#most same furina fan
520cafe · 9 months
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taintedbenevolence · 7 months
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finished it LMAO don't like how the water droplets and the bow (and hat) turned out tbh but i'm too lazy to work more on this piece ;-;
now time to actually get back to writing-
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i finally caught up on story quests...
i saw so many spoilers and thought i knew what was gonna happen, but NONE OF YALL MENTIONED THE PLOT TWIST WAS THAT AL FONTAINIANS ARE OCEANIDS WTF
oh my god when i say my pre-modern day lore obsessed brain started whirring like a broken ceiling fan at the implications
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Hii,do you mind if you make an scene where you and furina or any other characters fight and you ended up taking their cuddling privilege through the rest of the day? Thanks!!
Them taking away your cuddle privileges after a fight
characters: Furina / Nilou x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: ....you know... reading through the request one last time before posting this, it looks like I may have misunderstood smth *slightly*.
I hope this is still fine! If you want me to write reader taking away their cuddling priviledges after all just request it again and I'll try to write it someday!
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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“I’m nowhere clingy!”
You’d have to be either deaf, stupid or oblivious to an unhealthy degree to miss your cuddling privileges being revoked. Furina had not exactly been subtle when openly declaring it after all. And while she may not have mentioned cuddling specifically, not trusting herself to not blush like a little kid at just the mention of it, you felt confident in saying that she had delivered her message well enough for even the most tone-deaf idiot to understand.
And yet, the exact same accusation that you had half-jokingly thrown her way and that she had taken such great offense to, turned the next few days into some of the best entertainment you had experienced in recent memory. Seeing an former Archon act dignified while at the same time having to fight the obvious urge to hug you the moment you were behind closed doors, only to then turn around and act like her embargo on hugging and cuddling was punishing you, was funnier than any comedy a human could possibly ever pen.
“So… about our argument a few days ago.” Furina spoke up the moment you returned to the table with your cooking, forcing you to fight off the grin that was threatening to pop-up on your face.
“So, about our argument a few days ago”, you repeated her words, intentionally ending on a high note to leave her waiting for your next words, only to continue to set up the table in silence.
“Are you- I-” she eventually stuttered out, only to stop herself before she could embarrass herself further. Her cheeks glowing slightly red as she tried to regain her composure.
“Who knows, if you were to apologize for your groundless accusations a few days back right now, I might just forgive you”, Furina graciously offered with closed eyes, avoiding to look at you in the process.
All the better for you, or she might have noticed the wide grin that had finally broken out on your face. For a moment you considered her ‘offer’. Sure, you missed cuddling on the couch as well and weren’t exactly the biggest fan of keeping up these kind of games…. and yet seeing her continue to needlessly die on this hill that so obviously harmed her more than you was very amusing.
“Wow, really? That seems very nice of you”, you mused with a smile while filling her plate with a portion before doing the same for yours and sitting down opposite of her. “Bon Appetit!”
“Oh come on. Stop being so stubborn! I’ve even given you such a good opportunity to apologize!” Furina's dignified act crumbled right before your eyes as she started to sound more and more desperate. You could practically hear her begging you to be the bigger person, and yet being small felt surprisingly great.
And yet you eventually- FINALLY gave in, much to the relief of the person sitting in front of you. “I am so sorry for calling you clingy Furina. I now see that I was clearly in the wrong and the one actually fitting the description of ‘clingy’ was in fact me”, your apology came out with a… healthy amount of sarcasm, and yet it was more than enough for her.
“...I’ll forgive you. Since you were nice enough to cook for me today”, she declared.
“I know I might be overplaying my hand here, but would you be so kind as to indulge me in a bit of cuddling later on? I’ve simply had to go on without it for far too long.”
“YES- Sure”, Furina immediately jumped at your offer before quickly switching back to her usual act, a wide smile plastered on her face nonetheless as she looked down at the food in front of her.
“It looks delicious, bon appetit!”
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While the two of you seemed to have quickly moved past your argument, spending time together as if nothing had happened and avoiding to even mention the subject again, it quickly dawned on you that while you had hoped this to be one of those arguments noone had to explicitly apologize for and that was simply forgotten the next day, the other party involved seemingly was of a different opinion.
Not that Nilou said anything, she greeted you with the same sweet smile before chatting and going on small walks through the bazaar with you in the same manner as on any day of the week. And yet, whenever you as much as tried to initiate any kind of physical contact, no matter if hand-holding or hugging and cuddling, she’d dodge as easily as she breathed. At first it seemed like nothing but a coincidence, but after the dozenth time even you realized something was wrong.
What followed was a days-long standoff. Both of you trying to make the other one crack before yourself, while retaining your sweet and unbothered facade, and while there were moments where you could have sworn to nearly see Nilou instinctively grab your hand, she always managed to stop herself before anything happened.
And while you certainly could have continued with the act for weeks to come, you eventually decided to be the bigger person. For the sake of putting this childish game of chicken behind, of course. And for no other reasons.
“Sure Nilou. You win”, you disrupted the silence that existed between the two of you while Nilou was in the process of adjusting her stage, her movement grinding to a halt as she began staring at you in confusion.
“I wasn’t aware we were playing something. Did you have fun?”
‘Not aware’ your a- 
“Mhm, I am sorry about the argument”, you cut off your thoughts, immediately earning yourself a tilt of her head. After all this time you knew her clueless act to be nothing but an act and yet, when she looked at you like this you nearly found yourself doubting it all over again.
“Oh that? That was a whole week ago, did it still bother you all this time?”, she asked before finally finishing putting down the pot of flowers, quickly making her way down from the stage to join you and shooting you a sweet smile. “Don’t worry, I forgive you. I also didn’t mean everything I’ve said.”
If Nilou hadn’t suddenly grabbed your hand and started pulling you along her daily routine, you might have almost rolled your eyes, instead you found yourself thanking Lesser Lord Kusanali that you were indeed correct about your theory.
