#mother monter
evanghost · 10 months
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Yea, I like music 😎
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
Hellooo May I request the same type of hc's you did for Mochi recently, but for Taiju if you don't mind?? Thank you sm <3
Yeah it fine! Ok so these are hc's of Taiju being married and having kids with an f reader!
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He's very aware of past mistakes he's made with his own siblings and is very determined to not ever repeat those. Instead he's very caring and gentle. 
The kids end up calling koko and inui, cat and dog too (he says in front of them once and they think it's so funny so they keep repeating it too. Koko and Inui aren't impressed)
Whispers to you that he loves you while you're sleeping 
Treats you very carefully during your pregnancy, wanting you to just take it easy
Accidentally makes the baby cry by being too loud sometimes, he learns to tone it down eventually 
Would teach his kids a lot about business and work as they grow up
Helps the kids to make you breakfast on your birthday 
He loves how you look when you're pregnant, carrying his kids. Praises you more then usual during that time.
Actually has a lot of worries about being a dad and if he'll be good enough.
Takes birthdays and anniversaries very seriously 
Wears one of those baby carriers that has the baby strapped to his chest
Teaches his kids to swim and likes to spend time in the pool with them (he'll teach you too if you don't know how)
He's very good at motivating the kids and helping them to overcome things they're scared of.
Calls home every night to tell the kids good night, since he likely works late due to the restaurant. Then is very careful to slip into bed quietly beside you when he gets home.
He trusts both his siblings to babysit (but he prefers Mitsuya more since he knows he has experience)
Has no idea what a normal amount of pocket money is so he gives his kids a lot more then typical. 
Would quit smoking for you and the kids 
He doesn't tell you but while you're pregnant he prays a lot for you and the babies safety (he's still a bit worried about hospitals and sickness after his mother's death)
Tells the kids a lot about his mother and takes them to visit her grave. 
Reassures the kids that there are no monsters under the bed because he'd fight any monters
Will wear a tiara and attend the kids tea parties but no one is allowed to take any photos during that time (you have a secret one on your phone)
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hey bestie, can you do one for me with Van Helsing where he saves the reader from vamps and then lets you tag along with him cause said vamps killed your parents and over time you two fall for each other??? Fem reader please. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
My Kind of Woman
Pairing: Gabriel Van Helsing x Fem!Reader
TW: Cursing, slight gore, dead parents
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"Please, can I go with you?"
Gabriel continued walking, carrying his signature crossbow as he barged through the intense thicket. Behind him, you appeared as you brushed away a stray leaf from your hair. Your favorite dress shredded from sharp branches and coated in brown from the mud.
"Why not?" You asked, trying to keep up with his long strides. "I could help!"
"The only thing you would do is slow me down." He replied, trained eyes drifting from tree to tree, his gaze searching for something unseen. "And get yourself killed."
You sighed as you wiped away the tears that were starting to dry, your hair sticking to your cheeks. You felt like a mess, however you couldn't blame yourself for the situation you were put in.
It was been several hours since the incident. A traumatic change in your life that you've never expected to occur and discovering that humans weren't the only monsters that walked amongst you.
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You were paralyzed, watching in horror with tears streaming down your face as two monterous creatures feasted on the corpses of your dead parents. The lifeless gaze of your mother haunted your subconscious as you own gaze returned her own. Your father was already almost devoured, the pale bat-like monster licking its bloody claws while the other continued tearing through your mother's own jugular.
You couldn't understand why they were keeping you alive, taking their time to traumatize you before they would brutally make you their next meal. The monsters that seemed to take pleasure in your suffering and it will be your turn soon. Your pitiful end when you thought you barely started your beginning.
Until he arrived. Your savior.
It was an intense battle and you couldn't take your eyes away from the man that seemed to be made to defeat monsters. With his strong, massive stature and fierce precision with the crossbow that he had strapped to his back, he was able to vanquish the horrifying bat-like creatures.
Gabriel stood there, watching your traumatized figure staring at the ashes of the vampires he had slain and clinging onto the corpse of your mother. He sighed to himself, feeling guilt torment his heart that he didn't arrive sooner, saving you from this cruel reality.
He hesitated before stepping closer to you, hovering behind your sitting figure. The crushing of leaves captured your attention and you turned slightly towards him, your doe-eyed expression full of tears made him falter in his words.
"...There is a town a few miles West from here, there's a church there and I'm sure they'll take you in." He said, staring down at you.
You continued to stare at him, causing him to shuffle a little, feeling awkward at comforting. "You'll be safe there. Take this." He proceeded to pull a map from one of his many pockets and handed it to you.
You hesitated before taking it.
Gabriel watched as you looked through the map and he glanced around for any sense of danger. Finding none, he gave you one last glance.
"Take care." Awkwardly, he patted your shoulder and walked away, leaving you sitting there in the dirt surrounded by carnage. 
No, he was not going to leave you here. 
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"But I have nowhere else to go." You whispered, voice cracking as tears filled your eyes once more.
He paused, hearing the hurt in your voice which caused him to feel a little guilty for how he was acting towards you. He felt bad for you, truly he did, however he would never forgive himself if he allowed you to travel with him and get yourself killed, he would blame himself for eternity. Plus, he wasn’t used to having another companion with him on his missions, more accustomed to being a lone wolf that kept away from others. 
Fuck, you could also die if you gotten lost trying to find the next town over which left him in a little bit of a predicament.
He sighed before turning towards you, lowering his weapon as he continued to stare at you. He had to admit, you were gorgeous, depite your blood-stained dress and reddened eyes from your tears. God, you were going to be the death of him.
“Why would you want to come with me? This life is dangerous and you shouldn’t involve yourself with this mess.” He asked, watching you intensely as you shuffled a little in your place. He figured you would change your mind and walk away, heading for the town. 
However, he was severely wrong. 
“I want to help you kill these creatures. Nobody should go through what I’ve experienced and if I can do something about it, I want in.” Your voice was full of passion, lacking the hurt that you once held. Your gaze focusing on his own were full of fire and Gabriel was left speechless for once in his life. 
