#mount rainier camp
travelbinge · 1 year
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By Kylekotajarvi
Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA
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orofeaiel · 1 year
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Camping in Mount Rainier National Park
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mountrainiernps · 5 months
Have you ever hiked somewhere in the summer or fall and thought, “this would be a great place for snow camping?”
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Well, have we got a deal for you. Snow camping is still open in the higher elevations of the park, places like Reflection Lake or Mazama Ridge.
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You’ll need a free backcountry permit that you can pick up from a ranger at the Longmire Museum on weekdays or Jackson Visitor Center on weekends. The rangers can help you figure out what spot might be good for you to snowshoe or ski to. Make sure you have ways to protect your food and food-smelling items safe from wildlife. And then, with all your gear prepped, it’s time to head out.
You can camp in one of these wonderful places and have it all to yourself. Reflection Lake to yourself? Doesn’t that sound amazing?
Snow camping closes when the snow is too shallow to protect plants or until May 15, whichever comes first.
Great information can be found online at https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/winter-camping.htm
We hope you have a great time enjoying the snowy solitude of the park.
These photos are from years past and do not reflect current conditions. NPS Photo. Looking up a skinny dirt trail on Mazama Ridge through an autumnal meadow to evergreen trees and then Mount Rainier. October 2014. NPS Photo. View of snow covered trees and meadows of Paradise River Valley and Mazama Ridge beyond. February 2022.
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Cows watching Mt Tahoma
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cheaprv · 1 year
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Mount Rainier National Park, Mount Rainier, Washington. Photo by Kara Ma.
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downfallofi · 1 year
I don't know how I'm going to navigate the next two days camping in the park of Mount Rainier, I mean adventure is great and all but the preparation stage of this has literally every step been my sister flexing her narcissism and I've already used vacation time at work but this late I'm thinking I'd rather just use that time to chill at home and play vidya games and go to museums or spots I wanna go to rather than spend two days in a giant dramatic Bailey production
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kickthecan-revolution · 4 months
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I’m not sure what this lady was doing on the beach but this is Seattle and we don’t judge.
I didn’t sleep well and woke with an awful headache. My liver is irritated by the chemo (they don’t seem worried about it but confirmed I need to stay away from Advil and Tylenol). I tried tea, then a little bit of coffee, then stretching. Nothing helped. I ended up taking a long walk and as we say here, the mountain (Mount Rainier) was out. I watched kids on a field trip exploring tide pools and one was so excited to show me her hermit crab she’d found. I was equally excited to show her my sea glass.
As I walked, I prayed the rosary and I cried with each prayer. I don’t even know why but I just let it happen. I ordered food from my favorite restaurant - it got here and I only ate a little and then cried about that too. I took a nap and felt better and then talked to this new therapist about my brother and I and my sister and cried even more.
I’m tired and the fatigue makes me emotional. All of the things I used to do to wake me up, coffee, planning, working - not doing those anymore. Mostly though I’m so weary of being so hypercritical. Of judging myself, my siblings, the person behind the counter at the airport restaurant that embarrassed me so I was a bitch to her. Ugh. The way I was effusive to the Hertz customer service rep who gave me a car even though I’d rented from the wrong location.
I’m tired of dividing everyone into a Good camp or Bad. It is a mercurial judging panel that never goes on commercial break, like ever. My mind is downsizing and babies, you need to find somewhere else to sit. Everyone has multitudes but we only make them available and accessible in degrees - I’m tired of the Golden Buzzer or the Blooper reel and nothing in between.
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
So, this is not a COD related question, but I was wondering if you've ever been to one of those national parks on the west coast? I know just because you live over there doesn't automatically mean you've been, but I was just wondering if maybe you have and what it's like. I've never been camping or hiking, but for some reason I've been really wanting to go lately.
Also, I hope you've been having a good day! Apparently today is world piano day lol
I've been to a handful of National Parks in my time. Not so much recently, but when I was younger. The one I've been to the most is Crater Lake. Beautiful place, definitely worth the trip every time. Idk I'm a geology person, so it's fascinating to me standing on the edge of what was once a giant super volcano and now is a lake. I've never taken a trip out onto the lake to Wizard Island though, so I feel like I need to go back again and do that.
I've seen Mount Rainier sooooo many times, but I've never actually been to the park itself. That's a goal of mine, though. I'd love to climb it someday too.
My 5th grade class went to the San Juan Islands and got to see all kinds of things while we were there. It's such a beautiful area and I'd love to go back. We didn't get to see any orcas when we went, so that's definitely something on the bucket list.
