#morley-gang asks
sleepless-crows · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Right back at you!!
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rootedincuteness · 2 years
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---{ Ask The Roots & ‘Shrooms Gang! || Accepting }--- | @knitwittykninja​
Halfred: “We actually have a son! His name is Tilipp!”
Morley: “Yep! He’s our pride and joy!”
Halfred: “I’m not sure about ‘shroomfolk, but mandrake roots have babies just like anyone else. We’re part plant, but we’re also magical creatures, so that’s the difference. Our babies are called ‘wee ones’ or ‘sprouts’ most often.”
Morley: “But we recognize mundane trees as our ancestors or ‘parents,’ so that’s probably what Pillomin meant.”
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Halfred: “Tilipp is all grown up now. He’s studying abroad in Europe.”
Morley: “Uh-huh! We miss him, but we’re also so very proud.”
Halfred: “We had a birth announcement right here on this blog when he was born. Remember that?”
Morley: “I do! And then there was the time our friend Speck visited from Washington state and she met little Tilipp.”
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Morley: “Like we said, we’re proud parents.”
Halfred: “Even if he doesn’t call as often as we’d like. But whose kid studying abroad ever does, am I right?”
Morley: *giggles*
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morley-gang · 2 years
What do you think lesbians are attracted to in women that we can’t be attracted to in men?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives woman-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait women have that men can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
I’m genuinely confused as I’ve never had an ask so I’m not sure why this is directed at me but I’m going to take it seriously anyway!
First, I’m not a lesbian so I can’t speak on exclusive wlw attraction or what drives or defines it.
I’m queer, I feel generally adjacent to bi or pan, but not exactly those so I opt for a more general label. From my own experience with my own sexuality, the attraction I feel is informed by different things I like about masculinity and femininity, what I want in a partner, what I imagine my ideal romantic and sexual relationship to be l, what makes me feel good etc. These are likely informed by a blend of my personal experiences, the culture I exist in, and my own biology. I don’t think just because masculinity and femininity are subjective and culturally informed they should be dismissed as something that can’t inform or influence attraction. (I also don’t think sexual identity or preference should be criticized just because they are in some part influenced by culture/society!)
Ultimately I’m wondering what comes of this line of thinking. I’m not sure its illegitimate to say that people simply feel the attraction they feel, and it’s not something they choose or even have intentional evidence to back up. I don’t believe I could begin to unpack all the things - cultural, social, experiential, internal, biological, etc - which are involved with my sexuality, much less try to make a specific list of qualities, traits, appearances, or anything else all queer people find attractive about a certain group of people.
The truth seems to me to be that attraction varies as much as people do, which makes an intuitive sort of sense. I’m not sure we should bother trying to delineate what it exactly is that drives all wlw attraction, and certain we shouldn’t be trying to dismiss other sexualities/attraction- perhaps instead we should be individually examining our own personal feelings and attraction and how they are founded, in order to pursue what we want and feel comfortable and secure in our identities.
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silurisanguine · 2 months
For the Get To Know The OC ask: 8. What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
20. Has your OC ever done something terrible and lied about it? Did they run away or blame someone else for it? How long did they maintain the lie and did the truth ever come out?
Thankyou for these asks!!!! As always ill answer for all 4 - Zofie, Kiara, Seren and Aeryn
8 Zofie: Most embarrassing moment? if she told you that, she'd have to kill you. But it might have something to do with her first leap of faith attempt..... Kiara: Grabbing Garrett's arm when she was woken by him, after she'd passed out outside the Burrick the first night she'd reached the Eternal City. She knew he didn't like to be touched from everything she'd heard and was mortified that that was her first interaction with him. He didn't seem to mind, so since he's let it go, so has she. Seren: The first time she admitted she liked Sam...like really liked him. The words tumbled out of her mouth and she wanted the Blackest Sea to just engulf her. But she shouldn't have been worried as Sam had felt exactly the same. Aeryn: Lots of little hiding her lack of training at being a Pathfinder behind cocky words and praying it pays off. She hides her embarrassment well...least she thinks so. 15 Zofie: The Coterie headquarters was her home and school and training place since she was 10. It wasn't just home it was...home. Its smells, light and ambience were like a warm embrace. There is also a stretch of the M25 which she hates passing as that was where the attack happened that changed so much for her. Kiara: The shrine she found was she was 10 in Caulkenny, Morley holds such wonderful memories for her. She loved sitting by it and reading books, decorating it with pretty shells or shiny things she'd 'acquired' from the rich ladies in the town. She's found many shrines since then, but that one held a special place to her. Seren: Ternion3. There was a place she found that she wanted to build a home. It was near the coast, with a little stream and the most stunning view. A place where Sam, Cora and her could be a family. She wonders if some universe, some day, she'll finally be able to build it. Aeryn: The Citadel holds both good and bad memories. The good being those she had as a kid, playing with the other kids in the pools and being chased off by the groundkeepers. The bad being the day her family were forced to leave her home thanks to her father's blacklisting. 20 Zofie: Terrible things? Technically they are her job. She's an Assassin. She does terrible things for good reasons and she lies about it all the time to most people to...keep them and her organisation safe. She keeps her role and much of what she's done secret from most because that is the creed she took an oath to follow, though it has adapted to modern times and she has told a little of what she does to Adam to gain his trust. Kiara: She kept secret she'd killed an Overseer who'd tried to take her, when the secret of her shrine got out, the only person knowing being her father who helped treat the wound on her face caused by the Overseer. After that, she lied about the scar on her face saying some low life gang member had tried to attack her. Being Dunwall, people accepted it. Since then she kept the truth secret until Garrett asked her about it. She told him to gain his trust. Seren: She might have said once that not saving Sam in time was the terrible action. She blamed herself for it and fled that universe because she felt she'd lost everything that meant everything, though she never lied to others, just to herself. Since then she'd realised it wasn't her fault. Aeryn: She willingly let a Roekaar kill an innocent woman, so she could prevent the Roekaar escaping. That woman was carrying a deadly (no cure) illness that she could have spread to the entire Heleus cluster and she wasn't going to let the Roekaar turn it into a weapon. She didn't lie about what she'd done and everyone who read her report understood it was a terrible situation to be in.
