#these were done super fast sorry for bad quality
corvidaeconundrum · 5 months
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More cat designs, hell yeah, kitties
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iraprince · 7 months
do u have any advice for those that want to run a quest?
it feels a LEETLE silly answering this when all my own are currently on hiatus bc i got busy (SORRY TO CALLIST0 READERS LOL) BUT!!! yes i do. i have only ever run quests/interactive comics on the site questden, so i guess as a baseline this will kind of all be geared towards that, but i think most of this should translate to any hosting situation
you have to be cool with your plots branching and mutating in unexpected ways, and you have to be willing to play ball with your readers. quests are a collaboration between the author and the audience. it often feels a lot like gming a tabletop campaign (and that's the origin!! questden, specifically, was originally an offshoot of /tg/.) -- we've all had or heard about bad GMs who view their position as that of a narrative dictator who exists to punish and prod a captive group of players thru their own personal novel, but a good GM is interested in telling stories as a group. u have final say and have to stay true to the important stuff abt ur story, but if u get mad or frustrated when ur readers want to explore something "off topic" or aren't following the threads of ur narrative the way u expected them to, u don't actually want to run a quest, u just want to make a webcomic w mandatory comments. (the flip side of this is: consider if the story u want to make is the right one for an interactive quest. if it is REALLY important to u that the plot beats of a story go a certain way, maybe save it for a medium where u have more control!)
keep it loose and fast. the art does not matter. i am rly guilty of not following this one, but i still think it's really important! one of the things i like best about quests is the barrier to entry is very low and you SHOULD be able to start and maintain one very quickly. if i were better at keeping my art scrabbly and sketchy and loose, my stuff would not go on hiatus as often as it does. draw fast! it's NICE if the art is gorgeous to look at and definitely will draw readers, but it's way better if the art is simple enough that you can update frequently and without much stress. the quality of ur writing + character building, and whether u are telling a story that's engaging and that ur readers feel meaningfully involved in, is 100000x more important than the art.
on the more nitty gritty side: try to have a hook in each update. one of the most common reasons suggestions die off is readers being unsure of what they're supposed to do next. sure, too much spoonfeeding could end up feeling like railroading, and you don't have to end every single update by getting right in their faces and yelling "WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT??", but when you finish an update try to take a second to put yourself in a reader's shoes and see if there's an obvious next step. is there a course of action to decide on/debate, are there clear questions they can ask an npc, etc -- i can't think of a great way to describe it, but you want to avoid ending an update on a note where the player character and readers are basically sitting there looking at each other like "um... okay. that's that, then." some ppl even just end all their updates w multiple choice options, which is a super simple way to keep things moving if it fits the style of what ur doing. if you don't want it to be that overt but you still can't think of a way for there to be a clear hook, you can at least try to leave a little nudge in the narration that invites the readers to try to tie whatever they've just done/learned back into the pc's main goals/motivations or current tasks. (on this subject, VERY useful for your main character to have a very specific goal or end destination that everyone is on the same page abt. it's harder for your plot to lose momentum if you can always point at what your readers are supposed to be moving toward!)
finally: KEEP UPDATING EVEN IF YOU GET VERY FEW/NO SUGGESTIONS. it's a niche genre. questden is a small website. it's hard to get people to read something new, especially if it's in a new and unfamiliar format (and especially especially when it's on a website that looks like a chanboard lmao). picking up readers takes a long time, and a lot of people lurk without suggesting (ESPECIALLY if it's a difficult/plot-important decision, and also especially in the opposite, if it's a very obvious next step and someone else has already commented what most ppl would say). it's very tempting to want to wait for more suggestions bc u "only" have one or two, and then that wait becomes stagnation, and then you're frustrated and u end up dropping the quest bc "nobody cares." instead u just have to push thru!!!! u only have two suggestions and u wish u had more? maybe next update u'll get more. u have NO suggestions and u feel like that means ur quest is dead in the water? NOPE! the solution is to update again, bc maybe ppl with latch on more and have something to say in the next scene. the more u update ur quest, the more u'll be able to talk abt it (and maybe get more readers), and specifically in the case of questden the more ur thread will be bumped to the front page. think abt how many times you've seen ppl talking abt a webcomic or a book and thought "i need to check that out eventually...." but it takes months for you to actually do it. 99.9999% of the time, ppl need to see something MULTIPLE TIMES before they check it out!! most readers do not come from clicking something the very first time they see it!! i know it can feel lonely and discouraging, but u owe it to ur art and the stories u want to tell to keep trying, even if engagement is very low at first, otherwise you're killing it before it's even had a chance. like, get shameless about it. ask your buddies to comment on your quest. but give that horse a few really good whacks before you decide it's dead!! i think that's my main thoughts. if you have any more specific questions i'm happy to help if i can! but also i think you'll learn the most by just jumping in and fucking around. quests are easy to pick up and easy to drop, and imo do really well as a playground where u test different ways to draw and tell stories, so might as well just get messy.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 3 - Haruhi Suzumiya!!
Despite my wishes for Yuki to be allowed to be happy, my character is here to fuck everything up and make everyone miserable. Let's go!
Given the lack of supernatural forces in this show, my money's on Love Triangle antagonist.
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Oh thank Haruhi, she's still an asshole. Gonna be honest, the pleasant evening Yuki had with her last episode made me nervous that they'd sanded her edges off.
I'm still so nervous. I can feel her getting ready to create conflict.
She's here to get revenge against Yuki for stealing her God powers, by stealing Yuki's boyfriend. Who. Yuki. Also stole from her.
...okay so if Haruhi drowns Yuki in the nearest river it could reasonably be argued to be justified but I still don't wanna let her.
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This program has performed an illegal operation and had to be shut down.
You can take the girl out of the robot but you can't take the robot out of the girl.
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"Sorry Haruhi but we don't have time to talk about aliens because we need to meet up with Ryoko Asakura."
The show did that on purpose. XD And I appreciate it.
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She was going to kidnap Santa Claus! Not just meet him. She planned a full-on abduc--
Yo is that a bag of CEMENT!? Haruhi. Haruhi. I desperately need you to explain what the plan last night was.
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Haruhi rejecting Yuki's gratitude on the grounds of, "Fuck you, I'm a selfish prick so you go ahead and take this credit for your personal achievement on yourself. The meanest possible way to build another person up.
This resonates with me so hard. Like. Actually, Haruhi's wrong. This is Individualist propaganda. It's okay to lean on others for support. Humans are social creatures.
But Haruhi's a selfish, violent misanthrope. She's young, stupid, and full of herself. So for her this is super endearing. I love that Haruhi gets soft moments but they're always filtered through the lens of Haruhi's personal shittiness.
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HAHAHAHA It's okay I don't think she saw us HAHAHAHAHA
This show is so fucking good oh my god.
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Every time I see Ryoko's cooking in closeup, I'm reminded of the fact that anime food must always, always be the most high-resolution incredible art imaginable. We don't want a repeat of the Bad Cabbage Incident that brought cultural shame to anime as a whole.
Thanks to badly drawn cabbage, drawing food so photorealistic that it ends up higher-quality than the animation around it is now a way of flexing in anime.
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Oh shit, we're officially her friends.
It was a plot point in the Disappearance movie that Haruhi would have trouble getting in the school. Visibly wearing another school's uniform makes it clear that she's not supposed to be here.
How will Haruhi solve that problem this time around?
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Fuck you, rules are fake. Anything is legal if you sprint fast enough.
XD I am so anxietous about my character being back in the show and yet so happy to see her. That's mah girl! She's here to make trouble!
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Okay I said it before but.
I was worried last episode that they were sanding off Haruhi's edges. Making her nicer. Less shamelessly criminal. But no. This episode has put all of those concerns to rest.
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Haruhi changed both herself and Itsuki into Kyon Gym Clothes Haruhi and Itsuki so fast I could practically hear her saying, "Oi! Kyon! We need to wardrobe-reference the movie so GIMME." In the movie, they had to wear Kyon's gym clothes because they were out in the streets trying to figure out a way to look inconspicuous with limited resources.
Here in the school building under no pressing urgency and with Haruhi's criminal proclivities, I feel like there were a million other ways they could blend in. They're doing this just because they did it in the movie.
Not a fan of that. For the last two episodes, the show's done a great job of blazing its own trail, which is what I like to see out of AU stories. While Haruhi shouting "Kyon! Gym clothes! Now!" so she can change into one of her other Movie Costumes feels inorganic and overly referential.
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I love that Itsuki has taken Kyon's job of being Haruhi's luggage. And yet, there is an unmistakable flaw in Haruhi's approach. Well. Two flaws, given that the other is "This is not a magic world".
My bestie likes to feed birds on our balcony. They leave out a bowl of seed, and the birds come by and eat. They also leave peanuts for some of the larger birds like blue jays. Consequently, we have birds coming and going from our balcony all the time.
Our cat is very intrigued by this. During the day in spring and summer, he loves to go out on the balcony and hunt the birds. He can't wait to get his claws into a nice, juicy bird. The idea captivates him.
So we let him out onto the balcony and he hunts. By which I mean, he climbs up on the table and sits his ass next to the bowl. In plain sight. Supremely visible. And then he waits.
And waits.
And waits.
To date, he has never caught a bird. For some reason, the birds are reluctant to come to the balcony when a visible predator is sitting next to their food bowl. His enthusiasm is great, but he has produced a 0% success rate not because birds don't exist, but because birds will not approach under the conditions he creates.
That's her. That is Haruhi. She's dragging Itsuki around by the ear so that she can be nearby when he reveals his true secret nature. Failing to realize that he will never reveal his true secret nature (even if he still had one) so long as she is around to see it. That's what makes it secret.
Last night's Santa experiment is very much the same. Santa never sprang Haruhi's trap. But is that because Santa does not exist? Yes. But more importantly, even if he did exist, Santa would be unlikely to drop what he's doing to go to a random park just because some girl standing nearby wrote a message saying "HEY COME HERE I HAVE CAKE".
Haruhi's methodology needs a lot of work. Her self-absorption deprives her of the subtlety required to create an effective trap.
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You worked so hard for this. Do not let Haruhi take her powers back control of your club away from you!
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Oh thank Haruhi, Ryoko is here to fuck up Haruhi. We're good. Everything's fine. That girl doesn't even go to our school. There is no way Lawful Menace is going to stand for this.
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Ryoko no you were our last hope
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I do admit, I'm interested to see where this is going to go. Ryoko didn't get to interact with Haruhi, like, at all back in the original show 'cause it was so Kyon-centric. And also 'cause she died moved to Canada.
I said before that I like it when AU stories go in new directions rather than trying to skew too close to the original source material, and letting Haruhi and Ryoko hang out is certainly a new direction.
(continued in reblog)
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negative-speedforce · 21 days
Captain Phasma or Sandman's Lucifer? (battle of the Gwendoline Christies lol)
Book of Boba Fett or the Obi-Wan show?
Fix-it fics of existing canon or outright AUs?
Eobarry or Barrisco?
Only one bed trope or fake relationship trope?
(your ocs) Pippa or Pyrrha?
(your ocs) Cassandra or Kayla?
(my ocs) Nikoletta or Indigo?
Okay but first of all are we counting Phasma in the novels or just her appearances in the movies? Because in the movies, her characterization is kinda lacking and she's kinda just... there? (so I'd probably go with Lucifer) but in the novels, she's a much more dynamic character, and if we're counting that, I'm going Phasma. She's my wife.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, by far. BoBF was kinda eh to me, I wasn't a huge fan. The pacing was weird and I got bored of it really fast, there were some good moments, but mostly, it was boring. Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand? Well, first of all, it features Miss Reva Sevander, aka what Kylo Ren WISHES he was in terms of complexity and moral ambiguity. Then, it also has those badass Obi-Wan and Vader scenes, and overall, it's just superior in quality.
I'll take fix-it fics of existing canon. I don't normally like AUs that much, unless they're REALLY canon-aligned (for example: hanahaki disease AU, soulmate AU, wingfic). Otherwise, it's usually a turnoff for me.
Are we talking OTP or BroTP? Because you're pitting those two against each other. Barry and Cisco are the buddies of all time, I don't really see them as romantic but their dynamic as friends is impeccable. Eobarry, on the other hand? It's toxic, it's messy, I love them, I hate them, I wouldn't want them within thirty feet of each other if they were real people- but unfortunately for them, they're not, and I'm going to watch their drama burn down and roast marshmallows over the ashes.
There's some nuance in that, in how it's portrayed. Both of them can be either super cliche or exciting enough to keep me on the edge of my seat. When done well, however, I'll take Only One Bed.
Pippa and Pyrrha are such different characters and I like them for such different reasons, it's difficult to decide which of them I like better overall. Pippa's so pure-hearted, she's down bad for a supervillain, she's lost so much and is still so happy and upbeat, while Pyrrha's the definition of a scrunkly wet cat poor little meow meow. I literally can't decide, since they're basically polar opposites, it's difficult to compare them on any axis.
KAYLA KAYLA KAYLA RAWR RAWR GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR okay now I'm normal. But seriously, I am so mentally unwell about Kayla, she's such a dynamic, ambiguous character, and she occupies WAY too much of my brainspace. I also love Cassandra so much, but since she's more of a side character, I don't really get into her headspace much.
I'm so sorry Indigo, I love you, but I'm gonna have to go with Nikoletta. Morally gray women own my heart, and the Queen of Belle Reve herself definitely fits the bill. Plus, her being so touch-starved, and her relationship with Abner both live in my head rent free (also her and Cassandra would totally get along ngl)
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Tyler Durden x Postal 2 Dude
Donuts (Part 1)
Yes I know this is super cringe & random. I’m sorry. I love crossing over different fandoms I’m into soooo yeah. This takes place during the time Tyler leaves the narrator and uhmmm I dunno, just be nice to me please 😭 Sorry for any mistakes and whatnot.
Time goes by fast when you’re having fun. Well, as much fun as you can have in the small chaotic town known as Paradise, Arizona. The plan had been to keep moving around from town to town, state to state but a certain chance incident happened that put that plan on halt for the time being.
And as Tyler laid there finishing what was left of his ‘post coital’ cigarette, on a mattress that desperately needed to be replaced, he felt the one who put a pause on his plans, move from under the sheets as they laid on top of him. Glancing down, he couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips when he was met with the scowling ginger who was peaking only their head out and squinting their stupidly bright green eyes.
“Ya finally done hiding in your cocoon there sweetheart?” He teased as he plucked the cig out from between his lips before blowing a small puff of smoke right into the other mans face. It barely affected him besides the groan he let out as he lazy fanned the smoke away. “Dickhead.” Was all he muttered before resting his chin back down on Tylers bare chest.
Tylers boy-ish smirk melted into more of a genuine smile as he stared into the others eyes. It really was genuinely insane how vivid of a green shade the mans eyes were to Tyler. Out of all the men and women he has messed around with, none had such captivating eyes and not even in a romantic sense. This guys eyes just had this interesting quality to them where they looked just like gas station puddles when the light hits them a certain way… At least that’s what they reminded Tyler of anyways.
Once he focused fully back on the man and the way he was still squinting, Tyler chuckled before only just seemingly now remember something important to the other. “Oh yeah..You poor baby.” He mockingly coo’ed again as he carefully reached over to grab the discarded pair of sunglasses on the poor excuse of a side table. “Poor Dude can’t go without ‘em for five seconds.”
Dude grumbled something or another under his breath before snatching them out of Tylers hand and sliding them back on. “Yeah, yeah. And you can’t wait even a second for me to get up to turn the lights off before we fuck.”
“Well that’s on you for not turning the damn lights off before we fell asleep.” Tyler pointed out as he put what was left of his cigarette out on the side table. “If you got bad eyes when there’s light then why-”
He was cut off when Dude placed his hand over his mouth. “Shut it. I was tired and you were too.” He lazily muttered.
Under his hand, he felt Tyler grin again before the blondes mouth opened and bit down on his pointer finger, a bit too hard to be considered ‘playful’.
Dude let out a loud “OW!” before quickly pulling his hand away and rubbing his finger off onto the bed sheet to he the spit off. “Motherfucker…”
Dude had to have been one of the most worth while people he’d been around in quite a while. Not only was he witty, oddly charming, and pleasantly ‘weird’, he also could just tell Dude was at ‘rock bottom’ and perhaps been so for a while. Dude was the perfect personification of all Tyler had ever preached about from self destruction to not letting your things own you. Hell, he was doing even better than him in that regard. Instead of living in a house, Dude owned a little run down shitty trailer home and all he really had outside of that was some dog that was out running around named ‘Champ’.
Another thing about Dude he found interesting was the whole ‘Postal Dude’ name. Tyler was pretty sure even the worst parents in the world wouldn’t have picked a name like that out for their kid. So he’d come to the conclusion that Dude also decided not to let a name ‘own him’.
The more he thought about Dude, the more he thought about how if something were to happen to himself, he’d have no problem at all passing ownership of ‘Fight Club’ along to Dude. Dude would have to fight….a certain someone for that position but he didn’t want to think of that ‘certain someone’ right now. Maybe, hypothetically, it would be easier to let him in on Project Mayhem. Honestly he wouldn’t have been surprised if Dude had already been in on Project Mayhem. The first thing he’d seen Dude do was something basically torn straight out of a page of Tylers book. And what did he do specifically? What happened at their chance meeting?
Well, while Tyler had been trying to get a hold of someone on one of the phones right outside some gas station, he watched as this weirdo, fully grown mallgoth dressed man walk out of the gas station with a box full of donuts, walk around back (passing Tyler), poorly hide himself behind a bush, unzip his pants, and piss onto said donuts. This all of course before he zipped his pants back up and tossed one of them at a nearby cop.
Once the cop stopped, the pisser quickly turned around before they could tell he’d thrown it and to Tyler’s surprise.. The cop then proceeded to pick up the ground donut, eat it, and then violently vomit.