Bye Bye childish standoff, welcome back cuddling privileges.
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hotpinkstars · 3 months
-> centuries wasted
synopsis -> you find out your lovers real identity, and you leave.
a/n -> this was the angst post i put on poll last week...... i'm sorry furina fans i dont like the way the people treated her in archon quest but readers one of them... y/n in this story is kind of a bitch mb. anyways enjoy....!.!.?.?.?!
cw -> hurt no comfort, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ARCHON QUEST! just hurt nothing more 👍
wc -> 1.0k
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“no matter which path fate takes, i’ll love and cherish you forever,” you said that night, your eyes glimmering with adoration for the woman lying beside you. a smile began to poke at the sides of her mouth, trying not to let her made up personality overtake the flustered feeling bubbling inside of her core. 
but that was a night in the past now, a night where no worries were anywhere in sight, and the city of fontaine was at peace. the opposite was the present.
she had found herself on trial, in the same courtroom she’d watch other trials. she’d always cringe at how stupid people would be to end up here, soon to be sent down to meropide to sentence a hefty sum of years. 
sometimes tears would be shed, due to the reasoning for the crimes. there were times she’d have to excuse herself for not being able to hold her act and deal with the sadness in the room.
you were always the one there to comfort her in times like that. you’d experienced her grief, her happiness, her sadness, and her anger. 
but you never thought the woman you’ve loved so dearly could lie about who she truly was. you were deceived into thinking she was the true archon, the archon who could be able to take action in a dire time, the archon everyone could truly rely on. but when disaster struck, she was nowhere near prepared. 
she had been accused of not caring of the lives of her citizens, and that she had done nothing to prevent the lost lives from primordial seawater. 
that seawater was capable of making fontaine locals vanish in an instant, which is why it was such a big deal, and this prophecy has been something to come up frequently between higher-ups, like the iudex of fontaine or the duke of meropide, where the seawater was just below his feet.
finding out your lover was no archon was shocking. she’d always find a way to present herself, in times of controversy, in times of stress, and in times of happiness and peace throughout the nation. 
you had a brief understanding of who focalors was, but you had a completely different thought process, due to the things furina would tell you.
sitting through her trial broke your heart. first she lies, and now she’s sentenced to death, but she’s not the one sentenced to death, focalors is? your mind was swarming with thoughts, overwhelming you to the point of having to step aside in the bathroom and taking a moment to cry your eyes out.
passersby looked at you in a sorrowful manner, knowing your status with the ‘hydro archon.’ at this moment, you wished someone would light you on fire and discard your fried corpse. 
while you were gone, furina scanned the room frantically multiple times, looking for any sign of you, the only one who was hopefully on her side. her people were let down, making them enraged, and even the traveler showed disappointment. at this moment, all she wanted to do was cry in your arms, listening to your cooing and words of kindness, telling her that it’s not her fault.
but you were crushed, and you didn’t even know how you’d be able to speak to her. 
once the trial had subsided, she tried to find you. she ran desperately, being told by neuvillette that she could say a couple words to you before her ‘punishment’ would take place. 
“y/n, i-” she weeped, wrapping her arms around your torso. but the thing that took her off guard the most is that you didn’t hug back.
your face held a horrified look, and your eyes pierced through her face. she noticed how tense you were, backing up suddenly.
“whats wrong?” she said, panicked. “i’m sorry i kept such a sensitive lie-”
“i don’t want an apology, furina,” you felt tears poke from your tear ducts, trying not to cry just as hard as she is. “why would you lie? i’ve been with you for so long, i’ve entrusted even my deepest, darkest secrets in your hands. i understand why you kept this secret, but why would you keep your fake act up around me?”
“i didn’t want you to leave,” she admitted, rubbing her eyes before crying even harder. “i thought you’d judge me for who i really am.”
you take a deep breath in before letting the tears fall. “you should’ve just talked to me. you should’ve been as honest as you could be. but you were never open to communicating your feelings, and you were always hiding something from me,” you looked away, unable to process what just happened. “i understand you’re human, or at least now i do. you should have let me see your emotions, see what was really going on. because if you did, you wouldn’t be this close to losing me entirely, furina.” 
she let out a shaky gasp, not expecting those words to come out of your mouth. they fell off your tongue so easily, like you had zero regrets. 
“what do you mean, losing you?” she cautiously asked, her tone being nothing but a pathetic whisper. “you’re not going to leave me over something so… so trivial, right?”
“this isn’t trivial, furina. you’ve lied about your whole entire existence. we’ve been married for hundreds of years, and not once have you expressed your worries or suffrage. i have no trust in you anymore,” you sniffled. “this is it. say whatever it is you want to say, and i’ll be off to… somewhere. some other region.”
she officially had no hope for the rest of her life. you were her lover of hundreds of years, immortal alongside her, maybe only being a few hundred years older than her. what makes it even more painful is due to those circumstances, she’ll most likely see you again.
maybe alone, or maybe with someone else who could do better for you. someone who won’t lie about their whole existence, and someone who could give you the satisfaction you looked for all along in a relationship.
she watched as you walked out the doors of the opera epiclese, tears falling from both of your eyes. you didn’t understand. you felt betrayed, and so did she.
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sangahnomiya · 7 months
silly goofy AU where furina is fontaine's number 1 idol and neuvillette is her bodyguard OSIEUEHEHSHFHFHF,, he's got a secret fan acc where he beefs with her haters so real so true
neuvillette's most likely that one stan acc who can and WILL overanalyse her MVs and her song lyrics like he's critiquing classic literature. he (unintentionally) became famous in the fandom for it and all of her fans run to his acc as soon as there's a new release. (he also has an advantage bc furina is always too happy to go into detail about her music and will ramble about her artistic choices)
as a bodyguard, he probably has the rep of being really intimidating and he won't hesitate to keep her safe. BUT at the same time his stan acc username is probably something surprisingly cutesy (otterfuri or furipyonpyon or something like that KAJSJSHFHG)
also idol AU! furina where neuvillette is driving her home after one of her shows and she pesters him to get jollibee drivethru. then they just sit in the parking lot and munch quietly
I just think they should get to sit and eat together quietly!!!!!
