more. I didn’t realize taking the lead forensics position would take me out of the lab so much.”
Jethro nodded in understanding, one corner of his mouth tilting up slightly as he poured more into your already empty cup.
“Abby’s the best of the best,” He said with confidence, placing a hand reassuringly on your knee, “She’ll get it done.”
You smiled and nodded back at him, placing your hand over his as a silent thank you.
You were surprised when Jethro broke the comfortable silence first.
“You know she thinks the world of you, Red,” He said with a look in his eye, one that almost looked like pride if you had to guess.
You felt your cheeks get hot and you looked down at your shoes, unsure if the liquor or his sweet comment made you blush.
You took another sip before lifting your head back up and responding.
“Same goes for you, Jethro,” You reached out to grab the hand that rested on your knee just moments before, “I think if she had time to write a book about how much she adores you, she would.”
He laughed, a full laugh, glazed in honey and bourbon and it warmed you to your core. You thought that sound could end wars, cause the devil himself to crack a smile. You would have melted right there if he didn’t jolt you out of your trance a moment later.
He took the glass from your hand and whispered a quick, “c’mere.”
He took your hand and led you over to the boat he was building. He showed you a few small hand tools and gave you a quick explanation of their use.
Before long, his hands were resting over yours, your back pressed gently against his chest as he showed you the different sanding techniques he used. Though every inch of his body was pressed against yours, you’d never felt so free, so held and yet, so comfortable.
It was a quiet few minutes before he spoke, his lips inches from your ear.
“You ever done this before?” His breath tickled your neck and sent a shiver down your spine.
“Never,” You breathed, trying your hardest not to just melt into his strong arms.
“You’re a natural then.”
He slowly peeled his hands back from yours, allowing you to keep sanding on your own for a moment. You felt his strong hands slide down your arms, your sides, before settling on your hips.
Your eyelids fluttered, suddenly aware of the effect he had on you. Your movements halted and Jethro raised a hand cautiously to your chin, turning your head to face him.
“This okay?” He questioned gently, a worried look settled into his furrowed brows.
You didn’t answer immediately. Instead, turning your whole body to face his, your arms sliding over his broad shoulders to rest at the back of his neck.
“Only if you intend to kiss me, Jethro,” His name danced from your lips in a whisper.
A soft smile spread across his face, the worry melting away in an instant.
“Yes, ma’am, I do.”
Before you could comprehend, the hand that was still on your chin drifted to hold you just below your ear, and his lips melted into yours in a sweet, slow kiss.
He tasted of bourbon and something you were sure was just distinctly him.
You leaned further into him as your lips met over and over again. His presence wasn’t demanding, but invasive. You felt Jethro in every inch of your body; his taste, his smell, the way his fingers gripped into your hip like he was afraid you might disappear if he let go.
The seconds felt like hours before you separated your lips, both of you desperate for oxygen. Your chest heaved slightly as he drew small circles onto your lower back absentmindedly; his forehead leaning down to rest on yours.
“Do you bring all the girls down here and make out like teenagers?” You teased, still slightly out of breathe.
He threw his head back in another honey-glazed laugh. It invaded your sense just as his kiss had.
God, you though, I could listen to that forever.
“No,” He huffed, a wide smile still spread across his face, “Only the special ones.”
“Ohh,” You exaggerated, “So I’m special, then?”
He only growled an Mmmhhmm before his lips pressed into yours once more, this time slightly quicker than the time before.
“Hungry?” He asked simply, prying his lips from yours, a slight groan falling from your lips as he pulled away.
“Starving,” You replied without missing a beat.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned slightly further away from you, letting him see your full expression.
“For food, sweetheart,” He jested, a hint of teasing in his voice.
“I know!” You squeaked, swatting his shoulder playfully in protest.
He chuckled that charming laugh and nodded his head towards the stairs.
“Well, come on then,” He spoke after pressing a quick peck to your lips.
You followed Jethro upstairs where you enjoyed a delicious homemade dinner and spend the rest of the evening basking in each other’s company.
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You sighed as you reached the top of the stairs, just outside your office. Since you rarely locked the door, you turned the handle and swung it open. You were surprised to see the light already switched on. A pit formed in your stomach as your eyes scanned the room before—
“Jesus, Abby!” You found her sitting at your desk chair, literally shaking in anticipation, “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” She quickly approached you, taking your bag out of your hand and setting it down in the desk, “Sooo? I’m dying to know! Tell me everything!”
“Ab,” You smiled at her an tilted your head slightly in a playful manner, “A girl should never kiss and tell.”
Abby squealed in excitement and pulled you into a hug, clearly understanding that it went well enough for you to kiss him.
“Please tell me you’re seeing him again. Please, please, please,” She practically begged with her hand folded in front of her.
“Tomorrow, after work,” You smiled as she squealed and pulled you into another excited hug.
“This is the best day ever!” She declared and sat in the comfy chair across from your desk, determined to get all the details from your life-changing first date with Jethro Gibbs.
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Love's Second Chance 18+
Request: Ok girl.. I made the mistake and started top Gun to make the best out of my evening 😭 now I hope you're up for another Rooster idea hehe. You and him were inseparable since childhood but then lost contact after his issues with Mav (you're his adopted daughter). Then you visit Mav someday at the base, not knowing all pilots are there. So it happens you meet Bradley again, both being stunned about the other as some time had passed. First Jake takes his chance flirting with you but you can only focus on Bradley. He's more than happy to see you and invites you to the Bar with everyone where you hit it off and afterwards spend the night together. The next morning you're all cuddled up and he admits that he loved you since playground times and you get a happy ending ? Jeeez I'm sorry it's so long but my brain can't stop making ideas 😅
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Adopted!Mitchell!Reader, Maverick x Adopted!Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut, cursing
A/N: Thank @talesofreading for requesting this and also you and @imagine-all-the-fandoms need to prepare yourselves!
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San Diego, California. So warm compared to Quantico, Virginia. It's been a while since you had been in California and the last time it was not a great memory. The last time you were here you had a huge fight with your childhood best friend, you had just found out that your adopted dad, Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, had pulled your best friend, Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, papers to the Naval Academy. He blamed you and took his anger, not physically, out on you. That's also when you told him you were planning on going to college and straight to NCIS. You hadn't spoken to Bradley in months, almost years and it hurt you but that's the decision you made. He didn't try to contact you and neither did you but with your access with NCIS you kept tabs on his career and you were happy for him. The reason you were back in San Diego was because you had just finished a case that had you traveling there, normally you don't but it involved Navy personnel so it was required. You loved San Diego but you loved your NCIS family just a little more. “So, Y/N..” Tony DiNozzo started smirking and you turned to him.
“What?” You asked 
“Do you have anybody you're interested in?” He asked smirking and you knew what he was getting out. He always did this. 
“Not happening DiNozzo.” You said as you picked up your gear.
“I wasn't even suggesting that. Besides, we already slept together.” He said 
“You are always suggesting that. Also, that was one time and I didn't know you would be my partner.” You said and you glared at him.
“DiNozzo stop bothering Mitchell.” Jethro Gibbs said 
“What? I'm not!” Tony tried to argue.
“Yes, you were.” Timothy McGee said
“Shut it, Probie. I was not.” Tony said 
“Was he trying to get you to go out with him?” Ziva David asked and you nodded. “Tony.” She said, shaking her head.
“I was not!” Tony shrieked and you chuckled and then turned to Gibbs.
“Do you mind if I go see my dad? I haven't seen him in a while. He's on base.” You asked and Gibbs actually smiled and nodded.
“Of course. You come back whenever you're ready. Just say the word and I'll have a plane ticket for you.” He said and you smiled and nodded grateful for him. He had turned into a father figure for you. 
“Thank you.” You said and started to walk out of the building still clad in your NCIS gear. You got into the issued car to you and the team and headed to base. When you got there you gave them your ID and they immediately granted you access.
“Have a good day Special Agent Mitchell.” The guard said and you smiled.
“Thank you. You have a good day too.” You said and pulled through the gate when it was lifted. You drove through and got to the Top Gun building and smiled as you parked. You got out and heard jets taking off and landing and it smelt like jet fuel, you always loved the smell. You smelt it for the first on your father and your Uncle Goose and you fell in love with the smell. You walked into the building and saw all the pictures of your dad's Top Gun class. You smiled looking at them all and then you got to Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky’s photo and you smile grew. 
“Well, isn't this a surprise.” A familiar voice sounded and your smile grew wider.
“Hi Uncle Ice.” You said as you turned around and saw him. He pulled you into a hug and you hugged him back.
“It's been a long time, Kid. How is NCIS treating you?” He asked and you smiled.
“Treating me well. We have an agent named Tony DiNozzo and he can be so annoying. He's a ladies’ man if that tells you anything.” You said chuckling and he nodded.
“Like your dad when he was younger.” Ice said and you chuckled smiling.
“Speaking of dad. Where is he?” You asked 
“He just got done teaching so he should be in his office or in the cafeteria. Want me to take you to him?” He asked and you pulled a face.
“I don't want to inconvenience you.” You said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“Nonsense. Come on.” He said ushering you and you followed.
“So, he's actually sticking with teaching?” You asked and he chuckled.
“He is. He loves it. The last round of pilots put him through his paces. Bradley is here.” He said and you grew quiet.
“Oh.” You said and he took notice.
“They made up you know?” Ice asked
“They did?” You asked and he nodded.
“After they both went down and got saved by Hangman. They made up.” He said
“Hold up. Dad didn't tell me about him being shot down or anything.” You said slightly angry.
“Well, it was top secret mission. Nobody was supposed to know.” Ice said
“Well, I guess I could've looked it up.” You said and he chuckled as you both walked into the cafeteria.
“There she is.” He said side hugging you. “Ahh there is your dad. Well, I leave you to it.” He said and kissed your temple and left. You took a deep breath and walked over to him, his back was turned and he was a little ways away from the pilots that you had yet to see.
“Are you supposed to be doing that?” You asked him and he was quick to turn around and his face was priceless. At first it was scared but then it was smiling.
“Y/N! Look at you!” He said loud enough for you and him to hear and he hugged you.
“Hi dad. Long time no see.” You said and he chuckled.
“It has been. Look at you. You must've made a name for yourself.” He chuckled as he pulled away. 
“It's been great.” You said “Everyone has been great. Tony and you would get along so well he's like a version of you when you were younger. He's hit on me several times and keeps doing it.” You said, chuckling, shaking your head “But he's a great agent and he's actually a good guy and saved my life several times.” You added.
“Saved your life?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea…. That's a story for another time.” You said
“We'll talk about this later.” He said and you chuckled and nodded. “Come on, I want you to meet the last group of pilots I trained.” He said and started to usher you over to them. You turned around and your eyes met Bradley's and he met yours. He's changed and grown up to be handsome. He grew a mustache just like his father's and he looks so much like him it was scary. You were in awe of him and he was in awe of you too. You haven't changed much but you've changed. Gone is that nice girl that was pushed around and now it was a girl that took no shit from anyone and got the job done when it needed to be done. 
“Pops, who is this gorgeous woman? Hi I’m Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin.” A blonde-haired, green-eyed aviator now known as Jake asked. He had a charming smile but you knew his type and weren't phased by it and that is because you worked with Tony DiNozzo big time flirt.
“This woman can introduce herself. I'm Y/N Mitchell, Maverick’s daughter. Well adopted.” You said
“You were never just adopted to me; you were and always will be my daughter no matter what.” Maverick said and you smiled.
“Thanks dad.” You said and hugged him.
“So, are you here on business?” Jake asked using his charm once again.
“I was but we just got finished. Came over as soon as we got done.” You said 
“Mmm so you got time for me to take you out on a date then.” He said using his southern charm but you just rolled your eyes and leaned against the table getting close to him.
“I'm gonna tell you what I keep telling DiNozzo. Not going to happen. Besides, I got my eye on someone else.” You said and then got up and looked at Bradley totally missing Jake's fallen expression since he's not used to being turned down but heard others snickers. Truth is that you've been in love with Bradley ever since you were kids and what you didn't know was, he was too but both of you thought that neither of you were interested in the other so nothing was done about it.
“Oh, I like her.” A woman with black hair said and you looked at her and smiled.
“I deal with a Jake at work all the time. His name is Tony DiNozzo.” You said and she smiled.
“I'm Natasha Trace. Callsign is Phoenix.” She said 
“Oh, I like that.” You said and then everyone went around introducing themselves. You really liked Ruben, Mickey, and Javy but Natasha and Bob were your favorites alongside Bradley. Jake was fun but no way would you date him. 
“Y/N I have to go to a meeting. Are you ok with staying with them? I'm sure when you leave Bradley can walk you out.” Maverick said and you smiled.
“Of course I'm ok with that.” You said and he smiled and kissed your temple and then left. You all talked and laughed and you really connected with them so easily. 
“So, Y/N what made you go NCIS and not Navy?” Bob asked and you smiled at him.
“I thought about going into the Navy but decided against it after Goose died. I couldn't do that to dad. I found I really liked solving cases and helping people so I went to college, got a degree in Criminal Justice and interviewed for NCIS. I'm now Special Agent Y/N Mitchell. My team is great and I wouldn't ask for another. Tony is very much like Jake and my dad when he was younger so he helped me grow immune to charm and guys like them. Tony tries so hard to get me to go out with him but I turn him down all the time.” You said 
“That is so cool. It's amazing what you do.” Bob said and you smiled at him.
“Thank you. It's amazing what you all do too. I could never do it.” You said. “Although I've been on ships before.” You added. You kept glancing at Bradley as you talked but his eyes never left you. You answered everyone's questions and then you looked down at your watch. “I gotta go. It was nice meeting you all. Hopefully we can get together soon.” You said.
