#most successful quotes
stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
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stromuprisahat · 10 months
Alicent: Stop it! Rhaenyra: Stop what? Alicent: You've named another of your spawn like my son! Joke's on you. Because I figured out you made another only to offend me. Ha! Rhaenyra: Yeah. That's what we did. In our very limited free time, we went and got a nanny to keep any eye on our five living kids, fucked like rabbits to add another one to the collection, picked only the positions most likely to produce a son and once he was born, we went through all Valyrian names and chose the most common one in our family just because it will be shared with your kid. [Rhaenyra to the camera] Rhaenyra: Yup. That's exactly what we did.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
thinking so hard about . when exactly in the martian timeline they hated and loved eachother can u help me .. cause after turkey 2010 they had their love moments as well and even in 2012 they had their buddy buddy moments so idk !!! they’re confusing
This is something I think about often as well. Teammates are a weird dynamic in F1 because you're forced to compete for the same resources and against each other in the WDC, but at the same time have to still think combined for the team, for the WCC. I think teammate relationships are like being siblings or like being in a marriage(actually I think Mark has said this before haha.) You can never fully hate or separate from each other, even if you go through rough patches, because you're stuck together and have had the same experiences, for good or for worse.
Turkey 2010 is funny because I think that was one of their first bad moments as teammates, right? And I love that RBR made them take that couples therapy, "us in our get-along shirt", picture. That's what I mean by going through the same experiences, like yeah they were probably pissed at each other but were also probably bonding over the hilarity/awkwardness of RBR making them do damage control.
I just think it's probably difficult to stay upset with someone consistently when you're constantly working with them, and you've also experienced the highest highs and lowest lows with each other. I think I referenced this in my Martian champagne pics post but it's kinda funny when you look through all of those shared podiums that Mark always seemed to be way more willing to spray Seb and smile at him when Mark was the one who won(Literally 3/4 of the pics from that post when they were both at RBR were from Mark's wins.) Like it was such a "I can't stay mad at you 🤭" relationship with them. Like with Mark in particular, it feels like whenever he got a better result, he was mostly like "I shall forgive your transgressions." But then 2013 was kind of the last straw for him, with Multi-21, and especially since he really was getting crushed by Seb and not even getting any wins like in the prev years. But then, by removing himself from it all when retiring, he was able to take a step back and see what it was like to not be in constant, direct competition anymore.
Idk if I'm the best person to ask as I don't think I'm in any measures a great Martian scholar. But these are my thoughts :D I just think being teammates in such a competitive environment can result in such love-hate relationships and that Martian is one of the greatest examples of how it fluctuates. I think it'd be really difficult to try and parse when exactly they were on good or bad terms. For me, tbh I think it kinda correlates with Mark's results because I think with just that whole situation, where they were in as teammates directly competing at the very top, it was a lot easier for Mark, rather than Seb, to start feeling resentment as he was generally drawing the shorter straw most of the time.
Basically, teammates(Martian especially) are bonded through triumph and trauma
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romansmartini · 5 months
roman roy voice. let me guess i'll have a martini
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alectology-archive · 1 year
What you dont like about sanderson writing?! I'm starting to read his books and so far i like it, but i always appreciate other opinions
that’s fine, I’ve already stated plainly on my blog before that I can recognise why his books are probably enjoyable for a lot of people because he structures his stories in ways that make them very readable. a lot of people probably enjoy his plot twists too, although I always thought he was very cruel and cynical with his storytelling (re: specifically with how he pokes fun at himself and the genres he’s working with in a manner decidedly meant to evoke ridicule. like… where is your fucking whimsy! he has no respect for the artistic process of writing besides telling stories - and as a writer myself I can’t abide that kind of an author being paraded around as an aspirational figure) and very disconnected from reality (specifically with respect to Reverse Misogyny, Reverse Racism and Oppressed People Should Find A Middle Ground With Oppressors. it frankly disgusts me) besides being just terrible at handling any theme even if I can concede that some of his ideas are good (on that note, I think his worldbuilding is also very overrated, constituting a mish mash of different concepts that don’t quite cohere. you can tell that he used to run dnd games). I just think his stories are probably more comparable to pjo, writing and skillwise, and I enjoyed one of them better (it was pjo). I also outgrew young adult long ago, which means his works could never appeal to me even if he wasn’t Like That (whatever That means when you’re a kind of very privileged white mormon guy who has a very protective fan base). The problem that is the terrible quality of his work also mostly stems from pumping out 500k-1 million words a year. it’s just not possible for any of that to be very good, I’m sorry. at one point quantity does very much become indicative of quality. no good or sane writer would publish any of that material unless it was heavily, heavily edited (his books are not well edited either, but I feel sorry for whoever his editor is). I don’t think there’s a single line anybody could pull from his works that I would find poignant, meaningful or quotable precisely because of his tendency to put down on paper anything and everything that occurs to him (there’s a reason why his works read like a disjointed stream of consciousness). his works also convey the sort of smug, contented state of confident self-possession he’s managed to reach where he’s comfortable publishing any piece of bad writing (I’m saying this after reading the first couple chapters of tress of the emerald sea, so I don’t think anyone can really accuse me of not reading his recent and therefore, supposedly, better works) because he has an established fan base that’s ready to eat it up. he also does suck at writing women. like a lot. it’s a conversation that nobody is really ready for even when they critique the deplorable depictions of oppression and class dynamics in his books - his male characters are always the real stars of the show and are clearly very dear to him besides being the vessels through which he inserts a lot of religious commentary that specifically stems from his background. he also does (consciously and unconsciously) insert lot of conservative rhetoric in his books when he’s writing his female characters.
whatever - I’m not stopping you from enjoying his stuff. but to put it very crudely, I think his stories also suffer from the same issues that the mcu does.