I've also been to the Redwoods National Park in Norhern Cali. Really beautiful, and the trees are stunningly huge. Pictures definitely don't do them justice on their size. We didn't do much in terms of exploring the forest since my grandparents were with us when we went, but we did a bit of driving through some areas.
I have this dream of being more outdoorsy but I'm such a homebody lol. I think it didn't help that I grew up with parents who believed vacations were for relaxing not exploring. They wanted to sit on the beach for five days and chill while I wanted to go explore and walk around museums and go hiking. I'd still love to do that stuff someday, though.
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rainiervolunteersnps · 11 months
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Mount Rainier National Park is recruiting for 2-3 full-time interpretive volunteers, starting ASAP, to assist with visitor services this winter!
This is a full-time volunteer opportunity. Housing is included in the form of an apartment or room in a shared house. A uniform and any required training are also included.
Successful applicant(s) will work a minimum of 32 hours per week (combined 32 hours if a couple) on the west side of the park. Start date is negotiable; assistance is needed ASAP but volunteers could start as late as January. End date is expected between April 10 and May 15, but that date is also negotiable. Weekend and holiday work are required.
Volunteers will primarily work at information desks inside the Longmire Museum (2,700 feet) and Henry M Jackson Visitor Center at Paradise (5,400 feet) providing orientation, information, and interpretive services to park visitors.
Between December and March, volunteers…
will serve as the lead and/or tail for public snowshoe programs.
will provide Preventative Search and Rescue ("PSAR," trail safety) information at Longmire and Paradise.
will assist with issuing winter recreation permits.
will provide PSAR information through phone, email, or in-person contacts.
will provide guidance for safe winter recreation, including options for hiking, winter camping, and snowshoeing.
will rove Longmire and Paradise areas to disseminate visitor safety information.
 We are a fun group to work with! Come and enjoy/share this crown jewel of the NPS with visitors this Fall, Winter and Spring!
Successful completion of a federal investigative background check is required.
Contact: Curt Jacquot, West Area Interpreter,. Phone: 360-569-6577. email: [email protected] Mount Rainier National Park 55210 238th Ave East
Apply now on volunteer.gov
Note that Mount Rainier is also still recruiting for winter Emergency Roadside Assistance and Records Management as well.
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miguelmeiai · 1 month
Life is Strange - What if Esteban hadn't died? - Part III
Esteban drives towards Mount Rainier National Park. Sean looks lost in his thoughts while Daniel plays Minecraft on his phone. ─ Sean, are you okay? You've been quiet, hijo. ─ I'm fine, dad. It's just… a lot has been going on my mind recently. I'm thinking about some things, but I'm okay. ─ If you ever need to talk, I'm right here. ─ Thanks, dad. He decides to stop by a gas station. ─ Okay, hijos. We are having a quick stop to use the bathroom and buy something. He gives Sean twenty dollars. ─ Dad, what is this for? ─ You can buy something for you and Daniel. But please, choose wisely. Money isn't infinite. I wish it were, though. Daniel and Sean enter the little store. ─ Buy some Choc-O-Crisp for me, please, please!!! ─ Come on, Daniel, we need to buy something healthier. ─ But I want… ─ Okay, okay, Daniel… I'll buy one bar of Choc-O-Crisp, okay? ─ Okay… Sean looks at the price. It surprises him. ─ What the f-… this costs seven dollars! Are you sure you really want it? ─ Yeeeah, please, bro…
Sean sighs and takes the bar. ─ Do not ask me for anything else! Sean looks at the food while Daniels walks around the store and meets a man. Sean hears his brother talking to someone and goes after him. ─ Fuck! He approaches Daniel. ─ Daniel, what are you doing? He looks at the man. ─ I'm sorry. He can be annoying sometimes. ─ Annoying? He is quite friendly. And I kind of got carried away. How old is he, by the way? ─ He is nine. ─ I'm almost ten. ─ Still not ten, Daniel. ─ Is his name Daniel? It is a nice name. My name is Brody, by the way. I' am an online traveling journalist. ─ My name is Sean. Oh, if you don't mind me asking… what is an online traveling journalist? ─ Basically a fancy name for someone who drives around in a car and writes about people and stuff he sees. There are a few websites that pay me for it. Nice to meet you both. Are you traveling with your brother? ─ Our dad is with us. ─ Sean! Daniel! ─ Esteban calls them. ─ I think I will go back to work now. I'm already working against a deadline, so... ─ That's okay. ─ Oh, you're here ─ Esteban says as he finds his sons. ─ Look, I found a marshmallow bag. We can't camp without marshmallow. ─ Oh, yeah, dad! ─ Sean agrees. They go to the checkout to pay for what they've bought. The cashier is an old lady. ─ Good morning, guys. ─ Good morning, ma'am ─ Sean answers. ─ Seventeen dollars. Sean gives her the money. ─ Here is your change. His brother hears a dog barking. ─ What is that? ─ He curiously asks. He sees a cute dog. ─ That dog… she needs to find a new home ─ the cashier explains. Daniel looks at his dad and begs. ─ Dad, can we adopt him, please? ─ Wow, I wish we could, but you know I'm allergic to dogs. I wouldn't stop sneezing and coughing. He keeps begging. ─ Pleeease! Sean looks at him. ─ Daniel, come on. Don't you care about our dad's safety? Esteban surrenders. ─ Okay, we can adopt the dog. But you'll have to promise to me that you'll keep everything clean and keep that dog at a safe distance from me. ─ I will, I will! ─ Daniel jumps in joy. ─ I think we are going to need to buy her some food. You can wait for me in the car. ─ Okay, dad. The cashier gives the dog to Daniel. They go outside the store and wait for their dad inside the car. Esteban comes back two minutes later. ─ Great! Now let's get back to the road. He sneezes. ─ Daniel, I told you it wasn't a good idea to… ─ I'm fine, Sean. It's just a sneeze. My allergy isn't actually that bad. I think… He sneezes again.