“Maybe sooner than later you and I can get together.” Jake said, trying to shoot his shot one more time.
“No.” You said and he frowned.
“Oh, come on.” He said
“Not happening.” You said as Bradley started getting up and gathering trash to throw away. 
“Damn.” He said as Bradley came to stand beside you.
“Ready to go?” Bradley asks you and you nod and he smiles and gestures to you to follow him and you do. 
“It’s nice to see you. You’ve changed.” You said as he threw his stuff away and you both were far enough away from the group.
“It’s nice to see you too. I’m sorry for cutting you off too. Maverick explained that you had nothing to do with it after we made up. I tried to contact you but it never went through.” He told you and you looked down in shame as you both continued to walk out of the building.
“I may have blocked your number. You hurt me so bad that I was mad at you for the longest time and I never wanted to speak to you again. But then I saw you today and my anger was still there but it quickly disappeared. I’ll unblock your number and you can watch me.” You said as you arrived at your car and you did so.
“I’m sorry Y/N/N.” He said using his nickname that he had given you. “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I'll tell you what come to The Hard Deck tonight with me and I’ll show you I’m sorry.” He said and you paused and looked at him considering it and you nodded.
“Ok.” You said 
“Ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I’ll come to The Hard Deck with you.” You repeated
“Great, I'll pick you up at 7:30?” He asked and you nodded.
“Sounds great.” You said and then pulled out your phone to text the group. “I have to admit you turning down Jake was amazing.” He said and you chuckled.
“Like I said, I deal with Tony and he is like Jake.” You said and he chuckled. “I gotta get going. I’ll see you at 7:30.” You said and he nodded “Goodbye Bradley.” You added.
“Goodbye Y/N/N.” He said using your nickname again and then you were getting into your car and then leaving. He watched you leave with a longing look in his eye. He really did miss you. As he was standing there his phone vibrated and he pulled it out. It was a text from you.
You: See you at 7:30  
He smiled and then a second text popped up and it was a picture of you in your NCIS cap and jacket and he smiled. He saved the photo and put it as you contact pictures.
Bradley: Can’t wait
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Exactly at 7:30 there was a knock on your hotel door and you were rushing to open it and there stood Bradley Bradshaw in jeans and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt with a white shirt underneath. He had a pair, Goose’s pair, of aviators on and his hair was styled perfectly. “Hey.” You said and he smiled down at you.
“Hey.” He said 
“You look good.” You said and he smiled.
“So do you.” He replied and you blushed and looked. You were in a black t-shirt that was tucked into jeans. He then saw your bags packed. “You can bring your stuff if you want.” He said and you looked at him and smiled.
“Thank you. Are you ready to go?” You asked after a few seconds and he smiled and then grabbed your things before you could. Tony, Gibbs, Ziva, and McGee had all gone back to Virginia and they had taken the cars but you told them that you had a ride, Gibbs was hesitant but he trusted you.
“After you.” He said and gestured toward the parking lot and then you noticed his car, Goose’s Bronco. 
“You still have it?” You asked and he nodded as you started to walk out of your hotel room.
“I never got rid of it. Sure, she needs to be fixed up every now and then but it is doable.” He said and you smiled as you reached the vehicle and he put bags into the Bronco. You still had your gun and badge but they were properly put away. Bradley opened the door for you and you got in and then he got in as you buckled up. “I’m so glad you had said yes to coming to The Hard Deck with me. I missed being with you.” He added.
“I missed you, Bradley. I just wish you would’ve listened to me when I said I had nothing to do with having your papers pulled.” You said 
“I know and I was a bumbass. I’m sorry but tonight to make up for all of those times, hopefully.” He said as he drove.
“Hopefully it will.” You said and then he was pulling in a parking lot of The Hard Deck and parking next to a truck.
“Ready?” He asked as he killed the engine and you nodded and then the both of you were getting out and heading into the bar. Memories came flooding back when you stepped into the building especially when you saw Penny. You walked up to the bar.
“Hey Penny.” You said and she turned around hearing your voice.
“Little Y/N is that you? It’s been forever. I need a hug.” She said as she came out from behind the bar and hugged you.
“Yea, it is me.” You said 
 “Look at you! You’re all grown up. Pete has told me you’re with NCIS now.” She said as she pulled back and looked at you, ignoring Bradley by you for the moment.
“That is right. It is great. I have a teammate that if he was here, you would be ringing that bell so many times. Think of him as a version of Jake and a younger version of dad.” You said 
“Oh, that’s bad.” She said and you nodded “What can I get you to drink?” She asked, walking back behind the bar. 
“Whatever Bradley is having.” You said and she nodded and grabbed two beers. You took both and handed one to Bradley.
“Everyone is over by the usual hangout. Your dad should be here later.” She said and you nodded and smiled.
“Thank you, Penny.” Bradley said 
“Yes, thank you.” You repeated after him and she smiled.
“Put them on my tab.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it.” She said and then the both of you were heading over to the group.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you made it!” Natasha exclaimed and hugged you and you hugged back as best as you could. “Finally, another female to cut through all of this testosterone.” She said and you laughed and then everyone said hi to you and Bradley and then the evening got started. Throughout the night many drinks were drank and many games of pool and darts were played and let's just say you won most of the games especially against Jake which he took as a challenge. Everyone loved that Jake had met his match. When you weren’t playing pool or darts you were hanging by Bradley’s side. 
“So, Y/N.” You heard Jake’s voice and you turned to look at him. Man, he wouldn’t take a hint but you were used to it, thank you Tony DiNozzo you said to yourself.
“Yes, Jake?” You asked 
“What do you say we get out of here and grab something to eat and head back to my place?” He asked using his Texan accent and smirk and you leaned in closer to him letting him get his hopes and then you started to speak.
“Jake Jake Jake Jake.” You sighed, shaking your head “How many times am I gonna have to tell you that it is never going to happen. You just need to give up on me. Also like I said that I have my eye on someone else.” You said and leaned back up and everyone was watching especially Bradley and he had a smirk on his face.
“Damn. Every time.” He said and then walked off but it didn’t take long for some girl to come up to him and it was like your conversation with him never happened and everyone went back to their own thing.
“Man, he sure moves on fast.” You chuckled, looking at Jake and some girl and then at Bradley.
“He sure does. So, what do you say about getting out of here with me?” He asked and you smiled.
“I would love that. Lead the way.” You said and he took your hand and headed to the bar to close out his tab with Penny as you quickly bid a goodbye to the group. While at the bar you spotted your dad. So, you decided to talk to him while Bradley dealt with the tab. “Hey, Dad.” You said and he looked up and smiled at you.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Having fun?” He asked and you nodded and smiled.
“I am. Bradley and I are about to head out for the night.” You said and he smiled.
“I’m so glad the both of you have made up.” He said and you looked up at Bradley and got that dreamy look in your eye.
“I am too.” You said and then Bradley turned around and looked at you.
“Ready to go?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yup.” You turned to your dad “I’ll see you before I leave.” You said and he smiled.
“You better.” He said and hugged you “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” You replied and then he turned to Bradley.
“Take care of her.” Maverick said and Bradley nodded.
“You know I will.” He said and Maverick smiled.
“Good. See you both later.” Maverick said and you both smiled and bid your goodbyes to him and Penny and then you both walked out of the bar to the Bronco. Once you reached the Bronco you both stopped, your back to the beautiful vehicle. 
“Thank you for tonight. I would say it made up for everything.” You said and he smiled.
“I think so too.” He said “You look so beautiful.” He added and put a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up at him and the streetlight made him glow and it just made him all more perfect. “Damn you’re so beautiful.” He whispered.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You whispered and then he was slowly leaning down and you were meeting him halfway and then both of your eyes closed and lips touched. Sparks flew through the both of you. At first it was slow and passionate and then it turned heated. Your hands went to his hair pulling him further into you and his hands went to your hips pushing back against the Bronco. He licked your bottom lip asking for permission and you granted it tongues fought for dominance until he won and then you both were pulling up for air. Both of your pupils were blown and cheeks flushed pink and heavy breathing was heard between you. “That was amazing. You’re amazing.” You said breathlessly.
“I could say the same for you.” He said in a deeper voice “My house?” He asked.
“Your house.” You confirmed and the both of you were scrambling to get into the Bronco. You both made in but kissing was involved which made it harder but you both succeeded in getting in and buckling in. He started the vehicle and you hand went to his thigh and rubbed it as he pulled out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot onto the main road. Your hand traveled higher until it got his bulging cock and you slowly rubbed and he jerked making him jerk the wheel but he corrected himself. 
“Keep doing that and we won’t make it to the house.” He said and you smirked but kept going.
“Then you better get to the house fast.” You said as you started to unzip his jeans and dipped your hands into his underwear grabbing his cock and squeezing and again, he jerked the wheel and corrected it. 
“Oh, Baby. I can’t wait to have your pretty lips wrapped around me.” He moaned as you stroked him.
“You don't have to wait. Keep driving and act like nothing is happening.” You said as you took him out of his jeans and then got comfortable and bent down taking him in your mouth. Bradley tried to keep his composure but when your hot mouth took him in, he moaned and jerked. “Careful.” You said letting him go for just a minute to look up at him through your eye lashes.
“I'm trying. Your mouth feels so perfect wrapped around me.” He grunted. Both of you were glad it was dark out and you were close to his home. You hummed and that sent vibrations down his cock and that made him buck into you. His cock hit the back of your throat and you moaned. You continued to move up and down on him while licking underneath his shift and the tip. “Keep doing that and I won't last, Baby.” He grunted and smirked as best as you could. One of his hands came to the back of your head and he slightly added pressure as you moved up and down him. You relaxed your throat to take him deeper “Goodness gracious baby. Take it all. Fuck.” He moaned as he hurriedly parked in his driveway. He was quick to kill the engine and throw his head back. His hand that was in your hair was now gripping it and he was helping push your head up and down. You decided to grab what was left of the shift that wasn't in your mouth with your hand and worked it squeezing it occasionally. Your other hand went to his heavy balls and played with them. “Holy fuck.” He moaned and bucked his hips up. You were no virgin, that was for sure your first time having been with Tony DiNozzo, yes, the arrogant cock bastard, but that was before you knew he would be your coworker. Both of you had been at a party and then one thing led to another and he was taking your virginity. Both of you agreed not to say anything and put it behind you. It did lead to him being slightly protective over you even if it meant that he hit on you constantly and you didn't care it was comforting plus it helped you resist so called playboy charm, like Jake. “We're here. As much as I want you to finish in your mouth. I wanna finish in that tight pussy of yours.” He grunted as you were pulling off of him. You wiped your mouth as he tucked himself in his jeans and it hurt because he was so hard. You both managed to get out and stumbled to the door high on sex. As he was unlocking the door you were kissing him and running fingers through his hair. 
“Damn you are so sexy.” You moaned out as you ran a hand over his heavy aching cock. 
“So are you.” He moaned and the sound made you clench around nothing and squeeze your thighs together. 
“Fuck me.” You moaned 
“Oh, I plan on it.” He said as he pushed his door open and then slightly pushed you in and closed it. He turned you around and pushed you against the door and attacked your lips with his. Hands on your hips and yours back in his hair messing it up further one of his hands traveled down to your aching core and he cupped it. Sparks flew through you and you moaned in his mouth and it got louder as he started to rub you through your jeans. He pulled away just for a minute giving you both time to catch your breath.  
“Bradley.” You moaned out as he took his hand away and unbuttoned your jeans and slipped his right-hand in. You were no doubt soaking and you confirmed it when he ran a finger through your folds. “Oh fuck.” You moaned as he started attacking your neck with his mouth kissing and nipping and soothing, you had turned your head giving him more access. His other hand snaked its way under your shirt and under your bra and to your left breast. “Fuck!” You moaned as he pinched, pulled, and rolled your nipple with his finger.
“You like that, Baby?” He asked 
“Fuck yes.” You moaned as he slipped a thick digit into you and he watched your face. He smirked as your mouth fell open, eyes closed, and head thrown back. 
“You're so pretty getting finger fucked.” He said as he leant down and nipped your neck and that made you squeeze his fingers. “Squeezing me so tight and I haven't started.” He said with a smirk and you could hear it. He added a second thick finger.
“Fuck. Stretching me so good.” You moaned, the stretch was welcoming and there was a slight pain but it quickly turned into pleasure. If his fingers felt this good you couldn't wait for his cock to be inside of you.
“Oh, Baby. Just wait until I'm inside of you.” He said into your neck as he moved his fingers in and out of you. He curled his fingers and then used his thumb to rub your clit and that had you releasing a loud moan. “That's right, Baby. Let everyone know how good I'm making you feel.” He said and then followed it with a nip to your neck and that had you squeezing him. He decided to add a third finger.
“Fuck, Bradley. So full.” You moaned and bucked your hips. “I'm gonna cum.” You moaned out. He suddenly pulled away and out and you quickly opened your eyes and glared “What the hell?” You asked.
“I want to taste you and I want you to cum with me.” He said and then got down on his knees and pushed down your jeans and underwear. Cold air hit your slicked core. He undid your shoes and threw them off with your socks and then jeans and underwear. He was aching hard but he could wait, he needed to taste you. He bent one leg and threw it over his shoulder so that he was eye level with your core. You made quick work of your shirt and bra and your nipples went rock hard in the cold. “Look at you. All wet for me. Who made you this wet?” He asked placing a kiss to your sensitive clit.
“You did.” You moaned and apparently, he didn't like that answer because you were met with a nip to your clit “Fuck.” You moaned.
