#mostly I wanted to write mask because he’s funny and hasn’t been in this au much at all
skyward-floored · 7 months
(Comes directly after this)
He looks up at the shout, and watches distantly as Tune and Mask both run out from camp to meet him, relief on their faces.
“Captain, the battle ended hours ago, we couldn’t find you anywhere!” Tune says with a worried note to his voice, clasping Link’s arm, “Impa and Lana are both going nuts, we must have searched camp three times. We thought something had happened to you!”
Link feels a flicker of guilt.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, lowering his head. “I was... held up.”
He knew he should have gone back to camp immediately after getting away from Cia, but he’d found himself dragging his feet. The battle had already ended by the time she was gone, and Link had slowly wandered back to camp, running over Cia’s words, studying every bit, trying to find any hint that they were just lies meant to unsteady him.
The dragon knight Volga is your father, Link.
The words still sent a sick feeling shooting through his stomach.
“Well... where were you all this time?” Tune asks, and Mask narrows his eyes.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” he asks sharply, and Link shakes his head, meeting Mask’s eyes to try and reassure him he’s not lying. “Oh good. That means I can do this.”
Mask whips a leg out and kicks him in the shin, making Link yelp in pain as he nearly doubles over.
“Mask! Why did you do that?!” he asks, clutching at his leg that will no doubt soon be a lovely shade of purple. How does such a small kid have so much leg strength?!
“He was worried, captain, we all were,” Tune says more sympathetically, though he’s wearing an amused grin. It fades after a minute though, and he studies Link with a calculating look, eyes darting across his face. “So what actually happened?”
Link looks between the two of them, and swallows as he releases his leg.
“Cia. She had me alone.”
Tune and Mask both freeze, any amusement on their faces turned immediately to a mix of concern and fear.
“Did she do anything?” Mask asks urgently, grabbing at his arm.
Link hesitates, and Mask’s grip tightens.
“Captain. What did she do?” Mask demands as Tune looks at him in worry, and Link closes his eyes. There’s no harm in telling them, he supposes.
“She... said she knew who my parents were,” he whispers.
Tune breathes out a quiet oh, and Mask looks at Link with a strange expression on his face, something flashing in his eyes. Tune’s hand slips down to hold Link’s hand instead of his arm, and Link finds the contact bracing.
“Did she tell you?” Tune asks in a quiet voice. “Do you know—”
“—We should have this conversation inside,” Mask says, cutting Tune off, and Link doesn’t protest when he grabs his and Tune’s hands, tugging them into camp.
Relieved voices meet them when the men catch sight of Link, obviously glad he’s alive. Someone claps him on the back so hard he nearly falls over, and Link plasters a smile on his face whenever someone calls out to him, ignoring the rock in his stomach.
All he really wants to do is curl up in his cot and be left alone.
“Captain!” a new voice calls, and Link sees a flurry of activity as both Lana and Impa run up. There’s varying levels of relief on each of their faces, and Link feels another wave of guilt hit his stomach as Sheik joins them as well.
“Are you alright?” Lana asks, out of breath as she runs up. “I thought I had sensed Cia’s magic, we’d begun to think the worst, Link! Was she here? Did you fight her?”
“Are you injured?” Impa asks, and Link gives a small shake of his head.
“...Link? Is something wrong?” Sheik asks next, studying his face with a concerned look in her eyes. Link swallows, knowing his emotions are probably all over his face and giving him away, but he’s unable to dredge up the energy to school his expression.
“He’s fine, just lost track of time coming back,” Mask quickly speaks up, and gives Link’s arm a tug. “But he’s very tired now and could use some rest, so if you’ll excuse us.”
Mask begins to tug him away, though Tune falls back and talks to the three women behind them for a minute. Link only catches a glimpse of their expressions, but Tune must have said Cia was involved if the alarm on their faces is any indication.
Tune rejoins them shortly, and they make the rest of the trek to their tent in silence. Once Link is seated on his cot and the flap is safely closed, Mask whirls on him with his hands on his hips.
“Alright. What did she say?” he demands, and Link closes his eyes.
“Don’t push him Mask, if he doesn’t want to say then he doesn’t have to,” Tune says pointedly, then looks back at Link. “...Captain?”
Link breaths out, and wearily reopens his eyes.
“It’s okay. You two can know.”
He sighs, and runs a hand down his scarf, thumbing along the embroidery along the edge. His fingers skirt the symbol in the middle, and it’s a few moments before he speaks.
“Cia... she said a lot of things. You know how she is. But before she left, she said that m-my father... he’s Volga,” he gets out, and Mask and Tune’s eyes both go huge.
There’s a beat of silence.
“The... the dragon knight?” Mask says in disbelief, and Link swallows, nodding.
Mask looks like he’s two seconds from exploding, but Tune merely sits down, looking thoughtful.
“That... actually sort of makes sense,” he says, and Mask whirls towards him.
“What?” he screeches. “What makes sense about his dad being a dragon? How does that even work?! He isn’t even human all the time, how did that— does that mean you’re like, part-dragon?!”
“Mask, stop, listen,” Tune says, giving him a light punch. “Look, the Captain never gets tired when it’s hot, and when it’s cold we can barely get him to do anything. He’s insanely good at that fire rod, and I think he and Volga have almost the same hair color, now that I think about it. Plus... he always burns our food,” he tacks on with a smile. “It’s not that crazy.”
“No I’m pretty sure it is,” Mask says flatly.
“Your dad was a tree, you have no ground to stand on in regards to craziness,” Tune says pointedly.
Mask glares. “Well your dad was a boat-king-ghost thing. And the other guy is a treasure-obsessed weirdo.”
“I’m not actually related to either of them though,” Tune points out, and Mask scoffs.
“You think I was actually related to the Deku tree? Not the point, Sailor.”
Tune rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue, and Mask looks over at where Link has been quietly sitting while they talk.
His face softens a little, worry once again shimmering in his gaze. Link realizes he and Tune are both staring at him, and he breaths out again.
“Are you, uh... doing okay?” Tune asks, and Link lets out a dry chuckle.
“I don’t know. How are you even supposed to react to the news that your father is a dragon?”
“Uh... I mean I think it’s pretty neat?” Tune admits, then scratches awkwardly at his neck. “Apart from him being... evil, and having nearly killed you a few times now, of course. I know a good dragon back home who’s pretty cool.”
“Do you think you could breathe fire?” Mask asks, and Link shrugs.
“I don’t even know how I would go about doing that.”
“Maybe Volga would have some tips,” Tune says, then looks a little awkward. “Uh... I mean... when he isn’t trying to kill us all.” He puts a hand over his eyes. “...Ah geez. I’m sorry, Captain. This can’t be easy for you.”
Link looks down at his hands, idly studying his skin and all the random little scars that adorn them. There are several from various nicks in training, small grazes from weapons in battle, the odd accident as a child. None are due to burns though, except for a small patch on his left arm, right by his wrist.
Where some of Volga’s flame broke through before the Triforce of Courage shielded Link.
He breathes out again.
“Yeah,” he admits quietly. “I guess so.”
Tune and Mask go silent, and nobody says anything for a moment.
Then a hand places itself in Link’s, small, but just as scarred as his own. Another joins it, tanned and rough from salty air, and Link looks at the two of them, both giving him encouraging looks.
“This doesn’t change anything,” Tune says firmly, giving Link’s hand a squeeze. “Your father’s actions and identity don’t define yours. You’re still a hero, Captain, and our friend. Half dragon or not.”
Mask nods, and Link dredges up a smile for them, even though his mind is racing with the implications of this, and his chest aches with the weight of the information, even as Tune gives his shoulder a warm squeeze.
He’s half dragon.
And his father is on the same side of the war as Cia.
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
Miraculous fic recomendations!!
This is just an excuse to show all my bookmarks? Yes. Yes, it is. I'm pretty sure most of this fics are really popular, but try see if you find something you didn't knew about!
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don't put the author's tumblr is because they didn't put it in the fic or/and I couldn't find it.
Pairing: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
knowing you by emsylcatac (they are not really the author of the fic but that's the account that says in the fic, the actual author doesn't have an account).
After dropping their transformations months ago, Marinette and Adrien see each other for the first time after being apart. They've both left too much unsaid and have to work to pick up the pieces of their confused hearts.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal but mostly ladynoir, light angst with happy ending.
the last day on earth by Reiaji
The first time Marinette sees Chat Blanc, she's fourteen years old. The second time, fifteen—the third time, seventeen.
The closer she grows to Adrien, the harder it is to save him.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal lovesquare, kinda heavy angst, hopeful ending.
tell me something i don't know by carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Do you think it still means something? To love someone, even if the universe said you had to?
The odds of having a soulmate are about negative one billion (or something like that). But somehow, like they always have, Marinette and Chat Noir find themselves together. They’re ready to finally tell each other everything, but it turns out that even soulmates have to keep secrets, and while their bond draws them together, duty forces them apart.
Chapters: currently 17/28 (WIPs can be exhausting but this one is 100% worth the wait!)
Mostly marichat but almost all of the lovesquare sides make an appearance, soulmates au, mostly fluff but it can get angsty if it wants to.
One Thing After Another by SKayLanphear
Marinette notices that, sometimes, Adrien acts a little out of the ordinary--like the time he stood in a cardboard box for no reason, or when he actually hissed at Nino. It's only when she starts to notice the similarities between Adrien and a certain feline that she begins to get suspicious.
Basically, Adrien acts like a cat when he probably shouldn't.
Chapters: 15/15
Mostly adrienette with one sided reveal by Marinette's side, miraculous side effects (by both sides wich is really cool!), it's fluff with a lil tiny angst for drama.
This would take some getting used to by Codango (@codango here on tumblr!)
Adrien peeked out from behind the chimney even as the magic of his own Chat Noir mask fell away.
She was still visible, her dark hair bobbing under the street lamps a couple blocks away.
Adrien blew out a confused breath. His fiery Ladybug… was the quiet little mouse who sat behind him in class?
“What. The.”
This… would take some getting used to.
Chapters: 8/8
Adrienette with one sided reveal by Adrien's part, awkward flirting, just fluff, nothing to worry about.
comfort food also by Reiaji!
In Marinette's house, cooking is a language of love, and Marinette loves Adrien more than most.
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette with a little of ladynoir, super super fluff, a lot of insight into Marinette's chinese heritage.
The right side of his face by walkingonthestars (@hamsternamedmarinette here on tumblr!)
Marinette and Adrien are able to remain in their new seats in the back of the room at the end of Chameleon.