It's almost 6 PM. Shaun, Daniel, and Esteban are walking through the forest to find a place to camp at. ─ It's getting dark ─ Esteban says. ─ Dad, when I look at those signs, I remember the time when you taught me to read them. Those memories are so important to me. ─ For me too, son. Daniel runs with his dog. ─ Slow down, Daniel! ─ Esteban requests. ─ We are tired of walking already. ─ That enano never runs out of energy. ─ He reminds of me when I was his age. I was unstoppable. I miss those times, when life was easier. ─ Sometimes you just have to slow down and rest a bit, dad. ─ It's hard to find an opportunity to do this, you know. I have a family now, two sons to raise… ─ I appreciate how much you try to be a good dad for Daniel and me, but sometimes you need some time to yourself. Why don't you go out with your friends? You can even go out alone. Sometimes it helps us reorganize our thoughts and… Daniel interrupts them. ─ I need a name for the dog. ─ The dog is yours, so… you choose the name, hermano. ─ What about Mushroom? ─ That's what I call a creative name, son! I'm proud of you ─ Esteban laughs while he hugs Daniel. They find a place to stay the night. Esteban unpacks things and Daniel and Sean go find some wood for the fire.
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whorefordarlin · 1 year
Ykw? Fuck it
Washington (and me) themed hc's for Darlin' because I'm a Washington baby and I feel like projecting
Some of them are unrelated to Washington but I do not care ❤️
I might do more of I think of them idk anyway-
Darlin's hears "beach trip" and instinctually grabs a blanket, a coat, and rock bags
On that note they hate California beaches (not really, but they tend to make them want to visit Washington beaches)
Tim's Kitchen my beloved ❤️
If they say "mountain" they are referring to Mount Rainier, but if they say "volcano" it's Mount Saint Helens, any others barely get acknowledged
The Cookie my beloved ❤️
Do not, and I cannot stress this enough, try to bring up camping if you mean literally anything more than tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, campfire cooking, hiking, and s'mores, they will chase you out of the building
All they wanna do at all times in hike on Mount Rainier and drive over Snoqualmie Pass (esp if they stop at North Bend- the amount of time they could spend talking about driving over the pass is maybe a little bit concerning, but it's sweet anyway)
Do they actually believe in bigfoot? No, not literally at least, but by god can they stick to a bit
PNW sticker and/or bigfoot stickers on all water bottles
Give me the Washington mumble. What did they say? No one fuckin knows, but it was probably somethin. What was that word? Did you say dentist or nudist? Speak up would ya? Well that was louder but I still don't know what you fuckin said-
They get genuinely upset when it doesn't rain for to long but they're in Cali if I remember correctly so they have rain audios playing a lot (one time they woke up to the sound of rain and Sam was treated to the sights and sounds of them acting like an excited puppy until they calmed down and sat by the window, cracking it open a bit to smell the rain and just sitting there)
If they can't get to the ocean within an hour trip they will either 1. refuse to stay there for over a week, or 2. take biweekly trips to the ocean (or the nearest largest body of water)
They like to visit their old home late March-early April so they can catch the cherry blossoms blooming, then the windstorms (and the lightning storms too if they're lucky)
Everything can be cured by The Cookie from The Met (they don't even like it that much more than regular chocolate chip cookies honestly, but it's a novelty thing that brings back good memories)
Air conditioning raising their electric bill, is to damn hot how does anyone live here? They can't sleep at night it's so hot
Do not bring an umbrella anywhere near them, if you try to stop by the rain from falling on them they will actively fight you
"Oh so you lived in Seattle?" They will gut you like a fish. They live an hour away from Seattle on a good day, that ain't the only city in the state ffs
Poo Poo Point had been hiked many a time, and each time they still love the name
Paradise, Mount Rainier, in the summer, gorgeous ❤️
It's too damn bright here, where are all the clouds? More cloudy days please. No, they aren't hiding a black eye or bags under their eyes from lack of sleep, they just genuinely can't see anything (especially outside) without sunglasses
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mountrainiernps · 9 months
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Mount Rainier National Park Archives Photo of the Camp Muir Guide Shelter in 1932 framed by the Cowlitz Glacier.
