#mostly thanks to photomode
hzdtrees · 1 year
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Aloy, Burning Shores edition
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Progress post 1/?
After I've had a little bit of time now trying Cyberpunk VP on PC I wanted to share a bit of my progress. This was the first picture I ever took of Vinnie on PC. Just Vanilla Cyberpunk, no mods. I skipped time for better more interesting lighting.
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I remember being like, meh, not that much of a difference to my PS4-Vinnie.
So, I decided to recreate this with what I know now. I have a skin mod and a hair mod installed and AMM. The rest is still Vanilla (no poses, no clothes). I went back to a Ripperdoc to give him his old hair. This is the result.
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Okay, now there's definitely a difference. The extra lighting has the biggest impact, I think, and I am still very much a beginner with this. But also the portrait mode. I could have had that from the beginning, but I just didn't see it until someone mentioned you could tilt the camera 90° degrees.
I will always be thankful to @theviridianbunny, who inspired me to take a deeper look into Cyberpunk photomode. And to @cyberpunkaddict for being generous with advice and tips! Both of you were among the first mutuals I had, and it means a lot to me! I have to thank @fereldanwench for her detailed tutorial on AMM, which is a godsend!
And now, just for fun the shots that I would actually do at this location nowadays because, well, for one, Vinnie has definitely an 18+ rating going on and second he's a bit of a goof as well lol.
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OC: Vinnie
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olath124 · 2 months
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We've done it... It seems like I've figured out how to make working (well, mostly working at least...) poses for Cyberpunk Photomode. Sooo...
Dramah pics! A shitload of them! With badly made poses that clip with each other soooo much! XD... But hey, what you can't see...
So, I wanted to make a pic for this scene so much, but of course, I couldn't find the exact pose for exactly what I wanted. So, being the stubborn little tough bunny I am I decided to learn how to do my own poses!
Of course, without @cybervesna and @blackrevell I'd still be here trying to figure out why everything doesn't work as it's supposed to be, so... Thank you very much, to both of you!
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cybervesna · 17 days
Hi! I’m newer to vp and I really love your photos. Especially how they tell a story. Do u have any advice for setting up lights for 2 or more people in a photo with just AMM and photomode (or anything available on nexus)? Thank u :)
Omg, thank you so much! I always think my light game is awful 😬
I use CyberLit addon from Otis Camera Tools, so I don't know how to use other light tools. I know there's AMM light spot and Charli on Nexus, tho.
What I can do is to show a bit of my theory I guess? Some time ago I was explaining my light game to a friend so I'm gonna copy-paste it here and expand with screenshots.
(Please keep in mind that I'm not a professional and I learned everything from fucking around and finding out + reading some articles here and there)
So what I do is observe the environment my characters are in, and based on that I "extend" the lights that are around them. For example, here in this specific shot, you don't see any light sources, but having the bigger picture in mind I set them in a specific way
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Most of the time I have 2-3 lights spawned, I use CyberLit so it's a 90% "point" option. I sometimes go for "spotlight" when I don't want the area to be lit up too to make it seem more natural like the light source comes from something natural.
Here (the bigger picture) I used the environment to make it seem like the light goes from a skyscraper:
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Even tho, if I changed the perspective it would show that the actual light is pointed somewhere below and not even there. Getting the right angles allowed me to bend reality to what I needed.
I also use the environment to enhance what is already in-game, for better effect:
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Here I put yellow light in the same color as the table but from above to make it more unified and simply more flattering. It still looks natural, as if there's a second light source off-frame
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(also here you can see the big screen from the pic above that is off-screen, it has white light mostly so I used that in my pic as an extension)
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You can also take some creative liberty in what you do, and add things as you need, following the "natural order of things". It's hard to explain honestly so I hope you get what I mean.
When situation is dynamic (characters move) it's good to keep the light coherent, in the same place:
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However, you can still adjust it to be flattering for the pose yet keep it looking natural. I usually move it a bit left and right to get the best results.
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Even tho the perspective changed, the light is in the same place, naturally since now she has an open position towards the source of light, more of her body will be covered.
To end this, more on liberty. Here's an example of the environment I built entirely which is Kurt's apartment.