“Louder. Let the neighbors know.” He growled out.
“Bradley Bradshaw made me wet!” You yelled out and were rewarded with him licking a broad stripe up your folds. His mustache scratching helped with the pleasure. He ate you out like his life depended on it. “Fuck! Feels so good!” You moaned out and was rewarded with him going faster. He pushed two fingers in and you almost came right then and there. “Fuck, Baby! I'm so close!” You exclaimed and then he pulled away and stood up and that made you growl. “Fuck you asshole.” You said.
“You will just hold your jets.” He said quickly removing his clothes and shoes. You looked him up and down and practically drooled especially when his aching hard angry cock came up and slapped his abs.
“Fuck you have really grew up, didn't ya?” You asked and he chuckled.
“So have you.” He replied and then he was stepping close to you. “Jump.” He said and you obeyed and you could taste yourself as the both of you started French kissing as he started to carry you to his bedroom. Each step his cock threatened to slip in. He walked into his room and to his bed where he fell onto the bed gently on top of you. Tongues fighting for dominance. His hips spread your legs further and he grabbed your legs and threw up over his shoulders. 
“Bradley. Baby. I need you.” You moaned into his mouth.
“You have me.” He said as he stroked himself once and guided himself in you. The stretch stung but it was welcomed all the fingering helped slightly but he was girthy and long. 
“Fuck! Filling me so good!” You moaned out as he bottomed out and settled. He leaned over you pushing your legs up to your shoulders making himself go deeper. Your hands went to his shoulders and fingers dug into them. 
“You're squeezing me so tight. Taking me so well. Gonna fuck you full.” He moaned and started moving as he caged your body in and he rested on his forearms. 
“Been waiting for this for so long.” You moaned as he thrusted in and out of you. 
“Wanted to be with you when I knew what love was but you were already gone.” He said 
“You have me now.” You said and you got a sharp thrust as a response. “Fuck. Do that again.” You said and he did so. “Faster, I'm close.” You moaned and he obeyed.
“Fuck taking me so deep and so well.” He moaned and you squeezed him as he thrusted faster. 
“That's it right there.” You moaned as nails raked down his back making him hiss.
“Feels so good. I'm gonna have scratches there for weeks.” He said and you smirked.
“Good. You have something to brag about especially to Jake.” You said and he thrusted hard.
“Don't bring his name up.” He growled
“Why not? What are you going to do about it?” you asked 
“This.” He said and sped up to a pace that had skin on skin as the only sound filling the room. He then latched onto a nipple and sucked, pulled, and bit it while he played with the other and once satisfied with that he switched. 
“I'm close, Baby.” You moaned as he pulled off of your nipple. 
“Cum with me.” He said and picked up his pace and brought a hand to your clit and started to rub, pinch, and pull on it.
“That's it right there.” You said and then his thrusts were starting to become sloppy.
“I'm cumming, Baby. Cum with me.” He said as he finally stilled inside you. Once you felt his warm sperm spill inside of you and the added pressure from your clit being pleasured you came.
“Fuck!” You moaned as that knot exploded and he put your shaking legs down as you both were breathing heavily as you were coming down from your highs. He slowly pulled out of you as he kissed you. “Damn you came deep in me.” You said and he chuckled as he laid beside you and pushed what came out back in and you moaned at the over stimulation. 
“What can I say? I didn't want to waste a drop. I wanted every drop in you.” He said as he laid beside you and you turned over to look at him. Both down from your high. 
“I missed you.” You whispered 
“I missed you too.” He replied
“I'm sorry for blocking you.” You said
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The next morning you were waking up early. At first you didn't know where you were but then you saw Bradley sleeping peacefully in front of you and you smiled. You shifted and you felt the soreness and smiled. Last night Bradley rocked your world and it was amazing. You then had the brilliant idea of making breakfast. You kissed his lips and then rolled over and started to get out of bed hoping not to wake him up but you did not succeed because you were being pulled back against him. “Where are you going?” He asked, opening his eyes.
“Well, I was going to get coffee going and start some breakfast.” You said but now you were having second thoughts not wanting to get up from his embrace “But being in your arms feels kind of nice.” You said as you turned over to look at him. 
“I like you being in my arms too.” He said then it went quiet and you could tell he wanted to say something.
“What is going through that pretty head of yours?” You asked 
“I have to ask. When did you lose your virginity and to who? You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to.” He said and you smiled and shook your head.
“No, it's fine. As to who took it, it was Tony.” You said and you waited for him to process it.
“As in Tony DiNozzo, the guy you work with?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, him. When he took it, I had just arrived in Virginia and wanted to go out with some friends that we had gone to school with. They took me out to a party and then we went to a bar, it was a really nice bar almost like Penny’s.” You explained. “After a few drinks and some crappy karaoke, I was approached by him and me being slightly tipsy and so was he. I said yes for him to take me home. We ended up having sex and he knew it was my first time and he was so sweet about it. The next morning, I got up and left without him knowing and then I started my first day on the job and turned out he was my teammate, we talked about that night and both promised not to make a big deal about it but Tony being Tony he started hitting on me and I turned him down so it's a thing between us. So yes, he was my first time; to be honest I wanted it to be with you but you never saw me that way and you had cut me off so I gave up hope so I gave it away.” You explained and you could see hurt in his eyes.
“Y/N/N-” He began but you cut him off.
“It’s ok really. I should be going anyway.” You said and started to get up but he wouldn’t allow it. “Bradley, you don’t have to take pity on me.” You said looking at him and he shook his head.
“I’ve loved you ever since I knew what love was and that was when we were little and we could play on the playground. From what little time I had with my dad I saw how he loved my mother and treated her and that is when I knew what it was. I wanted to be with you but I didn’t want to ruin what we had and now I do. I want to be with you.” He said
“But I’m in Virginia and you are here in California.” You said and he shook his head.
“We can make it work.” He said and you looked hesitant.
“I live a very stressful life, Bradley.” You said and knew you shouldn’t have said it because he lived one too.
“I live one too. Never knowing when I will deploy or if I will be shot down. Please I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me too. Let’s try.” He said caressing your face and you leaned into his touch as you thought about it.
“Ok. Let’s give it a try.” You said and he smiled and his eyes lit up no trace of sadness anywhere.
“Great! I promise this will work, Baby. I love you so much.” He said and kissed your forehead and you smiled.
“I believe you. I love you too.” You said snuggling into him and the both of you got comfortable again. As you laid there thinking about every worst possible outcome your love for Bradley kept shooting back to the surface and made all those thoughts go away. 
You knew it would work out but those thoughts of doubt still surfaced and scared you. You couldn’t wait to start your life with Bradley even if it was long distance but you knew that you could come out here and visit and you knew he could come to you. So, in the end everything was perfect and you would be a fool for not taking the chance. It was a chance you were glad you took it. You weren’t going back now and you didn’t want to go back. You are perfectly content being with Bradley and he was perfectly content with you. Everything was perfect.
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thebaileybugle · 1 year
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Pairing: L. Jethro Gibbs x male!reader
Warning(s): None really, just some fluff and cuteness
Request: Hi could I please request a Gibbs x male reader fic where the reader works in the lab with Abby and without thinking Gibbs gives him a kiss on the cheek like he would Abby I doesn’t have to be detailed at all
A/N: Hi again! how are you wonderful people doing, hope you are doing well, and if not hope you get better! It's not much but its a kickstart to writing again.
Gibbs walked off the elevator and approached you and Abby with half a mind. It was a whole twenty-three or so hours since the NCIS was assigned this case and one of those hours was the only time he slept.
Is it a bit dangerous? Yes. Though, has he survived worse with a not-so-better mindset? Yes. Is there a slim chance you might kill him if you found out because you are the father hen of the team (including Ducky) yes, but he could at least convince you to not throw away his 50th cup of coffee.
"Afternoon Boss!" Abby said enthusiastically with a bright smile, Gibbs smiled back tiredly and nodded before she went back to a forensic test on some clothing from the victim.
You didn't even look up picking up on the sudden smell of coffee as his footsteps approached the front of the table.
"What cup is that Gibbs?" You asked without looking up from your computer as you type away. That was the third time you've asked him this question in just thirty minutes. You were much like your colleagues, exhausted, anxious, and ready for this damn case to be over.
"None ya'" Said man answered before taking a sip of his 53rd cup of coffee. You looked up from the device and stared at him with a glare more lethal than his own. He didn't stand down though of course. He smiled and made his way around the lab table to stand next to you. "I know what she's working on but the hell are you doin?"
"Looking up bridal shops for the vic." You said sarcastically with a fake smile that you dropped as you looked back down the screen, trying to look up a possible substance we're missing from the scene. That can't be all of the cause of death, it's damn near impossible for it to just be blunt force trauma."
"What? ya thinkin' something internal that Duck could've missed?"
"That could be it, but there's also the fact that Ducky is most definitely 99% correct and thorough with his autopsy reports so that's unlikely." You shake your head and run a hand down your face in slight frustration.
"But not impossible." He points out shrugging a bit. You nod and make a move to text Jimmy. Gibbs furrows his brows at the device and scoffs and shakes his head. "You'll figure it out, kid. Between you, Abby, and that brain of yours you'll find the missin' piece in no time."
"Thanks, boss... might not be the most helpful brain though... between my partner making things difficult at home and this case, i feel like I'm gonna snap."
"That's alright kid, but if you do, make sure it's on DiNozzo." You smirk and nod thanking him silently. "Alright you two, I'm off to get another cup." He grins and out of habit kisses Abby's cheek before also kissing yours.
Abby's eyes widened in surprise at what she saw. Gibbs, who you and Abby thought didn't comprehend what he just did, walked off to the elevator once more and pressed the up button, leaving behind leaving you and Abby stunned and confused.
"Don't make it weird, it ain't that bad to kiss a man!" He yelled back to you both and entered the elevator.
Taglist: @ilovemark1951 @napoleonthefrog
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Gibbs Has A Wife?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 971
Warnings: Mild language, fluff, pregnancy…
Prompt: Gibbs has been knee deep in a case all week and hasn’t been home to you or your son, so you head to NCIS to talk to him yourself…
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Angry wasn't even a way to begin how I felt. Livid, we are getting closer. Royally pissed off, that is how I'm feeling.
I swaddle the baby, a hand on my growing bump as I storm off the elevator. I saw his silver hair from where I was coming and his team looked at me confused. I stand at the front of the bullpen when he looks up.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I'm this close to being your fifth ex-wife." I grit out.
"Gibbs has a wife?" Tony asks.
I knew who they all were. Gibbs was fond of each one yet, he wanted to wait awhile before introducing me. He had a blast on teasing them. Jethro stands slowly,  paling once he realized how screwed he was.
"I'm nine months pregnant, we have an eleven month old and I have a job. Yet, I've taken care of every dirty diaper this week, every time he’s got fussy, I got him calmed. I've fed him, I've cleaned the house and made dinner every single night. Yet, you can't show up to have a meal with your goddamn wife? The mother of you two babies. One I spent over twenty hours in labor with and I'm dreading this next one." I snap.
"Y/N/N, honey...calm down. I'm sorry. I've been caught up in a case. I should've called." He says softly and I narrow my eyes.
"If you knew how much I wanted to put my foot up your ass, you'd stay the hell away from me." I snap.
"I know your mad and I'm sorry." He says softly, resting his hands on my hips.
I glare at him, reaching a hand up and slapping him in the back of the head. He smiles nonetheless, rubbing my belly as he stops our little girl from kicking.
"I'm more than mad, Jethro." I snap.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I'll make it up. Ziva, come here. Meet your god-son, Leroy Jackson Gibbs. Let Tony and Tim meet him too, but keep an eye on those two. Mostly Tony." Jethro says, taking our son away from my arms.
He places a kiss on his head, smiling softly down at him before handing him to Ziva who smiles and softly coos at him. Tony and Tim stand, going to stand around Ziva as they smile down at Leroy.
Jethro grabs my hand and guides me towards the elevator. He presses the emergency stop button and we were left in the dark. He cups my cheek, but that doesn't stop me from glaring up at him.
"I love you and I'm sorry, honey. It won't happen again." He murmurs.
"I know it won't because if it does, I'm leaving your ass." I snap and he chuckles.
"I love you." He murmurs, caressing my cheek as he leans down.
I huff, looping my arms around his neck. He knew what buttons to push and when to push them. That made me mad, and this time I blamed that on my hormones.
"I love you too, bastard." I grumble.
He chuckles, slanting his lips over mine. It was soft and slow, the two of us wrapped in each others embrace. God. I've missed him. We pull away and I slap him in the back of the head once more.
"What was that for?" He grumbles.
"Your daughter is kicking my ribcage and bladder." I grumble.
"Turn around." He murmurs.
I do as told, his chest against my back. His hands rub my belly before he lifts my stomach. I moan softly, my legs nearly giving out from how good this felt. I lean back against him, closing my eyes. He kisses the side of my head.
I could stay like that forever. We stayed like that for several minutes before he slowly let my belly down. I turn around, pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you." I murmur.
"I missed you too, honey. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better or at least call.” He says.
We pull apart, but he grabs my hand and we head back to the bullpen to see Tony holding Leroy.
“I’m your Uncle Tony. I will teach you all the best movies to watch. There are some really good old ones that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Ziva here will tell you all the good books and McGeek…he’ll probably teach you to game.” He rambles.
I smile, looking up at Jethro who looks down at me with a soft smile. I look back at them, putting my other hand on my stomach. Jethro moves behind me, lifting my stomach again as he rests his head on top of mine.
“Mrs. Gibbs, he’s got your hair…but he has Gibbs’ eyes.” Ziva says.