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette, fluff with light angst.
it's a long way forward so trust in me by aloneintherain (@captainkirkk here on tumblr!)
“You’re not the only strong one around here, Chat,” Marinette said. She looked a little winded, but she wasn’t struggling to hold him up.
This close up, he could see the freckles on the bridge of her nose. He could see how that smug smile lit up her eyes. He could feel the strain of her arms—and wow, okay, he really wasn’t the only person around here with muscles.
Six times Marinette carried Adrien (plus one time he carried her).
Chapters: 1/1
All the sides of the lovesquare! Fluff with LOTS of mutual pining.
a fight that you were born to lose also by aloneintherain
When the prosecution starts throwing around the word victim in reference to Adrien, he has to stuff his hands under his thighs to keep himself from bolting out of the courtroom.
Adrien had felt unsafe during those last few weeks, but, until he had woken up and seen Father silhouetted in his bedroom doorway, that had only been paranoia. Father was controlling and cold, but he wasn’t hateful. Adrien was isolated. He was often hungry. And some weeks ago, when he had snuck out to visit Nino, sitting thigh-to-thigh on his bed while Adrien cried in that silent, crumbling way of his, he hadn’t argued when Nino put a hand on his shoulder and said, tentatively, That’s abuse.
But Adrien remembers being small and Father touching his hair after he’d aced another test; Father holding his scribbled drawings like they were something precious, and framing them around his office; Father, dressed as Hawkmoth, his eyes wild behind the mask, lashing his sword against Adrien’s baton; Father, collapsed against Mum, crying into her ashy hair.
Adrien finds out Gabriel is Hawkmoth, and Gabriel gets to bring his long-waited plan into action.
Chapters: 1/1
This one doesn't really focus in the ship that much as is an Adrien character study and an exploration of his relationship with his father, but they're still there so I put them here. Really heavy angst (this is one of this fics that haunt me in the middle of the night) with a happy ending. ❗TW: parental abuse, eating disorders❗
Supercut by LNC
Marinette loves her friends and Adrien can't deal.
Chapters: 1/1
Post-reveal lovesquare, again light angst, an exploration of Adrien's insecurities, Marinette Dupain-Cheng deserves the world, happy ending.
Madame Snare by jettiebettie
“Sounds like a lot of work for nothing. She should take this as a sign to have a relaxing weekend with no responsibilities.”
“It's a lot of work she put her whole heart into. It wouldn't be right for it to go to waste,” Adrien whispers to him. The look on Marinette's face is enough to cause Adrien's own heart to ache. If anyone deserves the satisfaction and pride from a job well done, it's her.
“Too bad there isn't anyone else who can walk in those death traps,” Plagg says. Adrien hums in thought, tapping his chin.
“I could.”
Chapters: 1/1
Marichat, episode-based, Chat Noir in a dress!!!, light angst but it's mostly just idiots being idiots and a lot of fun.
in the same sun by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
"It’s hard to believe that I saw you last at the peak of summer, when the sun was close and warm - and so were you. It should go without saying that I miss you. I miss you something terrible."
"It’s been seven months to the day since I’ve seen you. I wish you were here more than anything else."
Two letters, signed with initials instead of names, found in Paris, France.
Chapters: 1/1
Ladynoir, just angst, that's it, written like letters. No ending, just pain.
an uncurtain discovery by Missnoodles (@ladyofthenoodle here on tumblr!)
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Chapters: 1/1
Ladrien, it says it's crack, and don't get me wrong, is super funny, but I also found it sad as fuck?
An Open Secret by Kasienda
Adrien whirled around toward Marinette. She smiled at him.
He couldn’t smile back. He stared at her like the dumb blond model that he was often accused of being.
Something shifted in her expression. And her warm open Marinette smile transformed into Ladybug’s grin. He was looking at Ladybug right now.
He knew Ladybug’s name!
Her name was Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
And he couldn’t say anything! Not to Marinette! Not even to Plagg, who had confided two weeks prior that Master Fu was growing increasingly paranoid since the location of his home and hideout had been compromised. Their master had apparently decided that Chat Noir and Ladybug would have to give up their miraculouses if they ever discovered each other’s identities.
It wasn’t fair!
A fic where they both know, but can't openly talk about it.
Chapters: 4/4
Post-reveal... but is it? Mostly adrienette and ladynoir, fluff with light angst and them being absolute idiots at hiding their secret identity.
golden (like daylight) by okayanna (@anna-scribbles here on tumblr!)
Friendship, Adrien decided, shaking off the mental image of Marinette’s hurricane eyes and hesitant mouth, parted in a small, careful “o.” He had a very strong friendship with Marinette. That was all.
Adrien thinks a lot about words, love, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Chapters: 1 + epilogue
Adrienette but has lots of ladynoir, another Adrien character study because I hate myself, it tries to not be angst but the writing will punch you in the guts and make you cry, it's so good.
Strangers in the Bright Lights by poodles (@ladybeug here on tumblr!)
Adrien is about two drinks in when he sees a girl at the end of the bar wearing black cat ears. It's kind of weird, so he watches her, and although it's crowded he can see her face when she turns around. She’s wearing a Chat Noir mask. He takes a quick look around- nobody else is wearing a mask. Just her.
Adrien finishes his gin martini and heads over to her. He could use some company tonight anyways, he hasn’t told anyone he’s back in Paris and Nathalie won’t arrive in town for another month. And it’s been a rough day, okay? A rough move! He’s not sure he wants to be back yet, and he spent most of the day in the Agreste mansion sorting through some photographs of his father he found in the study. Maybe he wants a drink and some stranger to tell him he’s pretty! That’s not a crime, is it?
Chapters: 1/1
Adrienette but it's also ladrien??? I think??? It's super super angsty but they're both drunk the entirety of the fic so it's also really funny.
Pick-Up and Chase by also SKayLanphear
After she accidentally trips into Adrien and apologizes about "falling for him," Marinette learns that he's no match for cheesy pick-up lines--whether they were unintended or not. And while she finds it flattering that he turns into a flustered mess with only a few words, Marinette comes to regret making him uncomfortable. That is, until she learns he's Chat Noir. At which point the phrase "just deserts" becomes a permanent fixture in her everyday plans.
A story in which Adrien is flustered, Marinette is smooth as glass at dropping lines, and Chat Noir gets the romance he was always asking for--even if he doesn't quite know how to handle it.
Chapters: 10/10
Adrienette with one sided reveal by Marinette's side, it doesn't say it in the tags but I'm pretty sure the characters are much older than they actually are in the show, so much fluff and so much flirting.
Pairing: Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe
Nino Has Done Nothing To Deserve This by GuardianKarenTerrier (@guardiankarenterrier here in tumblr)
It's nothing, really- just an innocent comment, a joke. But when they hear it, Nino and Alya come to a realisation.
There were, in retrospect, dozens upon dozens of hints. Now that they're suddenly aware of all their friend's flimsy excuses and rushed explanations, they're not only sure how they've missed it, they're not sure how anyone else has either. They realise that it had to be magic protecting their friends- and that same magic has ceased to work on the two of them.
Well, this means they'll just have to start watching over their friends themselves.
Chapters: 7/7
This is more a found family fic than anything else, Alya and Nino are the mom friend, has light angst but it's mostly identity shenanigans in the most bizarre way. ❗TW: eating disorders❗
christmas lights by demistories
Nino checks up and down the street, checking to make sure there’s no raging akuma headed his way before he crosses quickly and ducks inside the small café. He closes the door quickly before the icy air can blow inside and tugs his beanie down over his ears. He spots Alya sitting alone in the corner.
Chapters: 1/1
Just fluff!! Really short but really sweet.
hold on, i still want you also by Missnoodles!
Written for the @thedjwifizine ! Wich I also recommend if you wanna binge a lot of djwifi fics while also looking at amazing art!!!
Five times Alya ran into her ex, and the one time he stopped being her ex.
Chapters: 1/1
Light angst with a happy ending! I don't really like the ex-lovers to lovers trope but this one is the only exception.
I will continue to expand the list in the future! But by now I hope I was helpful in the search of new fics!
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Hi, I just found your blog and I love it! I have nevere laugh so hard thanks to chewku and I started reading some of your others AUs. Can I ask you if you'd like to continue a bit the Gray Apprentice AU? The one with Obi-Wan both a sith and a jedi? Pretty please? I would love to see hin and Maul bicker for everything but then they form a brotherly bond and Maul gets adopted by Lord Zannah.
Okay, thank you SO much for reminding me that this AU exists because I love it very dearly (to the point where at one point I was starting to write full-on scenes and stashing them in a word doc for later). You can ABSOLUTELY have a bit of the Grey Apprentice AU
Obi-Wan, unlike his master, isn't really one for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. During tenure as Qui-Gon's apprentice, he's had a firsthand view of what results from judicious snooping, which is mostly messes that he’s had to help clean up, and that has never endeared him towards the practice, but this is different. This is more than justified. After all, it’s not often that one gets to look at a rival Sith’s ship, especially when that rival Sith is trussed up in the hold like a Takodana chicken on a festival day. 
Unfortunately, Maul’s ship is disappointing. Obi-Wan has long done away with his notions of Sith caves and fortresses dripping with filth and darkness, but he’d at least been expecting something more interesting than a closet full of black tunics and half a burrito wrapped up in the fridge. There should at least be some weapons— a few poisons, maybe, or a cursed pike if he’s lucky; Sith tend towards backups, and that extends to weapons as well as plans.
He frowns, looking around the hallway. He’s checked all the places he would hide things— inside the engine’s wiring, behind a second fake panel that is itself behind a wall panel, and even in the vents (though those are fairly obvious, and therefore a last resort)— but he hasn’t found anything. Obi-Wan reaches out with his senses, calling for the Dark in the hopes that the Sith-blessed weapons will call back, but there isn’t any response; the entire ship is peaceful, almost blank. 
Obi-Wan slaps a hand to his forehead, swearing. He’s been looking at this as though Maul is a fallen Jedi. Of course he’s not going to bother hiding the weapons carefully, he’s just going to mask them with the Force. Instead of looking for where they are, Obi-Wan should be looking for where they aren’t. 
He reaches out with the Force again, and finds several deeply suspicious blank spots. Obi-Wan grins. Perfect. 
Which is, of course, the moment Maul has to wake up and start making noise. Obi-Wan sighs. That’s the trouble with kidnapping people. They never let you look over their things in peace. 
By the time he gets to the hold, Maul is screaming (presumably with rage, though the bindings, physical and Force-created, are keeping him from moving even his face). It’s a rather funny scene— it’s always amusing to watch someone used to having power suddenly have access to none of it. It’s the panic, really, sort of like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. “Hello there.” 