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brookheimer · 1 year
this isn't directed at you specifically (i just needed to find a succ blog that took anons because i'm too much of a pussy to say this on main) but roman is so fucking annoying jesus christ!! and i'm so fucking tired of bitches defending him over and over and over again and yes i know everyone in this show sucks but for fucks sake, after how he's treated gerri these past 2 episodes i honestly wouldn't fucking care if the series ended with him overdosing. sorry
very fascinating that you chose to send this to a blog named romanfuckingroy but good for you i guess i'm glad you are getting your feelings out
that being said i guess i'm not quite sure what you mean by 'defending' because i have not seen a single person defending his interactions with gerri or, like, anything else he's done or is doing. there's a big difference between analyzing and talking about a character and their decisions/actions and saying they were justified and correct in doing them -- i, for instance, do the former a lot esp with roman, but obviously think he's being horrible to gerri and everything else. that's, like, kind of the point?
anyways, thanks for the non-specific (?) anon hate (?), but i'm not quite sure what you're, like, hoping to get out of this ask? if you're sending it hoping to get me, tumblr user romanfuckingroy, to say Yeah I Fucking Hate Him Hope He Dies What A Terrible Fucking Character then i think you might be barking up the wrong tree. at the same time, though, if you're hoping i'll be like Fuck You He Is Baby He Was Abused What Is Wrong With You you are also barking up the wrong tree. hate him if you want! no sweat off my back and like dude, i get it. have at it. like lmao what did you want me to say
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aye-of-newt · 2 years
I believe it is the fate of all writers for their most popular work to be one they don’t personally like
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
This passage directly follows the bit where Schneider recalls George telling him that Paul wouldn’t take his hand while having a bad trip:
“You know the rumor that John and Paul had a fight, punching each other? It wasn’t John. It was me. Paul was having a tough time finishing a song. For days he had been trying to come up with a lyric to continue a line in what would become one of his most successful songs. I came up with the two lines that he was able to use to finish the song, and I wanted a writer’s credit on the song. Without those lines the song wouldn’t have been the same, but Paul refused. We got into a fight and I punched him.”
— George Harrison, 1969, according to Ronnie Schneider in his 2017 book Out of Our Heads: The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Me
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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Also Taylor quoted John Cassavetes at one of the film festival Q&As: “‘I’ve never seen an exploding helicopter. I’ve never seen anybody go and blow somebody’s head off. So why should I make films about them? But I have seen people destroy themselves in the smallest way.’ Whoa—I felt that.”
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Niall Horan for Rolling Stone UK
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sleevebuscemii · 1 year
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lesbediscreet · 11 months
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skeilig · 1 year
my first thought upon waking was "this is the day we make it happen fikret" (it = driving to north dakota, on the first leg of my journey)
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voxiiferous · 1 year
Prime Time Reruns
Anyone who’s known Vox for a very long time know there was a change in him, though there’s no clear ability to pinpoint when exactly it changed, though everyone agrees it started sometime in the early 90s. Valentino‘s seen it, Hellaina, even Alastor has seen it in its purest flashes. Velvette never knew him before the boredom set in— the closest she ever saw were its earliest phases.
People who meet him assume he’s going to be the feared and all powerful TV Overlord, like he was in the 60s, 70s, even the 80s. They expect cruelty and a joy in the suffering of Hell— and what they actually get is someone so very tired. Even his periods of self-destructive tendencies have tapered off— the USBs of Exe.stasy have gathered dust, he doesn’t seek Alastor out for a fight in the same way, his relationship with Valentino rings increasingly hollow: empty apologies, empty promises.
And he pretends that it’s all fine— he grins and he shows up on cameras, endorses the new Vogitek product. He’s the media Overlord! He’s got so much money, and everything he could ever want— don’t you? Just pay a small fee and you can have everything. Lean into the brand loyalty and you’ll be rewarded. But the performance has been getting more transparent as he hurtles towards pure and abject burnout. His own smiling face on the billboards stares down at him and he wants to tear it all down some days.
He never stops. He builds and he makes and he broadcasts everything from his spot high in his tower looking down on everything he’s made. But he doesn’t really see it either. He sees the flaws— every artist is their own greatest critic— the breakups that are becoming more frequent, sex has become a routine pastime, every time the ratings drop. And part of the problem is that there’s been nothing new in a large way. The internet was but that was the last big thing that really booked in and about the mid 90s.
It’s a prison of his own making, but he doesn’t know how to fix it either. Part of the problem is his lack of hobbies. He used to like reading, but he hasn’t picked up an actual book in decades. He loved dancing in a way he’s never really loved anything else, and he can count on less than two hands how many times he’s done it since he died. He hasn’t built something like the little trinket she made as a child since he was one.
Those are just things he has control over, not considering the fact he can’t eat or drink, and the inhumanity in that bothers him more than he lets on a lot of the time. He can smell, sort of, and it taunts him. He brings people out to eat because it makes them more easily charmed and pliable when they get free food, and yes, he’ll laugh and he makes jokes about it, but it serves as a reminder to him that he isn’t really alive.
He feels trapped— he’s retreading the same old talking points he’s said a thousand times over. The smile is forced, and nothing is a threat so he can’t focus his attention on keeping everything he’s made. It’s fine, it’s stable, he’s made it so it’ll outlive him if something were to happen.
He’s been waiting for the boredom to pass, boredom does eventually… and it hasn’t, it’s just gotten worse.
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louisdotmp3 · 1 year
god this season of succession is for me, a person obsessed with various griefs and the banality of death
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“i dont wanna see what happens in Guantanamo....go do your ways”
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