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By having any "natural" source of light off-frame I can do whatever I want, and our mind will assume that some source is somewhere we can't see it. I headcanon Kurt has a colorful LED above his bed and a chandelier in the middle of the room, hence I follow the "physics" of it, which looks natural. I also keep that in mind while taking other pictures in this location
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Perspective changes, but the light source remains in the same places (chandelier and above the bed).
Also I love this pic - honestly, don't be afraid of straight lighting things up from the front. When I take pics like this I have in mind that the camera has flash on, and it looks absolutely cool too.
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I hope that helps!
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robo-dino-puppy · 6 months
Absolutely in love with your Horizon series shots))) Thank you for continuing to take and share them, and I am really glad to see them. Partially because the games never really got much attention, but mostly for the perfect way you manage to find and capture the beauty of this particular virtual world. Also, my respect for switching to ps4 at times, obviously the resolution is not as high there, but I still find the games gorgeous on that (quite old now) hardware.
oh wow, thank you so much!!! yeah, poor Horizon seems to get overshadowed no matter what it does, and it's such a shame because Guerrilla does amazing work on it. the fact that it looks as good as it does on PS4 is astounding to me. I'm thrilled to hear you think I capture the beauty of it, because I definitely think it's a staggeringly beautiful game.
I'm just glad other people appreciate what I post <3 since ever since I (re-)started playing games in late 2019 I've been captivated by the existence of photomode - since that was never a thing in the games I played when I was a kid. I honestly don't have a ton of games under my belt, but no game I have played has ever been as fun for me to take pics in as Horizon. or as fun to play!
I haven't been playing as much lately (life ugh) but I still have a captures folder with thousands of shots in it and I plan to keep at it until (and after!!!) we get some New Horizon Content!
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izar-tarazed · 3 months
What do you use to get such incredible screen shots?
Thank you, glad you like them! I use the Otis_Inf Photomode Mod for Elden Ring along with ReShade (mostly relying on a couple of shader presets I found on Nexus, occasionally tweaking them a little but they look way nicer than anything I could come up with when playing around with the shaders on my own). (The only trade-off with the camera tool/photomode mod is that I must play in offline mode. I miss the messages and the bloodstains, but taking screenshots makes me way too happy.)
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moonbiscuitsims · 10 months
Moonbiscuit Sims Blog Intro
About: Welcome to my Simblr 💜💙🖤 I also post some lots of Cyberpunk 2077, Naruto, and now apparently Stardew Valley, mostly making them in the sims or just on their own. I'm basically just a weird nerd. I play and post some ts2 and ts3, but most of my stuff, and all my cc is TS4. 18+ only She/Her/They/Them Languages: English-Spanish WCIF FRIENDLY 💜💙🖤 I like tag games! Discrimination attitudes of any kind will be blocked as well as empty pages that look like bots.
💜MY CUSTOM CONTENT (TS4) (please respect my TOU below) 💜
MAIN STUFF 💜CYBERPUNK (SIMS 4, general CP style as well as 2077) 💜CYBERPUNK 2077 (NON SIMS, cp screenshots including cosplay project) 💜Cyberpunk 2077 Cosplays (ongoing crossover project, using the CP2077 photomode to make well-known sims characters in NC) 💜NARUTO (sims) 💜Stardew Valley (sims) 💜Sims 4 Content 💜Sims story/gameplay posts 💜Sims 4 CC Lookbooks GENERAL 💜My Posts 💜CAS (my sims) 💜Build 💜My Screenshots 💜My Videos 💜Sims 2 Content 💜Sims 3 Content
I love many themes in my sims gameplay, including fantasy, sci-fi, retro, realism, supernatural and occults, recreating series/movies/games, anime/cartoons, and classic wacky eerie sims lore.
CC Terms Of Use : - PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD - PLEASE DO NOT PUT BEHIND PAYWALL OF ANY KIND - PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE CC IN SIM DOWNLOADS - PLEASE DONT CLAIM YOU MADE IT - Conversions to ts2 or ts3 are fine (however NO PAYWALLS and I sometimes make recolours for meshes by other creators and don't include them, so only if you get their permission / a conversion exists), please credit and tag me! - If you use my stuff for screenshots or something please tag me, I would love to see! - If you have any inquiries about anything please ask! I'll always answer as soon as I see it! Thank you (✿◡‿◡)
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arcandoria · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
eeeee dream thank you!! <33
I'll share some of my favorite shippy shots!
