#motts speaks
maximotts · 1 year
I feel empowered to finish my milf!wanda drafts now, but also I really wanna make my cowgirl!Wanda masterlist before the list of things I need to link in there gets too long and I get lazy
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sometimes I see David Tennant's face in Doctor Who as he monologues about time travel/immortality/the eternal loneliness and I go...that's him. that's my rotten lil guy. my wretched wreck of a dude. wreckage in humanoid form. the lonely divine corrupted by himself forgiven by himself made by himself made by his companions made by the universe. horrible and horrifying and far too human and not human enough. the worst thing to ever happen to so many (Martha, Adelaide, Astrid, everyone else who flashed through that whole montage thanks to Davros). a corrupter. a corruption. a cleansing. a man carved out of grief and love and pathos and hatred and grudges and forgiveness who can only make the worst decisions with the best, most selfish of intentions. a man who loved until he lost everything. a man, more than any other doctor, who should never be left alone, and yet he dies alone, with the shortest regeneration speech of any doctor. desperately lonely, desperately tragic, a disaster of a man who is too careless with everything and everyone around him.
And yet I care about him so much, because he is also the man who at the end of it all, after he lost everyone and everything he held dear, after he lost rose and donna and sarah jane and jack and martha and mickey left him and he was more alone than he's ever been, he does the right thing. the kind thing. he stops the time lords from descending on the earth. he once again gives up his people because he understands that the Time Lords Victorious cannot and should not ever be the way to go. he steps in and he saves wilfred mott. he lets himself become the doctor once again. he doesn't want to go, but instead of taking that one final step into godhood, he gives his next self a chance at being a better doctor than he ever could be.
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captainjonnitkessler · 8 months
There's a certain type of person who's like . . . "Well, atheists/skeptics are joyless close-minded assholes. I mean, OBVIOUSLY religion/superstition isn't LITERALLY real, only an IDIOT would think anyone was taking it LITERALLY, you only believe that people mean what they say because you're only familiar with Christianity, everyone ELSE is using religion as some kind of extended metaphor for humanity or just believing in things for funsies"
And it's like . . . a) that's frankly more insulting than anything I was probably saying and b) if you also don't believe something is literally true why are you getting so mad that I am saying that something is not literally true
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ascendantloser · 10 days
“She stopped him because that’s who she was. Don’t be angry for what was best about her.”
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fuck-kirk · 2 years
Wow, can’t wait to buy my family some gifts! How about some -
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*gestures vaguely* whatever this is
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doesntseemfxir · 2 years
Okay okay soooo… 1pm EST, new fic uhmmm I hope y’all like cookies
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spooky-flowerwolf · 2 years
favorite characters?
Depends, which one do you mean? if I were to choose one it would be . . . mott,I love my boy
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
franklin mott should have been on true blood longer than he was. he was batshit insane, i loved it so much 😂
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You’re right raped women are abusive and liars always
Oh you sweet summer child...
I literally have screenshots of your blog where, among many other things, you say that men should be objectified, encourage the abuse of men, and run apologia for certified abuser and professional victim Amber Heard...and you have the balls to come here and pretend that your position is the ever so convenient motte of "i JuSt CaRe aBoUt AbUsEd WoMeN uwu sob sniff".
All while, again, you slandered me in broad daylight because I DARED to oppose paedophilia in a way which didn't genuflect to your misandric sensitivities.
And you are still stalking me, by the way -- which is rather confusing, is a lowlife like me that worth your time, especially since I have committed the unpardonable sin of having XY chromosomes? Gee, I wonder...
And in the same breath you go "LOL yOu DoN't KnOw wHaT gAsLiGhTiNg iS".
Sod off.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
just occurred to me to think about the cultural dissonance surrounding names for Juniper from being raised by druids who have generations of experience dealing with the fey, followed by gnomish artisans for whom names are a point of pride on several levels
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ionlylikemycat · 8 months
ok i thought i only liked Very Cold applesauce but i’m adding Very Warm applesauce to the list bc this is very happy making rn
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maximotts · 4 months
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my lil valentines baby with a bow in ur hair I love you so so much
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 4
While trying to figure out how Jenny was the Fifth Doctor's daughter, the Nine suggested he might be her father or her mother.
