#mostly just sniffles and a sore throat
technologyvoid · 2 years
Guess who's sick now
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) VII
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: You get sick again
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For matches that aren't important and are played outside of Spain, you don't go with Mami.
You spend time with Olga and Jaume at home and watch Alexia on the tv.
Currently, she's in Germany for a friendly. It had been a good match, a draw that helped the staff work out rotations and different on-pitch chemistry between players.
Now though, Alexia has dipped out of dinner early to give her family a call.
Olga picks up, obviously. It's late in Spain but still a little too early for Olga to be dressed in her pyjamas.
"Hi," Alexia says," How are you? How are the kids?"
Olga gives her a little tight lipped smile. "We've got the case of the sniffles today."
The camera flips to display you and your brother.
Jaume has gotten older now and is developing at an alarming rate to Alexia. You hadn't hit your milestones for ages while Jaume seems to be hitting all of his early.
He's sitting up by himself and babbling and trying to crawl now and Alexia hates how quickly he's growing up.
He's in his pyjamas too, one of your very old train-patterned onesies, and he's sitting right next to you as you run one of your electric trains around the track.
Your hair is messy and sticking upright and your nose is all red and you keep sniffing and wiping at it.
Alexia's eyes dart to Jaume and she notices the red flush to his cheeks.
He sneezes suddenly and it seems to spark you into your own round of sneezes.
Something in Alexia's stomach curdles and she sits upright in bed.
"How bad is it? Are they okay? Have you taken them to the hospital yet?"
Flashes come to Alexia's mind, of that horrible time when you both had meningitis and all the horror that came with it.
"It's just the sniffles," Olga assures her but the swirling of her stomach doesn't stop," And some sore throats. They've had some medicine and we've been having a pj day today."
"I'll come home," Alexia says. She props her phone up on the table and starts packing. She doesn't even fold her clothes, just callously throwing them back into her suitcase.
"Alexia...We're fine here, I promise."
"No." Panic creeps into Alexia's body now, coursing through her veins like adrenaline. "No, I'll come home. It's fine. You can't be expected to take care of two sick kids at once and-"
Your sweet voice on the phone cuts Alexia off and she falls silent.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"My head hurts."
"Oh, I'm sorry, bambi."
The phone moves until it's propped up on something and Alexia is greeted by the sight of Olga sitting down on the floor, pulling you into her lap.
Her hand immediately goes to check your temperature.
"We've got another hour before I can give you some more medicine," She says," Do you think you can last until them?"
You nod, picking up your controller and making your train whizz around the track again.
Jaume cocks his head to the side, looking between you and Olga before he bum shuffles even closer and attempts to clamber into your lap like you're sitting in Olga's.
It's a sweet scene and Alexia would have loved to coo over it had she not been racked with guilt at leaving while two sickly children were still at home.
She can't even understand how Irene leaves Mateo like this and he was more prone to illness than you and Jaume ever were.
The call lasts for hours and Alexia remains mostly silent.
You get to hold the phone while Olga takes Jaume to bed and you look at the screen with Alexia's face on it with a little frown.
"When are you coming home, Mami?"
You sound so hopeful that Alexia almost bursts into tears that instant, already feeling her throat closing up slightly.
She pushes through the feeling though and replies," Soon, bambi. I'm going to get on a flight as soon as it's your bedtime and I should be home by the time that you wake up."
You sniff though it only serves to make your nose feel even more stuffy. "Mami," You say," Are me and Jaume gonna have to go to hospital? I don't want to see the mean man again."
"No, bambi," Alexia assures you," You're not going to see the mean man. It's just the sniffles. You take your medicine and you'll be completely fine."
"I promise."
Despite Olga's words, Alexia makes her excuses to the staff and gets the first flight back to Barcelona.
It's dark when she gets home and she orders a taxi to bring her right to the doorstep. She fiddles with her keys for a bit, completely missing the keyhole multiple times in her haste to get in.
Jaume's bedroom is first on her way up the stairs so Alexia dips into his room to check on him. He's peacefully asleep, cuddled up with one of the stuffed trains you gave him a few weeks ago.
His cheeks are still a little red and his nose is definitely blocked but apart from that he looks healthy enough and Alexia heads straight into your room.
It's dark so she picks her way through it carefully only to find that you're not in your bed.
You're sick and not in your bed.
Blind panic settles under Alexia's skin as she looks around wildly, tripping over your train track in her hurry to wrench open your wardrobe door.
You're not there either and Alexia stubs her toe as she forces your door open to burst into her own room, intent on telling Olga that someone's broken in and kidnapped you.
"Alexia?" Olga's wide awake, sitting up in bed with a book. "What is it?"
You're lying next to her, fast asleep though you look a tad distressed. Your hand is tight around the fabric of Olga's shirt and you're breathing heavily out of your mouth because your nose is all stuffed up.
"I came home," Alexia says.
"I know," Olga replies," I waited up."
"I checked on Jaume. He looks better."
"He is. They both are. Little miss just needed someone to sleep next to tonight. She was scared the doctor was coming to take her."
Alexia changes quickly, slipping into bed on your other side and curling around you.
"And you swear it's just the sniffles?"
"Just the sniffles," Olga says," They'll be good in a few days."
And you are.
Though Alexia hovers incessantly for almost a week afterwards.
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hjizngs · 9 months
sick days | lee minho
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hi! this is my first ever post on here,, hehe. constructive criticism is welcomed, hate is not.
cw: sick reader, petnames, slight cursing, slightly suggestive (??), angstyish oops, mostly fluff! just minho being the cutest bf :3
another hacking cough forces itself from your throat, leaving behind a painful sting and the inability to swallow. a frustrated groan emits you, followed by disgruntled sniffle. you hate being sick. 
sore throats, gross coughs, painful headaches, and a stuffed nose were all a recipe for disaster — especially today. you and minho had planned out the perfect date; a picnic, stroll in the park, and finally a movie. you had looked forward to it all week, barely getting through. only the promise of seeing your boyfriend kept you going.
you turn over on your side, the gentle movement sending another round of pain signals ringing in your head. tears sprung to the corners of your swollen eyes. you were devastated at having to miss your date. blearily, you swung a hand over to the bedside table, blindly searching for your phone. 
once found, you swiped over to minho’s contact. pressing the call button, you slumped back onto your pillow defeatedly. 
“jagi?” came the sweet voice of your boyfriend. “what’s up?” 
an exhausted whimper answers him. “min.. min i’m sorry” is all you can utter. 
his voice instantly is filled with concern. “what’s my love sorry for, hm? is everything okay?”
“no, m’sorry min.. i feel so bad. my head hurts, and i puked earlier, and it —“ another pained sound exits you. “— it hurts.” 
something shuffles over the phone, and your boyfriend is quick to reply. “oh, my poor jagi. i’m on my way, don’t worry.”
you furrow your brows. “wh-what? no no you don’t have to do that, min!” 
“see you in five.”
your eyes rolled as your boyfriend hung up on you a abruptly (like he always does — and it never fails to surprise you). coughing again, you accept that there’s nothing you can do to stop him from coming over. you scan your messy room and groan. you’re sick! you don’t want him to see you like this! 
you swing your legs over to the side of your bed, only pausing when a sneeze erupts from your pinkened nose. you settle your socked feet on the floor and attempt to rise to your feet. 
you sway, blinking harshly as to try to clear the black spots plaguing your vision. maybe getting up wasn’t the best idea..? oh well. 
slowly, you begin to shuffle around your room, picking up discarded clothes and trying to round up any embarrassing wrappers or trash. you’re halfway through folding another t-shirt when your body flashes hot, then cold. the pounding in your head increases tenfold and you drop the shirt in favor of clutching your temples. spots engulf your sight and you sink to your knees, not even attempting to make it to the bed.
you’re sweating. but the ceiling fan above only makes you shiver, goosebumps lining your arms. everything is too bright, and you squint from a combination of a headache and the glaring overhead light that suddenly feels like a thousand suns beating down on you. 
another whimper crawls out of your dry throat. the only thing your fever-weakened mind can think is minho. where is minho? you need him, it hurts it hurts everything hurts —
“jagi?! oh my god, are you okay?” thunderous footsteps make their way to you and you wince at the sudden exclamation. 
cold, cool hands press themselves to your trembling body and you sigh in relief. they stroke through your hair, carding through gently. you open one eye to see who they belong to, but clamp it shut immediately, the bright light making your eyelids pulse.
 you hear shuffling from the side, and one of the hands leave you. you suppress a whine, but something in your expression must be alarming because the voice coos. “oh, baby, i’m just turning off the light, okay?” 
no, it’s not okay. not when those hands are the only thing grounding you, keeping you from melting. however, as promised, the offending light gets shut off, and you hum in appreciation. 
the nice hands quickly return to their rightful place in your hair, and you bravely attempt to open your swollen eyes again.
your boyfriend looks down at you gently. “my poor girl. let’s get you back into bed, hm?”
you nod pathetically, letting him lift you up and place you softly on your mattress. you murmur a quiet thanks and he kisses your sweaty forehead in response. he sits on the side of the bed next to you, placing his hand on your leg and rubbing comforting circles into your skin.
“have you eaten at all yet?” he inquires.
you shake your head, “no, not yet. i don’t think i could eat a thing without puking it back up, to be honest.”
minho hums at that, scanning your face. he reaches out and places a small hand on your forehead, feeling out your temperature. he frowns.
“i think we need to check for a fever, honey. you’re very warm.”
he moves to go stand and you pout. “don’t leave, please.”
“i’m just going to grab the thermometer and a glass of water, i’ll be right back, okay?”
“be fast!” you plead.
he cards a hand through your hair. “i’ll be so fast, jagiya.”
it feels like an eternity as minho tries to locate the thermometer from outside your bedroom. you shiver again, pulling the closest fuzzy blanket over you and burrowing into it.
and that’s how he finds you when he returns — a sweaty, sick burrito. you watch as he smiles down at you fondly, pulling back the blanket a little to take a look at you.
“think you can sit up for me? need help?” he asks.
“need help, please,” you respond nasally.
minho aids in positioning you up so you’re leaning against your pillow. he holds out the found thermometer and motions for you to open your mouth.
you oblige and he places the thermometer under your tongue. after a few moments, he pulls it out and looks down on it with a displeased expression — like it personally offended him.
“100.” he states, his brow crinkling. “yeah, you’re not leaving this bed.”
you sigh and slump farther into your blanket. “i’d rather hear that in a different situation.”
minho blinks slowly, fondly. “i’ll ignore that, just because you’re sick.”
you stick out your tongue as he rises from the bed to put away the thermometer. he looks down at you, unimpressed, but with a twinkle of amusement in his catlike eyes. “brat.”
“i’m sick!” you whine, “be nice.”