These are all from last year, when I was still mostly relying on mods made by other people, photomode and AMM lights. I remember struggling so much to get them properly placed and have the lights feel right, but the effort was so worth it!
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And these are a mix from late 2022 / until now in 2023! I've made so many specific mods for them (specially Panam), got way more comfortable with Otis and posing, as well adding lights!
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gaia-prime · 1 year
Radfem/💇‍♀️: Are you a radfem, just radfem-adjacent, or just gender critical?
radical feminism is the form of feminism to actually aims to improve to material reality of women. choice-y lib-y pomo-y “feminism” is just decorating the cage, radical feminism is getting out of it 🐅
Peak/🌄: What was the first thing that peaked you, and when did you peak (not just specifically “peak trans,” but anything “peak patriarchy”)?
peak trans was the rape rhetoric towards lesbians
Everest/🏔️: What has been your worst subsequent peak?
when nobody who supported the gender movement was pushing back against the rape rhetoric towards lesbians.
one time i did see someone say “don’t say that” not because it was, you know, rape, but because it’s quote: “bad optics”
Separate/🚷: Are you a female separatist or a lesbian separatist, and to what extent?
GNC/🥾: Are you GNC, and to what extent?
no one would describe me as gnc, and i’ve got shiny long hair and pretty privilege (lol) to thank for that. i mostly only leave the house for work (in scrubs) or or the pottery studio (in a tshirt and overalls or sweatpants.) but when i’m wearing something in my style it’s usually pretty feminine, albeit practical. i refuse to wear anything debilitating or uncomfortable. i straight up lose respect for anyone who has those long false nails 🤮
Orientation/🩲: Are you a lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual?
lesbian 🌈 lucky me ☺️
Bi/🔺: If you’re bisexual, are you a febfem?
Hetero/👫: If you’re heterosexual, are you choosing to be celibate?
Picrew/👤: No more identifying information, make a picrew icon of yourself that doesn’t look like you.
what about some of my photomode snaps from horizon zero dawn and forbidden west?
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Leg/🦵: Where does your leg hair start getting darker (above the knee, mid thigh, dark from the moment hip ends and thigh begins)?
at my knees
Body/🔍: Do you have more/darker body hair on your left side, right side, or about equal on both sides?
equal i think?
Carnivora/🦊: Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
I’m bipetsual.also i think hating dogs or hating cats is embarrassing and demonstrates poor character and you shouldn’t admit that in public…
Baby/👶: How do you feel about the baby plane (funny answers only)?
i’m zooted out on benzos seroquel and complimentary drinks when i’m flying so i am OUT snork mimimimimi on planes…
Natal/🤰: Pronatalism, antinatalism, or natalism neutral?
natalism agnostic i guess? natalism skeptic? i cannot relate to wanting to give birth,but i get that not every woman desires the same thing. and i have no interest in denying women the opportunities and resources to be mothers. however, i believe in the importance of empowering women worldwide with access to education autonomy over their reproductive health. when women are empowered, birth rates go down. this is a good thing. woman choosing when to be mothers , or not, is a good thing. i believe in humanity (despite everything) and would like to see us continue to survive as a species. however unending population growth only serves a few very powerful people because capitalism demands endless growth. it’s not a sustainable future and it’s not the future women want.
-Fem/💻: Do you identify as a member of any of the -fem titles (factfem, nicefem, rudefem, etc)?
not really. however the only posts and comments i have made that seem to get any attention are snarky comments and jokes, so i guess i come off as a rudefem more than anything else. which is not how i conceptualize myself and not exactly the energy i want to put out there to lesbians and gnc people who go along with gender nonsense. or especially to ones that are really struggling, feel pressured, or have existing trauma or mental illness exacerbated by gender propaganda. above all else i just want lesbians and gnc people and kids to be safe and healthy. i just don’t know if there’s much i, using a tumblr blog, can do about that.
Animal/🦕: If you had to pick an animal to represent your blog, what would it be (catfems, you don’t have to answer cat)?
a wolf 🐺 because i want my mate . AwoooOooo
Labrys/🪓: If you’re a lesbian, how do you feel about the labrys (both the flag and the icon)?
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Interest/😍: If you weren’t a radblr user, what would your blog be about?
i wouldn’t be me if i weren’t a feminist and weren’t true to myself and my interests. if you can’t be a feminist in a low stakes forum like tumblr, where Can you be a feminist?