The Nun once shot and imprisoned the Tenth Doctor on her TARDIS, using a psychic shroud to take on his appearance temporarily before "regenerating" into her own body.
The Eighth Doctor has traveled with both a Cyberman and an Ice Warrior before (albeit not at the same time).
Jasper and Stewart are a pair of Fledershrews (a type of bat) that took residence in the TARDIS. The Doctor considered them to be good friends.
The Doctor had at least one grandfather and seven grandmothers.
Horses can be cyber-converted.
The Seventh Doctor took Ace back in time to kill the would-be dictator as well, but they were also unable to go through with it.
At the same time the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby were dealing with goblins (24/12/2023), the Seventh Doctor and Ace were in a Los Angeles toyshop.
Wilfred Mott enlisted while he was still underage.
Orlando Bloom stars in Indiana Jones movie remakes.
Sam Jones knew what the Doctor's name is.
By some accounts, the Doctor removed his name from time, meaning only they and the Master (as well as anyone they later told) remembered it.
Ian Chesterton was taught how to ride a horse by Alexander the Great.
The TARDIS once dematerialized with a Nazi (played by David Tennant) half in, half out, leading to his incredibly gruesome death.
On Harmony, an idyllic planet, the locals harvested any visitors for food as the other animals had all died out.
Sometimes, the Doctor has worked to actively change history, like the time the Second Doctor tried to save Horatio Nelson from dying in the Battle of Trafalgar.
As the First Doctor regenerated into the Second, the TARDIS also somewhat regenerated, shrinking around fifteen centimeters.
River Song has eleven siblings such as Brooke, Stream, Lake, Creek, H-One, H-Two, O, etc. All of them are clones created by Madame Kovarian from River's DNA.
Speaking of River, she's been married to both Bernice Summerfield and Jack Harkness before.
Amy Pond was once mutated into an almost butterfly-like creature.
The Master does not like David Attenborough.
At one point, the most wanted criminal in the galaxy was the Master, and the Rani was second most wanted.
Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday was a Gallifreyan bedtime story the Eleventh Doctor recalled enjoying.
In this story, Rassilon would ask the Matrix daily: "Matrix, Matrix that sees over all, who has the power to make Gallifrey fall?" The Matrix would always respond with: "Only you, oh Rassilon. Only you, through the Eye of Harmony have that power." One day, the Matrix added: "Snowana the Fair, using the Keys of Doomsday, she has the power to destroy all of Gallifrey." Rassilon was greatly angered by this and banished Snowana to the wastelands, expecting her to die, but instead, she grew into Snow White. Selendor had created a great weapon that could be used to destroy cities and fashioned seven keys to it, one for each sin of the Time Lords. He gave one key to Snow White expecting her to get some revenge, but she instead ran away and created a force field around her and the keys. Selendor died of grief for his lost keys
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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fear-is-truth · 4 months
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⇢ 𝐓ags- blood. dandy being his sweet eccentric self
⇢𝓐/n- not an evan character, so i’m not tagging anyone unless i’m pretty sure they’re interested.
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There was blood. Blood everywhere; splattered over every surface—the white walls, the once-pristine marble floor which Dora prided herself in. Even the life-sized animal figurines imported from France were stained with red; the stuffed lion looking like it just had a fresh kill.
“Y/n! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect you arriving this early!”
He greeted you with a dazzling smile, displaying a set of pearly white teeth. Killer smile, indeed.
"Dandy... is that blood?"
The dumbfuck question slipped out before you could even stop yourself. You cursed inwardly at your own idiocy, because of course it was blood. You smelled it as soon as you stepped inside the room.
“Oh that? That’s just blood I collected from some lovely ladies I met today.”
of course. the tupperware tea party slaughter. it was all over the news.
“You look so pretty Y/N. Just like the china dolls in Mother's collection,”
he remarked softly, raising a hand to stroke your cheek. It took every ounce of your survival instinct not to recoil at his touch. You’ve known Dandy since childhood; practically grown up with him. You’ve seen him do cruel things to animals and to other children, but this was fucked up, even for Dandy.