Of course Tyler had to introduce himself to this odd specimen and since then, he’d somewhat glued himself to Dudes hip and helped him with whatever daily tasks Dude had planned and what turned from just being what was supposed to be a three day stop, turned into about three weeks. Three weeks he’d spent staying with Dude in his little trailer home. What was even more surprising than that though was the fact they’d only had sex one other time before today.. and Tyler was usually the of guy to participate in ‘marathon sex’. The only reason why he assumed it ended up playing out like this this time was because Dude was just one of those people who had more to offer than a quick fuck to Tyler. He had his own unique opinions about life, morals, and just wasn’t someone you’d meet to often. Nothing usually captivated Tyler more when it comes to people like him.
As he was currently thinking of the fact they’ve only gotten down and dirty one other time, he realized something. “Yknow, I hardly ever fuck gingers. Especially ginger guys.” Tyler spoke as he slid his fingers into the others hair.
He couldn’t tell for sure but it looked like Dude closed his eyes at the contact. “Hmm… Am I supposed to feel honored by that fact?” Dude asked with a hint of sarcasm. It was kinda hard to tell sometimes, he spoke mostly in a monotone voice. Tyler answered anyways, “Yknow it baby”, followed by a slight tug of his hair, to which Dude whined. Not in a particularly pleased tone, one more out of annoyance. “Agh. Stop that.”
“I thought you liked-”
“Being manhandled. Yes. Just not right after you just fucked me to near death.”
Tyler rolled his eyes but rubbed the spot he’d tugged his hair from. “Lame. Must take you a while to get it back up, huh?”
Dude ignored what he just asked for now and opted just to now lay the side of his head against him. Seeing that Dude wasn’t as defensive as other people Tyler knew, he just chuckled again as he continued to play with his hair.
Tyler hadn’t been much of the type to cuddle but for some reason, he didn’t mind that much since it was Dude. Maybe it was because he could tell Dude was a loner. Tyler always found himself enjoying messing with the loner types anyways. That or despite the fact that he loved that Dude got into trouble and mischief almost every day, he knew deep down that a break every once in a while was good and to be honest..Dude wasn’t too bad on the eyes. He somehow looked really pathetic but also rugged and dangerous at the same time. It excited him.
It had been quiet for a while as Tyler pondered different things involving Dude until the ginger finally broke the silence. It almost made Tyler jump since he was sure he’d fell asleep.
“How much longer are you staying?”
Dude let out a yawn before moving around a bit to look up at him while still on top. “How much longer are you sticking around for?”
Tyler was silent a moment before raising a brow while grinning. “Why? Want me out of your hair already?”
“No I was just wondering since I’m uh- running low on food ‘n shit. Plus I thought you said you were traveling around. I don’t know why anyone would wanna stay more than a day in this shit hole. Unless you’ve been going out and doing stuff or-”
“Have you seen me go out without you since we met dumbass?”
Dude frowned slightly at the name calling. “Well- no but I doubt you’re sticking around for me so..”
All Tyler could do in response was roll his eyes and push Dude off of him so he could sit up and stretch finally. Dude didn’t seem that offended though as he just ran a hand over his face, still groggy.
“-sounded like such a girl….” Tyler mumbled as he popped his back.
Dude frowned again, glaring at him. “What was that?” He asked. “Nothing hun.” Tyler replied shaking his head with a smile before he turned his head to look over at the alarm clock. “It’s still pretty early. Wanna go grab breakfast somewhere?” He asked the man laying next to him who still looked one minute away from falling asleep. “Mmmmgh..fineee. Just give me a couple more minutes to get up.”
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reilleclan-blog · 5 months
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Sooooo I gave immortals of aveum a chance and first of all the actor that plays Jak was on a show called "Never have I ever" and at the time I didn't even think about it when I watched the show but that man is currently 33years old. And the person he was kissing and being "sexual" with in the show is currently 22years old..
And yes she obviously is at the age of consent I was just kinda appalled how it was a good idea for casting to have her kissing some guy 10 years older than her.... especially in a acting setting that seems like such a way to take advantage of someone younger b/c well most times younger ppl don't know any better. ("Never have I ever" was also released in 2020. So what she was 20 while he was 30 filming that shit... that's still freshly an adult but she's just casted for kissing a grown ass man. That feels so weird to me.
Maybe the casting was done b/c maybe ppl wouldn't have given the show a shot if he wasn't in it but 33 years old.. holy fuck. And I think he's playing a senior as well and Davy has a crush on him.. (I'm not saying ppl can't date age gap but TO ME it feels super weird to have someone freshly an adult kissing on a grown man while others are recording and u know it's more vulnerable for the woman that's young) I had a 37 year old woman interested in me and at the time I was like 23 and I was so creeped out why she would ever want to date someone that's close to the age of her son.. like please ppl please be careful out there. I've had older women try to take advantage of me sadly.
But yeah yes it's an acting job but like it's so easy for the younger person in these situations to be taken advantage of.
Ok that rant is over, time to talk about the game I mentioned in the beginning. So when I first saw this game I didn't think it was gonna be good cause so many "high end" games have been straight ass. And was I right ? Uhhh I got "Immortals" for free on PlayStation so yeah it was pretty ass. (If PlayStation is putting a game out for free that only been out a year then most times that mean it wasn't good)
The story so far is very very generic like "arcane legends" story telling except arcane is more interesting and ur character has a time skip(in immortals. Side note I'm not a big fan of arcane but I'm just comparing it with this goofy magic shit) sorry lol but yeah the magic in the game is literally like "here's blue magic, ur magic depends on ur strength if u have all colors tri something ur like really special" and surprise the main character has all 3 magic colors?
Aside from the story which wasn't the worst? It's just very boring it felt like what Skyrim felt like except in Skyrim it's more interesting and yeah.. the combat is shoot shoot and "here's some abilities" in the beginning of the game they have u run thru this underground city like showing off the world but all u do is press the jump button a couple times and hold square. To make it feel "traversed" but that's all it was lol. The characters from the beginning were interesting too bad they all (SPOILERS) die
Ok fast forward Jak trains for 5 years and uh yeah. Ur fighting in a war and that's it. I would've loved if the game gave u some sort of fist fighting combat cause ur character has a cool ass melee but that was it. Also I was trying to just play the game for what it was but the game was super choppy on ps5 and there wasn't a setting to change "performance mode" or anything like that. And while in the middle of the story the game crashed.
Uhhhh yeah while running around the game the shit just felt and looked like it was held or made by spit and glue anddd um but it was a quality spit and glue. It gave a feeling of "open world" for like 2 seconds but most areas looked the same almost like "dungeon levels" but even more bland?
Idk uhh I only put like 3-4hrs into the game the limited amount of settings was also super surprising to me. I couldn't even take off motion blur and that was hurting my eyes while the game's frames drop randomly ,can't feel good.
For what I've seen I don't think this game has anything left that's interesting. I think the side characters make up for the game being bland and combat being a bit stale but I got bored fighting wave after wave of enemies, so I had to turn the game off. IF U LIKE THE GAME IM ALL HAPPY FOR U this is just my experience. Please don't start crying cause someone from a corner of the internet doesn't agree with u. Uhh 4.4/10
wtf is 4.4 idk but that's what I'd rate this game id say a 5 but whatever(also why didn't I use images from the actual game I was talking about ? Idk i didn't want to ig and the immortals game sadly didn't have a photomode idk and the game's shit so whatever)
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Hi lovely! I adore your writing style and noticed you were taking requests. This is my first request ever so if it comes off a little awkward please forgive me! 👉👈
I was hoping for a scenario where Hawks has been wondering why y/n has been skipping out on get-togethers with him for the past week or two. He gets curious enough one day that he just-so-happens to patrol the area where you run off to after you reject another date with him.
He finds out that you have been going to an outdoor avian clinic and taking classes on how to pamper/massage or preen bird wings in order to surprise Hawks for your anniversary coming up.
But not like totally before Hawks confronts you and blurting out “Have you been cheating on me with a parrot?” 😂
Thank you! I hope this all makes sense. Hugs and kisses!
Hello there!! You are so sweet! and you didn’t come off awkward at all! <3
I am so sorry I didn’t actually mean for this to become an angst fic in the beginning ;-; 
but it is fluffy don’t worry!
warnings: avian Keigo (Keigo having bird like tendencies)
Also I schedule this to be a bit later than I normally post, I’ll most likely be asleep when this goes up so I just wanted to say to everyone thank you for reading!!
word count: 3.3k
He tapped his foot against the floor of the restaurant, his patience deteriorating every second as he stared at the door.
As the fastest hero, Keigo never really had any patients for just about anything. One thing he hated more than anything was people being late, he moved fast, he wanted people to move fast with him.
All he wanted to do was go on a nice date night, have some dinner, and go home and watch a movie or something. He just wanted to spend time with you.
You normally never skipped out on dates, so why now? 
He had noticed your absence in the last few weeks, more and more you would skip out on him. 
The anxiety bubbling in his heart was starting to spill over, seeping into his attitude in daily life. In his head, he wondered if maybe you were trying to signal to him that you weren’t interested in dating anymore, that maybe you were just silently drifting from him. But he loved the 11 months he got to spend with you, he’d never experienced anything like it. It was fresh, new, loving, he didn’t want it to end. Those thoughts had made him feel miserable for the last week or so, but he was still confused by you. Although you skipped out on dates and such, you still acted so lovingly towards him. You would still come home and snuggle up to him, you would still run your fingers through his hair at night, you would still talk mindlessly about your day, as though nothing was remotely bothering you.
So, maybe you really were busy, perhaps he was just looking too much into the issue.
But still, getting stood up for the 4th time in a row would make anyone a bit upset. 
He left the restaurant, paying for the drink he had ordered, and went on his way home.
Maybe it was a side effect of his quirk, but when he had these sorts of thoughts his wings would get all twitchy. He had done the research and found that when birds were in a high-stress situation they plucked at their feathers. The article also said that when a person that said a bird was attached to someone that abandons them, they get even more stressed and irritated. Which he supposed made sense. He would never admit it to very many people, (and if the press got a hold of it he would honestly shoot himself) but he had some bird tendencies.
Not big ones, just small ones.
He would bob his head in time with music sometimes, his pupils would dilate and contract when he was concentrating on something, he would mindlessly coo and cluck randomly as well.
Luckily, the commission taught him to control his bird-like tendencies, they told him that some of his bird traits were “off-putting”. But he really wasn’t sure what they were talking about, animal quirks weren’t uncommon, but he didn’t complain, he didn’t mind the help. 
But since he’s been dating you, he found himself getting more and more of these tendencies.
A few times, he would find random shiny objects and give them to you, he acted all excited about it too, saying, “I saw it and thought that you could keep it! It’s super pretty so, I don’t know, I thought you’d think it was cool.” After he said that, you just took the objects and told him he was so adorable. 
Another time, when you two were just out and about, he had seen you talk to someone with a similar bird quirk to his. He didn’t even know what came over him, but he squawked at the man, effectively freaking him and you out.
He apologized profusely after that. 
There was one bird-like quality he didn’t mind all that much, and that was the preening of his feathers. It was honestly so relaxing, the dirt and dust from flying seeped into his feathers, so he always found himself soaking his wings in water and then rubbing them with a special kind of oil.
There were some days, however, were all he could do (or all he had time to do) was take a warm towel and gently rub off his feathers. 
And lately, he had found himself going overboard with his preening, pulling more aggressively at his feathers, sometimes even hurting himself. He suspected that it was due to the stress of worrying about what was wrong with you (or him).
He hated all of it, loathed it even. Worse was how hard it was for him to broach the subject with you, whenever he got close he always wussed out. In his mind, even though it bothered him, he didn’t want to lose you. He was so scared that if he brought it up he would hear something he dreaded, and you two would fall apart. 
He loved you so much, he wanted you to stay with him. Another bird trait he learned, some birds mated for life, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel that way about you. He just...he didn’t want to lose you.
There was one possibility that was the worst, and yet the most likely. You had been cheating on him.
He really didn’t want to admit it, but it all sort of added up.
You skipped out on dates so you could go out with this other person. When you would become affectionate with him could be a sign of guilt, he read about that online. And the way you wouldn’t see his texts or missed calls when he knew you were on a lunch break, maybe you were seeing someone else. 
Was he a bad boyfriend? He thought that he had become better at this whole relationship stuff, maybe not perfect, but he was getting there. He knew he was hard to deal with, he wished he could be better for you, he really did. He knew he was busy a lot, tired from work, he knew he wasn't the most affectionate guy, but he wanted you, he wanted you so much it hurt.  Keigo thought that you loved him because he really loved you. 
The thought of having to let you go crushed his heart crushed his spirit too. He really did care for you, he knew that you were the one for him, so the thought of you not returning that feeling hurt him.
He flew through the night sky, looking down at the lights of the city. Normally, a sight like this would have made him smile, made him feel like he was on top of the world.
But his wings just felt uncomfortable, the wind blowing through them just increased the feeling. 
He just felt… done. Like the whole world felt heavy to him. Maybe he really was overthinking everything, but he couldn’t help it, he was made to be observant. 
He knew he had a strange habit of over-complicating things, but it was just his nature he supposed. A trained government agent always has to look into the fine details, at least, that's what he was taught. So, with your absence, he found himself becoming more and more paranoid.
He brought it up to his side-kicks and hero friends, and they all said the same thing; he was just being paranoid. They told him that, “sometimes in relationships, things get a little rough, it happens.” But Keigo couldn’t help but hate the whole ordeal.
He sighed, flying faster to his home.
One time, he had tried to follow you on your lunch break. He supposed it was pretty stalkerish, but he was getting desperate. All he needed was reassurance, just to know if you were actually busy or if that had been a bullshit excuse. He told himself it wasn’t a huge deal, he was just making sure you were doing ok.
...ok maybe it was a bit of a breach of privacy.
He had perched himself on top of a building near your workplace. Keigo had made sure that you wouldn’t be able to see him as he followed you, keeping out of sight as best he could.
His initial thought was you would go to a coffee shop, maybe some sort of expensive restaurant if you were meeting someone. 
Yet, to his surprise, he saw you scarf down a sandwich as you entered an animal clinch.
Were you cheating on him with an animal clinch employee?
He wanted to confront you then and there, but from where he was, he didn’t have any reason to.
It looked innocent enough, you were just going to an animal clinch.
He immediately felt guilty. There was no reason for him not to trust you, you had done nothing wrong in this situation. Maybe you really were working overtime and he was just overthinking everything.
He shook his head, sighing, he unfolded his wings and flew off the building he was perched on.
That was a week ago, it was after the third time you stood him up. And now, although he didn’t have any proof of you cheating, he still felt like he had a reason to confront you. He just felt sick of worrying and overthinking everything, and in all honesty, you weren’t helping the situation. Every time he asked you about it, you always came up with some sort of excuse. 
He landed on his balcony with a loud thump, not caring all that much about the noise. 
As he entered his home, he lifted the hem of his shirt off his head, throwing it on the floor unceremoniously. Walking over to the bathroom, he filled a special bowl full of water and made his way back over to the bed.
It was probably a bad idea to preen himself when he was so aggravated like this, but he wanted to do it, his wings felt so uncomfortable. 
His right-wing raised a bit as he sat down, pulling the feathered stump closer to him.
But before he could even graze the feathers with a damp cloth he had, he heard the front door open and close.
Before he had even realized it, he was already zooming down the staircase of his luscious penthouse, knowing full well you were already inside of his home.
“Hi honey,” you slipped your shoes off, not looking at him yet. “How was your day- Oh,” he crossed his arms over his chest, he was sure his expression was one of utmost anger. 
“Where were you,” his tone was irritated, his wings twitched behind him.
“I was working. Baby what's wrong,” he nearly rolled his eyes at your concerned tone.
“Don’t baby me, you stood me up,” he huffed, “again.” 
He didn’t miss the sorry expression that flashed on your face, “Kei, I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve just been so busy lately. I know I haven’t been fair to you, but I’m not doing anything tomorrow! Look I’ll even make dinner for you, ok? Really, Kei, I’m ”
“Y/N,” here it came, “if your gonna break up with me, just do it already
Well, that certainly shocked you (and him if he was being honest). Your whole expression fell into one of confusion, your eyes looked up at him with genuine hurt.
“What? Keigo what are you talking about? You’re not making any sense, why would I want to break up with you?”
“I don’t know Y/N?! Why have you been avoiding me for so long!?”
You sighed, “Is that what this is all about? Well,” you pulled out some sort of form, reaching it out to him, “here, I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary, but I don’t want you to think that I’m doing something dishonest.”
He snatched the piece of paper out of your hand, maybe a bit too harshly. He looked at it and was immediately confused.
It was information on a class about… how to preen birds?
He gave you a confused look, to which you gave him a light smile, “I see how frustrating it is for you to preen them, so I wanted to help out. I saw that I could learn how and thought it would be a cute thing for us to do together.”
He stood in shock for a few moments, letting the guilt wash over him. 
“I-I’m so sorry.”
You chuckled a bit, “Don’t be, it was wrong of me to leave you high and dry on dates, I just had to work overtime in order to get these classes in.”
Now, he felt twice as guilty.
This whole time he had thought you were drifting away from him, and worse, he thought you were cheating on him. He felt sick. His friends were right, he really was overthinking the whole situation. And worst of all, you were working overtime to do something so nice for him, and here he was, yelling at you.
“I-I’m so sorry, Y/N. Jesus,” he shook his head, “I’m an idiot. You were off doing something so thoughtful for me, and I was being a prick, yelling at you. I’m sorry honey. Is there something I can do to make it up to you?” 
But you just chuckled, “Keigo, really, it’s ok. I should have at least done something to convince you, or rescheduled our dates. It’s ok honey, don’t feel bad.”
You moved in to give him a hug, which just happened to be the moment you realized his shirt was missing.
“Uh,” he saw your body straighten up, and your face makes a flustered expression, “why is your shirt…”
“Oh, well,” he scratched his feathers nervously, “it’s kinda funny, I was just about to preen my wings. So I have to take off my shirt in order to get the water to the back. Kind of a weird coincidence, huh.”
“Well,” you looked at him, eyes softening, “can I help?”