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overseermartin · 3 years
★ - ☆ -☠
Danke lysidas! You didn’t leave a character but I know you want Martin thoughts :) 
★ Happy – Martin was mostly illiterate when he joined the army, at the tender age of 15. Being from a poor family on the fringes of society, there had been little in the way of education, though his sister Aoife taught him the little she knew when there was time to spare. As a recruit in the army, being literate was rare, as most of them were boys like him, starving kids taken off the streets with promises of a better life in exchange for serving the Empire. Betraying their countrymen, essentially. Martin took this opportunity with hunger, literal and figurative, and was lucky enough to be bunked alongside a boy who could read and write. His name was Conor and he tutored Martin at night when their commander was asleep. Some of Martin’s favourite memories are those nights spent huddled under their bunks, hushed lessons in the near-dark, two boys squinting down at the smudged pages of a tattered book Conor had smuggled in. Conor was his closest friend in the barracks, and later in life he develops a habit of lighting a candle in his memory when the night draws in and he craves the company of a good book.
☆ Sad - I love the idea that the Void is ever-approaching and inevitable, slowly devouring the world piece by piece, enrapturing and poisoning the souls within it’s reach. I like to think that some may be more vulnerable to its call than others, and maybe Martin is one such person. It’s an old superstition, deeply routed in their culture, from a time before the Abbey. 
His parents were very superstitious people. When he was born, it was a difficult birth that left him mother very weak and eventually dies when he’s very young. His father takes this, and a few other omen-like things about the day of his birth, and decides Martin is a curse to the family. Martin is blamed for a lot of their misfortune.He grows up hating black magic because of his upbringing and believing that he’s cursed. It’s eventually what drives him to adopting the mask of the Overseers (among other, life threatening things for a future headcanon). He thinks if he devotes his life to the Abbey it will cleanse his soul and save him from the Void.
This belief, that he is poisonous and corrupting, is so deeply routed into him that he naturally holds people at arms-length, afraid to ever let anyone get too close, because he knows he’ll only ruin them, too. He’s lost so many people in his life, everyone he has ever cared about, he can’t take much more. 
☠ Angry/Violent -  Martin’s first kill was when he was 13 and living alone on the streets of Alba. Far away from home, and believing his family have been slaughtered, he struggles to survive by thieving and pickpocketing. He’s small for his age, and fast, and quickly realises these things combined make him quite good at stealing. Good enough to survive his first winter on the streets, which is an achievement in itself as Morley winters are brutal. Unfortunately, the streets are divided into gang territories, and Martin finds himself amidst a war. The corner that he had taken refuge in sits in one of these territories, and the gang have noticed his presence, noticed his skill and figured they wanted what little he had. It was an older boy who came to collect. It wasn’t Martin’s first fight, he’d quickly learned how to defend himself, as being so small made him an easy target. But he was fast and knew how to use his opponents size and strength against them. And this time, he had a weapon to hand. A twisted shard of metal, probably fallen from a wagon or something, which he shoves into the boy’s eye. He knew it was either him or the boy, but that first kill cuts him deeply. He can’t forgive himself to it. 
Put a symbol and a character in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon
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gdsplay · 3 years
Hey there! Love that you're being vocal and defending ot4s so well here, I just wanted to add something to that ask wondering whether the other members knew stuff etc: I don't think anon meant this as an attack and even if they did, there is some truth and good advice in them saying "we don't know" because at the end of the day we truly don't. We don't know these men. Of course it makes more sense to give the four the benefit of the doubt that they would not be okay with something we find so horrible, but I think bs has made it hard for a lot of fans to give any idol that kind of trust ever again. I think that's valid. Your stance is as well, don't get me wrong. I just think it's important to remain at a healthy distance to our idols. So we won't end up like the ot5s if something were to happen or come out. How distant you choose to remain is subjective. If anon doesn't feel comfortable trusting the members anymore and that doesn't have to be a bad thing as long as they remain peaceful and kind about it. Hope you get where I'm coming from here 😅 Sending good vibes, there's been enough fighting! ✌️
I had the impression that the ask came off rude perhaps with the way they worded it. If that’s the case then my mistake in return. hard at times to determine the tone sometimes in these questions. We are pretty close to being aware no one else knowing just seungri and his gang with the involved non-idol businessmen. We can’t always focus on the ‘what ifs’ making us worried daily. If they happen to be then it will come out one day, just like if the other members from FT Island, CN Blue, Highlight, Hyoyeon herself, and even other idols who were friends with Seungri were invoked. The chance is pretty low if I’ll be honest.