Maul, predictably, screams. 
“You know you’re just going to damage your vocal chords if you keep at that,” Obi-Wan says, undoing the bindings on Maul’s face, mouth and lips included. “Can we have a civil conversation now?” 
“I will defeat you, Jedi,” Maul hisses, eyes blazing with fury. “You will know the pain of my saber as your flesh is rent apart.” 
“Haven’t we already been through this?” Obi-Wan sighs. “I defeated you on Tatooine. You can’t seriously be expecting a do-over.” 
“I will tear you limb from limb. I will break every bone in your body, and feed the splinters into your muscle. I will pierce your skin with one thousand needles, crush your brain inside your skull. I will—” 
Obi-Wan gives him a flat look. “You’ll do nothing until I undo your bindings, which isn’t going to happen if you keep up with that.” 
“My master will come for me.” Maul’s eyes are filled with such fervor that Obi-Wan almost feels bad for him. 
“Maul,” Obi-Wan says, looking at him with a sincerity he hopes displays how utterly stupid he thinks it is that they have to have this conversation, “do you really think your master cares if you live or die?” 
“I will tear your beating heart from your chest, rip your spine through your back—” 
“Yes, yes,” Obi-Wan says, “we’ve been through this. I’m sure you know many ways to kill me gruesomely.” He huffs. “I mean, fuck’s sake, he’s already grooming a new apprentice. He won’t be finished cooking for another year or two, but you’ve not got more than a couple months before your replacement waltzes in and kills you.” 
“I have no replacement,” Maul growls. 
Obi-Wan wants to feel cheered that Maul has stopped issuing death threats, but the murderous intent gathering around the other man is somewhat dampening his triumph. “Yes, you do.” 
Maul opens his mouth, but before he can argue, Obi-Wan continues. 
“He’s been laying a trail, you know. Your killing my master was supposed to be the final straw for him to finally immerse himself in the darkness. Of course,” Obi-Wan adds, not very contrite, nor inclined to fake it, “he was then supposed to track you down in a little while, and kill you— for the light, of course. All that would be left then is the sacrifice.” 
“You lie,” Maul spits.  
“No,” Obi-Wan says, exasperated, “I don’t, and I know you know that because I can feel you listening to the Force to check. Sidious is going to do away with you, sooner rather than later, and you’re not prepared to face him.” 
Maul’s eyes widen, the implications finally settling in. 
“Work with me,” Obi-Wan offers. “Help me kill him before he can get rid of you.” 
“This is a trick— you want me to give away my secrets, to betray my master, to turn us against each other to take us down.” 
“Well, yes, that was the general idea.”  
Maul’s expression doesn’t change, suspicion still clouding his features beyond all else. 
“I’m offering you the chance to save your life,” Obi-Wan adds, gentler.  
“Very well.” Maul grits his teeth. “But know this, Jedi, after we have disposed of him, I will come for you and your master, and I will make you watch as I kill him. 
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes, disgusted. “Banites.”
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pause to ponder the miracles
a holiday secret santa gift for @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​
“Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
Clarke shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you, too." Bellamy opened his mouth to say something but Clarke barrelled on. "So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Modern AU where Bellamy hasn’t truly celebrated Christmas in years, and with the help of his sister’s university roommate, maybe this year can be different.
Rated teen+ for language
[ read on ao3 ]
So!! I don’t think anyone else has posted their fics for this event yet but I figured I had it done, might as well be the first. So a little backstory on this fic: I had originally planned out something entirely different. I was trying to stay in canon-verse but honestly I was having enough trouble with the holiday theme anyway so I gave it up and moved it to modern-verse. And the first couple things I drafted up I tried to make more focused on the group rather than one person but that also didn't work very well so I decided Bellamy might be a good pick for you. And as much as I tried to not make it romantic I- kind of failed. As you’ll see.
Anyway!! I hope this is holiday-themed enough for you!! I’m actually considering maybe writing a second chapter to this because I did really enjoy typing this out, but that’s iffy.
Merry christmas, dear!! I hope you like it ♥
( I’ll post the whole thing below the cut, but formatting is probably better on ao3 )
“Christmas is like softly-falling snow that covers the world in a blanket of white so flawless and brilliant as to make us pause to ponder the miracle.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold
Bellamy had never had much of a Christmas.
Before Aurora had passed, they’d bake cookies and buy gifts and string lights on the walls, but after, it had mostly stopped. Bellamy was too focused on providing for himself and his sister to worry much about holidays. Sure, he’d buy Octavia a few small gifts, sometimes they’d go walk around neighborhoods and look at the fancy light shows some houses boasted, but it was never anything big for them.
This year was different.
It started like this: Octavia had just begun her first year at university, courtesy of years of saving up for it, and when November rolled around, Octavia came home to him for a few days. She brought a friend. Clarke Griffin, her roommate, who looked like she’d never struggled for a day in her life. Bellamy immediately disliked her. But for Octavia’s sake, he tried to mask it.
“So, Clarke,” he started, the three of them lounging in the living room, Octavia and Clarke with a bag of chips between them. “What brings you down here?”
She shrugged. “My hometown is more than a few hours drive from campus, didn’t feel like making the effort. Octavia invited me along when she figured out I wasn’t going anywhere.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t feel like going to see your family?”
“Nah. The only reason I’d want to go down would be to see my old friends, and not all of them would even be around. My mom and I don’t have the best relationship.” Clarke scrunched her nose. “ And I’d already told her I’d come see her for Christmas, so no reason to make the drive.”
Bellamy huffed. Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Something funny?”
Octavia was glaring at him, so he just settled back. “Nope. All good, Princess.”
Clarke didn’t seem to believe him. Octavia stood up, tugging Clarke with her. “Come on babe, why don’t we go hang out on our own?”
Clarke and Bellamy avoided each other for the rest of the day. And the day after that.
It didn’t last.
It was early, early enough that Bellamy expected to be gone for work by the time the girls got up. But then Clarke strode into the kitchen and rested her hands on the counter, hard eyes locked onto him. “Why do you hate me?”
And Bellamy, not at all prepared for that, just stared at her for a few moments. “What?”
“You heard me. What’s your problem with me?”
He turned around, taking a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know what you mean.”
She growled. He heard her shuffling around, and suddenly she was right in his face. Bellamy jerked back, almost spilling his coffee. So maybe he didn’t like her, but her glare was downright terrifying.
Bellamy clenched his jaw. “Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
She shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you too.”
Bellamy’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Why?”
Clarke sighed. “Because I like your sister, and I know she’s never had much of a real Christmas. And because I’m nice, I was going to invite you so you could not be a sad person who spends Christmas alone.”
The only thing he could say to that was “oh.”
Clarke didn’t seem bothered by it. “So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Clarke grinned. “Great! I’ll bring it up to Octavia later today. Now tell me if you have anything other than that straight black coffee you’re drinking-”
And despite himself, Bellamy could tell she was already growing on him.
Though Bellamy offered to make the drive alone, Clarke insisted that she come and pick him up. Said it wasn’t too much of a detour. He knew it was easier to just agree. There was no arguing with Clarke.
And so that was how Bellamy found himself draped over the backseat of Clarke’s car, the two girls chatting enthusiastically in the front seats.
“Bell, are you excited?” Octavia asked, turning around. “We’re going to have a real Christmas! With a tree and presents and lights and cookies!”
Honestly, he was more nervous than excited. He wouldn’t know anyone there other than Octavia and Clarke, and the latter he still didn’t know very well. But he let Octavia’s joy seep into him, smiling back at her. “I am.” And because he was far too polite, he addressed Clarke too. “And thank you, Clarke, for inviting us.”
She waved him off. “Oh, it’s helping me too, don’t worry. Hopefully it’ll get my mom off my back about how I need to expand my social circle now that I’m in uni. She’s been bugging me about it forever.”
He hummed. “What year are you?”
“Sophomore. Majoring in creative arts, minoring in a couple medical classes. Mostly because of my mother.”
He raised an eyebrow, though she couldn’t see. “Sounds controlling.”
“Ugh. Very.” Clarke clenched the steering wheel tightly. “She was so angry when I said I was majoring in the arts. Said it wasn’t a career that would get me very far in life. She’s always wanted me to be a doctor like her.”
He chuckled. “You don’t strike me as very doctor-esque.”
“Oh, she’s better than you’d think,” Octavia butted in. “I got sick for a few days in the first weeks, and Clarkey here had it down. I barely even had to do anything.”
Clarke shrugged. “Not a bad skill to have.”
“I probably would have died without you.”
“It was a stomach bug, O.”
And suddenly he wasn’t as worried about the trip as he was before. Not if it was going to be like this.
Abby Griffin was a very intense woman.
She and Clarke exchanged quick hellos, Abby going to hug her daughter, but even Bellamy could tell it was awkward. When she addressed him and Octavia, it was very stiff, professional, and Bellamy could see why she and Clarke didn’t get along. The two women were opposite personalities, sharing the same stubborn streak that likely played a big part in their strained relationship.
Another thing he noticed that was very opposite to Clarke was the house. From what he knew of Clarke, she was not a very organized person. Her car was a bit of a mess, a lot of her clothes were stained with paints, and she didn’t put much effort into her appearance. Abby’s house was huge and pristine, everything sparkling clean, the house itself matching Abby’s intenseness. 
The woman sat them on the couch and went to get them drinks. Bellamy looked around the huge living room. “This where you grew up?”
Clarke shuddered. “God, no. My mom moved in after my dad… died. He never wanted anything big or fancy. I lived here for about two years before moving out. Though honestly I tried to spend as much time out of the house as I could. It’s almost too much.”
Octavia leaned closer, keeping her voice low. “You didn’t tell me your mom was rich!”
“She’s a world-class surgeon, I thought that was a given.”
“I didn’t expect this!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Clarke shrugged. “I wasn’t planning on spending much time here anyway. We’ll probably spend Christmas day here, but the real fun will be on Christmas Eve. One of my high school friends is a master at throwing parties. You’ll have the time of your life, trust me.”
Neither Blake could reply as Abby walked back in with drinks for each of them. Bellamy wasn’t sure what it was, but it tasted fancier than anything he’d ever had. 
“So.” Abby sat down on one of the plush chairs across from the couch. “Why don’t you two tell me about yourselves? Clarke doesn’t talk much about school.”
Octavia spoke up first. “I’m her roommate. Majoring in video production.”
Abby nodded, not seeming very impressed. “And you?”