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lucy-and-rebecca · 7 months
Fontaine archon quest is Not misogynistic.
Now don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of problems with how the female characters are written in Genshin but Furina is in my opinion the most well written character in the game.
I love seeing powerful women in postions of power. It's a nice thing to have in a story but it's not a determining factor in the story.
Furina being powerless doesn't necessarily make her a weak character. Rather her powerlessness is exactly what makes her such a compelling character.
Her stubbornness, her persistence, her endurance and her compassion just would not have made the same impact had she been the "real archon".
Furina isn't immature but she is a child. She is a child who was forced to grow up to handle the responsibility that was forced upon her. Playing the role of an archon was a burden placed upon her. So if she had ended up with the responsibility and/or power of an archon it would have felt wrong.
I'm sure the story could have been written in a way where Furina ends up being powerful but I don't think that version of the story would have felt nearly as impactful.
As for the authority going to Nuevilette...
Well I wonder how people would react if the genders of all the characters were flipped.
Nuevilette is a fan favourite character but had he been a female character instead would people have the same reaction to her? I'm sure she would have had her fair share of simps but I also think she would have come off as a passive, Mary Sue type of character. Childe and Wriothesley barely made an appearance, a huge chunk of the quest focused on Navia. Although putting Furina to trial was Nuevilette's idea Navia and Chloride were the ones who came up with the plan. Focalor was the mastermind, Lyney, Lynette and Ferminet were acting on the Knave's orders who was ultimately able to get the gnosis, Skirk could probably destroy a national on accident by sneezing and Furina was the emotional core of the story. Something tells me that this version of the story would also be considered misogynistic.
People, including myself, have a tendency to equate physically/magically strong female character with good female character and progressive writing, and so the lack of that type of strength gets equated with bad female character and misogynistic writing.
It's easy to write a powerful character, writing an impactful character is the hard part.
Genshin has a lot of instances of misogynistic writing, Fontaine archon quest isn't one of them.
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Furina:Traveler, I have a frivolous question if you have the time?
Aether:What’s with the sudden formality? Ask away.
Furina:Umm in your opinion…what looks more appealing? The dark blue aesthetic, or the white garments I own?
Aether:Can’t you change on command?
Furina: Tsk, can you please just answer the question!?
Aether:….. Personally, I’m a fan of darker colors myself. However, can you switch to Pneuma for a moment?
Aether walks behind her as she activates her abilities. Furina is confused by the strange request, flinching the moment she feels him touch the longer part of her hair until he tossed it over her shoulder in a new style.
Furina:Hmm? A…braid?
Aether:Now we match. I think that’s pretty nice all things considered.
Furina:You really say whatever you please, don’t you?
Aether:You wanted my opinion and I gave it. Something wrong?
Furina:No. I was merely curious is all. I suppose this would be the answer you’d come up with. It’s fitting, your answer I mean.
It was almost like she wanted to confront his actions, yet at the same time, Aether was watching her run her fingers along his handiwork; fiddling around with the new style playfully. Even he couldn’t deny it was kinda cute.
Aether:I know my fair share of felines, but oddly enough, somehow you manage to act more like cat than most.
Furina:Silence! Don’t speak such nonsense!
Aether:My point exactly. *smiles*
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siderealscribblings · 6 months
There was a bead of sweat sliding down the curve of Furina’s neck that had completely captured Neuvillette’s attention. 
He barely heard what the Minister of Foreign Affairs was saying; no doubt a grave and important report about the future of Fontaine that went completely ignored as most of Neuvillette’s thoughts were fixed on the way Furina’s chest rose and fell with each lazy breath. An unusually muggy summer had seen Furina trade her frocks and jackets for a dress that left her arms bare and swished about her legs with each swing of her hips. 
(“Council meetings are bad enough without sweating like a pig,” Furina grumbled, adjusting her broad-brimmed sunhat as she left their Palais apartments. “This sort of thing is in vogue in Mondstadt; it’s not as though I’m naked, Neuvillette.”) 
The words Furina and naked were kept on opposite sides of Neuvillette’s mind; putting them together was hazardous to his mental health and his ability to work with Furina in any professional capacity. For the sake of the duty he agreed to shoulder with Fontaine’s not-Archon, it was vital that he kept any base thoughts he had about Furina on a short leash…no matter how interesting he suddenly found her choice in fashion. It was easy to keep his lingering looks to minimum when she was dressed in her usual frilly layers; it was much harder when she was flitting about in something that would have been considered a nightgown barely fifty years earlier.
Focus, Neuvillette told himself, even as the topic of discussion turned to fishing rights between Mondstadt and Fontaine; a topic no one could focus on for longer than a minute before looking for some distraction. Furina was clearly bored, even if Neuvillette was the only one who could tell. Her serene, superior mask was beginning to slip as she fanned herself, wilting in the sticky summer heat like everyone else. Were it not for the fins, scales, and ridges that marked him as otherworldly and inhuman, Neuvillette might have peeled some of the layers of his Iudex robes away to join her. As it was, all he could do was sweat while watching Furina do the same. 
Furina sighed, a sound that stroked something that slumbered deep in the pit of Neuvillette’s stomach. Her eyelids drooped, blinking slowly as the bead of sweat trailed down her bare collarbone. Neuvillette swallowed, watching the bead vanish under her blouse as she heaved another sigh that made his throat tighten almost painfully. 
What the hell is wrong with me? Neuvillette thought, taking a shaky sip from his water goblet. How he wished he had Furina’s grace when it came to hiding his thoughts, but the longer he sat there, almost irritated with boredom, the more unruly his mind became. Idle fantasies began pulling at his attention, most concerning that bead of sweat that had gone where Neuvillette never had. There was nothing genteel or sophisticated about his thoughts, his cheeks tinting crimson as the urge to split her dress down the middle just to lap at the sweat clinging to her skin seized him. 