‘Maybe I’ll be the one that gets killed.’ He thought to himself. 
“Fine.” He answered, turning his head away, adjusting his wide-brimmed fedora to conceal his heated gaze from your figure. “If you stay with me, you listen and obey everything that I tell you, understood?”
With tears returning to your eyes, you smiled and nodded. “Of course!”
“Good.” Without another word, he stalked off again, which you feel like he would do very often during your time with him.
You smiled more and quickly followed along.
"First off, we need to get you out of that dress, last thing I want for you is tripping and that's a death sentence."
The sudden neighing captured your attention.
You paused as you noticed a large black horse that was situated with its reigns tied to a tree branch, securing it from wandering off. You quickly realized that it was his horse, and you would be sharing.
Gabriel unloaded a large dufflebag that seemed to be filled to the brim with equipment, camping supplies, and spare clothes.
He looked through for a moment before pulling out a shirt and trousers that were definitely going to be much bigger on you. Silently, he handed them to you and pointed towards the tree before turning away to start building a fire.
Looks like you both were going to camp for the night?
Shrugging your shoulders, you walked behind the tree and spared another glance, making sure he wasn't looking in your direction for a perverted peek. Seeing that he was still busy with his task, you quickly changed, pulling off your dress and replacing it with his shirt and trousers. Of course, the trousers were too long, brushing over your feet while the sleeves of your shirt went well past your fingertips. You left your shoes on as they weren't damaged.
Hesitating, you stepped out from behind the tree and joined him, sitting next to him as he was finishing up with the fire, sparks coming to life.
"Here, you can use this." You said, handing your dress to him to use as fuel for the dry logs.
Gabriel could feel his cheeks redden at the sight of you in his clothes that seemed to devour you and the feeling of the material of your dress in his hands.
"Thanks." He replied, before adding the dress to the pile and watching as the flames became bigger and brighter. He turned towards you and noticed your feet practically swallowed by the material. "Let me help with that."
Carefully, he grabbed your ankle while pulling out a small hunting knife that he carried on his person.
You flushed a little, watching as he carefully carved away the excess material and freeing your feet before using it as more fuel for the fire.
He glanced over at you before looking away. "What's your name."
"(Y/n). What's yours?" You asked.
"Gabriel." He replied, turning a little towards you and staring at you from under the brim of his fedora. "Pretty name for a pretty girl like yourself."
"O-Oh, thanks." Your heart threatened to stop having your savior compliment your appearance even though you felt like you were the opposite at the moment.
Gabriel wanted to hit himself, he didn't realize he said that out loud until you thanked him and he was ready to turn in for the night and hopefully ignore your presence until the morning.
"...You're welcome."
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
You smirked, putting your heeled boot against the temple of the goblin you had slain, retrieving the arrow that was lodged in the back of its head. Grimacing at the oozing wound of green blood staining your weapon, you wiped it against your trousers.
"I'm getting better at this." You muttered to yourself, putting the arrow away into the safety of your quiver.
Gabriel would be proud.
It has been six months since you've joined Gabriel as his hunting companion and you wouldn't have it any other way. After months of Gabriel's challenging training and gruesome endeavors with monsterous creatures, you were becoming a phenomenal monster hunter.
After a few months accompanying your savior, you were beginning to notice unknown feelings wrap around your heart and squeeze whenever you were near his presence. Gabriel was an awkward man in the beginning, however things have prospered and you came to understand how caring and quite charming he can be. Soon after, you realized the feeling you had for him was love.
However, you never brought about mentioning your feelings for him. Whether it was the fear of rejection or losing the friendship you've both built, you hesitated in letting your feelings be known. If you had an idea that he returned your feelings, you would have confessed long ago.
"Good work, (y/n)."
You quickly turned, smiling at the approaching figure of the man that held your affections. "Fancy spotting you here." You teased.
Gabriel returned the smile and looked down at the goblin that remained motionless. He noticed how much you have improved with immense skill, and it honestly terrified him. What if you didn't need him anymore?
For three months, Gabriel has been pining for the return of your affections. Due to him being an awkward man that was used to being alone, he didn't know how he could display his feelings for you the correct way. Simple touches on the shoulder and praises when you successfully defeated a monster was the only time he was able to show you how much he loved you.
Perhaps you simply didn't feel the same or believed he was just doing what any mentor would do for his student. He needed to push a little more.
"Like I would ever leave you." He replied, glancing towards you.
You felt your cheeks warm before turning away. "You can't, you're stuck with me." You replied, turning back to him and giving him a playful smile.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He stepped closer, forcing you to step back. He continued walking towards you until you were flushed against the tree.
"Gabriel..." You whispered, looking up at him with pure adoration and confusion in your eyes. "What are you...?"
"What do you feel for me?" He asked instead, returning your gaze, searching for something he desperately wished to see.
"I feel..." You hesitated, glancing away and placing a hand over your chest. Your heart was rapidly beating and butterflies were fluttering in your stomach.
"I know what I feel for you." He gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger before returning your eyes to meet his own. "Something that I never thought I would ever know."
"And what's that?" You asked, wrapping your fingers around his wrist where his hand kept its firm grip against your chin.
"That you were made for me."
Without another word, he pulled you into a kiss which you gladly returned.
@patient1666074 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @scaramantica @rottent33th @slaasherslut
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kizi-zu · 4 months
Can you tell me more about your experiment AU?
Seems pretty inresting, love you and your art
So in this AU, Jerome's dad and Penny's mother are the masterminds. They're doing the same job, kidnapping children and transform them into monters. All the adults (Except good ol' Bob) are in this together
But little do they know that they have a traitor-
They have obviously kidnapped A LOT of children, but Penny and Jerome are the first experiments that they have documented.
