#moscow seasons
saltpepperbeard · 5 months
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"they're so cute and have so much fun together" "ed and stede or taika and rhys?" "yes" [x]
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holly-days · 9 months
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by alla_serebryakova
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couldoneimagine · 1 year
i NEED to post about yellowjackets and I need to be understood and I need mutuals so let me talk about it
you know what character I think is underappreciated? (at least from what I've seen so far, I've been in the fandom for like a day)
Laura Lee.
I have to preface this by saying I'm not a fan of organized religion and I do think it is flawed, but I also am not a fan of flat one-dimensional characterization. a lot of devout christian characters in media are portrayed as like, just that. just christian. just devout. but Laura Lee is a person! she's a real teenage girl! she dances with everyone, she sings along to Salt-n-Peppa, we don't get a scene where she's like "oh I know them, i burned their CD at one of our gatherings recently" or whatever, she can just enjoy them! she doesn't turn her nose up at Nat who is like, the picture of what christians regularly regard as a sinner. she is able to be compassionate and kind and she has a purpose in this series. i think that's really great.
idk why that stuck out so much to me. i guess I can't think at the top of my head about devout christian characters in media who are allowed to be like, people. and I have a lot of criticisms of Christianity, hey, I was technically raised orthodox christian and I can't say it's given me much except for chronic anxiety but. I think it's not a hot take to say that christians are three-dimensional human beings too, basically
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slowlypalewinner · 1 year
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dianasultanova · 10 months
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Favorite cinema ❤️
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steelycunt · 11 months
want to bake cinnamon rolls today...i just have to find it in myself..
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radioprinz · 1 year
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The many kisses of Darius Tanz
Part IV - Grace
This was their first real kiss, even if they were drugged
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kaibacorpintern · 2 years
i've been doing ~100 word drabbles, per the classic definition of drabble and based on one-word prompts, just to keep my writing muscles warm. here are three (Strong TW for child abuse below the cut)
PROMPT: ANODYNE (100 words)
“Insipid, derivative, bland, toothless, anodyne - " Seto paced the kitchen. In the half-light his grey hairs flashed silver, undyed at Atem’s request. Otherwise he was no different in energy, passion, or seething irritation than forty years ago. Atem washed away the echoes of theater popcorn with another whiskey and watched, smiling. “ - lacking any sense of nerve or challenge. Success without struggle! Boneless, feel-good inspiration porn! Like it was all a cute cakewalk - what’s the point?!”  “You know what this means, right?” Atem said. “What?” Seto said, wheeling around. This hadn’t changed, either - turning to Atem for answers. “Film your own biopic.”
PROMPT: ALATE (100 words)
LARVAL STAGE: WINGLESS “You little maggot.” Gozaburo pressed harder. “Spineless. Why did I allow a pest like you into the house?” Seto, on the floor under his foot, writhed and squirmed. Hands around Gozaburo's ankle - pleading, strangling. Silent. Waiting for the end, any end. ADULT STAGE: WINGED Kaiba had always been like this: shuddering with defiance, smashing through the chrysalis of an old, rotten scripture to tumble out, pick himself up, and run forward, into the future - with his magnificent coat flying behind him. But Atem had never seen him like this - shining, smiling. “Come back with me,” he said. 
During his fourth or fifth or eleventh life, Seto is a French soldier, not by choice but by hunger, hungering for glory as he trails Napoleon through history. His better boots, rifle, and horse won through silver flicks of weathered cards and bone-white dice. The conquering moves south. He finds himself in the desert, in silence.  Something is here, below the sand. A history more intimate than the pyramids but no less tremendous.  A game, something nameless, and a fiery whisper in his spine.  Someone shouts: Allons-y!  He goes. Destiny recedes. They will never know how close they came.
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swallow-wind · 11 months
Al Stewart in Our Flag Means Death...!!!!!!!!
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i-do-not-mean-it · 2 years
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Golden October
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comradecowplant · 1 year
People are so brain broken by hating everything russian that they are gleefully celebrating the loss of Luna-25, which is a really sad set back for lunar & space research as a whole, but it seems that xenophobic War is A Marvel Movie HEEHEE DUMB EVIL RUSSIANS CRASH SPACECRAFT is a stronger sentiment to the "we want to live in Star Trek" crowd than actual commitment to the dream of international unity of humanity to explore the stars & better scientifically understand the cosmos
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summernightsdream · 2 years
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holly-days · 10 months
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by alla_serebryakova
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ciuis · 2 years
The bunker
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slowlypalewinner · 1 year
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arianakozlova · 2 years
Rain in Moscow 🌧
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