“i am being nice. so nice, in fact, that i’ll ignore this little attitude —“ he reaches down and pokes your forehead, “— because i know that you feel like shit.”
you roll your eyes when he’s turned and putting the thermometer in some drawer, but deep down you’re very grateful he came over to take care of you. for all his teasing, he really does treasure you. you still feel bad for canceling the date.
in some feverish, dramatic mood change, tears begin to well in the corners of your eyes. they’re hot and uncomfortable, and you sniffle. not only did you cancel the date, you’re acting like a brat instead of thanking minho for looking after you.
“m’sorry,” you croak from your cocoon of blankets.
minho turns around sharply and scans your face quickly. he strides over to the bed and sits beside you. “what?”
“m’sorry!” tears begin to trickle down your face, sticky and unwanted. you reach up to swipe them away.
minho’s hand reaches out, grabbing onto your arm and lightly tugging you into his chest. “silly girl. what are you sorry for?”
“f’making you come over and take care of me and being a brat and not saying thank you!” you rush out, slurring some words.
a chuckle shakes minho’s chest. “oh wow, you’re really out of it, huh?”
“i’m sorry!”
“hey, hey,” his joking manner disappears when a fresh wave of tears erupts from your eyes. “you have nothing to be sorry for. you’re sick. you have a fever, baby. you aren’t being a brat, i’m sorry i called you that when you weren’t feeling well.”
you peek up at him. “you mean it?”
minho doesn’t respond, just pulls you tighter into his chest and kisses the top of your hair. his cool hand rubs on your back soothingly under your shirt. he gently lays back onto your bed, cradling you to his chest.
“try to sleep some of this off. take a nap,” he orders you lightly. “i’ll be right here.”
at his words, you snuggle into him. he reaches to the side and pulls a blanket over the two of you. just before sleep takes it’s hold over you, you look up at him, catching his eye.
“thanks for being here, min. i love you,” you murmur, your eyelids getting heavier and heavier as you begin to succumb to sleep.
the last thing you hear before sinking into feverish dreams is, “anytime, baby. i love you more.”
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yas! ok! first post done, please lmk what u think!!!1 reblogs and likes are appreciated:3
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princessbrunette · 3 months
thinking abt mouse!reader x jj x kook!pope trying to hide an at first minor foot injury cos she has a big audition or smth coming up and she refuses to miss it :((
but as it gets worse they both notice her hobbling around and wincing whenever she walks and literally force her to stay home the night of the audition, even thought it kills them to make her sad her health comes first always
them having to hold her while she cries and yells at them for the first time cos she wanted to do it so bad :(( i love her sm u guys don't get it
ᡣ𐭩 🤍。🩰ꪆৎ ˚⋅.
it was a full blown tantrum. crying and thumping on chests, snot gathering beneath your sore nostrils. honestly, it was the most noise you’d ever made in one sitting — and you’d been double penetrated.
jj has managed to subdue you, having you curled on a ball in his lap, one fist clutching his shirt and the other clutching popes sweater threateningly as you let out hoarse sobs against his chest. there was a little inkling in the back of popes throat, an itch he wanted to scratch to tell you that you were being a little dramatic and that it wasn’t like someone had died, but he darent — not right now, not whilst you were like this.
the breakdown hadn’t occurred because they sat you down and told you that you were far too injured to compete, it occurred because you knew they were right. you were sneaky by nature, always good at hiding when you’d stolen something or slightly twisting things occasionally as to not get in trouble with the protective pair — but this was something that you couldn’t hide. the slight winces and secret downing of pain meds had turned to limping to full blown hobbling. you were scared, and the boys telling you out loud that you were too injured to compete made it all the more real.
“look, what can i do t’make it better? cheese? y’want cheese? i’ll run to the store right now and buy you that fancy ass board. y’know the one you asked me for last week but i only had two dollars and an old sucker in my pocket?” jj rocks you, forehead creased in urgency like he just wanted to spring up and fix the problem immediately. pope stares into space, rubbing at his jaw in thought.
“no! i want to compete!” you complain, making the blonde sigh.
“yeah, well… we just can’t have that right now sweetcheeks, y’know we ain’t tryna hold you back…” he genuinely sounds upset, wishing there was a way around this. popes hand moves to your back, rubbing it in circles like you’re a newborn baby who won’t sleep through the night. “what can i do, babe?” jj groans quietly, mostly thinking out loud.
“nothing.” pope speaks suddenly and firmly, a calm yet film tone in his voice. “we can’t do anything. but look at me, sweetheart—” he cups your chin and gently guides you to look up at him. his eyes are all wide and desperate, begging you to understand him and you soften, realising only now how difficult you were being. “this is for the best. what kind of boyfriends would we be if like… we just let you go and dance on your injured foot? you could injure it further and then, what? you never dance again? not on my watch.”
your shoulders sink a little, his words getting through to you finally. you sniffle, a few more fat tears rolling down your cheeks and jj is quick to swipe them. “c’mon, no more o’that.” he mutters.
“so tonight…” pope stands, dusting his sweatpants down and grabbing his phone. “you’re gonna sit, and rest that foot. we’re gonna watch a movie and order pizza.” he decides, leaning down again to be eye level with you. you blink slowly, nodding slightly filling the two with relief.
“but i get to pick the movie. sorry, nothin’ you can do about it.” jj grins, tickling your ribs and you let out a raspy giggle.
“no, jj, you don’t. last time you picked something weird.” pope calls as he wanders off to the bathroom.
“yo mamas weird.” jj mutters in retaliation, shifting you on his lap so that he could dig the tv remote from the centre of the couch.
ᡣ𐭩 🤍。🩰ꪆৎ ˚⋅.
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Ahhhhh the Tang Sanzang and Wukong fic was so good! I adore the interactions between demon reader and them- though i am curious how did the rest of the JTTW crew react to the mischievous scamp of the forest?
Taken Aboard
Pilgrim Reactions:
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(I had to use this gif again because there is jackshit for Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing in the LMK gif community. Give me my boys….)
Ao Lie is… rather confused that his master saw fit to bring along a child on this dangerous journey. After all, the path ahead is fraught with many dangers and perils. Perhaps the little one would be safer in the care of a monastery? Or even a kindly pair who had long wished for a child? Sure, they may be a demon, but they’re clearly not malicious or cruel!
However, the monk is set in his actions. Your wrists are cuffed with blessed bands, set to restrict when a sutra (separate from Wukong’s) is chanted. Your ragged clothing is replaced with a proper, covering cossack and walking shoes that they had to force your feet into as you screamed and kicked.
But in spite of the confusion he bears, Lie is a little happy, too! He’s got a little sister/brother to dote on now! As one of the gentler and less troublesome members of this little gang, he’s often tasked with watching over them, especially when the group is attacked by demons.
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Though it takes him a while to coax you into actually taking him up on it, the white dragon horse frequently offers you rides. At first, you’re a bit too proud to accept, trudging along even as you tire from walking. He wants so bad for you to trust him, and maybe; in time, to consider him an older brother. And if that means he has to pester and push you into accepting a little bit of doting? So be it!
And one day you will accept. Worn to exhaustion from another demon attack and thoroughly admonished by your master after another escape attempt, your body is worn and sore. The fillets around your wrists have ground your skin raw, leaving you to whimper with each step that makes the cuffs jangle against your fresh wounds.
So, finally… you clamber up and onto his back with a few pained noises, sniffling into his lavish white mane.
“Brother Lie,” you hiccup, arms snaking around his neck. “Master got angry with me again.”
“Oh dear… did you try to run away again? Little one, it’s much safer to stay with your brothers and master!” Though his voice is not without compassion, he clearly sympathizes more with the monk who’s been intent on keeping you around. Mostly because he agrees with not letting something as small and precious as your little self take even a single step out of sight.
He… he just doesn’t want to lose you, that’s all! It’s not strange to want to protect a fellow demon! Why, you’re hardly more than a baby! Look at you, you poor thing! Tiny features and scrawny form and big eyes!
How could he risk you being unhappy? How could he risk you being hurt?
“Stay with me, little one! Big brother will find you something nice to eat! And then I’ll see if master has something for your poor wrists, hmm?”
Sun Wukong is somewhat baffled that you’re being brought along, honestly.
Baby? A baby? A little forest-dwelling baby?Why, you’re no taller than his hip! Here, come here and “let him check your height” and then he snatches you off the ground with a grin.
“I may be no tree, but you’re hardly even a flower,” the monkey teases casually, throwing you into the air. “You haven’t even sprouted, bud! How are you going to keep up with such little legs? Aren’t you supposed to be the ‘Keeper of Great Beasts’, Y/N?” He catches you, then another throw, higher into the air. “Kiddo, they’d crush you under their feet and not feel a thing!”
“Wukong! Be gentle with the child! And stop teasing them!”
“Aww, but they like it,” he calls back to his master, patting your head as you flail to gain purchase from the arm he’s tucked you under, strangled by the accidental grip he has around your throat.
He’s, uh… not the gentlest or most responsible.
But- he makes for a good playmate! And that doesn’t sound all too serious or important, sure… but Y/N has a lot of skills they need to build, and socialization is one of them. Under Sanzang’s watchful eye are you pulled into many games and chases, helping you build basic skills and strength as you and Wukong wrestle or race.
I like to think he carries you on his back like a baby monkey when you get too tired, clinging tight to his strong-as-iron fur, nestling against the near-invulnerable fluff from behind.
“Brother Wukong, tell me your titles,” you say sleepily, having gaining some modicum of respect for the simian through constant playing and occasional training with him.
“And then tell you how I got them?” “And then tell me how you got them.”
This exchange essentially boils down “tell me a bedtime story,” and “sure, sweetie” but the only one who realizes that is the Great Monk, Tang Sanzang- who is trying very hard not to melt from the cuteness of it all.
Y/N getting to enjoy some measure of a happy and harm-free childhood in the form of the Great Sage’s furry arms, one hand thumping your back as he recites an old tale or two.
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This massively improves Sanzang’s opinion of him, too. Seeing Wukong genuinely tamper down the ego and potential bloodlust (assuming he’s anything like in the novel) to be truly gentle with someone who definitely needs someone to trust and rely on… it’s quite redeeming of his character, certainly.
Probably tampers down his yandere behavior the best… until you get injured, and then all the other pilgrims get to see the strength with which he used to wreak havoc on Heaven.
And there will be blood. And bone shards. And brain matter. And eventually, the utter and thorough destruction of what was once a demon. No one can sway him from the carnage, not even the tightening-fillet sutra.
After all, isn’t every “big brother’s” job to protect his little siblings?
Zhu Baije is probably the most resistant to having you along, mostly because he knows he’ll have to be “polite” and “patient” with you around, some whelp dragged to the world from the root of a fallen fruit tree.
