#morning Adhkar
adamyoussefmprahime6 · 5 months
adkar, doua, islam, la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin
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uma1ra · 1 year
Morning Evening Adhkar
“O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance. And exalt Him morning and afternoon.”
[Surah Al-Ahzab verse 41-42]
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susanhorak · 6 months
#نور_ذكر_الله الاذكار والادعيه | سبحان الله وبحمده - مكررة بصوت رائع | adhkar سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده - أخرج الإمام ‏البخاري في صحيحه من حديث أبي هريرة ‏رضي الله عنه ‏ ‏أن رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال: "‏ ‏من قال سبحان الله وبحمده في يوم مائة مرة حطت خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر".
الاذكار والادعيه adhkar
والحسد,إسلام,اللهم صل على محمد,الله,الوكيل,ونعم,اذكار,ادعية,اذكار الصباح,اذكار المساء,أذكار المساء,اذكار صباح,الاذكار المساء,أذكار صباح,ادكار مساء قناة "نور ذكر الله " ادعو الله ان تكون نور لي ولكم في الحياة الدنيا والآخرة للتدواصل https://www.facebook.com/dhikr2allah/
للمزيد من الفيدوهات الاسلامية https://goo.gl/zi8ZZF
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b-lessings · 2 years
رَضِيتُ باللهِ رَبَّاً، وَبِالْإِسْلَامِ دِيناً، وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ صَلَى اللهُ عَلِيهِ وَسَلَّمَ نَبِيَّاً
I am content with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) as my Prophet.
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agirlwithimaan · 8 months
Thinking about the time Yasmin Mogahed said something along the lines of:
"Celebrate and be proud of the things you did do. Sometimes we are so focused on everything that we weren't able to do, that we become negative and completely leave everything. Islam is not an 'all or nothing mentality.' Every little thing you do is seen and rewarded by Allah. Saying Bismillah before eating or drinking, remembering to say your morning adhkar, spending a few extra seconds in sujood, reading an extra ayah of the Quran, feeding a stray cat or smiling at a stranger. When you focus on the things you were able to do, it will motivate you to do a little bit more."
Every intention and action is witnessed by Allah and nothing goes in vain.❤️‍🩹
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9amartt · 3 months
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Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may رحمه الله was asked:
"What is the cure for someone who is overwhelmed by illness, what is the solution for someone who is dominated by illusions, what should one do if overcome by laziness, how can one find success, and what is the remedy for someone who is plagued by confusion?"
He replied:
"If one intends to turn to Allah, but is prevented by his desires, if one wishes to engage in remembrance (of Allah), but is overpowered by distractions, and if one desires to work but is hindered by failure,
غلب الهوى فراه في أوقاته
Whims dominate his times,
إن رام قربيًا للحبيب تفرقت
If he seeks the beloved, he finds separation,
هجر الأقارب والمعارف عله
He abandons relatives and acquaintances,
ما ازداد إلا حيرة وتوانيا
And finds only confusion and wandering.
His constant refuge should be in turning to Allah ‎ﷻ, continuously beseeching Him, and making heartfelt Dua, particularly during times when duas are more likely to be answered, such as the last third of the night, during the Adhaan, and in sujood during prayers.
He should also engage in istighfaar, for whoever seeks forgiveness from Allah and then repents to Him, Allah will grant him a good provision for a specified term.
He should take a portion of the adhkar of the morning and evening, and of bedtime. He should be patient with any obstacles and distractions that come his way, for soon Allah will assist him with a spirit from Him and will put faith in his heart.
He should be diligent in completing the obligatory prayers, perfecting them both outwardly and inwardly, for they are the pillars of the religion.
His constant saying should be: la hawla wa la Quwwata Illa billah Al Aliy al Adheem ("There is no power nor strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Great,") for through it burdens are carried, states are persevered, and conditions are improved.
He should not despair from Dua and seeking, for the servant is answered as long as he is not hasty, saying: "I have prayed, but I have not been answered."
He should know that victory comes with patience, relief comes with distress, and with hardship comes ease. No one has ever attained anything of significant good, from the Prophet to those below him, except through patience. Alhamdulillah."
-Majmuu al Fatawaa 10/137
"Know that whoever frequently mentions something, even if initially it is burdensome, will come to love it. Thus, the initial burden of reciting adhkaar and Quran will turn into a feeling of ease and love for it, until eventually patience is no longer required, and it becomes an obligation that one enjoys, and what was once bitter becomes sweet.