Bellamy shifted. “I’m Octavia’s brother. I’m not in uni.”
“Oh?” Abby’s face shifted a bit at that. “Did you graduate?”
“Never went.”
“I see.”
“Okay!” Clarke interrupted. “O, Bell, how about I get you two set up in your rooms and we can go out somewhere?”
Octavia jumped up, eager to get out of the room. Bellamy nodded, taking one last sip of his drink. “Sounds good, Princess.”
Abby’s scalding gaze fell onto him as the nickname fell from his mouth, but he couldn’t care less.
“So where are we going?”
“To a local diner,” Clarke said. “I invited some friends, too. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Clarke, I have been dying to meet your friends after all the stories you’ve told me,” Octavia responded. “Which ones?”
“Raven, Murphy, and Emori.”
Octavia clapped her hands together. “I am so excited to meet Raven. She sounds like a badass.”
Clarke laughed. “Oh, she is. I have no doubt you two will get along like a house on fire.”
And after meeting her, Bellamy knew they would.
Raven was full of energy and possibly the most sarcastic person ever. She had a brace on her leg, but it didn’t stop her from bowling Clarke over with a hug when they met outside. “Clarke! It’s been so long!”
“Hey, Rae!” The blonde laughed. “It has! How’ve you been?”
“Fantastic. Who are they? Friends?”
Octavia was practically beaming. “I’m Octavia! Clarke’s my roommate. Heard a lot about you.”
Raven preened. “Of course you have, I’m awesome.” She leaned over to Clarke. “Why didn’t you tell me your roommate was this hot?”
Clarke chuckled. “Jealous, Rae?”
“Of you? Never.” Raven reached out and took Octavia’s arm. “Come on, hot stuff, let me buy you a drink.”
Bellamy was smiling widely at how happy his sister was. Clarke bumped his shoulder, making him look down at her. “Come on. Your sister will be fine with Raven for a while. Come and meet Murphy and Emori.”
He couldn’t help the surprise that shot through him. “You don’t want Octavia to come with us?”
Clarke rolled her eyes. “When will it get through your thick skull that I actually like you? Come on!”
Bellamy flushed at that, trailing after Clarke into the diner. She didn’t even have to look around, heading straight towards a table in the far corner. There were two people there, a man who looked like he wanted to murder everyone in sight and a woman with kind eyes and a tattoo covering half of her face.
The woman lit up as she saw them approaching. “Griffin! Damn, it’s good to see you!”
“You too, Emori,” Clarke said, leaning down to hug her. “You and Murphy doing well?”
Emori’s smile split her face. “We just bought an apartment together!”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Girls, if you could stop being sappy for one minute,” the man, most likely Murphy, butted in. “Who’s this bitch?”
“Oh!” Clarke grabbed his elbow, pulling him to sit down beside her opposite of her friends. “This is Bellamy. I invited him along for Christmas.”
“Guess I’ll be stuck seeing you around then.” Murphy looked him up and down. “He your boyfriend or something?”
Bellamy blushed, and Clarke sputtered. “What? No! Honestly, I barely even know him that well- he’s just my roommate’s brother.”
And it shouldn’t mean anything, but Bellamy feels disappointed anyway. He’d hoped they were friends on their own now. He thought that was what Clarke had meant outside. Apparently not.
“Roommate’s brother, huh?” Murphy just nodded. “Kinda disappointed. Dude looks like he’d be great in bed.”
Emori smacked his head, both Bellamy and Clarke going red again. Murphy just cackled. “What? You gonna tell me that’s a lie?”
Emori huffed. “You need to learn decency.”
“If you expect decency from me then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did.”
“Okay, okay,” Murphy raised his hands. “Have it your way.”
“Great,” Clarke interrupted, her cheeks still flushed pink. “How about we get some food and we can catch up?”
Emori elbowed Murphy before he could say anything. “That sounds wonderful, Clarke.”
Bellamy had to admit, Clarke’s friends were growing on him.
“Bellamy, man, back me up here,” Murphy insisted. “Tell these two gremlins that their movie taste is shit.”
“Says the man who likes to watch slasher films in the middle of the night!”
“It’s better than the comedies you like to watch? In what way are those entertaining?”
“In what way is watching people get their brains ripped out entertaining?”
Beside him, Clarke giggled, nudging him with her elbow. “Whose side are you on?”
Bellamy just scoffed. “Neither. Both genres are mediocre at best.”
Murphy turned to him, slapping his hand down on the table. “Oh, and what do you watch? Fucking documentaries?”
...he did, yes, but he wasn’t going to admit that now. “Just saying, if you like horror, psychological is better. Slasher films are just blood and guts. No suspense.”
“Suspense is bullshit, who needs the creepy buildup? Just get right into the action!”
“Glad to see you boys are having fun.”
Raven slid into the bench beside Emori, Octavia dropping down beside Clarke, who gave her a smirk. Leaning over, Clarke said to her, loud enough that the whole table could hear: “have fun on your date?”
“Our date was definitely more enjoyable than whatever you idiots got up to,” Raven responded for her, wrapping an arm around Emori. “Bet you were wishing I was here.”
Clarke snorted. “Never any fun without you, Rae.”
“Of course not, I’m the life of the party.” She took a sip of Emori’s drink and crinkled her face. “You losers didn’t even get good drinks.”
“Just because Emori is boring doesn’t mean the rest of us are, Reyes,” Murphy said, earning another elbow to the ribs from his girlfriend. “And who are you to judge us? You drink pepsi.”
Bellamy watched as the two descended into arguing, as seemed to happen often with this group. And even if he was a bit excluded, he still found himself having more fun than he’d had in a while. It was nice, being a part of something again. Hanging out with friends. He had never had much time for that, between working and taking care of Octavia.
Maybe he could find that again.
“So did you have fun?”
Bellamy looked up from his spot on the couch to see Clarke wandering over to him, dressed in pajamas, hair dark and damp. She looked adorable. Not that he’d tell her that.
“Yeah, I did. Your friends are an interesting group,” he said as Clarke sat down on the arm next to him. From the sound of running water, he guessed Octavia had hopped in the shower after Clarke. Abby was gone when they got back, most likely at the hospital, but nobody was complaining much. “You grew up with them?”
“Kind of. We all got stuck together in high school, and we just clicked. Before that, I’d only had one friend. His dad moved though, and I never found out where to.” She had thrown an arm over the back of the couch so she could lean back, and her arm pressed against his shoulder. He could smell the shampoo she’d used. Clarke didn’t seem to notice their proximity, but he was hyper-aware of it.
“You seem to work well with them. You’re all very rowdy. Very fun. You seem like you would’ve been a trouble-making group when you were teens.”
Clarke chuckled. “Oh, we were. The friends that’ll be hosting the party, Jasper and Monty, they were always sneaking drugs and alcohol for the rest of us, and we’d always get into trouble with them. Maybe it was that common factor that had us all getting along.” 
Bellamy huffed. “Honestly? When I first met you I thought you’d be a goody-two-shoes.”
Clarke laughed. “God, no. Maybe when I was younger I was. But after my dad died, my mom started getting on my nerves, trying to control my life, and I wanted to be rebellious. So I did everything I could to piss her off. I still kind of do, to be honest, but I’m trying to get better about it. I don’t want to hate my mom for the rest of my life.”
Bellamy was silent for a moment. “You want to know another thing I thought when I first met you? When you said you had a bad relationship with your mom, my first thought was that at least you still had a mom.”
Clarke’s face fell. “Oh, Bell…”
He shrugged. “I hated you because you seemed like a privileged princess. And I guess in a way, you kind of are, but you’re more than that. You have your own problems too. It’s not your fault your mom is rich.”
Clarke offered a small smile. “I don’t blame you for thinking that. With how you grew up, you have every right to hate me for the way I live. For how lucky I am.”
He shook his head. “No. You didn’t choose your life any more than I chose mine. We didn’t choose the family we were born into, but we can choose what we do with our lives after that.”
Clarke moved her arm to wrap around his shoulder, pulling him to lean against her. She rested her cheek on top of his head. “I’m glad you don’t hate me. I’m starting to like you.”
He chuckled. “I’m starting to like you too, Princess.”
She sighed. “That’s sticking, isn’t it?”
“You bet it is.”
They laughed together, and Bellamy could feel something warm bubbling inside him. Maybe he was starting to like her a bit too much.
It was only a few more days, though. He could bear it.
When they pulled up to the house, Bellamy could already tell he was in for a ride.
It was decked out in crappy Christmas decorations, blow up characters, window stickers, hell, there was even a garden flamingo with a santa hat on it sticking out of the snow by the mailbox. Octavia was out of the car barely a second after Clarke turned it off, and Bellamy laughed at her eagerness. Clarke smiled back at him, pushing open the car door.
“Look who it is!” Someone cheered when Clarke opened the door. A scrawny dude bounced up to them, wrapping Clarke up in his arms. “Missed you, Clarkey!”
“Missed you too, Jasper.” Another guy came up and hugged her, looking like possibly the sweetest person Bellamy has ever met. “Hey, Monty!”
“I’m so happy you’re back!” Monty beamed. “Oh my god have you heard the news?”
Clarke beamed back at him. “What news?” “Harper and I got engaged!”
“Holy shit, really?” Clarke hugged him again, squeezing hard. “I’m so happy for you! I’m invited to the wedding, right?”
“Of course you are!” A woman walked up to them, pulling Clarke away from Monty. “We’d never leave you out.”
“So who proposed to who?”
Monty blushed. Harper just laughed. “I proposed to him.”
Meanwhile, Jasper had made his way over to where he and Octavia were hanging by the door. “Clarke! You brought new people!”
Clarke perked up, moving back to grab both Bellamy and Octavia by their arms and drag them forward. “Yeah! Come on, I’ll introduce you to the group!”
The main room was already a bit of a mess, a poorly decorated Christmas tree tucked in the corner. Bellamy saw the familiar faces of Raven, Murphy, and Emori, who waved at them eagerly. Raven hopped up and sauntered over to Octavia, slinging an arm over her shoulder. Octavia grinned. “Hey, bitch.”
“Okay!” Clarke let go of Octavia as Raven pulled her over to sit beside her, instead wrapping both hands around Bellamy’s arm. “Guys, this is Bellamy, and that’s his sister Octavia. They’re friends from uni.”
There were a few choruses of ‘nice to meet you’ thrown out. One dude came up and extended a hand to him, which Bellamy took. “Hey, I’m Nathan Miller, but most people just call me Miller. It’s nice to see a new face around here.”
