#moriarty the patriot manga spoilers
memento-yuumori · 1 year
So Liam, who woke up from a coma like 3 days ago, sees Sherlock off and Sherlock tells him “don’t go thinking about forcing yourself to go out alone”
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He then proceeds to go out alone (we don’t see anything indicating he took a carriage at any point) and he winds up at Bethesda fountain…
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…which is FIVE MILES away from the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge!!! That’s almost a two hour walk!! And we don’t know where in Brooklyn their apartment is, (we know they walked from there to the Brooklyn bridge so it can’t be too far away but still), but we have to take that distance into account as well so that’s REALLY FAR HELLO???
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And then like a day or two later he rides to his husband’s rescue and beats up a bunch of guys and he only has one eye for the first time in his life which I don’t imagine is easy to get used to and he was IN A MONTHS-LONG COMA!
Liam you’re such a badass but PLEASE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Okay, I just watched Moriarty the Patriot recently and been obsessed with them(as I’m sure you can tell considering I liked every fic you had of them😜) Anyway! I was thinking of the reunion. We know William survive, but he lives in Switzerland and we know Sherlock moves out there with him as well. So, the Moriarty brothers, James Bonde(Irene Adler), Fred, Moran, and Jack goes to Switzerland and they see William and Sherlock and after the tears and words that haven’t been said that are finally spoken they have a they have a tickle fight.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
JEJRJERJEKJRJKE YESH! I love this so much alrkaejrajkej This kinda turned into "Let's wreck William- the dabble" but like- the tickle fight elements are in there! I hope you like it friend :3
William hadn’t realized how hollow he felt until he was in the arms of his brothers once more.
Louis’ wet voice saying his name, Albert’s arms strong and steady- the dull ache in his chest was finally starting to ease as he breathed them in, barely fighting off his own tears as he squeezed them close. “I’ve missed you…I’ve missed you all so much. Welcome home.”
Around him, he heard movement- Moran barely hiding a sniffle while Bonde bumped him gently, Fred offering his assistance to Sherlock as they carried in bags. Soon though, it was just them once more; three brothers no longer separated.
“Come now- let’s go in before we catch our deaths out here.” Albert was the first to pull away, shivering as the cold air cut through his jacket.
“Have you been well? You’re thinner than last time I’ve seen you.” Louis noted, hand already out and squeezing William’s side. “You’ve been eating, yes?”
“Ah-Yes, yes I ha-have! Louis!” William caught the investigative hand, pulling it away gently from his waist. “Please!”
“Forgive me brother- just worried.” Despite the apology, Louis was smiling, sharing a look with Albert across his shoulder. Oh dear- this wasn’t going to end well.
Sometimes, William hated how right he was.
“L-Louis, really! I’m fine, I promise!” He scooted back further in his seat against the couch, hands held up as his brother approached. “There’s no need to interrogate me further!”
“Who said anything about interrogating? I just haven’t heard you laugh in such a long time. Neither of us had, right Albert?” Louis turned to their eldest brother, nodding once.
“But of course, Louis. I for one missed our dear brother smiling and laughing. The last time we’ve all seen one another- well, you were quite the character.” The brunette moved quickly, snatching up William’s wrists with ease, pulling them up and out of the way. “I don’t fault you for it- but I would prefer my next big memory of you in mirthful tears, not pained ones. Ready?”
“Oh no- don’t you da-ahahhhahahahre!” William all but broke when Louis grabbed his sides, tapping against them with rapid speed. He’d gotten better at tickling in their time apart. “Lohohohoohuis, pleahhahahhahahse!”
“There it is! That’s the look we’ve been longing to see.” Louis giggled softly, easily switching from tapping to pinching and further sending William into giggly hysterics. “It’s so refreshing to hear it, don’t you agree?”
Albert was quiet, watching William laugh with the fondest of expressions. When his voice wouldn’t work, he simply smiled, alternating his grip so he could hold William’s wrists with one hand and tickle him with the other.