“I know. He’s going to be breaking all kinds of hearts with those eyes. And please, call me Y/N.” I say.
“Be glad he only got bosses eyes, it’s a good thing he got your looks.” Tony teases and I giggle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, DiNozzo.” Gibbs warns.
“He wasn’t. Calm down, Jethro.” I say.
“You’ve got another one in the oven it seems. Do you know the gender and name yet?” Tim asks.
“Oh yes. It’s a girl this time. We are going to name her Caitlyn Shannon Gibbs.” I murmur.
“A-After Kate…” Tony trails off.
“Yes. In honor of Kate…she was a good woman. And Jethro’s first wife, Shannon.” I murmur.
“Little one has woken up again it seems.” Jethro says as our little girl kicks away.
I grimace, rubbing my stomach as Jethro continues to hold it up. I suck in a breath, slowly exhaling.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ziva asks.
“This one is definitely going to kick asses, that’s for sure.” I chuckle breathlessly.
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ncis-yp · 3 months
A place you shouldn’t be (Tony x reader)
You were a young spitfire. Threatened into military school by your father and given a choice.
“Go to college or go join the Marines. But you’re not going to act up in my house” you could faintly hear your dads voice in the background of your mind as you returned to Virginia.
You had done neither. You didn’t go to college, and you didn’t join the marines. Yet, here you were the disappointment of your fathers first marriage. Baggage that he had to carry around after your mom died.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n).” You heard your buddies voice call out as you tuned back into reality. You were back where you used to hang. A bar, where you played your very first gig when you were just 14 years old.
A younger singer with a strong voice. You could sing like no other, and the raspy, gravelly voice you had made it perfect for your band. Rock and roll, all types.
Time Skip~
You didn’t know it at the time, but your dad caught word that you were back in town and made it a point to watch you perform. But boy was he heated when he saw you.
Rockstar in the flesh. You were onstage singing your heart out. Your leather vest flying around you. Your arms covered in tattoos flexed as you moved. You were wearing a bikini top and shorts. Your eye makeup slightly smudged, and your (h/c) was a mess. But boy oh boy did you look like Shannon.
You had found a handsome man standing close to the stage. He was in a suit, it looked like he’d just got outta work. But boy was he having a good time. You locked eyes as you sang the next part of your song.
“Sweat dripping down our bodies but I’m begging for more/ got my hand on you cock with your pants on the floor/ I’m moaning out your name while you’re cursing mine/and I’ll beg you just to cum but you keep taking your time/we were just ripping off clothes 5 minutes ago/when we were just back stage after my show/you said you wanted pictures but came in for some kisses/ but don’t pull out and just make me your missus” you wink as you scream those lyrics as the band began the chorus. The man smiled and raised an eyebrow. Pretty sure he was now in love with you.
Your father on the other hand was furious. Those lyrics and the way your body was moving in stage. God would he love to hear what you had to say. Once your show ended you made your way to the man you were looking at.
“Hey there” he says.
“Hey” you responded smirking.
“Great set up there. You are a really good singer” he raised his drink slightly.
“Ha ha thank you!” You smile deeply.
“Tony.” He said. “That’s my name. And yours, or and I just supposed to call you little miss Rockstar?”
You giggled at his joke “No the names (y/n)”
“Wow. That fits you perfectly” he chuckles. “I’ve heard your band play before… I was super happy to hear about the show close by so I had to make it”
“Yeah had to play a show here, I grew up close by here.“ You reply.
“Well that’s fucking awesome! If you’re around a few more days we should hang… maybe get some drinks” Tony winks. “And maybe some truth to those lyrics you sang to me earlier” he winked.
“Of course of course” he handed you a pen and write your number on the napkin he handed you. You kissed his cheek before placing the pen back in his hand. “Nice meeting you, Tony. Call me” you walk away.
The next day~
You waltz into NCIS, your visitors pass shiny as you approached your dad’s bullpen area. You hadn’t been at that place in at least 6 years.
“If you were in my house you’d be grounded” his voice thundered as you turned to face him.
“Nice to see you too, Dad”
“Those words were disgusting” he says. “You looked awful. I have $5 that says you reeked of beer and cocaine while you were up there” he continues.
“Yeah and I have $500 that says I’m clean” you fire back casually. “I missed you”
“Come back home and you’re grounded, (y/n), grounded”
“I’m 24” you yawned.
“This is exactly what I didn’t want” he throws up his hands.
“I’m cool” you reply defensively. “The kids get down with me and I’m ducking awesome”
“No. You’re not “cool” or “fucking awesome” (y/n)… you could be the next… I don’t know! OZZY OSBORNE”
“Hey hey, he’s cool as fuck!! Met him once”
“This is a joke to you.” He said sourly.
“Hey boss bad time?” You saw Tony walk up.
“(Y/n)?” He says. “What’re you doing here?”
“My dad works here” you point at Gibbs.
“Sure im your dad?” Gibbs stalks away.
Time skip~
You and Tony had decided to grab lunch. As you sat and told him the story of you and your dad he listened intently. Asking questions every so often, as he did so.
“Well, thank you so much for lunch” Tony said as he walked you to your car. “I never knew this Thai place existed.”
You laughed “yeah, I used to love it” you say stopping at your car. In a fit of impulse Tony pushed his lips onto yours. You kissed back roughly as your tongues fought for dominance, Tony pulled one of your legs up and gained domain of your mouth. You unlocked the door and fell inside the back seat, Tony falling on top of you. He closed the door behind him.
The pair of you wasted barely any time with foreplay as you palmed his erection. Tongues mangled together Tony roughly jammed his hand in your pants, teasing your folds.
“Can I do this?” His voice came out in a quiver. He was getting progressively hornier as the two of you went through your motions.
“Yeah, but don’t stop once you start” you whisper kissing his neck. His fingers plunged deep into your core, you moaned as you soaked his fingers.
“FffUCK (y/n)” he sighed as you played with his dick. You rapidly undid his belt. “Do you have a favorite position? Tell me what you want. I wanna please you the way you wanna be pleased”
“Doggy style and slut me out” you say pulling down your shorts. You flipped over and almost instantly Tony’s dick was pumping in and out of you. Your back arched as he roughly pounded into you.
“Oh my god” you heard him groan as he fucked.
“Fuck you feel so good” you say as you further arched your back seeking more. “Oh my god, Tony” you moan. He places a hand on your back as he fucks you. You could admit it… fucking in the backseat was uncomfortable to say the least, but FUCK did he feel so good he made it feel worth it.
Your moans, Tony’s curses, and the sound of dick slapping skin were the only sounds you could hear in your delicate musicians ears. Your ass bounced against his thighs as his dick plowed into you. Again and again and again.
“Fuck (y/n)” he groaned. “I’m so close”
“Me too, please don’t stop” you breathe out. Your breathe getting rapid and moans getting higher as your pussy throbbed around his dick.
“Fuck fuck fuck” he moans gutterally as he comes deeply inside of you. His orgasm sending you right over the edge. He rode out out orgasm and pulled out of you, allowing your body to fall back against his as you both breathed heavily.
“Im so sorry” he said as he gently rubbed your arm.
“For what?” You responded grabbing some the baby wipes you carried in your car, passing him some before beginning clean yourself. He took your hand away and started cleaning you himself.
“I came inside you. I’ll buy you a Plan B if you want… or we can talk about having it… I don’t know, it’s whatever you want to do, I’m just sorry I-“
“Hey, relax.” You say softly grabbing his hand. His eyes darted to you. “I’m in birth control. You don’t have to worry about that okay?”
“Okay” he nodded kissing your forehead.
Once the two of you were cleaned up Tony stood in the door way of the drivers side as you buckled your seat belt.
“So dinner?” He asked. You pulled him closed to you but his belt loops.
“Dinner with you?” He nods bending down to your level. “Of course” you kiss his lips softly.
“Okay sounds good.” He says. “Drive safe beautiful”
“Thanks handsome” you giggled as you pull out.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Right Place, Right Time - Nick Torres x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @brownskinbaby22 @kgkslgohogkdlslgk @divergent146 @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @kotlclover2021 @lapricot @stxrryswvrld @whateversomethingbruh
References to Where Evil Grew and Companion piece to Red Rag
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You’re working alone in the basement when Nick finds you. It’s gone past eight pm and you’re standing in front of the large glass workspace you sometimes use as a conference table, sorting through decades old, blurry crime scene photographs. You’re trying to match them against the half assed A1 crime scene sketch that you’ve blown up for the occasion.
The case you’re working is from 92 and requires a lot more time and attention than you originally thought because of the shoddy work undertaken by the previous agents.
You’ve stayed late tonight because it’s quieter in the evenings, less interruptions. Being the Senior Field Agent means you’re a conduit of information for the younger agents trying to make their bones down here. It can be both time consuming and frustrating.
“I thought you were out on an op tonight?” You murmur, tilting the picture in your hands 45 degrees to the right in the hope that it will make more sense.
“About to head out.” He says, his palms coming to rest upon the surface of the table as he studies your process. There’s an art to what you do, how you put the pieces of a puzzle together after so long. You have an affinity for it.
“You slept with Sawyer.” He states quietly.
It takes a second for the words to filter through to your brain, your eyebrows furrow into a frown before you set the glossy image down upon the table.
“I did.” You tell him tipping your head up to meet his gaze.
“Is that all you’re going to say?” He asks you, shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m not sure what you want me to say.” You return, your hands coming to rest upon your hips. “It was over a year ago, we bumped into each other at a bar, had a few drinks…”
You don’t need to say anything else because he knows how it goes. He’s done it before, many times. His brain just can’t comprehend the fact you did it with Sawyer, that he’s only hearing about it now.
“I’m not going to apologise for a one night stand I had, before you and I were even a thing.” You inform him, your attention straying back to your work.
“I don’t expect an apology. I just…” He says tilting his head away as he struggles to find the words. “We were close back then I don’t understand …”
“Do you remember what was going on around then?” You ask him, your knuckles rapping lightly on the glass. He takes a beat, his mind scrolling back eighteen months.
“Katy.” He says softly.
“Yea.” You murmur. “It was a couple of nights after you closed her case.”
Your sister Katy had disappeared off base when you’d recieved your first posting with NCIS. She had taken after your father, heading into the service, raising through the ranks. You’d worked that case unofficially day and night and when you came up dry just like everybody else, you’d become the girl whose sister vanished into thin air. You couldn’t take the pitying looks, the sympathetic words so you’d taken the first undercover assignment that was offered to you, and then the next one, and then the next because becoming someone else was a lot easier than dealing with your reality.
That’s how the two of you met, working UC operations together. When he’d come out of deep cover, you’d been the first one he contacted. You’d gotten out a year earlier, been assigned to Violent Crimes before you made the move to Cold Cases.
Katy’s body had been found early last year along with those of three other sailors. Nick had worked the case, along with the rest of his team. He had been the one to break the news. Until then you had held out this hope, this stupid fragile hope that she’d had enough of the navy life, that she’d spirited herself away to Nashville the way she’d talked about when she was a teenager.
“She had this amazing voice,” You had told him that night, your fingertips tracing over a polaroid you kept on the fridge. “She used to sing Alison Krauss all the time.”
The news had decimated you, it felt like someone had plunged their hands into your chest and torn your heart right out. They’d caught the guy, a serial who’d been operating in the area at the time, but your sister was gone, and you had to come to terms with that.
“I needed to blow off some steam.” You tell him honestly. “With someone who wasn’t complicated.”
“We were complicated.” He says knowingly, coming to lean on the work surface beside of you.
Eighteen months ago he’d been trying to get sober, starting therapy. Gibbs had just left for Alaska, Bishop not long before. He’d experienced too much loss in such a short space of time, it had knocked him off balance.
“We were.” You agree. “I was a mess, I couldn’t…”
You trail off before finding the words, your arm brushing against his.
“I didn’t have anything left to give,” You explain before gesturing between the two of you. “And we deserved a proper shot.”
“Wrong place, wrong time.” He says, capturing your hand, his fingers entwining with yours. “I’d like to think we’re in the right one now.”
“Yea.” You say, your cheek coming to rest on his bicep. “I think so too.”
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ziva-david · 1 year
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BrianKDietzen: A life well lived. 
David McCallum was a mentor, a great scene partner, a wonderful father and husband, and he was my dear friend. 
I met David on my first day of work at NCIS. I was booked to work one day on the show, but David and I hit it off. Our scene turned out well and they invited me back for more scenes with this screen legend. Several more. 
Over the course of the next 20 years, David and I (along with our alter-ego’s Ducky and Jimmy) developed a deep friendship and love of our shared work. 
He was a joy to work with. Always had a smile. Always had something new to add to the page, and ALWAYS had the ability to steal every scene he was in!
He had a quick and wry sense of humor and was generous with advice when I asked for it. He was also quick to share praise for work well done. I loved getting a phone call from him after a show aired to hear him talk about the scenes (even as he appeared less and less in our show). 
The friendship and respect people saw between Ducky and Jimmy over the years mirrored the relationship we’d developed off camera. Whether it was going on field trips for character research, attending charity events or catching some golf together, he was always up for an adventure. The guy could do anything. 
He lived to be 90 years old, was a part of multiple hit tv shows, movies, broadway shows, and wrote a couple novels, all while raising a loving family. 
Thank you David. Love you my friend. I’ll miss you. 
Sending all my love to the McCallum family today.
Now, a rundown of the pics:
1: the guy
2: fake lunch. But still… lunch. 
3: always up to help a charity (with Weatherly and Pauley)
4: me trying to replicate the foreboding look he patented. (Once in a while it works for me.) 