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Penny being the first one to be tested, and they used her to kidnap the other kids, while Jerome played the role as the security camera
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And then they kidnapped Monty (by using Penny) to get his "brain" working for them :3
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spicywhumper · 7 months
@febuwhump 2024: day 16. came back wrong + @femslash-february bingo: hell
series: crimson history // rating: mature // word count: 1,990
cw: mentioned child abuse & non-con, minor sisters stepcest, kinda r*pe recovery
She was six when the training started, looking older for her age or not, Jessica was a child when Joan has marked her as the next War Dog; Jennifer was still her stepsister, Jocelyn was still her mom, and Joan’s already her Master.
She’s a fast learner, as you’d expect from a prodigy, from the one meant to be the most powerful wizard of her generation; a shame she doesn’t learn fast enough to avoid punishment.
There are many firsts in the life of a girl, even one that has had her childhood taken away from her before she knew she was a person of her own; too many firsts are Joan’s: spell, punch, sparring session, kiss, and time.
Sometimes she lays on her bed, alone and in the dark, and hates that she feels cold when nobody’s holding the leash on her invisible collar.
When she was born, Jennifer had carved a promise in the fabric of the universe, I’ll keep you safe, and Jessica never quite cared that she failed at it for sixteen years; then Joan whispers on her ear, hands bruising her hips like she loved to do, that it’s Jennifer who told the Coven how where she was.
Sometimes Jessica isn’t sure how the fuck her mom has fallen in love with someone that has a mouth full of poison.
She frowns at the way Head Magician Cornwell (this is not a cove, kid, my title is professor) doesn’t set curfews of 7pm and doesn’t punish who is late for dinner, Sub-Head Magician Greenwood (uh, call me Peyton, kid) looks at her with a frown every time she looks confused: “it’s a little bit of freedom, this is a school, not a prison.”
White is covered with blood mixed with soap, Jennifer looks tired, worried, and she doesn’t seem happy that Jessica’s already out of her bed.
They call the vigilante “straightjacket psycho” – it’s not too accurate, Scarlet’s more a “straightjacket dog that doesn’t know what to do with Its teeth”; Scarlet’s more “a predator that must play with foot not that Its free”.
She’s twelve when she seriously consider It for the first time, the day after Joan summoned her to her private quarters and told her to strip naked; she stayed there for forty minutes, just being looked at her, and thought if she should leave and find the handgun she knows Mom keeps around.
Jennifer’s envious of her, she knows, and doesn’t care too much, children shouldn’t go to war; (you’re a child too, the devil in her head says, I’m a weapon.)
The sky’s a beautiful blue when Mom dies, when Jessica decides that maybe she should teach Joan that you’re not supposed to tame an evil that has taken home inside a child.
The first carved rune she puts on herself after running away is on her lower belly, women has always found ways to not carry spawn of monters; Joan whips her back until she passes out of blood loss, but doesn’t dare corrupting a ten year-old spell.
Peyton gave her a cigarette, offered with a smirk; after Peyton died, she uses all of the girl’s last open packet to burn little circles on her thighs and says that the smoke is what makes her tear up.
The Dog can’t wash Itself, so Joan throws buckets of ice cold water at It; Jessica scrubs her skin until it’s red, inflamed, but Joan’s touches are still there, they’ll always be there.
She had a dream, once, about her and Jennifer and a happy family; she wrapped herself in the blanket, thin and old, because Jennifer’s the reason she’s back in hell. 
Joan’s invites a friend sometimes, she doesn’t know this strange woman’s name, but she knows the stains she leaves on her soul.
She changes name again, again and again; settles for Scarlet, like the blood she reaps from people that are a little too much like her mother.
The first time Patricia spells a diagnostic spell on her, Jessica’s surprised that her corporeal is a soft shade of blue; but she’s not surprised by the solid ball of red on her abdomen, even if Patricia makes the same pitying face Rachel made not even a year ago. 
There’s an inferno of hatred under her skin, she wishes it’d burn the ropes keeping her in place as Joan lists everything she has been thinking about doing to her in the last ten years.
There’s only one time that Joan tries to bring a male friend, he does look less enthusiastic than her lady friends when the Dog kneels in front of him; cuts and cuts down Its back to learn It can’t bite and spit out flesh.
Jessica was scared of storms, of thunder when she was small, when she was Jocelyn’s daughter enough to be comforted by her; loud noises startle her still, Caroline frowns at her with how Scarlet always puts earphones with the loudest possible music as soon as it starts raining.
Blood runs thicker than water never made sense until she heard the full saying, it rings true in her head when she sits alone with Patricia and realizes that this safety, this warmth, is what she’s supposed to feel around a motherly figure.
It’s not an odd thing, deep down, when she looks in a mirror and dead eyes stare her back; there’s nothing new about how she’s an empty shell.
The battle isn’t even a true battle, it’s a bloodshed; a weapon of mass destruction leaves a trail of blood, entrails and deserved death behind It – and It does twice, the thrice worse the second time.
She lays on the snow, shivering and breathing puffs of white air, half-naked, covered in bruises and wounds; she lets her brain idle, but not even the Dog has the energy to move.
Agent Fletcher has hunted her for months, has spent almost two years under her care, had accepted the memory spell, and never was scared of her; the Dog’s confused why there’s fear in her eyes now.
The first time she tries to have sex after Hell 2.0, legs around Caroline’s hips and pulling her closer, there’s a moment where it’s not her “friend” she sees; Patricia says it’s normal, and Caroline seems about to throw up.
There are books on morality, on ethics, in the library; she doesn’t read them, she doesn’t need them to know that everything about her is utterly immoral.
The Dog doesn’t feel anything, the Dog wants to feel something,  the blade cuts through It hand like butter and the pretty girl next to It screams (the girl in the back of Its mind hums in appreciation for the hurt.)
Jocelyn had taken her and Jennifer to a beach once, it’s a haze memory, she was barely a toddler helping her sister build a sand castle; when she lays on her bed, late at night, she wonders about the children she never had (never wanted to) and if she’d love them enough to take them castle-building in the breath.
They thought they knew horror, knew pain, with the torture Scarlet gave them; rumors spread quickly that this new version paints all the walls with their blood, leave them alive, but just a squirming torso without ears and eyes.