Gender/💩: Here’s the link to get a random Wikipedia page. You now have a neogender based off of the page that was pulled up–what is it?
Man on the Moon (soundtrack) oh?
Feminist/🦸‍♀️: Are there any particular feminists or feminist groups you look up to?
i look up to every lesbian who is being true to herself and not taking male bullshit
Woman/🧑: For $0, name a woman.
Azealia Banks
Man/🧔: If you could kill one man (excluding politicians, billionaires, and those responsible for world tragedies), who would it be?
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taragrimface · 1 year
would you ever pick up ELDEN RING again I remember you had some problems with the design philosophy
!! i'm playing it at @umbasa , my new souls blog!!! thanks for asking!!
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i had my complaints but in the end i actually put ER down over performance issues, though i was very grumpy about it when i did. the patches did a LOT to improve performance (15 fps at low -> 25 fps on max !!!), improve QOL, and they even made small changes like adjusting turn windows. (i also havent fallen through the terrain since reinstalling)
the game adjusted to meet my reservations and now i just can't complain about it. i think it's a barrel of fun with enough tools and techniques to overcome anything with persistence and clever thinking.
just last night i built a modded version for exploration and photomode, check it out!!
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incidentally, i've been warmer on DS2 on revisit, mostly for its endless novelty. and i've fallen in love with Cinders, which deftly addresses all my complaints about DS3. thanks again for your interest!
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charlee-monstah · 20 days
Welcome to my Trash Dump
Hi, hello, thanks for stopping by!! Just a little warning, this blog is used for fast reblogging crap that I like and I don't use tags for anything except little comments. I also RB things that may be a little scandalous. You have been warned.
That being said, if you like the same shit as I do and choose to follow me, thank you!!
If you happen to be interested in my creations, please consider following my side-blogs as well or instead ^^
Baulder's Gate 3 Artwork, Writing, and Virtual Photography Its mostly just Gale
Red Dead Redemption side-blog used for reblogging other blogs' content. My old Photomode shots are still up there, just use the tags to find them.
Misc. gaming photography
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
Cyberask 2077
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Tagged by @smilepal, thank you so much!! 💕
1. When did you buy the game?
It was actually a pre-ordered Christmas gift from one of my best friends. I think it was maybe about a month or so before it launched? I had expressed interest in playing the game a few times and my friend kept that in mind lol it was probably one of the best gifts I've ever gotten because it completely sparked my obsession with Cyberpunk 2077 (and the rest of the lore), which lead me to my current hobbies and my new friends.
2. When was the moment you knew you loved the game?
Definitely the montage of our time with Jackie right after we meet him. There's just something extremely endearing about him showing you around, taking you into his mother's house, climbing up the mercenary ranks, etc. There's also the scene were we see Johnny's engram in V's apartment for the first time. His smug ass just standing there, thumping his head against the wall. Ugh, I fell in love immediately.
3. Which character did you romance in your first playthru?
Imagine my disappointment when I found out Jackie was already dating Misty, and Vik was unromancable. Then I go and fall in love with Takemura (and my urge to un-corpo him) only to find out that he is also not a romance option. And of course, neither is Johnny, who I feel my V had developed a VERY strong bond with and can easily see them being in love. 😭
So, finding out all my options were off limits, I eventually fell into bed with resident beefcake River. I liked him as a character and I like his voice actor a lot. But it wasn't really fitting with my V.
4. Whose your favorite NPC?
There's so many I really enjoy and REALLY wish we had more interactions with. I liked Dum Dum a lot and I always try to spare him if I can. I like Mateo and wish he had more lines. Takemura was my favorite right alongside Johnny, both two characters I love deeply. Misty endeared me immediately too, with her soft spoken ways. And of course, I'll do anything for Rogue.
5. Did you have inspiration in mind when designing your V(s)?
Not really, to be honest. Paola wasn't my first V. My first one was unnamed with zero backstory, she was mostly my tester run while I got used to the game and saw what decisions resulted in what end-game. I just slapped together some sliders I thought looekd good (spoiler, they didn't now that I go back and look at her screens lol)
But I accidentally deleted her when I saved over her playthrough lmao! So I created Paola (who was also unnamed at the time). I just experimented with the sliders and was lucky enough to have fallen in love with her look. The mods also really helped lol
6. What's your go-to vehicle?
Admittedly, my driving in-game is not the best and I feel cars are way too janky to maneuver, so I stuck with using bikes for Paola. She uses the Arch Nazare we buy from Wakako (customized via mods) for pretty much everything, both in-game and in character. The times I am using a car though, it's usually the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech we get from the Sex on Wheels quest.