This is the meaning of some saying: "I struggled with the Qur'an for twenty years, then I enjoyed it for twenty years."
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reviverofislam · 3 months
Reading Qur'an is Dhikr. Listening to an Islamic lecture is Dhikr. Reviewing your Qur'an is Dhikr. Learning how to read Qur'an is Dhikr. Saying Astagfirullah is Dhikr. Morning and evening adhkar is Dhikr.
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lightup0nlight · 2 months
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Rasulullah salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam taught his daughter, Fatimah radi Allahu anha a powerful du’a, a du’a that he ﷺ said to not let a morning or evening pass without reciting it:
Ya Hayyu ya Qayyoom (O Ever Living, O Ever Sustaining)
bi rahmatika astagheeth (in Your mercy I seek relief)
aslih lee sha’nee kullahu (rectify for me all of my affairs)
wa laa takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata ‛ayn (and do not leave me to myself even for the blink of an eye).
【Al-Hakim #2000 and he graded it authentic | Sh. al-Albani graded it fair in as-Silsilah as-Sahihah #227】
🌺 ❛Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom…❜ — According to some ulama’, these 2 are the greatest Names of Allah, because of the following hadith: ❛The Greatest Name of Allah, if He is called by which He will respond, is in 3 Surah: Al-Baqarah (Q 2:255), Ali ‘Imran (Q 3:1-2) and Ta-Ha (20:111).❜ 【Sunan Ibn Majah 3856】
🌺 ❛…in Your Rahmah, I seek relief…❜ — The most comprehensive attribute of Allah is His Rahmah. His Rahmah covers everything — all of our sins, all of our needs in this dunya, all our affairs in the Hereafter, absolutely everything.
🌺 ❛…correct / rectify all of my affairs…❜ — And this is the most comprehensive ask. Here we’re asking for Allah to rectify all of our affairs – all of my worldly affairs, my religious affairs, my akhirah affairs. Nothing is left out.
🌺 ❛…and don’t leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye.❜ — The ulama’ said what’s very special about this part of the du’a is that we blink constantly unknowingly in order to keep our eyes moist. We would never have thought to thank Allah for this blinking of the eye because it happens without our knowledge. And the wisdom of that is this:
🌿 It’s not just the smallness of the affairs that we’re asking Allah to rectify, it’s even also the affairs that we’re not paying attention to but actually have major consequences in life — everything that is happening in the background that is necessary for us to live, to function, to persist. We want Allah to take control and rectify both the affairs that we are actively aware of, as well as things that we’re not aware of, things that we usually don’t even think to ask Him for. We’re asking Allah to not leave us to our own devices in all of our affairs, that He does not even leave us for the blinking of an eye.
So make this du’a as our daily adhkar, every morning and every evening. May Allah rectify all of our affairs, and not leave us even for the blinking of an eye.
To read my full article, please click here. Baraka Allahu feekum!
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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taqwatawheedtales · 8 months
Ramadan Bundle (For 15% Off use code : taqwa15) Link in bio. 🌺What Is Included?🌺
-Ramadan Diary
-Salah Tracker
-Fasting Tracker
-Habits Tracker
-Daily Duas and Hadith
-Morning Adhkar Flashcards (with translation and transliteration)
-Evening Adhkar Flashcards (with translation and transliteration
-Duas of the Prophets Flashcards (with translation and transliteration)
-Quranic Duas Flashcards (with translation and transliteration)
-Islamic Daily Tracker
-3 Free Packs
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 5 months
subhanallahi wa bihamdihi - subhanallahi wa bihamdihi| morning and evening adhkar
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The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever wakes up in the morning and says upon waking:
#prayer #dua #adhkar
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susanhorak · 6 months
#نور_ذكر_الله دعاء الاستغفار استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه | doaa al estighfar , adhkar| ‫الاذكار بت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: من قال أستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه، غفر له وإن كان فر من الزحف. رواه الترمذي وصححه الألباني ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: من قال أستغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه، غفر له وإن كان فر من الزحف. رواه الترمذي وصححه الألباني اشترك معنا قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone. ساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في
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fluffy-appa · 1 year
‎Al-Imam ibn Salah [رحمه الله]
‎will be written among those who remember Allāh abundantly.”