“Ah! Nohohohohot youhuohohohu twohohohooho! Alhahhahahahhalbehehehehhert!” William could barely speak, flustered and breathless. He was happy though- it was clear as day on his face as his brothers drew out every once of laughter he buried away for so long.
“What a sight to see, wouldn’t you agree?” Hidden just out of view by  the doorway, Moran grinned at Bonde, arms folded across his chest. “Hadn’t seen that sight in awhile.”
“Yes. It’s lovely.” They nodded, equally moved by the nostalgic sight. For a moment, they stood there taking it all in. Then…
“Shall we go get Fred? Give him a similar treatment?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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miyamiwu · 9 months
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I thought the fandom was just fangirling, but damn, they really are married. I'm never doubting the fandom girlies again
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sickficideas · 5 months
NYC sherliam recovery headcanons :) manga spoilers below!
- poor William is sick all the time. his body has gotten so much weaker after the coma that he can't fight off much of anything and Sherlock extra careful to not bring anything home to him
- quiet "i don't feel well, sherly" with red cheeks and glassy eyes when he's really struggling and feeling awful and weak and wants someone to help him 💔 it breaks Sherlock's heart
- Sherlock has to keep windows open when he cooks because William gets very easily nauseous with smells that he's no longer used to. the smell of meat cooking makes him feel miserable
- in general his stomach is super sensitive now and he can't handle too much food...in the beginning Sherlock insisted he try to eat more to gain some weight back, and William didn't want to tell him he couldn't eat too much it because he didn't want Sherlock to worry...cue a few sporadic nights of Sherlock waking up to hearing William throwing up in the bathroom because his stomach couldn't handle dinner, Sherlock realizing the pattern after a few times of it happening 💔
- Sherlock staying with him in the bathroom and rubbing his back and trying to convince him to go back to bed so he can be more comfortable 💔
- Sherlock learning how to make tea for him too, ginger tea when his stomach is bothering him...William crying the first time he does it, Sherlock thinking it's because he's horrible at it, but it's because it reminds him of Louis and he misses his brothers💔💔
- the fainting spells have gotten worse and Sherlock is always secretly terrified that he's slipped back into a coma, especially after witnessing the first time it happened 💔 he definitely cried when William finally woke up and William was like ????
- Losing vision in one eye has destroyed his depth perception and he struggles getting used to it. Stairs take him quite a long time to figure out but he's embarassed by it and doesn't let Sherlock help him. He gets bad headaches when he focuses too long or pushes through it 💔
- William is dizzy all the time and clings to Sherlock's arm to steady himself most of the time
- Sherlock dealing with chronic pain from the arm/shoulder he injured and not having the heart to tell William it hurts when he holds on too long 💔 one day when they're laying together and William is laying over his arm and a shift makes Sherlock wince...William suddenly "did I hurt you? what's wrong?", Sherlock insisting it's nothing but William quickly figures it out. "you're still in pain there, aren't you?"
- William playing with Sherlock's hair while he's sleeping 😭😭😭
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lumienn · 5 months
Things about the Class 221-B bonus AU that just make sense create chaos:
The school is in London but everyone is wearing Japanese uniforms (specifically Japanese middle-school uniforms)
Professor William is anti-smoking but pro-alcohol apparently, which leads to
Albert, an entire middle school student, drinking wine in math class and getting away with it
John being the only person in their class who attended PE apparently
Louis needing a violin and chemistry experiments in math class + tattling on Sherlock
Sherlock lying down on a (suspiciously Japanese-looking) school terrace and smoking (please don't do what he's doing, folks)
Whatever the fuck is going on in this panel (I'm already struggling not to ship them in the manga and THIS ISN'T HELPING)
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8. IRENE?!!