7. What's your favorite gig/mission/job?
Oh man, it's been so long since I've replayed the game again (mostly spend my time in photomode now lol), but I really loved Kerry's quests involving Us Cracks. He just has huge boomer vibes with them, it's very hilarious to me. I also really like the quests were Johnny gets his date with Rogue because I ship them hella. It was just a sweet touch which showed that he truly did change for the best, imo.
8. Which NC radio station do you switch to the most?
I often switch between Los Principales, the Dirge, Radio Vexelstrom and Morro Rock Radio. I pretty much browse through all of them, really.
Tagging: @jsilverhvnd @alteredsilence @wanderingaldecaldo @cyberneticnipples @nightcityberries @nightingalesoul @cayennenpopsicles @disasteralien and anyone else who would like to give this a go! Sorry if any of you have already been tagged!
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twistedsinews · 3 years
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Wearable Jackie's Jacket Mod
Steal Borrow Jackie's Valentino's jacket for V to wear, with options for both F!V & M!V.
please note that there's still some rigging in the collar that can get strange and somewhat distorted in third person and some photomode poses, but I wanted this jacket wearable and now it is and it mostly works for my purposes and so I'm sharing it here. if ever i learn enough to improve it, i will update it. <3
Also, major thanks to @pinkydude for kindly explaining to me how to get the textures to work right. 'Cause I think I would not have figured that out on my own. :D
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fereldanwench · 3 years
hello! after watching your descent into CP 2077 for the past however many months, i decided i wanted to look into it myself and got it on sale. i was wondering if you have a mod list or mod recs for getting started? or a resource you could point a newbie toward? i'm excited to dive in :D thanks!
Hello! ♥ And welcome to CP2077 hell, lmao.
I do have a list of mods I was using a few months ago, but it's expanded way beyond these few at this point. Putting together a new, more comprehensive list is on my to-do list, but I haven't gotten around to it just yet.
If nothing else, I'd say the main ones to start with are Cyber Engine Tweaks and Appearance Mod Menu (which is a CET add-on). Most mods are as simple as dropping an .archive file into your mods folder, but you'll get maximum usage out of everything with those two mods installed. I mainly use CET for console commands for inventory items, like clothes, and AMM is essential if you want to get deep into photomode. (I did a full tutorial on that here, which also includes a list of a few recommended mods, specifically geared towards getting cool screenshots.)
The only downside to how huge and active the modding community is for CP77 is mods are spread out E V E R Y W H E R E. A lot of modders just drop links into Discord servers or use personal Google Drive folders so it can be hard to track down specific mods sometimes. These are my go-to places, though:
Cyberpunk 2077 on Nexus
Cyberpunk 2077 AMM Discord (specifically under #mod-showcase)
Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord (mostly #discord-exclusives)
I also have a Cyberpunk mods tag here to catalog what I come across on Tumblr.
If there's anything specific you're looking for, like a clothing item from a screenshot or a pose, just let me know!
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hatosaur · 3 years
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @souncivilized17
name/nickname: jaya (pronounced like maya). pretty much the only name i go by irl besides the usual abbreviations and the occasional “jane”/”jay” when i order food so my name doesn’t get butchered lol.
gender: nonbinary
star sign: taurus
height: 5′4″
time: 4:52 PM CST
birthday: 4/30/1999
favorite bands: wallows, queen, beach bunny, daft punk, fleece (underrated!), gorillaz.
favorite solo artists: cavetown (BIG TIME), hozier, elton john, mitski, lizzo, rex orange county. 
song stuck in my head: freaking out by mystery skulls.
last movie i watched: captain america: winter soldier. i don’t watch a ton of movies nowadays (despite being passionate about them pre-pandemic), so the only way i watch anything is with friends; they wanted to recap before that new marvel show.
last show: same situation with movies except a LOT longer since. i think the last one was maybe 100 humans on netflix?? interesting for a while, but the episodes got repetitive and i had to stop at the gender episode.