Her spiritual form has horns and a tail, somehow Caroline gets away with making fun of her (“somehow”, stop lying, you love her).
She’s not ready to see the way Jennifer falls on her knees and apologizes, her eyes begging to be believed, she didn’t know; and Jessica doesn’t put it above Joan to manipulate blood of her blood to believe Jessica’s the villain here.
She’s unfairly comfortable, as if she’s a child who has the right to be on the lap of their mother, seeking this safety with Patricia: “I hate it, all this darkness inside me,” she whispers, Patricia just hold her closer, Patricia just whispers like a mantra, and I love you anyway. 
Caroline’s eyes are shiny with tears, but she still brings the Dog closer, holding It blood-covered hand, she still helps It to clean up and takes It to bed; she sees a feral animal and doesn’t sacrifice It.
Jessica learned, pretty quickly, that Joan likes when she has reactions; she wants to hit the mirror with her head, she doesn’t, she just let Joan watch her face as she’s taken like the whore the woman wants her to be tonight.
“So… you and Jennifer?” Caroline asks, her hand feels nice playing with her hair, “yeah, two coven freaks,” – two coven freaks that only found safety in each other, Caroline only hums and accepts as if that’s the most normal thing in the world.
The way she spreads Joan’s remains across the compound is out of spite, it’s almost petty, she leaves pieces of flesh and skin in every single place where Joan raped her; there’s almost not enough of the Head Magician for that.
Scarlet’s not ashamed of her scars, she’s ashamed of where most of them comes from; Jennifer takes a sharp breath when she sees her shirtless for the first time, it takes a second to notice she’s looking at the Carved Rune close to her waistband – she doesn’t even try to look annoyed when Jennifer steals her from Caroline for cuddles for the next week.
Patricia wraps her arms with clean bandages, covered in her own blood; she woke up with the ghost feelings of Joan’s hands holding her arms back and- “hey, hey,” she says gently, “stay with me, dear, you’re free now, you’re clean now.”
Apparently Scarlet collect hearts like they’re nice, neat action figures.
Scarlet likes the way they laugh, Jennifer’s quiet like her, Caroline’s soft like mom was, and Patricia loud and taking up space; Scarlet likes it, she likes that they make her laugh too.
Mom used to give her forehead kisses when she tucked her in bed, she pretends she doesn’t cry in some sort of relief and grief the first times Patricia did the same.
Sometimes, more often than she’ll admit, she’s seeing a memory in front of her and not Joan; Jennifer looks more heartbroken that there’s a reason for it to happen than because for a second, Scarlet sees her abuser in her.
Somehow, there’s nothing but understanding in both of them when Scarlet comes home smelling like sex; somehow they understand that she feels safe when she gets to kill who she feeds of.
Scarlet’s sure Jennifer feels more than “friendly stuff because she cares about you” towards Caroline when she reached and poked one of her dimples; being a goner for dimples might be a family thing.
She hates the taste of it – Joan grabbed her jaw and forced cheap tequila down her throat so she would take whatever Joan wanted her to now that she can’t switch easily, –and Jennifer apologizes when Scarlet gets a blank look on her eyes from a tequila-tasting kiss.
Part of Scarlet doesn’t really understand why Caroline and Jennifer like to pile on her for cuddles at every opportunity, she sees Patricia snickering (it hurts that there’s one person missing in her life, but it feels like who’s there tries to keep her warm enough so she can keep going). 
It’s a complex thing, Scarlet thing, with the biting, raging Dog that needs to be out from time to time; but maybe she’s not too complex to be loved by Patricia and Caroline and Jennifer (to be forgiven for not unlearning the habits carved into her bones).
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historysisco · 2 years
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On This Day in New York City History February 2, 1935: Dancer Anne Raven Wilkinson (February 2, 1935 – December 17, 2018) was born in New York City, New York. Wilkinson has the distinction of being the first African-American woman to dance for a major classical ballet company.
Wilkinson was born into a middle class black family in Harlem. Her father was a medical doctor and her mother a ballet dancer. Her love for ballet was born from watching a performance of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, a dance group that she would make history with.
Wilkinson would face difficulties in getting accepted to the Ballet Russe de Monter Carlo. Twice she was rejected before she was accepted at the age of 20 in 1955 by the director of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, Serge Denham.
After leaving the group in the early 1960, Wilkinson would dance with a number row groups before retiring in 1974. That would be a short lived retirement. In the same year Wilkinson would join the New York City Opera and dance for them until 1985. In her later years she would serve as mentor to Misty Copeland who was a trailblazer in her own right. Copeland was the first African American to become a principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre.
Wilkinson passed away on December 17, 2018 at the age of 83.
#AnneRavenWilkinson #BalletRusseDeMonteCarlo #AfricanAmericanHistory #AfricanAmericanStudies #BlackHistory #BlackStudies #BlackHistoryMatters #WomensHistory #WomensStudies #HERStory #DanceHistory #NewYorkHistory #NYHistory #NYCHistory #History #Historia #Histoire #Geschichte #HistorySisco
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sadpurpleblood · 1 year
Alright. I was gonna make this more in-depth, but i really have no idea how to condense a work longer than the bible into a coherent post so. Time for
SPB tries to explain Homestuck somewhat briefly.
(somewhat spoiler warning)
so. homestuck is a web"comic" about 4 kids (also 12 kids. plus 4 other ones. also one really fucked up one.) playing a game. that game is called SBURB. in some instances its actually SGRUB. because yes. that game causes their world to end. but its alright! you can escape into the game world. there you can breed frogs until you have a very special frog thats gonna be a new universe for people to live in. when youve done that, you won the game! this has very little to do with the actual gameplay of that game.