The stone Guide Shelter at Camp Muir was designed by a member of The Mountaineers, Carl F. Gould, and constructed in 1916. It is part of the Mount Rainier Historic Landmark District both for its association with early recreational development of the park but also for its distinctive stone masonry design. The stone was harvested from nearby slopes, creating a camouflage effect, and the flat roofs kept the building profiles low to better withstand the high winds of the upper mountain.
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NPS Photo of climbing rangers preparing to leave the Guide Shelter for a search and rescue in 1969.
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Mount Rainier National Park Archives Photo courtesy Val Lou of the Guide Shelter in the 1990s (right). A second concessionaire guide shelter to the left of the stone guide house was built in 1970.
The building was restored in 2005. Today it serves as a ranger station. Have you made the climb to Camp Muir and visited the historic Guide Shelter?
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bemystargirl · 1 year
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𝗜𝗡 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗛 Vivian Perez, A hair dye fanatic , low rise jean lover and with dead lungs finds herself fucked up in Sean Diaz's drama. Now her , Sean and his little brother Daniel try to travel to Puerto Lobos.
warning; sexual references smoking violence swearing slight racism
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Vivian groaned as they pass a road sign, they were closing in Mount Rainier, Washington. Sean was walking in front of Viv and Daniel
“No man. We can’t stop here. We gotta keep going. No pouting, okay? Come on!” Sean and Vivian turn around to look at Daniel.
“But…but…My feet really hurt. These shoes suck…And we’ve been walking for four days…” Daniel whined.
“What? Only two!” Sean scoffed holding up the number two he added, “Don’t even try that shit!”
Daniel complaining more, says “And my back hurts from sleeping under that stupid bridge…”
“Yeah, so does ours! We were there too. Just…Knock it off! Hate it when you act like this…This is how people camp in the woods. It’s not like being…being at home or…in your room. This is a…a real adventure! Right? So…Come on!” Sean grabs onto his arm, dragging in along.
"Sean.." Vivian's hand trailed to his wrist, Daniel pulled his arm away, still frowning.
“Where is dad?” Viv sighed looking at Sean as he gave her a concerned look.
“Daniel…Come on…We gotta go.” Sean ignored his questions
“Why isn’t dad with us, Sean? Doesn’t he want to go camping too?”
“Yes…but I told you that…He can’t. I told you…Okay?” Sean sighed.
“Okay…but I’m so sick of walking! I just wish I was back in my room…”
“I know, I know…Hey…At least we don’t have to go to school on Monday. Right?”
Daniel cheering up, says “Yeah…”
Sean tells him, Vivian just “Look! Everybody’s going to be…So stoked when they find out…how far you’ve walked!”
“Really? Really? I bet dad would be too! Do you think we’ve walked like, maybe a hundred miles?”
“Probably two hundred! Feels like it…” Sean kicked the dirt on the road
“Oooo…Awesome possum!” Daniel smiled, chuckling along with Vivian. “But next time…dad better get me a good pair of shoes! Like yours!”
“Dude, a Bigfoot doesn’t need good shoes.” Sean looked over his shoulder to talk to Daniel “I’d rather be a wolf! Owwoooo! We could be wolves.”
“Ew! No way, Im not a wolf.” Viv scrunched up her nose at the thought making him snigger.
“Yeah, you're right.. Your more of a cat.. A hot pink cat.” Sean looked over at her as she rolled her eyes, still smiling.
"I can work with that, meow." Viv winked at him before the three of them continue to walk.