Often tries to trick you out of food, but gets petulant when you try the same thing with him. And then he has the gall to ask you to help him identify poisonous plants and berries for him to snack on. Under threat of the sutra being recited, you grudgingly give him proper advice.
Now, it’s not that he can’t be sweet and doting-
It’s just that he doesn’t want to be.
Also, he brings out the idiot in you very quickly, causing Sanzang to try and supervise any and all interactions between the two of you. Because when he doesn’t, you get this:
“Y/N, there’s a stronghold of demons here! What are we supposed to do?!”
Y/N, who has lived in a sprawling forest with big scary animals from the moment they were born: “…maybe we should try to make ourselves look bigger.”
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“Brother Swine, come and help me overturn this log!” “S-Swine?! You little brat, you better call me by my name!” “Or else what… Brother Swine?” “Or else I’ll-“
“Enough,” calls the Great Monk, stern and tired. “Enough squabbling, my disciples! If we are to see this journey to the end, we must all cooperate! Please, Zhu Bajie, lend your hand to Y/N. They asked not out of laziness, but as acknowledgment of your strength!”
“…huh. Alright, then! I can help!”
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But, slowly, he does come to care about you. Letting you rest your head on his gut like a squishy pillow, carrying you when you get hurt, making sugar-sweetened herbal tea to share with you, letting you hide behind him when Sanzang is looking for you…
And then he eats the first human being who tries to hurt you. All across you is a messy shower of splattered gore and sundered organs, painting your face and body.
It’s proof, crimson and wet, that he really does love you, in spite of everything.
Sha Wujing, to start off- adores Y/N. They’re tiny! They’re cute! They transform into adorable animals! They can talk to beasts and trees!
And… they treat him like a person. An actual, thinking, feeling, person.
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He definitely tries to dote on the kid, and I think he’s a strong contender for being their favorite person. How monstrous he is! How powerful! Like the great beasts that lived in their forest, tall and proud and imposing!
Wujing reminds them of home, essentially. Y/N is constantly crawling all over him as they would the beasts of their grand forest. He allows the strange behavior, understanding that the kid’s never had real interaction with other people outside of toying with travelers or waylaying attackers.
Always kneeling my down to their level and trying to make the child feel safe and heard. He often shares tales of his river and interesting passerby, and Y/N responds in turn, speaking of their forest. The two of them laugh and bond over their shared experiences.
And off the side, Sanzang is listening in with horror all across his face as they compare stories of killing and eating invaders who dared come to their homes.
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Lots of piggyback and shoulders rides, and just barely being able to peel over his red mop of hair. He’s also one of the only people who you let mess with your hair, allowing him to comb and braid it.
“Brother Sand,” you call aloud, a nickname just a touch more affectionate than those you’ve given his companions. “Come look at the creatures I have found in the riverbank!”
And man drops everything to spend a little more time with you, happy to let you push little creatures into his massive palms as he teaches you their names.
And maybe, if things go wrong… the bloody butchering and head-piking/skull-stringing of anyone who even looks at you wrong. Maybe.
In general, just an absolute delight.
Tang Sanzang believes entirely in the possibility of anyone becoming a better person through hard work and effort.
So little Y/N, the Guardian who Spreads Growth, Keeper of Great Beasts:
Put flatteringly: Is adopted by five men and treated as a cherished; if troublesome, little sibling who is doted on and allowed to become a better person. Lots of good food and cozy clothing, and they never go hungry or cold again. They’re taught to read and write, and never are without unconditional love.
Put unflatteringly: is forcibly displaced from their home and made to adopt new customs and styles, severed from that which they know and love to become someone else’s idea of “right”. Also they get torture bands slapped on their wrists.
Sanzang tries to be fatherly and kind with Y/N, attempting to delve into the “why” of any mischievous or cruel actions you commit instead of simply writing them off as “bad”.
“So… you thought that man was going to hurt you?”
“He smiled at me! With all his teeth! It was a threat, Master! And then he walked towards me with a hand out!”
“…I see. You were scared of being hurt, then?”
“I- No! No! I didn’t say I was scared! I wasn’t!”
Lots of “therapy sessions” to help work through your feral mindset and improve your problem solving skills.
In general, solving problems while trying not to be frustrated. For example:
Given that Y/N has never once cut their hair, it’s even longer than they are tall, and proves to be quite a bit of trouble. And they respond violently to his attempts to cut it, screaming and swiping like a feral cat. It takes a few weeks of nudging and asking, but Sanzang gets them to submit to a “trim” that cuts more than five feet of hair away and still leaves the little demon’s locks dangling down to their ankles. He’ll try for more later, but allows you to be for a while.
Then, cutting your nails. And washing the grime from your body. And getting you into shoes that you’ll keep on. He settles for boots with laces, given that you can’t tie or untie them. Y/N, you’re sitting on the ground in front of him seething because you aren’t flexible enough to bend forward and chew through the twine lacing. Also, in order for him to get them on in the first place someone has to restrain you, so one of your “brothers” is getting the silent treatment. (It’s Wukong.)
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He won’t ever be “Brother Sanzang” or “Brother Monk”, but he will get something better:
“…father,” you’ll finally say after a full year of traveling with him, lying in a puddle of tears with your head in his lap. “Please… please forgive me, father.”
“Oh, Y/N… of course, of course. Come now, sit with me. Let me tend your wounds and wipe your tears. All will be well.. my child.”
And maybe, just maybe… he’ll think about taking one of your circlets off.
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coryosmin · 8 months
Sickly Confessions - Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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summary: reader has a cold and now it’s coryo’s turn to take care of her. could be a second part to feel better but also can be its own fic. this is self indulgent mostly because i’m sick rn.
warnings: fluff, soft!coryo, ooc coryo because truthfully he wouldn’t be this soft, this really is just self indulgent, 1,200 words of rushed fluff
When Coriolanus saw you enter the Academy building looking like you’d been hit by a bus, he knew you were sick. Your eyes had bags underneath them, you looked exhausted and sniffling. Coriolanus walked up to you, greeting you as he always did. “Hey,” he greeted, taking your arm in his. “Are you okay?” he asked, looking at your form as you guys began to walk together.
You looked up at him, shaking your head no. “I don’t feel good,” you murmured. Your voice was hoarse, causing Coriolanus to frown. You had a sore throat. He stopped in his tracks, causing you to stop as well.
He brought his hand up to your forehead. “You’re burning up,” he said. “You shouldn’t be here today.”
You leaned into his touch, the feeling of his cold hand feeling so good on your forehead. “Got an exam today,” you replied, frowning. Coriolanus understood. He was much the same way, wanting to at least get through the day so he didn’t miss his assignments and such.
“For Professor Satyria,” he murmured, keeping his hand on your forehead for a moment before pulling away. “After her class though, you need to go home and rest.” You simply nodded your head, beginning to walk to your first class. Professor Satyria’s class isn’t until right before lunchtime. So you still had at least half a day until you could go home. You and Coryo continued walking to your first class.
You could hardly focus in class and it concerned Coriolanus quite a bit. You looked like you could fall asleep at any given moment and by the time it was exam time, your cheeks were so flushed that Coriolanus figured you likely had a high temperature. Once the exam ended, you all walked out of the class and you could barely stand straight. Coriolanus was right beside you, a hand on your waist. “Let’s get you home,” he murmured into your ear.
Coriolanus Snow never missed a class. He always goes to school, even when sick. So the fact that he left early was huge. And you realized, even in that sick little foggy brain of yours, that Coriolanus must truly care for you a whole bunch if he was willingly bringing you home in the middle of the school day. “You don’t have to bring me home,” You murmured, leaning into Coriolanus. “You vowed to yourself to never miss a class.”
Coriolanus shook his head. “Maybe so,” He replied, already guiding you out of the building. “But you’re my best friend and you would do the same for me too.”
And you couldn’t ignore that logic. Because you would take care of him in a heartbeat. He’s been your best friend since the two of you were young children. “Okay,” You agreed, unable to find a reason to combat him. You were just so tired and needed to rest. You wanted nothing more than to lay down and fall to sleep.
When you and Coryo arrived at your apartment, you realized neither of your parents were home. Your father was on some work trip and your mother was out visiting her parents for the day. So you had the apartment to yourself other than the Avoxes. “Go get changed,” Coriolanus said, taking his shoes off at the door. “I’ll see about getting you something to drink.”
Coriolanus walked off towards the kitchen while you made your way to your bedroom, getting changed into a pair of pajamas and then getting into bed. You sat underneath the covers with your back against your headboard. A few minutes later, there was a light knock on the door. “Come in,” you raised your voice, causing it to crack.
Coriolanus opened the door with a small tray in his hands. There was a glass of water, some medication, and a sandwich. “I told one of your Avoxes that you were sick. So they prepared this tray for you.” He spoke, putting the tray on your lap. “You should eat. You need the nutrients to get better, dove.”
Dove. That certainly was new. You nodded your head, looking up at Coriolanus. “Will you be staying with me?” You asked.
Coriolanus gave you a small smile, reaching to move a piece of your hair out of your face. “Of course,” he murmured, taking a seat on the bed. “I’ll stay for however long you need me to.”
After you had eaten and taken the medication, you felt ready to fall asleep. Coriolanus took the tray off of your lap, placing it on the floor temporarily. “Get some rest,” he said, his blue eyes looking at you.
You bit your lip as you looked at Coryo with droopy eyes. “Would it be too much to ask you to cuddle me?” You asked shyly, looking at your best friend.
Coriolanus’s heart melted as he looked at you, unable to help the smile on his face when you asked him. He’s usually much more composed but you’re sick and vulnerable anyways. It doesn’t matter if he smiles. “Of course, dove.” Coriolanus moved to lay down next to you, taking you into his arms. You were very warm and he knew that he had the possibility of getting sick too. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was his best friend being comfortable and getting better. And if he could provide comfort to her, then he shall.
Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you, bringing your head to his chest. You breathed in his scent as it provided you with comfort. His body was naturally cool which allowed you to get a reprieve from the heat of your fever. You snuggled into him. And in your sick dazed mind, you spoke, “I love you, Coryo,” not caring about the nervousness or the repercussions of your words when you eventually become clear minded.
Coriolanus’s heart fluttered in his chest as he looked at you, trying to comprehend the words you spoke. “Love me how?” he asked carefully.
“Like in love with you,” you replied.
Coriolanus shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re sick.”
You pulled away slightly to look up at Coryo, still staying in his arms. “Sick or not, I love you, Coryo.” You said honestly, looking at your best friend.
Coriolanus took a deep breath, unsure of how to respond. Until he does. Because ultimately, he will always love you as well. “I love you too, dove,” He said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Now get some sleep. We’ll talk about it when you’re better.”
And so you fell asleep a few minutes later, comforted by the feeling of Coriolanus’s arms wrapped around you and the fact that your best friend loves you too.