5: Hanging with Jim Nantz and Sir Nick in the booth on a Sunday at Riviera!
6: My daughter found this small picture that was a part of a fan package we received. She loved it. She was probably only 3 at the time, but she grabbed this picture of David and put it on her bookshelf and kept it there for several years. She didn’t know David well, but for some reason she just loved it.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 11 months
Halloween Honey [Emily x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@ancientsstudies) Center (@zendobx) Right (@iambrochella)
Prompt: Emily introduces the reader to the team at Derek’s townhome on Halloween night. After they get back to Emily’s apartment, they take their relationship to the next level. 
Pairing: Emily x female presenting reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns 
Category: Fluff/smut 
Word Count: 6.5K 
A/N: Content Warnings below the cut. This is an 18+ story. Minor’s DNI. Please respect that boundary. Good evening and Happy Halloween!!! I hope you are all having a fun and safe Halloween. This is the third installation of my informal Emily Prentiss x reader series. Parts I and II can be found (here) and (here).  I thought that it was about time that the reader got to know Emily’s friends, aka the BAU team. You could also read this as a stand-alone. The only background I think you need is that the reader is an intern for a senator. The title is based on Derek’s infamous line in the show. I hope you all like this and have a good night. If you do enjoy it, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! Love - Levi. 
P.S. The Latin is just a mistranslation of the rite of exorcism. It's Google translated, so it might be wrong.
Content Warnings: Sex (Emily and reader receiving [oral - Emily and fingering - reader]), the reader has some anxiety, a horror movie is watched/discussed (The Conjuring), brief mention of dead bodies, light drinking. If I missed any, please let me know. 
List with all stories
_y/n_ = you name 
_l/n_ = your last name 
_y/f/s_ = your favorite senator 
_f/j/t_ = your favorite jewel tone 
_y/f/s/t_ = your favorite shoe types - aka, heels, sneakers, creepers, loafers, etc. 
_y/f/c_ = your favorite color 
Emily and _y/n_ were cruising down the road. A Florence + The Machine Spotify playlist was on shuffle playing from the stereo. It was quiet for a moment, and Emily briefly looked over and took her eyes off the road to look at her partner. _y/n_ was twisting one of the rings on her left hand, looking at her fingers with an apparent, deep interest. Prentiss focused on the road again and asked, “_y/n_, what’s on your mind? You seem a bit preoccupied.” _y/n_ flushed slightly. She looked at Emily, who was softly illuminated by the lights on the dashboard. When Emily told her more about the actual science behind profiling. She particularly stated, “It’s nothing like NCIS or CSI. Though the team's cases might look interesting and sound exciting, the real thing’s no fun at all. It’s just stress and dead bodies..” _y/n_ had nodded along. She understood where Emily was coming from. _y/n_ often got the same response when she told anyone that she worked in politics. Someone was always bound to say, “Oh, so like Parks and Rec?” with an uninformed laugh. She normally didn’t correct them. It wasn’t worth the work. Thinking back to the conversation with Emily, she had asked, “So, are microexpressions real? Can you tell if someone’s lying or not?” Prentiss had thought for a moment, and replied, “Well microexpressions are real, and there is a science behind it, but I think they're exaggerated in the media. Those expressions are just there on the face for a millisecond. Unless it’s on film, people can’t really see them. There’s only one person I know who might be able to use microexpressions as a defense.” This had piqued _y/n_’s interest, and she asked, “Who is it?” Em laughed and said, “Aaron, our Unit Chief.” _y/n_ nodded along. She was slowly getting to know more about the team. Their names, of course, and smaller things like the normal roles they took in cases, and their personalities. Emily had promised that _y/n_ would like JJ and Garcia, and she was looking forward to meeting them. Emily had promised _y/n_ early on in their relationship that she wouldn’t profile her. But it didn’t take a profiler for Em to tell that _y/n_ was anxious about something. Finally, _y.n_ replied, “What if they don’t like me? The team? They sound so smart and talented. And if they’re anything like you, well then that just confirms it. I’m just boring old me, ya know.” 
Emily briefly turned to look at _y/n_ and took her right hand off the steering wheel. Em placed it on _y/n_’s hands, stilling the nervous tick of twisting the rings on her fingers. When _y/n_’s hands were calm, Emily moved her hand to _y/n_’s shoulder. She quickly checked the road before returning her gaze to her partner. The slightly worried look painted _y/n_’s face in the way her brows were pressed together and the tension in her lips. Prentiss let out the smallest of breaths and replied, “_y/n_, you’re wonderful and beautiful, and kind, and you’ve been so good to me. You’ve been patient and loving, and you understand when I’m stressed and need space.” When Em was sure _y/n_ was listening, she focused on the road but continued speaking. She said, “The team is going to love you. Penelope and JJ have been dying to meet you, and I know that you and Spencer could probably write a dozen books together. Yes, the people on the team are smart, but you are wickedly intelligent about the law and handling people. Getting them to listen to you. This isn’t a contest; I want you to get to know the other people in my life.” At Emily’s encouraging words, _y/n_ relaxed. She felt better after being hyped up by Em. “Thanks, Em. I needed that.” Emily smiled and said, “Anytime, love.” Emily could feel _y/n_’s gaze on her. She could feel _y/n_ beaming at her, and she felt slow warmth pool in her stomach and drip downwards. _y/n_ was a very affectionate person. She loved physical touch. Emily was less so, but they had started a few routines that met both their needs for touch. They would hold hands under the table at dinner, and as they walked down the street from various cafes, art museums, and curio shops, Emily would snake her arm around _y/n_’s back, holding her waist securely. 
It was only a few minutes later that they arrived outside Derek’s townhouse. Emily recognized Garcia’s and Spencer’s cars parked right out front. Emily parallel parked, and once her keys were out of the ignition, she turned to look at _y/n_. _y/n_’s eyes were shining in the darkness, and Prentiss couldn’t stop the grin that she gave_y/n_ as she said, “Come here you.” They both leaned forward over the center console and kissed. As their lips met, their breath on the other’s face made them flush. Their lips were a bit tacky as Emily was wearing matte red lipstick and _y/n_ was wearing a glossy black lip. The kiss turned a bit more passionate, and Emily threaded her hands through _y/n_’s hair. _y/n_ similarly put her hands around Emily’s neck. When they pulled apart for breath, they both could feel the sexual tension in the cab of the car. Emily cleared her throat and asked, “You ready to go in there?” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I am, but maybe you should look at your mouth first?” Emily looked at _y/n_ quizically before _y/n_ turned on the lights in the car and pulled down the visor with the mirror. Emily flushed when she realized that some of _y/n_’s lipstick had transferred to her mouth. Emily spluttered slightly and fished around in her purse. She found some tissues and removed the transferred gloss. In doing so, she took off a good bit of her own makeup. Prentiss looked in her bag to reapply her lipstick. When she didn’t find the tube, she softly said, “Shit.” She had left it on her vanity. When Em looked up, _y/n_ was extending her black gloss. Emily looked apprehensive, and _y/n_ said, “I think it’s either this or you take off all the lipstick. You know you look great in black Em, I’m sure some black lipstick will look incredibly hot on you. Plus, we can kiss that way and none of your friends will know.” Prentiss flushed at the compliment and the idea of her kissing _y/n_. She took the offered makeup. Before she put it on, she said, “See I told you you were smart, _y/n_.” Em booped _y/n_’s nose with her finger before she turned to the mirror. 
The couple reached Derek’s door, and Emily knocked twice. After a moment Morgan’s strong build opened the glass door, and he gave one of his best smiles to Emily and _y/n_. Morgan extended a hand to _y/n_ and said, “Hey, _y/n_. I’m Derek, Morgan.” _y/n_ smiled back and said, “_y/n_, _l/n_. I’m so happy to meet you.” Derek extended a hand and _y/n_ took it. The shake was firm, steady. Em had described Derek as the protector of the team. Rash sometimes in his desire for his friends to be safe. As _y/n_ stood in front of the man now, she could see how that might be true. Morgan moved back a step and said, “Please come on in. The gang’s all here. As they stepped into the nice space, Morgan gave Emily a side hug and one of those smiles that said, “I like her already.” As they moved through the hallway toward the living area, Morgan pointed out the kitchen and the guest bathroom to _y/n_, stating, “Please make yourself at home. Drinks are in the kitchen and if you need anything, just let me know.” _y/n_ nodded and thanked him for his hospitality. Of course, Prentiss knew where all of these things were, but Morgan was particularly about meeting new people and showing off his space. When Derek had first invited her over for a friendly dinner, she felt a bit awkward, but once she had gone, Prentiss realized that her friend was a natural host. Gifted at making people comfortable in his home. Now, whenever Morgan was hosting, she attempted to make it. Emily was happy that this was where _y/n_ was going to meet the team. 
As the trio moved into the living room, everyone that was seated stood. Penelope was up first, bridging the gap between herself, Emily, and _y/n_. Garcia extended a hand and said, “Oh my gosh, hi. I’m so happy to meet you!” _y/n_ smiled and said, “It’s lovely to meet you too… Penelope?” Garcia did a little happy dance and said, “Yes! How did you know?” As soon as the woman, wearing bright neon colors, with blond hair in pigtails had approached _y/n_, she knew who she was. Instead of saying any of that, she said, “Oh, you know, just my telepathic abilities.” This response made Garcia so happy that instead of offering a handshake, she said, “I’m sorry, but can I hug you? I think you may be my favorite person to ever exist.” _y/n_ lending into Garcia’s open arms and relaxed at her touch. In Garcia’s arms, _y/n_ felt warm and safe, and she made the observation that Penelope smelled distinctly of bubble gum. When they parted, Garcia ushed _y/n_ toward the others. JJ and _y/n_ shook hands and had a brief introduction. JJ looked over _y/n_ quickly. The Media Liaison realized exactly what Emily was talking about with _y/n_ being not only beautiful but also fully present. When JJ looked at _y/n_ there was no distraction, no wavering energy; she was fully focused on what JJ was saying. As someone who interacted with loads of people on a daily basis, having someone so centered felt like a breath of fresh air. JJ said, “It’s nice to finally meet you _y/n_. I can’t believe it’s been almost three months since Em met you in that dressing room. _y/n_ flushed at being reminded of how Emily and her met. It was still one of her favorite memories. Sometimes she forgot that JJ had been on the other end of Emily’s phone call when she had complimented Emily. The last introduction with Spencer was calm. Reid extended his hand and introduced himself. _y/n_ thought that maybe he was a bit shy. _y/n_ hoped to see more of his personality, and his smarts eventually. With how much Prentiss lauded his brain, she was excited to see it in action for herself. Everyone found a spot in the living room. Derek and Garcia were on the couch with Emily and _y/n_. JJ found herself on the loveseat adjacent to the couch and glass coffee table. JJ patted the spot next to her, but Reid opted to sit on the rug by her feet instead. Derek said, “Reid, what are you doing?” Spencer looked over to Derek and said, “I don’t want to be on eye level with the screen. If I sit on the couch, I’ll be looking directly at the movie, and you know I don’t like the possession or doll stuff.” Derek chuckled and said, “Well, suit yourself pretty boy. Also, how can you do this job and be afraid of a ghost or some dolls?” Spencer reddened and made some small protestation while the team ribbed him gently. It was all in good fun. The team had voted on three possible films: The Exorcist, The Conjuring, and Brahm’s The Boy. As everyone debated which film to watch, Emily went and grabbed her and _y/n_ some drinks. 
The group had decided on The Conjuring, and once everyone was settled in with a drink, they started the film. The first time Annabell came on screen, everyone laughed. The film progressed, and the Perron family got more scared in their new home _y/n_ relaxed a little and settled closer to Emily. Just as Emily had assured her, the other members of her team were kind and normal people. They laughed at the family's silly responses to the strange phenomena happening on screen. Once they were playing the clapping game in the movie, Spencer said, “The mom shouldn’t be playing this upstairs. With the wrong footing, she could easily fall off the second floor to the first. Did you know that around 1,000 people die from falls on staircases each year, and over 3,456 of all ages and abilities are injured on them annually.” After Reid finished this commentary, Penelope said, “They should hire you as a consultant for whenever the studio makes another cheap sequel.” This got a chuckle from everyone. Once the spirit of Bathsheeba showed up for the first time on top of the girl’s wardrobe, everyone jumped and then Derek said, “Baby girl, I think you need some lotion and to up your skincare routine.” This got a big laugh out of everyone. During the third shot where the camera rotated 180 degrees, _y/n_ added to the conversation, asking, “I know about the Dutch angle and eye level shots and all that jazz, but is there a term for this? It’s starting to get boring as a visual device honestly.” There was a moment of silence as the question lingered, but Spencer quickly said, “Well, I’m not sure if it’s a technical film term, but maybe something like an inverse shot or a flipped angle or something? That might be apropos here.” As the scene got more tense, _y/n_ very quietly replied to Spencer, saying, “That sounds about right.” When everyone got ready for the climax, Emily gently squeezed _y/n_’s hand and gave her a soft kiss on the temple. She whispered, “See. I told you you and Reid would get along swimmingly.” _y/n_ hummed slightly, squeezing Emily’s hand back. The film wrapped up and everyone got up and stretched a bit. Penelope, _y/n_, and JJ took turns in the bathroom. When _y/n_ exited the facilities, she found Emily and Derek trying to comfort the tech whiz. Although Spencer had said he didn’t like films with possession as a theme, it seemed that Penelope was the most affected of all of them. Derek was trying to take the compassionate approach saying, “Sweetness, it’s all just made up. None of it’s really real. They exaggerated and added scary music so you’d feel scared.” _y/n_ stopped herself from commenting on the real Warren family and their troubled history as paranormal investigators. JJ chimed in, “At least the movie ended happily Pen. There was a real hope for that family. Love won. It can’t be that scary if love won.” This seemed to help Garcia a bit. _y/n_ moved into the kitchen and got another drink. As she walked to stand next to Emily, she gave Garcia a pat on the arm. Penelope looked at her and smiled, saying, “Thank you _y/n_.”