when did i create this blog: mid-september 2020.
what i post: tlou art and fics! and sometimes, semi-/analyses, photomodes, and other tlou things.
other blogs: my main (art/personal/everything) blog @starstormie that i haven’t touched in months, as well as my equally-if-not-more-so untouched portfolio blog @artbystarstormie.
last thing i googled: “what is a star sign” searched “lou comic” because i was talking about french comics with a friend last night. apparently shit gets like REALLY real later on in its run.
do i get asks: plenty but mostly for prompts. other than that, really nice compliments :)
why i chose my url: lots of you know this already but it’s from the museum flashback where ellie puts the fedora on the dinosaurs skeletons (”that is...a hat on a dinosaur.” “it’s a hat-o-saur!”). i definitely wanted to use a quote instead of the usual naming scheme of the tlou fandom blogs and i guess the quote really stuck out to me at the time.
following: 61 (used to be pretty picky about following ppl bc i only wanted to see tlou content and nothing else; kinda weird of me. looking back)
followers: 973 (UM. WHAT. didn’t realize it was that high but thank you??? ;O;)
average hours of sleep: 6-ish hours. my sleep schedule is trash. if you’ve noticed me posting at 4 AM, it’s because i lack self-control when i sit down and think, “i’ll just doodle for a lil bit :)” and it all goes downhill from there.
lucky number: 3 and/or 5
instruments: played violin from 5th grade through senior year of high school! but haven’t played much since, though the muscle memory’s still there. i wanna play guitar really badly (thanks ELLIE) but i have violin brain so it’s very hard.
what am i wearing: tmnt pajamas, orchestra shirt from middle school, and nasa hoodie.
dream trip: cliche answer but japan. i’d love to visit and explore and take pictures one day. also maybe some place in canada or france.
favourite food: phở! second is calzones.
nationality: american
last book i read: for school, greyboy: finding blackness in a white world (for aa studies; very interesting read); and for myself, good omens. right after the show came out. yeah...it’s been that long.
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: letterkenny, httyd, and adventure time.
favorite color: red/pink!
you pretty much tagged everyone i woulda tagged so if anyone else wants to do this, here’s your excuse! :)
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silentsockfeet · 3 years
Tag me
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @souncivilized17 thanks so much bud!!
name/nickname: aries
gender: nonbinary (they/them, since i just changed it ✌️)
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5' 2” :/
time: 9:52pm
birthday: december 9th
favorite bands: young the giant, paramore, kaleo
favorite solo artists: hozier, maggie rogers, ben howard, jose gonzalez, prateek kuhad
song stuck in my head: number one victory royale (someone save me)
last movie i watched: ‘hidden figures’ for class. i don’t watch movies much lmao
last show: derry girls
when did i create this blog: 2015 🙈
what i post: technically photomodes, though not on this blog specifically. besides that it’s either shit posts or the very rare relatively thought out meta analysis
other blogs: shamelessly plugging my photomode sideblog @junkyardvertigo go check it out!
last thing i googled: ‘minecraft library ideas’ for some inspiration lmfao
do i get asks: every now and then, but i mostly only get them for ask games
why i chose my url: so in the hunger games series, in ‘mockingjay’ specifically, there’s this line in the epilogue about katniss creeping through her house in ‘silent sock feet’ and for some reason that line always stuck in my head, i just loved it for some reason. so that’s what that’s from lmao
following: 398
followers: 906?! i just want to take this moment to say thanks so much?? i’m pretty sure nearly all of y’all followed me for my photomodes and i am SO sorry to disappoint lmao but i’m glad y’all have stuck through my shit jokes lol
average hours of sleep: 8-9
lucky number: 9 & 45
instruments: guitar, any percussion instruments, a little of piano. i can kinda play ukulele too since it’s similar to guitar
what am i wearing: my favorite hoodie and a pair of shorts
dream trip: there’s so many it’s hard to choose one, but i’d love to go to ireland
favorite food: pancakes!
nationality: american
last book i read: honestly can’t remember the last time i read a book oops
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: uhh percy jackson universe, dc universe, harry potter w/o the jkr association
favorite color: navy blue
don’t know who in my little sphere hasn’t been tagged yet so i’m just gonna leave this open to whoever wants to. if you see this and do it tag me so i can see!
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