“Speaking of your mother, how is she?”
she’s dead he killed her he must have-
“Oh. I killed her recently. And that’s when I discovered the power of bathing in blood-”
Taking a step back, he leaned over the bathtub and dipped his hand inside, agitating the blood-mixed water with his fingers. The gentle sloshing sounds against porcelain made your stomach churn with nausea.
“you see, I am a god, who has decided to walk among men,”
At this, he turned his face to look up at you, and you couldn't help but notice his striking features—angular face boasted sharp, aristocratic arches and a chiselled jawline, complemented by small, bow-shaped lips.
A wave of revulsion washed over you—the sickening realisation that despite everything he had done, you still found him attractive.
The idea disgusted you, maybe more than the blood. Thoroughly rattled, you quickly rearranged your features into a mask of calm.
“And you, you’re my goddess.”
Keeping his gaze fixed on you, Dandy slowly untied the silk bathrobe he was wearing, letting it fall to the floor in a soft, fluid motion.
“Take a bath with me, Y/n. We have so many things to catch up on.”
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@marchsfreakshow & @slvt4jamesmarch thought you might be interested?
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. please do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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Rolling Stone #1119 December 9, 2010 - The Playlist Issue
(click for better quality) Here's the playlist if you want to take a listen! Transcript:
Gerard Way: Glam Rock
My Chemical Romance's frontman grew up a metalhead, but when he heard Iron Maiden's lead singer, Bruce Dickinson, cover Mott the Hoople's "All the Young Dudes," he discovered a whole other world, "I knew I had to find out more," Way says, "To some people, glam is just about makeup. To me, it's a very magical thing almost like witchcraft."
1: "Ziggy Stardust" David Bowie, 1972
This song defines glam. It was also the first thing in rock that really challenged people's notions of sexual orientation. Bowie actually sings about a man's ass! 2: "Children of the Revolution" T. Rex, 1972
You always knew Bowie would make it out alive and turn into another character; with Marc Bolan you didn't know that. He came across as very vulnerable. 3: "All the Young Dudes" Mott the Hoople, 1972
This is kind of a cheat because David Bowie wrote it for them, but I always preferred the Mott the Hoople version. By this point, Bowie was talking about the actual glam movement, which is why it's about kids stealing makeup and breaking into unlocked cars. Glam became about the kid in the room, the poster on the wall, putting on a women's short fur coat and eyeliner, with no shirt on, just listening to this music. 4: "Ballroom Blitz" Sweet, 1973
They completely break the fourth wall when the song opens up and they're calling each other by name. We emulated that on our song "Vampire Money." It literally starts out just like "Ballroom Blitz" does. 5: "Cum On Feel the Noize" Slade, 1973
Obviously, everybody knows this for the Quiet Riot version, but when you hear the original you realize just how bold it is. The soundscape they created is probably one of the best out of all the glam-rock bands. 6: "Love Is the Drug" Roxy Music, 1975
Roxy Music took the glam thing and then modified it. Bryan Ferry looks nothing like a glam artist, and that's what I love about him. He's wearing this great suit and he's got short hair and he's so romantic. Maybe some people wouldn't consider Roxy Music a glam band, but I do, for a lot of reasons. A major one is that they used to have Brian Eno behind the keyboard wearing feathers on his shoulders and eye shadow.
7: "Needles in the Camel's Eye" Brian Eno, 1974
Speaking of Eno, this is the first track on his first solo album. It's the glammiest track on the record. As soon as he finishes that song, he's almost over it, and he's moved on to something else. Besides Bowie, Eno is still the most important artist to me of the glam scene. When you heard his first album, you knew it was gonna be his last glam record. He just needed to do it once and he was done. 8: "Clones (We're All)" Alice Cooper, 1980
With "Clones," Alice Cooper was moving into the glam of the future, like this kind of Blade Runner replicant version of glam. Alice Cooper doesn't get enough credit for being a glam artist. A lot of people just say, "Oh, he's shock rock," but I think he's way more Rocky Horror than he is shock rock. 9: "48 Crash" Suzi Quatro, 1973
She's the most unsung glam rocker. She's also the prototype for the Runaways. "48 Crash" is one of her more aggressive songs. She looks amazing on the cover, wearing this black cat suit. Everything about the song is magic. 10: "Personality Crisis" New York Dolls, 1973
They were a lot more punk, but I will always consider the New York Dolls glam by the nature of how they looked and their attitude. They took glam to America and really challenged the sexuality of it. They also had Johnny Thunders, who's basically like the American Mick Ronson.