You are right though we don’t personal know them and this is definitely a big eye opening now for the public.
I’m used of the same hate fueled, disrespectful and assumption making from other fandoms behind band. Filled with either false accusations and misunderstandings.
Anon can feel however they feel about any of the others, that’s their own choice! I just needed to debunk and explain some more. Morley, in case others would like to know or read about it. It could changes minds for the better, or maybe won’t. That’s up to the reader themselves.
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clustermuck · 4 years
okay, so I’ve seen from several sources now that says that Bob Morley himself asked for time off the show for personal reasons.
so while it’s disappointing we’ll be seeing less of Bob in our last season together, I respect the choice (Bob and Jason’s) to let Bob have time off.
also, it looks like they wrote Bob’s absence into the show in a way where a majority of the season is focused on Bellamy and the gang trying to find him...that’s kinda awesome (if it’s done well...side eye to JRoth).
So for Bellamy and the world of the show, I say 😞. For Bob, I say, “I’m glad you were able to take the time you needed...”
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
I too am on my period and feeling stressed and useless in bed ,,, comrades in arms
we're in this together, we can get through this bestie 🤝
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rootedincuteness · 4 years
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Sweet Miss Morley just loved the color of these purple clematis flowers, but... as a rootling, she is hmm... altitudinally challenged. So she asked her favorite (and only) human to help lift her up so she could see them better. There were so many more flowers this year than last, and this plant has been attracting the attention of all purple-loving roots and ‘shrooms in the Gang! =)
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spectralmuse · 6 years
Introduce yourself!
Name: ilie
Age: 20
Fun Fact: I recently handed in an assignment a whole day late, and lied to my professor’s face about having technical difficulties and forced myself to look so incredibly upset, that he had no choice but to accept my assignment :)) 
Favorite animated character(s): Zuko, Azula, Shego, Mulan, Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, Marceline from Adventure Time and pretty much the whole Teen Titans gang!
Favorite fc’s: Samuel Larsen, Bob Morley, Dev Patel, Avan Jogia; Medalion Rahimi, Crystal Reed, Tessa Thompson & Ana De Armas!! I’ll make myself stop there. 
This or that: Disney or Dreamworks? Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon? Princesses or Lady Villains? Suave princes or charming bad boys? Small Town Girls or City Boys?
A question you’d like to ask The Creator?: will you bring shrek to this world or nah? asking for a friend.
And finally, if you had to say you were most like any animated or Disney character, who would it be?: My quickest answer is squidward because I, too, am perpetually tired & waiting for my big break. 
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horsyunicorn · 6 years
@lucifurmacomb @wolvenartist @ominousdeer
Dishonored novel #2 summary. contains spoilers. This is for people who have already expressed to me their opinion of this book.
I’ll try and keep criticism out of this, this is supposed to be a facts-only summary. Nevertheless some personal bias may creep in. 
Don’t read this then complain to me about it. Don’t @ me, ask me stuff and we’ll discuss privately. 
Mostly in chronological order. 
After being instructed to leave Dunwall by Corvo, Daud travelled to: Caulkenny in southwestern Morley for a year; then to Tyvia, becoming a lumberjack and woodcarver for a while, growing his hair and beard long, carving wooden owls; and finally to Wei-Ghon. In Wei-Gohn he had some short-lived peace before he started having nightmares about the Outsider.
Daud is haunted by killing Jessamine, seeing the rat plague overcome Dunwall (in high chaos that never happens) with the Outsider present. He also dreams of the future events in DH2 when Karnaca might be overrun by bloodflies (again in high chaos that never happens). He believes the Outsider can directly intervene in the material world, that the Outsider enjoys guiding people, circumstances and history toward times of strife such as the Rat Plague, and that he is as guilty as those individuals he Marks (including himself) who use their powers for spreading death, misery, chaos etc. Therefore he travels to Serkonos and finally tracks down a rumour that there is a bronze twin-bladed knife that made the outsider, and so, may be able to unmake him.
He believes the Outsider is taunting him with the dreams plus spikes of pain from his Mark (there is no evidence that it is definitely the Outsider or just something that happens with a Marked hand). He has also developed a skeptical view of the Outsider, and refrains from using his powers as much as possible; however, he is still as strong, fast, and magically powerful as he was in 1837.
1841: Stilton hosts a lecture by Sokolov, attended by Jindosh, on crystals brought back from Pandyssia on the voyage mentioned many times in books in DH2. With the correct setup, an electrical charge enables communication by telepathy between two individuals. Excessive charge or prolonged use causes uncontrolled visions of the Void itself, shortly before death.
The Oracular Order is aware of the tampering to its prophetic abilities as early as 14th Day, Month of Songs, 1851. Prophecies are written by allowing the trained mind to wander between the material world and the Void. Further, spending a prolonged time in the prophetic state causes visions of the Void and it almost leads to the death of a Sister.