Keigo was sure his heart had frozen, after a moment or two, he answered, “S-sure.”
You pulled a stool for him to sit on as you sat down on the bed.
Keigo wasn’t sure why, but he felt so anxious. To tell the truth, he never really had someone preen his wings before. He would always do it himself, it was an annoying effort sometimes, but the commission was very big on him looking good for the public eye.
His wings weren’t super sensitive, but the light touches of your fingers running through them felt like pure heaven to him. The sensation was like having someone giving a message, but… different. It felt nicer, more loving, more slow and nice.
The whole sensation made him shutter.
“Is this ok,” he didn’t miss the anxiety in your tone.
“Yeah,” he said, breathlessly. “Perfect, keep...keep doing that babe.”
The little pulls of his feathers relaxed him more and more, making him seep into the back of the stool he was sitting on.
When you had started to add water to the mix, he didn’t notice his cooing.
“Hmm,” his mind was so far gone in the relaxation of your hands that he barely registered your voice.
“Are you cooing,” you had to suppress your smirk as his body went rigid, as well as his wings.
“I,” his face was almost as deep red as his wings, “s-sorry.”
You giggled, “Don’t apologize,” you pressed softly into the apex of some of his feathers, “if it feels good, it’s fine if you coo. I won't judge you.”
Softly, he let out a few coos, but he didn’t want to freak you out.
But soon, he realized he couldn’t keep them in, you were just doing so well. 
You moved softly to grab his feather oil, “Uh, so how does this even work? Do I take a few drops and run them through each individual feather or something?”
You’ve seen him preen his wings before, but until recently you had just started to pay attention to how he exactly did them. You had noticed that the oil he used on his feathers gave a shine to the red plumage, but you had noticed he was a bit cautious with the serum.
“O-oh,” you didn’t miss the light stutter and the soft up-take of his voice, “Um, if you want you can just put a few drops in your hand and rake them through. You don’t have to do each one if you don’t want to.”
You thought for a moment, “Alright, I think I’ll just do each feather. I wanna get this right after all.”
And, honest to god, Keigo gulped.
You’ve never seen him this relaxed and yet so tense, you would have thought he was drugged. You would be lying if you didn’t enjoy it though, the way Keigo melted into you, it was weirdly adorable.
“Yeah,” he let out, “yeah ok.”
After that, it was like Keigo could barely talk. 
For a moment, you considered something. When you and Keigo had started to date, you had noticed how he was a bit touch-starved. He craved affection, whether he was aware of this or not, you weren’t sure.
But it made sense, his childhood past, and plus, this was his first real relationship. You wondered if Keigo had ever been shown so decent, honest love before.
Perhaps his bird instincts also played a part in how affectionate he could be. You read once, that when male birds became attached to their mates they tended to get affectionate as well as loving. Plus, some birds preened their mates as a show of love, you wondered if what Keigo was doing was just his way of showing how happy he was with you preening him.
After you were done, Keigo’s head was light and tired. The whole experience for him felt magical, he wasn’t sure why though. He preened himself a bunch of times, why was this the first time he felt this way?
But Keigo’s head couldn’t really process the question at the moment.
“You wanna go to sleep,” you asked, bringing your hands lightly over his shoulders, kissing his forehead.
He let out a small, “Mhm,” as he stood up. You had to help him to his bed because of how wobbly he was.
After you carefully helped him into bed, you turned to go to the bathroom to wash your hands, but Keigo dragged you down.
“No,” he whined softly as you tried to get out of his grip, “cuddles.”
(You couldn’t lie, this had to be the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen him do)
He nuzzled into you, his body flushed against yours. 
That’s when you heard it, the little chips. You didn’t say anything, scared that if you did he would stop. You played with his hair as he chirped into your neck, his wings shivered a bit.
You decided to ask him, “Hey, Kei.”
He hummed lightly.
“I’ve never seen you like this, does it have something to do with your bird instincts?”
Keigo thought for a moment, “Maybe,” his voice was light you noticed, “it could be. Kinda just something I experience because that’s what birds do with their...mates.”
You chuckled, running your hands through his wings again, “Maybe it’s because you're also, like, really touch starved.”
“Oh yeah, maybe. I mean,” he looked at you, like a lovesick puppy, “you are my first time in a real relationship.”
You laughed lightly, going back to lightly stroking his hair and feathers.
“Hey Y/N,” Keigo’s voice was tired, and yet, it was soft.
“Yeah honey,” you asked in an equally gooey voice.
He nuzzled in closer to you, giving you a soft, yet deep kiss, “I love you.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
hi babes! could u do a javier peña x reader where the girl works w javi & steve and she and javi have been the closest friends ever but javi develops feelings for her and after he sees her back home from a date all happy he gets super jealous and finally decides to tell her he loves her and she says it back, something like that xx
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I love this so much 🥺 Enjoy 🥰💕
Javier x Fem!Reader; warnings: language
Javier Masterlist 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Its Friday night and Javi is bored. Not bored bored...but bored. The excitement of the week has left him buzzing with energy and he's not quite sure how to get it out. He's decidedly not going to the bar or to spend the evening with temporary company. No - that hadn't been his deal in some time...not since you. But he'd never admit that. Despite the fact that you knew - everyone knew. 
Instead, he comes up with the plan to do what the two of you often end up doing at the end of a hectic week - unwind with some bad television, cheap beer, and even cheaper pizza. Its become a bit of an unspoken tradition and you relish in it - both of you. Its a thing that's so easy, so effortless but fun for the both of you. 
So, he's at your door, pizza in hand and a six pack tucked under his arm knocking loudly. He's eagerly waiting, humming with nervous energy just at the mere thought seeing you. Javier wasn't sure when he'd turned from an experienced grown man to a nervous boy, but you always had that effect on him….and he didn't mind.
When you opened the door a few moments later, his jaw almost dropped as he took in the sight of you, looking more beautiful than anyone should be allowed to. You offered him a big smile, the one he most definitely fell in love with, when you looked him over. Your hair and makeup was done and your dress was enough to make him weak on the knees.
And then, as you put in your earrings, you realized you'd completely spaced on telling him that your weekly plan wasn't going to work tonight.
"Wow, you look beautiful-"
"Javi, tonight's not going to work-"
You both started at the same time. As soon as his words you hit your ears, a flush of warmth rose up in your face. Sure, he'd told you that you've looked nice before, but something about how he had just said it was...different. 
"Yeah," you offered him an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry, Javi. I completely forgot to tell you - it just happened so fast." 
"You...you have plans?" his face dropped slightly as you nodded, an odd wash of disappointment clouded over you. 
"I...I have a date," you were staring at your feet as he cleared his throat. Gods, you were already regretting this. But...but Javier had never asked and you weren't sure if he ever would and oh gods, the idea of asking him seemed impossible and this had seemed like a good distraction at the time. The almost painful look on Javier's face, quickly concealed into an emotionless mask was enough to make you regret your decision, "umm...Eric. He asked me out today."
"And you said yes."
"I said yes," you agreed with the accusation, "I wasn't thinking...I completely forgot its Friday and if I would have realized I wouldn't have said yes."
"No, don't worry about it. It's fine," the tone of his voice suggested that it was anything but fine. You were tempted to just stay in with Javi and cancel your plans. Maybe if either of you would finally just say something - anything, "you should definitely go out with Eric. It'll make his whole year. Have fun, Dulzura…"
"Javi," you tried to grab his free hand but he quickly pulled out of your grasp, the gesture harsh and biting, "Javier! I don't have to go…I can stay."
"And why would you do that?" he turned around, his eyes narrowed as he tried to get a read on you. It was a challenge - to see if either of you would willingly break. 
"You know why," you insisted firmly, wishing you could just say the words. But both of you were too steadfast and stubborn to give in, "say it and I'll stay. But I need you to say it."
"There's nothing to say," he said sharply, the slightest bit of crack to his voice, "have a good time. With Eric."
"Javi," you called after him, eyes stinging and threatening to spill over with unshed tears as he refused to turn back around and walked back to his own apartment. He couldn't have meant it...right? Surely he didn't… "Javier!"
He heard you. Of course he did. The whole building easily could have.
But he didn't stop. And you didn't go after him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Eric was...nice. Kind, funny, charming, and handsome. He was everything a woman could dream of; you'd known him for a while and it was easy to see why someone would fall for him. When you got to the restaurant, he pulled out your chair, and ordered a nice bottle of wine. 
Conversation was polite - funny and flirtatious. Everything you'd expect on a date.
And yet...the whole time, your mind was absent. You were there, smiling and laughing at the appropriate times, but your mind kept wandering. No matter how much you wanted to like him….it all went back to Javier.
You didn't want Eric - you didn't want anything like him.
You wanted Javier. Him and only him. 
Even if he didn't want you, you were going to tell him. You couldn't keep up this silly little dance, skirting around the issue and never talking about it. You had to do this.
That's why you left the date early, making up a shitty excuse you were sure he could see through. You felt bad - he was nice, but you had to do this. 
As you ran into your apartment building, heels in hand, you were making a beeline for Javier's apartment. But instead of making it to his palce, you stopped when you spied a figure in front of your own door.
"Javier," you were breathless as you stared into this soft brown eyes. His gaze was locked onto yours as his chest and rose fell heavily.
"Dulzura," he reached for your hand and pulled you tightly against him, "fuck what I said earlier. Fuck Eric and whatever we've been doing. I-"
"I'm in love with you," you quickly cut him off, watching as a look of surprise crossed his features before a small tugged on the corners of his mouth, "you're a jerk and an asshole sometimes, but damn - I'm in love with you."
A hand tenderly went to your cheek as he watched you closely, his eyes searching yours as you just gently nodded at him. He slowly raised his other hand to your face, cradling it gently before crashing his lips onto yours. 
Finally. Finally. Finally.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close, carding a hand through his dark locks. The way he kissed you and you eagerly kissed back was like the two of you had done this a million times before. There was no awkwardness, no tension, no hassle - it just was. And it was utterly perfect.
Kissing Javier Peña was better than you could have ever dreamed. And after all this time it was finally a reality.
Your hand went to his shoulders and onto his chest as you slowly broke apart for a breath of air. He was looking at you in such a reverent manner, but his eyes were nervous - a quality you almost never saw in them. His warm, large hands found purchase on your waist as you leaned in for another kiss, this was soft and gentle before he chased your lips with a few of his own. You drank in the moment, nuzzling your nose against his as you felt him smile against your lips.
"Me too," he whispered softly, but paused when he realized this wasn't enough - he needed to do this properly, "I love you - I'm in love with you."
"Good," you beamed at him, making his heart melt. Gods, that how he knew this was right - no one had ever had this effect on him, not even his former fiancé, "this would have been awkward otherwise."
"Sorry for being such an asshole earlier," he grimaced at the thought of what could have happened if the two of you hadn't both suddenly hit a revelation, "I just…"
"I know," you shushed him by putting a finger to his lips, "I know. Maybe this is exactly what we needed - a push in the right direction."
"Yeah," he agreed, grinning gently at you, "I just...the thought of you with him made me...I hated it."
"I know," you nodded towards, "do you...do you want to come inside? Its Friday night after all."
"Hmm," he kissed your forehead, a knowing grin exchanged between the two of you, "I'd like that a lot, Dulzura."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 13 “When She Finally Leaves” [Episode List] Dana spends the whole day at Dave’s place. When the girl leaves, Tim, who’s now Dave’s roommate, finds out how much gas a man can hold in just to not look gross in front of a girl.
When She Finally Leaves
In the last few weeks I’ve been spending more and more nights at Dave’s place, whether because I needed a place to work, write my essays, or simply to spend some quality time watching bad films and drinking beer. It was Dave himself to ask me to “marry him” (as he jokingly put it), basically becoming official roommates, which also meant dividing our tasks and obviously splitting the rent.
And honestly we were having a great time. We both had jobs, fortunately, which were not much but they did pay taxes for now and it was overall a great experience. Friend or not, Dave is an excellent roommate, being pretty good at cooking and organising chores; the same could be said for me actually, though in some cases we have our own preferences; for example Dave prefers cooking (the fact that I’m bad at it it’s purely coincidental) so we agreed I’ll be the one doing the dishes.
We also had our buds crashing over what is now *our* place a couple of times, which resulted in more bad films and beer, or even nerd stuff such as gaming together. Of course however, the person who most often came over is obviously Dana, Dave’s girlfriend. She’s pretty cool though we don’t really hang out with her when Dave’s not around, though as I said she’s pretty easy-going.
Tonight we’ve been watching a trash movie. Yes, the three of us. Don’t worry, I was a welcome addition today. Dave would usually just tell me to leave for a few hours if sex was on the table (sometimes literally on the table, the one where we eat our food…) as we respect each others enough to just be straightforward whenever we needed some privacy. Tonight however it was just chilling like three friends hanging out together (knowing however that Dave would just give me a signal should things get more heated up you know).
We were in the living room. I was on an armchair, working on my laptop, despite the poor wi-fi. On the long wide couch beside me, Dave and Dana chilling and watching the movie with more attention than me, my bud’s left arm around his girlfriend, sometimes making remarks on how bad it was. We all had a can of beer, because of course we did.
The couple brought some takeouts for dinner, some fast-food a few blocks from here (Dana’s idea, actually, which we were both thankful for). Dave, chilling next to Dana, was wearing his signature casual outfit: a grey shirt and pair of dark blue loose jeans, details that my gay-ass eyes immediately noticed and more than once stared at.
“Oh wow the helicopter just blew up I’m speechless.” Dave said, sarcastically.
“A Subversive Masterpiece: that’s what they were going for when they wrote this.” Dana added, and they both chuckled.
I also did my fair share of sarcastic remarks though work got most of my attention, even though it was nothing urgent, just me trying to get some stuff done as fast as possible.
“Did the shark just wink at him?” my bro commented.
“They’re best friends now.” his girlfriend explained. What a great film.
After 15 more minutes the movie ended with the three of us clapping at a shot of a man and a shark exchanging a look of gratitude to each other, as the Sun set into the never-ending ocean. Drugs played a big role into the making of this move I’m 100% sure.
“Well, that was enlightening, but I gotta head back home. The Uber’s almost here.” Dana said, as she got up and reached for her purse and some other stuff.
“You’re really sure about that? Come on, stay here for the night.” Dave suggested. “I taught Tim to play dead. We can throw food at him.” he then joked.
“I can also bring you the newspaper upstairs, tomorrow morning.” I played along.
Dana chuckled in response. “I’m sure you’ll win the next contest you two, but I gotta wake up super early tomorrow.”
The couple walked towards the front door. The entrance was next to the living room, a few steps behind the couch. Dave and I sometimes darkly joked that any assassin could easily ambush us because whenever we’re on the couch anyone could sneak into the house behind us, with enough care (we then prefer to drink about it).
“Call me when you get home.” Dave said and the two shared a quick kiss.
In the meantime I moved on the bigger (and more comfortable) couch, more or less in Dana’s spot, as I also have better wi-fi reception there. I left my laptop on the small table in front of me because apparently all of my laptops have to be shitty and take some time to even the most basic stuff. As I inspected the wi-fi icon flashing on the screen, I heard Dave shutting the door and walking back to the couch. After a few steps his tall figure was already towering over me.
“Yeah the reception is pretty bad lately.” he commented, and then collapsed next to me.
Only a few seconds and he already had that well-known smirk drawn on his face; he then quickly adjusted his position. He completely laid down, extended his demin-clad legs, with his left one resting on the back of the couch, ending right behind my neck. In a moment, Dave ended up showing off his loose, almost-sagging jeans-clad ass directly next to me, as his legs trapped me into a gentle yet strong grip. Seeing both that “wall” made of jeans and my bro’s smirk at the same time was a sight I never truly got used to. He was just lying there, next to me, with his ass pointed at me, as if it was one big prank, even though he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.
“Bro you’re ready?” he asked, still sporting that smirk.
When even Dave goes as far as asking me if I’m ready, then I knew that the fart was going to be gargantuan. And I realized why: Dana has been with us and my bro the entire day, so it’s possible that Dave just held all of his gas in for hours. We all experienced this, then when the girl leaves, men get to “relax”. Other than that, Dave had tons of beer and junk food. I stared at that denim butt, for the first time almost scared of what my bud was capable of; I knew a fart was coming, and I knew it was going to be big.
But what Dave said next really once again confirmed how chill he is around me.
“Believe me: you might want to get closer for this one.” he said, laughing a bit.
He sported weirdly reassuring smile, Dave’s millionth attempt at saying “It’s ok, Tim.” as he probably noticed now nervous I became when he assumed that pose.
The teasing bastard then went full bully on me and simply reached for my head with his long right arm and gently pulled me down, as if I was bowing to that still silent denim-clad ass. I just heard him laugh like an idiot, as it usually happens. Despite my head being down and in front of that ass, I could still see Dave’s face and that smirk. He raised his eyebrows and half-closed his eyes as he started pushing, but he didn’t need to put all that effort into ripping that blast.
It’s like the fart was barely contained in the first place: it immediately exploded with a loud sound right into my face. Dave closed his eyes and kept his smirk as the blast probably surprised him as well. It was low-pitched and dry, a completely natural gas-eruption that sounded like an engine. The stench was unbearable, a mixture of beer and junk food, surprise to no one.
While farting, Dave adjusted his position as bit, spreading his legs bit more, with my face getting almost planted into that denim-clad butt as he effortlessly kept ripping that immense flatulence. Hours and hours of gas being erupted as if I was in front of a dormant volcano that just woke up. And I feared that “hours” was what he was going for ‘cause after 20 seconds the fart didn’t even lose power.
Dave still had this smirk drawn on his face and occasionally stared down at me as he completely destroyed my face and nose with his incredible farting skills, skills that constantly let me speechless, fetish or not. He was the fart master, a showoff with a manly talent that I could only bow to and endure in the hop-
“Sorry, I forgot my house keys.”
The fart immediately stopped and it all went silent: It was Dana.
Dave turned his head to his girlfriend, greeting her with the stupidest smile you can think of.