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darling-i-read-it · 11 months
Dandy Mott x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: dandy being dandy, straight up murder, descriptions of a womans dead body, gloria is trying to like sell dandy to women
Author’s Note: i do not know how to feel about this but dandy is still crazy adn sometimes that calls for a weirdly sectioned fic  
Requested: by anon, Hey! Your Dandy Mott fics are absolutely scrumptious and I can’t think of anyone better to hand over this idea to. I was thinking Gloria hires Reader as a personal nurse/kinda nanny for Dandy to get him used to being close to ladies his own age but it totally backfires on her cause Dandy gets interested in Reader and throws huge tantrums when his mom tries to get him to pay attention to other (rich) women
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You really needed a job. The summer had started and now that you were out of school there was no excuse for you to be lingering around without a reasonable way to spend your time. You had scoured the town for help wanted signs, dropped off your resumes at every available desk and even visited the local circus to see if they needed someone to hand out tickets. 
Some places answered. 
None of the places were as interesting as Gloria Mott’s phone call. You hadn’t even been by her house, had no actual idea that she was attempting to hire. You had heard the horror stories of the Mott’s. Dandy had walked around town and caused ruckus but you had never actually met him. 
Gloria’s phone call was high pitched and concerned. 
“A babysitter? I’m sorry Miss. Mott, I was under the impression that Dandy was around my age.” 
“Oh yes, he is! He’s just…a little stunted. In the most affectionate way possible! I would like someone his age to get to know him, get used to the idea of regular people.” 
She said regular people like it was a slur. You had no idea what kind of abnormal people she was speaking about or if she was directly talking about Dandy. Regardless, she was willing to pay far too much money for you to just hang out with Dandy. You had babysat before, granted, no one close to your age. 
It was between that or stocking shelves at the general store for below minimum wage. 
That was how you arrived at the doorstep of a large house. You knocked on the door nervously, unsure what to expect. You teetered back and forth on your feet, peeking through the side window that had the curtains drawn. You jumped when the front door opened. 
A woman answered the door wearing an apron. She had a disgusted look on her twisted face. 
“You’re the new help?” she questioned. 
“I…I guess so.” She didn’t move aside. 
“I’m Dora Brown. Welcome to the freak show.” She finally backed up. “I’m the maid here. Gloria said you were here to babysit Dandy?”
“Yeah, I suppose. Though isn’t Dandy my age? Gloria didn’t really specify what my duties here would be.” 
“Dandy’s behavior is obnoxious and unreasonable. He’s a spoiled brat who doesn’t know manners,” she seethed. You followed her through the house, trying not to be too amazed at the decor. You hadn’t realized how rich the Mott’s really were. You couldn’t imagine having this much money, enough to decorate the walls with unnecessary pastels. 
“So I’m here to make sure he doesn’t act out?”
“I think you’re here to get him used to other people.” She stopped in front of a door. “Good luck with that.” Her tone of voice was not reassuring. She left you there, walking back down the long hallway with no instructions. You looked at the door, unsure what you were going to find behind it. You wondered if this was worth the money. Dora didn’t seem exactly happy. But who was happy at work? 
You knocked on the door. 
It swang open without much of a delay. Behind it was Gloria, her face pinched into a forced content look. 
“Oh good! You’re here.” She moved aside and took your bag from you. “Dandy’s just in his room. If you could just make friends with him.” Her instructions remained vague and you didn’t think you were going to get anything else from her even if you pried. You cleared your throat. 
“Why can’t Dandy make friends-”
“You’ll see dear, you’ll see.” She was ushering you towards the door at the end of the room. You suddenly felt unsafe; like she was leading you to slaughter. You had no room to protest because suddenly the door was open and you were being shoved inside. 