Thinking about the inaccuracies of the film, she said, “You know that exorcism scene always bothers me. I know secular shows aren’t concerned about the actual ritual of an exorcism, but still, you could at least get the Latin right.” This comment had the rest of the party looking at her. _y/n_ flushed, and said, “I might have considered a divinity degree before political science consumed my life.” Everyone chuckled and Reid said, “You’re right. Ed says “‘Verte malum de inimicis meis; in veritate tua disperde illos.Omnenus: Sponte sacrificabo tibi,’ where it should be...” Before Spence could answer, _y/n_ replied, “‘In veritate tua disperde illos. Omnes: Sponte sacrificabo tibi.’ It’s not like the church and other religions have been performing those types of rituals for centuries or anything.” As she said this, Reid gave her a genuine smile and nod of recognition. With the topic on the table, Reid started running with it and began to ramble about how the ritual of expelling alleged dark forces had changed over the years. _y/n_ leaned into Emily gently, as she listened with keen attention. Again Emily was right. Dr. Reid was brimming with knowledge. _y/n_ hadn’t expected her girlfriend to lie or exaggerate about her friends, but when she had heard all the descriptions of the members at first it felt a little too impossible to believe. Once Spencer had finished his ‘brief’ history of exorcisms, Derek turned to _y/n_ and Prentiss. He said, “Alright Emily, you still haven’t explained fully how you met _y/n_. And JJ and Garcia are still talking about that first date. Every time I bring it up you say that you’ll tell me soon -- and I think it’s time to pay up.” Emily chuckled and said alright. I’ll tell you.” Prentiss detailed her first meeting with _y/n_ and then described their first date. _y/n_ would chime in with certain funny or cute moments,  and Morgan was eating up the story. After another hour or so, everyone decided to start heading out. _y/n_ said goodbye to everyone, giving hugs or handshakes. As she approached Garcia, Penelope said, “I’d love to go shopping with you sometime. Your style is so cool!” _y/n_ flushed and said, “I pinky promise. I’ll text you, and we can set something up.” Penelope nodded enthusiastically. Derek walked the couple to the door, he gave _y/n_ a side hug and said, “If you ever need anything, you just let me know, alright.” _y/n_ nodded. His sincerity was touching. She thought back again to what Em had said about him being protective, and she fully saw it now. _y/n_ replied, “Thank you, Derek. Thank you for having me over. It was a really great night.” Morgan beamed and said, “Well then, I can’t wait to have you over again.” Derek and Emily said their goodbyes and “See you Monday’s.” 
In the car on the way back to Emily’s apartment _y/n_ said, “Em, they’re all so sweet. So kind. I’m so happy to have met them. And I’d like to meet Aaron and Rossi too if I can sometime.” Emily smiled and said, “I’m glad you like them, and you had a good time. And believe me, Dave asks about you constantly and Aaron has too. I’m sure you’ll meet them when there’s time.” The pair drive back toward Emily’s side of the city. As they moved down the road Emily considered how they had gotten closer over the few months they had known each other. Emily was protective of her past. She had to be with what she had gone through. Revealing too much could make _y/n_ an unintentional target. But _y/n_ had been so open, so gentle with her that she couldn’t help but open up to _y/n_’s warm care and affection. They had become more physical around each other too. They had slept in the same bed many times now. Their bodies pressed close. And on one of those evenings, Emily had moved her hand beneath _y/n_’s linen shirt and brushed her fingers over the buds of _y/n_’s breasts. While she had done this, _y/n_ had stroked over her clothed sex with two fingers. As much as Emily had wanted to take it farther that night, they had both been exhausted. Emily had just returned from a long case, and _y/n_ had had a long night in the office trying to proofread a 500-page long bill from _y/f/s_. The passion was there, but not the energy. Em had promised _y/n_ that she wanted this -- desperately, but that she wanted to give her her all for the first time. _y/n_ had agreed. They rode back toward her apartment, and Emily thought of that first brief intimacy. She began to pool with desire again. She wondered if this was going to be the night that they would reach that stage in their relationship. While Emily thought this, _y/n_ couldn’t tear her eyes off of her partner. _y/n_ tried not to sexualize Emily often. She was too dignified for her to be drooled over. But now and then, Emily would look at her a certain way, or say something so profound that _y/n_ wanted to kiss her all over. To kiss every part of her body. A specific region, flushed and pink came to mind, and _y/n_ had to stifle a needy sigh. _y/n_ had always found Emily attractive, and the night that they had been most close replayed in her mind often. The feeling of Em’s hands, tender yet firm, moving over and teasing her breasts left her breathless and wanting if she thought about it for too long. Now as _y/n_ looked at Em, was one of those times. _y/n_ begged anything out there in the cosmos that they could have that and more tonight. 
As Emily and _y/n_ got into Prentiss’s apartment. There was an anticipatory, hungry feel to the air. Emily turned on some lamps in the living room. She had asked _y/n_ if she wanted to spend the night, as they drove back and _y/n_ had readily agreed. As Prentiss turned to ask _y/n_ what she wanted to do; if she wanted a drink of water, or anything in particular, she was almost shocked at what she saw. The look of pure desire on _y/n_’s face. _y/n_ closed the gap between them and noticed how Em cocked her head to the side almost confused by her want of her. When _y/n_ was flush with Emily, she pressed herself close to her girlfriend. _y/n_ stroked her hands through Emily’s dark hair. After a few seconds of this, _y/n_’s right hand rested on the crown of Emily’s skull and gently guided Emily’s mouth to hers. Emily easily, amicably acquiesced; allowing herself to be guided to _y/n_’s full lips. As their mouths met, Emily felt that pool of desire begins to flow downward again. It took all of her concentration to not moan at the close contact with _y/n_. Prentiss didn’t want to sound needy yet, but she felt that way. She longed for _y/n_’s touch in places yet unexplored. When _y/n_ ran her tongue over Emily’s lower lip, asking for control, she didn’t want to stop _y/n_ from having that access. As Em let  _y/n_ into her mouth, there was a mutual understanding of comfort and dynamics. Neither one of them was acting as a dominant or male persona. They were both just seeking comfort and pleasure in the other. When both Emily and _y/n pulled back for air, there was a moment of silence, of stillness. After a beat, _y/n_ said, Em. I need you, all of you, tonight. If you’ll let me?” Prentiss nodded and breathily said, “Oh God, yes, _y/n_. I was afraid I was moving too fast, and to hear you say that makes me feel so desired. You wanna go the bedroom, Baby?” _y/n_ agreed in a high pitch. Em took _y/n_’s hand. They moved slowly to the mauve-colored room. As they walked, there was a longing that they both let linger. After tonight, they would be joined in a way that would change the dynamic of their relationship from here on out, and they wanted to give space to that fact. 
In the bedroom, with the white door closed, _y/n_ turned to Emily. She was wearing a charcoal grey blouse that buttoned up the front. There was a bow that was tied at the collar. _y/n_ started by gently tugging the bow undone. She settled the strips of fabric that formed the extra edition of the collar behind Emily’s neck. She then moved to the buttons of the shirt. Slowly, with care and precision, _y/n_ began undoing the buttons of the silk shirt. As each inch of skin was revealed, _y/n_ reveled in its exposure. There was a reverence in her gaze that Emily had rarely seen. When Emily had been intimate before, there was always a hunger in the look of her lovers, male and female. A desire for pleasure. This was all fine and good, but the awe on _y/n_’s face was new. There was also a hunger, but not like she was a thing to be had, sucked dry and then left in the cold morning air uncovered. Thinking of this had Emily let you a sigh of desire. Emily’s head was slightly tipped back, her mouth half open, taking needy breaths. Through her half-lidded gaze, she saw _y/n_ smile at her noises. Emily wondered what _y/n_ moaning sounded like, and her sex pulsated at the idea. Her arousal intensified. When the last button was undone, _y/n_ pushed the silk off Emily’s shoulders and to the floor. The fabric fell to the floor with little sound. _y/n_’s gazed over her form. The lovely planes of Emily’s skin shone in the light of the lamps illuminating the room. _y/n_’s warm hands slowly started moving over the exposed flesh. Circling Emily’s stomach. She felt up the side of her waist. _y/n_’s hands then moved higher, ghosting over Em’s covered breasts. _y/n_ noticed that the bra was slightly padded and the underwire looked uncomfortable pressed too tightly under the sensitive tissue. _y/n_ would be sure to address this soon. But for now, she moved her hands to Emily’s clavicle, running over her collarbones. _y/n_ noticed that Emily had some birthmarks adorning her skin. One was above her right breast, and the other two were on Emily’s torso. After spending a bit of time feeling over Em’s upper half, _y/n_ softly fell to her knees and began working at the button and zipper of Prentiss’s black slacks. Emily watched as _y/n_ pulled down the fabric of her pants and realized that _y/n_ was kneeling at her body like it was a temple, and Prentiss thought she couldn’t possibly be loved more than this. When her pants were pooled at her feet, Emily moved her right foot up, and _y/n_ pulled her foot free. The process was repeated with the left foot. 
At this point, Emily had to reciprocate. She helped _y/n_ her feet and said, “You are so good to me. You have no idea how good you make me feel.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I think I share in your feelings, but putting it to voice, especially now, feels a little difficult.” Em laughed softly at the comment, as her hands moved to the zipper at the back of _y/n_’s _f/j/t_ colored dress. The invisible zipper needed a bit of effort, and Emily carefully held the fabric at the top of the dress as she applied more pressure to get the zipper to move. The zipper was fine moving down the teeth until it got to the waistline, where the fabric was doubled. Here, even with her careful pulling the zipper didn’t seem to want to budge further, and it wasn’t because the dress didn’t fit _y/n_. It fit like a glove custom-made for her body. After another minute of struggle, _y/n_ burst out laughing and said, “Sorry. It’s so funny. I didn’t want to say anything because it was so sexy. You were taking my breath away, but as soon as you started doing that, I knew you were going to have trouble. You have to jimmy it a certain way to get it past the waistline.” Emily gave a little huff, and jokingly said, “Well you could have told me that before.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “Well, I have a potential solution from here on out?” Emily smiled and replied, “Shoot.” _y/n_ leaned forward and said, “We can be nude every time we meet from here on out?” Emily flushed and teased back, “How do you think the senator would like that? How about my boss?” _y/n_ gave Emily a large grin, and she said, “They don’t have to know.” While _y/n_ said this, they moved their hands to their back and Emily gave her space to work the ornery zipper past the difficult spot on the track. Once it was past the waistline, _y/n_ let Emily take charge again, and she quieted to let the moment have its full impact. Prentiss appreciated this, as she moved the zipper down the final six inches of track. As _y/n_ had done with her shirt, Emily removed the fabric of the dress, and _y/n_ moved out of its constraint at her ankles. Emily had taken her heels off when she had gotten in the door, but _y/n_ still had hers on. Thus, Em paralleled _y/n_ and dropped to her knees, and helped remove _y/n_’s _y/f/s/t_ and socks. The last article of clothing that needed to be disposed of to make _y/n_ as bear as Em was _y/n_’s tights. Prentiss took care of removing this thin layer of nylon. Prentiss didn’t want her short nails to snag the cloth and tear it. Once the tights were disposed of, the profiler moved and kissed over _y/n_’s clothed vagina. At the intimate act, _y/n_’s breath hitched, and she said Emily’s name with a need not yet voiced. 
_y/n_ pulled Emily up and to the bed. Both moved to remove the other's bra and their hands were a tangled mess, as they tried to both do the same thing at the same time. Again there was a soft laughter between them. Emily said, “If this happened to anyone else _y/n_ I would be so mortified. I would have lost my chill the second the zipper snagged. But with you, with your patience and calm and understanding it doesn’t feel like a big thing. I can honestly laugh with you. It reminds me of our first meeting, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” _y/n_ beamed and said, “You’re someone I want to be real with Em. I want to laugh with you and cry with you, and God do I want to have sex with you.” Hearing this, Prentiss flushed and then both of them moved again as they clasped behind the other's back to undo the other’s bras. As both women disrobed and looked at the other, the feeling of deep longing washed over them. Emily whispered, “You’re so beautiful _y/n_. So beautiful.” She leaned forward and kissed over _y/n_’s breasts. The warm, wet feel of Emily’s mouth over her sensitive flesh caused her nipples to harden. Emily took one of the taught buds in her mouth. She sucked and swirled her tongue over the nipple. _y/n_ let out a sigh, and her own hands moved to Emily’s chest. _y/n_ began kneading Em’s breasts. Without her bra on, the tissue was just slightly less perky than when trapped in the confines of a bra. Em’s nipples hardened too, and _y/n_ used her fingers to pull and tug at the sensitive areas of her body. Emily had to move her mouth away from _y/n_’s breast, so she could let out a gasp of pleasure. Hearing this from Em, _y/n_ moved her hand lower and began rubbing two fingers over her clothed sex. Emily’s panties were wet, soaked through, but _y/n_ hadn’t had the chance to notice, as they were black; hiding the level of Emily’s arousal. _y/n_ said, “Let me get you out of those…” _y/n_ was going to say underwear, but noticed the small VS charm on a tiny silver charm sitting at the center of the delicate bow at the middle of the elastic holding the garment up. Emily chuckled and said, “Hey listen they're comfy and sexy. Two birds one stone?” _y/n_ grinned and said, “There’s no complaints from me love.” _y/n_ leaned down and kissed the second bow, realizing that Emily had had a bow at her neck and a bow down here. Knowing how detail-oriented Em was, it wasn’t by accident. 