“Oh stay there no worries, they’re right here.” I heard Dana say as she reached for keys, probably hanging right next to the door, my face still almost planted in my friend’s denim ass. That felt surreal.
I completely froze (not that I could move) but I knew that she couldn’t see me (just like I couldn’t see her) as I was lying down. All she could see from where she was standing was Dave’s head and his right leg resting on the back of the couch, since the entrance was behind our couch.
I was terrified, while Dave was doing his best not laugh like an idiot.
“What’s so funny?” Dana asked, laughing a bit herself, definitely noticing her boyfriend being weird.
My teasing bro quickly glanced down at me, almost losing it (and still holding holding the fart in, which didn’t stop the smell from burning my nostrils).
“N-nothing’” he stuttered. That’s it, he was gonna laugh like an idiot.
“Okay” I heard Dana, not really convinced of the boyfriend’s answer though.
There was a moment of awkward silence and then we heard a car honk, thank goodness.
“Oh… it’s my Uber. Bye!” the girl said, quickly leaving the house and shutting the door behind her.
Another moment of silence followed, Dave still staring at the entrance. I was shaking, I was legitimately scared that someone was gonna find out, which was weird given the hotness I was experiencing in that moment, even without the fart being ripped.
“Ok… where were we?” Dave asked, turning back to me, with a smirk. “Oh yeah!”
And he effortlessly resumed farting, just as loud, proud and powerful as it was before the interruption, directly into my face. The terror I experienced moments before was blown away by that incredibly blast and me being rock-hard, as it usually happens when Dave showoffs his gassy talent around me, or on me.
Dozens of seconds passed and at this point Dave just played along. He nodded at me, faking a serious expression, as if he was listening to something actually interesting instead of his own loud fart still going on strong; after about ten more seconds he checked the time on his wrist-watch and acted surprised, then stared down at me as if he wanted to say “damn that is long!”. We both however actually lost the track of time and he simply relaxed as if I wasn’t even in front of his ass, all while the fart was still being blasted in my face.
Dave then reached for my head again and gently pushed it inches closer to his roaring ass, and I felt the vibrations of his rip all over my face: it was literally an earthquake.
How long was it lasting? More than 1 minute perhaps? How much gas can a man hold in? Dave certainly was pushing for a record. All I knew is that I felt privileged witnessing that, even though I was beyond being a mere witness since no particle of gas missed my eyes and nostrils.
However (finally, actually), the fart seemingly started to lose power, the once-continuous sound starting to “stutter” and turning more into a fast series of loud farts, fired back-to-back. The show (because that’s what it was: a show) ended with a loud, 5 seconds blast, and Dave’s laughter.
I slowly got up, sweaty, my nose burning, with a startled look to which my bro reacted with another immature cackle. I was now sitting next to him as I was before, and looked back at my bud, who in the meantime re-adjusted his pose. He was still lying down, still kind of showing off his loose-sagging ass, but in a less “menacing” way: now he was just chilling.
“When’s Dana coming over again?” I joked. I mustered all the courage I had left to say that. I was impressed by the fact that I could still speak considering that all of my blood probably flooded my boner at that point.
Dave laughed at that lame joke, thank goodness. “As if I need Dana to blast you like this.”
He raised one leg, again showing off his sagging denim ass in my direction. He quickly sucked some air in and after a few moments and weird noises a loud 6 seconds fart erupted. For his standards, that’s basically a weak one.
My friend just casually joking and bragging about facefarting me and then farting on command to prove it made me lose it, as I felt my boner… dampening. He didn’t notice it but he knew that I had a hard-on, that’s for sure.
I didn’t want to just rush into the bathroom so I just stared at my laptop, still on the table, in front of me: the wi-fi signal was stronger than ever. I jokingly like to think that Dave’s blast was so powerful it actually influenced the signal somehow and improved it.
I turned to my bud, still lying on his side of the couch, just checking his phone and being… casually hot.
“Thanks man.” I said, not for the wi-fi though.
He lowered his phone, revealing a blank reaction “Really?” he said, rolling his eyes, with a bored expression. “Stop being cringe and do the dishes.”
Fuck, I totally forgot about those. We had takeout food but we still used some of our dishes. I immediately got up and rushed to the kitchen, hoping that Dave was distracted by his phone enough to not notice by boner through my sweatpants.
Once in the kitchen, a place that wasn’t tainted by Dave’s gas, my nostrils could still feel my bro’s fart-stench. That’s how soaked up in his gas I was. Even my ears needed some time to adjust to the silence, now that I didn’t have a deafening fart being ripped right into my skull. 
And I just knew that this wasn’t the last time this was gonna happen. I’m Dave’s roommate, and being roomies means we have to divide our tasks: he’s the farter, I’m the sniffer.
End of Episode 13
73 notes · View notes
innocence - 37
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: angst 
A/N: aaaa we’re reaching the end in a few chapters and everything is starting to go downhill. hope you enjoy it xx
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Bucky barely knew Eliza. He knew she was Mr. Powell’s assistant and would mostly keep to herself, being as invisible as she could and only really speaking whenever someone spoke to her. Bucky had said hello to her once or twice, but nothing which he thought would led to her wanting to speak to him in private. It crossed her mind it could be regarding Mr. Powell but Bucky had been fired from being her bodyguard a long time ago and essentially did not pose a threat to him anymore. 
Eliza led him to a sheltered corner of the hall, looking around for anyone she deemed recognisable enough but there was no one. Media had been strictly forbidden to attend the trial and everyone else had pretty much left except for a small handful of people which were much further down, so they were pretty much alone. The young woman fished through her purse before taking off a small USB drive which she handed to him. Bucky furrowed her brows, not taking the USB from her.
     - Mr. Powell is set to testify against you for punching him on a Halloween party tomorrow. It’s a surprise witness but ... I feel bad letting him testify. He doesn’t have her best interest at heart and this USB proves it. 
     - What’s in it?
     - I ... don’t feel comfortable explaining what’s in it but it’s a video and if presented to the jury, it would make him an unreliable witness. - Bucky took the drive from her, putting it inside his jacket’s pocket. - You cannot tell Y/N, I gave you that ... or show it to her. I am really sorry I couldn’t stop it.
     - Stop what?
     - You’ll see. - she walked away leaving him to pounder on her words. Surely, it wasn’t anything bad, he told himself. 
He shook his head out of his worries, thinking about how much he just wanted to return to his wife. To hold her and tell her how much he loved her and try and make her forget what she had just seen. However, he wanted to see what was on that drive. He wanted to see it. He walked down the court hall and spotted one of the consultation rooms was open.
    - Hey Buck, we’re waiting for you. - he turned his head to see Steve walking towards him. - We got some pizzas. 
    - Close the door behind you. - Bucky told him as he walking into the consultation room, finding one of the computers was on. Steve merely did as he said, closing the door and turning on the light before taking a seat on one of the spinning chair. 
    - What are we doing? Are you okay? I know that video was rough. 
    - One of Y/N’s director’s assistants gave me a USB with a video. She asked me not to show Y/N. Sounded weird. 
He connected the drive to the computer. For all he knew, this could be some weird way to get his data if he connected it to his laptop besides with Y/N in the house it would be much harder to hide it from her, not that he exactly knew why he had to hide it from her. As the computer read the drive, a folder opened up with a video file titled with a date. Bucky cocked his head to the side, as he opened the video. It was an almost CCTV quality video of what looked like one the trailers at the trailer park where Y/N had been shooting her last movie. Both Y/N and the director were sat on the couch, a rather large distance between them. The sound quality was poor and muffled but he could hear his wife’s voice as he called the man by her side pathetic. Out of the sudden, Powell wrapped his hand around her neck and pinned her to the couch. He saw red. He could see it, he could see her squirming trying to get free from his hold. Bucky wanted to break through the screen, he wanted to help her, he wanted to stop him, he wanted to stop him but he couldn’t. 
    - Buck ... - Steve said in a warning tone, recognising the look on his face.
Bucky took the driver of the computer and shoved it back in his jacket before leaving the room in a fast pace. Steve tripped over his feet to follow him, watching as the super soldier closed his fist, the plates in his arm moving and whirring and his steps heavy enough they echoed in the hall. Steve ran up to him, standing in front of him and putting a hand on his chest to stop him. 
    - Get out of my way, Steve.
    - You need to calm down, Buck. 
    - Get away from me, Steve. 
    - You cannot get in trouble with anyone even somewhat related to Y/N. I know what you just saw is making you mad and we will deal with it once the time is right. You cannot do anything for your wife if you’re in jail. - Steve’s calm demeanor only made him angrier. - This is one less witness you’ll have to worry about. Y/N is fine but you’re under trial. 
    - Didn’t you fucking see what I saw? He attacked Y/N, he choked her, he could’ve killed her and no one fucking helped her. GET AWAY FROM ME, STEVE. 
Bucky twisted Steve’s hand away and continued his strut down the hall until he saw her. Steve continued to run behind him which warned Sharon who put herself in front of Y/N. Did she think he was going to hurt her? The mere thought of it slowed him down. 
    - How was it with Eliza? - Y/N walked from behind Sharon up to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. - Are you okay, Bucky? 
    - Yeah ... I’m just great, princess. - he swiped the hair away from her neck, his fingers grazing the skin there. He was supposed to protect her, he promised her nothing had happened. How could he’d let this happen? How could Eliza let this happen? Why did no one help her? He leaned his forehead against hers, his finger tracing the end of her jawline before he kissed her. - I love you so much, princess.
    - Are you sure everything is ok? - she held her hand against his face, moving her head slightly to the side wondering why Steve had just ran after him. 
    - Yeah, I’m just tired ... wanna go home. 
    - That’s fine, we can go home. I just need to pay Steve for the pizza.
    - It’s fine, Y/N. - Steve beckoned. - It’s been an harsh day. We’ll see you guys tomorrow. Call us if you need anything, okay?
    - Thank you, Steve. - she left Bucky for a brief second to hug Steve, Sam and Sharon. 
Bucky watched that with a sad look. She was so sweet, so kind and no one had done anything. That sadness quickly turned to anger. He was no longer angry at the trial, he was angry that the agency which was supposed to keep her best interests at heart had left her with a director who had treated her that way. She didn’t deserve that, nobody deserved that. Y/N waved everyone goodbye before going back to her husband, her hand immediately wrapping around his metal hand, the warmth of her skin almost giving him feel in that arm. She almost playfully swung their intertwined hands, leaning her head against his shoulder. He always felt safe to her, he always felt like home to her yet Bucky seemed lost in the middle of his mind, ever so often appearing to have no life behind his eyes. 
The drive was equally silent with his hand looming on her thigh throughout all of the way yet not in his playful or even lustful way, he kept his hand there as if someone was to snatch her at any moment. She doubted it, she was never really attention’s sweet centre, specially in her business. In all honesty, she was the one who should be possessive of him, not the other way around. Nevertheless, he held a possessive grip on her as if she wanted to escape yet it wasn’t jealousy. At least it didn’t appear as jealousy to her and she couldn’t read exactly what it was. The walk up to the flat was the same as the car and the exit from the court with him holding her hand and ensuring the climbed the stairs in front of him, keeping a firm eye on each and every movement. 
Once Bucky closed the door, the possessive and protective aura continued. She held her hands up to his face, cupping it and feeling the slight stubble against her palms before she leaned in to kiss him. It was soft, very soft, the sort of kisses he’d get in the morning from her whenever she had to leave early for interviews. So soft, so warm and filled with love. She was so kind and the world ... the would just ate way at her. 
    - Y/N ... - he broke the kiss, stepping back. - I need to go shower.
She stood there, perplex at his actions and almost frozen in the spot. She threw her bag onto the coach, forgetting about what she had discovered to go into the bathroom. She took her shoes off at the edge of the door stepping into the bathroom which was already filled with hot steam, the glass of the shower steamed with beads of water running down, yet she could see him. Y/N stripped off her dress and underwear, throwing it onto the laundry basket which laid just below the sink. She opened the door of the shower, seeing Bucky with his back turned to her, head looking down as the shower head dropped water like rain onto his hair. She wrapped her arms around his torso, leaning her head against his back. 
     - Tell me what’s wrong. - she peppered skins against his upper back and the scars which connected the metal to his skin. - Please, James. 
     - Nothing’s wrong. - he turned around to hold her, letting the warm water fall upon them both. 
     - Liar. - it sounded so innocent, sprinkled with that little naughty smirk of hers, still decorated in pink lipstick. - You’re my husband. I know you, Bucky Barnes. I know if something wasn’t wrong I would be pinned against the shower wall tiles but I am standing here. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.
     - I promised someone I wouldn’t tell you about something I’ve seen. 
     - Well, I won’t tell anyone. - her chest and hands were flushed against his, streams of water running down both their skins, leaving wet trails in their path. Bucky looked up, letting out a jailed sigh before looking back at her, his hand pushing her now wet hair away from her shoulders to look at her neck, fingers going slightly up and down the skin. - What are you doing?
     - I know what Powell did to you. - he mumbled, almost afraid someone else would hear it. A cold shiver ran down her body and she looked the other way, hand coming up to push her hair in front of her collarbones and cover her neck as if those bruises still laid there. - There’s a video. 
     - What?
     - Eliza gave me the video to use to stop Powell from testifying. It’s not the best quality but it is clear who’s on the tape.
     - Oh ... - she didn’t exactly know what to reply to that. 
Various things crossed her mind on that moment from if anyone had seen the video, if Powell himself had the video to why Eliza had the video. She wondered why Eliza would’ve given him the video, she wondered how the video had even gotten into her hands but most of it she wondered what he felt like. Her stomach churned and she felt guilty for not telling him. After all, a relationship is all about trust and here she was, having something she had hidden come up. It wasn’t she trusted Bucky, she  did, she loved him so much but for whatever reason, one she couldn’t pin point the reason why she did not tell him. Maybe she didn’t want to be a disappointment, maybe she didn’t want him to worry, she didn’t know. She tried to cup his face but Bucky avoided her touch, instead exiting the shower and leaving her there. Her bottom lip dropped as she held in a sharp breathe, turning the shower head pressure up so the noise muffled the few tears that rolled down her face. 
She must’ve been there for a long while as once she finally stepped off the shower her skin felt raw to the touch. She put on her bathrobe, swiping the fog of the mirror to see herself. Taking a few deep breathes in, she slide her palms along her jaw before looking to the marble of the bathroom sink. 
Bucky was sat on the couch, nursing a cold beer and staring at the TV but Y/N could tell he wasn’t paying any attention. He was in Buckyland as she called it, a place where he’d go, inside his mind, and no one but him was allowed in. Not even her. She went up behind him, resting her chin on the top of his head.
    - Talk to me, Bucky. - she kissed the top of his head. - Please, don’t shut me out. 
    - What do you want me to say, princess? - Bucky sighed, hand creeping up to hold hers. - I can’t do anything fucking right. 
    - What is this about? - she walked around the couch to sit on his lap, leaning her head against his shoulder and cuddling him. Bucky leaned his head on top of hers. - I’m so sorry, Bucky. I wanted to tell you, I really did but I didn’t want you to worry after that stupid mission. It was just ... insignificant.
    - I should’ve been there to protect you. 
    - You don’t always need to be there to protect me. As I said it is insignificant but ... it’s good for our case, right?
    - You are the most significant person in my life. You are my wife, you are all that matters, all the time. I don’t want any man touching you or even breathing on top of you if you don’t allow it much less that man. 
    - So ... we’re okay, right?  
    - I didn’t want you to see what they showed in court. I am already a disappointment for the world, I don’t want to be a disappointment to you and after seeing that ...  thing ... I just ... - Bucky seemed to return back to Buckyland for a while. - I don’t have anything to offer you. I don’t know if I can have kids, I don’t know if I can give you more  than a crappy flat in Brooklyn but I knew one thing, I thought I could protect you. I’m a super soldier, for heaven’s sake.  
    - Being a super soldier does not give you the ability to be in two places at the same time. - she caressed his chin. - You do know I love you, not what you can offer me. I like you, I like being your wife and I like you being my husband. 
    - So that’s what you want? Mr. and Mrs. Barnes?
    - You say that as if it is a bad thing. I am not married to the Winter Soldier, I am not married to Sergeant Barnes and I am not married to my bodyguard. I am married to James Buchanan Barnes. I am married to you. I am not expecting anything from you other than waking up and falling asleep with you every single day. You’re the love of my life because you are you not because you protect me. 
    - I should be the one comforting you, princess. - he held her close to him as if someone was to take her away at any point. - God, that just happened to you and I’m here ... whining. 
    - Just happened? It was weeks ago, Bucky. Besides if I give it the attention it  needs, it’ll become a much bigger thing than it needs to be.  
    - It is a big thing, Y/N.
    - I’m an actress, Bucky. It happens ... more than it should but it’s ... fine. Who’d take my word on it even? They won’t even believe me when I tell them my own husband is not harassing me. Imagine them believing a whole industry is. 
    -  You need a better agent. 
    - Are you offering, Barnes? - she teased, giggling against his chest.
    - I’ve been a soldier, a brainwashed assassin, avenger, bodyguard ... I guess I could give it a shot. -  he kissed her forehead. - Are you alright, princess? 
    - Don’t worry. - she looked up to kiss him. - I’ll be fine, Bucky. However, you, Mister, cannot and will not do anything about it while you’re on trial and even when you’re not on trial.
    - I promise you that I will do everything I can to make you happy and safe. I can only do that if I’m out of prison so I promise not to go Winter Soldier on Powell. - he kissed her cheek and then her nose, cuddling her closer to him, no matter how closer she already was. - I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to wake up one day and realise you’re ashamed of me. 
His eyes softened, brows furrowed creating that little crease just in the middle  of his eyebrows and his nose seemed to twitch as if he was telling himself constantly not to cry or look any weaker than he already felt. She leaned her hand against his cheek, finger softly brushing his skin. It was warm, she was always so warm.
    - You need to stop thinking those things about yourself. You can’t change what they made you do, you can’t get that past back but you can live the rest of your life just like you want it. 