Daud travels around the Empire again after hearing of the destruction of the factory at Slaugterhouse Row. 1851: He investigates the ruins where Zhukov’s mirror was destroyed, but he is eight months late in tracking the Twin-Bladed Knife. He finds nothing, and interrogates an Overseer, on the same day the coup happens and Emily escapes Dunwall (18th day Month of Earth).
He witnesses Emily leaping across the rooftops and swimming to the Dreadful Wale. The news of the coup spreads and there are almost riots in the streets as the City Watch and Overseers attempt to maintain order, directed by large numbers of Duke Luca’s Grand Guard.
Daud travels to Wyrmwood Way and meets the Sixways Gang - the biggest gang in the smuggling business - led by Eat’em Up Jack, trying to track down the Knife. Wyrmwood Way has a black market, including heretical artifacts, and is patrolled by the Sixways Gang in sufficient strength so as to keep out the Watch and the Overseers.
“Eat-em Up Jack” is a title passed down from leader to leader.  The Sixways motto is “Better Off Dead!”
Daud requests information on the Knife which he thinks the Sixways helped to smuggle out of Gristol, offering payment in nearly pure platinum Overseer ingots. Jack denies his request: the Sixways offer (1) the black market and (2) smuggling anything out of Gristol, not information on previously moved items.
Daud fights the entire Sixways Gang. Then, he saves them from a one clockwork soldier, and escapes with Jack as two more clockworks and a squad of Grand Guard attack. Daud is followed by two aristocratic Morleyan mercenaries, Mr and Mrs Devlin, who are sufficiently proficient in their skills so as to predict his journey to Wyrmwood Way.
In a report, Corvo’s spies note that there is an organisation that has infiltrated all levels of society, that has a focus on the Imperial throne (the “League”).
Jack takes him southwest across country, following the path of the Knife, to the smuggling port Young Lucy’s Grave, and negotiates passage for him to Porterfell, also on the south coast of Gristol. Daud is followed by “the witch’s familiar,” Challis, who has been tracking him since Wei-Ghon. Challis reports back to a witch - based in Serkonos - using a one-way long distance version of Sokolov’s technology from the lecture.
The voyage to Porterfell takes six days.
Daud meets with an agent of Maxmillian Norcoss, an extremely wealthy collector who moved Morgengaard Castle from beyond Poolswick to nearer to Porterfell, rebuilding it into his own fortress and gallery for collection of civilian, military and arcane artifacts. 
Daud and the agent are attacked by three agents of the League of Protectors (a secret organisation headed by Wyman to protect the ruler of the Empire but not to serve them) but Daud and the agent, who is revealed to be Norcross himself, prevail, killing one agent, capturing another and wounding the third. They travel to Morgengaard Castle, three hours from Porterfell, via electric road coach (rugged versions of the large wheeled electric cars seen in DH1 with superior suspension).
The agents were armed by the local constabulary - the League is well-supported and funded; it uses Morley natives for its most important work. Wyman has been focusing on pursuing Daud, who is viewed as a threat to Emily, but the League failed to anticipate Delilah’s coup. Mr and Mrs Devlin drop by the remaining (wounded) agent and his boss in Porterfell and share intel; but they are not part of the League itself.
Norcross has the Twin-Bladed Knife in his collection, alongside a shard of Zhukov’s Mirror. He tortures one of the agents and she reveals Daud’s name, leading to Norcross deducing he can stop Daud with Overseer music. He lets Daud stealth his way to the arcane collection, to reveal that he is interested in the Knife, before stopping him in his tracks with an Overseer box.
Norcross has a monocle of the same pandyssian crystal Sokolov discovered. It allows him to perceive arcane properties of material items, allowing him to see Daud’s Mark through his glove. Norcross has copies of the wanted posters from DH1; however, he was confused by Daud’s beard and did not recognise him at first.
Norcross has the spiral staircase from Clockwork Mansion seen in the 2015 trailer for DH2.
He prepares to preserve Daud with embalming fluid, in order to add him to his private collection: waxworks and preserved corpses dressed and posed as if in real life. But the Eyeless attack, taking out the lights, deactivating the music box and ghosting the guards. Norcross retreats to his safe room and Daud escapes his bonds, but the Eyeless steal the Knife before he can get to it.
Daud overpowers an Eyeless member and learns that the Knife is to be sent to Karnaca and kept safe, but the Eyeless member is far more interested in the shard of the Mirror. Daud takes it with him.
Daud picks up a rune, but in his rage at losing the Knife, he causes it to explode and experiences a vision of a bright blue light - the same seen by the Oracular Sister earlier, and the volunteers at Sokolov’s lecture.
It is unclear how many Eyeless attacked, but it is at least three, because they stole Norcross’s two electric road coaches to prevent pursuit. The Eyeless kill every single member of Norcross’s retinue including his servants.
Daud takes the time to kill Norcross and leaves the castle in flames, taking about nine days to make the journey northwest to Potterstead on foot. He takes the whaling ship Bear of Tamarak from there, bribing the captain and the harbormaster to take him on as a nameless crew member.
On the way he finds an Outsider Shrine in an abadoned barn, which he can detect via his Mark despite it having no runes or bone charms. At first skeptical, Daud ends up calling to the Outsider through the night. He receives no response. He also looks into the shard of the Mirror, but sees nothing conclusive. He destroys the shrine.
Daud has caches of platinum hidden all over the Empire. 
