#morningstars design may change but i like the colors
corvidaeconundrum · 5 months
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More cat designs, hell yeah, kitties
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shadebloopnik · 7 months
Finally for the first time tryin to draw this man
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Just a lil doodle while in class.
Also had the sudden inspo bc of a lil thingy(AU? Would it still be considered AU if i dont plan to expand?). Ik Angel!Alastor AUs are a thing, at least i think so, so i decided to try it out a lil bit.
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So tadaaa, Angelic Alastor. I cannot draw wings to save my life, so bear with me. I based the eye shapes and over all facial expressions on how i drew the first Alastor doodle, except its a teeny bit less sharp with less bolder lines. I shaped his hair somewhat the same for the top part, except a bit slicked back with a more windswept look. I imagine his hair would be white with red tips, with an overall white, and red color scheme, with a black collar standing out. He'd have the same red eyess, tho with whites surrounding it.
I gave him two wings, to maybe signify that he is above most angels, though below those such as the Seraphims and Archangels, at least in rank. I was a bit conflicted what to make his cane like(yea ofc im giving him a cane im not a monster). Originally i wanted to copy what his lil antlers looked like, as to be a simple staff, but ended up with that wider antler design. Idk.
Angelic Alastor wouldn't really be much different than Demon Alastor, except for the fact that he's better at hiding it all, at least he wants to. He's quite powerful amongst other angels, moreso than seraphims despite being of lower rank. Similarly to how he can melt in the shadows, as an angel, he can dissolve into the light. Haven't really cemented what exact type of angel he is, though i'd imagine he's still a bit of a recluse, preferring to go off alone to do as he wishes.
Angelic Alastor is every bit as mischievous as his demonic counterpart. He lives for the entertainment, and his humor's quite biting for a being of light. He's sharp and charming and witty, and quite rebellious as well. He's curious about different possibilities, and has never quite felt like he belonged among his "perfect" angelic peers. He knows he's imperfect, and that all those ideas would be considered blasphemous. So he remains quiet, under the radar even with his strength; all to escape the possibility of being persecuted.
Its what draws him to the Morningstar. Lucifer, the powerful archangel with a heart of gold and a mind filled with wonder. (Also to anyone who's seen my blog, yes ofc im inserting radioapple im weak) Despite their gap in rank, Lucifer never treated him any differently, and Alastor found himself treating the shorter angel as an equal. Their friendship was a bit odd perhaps for the others, considering how they'd often greet each other with playful jabs and teasing remarks, all quite informal and rather unruly. He was drawn to Lucifer's ideas, as was Luci to him, both relishing in the fact that they weren't alone, despite being different.
Lucifer had always been the louder dreamer. Though Alastor often agreed with his ideas, and sometimes egged him on, Al knew the risks and knew when to pull back. He was cautious where Lucifer took risks.
And y'all already know its Radioapple but what if we add Lilith to the mix-
Like imagine, Lucifer coming back to Alastor and gushing about the first woman, the taller man amused at his friend's lovesick expressions. Imagine him being acquainted with Lilith, and charmed as well by passion and hopes for change. He's weak for dreamers okay-
Like imagine him helping the two hide their relationship, being the most cautious of the 3. Imagine his heartbreak when the two gets sent to hell. Imagine Lilith and Lucifer holding him, stopping him from falling with them, because he cant do this without them please-
This may have gotten away from me a bit
Anyway, there's also a teeny doodle of biblically accurate Angelic Alastor(idk ehat to call them, but those forms Sera and Em have when they go 👁👁👁👁)
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Idk if i'll ever do anytjing with this. I have a whole fic playing in my head but its very long with a whole lot of plot and idk if im strong enough-
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helluva-world-innit · 2 months
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So...they are finally here...the height charts! At least of the main Hazbin Crew (bonus Mimzy; idk about Baxter yet). These are the final designs for me but, as I improve my art skills, I may change some things around I couldn't accomplish when I first started drawing them.
I will do actual character ref pages at some point now that I have their designs (mostly) finalized. I still wanna tweak them a little, ngl, but that will have to wait until I draw them a few more times (and probs after I do the height charts for the Helluva Crew too; everyone else will be sporadic af).
Anyway, since I got a flight soon and can't sleep, let's talk about some of the changes I made for everyone as well as how they got to be where they are now, hm? Sidenote: I have decided the events of this story will take place in 2052 for...reasons. Sidenote sidenote: I went with the original Sin colors for the Rings so Wrath is red, not Pride. Greed is gold, etc., etc.
So, Charlie (Charlotte Lucinda Isadoros) Morningstar has more texture in her hair this time around and I made the stitches on her coat obvious just because I thought it looked more slapdash that way. She's slim to the point of not really having much of a figure (much like her father; they are almost copies of each other but it's because he really didn't use anyone else's "genes" for her) so she gave her coat a little bit of shape to the hips but she still largely wears more masculine clothing. Like most of her extended family, Charlie isn't too hung up on being perceived as strictly male or strictly female, though her title is Crown Princess of Hell (Luci just thinks it sounds cuter, but Charlie doesn't object to people naming her as Crown Prince of Hell either). Age: 222
I already kind of did a rundown for her deal earlier on this blog so lets move on to...
Vanessa Chavez Hernandez Fell into the vicious Ring of Wrath upon her death during the Salvadoran Civil War in 1986. Fun fact: She and Alastor are some of the only Sinners that go by their given names. Everyone else's name tends to be a chosen one. Vannie died fighting on the side of the Farbundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). She was caught and killed with so much (understandable) rage inside that it led to her dropping into Wrath Ring. US soldiers killed her peasant farmer parents in cold blood in front of her when she was 14 for the belief they were aiding the Front with weapons. Her father actually was, but her mother was not aware of any of it. As a result, Vannie dedicated her life to killing as many soldiers and government officials as possible instead of leaving for the States with her older sister. She was killed by beheading at the tender age of 20.
Vannie has been devastating her fellow Sinners in combat ever since. All to avoid being taken for torture practice by the bloodthirsty Ringmaster, Satan, should she lose a fight. Most of the armor pieces she wears are handed down from other fallen warriors, bequeathed to her or surrendered upon her victory. I originally wanted to base her on a Death's-Head Hawkmoth but decided to go with a Banded Skipper moth instead (we don't gotta be that edgy here now). They tend to have quick, skip-like movements and Vannie is very agile to make up for her small stature.
Vannie is very level-headed usually, but when her eyepatch comes off, Blind Rage takes hold and she will not lose focus on a target until they stop moving or perish. She was captured and sold as fodder for the arena, à la Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, and, she quickly grew into a crowd (and Satan) favorite. Joins up with Charlie after being liberated for the rehab project. The fact that Charlie's really cute and has a pout that can put puppies to shame probs had a hand in that decision.