    - It’s not that simple.
    - It is, Bucky. And if anyone tries to hurt you, I’ll hurt them back.
    - You will hurt them back?
    - Yes. Sharon taught me how to punch and she said I have a very good aim. I almost managed to punch her. 
    - Why did you ask Sharon to teach you how to punch and not me?
    - Would you have taught me to punch? 
    - No. You don’t need to know how to punch, you could get hurt, someone could hurt you or worse you could break your hand. I’ll do the punching for you.
    - I’ll still do some punching.
    - Alright, princess.
The trial was a circus and not only was the whole ordeal a whole unnecessary mess but the press was having a field day covering both of them. Sam had even offered for the two of them to stay with him, Sarah and his nephews until the dust settled down but the last thing any of the two wanted was to destroy their peaceful life by having paparazzi all over their lawn. Instead, the two of them would only come out of the flat for court dates. While Powell had mostly cowered away once their lawyer threatned to expose the video if he didn’t back down as a witness, Hawthorne hadn’t been very happy with it. He’d mostly sent a very heavy worded e-mail to Y/N but she was much too busy trying to find any cohesive way to prove it was him. She knew he did it, she just couldn’t prove it. All she had was photos from the written mirror in her flat and his signature yet no one would take that in. They would just say it was similar handwriting or that she was imagining things to protect her “abuser” husband. Bucky, Sam, Steve and Sharon were all in the dark about it as she had chosen not to tell any of them what was happening. It was just a theory, just a silly theory and if it wasn’t true, she knew Hawthorne would go after all of them and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt. She was already the reason Bucky was in court, being called things that no victim and no person should be called. She was the reason the prosecution was revisiting his choice less past and pinning it on him as a reason to not have a regular life. If she didn’t know better, they  were upset about his pardon. 
Things seemed to progress fast with court days going on and on until they woke up in the morning of the last one. She knew he was nervous, she’d heard him in the phone with Steve and Sam before yet he put on this strong facade as if things would be ok but she herself had started to doubt it. The jury was biased, that much she knew and after all, the decision was theirs. The court room was silent as the prosecution finished their closing statement but she could read the environment. Everyone’s eyes bore at her husband as if he was a criminal and those who spoke didn’t speak in kind words. 
   - Does the defence have any closing statements? - the jury asked their lawyer who stood up and faced him. 
   - No, your honour but the defendant would like to address the jury.
   - I’ll allow it. - the jury beckoned and Bucky got up to face the jury. She wanted so much to jump from that bench and hold his hand but all she could do was remain there, watching him and giving him an encouraging smile whenever he looked her way.
   - Listen, uhm ... - Bucky scratched his neck, searching for the right words to say. - I know you don’t like me, trust me I don’t like myself either but I love my wife. I would never, ever hurt her and if she hadn’t wanted me then I would’ve been fine with that because ... look at her she’s the most intelligent, kind and warm woman I’ve ever met and I know she deserves better than me. I tried telling her a million times that she deserves the perfect movie man who has a stable job and isn’t over a hundred but for whatever reason she still decided to marry me and I am gonna spend the rest of my life trying to even be half the man she deserves. I would never hurt her even if someone forced me too. 
He sat down again and Y/N shimmied to the front of her bench to hold his hand through the wood bars that separated her from him. The judge excused everyone while the jury went to make their decision. Y/N excused herself to go speak to the lawyer while Sam and Steve kept Bucky occupied. 
   - You know, you do look a lot like your father. - he said as she approached him. - Never thought about going into the family business?
   - And deal with my siblings every day? I wouldn’t wish it. 
   - Is there anything you need?
   - I have a question to ask you but you can’t tell Bucky I asked you about it. 
   - I always have confidentiality with any of my clients so I wouldn’t tell him anything you’d ask me. What is it?
   - Do you think we’re gonna win? - she picked at the hem of her dress, stress filling her veins.
   - I don’t know. The jury is biased and without any evidence they’ll make their decision based on their opinions. We can always contest it but right now I think you’d do best spending some time with your husband now.
Everything needed to slow down as she walked away from the lawyer and she could hear her heels echoing on the wooden floors.  She saw Bucky laugh at something Sam had said yet she couldn’t hear him laugh, she could only see and as she saw it, she looked at the ring around her finger, the same ring he had on his finger too before turning her head harshly to where Hawthorne was standing. Suddenly sound came back and her steps quickened as she approached the head of her agency. 
   - We need to talk. - she said interrupting his conversation with Miss Olson. 
   - What about? - he spoke in his collected tone which only further angered her. 
    - Alone.
She followed him into one of the reunion rooms, hands fumbling with her phone just before closing the door behind her. She realised she didn’t really know what to say, she hadn’t prepared herself for it and she certainly wasn’t a natural. All she knew was to try, try and right now she was gonna try, she was gonna try for Bucky. 
   - I know you did it. - she tried speaking with an unwavering voice but it came out almost like a wave.
   - Excuse me? - he leaned against the wall, mocking her. - Did what?
   - Bucky couldn’t have done it, that night in my flat. He was in Brooklyn and then he was stuck in traffic that morning, there’s footage of it. He could’ve never gone to my flat when he dropped me off at 4 AM and then be stuck in traffic. I know it’s your handwriting, it’s like the one on the contract. Besides, no one knew my flat address other than Bucky and Miss Olson and not even Bucky or Miss Olson knew my family address. You did it. You know you did it. 
    - You’re clearly mental unstable but it’s okay because me and Miss Olson will get you the help we need after we get the marriage annulled. 
   - Stop. - she said. - You know no one else will believe me so at least tell me truth. Tell me how you screw up my husband’s life. 
    - Don’t be dramatic, Y/N. It wasn’t to mess up your husband’s life. Do you know how much money we invested on you? For you to destroy your image by going out with an American traitor? You think you could’ve gotten this role without me? You think you could be anything out of your little shows without me? You’re a good actress but take a look at yourself, you’re hardly what men want. You wanna break it into the business? Be hot or have connections and it turns out you can’t do both. That audition you did in London you tried to hide? Who did you think they called to give the news? Oh and if you’re wondering, it was a no. 
   - Did you do it? - she tried to maintain her cool but she knew she looked meek and she looked pathetic.
   - I thought with your Nancy Drew speech you knew the answer.
   - Did you or did you not? 
   - I did but who’s gonna believe you?
   - I don’t know. -  she opened the door, holding the knob in her hand as she pressed play on her phone, his voice saying he did it playing and echoing in the empty room. - They won’t believe me but they will believe you. 
   - Don’t toy with me, Y/N. I’ll make sure you never get a single job here or anywhere else. I’ll bring you down.
   - Maybe but if I’m going down, you are going down with me.
taglist: @disasterbi​​ @lookiamtrying​​ @buckysteveloki-me​​​ @americasass81​​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​​ @lostinthebeans​​​ @mariahthelioness29​​​ @oh-nohoney​​​ @peaches-roses-sins​​​ @theadorasabditory​​​ @sipsteacasually​​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​ @booktease21​​​ @noiralei​​​ @learisa​​​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​​​ @uglipotata72829​​​ @naturalthrone22​​​ @husherstan​​​ @mandiiblanche​​​ @vicmc624​​​ @newyorkgoddess​​​ @itsallyscorner​​​ @chipilerendi​​​ @emzd34 @writerwrites​​​ @bluevxnus​​​ @that-girl-named-alex​​​ @captnrogers​​​ @nsfwsebbie​​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​ @niki-is-a-thing​​​ @cynic-spirit​​​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​​​
150 notes · View notes
bwbatta · 4 years
two - persuasion
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship, right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: some swears but that’s all!
Word count: 2623
A/N: let’s go for part 2 then?! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! Everyone who has asked to be on the taglist has been added and if you would like to be on the list, just send me a message! Dividers are by the super talented @firefly-graphics 🤩
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 3
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The plan was set.
Draco and you had talked some more about what being ‘in a relationship’ entailed, whilst at the same time avidly avoiding Pansy in your free time. In fact, you were surprised with how little you’d have to change the dynamic between the two of you.
The first point was friendship, which was easy enough you thought. There’s no point in starting a fake relationship if you don’t get on well in the first place.
Second, communication. You agreed to be open and honest with each other, this whole plan wouldn’t work if you weren’t telling each other everything.
And finally third, intimacy.
This one was obvious enough and it was more than just hand holding or sharing the odd kiss or two, you knew that. It was about selling your relationship to be believable to everyone else around you, including your closest friends.
One of which was Hermione.
The plan on paper was simple, you both said you’d start off small and work your way into being a couple, so why did you feel this pit of anxiety in your stomach?
Nerves? Sure, you chalked it down to that.
So when you entered the Great Hall the next morning, late and in desperate need of caffeine, you somehow didn’t expect your ‘boyfriend’ to approach you with a steaming mug of coffee.
You completely missed the blonde boy too as you took your normal seat with a frantic expression on your face. Your roommates didn’t wake you up like they usually did so when you woke and found no one there, you almost screamed when you checked the time.
“Coffee coffee coffee” the mantra on your tongue “where the hell is the coffee?!”
Hermione looked amused as she packed up the book she was previously reading into her bag.
“Ron finished it moments ago, there’s no more”
“What?!” You blanched “there’s none?”
Hermione shook her head, the answer a definite no.
With energy lacking and spirit deflated, you grabbed a couple slices of toast and buttered them quickly, at least trying to put some food in your stomach even if it wasn’t your usual caffeine shot.
However when Hermione froze slightly, eyes narrowly following something behind you with a glare, you frowned at her confused. That was until Draco perched on the seat next to you, holding a mug of coffee between his hands.
“Granger” he greeted in a civil manner causing the witch to freeze in shock, half expecting an offhand snide comment about her blood status. He then turned to you and offered the coffee, “thought you might need this”
“But I thought there was none left!”
“I saved you it”
“You saved me a coffee?”
“Kept it warm too”
You could’ve cried when you took the mug from him and immediately the drink warmed your hands. Eagerly taking a sip, you found the coffee itself was exactly to your liking.
You went to point it out but before a word could leave your lips, Draco rolled his eyes at you with a smile.
“What? You thought I didn’t know how you took your coffee?”
The question was rhetorical, not that you cared. Exhaustion was the only thing you felt that morning up until then, quickly being replaced with utter fondness for the Malfoy boy next to you.
“Thank you” you told him as he grinned back at you
“Don’t mention it”
Draco raised his hand and swiped away a lock of hair which had fallen out of your two second attempt to pin it back this morning in your rush.
Your breath hitched slightly as his eyes found yours and he leaned in towards your ear.
“How am I doing?”
Your brain stalled.
Of course.
He was acting like he cared about you in front of Hermione.
To convince Hermione.
Who of course, confirmed with a quick glance, was looking between the two of you with suspicion in her eyes.
Quickly painting a smile across your face like he’d said something sweet, you pulled back and shot him a dazzling smile.
“Alright, I guess” you said, vague enough so Hermione wouldn’t clock onto what he really said.
“Good” he grinned back at you before standing from the seat. “I’ll see you after class later, yeah?”
You nodded at him, and with a fond smile at you and a courteous nod to Hermione, he left the two of you be, heading to his first class.
With the thought in the back of your mind that you should probably also get to class, you were stopped by a substantially confused Hermione who looked at you like you’d grown another head.
“Was I just in some parallel universe?”
“‘What?’ Seriously, that’s how you’re going to answer that question?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you shrugged your shoulders before standing and picking up your bag and the mug of coffee from Draco.
“What aren’t you telling me?” The Granger girl continued to interrogate you as she too stood, though with a lot more vigor.
“There’s a lot of things I’m not telling you Hermione, but if it’s anything to do with Draco, I don’t know what you mean”
Striding out the Great Hall, she quickly followed you, pestering for more information which you avoided expertly until you got to your first class you shared.
“Why did Malfoy get you coffee?”
“Because it was a nice thing to do”
“Why was he civil with me?”
“Maybe he’s seen the light”
“(Y/N)! Tell me! I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight otherwise and you know it!”
With a sigh you turned to face her.
Putting on a performance like it was tough for you to keep a secret, you ‘umm’d and ‘ahh’d under her questioning until you really had had enough of the interrogation.
“Okay, fine, we may or may not be dating” you said like it wasn’t a big deal
“Miss Granger!” Professor McGonagall’s voice snapped “if you’re so done with your conversation, perhaps you could start writing your essay?”
“Yes, Professor. Sorry, Professor”
With a glare shot your way, meaning she’d grill you later for information, the bookworm turned back to her work and started writing furiously.
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It was later that day that you found out that Lavender Brown had overheard your conversation with Hermione and so naturally, the gossip that you and Draco were dating was spread across the entire school.
Some believed the rumour, others didn’t so much. This of course included Blaise, the Weasley twins, and of course, the ever stubborn Pansy.
When the boys finally cornered each respective friend, they of course had some questions that needed to be addressed. 
Blaise cornered Draco first at Lunch. 
The Malfoy boy had just started to tuck into his food when a book slammed down on the table next to him, startling the boy. 
Blaise pinned him with a hard look.
“Is it true you’re dating (Y/N)?”
“How’d you hear that?!”
“Word gets around fast... so, is it true?”
“Yes it’s true” Draco rolled his eyes at his friend
He was honestly shocked at how quickly the rumour had gone round the castle, though he suspected some of the Gryffindor girls were behind it. They always seemed like they pounced on any gossip going.
This also meant, Pansy had probably heard it by now.
Draco’s interest peaked.
“Who’d you hear it from?” The blonde asked his friend
“Bulstrode of all people” Blaise rolled his eyes “thought I might’ve found out from my friend himself but apparently not”
“Sorry man, it only really happened yesterday”
Blaise waved his apology off
“So tell me, is this for real? It’s not a prank or anything, she knows you think you’re going out with her right?”
“Yes, (Y/N) knows we’re going out” Draco rolled his eyes in exasperation “she’s also not being forced or blackmailed into going out with me if that puts your mind at rest”
This wasn’t technically true and Draco fought the urge to cringe slightly as he remembered the deal he had made with you.
Despite the other copious Christmas presents he had to get you, being civil to Granger wasn’t so bad he remarked. They only shared a few classes, all of which were with you present, so all he really had to do was ignore the fact the muggleborn witch existed and he’d keep his side of the deal up.
“Good” Blaise huffed, finally sitting down next to him “can I ask you something though?”
“You just did”
“Smart arse” Blaise rolled his eyes but continued on “what made you ask her out?”
Draco paused.
You hadn’t actually discussed this so there wasn’t a definite plan on what response to give. The boy trusted himself to come up with a decent answer though so instead of panicking, he said the first thing that popped into his head.
“I’ve been in love with her for years”
Well... he didn’t expect that to be his response.
“You have?” Blaise asked also taken aback
“Umm, yeah, sure, she’s the one for me you know?”
Draco kicked himself once again
Why couldn’t he think straight?!
“She’s just... she’s so funny, you know? One of the funniest people I’ve ever met. Her laugh, man, is enough to make me laugh even harder because have you heard it?! It’s hilarious!”
Unconsciously, Draco began to smile at the thought of you.
“Also, she’s super talented at anything she does, which would be wildly annoying if she wasn’t so modest about it. She’s also the most sarcastic person I’ve ever met, yet also the kindest. She’s got so many good qualities it’s hard to even think about anything bad about her.”
Draco stopped, breaking out of his train of thought.
Now that... that, he really hasn’t expect to be his response.
“I’m glad you’re happy then, Draco” the Zabini boy smiled at him “seems like you really like her”
“Yeah... I do”
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You were pounced upon by both the Weasley twins not much later on, both demanding answers.
“You’re dating Malfoy?!”
“As in Draco Malfoy? The ferret?”
“He’s not a ferret!” You rolled your eyes at the pair. “And yes I am. Why? Do you not believe the castle gossip?”
“We heard it-“ Fred began
“Still working on believing it” George finished
You rolled your eyes and continued on to the library, your original destination before you got jumped by the identical redheads.
“Believe what you want” you shrugged trying to play it off.
“See (Y/N), here’s the thing, I don’t know if I believe you’re actually going out with him” Fred stated causing you to frown.
“What do you mean?”
“Freddie here believes you guys are faking it for some reason” George chucked an arm round your shoulders as they continued to walk with you.
“Why would we be faking it?!” You laughed like the idea was ridiculous.
“I just know you wouldn’t go for him” Fred shrugged “your standards are too high.”
“My standards are too high?!”
You were mildly offended at the suggestion, no matter how correct Fred was about the two of you faking your relationship.
Reaching the library quickly, you turned to the boys who had halted at the sight of the only room in the castle they adamantly wouldn’t enter.
“Well, unless your plan is to follow me into the forbidden room of books, I’ll see you guys later?”
Not waiting for an answer you swung open the door, mind now focused on studying for that test you had coming up in Herbology later that week.
“I still don’t believe you!” Fred shouted after you before the door closed shut behind you
All you could do was roll your eyes.
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It was dinner later that evening when you saw your ‘boyfriend’ again since breakfast when he’d given you the coffee.
By now, you two were the talk of the castle which is why you weren’t surprised to see a fuming brunette strut up to you. The Slytherin girl looked as if she should have smoke coming out her ears you thought, not that you’d tell her that and anger her even more.
“(Y/N)” Pansy sniffed almost impatiently as she reached you.
“Pansy” you replied innocently which seen fo infuriate her more.
“I heard you’re supposedly dating my boyfriend?”
“Your boyfriend?”
You couldn’t help but phrase the question like you really didn’t know what she was talking about.
“Draco Malfoy!” She practically growled at you
“Ohh, Draco as in my boyfriend?”
“Yes! Wait no-“
You snorted at her slip up and ignored her as you sidestepped and entered the Great Hall spying the familiar mop of platinum blonde hair, sending him a smile,
Before you could make your way over to him though, a hand grabbed your arm with nails roughly digging into your skin.
“Hey, I wasn’t done talking to you” Pansy seethed
“Well I was done talking to you” you shrugged truely bored with the girl “I’d appreciate it now though if you let go of my arm.”