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
You’re Mine (Ellie x reader angst one shot)
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DEALER ELLIE SUPREMACY!!!!!! 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
It was silent, neither of you moved or spoke, your eyes were fixed on each other, neither of you daring to look away. Your eyes were glassy and bloodshot and hers were cold and dark, your nose was sore and running as you sniffled holding the tears in your eyes that were begging to be let free. You didn't understand how a girl that shows you as much love as she does could hurt you so bad.
disclaimer: I am in fact british and I've tried to use american vocab in we meet again, darling because I imagined the story set in a US city (NYC in my mind but i left it blank so people could imagine whatever city they wanted but i digress) and i did not enjoy doing that bc ik i still make mistakes and i think it looks goofy so one shots and headcanons and stuff will probs be set in britain, sorry if that is a bit annoying <3
You and Ellie had went to a party at a friend's flat, you had dressed up nice and Ellie had admired you while licking her lips as you got ready.
"You look unreal babe."
"Thank you. Want me to do your makeup after?"
"Yeah but don't blind me this time."
"I didn't fucking blind you, you blinked it into your eyeball, who blinks without warning when you're doing mascara?"
"Someone that blinks normally." You scoff at her and go back to getting ready ignoring her victorious smirk in the mirror.
As you arrived at the party you were both in a great mood, you're immediately greeted by some friends as you walk in and Ellie kisses you on the cheek and takes her leave to go set up on the sofa. Immediately she's swarmed by people looking to get their fix, some wanted weed, some wanted blow, she always had a variety when she went to a party and you can't help the hot feeling in your core as you take in her sitting there, legs comfortably spread with a cigarette hanging from her lips. She had dark grey baggy jeans on, with a black t-shirt that poked out from her hoodie that matched the colour of her jeans, her black converse poke out from the jeans and you never aren't amazed at the state of them, you bought matching converse together and you're both wearing them tonight but they look like entirely different shoes. Her silver chain with a charm that's the first letter of your name is laid on top of her hoodie and the view makes you swoon. Her auburn shaggy hair cut is concealed mostly by her small black beanie, you had played with the hair on show at the back of her neck on the way here, you always loved when she wore a beanie, something about it was just so hot to you.
You had been dancing for hours and chatting when Ellie grabs you and drags you away from your conversation.
“Come on, we’re leaving.”
“Is everything okay?” She doesn’t answer she just continues dragging you out of the flat, she doesn’t release her tight grip on your arm until you’re walking through the door of your shared home. There was a red mark where her hand was and you watched as she froze when she saw the mark.
“Babe what’s going on? Did something happen with a deal?” She chuckles, it’s dark and full of mockery.
“You just don’t fucking get it do you? Are you really this stupid or are you just an attention whore?”
“Excuse me?” Your ears rang as her words hit you, you felt a stabbing pain in your chest as tears pricked behind your eyes begging to release, you couldn’t give her the satisfaction so you chewed on your bottom lip and blinked away the tears while you attempted to swallow the lump in your throat. “What the fuck are you talking about Ellie?”
“You! Fucking parading yourself everywhere and if that wasn’t enough you had to fucking hump Lucy right in front of my fucking face.” She yelled as she walked closer to you, you walked backwards trying to keep some space but as your back hit the wall she closed in on you. “Do you need me to remind you who you belong to hm?”
“Fuck off Ellie.” You push her off of you with every ounce of strength as the dam breaks and the tears begin to flow down your cheeks, you storm away to your shared bedroom with a delusional hope that she wouldn’t follow. You slam the door behind you only for it to immediately be slammed open again, the door smashes into the wall and you stay frozen with your back turned away from her.
“Fuck off Ellie? seriously that’s all you have to say? How about I’m fucking sorry.”
You spin to face her at her statement. “I’M SORRY? I have nothing to be sorry for Ellie. I did nothing wrong.”
“Fine Ellie, tell me exactly what I did wrong then.” Your voice comes out nasally and choked as the tears don’t falter in their pace as they race down your cheeks. You meet her eyes and the look of contempt only makes you sob more.
“You put on that skimpy outfit you know will get you attention then we go to the party and instead of coming to see me and sit with me and make it known that you’re mine, you literally speak to every single other person at the party. You were all over everyone, I’m sure they were embarrassed for you because I fucking was. No wonder you feel like they don’t like you as much anymore, they probably don’t. Oh and just to top it off you then danced with Lucy right in front of me giving me a front row seat to her wandering hands and you being all over it. You’re fucking out of order.”
You scoff at her, you’re genuinely stunned at how she could be so horrible. Ellie had never been like this with you, you were speechless.
“Yeah exactly now you’ve got nothing to say. If you’re gonna be a slut at least own it.”
“What the fuck did you just call me?” The tears had stopped, you weren’t upset anymore you were furious, a red film was over your vision as you stomped over to her until your faces were inches away from each other. “Go on. Say it again.”
“I said you’re an attention-seeking slut.” She spat the words out with a venom and a switch flipped in your head. You didn’t speak you just started walking around the room throwing all your essentials into the first bag you could find. She watches while still for a second but as she realises you’re packing she rushes to start taking all the things out of your bag.
“Don’t Ellie. I don’t want to speak to you right now. Leave me alone.”
“No, you’re not leaving.”
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” She keeps removing the things that you’re packing from your bag until you huff and give up going to look for your car keys. “You can’t drive anywhere, you’re drunk.” You hated to admit she was right in the moment but you knew it wasn’t worth the risk.
“Then I’ll get an uber.” You start searching for your phone until you turn to see Ellie holding it in her hand. You storm over to her but she holds it above your head so you can’t reach. “Ellie give it back I’m serious.”
“I said you aren’t leaving.” The tears begin again as you feel helpless.
“Why do you fucking care? I’m just a slut right, not your girlfriend of three fucking years.”
It’s quiet as you both stand processing everything that’s been said, tears are streaming down your face but you don’t feel like you’re crying anymore. Ellie stands shifting her weight from one side of her body to the other as she fidgets with her fingers. She looks up at you and her heart breaks knowing she’s the reason you’re so upset after having such a good night.
“Why didn’t you come and see me all night? You always come and sit with me while I do my deals at least for a little bit and you didn’t. I rolled us a pink spliff to smoke together and you barely even came near me until you started grinding up against Lucy.” Her voice is soft and quiet, she sounds ashamed of herself because she is, she’s ashamed that she’s let her insecurities cause her to be horrible to the best person in her life, she felt sick with herself, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror hanging on the wall of the living room and all she saw looking back at her was a monster.
“Ellie if you wanted to spend time with me you could’ve come and got me. You know I always want to spend time with you, I hadn’t seen loads of those people for ages so I was just catching up. But if you wanted me to come sit all you had to do was come get me and you know I would’ve sat with you until we left. I was dancing with Lucy my straight best friend of 12 years for fucks sake. If something was going on there it would’ve happened already.”
“You sure it hasn’t?” Ellie knows it hasn’t, she knows you would never do that. But her brain isn’t connected to her mouth anymore, her jealousy is the only thing controlling her actions right now, she feels like she’s watching a horrible film where the main character does the opposite of the right thing at every turn.
“You are unbelievable. I have been nothing but a loyal and loving girlfriend to you, I do not deserve this and I don’t have to prove anything to you but seeing as I have nothing to hide, my phone is in your hand. Go on Ellie, if you don’t trust me, go through my phone and prove yourself wrong.” She looks down at the phone but doesn’t make a move to unlock it. Her stillness only ignites the fire of your rage more. “Go on! You know the password, it’s your birthday! So go on Ellie, admit you don’t trust me and go through my phone.”
She stays in her place looking at your phone until she sighs and holds it out to you. “Of course I trust you. You just- you don’t notice how many people’s eyes are on you wherever we go, and it’s never bothered me, I love it, I love that you’re as beautiful as you are, I’m proud to be next to you but when we were at that party all I could see were people trying to take you from me and when I looked at you all I could see was you leaving me.” She sniffles and you see a single tear run down her face that she wipes away as soon as she can. You take your phone from her hand and throw it down onto the sofa next to you before walking to stand right in front of her. She avoids your eyes but you gently nudge her chin so she looks at you.
“Ellie, no one else could ever make me leave you. I love you, you are my world, my heart beats for you Ellie, it has since the day I met you. What will drive me away is if you take out your insecurities and jealousy on me instead of talking to me about it. I won’t stay around to be treated like this. I am better than this and I deserve better than this, I will help you work through this but not if you’re going to do this again.” It was like what you said was the end of the world as she immediately broke down into sobs, the sight stopped you in your tracks as Ellie never cried. You moved slowly like you were handling a bomb as you cupped her cheeks, your hands had barely touched her face before she was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug as she continued crying into your shoulder. You stroked her hair gently and let her cry until she calmed down enough to sniffle and take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, please don’t leave me. I’ll fix it, I won’t get jealous anymore I swear I’m sorry.” She mutters into your shoulder as she cries more, her grip on you tightened almost like she was physically trying to stop you from going anywhere. You wrapped your arms around her neck and cuddle into her more as you walk backwards toward the sofa pulling her down on top of you.
“I’m not going to leave you and we can work on this together, you’re allowed to get jealous but you need to be able to discuss it with me instead of attacking me. I’m sorry for making you feel forgotten, I had no intention of doing that but I’m sorry that I made you feel that way anyway. I love you Ellie and you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, I am so lucky to have you I would never want anyone over you.”
She looks up at you and presses a light kiss to your lips, so sweet it almost rids your lips from the salty remnants of your tears. “I love you more. Thank you for being so good to me.” She doesn’t seem entirely convinced by your description of her but she appreciates the reassurance more than she can explain.
You wrap your legs around her waist and squeeze her so tight you hear a choked groan leave her lips involuntarily. You make eye contact that neither of you break as you brush your knuckles over her cheek.
“I really am sorry. You know I didn’t mean anything I said, I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
“I do El. But it won’t happen again.”
“Never.” You share a timid kiss and she lays her head down on your chest to listen to your heartbeat, it had always soothed her, she feels herself calming and sinking into you until she looks up to see you already looking down at her with a devious smirk. “What’s up babe?”
“You still got that pink spliff from earlier?”
“I love you so much.”
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prentissluvr · 1 year
feverish — joel miller
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gn!reader, platonic!reader, fatherfigure!joel , sickfic , cw : mentions of fever & coughing, sickness in general, mostly unedited , wc : 1K , anon i hope you enjoy it !! <333
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joel notices immediately when you begin lagging behind him and ellie. but you don’t say anything, so neither does he, just pausing occasionally to let you catch up.
in the end, it’s ellie who says something.
“hey, are you okay?” she asks you once you’re all settled by the fire. joel, whose attention seems to be solely on the meat he’s cooking, is peering at you subtly, listening intently for your reaction.