Daniel notices a sign that reads Trout Spring Trail - Nisqually River.
"What’s that sign? Are we there yet?” Daniel asked pointing at the sign, making Viv smile a little.
“Dude. Stop! You know what, you’re not allowed to say that…Ever again!” Sean complains “You’ll be the first one to know when we get there, okay? We’re tired and hungry too!”
"I could really do with a milkshake." Viv groaned leaning against the sign Daniel was just pointing at, he agreed.
"Not you to, Viv." Sean sighed making her chuckle "This looks like the perfect place to camp out…I bet we’re not the first people to stay the night.” He added, Vivian twisted her head around the sign to look into the trail.
“It’s creepy! There’s nobody out here…We didn’t even see any cars!” Daniel grunted, Viv agreed with his older brother.
"Don't worry Dan, we'll protect you." Viv crossed her arms before he caught onto the car parked off the road.
 “Oooo! Look! Man, it’s so dirty…Hmmm…I see something…What is that?” Daniel squinted to look inside of the slightly ajar window.
"What's in there, Dan?" Viv asked, crouching down beside him to look into the window.
“Check it out! There’s a chunky Chock-O-Crisp bar! On the dashboard!” Daniel looked over at the two quickly before turning back to the car. “You know I love Chock-O-Crisp bars! I haven’t had one in a million years!”
“Yeah, Right.” Sean rolled his eyes planting a hand nearby Viv's as she scoffed.
“Try two days.” Vivian added, her smile growing at how happy he was.
“Come on! Can we please, please, please, get one when we next stop next? Please?” Daniel begged, Viv turned around to look up at Sean as he made a decision.
"Yeaaah, come on sean!" Viv teased, pouting her lips at the taller boy, not noticing the growing blush on his face.
“Let’s take this one. Nobody’s going to miss one single Chock-O-Crisp bar.” Sean shrugged, as Viv gave him a shocked look whereas Daniel smiled.
"Really?" He asked, and Viv agreed.
"Yeah, Really?" Vivian asked in disbelief.
“This is for a good cause!” Sean reaches his hand inside to grab the bar, “Almost…Got it!" He smiled with success, pulling out the chocolate for Daniel. “BOOM! Chock-O-Crisp is ours! Now we have dessert! Come on. Let’s beat it.” 
 “I hope nobody gets mad we took their Chock-O-Crisp…” Daniel added looking at the stolen chocolate in his hand.
"Don't sweat it ,dan, No one will know." Vivian rubbed the thick black hair on his head before slowing her footsteps to meet Sean.
"Not bad, Diaz, Didn't take you for a master thief." Vivian smirked nudging him with her elbow causing him to chuckle.
"I learned from the best." He winked causing her to scoff.
"That was once time! I just wanted a hello kitty plaster for my cut--" She stopped when Daniel started speaking
“I wonder what dad is doing right now…Do you think he’s worried about us?”
Vivian looked at Sean stepping away for him to take the reins on this.
“Worried? No. He knows how tough we are.” He tried to reassure him, Viv frowned at the floor.
“What is that? Graffiti?” Daniel changed the subject, noticing the trailblaze on the wall.
“Not exactly…It’s called a ‘Trail Blaze’ and people used to put them up to give directions…” Sean tells him
“Like GPS?” Daniel asked, Sean nodded.
Yeah, sure…Just slightly more ancient.”
 “Awesome! Let’s follow it!” He added, walking ahead of them once more.
"Dude, no offense but we suck at this." Vivian huffed trying to figure out which way to go, Daniel nodded in agreement, before Viv caught onto a restroom.
“Okay, dude. Do you have to use the bathroom?” Viv asked, Daniel cringes with disgust.
 “No! It smells real bad…”
Vivian laughed as Sean rolled his eyes. “No shit. Seriously? You better go now.” Vivian slaps his arm
"No swearing, asshole." Vivian scoffed as he furrowed his eyes in confusion and shook his head, leaving the subject all together.
I don’t have to go! Jeez! Can’t I just pee on a tree?” Daniel asked, Viv came to Sean's defense.
"If you want poison ivy up your bum." She shrugged going down the trail leaving the two wolf brothers.
“Hmmm…The river must be a bit further…” Sean said a bit behind Vivian as she readjusted her backpack.
“Let’s take a look around.” Sean said, Viv nodded going off to one of the benches whilst Sean looked at the notice board, Daniel went off to a berry bush.
“Hey Sean, Viv! I found berries! Can I taste one, please?” Dan asked looked over at Vivian who was perched on the blue bench table,
"One sec dude, got to make sure your not trying to kill yourself." Vivian bent down beside him examining the berries before she ate one. "Yeah, there good, be careful Dan." She once again shuffled his hair, walking over to Sean still by the notice board.