Cherry Bomb! The gal, the legend, the agent of unrestrained chaos. A Brisbane native, Cherry fell to Gluttony in 1987 when punk was dying down, but "be gay, do crimes" was still more than an empty slogan. She got blown up while attempting to steal some food from a grocery store, and, like the cockroach she is, she got back on her two four feet in Hell and stole directly from Beezlebub's gardens instead.
I decided to make her look more diy punk and gave her a mullet. Why? Bitches love mullets is why. And Cherry is very much a lover of the bitches. Based her on a Giant Burrowing Cockroach too, which burrows, as its name suggests. This makes Cherry hella good at tunnels and underground infiltration but she also has a knowledge of how to build explosives as well from her time hanging with her more reckless, anarchist buds back on Earth. Her father (he's become an informant and dealer in Hell), regularly threatens her and Angel to get her to build and develop new ways to take out his competition in Greed (including even Moxxie's father). She was just about 28 when she died.
Since we're going in Ring order here, Sir Pentious is next. This cordial king cobra slithered down to Greed Ring in 1888 (aged 30) after his ambition cost him everything: his inheritance, his family, and ultimately, his life. At age 15, Sir Pen had had enough of just reading about machinery and decided to begin building some of his own. Upon entering a late puberty, this became harder for him to pursue with the pressures of high society barreling at him at full speed (he's trans). Sir Pen often disguised himself with the help of his younger sister and brother and attended engineering presentations and operation theaters despite his gender assignment at birth keeping him from formal training in engineering. The open disdain his parents showed for his inventive spirit and lack of feminine graces led to him becoming more withdrawn and abrasive to would be suitors. By age 22, no man in the county wanted anything to do with the seventh-born, obsessive, outwardly sexless child of the Lord and Lady Edwards of Dacorum, England.
Dejected by the steadily increasing hostility towards him from his family and fellow aristocrats, Sir Pen's own resentment grew and he retreated to the family summer home to begin developing an easier and painless method for removing "damaged" body parts (because of his own untreated body dysphoria) on the battlefield. Unfortunately, he used members of his own household staff to test it on. He was labelled as insane and was due to be moved to a private asylum owned by a distant cousin, but opted to take his own life instead of staying trapped in a cage of society's making anymore. Sir Pen now spends his days in Hell building various contraptions to help him one day compete in the Circus Games. He aims to win the title and position of Overseer to reclaim some of his old glory. Left him a snake because honestly, lookit him. Baby noodle. Also snakes tend to symbolize betrayal and untrustworthiness in Christian folklore so it fits him well enough.
Nifty is based on a skunk cleaner shrimp (look them up, they're super cute and also known as 'Doctor shrimps' >///<) and fell into Envy for similar reasons to SP. Three shitty husbands led Nifty to have a psychological break. She ended up killing them then turning the gun on herself in her grief after witnessing her final husband's infidelity in 1954 at age 33. I made her a cleaner shrimp since she is the maid/cook of the hotel, more or less, but also tends to clean up any of the messes she, Alastor, and Husk make (they eat people together! Isn't that...sweet?) Gave a bigger version of her to see since I made her so leetle.
Growing up poor in 1920's-30's Korea as the daughter of a Japanese soldier and a Korean sex worker with three younger siblings and lots of local children to look after, Nifty developed an early sense of caretaking and the desire for comfort in the ways of a well-kept home and delicious food (when it could be afforded). She married relatively young (17) to better care for her mother as her health declined until her death in 1946.
With trauma from a lifetime of war, poverty, and spousal abuse/neglect, it really is a surprise that she's remained as sweet as she has. At least on the surface. She worked in several restaurants and estates in the Envy's Ring of Influence upon Falling, but never managed to be appreciated no matter how efficient or hospitable she was. In the end, Nifty was approached by and made a deal with Alastor and has happily served him since.
Husk(er), in comparison to his contracted colleague, Nifty, is big, gruff, and a total softie inside despite looking like something out of a Bram Stoker novel. Husk died at the ripe age of 72 (1979) which is no small feat considering the amount of wars and bloody revolutions his home country (Russia) dealt with during his lifetime. A second born son of a Petrograd (St. Petersburg today) baker, Husk lost his older brother in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (Husk was 10 years old) and has had a difficult relationship with conflict and faith ever since. Between marrying a woman he didn't love, being an awkward and distant father to their only daughter, and deserting during WWII, Husk has more passive demons than most.
After returning home in 1958 from hiding out in South Korea, he spends the remainder of his life gambling and drinking to forget all he's lost and given up. He died after passing out in the snow and Fell to Sloth Ring where he quickly amassed enough power from siphoning the soul energy of others (through their blood) to compete in the Circus Games. He even won it, but immediately regretted this as Belphagor proved to be too demanding of a Ringmaster for the bat to submit to. Scared, full of remorse, and aching for some comfort in the coldest Ring in Hell (he ran to Pride to escape Bel), he was approached by and made a deal with Alastor and has faithfully served him ever since. I made him a vampire bat because it just seems to fit a lot better than a cat with wings (OG Husk's ears always made me think of a bat anyhoo) and it's a sort of nod to his feeling like a drain on others. He's wearing a security hat because he is the security bat. More on that when we get to it.
Angel Dust is Hell's highest grossing pornstar. Such fame comes at a terrible price, however. Angel died at the age of 32 in 1947 (yes, i aged him down a little) after a jealous lover from a rival mob family gunned him down. Before that, Angel used his body to get information and fuel his drug habits, routinely practicing drag and giving the anti-sodomy laws a workout during his life, much to his family's embarrassment. He really wasn't too upset or surprised upon finding himself in the Lust Ring of Hell even if he wasn't too happy about the form he took (Angel is terrified of spiders). After a couple decades of banging and binging, Angel's family slowly began making their way to Hell as well and reunited to form one of the most powerful Sinner gangs around. He tried rejoining them too, only to be brutally beaten and ejected by his father. Back out on the streets, but no longer interested in just getting by anymore, Angel became the perfect target for a predatory Overseer of Lust: Valentino.