Bellamy shook his hand. “Happy to be here.”
“Kind of surprised Jasper hasn’t broke out the alcohol yet,” Clarke, still wrapped around his arm, commented. “He’s usually way too excited about it.”
Miller just chuckled. “Yeah, Maya’s been keeping him entertained. She’s his new girlfriend, by the way. A sweet girl. I’m not sure how she and Jasper work romantically, but they seem to have a good thing going.”
Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Really? Well, I’m happy for him. I haven’t seen him in any serious relationships since- ever, I think.”
“Well, he’s a bit intense, takes someone special to handle him.”
Bellamy snorted. “No offense, but everyone here is a bit intense.”
Clarke huffed out a laugh. “Think you can handle it, Bell?”
Bellamy made an unsure face. Miller slapped his arm. “Don’t worry, man, we aren’t that bad. It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but you get used to it. If you can handle her, we can’t be much worse.”
Clarke snorted. “What are you implying, Miller?”
He raised his hands up in surrender. “Nothing bad.”
“If you say so…”
“You know what we should do?” Jasper stood up from the couch beside a timid-looking woman. “We should go outside!”
Raven wrinkled her face. “Jas, it’s like, supremely cold outside. There is snow on the ground.”
“Exactly! Come on, where’s your inner child? Don’t you want to go play in the snow?”
Raven grabbed her thigh, lifting her leg. “You see this brace? This thing gets insanely stiff in the cold. I’m not going.”
“Come oooooon,” Jasper whined. “Stop being such a party pooper! Where’s your sense of fun?”
Octavia grabbed Raven’s hand, pulling her onto her feet. “I think it’s a great idea!”
Raven made an incredulous sound. “This is betrayal!”
“You coming or not?”
Raven glared at her before sighing. “Fine.”
Jasper whooped. “Yes! Octavia, I love you already!”
The group laughed, all seeming to have been spurred on by Jasper and Octavia’s eagerness, and Clarke pulled Bellamy towards the door, neither having shed their coats or boots since coming inside. He stumbled along behind her, laughing, and though the chill was sharp, he was warm with happiness. 
The rest of the group piled outside behind them, and Jasper and Octavia immediately set to work rolling a snowman. Bellamy and Clarke began to roll another section for the snowman when a snowball hit Clarke in the back.
They both looked back to see Raven cackling at them, a cocky smirk set upon her face. Clarke scooped up a wad of snow, throwing it back, but it went awry and Raven just held up a middle finger.
Bellamy crouched down to make his own snowball, and with Raven distracted by Clarke’s efforts to hit her, he threw. It hit Raven right in the shoulder, and she let out an indignant cry. Clarke cheered before Murphy came up behind her and shoved snow down the back of her coat.
And suddenly everybody had been sucked into the game.
Octavia hit Bellamy on the side, and when he went to retaliate she darted behind Emori, who Bellamy then hit in the stomach with a snowball. He got pelted with so many snowballs, but he threw at anyone who was in range, and Bellamy felt happier than he had in a long time. He and Octavia would do this sometimes when they were younger, and it reminded him of that. He couldn’t stop smiling the entire time.
Eventually, it died down, and though by now they were all thoroughly soaked, they still attempted to finish the snowman that had been started before Raven made the first attack. Even with so many people working on it, it wasn’t the best, especially not when no one had bothered to get supplies from inside, but they gathered some little rocks to use as the mouth, eyes, and nose, and it was good enough.
So after they all wandered back inside soaked and shivering and promptly collapsed in the main area. Bellamy fell onto the floor in front of the couch, leaning back onto Clarke’s legs. Emori plopped down next to him and flashed him a grin, eyes flickering between him and Clarke. Her implications were clear. Bellamy shook his head, and Emori rolled her eyes.
Jasper, still somehow bouncing with energy, declared they were going to have a Christmas movie night. “You came on a good year,” Emori said beside him. “Usually Christmas Eve is a lot more chaotic than this.”
He chuckled. “Miller said the same thing. He blamed it on the new girlfriend.”
Emori snorted. “Maya? It could be, yeah. I think Jasper’s trying to impress her.”
“I can’t imagine him being any worse than this.”
“Oh, god, this is probably him at his best.” Emori nodded to Monty. “Monty used to be the same way, until Harper. The girls keep them reined in most of the time. They probably would’ve accidentally blown themselves up by now without Harper.”
“That’s more Raven’s thing. They’d end up getting arrested for theft, probably.” Clarke leaned down behind him to enter the conversation, and he could feel her hair brushing the top of his head. “How many times has Jasper shoplifted?”
“Every time he goes to any store.”
Bellamy laughed with them, once again feeling intense gratitude to Clarke for inviting him.
“Okay okay shut up! We’re watching a movie!” Jasper yelled. “What’s a good Christmas movie?”
“Home Alone!”
“Fuck no!”
“What’s a Christmas movie that isn’t a comedy?”
“Literally none of them!”
“There are some!”
“Like what?”
“Oooookay, I’m deciding!” Jasper declared, picking up the remote. Everyone grumbled at that, but Bellamy was just amused. He felt something tap the side of his head and tilted his head back, seeing Clarke grinning down at him. He smiled back, face bright with happiness. This wasn’t like any Christmas he’d ever had, but it was his favorite already.
Jasper turned something on, Bellamy wasn’t really sure, and then he and Monty went into the kitchen to get everyone drinks. In true Christmas spirit, Harper yelled after them to make hot chocolate and not just grab some alcohol. Murphy huffed. “You really trust them with a stove?”
“They’re grown men, Murphy.”
“They don’t act like it.”
Maya trailed after the boys into the kitchen, and a little bit later they came back with cups of hot chocolate for everyone. Bellamy took a sip, the scalding liquid instantly warming him up. Someone turned the overhead lights off and the holiday lights on, illuminating the room in red and green. This was truly Christmas.
Bellamy wasn’t paying much attention to the movie, more to the quiet conversations that were constantly going on, whether it be Raven and Murphy arguing over something or Jasper making snide comments, but there was always the low buzz of talking, never silence. Not that he would have expected it from them.
A hand wove into his hair, and Bellamy turned his head to look back up at Clarke. She had a blanket tucked up to her chin, her mug held tight in one hand, and her eyes shone. She looked so content and relaxed, snuggled up on the couch, a hand combing idly through his hair. 
“You look happy,” she murmured. “Happier than I’ve ever seen you.”
He smiled. “I am happy. I’m glad you invited me, Clarke. This is amazing.”
“This is the best Christmas Eve I’ve had in a long time,” she sighed. “You should come next year, too.”
Bellamy blushed. “You want me to come back?”
“Of course. You’re fun, when you aren’t hating me.”
“I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Good. I didn’t like it when you hated me.”
Bellamy let himself indulge as he grabbed her hand from his hair, tangling their fingers and pressing a kiss to her cold skin. She giggled, and he looked back up at her, cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
He hoped he could come back next year. And maybe every year after that, too.
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vidimillion · 4 years
Jasico in Atlantis/Treasure Planet &/or Pirates AU?? Mostly just thinking about that fantasy treasure huntin' adventure flavor...
it took a while for me to get the time to write this and even longer to get the inspo for it. honestly was a blast to think up tho. thanks for the req!
jason grace is the son of the king, groomed to one day be the one to take the throne. whether he liked it or not.
the young prince was the king's ideal son— handsome, smart, athletic, kind... the picture perfect image of a leader. a young man who liked to read stories about adventure and ride horseback into the kingdom, where he'd look at the other kids his age, playing around.
look. look, and never join.
his older sister thalia, the ex-crown princess, has not been seen since jason was a little kid. at least, not officially, because in reality she had been visiting her baby brother in secret for years. she'd been on the run the whole time, but always found a way to come back to her brother.
jason loves her, he does, but he resents her a little for leaving the pressure of the kingdom (and their father) on him. though every time he asks her, she only smiled at him and whispered, "don't worry about anything. I have a plan."
he never understood what she meant. he wanted to believe her, but as his eighteenth birthday and thus his coronation grows closer, he still doesn't even know what he's supposed to be believing in.
a few weeks shy of his coronation, thalia asks him to meet her at the beach three days before the big day. he never expects her visits, them being few and far between, so her setting a schedule was a surprise to him. he worries about being caught, with their father doubling down on security as the coronation draws closer. she insists though, and jason yields. three days before his coronation, he sneaks out to go to the beach, but she isn't there.
he walks around for a little while, trying to look for her, and for a second he worries that she was caught by someone while she was waiting for him. before he can begin to freak out, he hears a low hum in the distance. he walks around the beach, by the rocks, and decides to try the cliff to find the source of it. by the time the cliff is in view, the humming starts to sound like a baritone song. his mind doesn't think to question it, doesn't recognize anything amiss, and before he realizes it he's running for the cliff's edge and he's staring straight down into the sea.
when he wakes up, it takes his hearing a while to come back, and the first thing he notices is the moon is still high in the sky.
"—lure him into the water, I didn't want you to make him jump off a cliff!"
that voice sounds like thalia, jason thought, the first coherent thing he's conceptualized in a while.
"I can't help where he goes, I just tell him to go!"
that sounds like the voice he heard before he jumped.
"hey, he's awake."
that voice sounds... hot.
jason's eyes open to a black-haired, olive-skinned boy with a jawline that could cut fucking glass. he mumbles groggily, "Did I die?"
Hot Guy smiles like jason told him a half-funny joke, "Why do you think you did?"
jason groaned like he was both in pain and was immensely tired. "You look like an angel."
that was definitely not the answer Hot Guy expected, because he immediately flushes red and sputters. jason's eyes focus behind the Hot Guy and sees thalia wolf whistling at him, and a fucking siren with a long sea-green tail bursting into laughter. "You're not dead Jay," thalia says, "but we're definitely very far from home."