“No, I’m not finishe-“
“Yes you are” Draco cut her off this time
Pansy’s expression looked like her brain had short circuited for a moment before she gathered herself and smiled flirtily at the boy.
“Hey Drakey baby”
“Firstly, for the millionth time, don’t call me that” Draco narrowed his eyes at her into a glare. “Secondly, (Y/N) also asked you to let go of her arm so I suggest you do so.”
At once, like your arm was on fire, Pansy dropped her grip which she had forgotten about as soon as the Malfoy had entered the conversation.
You rubbed your arm as you pulled it to your chest. Pansy’s nails had dug deep and actually split the skin on your arm slightly by the force she had held you by.
“And finally, I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck off and didn’t harass my girlfriend, especially about lies that we’re somehow involved.”
With that being said, Draco wrapped his arm around your waist and escorted you over to the spot he was originally sitting at, letting you take his seat while he forced Crabbe to move down a space so he could sit next to you.
“Thanks for that” you sent him a smile “though I can handle Pansy”
“I know” he replied with a grin of his own “I just needed to get that off my chest. Let me see your arm.”
“It’s nothing-“
With a sigh you reluctantly held out your arm so he could see the damage Pansy had done. Spotting the crescent shaped breaks in your skin, his jaw clenched in anger.
“Psychotic bitch” he mumbled under his breath barely loud enough for you to hear, “episkey”.
The wounds sewed themselves back together in no time and you send him a grateful smile.
“Heard you got cornered by Blaise earlier”.
“Heard the same about you with the Weasley twins”.
“Mmm” you shrugged “there was bound to be a few that didn’t just automatically believe we’re dating. Some might need a little more persuasion, especially Pansy. Also it is still only the first day since the gossip broke though, it might just be that we wait for the news to settle.”
“I guess” he rolled his eyes playing with the pasta on his plate with his fork, before pausing slightly, setting it down and turning to you.
His eyes glanced round the hall quickly before snapping back to you with a grin. Leaning towards you, he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you slightly closer to him as his lips became level with your ear.
You fought the urge to shiver.
“Or... it just means we’ll have to make it all the more believable, Sweetheart.”
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Series Taglist:
(If you’re in bold, tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you ☹️, otherwise if you want to be added, let me know! 🤩):
@weasleytwinswheezes @azkabanlexi @streetfighterrichie @queen-of-the-coven @gdee703 @thatguppienamedbae @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @savcks @remmyswritings @thescarletknight2014 @w0nderr @heyiheardyouwereawildone36 @moonlightorbit @ceeellewrites @nicole-prz @depressedchilipepper @swiftlymoniquesblog
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hi there! Can I please request the main three + Kirishima with an s/o who has younger siblings and is used to them buttering them up thinking it’ll help them avoid getting into trouble so when their boyfriend compliment them they instinctively turn to him and is all like “Alright you demons, what did you do this time?” Before realizing that it’s just their boyfriend? Thanks!
a/n: hi!! of course! this request is super cute, having siblings is both a treasure and a nightmare lmfao. thank you for the request love!!
headcanon: them with an s/o who has younger siblings
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
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izuku midoriya
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Having younger siblings is truly a blessing. Sometimes.
You love your siblings, you do, but they are pure chaos. 
“Did we ever tell you how pretty you are?” Your younger sister’s voice rang out. You were just shopping for some snacks and they wanted to come with you.
You knew they’d done something. They always buttered you up so you wouldn’t get mad. But no matter what they did, you’d still love them. Being stern was just a way of teaching them, you wouldn’t go as far as actually hurting them if they did something bad.
“What’d you do this time?” You question, turning around to eye both your younger sister and brother.
Covered almost head to toe in what you assumed was baking flour, your brother and sister smiled back up at you. You let out a small laugh before returning to your older sibling instinct.
“What were you guys even doing?!” You placed the snack you’d picked up in your basket and sighed, taking both of their hands and walking over an aisle where the opened bags of flour laid, covering the floor.
“We wanted to get the sugar you needed! So we stood on the shelves to get it.” Your younger sister spoke softly, smiling.
“I see. Well next time, if you can’t reach something, ask first okay? You could get hurt if you fall back.” 
No matter the situation, you always try to make the moment a teachable lesson. They’re still growing, they’re going to make mistakes. That’s okay.
If there’s anything you can do, you just want to teach them the right way to do things, or at least the best of the options.
“We will!” Your brother promises, hugging you, coating you in flour from your waist down.
“You’re going to need to pay for the bags of flour.” A store employee speaks, already bringing the equipment to clean it up.
“Of course, here you go.” You hand over the money and head to check out, bringing your flour-coated siblings along.
“We’re gonna get a bubble bath after this!” Your younger sister spoke up, which started your brother.
“Bubble bath! Bubble bath!”
It’s a long day of cleaning up before you can relax.
You sometimes forget you’re at the dorms. Despite not actually having your siblings around, you still feel like whipping Mineta into shape is about as close as you can get.
It never works, but maybe one day it will.
“You look beautiful, (Y/n).” The comment totally throws you off. And you’re quick to come with a response.
“What’d you demons do this time-”
Realizing it was Izuku who complimented you, you immediately started to feel flustered.
“What?!” Izuku’s a bit confused. You waved your hands and eventually hid your face.
“My younger siblings always butter me up and compliment me when they’ve done something. I forgot I was at the dorms for a second.” You laugh. Midoriya smiles and gives you a hug.
“That’s so cute. I didn’t know you had siblings.” You hug Midoriya back and sigh.
“I love them to death, they’re little shits but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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katsuki bakugou
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Your younger brother reminds you a lot of Bakugou. He’s loud and obnoxious, but he can be sweet.
It doesn’t change the fact that the little devil practically butters you up when he knows he’s done something to get in trouble.
For example, the time he put superglue on his teacher’s chair. 
“You know I love you so so much and I wouldn’t have anyone else be the best older sibling?” Your brother smiled at you, even handing you a store-bought cupcake.
“Something seems...suspicious. Is there hot sauce in this cupcake?” You eye the cupcake.
“No.” Your brother laughs.
“What’d you do then?” You quirk an eyebrow up at him, waiting for what line of trouble you’d have to get him out of now.
“I sorta put superglue on my teacher’s chair and now they’re going to call home and I don’t want mom to be mad at me, it was just a harmless prank and no one got hurt!” Your brother explained. Despite wanting to burst out laughing, you knew where he was coming from. 
“Alright. I’ll talk to them, and I imagine I’ll have to sign something too?” You set the cupcake down on the counter and look at your brother.
You extended a hand for a high-five which your brother joyfully completes.
“Good prank, but let’s not do it again. I might not always be able to pick up the calls made home.” You gave him a hug, ruffling his hair.
“Thank you for being honest with me.” You smiled.
“You’re welcome!”
Your brother, while being a little devil, was honest. You’d tried your best to help teach him while he was growing up that honesty was a good quality in someone strong, and your brother wanted to be the strongest.
Answering the phone call, you sat beside your brother, telling them how it wouldn’t happen again and that if need be, you’d replaced the pants his teacher had been wearing that day as a sort of apology.
Also signing the note that ‘proper punishment’ would be distributed for his actions, you packed it up in his bag for the next day.
Being in the dorms was honestly a bit lonely. You loved your brother, albeit he was chaotic, you missed him coming to you with his tales of how he was king of the schoolyard.
Walking down the seemingly empty hallway toward your dorm, a compliment threw you off.
“Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?” The voice didn’t belong to your brother but your first instinct was to ask what the hell he’d done now.
“What’d you do this time?” You turn and see your blonde boyfriend staring at you with a funny look on his face.
“I mean uh...hey Bakugou!” You can feel your face heat up.
“I was saying I loved you, I didn’t do anything.” Bakugou confronted you. You nodded and let out a laugh.
“I have a brother who says the same thing to me when he gets into trouble.” You lay your arms across his shoulders.
“He reminds me a lot of you actually. He wants to be the strongest hero ever one day.” You smile, knowing that Bakugou’s goal was pretty close to that.
“Oh really? Well, he’ll have to surpass me!” 
“I think you’d really get along with one another. He’s a secret All Might fanboy too.”
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shoto todoroki
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Todoroki knows what it’s like to have siblings, but being the youngest himself, he wasn’t aware of what it was like to be an older sibling.
You, on the other hand, were an older sibling. You had a younger sister that was quite devious.
She usually found herself getting into trouble out and about, whether it be in school, or whenever you went out to the store with her, she always caused some chaos.
Like the time she ‘laid a trap’ in one of the grocery store aisles.
She’d spilled some water and waited for someone to come and walk through the puddle. But she was caught before someone did something.
The store attendant brought her over to you where she proceeded to butter you up.
“You’re so beautiful, I love you so much you know that right?” She smiled, grabbing onto your hand.
“Oh yeah, what’d you do this time?” You ask, turning your attention toward her.
“She spilled water all over the floor which could’ve lead to an accident. I’m going to have to ask you both to check out and leave.” The attendant wasn’t happy. You were a little upset but you’d make this moment memorable.
“Just a second please.” You spoke to the attendant before bending down to your sister’s level.
“Why did you spill water on the floor?” You asked, waiting for her response.
“I was laying a trap!” 
“Yes, but what could’ve happened if someone got caught up in the trap?” You asked, holding her hands as she starts to come to a realization.
“They could’ve gotten hurt.” She speaks softly.
“Mhmm, and would you want someone to get hurt?” You tilt your head to the side.
“No. Only bad guys hurt people.” She nodded, her smaller fingers looping with yours.
“That’s right, and you want to be a hero one day right? Like All Might?” You smile.
“Yup! He’s the coolest!” 
“Alright, so no more laying traps! Let’s apologize okay?” You turn to the store attendant who seems almost impressed by how fast you’d turned the interaction to positive instead of negative.
“I’m sorry Mr. Man! It won’t happen again! I’m gonna be the next All Might!” Your sister cheers as you head out of the store, not buying anything.
You take your sister with you to the dorms on one of your days off. You promised she could meet All Might, and while they’re playing in the common room, you completely blank at a compliment made to you.
“You’re so beautiful.” Todoroki says softly.
“What’d you do- Sho!” You try not to embarrass yourself. You look over and see that your sister is still playing with All Might, holding his action figure and zipping around imaginatively.
“I didn’t do anything. Why do you ask?” Shoto hugs you briefly before looking at you with concern.
“No no, my sister usually compliments me before telling me she got into trouble. I blanked for a second.” You reassure him that he hadn’t done anything. You give him a quick kiss on his cheek before looking back to watch your sister.
“I didn’t know you had a sister until today.” Todoroki smiles, holding your hand.
“She’s a little rascal but I love her. You’re the youngest of your family aren’t you?” You nudge him.
“I am-”
“Awe you’re the baby!” You hug him, poking his cheek and teasing him lightly.
“I’m 16, not an infant-”
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eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Your little brother is quite spirited. He’s chaotic but as sweet as can be.
But he never fails to butter you up when he gets into trouble.
“You’re so pretty, red really is your color!” He smiles as he stands before you, holding something behind his back.
“Mhm, what trouble did you find yourself in now?” You ask, sitting down in a chair at your kitchen table.
“I need someone to sign my report card, and my grades are low.” He says softly. He’s a bit sad, and for some reason, you feel upset.
“I can sign it for you, but why are your grades low?” You ask, looking at his report card. His math grade was dangerously close to failing, and his science grade wasn’t too high either.
“I fell behind.” He speaks quietly, ready for a scolding.
“I’ll sign your report card, but can you promise me something?” You ask, getting a pen ready.
“Mhm!” He lights up, a half-smile on his lips, still worried he’s about to get yelled at.
“If you need help, ask for it. There’s nothing wrong or unmanly about asking for help.” Quoting your boyfriend, you feel a bit silly. You sign off on his report card and hand it back to him, ruffling his hair.
“I have a study group you can come to if you want, you could meet Eijiro!” You know it’s probably a bit overwhelming to study with a bunch of high schoolers while being so young, but you’re positive Bakugou would help him out.
“Yes! I wanna go!” He smiles, vibrating with excitement.
On the day of the study group, Kirishima compliments you like he usually does. But being so focused on picking your brother up for the study group you space out.
“You’re so pretty, and wow red is so you’re color!” Kirishima comments, his favorite red sweater resting over your shoulders.
“What’d you do this time...” You freeze when you notice it’s Kirishima complimenting you instead of your younger brother.
“I just complimented you is all!” Kirishima smiles, his toothy grin making you smile as well. You hug him and laugh.
“I know, my brother tends to call me pretty when he gets into trouble. He’s coming to the study group tonight actually.”
“Awesome! wait you have a brother?” Kirishima’s excited, probably more excited to meet your brother than he is.
When you return with your brother and arrive at the study group, everyone is happy to meet him.
“This is Ei, my boyfriend.” You introduce your brother to Kirishima.
“What’s up, little man?!” Kirishima gives your brother a fist bump and smiles.
“I see why you chose him.” Your brother comments. You turn red, shaking his head.
“He’s about as red as you are!” Your brother teases you, poking fun at your blush. You sigh and sit down with him, showing him the basics.
“Bakugou can you help me with number four?” Your brother bravely approaches the blonde who isn’t exploding for once.
It’s the most calm you’ve seen Bakugou in a while. But your brother learns a lot from him, and from Kirishima. 
Kirishima loves your little brother and he’s happy he got to meet him.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Rule #1 - Always remember the BS (Buddy System).
Rule #2 - When confronted by a bear (depending on the type of bear), confront it back and make lots of noises. But keep in mind, only do that for Black Bears.
Rule #3 - Bears can't get through the polyurethane of a tent. Plastic repels nature, since it's not of this world.
Rule #4 - The forest doesn't give a damn about you. Arrogance will get you nowhere.
Rule #5 - If you're stuck in a tree alone and two people happen to come across you, they are buddies. Don't just assume because another human life is nearby that they're obligated to help you.
Rule #6 - You help those in need though.
Rule #7 - Communication is key.
Rule #8 - Look, scan, observe, react, run.
How to survive a bear attack:
Rule #9 / Step Number 1 - Evaluate, determine which type of bear it is that it's attacking you.
Rule #10 - If the bear grunts twice it's a Grizzly, if it grunts three times then it's a Polar Bear.
Rule #11 - When dealing with Polar Bears, the biggest thing you want to do is make sure that you're covered head to doe, with as much armor as possible (sleeping bags work just fine).
Rule #12 / Step Number 2 - Try to maintain silence, maybe it'll go away on it's own.
Rule #13 / Step Number 3 - If step 2 fails, abandon all coverage plans, because clearly it's not going to work. However, you don't need to worry, because your tent is safe as long as the bear doesn't claim it as it's own by attracting other bears as competition.
Rule #14 - It is very important that when you go shopping for your tent (or you're finding your tent), you get one that's strong, triple layer made of the highest quality material.
Rule #15 - If the bear attacks with a gun, make sure you cover all of the important parts of your body. The smaller the target the harder it is for a bear to get you.
Rule #16 / Step Number 4 - This is an emergency step, you would never do this unless you were in a extremely dangerous situation... just run. With the help of your buddy (don't forget the buddy system!) you will roll the tent from the inside away from the bear.
Rule #17 - It's important to remember where your tent was when you pitched it.
Rule #18 - At this point the bear should be very intimidated by your skill and athleticism. It may think you and your buddy are now one large creature.
Rule #??? - RAGE, rage against the dying of the light...
Rule #19 - After all that escaping protocol, the bear should be gone by now. But in the case that it's not, just keep going rolling away in the tent.
Rule #20 - Bears are afraid of the sunlight, they can't handle it's intense heat.
Rule #21 / Step Number 5 - And finally, to escape the tent, you have to find it's weakest point and destroy it.
Rule #22 - Nature it's a dangerous place filled with evil, horrible monstrosities that are beautiful in their own way.
How to safely bury your friend:
Rule #23 - Carcasses can attract bears and other wildlife that are opportunistic scavenges.
Rule #24 - For this process you're going to need a shovel and a buddy.
Rule #25 - Don't forget the Buddy System (B.S) or you will DIE.
Rule #26 - The first thing you're going to do is search the area for a proper place for a burial. You want a place with some soft dirt, plenty of open space, and not too near to the campsite.
Rule #27 - Dig six feet down (at the least), so you can put their feet first, then head at the top.
Rule #28 - Your dead body will grow into the environment.
Author's Note: ... I don't trust counselors Mark and Ethan.
Rule #29 - B.D.S.B (Bearing Doesn't Stop Bears)
Rule #30 - You are also going to need a quality shovel that can break through. You want a sharpen blade and a good foot rest.
Rule #31 - Do not, under ANY circumstances, mention the Tactical Shovel to counselor Mark.
Rule #32 - When you're digging a grave you should bring water, remember to stay hydrated!
Rule #33 - You can only absorbe so much sweat you produce. After a while it gets unhealthy, because your body can't filter out the bad water that you produce.
Rule #34 - You piss out of your skin when you can't piss out of anywhere else. So if you drink that, but then you piss it out again, then it becomes Super Piss (and that's not good to consume). But if you drink that then it turns into Ultra Piss, which is very valuable but bad to ingest. It's also incredible dangerous because, while bees can smell fear, they can also see the vapors from the Ultra Piss. So, although rare and easy to sell to a high price, it would attract thousands of bees.
Rule #35 - B.E.C.W.U.B (Be Extra Careful With [the] Ultra B[P]iss)
Rule #36 - The forest is one of the most polluted places, you can't get a breath of fresh air.
Rule #37 - Your buddy is always a breath of fresh air. (Hey, please don't do what Mark and Ethan did on the video, COVID-19 is still a very, very real thing.)
Rule #38 - Once you are done digging the grave, lay the body on a fetal position. Remember to really support the spine.
Rule #39 - If you can, get a standing grave, it's great for the spine.
Rule #40 - You can feel more productive when you are standing.
Author's Note: ... I really, REALLY don't trust counselors Mark and Ethan. I knew that bacon tasted kinda odd-
Rule #41 - Now all that's left to do is lay your friend to rest.