“My lord?” 
Someone spoke to him, but Neuvillette barely noticed, tugging his cravat loose as heat seemed to bubble up from inside him as well. He felt faint; dizzy as blood pooled in his cheeks. 
"Neuvillette?” Furina asked, the sound of her voice cracking in concern sending a shiver running through him as Neuvillette slowly pushed himself to his feet. “Are you alright?” 
“Apologies,” Neuvillette muttered, his voice thick as he sent a small bow Furina’s way. “The heat seems to be affecting me…allow me to collect my thoughts for a moment.” 
Neuvillette turned, sweeping out of the meeting chambers without looking back; he had spent entirely too much time looking at Furina for his own good. And part of him worried what he might do if he looked at her again. 
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cometrose · 3 months
Are you still looking for reasons to yap about Zhongli? Because I would love to hear your thoughts on his relationship with Hu Tao ;w;
I think my favorite thing about Hu Tao and Zhongli is that they're both literally insane. Psychological terrors.
Hu Tao will put a whoopee cushion on your chair and laugh when you sit on it. Zhongli will gaslight you into believing the whoopee cushion never existed and that you just sat and jumped up all on your own.
Hu Tao is deliberate and overt with her pranks while Zhongli is a subtle and mischievous trickster. They both just terrorize the general populace. You talk to them for longer than 10 minutes and you start hearing voices. Zhongli just gets away with it because he has the elegance and aura of a god.
Like Hu Tao will tease Furina by telling scary stories or tales of ghosts while Zhongli would probably tease her by calling her as 'lovely as goddess' or 'a lady blessed by gods'.
People always say Zhongli is cold but he's just a silly little liar like 50% of the time. Lying about being in the chasm, tricked some guy out of two hand-painted fans, led these two fake archeologists on a quest just to deny them of their dreams at the last moment, acting like he's never met the adepti, ignoring venti at the restaurant, hiding from neuvillette, lying to xiao about sesame oil and teasing him at the restaurant like the list goes on, faking his fucking death like he is just a fucking terror. No wonder he and Hu Tao get along well.
Speaking of their dynamic I think they play off each other very nicely. Before Hu Tao was released it was suggested that Hu Tao teases Zhongli endlessly to the point of exasperation but it seems like their teasing is mutual and Zhongli is just being an overdramatic tsundere (like always). Hu Tao makes fun of him at Lantern Rite but he just teases her right back. I imagine Hu Tao is constantly trying to get him to admit or confess to being an adeptus and he always manages to one up her at the last second to avoid saying anything.
I believe the two of them would make perfect partners in any business. Imagine Hu Tao and Zhongli as detectives lol, Hu Tao would chase down the suspect having figured out the case within 5 minutes while Zhongli would already be there waiting for Hu Tao to chase the suspect down cause he figured it out after 30 seconds. They would barely listen to the authorities and do whatever they wanted as long as it wasn't against the law.
But then again they have this really good balance. Hu Tao is a fire force of nature, energetic, playful and proud. But she has a very thoughtful side to her, she's a sharp thinker, with a love for poetry, music, and appreciation for life. Zhongli is much the same. He is thoughtful and caring, kind with a love for the arts, but he is rather mischievous, and a little manipulative with a taste for having fun in his own way. They are tricksters with a love for life and the arts just two very different auras. In many ways I would say they are more alike than different
They even work in gameplay! Double hydro Hu Tao aka Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yelan and Zhongli is probably my strongest and most optimized team for the Spiral Abyss. I use them like every round and it works.
Unpopular opinion I guess but I have never really cared for the headcanon of Hu Tao as Zhongli's daughter. Not so much as I dislike it but I greatly prefer the crazy boss and even crazier secretary/employee dynamic. No but really the weirdo leader and their insane but incredibly loyal underling is like one of my favorite tropes. I just wouldn't alter anything about their relationship. 
Besides if I were to assign Hu Tao and Zhongli a familial bond it would be siblings with a large age gap. Like siblings that are 10+ years apart so the eldest practically helps raise the younger one but it’s not like they are the parent (they have parents) but rather the eldest is a weird person who takes care of the youngest but also makes fun of them within the same minute.
Part of the reason I love Zhongli and Hu Tao is how much trust is in their relationship. Hu Tao states in her story lines that she trusts Zhongli more than anything and considering Zhongli’s influence in the parlor and how he works with Baizhu, trains the other workers and is in charge of all adepti related matters it is safe to say he has a lot of input even though he is just an employee. Xianyun states it is odd for Rex Lapis to work under her but she won’t go against his wishes and that she must be respectable. So even though Zhongl may suggest he is tired of her, for a 6000 year old deity to pick a job and stick with it it must be a damn good job. 
And their interactions are the best, in the 2022 Lantern Rite when Hu Tao told Zhongli to pick her up after she hung out with Zhongli or the fact it seems they always spend Lantern Rite together which is just the best. Or the poetry event where she kept bugging him to be a better judge but Zhongli was too busy praising everybody.
They may not ever say how much they care about each other but the way Hu Tao checks on Zhongli after meeting Furina because she was worried about him just awww. Zhongli is a dusty old encyclopedia man but he is still her beloved consultant who she cares about. Hu Tao may be a child he cannot deal with but he always looks out for her.
Hu Tao and Zhongli are always competing for the top spot in my favorite Zhongli dynamics they are both two characters I really like and I like whenever they are together even more.
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
I promised a "Furina is Jesus" post. It's kind of a shitpost but also it's not.
The theatre of the courtroom
I'll first have to note that law is a peculiar thing. It is created through practicing it.
It's not just the written rules, it's how we apply them, and who gets to write and rewrite them, and there's no solid foundation underneath.
It's supposed to be treated as immutable until it's suddenly not. Until an insurgence turns into a revolution or the divine right of kings becomes a symbolic relic of the past. In the mildest scenario a bunch of old farts just gather and vote for new rules. Sometimes the very same rules that give those old farts the right to decide rules.