“i’m fine,” you wave off her concern, “just a little tired today, is all.” your answer’s not a complete lie, it’s true that you’re tired, but what you don’t tell them is the way you can feel the sickness starting to settle in your bones. really, it was yesterday you first started feeling it, but it hadn’t begun to slow you down until a few hours into hiking today.
“well then, we’d better get to sleep right after eating,” joel advises. “best get as much sleep as you can for tomorrow.”
you heed his advice, curling into your sleeping bag the moment you can in hopes that good enough rest will prevent you from truly falling ill. ellie talks for a few minutes the way she normally does before sleeping, but joel cuts her off earlier than normal tonight for your sake. with that reasoning, she actually listens to him and settles down to sleep herself.
your hopes of escaping sickness are unfairly stolen from you in the morning when you wake up with the sun, groggy and completely out of it. your nose is stuffy, throat sore, and limbs heavy when you rustle about in your covers. you just turn to your side and do your best to drift back into what turns out to be a quite restless sleep.
the next time you wake, it’s to ellie gently nudging your shoulder for you to get up as joel finishes cleaning up camp. you groan in protest, halfheartedly pushing her away.
“it’s almost time to go,” she says, “joel let you sleep in.”
you let out a huff of breath, wishing you could lay in bed all day before struggling to sit up. rubbing at your eyes, you take in the state of your tired, compromised body and decide it’s certainly best if you say nothing about it. no reason to make anyone worry or slow down your journey.
so you push past your discomfort, standing up and quickly packing up your bag. but your plans to cover up your sickness do not go as well as planned when you begin coughing and sniffling uncontrollably.
about the fourth time you lean against a tree to support yourself during a coughing bout, joel stops completely, handing you water and waiting until you’re done to speak.
“you’re gettin’ sick, kid,” he states, very aware that you’ve been quiet in order to prevent causing an inconvenience to him and ellie. you shake your head, so he continues. “you can let us know if you’re not feeling well, you know? that’s not something you can control. what d’ you say we make camp early and rest for the day?”
“no!” you exclaim, “no, that’s alright, i’m fine. i swear. i don’t even feel that sick, it just sounds like it,” you try to explain away the actual extent of your sickness.
he says your name, gentle and firm like the hand he places on your shoulder. “you look like you could fall over any second. i ain’t buying any of that, alright? you need to rest so that you don’t get more sick, you understand me?
you want to keep trying, to convince him and a watching ellie that you’re fine, but it seems you can never argue with that tone of voice he uses when he’s truly serious about something.
“fine,” you relent with a sigh, feeling half grateful, half guilty, and one hundred percent sick as you trek along until you find an appropriate campground.
joel orders you to lay down when you try and help set up, only asking you to move once a fire is going so that you can soak up it’s warmth. as you lay there, it seems as if all of your stubbornness is catching up to you, and you can’t resist it when your eyes drift closed despite the sun still being clear in the sky.
with a mind too groggy with sickness and sleep, you don’t process much even when you’re awake. ellie stays close by to your laying form, silently worried by the sickness that’s visible in your face and the coughs that wrack your body. she jumps up each time joel asks her to do anything, eager to help you rather than just sit by and do nothing. joel too is dedicated to caring for you, his soft palm feeling your forehead for signs of fever as you slip in and out of sleep. he does his best to create a broth from bones and freshly hunted meat throughout the hours that you sleep for you to eat when you wake.
when you squirm uncomfortably in your sleep with your brows furrowed, he does his best to calm your distress with gentle touches. past memories of caring for a sick child are clear in his head, both hurting his heart but helping him to help you the best he can.
you try to resist his help again once you wake, but the weakness in your limbs doesn’t let you get far, so your resolve crumbles far faster this time. he helps you drink and eat all while ellie does her best to cheer you up with corny jokes and over exaggerated retellings of things that have happened throughout your journey all together. it works well, her words resulting in your laughing so hard that you begin to cough and a non-threatening glare from joel in her direction.
but soon, you tire again, so joel insists you go back to sleep, just as twilight fades into total darkness. you don’t argue this time, nor at all the next day as he and ellie patiently nurse you back to health until you’re spry and well again.
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missvelvetsstuff · 4 months
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky x Sharon
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
**Previous chapter**
Cookie looked at the cold face of her friend, the man she had loved for 2 years and rasped out "Bucky. Please." She looked into his emotionless eyes and she realized this was it, she closed her eyes and tried to say "I forgive you" as she lost consciousness.
Chapter 6
Note: sorry this chapter took so long, hope it's worth the wait.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
The Soldat was distracted by a door slamming open, the sunlight that shone through it and the shield that hit him in the chest, knocking him back. He dropped an unconscious Cookie and turned in the direction of the distractions before stalking over towards them. He approached the man who threw the shield and a man in a red and gold metal suit but before he could throw a punch the guy in the metal suit put his hand up and some red mist came out. The Soldat covered his mouth and tried not to inhale it but failed.
Bucky coughed and shook his head before looking up to see Steve and Tony in front of him, holding defensive positions as they waited to see if it worked.
Bucky rubbed his eyes "Steve? What the Hell is going on?"
Bucky looked around as his head cleared and saw Cookie, crumpled on the floor and rushed over to her, falling to his knees.
"Cookie! Nonononono. Fuck! What did I do? Please doll, you have to be ok"
He started to reach out to her but pulled back when he saw the bruises starting to form on her neck. He turned to look at Steve and begged "Help her, please."
As soon as he sprayed Bucky, Tony aimed the mist at Nat, Sharon, Yelena and Antonia. All but Antonia shook themselves out of the trance they were in while Antonia tried to escape up the stairs. Unfortunately for her, Nat and Yelena were faster and tackled her to the floor.
Steve carefully picked Cookie up and hurried towards the quinjet.
Bucky stood, looked around and saw Sharon. He glared and started towards her when Tony stopped him. "We'll take care of them, you go back to the jet with Rogers and Cookie.
Bucky flinched when he heard her name "I don't think-"
Tony cut him off "Don't think, just go, everything here is handled."
Bucky just nodded and turned in the direction Steve had gone. When he arrived at the jet he saw Steve standing next to the medical bed where he had laid Cookie.
He turned to face Bucky "Friday is monitoring her but there doesn't seem to be any serious damage just some bruising. She'll be alright, Buck."
Bucky scoffed "Yeah, no thanks to me. I'll just keep my distance." and sat as far away from her as he could.
Steve tried to comfort him "C'mon Buck, it's not your fault. They were controlling you."
Bucky just turned his back to him without a word and Steve knew he would need some time.
Tony and Sam walked up the ramp with Antonia, Nat, Sharon and Yelena all in front while Clint and Sam were last so they could keep an eye on everyone.
Antonia was restrained and belted into one of the seats with Sam and Clint on either side. Tony took the pilots seat and they raced home as quickly as possible.
Cookie felt herself being pulled awake by an annoying beeping in her room. She tried to tell Friday to turn her alarm off but quickly realized that no sounds were coming out. She tried to clear her throat but it was painful like a sore throat when you're sick but much worse.
She tried to open her eyes but the room was too bright and as she sniffled detected a strong antiseptic smell.
Once she put it all together she realized she must be in the med bay.
Cookie opened her eyes again and was able to keep them open this time. She felt a hand holding hers and looked around the room to see dark hair. She squeezed the hand gently and tried to speak, which made her cough and woke him up.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
Cookie tried to speak but on squeaked and coughed. She shrugged and pointed at her throat.
"I know, I'm sorry Cookie. We tried to get there before it went that far but I'm glad we found you in time. Here, have some water." He sat her bed up and held the cup of water so she could drink from the straw. As she drank he explained that Bucky, Sharon, Nat and Yelena had all been controlled by Antonia with a serum that the Red Room had been using on the Widows, to keep them in line.
The cool water soothed Cookie's throat but when she tried to speak it still came out as a croak "Sammy" and made her cough again.
Sam set the water down "Dr Cho said your throat will be sore for awhile so no talking for a few days. If you can manage that, Imma be seriously impressed. Here, this will help." he handed her a tablet so she could type out what she wanted to say.
Cookie slapped his shoulder before taking the tablet and trying quickly into it. *How's Barnes?*
Sam shook his head "After everything that's happened, that's the first thing you wanna say?" he sighed "Bucky is fine. He's been in the waiting area all night but won't come in here. Blames himself, which he should, if you ask me."
Cookie scowled at him and started typing again
*I didn't ask. According to what you just told me, wasn't his fault. Tell his dumb ass to come in here!*
Sam looked at her, frustrated "I also just told you he won't come in here. Did he mess up your hearing too?"
Cookie sighed *Tell him I said so*
Sam shook his head as he left the room to talk to Bucky. It didn't go well.
Bucky refused "Goddammit Sam, I already told you I wasn't going in there. What if I see her and he decides to come back and finish the job? That was his last order and I don't know if it'll still be there when I see her. She deserves better than me. I'm stupidly damaged and can't promise she won't end up hurt, whether it's by someone I've hurt, Hydra wanting me back or just me and my unstable mind. I can't risk hurting her again. Just tell her I'm sorry."
Sam tried to reply but when he looked where the super soldier had just been standing, the entire waiting room was empty.
When Sam returned to Cookies room she frowned and he shrugged "I told you he wouldn't. He bailed before I could convince him. You're gonna have to wait till he's ready."
A few hours later Cookie was released by Dr Cho with the conditions that she take it easy and not try to talk for a few days. On the way back to her room she saw Nat and Yelena. Both women looked at the floor and mumbled apologies as she walked past.
Cookie was happy that she made it to her room without seeing Sharon. Even if she was being controlled, Cookie couldn't wipe the images of Sharon and Bucky all over each other or the nasty comments she had made. Maybe after some rest and time to put it all into perspective she would feel more rational about it.
Cookie wasn't sure what her next move should be since her being here seemed to be traumatic for everyone involved in her adventure. DC and Boston were always options. She could transfer to either one and still do her job without much trouble, thanks to Stark tech and wouldn't be too far away by plane or Dr Strange in a real emergency.
She knew that seeing Bucky every day, especially if he stays with Sharon or finds another "friend", would be challenging for her. Distance would help her heart heal, or so she thought.
She figured being out of his sight would help Bucky deal with his own trauma and guilt without her reminding him that the Soldat was still lurking.
After a couple of days Cookie was getting her voice back and had been released to go back to work. She noticed that Bucky always seemed to be lurking around but bolted everytime their eyes met. He wouldn't stay in the same room as Cookie unless there were briefings where he wasn't given much choice.
When Maria came to her office a week later, to see how she was feeling, Cookie told her what she was thinking and Maria tried to talk her out of it.
By the time Maria left her office, Cookie was sure of her next step and sent the papers to Nick Fury, already begrudgingly signed off on by Maria.