(more under the cut. like a lot more.)
apparently, his beloved sister became a fucking pirate after running away. jumping from ship to ship, she’d been gaining a reputation for herself before pledging her loyalty to one of the most formidable pirate crews on the seven seas (and the only one that's all-female). the 'plan' she'd had, that she'd foreshadowed for almost years, was just to get her half-siren friend percy (who can apparently go from siren to human form at will, which jason thinks is awesome) to lure jason into the sea where they could get him.
jason politely admits that it sounds super stupid. thalia does agree, but enforces the fact that it did work.
the ship jason is currently on is apparently, percy's. he's the captain of a crew of five, six if you include him, named hazel, frank, leo, piper and annabeth. thalia just likes to visit sometimes.
they're tiny, and they're all very young, but jason's doubts about their capabilities vanish once percy tells him that people call them the six. jason's heard of them, obviously— his father has been trying to catch them for months now. his father was already furious knowing he wasn't able to capture a crew so small in size, imagine what would happen if he found out the oldest one of all of them is nineteen.
jason, on his first few days on the ship, feels numb. thalia had percy set him up in the med bay, at the back of the ship where the only thing he can hear is the crash of water. he thinks about his kingdom, his father— what was he going to do without an heir? what was the kingdom going to do without a king? he feels relieved, he feels guilty, he feels like he's failing the one thing he was born to do and feels like he has a chance to pick what he wants to do.
jason closes his eyes, thinking, and doesn't notice someone had come in until a cold hand lays on his forehead. he jolts his eyes open and it's nico, the Hot Guy who was with thalia and percy. nico tells him he was just checking jason's temperature and he turns to leave, but jason stops him and asks him to stay. there was "no" already on the tip of his tongue, but jason didn't stand for it. nico desisted, only to wonder why jason was so adamant about making him stay.
jason asks why percy didn't call him a part of the crew. hesitantly, nico tells him it's because he isn't. he's not an official pirate of any crew, and instead runs around ship to ship and coast to coast, either striking deals with the more reasonable pirates or taking out crews of them all on his own.
jason asks him why he keeps moving around like that. as a short answer, nico tells him it's for his father's work. jason feels like there's more to it than that, but he doesn't push.
the medicine thalia insisted he take was making him a little loopy. he barely recalls what he was saying, but apparently it was stupid enough to make nico laugh and respectful enough to make him stay. the medicine doesn't make him too loopy for very long, just a few hours, but the next night when jason found himself wanting company again, he played stupid so nico would stay with him.
(hazel, nico's half sister and apparently the only reason he sometimes travels with their ship for a few days, was the one in charge of taking care of him while he was forcefully bedridden. he realized she knew what he was doing when all three of them were talking one day and she gave him a thumbs-up behind nico's back.)
nico leaves once jason's off bed rest. he asks hazel whether or not she knows when they're gonna pick him up again, and she tells him the week and a half he was there with them was actually the longest time he's ever stayed.
he keeps asking for a while after nico's left. after four weeks, he stops asking.
six months later, they pick nico up again at a bustling port. it's also the same port where jason decides to leave.
jason spends the first night off the ship in a warm little inn, but he doesn't sleep. he thinks he really should sleep more when he didn't realize a fucking intruder got into his room until he heard the soft thump of their feet on the floor. he gets into a melee battle with the black-hooded figure, still quick on his feet even though he hasn't slept in weeks, but eventually the intruder has him pinned down to the nearest flat surface. jason almost bites them before the figure rips off their mask to reveal— it's just nico.
somehow, they end up sitting on the roof of the inn, sharing a bottle of wine nico denies he stole but jason absolutely knew he did.
nico asks jason why he decided to leave the crew, even after getting so irreversibly close with all of them— which he knows jason did.
jason answers that by telling him about his kingdom, back across at least three seas by now. he tells nico about how the town square shines gold almost all hours of the day and glows even at twilight, but the further you get from the kingdom gates the more you see filthy alleys and dirty children. he tells nico about the times he'd go into town in disguise and see how many horrendous things are happening, then eavesdrop on council meetings and figure out why.
he also tells nico about his father, and he keeps it as brief as he can but nico understands what he means.
he tells nico he has to go back, get his kingdom and his crown no matter what chaos he knows would've erupted. he thinks of the councilmen, of dukes and lords he knows will be doing anything for a chance at the throne, now that the crown prince is missing. he tells nico about them, then he tells nico about his people, and he doesn't need to tell nico the rest to know he gets it.
nico still asks why he has to be the one to go back, when on the sea he has percy, piper, leo, thalia, freedom. in return, jason asks why nico is always running.
because i have to, is the answer to both their questions. maybe i'm wrong, but i think i have to.
three days later, after additional goodbyes and promises to write, they start a journey back to jason's kingdom. jason tells nico he shouldn't come, that it'll be a journey of peril that won't get any easier when they do get to the kingdom— nico just glares at him and continues to pack two horses even more aggressively. jason relents.
so now it's just the two of them, both running back and running away, but at least this time they've got a friend.
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snowdice · 5 years
Sometimes Labels Fail (Bonus Features)
Want to know what I’m blathering on about? Click below!
AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Title in my Word Document: The Correct Label is Baby. He’s Baby. (Yes, I label my WIP’s with memes when at all possible. No, I am not taking constructive criticism)
Technical Writing Facts:
This fic appears in three different places in my documents. First it started in my Ideas word document, then it transferred over to a file called TSSS superhero (which has now become where I store things in this universe until they become their own stories or one-shots. Currently I have 13,746 unpublished words in this folder… most of it is piecemeal, but I digress.). Then I decided to rewrite parts of it and put it in the word document mentioned above.
I wrote most of the story during finals week. The last chapter was written while I proctored my student’s exams. Logan’s crack about being asked questions about his class by students at coffee shops was me venting over something that had happened recently. Please, do not come up to me with your laptop open in a public place. I just wanted a cup of tea.
Patton did not originally have a large role in this fic. Then I wrote the first paragraph and thought it was funny to have Logan being absolutely serious as he listed out the way he segmented his life and just input random not as serous things, and Patton convincing him to put jam in cookies came up and then the binder part came in and suddenly it wasn’t a joke and they’d been married for decades.
In part 2, Logan comforts Patton by hugging him, rubbing his back, and laying his cheek on top of his head. In part 3, you see Patton comforting Virgil in the exact same way. This is intentional as Logan observed this behavior from Patton over the years and emulates it.
I wrote the whole story before giving Logan and Virgil superhero names. Instead I just wrote (Logan) and (Virgil) every time so I could “control f” their names with parenthesis when I decided on something.
I couldn’t stop calling Virgil Shadow Crawler and I don’t know why. I kept having to go back and find and replace in my word document for it.
I immediately regretted calling Logan Bluebird. It was fine for his chapter and then I couldn’t stop laughing every time Virgil seriously called him that in his head.
Character Facts:
All of the sides + Emile and Remy exist and are sympathetic in this AU.
Logan has a doctorate degree in math and physics. He double majored in both and went straight for a PhD in math after his undergrad. He picked the physics one up later. He also went and got a bachelor’s degree in biology. (No this wasn’t so he could understand Patton’s research papers better. That would be an irrational reason to get a college degree.)
Logan became a superhero out of academic spite because of course he did.
When Logan first became a hero, it was shortly after a scandal that happened where a major superhero’s identity was exposed, and it turned out it was the spouse of an important political figure. It was a very public and messy divorce. Logan swore to himself he’d never get into a relationship with someone who didn’t already know he was a superhero, citing it was a bad foundation for relationships. The catch 22 was that he refused to tell anyone his secret identity. Patton ended up figuring it out on his own. Logan had not accounted for this.
In fact, Logan at the end of this story, had never told anyone his secret identity. At the end of this story only three people knew: Patton, Virgil, and Remy. No one ever told Remy and they never discussed it with him. He just kinda figured it out and didn’t say anything. Logan knows he figured it out and also hasn’t said anything. Remy is a bit salty about this and likes to send subtle jabs at Logan about it. Both Patton and Logan know he knows. He’s known almost as long as Patton. It’s almost an inside joke between them at this point.
Virgil doesn’t know anything about his birth-parents other than his birth mother died in childbirth.
Virgil once stole something that was not money or food and it was completely accidental. He broke into a museum just to look as a 14th birthday present for himself. He got caught by a guard and panicked. For some reason, his panicked brain told him since he was a villain, he had to make it look like there was a villainous reason for him to be there… so he stole a statue. Yeah, he doesn’t understand it either. Yes, he ended up getting it back to them. What was he supposed to do with a statue?
Virgil plays the clarinet and is actually pretty good. He wasn’t able to get into any of the bands you have to audition for (he’s just in the general non-audition band at school) and was never able to really practice. Plus, his clarinet is one of those meh loaners from the school.
Virgil ends up majoring in biology with a minor in chemistry and attends the same college Logan teaches at.
I haven’t quite decided what Virgil’s going to do for his career when he grows up, but I’m leaning toward something in the medical field, though not a surgeon like Patton. Maybe a pediatrician.
Patton was the one originally with the name Sanders. Logan took his name when they married.
Patton’s family life wasn’t… great in his youth. He had some unhealthy perceptions of relationships and his place in relationships he had to work through.
The café Virgil and Logan went to in the last chapter is where Patton and Logan first met! Patton almost poured an entire cup of coffee on him because he was exhausted after a shift at the hospital. He didn’t even notice that Logan used his powers to prevent an accident. Logan wasn’t sure if he was acting like he didn’t noticed and was plotting something. He decided to keep an eye on him. (Spoiler alert: he did keep a very good eye on him.
Patton saved the life of the current mayor. She had been the chief of police about a decade before this story. She was majorly injured in the line of duty to the point where basically she was a lost cause. Patton, though, saw her two elementary aged sons and went absolutely not. With the permission of her wife, he took her in for multiple surgeries (many experimental) and by pure force of will stitched her back together. She woke up half a year later. Will she ever walk again? No. Did she get to adamantly insist on carrying boxes on her lap while riding a wheelchair to help her sons move into their college dorm this past fall? Yes.
Because of the above, Patton gets invited to many high-profile events. Patton does not like going to these things alone. Which isn’t a problem until Bluebird is on the guest list.
Remy has been working with Patton for basically forever. He’d been working for less than a year before he got swept up for an emergency surgery because he was the closest one around and it was a very high-profile case that needed to be dealt with right that second. That’s when he first met Patton and due to certain events, everyone in that room ended up with a certain tie to each other. He’s basically been Patton’s nurse ever since even when they just worked together in the ER. Everyone knew Remy was Patton’s nurse even though he wasn’t officially. When Patton stopped being an ER surgeon and became more of a specialist, Remy followed him right out the door and now works with him and two other doctors.
Roman didn’t appear in this story, but he was mentioned and he’s around. He started going out in a prince costume when he was 17. (He is 3 years older than Virgil). He gets away with it mostly because everyone “knows” Roman’s too dramatic and likes to boast. The boy couldn’t keep a secret like that to save his life. So, what if that guy has superstrength like him? Look he’s sitting right there. Wait that’s Remus? …Nah, still couldn’t be him.