A law remains a law as long as enough people agree to believe and enforce it. How much is "enough" is also debatable (often depends on the size of your army).
It is very much like theatre. Humans like it when the world is molded into coherent stories so they happily participate.
Furina making a show out of trials is not a perversion of law, it shows she understands its very nature.
Transgression and transcendence
Now back to Christianity. The essense of Christianity is transgression. No, seriously.
It's as punk as a religion can get. A god hanging out with publicans and harlots? Killing a god in the most humiliating way possible and being forgiven for it? Symbolically eating a god?
It's insane.
Such practices are usually reserved for small communities of a very special sort (*ahem* left-hand path tantrics*ahem*). It's the only religion I know that gleefully and unashamedly incorporates such things into rituals meant for the lay public.
(this is probably a good time to mention that I'm not Christian and it's a look of an outsider fascinated with philosophy of religion in general)
It's actually one of the real reasons a lot of pagans rejected Christianity so fiercely: it's spectacularly nonchalant in dealing with things that would be considered "unclean" by most archaic cultures.
Now this is important.
As post-structuralist theories state, any attempt to establish a power structure, to set rules or to define self will also produce things that would seem unclean. Impure. Things that should be cast off. It's in the nature of our psyche. The concept of uncleanliness is one of the core mechanisms that allow our mind to function.
(I'll redirect you to Julia Kristeva and the concept she names abjection if you want to dive into it.
I also want to note that abjection and horror go side by side and it makes a lot of sense that Fontaine is also the Lovecraftian expansion)
And what did Christianity do? It subtly removed the importance of "cleanliness". The gravity of it. It established as the norm that norms can be redefined and transcended. That the outcasts and the sinners are not to be forgotten.
It fucking changed the rules of how human psyche and society function. Added an extra possible move.
A sin can be forgiven. A criminal executed in the most ignominious way can turn out to be a god. You never truly know. And also anything can be made clean. Go wash it kitten.
(and yes, I know a lot of modern Christians practice the opposite of what I describe. I'm not a fan of these folks too. doesn't matter. the possibility is there. it's glorious. also horrifying and a bit disgusting)
That dude from two thousand years ago
What about him.
I often see people calling a "Jesus figure" anyone who is sacrificed to save others. Or anyone who is reborn. The thing is, this is not how it works.
A god dying and being reborn is the oldest myth on this planet. Last time I checked it was connected to the sun worship, day/night cycle and winter solstice rituals (although it could have changed and also I didn't check very thoroughly). In any way, it predates Christianity by millennia.
Sacrificing all kinds of things and beings to get something in return or to offer gods something else in your stead is also pretty old and very much not Christian.
The unique beauty of that story is that a supreme being, ultimately more worthy than any human, wilfully chose to sacrifice himself for lowly mortals. Actually, allowed them to betray and kill him. And then forgave them.
Do you see how it ties to the previous section? It defied the previoisly established world order (where gods were incomparably more important than humans). It created a paradox. It broke the rules, or rather it destroyed the rules.
Theological debates aside, on a symbolic level it pretty much destroyed the old concept of sin and the idea of a fundamental difference between a god and a human. Everything a paradox touches stops being fully real and needs to be redefined (ceci n'est pas une pipe).
'Sin' doesn't mean the same thing anymore, and 'god' doesn't mean the same thing anymore, even 'death' means a different thing now. The world just starts to function differently after a story like that happens or is told.
(since it only needs to mess up the symbolic order it doesn't even need to happen, only to be told and believed)
And there we have it. A Jesus figure should establish new rules. Preferably better ones. It's someone who fundamentally changes the world with their sacrifice.
That's also where we get back to "law is established by practice". That was the process of establishing a new law.
(this is also why I dislike the idea of Childe as a Jesus figure. he is not a supreme being, he's not the type to sacrifice himself for people he perceives as lower than him, and he is not integrated into society enough for his death to establish new rules. he can still die and be reborn in a new quality, he can even change the world in some way but that would be a different type of story)
Our precious girlfailure
So. Furina.
Fontaine's prophecy speaks of all Fontainians being born with some kind of 'sin'. And the way Neuvilette is talking to the pool of primordial water in 4.1 implies that its ability to dissolve Fontainians is not some kind of natural law but an intentional wrathful act.
And Varunada Lazurite (we know that ascension materials contain the final lines of the archon quest) says this:
"My ideals have no stains. I must correct you. People here bear no sins in the eyes of the gods... Only laws and the Tribunal can judge someone. They can judge even me. So praise my magnificence and purity."
I assume the solution will not be simply killing the eldritch whale or "cleansing" the sin or locking the sea away.
I think Furina will in some way redefine what is considered a sin, or how it should be judged, or who gets to administer judgement. She will create new rules for the world. Probably by dying in some way (temporarily or symbolically) to create a paradox.
(maybe we'll also get to learn that death in Teyvat is not true death)
As I said at the beginning, she understands the law and the very nature of law very well, probably better than Neuvilette. Who else would be better suited for this task.
And no one will notice the beauty and insanity of her gesture, like no one really noticed with that guy two thousand years ago. They'll just think things got fixed because they sacrificed Someone Important.
But that's all right. She'll forgive them.
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pumpkinpie59 · 5 months
i think i’m enjoying the fontaine story now that i’m playing genshin again so here’s my thoughts on the new characters
-furina. i feel bad for her but i’m not a fan of her va. but i normally turn my sound off when i play so looking at just her writing,,,,,, i think she’s a fine character. the twist was interesting and i don’t fault furina for anything that happened. her being a drama queen but it being entirely a mask she puts on is fascinating. i don’t like focalors tho. she did furina so dirty
-neuvillette is kinda just vibin. he’s fine he’s likable. he doesn’t rlly stand out to me much except that i’m convinced he’s gay. i don’t ship him with anyone tho (most other characters are wayyyyy too young for him so i dislike seeing any ship art of him). i like to think of him as furina’s older brother.