When her work day ended, Cookie headed to her room to start organizing and packing. She would miss her view of the lake and her friends here but she felt like she just couldn't stay with the way things were. Maybe in a few years she could get her head together and figure out how to convince her heart to let go of Bucky but it wasn't happening here.
Cookie told Sam that she was moving but made him promise not to tell anyone, especially not Bucky. She wasn't up to a teary goodbye with the whole team and didn't want Bucky to feel like it was his fault.
At her last team dinner two weeks later, everyone was there even Steve and Tony but only Sam knew it was her last day at the compound. Everyone else thought they were celebrating her clean bill of health the day before. As always, Bucky was nowhere to be seen while Sharon, Nat and Yelena were there but none of them had even tried to speak to her since they all returned to the compound.
Cookie figured they were dealing with their own guilt even if it wasn't really any of their fault but she knew Dr Raynor would help them work through it all. She convinced herself that her move was best for them as well, so they don't have to see her and feel bad about what happened.
The next morning she woke early, left her room packed for the movers to pick up and Sam flew her to her new home for the foreseeable future.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella
Chapter 7
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quinnysnursery · 4 months
do you think you could write a fic or some oneshots about daddy!chris with a sick little? especially a little who gets strep throat/the flu a lot? thank you soooo much doll!! 🎀🍼
[🥤] a spoonful of sugar | chris sturniolo one-shot
paring : cg!chris sturniolo x little!sick!reader
summary : being sick is no fun, but chris is determined to make taking medicine easier.
warning/extra tid-bits : sick!reader, taking medicine, i think that's it
word count : 1,130
divider credit : @aqualogia
a/n : if you ever want a certain cg name to be used just include it in your request btw guys! i default to mama/dada/baba because that's what i'm most comfortable with when i'm in littlespace but i'm open to writing mostly anything! (sorry for any typos, i'm just a girl!)
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You let out a long whine once you finished your coughing fit. “Daddy…” You sniffled, tears threatening to spill out your eyes. 
Looking up from the counter, Chris quickly turned down the heat of the stove before making his way over to where you were curled up on the couch. “Daddy’s here, what’s hurting?” He asked, his brows furrowing in worry as he crouched down in front of the couch where you were laying.
You being sick wasn’t anything new, but that didn’t make watching you in pain any easier for Chris to watch. Almost every month, like clockwork, you’d come down with a flu-type sickness, and like clockwork, Chris wasted no time being right by your side.
“M’ throat…” You whimpered, eyes glossing with tears. Your carer cooed, nodding as he brushed your hair away from your face. “I’m making you some soup now, baby.” He explained gently, “Do you feel good enough to come sit at the table or do you want Daddy to bring it to you?” He hummed, tilting his head as he asked the question. 
You thought for a moment before answering, “Daddy bring it…” You decided. 
He nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as he stood. “I’ll be right back angel.” Chris promised, quickly returning to the kitchen.
He was by no means a chef, he’d burnt microwave mac and cheese plenty of times but…for you he read the directions on the back of the soup can five times over, going as far to look up how to make canned soup even better.
After pouring the soup into a pastel-colored, toddler-safe bowl. Chris grabbed a spoon and a few napkins before bringing it over to you on the couch.
You were now sat up, tired eyes practically latching onto Chris as soon as he was in view. “It’s very hot, be careful.” He warned, placing the soup on your lap along with the spoon.
You nodded. Chris sat next to you, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder. 
Dipping the spoon down into the chicken soup and bringing it up to your mouth, you instantly let out a soft breath as the warmth of the broth soothed your aching throat.
“Is it yummy?” He asked, smiling. You nodded excitedly, “Mhm! ‘s yummy!” You hummed, quickly eating more. 
The two of you sat like that until the soup was all gone and you ended up laying back down, head resting on Chris’ lap. 
“Sleepy baby…” Chris cooed, playing with your hair. You hummed, hiding your face in your hand. 
“You wanna nap here? Or in daddy’s room?” He asked, prompting you to snuggle into Chris further. “Stay heeereee…” You whined, rubbing your eyes tiredly. Chuckling, your carer nodded.
“Alright, alright. We’ll stay here.”
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You woke up a few hours later, immediately disgruntled by the lack of Chris. 
Sitting up, you rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes. “Daddy?” You croaked, eyes immediately getting teary as your body processed that your sore throat was back in full force. 
“D-Daddy?” You asked, eyes darting around the living room. 
“In the kitchen, princess/prince!” Chris called out, attempting to quicken his pace. You sluggishly rose to your feet, being sure to grab your beloved stuffed animal before shuffling into the kitchen.
“Daddy, m’ throat hurts…” You whimpered as you entered. Chris let out a sympathetic coo, opening his arms and engulfing you into one of his signature warm hugs. 
The soft fabric from his Fresh Love hoodie combined with his cologne was almost enough to make you forget about the pain. Until his grip loosened and it all came back, causing quiet tears to spill out your eyes.
“Oh baby…” Chris murmured, his eyes softening as he saw just how upset your symptoms were making you. “It’s probably about time for some more medicine.” He commented, grabbing the bottle full of red-ish liquid from the counter and taking a small cup from the dish-rack.
You wrinkled up your nose, “Tastes icky…” You complained, holding your stuffed friend close. “It says it tastes like cherry, you love cherry!” Chris tried, only to be given a major scowl from you. 
“I know it’s icky, baby.” He sympathized, “But it makes you feel so much better, right?” He asked. You thought for a moment before begrudgingly nodding. 
It did help…it just also tasted very icky. 
Chris thought as he filled up the tiny cup to the designated line. When Chris didn’t know exactly what to do while caregiving, he often thought back to his own childhood and what Mary-Lou would do that he appreciated. 
Looking as if a lightbulb went off above his head, Chris instantly rushed to the pantry, swinging open the door. “Daddy?” You questioned, two steps behind him.
“I know just the trick to help with that icky medicine.” He said, giddiness filling his voice. That caught your attention. “Really?!” You beamed, standing on your tippy toes to try and see what Chris was digging out the pantry.
Once he found what he needed, he sat the bag of sugar on the marble countertop. “We bakin’?!” You asked excitedly, only to frown when your caregiver shook his head no.
“Not today baby, but maybe when you’re feeling better.” The brunette comforted as he grabbed a spoon from a random drawer. 
“Okay, ready for medicine?” He asked, picking the tiny cup back up. You whined, shaking your head in refusal.
“Angel, can you pretty please trust daddy?” He asked. You frowned, you did trust your daddy…but that medicine was icky. 
“I pinky promise this is gonna help.” He said, motioning to the bag of sugar. 
Looking into Chris’ blue eyes, you nodded. “M’kay daddy…m’ trust you.” You mumbled, knowing he would never intentionally do anything to harm or upset you. 
“Thank you princess/prince.”
Slowly, Chris helped you take the medicine. The tart “cherry” flavor invading every taste bud. You wrinkled up your nose, instantly pulling away once the liquid in the cup was finished. 
A spew of praises escaped Chris’ mouth, which helped a bit. “Okay, here. This’ll help.” He said, scooping a small amount of sugar onto the metal spoon before bringing it to your lips.
“Daddy promises, okay?” Chris added. You opened your mouth, allowing the sugar to fall in. 
Faster than you could count, the sugar instantly combatted the bitter cherry flavoring. Chris was right, it did just the trick.
You instantly let out a happy squeal, wrapping your arms around your caregiver. “Daddy’s the bestest!” You beamed, causing Chris to laugh lovingly as he patted your back.
You’d spend the rest of the night beaming about how smart your daddy was, how he was a “genius” and the “bestest daddy in the whole wide universe of forever”. 
That one was Chris’ favorite.
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TAGLIST : @natedoeswife @blahbel668 @nicksloverrr @katw4shereee @pkfferoo @mattssturnz @mattsturniologf444 @graceslittlecorner @zivall @hrtz4alex2211
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joesheistyy · 2 years
Sniffle Prevention
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You had a terrible cold. When it came to sickness, you were able to hold your own. Except, this time around, it was different.
Joe had been out at football practice, and you were at home miserable. You had been having a hard time sleeping and even just breathing in general. Joe had tried with the home remedies, but this one was stubborn.
When Joe got home from practice, the first thing he did was come check on you. You were laying in bed with some mega dark circles, a glass of cold water, a box of tissues, and your favorite throw blanket. Joe gave you a pout, seeing your miserable state.
"Are you feeling any better after taking meds?" He asked, coming over to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Nope, still miserable," you sniffled, "I tried sleeping again, but I feel like my own snot is suffocating me," you tried to let out a laugh, but your throat was sore from having to be a mouth breather.
“Is it mostly when you lay down?” He questioned, sitting down on the edge of the bed facing you.
“Yeah, when I sit up it’s not as bad, but it still sucks,” you huffed, reaching for another tissue to try to clear your nose.
“Hmm, that’s difficult, isn’t it?” Joe gave you a soft smile as you nodded in response.
“I just wanna take a fucking nap or something. I’m so tired,” you groaned as Joe began to get up to go change from practice. He turned on the shower, suggesting one for yourself as well.
“Babe what about a warm bath? That might help clear you up,” he suggests after putting all his dirty clothes in the hamper of the bathroom.
“I mean that could be nice but I just feel like such ass,” you whined again, slowly moving to get out of bed.
“I think you should take one, I’ll get it started for you,” he said, starting the bath as his shower was still heating up. That’s one thing you both loved about the house. A nice big shower and a nice big tub. Separate from each other, but really nicely sized.
You submerged yourself in the water once it was ready and Joe hopped in the shower. You let your eyes close and your head tilt back in hopes of your sinuses draining even in the slightest. The warm water caused your body to relax a little bit, but your head still hurt from all the sniffling.
Joe hopped out of the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist. Was that one of the hottest things you had ever seen? It absolutely was. Joe loves it when you look at him the way you do when he wears a towel around his waist, but this day was different. He wanted you to feel better, no funny business.
“Any success in stuffy sniffle prevention?” He asks as he comes back in the bathroom after finding boxers and gym shorts.
“Once again, not really,” you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Damn baby, this is a tough one to crack,” he says, pulling your towel out of the towel warmer. You get out of the bath slowly while Joe wraps your towel around you, followed with his arms. He felt your body shiver from the cold air which caused him to pull your damp body in closer.
Joe helped you dry off and get comfy clothes on. You decided it was time to leave the stuffy bedroom for the first time all day. Anything to even try to lessen your symptoms.
Joe had made his way downstairs to make you some soup. You followed, walking toward the barstools to watch him at work in the kitchen. He made you a glass of water and scooted over a box of tissues for you.
While eating your soup, Joe cleaned up the bedroom and opened the window in hopes to make it a little less stuffy for you.
After you finished your soup, you set the bowl in the sink and headed back up to your room. You grabbed a new box of tissues and set them on your nightstand with your white Stanley tumbler filled with ice water.