For the last 75 years, Angel has been featured in countless porn media (even audiobooks!) and loaned out to every demon Valentino aims to have connections with. If he hadn't met Cherry and formed a strong friendship with her shortly after her Fall, the spider's soul most likely would have Broken long before Charlie got a hold of him. While Angel actually likes his job and enjoys having something he excels at, being bound to an Overseer is a one-way ticket to being ground down into pure soul energy for Hell's use. I kept him a spider because I genuinely have no issues with him being a spider, but the fact that his original design doesn't look like one gives me the fucking pip. Also, he gets even more spidery later. Also, also, I gave him two gold fangs because they're actually just his fangs coated in gold under Valentino's orders. Anything to make him less dangerous since Angel does have venom sacs. the poison can't kill anyone already dead, obviously, but it is extremely painful and lasts for hours. He can also inject a solution that temporarily paralyzes others instead of causing them agony.
Finally, there's Alastor, the only Overseer of Pride Ring. Bound to the King of Hell, Lucifer himself, Al enjoys the kind of power most Overseers can only dream of. I made him a rabbit (actually a Snowshoe Hare) mostly to get away from a culturally appropriated beast (you know what one, I ain't finna name it) and to actually make him even more aggressively cuddleable. I like characters that defy expectations. Also, I grew up with Bugs Bunny like many of you and I love the idea of Al having Looney Toons-ass ways to deal with problems. Like hole magic. Go ahead and laugh, it's funny.
Al died in 1938 after being sentenced to the death penalty (electric chair). He was caught in one of his many, many murders after one sloppy mistake at 39 years old. He was a modestly famous radio host in his hometown of New Orleans, but only after moving away from the city with his mother and stepfather to Chicago from ages 6 to 17. His mother died when Al was 8 and his stepfather's abuse led to him becoming a skilled and emancipated serial killer by 16 years old. He saved whatever he could from victims to feed himself and put himself through speech classes when he learned that a decent living could be made on the radio for someone so obviously of mixed blood. Alastor moved back to New Orleans to start over and took advantage of the more seedy sides of the city to cover up his hunts until his discovery and capture.
Al Fell to Pride and began exploring and hunting in the other Rings, meeting a fellow entertainer in Gluttony (Vox; died 1955). The pair of them hunted together for close to 25 years when an unknown rift formed between them and both competed to win the title of Overseer in the same year. There can only ever be one Overseer per Circus (Lucifer burns the losers to ash with holy fire to keep them from returning), but Alastor and Vox are the first and last dual winners in the 200+ history of the competition. Vox pledged himself to Beezlebub while Alastor pledged himself to Lucifer and the pair have been bitter rivals ever since.
Bonus: Mimzy is an Overseer of Lust Ring that knows all the hot goss and isn't afraid to share it. She died in the 1920s after being thrown from her then-boyfriend's car in the Bronx and getting run over by a trolley. Your girl has seen it all and then some. Now, she runs one of the slickest clubs and makes her soul quota for Asmodeus with young performers of all kinds. She and Alastor became fast friends upon meeting and she's one of the only people aside from Valentino and Velvette to know what his history with Vox is. She's got a giggle in her talk and a wiggle in her walk and I so based her on that mink girl from Animaniacs as well as a little bit of Toot from Drawn Together (who was loosely based on Betty Boop). I just want her to be soft and sultry. *Jon Lovitz voice* Is that so wrong?
Woo, this got fucking loooooooong. Hopefully, I covered just enough to get y'all interested in what else I have planned for these knuckleheads and I'll be back with the Helluva Main Cast for you next time. Bye!
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amberwild420 · 3 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 23)
the secrets came to light 3
Ladybug swing around on the familiar route before landing on the rooftop of their designated place. Taking a deep breath, she smiled. Today’s events were ……..good.
She never thought that Chloe of all people would apologize. Can’t say she was that much surprised. Hearing multiple footsteps landing behind them, she greeted them with a smile.
 Seeing one missing, she sighed in annoyance before turning to her teammates again.
 No Chat again.
 He isn’t coming at all, ladybug.
 Ryu snarled. The other two were in good mood again. There is no way they are going to keep this guy in team for longer.
 Anything new? Your song is rather happy.
 Python pointed out making Ryu stare at her.
 Now that you have mentioned, you look lighter. What happened?
 Ladybug smiled before re-telling the whole story. They have a good laugh at Kaylan’s awkward ability to defuse the emotional tension. The said girl looked away muttering ‘how she would kill them if they said a word to anyone.’
 Just as they were about to start leaving Luna stopped them.
 I have another thing to tell you guys.        There was a stillness in the air. The feelings of something big happening fluttered in her chest.
 I called justice league.
 There was pin-drop silence. One could hear crickets in the distance. The trio processed the short information before chaos started.
 What do you mean you called them?!            (Ladybug)
 Do you mean the same justice league who thought we were pranking them?!                                   (Ryu)
Luna, you didn’t even asked me?!                      (Ladybug)
 Sighing, Luna snapped her fingers before their mouths were taped.
 If you’re done, maybe I can tell you what happened.
 The low growl of her voice shut them up before they shrunk. Well ...ladybug shrunk.
 Anyway, I did that because I was expecting you to react like this. Considering what you told me about justice league, I realized that the only person you have faced is green lantern.
 Well.....you’re not wrong.
 From what Wolff had told me, Amazonian and Atlantian are the race that had wielded miraculous before. Especially the creation. Queen Hera of the Amazon was one of the bugs.
 Listening to her, ladybug jolted before standing up. Waving her hands around, she pointed towards the tapped mouth of hers. Luna snapped her fingers before the two girls were released from torture.
 You......              ladybug vigorously pointed at Luna.       .....can you take us somewhere for ........you know?
 Abaeo Exorior!
 A blue colored dome covered the four before the scene around them changed. The colored lights and familiar kanji on the buildings around them made Ryu jump.
 Are we in Japan?
 We’re in Japan. On top of the apartment complex where we used to live before moving.
 Luna said as she called off her transformation. The others follow the lead and the Kwami joined them in the conversation before.
 Hera was one of my bugs! That’s how Diana was made out of clay! I can’t believe I didn’t thought of that!
 Tikki gushed making the others sigh at her behavior.
 Anyway how did you know about that? Wasn’t wolf active about centuries ago?
 Well we did told her a lot when we were looking for a proper miraculous for Kaylan.
 Tikki flew around before gushing over Kaylan for using her creative side after using her destructive side on many occasion.
 And how did you manage to get hold of wonder woman?  Marinette finally asked. There no way she had this much luck. She was balance. She used destruction in battle field and her life outside the mask was lucky. (Especially when she got out of Lila’s tricks and easily pranked her without getting caught.)
 I saw in my divination.
 Another pin drop silence took over before they all sighed.
 Of course, you would.
 Marinette helplessly muttered. Having extra ability sounds so good. If only she could use her ability to be able to stop time and get all of her commissions done in no time at all.