To Karnaca it is a slow, eighteen-day journey during which Daud exercises and trains, and shaves his hair and beard to return to his physical appearance at the end of Brigmore Witches (with a bit of grey). He also discards his green hoodie for the leather jerkin and red coat he’s seen wearing in DOTO.
The Devlins take faster transport and arrive in Karnaca before him.
Daud’s return to Karnaca is marked by two witches of Breanna’s coven, Caitlin and Lucinda. Thanks to an experiment performed on Lucinda by Breanna, Lucinda retains some witch powers even though Emily has just depowered Breanna.
Breanna foresaw Daud’s return, and was planning to capture him and extract his power. Lucinda was acting with her knowledge.
The telepathy technology was further developed by Kirin Jindosh - who grinds the pandyssian crystals into lenses, allowing control to be exerted at a distance instead of just surveillance - and used by Breanna to influence the Oracular Order. Lucinda is Challis’s mistress and it is from Jindosh that the long-distance communicator originated.
Lucinda and five other witches plan to capture Daud and bring the coven back to power.
Daud retrieves his whaler sword from a hiding place in the cliff face of Shindaery Peak. (Apparently, it is made of Tyvian meteorite metal.)
In the newspaper and elsewhere he hears that the masked assailant, Emily, is actually killing Grand Guard on her missions, and he wonders if she’s been Marked by the Outsider.
After Emily depowers Breanna, and before the Oracular Order purge the Royal Conservatory, it is closed to the public by the Grand Guard.Daud meets with a former Whaler informant in the Grand Guard, Sierra Esquivel, in the closed-off Royal Conservatory, and learns about the Eyeless. They are not as numerous as the Howlers, and avoid confrontations with other gangs instead of getting into turf wars.
Daud stumbles upon three witches. They fight and come across Mr and Mrs Devlin. Daud aids the mercenary couple in defeating the witches, leaving his sword in a corpse, and they escape. However, Caitlin (the third witch) also escapes, with the refined Oraculum lenses from Breanna’s office.
The Devlins lure Daud into a trap in a League safehouse, setting twenty elite Morleyan soldiers on him. Having witnessed Daud’s powers firsthand, and having been paid half upfront, the couple abandon Wyman’s cause, leaving and escaping Karnaca alive.
Billie post-DOTO appears through a blue portal, and warns Daud, telling him not to interfere in the coming fight, which Billie has experienced countless times. Daud trusts Billie immediately. He agrees, but the soldiers overpower Billie, and Daud takes up the Knife and using it and Transversal, kills them all, becoming the Man wielding the Knife as seen by various aforementioned individuals earlier in the story.
The universe is at odds with Daud wielding the Knife, and it begins killing him slowly as soon as he touches it. This also dampens his ability to use the Mark to access his powers. This is the reason we see him powered, yet dying, in DOTO.
Billie aims to get Daud away from the Knife, and away from Karnaca, because him picking it up leads to the events of DOTO, and apparently, leads to the world being broken somehow after DOTO.
Billie has travelled back many, many times after the events of DOTO to the fight in the office, but is always unable to save Daud by herself. Instead, he always picks up the Knife and dooms himself. Billie reasons it may be the number of times that she’s travelled back that is damaging Time; or that history is somewhat resilient and is fighting back, and that it doesn’t want to allow Daud to continue his quest to kill the Outsider, because that would cause even greater mayhem.
When Billie travelled back to save Daud the first time, she became part of the events. In trying to save Daud, she has doomed him.
Because of DOTO and the events of this book, Billie and Daud are stuck in a time loop three years long, of which only Billie and the Outsider are fully aware. At this point in the loop after Daud has touched the Knife, he is also aware that he is doomed, and will soon seek out post-DH2 Billie to help him, since he can no longer take the fight to the Outsider himself. Post-DOTO Billie is as yet unable to change history to produce a favorable outcome. Billie leaves Daud in a supposedly-safe place, Jindosh’s abandoned Clockwork Mansion.
Daud is visited by the Outsider. It is suggested that the Outsider Marks individuals with the intent of finding the one who will wield the Knife together with sufficient powers to end his suffering.
The shard of the Mirror normally reflects an orange light suggestive of the Great Burning, like the Knife, but it is possible it allowed Daud to visit the Outsider in his dreams. It briefly shows the grey clouds of the Void being going blank.
Lucinda and Caitlin track Daud down and, using Challis as a mannequin and one of the refined oraculum lenses, trap Daud in a sleep-walking state (Mesmerize). They hand him over to the Eyeless, who move him to Albarca Baths, where he is used by the Eyeless to test their homemade bonecharms, and nick-named the Black Magic Brute.
Paolo rises to power in Karnaca, Delilah is eliminated non-lethally, Sokolov starts his journey north, Emily returns to a peaceful reign, and Billie sets out to reclaim her name and the events of DOTO begin.
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mournersrpg-blog · 6 years
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“It had something to do with death… It had something to do with love…” — Li Young Lee, This Room And Everything In It 
You were born a soldier, through and through, the kind of kid army generals might slap on the shoulder and chuckle at. You do as your told, whatever you’re told, whenever you’re told it, and you do it well. Whatever is asked of you, whatever morals qualms, whichever means possible. Some of the things you’ve done broil in your gut, leave you screaming into the night, creeping in with the dark. You are not a good person, but you are a loyal one, and that might be all you have.