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ray4nibal · 1 year
Liam and Sherly | Moriarty the Patriot
Manga coloring by me
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neontokyoo · 1 year
Fanfiction Recs
Just thought I'd post this because I can't ever keep track of all of my really good stories that I'd like to reread, and people have been asking for some recs anyways (even though I'm disgusting and it's 95% smut) (y'all should be so proud of me for blasting music to not have to deal with my siblings screaming bloody murder downstairs for 15 minutes just so that I could make this for y'all). Feel free to send me any fanfiction recs though, because I'm desperate to find more to add on here. <3
MTP: Rough play - Louis James Moriarty, NSFW Red- William James Moriarty Partners in Crime - William James Moriarty, NSFW New Beginnings - Sebastian Moran, NSFW The Case of the Troublesome Roommate - Sherlock Holmes, NSFW For You, He Will - William James Moriarty The Allure of a Well-Written Politcal Critique - Albert James Moriarty, NSFW The Price of Information - Sebastian Moran, NSFW Wants & Needs - Mycroft Holmes, NSFW Some like it sweet - Louis James Moriarty And then these, of course:
BSD: These are mostly 18+, I believe, but the smut doesn't come for quite a while. . .
Haikyuu: Still mostly 18+, but whatever
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k3woru · 10 months
BSD 109 spoilers!
This detail of the scale in the new BSD official art with Dazai and Fyodor is more than life and death on a scale and let me explain why
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I was inspired to make this even though i don’t use tumblr much (i want to now after twitter died) after reading @soupthatistohot ‘s post on BSD as an absurdist text - I found it rly interesting!!
To summarise it for context, “Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless … All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai.”
We can think of the scale as an allusion to Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, where the scale has been famously used to represent the 1 pound of flesh with no extracted blood- essentially no violence or death- that is to be given in exchange for being unable to repay a loan - ultimately, an exact pound of your flesh being extracted would result in death. The scale in the official art depicts that ‘flesh’ in the form of a heart (a vital organ) is of equal weight to an angel wing. Presenting the angel wing which cannot exist in the real world, Asagiri utilises the fantasy elements of BSD to fully drive the possibility for the ability users to thrive within the non-ability world, ‘discovering their meaning … and their place in the world’. This is important because earlier as stated, BSD rebels against absurdity. Dazai’s side with the angel wing suggests his nature to rebel from the original narratives - to subvert our expectations and come out of this through his own means, using his ability for good. To be on the side that saves people.
The sheer fact something like an angel wing-a miracle, basically, from Dazai’s side is possible to resolve conflict and be of equal standing to the pound of flesh that was demanded to repay the loan is crazy. The pound of flesh/flesh on a scale representation has been seen in multiple pieces of media- within animanga, It’s seen in Moriarty the Patriot as a direct reference in one scene too!
Bringing this back to the scale itself, the skull represents mortality - important because multiple character’s mortality are at stake as a result of the present saga’s conflict. Skulls can also represent the opposite however, protection, power, and a gratitude towards life. Further if you wanted to draw upon the ideals of Memento Mori it’s just an overarching symbol that lies perched at the very top of the official art that reminds us that despite these character’s absurdist rebellions, nobody can escape death overall … well, maybe Dazai can here 🤷‍♀️
There’s a lot more I want to say about the official art’s intertextual symbolism… I love how BSD official artworks always have some dichotomy between the setting and the characters that prove something or else.
Let’s hope for a happy ending!!
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memento-yuumori · 10 months
I went into a new bookstore that had opened to see if they had Moriarty the Patriot but I didn’t realize volume 12 was out! Now I own Ruskin peeing on the violin wooooo!!
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Oh also
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boringoxymoron · 11 months
People said they're just friends pt 2.
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another-ruuka · 1 year
Another YnM manga panels that live in my head rent free:
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Billy The Kid is me— (and the fandom)
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They're married, Your Highness.
Yuukoku no Moriarty manga chapter 75
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murasaki-cha · 11 months
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...... I'm not crying it's just tears in my eyes making my eyes teary
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fiyaakiko · 1 year
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obsession with him!😭
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OMFG ????????!!! 😱😱😱😱😍😍😍😍
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wordsifelt · 2 years
It's always i love you never-
"I want you to keep the fire in my heart ablaze. And I want us to live together, share our worries together."
"I want you to live with me, too"
"Mhm, If you'll have me."
They are so gay.