One player can build things at the house of the other. but that player has to kill enemies first so they have enough recourses. you build upwards towards floating gates so you can enter the game world. In the game world, every player gets their own planet! theres a scary boss monter hiding in it. also, somewhere on it is a bed where when you die on it you become a god! What kind of god depends on your personality. Or maybe your personality depends on what kind of god you are? noone knows. also the planets each have sweet little reptiles or amphibians who just live there. theyre cool. later on you can visit the planets of the other players through further gates.
you can make basically everything you want to by combining things with alchemy! actually the alchemy is more like programming. and needlessly complicated. (also people have inventories that function like different types of data storage. but that has nothing to do with SBURB. thats just normal in the world of homestuck)
you also get a little ghostly companion as compensation for the whole rest of your planet dying! A glowing orb absorbs something and it becomes your guide. most of the time, the thing the orb absorbs is someone/something dead, so you get to revive someone basically (neat!). actually two things can be put in the guide. But what you put in there before you go into the game world also affects the enemies youll be facing.
Somewhat related to the game, there are special dream moons. when you go to sleep, theres a dream you there on one of those. One moon is yellow and for :D people and the other one purple and for B) people. Your dream you can die seperately from your awake you, but you need them both you for the magical god-bed to work! Luckily, theres also another place to die on the moons where you just need the dream bodies around. Also, on the moons live chess people. The yellow one has white and the purple has black ones.
The chess people also have a big chessboard battlefield planet in the middle of the game world. They fight a war there. What you put in your guide thingies also affects the board.
Sometimes, the previous players fucked up and made your universe frog have cancer. That makes the game unbeatable for you! Luckily, theres maybe a place on one of your planets where you can basically hard reset your universe. Yay! But that means youd normally die. So if you dont wanna die, you gotta find a way around that to get into that new universe.
Okay, that was the game kinda. Now onto stuff that actually matters!
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Those are the four kids it starts with. its the one on the lefts birthday and the sburb beta comes out. so they all play sburb and cause their planet to be destroyed. but uh oh
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the trolls who played sburb first fucked up making the human universe so now the previous four gotta reset it! So they do that.
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Those are the new four kids that happen there. theyre actually the grandma/grandpa/mother/brother of the original four. actually theyre their mother/father/mother/father. because everyone is either a weird slime clone of themself or a mixture of two clone slimes.
the new four also talk with cherubs
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these guys. the red one hires a dream assassin to kill the green one. that one plays sburb alone and thats not allowed so he suffers a totally different session which i will NOT get into but he gets green leprechaun muppet henchmeb because of it and also hes the big bad actually.
Yeah turns out due to time shenanigans he kinda has always been there and *sorta* has been pulling the strings since the beginning?
doesnt matter. they manage to defeat him after they bring a new green cherub from another timeline there.
and uhh thats the end of homestuck then.
i left out basically everything that makes homestuck. fun. and enjoyable. But i will NOT get into the characters because everyone interacts with everyone and theyre really complex.
also, fun fact, the birthday "boy" from the beginning is actually a trans girl after someone found one of the authors toblerones. this shows up nowhere in canon material but according to hussie its canon now. its probably fine to picture that fella as whichever gender.
also everyone is hella queer and or neurodivergent. even the homophobic racist characters. especially those actually.
okay ill shut up fr now i might talk about the characters at some point but now definitely not.
(@possiblyatransgirl heres the quest attempt its shitty but homestuck is equally shitty)
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violentdesires · 3 months
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say it once again with feeling , how the death rattle breathing silenced as the soul was leaving . the deflation of our dreaming , leaving me bereft and reeling . my beloved ghost and me , sitting in a tree . d-y-i-n-g . it's happening again . how did it end ? the empathetic hunger descends .
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𝐈 , application .
( regé-jean page / unknown / he , they ) — it’s been a while since we’ve seen zion gehena in the shadow world. the ancient ( death ) resides in the underworld and reminds us of cruel summers, goblets of red wine and confidence that could kill. rumor has it that they might have a connection to the underworld as its ruler , but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the usurper.
𝐈𝐈 , basic information .
name . . . zion gehena , death .
nicknames . . . none .
species . . . ancient .
age . . . unknown .
date of birth . . . unknown .
place of birth . . . the universe itself .
pronouns . . . he , him . they , them .
sexuality . . . pansexual .
residence . . . the underworld .
languages . . . fluent in any and all languages .
𝐈𝐈𝐈 , personality .
zodiac sign . . . unknown .
negative traits . . . stoic , stubborn , dismissive .
positive traits . . . protective , loyal , bold .
hobbies . . . walks after nightfall .
𝐈𝐕 , appearances .
faceclaim . . . regé-jean page .
height . . . 1,80 cm .
hair color . . . black .
eye color . . . brown .
notable facts . . . while they rarely put them on display , they do own both a cloak and a scythe . death has a pair of wings too , but there are not a lot of people who have seen those either .
𝐕 , relatives .
parents . . . the universe itself , perhaps .
siblings . . . kaladhar thakur ( devil ) , ayana tesfaye ( mother of monters ) , god .
familiar connections . . . the furies .
pets . . . thanatos , a hellhorse .
𝐕𝐈 , biography .
The creation of death has always been surrounded by mystery and Zion - which Death goes by these days - has never been interested in disclosing much of his past. It is pointless to dwell on it, to attempt to recreate what is long forgotten, even by those that are referred to as the ‘ancients’. It does not matter how they came into existence : They exist and the very thought of that has been enough to frighten creatures ever since they revealed their powers. Ending lives has never been difficult for Zion. In the end, death merely finishes the last chapter of a book before another one is opened and there is beauty in new beginnings, isn’t there ? They taught their reapers to assist with this task, guiding souls that ran out of time to their next destination and there were very rare moments Death desired to spare someone, offering them more time on earth. Doing so would always bring consequences that were out of their control and so they learned to become neutral. If somebody’s time is up, their time is up - no questions asked. The sentiment eased the creature’s mind, but said ease came at a price. Death did not allow themself to grow close to people. Their lives turned into something to be observed, something that could teach them a lesson about feelings, but they always reminded themself that their experiences were not ones that were meant for him. Being so closed off can be lonely, but how could you possibly miss something you rarely ever had? They carried out their job for thousands of years now, reaping young and old, healthy and sick, rich and poor whenever their time was up. It is a job that they could have carried out for the rest of eternity, but even an ancient being like them is not spared from boredom and frustration. Death decided that they would enjoy a change of scenery and so they allowed one of his most trusted reapers to lead the rest of them and paid attention to the fall of one of the greatest empires: The underworld. It was obvious that the leader of the malvagi was not fit to rule and Zion decided to do something useful with their ( temporary ) retirement. They took their scythe and paid them a visit, one that ended with a head rolling down the steps of Death’s newly claimed throne. A bold move, one that some of the demons admired, while others were displeased by this change in management. At the end of the day, Zion does not care how much they appreciate their methods - they have a goal and, under their rule, they will ensure that the underworld becomes the place that it is supposed to be. While the drama surrounding the shadow world has not gone unnoticed, Zion has no interest in involving themself in their dispute. As a matter of fact, most people are not aware of their identity and they plan on keeping it that way for as long as it pleases them, focusing at the task at hand: To restore the seven circles of hell and with it, the deadly sins.