‎“Whomsoever safeguards the morning and evening supplications,
‎the supplications after the prayers,
‎and the supplications before sleeping
‎Al-Adhkar | Page 10 | Al-Imam an-Nawawi [رحمه الله]
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deeniyaat · 9 months
Reminder, conquer the Dunya with salaat
-Tahajud + salawat Nabi + Istighfar
-Fajr + Yasin + morning Adhkar
-Duha 4 Rakaat
-Dhuhr + salawat
-Asr + Salawat + Evening Adhkar
-Maghrib+ Waqiah+ Salawat
-Isha + Al-Mulk
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masjid-world · 1 year
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Morning Evening Adhkar🌿
“O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance. And exalt Him morning and afternoon.”
[Surah Al-Ahzab verse 41-42]
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garden-of-islam · 7 months
Islam and Wicca
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition ... to have anything to do with this topic. And yet, it's everything. In fact, this is the very topic that inspired this entire project in the first place.
It all started when I happened to notice this symbol on the cover of a book I bought:
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What on earth was an obviously historical, inverted pentagram doing on the cover of an Islamic book? Growing up in the west, I knew that most Christians associated Islam with Satan because they recognized one additional prophet (saw) and didn't worship Jesus (as) as God (swt). So ... why now this new connection between Satanism or Magic and Islam? Well, the short answer is because this symbol has nothing to do with Satan or Magic. Inverted, right side up, or sideways, the star represents the 5 pillars of Islam, as well as retaining a myriad of other meanings. What's more, early Christians used this symbol as well. Notice in the second reference how the Morning Star was a symbol of Jesus, only to later become a symbol of the Devil. So before we move on to my personal conjecture, let's first agree that symbolism and meaning is easily corruptible and nothing means anything. I would also assert that the Islamic understanding of magic and satanism is much, much different than the Christian view of the subject. In the west we see these two as being merely a rejection of Christianity and a celebration of personal love and personal power. Muslims reject Christianity too, but we don't worship the devil. We know that all power is with God (swt).
Now, let's talk about the Reconquista and the Spanish Inquisition... and kind of by association, the Crusades. Islam was bleeding into Europe by way of Turkiye in the east and the Iberian Peninsula in the west. There were no Missions or forced conversions. There were no supplies or food traded in exchange for adopting the religion of the conquering colonizers. In Iberia, there was a conquest for land, but the ruling Muslims allowed people to continue practicing their own religion. While there was no such expansion in Turkiye, in both places, it was simply that too many neighbors heard a logical explanation of God that made more sense than what they had been taught. Oh and the literacy rate, womens' rights, and access to health care that worked didn't hurt. The Church got nervous about losing power, as powerful institutions do. While the Crusades were a bit of a s*** show and lasted FOREVER, the Reconquista was fairly successful because it was operated in concert with nobles who wanted to recapture their lands and rights to rule. After the success of this process, many Muslims and Jews pretended to be outwardly Christian in order to remain on their own lands. What many do not know is that the Muslims of this time did everything they could to save the lives of their Jewish neighbors by helping them to escape from Iberia after the investigations began. While outwardly practicing Jews and Muslims were simply driven out, it was those who faked their conversions who were targeted during the inquisition. And because there were so many more Muslims than Jews in the region, the majority of those targeted ultimately ended up being Muslims.
Now let's compare this to the "common knowledge" understanding of the inquisition. They burned witches ... for being witches ... right? And what is a witch? A woman wearing a black robe who owns a cat and is preoccupied with cleanliness (hence the broom). She can make medicine and her repeatable "spells" in a foreign language actually work. She practices in a secret coven or group and is probably literate.
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After I saw this image, something else jumped out at me - the wizard robe and the resemblance to the abaya. Not to mention the fact that Abracadabra and the famous Open Sesame have Aramaic and Arabic origins. And du'as/adhkars would certainly seem like spells recited in a magical language because, well, they work. Also the early Christian rejection of cleanliness being actively demonized by associating the broom with the image. Salat certainly is ritualized worship and worshiping as a group is considered better than worshiping alone.
So yeah. They weren't burning witches. They were burning Muslims. And they packaged that outward appearance and the behaviors of a Muslim and sold it to the rest of Europe as a witch. The worst part is that the Church knew exactly what they were doing and they used language barriers to their advantage. They did it to maintain power and control over the continent. Illiteracy in the general populace only aided their efforts.
Let's not forget, modern Wicca has no ties to any ancient religious practice. It's just a glorification of the medieval idea of a witch and the rejection of the church. It caused the murder of innocent women over the next few centuries for being smart, clean, inventive, strong, or any other characteristic that is not docile, submissive, and dumb. It's not real magic, but it is a gateway to magic. This makes it incredibly dangerous. And with that, the reminder that
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