Remus is Roman’s twin and has the same powers as him. He is not active during this story, but he will end up as a “villain.” He actually ends up working with a government agency to basically go undercover as a supervillain and helps bring down villains. He’s really good at it. His mothers know, but honestly, they kind of expected something like this. They’re just glad their other son is just a normal actor who has no interest in risking his life…
Deceit was actually mentioned (though not by name) in the first chapter. He is a vigilante and has been since before Logan was on the scene. Logan hates him. He probably would have gotten over being shot that one time, but then he made the mistake of needing medical care and kidnapping a doctor… He didn’t harm Patton at all, and Logan found him in like two hours, but none of that mattered. Logan was super, super pissed. The funny thing is, Deceit was not and still is not aware of Patton’s personal connection to Bluebird. He isn’t quite sure why Bluebird treats him with more disdain than he does most villains, but just figures he’s an asshole.
Emile is a pretty well-known psychiatrist. He offered his services free of charge for people affected by the school shooting. He even extended the invitation to Bluebird, letting him wear the mask the whole time. Logan took him up on it because honestly, it was a traumatic situation and he figured he should deal with it now rather than later. Emile is currently dating Remy. He was not 100% sure why the superhero Bluebird seemed to be giving him dating advice at a party, but it worked out. (No, Remy is not aware Logan set him up.)
Feel free to keep sending asks about this story going forward. I love them and I have a lot more about this universe in my head that I didn’t put here either unintentionally or intentionally.
Click here for asks already answered in chronological order.
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captainsupernoodle · 5 years
@wolfsrainrules @north-peach IT’S HERE!!
This is very long????????????
(also writing this really drove home another one of those moments where i'm just like “what the FLIP I have FAMILY as young as this hero WHAT ARE THE GROWNUPS DOING”)
Ichigo is immediately like “a person who Knows Things! Who's willing to Tell Me Those Things!” and sits down and lays out everything he's been mentally and not-so-mentally screaming about since he got STABBED with a SWORD and got up with MAGIC POWERS. Byakuya eventually meanders them to his estate and orders tea and half of soul society feels Judged even though they're not sure where it's coming from. Byakuya is massively unimpressed with Everything.
Whether this is right after the first invasion or later would change some things, but in any era what the fallout mostly boils down to is the Gotei freaking out because suddenly! The super-powerful kid they've had running around is asking questions! And doing things!! Legally!!!
Ichigo puts Byakuya on speed dial on his soul phone and calls him up every time he thinks of a problem or someone tries harassing him or Isshin says something that just. Doesn't add up.
And eventually he just starts calling Byakuya to yell about shinigami nonsense around town (his bedroom is no longer marked as a safe house, has the esteemed Gotei 13 fallen so low–), about theories and experiments he's doing to adapt kido to his reiatsu levels, about history and science and reishi architecture and whatever else catches his interests, and Byakuya pretty much always picks up, even if it's just to tell him that he's in a meeting and setting a time for them to talk, and when he visits soul society he has friends who are eager to see him but he always spends some time at Byakuya's.
(more under the cut!)
Byakuya is quick to invite him into the Kuchiki library, and they spend many afternoons and evenings just sitting quietly, Ichigo tearing through scrolls and records, Byakuya doing paperwork or reading, and sometimes Ichigo will ask a question or Byakuya will point out that this author over here expounds on that point in the book you're reading, and they'll have intellectual debates over hasty bites out of their dinner and the staff is Scandalized by the young lord taking books to the table but after the first three times they got up in the middle of eating bc byakuya was trying to enforce Decorum ichigo just brought his books with him and then byakuya had to get up to reference something and it was just too much trouble. The head servant whatever is just like fine! fine, at least they're not eating in the library, who knows what might happen with a Shiba in the works, at least the young lord still has a grip on his temper.
And it is funny to anyone who sees them together -- it took a little while because Ichigo isn't actually in SS all that often, he usually trains in the bunker and Kisuke is about all the mad scientist he can handle, but he comes to hang with Renji & other friends on some weekends -- but they actually do get along like a house on fire after byakuya flipped the "mentor" switch and let his guard down enough to keep getting sucked into heated debates. Ichigo's not a rebel, necessarily, in that he's not out there constantly looking for reasons to pick fights with anyone, he just doesn't let anyone pick fights with him or his friends and also goes "well that's stupid" with... pretty much any kind of unjust authority and law. It drives Byakuya a bit bonkers but he channels it into "educate the unfortunately misinformed future clan head" instead of immediate senbonzakura-ing. Trouble is that Ichigo is entirely ready for friendly debate throw-downs and yeah, maybe he doesn't have a law degree, but execution without a trial for trying to protect people, byakuya, really?
And this is where a little of the cultural confusion comes through, because Byakuya is intellectually aware that Ichigo is human but it doesn't really affect much beyond Ichigo being from somewhere else and being unfamiliar with soul society. And he's like, mostly adult-shaped, right? He's bigger than Toshiro, and most souls that look like Ichigo are already out doing things, even if they're still pretty closely connected with home, and he acts young sometimes but most of the time he's at Byakuya's level, just less experienced, which is to be expected given shinigami aging. So Byakuya answers any questions he has and applies pressure in ichigo's favor when needs be in the background, and otherwise lets Ichigo come to him and generally be independent.
And this works for Ichigo! He's been independent for years, wrongfully so, but he still has more life experience than most kids his age and is fiercely independent on top of that, so having someone to lean on is both novel and avoids being suffocating or condescending. A lot of the time he wants help – he already has more independence than he really wanted, and he's mostly adjusted to it, but it doesn't stop him from wanting some of that support that he's been lacking for so long, and that Byakuya is freely offering.
And eventually he figures out that he's started telling Byakuya things he hasn't told anyone else – questions about hollows eventually led to offhand mention of his hollowfication, and oh right, he'd actually kind of attacked Byakuya with his hollow mask, he'd probably want an explanation for that and even as chill as he's been so far the soul society anti-hollow rhetoric has gotta come into play somewhere with a noble –
Except Byakuya doesn't push. He never pushes. Even with that first offer, he was just laying out an option that Ichigo could take if he needed it, and he followed through when Ichigo took him up on it.
So he has a bit of a crisis and is a little more scowly than usual, but his sisters and friends know what it looks like when he's thinking really hard about something and leave him be, and he takes some long walks with Chad, just turning over what's been happening in his head and considering.
(Byakuya's been one of his people since he got his head screwed on straight, but Ichigo knows he has a tendency to latch on in ways that most people don't reciprocate, and it's okay. His friends have gone to war with him for someone they barely knew, they trust him, and he can lean on Chad most times, and it's good, it's good to have friends and precious people to protect.
But Byakuya isn't looking for his protection, or for someone to follow, or to spar with or experiment on or manipulate.
He's just – there.)
His thinking doesn't change much. He's already confided more in Byakuya than he has with anyone, because before hollows and Soul Society his friend group was all human teenagers doing teenager things, and Chad was sorely needed relief from a chaotic home life but he was still Ichigo's age, didn't have answers to a lot of the questions Ichigo's been shoving deep ever since his mom died. Byakuya doesn't press, doesn't judge, thinks deeply before speaking, but Ichigo always knows he's listening.
It's. It's good. It's really good.
And I guess I have a timeframe after all because Ichigo's really been there and back by the time of the Winter War. Byakuya sent his sister and his lieutenant to support Ichigo before he'd even been denied help to rescue Orihime, and came to Hueco Mundo himself, and listened again when Ichigo came to him, glaring and stiff, and slowly, quietly told him about dying and coming back less than human, fear in the faces of his friends and enemies, about seeing a soul – a person – crumble at his own hands.
Byakuya gets a hint, then, that Ichigo isn't quite the same as a soul. Souls might go entire lives only in soul society, from birth to death, but even souls who grow naturally rather than coming from the Living World are in some ways static, slightly less flexible in some fundamental way than those in the Living World. He does a little asking around, and Ichigo is so young even by human standards – Soul Society has been leaning on him like he's as old as his power levels suggest, in a place where passive reiatsu output is often more accurate than physical appearance, and all this time he's not even fully developed as a person, is still soft and learning how to exist in the world.
Byakuya has his own crisis right about then, and I'm playing fast and loose with timelines because I don't even remember most of the show, so in this au we're in a waiting period after clashing with the Espada just enough to get Orihime back – all the shinigami are alive, Grimmjow is licking his wounds-presumed-dead, tragic batman is dead, harribel and the tres bestias are not wearing battle bikinis cool, uuuuuuuum I think???? the vizard already happened before the grand desert slaycation??? Byakuya has a few belated heart attacks when he hears about training and the dangers thereof even though he's been privy to & helping with Ichigo's solo experiments with the hollow mask, and after Orihime is back and the shinigami do whatever sneaky sneak they've been planning or however it was they figured out about the time limit or whyever they wait for the Karakura pillars fiasco instead of, idunno, trying to prevent the megalomaniac from keeping hold of the magic rock….
ANYWAY there's a quiet period and Byakuya has his oh crap i'm a dad crisis and eventually is just like this is a literal child but he's proved himself time and time again that he's capable and wouldn't appreciate anyone butting in on his business uninvited, so instead he's sneaky about it. Most of his sneaking reveals that things are about like Ichigo's described, he has school and friends and training (urahara probably notices his snooping but he's certainly not the one filling in for Isshin's catastrophic failures in parenting, and maybe he sees the need or maybe he just isn't bothered enough to do something about being spied on, and he never interferes or tells kurosaki). Okay, this is fine, if everyone else is a complete and utter failure of a parent then he'll have to fill in whatever Ichigo hasn't covered himself. He gets an actually competent shinigami to cover Karakura, gets a copy of his school schedule and keeps people from harassing him near tests, is even more stringent with fronting central 46's stupidity and Very Firmly, At Risk of Murder cuts off all possible contact between Kurotsushi and Ichigo's people (and may start quietly grooming nemu to take over the 12th but nobody can prove it).
Things are bopping along, and then we have whatever permutation of the winter war that happens in this AU. Byakuya's been busy with the Grand Karakura Relocation or whatever the plan is and reinforcing his division, whipping them into shape after centuries of nothing but low-level hollows, and he knows that Ichigo's doing the same and he isn't concerned when they have less time to communicate.
Then Aizen.
I never actually watched the interim between the hundreds of episodes of vs arrancar fights and the butterfly beatdown but i'm assuming that everybody's tied up elsewhere or else they wouldn't have let a SINGLE 15YO fight aizen on his own, right? RIGHT???
Anyway in THIS fic that's the way it works, and while urahara and some of the other captains/ whoever's fighting fit, free, and not gonna die just from standing near the powerhouses lends a hand, so Byakuya is busy but not really worried bc Ichigo is a proven warrior and he has backup and for all his unexpected fondness, byakuya is still a military man and he Compartmentalizes.