Rule #42 - Now you can go ahead and say words of rememberness, a testament to their life.
Rule #43 - The truth is the nicest gift you can give anybody.
Rule #44 - If you listen closely when your friend is later rest, you can hear their soul whisper their final thoughts.
Rule #45 - Remember to hit counselor Mark with a stick for waking us up at 6 am using a pan.
Rule #46 - Team building is the most important part of being on a camp. Because you may have your buddy, but we are all a team.
Rule #47 - Trust is the very foundation of any team.
Rule #48 - At any moment your buddy can need you. You'll never know when a bear is going to strike, when a chipmunk is going to go rabid, when a raccoon is going to be sneaky. You've got to be prepared for anything. And above all, you need to be prepared to catch your buddy if they fall.
Rule #49 - When you're in the nature, you are going to be climbing on a lot of things. They may be slippery surfaces, you may be not sure of your footing. You've got to be prepared at any time to catch your buddy.
Rule #50 - The higher the fall the greater the trust. Anyone from your team could be falling at any moment, make sure to catch them.
Rule #51 - Trust counselors Mark and Ethan...?
Rule #52 - Your buddy can fall in any direction, you've got to be ready.
Rule #53 - With a trust fall you've got to trust your buddy, but you gotta trust yourself too.
Rule #54 - No better way to exhibit a team than to show your strength together (by making a human pyramid).
Rule #55 - Tug of War, classic team building from earliest man. Get a rope and you pull, but you've got to make two teams so you can compete and defeat their respective enemy (and they need to die).
Rule #56 - Don't forget, it's hot outside, so make sure you wear your sunscreen and drink plenty of water.
Rule #57 - Start in the middle (the knot needs to be in the middle), and whoever gets it to the point where the winner is obvious.... well, wins precisely.
Author's Note: UNUS! UNUS! UNUS! UN- oh, nevermind.
Rule #58 - The next most important part of team-building is sharing. Sharing with eachother is basically bonding. You learn from eachother, you have openness with eachother, and so on.
Rule #59 - The clue to win Three Legged Pace is coordination.
Rule #60 - It's always important when you go out outside to be prepared, and of course, bring water.
Rule #61 - Make sure to keep cool when you're in the wilderness, it is important for survival. And when you're done drinking water, you can play a little football with your friend using the leftover bottle.
Rule #62 - While playing Three Legged Egg Balance, remember to keep a steady "one-two" rhythm.
Rule #63 - FIRE IS NO JOKE. Don't play around with it.
Rule #64 - Knowing how to built a fire is one of the most important skills at Camp Unus Annus. With it you can cook your food, disinfect your water, clean your clothes, stay warm and call grandma.
Rule #65 - And if your grandparents are death, stare deeply into the fire until you see their face swim out of the flames.
Rule #66 - Fire is spelled F-I-R-T. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Author's Note: Wait a second, are they not Camp Counselors?-
How to built a fire:
Rule #67 / Step Number 1 - Be aware of the current threat level for forest fires. Right now it's midnight. That's B, for Be aware.
Rule #68 / Step Number 2 - Kindling. Be aware, get kindling, find perfect stick (B.A.G.K.F.P.S)
Rule #69 (nice) - Remember, if you want to start a fire get your bag of piss.
Rule #70 / Last Step - Friction. The friction of the stick (zooming around in circles) against the friction of a wooden piece creates smoke signals. The smoke signals will travel to your candling and say "Hey, catch on fire." And in response it will sometimes go "Okay" in an umberwear farm. The umbers are what leads to the fire in an it case of a FIRE. Very important.
Rule #71 - Always have a fire extinguisher (preferably water) just in case something goes wrong.
Rule #72 - Put your prefect stick on your wood base and start rubbing said stick against it.
Rule #73 - Gently blow the base after rubbing the stick, fire needs oxygen to grow.
Rule #74 - If you manage to make a hole through the base, leave the stick there and start spinning it. With the power of insertion, if you get it going fast enough, flames should ignite.
Rule #75 - Fire needs to be seduced.
Rule #76 - To produce the flames you need to sin.
Rule #77 - Satan knows.
Rule #78 - For the love of God, keep counselor Mark away from sharp objects.
Author's Note: ... Does anyone else see the weird man dressed in a black suit outside or it's just me...?
Rule #79 - No matter what goals you may have in life, a little bit of hard work, a little bit of determination, a bit of luck gets you anywhere.
Author's note: Yay escape room! I love those!
Rule #80 - Beware of counselor Evan throwing things at the tents.
Rule #81 - On daytime the bats are squirrels, but on nighttime they are vampires. For this reason you shouldn't be around bats, or they will suck your blood.
Rule #82 - Counselor Mark really loves riddles.
Rule #83 - Stay six feet away from the trees to avoid being attacked by a squirrel.
Rule #84 - The most dangerous things about the deers are their antlers and hooves.
Rule #85 - To survive the snakes you need to: Look, Observe, Scan, React, Run (L.O.S.R.R)
Author's Note: Counselor Ethan is fucking smart, fight me. Also, shout out to counselor Amy because not once have I mentioned her and she's amazing.
Rule #86 - Run away from Mark. JUST RUN.
Rule #87 - Tragically, counselor Mark has turned into the beast called Neanderthalensis Marconius, also known as HeeHoo.
Rule #88 - HeeHoo feeds himself with wild Takis, roaming around the woods butt naked and in solitude...
Rule #89 - If you wish to communicate with the HeeHoo, there are sounds he will react to: Unus Annus.
(And here it is, after nights of work I present to you the -not so official- Unus Annus Rule Manual! This has been a blast, I am so glad I could finally finish it. Camp Unus Annus was absolutely amazing in every sense of the word, thanks Mark, Ethan, Amy and Evan for the experience!)
@tiny-crecher (I am SO sorry-)
@markiplier @crankgameplays
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miastideclock · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction To Their Relationships Accidentally Going Public
@babybouille​ asked
Hi there ~ ! I saw that your request are open ? If possible can I please have a skz reaction for when their relationship with their s/o accidently goes public ? Thanks :)
Can do, love!
Word Count: 4,6k Warnings: sorry this took so long, not really a warning bUT YOU GET IT
Bang Chan
“What kind of spoiler? You will see it later. Recently what has everyone been up to these days? I’ve been working out a lot. Like, I’ve been eating salads. I want to build up my body-” Chan answered as he read the questions out loud.
Chan and Felix were sat on each their chair in Chan’s studio, talking to the fans via Chan’s weekly livestream. However, you had completely forgotten this. As you and Chan had been dating for almost six months, you probably should know this by now, but what can you do. 
You knocked gently before opening the door, instantly closing it back up when you saw what they were doing. Luckily, the camera was at such an angle that you couldn’t see the door. 
Chan jumped in his seat, as did Felix. “Hold on one moment you guys, I just need to mute our mic for a second.” The older Aussie spoke into the camera before clicking a few buttons. Chan then got out halfway out of frame, to the point where you could just see from the waist down on the left side of his body. From where he was standing, he could reach the door, so he opened it back up to find you standing there with a sheepish smile on your face. 
“I am so sorry! I completely forgot!” You instantly apologized to both your boyfriend and your friend. As you leaned gently to the side to see past Chan, Felix chuckled, waving it off saying it was an honest mistake. “Did anyone see me?”
Even though you and Chan had dated as long as you had, the public had yet to find out. Originally, Chan was under a strict dating-ban, but after a few weeks of convincing, the management agreed to let you date, but only if you kept it a secret, and if you worked at the company. That way no one would be suspicious of you entered and left the building at free will. 
“No, no one saw you babe- we’re good.” Chan chuckled and leaned forward to kiss you, jokingly making kissy noises as he came closer, mostly to gross out Felix, but also because the two of you genuinely found it funny to act like those super-gross couples. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m headed to the store, you boys want anything?” You asked, but as both the boys said no, their phones started vibrating like crazy. Felix grabbed his from the table they were sitting at, his face first confused, then a look of panic struck him. He instantly motioned for you and your boyfriend to be quiet as he grabbed the mouse and started clicking around the screen. He ended the live. 
“Mate. You didn’t mute yourself.” Felix breathed once Chan asked what all the commotion was about. Chan’s blood ran cold as he realized what that meant. You instantly pulled out your phone and went to the VLIVE app to see the ending of their stream, and sure enough. Kissy sounds, loving nicknames, Felix saying you were cute together. It was all there. 
“I guess we’re official then?” Chan sighed as he looked at you, scared of how you would react.
“Oh thank god!”
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Lee Know
“You excited for the set tonight?” You asked softly as you sat on your boyfriends lap. He gently brushed his hands through your hair as he hummed a reply. 
“Yeah, it has been so long it feels like. But when you really do the math it really isn’t that bad.” Minho replied, the playing of your hair never stopping. You had enjoyed having your boyfriend to yourself for a while, but you knew how much he loved working and being on stage, so you didn’t mind giving him up to his members for a while.
You and Minho had been dating for about a year at this point, but you had yet to go public. The only people who knew were his members, and their management team. Or so you thought.
“Hyung, don’t kill me!” Seungmin ran over to the couch you were sat on in the greenroom, his make-up perfectly done and his outfit matching Minho’s. Minho sat up straighter, making you look up from where you had your face nuzzled into his chest. 
“Then don’t give me a reason?” Minho spoke, asking more than anything. Seungmin looked genuinely panicked, and you soon grew concerned for the boy. You had seen him get worried over dumb things before, but never like this. 
“I posted on Instagram. I didn’t see until I read the comments, but by then it was too late- I deleted it, but the fans are too fast.” He stumbled over his words and stuttered, almost as if he had just ran a marathon. 
“Seungmin, calm down. What was it about the picture?” Minho was now also concerned for the well-being of his member, genuinely worried he would have an anxiety attack. 
“You and Y/N are in it.” He breathed and showed you his phone. The screen showed his selfie, very cute picture. But if you zoomed in, you could see you and your boyfriend, cuddling, being mid-kiss. Unluckily for you, the quality was good enough to where you could definitely tell it was Minho. 
You inhaled a sharp breath of air, and instinctively looked to see Minho’s reactions- but it was impossible to read him. Was he happy? Stressed? Angry? Sad? Even with a gun to your head, you couldn’t give an answer. 
“I mean..” He started, not sounding very upset. “If it’s already out there, management can’t really force us to keep it a secret anymore, right?” He asked Seungmin what his opinion on the matter was, but he was at a loss for words. You had to side with Seungmin on this one, as it was a thing anyone would be angry at. 
When all Seungmin could do was stutter out inaudible sounds, Minho turned to one of the managers that had just entered the room. “Am I in trouble?” He asked calmly, and much to everyone's surprise, the manager shook his head. 
“No, but just meet with us in the conference room when we get back, so we can talk about where you can go and stuff.” He said, making you and Minho nod.
“That went well.”
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You smiled slightly as you smelled the freshly popped popcorn, the salty and buttery smell filling your nose. While humming gently to yourself as you poured the snacks out of the bag and into a bowl, bopping your head to the beat you heard in your head. “Blurry lines, yeah-yeah. So many, so many-” But you cut yourself off as you heard your show begin in the living room. You softly squealed and ran with the popcorn and your drink.
Your boyfriend Changbin and his group was going on a talk show, and you were so excited to see it. You always loved their live interviews as they always felt more charismatic when nothing was edited out.
“Tonight on Late Later Latest with Bentley™, Stray Kids! Welcome!” The host greeted the boys. They did their intro and got started. The host asked her usual questions, how promotion was going, how it felt being such an up-and-coming group etc etc. After the general questions, she asked more individual question, asking Minho about his dancing (Nat Geo), Felix and Chan about their life in Australia and so on. When she finally went to Changbin, you felt your heart beat proudly. 
You had originally asked management if you could come to the audience of the talk-show and watch, but they sadly denied your request as people might get suspicious. You and Changbin had been dating since forever, but the public didn’t know yet. Management had agreed to let you keep dating, but only if they could expose your relationship at any given moment for promotion purposes. At first you were disgusted with their demands, but you soon understood where they came from, and agreed. 
“So Changbin, what would you say motivates your writing the most?” The host asked, giving him a smile as she did so. 
Changbin nodded and answered, not giving his answer enough thought. “Well, mostly my girlf-” but he cut himself off. “uuh- my members? Maybe my fans?” He stumbled over his words, trying to hide his original answer, but it was too late.
“Were you gonna say girlfriend?” The host asked him in kind of a humoring tone. Changbin then sighed and nodded, this making you choke on your popcorn, sending a few pieces flying as you coughed. You did not expect him to expose your relationship for the whole world to see, this fine Thursday afternoon. 
“Yeah. I guess I have to come clean now, don’t I? Y/N, please don’t kill me.” He sheepishly smiled into the camera and gave you a slight wave, causing you to smile back at him and wave gently, not realizing he couldn’t see you. You then let your and fall into your lap as you giggled at your now public boyfriend.
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While almost skipping, you made your way down the hallway. Taking turn after turn and up and down hallways and staircases, you finally found what you had been looking for. The loud music gave it away instantly as you entered the room.
in the middle of the floor, looking at himself dancing in the mirror, stood your boyfriend Hyunjin. “Hi baby!” He grinned when he saw you stood there by the door. He stopped dancing and hurried over to you and picked you up to spin you around. “I missed you!”
You had been out of town for about three weeks, so it was with good reason he said what he did. 
“Am I interrupting anything?” You quickly asked, praying that he would say no. He shook his head while copying your grin, finally placing you back on the ground. You took that opportunity to get on your tippy-toes and give him a kiss.
You and Hyunjin had been dating for just under nine months at this point, and your relationship was still as blooming as if was only a few weeks ago you went on your first date. 
At first, you had been forbidden to date, as his idol-contract came with pretty serious and strict rules, but after sneaking around for about half a year, the company finally gave up and let you do whatever you wanted. Hyunjin’s managers were all surprised when you let them know that neither of you wanted to take the relationship public, at least not to begin with. So all the secrecy was completely your own ideas. Hyunjin’s members also agreed to keep you a secret for now, respecting you and Hyunjin’s decisions.
“Would they mind if I stole you for a day date? I was thinking maybe taking you on a picnic right now, and then after we could go to the fair?” You suggested, already having the picnic basket ready in your car parked outside.
“I already told them I would be occupied the day you came home. I just gotta send this to our editor, and he can work his magic or something!” Hyunjin let you know, letting go of your waist to run over to the camera propped up on a tripod. He had been filming a dance practise, something he did every once in a while. 
He clicked the camera and then sat down on the floor next to the laptop the camera was wired to, clicking a few more buttons. After that he cleared out the room, and you were on your way. 
The date was nice, you and Hyunjin catching up, even though you had spoken on the phone every single night while you were away. However, mid-date, Hyunjin got a phone call from his leader. As it was just Chan, he put it on speaker so you could listen in too.
“Hyung! What’s up?” He asked casually, after he had placed the phone back down on the blanket. 
“Hyunjin- did you mean to post that? Cause if yes- hella cute. If not? I’m so sorry, mate.” Bang Chan’s voice was slightly static as he was talking through a phone after all, but that wasn’t what made his statement confusing. 
“What are you talking about?” Both you and Hyunjin said at the same time.
“Oh, Y/N, fitting that you’re here too. But you posted the uncut version of your dance practice to our VLIVE instead of sending it to the editor. Everything is there.. Everything.” He spoke slowly, trying to make sure you and your boyfriend truly understood the consequences.
You looked over at Hyunjin for a second, him being just as confused as you were- all before he looked like he had touched a hot plate, his face lighting up in a grimace. 
“You! You’re in the video! We kiss! And say dating! sHIT-” He started panicking. 
“Baby- slow down. I don’t care if you don’t. Maybe it was time for us to go public anyways- we couldn’t have kept it a secret the rest of our lives, right? I love you, you love me- we can do this.” You spoke in a tone to try to calm him down.
“Yeah, I do love you. We’ll figure it out.” He replied after letting out a sigh of relief. You then leaned in to kiss him but was cut off by someone you had forgotten long ago.
“Awwww, you guys! That was so cu-” BEEP. Hyunjin quickly hung up on Chan even though he was mid-sentence, going back to kissing you.
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“Please don’t ever get a mustache.” You chuckled as you gently stroked the fake beard glued to your boyfriends upper lip. He chuckled as he returned the favor, gently pulling on your fake grandma-glasses.
“I would say the same about your outfit, but I don’t know. This whole grandma look is growing on me.” He joked, you swatting away his hand as he did so. 
“You’re weird.” You laughed at him.
You were currently sat in a boot at a restaurant, trying to enjoy a good meal with your boyfriend. As you still weren’t known to the public yet, despite having dated for almost a year- you had to play dress up. 
You were sat in a dated dress you could find in any grandmother's closet, matched with a shawl draped over your head and granny glasses, covering as much of your face as possible. Your other half was in a suit, distorting his true body-type, a fake mustache and a hat. 
“I don’t know, I preferred the costume where you dressed as a woman.” You snickered, making Jisung roll his eyes and chuckle with you. 
This was in no way shape or form the first time you had dressed up to go out, but it had been some time since the last time you did it. His company didn’t necessarily have anything against your dating, as long as you kept it lowkey. You could go public if you so wished, but if you did- you couldn’t go on dates on massively crowded spots. 
“I liked the one where you were not only a man, but a biker!” Jisung cackled at that one. But before he could say anything else, you both noticed a flash of light in the distance. Your first thought was lightning, but as you were inside a shopping centre, you doubted it.
As you both turned to the source of the light, you saw not only one, but two paparazzis standing by the entrance of the restaurant, taking your pictures.
You then quickly looked up at each other, and then making a run for the door, trying to hide your faces as much as you could. 
Once you made it outside, Jisung grabbed your hand as you still ran, trying to drag you after him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, as it would have to look ridiculous to anyone else. An old couple running at full speed down the shopping mall, as if they were being chased by the police? Iconic. 
Your laugh soon infected Jisung causing him to laugh too, one hand on his hat, the other in yours.