 The divination told me the date, time of which I should make a call. I did. And imagine my surprise when wonder woman said that green lantern have never told anyone of the situation or anything about a prank call.
 Wait he didn’t!?
 Shaking her head she watched as the three frowned at the news.
 Luna waved at the trio as they left after patrol, before taking out her weapon and turning on the communication. With a deep breath to gather her nerves, she dialed a number.
 “Hello? Justice league watchtower. How may I help you?”
 “Wonder woman?”
 There was a pause before she answered.
 “This is me. May I ask who am I talking to?”
 Sighing, Luna used the miraculous magic to connect to the video. As soon as both parties saw each other, their reaction was polar opposite. Luna was calm while wonder woman was shocked.
 Shocked beyond words.
 “My name is Luna. I’m the wielder of miraculous of wolf.”
 As soon as she heard the words, she kneeled immediately.
 “Wielder of balance. How may I assist you? Where is the danger? Tell me I’m ready to give my life if you ask for it.”
 If anyone from the league was able to this, they would have signed themselves for mental hospital. There is no way that a child would make wonder woman kneel like this.
 “Please stand up. We don’t have time to waste. I’m sure you know what it means to have wolf in circulation.”
 “Yes, my mother told me. The balance had been upset and it would go beyond repair if it isn’t restored.”
 Luna nodded before retelling the events of Paris. Wonder woman was horrified .....................and angry.
 Well anger was a small word.
  She was furious.
 How dare Hal do something like this? Did he not know who and what he is messing with?
 “Wonder woman.”
 She broke out of her stupor when Luna called her. She looked at her like she knew what she was thinking.
 “It would be best if you do not and I mean DO NOT come to Paris or bring any teammate here. You and many others use your emotion to fuel your strength. And in a place that is emotional hostage you might become the first victim. We barely have strength to take down akuma and senti-monster. We won’t be able to take down a trained hero.”
 Hearing that, she looked down. To think it would escalate to this much that she would be advised by a young. But then again, miraculous users are above her, her mother’s teaching had been drilled in her mind.
 “I will do as you advice.”
 “I was hoping you would discuss this with the league and see what we do. Once you have a general idea of the situation, we can set a meeting between two parties and discuss what you can offer and what we need.”
 “I will do as you say.”         Wonder woman bowed.
 “One more thing wonder woman. You need to know that the cat has been corrupted. We might need a new cat.”
 “Great Hera! How bad can this situation get?”
 “..............The peacock miraculous is damaged and the enemy is still using it.”
 “Great Hera have mercy!”
 Luna smiled a little before turning away to look at something.
  “It would be in our great interest to gather information before we can move forward. Keep an eye on the Paris local news. Better gather all heroes. The more you know, the better solutions might come up.”
 “Of course. Please take care.”
 Flashback ends
  So yeah that’s happened.
 The teammates looked away and sulked. Who wouldn’t! Kaylan get to meet wonder woman. Even Tikki sulked. She wanted to see the child of her creation.
 Seriously guys.
 You get to meet wonder woman. No fair.
 Marinette whined before turning away. While Luka and Kagami looked calm, their aura were too sad to ignore. Rubbing her temple she told them to get ready to return, like hell she’ll let them sulk in front of her.
 Kaylan woke up suddenly. Her breathing was heavy. Looking around she saw her miraculous wasn’t with her and neither was Nova.
 Oh yea, I’m in the dream.
 Looking at the calendar, she saw a date marked with black. Standing up she looked out of her balcony. The night sky was illuminated with bright stars. Looking around, her eyes fell on the toy shop window. Or rather a lone action figure.
 Her eyes stayed on the figure which posed for the lasso to be thrown. Just as she thought she had seen enough, the loud whooping of the familiar voice was heard. On the rooftop in front of her, three heroes said goodbyes to the fourth one.
 Kaylan looked at the wolf hero, who was clearly her but not at the moment. She stayed on the rooftop for a while before turning. Their eyes met before Luna gave a smirk.
A cold chill went down her spine before she woke up. Patting her neck she was relieved to see the miraculous around her neck. Nova slept on the fluffy pillow beside her. It was (not) just a dream.
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fantroll-purgatory · 4 years
World: Alternia, slight AU where the hemospectrum is really more of a spectrum. You can be a “high tealblood” or “low oliveblood”, as long as it fits within a certain range. Exzodiac signs still apply.
Hell yeah. Since the colors are typically 30 degrees away from one another on the color wheel I usually bump cuspbloods about 10 degrees one direction or another.
Name: Renuti Ceclos. I don’t recall where “Renuti” came from—probably the Latin root for “revolution” or “communication”—but “Ceclos” is a sly nod to Night Vale.
Love it.
Age: Sweeps for Trolls, Years for Kids
You didn’t include an age but *shrug emoji*
Theme/Story: The story, although it eventually becomes a SBURB adventure, starts with a radio station on Alternia that broadcasts rebellious messages for those seeking hope. Renuti is the runner of this station, and the eventual players of SBURB are drawn together because of them and the radio station.
Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
Review Goals: The fanventure is already being posted, so I can’t make any major story shifts. But design and personality help is appreciated. I can also change their name if necessary.
You canNOT change their name it is good!
Strife Specibus: Not quite sure. Mgaphnekind?
You could also do mikekind if you want it would be Renuti swinging the cord around like a morningstar or perhaps whacking people with the mike stand?
Fetch Modus: Not sure…fake news modus? Has to discern the actual item from the exaggerated headline?
…man given all that’s going on that concept made my gut wrench a little so lemme see if I can come up with a different one.
Idk if you’ve ever heard of or played the game Oxenfree, but in it the main character has a radio she can tune to different frequencies to pick up some cool stuff! But once the plot gets going, she can adjust her radio to three different frequencies to open up a portal which [REDACTED].
So maybe Renuti can use a FREQUENCY MODUS, where each item is locked to a certain 3-frequency combination, and upon spinning the dial to them in turn a little portal pops up and drops the item into their hands?
Blood Color: Slightly high teal blood.
Lunar Sway: Derse, obviously.
Title: Heir of Light. Literally inherited the radio station from their ancestor, and passively changes things by sharing truth and information. (Passively because, as a reporter from inside the booth, they can’t intervene.) In a meta sense, they inherently have relevance because I thought of them first and the story sort of revolves around them.
Symbol and Meaning: Lipia, the Networker.
Handle: unidentifiedScholar
If I may suggest one, what about staticRevolution? I like the contrast of the two words, and they still easily convey that they’re a subversive radio host to those in the know.
Quirk: #Since the #adio is pretty old, t#e sound quality is pretty low.# (adds more ### at intervals when nervous)
This is an excellent quirk, you’ve honestly thought Renuti out so well.