Joe was laying in bed with open arms, welcoming you in. He had the switch turned on, getting ready to play super smash bros.
“Here babe, come sit on my lap. You can lean your head on my shoulder and sleep,” he said, pausing his game to allow you to climb on top of him.
This was one of those moments where sitting on his lap didn’t turn you on, it calmed you. You were able to get comfy, legs wrapping around his back and arms around his neck. Your head rested on the crook of his neck, still unable to smell his cologne because of congestion.
His arms were wrapped around your waist, looking at the screen ahead of him and spamming multiple buttons.
“Baby are you able to breathe a little better this way?” Joe asked, leaning to his left to give your cheek a kiss.
“A bit, yeah. I may fall asleep honestly,” you spoke with a sigh.
“Go ahead honey, I know you need some rest,” he said, nuzzling his head into yours to show some love to his sick baby.
“Are you sure?” You asked, leaning up to look toward his face briefly.
“Yes baby, I’m sure. You need to get a nap in or something, I can tell how tired you are,” he said, stroking your hair after pausing his game.
“Okay then, imma rest my head right here and try to sleep,” you said, nuzzling back into the crook of his neck.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes in hopes you could get even the slightest amount of sleep in. You were so tired after sleeping like shit the past few nights.
Joe continued smashing away at buttons, trying not to get too worked up over super smash bros. He knew his angel needed to sleep, and finding a comfortable way for you to sit up to breathe and to sleep comfortably at the same time was his ultimate goal.
As you dozed off, Joe kept quiet while playing his game. He dusted you in kisses and hugged you close, hoping that you’d soon be able to sleep soundly again. If this was all he could do to help you feel even the slightest bit better, he was all over it.
I hope y’all enjoyed this! I’ve had such a stubborn cold all week and while watching the game, my bf gave me a shot of everclear that I didn’t know was everclear cause I’ve been so badly congested 💀 so I hope the last bit of this makes sense cause I’m drunk and sitting by the toilet rn 🤣 I love y’all, thanks for almost 300 followers!!!
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okkotsyui · 2 years
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12:09 :: "you." | bachira meguru [ intended lowercase ,, fem ! reader ]
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it wasn't unusual for you to stay over bachira's place; ever since the two of you started dating, he insisted that you come over every day, so you tended to sleep there as well. your parents didn't care either, as they were always abroad for work and mostly absent in your life, and your boyfriend's mother loved it as much as her son did. you were always welcomed in the bachira household, and you were treated just like family.
or so you had thought.
"oh my god, can you just shut up for one damn second?! i can't even hear my own thoughts over your annoying voice." the cruel words spat at you by your lover tore your heart into pieces. if that wasn't already enough, the ice-cold glare he shot at you sent a shiver down your spine, causing your body to subconsciously tremble under his harsh stare. he sighed before running a hand through his hair and standing up, "leave me alone for a while, i can't be bothered to deal with you" was all he said before leaving the room, slamming the door as he went. you sat there in silence for a while, not knowing how to react to what had just happened. without even realising, tears had begun flowing freely down your face, softly landing on your school blazer, small whimpers being drawn from your lips. the slight trembling of your body had turned to heavy shaking as each tear fell from your eyes.
bachira's mother was about to bring the two of you snacks as you studied, but she paused when she heard her son storm out of the room and harshly slam the door before walking to the opposite side of the apartment. cautiously, she placed the tray on a nearby counter and followed the boy.
"meguru, are you okay? what was all that about??" she asked, concern laced on her features. he turned to look at her before shaking his head and continuing to walk off, completely brushing her off. the woman sighed before heading back over to his bedroom, hoping to see if you could explain the reason behind his supposed bad temper. gently knocking on the door, she could hear you quickly sniffling and drying your tears with your sleeve before saying she could come in. "what's wrong, honey? did something happen between meguru and you??" she questioned, a feeling of sadness and slight disappointment stirring in her chest when she saw your reddened cheeks and sore eyes. "it's nothing, please don't worry" you said, a small smile on your face - a poor attempt at trying to stop more tears from flowing. the older woman sat down next to you and softly pulled you close to her, your head now laying on her shoulder. "you don't have to pretend to me, cry if you need to" was all she had said, but it was enough to force more sobs from you and your body slumped over hers. she smiled at you, bringing you to her chest and stroking the back of your head as you cried and cried, your hands gripping her shirt. the two of you stayed like that for a while, leading for you to fall asleep in her hold, completely exhausted from the continuous crying. after carefully lifting you and placing you onto meguru's bed, she went off to find her son, prepared to give him a stern lecture.
she found him sat on the balcony, staring up at the sunset, football abandoned next to him. his face looked sullen and a pout rested on his lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration at the thought of something. clearing her throat, she stood behind him and waited for him to turn around to face her. "meguru, explain" she said, staring daggers at him. the boy remained silent but returned her stare with a sadder one of his own. the woman exhaled before approaching him, placing a hand on his head. "i don't know what happened between the two of you, but you have to apologise. she's asleep right now because she's spent the whole time crying and crying, and i was there to comfort her, not you. whatever you did or said to her, it hurt her and you were the one to make her cry, which is what no boyfriend should ever do. i'm disappointed in you, meguru" her voice broke through the silence, her emotion clearly conveyed into every single word she said. her son looked up at her, his eyes widened, before they darkened again, his expression that of being ashamed. he nodded at her before heading back to his room, but not before uttering a quiet, "thank you", to his mother, who just smiled in response.
opening the door to his bedroom, bachira saw your curled frame laying on his bed, face buried into his blankets. he silently made his way over to you, kneeling down on the floor to be eye-level with your hidden face. "yn, baby? you awake??" he softly asked, running a hand over your face and brushing off any stray hairs. you groaned in response, eyes squinting open at the rays of sunlight peeking through the drawn curtains, before they focused on the boy in front of you. immediately, you hid yourself under the blanket, trying to avoid any form of arguing with your boyfriend, as you knew your heart couldn't take much more criticism from the person you loved. due to your face being hidden away, you were unable to see the hurt on bachira's face and the way he physically shrunk away. "i'm sorry if you don't wanna talk to me right now, i completely understand. but i have to apologise to you. i know i fucked up and i really didn't mean to snap at you; i've just had a really shitty day at school and the stress of revising for the next exam wasn't helping. i promise i didn't intentionally aim anything at you, and i'm sorry for calling you annoying, you were only trying to help me. i love you" bachira whispered, loud enough so you could hear it but quiet enough for his voice to shake and break off. before you could get a word in, he stood up and went to leave, but the sound of your voice stopped him in his tracks. "meguru, it's fine. i'm not mad at you, i was just hurt - hearing that from you especially, i just couldn't handle it. but it's okay, i forgive you" you said, reaching out for him to come back to you. after hearing your response, bachira immediately ran back to you and took you into his arms, holding you tightly. a string of apologies continued to leave his lips as he hid his face into your neck, placing a kiss after each apology.
later that night, the three of you sat around the kotatsu together enjoying your food, with bachira's mother relentlessly scolding him for what he did. in response, the boy had a scowl and a pout on his face, holding you on his lap, with you laughing at his mother berating him. after the meal, bachira dragged you back to the bedroom to cuddle and smother you with affection, which ended up with his mother sneaking in a few photos of the two of you, unfortunately being added to the family scrapbook.
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[ @juxzi | do not copy, translate, repost w/out permission. ]
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tthoughtdaughter · 8 months
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Ellie massages your back.
summary: Ellie gets a call from you at like the middle of the night. You ask for a massage because you were drunk and high. You weren’t actually sore anywhere it was just a lame excuse to hangout with her.
warnings: none just fluff!
a/n: my bad for leaving for like a month I’m lazy and sick as always!! I’m a prof bed rotter xx
You and ellie were always there for each other, answering calls at random times incase of anything important, being there for each others breakups (mostly yours because Ellie never felt like getting with anyone), and most importantly just simply existing for each other.
12:04am is what read on Ellies clock. The gentle buzzing of her phone had woken her up, it’s not like she was in a deep sleep anyways. She rubs her eyes softly, reading your contact on her phone. She picked up the call just to hear you groaning on the other side. Her tiredness quickly turned to confusion and concern.
“Els, my back really hurts can you come over and massage it for meee??” You snorted, still whimpering with pain because god it hurt like a bitch.
“What? Honey, no, Get some sleep, you’re high and drunk as fuck, go drink some water while you’re at it.” Her concern faded when she could hear you giggling.
“Ellie, I’m begging youuuUu!! Please..” you started sniffling and that’s when Ellie had it, she hung up the call ready to drive her tired ass over to yours, to simply shut you up. No matter how much you could annoy her with your late night drunk calls, she always cared for you.
You were just about ready to down another shot when you hear a swift knock at your door. You stumble over what seems like a huge pile of fuck all, slowly making your way over to the door. You open it quickly to be greeted with soft grin.
“You came.” You smiled warmly, ready to jump into her arms so she could carry you to her bed, instead almost slipping from your balance.
“Fucking hell, c’mere.” She sighed softly, waiting for you to leap into her arms. She picked you up bridal style, eliciting a soft gasp from the back of your throat, not expecting her to be that strong to be able to carry you. To her, you were as light as a feather.
“my back doesn’t actually hurt I just want to hangout with youu.” You had whispered in her ear, she could smell the bitterness of the alcohol from your mouth. The sudden comment made her blush? No, surely not.
“Go brush your teeth and I’ll tuck you into bed.” She dropped you at the bathroom door softly, so you wouldn’t complain to her that you had dropped her like a brick on someone’s foot.
“But I don’t wanna go to beeddddd!!!” You whined, rolling your eyes at her before lazily brushing your teeth.
She picked you up again, you’re as light as a goddamn feather. She pulled the soft pink covers over you, tucking you in just how you liked it, because she knew you. She planted a soft kiss on your temple before laying down beside you to play with your hair, massaging your scalp before you drifted off.
“I love you.” She whispered.
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babyhatesreality · 17 days
Hey loves! Can you possibly do a Head cannon with mob stucky and reader? How would they be when the reader is sick?
Hey love! So....answering this a year later....ugh, trust me I'm disgusted with myself. I hope you're still around to read this, and if you are, I thank you for sticking with me while I went through it this past year. I hope you enjoy <3
So with Mafia Stucky and Little Reader, when you're sick, there is a very calculated plan to get you better.
The trouble is, you're terrified of doctors after all those mean doctors held you captive before your Mafia Daddies could rescue you. You still trembled at the sight of a white lab coat, even after all this time.