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liamsyux · 8 months
im insane and william is the loml so this an analysis + his relationship with sherlock
a kinda long rant with my opinions on his character and some facts i think that could be true (hc) and some canon facts.
i tried to analyze him because he’s literally the love of my life and mtp is my all ass personality.
william is very smart. and that’s the pure truth. the fact that since he was a kid he was aware of his potential and used it for helping others means how charismatic he is. people tend do say it’s a bad copying mechanism using your own body in order to get things you want, and i don’t think that is totally different when you talk about how william used his intelligence (and not only that) for getting food and a home.
i think that could also count as a toxic way for getting things.
he always prioritized his brother and people before him and that shows how little he considers himself. when he was a kid he saw the world he lived in, he saw the horrible london he was forced to survive in, and decided to make it a better place. not because he wanted to live in a better place but because he wanted people to live in a better place.
he never had a high consideration of himself and never actually cared about himself and i think the only person who helped him live in a ‘normal’ way was his brother louis. but that counts for when they were kids. i think that when he grow older and actually had in mind the ‘perfect plan’ he tried on purpose to stop louis from helping him live an actual good life. all he could think was his plan, because if he did not, then all the qualities he had were wasted.
he was sure he didn’t deserve a free life because since he decided that the only way to change london was using criminality he started to hate himself. he couldn’t stand the thought of a person so awful, such as himself, who killed other people, could actually have a good life.
so, you may think, why did he do that? why did he have to ‘kill’ the people and define his own destiny?
well he did it because he knew that was the only way for a change and that nobody could ever do it.
so it had to be him.
and since his plan was to kill every vile and awful demon that lived in london he also had to kill himself, that because he considered himself the worst demon between all them, the demon who ‘killed them all’.
as i was saying, when william got older he got slowly more detached to his brother and started day after day to live in a world became at this point all dark. and it didn’t matter how the people around him were close to him or were trying to help him. he thought he deserved this and that also because all the people he had around couldn’t understand him.
and that is how sherlock comes around. a man full of mistery himself, a brilliant detective, someone who suddenly caught william attention because william himself noticed that this ‘sherlock’ was different from others. it was like he was similar to him. he canonically says that when he met sherlock for the first time he ‘forgot about his plan’. and that is, for sure, something really important.
him, william james moriarty, who lived in the dark, surrounded with nothing but his criminal mastermind plan, suddenly felt lighter, suddenly forgot about all the pression he had, just because he met him, sherlock holmes; the man who he felt a connection with, that knew was reciprocated.
when they separated he was still kinda upset but cleared his mind and decided to put sherlock as a part of his plan.
little did he know, sherlock was not destined to just be a pawn.
sherlock ended up being literally the person that saved him from the plan he himself created.
william was drowning in the darkness of his plan, he gave up on everything, even his own life, that he thought was ‘not worthy to be lived’. but sherlock didn’t agree. well actually both of his brother did not agree too but sherlock was the only one who ended up actually saving him.
sherlock became the ‘light’ in william’s life and that’s why every distraction from his plan he had was suddenly nullified unless it was sherlock. he was happy sherlock distracted him because he couldn’t stand the weight of carrying everything alone anymore.
i guess he kinda always knew about his really feelings for sherlock, but never accepted them, on the contrary he hated himself even more because he thought that a despicable human being like him should’t be allowed to feel such beautiful things.
but when he wrote the letter to sherlock he let it go. he decided it didn’t matter anymore and since he was destined to die he wanted to let the detective know everything. that because he already give up.
and sherlock, of course, didn’t agree with that.
when sherlock jumped with him, william couldn’t believe it. sherlock was actually falling with him. sherlock embraced death with william. but why? sherlock did not deserve to die, not him.
but maybe wasn’t death what sherlock was embracing with liam. it was a new life. a new life that liam thought that didn’t deserved, but when sherlock hugged him he suddenly watched the world starting to be filled with colors. (he canonically says it).
he was literally light up by a new light, that was sherlock himself. he didn’t think he deserved a new possibility, but if sherlock did, then he wouldn’t waste the choice the detective created for him.
after the final problem it can be said that william started to live again, or, maybe, learned to do it for the first time.
and that, people, all thanks to sherlock.
(sherliam canon)
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