𝐕𝐈𝐈 , wanted connections .
familiar . . . n/a .
romantic . . . ex partners .
platonic . . . someone curious about death and / or necromancy , people who have called upon them or seen them before , loyal reapers , their inner circle .
credits : psd , template .
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frostyghoulette · 6 months
A more detailed check please oc description!! Below the cut I think (?)
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His appearance made on piccrew
Jamie Lee "Winger" Williams :3(AKA check please oc!) At 18 years old, he was a first round, the number 1, draft pick of the NHL. He went to the provedince falconers, being paired with Jack as his rookie. Jamie is a very quiet indivual, who grew up in Quebec, learning french. He knows 3 launages, French and spanish, as that was spoken at his house, and then english because hockey. He played in the QHML (Quebec major junior hockey leauge), for 2 years before being draft elgible. He played with the saint john sea dogs, and then was traded in his last year Sherbrooke Phoneix. Jamie barely spoke (except on the ice, when he could be loud), to the team. If he did, it was quiet french to Jack, Or any of the other french speaking players. He is new and fresh to the leauge, and he is smashing records, yet the commentars call him a bust. So, he doesn't talk much. Focuses on his game. (Jack sees a lot of his younger self in him.) He starts opening up as the season goes on.
Jamie stands at 6'4, shoots left and plays left winger on the second line. He has two older sisters, and was raised by his dad and step mother Monteral.
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arwen-winchester · 2 years
About ‘The Witcher: Blood Origin’ from the lore perspective
This - probably extremely poor-attempted - quick analysis contains spoilers from the books’ version of the witcher lore by Andrzej Sapkowski and latest Witcher-verse abomination from Netlix
So you’ve been warned.
Let set the stage of the drama.
The entirety of ‘The Witcher’ saga is a story based on relations between races and relations beetwen them.
(In one word the book’s version story is about racism)
 At the beggining these said races are mostly gnomes, dwarves, elves and human. In the books there are always unicors - but about them later.
Gnomes and dwarves were - as was said in the books - indigenous inhabitants of the Continent.
I’m gonna talk about monsters in further part of this analisys or maybe in another note.
Elves originated in ANOTHER WORLD. Before the Conjunction of the Spheres elves were able to travel between worlds. How? Enter unicors. Elves couldn’t open Ard Gaeth - The Doors/Gates of the Worlds - on their own. To do that they needed help. And unicorns had the ability to easely open/close those Gates. 
At this time there were one single tribe of elves. During the Conjunction elven abilities slowly faded and they devided themselves in to groups or tribes! Aen Seidhe had stayed in the Continent world. The other tribe had become Aen Elle - which later turned into The Wild Hunt.
For regaine the ability of between-world-travelling elven scientists created Hen Ichaer, The Elder Blood. The Elder Blood’s the genetic material ceated by mixing of the genes of elves and unicorns.
Conjuction of the Spheres
This huge cataclysmic long-lasting event brought elves, human and monters into the Continent. This event forced elves into magical science experiments with the mix of the genes of elves and unicrorns (Hen Ichaer) and brought people and other creatures into unending war. And human to create first monster hunter known as The First Witcher
Far before the main story there were four important caracters in the books. The Elven mages -  Aen Saevherne - Avallac’h, Auberon Muircetach, Shiadhal and Eredin Breacc Glass. All of them were injected with genetic mix that turned later into The Elder Blood, Hen Ichaer.
Two of them - Shiadhal and Auberon Muircetach - had a baby girl, Lara Dorren, first in line of ‘Lara’s gene’, a natural born carrier of powerful magical genetic material. Lara was supposed to marry Avallac’h, but she’d fallen in love with human mage -  Cregennan of Lod.
Their doughter was Riannon, born with the last breath of her mother, adopted and raised by queen Cerro of Redania. She was queen of Temeria during Falka’s uprising. Mother of Fiona (only survivg childand first queen of Cintra with Lara’s gene) and Amavet (father of the next Cintra’s queen). Foster mother of Adela, Falka’s bastard doughter.
As a result of many generation of Royal Family of Cintra princess Cirilla was born.
Fun Fact: The Lara’s gene is active in the female-only-line. Males could be carriers, but the gene is inactive and became extinct in two, maybe three generations. The grandparents of princess Cirilla were Calanthe (with barely exinting activator in her genetic material) and Roegner (who in this case was the carrier of almost extinct remnants of the Hen Ichaer genetics).
Creation of the first Witcher
The people responsible for creation of The First Witcher were Alzur and his lover Lylianna, renegade mage from Temeria and sorceress intrested in mutation. They’d tried to create monter hunter but failed multiple times, most of the were spectacular. The First Witcher was a young orphan boy adopted by said mage. That boy was put into a series of magical Trials and Changes. And this time it was a success. the key element of the witcher cretion was youth.
And now crème de la crème - the comparison of the Lore and ‘Witcher: Blood Origin’
1. There was no clans in the elven society. They were devide into classic society structure. And ther’re the first occupiers of the lands that previously belonged to gnomes or dwarves.
2. Ithlinne was  Aen Saevherne (The Knowing Ones) - a high-born and elven powerful mage. Not a peasant girl working in the inn in the middle of nowhere in far north of the Continent.