"You.. okay, Beanie?" Isabella joked putting her chin on his shoulder as he sighed.
"Just... Worried, And call me that again I'll rip your pink hair out and make it into a sweater." Vivian scoffed but chuckled letting her fingers play with the short hairs on the back of his nape, not feeling the shivers fall down his back.
"So grumpy, Beanie... And you don't know how to knit." She smiled moving away not before patting his arm.
“Picnic and Hiking Site…Well, I bet nobody comes out here to picnic anymore…Well, that’s good for us…” Sean mumbled, looking at the notice board intensely.
“No camping? Uh oh…” Daniel pointed to the sign, Viv scoffed.
"Pfft, what are they going to do? i'll fight them off, Mortal Kombat style." Vivian winked at the younger diaz, trying to ease his worries, judging by his laugh she guessed it worked.
"As if, you got your ass beat by yours truly in that game." Sean added looking over his shoulder.
"And I can beat your ass right now right here, spin Diaz." Isabella used her finger to twist his head back to the notice board a grin poking at her lips.
“Do not feed…or disturb the animals? What kind of animals? Like bears…or coyotes…or…” Sean's voice wanders off “More like…squirrels…rabbits…critters…Just…don’t bug them and they won’t bug us…They’re way more scared of us than we are of them.”
“Unless they’re angry…or hungry…” Daniel added.
"Or maybe if we are hungry, I heard rabbit tastes like chicken." Vivian smiled as they sat down at a bench, Daniel let out a yuck sound at the thought of it.
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Vivian flipped the pages to her novel she was reading, occasionally looking over at the two boys trying to make a fire.
 “All right, enano. We’re cave people now. Time…to make fire.”
Vivian watched as they failed to make a fire, she rolled her eyes, shuffling over to the boys, she leaned down, using her lighter to light the flames she slowly and softly flew at the flames watching as they grew bigger and bigger.
"Woah.." Daniel watched them.
The sun set and it was starting to get dark. The stars filled the sky as the campfire continues to burn. Daniel and Sean we're eating the snacks, Vivian kept tossing and turning as she tried to sleep.
Letting out a groan as she sat back up.
"The blankets suck! I could get better sleep in the river.." She huffed, the bags under her eyes were getting deeper, it was obvious she was uncomfortable.
"Here." Sean pulled off his hoodie throwing it over to the little corner she was in, without any arguments she pulled it over her head and went back to trying to sleep, making him chuckle turning back to Daniel.
 “Do you think there are werewolves for real?”
“Dude, we are the wolves…Oowoooo…See?”
"What about Viv?" Daniel nodded over to the girl enveloped in Sean's blanket, he smiled.
"She's a cat remember? A hot pink cat."
"Shut- up!" Vivian grumbled scrunching up a blanket to through at sean, he laughed launching it back at her before the three of them went to sleep.
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cheaprv · 2 years
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Mount Rainier National Park, Sunrise Park Rd, Ashford, WA. Photo by Chad Peltola.
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dan6085 · 20 days
Here is a list of the top 25 notable UFO sightings in history, along with details about each event:
1. **Kenneth Arnold Sighting (1947)**
- **Location**: Mount Rainier, Washington, USA
- **Details**: Pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine crescent-shaped objects flying at high speed, coining the term "flying saucers."
2. **Roswell Incident (1947)**
- **Location**: Roswell, New Mexico, USA
- **Details**: W.W. "Mac" Brazel discovered debris from a crashed object, initially reported as a "flying disc" by the military before being reclassified as a weather balloon.
3. **Battle of Los Angeles (1942)**
- **Location**: Los Angeles, California, USA
- **Details**: Anti-aircraft artillery fired thousands of rounds at an unidentified object over Los Angeles during World War II, leading to widespread panic.
4. **The Phoenix Lights (1997)**
- **Location**: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- **Details**: Thousands reported seeing a massive V-shaped craft with lights moving silently across the sky.
5. **Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980)**
- **Location**: Suffolk, England
- **Details**: U.S. Air Force personnel reported seeing strange lights and a craft near a military base, with one officer claiming to have touched the craft.
6. **Dyatlov Pass Incident (1959)**
- **Location**: Ural Mountains, Russia
- **Details**: Nine hikers died under mysterious circumstances, with reports of strange lights in the sky and unusual injuries.