So at the first sign of a sniffle or a sore throat, they call in their "guy"
You know him as Mr. Bruce, the really nice man in the purple silk shirt who tells you really silly jokes and talks to you sometimes when you're feeling icky
They know him as Dr. Banner, their on call physician who has been threatened within an inch of his life to not tell you that he's a doctor
Banner has no problem with this arrangement. He enjoys working for Steve and Bucky, as his...issues with rage, let's say....have gotten him in trouble in other locations, and Stucky has given him a full time job with incredible benefits where he still can practice medicine and science.
So what if the majority of his work is now stitches and tending to bullet wounds? He's still helping people, right?
And he genuinely loves you. He was one of the ones to help Steve and Bucky "get you out" of your kidnapped situation, and he was the one quietly monitoring your health as you came out of the haze that the drugs had put you in. He spent a lot of time caring for you and came to see you as a baby sister of sorts. He was extremely protective and fond of you.
Bruce has gotten extremely good at being able to just talk to you and diagnose what the problem is, because you trust him enough to be honest with him about how you're feeling
If there's an occasion where he needs a saliva sample, he's designed special lollipops that taste delicious- AND melt quickly. He simply pockets the stick when you're done and you have no idea.
If he needs a blood sample, that's a bit more complicated. That's when the strawberry milk comes out and you take a nice nap. You'll wake up later to find a little itchy spot on your arm, but that's really about it.
Once Bruce has diagnosed you, he'll quietly talk through a game plan with one of your Daddies while the other one is cuddling and cradling you in the other room.
You don't have any big issues with taking medicine- after all, your daddies are giving it to you and they always know what they're doing, so you don't question it.
You hate cough syrup with a fiery passion. More than once you've straight up refused to take it or spat it back out repeatedly, resulting in a spanking after you get better, but since Bruce figured out a way to mask the taste in a candy, it's not nearly as much of a battle as it used to be.
Mostly, you just crave cuddles and attention. And Steve and Bucky are more than happy to give it to you.
Their team knows just how sick you are by how Stucky rearranges their schedules. If you have a cold, they will NOT get them at the same time until you're better. If you have something a little rougher, like a stomach flu, don't expect to see either of them until you're back on your feet. If it's something like pneumonia, it's about to become everyone's only problem for the foreseeable future. They will ALL be on call twenty four seven. God help them if they think any differently.
Steve likes to carry you around everywhere, even if it's just from the bed to the bathroom. He doesn't want you wasting a bit of energy on something as trivial as walking- it should all go towards you getting better.
Half of his pockets are loaded with your medication, and the other half are full of little toys and expensive trinkets and sparkly jewelry to reward you for being good and staying down and taking your medicine.
Bucky anticipates your every need before it even happens. You shiver once, and he's already wrapped a blanket around you. Your face looks a bit flushed, and he's gently pressing a cool washcloth to your forehead, murmuring about what a good girl you are. He's holding up a tissue to your nose before you even realize you have to sneeze.
They will let you have unlimited screen time, watching all your favorite movies and TV shows with you- as long as they've approved them, of course.
You also get to eat pretty much anything you want (unless it's a stomach illness), since you really don't want to eat when you don't feel well. They'll let you have almost anything to ensure that you're still eating enough to get better.
Every morning, they carry you to another new room in the mansion, with clean fresh sheets and new things to do, since you get very bored very quickly, especially after a whole day in bed. Hell, what else are they gonna do with the twenty guest rooms in the house? The cleaning crew then sanitizes the previous room in a whirl, just in case you decide you want to go back in there.
Steve and Bucky cuddle you and constantly tell you what a good girl you are, and how proud they are to be your daddies, and just how much better their lives are now because you're in them.
And honestly? That heals you faster than anything else.
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interstellarshores · 2 months
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The Music Is You | Josh Kiszka
Word count: 672 (Blurb)
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Talk of breakups
A/N: I don’t know if anyone will enjoy this, but hopefully it speaks to someone. Don’t worry, I’ve got some more smutty stuff coming your way! I just needed to vomit out some things from my brain, so this is me doing that. All my love. 🫶🏻
It was 3am when Josh was awoken by your call. You were frantic, your voice shaky as you fumbled over your words, begging him to come over because you couldn’t stand the thought of being alone right now. He was there within 20 minutes, giving your front door a soft knock. You answered embarrassingly fast.
“What’s wrong, mama?” His eyes found yours. He watched as you tried to force the words out, but no noise was produced. Hot tears streamed down your face, he couldn’t help but bring his hand up to wipe them with his thumb.
He guided you over to the couch and sat criss-cross next to you.
“Look at me, can you do that?” He asked, his voice soft and sincere. You slowly raised your head and did your best to keep eye contact with him. “Good, now take a deep breath for me. In through the nose, out through the mouth.” He guided you through it, an almost harmony created by the sound of the both of you inhaling and exhaling in unison.
“Good.” He repeated, “Now, what’s going on? We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I’m here.” You let out a sigh, you wanted to tell him everything, but saying it out loud was too much right now. To say it out loud you’d have to accept it was real and you weren’t ready. Instead, you just reached him your phone, the conversation between you and your now ex still on the screen. He gave you a concerned look, but eventually took the phone into his hand and began reading.
It was over, and that wasn’t even the worst part. The worst part was that there was no reason it should’ve ended. It had been the most loving, genuine, healthy relationship of your life. Nothing about it was toxic, you had both been loyal, there was no logical reason for things to have ended the way they did. You couldn’t logically be mad at them, they had done nothing to intentionally hurt you. If anything, they had done the opposite, not guilt tripping you, not getting mad, just accepting that things had taken a turn and that it was best to step away.
When he was done reading Josh sat the phone down on the coffee table and turned back to you. “Oh honey..” He began, “I’m so sorry. I know they meant the world to you.” He wrapped you in his arms, and the two of you stayed like that for a bit, the sounds of your choked sobs muffled by his jacket. After a while of him holding you, the sobs were mostly sniffles, and your eyes were growing heavy despite the prominent sting. He gently pulled away and tucked your hair behind your ear. “I’m gonna make you some tea, okay? I know your throat has to be sore.”
You nodded as he stood up. You couldn’t help but miss the warmth, but you found comfort in the fact that he’d be back in a moment. You were snapped out of your thoughts by Josh carefully sitting the steaming cup of tea on the table. Apparently he’d also taken it upon himself to put on a record, because you could hear the faint sounds of music in your ears. You didn’t even register what was playing until he was softly singing along.
Music makes pictures, and often tells stories.
All of it magic, and all of it true.
You could feel your eyes swell with tears again, but this time they weren’t bad. You welcomed them, just like you welcomed Josh’s warm embrace when he sat back down. Within a few minutes, you were softly snoring against him, his voice and gentle touches coaxing you to sleep with ease. The tea was left abandoned on the table, but he didn’t mind. He just wanted you to know you were safe.
And all of the pictures, and all of the stories.
All of the magic, the music is you.
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bamdelune · 1 year
sickly dan heng x reader fluff drabble
notes: not proofread, just fluff in general, might be a little ooc dan heng because this is my first hsr work
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A series of knocks echoed through the archive room where a sickly Dan Heng laid as a virus threw punches at his body.
The Nameless had begun an expedition on a new planet where a Stellaron had been found. This time the planet’s climate was not-so-pleasant (read: never-ending thunderstorms) and Dan Heng had initially warned you to bring an umbrella.
Did you listen?
Of course not!
“We’ll manage, love. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
You thought you would be able to manage because the towns were filled with roofs anyway but little did you know that little could be done to avoid the harsh rain and thus, finding out that the thunderstorms continued inside the numerous establishments of the city.
That day, you were the subject of a handful of unamused stares of “I-told-you-so” from your boyfriend.
Here you stood in front of his room with a tray in your hands, standing in a certain guilt. Lucky for you, your immune system had the balls to fight the cold that was creeping up on you whereas Dan Heng’s… not so much.
You slide the door open with your foot to create a space for your head to poke through.
“Hey, bud. You alright in there?” You ask sheepishly with an awkward chuckle.
With all the energy Dan Heng could muster, he shoots you a weak glare. If looks could kill, you might as well been buried way underground already by the time he makes eye contact with you. You sigh with a nod. “Right, right.” You then push the door open to give way for your body to come in.
You set the tray down on a free space on top of one of the shelves, praying to any entity above that it won’t drop as you tended to your boyfriend as it was halfway off the shelf.
“Sit up for me, please?” you say, kneeling down to his level on the floor, your hand finding a way to press on his back to support him. He grunts tiredly, shifting some of his weight onto your palm and sits upright. Dan Heng then leans against a shelf with a huff.
You shuffle over to where the tray was whilst on your knees and come back to Dan Heng’s side, placing the tray down on the free space on the floor.
“What’s that?” Dan Heng asks softly, prompting a soft sneeze from him right after. His face was mostly pale with pink blooming particularly on his nose. His voice was a subtly scratchy. You assume that he has a mild case of a sore throat as well from his cold.
You pick up a bowl, its evaporating steam following in a trail of movement. You gently spoon through the liquid to cool it down a little. “Porridge. Not the usual one you like though since Pom Pom said it apparently ran out so I had to manage.”
You catch an uncertain look on Dan Heng’s face and pout slightly, “Do you not trust my cooking?” You jest, feigning hurt.
“I trust that you wouldn’t want my reply on that, darling.” He coughs, turning his head to the side to avoid coughing in your direction. "In fact, I'm not sure I trust your judgement."
“You wound me."
He sends you another look,
"I'm sorry, I'll listen to you next time." You exhale in defeat.
You scoop some of the porridge onto the spoon as you bring it to close to your lips, blowing on it gently before you move it near Dan Heng’s.
“Open,” you nudge the spoon slightly to prod his mouth open.
Dan Heng follows with no reluctance when he feels the metal of the spoon on his lips, gulping down the warm porridge down his throat.
You take the spoon out of his mouth and settle it in the bowl, before looking back at him with hopeful eyes. “Is it good?”
Dan Heng nods, sniffling his nose afterwards.
You feed him the porridge until it’s almost finished, setting the bowl on the tray again after it has cooled down.
“Himeko told you to drink this after eating.” You hand him a tablet of medicine packaged securely in a tin packaging. He examines the label before picking the area around the medicine with his nails to take it out. Your hands reach for the glass of water and wait for him to pop the tablet in his mouth before giving it to him.
Once he finishes drinking, he returns the glass to the tray and sighs with relief and slumps down back into the duvet covers. You bend over to tuck him in properly and place a gentle peck on his lips.
“Don’t do that, you’ll get sick.” He mutters with a pout before clearing his throat.
You chuckle quietly at your boyfriend’s words before placing another one on his cheeks.
“Trust me, I won’t. Now get some rest.” You say as you pick up the tray and dim the lights of the archive room when you leave.
Suffice to say you spoke too soon when you wake up two days later with the same cold, earning you another “I told you so” from Dan Heng. But despite his words, the man is eager to take care of you just as you did.
© bamdelune may 2023. do not repost or plagiarize any of my works, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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