Special Abilities: None.
Lusus/Guardian: I’m really not sure. Their theme doesn’t line up with any animals I can think of.
Well as long as we’re making Night Vale references, why not a snake, since it’s on the Subversive Radio Host patch? BUT let’s make it a tsuchinoko since 1) fat creature I love it, 2) it can occasionally be mistaken for a microphone, and 3) apparently some myths indicate that it can talk, lie, and drink booze, which sounds like a GREAT parental figure for a future radio host.
Interests: They like to listen to podcasts a ton, and also go for walks. They try to cook, but they’re pretty bad at it. They make found poetry out of newspapers they distrust. Oh, and they adore troll Doctor Who.
Mood to a LOT of this.
Appearance: It won’t let me attach the picture I drew :( pretty basic appearance overall, short hair, horns like rectangles with slanted tops, long coat over pants and shirt.
Oh GOD I wanna see them so bad if you see this after it’s published *please* try submitting their picture I’d love to have a look at them!
Personality: Renuti is very caring, friendly, and confident, which are all traits that can easily get them into bad situations. They have a tendency to get carried away with passion and excitement when talking, and often have narrowly avoided outing themself as a rebel when doing so. They aren’t close with many people, but they know many—useful when seeking out info. They can be too easily swayed by any sign of their kindness being reciprocated and they’re well aware of it, which is the cause for their self-imposed lack of friends. Overall, they’re a good person trying their hardest to not be as impulsively kind as they are.
Land: I’m not sure! Suggestions?
What about Land of Fibs and Fables? Their land would initially be populated by consorts who have been fed ALL SORTS of tall tales about their Hero of Light, and the only way they can get an audience with their denizen is to make sure that the *true* story becomes common knowledge.
Thank you for giving me such a DELIGHTFUL troll to look at I love them so much and would love to see how your fanventure comes along!
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To thee I do commend my watchful soul, Ere I let fall the windows of mine eyes.
If there was anything the ethereal and occult have in common, it was the uniqueness of every entity’s eyes. That would make sense, they were all of the same stock after all, nearly the same design and all that. Demons were once angels, only fallen.
The eyes, despite both contain their supernatural essence, always reveal the true nature of a person. In this case, not person.
Hastur’s were dark inky dots that was just slightly disturbing to look at for too long, oily slick beads. Ligur’s eyes were bright like hellfire. They don’t feel good when they are glaring at you, which knowing Ligur’s personality, was often. Beelzebub had the eyes of a fly, which was unsettling when they directed their gaze at you. Like a million watchful eyes, tearing you apart piece by piece, always suspicious of all your actions. All of them were terrible.
You might say that’s because they’re demons, so they all ought to be terrible. Crowley would’ve agreed, after all his own eyes were that of a snake, and they’ve definitely caused discomfort throughout millennia to the humans of earth. But the thing was, the angels’ weren’t really any better, only that they were better at hiding it than the demons.
Gabriel had fucking purple eyes for Satan’s sake, which, in Crowley’s honest opinion, would’ve still been terrible if they weren’t purple. Those orbs look more twisted the more you stare at his blank and depth-less eyes. They look as if they’d swallow you whole. Michael’s own pair were crystal and quicksilver, always scheming and calculative, sharper than Gabriel’s vacuum. Though they might’ve donned a more corporate and modern attire nowadays, you can still see traces of the ancient warrior underneath that fought the Morningstar in the Holy War.
Uriel’s were amber and golden, but not at any way kind. It was hardest to read their eyes. You never really seem to know what they were thinking. It feels sinister. Sandalphon’s were grey like ash, crackling with lightning beneath the glassy surface. This one was ready to smite anyone who displeases them, paired with his annoying smirk, Crowley would definitely hate seeing those eyes.
One commonality these eyes had were that they were all cold and unforgiving.
Now the angel’s eyes may not be as revolting as those from hell, but they weren’t any form free from the distrustful and unnerving impressions they give like that of demons’. In short, from these enough, you’d be able to discern that neither of heaven or hell was, by any case to be trusted.
However, there is a loophole to that statement, as was most statements and rules (Crowley was good at finding and exploiting those loopholes, which was how he was good at his job.). There was a pair of eyes that Crowley actually enjoyed seeing occasionally. (Though who was he kidding? He wanted to see them more than occasionally.)
Unlike Crowley who hides his eyes behind dark glasses as a form of protection from privy noses, Aziraphale bares it for everyone to see. Even then, compared to Crowley’s eyes which were rather obvious when uncovered from the tinted glass, Aziraphale’s were nearly impossible to read had Crowley not study it for nearly 6000 years.
Interesting enough, his Angel’s eyes were neither cold, nor unforgiving. Curiously, Aziraphale’s eyes had always been peculiar, even in heaven and hell’s standards. Idiosyncratic, in a way that does not fit in the whole celestial spectrum. Crowley has never seen anything like it, and frankly he’d really prefer not to.
Aziraphale’s eyes did not have a particular color. They were iridescent, ever changing, ever different.
Most of the time they were crystal blue, at least until you stare at it longer. (Thankfully, no human ever manages to meet his eyes for too long. Must be part of the mortality thing. An angel’s stare ought to be unfathomable for a human, and so they always find themselves looking away.) Crowley, being of the same stock as Aziraphale, manages to stare just long enough to catch them change color from time to time at different angles of light.
Sometimes, they were greenish blue, like seaweed washed ashore by the waves. And when this happen, Crowley remembers the smell of the ocean, of the beach, of oysters shared by a Roman restaurant from a thousand years ago. Other times, they were blue with golden flecks dotted on them, like an ornate jewelry crafted with much masterful skills. And Crowley’s mind would then slip under the folds of a theater with different ladies and lords watching the famous plays of one William Shakespeare, an Angel smiling bright, an Arrangement comfortably established.
Aziraphale’s eyes could also turn bluish grey. And Crowley would recall stormy clouds from the horizon, rain threatening to fall, an upset downturn of an Angel’s lips, crowds gathering up by the ark. On dark, nearly black eyes Crowley immerses himself on a night of bombs and burning churches, of nearly burnt books and little demonic miracle. A sudden paradigm shift in the air. There’s dark eyes, shifting in different directions, only this time lit with blues and reds and purples. There’s You go to fast for me Crowley. And oh his heart would be in his mouth again, struggling to break free from his lips.
And of course, there’s hazel, where beginnings were started and endings were made. Always in a garden, though in a more different context, in a different setting, in a different possibility that balances precariously between certainty and ineffability.