-lyney. um. meh? he’s a good big brother but that’s all i rlly care about him. also he dresses like a slut? and his va is kinda annoying to me idk fjdksk
-lynette. kinda same as her twin. i appreciate that the twins are separate characters bc the trope where twins act exactly the same is a pet peeve of mine. i like that lynette is an introvert. idk that’s all i have to say.
-freminet. i don’t like his design. i’m so tired of the shorter guy characters wearing shorts and being treated like children. but as for his writing. it’s cool. i like that he’s the twins’ younger brother. i like how the plot actually addresses how much danger he was put in.
-charlotte. YOOOO NEWS REPORTER CHARACTER LETS GOOO!! she reminds me sm of april o’neil i love her.
-wriothesley. at first sight i thought he was a basic bad boy werewolf lookin weirdo (my demi butt can’t ever find thirst trap characters attractive lmao). but then i heard him talk,,,, and yeah his voice actor is genuinely a good actor???? i don’t like most of the anime-esque voice acting in this game, and the dramatic dialogue doesn’t help, but wriothesley’s voice actor actually tries to make it believable that his character is a person. and i respect that. and yeah um his backstory is darker than i expected,,,,
-arlecchino. she’s neat i like her aesthetic.
-clorinde. …….. finally a genshin character who doesn’t speak multiple paragraphs at a time LMAO. i like her so far. i kinda ship her with wriothesley tbh ,,, 👉👈 idk i like how often they work together.
-sigewinne. um. i don’t rlly like the child characters. also they were cowards for making her look human and not tHE LITERAL SPECIES SHE IS UGH-
-navia. SAVING THE BEST CHARACTER FOR LAST. bro i was blown away with how much respect and care they put into navia’s writing. her grief felt so real and i could not believe they put her through that much. she’s also so pretty and her design is so aesthetically pleasing. and tbh i hate seeing sm ship art under her name bc she’s too good for everyone lmaooo she’s great. i’m in love. she’s the best fontaine character (and maybe the best genshin character).
also i wanna say i did not expect for this chapter to have this much death and other dark themes. ik fontaine is the land of justice and court cases but man,,,,, tragic,,,,,
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gacha-incels · 6 months
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after their continued failure to incite the users of reddit, 4chan and weibo, getting their livestream chat blocked and doxxing comments deleted, asking for help from fellow Nexon misogynists (?) and their truck protest amounting to nothing, the Korean incels are now trying to reviewbomb Genshin Impact. The reason for all this being that they think the character designer (this information is not available to the public, so it’s coming from illegal leaked documents) for Furina and Faruzan is a feminist from her twitter account which they aren’t even 100% sure is actually hers. And of course like always they think every single instance of a character’s hands in normal repose or pointing is supposed to be 🤏, which they believe is a secret feminist message from the illustrator calling their dicks small, which is a literal “hate crime” to them.
All of this being a nutjob smokescreen for simply their extremely violent hatred of women. They want this Korean woman to be publicly punished and blacklisted for saying on her personal twitter essentially that she finds men annoying when they chew loudly and doesn’t like being stalked. For some of these guys maybe they really do believe this stupid 🤏 shit is a hate crime. However I think the overarching effect they want is to uphold and enforce the patriarchal society where these men believe women are in “their place”. Going after companies for something ridiculous like a hand shape is a display of power. Going after women who say they find men annoying while at the same time these incel men are posting the most depraved and disgusting things on her twitter and their little message boards is a display of power. It’s a group of misogynist men saying to women: “see, I can get you fired and blacklisted for something as stupid as this. And if you dare to say anything regarding women’s rights, you’ll be targeted too.” They want to create a society of fear for women and scare them into not speaking up about the myriad of issues effecting them there. So when these guys say “jump” to a company like Nexon, and Nexon asks “how high?” this is a huge victory. Project Moon was a huge victory for them I believe especially because that company’s works had so many female fans. They get used to local companies doing this. However when they go after a huge game not from Korea that has a larger international following like Genshin and get told “fuck off”, they cannot accept this. To them it’s a crack in the male supremacist world, so they cannot stop the pressure until Genshin Impact gives in. I think that’s a big part of why they aren’t stopping after so many failures and so much humiliation. I’m not saying this is unique to Korean men of course, misogyny and upholding the patriarchy have been happening everywhere for thousands of years. But we have multiple case studies happening right before us that we can analyze as they happen, so it would be remiss not to talk about them.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
no worries at all, i've never been asked that actually! i really apologize for how long this took to answer because i was thinking so long and hard about characters in media that have touched my heart in different ways.
but in no particular order my top 10 favorite characters are
honda tohru
haruno sakura
narancia ghirga
rengoku kyojuro
bakugou katsuki
iwakura mitsumi
yamada asaemon tenza
nijimura okuyasu
+ 2 bonuses for fun
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the protagonist of fruits basket, my girl tohru. my fellow clumsy queen. if i were going to list down 4 characters i related to the most in animanga, tohru would be one of them. maybe it won't be too much of a surprise she's on this list because one of my highest ranking posts is literally a deep dive into tohru as a character. shameless self promo read here, but this would definitely explain all the reasons i love her so much. but the amount of love this character exudes despite all the painful things she's been through, how i relate to how she tries her hardest to present herself as bubbly to hide her loneliness from even herself, there's just so much i can't help but love about this character.
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sakura is one of my girls from now until forever. she's the reason i love cherry blossoms so much. if i had to pick only one character from naruto to call my favorite, it would go to sakura hands down, no questions asked. i'm a first generation sakura fan (lmao is that a thing?) where i liked her from her very introduction to naruto. i loved her pink hair, her green eyes, how she carried herself and you will always see me in the trenches defending sakura as a character and what she supplied to the naruto series. maybe it's because i also related so much to sakura growing up and growing up with the character as well, so there's a lot for me to love here.