3. The First Witcher were createed out of a young orphan boy with magic and a lot of mutagenic herbs, not an adult elven-male warrior and other-worldly monster’s heart.
4. WITCHERS ARE STERIL!!! That means they cannot have kids. And the show impled that Eile and Fjall’s child was conceived after him changing into the witcher.
5. The elves travelled between worls WITHOUT monoliths. this addition to the main show was the most outrages thing ever happened in the fantasy plot.
6. In the main show Vesemir needed special magical flowers, Ciri’s blood and Tris help with incantation to even attempt to create that mutagenic potion and in the ‘Blood Origin’ all they need was two mages and monter’s heart
TL;DR: The showrunners of the Netflix’s Witcher-verse graduated Stephen Moffat’s Show Writting University. And in comparison to other Witcher’s properties this is the biggest pile of dragon shit I’ve ever seen.
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kilfeur · 8 months
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Donc la mère de Mao Mao ne travaillait pas à la cour mais était bel et bien une courtisane. Et cette dernière vendait son art plutôt que son corps en plus d'être intelligente, vu qu'elle était capable de vaincre Lakan aux échecs. En revanche sa réputation ne faisait pas plaisir à certains riches dont d'après Lakan, deux d'entre eux faisaient monter les enchères pour l'acheter. Et Lakan ne fait pas exception car il voulait la posséder. Sauf qu'au lieu de l'acheter, il a décidé de baisser sa valeur. Et je pense avoir une idée de ce qu'il a fait mais je n'en dirais pas plus pour l'instant.
Au début de l'anime, on a vu des flashbacks de Mao Mao qui voit le corps d'une jeune femme allongé sur le lit. Au début je pensais que c'était une courtisane dont elle était proche mais et si c'était en vérité sa mère ? Ça expliquerait la fameuse scène où Mao Mao la rend visite alors qu'elle est en convalescence à cause de ce que lui a fait Lakan. De plus Mao Mao a réagit la description de Jinshi sur Lakan. Donc peut être qu'elle a entendu parler de lui de la bouche des autres courtisanes. Soit elle l'avait vu, à l'époque où Lakan se rendait aux quartiers des plaisirs.
So Mao Mao's mother didn't work at court, she was a courtesan. And the latter sold her art rather than her body, as well as being intelligent, given that she was able to beat Lakan at chess. On the other hand, her reputation didn't please some of the rich, two of whom, according to Lakan, were raising the stakes to buy her. And Lakan was no exception: he wanted to own her. Except instead of buying it, he decided to lower its value. And I think I've got an idea of what he did, but that's all I'll say for now.
At the start of the anime, we saw flashbacks of Mao Mao seeing the body of a young woman lying on the bed. At first I thought it was a courtesan she was close to, but what if it was her mother? That would explain the famous scene where Mao Mao visits her while she's recovering from what Lakan did to her. What's more, Mao Mao reacted to Jinshi's description of Lakan. So maybe she's heard about him from the other courtesans. Either she had seen him, back when Lakan used to go to the pleasure quarters.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
I think the MF can be the mastermind of it all but the MF was essentially just particles, it was not shaped to be anything. It was just a being existing in the Upside Down. This is mostly an unpopular opinion but I sort of like the idea that the monsters are not actually evil but it is Vecna who makes them evil. Because from what we have seen so far with the new revelations, the monters of the UD did not really seem to be actually evil. This is a theory of course, but when that demogorgon passes by Henry you can see that he just... passes by without doing anything. And before Henry touched the particles and shaped the MF, the MF was just standing there as well. It is basically Henry who shaped it and then decided to bring it to the real world.
We cannot be sure for real of course, but maybe the whole point of creating Henry/Vecna's character was also partly to make it that the monsters/creatures of the UD are not really evil and they don't want to exterminate the humans or the world? Maybe the point is that ''If people just left this dimension and the creations alone, the UD and the creatures in it would not have done anything.'' and that ''This Vecna man who hates humanity is the one who uses the creatures for his evil reasons''.
You can also make the argument that El was able to defeat Henry because she used love to defeat him. Henry doesnt use love though, as he doesnt have any. The main reason El was able to overcome him was because of her love for her mother and her mother's love for her. Because she was about to die before she used that memory of her mother.
Henry using the MF and manipulating him or using him for his evil reasons makes sense because MF is just a being from the Upside Down. El is a human.
ok THIS I could get behind. his nature tainting something entirely peaceful beforehand? that would be sick as fuck, even if im not sure i agree. this is a banger theory anon
I really do love the idea of henry tainting everything. my only thing would be the description we’re given from dustin’s comparison to the DND mind flayer as a conquerer of worlds, and the entire UD is part of the MF’s hivemind. that’s to be taken loosely because it’s only supported by the dnd description tho
this concept goes hard as fuck. kissing ur brain anon, that is so cool
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beni75 · 4 months
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Photos and text: @amivitale
1-. A herd of elephants cross a river at @loisaba_conservancy in Laikipia, northern Kenya
2-. A pack of 18 resident African wild dogs hunt for dikdiks at @loisaba_conservancy in northern Kenya
3-. a baby panda at the Wolong Panda Base
4-. a baby panda plays in basket at the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province
5-. A hawk lands briefly at J-L Ranch in the Centennial Valley in southwest Montana, an area near Yellowstone National Park
6-. A red panda at the Wolong China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda
7-. an adorable three-month-old red panda makes a quick appearance before disappearing in her monter's den at the Wolong China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan, China
8-. At Dujiangyan Panda Base
9-. baby pandas sleep in baskets at the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province
10-. Bryan an his horse, George, ride off into the sunset at J-L Ranch
11-. Cows graze in the Centenial Valley at J-L Ranch just outside of Yellowstone National Park
12-. five bundles of love at Bifengxia Gian Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China
13-. Happy Friday from Steve and his buddies at J-L Ranch
14-. I was able to photograph these four bundles of love at the Dujiangyan Panda Base, China
15-. It's a girl! Seven-year-old giant panda Min Min had a baby girl at Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province. China
16-. Kamara with two of the baby rhinos he looks after at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
17-. Min Min had a baby girl at Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province
18-. Newborn pandas grow fast and need to be weighed every day a the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China
19-. One very sweet little dik-dik in Northern Kenya
20-. One-year-old Jin Bao Bao (Golden Boy) has gotten the hang of climbing trees at Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China
21-. Panda mothers are one of the most loving creatures on the planet
22-. Peek a boo! A panda cub learns to eat bamboo at the Wolong China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda
23-. Reticulated giraffes are some of the stunning animals you encounter while visiting @loisaba_conservancy in Laikipia, northern Kenya
24-. Sleep tight! This baby panda was born to Qian Qian on june 27th at Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China
25-. Twigs, the adorable orphaned two-month-old reticulated giraffe currently living at Sarara Camp in Northern Kenya
26-. Two 6 month old pandas play together at Dujiangyan Panda Base near Chengdu
27-. Wild dogs
28-. Xin Nier cradling her cub, born June 25, inside her den at Wolong China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan Province, China
29-. Young pandas relax at Dujiangyan Panda Base that is part of Wolong China Conservartion & Research Center for the Giant Panda
30-. An impala at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Northern Kenya
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hyzenthlayroseart · 4 months
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Another drawing based on that kaiju character Zora I made. So in the nonexistent monster movie she would exist in, the movie ends with the humans successfully killing her, the day is saved, everyone celebrates, then the camera zooms over somewhere to show that she's laid five eggs. Cue sequel.