You fell in with the Dregs after the last gang kicked you out for a mission gone wrong. (You’d called bomb, but all it had been was ghosts of your past and a trick of the light, and when the gang threatened you, you’d escaped by the skin of your teeth.) A soldier is no good when the fight has been drained out of them, and you lost that fire long ago. The cause flickered away in that wreckage years ago, and all that is left is your duty. The war never ends, the bullets never stop, and there is always an order to fulfill. You’re tired of burying your heart away—but you were born a soldier. You’ll die one too.
LEIRA TALLIS — Leira was supposed to be dead. You’d watched it happen; the bomb you should have seen coming, the haunting silence afterwards. A lifelong partner, taken just like everything else in your life, but now that hole has been filled and your heart still doesn’t feel right. Why hadn’t Leira tried to find you? How can you explain that it wasn’t your fault? (How can you convince yourself it wasn’t your fault?)
AZ MAREDIAN — You were born and bred a soldier, and dutiful soldiers look for leadership. You’ve found it in Az, although sometimes you cannot help but wonder whether being a loyal (dirty, dishonest, criminal) soldier is self-sought freedom or just self-made prison. You’ve had toxic problems with leaders in the past; you can’t help but do what you’re ordered to, and it hurts, every single time. You just can’t stop yourself from walking into the trap.
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“Here’s to alcohol, the rose-colored glasses of life.”  
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Mason Sanchez age: thirty-three occupation: Cop for NYPD gender: cis-male pronouns: he/him sexuality: utp
Mason hadn’t always wanted to be a police officer.  In fact, even as he became one, he didn’t truly want to be one. At first, he thought about joining the military to fight amongst soldiers that had pride in their country. He liked the idea of honor and dignity, though he didn’t truly possess either of those things. He tried to force the qualities onto himself; project the way he wanted to be but it didn’t quite work out the way he planned. Still, he pursued the possibility of a military position until he finally chickened out. He told his family that they hadn’t accepted him, that he hadn’t passed one of the tests. They painted him like a hero, someone that was brave and full of strength. He had to admit, he loved it. He loved that they thought highly of him but he still had to live with the person he couldn’t be. The person he had wanted to be. His parents constantly talked about him becoming an officer instead, so he decided that was the road for him.
There were no positions in his small town so instead, he had to travel outside of his home to New York, where there were more job opportunities for a police officer than he could understand. He had barely needed the rigorous training that he had gone through as he got both the interview and the job right away. Once he was given a partner, he found himself less than ready for the job. Leo was clearly interested in his job and took it seriously, while he was the exact opposite. While he peacefully interrogated the suspects, Mason had a knack for slamming their heads into things and using very harsh threats. Away from his household, he soon fell into a rather dark state of mind.  Instead of being the normal, average ‘hero’ that his parents knew him to be, he became the villain of the police department.  
Mason is a foul-mouthed police officer. He doesn’t always play by the rules, though he isn’t a dirty cop. He simply likes to get his work done in the fastest and most convenient way possible for him, especially if it means a little more excitement. Sometimes, that means bringing harm to the people he has to bring in. Still, he always does his job and he believes that he is one of the best in his department. At times, he can be very abrasive and it has even his boss a little afraid of him.  He doesn’t mind it since he likes being able to be himself at his place of employment.  With a sharp tongue and dark sarcasm, he always has something to say about everything. He spends most of his nights that he’s off work at clubs and bars, drinking the better half of his life away. Although not well-liked, he does have a sense of confidence that boosts him through whenever people speak down to him.
Though he hasn’t sided with a gang in particular Mason has been offered by both the Devils and the Royals to be on their side, but he hasn’t taken up an offer for either.  Quite frankly, he’d rather both of the gangs crashed and burned.  He would love to be the spark that started that flame. Which is why he plays both sides, giving them just enough that they leave the cop alone. Though he knows, if one finally did offer him just the right amount, he might consider going dirty. It all just depends if the reward outweighs the effort. Which so far it hasn’t, and Mason has been skirting by just fine without trying too hard.
Though when his partner, Leo got transferred and moved to a special task force, Mason felt a surge of jealously. He hadn’t been asked personally to follow along, and he feels bitter towards the department because of it. This is why he has now made it his own personal goal to get close to all those in the unit, if for no other reason than to undermine them. Why should they get to be successful, without him? After all, he had been Leo’s partner for years, and now he’s been left in the dust. Once he has enough information, he plans on selling it to the highest bidder, rather it be The Devils or The Royals, he doesn’t care. As long as its put to good use, he’ll be satisfied with the outcomes. The only thing is, he can’t let anyone know his plans, instead he must gather information and secrets about the cops that will, in the end, be their downfall without them realizing. Thus he has been working harder, even trying to get into the task force group himself for more information, rubbing shoulders with Tim, Jessica, and Talia. Only time will tell if his plan works though and if one of the gangs might just make friends with him in the process.
■ Rachel Hathburn: The two have only gone out on a few dates, but he finds himself interested in Rachel. Though weirdly enough, he is sure she is hiding something, and he isn’t sure if that’s what keeps him calling her or something else altogether.