Except then Ichigo's power rises and rises and rises again, and then all at once disappears.
Byakuya promptly flips his lid and Aizen goes into the box a bit more shredded than he did in the og timeline.
Everybody else gets the idea pretty quickly and flings Ichigo at Byakuya, who figures out what happened very fast and immediately decides Isshin has lost all rights to anything, ever. Ichigo is kept abreast of all developments in the efforts to get his powers back and NOBODY leaves him to his own devices for two years because Byakuya is persistently present and Isshin is on his shit list big time so he takes great joy in thwarting him at every turn.
I haven't watched or read the Ginjo arc at all but from what I gather they sneak in while Ichigo's isolated so there's a solid chance all that mess gets cut off at the knees.
Byakuya may or may not have an apartment and double life as a reclusive rich businessman in the Living World so that Ichigo has a place to stay when Isshin is Too Much, maybe the welcome eventually gets expanded to Chad and Orihime and the twins, but whatever goes on after Aizen, Byakuya is there and backing Ichigo up.
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nyancheetosmusical · 7 years
Be More Chill Legend of Zelda (MM) AU
Something I kind of put together, making a Majora’s Mask AU of BMC. I might write more, but i might not, we’ll see.
Writing under the cut (also bear with me getting the ideas going slowly in the beginning and the text type cause this was in a skype chat)
Jeremy is a skull kid
And Michael is Link
Jeremy and Mike are friends
i mean Jer doesn’t really have any friends beside Michael
And Michael is Hylian, not a skull kid
and also Mike is sort of the hero of time
So, you know
There’s some extra responsibility there
So Jer is looking for friends
and he finds this fairy
It promises to make his life better
He just has to do what they say
So Jer listens to him
At first the fairy has him get up to like just like general mischeif
but Jer likes having a friend at his side always
And they do goofy stuff together
but the fairy has other motives
He’s looking to get his hands on a certain mask
this ancient mask full of immense power
Bc maybe it was powerful enough to give him a body
so he gets Jeremy up to more and more mischeif
So that Jeremy would be comfortable doing anything to get this mask
eventually they score
There’s the Happy Mask Saleswoman in the woods
she’s been traveling around and decided to stop in Termina
the fairy eggs Jeremy into stealing this cool looking mask from her
And he does
but when Jeremy grabs it
He’s overwhelmed by the power
he puts it on before the fairy can say anything
And the spirit of the mask takes over his mind and body
Not the fairy’s intent
but maybe, if he sticks with Majora (for that’s who is in control of Jeremy now), he can get a body made for himself
But Jeremy is different now that he’s got the vengeful spirit of Majora inside him
he’s colder
Starts hurting people
without the fairy telling him to
And sure the fairy is like um this isn’t what I wanted
but his greed and want for a body overcomes his will to stop Majora
Michael, having finished a quest (aka all of OOT), comes to the forests of Termina on Epona to “search for an old friend” as the in game text says
And he sees Jeremy
and is real excited
But then he sees Jer has changed his mask
“Woah dude, that’s cool looking! Sorry I was gone so long, I-"
Before he can keep going, the fairy (as per Majora’s request) sneaks up and spooks Epona, Mike’s horse, bucking him off
Majora searches Michael’s stuff, looking for something specific, something he saw in this skull kid’s memories
and this “hero of time” has it
The Ocarina of Time
Majora takes it, hops on Epona, and rides off, taunting Mike
Mike of course gives chase
“Jeremy? Uh that actually kind of hurt! This isn’t funny any more!”
but its not really Jeremy anymore
Majora leads Michael to fall down this pit
And when he wakes up
Jeremy is there
“Ow….dude, what’s going on? You’re acting weird…."
he looks closer
And he sees these tendrils spreading from the mask, like tentacles, all around the edges
They’re woven into his friend’s very skin
The mask is embedded in his face
And Jeremy looks worse for wear, like maybe he hasn’t eaten for a while and hasn’t bothered to sleep
“…Jer? Maybe….maybe take off that mask? So I can see your face?”
“C’mon Jeremy, I haven’t seen you in so long-“
“I am never taking off this mask"
Woah, when did Jeremy’s voice change like that?
“Jeremy, what happened?"
“Nothing happened. I’m better than I ever could be. I’m amazing. I’m ecstatic.”
Oh Mike knows something is up
he draws his sword
But Jeremy just laughs in a voice that doesn’t really sound like his own
“You think you can even touch me? Hehehe, fat chance. You know….being the “hero of time”…you could cause some problems…..hehehe, ever think about changing your look? Something more fitting for you?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Mm, yes, your look could use some updating…Ah! Hehehe, I know~”
Mike watches in horror as Jeremy’s body is lifted up by the mask
the mask floating and his body hanging limply underneath it
A few feet in the air
a strange purple aura begins to pour off the mask
And Mike’s head begins to hurt like nobody’s business
it’s pounding and aching and there’s so much pressure-
He hears Jeremy laughing and laughing as he falls to his knees
everything goes dark
And he wakes up and everything feels different
he tries to say something but the words don’t come out in his voice
there’s a pool of water in front of him
He checks his reflection
And It’s not his face anymore, but that of a deku scrub
He’s smaller and weaker and has none of his things and this body doesn’t feel right at all
but Jeremy just laughs and laughs
“Fitting for a loser like you!"
The fairy with Jeremy is laughing too
he’s gotta get in Majora’s good graces
He approaches the kid-turned-deku scrub
taunting him, calling him a loser, saying this looked so much better for someone like him, etc and etc
But Michael isn’t listening to the fairy
he’s frantically trying to get across the pool of water to get over to Jeremy as Majora drags her host’s body away, laughing
The way Majora exists slams shut behind Jeremy
The fairy looks to see the closed door
“Hey! Hey uh Jeremy, open up, would you? Haha you kind of left me in here, with this lame coconut head!"
he waits at the door
“Heh, good joke Jeremy, but uh I kind of need to come with you now!”
“J-Jeremy, you need me, remember? I was going to make you popular and powerful and have lots of friends!”
Majora probably didn’t need the SQUIP
When you have that much power, what do you need a fairy like the SQUIP for?
His wings drooped
He was never going to get a body now...
he turned around to find Michael across the pond, drowning
\ Without thinking the SQUIP swooped on over and dove under the water and gave the deku scrub a boost up and out of the water
Michael pulled himself up, dripping wet and spitting out water
he sat on the shore And looked at his arms, now much shorter and made of wood
...nothing about him was the same
And there was something wrong with Jeremy and he was gone and Michael couldn’t get to him-
Michael didn’t like to cry
But he cried a little
the SQUIP watched
…okay maybe he shouldn’t have let Jeremy do that...
or let Jeremy do like half the things he had done
He was getting tired of that feeling pulling inside him whenever he watched someone cry as Jeremy hurt them
probably guilt
An annoying emotion
but he couldn’t deny that he felt it
Before they had found the mask, Jeremy had told him a lot about Michael
SQUIP had tried to discourage Jeremy from being friends with you, he’d only drag you down
But mostly it was because he knew if Michael came back Jeremy wouldn’t need him and as the Hero of Time probably would talk Jeremy out of stealing the mask and the SQUIP needed to have that mask
but he felt like he knew this Michael guy personally
And watching him cry...
It was annoying
but SQUIP would probably need Michael to help him find Jeremy
Maybe get him to take off that mask
“Hey….Michael, right?”
the deku scrub looked up
The trademark thick saliva of dekus dripping out of his mouth
SQUIP shuddered
“You….ugh, you need to get to Jeremy. You need to help me find him, I gotta get that mask off of him so I can have it!”
Michael looked up at him and jabbered in the language of the forest people
SQUIP sneered without a face
“Yeah sorry I don’t know what you’re saying, bush boy”
Michael looked at him
And then turned away
and began to walk away
“W-wait! Come back! Please!"
SQUIP dashed in front of MIchael
“Wait please I need your help! I can’t get out of here on my own! I need you! Please?”
The deku stared blankly
“And….I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry I treated you like garbage, you’re….you’re not bad, okay?…..what are you staring at me for, do I got something on my wings? No? Then stop staring! Let’s get moving!”
SQUIP flew off, waiting eagerly by the door
Michael didn’t have much of an option
He dipped his toe in the water and looked across
This body couldn’t float so he couldn’t swim...
“Hey, dumbass, Dekus can skip on water, just like, I don’t know, run cross it or something."
Michael narrowed his eyes
The SQUIP stared back
Rolled his nonexistent eyes
“….yeah, yeah, sorry I called you dumbass, just get moving would you?”
the deku just nodded approvingly and began to try to get across
He took a step back
then began to run across the surface of the water, feeling silly
But as soon as he started, it was like muscle memory took over and he began to skip in lofty hops on the top of the water
he could feel the strange fluid on his feet that reacted with the surface tension of the water begin to wash off with each step he took
But he reached the other side before it wore off completely
he stood on the other shore, looking down at his new body with a newfound respect
Maybe it wasn’t so dinky
he turned to face the door
….shoot, it was puzzle locked
He looked around for the solution
“What are you waiting for? Just open the door!”
Michael chattered at him, saying some things he was glad the fairy couldn’t understand
“What was that, snot mouth?”
Michael tried to stick his tongue out and blow a raspberry at the annoyed fairy
Instead of a tongue, out shot a bubble of spit
with the same speed and force as a deku shooting deku nuts, it smacked into the SQUIP and knocked him off balance, causing him to flutter out of the pattern he had been flying in
but Michael wasn’t paying attention
What had....
what had just happened?
Careful not to aim for the swearing fairy, Michael tried again
Spitting a massive bubble that had far more speed and velocity than you’d think
Huh, useful
Jeremy would find this so cool-
Oh right
Jeremy had left him
...well, not Jeremy, per say
Whatever that mask was that was controlling him
It had to be that
Well, Michael had figure that out later
Right now he didn’t even know how to become human again
That would be a good place to start
He found the hidden button up on the wall that triggered the door
He went for his arrows-
...right, he didn’t have those anymore
But he did have super spit!
Still ignoring the fairy, he tossed his head back and shot a bubble out, directly onto the button
The door sprung open
Michael smiled internally
Still got it
The fairy looked at the door
...oh. Huh.
“That will do, I guess. But I do not need your help anymore, I-”
Michael walked on past the SQUIP and through the door
“Wha-hey! Wait for me!”
The SQUIP chased after Michael through the door
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