If you're wondering where Zora's mate is, there isn't one. This species reproduces asexually.
So onto Zora's offspring...
Goliath is, as his name implies, the biggest of all his siblings and even bigger than his mother was. He also moves slower than the others due to his gargantuan size, but obviously that doesn't make him any less dangerous. He has a gleefully sadistic attitude, happily laughing while stomping on and eating people and knocking over buildings.
Diego is just as sadistic as his brother, albeit with a cold, stoic demeanor. While Goliath just mindlessly kills and causes destruction out of mindless glee, Diego is more intelligent and behaves more like a real animal tracking and stalking his pray.
Ghost was born with a mutation that caused her to have two pupils in each eye. Because of this she has very blurry eyesight which just makes her more dangerous due to how unpredictable her attacks are. She's not very intelligent either, mainly just acting like a lost, confused animal.
Catastrophe is an absolute psychopath and just as gleefully sadistic as Goliath, albeit much faster than him due to her smaller size. She's basically Goliath on crack.
Hestia is just as intelligent as Diego and acts as the leader of the siblings. While she does stomp and eat people just as much as her siblings, she isn't exactly sadistic about it, mainly just stomping on people because it's kinda hard not to when you're a giant kaiju navigating through a city, and as for her eating people, well, a monter's still gotta eat right?
Anyway, dealing with Zora was already bad enough, but dealing with five more Zoras, three of which are sadists and one who's even bigger than the already giant Zora? R.I.P humanity.
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jackalgirl-01 · 10 months
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Okay I have some more lore dump but this time parents edición
CW/TW: ilmicpt eating disorder and dark content/theme
"Mr. Hellhound" the demon (biological dad)
Moon, Arioch, and Snow (adopted son who's was unofficially adopted by Moon's family) dad is a demon who communicate with telepathy (after multiple years of practice and experience) among his children/family members along with remaining loyal to his late wife (who died when moon was very young) and honored her wishes. Of course when they first met it wasn't a well manner interaction but over time they get to know each other then gotten married even tho their marriage wasn't officially recognized and as labeled as a act rebellious against cultural and social norms in their respective families and government. the government later repealed that ruling but didn't allow them to have children fearing the offspring will be dangerous and have lack of information available on hybrid children since all documents of them were destroyed. M.A.S dad have 3 forms; 1). biblical accurate (since he's a fallen angel in a way) 2). Casual/not scary (the one in you're seeing rn) and 3). Monterous/what the people fear demon look like (also call his protective dad mode). The kids in the neighborhood they lived nicknamed him Mr. Hellhound due to his appearance and at times give them homemade snacks if there's a extra surplus of food left. Mr. Hellhound's does have a mouth but he's abit insecurity of having people seeing him eat meals the only person allowed to see him eat is his wife due to a few past health scary that was related to him not eating and causing her to worry for his well being
Estrella the wolf (biological mother)
Moon, Arioch, and Snow's mom is an normal wolf who's married to Mr. Hellhound her husband who she met in a difficult time for both of them that resulted in an unlikely friendship and romance relationship. even though the government doesn't officially recognize and seem as taboo within their families and community. Estrella is an kind-hearted mother who teach her children what they need to know about the world at an early age. due to the regime's harsh laws it was a bit difficult to earn the requirements she needed to provide for her pups. both survival and educational experience barely making enough money to keep them afloat. when she was pregunta with Moonlight. she developed an rare disease that slowly killing her body that cause her to be in and out of hospital for the first couple of years of Moonlight's life. throughout her life she helps the neighborhood children with tutoring and help destigmatized her relationship with her husband and others like them to their small knit community. When moon when missing she put all her energy into finding her until her untimely death
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garentino · 1 year
Heart Gift For Mother-in-law From Son-in-law Mother-in-law Birthday Gift To My Mother-in-law Gift Mother's Day Gift For Monter-in-law Limited Edition Necklace See more: https://garentino.com/product/heart-gift-for-mother-in-law-from-son-in-law-mother-in-law-birthday-gift-to-my-mother-in-law-gift-mothers-day-gift-for-monter-in-law-limited-edition-necklace/ Heart Gift For Mother-in-law From Son-in-law Mother-in-law Birthday Gift To My Mother-in-law Gift Mother's Day Gift For Monter-in-law This Heart Gift For Mother-in-law From Son-in-law Mother-in-law Birthday Gift To My Mother-in-law Gift Mother's Day Gift For Monter-in-law is a wonderful product to give as a gift to someone you love. Its
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