■ Jessica Douglas: Right now, this is the woman he has set his sights on and believes can get him involved in the task-force. He is sure getting in good with her, will open the doors he needs, and if it takes a little flirting or lying, no harm done for the greater good of his plans.
■ Patrick Fischer: He spends a lot of time at the bar, and he has noticed that the Ace of Clubs owner has a rather close connection to the Krongolds and Royals. Though it seems he may not be actively involved in gang activity himself, so Mason has decided to befriend him. Hoping it might lead to more possible leads, and dirty on the Krongolds.
■  Leo Moretti > Old Partner  
■  Talia Barker > Co-Worker & Interest
■  Tim McCallen > Co-Worker
■  Naomi Pierce > Ex-Fling
■  Jackson Kerns > Friend  
Mason Sanchez is an OPEN character and is portrayed by Bob Morley who’s FC IS SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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missjennicarose · 7 years
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jennica’s massive wanted ad of things
seeking stormtroopers, smugglers, and politicians/fellow handmaidens!
So normally I don’t try to do mass want ads like this but I just sort of started putting together faces and thought why not? So this is a want ad for my three characters Oz, Tamon, and Ciri. We’re gonna go down the line!
For Oz, I need his fellow squad members. Some of these guys are gonna have worked with him during the reign of the empire, others are new recruits who know only the First Order. I want a nice healthy mix of “We’re doing this bullshit again” vs “What we’re doing is important for the First Order.” Preferably for Oz out of these faces, I would love to see Jacob Hankin, Ray Stevenson, Luke Arnold, Bob Morley, Dichen Lachman, Luke Pasqualino, Ben Dahlhaus, and Nadia Hilker.
For Tamon, I need his gang of smugglers and scoundrels. These guys are all certified trash, awful people. Some of them feel for the Resistance cause (though Tamon refuses to take sides), some are neutral, and some might even lean towards the Order. It’s all about the money, and I’d love to see some friction among the underbelly. For him I would love to see Adonis Bosso, Savio de Chiara, Gina Rodriguez, Ricky Whittle, Godfrey Gao, Zach McGowan, Peter Dinklage, and Octavia Spencer.
For Ciri, she needs some people in the New Republic! Specifically, the Senator she works for (who is representing Naboo), and her fellow handmaidens. For those, I would love to see Philomena Kwao, Barbie Ferreira, Ashley Graham, Constance Wu, or Viola Davis. Or all of them! I’d also love to see senators with Dame Judi Dench, Ken Watanabe, Willy Cartier, Denzel Washington, and John Bradley West.
I’m relatively open to faces, though. These are all just suggestions! However I do ask that if you take any of these that we keep it diverse in age, body type, and ethnicity. 
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amynchan · 7 years
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In response to the lovely asks I got for the outfit meme.  XD
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I hope you guys don’t mind that I combined your requests.  It was just far too cute and begging to be done.  X’D  Anyhoot, hope y’all enjoy~!  *^_^*
Thanks to Anonymous and @morley-gang for the lovely requests!  *^_^*
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Adrian Flores Quentin Herrera ⚜ Werewolf ⚜ 26 ⚜ The Sentinel ⚜ ISTP  
When I am silent …
He’s staring down the barrel of a gun, pupils dilated in disbelief. It’s not the first time he’s had a gun pointed at him, but it is the first where the intent is to kill.
- “You’re a loose end, Adrian. You know we can’t allow that. Maybe if you’d opened your eyes, been a little smarter…”
- “I won’t talk!! I swear! I won’t tell them anythin’!!”
- “So they all say. I’m sorry, Adrian.” There’s a click as the safety latch is flipped off the trigger, and in that moment, his adrenaline kicks into overdrive - But rather than fear, he feels rage. Not at their callousness - that’s part and parcel with the job description - but at their greed. Hasn’t he given them enough? Repaid his father’s debts twice over, run competition out of business, extended the trade’s reach like tentacles throughout the city? He doesn’t sleep, he barely eats, he doesn’t dream, his good arm is broken in three places from ‘old lessons learned’ (because ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ is a lie they tell you when you’re young and dumb and still think you can quit)…
So when the gun goes off, anger is still coursing like a tidal wave through his system, blood pounding in his ears. Fear doesn’t come until later, when he’s on the run; fear comes with the realization that he’s killed a man. He doesn’t stop running for weeks, months - and though he changes his address and his name, he knows that death is a stain that cannot be washed off this new slate he’s grappling for. Which is why when every bone in his body breaks down one night only to be replaced by matted fur, claws and yellow eyes - Adrian figured he was paying for his godless crime. It wasn’t far from the truth; an explanation he only got months later when setting up camp in the Bayou of New Orleans.
           {He was young; but he knew his own soul, it was precious to him, he guarded it as the eyelid guards the eye, and without the key of love he let no one into his soul.}
Werewolf… Because apparently his life wasn’t complicated enough. It’s yet another gory image to the dreams that have started up again as his insomnia gives way to a disturbed sleep. In his nightmares, he doesn’t know which is worse; when he pulls the trigger or when he doesn’t; blood paints his vision red either way and he wakes up drenched in cold sweat.