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“Okay, so- No! I’m not impostor- I’m down by electrical!” Felix defended himself as he spoke into the mic, discussing with the other players on Discord.
Felix was twitch streaming as he and some of his personal friends played Among Us. They also opted to use Discord rather than the chat that came with the game, when they were discussing. 
“Nah, Felix sus! You know you can vent from electrical to medbay, and then you’re in cafeteria in two seconds, giving you plenty of time to kill cyan, and then leave!” One of his friends argued, prompting you to say something. 
“No, I saw Felix do a garbage-task earlier, he safe.” You backed him. You hadn’t actually seen him to a task, but he seemed like he needed some help. 
You loved playing with Felix and his friends, but you preferred it when they weren’t Twitch streaming. You were always scared to mess up, or let words slip. Words like babe, honey, or boyfriend. As you and your boyfriend Felix had decided to let the world think you were only friends, it made things a bit more difficult, gaming wise. 
You had been dating for just over half a year at this point. His idol-company had asked you to date in secret for a while, just to see if it would work out before you announced it to the world- something you completely understood, as it was quite a mess to clean if you had a nasty break.
However, the past few weeks, you and Felix found yourself catching yourself almost revealing it by accident. At this point, you found it tiresome to keep the secret, wanting to spread it to the world so you could adore your boyfriend in public. 
“Oh damn. Unless Felix and Y/N are impostor together!” Felix’s friend tried once again, but just as you had done previously you defended both you and your boyfriend.
“Eject confirmations are on. Danny was clearly the other impostor you dimwit.” You chuckled into your mic, making him groan.
“No, sorry- you’re right. Sorry Felix.” He apologized, prompting Felix to thank you for backing him, but along those lines, a certain word accidentally slipped his lips.
“Thanks, babe.” 
As soon as the words had left his lips, the chat grew quiet, no one knowing if they were allowed to speak, or if Felix wanted to try and save his mistake. One of your monitors showed Felix’s stream which also happened to show his stream-chat, it going completely nuts.
xxemogirlxx: DID HE SAY BABE?
changbinishawt: IS Y/N HIS GIRLFRIEND?
falixlaa: omg i knew they were dating
And so on, and so forth. You found yourself in complete shock as you leaned back in your chair, your mouth wide open. 
“Oh, screw it. Yes, Y/N is my girlfriend, and we’ve been together for a while. I’m also impostor while we’re at it.” He said, the relief in his voice prominent. As he spoke the last words, he ran over to his friend in MedBay and killed him, finishing the game.
The discord went crazy, all eight of Felix and you’s friends rioting.
“How does it feel being completely out to the world, Y/N?” You were asked by Danny.
“Feels great.”
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“I’m really sorry, I’m already late for the meeting!” Your boyfriend, Seungmin apologized as he repeatedly kissed your cheeks, nose and forehead, finally landing on your lips. 
“Go on! Have fun, and say hi to the boys from me would you?” You giggled and tried to squirm your way out of his hug. He finally released you, but not fully as he slid his hands down your arms and intertwined your fingers, slowly stepping away as he did so. 
“Of course! Love you.” He smiled as he finally let go of your hand, but kept his walk backwards. 
You were inside the company building at this point, so you didn’t need to worry if anyone saw you. You smiled at him and waved slightly until he turned a corner and was out of sight. 
You and Seungmin had been dating for exactly six months, it being the reason for your date- to celebrate your anniversary. The company did have some words to say about your relationship in the beginning, but after a while they backed off and let you have your fun. 
Once you were sure he was gone, you made your way out of the building and down to the bus-stop waiting for the next scheduled bus. Two girls were sat at the bus-stop already, waiting for the same bus as you probably. They seemed to have a weird look at you, but you ignored it 
Maybe they had seen you and Seungmin enter the building! or maybe you just had gum on your pants? You decided to not give it too much thought. It was only a two minute wait, so before you knew it, you had your headphones plugged in and your phone in your hand. You were about to press the Spotify app, but soon noticed you had received a notification from VLIVE a few minutes ago.
You grew confused as the title didn’t mention any specific members hosting the live, but you clicked it nonetheless. 
Your headphones were soon filled with the cheers and rioting of your boyfriends band members, having the time of their lives as some sat on the couch, and some on the floor. You did however fail to spot Seungmin in the crowd, making you a tad bit confused, but reckoned there was a reason for it. A reason you and about 1.2 million others soon found out.
Just as the boys calmed down and Minho opened his mouth to talk, the door at the very left of the screen opened and revealed a distressed Seungmin. 
“Sorry I’m late, I was on my anniversary date with Y/N-” He started, not realizing the live had already started. The boys tried to save him as they started yelling once they saw where the sentence was going, but it was too late.
You felt your heart drop as you moved faster than lightning to tap the screen so you could see the comments. They were going crazy, everyone trying to figure out who you were, and if they had seen you before. 
“Damn it. Well, sorry STAY- I do in fact have a girlfriend, and we would much appreciate it if you didn’t go trying to look for her, or harass her in any comment section. Thank you.” Seungmin asked directly to the camera, the comments instantly flooding with nothing but love and support for their faves and their significant others. 
After the live was over, you found yourself smiling to yourself, happy that no one came with any mean comments. 
As you were on your way to collect your bag and push the stop button on the bus, you accidentally made eye-contact with the two girls who were sharing headphones. They looked you up and down once more before their eyes lit up, almost if they realized. 
Fear instantly washed over you, but it was soon gone as they raised their hands and waved and sent you little finger hearts, showing that they supported you. You softly waved back and stepped off the bus.
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You were walking around a store downtown, minding your own business, having taken yourself out on a date. Your boyfriend, Jeongin was unable to join you as he had an early morning practice. You didn’t mind though, it had been a while since you got some time to yourself.
You and Jeongin had officially been dating for ten months circa, meaning you were already well into the relationship. His managers never really had anything against it as you seemed to follow all the company rules anyways. 
Looking at the items in the thrift-shop you were in, a ring caught your eye, instantly making you think of Jeongin. You decided to give him a call to see if the ring was something he liked, and if you should bring it home for him. 
The ringing of the FaceTime was short before he picked up, lighting up the whole screen with his massive smile. “Hi babe!” He beamed. You quickly greeted him and asked if he was busy. When he revealed he had a few minutes to spare, you flipped the camera so he could see what you were looking at.
“I saw this ring and thought it would suit you so well! It’s not too bold, and just large enough to make a statement. Would you wear it if I bought it for you?” You asked him as you showed him every angle of the ring, even how it looked on you. 
“Oh I love it! It would go well with so many outfits too. You really know your stuff.” He complimented and chuckled. You spoke for a few more minutes before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me?” You whipped around as they spoke to you, the voice belonging to a girl around maybe fourteen years old. You gently placed the screen of your phone against your stomach, not necessarily to hide your boyfriends face, but to be respectful towards the person you spoke to.
“Can I help you?” You asked as politely as you could. The girl soon waved over her friends who were scattered around the store, making them all step over to you.
“How do you know our oppa?” The first girl asked, almost sounding angry as she spoke. You shot her a confused glance, genuinely not knowing what she was talking about.
“I’m sorry- do I know you?” You asked, in case it was the little sister of one of your friends.
“No, you don’t. But I saw your phone and you are talking to our I.N-oppa!” She was almost throwing a tantrum at this point, and you had no idea what to say or do. You tried stuttering out a reply, but you found your mouth gaping and closing, like the one of a fish. 
Muffles sounds suddenly came from your stomach, making both you and the girl look to your phone. You gently pulled it back out so you could see the screen. “Y/N, babe! Let me talk to them okay?” He suggested, having heard the entire conversation. You turned your phone around, but you didn’t let the girl hold it on her own, scared that she would run off with it. 
“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Jeongin, and this lovely girl you are talking to is a good friend of mine, so I would really love it if you stopped being upset with her, and rather left her alone, okay?” Jeongin spoke to the girls, trying his best to come across as kind and sweet, even though he hated how they had treated you. 
“Of course! But.. Is she your girlfriend?” The main girl asked, causing you to shake your head no, at the same time Jeongin sighed and confirmed you were. You felt your breath hitch and a smile creep up on your face.
“She is, but since we’re best friends now, you guys won’t tell anyone right?” He continued in the same baby-ing voice. Almost all of the girls agreed. All but one.
“Too late? I am so sorry!” She started sheepish, and ended in a panic. Apparently she had been filming the conversation and instead of stopping the filming when Jeongin asked them to keep it a secret, she had stumbled and uploaded it to twitter istead. Posting it to her hundreds and thousands of followers already. 
Both you and Jeongin stood there silently for a second before you flipped the phone around and agreed that you should stop by the company building to do some damage control.
“I’ll see you there. Love you, bye.” You said and hung up. You gave the girls a half-assed smile and picked up the ring to go pay.
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That took so long I am genuinely so so so so so sorry x
I hope you liked it tho!
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dukeofonions · 3 years
I just saw a post of someone ranting about how the keychains are so cheaply made that they can't be used as actual keychains, since the paint chips away super fast. This made me go check on my Patton keychain, which is on my everyday bag (along with all my other fan-made Patton keychains, all of which have not even a scratch) and they're right, the paint is chipping away and looks terrible now. I paid for the bundle. These keychains are not worth $8 a keychain. It feels dumb to get upset over, but I honestly want to cry. Patton is the only one I actually use on my bag because he's my favorite character, just, ever. This horrible quality merch happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ESPECIALLY as a plus-sized fan (recently ordered 3 seperate 3x shirts only for them to BARELY fit my xl friend). I can't wear my Patton necklace because the chain broke, and I can't wear the Patton pin because the paint chipped. I just wish it was better - even the PATREON merch is like this. Sorry for rambling I'm just upset now :(
Oh no you have every right to rant. The fact that most who have bought the key chains are having the same problem is ridiculous. And of course nothing is being said or done about it.
Honestly whoever is providing or manufacturing (whatever the word is) Thomas's merch should not be worked with. Literally any time new merch drops I always see at least one person complain (and rightfully so) about the low quality of the merch, whether it breaks or doesn't fit.
And of course all these complaints are never addressed so there's probably no chance of things ever improving which is ridiculous for how expensive everything is, and the discounts the patrons get are a joke since once shipping comes into play you might as well be paying full price.
Now I did end up buying the key chains (I was going through a rough time and they looked cute so I bought them on an impulse) and currently have them put away and honestly I'm not sure how they're doing. Might check on them later.
But no don't apologize for being upset about this. It's ridiculous and you're right, not worth the money.
I know some people reached out to customer service or whatever it's called and were told they'd be replaced but what good will that do when they just receive another crappy key chain? Which it's a shame that this is happening because the designs really are cute and I feel bad for the artist.
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fktonofwhatnow · 3 years
ok hold on. acomaf is my fave book out of the whole series (it's mostly out of emotional value, i read it when i was younger and didn't have a real understanding out trauma and abuse only that i saw a character i loved getting out of a bad situation and getting happy) so obviously i didn't mind feysand being endgame and the development all of the characters had. i can accept tamlin turned out like that is realistic due to his trauma, i can accept feyre had to flee because it wasn't right for her, but the thing is after acofs i see no point to feyre leaving tamlin when rhysand ends up doing everything they told us tamlin was evil and unredeemable for. hiding the risks of her pregnancy, putting on shields on her, having feyre need to compromise over it. i honestly felt so betrayed by that. i'm not saying feyre and tamlin were good for each other, but it doesn't feel worth it to dismiss the potential they had for what we got with feysand.
also, sarah learn to treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge. no they don't need to learn to physically fight to fight it. no they don't need a love interest to overcome it. yes the behaviors acquired from trauma and abuse aren't pretty but that doesn't mean a person is undeserving of kindness and compassion.
i think i had a point somewhere but i can't get to it. so hope you don't mind my rambling. anyway i loved your meta about tamlin i think he deserves better too
Bro you are so fine, I'm the one who doesn't make any sense and I totally get what you're trying to say. (Acomaf was actually my favorite book in the series too ngl)
I don't think it's a secret that Rhysand is one of my least favorite characters in media, probably ever? (How do I even put this into words) He is a bad character and to me, laughably so. You know how if you've ever written a character, there's that little phase that's like "what if people don't like this character' and then you're sad for a little bit? That's how Rhysand feels to me. He feels like SJM looked at this character and thought "I can't stand the thought of people not liking this character because I love him so much" and then did everything in her power to make sure we know how great he is.
Idk if this is just me screaming into the void, but I get to this place with my characters where like, especially if they are a little more morally gray or their decisions have negative impacts, I understand that I don't need the audience to like my main character. they can stand on their own, they can own up to what they do and they can grow from it. Thats what a good character does. That's how you keep your audience rooting for them. You gotta knock them over sometimes.
SJm doesn't knock Rhysand over. She doesn't push him to make mistakes, apologize, own up and move on. Rhysand has never made a decision that ended poorly for him. Everything goes the way he wants it to, because SJm wants us to know how cool and great he is. People who are cool and great don't make bad decisions! SJm doesn't let Rhysand fail, and she doesn't let him suffer his own decisions. Everyone else suffers his decisions, not him.
Rhysand's reputation as a good person hinges entirely on the audience liking him and/or thinking he's hot. And then what happens when the audience thinks neither of those things? Ya get a rly long post like this by a lil enby who is mad all the time. Rhysand loses all credibility when you look at him through a critical lens. Not a single thing the man does makes any goddamn sense. Here I thought acosf would give us a different perspective on Feysand and I was desperately hoping that Nesta would tell us what she really sees in them and how people around them really feel, I hoped that SjM would throw us for a loop and tell us that hey, she does know that Feysand are fucking toxic as hell and ruin the lives of people around them and she wants to show us that from an outside perspective but noooOoOOOoOoOOOO...
Instead we get Nesta hating herself because Rhysand told her that she shouldn't tell Feyre that Feyre could uh die in childbirth. Hey what the fuck.
Now I don't actually ship feylin, I kinda always sorta knew, even without spoilers, that it wasn't going to work out. Tamlin isn't sjm's idea of a good partner because he's not charming and witty and dark and handsome ya know? We met Rhysand and I knew that I was going to fucking hate this romance. Which sucks because I found Rhysand so intriguing in the first book. Ngl all the time spent in the spring court was kinda boring and every time Rhysand showed up to throw dead faeries at Tamlin I was like "oooooo" and I wanted to know more about why Tamlin, this awkward, blunt and kinda shy dude had beef with this super duper sly and shady man from another court.
I don't know if I've ever said this before, but SJm doesn't let her love interests grow. Rhysand doesn't change over the course of the story because he was already a good guy and his motives were for Feyre's sake I swear, the same goes for Rowan in TOG. SJm doesn't give Rhysand room to change. She needs to get to the part where they fuck make sure everyone knows that Rhysand is a good guy and actually he was good all along so that we like him more than Tamlin. It backtracks on everything bad Rhysand has ever done because you know... He had a good reason! It's fine!
I know it's probably just because SJm doesn't actually know how to write a good character growth arc but... Like can you imagine if Rhysand stayed the bad guy? Or at least remained the bad guy through acotar and acomaf? And then when Rhysand comes to take Feyre for his bargain it really was only to spite Tamlin? What about Rhysand, taking Feyre to the night court with him once a week every month for a long time, if only to see Tamlin's eyes grow darker and emptier every time he goes, and then he really starts to fall in love with Feyre. He's been a monster all this time, angry and cold and cruel and then he actually starts to fall in love. And then to get Feyre to stay he really does try to change, he stops antagonizing Feyre, he stops throwing dead faeries at Tamlin, and he stops harassing the Spring court. He starts spending genuine quality time with Feyre, he starts to learn about her and all the things she likes and he stops trying to get her to come with him just so Tamlin will be mad. He starts asking her to come with him because he wants to be around her and he prays that someday she'll want to be around him too. What if SJm let him grow.
But nahhhhhh instead we have a character who always knows the right answer to things, and he always knows how to fix every issue, and he is always so innovative and outside the box except that he isn't. We get a character who does the same shit as Tamlin but it's ok because he had a good reason not to tell Feyre that she could very well die in childbirth. Uhhhh don't know what that is but uhhh I know he has his reasons because all he has are his reasons.
It would be so easy to hold a mirror up to Rhysand and say "look at this. Look who you are. Do you not look just like Tamlin right now?"
But nooooooooOoOOOo Rhysand doesn't get to be wrong. Rhysand doesn't get to look like Tamlin because Tamlin is evil and Rhysand is definitely NOT I SWEAR.
But yeah I think the point I'm trying to make is that Sarah thinks so highly of Rhysand that he could never do wrong. He could never be like Tamlin, despite the narrative literally telling us the exact opposite.
Like you said, we lost the potential of what feylin could have been if SJm didn't suddenly decide that her audience needs to love Rhysand as much as she does. I think feylin could have been slow and sweet and a story of true healing and learning about one another. I think it would have been kind and steady and lots of "are you ok"s and "I'm sorry"s and "talk to me"s. Everything about Feysand feels rushed and hard and fast and the rest of the world doesn't have time to catch up. It's fucking exhausting to read it ya know what I'm saying.
(also can we talk about Rhysand like dying and Feyre finding the suriel and learning he's her mate and then instead of being like "k let's put a pin in that and fuckin save his life first" she like throws him around and everyone is like "wtf woman" and she's like I neeD tO Be alOnE these people have no idea how to prioritize)
Truly, I think it's innocent to a degree. There is absolutely no harm in wanting people to like your character. The harm comes when you destroy another character with no reason or explanation other than you want people to like a different character. Villain arc? Completely out of left field. You gotta build to that shit or like... Make it so that when you look back you slap your forehead and yell at a wall "OF FUCKING COURSE I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT"
anyways, SJm treat "ugly" trauma with respect challenge SECONDED.
WELL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME WEEKS YO WRITE IM HAVING A HARD TIME I know it probably doesn't make any sense I can't find my braincells BUT thanks for the ask @xelly
Tell me all your acotar things I love yo hear them !!
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