The door shut harshly behind you. 
It was like a children’s play room but enlarged. Toy horses the size of real ones were at the corners of the room. There was a bike and a chandelier. You looked around, absorbing everything rather slow, when your eyes finally landed on Dandy. He was sitting at the front of the room, in front of what looked like a puppet show stage. He stood up when the door shut behind you. 
“You’re the girl my mother is paying to watch me?” he questioned. His tone was closer to singing than speaking. You cleared your throat and nodded. You had never seen Dandy in person, only heard the rumors. He was your age. Handsome, if it weren’t for the childish scowl on his face. 
“Hi Dandy,” you breathed. “I’m Y/N.” You straightened your back. You had to do what you were paid here to do. 
“Y/N.” He played your name on his tongue. He said it again, whispering it and then saying it loudly. “Like a toy.” 
“Sure. Like a toy.” You approached him, still looking around the room. “How are you today?” 
“Fine. You shouldn’t have to be here. My mother thinks I’m still a child.” He sauntered over to you, landing just in front of you. He observed it curiously, like you were nothing but an object. He put his hand on your arm, brushing down it, like you were made of practice. 
“You’re not a child,” you told him. “That’s ridiculous.” 
You nodded once. 
“What do you like to do, Dandy? This room is pretty magnificent. I can’t imagine you getting bored.” 
“I’m so bored,” he promised you. “All the time.” He gestured to everything. “My mother doesn’t like it when I speak about the circus or the clowns. I want to go to the circus Y/N.” You furrowed your brows. 
“I haven’t heard much about the circus. What goes on there that’s so exciting?” You sat down on the round green couch in the center of the room. He turned to look at you, eyes wide. 
“You haven’t heard?” You shook your head, a small smile on your face. 
“No I haven’t.” He sat down beside you, words starting to tumble out of his mouth. He liked to hear himself talk and it was easy to get him going. 
You weren’t quite sure what Gloria and Dora were going on about. Sure, Dandy was high maintenance. But he loved hanging out with you. He was a clingy mess, the second you allowed him to speak to you he never wanted you to leave. Multiple nights he insisted on you spending the night. You got used to him fairly quickly and had no issues getting paid to spend time with him. 
Frankly, after a while, you grew to enjoy your time with Dandy. Having someone fawn over you endlessly and obsess over your every move was more enjoyable than anyone else gave him credit for. He had no interest in the circus after a while. Why would he, when he had you?
You got him fun trinkets from there when you passed by, pictures of the abnormalities he would go on and on about. He kept them on the wall and in the corner, a shrine to your presents. 
Dandy was napping. He had to nap once a day, like a child, otherwise he would get cranky. Typically you read in the same room as him so he wasn’t surprised when he woke up without you. Dora liked to call you ‘Dandy’s favorite teddy bear’. 
You had curled up beside him, holding the book open with two fingers. Gloria opened the door slowly, not wanting to wake him up. 
“Afternoon,” you whispered. Dandy grumbled at the noise but didn’t wake up. She gave you a curt, whimsical nod. 
“Tomorrow evening I’m having some ladies over. Your services won’t be needed.” You nodded once. 
“Are you sure? Are they friends of yours or-”
“Potential suitors for Dandy,” she explained. “It’s better if you’re not here to distract him. Though your services have been increasingly valuable,” she admitted. Her voice was wispy. You nodded slowly, glancing down at his sleeping figure. 
“No worries. Should I let him know?” She shook her head. 
“I’ll let him know,” she said. 
She stared at you for a moment, awkwardly, like she wanted to say something else but nothing else came out. You watched her, evenly, until she left the room. You weren't sure when you had started to hold the cards over Dandy but it felt like you had more sway than her. 
Dandy groaned. You brushed his hair out of his face and he nuzzled against your touch. 
He reached forward, grabbing at your leg. You hummed and he put his head in your lap. You hummed till he fell back asleep. 
It was odd not going to the Mott’s the next day. You wondered how Dandy was handling it. You spent the day pursuing the shops in town, finally having the money to spend. When you arrived back home your phone was ringing. You set down your bags and removed your sunglasses before picking it up. 
