#mostly the problem is spensive
cappurrccino · 7 months
i need a hundred bajillion dollars and an infinite supply of dried/cured/smoked snacking meats
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wimpy-imp · 1 year
I've made a kofi
i don't like making a post like this but i kinda have to i'm a uni student and i'm facing the problem that finacially supporting myself is fuckin 'spensive :(
i'm also offering pay what you want doodles on there of literally anything as long as it's not deeply immoral.
i'm in a very uncomfortable spot of sub £30 and no sign of getting a job any time soon. i have the safety net of parents unlike a lot of people but they can only cover me enough to keep me fed and paying rent on time so any donation at all is still hugely appreciated
i'm offering pay what you want doodles of literally anything as long as it's not deeply immoral.
I'm mostly just hoping to get enough money to afford a train across the country to see my girlfriend
if you can't or don't want to donate that is entirely fair and i hope you have a good day :3
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officialavasti · 5 years
Writing Prompt Day 3
Day 3
Patching each other up
Noctis collapsed, panting hard as the last daemon was felled by a spectacular shot from Prompto. His friends all shared high fives and wide grins, but Noctis gingerly laid back in the grass. The world was spinning around him, he could feel his meal from that morning threatening an encore and the pain shooting from his leg was not helping. He heard his name come from the three men in unison and suddenly they were filling his vision like a bad mobile from his childhood. He closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, vomiting out mostly digested food. As he stopped heaving, he felt a cool hand on his forehead, opening his eyes he saw Ignis.
“Iggy, I don’t feel so good.”
“Understatement of the day, Princess.”
Gladio’s harsh voice made Noct flinch and another wave of nausea hit him. He was propped up into a pseudo sitting position and offered fresh water and he could hear Ignis speaking softly, but firmly. Too quiet to make out over the thunderous river of blood pounding in his ears. Muscled arms lifted him slowly off the ground and someone made a noise akin to a dying rabbit. Noctis wondered briefly if it was him. He could barely string coherent sentences together and despite feeling the rumbling in Gladio’s chest and seeing Ignis and Prompto’s mouths moving, he could barely hear. They sounded miles away, just faint humming on the wind. 
When Noctis opened his eyes again, they were approaching the Regalia. Gladio, rather than depositing Noct in his usual spot, brought him to the front passenger seat, reclining it back and laying him gently down. He closed his eyes against the harsh beat of the sun and stayed in that position for what felt like only seconds, however he was jarred awake when thinner arms picked him up. He could smell Ignis’ subtle cologne and turned his face closer to the man. He slowly processed the smell and sound of the ocean and the quick thudding of boots on a dock. He felt the body beneath his cheek rumble and opened his eyes, attempting to focus his attention on what Ignis was saying.
“-Quay. We’re renting the room until you get better, it was the closest inn we could find.”
With immense effort, Noctis mumbled, “Too ‘spensive. Campsite is closer…”
He felt more than heard Ignis laugh, “Gladio would be happy to hear you say that, but no. We need to treat your injuries in a sanitary and safe area. I’m sure the others can barter a deal if we stay more than one night.”
Noct had a quip ready, but frowned as his brain disposed of it entirely. He huffed into Iggy’s shirt and closed his eyes, “Smell good…”
“Noctis, we need you to stay awake.”
“‘m ‘wake.”
“Recite all the previous Lucis heirs to me.”
“Fuck that.”
He was jostled as Ignis kicked a door, then quickly deposited on a plush bed and situated in a seated position. His eyelids still felt impossibly heavy, but with all his experience and all nighters he’d pulled on this little journey of his, he managed to force them open. Grunting with exertion, he shifted himself into a better seat on the bed, moving the pillows behind him, then rubbing his face.
He started when he felt a tug at his boot, looking up to find Ignis in the process of undressing him.
“Iggy, is this an appropriate time?”
“Ah. Suddenly well enough to make sex jokes?”
Ignis looked at him with an eyebrow raised and Noctis offered a tired smile,
“Not in the slightest. I thought it was just my leg.”
“It may well be, but that is what we are hoping to discover. Gladio and Prompto are buying up the stock of curatives from the shops around here.”
He dropped both boots to the floor and moved next to Noct, “I trust you’re wearing underwear today?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he carefully removed Noctis’ pants. He was indeed wearing his briefs but still felt far too exposed as his pants and socks were removed, especially when Gladio and Prompto re-entered the room. Neither man made any jests, both of them looking far too severe for Noct’s liking. They set down their bags of goods and moved to seats out of the way. Ignis had the most experience with Noctis’ injury, so his well being was always delegated to him.
Noctis’ previously injured knee was likely the source of the problem, especially after Ignis worked away the swelling and rehydrated Noct. He worked tirelessly to soothe the pain, watching Noctis carefully to avoid severe pain. There was only once Noctis tried to pull away and that was because Ignis discovered the main problem in the new injury. His pained gasp woke the other two men, who immediately had weapons ready.
Noct whimpered, “S-sorry guys. Didn’t mean-” He cut himself off by covering his mouth with his hand, biting down hard on his lip as Ignis finally started to remove the shard of bone that lodged itself in the nerves of his knee. 
No one judged Noct for the tears that streaked his face. Prompto reached out to grab Noctis’ free hand and Gladio placed a strong comforting hand on his shoulder. Ignis murmured small words of comfort until finally the shard was out. While the pain was still substantial, it was significantly less than what Noct was used to. His magic apparently couldn’t heal chronic pain. 
He slumped back on the pillows and wiped at his eyes, “I’m sorry for waking you guys. Tried to keep quiet. Try to get some sleep for me?” He offered them a weak smile.
Prompto sat carefully next to Noct and moved closer to him, pressing their sides together and Gladio sat at the foot of the bed, taking care to avoid shifting too much. Ignis moved to the other side of Noctis and gently touched his forehead,
“Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah, I don’t feel so sick anymore.”
“Still tired?”
Ignis smiled and straightened, “Alright boys. Excitement over, we all need sleep.”
Prompto gave Nocts hand a comforting squeeze and went back with Gladio to their shared bed, Ignis moved a pillow from behind Noctis’ back and repositioned him to a more comfortable position. He laid next to him and spoke softly,
“Wake me if you need anything, Noctis.”
“I will. Thank you, Iggy.”
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