7. **The Tic Tac UFO (2004)**
- **Location**: Off the coast of California, USA
- **Details**: U.S. Navy pilots encountered a fast-moving object resembling a Tic Tac during training exercises, later confirmed by military footage.
8. **The Travis Walton Abduction (1975)**
- **Location**: Arizona, USA
- **Details**: Logger Travis Walton claimed to have been abducted by a UFO for five days, leading to extensive media coverage and a film adaptation.
9. **Westall Sighting (1966)**
- **Location**: Melbourne, Australia
- **Details**: Over 200 students and teachers witnessed a flying saucer hovering near their school, with many reporting the incident to authorities.
10. **The Cash-Landrum Incident (1980)**
- **Location**: Texas, USA
- **Details**: Two women reported seeing a diamond-shaped craft emitting heat and light, leading to health issues attributed to radiation exposure.
11. **The Allagash Abductions (1976)**
- **Location**: Maine, USA
- **Details**: Four men on a camping trip reported being abducted by aliens after seeing strange lights in the sky.
12. **The Belgium Wave (1989-1990)**
- **Location**: Belgium
- **Details**: Numerous sightings of triangular UFOs over Belgium led to investigations by the military and police.
13. **The Voronezh Incident (1989)**
- **Location**: Voronezh, Russia
- **Details**: Children and adults reported seeing a giant alien creature and a UFO landing in a park.
14. **The McMinnville UFO Photographs (1950)**
- **Location**: Oregon, USA
- **Details**: A farmer took two famous photographs of a flying saucer, which became iconic in UFO lore.
15. **The Hudson Valley Sightings (1980s)**
- **Location**: New York, USA
- **Details**: Thousands reported seeing large, silent, V-shaped crafts over the Hudson Valley region.
16. **The Kecksburg Incident (1965)**
- **Location**: Pennsylvania, USA
- **Details**: Witnesses reported seeing a fireball and a crash, with military personnel recovering a mysterious object.
17. **The Flatwoods Monster (1952)**
- **Location**: West Virginia, USA
- **Details**: After seeing a bright object land, witnesses encountered a strange creature, leading to widespread media coverage.
18. **The Lubbock Lights (1951)**
- **Location**: Texas, USA
- **Details**: A series of lights in a V formation were observed by professors and photographed, leading to investigations.
19. **The Varginha Incident (1996)**
- **Location**: Brazil
- **Details**: Witnesses reported seeing a strange creature and a UFO, leading to military involvement and widespread speculation.
20. **The Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980)**
- **Location**: Suffolk, England
- **Details**: U.S. Air Force personnel reported seeing strange lights and a craft near a military base, with one officer claiming to have touched the craft.
21. **The Aurora, Texas Incident (1897)**
- **Location**: Texas, USA
- **Details**: A supposed UFO crash led to the burial of an alien in the local cemetery, marking one of the earliest UFO reports.
22. **The Socorro Incident (1964)**
- **Location**: New Mexico, USA
- **Details**: Police officer Lonnie Zamora reported seeing a craft and two small beings, leading to extensive investigations.
23. **The Belgium Wave (1989-1990)**
- **Location**: Belgium
- **Details**: Numerous sightings of triangular UFOs over Belgium led to investigations by the military and police.
24. **The Tic Tac UFO (2004)**
- **Location**: Off the coast of California, USA
- **Details**: U.S. Navy pilots encountered a fast-moving object resembling a Tic Tac during training exercises, later confirmed by military footage.
25. **The Val Johnson Incident (1979)**
- **Location**: Minnesota, USA
- **Details**: Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson reported a close encounter with a UFO that damaged his patrol car and left him disoriented.
These sightings span decades and highlight the diverse experiences and reports associated with UFO phenomena.