But Adrian - or rather Quentin, as he goes by these days - is trying to leave the past behind. If there’s one silver lining in this shitty story it’s the fact that neither the law nor the gang has caught up with him. At first he feared a trap; every street corner implied a surprise-attack, every siren’s wail was the police coming for him. But as the months crawled by, that tiny, deceptive flicker of hope lit up within him again.  What if this really was his fresh start?… Maybe he could do it right this time. No drug-peddling, no mafia, and no blood money. He’s taken up a job as a bouncer for a local club,Ampersand, because it’s well aligned with the few talents he picked up while selling drugs; looking for signs of impending trouble, and muscling his way out of it. It’s not a job Quentin loves, but it pays the bills and even leaves a little bit left-over. It doesn’t amount to much once he’s finished paying for his mom’s antidepressants; but given that he has to stay away for her own safety, covering her medications seems to be the least he can do. Besides, if it wasn’t for the fact that the gang took her husband’s life and then reduced that of her son’s to shambles - she wouldn’t have needed them to begin with. But that’s one of the many thoughts he prefers to keep stashed away in a corner of his mind that he doesn’t mess with much. Because he’s gotta focus. Maybe one day he’ll manage to make something of himself and escape the shithole of a city that gave birth to him. Maybe then he’ll be able to get back in touch with his family and really get his mom the help she needs… It’s a dream that stands in stark contrast to the ones he sees at night, but he has to start somewhere, right?
                                                     … I have thunder inside of me.
Web of Connections
Lydia Martin: If escaping both the justice system and the criminal underworld was his first lucky strike, landing a job as Lydia Martin’s part-time bodyguard is certainly his second. It’s no thanks to the snarky redhead, of course, but instead to her mother, who insisted on upping security for the family while hosting public events. He doesn’t get why someone of Mrs. Martin’s status would insist on hiring ragtag no-namers like him instead of some quality muscle, but he isn’t about to question it. Besides, the job’s been easy enough so far, as long as he keeps his senses tuned to the world around him - while simultaneously pretending to be blind, deaf, and dumb where Lydia’s forked tongue and she-devil antics are concerned.
Jackson Kenner: ‘Trust’ isn’t a word Quentin throws around lightly; not after what he’s been through. But Jackson’s come closer to earning his than most. He’s answered all of his questions on being a werewolf; including the ones he never really voiced. And the man exudes a kind of raw honesty that’s hard to come by these days. He won’t admit it aloud, but the more time they spend together, the more he feels as though Jackson is the brother he never had. Quentin wants no part in a war - not after he’s waged one his entire life - but if push comes to shove he’d throw his lot in with Jackson. It’s the least he can do for the person who’s become his makeshift family in New Orleans.
Jenna Sommers: He first took note of the unassuming highschool teacher at the library, while getting frustrated over the paltry results of his research on lycanthropy. Miss Sommers was seated a few tables away, tutoring students in what he guessed was History. It wasn’t a topic that had interested him much in highschool; he’d barely scraped by with a C - much as most of his classes. But listening to the passion with which Miss Sommers explained the relevance of the Past, Quentin couldn’t help but wonder whether he’d been too quick to dismiss it. He’s run into Jenna a few times since then and even spoken to her once or twice. She is down-to-earth, and lacks the matronly air that had him avoiding teachers in his youth. He wants to ask her whether she’d ever be willing to tutor him, but he’s never summoned the courage to ask. Besides, what good would it do for a dumb kid like himself anyway?…
Isaac Lahey: Jackson was the one who first told him Isaac’s story; the witch ritual, the intention to sacrifice him for their own self-serving ends, the way the boy had killed the woman wielding the blade rather than lay his head down on the chopping block… There are just too many parallels between Isaac’s story and his own past in a gang. They’re both loners, by nature or by necessity; neither of them can afford the luxury of trust. Because of that - or maybe in spite of it - Quentin wants to help the skittish boy in the hopes of saving him many months of fear and the anxiety of having to shoulder the weight of his burden alone. But Isaac’s been persistently difficult to locate, let alone approach. Which is why when Quentin found out that he was relying on a witch for shelter and a roof over his head, he couldn’t understand it. What would ever compel him to trust a witch again after what he’d endured? Quentin suspects foul-play and intends to get to the bottom of it - even by sticking his nose into business that doesn’t concern him; a tendency he’s normally happy to avoid.
Katherine Pierce: Where stories of Isaac’s past have came to his attention, Quentin remains hopelessly in the dark where Katherine Pierce's infamy is concerned. The brunette has been trying to cozy-up to him on the nights where he’s working at the club - and she doesn’t seem inclined to take ‘no’ for an answer. He doesn’t know what the hell she sees in him; it isn’t as though bouncers reek of class or wear a uniform. Besides; with her sensual build, sly good looks and come-hither personality, he bets she could snap up just about any guy - or girl. He can’t exactly shake Katherine on the job, but the more he finds himself smirking in response to one of her tongue-in-cheek remarks, the less Quentin finds he wants to rebuff her. Little does he know what those dark, laughing eyes have in store for him…
Also mentioned in the following bios: Camden Lahey, 
Plot Teasers:
Quentin’s tentative relief as he settles into his new life will be short-lived once his old debts catch up with him — from both sides of the law…
This lone wolf may soon discover that he isn’t so alone after-all, as familial ties reveal themselves in unexpected places…
On the soundtrack of his life: I’ll Be Good - Jaymes Young (x)
FC: Bob Morley
 Quentin is an OC. | Follow
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