These were only the physical qualities of his Angel’s eyes. He hasn’t even started talking about how they would crinkle when he smiled, how they sparkle in delight, how they’d dim out when downtrodden, how they twinkle with mischief. They’d start blazing when furious, not a Holier-than-thou smiting blaze, just a warm fire that was neither heavenly nor hellish in origin, but just as deadly when provoked.
Aziraphale's peculiarity did not only limit to that. Unlike all of heaven and hell, his eyes were always warm.
More than anything, Crowley supposed, Aziraphale’s eyes would be the first to greet his own in the morning, glasses perched on his nose as he’s been reading through the night, not really needing sleep but simply humoring Crowley’s request to lay next to him at night, and whatever color they might be in, Crowley couldn’t care less, because there’ll always be a “Good morning my dear, did you sleep well?” in the mornings, with a really bright smile on his Angel’s lips.
Crowley would groan, but secretly pleased with all this.  
After all, more than anything, he’ll have his Angel’s eyes forever with him.
an ode to Michael Sheen's eyes of which I have no means of understanding it's color.
read it in ao3
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Paul Rand;
Born  Peretz Rosenbaum;
American art director and graphic designer, best known for his corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc. Westinghouse, ABC. He was one of the first American commercial artists to embrace and practice the Swiss Style of graphic design
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Stefan Sagmeister  is a New York-based graphic designer, storyteller, and typographer. Sagmeister co-founded a design firm called Sagmeister & Walsh Inc. with Jessica Walsh in New York City. He has designed album covers for Lou Reed, OK Go, The Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Jay Z, Aerosmith and Pat Metheny.
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What are graphic designers;
Graphic designers are visual communicators,  that create visual concepts by hand or by using computer software such as illustrator or Photoshop. They communicate ideas to inspire, inform, or captivate consumers through both physical and virtual art forms that include images, words, or graphics.
The types of media included in a designer are fonts, shapes, colors, images, print design, photography, animation, logos, and billboards.
A graphic designer can work in fields such as; A creative Director, A package designer, Art production director, A brand identity developer, A visual image developer, A visual journalist, A interface designer, A broadcast designer, A logo designer, Web designer, and content developer.
Advise clients on strategies to reach a particular audience.
Determine the message the design should portray.
Create images that identify a product or convey a message.
Develop graphics and visual or audio images for product illustrations, logos, and websites.
Create designs either by hand or by using computer software packages.
Select colours, images, text style, and layout.
Present the design to clients or the art director.
Incorporate changes recommended by the clients into the final design.
Review designs for errors before printing or publishing them.
Advantages of working in-house Perks of a traditional work environment: separation of home and work; collaboration with colleagues in a social workplace; company benefits  
 A steady paycheck: stability without having to build up a clientele 
 Opportunities to advance: potential to climb the corporate career ladder
  One brand or brand set to develop: singular focus allows designers to develop an in-depth understanding of the organization’s brand, style, and target audiences; opportunity to build a long-term strategy and see the results that it yields.
Disadvantages of working in-house More rules: an established company brand can feel restrictive; it requires that you come up with new ideas while adhering to brand guidelines
 More communication: likely have to explain and justify your designs to non-designers 
A non-design environment: office space may not be optimized with the designers in mind; there will be fewer, if any, fellow designers to work with
Advantages of working as a freelancer Location: no commuting; flexibility to work from anywhere with Wi-Fi 
Creative freedom: creative flexibility; select work that challenges and inspires you 
A tailored schedule: tailor your hours to the lifestyle you want, as long as you keep up with the workload and remain productive
Disadvantages of working as a freelancer No coworkers: essentially, will be working alone in relative isolation, in a non-collaborative environment, which may at times challenge your motivation 
Hunting and bidding for work: projects will not land on your desk; you will have to actively seek – and sometimes compete to win – projects
Unreliable pay without benefits: pay can vary dramatically from month to month, depending on the flow of work; health insurance, maternity leave, and retirement accounts will be your own responsibility
Graphic designer often use illustrator, what is illustrator;
Illustration is the art of making images that work with something and add to it. The other thing is the focus of the attention, and the illustration's role is to add personality and character without competing with that other thing.
Illustrator is also a program that allows designers draw thing and design things precisely.
The areas’ that I would love to explore in design are graphics; such as illustration, concept art and logo designs, this is because I would like to have a feel of what it feels like to do those type of things and have more experience in art and gain more artistic skills required to make the best I can out of digital design area especially since I am at college before the real world would open up to me.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Investing for Social Impact Is Complicated. Here Are 4 Ways to Simplify It.
Investing in companies or organizations that make a positive change on society can be a bit like indulging in a vice: A lot of people might enjoy it privately, but they’re not comfortable talking about it publicly.
When asked about this strategy, known as impact investing, investors typically give a lukewarm response or sidestep the topic altogether, researchers have found. A common refrain is to raise concerns about an investment’s influence and how any trade-offs with returns are measured.
But recent research geared toward individual investors, financial advisers and fund managers has found that impact investing is more broadly popular than advisers believed and that this may be a golden age for measuring the financial and social returns on such investments.
Nearly three-quarters of Americans have moderate to high interest in sustainable investing, according to new research by the financial services firm Morningstar. That interest, the study found, is broad and deep. It also runs contrary to a common belief among advisers that interest in this type of investing is confined to millennials and women.
The study used a technique from experimental economics called revealed preferences, said Ray Sin, a senior behavioral scientist at Morningstar who conducted the study with Ryan O. Murphy, head of decision sciences at the firm. Most surveys that study impact investing rely on stated preferences: You answer the question you’re asked. The Morningstar survey gave people either/or choices between two stocks with varying differences of the financial returns and sustainability ratings of each stock.
“You’re inferring their preferences through trade-offs,” Mr. Sin said. “In doing that, we’re able to tell how much they’re willing to trade off, and then we tied it back to the question: Do people care about sustainable investing?”
The answer, overwhelmingly, was yes. That opened up a second line of inquiry: Are the investments having an impact and still generating a solid return?
That is a difficult question to answer in a meaningful way. Many organizations offer metrics for measuring an investment’s impact, but they are generally not all measuring the same thing. The best ones, though, are at least evaluating all the investments using the same criteria.
“There’s been a pretty significant proliferation of metrics and data in the last 20 years,” said Lily Trager, director of investing with impact at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. She said that what had started as a way of avoiding risk caused by the actions of companies had evolved into a more complicated assessment of positive performance.
Yet putting that information together in a meaningful way has proved to be complicated. “You’re seeking to define the most useful of material factors,” Ms. Trager said. “That is nuanced and challenging for clients to understand.”