Emily was about to ask if she could get _y/n_ off first, but _y/n_ stopped her by saying, “Em, please. You’re out there every day saving people who don’t even know it. Who will never understand the things you sacrificed for them? So please let me do this for you first. After that, you can fuck me into tomorrow, but I want to do this.” Emily swallowed and nodded. With her consent, _y/n_ removed Emily’s panties, sliding them off of her hips and down her legs. The underwear was discarded on the floor with their other clothes. _y/n_ looked at the flushed folds of Emily’s vagina and the small patch of dark pubic hair near her entrance. _y/n_ couldn’t wait to get her hands and face in that hair, that needy region. _y/n_ wanted to ensure Emily’s comfort and pleasure and asked, “Would you like oral, or my hand, or I can use a toy you like if you have one?” Emily took deep breaths and said, “I want your mouth. I want those pretty lips of yours on me; in me.” _y/n_ hummed. Both she and Emily had washed off their makeup, so _y/n_ was ready to dive in. _y/n_ got on her knees on the bed. She also pulled Em’s knees up to a ninety-degree angle and a good distance apart so there would be room for her face. Before she started, _y/n_ said, “Tell me if it’s not good. Tell me if you need to change techniques at any time. And, please put your hands in my hair if it is good. I’ve dreamed of that for that last month and to have it happen for real is making me so hot and bothered right now.” Emily nodded and said, “I promise to do those things if I need to. But most certainly the last will be happening.” With this said, _y/n_ moved down. The heat and moisture was alluring to _y/n_. She started by running her nose up the area and wetting it. After this, _y/n_ ran her tongue over Emily’s folds. The taste was slightly salty, but there was a slight aftertaste of talc or matcha — a drying earthy taste. _y/n_ kept moving her tongue this way, and the words and noises came unbridled from Emily. After a few moments of this, _y/n_ started to move her tongue in an infinity symbol moving from the entrance to the clit with each pass. While this was happening, Em moaned out _y/n_’s name. When _y/n_ started sucking on the clit, Emily knew she was racing toward a strong climax. At this point, she ran her hand through _y/n_ hair, pulling and tugging it gently from the follicle. Her grasp strengthened as the feelings got more intense. In the end, Prentiss was moving her hips to increase the friction, and in a moment of pure ecstasy, she felt her body clench and then let go. Emily cried out in pleasure and held _y/n_’s face where it was, pressed to her sex. _y/n_ slowed her tongue slightly, to let Em down gently. As the waves of heat and joy moved through her in long waves, Emily was sure this was the best orgasm she had ever felt. 
Once Em had calmed and found herself again, she moved with a passion, getting up and looking at _y/n_. Emily said, “My turn. Let me, ‘fuck you into tomorrow’ like you just did with me. So tell me, what gets my girl off? I’ve got toys like a vibe or a strapon. What do you want, Baby?” _y/n_ very quickly flushed and said, “I just want your hands in me. I’ve dreamed about that too.” Em replied, “Well, well, you shall have them. Now grab that pillow and lay down for me _y/n_. _y/n_ did as told, and Emily positioned the pillow at her partner's lower back and then pushed her back onto the mattress. Prentiss took off _y/n_’s _y/f/c_ bikini-style panties and discarded them at the foot of the bed. Emily kissed _y/n_ passionately, as she started to rub _y/n_’s exposed vagina. Emily could feel _y/n_ dripping against her fingers. Sliding her fingers up and down _y/n_’s labia and clit was so easy. After a few moments of this, and when her pointer and middle fingers were thoroughly coated, Em moved her fingers slowly into _y/n’s entrance. _y/n_ was tight against her hand. At this sensation, _y/n_ gave a needy whine and Prentiss asked, “Is that good for my love?” _y/n_ gasped and replied between breaths, saying, “So good. You feel so good in me.” Emily smiled and said, “Good. I’m glad.” Emily started pumping in and out of _y/n_ while her other hand moved to _y/n_’s left breast. As _y/n_ said her name and moaned against her touch. Emily moved the fingers that were inside _y/n_ to curve up so that she reached _y/n_’s g-spot and _y/n_ made a loud, desperate noise. Hearing this, Emily moved the hand that had been on _y/n_’s breast to _y/n_’s clit and rubbed fast circles over it. _y/n_ could feel herself about to snap as Em’s movements became more frantic. The dripping of pleasure from _y/n_ had moved from a drip to water to an ocean waiting to burst free of a dam. With one more thrust of the hand and movement over the clit, _y/n_ broke down entirely, as she lost control and shouted out in pleasure. _y/n_ had never been so vocal in her response. After a second, Emily removed her hands and moved to kiss _y/n_’s mouth, taking the breath from her partner again. Em rubbed her sticky hand over _y/n_’s thigh. As they both came to themselves a bit, _y/n_ said, “I’m so lucky to have you in my life Em. To have met you the way I did. I love you so very much.” Emily nodded and said, “Same here. You make me feel so happy, and so good and worthy.” There was a silence and Prentiss noticed that neither of their bodies were ramping down, and Em asked, “Would you be down for a second round, _y/n_?” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I was waiting for that profiler instinct in you to notice. How about we come together this time?” Em smiled and nodded. As both women got ready for another set of pleasure and release, they both knew that they were meant for the other both physically and in spirit -- and there would be many more nights like this, bleeding into tomorrows. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
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ofmdrecaps · 29 days
08/20-21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Con O'Neill; Samson Kayo; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Madeleine Sami; Guz Khan; Lindsey Cantrell Tim Heidecker; Articles; GalaxyConRaleigh Video; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
Hey crew, sorry I've been swamped with work/life again.. I swear I'll get back on track again one of these days. 8/22 will be up tonight or tomorrow.
== Rhys Darby ==
Reminder! Aug 28 is Rhys' episode of Expedition X!
Source: Moosh's Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika headed out of Italy!
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Source: Instagram
Taika's in A LOT of the new episodes of Time Bandits (the season finales!) You can check them out on Apple TV!
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Img Src: Collider Article
== Con O'Neill ==
Con's relaxing on vacation!
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Samson Kayo ==
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Source: Samson Kayo's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Advanced Chemistry is opening on September 12 and Samba has been kind enough to share lots of available links!
Laemmle Santa Monica
Wellington Delaware
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
You can also checkout the official full trailer here!
== Nathan Foad ==
Voyage of the Damned -- narrated by our fabulous Nathan Foad is finally out in North America! You can access it here.
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Source: Audible.com
== Madeleine Sami ==
More of Mads and the Deadloch ladies out at the TV Week Logie Awards!
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Source: Madeleine Sami's Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
Just a side view of Guz
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
== Linds Cantrell ==
Linds was giving off some feels, her current project turned on OFMD for her!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Tim Heidecker ==
Our beloved Doug NoLastName is going to be touring! For tickets checkout https://linktr.ee/tim.heidecker!
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Source: Tim Heidecker's Twitter
== Galaxy Con Raleigh Panel ==
Didn't get to go to GalaxyCon in Raleigh? Well you can access the OFMD Panel on Youtube! Sounds like the Livestream of San Jose will be up one of these days too!
Source: @JimJim531969
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for highlighting more articles!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
I am SO VERY behind on the cast cards from the lovely @melvisik who's been keeping them rolling! I'll try catch up on a bunch of them tonight!
First up is Abigail Swain, and Zhanda P., some of the Stunt performers / Action Talent! (According to ofmd-crew.com!)
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Next up is the fabulous Hilda Rasula, one of our Series Editors from Season 1!
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Next is another "civilian", Ellenette W.!
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And who could forget Jeffrey Kushon, one of our fantastic Set Decorators!
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Stacy Bisel was one of the Hair Co-Department Heads! Now this is super cool, @melvisik has given us some BTS to go along with some of the cast cards today! Check out her work with Buttons below!
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And who could forget One of Jackie's Husbands, Hayden Bryant! Lots of BTS pics below as well!
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Last tonight is a multi-job master Zak Enayat, who was workeding as both and actor and costumer according to ofmd-crew.com! You can see him working on the Calypso costume below!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
New episode of Never Left Podcast is out! The theme of this one is birds! Check out the latest on your favorite listening platforms here!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! Do you know what time it is? It's time for you to take a second and remind yourself how frickn brilliant you are!
You just keep facing every day and keep going! EVERY SINGLE DAY! (Sure you might sleep in or something) but you still manage to face the day in whatever capacity you are able to (physically or mentally)!
It can be so very hard sometimes just to start your day-- but you're still doing it, no matter what you're facing!
I'm so proud of you for that, and you should be proud of yourself too! Even when things are tough, you're still doing little things, (or big things) to keep moving forward.
It might seem like something so small- but it means the world to people who love you, that you are still here and you are still with us. Remember that you are beautiful, and brilliant, and strong enough, even when you feel at your worst!
Love you crew <3 Rest up and keep on keep'n on!
52 notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 2 years
You Better Not Die
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(not my gif)
pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x actress!reader
characters: jake seresin, fem!reader, the dagger squad (mentioned), beau simpson, jake’s parents
warnings: mostly fluff, flashbacks, dogfighting, i believe that’s all
word count: ~3.7k 
a/n: the poll has spoken, i will be posting the others in the days to come 
also, i know the title is dramatic but trust me it makes since lol
quick summary: you’re an actress that ran into jake when your career first started
Hangman’s favorite show is NCIS. Seriously, theman is obsessed with the show. I mean he watched NCIS with his parents growing up, so when he left to join the Navy that was how he felt close to them.
When Jake met you, you were just starting your career in acting and he was going to TOP GUN.
You had been visiting your uncle, as you were staying with him while you auditioned for TV shows and movies, when Hangman had quite literally ran into you.
Jake walked out of the base gym, shirt off and towel around his neck. He was just whistling as he walked to the locker room, not seeing you as you rounded the corner.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” you apologized immediately.
He looked at you, brow raised. He originally planned to just snap at you, tell you to watch where you were going but your sweet voice made him stop.
He made eye contact and his brain fogged over for a second. “I wasn’t watching where I was going, that’s my bad.” He shook his head, “Neither was I, Sweetheart.” His eyes scanned you, making you blush. “I definitely would have noticed you.”
You couldn’t stop the giggle leaving your mouth, but Jake didn’t want you to. That was one of the prettiest sounds he’d ever heard.
He glanced around and back to you, noting the fact you were wearing civvies. He also watched the way your eyes darted back and forth as you also looked around.
“You seem lost.” You chuckled, scratching the back of your neck, “Uh, yeah, I’m looking for my-”
“Y/N,” a voice called from down the hall. Both you and Jake turned to see who the voice belonged to.
His eyes widened and he looked down at you, seeing a smile break out across your face. He wasn’t sure why he had butterflies in his chest - What am I? A 15 year-old girl? - but he knew one thing, that he wanted to see that smile directed at him.
He dreaded the words that were about to come out of your mouth. Praying that they weren’t what he thought they were.
“Uncle Beau!”
Jake visibly relaxed, at least Cyclone wasn’t your father. I mean he was your uncle, but father is much more threatening.
He could work with uncle.
“Lieutenant Seresin? Class ended early today, what are you still doing here?” Cyclone asked when he approached the two of you. “It was still early in the day, sir. Work doesn’t stop for a little bit of rain.” Cyclone just nodded at him, appreciating his work ethic.
Cyclone turned to you, “How’d it go?” You nodded, “Pretty good. I just need to wait for call backs.” He smiled, “I’m sure you did great. Now let’s go, I’m starving.” You nodded, “Lead the way.” Beau nodded and walked ahead of you.
Hangman tilted his head and looked confused. “I don’t want to call you ‘Lieutenant’ next time I see you. Got a name to go along with those rippling pectorals?” Jake couldn’t help but to mirror your smirk and flex just a little bit.
He was glad that his chest and face were still red from his work out, it hid the flush very well. “Hangman-” He chuckled at your unamused face. “But, I let pretty ladies call me Jake.” You nodded, smiling, “Jake Seresin.” He had to swallow the groan when he heard you say his full name. You said it dreamily and it sounded heavenly to him.
“Y/N-” Cyclone peeked his head around the wall and saw you both still talking. He shook his head and marched to you.
He grabbed your wrist, “Nope.” He looked at Jake, “Hangman, no.” He pulled you down the hall and you waved to Jake, a beaming smile thrown in his direction.
He watched you disappear around the corner before smiling to himself.
“Hangman, yes.”
That was 7 years ago and you and Hangman were engaged.
He had been called back for the Uranium mission back in May and that was when you were filming for a show you didn’t tell Jake the name of.
The crew met you when they got back. Not believing for a second that Jake had a famous actor as a fiancé.
Needless to say they were surprised.
Fanboy actually recognized you. It was cool.
Especially when a few months later he was texting you about the fact you were in She-Hulk.
Jake was so proud of you and how far you’ve come in your career, you being equally as proud of him and his accomplishments. He bragged about you like he bragged about himself.
He watched everything you were in, even if critics said it was bad.
If you had to do research for a role, he was right there helping and taking notes. He worked lines with you when he could. Sometimes he went with you to set, if he had the time, loving to watch you in action.
Unless it was a kiss or sex scene, then he just went to your trailer. One time though, your costar wasn’t feeling great and didn’t want to get you sick, it was a make out scene and Jake looked close enough to the costar that he just filled in for the kiss
That all leads to now.