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narancia is honestly one of the most beautiful characters in jojo for me and i'm not just talking about aesthetics. off rip he comes off as a dumb, violent gangster when in actuality, in spite of the more obvious aspects of his characters, there is a strange purity to narancia. in his loyalty, in his straightforwardness to even how his stand ability manifests as a toy army plane. the implications of the child soldier narancia very much became, his efficiency in being able to kill while very much so still being that kid whose biggest fear than anything was being alone. narancia truly believed he was going to die alone in that alley. his death in jojo is honestly still to this day, one of the hardest hitting. because it was so brutal and unexpected and in a lot of ways so unfair even if the rationality as to why he was targeted made sense (i've talked a number of times with my mom who has seen jojo about how all of the characters who die in pt 5 are core members of the 'heart' of the bucci gang, narancia ofc being one of them). in that moment, everyone cried for him whereas prior he was the one who cried on behalf of the party for the loss of abbacchio.
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rengoku lwk just might be everyone's fav in demon slayer but i don't care, same here. his owlish design, his vibrant energy, the conviction to stay behind his principles and even die by said principles? i can't not admire the guy and how despite his short appearance in the story, you still feel the ripple effect of it throughout the story. sasori, maybe deidara had a point when he said true beauty is fleeting and an explosion.
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katsuki honestly stole the whole show of bnha for me. hell i was out here enjoying him even when he was just an irredeemable bully because i could see early on the complexity of the character and was honestly curious to see where such a belligerent personality came from. how he's reflected on himself throughout the story, becomes better than the person he was the day before, all of that is really admirable to me. it's lwk honestly gets to a point where if katsuki isn't the focus of an arc or episode, i lose interest. show me the explosion boy please. i also feel like even with the great aspect of the character, there's a lot of disservice towards him regards to how the way his parents treat him is swept under the rug, the way they completely brush over the fact they muzzled and chained him on live television due to his refusal to accept an award and presented a strong student as mentally unstable to the masses (something that led to his very kidnapping, mind you). but my gripes with those things honestly make me love this guy even more than i already do.
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mitsumi from skip & loafer is another relatable character for me. from the older trans woman figure in her life (one of my moms) to the clumsiness. like mitsumi, i too am always falling over and because of that i've gotten good at picking myself up. characters like mitsumi, you can't help wanting to follow the model of. i love her straightforwardness, her open-mindedness and appreciate how she views life and those around her. i can only hope to be more like her, among some other characters i love, in my daily life. i love how it doesn't really matter who someone is in relation to her or someone else she knows, she makes her own fair assessments of that person and judges based off her experiences with that person.
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tenza is the best character in hell's paradise. argue with a wall i can't be argued against here. damn did we lose when his fine ass got axed early in the storyline. i deadass almost stopped reading hell's paradise after chapter 21 because i was that upset about his death. i'm a sucker for a character who dies saving the rest of the group, and the way he went out in a blaze of glory. already dying, already bleeding out but still deciding he'd spin his last few minutes of life buying time for his comrades. his final thoughts wondering what his life could have been like if he weren't dying in that moment. the students he could have had. the wife he could have had. the visceral reaction i had seeing his body get tossed over like he was nothing but garbage? still feel that. he's another example of a character who didn't have long to shine in the story in terms of number of appearances but the way you feel his presence in the story after his death? how it fuels shion and nurugai's quest for vengeance. how that vengeance almost very well destroyed one of them. how tenza in spirit gave nurugai the will to save shion's life. i really, really loved it. it was such a subversion of expectations seeing the pupil die rather than that master.
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okuyasu is definitely my favorite character in diamond is unbreakable. he comes off as just comic relief, which to be fair, okuyasu is very funny. however comma, there's so much to depth to the character that you really appreciate as the story goes on. he's a follower by nature, you can see that from the very first episode you meet him where he follows his brother's orders. that once keicho died, he immediately found someone new to follow in josuke, our jojo for the part. but you see him slowly starting to take those steps towards becoming someone who doesn't just follow, but leads. someone capable of deciding for himself what he wants to do. especially after his brother dies and he becomes a caretaker for himself and his father. how he wants to put large windfalls of money into his savings. how he is able to work around his intellectual shortcomings with his strengths. okuyasu is dumb but he isn't an idiot. he is actually quite astute in a lot of ways one doesn't expect and that he doesn't give himself credit for. so all of this made his grand decision not to follow his brother into the afterlife so satisfying.
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oh how i loved furina from day fucking 1. from the moment her design got leaked i knew where my primogems were going. when she entered the story officially? i was even more in love just due to how different she was as an archon. i could understand why she wasn't for everybody but she was everything for me and that's all that mattered. then we get the level 4 tragic backstory, her 500 year long opera where she alone is on the stage? it wasn't enough just to pull for furina, furina deserved everything my account had to offer. her story quest really made me want to shove paimon and the traveler into a blender but regardless, this character has my whole heart and i will eat up any content that pertains to her as i fucking should. she deserves my everything.
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sokka. absolutely sokka. seeing sokka finally get his fucking flowers during the atla revival during 2020 brought so much joy to my soul. i've loved sokka since back when atla was still airing on tv. he has been my favorite and honestly i think some of my humor and sarcasm of today relates all the way back to the guy with boomerang. i got both of my moms into atla and it really made me happy to see the guy they initially saw as the dumb funny one in the group when they just glanced at the tv when i was watching it, is actually arguably the smartest on the team and a literal genius who grew into the man he wanted to become since episode 1. that he was actually the most logical member of the team and the most practical when it came to their long term goals. he was humbled and realized his misogyny was an incorrect way of thinking, he learned from his mistakes an even with his insecurities about where he stood on the team, he never let that get him down for long.