“Oh thank goodness.” You recognized Gloria’s phone voice. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for an hour. Where on Earth were you?”
“I was out, I thought I had this afternoon off,” you said. “Is everything alright?” You asked the question, despite being able to hear the ruckus in the background. There was a crash and a yelp from Gloria. You heard some muffled calling from Dora. Then an exasperated groan from Dandy. 
“No! No, everything is not alright! Please come over!” It briefly occurred to you to ask for more money. Clearly your services were needed and Gloria’s pockets weren't exactly hurting. Instead you heard another annoyed groan from Dandy and nodded. 
“I’m leaving right now.” 
When you arrived you could hear the chaos from outside. Glasses shattering, plates breaking, screaming from an annoyed mother. You didn’t bother knocking, instead you just used your key and let yourself inside. 
You followed the noises to the dining room. 
“I don’t like those ladies' mothers! I don’t want those women, those foul overpriced women!” Dandy explained loudly. “I want Y/N!” 
“Y/N is not a- stop throwing things!” Gloria’s strained voice exclaimed. You pushed open the door. There was glass shattered on the ground and beside it, a dead woman. She had a singular gunshot wound in her forehead. Her lips were still open, drool escaping her lifeless mouth. Your eyes floated around. 
“Thank goodness you’re here,” Gloria exclaimed. “Dora will come clean this up. Please, please, just deal with him-” 
Dandy ran over to you, throwing his arms around you. Your receptive actions were halted for a moment, as you took in the events in front of you. 
“What happened?” you asked him as he held him against you. 
“My mother tried to have me marry a different woman,” he seethed. “Doesn’t she know we’re supposed to be married?” Your eyes opened wide. You couldn’t exactly deny your connection to Dandy but neither of you had talked about anything exactly romantic. 
“Oh Dandy,” you whispered. You brushed his hair out of his face. “Did you do this?”
“She wouldn’t leave me alone,” he explained, looking at the dead woman. She was older than him. Much older. Closer to Gloria’s age and status. You narrowed your gaze at her. Dandy was easy to annoy but he was worse when he was uncomfortable. 
“I assure you, she was just being friendly,” Gloria said absentmindedly. You watched as she left the room to find Dora. You wondered if this unnamed woman’s death would be talked about at all, or if they would sweep it under the rug like everything else Dandy does. 
“I didn’t like her,” Dandy whined. You nodded. He was still holding onto your arms, his grip tightening. You nodded once. 
“That’s alright,” you whispered. “Let’s go get some air.” You dragged one of your hands down to his hand. You gripped it, lightly dragging him out of the room. He watched the unmoving woman as he walked. You led him through the front door and to the courtyard. It was empty of any other staff. You were grateful to be alone. 
“I want to go out,” he muttered. “I don’t want to be here.” 
“We can go somewhere else. Where would you like to go?” 
“I don’t care,” he admitted. His hand remained in yours. He looked down at it, observing the intertwined fingers. He hummed, flexing his fingers in and out. “This is nice.” 
“I’m sorry your mother tried to set you up with that other lady,” you whispered. He shook his head. Just the reminder of her made him upset. He had disposed of her and now would need no other reason to think of her. 
“She’s gone now,” he told you. He said it like it was a promise, as though he had done it to protect you. “Where were you?” 
“Your mother said you were having friends over. She said I didn’t need to come by.” 
“You always need to come by,” he insisted. He raised his head and let go of your hand. “You’re not like mother or Dora. You listen when I speak,” he said, head straight. You gave him a gentle smile and he gave you one back. 
You gestured down the courtyard. 
“Should we take a walk?” He thought about it for a moment and then offered his arm. You wrapped your arm through his. He leaned against you and used you as a crutch. You wondered if you were going to get a phone call from Gloria, complaining about where Dandy was. She might even try to fire you, hire a new ‘nanny’ for Dandy, and try and set him right again. 
“Do you think we could stop at the circus?” he questioned, voice suggestive. You both knew you weren’t supposed to go there. 
“That’s a long walk.”
“We can take one of my cars.” He paused. “I have many.” You nodded slowly. 
“Do you have the keys?” His lips turned up into a mischievous smile. 
“I may.”
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