It has been about five months since the mission and the squad took up instructing positions at TOP GUN.
Currently it was raining, which meant no one could be in the air. But that didn’t stop Jake from waking you up before the sunrise to go to the gym with him.
Not that he thought you needed to, he just hated working out alone. And you gave him perfect motivation.
When you got home, you made Jake carry you from the truck to the house, it was the least he could do.
Using the bottom of your shirt, you wiped the mixture of sweat and ran from your face. “I’m in dire need of a shower,” you said, grabbing waffles from the freezer as an after workout snack.
Jake slid up behind you as you waited for you at the toaster. “Me too. Why don’t you say we clean two birds with one stone?” You turned to him, “Did you just say ‘clean two birds’?” “I did.” “Were you trying to be clever?”
A teasing smirk played on your lips and Jake just looked at you unamused, “You wound me. You know that? You really wound me.” You pouted, “I’m sorry, Baby. Let me make it up to you.” You pulled him down by his dog tags for a kiss.
He groaned into your mouth and pressed you against the counter, causing you to giggle into his mouth. His hands pulled at your workout clothes to get you closer to his torso. The sweaty fabric was pulled free from your skin, causing you to shiver as the AC cooled the soaked fabric.
You were so deep into this makeout session that you forgot about your waffles.
Yelping when the toaster popped up behind you, you pulled away from Jake. Jake had also flinched, more so at your yelp than the toaster.
You slapped his chest when he laughed at you and turned to get your waffles.
He leaned forward to take a bite of one, but you pulled it away, shaking your head. Taking a bite you poked his chest, “Get your own snack!” He jutted his bottom lip out, before smirking.
You rose a brow, “I don’t like that look.” Hangman laughed and picked you up by your thighs, hoisting you over his shoulder, making you sit your waffles on the countertop. “Jacob Glen, what do you think you’re doing?” He laughed again, “I found my snack.” He playfully bit your thigh before walking to the living room.
You smacked his butt, “Jake, put me down! I need to eat and then shower, I’ve got meetings today!” He stopped, grabbed your hips and placed you back on your feet.
“You do? It’s Monday, I thought you didn’t have meetings on Mondays?” You sighed, “I don’t, usually, but something came up on someone’s schedule and we had to move it up. I forgot to tell you, I’m sorry.” He shook his head, “It’s okay, Darlin’. I get it. But…” He felt like a child for what he was about to ask.
“Will you be back in time for the premiere of the new season of NCIS?” You bit your lip and grabbed his hands, “I wish I could give you an answer, Baby. But I don’t know, I’m sorry.” He nodded and looked down, again feeling like a child.
Jake was really looking forward to watching it with you. It was a Seresin tradition to huddle in the family room, order take out of some kind (usually pizza) and start the season together.
“I know how much it means to you. I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure those meetings go as planned and are on time. I might break some traffic laws.” Jake laughed, making you smile. He shook his head, “You don’t have to break traffic laws, just text me if anything has to change.”
He gestured to the tv, “It’s set to record and we can just watch it when you get here.”
You shook your head, “You hate breaking tradition…” Jake squeezed your hands, “I’d break every tradition for you.” You kissed his knuckles and giggled.
He chuckled, “What?” “If I told the squad the big bad Hangman was so down bad for his girlfriend that he’s willing to wait to watch a tv show, they’d laugh in my face.” He laughed, throwing his head back as he pulled you to him, “I don’t know about that. They know how much I love you.” He kissed the top of your head, “And how proud I am of you.”
Smiling, you leaned your head back, “I think you earned yourself a waffle, Lieutenant.”
After your shower you had a little bit of time to kill. So you cleaned while your hair air-dried and then got ready for your meeting before being out the door.
Hangman had to busy himself. He did laundry, went through all the items that were meticulously organized and wrote down what you were low on.
He actually started to pre-plan for the wedding, considering you had been too busy to actually start. Jake looked at venues, caterers, you know the broader things he knew you would be more likely to come to an agreement on. He knew how picky you were. One thing he knew you for sure wanted was a fall wedding.
Eventually it was nearing the time for the new episode to air, and he was anxious.
You haven't messaged except to tell him how the meetings had gone. Some had actually not taken as long as you thought. So everything was looking like you’d be home with time to spare.
Then you called.
Jake picked up immediately, “Hey, everything okay?” “Yeah, I’m on my way home. But the traffic is really bad right now. I’m looking at like another hour, maybe two.” Jake checked the time, it was 5 o’clock, the show aired at 7.
“That’s okay, it starts at 7. If it starts before you get home I’ll just pause it.” You sighed, with a little pained grunt at the end. You were definitely in need of a massage. “I’ll call you when I get close to the house.” “Alright, drive safe. I love you.” “I love you too, Jakey. See you when I get home.”
Two hours later, Jake had the TV paused as he waited for you in the kitchen.
He quickly called you, just to check on you.
“Jake, I’m sorry, I meant to call you.” “It’s okay, Sweetheart. I wanted to make sure everything was okay.” “Yeah, everything’s good. I actually put in an order for pizza. I’m going to pick it up right now, shouldn’t take me too long. If you want to go ahead and start it, you can just tell me what happens when I get home.”
Jake bit his lip, “Are you sure?” “Yes, Darlin’, I’m sure.” He smiled at the small twang in your voice that you picked up from being around him for so long. “Okay, see you in a little bit.” “See you in a minute, I love you.” “I love you too.”
Jake went to the living room, beer in hand and phone opening Pinterest. You made him download it after you found hundreds of screenshots of random projects in his gallery.
Anyway, he sat down on the couch and unpaused the TV, watching the opening scene. It was generally the same formula: random citizen finds the dead body of a naval officer or a marine, or something along those lines. Then the opening credits.
This time, it was a naval aviator: Lieutenant Theodore Ackley; call sign “Teddy”. Hangman chuckled as he sipped his beer, “And I made fun of Bob…”
He scrolled through his phone, not bothering to watch the opening credits; they were the same every time.
Jake reclined as commercials followed right after, planning to pause it once the show came back on. He also kept an ear out for the sound of you pulling in, that way he could meet you at the door.
He glanced up from his scrolling when he heard the distinct sound of the show returning. He reached for the remote to pause it, but he stopped when the screen filled with the tell-tale signs of a cinematic flashback.
It was of pilots in a dogfight.
Hangman knew he should have paused it, but something drew his attention in. He wanted to listen to make sure they got details right, made sure it was as accurate as a show could make it.
“Teddy! Teddy! I need some assistance over here!” Jake’s ear perked up, that voice was so familiar but it was somewhat muffled by the mask. 
“Athena! Athena! He’s on our tail!” The distinct down of a missile lock rang out. “Shit! They’ve got a lock! Hawk-” “Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!” “Deploy flares!”
Jake needed to pause it, he really did. Not just for you, but for him, this was getting a little much. A little too accurate. But it was like a car wreck, he just couldn’t look away.
Flares got deployed. But he was firing guns quickly. “We took a hit!” “Shit!”
The planes dipped and dodge, breaking left and right. “We can’t shake this guy! Teddy, where are you!?” “I’m coming, Athena!” Hawk’s voice came over. “He got a lock again!” “Smoke Athena!” Hawk called out and hit the flares.
Nothing. They were out of flares, they had been out of missiles for a bit having shot down two others already. Athena turned to her backseater, “Hawk?” “We’re out of flares, A!” “‘thena, evade!” She tried her best, but as she did, her engine went out. They were hit.
And that’s when the nightmare stopped, a figure shooting up in their bed - well, off the floor.
That’s when Jake paused it. Mainly because the character on the screen; hair disheveled, chest heaving, wide, tear-lined eyes, and dog tags hanging from her neck, was you.
He was completely surprised. You hadn’t said a word to him about being in this episode, or about being on the show period. But he was proud of you.
He was so enveloped in the screen that he hadn’t heard you pull in or come inside.
“Jake? Baby?” You kick off your heels, making a mental note to pick them up later. “Jake?” You have an arm full of pizza and your purse is slipping from your shoulder.
You glanced to the couch seeing him leaned forward, looking at the screen. “Jacob, I could really use some assistance.” He didn’t respond. You took a glance at the TV and saw your face. You sighed and chuckled as you made your way to the island and sat your purse down along with the pizza boxes.
You padded over and sat down, making Jake look at you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I wanted to surprise you.” He laughed, hugging you tightly, “Consider me surprised, Honey. I’m so proud of you.” You smiled, kissing his neck before resting your chin on his shoulder. “Thank you, Jake.” He pulled back and kissed your nose.
Gently, he pulled you up and shoved you to the bedroom as he moved to the kitchen. “Go get comfy and I’ll fix our plates.”
“No, no, no, what are you doing?!” Jake bolted to sit up on the couch.
Currently, your character was holstering her weapon and stepping to the suspect. “Rosemary, if you want justice for your brother… You need to kill me.” The girl on screen shook her head pointing the gun at the pilot in her grasp that was in Athena’s previous squad.
“No, she doesn’t need to do that.” You chuckled and sipped your soda. “Jake, just watch the show.” He looked at you, “I can’t ‘just watch the show’. I will be so upset if you die.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed your slice of pizza.
“No, ‘thena… I could never kill you. You were Charlie’s best friend.” “I was also his pilot. I was supposed to keep him safe and bring him back to you. It was my responsibility.” “You weren’t even supposed to be on that mission, Athena,” the hostage choked out. “If I hadn’t buzzed the tower, I would have been in the sky, not you and Hawk.”
Athena gave him a pointed look, and he shut up.
“Rose-” “No! Harper, I can’t kill you, I don’t blame you. Charlie wouldn’t want me to do that…” “But he would want you to kill and blame others?”
Rose bit her lip, “Lieutenant Ackley should have been there… Lieutenant Cole should have been there!” Your character nodded, “I know, but I don’t blame them. They couldn’t have done anything. I should have been better, the one time I got in my own head, it got your brother killed. I’m so sorry, Rose.”
Rose turned the gun on your character and let Cole go.
Jake grabbed your hand, “I swear, Y/N-” “Just watch, Jake.”
Harper pressed her head into the barrel, “Do it. Get justice for Charlie.” The camera focused on Rose moving her finger to the trigger, making Jake hold his breath.
“I can’t…” She dropped the gun and then fell to her knees. Jake placed a hand over his heart and let out the breath. “You’re so dramatic.”
Your character kicked the gun away and embraced the girl, comforting her before ultimately arresting her.
After some closing scenes and a heartfelt moment between Harper and the team, the credits rolled.
“Don’t do that to me,” Jake said, serious in his expression but playful in his tone. “But seriously, that was so awesome. I’m so damn proud of you.” He hugged you and laid you back on the cushions of the couch. He rested his head on your stomach.
You ran your fingers through his hair, “Thank you, Honey. I’m glad you think so. I worked really hard to try and play this character as accurately as possible. I hope I did it justice.” 
He nodded against your belly, “I think you did more than that. You work so hard for every role you play, and this one was no different. I can’t wait to see what you do with her in future episodes.” 
You rose a brow and stopped moving your hand, “What makes you think she’s in more episodes?”
Jake pushed himself up, “Because she’s a badass and a character with depth, she actually reminds me of Maverick, which I feel was intentional, not the point. And- And! She is going to be loved by the fans.” “Well I’m glad you feel that way. My biggest fan right here.” He smirked and kissed you, rumbling out a “Don’t you forget it” when he pulled away.
As he laid himself back on your stomach, his phone rang with a face time from his mom. “Who is it?” “Your mom.” 
You answered it, smiling at your mother-in-law, “Hi, Bonnie!” “Oh, Y/N, Darlin’ hi!” “Thanks Ma, I’m here too.” “Oh Jacob hush,” she said, a teasing smirk on her face.
“I just wanted to call and talk about the latest episode. We just finished it, and might I say it was great!” Jake smiled, “You’re tellin’ me. I loved it.” “Oh, and Y/N, sweetie, you did so good! You’re so talented!” “Thank you, Bonnie.”
She sighed, “I let it slide earlier, but Sweetheart you have been in our family for seven years now and will be in it for more to come, you can call me ‘Ma’.” Jake watched the heat tint your cheeks pink as you corrected yourself, “Thank you, Ma.” “That’s better.”
Bonnie continued to talk about the episode with you, even getting into how it was to work with your co-stars. Jake just watched, content with seeing you so happy.
“Well, John and I are so proud of you Y/N. We’ve got to be up for work tomorrow, so I better head to bed, John’s already asleep.” “I thought I could hear him snoring in the background,” Jake spoke up after being quiet for a few minutes. “Oh, Jake, I thought you fell asleep too,” Bonnie laughed on the other end. “No ma’am, just listening to my girl being passionate about her job.” She smiled at her son. “Well, I better head to bed. Goodnight sweethearts, love you!” “Love you too Ma,” you both said, biding her a goodnight and hanging up.
Jake nuzzled himself into your shoulder this time, but pulled back when he heard you sniffle.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” He brought his hand up to hold your face.
You chuckled, smiling as you shook your head. “Nothing, it’s just,” you laughed again. “I have so much support and it means so much to me. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you. You have stood by me through every audition, good or bad. Through every hate comment and sexist interviewer. You, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, have been by my side throughout all of it.”
He smiled and brought your left hand to his lips, kissing your engagement ring, “And I plan to keep it that way.” You smiled, using your combined hands to tilt his face to kiss him, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed!
thank you to those that voted for this story and i will be posting the others in the days to come
if you want more polls for the ‘x reader’s that are just chilling in my docs let me know or if you have any requests for more fics please do so!!
love you guys <33
top gun tags <3: @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @sebsxphia​
thank you guys for being here! i love you *mwah*
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