+ 2
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ojamajo doremi is coming back, so i gotta mention my two of my fav girls from the series that i relate to the most. first up, harukaze doremi or i'm doing myself a disservice. doremi is a character that has a lot of shortcomings from her clumsiness to her . and i relate a lot to her because of that. whenever i learn something new, i'm never the best at it. especially handicrafts and seeing others around me being good at those things definitely sucked. so seeing a character like that was great for me at that age. but one thing that is just so great about this girl is, to quote caribou-kun on youtube (please watch his video essay on ojamajo doremi on youtube) "she is the greatest friend in the entire world". and i don't say that lightly, she's like the tohru honda of majou shoujo. she would literally take off her shirt and give it to someone to throw up in if they needed it. the way she can connect to people. how she supports them when they most need it even if she doesn't know what is the right thing to say or even if it is at the cost of her own feelings. when i say i want to be a good friend to someone, doremi is one of the faces i picture.
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and finally, senoo aiko. she was my favorite favorite of the ojamajos growing up. initially because, well, she was the blue one and blue has been my favorite color since before i can honestly remember. because damn did certain parts of her character also really relate to me. divorced parents (although in my case, they got divorced when i was very young and have been that way since my earliest memories) and doing your best to handle that situation even if you want your parents to get back together. my parents never got back together like aiko's but honestly, she i was happy to see that old dream of mine be realized through her. she has had to be the prince for herself and others in her life for most of her life, and when you finally get to see the moment she can just be the princess is wonderful.
there are other characters i haven't mentioned due to the limitations of just 10 characters but these are some characters that immediately come to mind for some major favs.
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none-i5 · 9 months
Tonight, I have a few thoughts and feelings. This unfortunately means I have to make an extremely long post. But anyways
Idk about others, but Furina losing her status as the Hydro Archon in those theories isn't what bugs me. If yall wanna have some food for thought, then that's perfectly fine. There are even a few that have some interesting thoughts, and yk if a girlfailure wants to chill for a bit, then good for her.
What I am pissed off about though is how most people want this to happen because...they don't like her?
I'd like to establish that there are two things to determine about how good or bad a character is: if they're good morally/have a good attitude, or if they're written in a good way. These are two separate things. I want to emphasize that.
Whether or not a character has good morals or a good attitude is up to the person, but I think regardless of whether someone thinks the character is good or bad morally or attitude wise, if the character hits the criteria of being well written by creative writing standards, then that needs to be acknowledged. Basically:
Good moral/attitude =/= good writing
So, we get back to Furina. Literally just a few minutes into her introduction, and most people already have very strong impressions or opinions about her: she's a brat, she's childish, she's insecure, and in some situations she is a coward. As we learn more of her, we learn that: she is willing to give herself for her people (her people pleasing tendencies + her extensive research of the prophecy over centuries) and that she isn't too annoying or heartless if someone like Neuvillette is willing to stay under her care for 500 years.
Whether or not you think she has a good attitude or good morals is up to you, and I'd respect that. I deeply respect people (like bwaap) who may have some less than the best opinions of her, and yet can fully acknowledge that she's a well written character.
But first, why do I think she's a well written and well performed character? Well, let's take a look at a list of notes of basically how to write a good character according to a post by Brighton Rose and lectures from Brandon Sanderson. I'll try to keep these as short and concise as possible. These notes are:
They have motivation, long-term or short term
They have flaws and setbacks
They have little quirks
They have progress throughout the story
And that all of these are shown properly, not told.
Furina checks out most if not all of these notes. She has a long term goal (to stop or protect people from the prophecy), and a kinda short term one (to gain the attention and affection of her people and recently, the Traveler). Obviously, she has her flaws and setbacks--I'm sure you'd know. Same for quirks. But for progress...while I can't say much since not all the Archon quests are out, I will note that Furina took the second trial more seriously after seeing that she nearly made the grave mistake of falsely accusing one of her people. Whether or not that's due to her embarrassment or because she actually cares about only putting the right people behind bars, that's up to you. Regardless, it is still progress.
Whoo, I've been going too long at that. Where was I again? Oh right, the thing that really pisses me off
If you don't like Furina's attitude or morals, then that's fine. I'm not that blind. But then, there are people that--just because she's too bratty or that her flaws are a little too apparent--immediately claim that she's the embodiment of bad writing. Honey, she doesn't need a personality workshop, she just needs to grow.
Also, I don't dislike Neuvillette but I do dislike the role some of his fans push on him. No, I don't mean the Archon role. I mean as someone Furina should be. I mean as someone they want Furina to be. It's extremely disrespectful for both of their characters--with all of my arguments basically boiling down to "they're different people".
TL;DR: What pisses me off is how people want to transplant Neuvillette's personality onto Furina, or to hold him up as some sort of standard of what she should've been, not all the "She's going to lose her Archon status" theories. I'm not asking people to like her attitude or morals, I'm begging people to stop thinking of her as someone who needs fixing.
She doesn't need a fix. She needs growth. Yknow, if you'd actually let her grow and not just turn a blind eye away from it.
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toasteaa · 3 months
Huge fan of Furina being the worst fucking wingman for Neuvillette btw.
She gets the faintest whiff that Neuvillette is having emotions and she's all over it.
She's not subtle about anything. Most of the "facts" she knows about romance are via cheesy novels that she's read over the years. The same novels that she gives to Neuvillette and is ADAMANT that these will help him understand human emotion. They don't, but he appreciates the effort.
She's tried multiple times to schedule bullshit meetings between you and Neuvillette just so he can see you and try to talk with you (you and Neuvillette already meet almost every day because he finds himself stealing time to talk with you and learn more about you). There's like, five notes from "Neuvillette" on your desk that are so clearly written by Furina. The number of times she's tried to spy on you and Neuvillette to see if he's taking her advice is overcome by the fact that she's so obviously staring at the two of you the whole time like 👁👁
Busts into his office at any given free moment he has, ignores his exhausted sigh at knowing what's coming, and practically shouts, "Have you kissed them yet?!"
Hydro Archon who? Archon of "getting the Chief Justice to stop hiding in his office and acknowledge that he's in love" 💅🏾 (she is very bad at it but you can't just tell her that -)
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