Here is a look at four metrics that either are being introduced or have been overhauled in an effort to simplify the process for investors.
Hoping to be a one-stop shop
The Global Impact Investing Network, a nonprofit advocacy group, has operated the IRIS rating system for the past decade. It has contributed to metrics that evaluate impact investments, with the intention of creating a commonly used method, similar to the generally accepted accounting principles used by the Securities and Exchange Commission. IRIS is set to be reintroduced this month.
The new version, IRIS+, is meant to translate impact investing goals like gender equity, climate change and affordable housing into results, said Amit Bouri, the chief executive of GIIN. He said the new system would help investors know exactly which metrics to track if they hoped, for example, to bring clean energy to rural areas.
The revised IRIS system is also an acknowledgment that impact investors want more ratings they can act on, he said.
“Before, the people doing impact investing were do-gooder organizations by design,” Mr. Bouri said. “When I fast-forward to today, and I have a conversation with the chief investment officer of an investment fund or the chief executive of an asset manager, they all want to talk about impact investing. But they want to know how they can best understand their performance.”
Mr. Bouri hopes that IRIS Plus can serve as a one-stop shop for investors seeking to understand how a particular goal can, or cannot, be accomplished through a particular investment.
Retooling ratings on an aspirational scale
The Global Impact Investment Rating System was created a decade ago to apply sustainability criteria to private investments made through venture capital and private equity funds. It was the brainchild of B Lab, a nonprofit organization that strives to redefine business success and administers the B Corporation certification.
Giirs (pronounced gears) was meant to evaluate both the investments themselves and the overall quality of the funds. It focused on the impact of a business model, the impact of a company’s policies and the intent of the fund to make an impact.
The system is now being retooled to bring it more in line with the B Corp system of rating companies themselves. That system measures a company on social and environmental metrics as they relate to its business and employees, and then assigns a score from 0 to 200 points. A company needs a score of at least 80 to receive the B Corp designation.
As Giirs has evolved, the organization’s leaders realized that investors were interested in analytical data, said Andrew Kassoy, a co-founder and the managing partner of B Lab. So impact investments will now be put through an analytical screening process and assigned a series of scores in areas like the effect on the environment or treatment of workers as well as a total score, the way companies seeking B Corp certification are scored.
Mr. Kassoy said that applying this methodology to impact investments would help them strive for constant improvement.
“The whole idea of the 200-point scale is aspirational,” he said. “It’s easy to identify things that can be done quickly and easily as well as things that would take more time with a plan for improvement. That leads to really important conversations with investors.”
Using accounting standards as a model
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board was modeled on the Financial Accounting Standards Board with the goal of doing for sustainable investing what FASB has done for accounting.
Last fall, after seven years of work, the organization released its framework for analyzing 77 industries along a consistent range of environmental, social and governance metrics.
The group’s overarching goal is to focus on sustainability’s financial impact on a company and what that means to investors.
General financial information for most companies is available online, but the same cannot be said for a company’s approach to using environmental, social and governance measurements, said Bryan Esterly, the sustainability board’s director of standards research. Even companies that provide their own sustainability reports do not do so in a standardized way as they do with accounting measures.
“What we produce are standards,” Mr. Esterly said. “We don’t produce ratings. Our view is, the ratings could be more accurate and robust if there was a market standard out there.”
One drawback: So far, only about 60 companies have used the board’s standards.
Swapping numbers for a heat map
Erika Karp, the chief executive of Cornerstone Capital, which manages money for wealthy people, came to impact investing through equity research at top global investment banks. She said she saw environmental, social and governance analysis as a critical investment discipline, akin to quantitative or fundamental research.
But assessing an investment’s impact has been difficult to do in a way that is meaningful and understandable to the high-net-worth clients she serves. Using the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals, Cornerstone created the Access Impact Framework to apply those goals to companies in different sectors.
The end result for investors is a heat map that shows in colors from pale to deep blue how their money measures up to their goals, whether it is invested in individual companies, funds or the portfolio over all.
“We’re sorting through a lot of data and noise and getting to a signal for regular human beings — not quants, not financial experts,” Ms. Karp said.
With the heat map, clients who want to improve access to education in the world can see if their investments are actually doing that. They can also screen managers to see, for example, which ones are invested in opportunities that provide access to clean water.
Ms. Karp said the company purposely avoided using a numerical scale because she hoped the heat map would reach people on a more human level.
“It’s so easy to be bummed out when you think of the damage that’s been baked into the climate,” she said. “We really have to get going now, and if you’re going to get going now it has to be visceral. Numbers don’t let things be visceral.”
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avalon-ablaze · 8 years
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Task 12: Muse Booster
Name: Avalon Honoria Nightingale
Height: 5′5″
Age: 24
Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland
Hair (Color, length, style): Avalon’s hair is brunette with blonde and auburn tones and highlights; she keeps it long and to her waist in wavy curls.
Race/Nationality: Metahuman; Scottish with some English ethnicity
Regional Influences: New York, California, and just a bit of Scottish from the first half of her life in Scotland.
Accent (Voice, style of speech, slang, signature words/phrases): Avalon doesn’t have a very clear ‘accent’, though it could be said she generally has a New York accent mixed with a Scottish accent; she sounds more Scottish the angrier and more excited she gets.  She isn’t really one for slang or favorite words.
Religion: Catholic, non-practicing
Marital Status: Single, unmarried
Scars/Other Notable Physical Attributes: She has a small, shallow scar on her forehead from an accident as a young girl.  She has a lot of tattoos: a stylized arrow design between her shoulder blades, explore, challenge, & create glyphs on the side of her left middle finger, a dreamcatcher on her right side over her ribs, filigree-style compass on the inside of her left wrist, and a small watercolor-style Ouroboros on the inside of her right heel.
Handicaps (Physical, emotional, mental): Severe claustrophobia, made worse by essentially being half avian.  She also toes the line between humane and feral-minded because of her genetics.
Athletic?  Inactive?  Overall Health: Ava’s Metahuman enhanced condition keeps her body in peak superior health, while her regenerative healing factor keeps her body from suffering any real or permanent damage.
Style of Dress: Ava’s style changes with the seasons and most popular fashions, but her signature style tends to be more Bohemian and exotic.  She will dress in business attire for required occasions, but otherwise prefers more casual dress that can withstand her frequent shapeshifting and flying.  While she loves shoes she hates wearing them, and if she isn’t out in public or having to wear shoes then she is almost always barefoot.