[1] Top 25 Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files Exposed (Video 2023) - IMDb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26424550/
[2] List of reported UFO sightings - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reported_UFO_sightings
[3] Unidentified flying object (UFO) | History, Sightings, & Facts - Britannica https://www.britannica.com/topic/unidentified-flying-object
[4] 10 UFO Sightings Around the World - Google Arts & Culture https://artsandculture.google.com/story/10-ufo-sightings-around-the-world/BwVRe1UdReh-_w?hl=en
[5] See 10 Mysterious 'UFO Sighting' Photos From History - Time https://time.com/4232540/history-ufo-sightings/
[6] Top 4 UFO Sightings AROUND THE WORLD! | The Proof Is Out There https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7xu0y5ZrE
[7] 'Outlast' Review, Recap And Ending: Who Survives—The Fittest, Smartest, Or Most Aggressive? https://dmtalkies.com/outlast-season-1-review-recap-and-ending-2023-netflix-game-reality-show/
[8] Outlast Episode 8 Recap: And the Winner Is... https://outdoors.com/outlast-recap-episode-8-finale/
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rvtravellife · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Adventure at Mount Rainier National Park Washington
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by Paige Guscott Discover the thrill of outdoor adventure at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington with our comprehensive guide. From hiking trails to breathtaking views, plan your ultimate escapade today! Join us now and embark on an unforgettable journey..... Introduction Welcome to Mount Rainier National Park Washington, a towering testament to nature's awe-inspiring beauty. Before we set foot on the trails or gaze up at the glacier-capped peaks, let's dive into the rich history of one of America's first national parks. Mount Rainier isn't merely a mountain; it's a place where past and present converge, inviting us to explore not just its landscapes but also its legacy. IntroductionHistory of Mount Rainier National Park Washington Establishment of Mount Rainier as a National Park A Peak Like No Other Elevation That Commands Respect Volcanic Power Sleeping Beneath A Refuge for Biodiversity Human Footprints Across Time Flora: A Tapestry of Plants Fauna: Creatures Great and Small Adrenaline-Pumping Activities Hiking Trails for All Levels Safety Measures and GuidelinesEncounters with Wildlife Respect the Environment The Rich History of Mount Rainier National Park Washington Indigenous Communities and Preservation Educational Opportunities for Visitors Inside the Park: Historic Inns and Wilderness Camps Near the Park: Cabins, Lodges, and Resorts Camping and RV Sites Backcountry Camping for the Adventurous Permits, Camping Options, and Visitor Centers Best Times to Visit and Weather Conditions Hidden Gems within the Park Learning More About Mount Rainier National Park Contributing to Mount Rainier National Park History of Mount Rainier National Park Washington Photo by WikiImages on Pixabay The story of Mount Rainier stretches back thousands of years, with its first human interactions traced to the Indigenous tribes who viewed the mountain as a spiritual icon. Known as "Tahoma" or "Tacoma" by the Indigenous peoples, this colossal stratovolcano has been a prominent landmark throughout the ages. European-American exploration began in the late 18th century, with the mountain being named after Rear Admiral Peter Rainier by Captain George Vancouver in 1792. Establishment of Mount Rainier as a National Park On March 2, 1899, President William McKinley signed legislation establishing Mount Rainier National Park Washington as America's fifth national park, putting it under the stewardship of the National Park Service. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a concerted effort to preserve the mountain's ecosystems and cultural heritage. It was an acknowledgment of the park's extraordinary value, not only as a sanctuary for wildlife and flora but also as a source of inspiration and recreation for all those who visit. As we embark on our journey through Mount Rainier National Park, these foundational stories lay the groundwork for all that we will experience. From the first bloom of spring wildflowers to the silent watch of ancient trees, every element here tells a part of Mount Rainier's enduring tale. So, let's lace up our boots, fill our lungs with crisp mountain air, and prepare to be captivated by the park's many wonders, both visible and those tucked away in the folds of history. 5 Facts About Mount Rainier Carving a striking silhouette against the Washington skyline, Mount Rainier holds tales and truths as fascinating as its glaciers are deep. Following the rich history of this natural wonder, here are five intriguing facts that stand out about Mt Rainier: A Peak Like No Other Mount Rainier isn't just another mountain—it's the most glaciated peak in the contiguous United States, boasting 26 major glaciers that cover 35 square miles of its surface. These icy giants serve as the source for six major rivers, which in turn serve as foundational elements to the many different habitats located on and around the mountain. The Emmons Glacier, for example, is the largest single glacier by area, excluding ice fields, in the continental United States, and the Carbon Glacier lays claim to being the thickest and longest. This glacial grandeur not only shapes the side of the mountain but also supports a diverse ecosystem and supplies water to nearby communities. Elevation That Commands Respect Mount Rainier's summit stands proudly at an elevation of 14,411 feet, making it the highest mountain in Washington and the Cascade Range. This elevation doesn't just make for breathtaking views but also means that the weather can be unpredictable and severe. Even in summer, these heights can harbor cold temperatures and snowfall. Climbing to the summit is an adventure that requires preparation, respect for the mountain's power, and acknowledgement of its potential dangers. Volcanic Power Sleeping Beneath Beneath the serene snow-capped peak lies a giant slumbering volcano. Mount Rainier is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire and is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, due to its large amount of glacial ice and proximity to metropolitan areas. If awakened, the lahars—volcanic mudflows—could pose significant risks..... Read More... Read the full article
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