Favorite Colors: Deep, warm colors; reds, deep maroons, oranges and yellows
How does she feel about her appearance? Ava is very confident and very proud of her appearance.  She isn’t the Pride of the Nephilim but her vanity is as notorious as her unpredictable temper; she knows she is drop-dead gorgeous and fuck anyone who dares to say otherwise.
Any siblings? Avalon was born and raised as an only child until she was put into foster care; eventually she became the adopted sibling to Jackson and Harper Fairchild, whom are now deceased.
Relationship with Parents: Avalon never knew her birth parents, though she was raised by a sweet Scottish couple until they perished in a fire caused by a premature manifestation of Ava’s power.  She saw Marcus and Regina as the father and mother that she never had but deserved, and loved them dearly; she never really has gotten over their deaths.
Memories about childhood: Ava doesn’t remember much about her early years except that she was happy and loved.  She prefers to disregard her memories of the years in foster care.  Her most precious memories are of always sticking with Jaden and Monroe and of Cyrus eventually joining them while their parents created and ran their business.  Jaden and Monroe became the most important people in her life, especially when her adopted family were killed.
Educational background (Street smart?  Book smart?): She attended Parsons School of Design and then Pansaw University and graduated with degrees in Photography, Fine Arts, and Computer Sciences.
Work Experience: Ava is self-employed as a painter and a photographer.  She is also a skilled computer hacker, well-known in certain circles, and will occasionally sell her services to willing and worthy customers.
Where does she live now?  Describe home (Emotional atmosphere & physical): She moved out of the apartment that she shared with Jaden and Monroe and into her own personal tower of sorts within the Nephilim mansion.  The atmosphere of her rooms are void of the tension and chaos of the rest of the mansion, and she would consider her studio to be one of the quietest spaces in the mansion.
Neat or messy? Very messy, in the way that would freak most people out because there would seem to be no rhyme or reason; there is a method to her madness and a pattern to the disorder.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Morals: Rides the fence between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.  Her actions are greatly influenced by her emotions and what she feels like doing, and she often makes decisions based on whether or not the outcome will benefit her and to what degree.  She generally holds little regard for the effects that her decisions and actions have on others, unless they manage to rank among those she gives a shit about.
Activities: Flying, painting, photography, Yoga, meditation, computer hacking, various martial arts
Friends?  Pets? No pets.  She counts Jaden and Cyrus among her family, and Mari, Jonah and Scarlett as very close friends.
Enemies?  Why? Anyone who disagrees with her opinions regarding Metahumans being the superior race, as well as anyone who dares to get in her way or the Nephilim’s way of their goals.
Basic Nature: Avalon naturally comes across as bold, charismatic and magnetic (with just a little danger) to almost anyone she meets, unless she wishes otherwise.  The reality is that she is cunning, manipulative, and dangerous like the true predator that she is, and only those who know her best experience the true Avalon that is lively, passionate, and caring in all of the good ways.
Personality Traits: Ambitious, brazen, capricious, clever, creative, cunning, free-spirited, intelligent, intuitive, observant, passionate, predatory, proud, selfish, sensual, temperamental, vain, volatile, wild
Strongest/Weakest Traits: Her strongest traits are her imagination and creativity, her intellect/intuition, and her cunning ambition.  Her weakest traits would be her flightiness and fickleness, and her tendency to let her animal and predator instincts take too much control over her rational human mind.
What does she fear? Other than nasty claustrophobia, Avalon fears abandonment and being lonely.  She has always felt like her birth parents didn’t want her, and both of her adopted families were taken from her.  She is terrified of losing anyone else she cares about, whether she will admit it or not.
What is she proud of? Avalon is very proud of her powers, but she is most proud of her artwork and her photography, especially given that she had won many awards for her work and her alias is known worldwide within the societies of art enthusiasts and critics.
Outlook on life: There is beauty in everything and even in the darkest moments.  Life is what you choose to make of it, and Ava has learned that you can control and manipulate the hand that you are dealt in life
Ambitions: She has open ambitions of seeing the Nephilim’s goals to fruition, primarily for personal reasons; she sees the end goal of Metahuman superiority and human subordination as part of the retribution she seeks from the deaths of the Fairchild family.  Her more personal ambitions are to see her name and work associated with the famous artists in history.  Her most secret ambition is to find her biological parents.
Politics: She cares little for politics, save for those that directly affect her and the Metahuman race -- and she has a track record of openly disagreeing with and lighting things (and people...) on fire to properly and dramatically express her opposition...
How does she see herself? Ava sees herself as a queen among peasants, one who has long been denied, on multiple occasions, what is owed to her and who is determined to earn the glory (and revenge) that she believes she rightfully deserves.
How is she seen by others? Once people are able to get past her looks they eventually come to see her either as a fun party girl with a devil-may-care attitude or a dangerous (fire-breathing) bitch who can and will turn on you at any moment when it most benefits her.
Do I (the writer) like her?  Why or why not? I love writing Ava as a character, because she represents the secret part of my personality that is spontaneous and wishfully outgoing.  She is fun to write and her muse is easy to inspire (and she almost practically writes herself), but as an actual person I would more than likely not associate with her.  She is too unpredictable and wild for my introverted self to handle, and common interests wouldn’t be enough for me to want to hang out with her.
Most important thing about her: Her power (duh), but also, and almost more importantly, her passion and beautifully creative brain.
Present Problem: Since the city-wide illusion trick on Halloween, Ava has felt more caged and restless than ever, and feels that the Nephilim’s lack of action in response to both that and to the power negation field that C.A.R.M.A. imposed on Pansaw have been contributing to the stagnancy and to her cabin fever.
How will it get worse? Now that Uriel has returned and resumed his leadership as the Morningstar, there is a chance the Nephilim will be making another public move sooner rather than later.  And the sooner the better, because if Ava does not see some sort of action or find some way to curb her instinctual need to act she may implode on her fellow council members and everyone else.
Her goals? Her goals are to bring down the human government and put Metahumans in power, and to watch the human race burn for ostracizing her and the Metahuman race.
What traits will help/hurt her in achieving this goal? Her passionate conviction, deep-seated hatred of humans, relentless determination, and cunning mind will be a big help to her.  If Ava isn’t careful though, her rage may grow too strong for her to control, and her animal nature may take over.
What makes her different from similar characters? I think what makes Ava different from other villains is that she might be more of an anti-hero than a true villain.  She looks out only for herself and the people she cares enough about, but doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what happens to anyone else.  Unlike other villains and even a lot of anti-heroes, Ava has the capacity to do good and be good if she really wanted to be.  Circumstance and life made her the person she is, but she has the capability to change and be so much better.
How will people remember her vividly? People will remember her as a wildfire of a creature who can create as beautifully and wonderfully as she can destroy.
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