sydneymoverspackers · 2 years
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Our bed movers handle your bed with utmost care and professionalism to make it land up to your desired place hassle-free. We make sure to customise our services based on our customer’s needs and requirements for the best experience of bed and mattress removal.
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ask-croupiersop · 1 year
(( *violently shoves anon /lh* MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVEMOVE MY TURN heyyy pretty boyyy 😘😘😘😘 so like what’s your favourite game hahhahahaha can we play it eheheagaha ))
"Oh? My favorite game.. Hmmm.. I am rather partial to blackjack."
He then got a smug look on his face before saying,
"If anyone here is pretty, it's you, dear~"
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Top Tips for Moving Home
Moving can be daunting, especially the packing. Here's how to make it a breeze with Magenta Self Storage:
Start early
Don't wait until the last minute to pack. Begin with items you won't need before the move, like seasonal clothes or decorations.
Declutter Before You Pack
Moving is the perfect time to ditch what you don't need. Sort through each room, keeping only what sparks joy (or usefulness). Donate or sell the rest.
Label Like Crazy
Clearly label boxes with contents and destination room. Mark "urgent" boxes you'll need right away, and others you can unpack later.
Save on Boxes
Look for second-hand boxes on Facebook Marketplace or eBay. Cardboard from neighbours who recently moved can also be a goldmine. Remember, similiar sized boxes stack best in the moving truck.
Roll Your Clothes
Travellers know this trick, rolling clothes saves space. Unless it wrinkles easily, roll most of your wardrobe to fit more in fewer boxes.
Think Outside the Box (Literally)
Leaving things already packed in drawers or dressers saves time. Wrap the drawers with cling film to keep everything secure.
Consider Professional Packers
Packing can be a time-suck. Professionals can get you moved quickly and efficiently, with expert packing techniques to keep your belongings safe.
Self-Storage: Your Temporary Home
Self-storage lets you unpack the essentials first. Settle into your new home with furniture and frequently used items, leaving the rest in storage until you're ready. This is also helpful when downsizing to decide what to keep or sell.
Plan Your Pet's Move
Moving day is stressful enough, don't add pets to the mix. Consider boarding them with a friend, family, or kennel. For exotic pets, consult your vet for safe transport advice.
Pack a "First Night" Box
Pack essentials like a kettle, cups, coffee, food, toiletries, and scissors for opening boxes. This way, you can relax with a drink and a meal after a long day, without digging through mountains of cardboard.
Bonus Tip:
Pack a bottle of wine for that celebratory first-night toast in your new home!
Moving doesn't have to be a nightmare. With these tips and Magenta Self Storage, you can conquer your move and settle into your new home with ease.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 9 months
Plumbing Safety for Kids: Teaching Children About Water Conservation and Safety
Water is life. This age-old adage holds more truth today than ever before. In our rapidly changing world, the topic of plumbing safety for kids goes beyond mere accident prevention. It's about fostering a deep respect and understanding for water, our planet's most precious resource. As parents, educators, and guardians, imparting this knowledge to the next generation is among our most crucial responsibilities.
Understanding Water Conservation
At its core, water conservation is about sustainability. It's the conscious effort to reduce wastage and use water judiciously. With global populations rising and freshwater sources dwindling, conservation becomes paramount. But how can children, with their boundless energy and curiosity, contribute? The answer lies in daily habits. Encouraging them to turn off taps while brushing, promoting shorter showers, or even making a game out of using a bucket for outdoor cleaning can instill these values. By making conservation fun and relatable, we can hope to see a generation that values every drop.
The Basics of Plumbing Safety
Regardless of size or location, every home has potential plumbing hazards. And for the ever-curious child, these can pose significant risks. Toilets, for instance, are often overlooked. Yet, an open lid can invite a toddler to explore. Taps, showerheads, and even the humble sink can become sources of fascination. Without proper guidance, children might play with them, leading to potential accidents or wastage. Drains, too, can be intriguing. Educating children about the dangers of clogging them or the repercussions of sending foreign objects down can save many a plumbing headache.
Teaching Kids About Safe Water Usage
Water is a daily necessity, but not all is fit for consumption. Teaching children about potable and non-potable water sources is essential. They should know the dangers of consuming water from unverified sources, which, while looking pristine, might be teeming with harmful bacteria. Additionally, a deeper dive into the limitations of different piping materials can give children a better understanding of household water systems and why some water sources are safer than others.
Keeping Your Little One Occupied During a Move
Moving homes can be a whirlwind of activity, and when you have a toddler in tow, the challenges multiply. Therefore, to ensure a smooth transition, it's essential to keep your little one occupied. But how to organize a move with a toddler? Create a 'moving day' kit with their favorite toys, coloring books, and snacks. Consider setting up a dedicated play area in your new home ahead of time so they have a familiar space amidst the chaos. Engaging them in simple packing tasks, like placing their toys in boxes, can also make them feel involved. Remember, the key is to balance safety with entertainment, ensuring your toddler feels secure and engaged during the move.
Interactive Activities to Reinforce Learning
Education is most effective when it's interactive. Children, with their vivid imaginations, can benefit immensely from hands-on learning. A "Water Detective" game can be fun and enlightening as they search for waste points around the home. Role-playing sessions, where they don the hat of a plumber, can emphasize the importance of preventing plumbing emergencies. Creative projects can also serve as a platform to express their understanding and commitment to the cause.
The Art of Packing Children's Belongings
The sheer volume of toys, books, and clothes can be overwhelming when sorting through children's rooms. A useful tip from ryderrelocations.com suggests turning packing into a storytelling session for your kids. Recall a memory or craft a short story for every toy or book before placing it in the box. This method keeps the kids engaged and makes them more willing to part with items they no longer need. Creativity can transform a tedious task into a memorable experience.
The Importance of Supervision
Knowledge, while powerful, is complemented by supervision. Despite being educated about risks, children might sometimes act on impulse. Unsupervised access to water sources, bathtubs, pools, or garden ponds can lead to accidents. The danger of hot water, especially in homes with inconsistent heating, can't be stressed enough. As caregivers, constant vigilance is our best defense. Speaking of defense, installing a tankless water heater offers safety and efficiency for those considering home improvements, ensuring children are less exposed to scalding risks.
Involving Kids in Household Plumbing Tasks
Empowerment through involvement can be a game-changer. When children are actively involved in household tasks, they gain a deeper appreciation for the work and its significance. Simple chores can be turned into investigative missions. Watering plants with leftover water or assisting in eco-friendly drain cleaning methods can be educational and a bonding source.
Introducing the New Neighborhood
Before the big move, especially when considering plumbing safety for kids, consider taking a leisurely walk or drivingaround the new neighborhood with your children. Point out interesting landmarks, parks, or even potential new friends playing outside. This familiarization not only helps reduce the shock of the new environment but also provides an opportunity to discuss any visible plumbing fixtures or water sources and their safe usage. It's a proactive step to help them understand that while the surroundings might change, the essence of family, home, and safety remains constant.
Creating a First-Night Box
The first night in a new home can be a mix of excitement and apprehension for kids. To ease this transition, prepare a 'first-night' box. Fill it with essentials like pajamas, a favorite bedtime story, a cherished toy, and maybe even a little treat. That ensures that amidst the chaos of unpacked boxes and unfamiliar rooms, a small oasis of comfort awaits them. It's a simple gesture that can provide immense comfort during those initial hours in a new place.
Conclusion on the Most Important Tips for Plumbing Safety for Kids
To conclude, plumbing safety for kids is a holistic approach to raising a water-conscious and safe generation. It's a blend of education, interaction, and supervision. By dedicating ourselves to this cause, we're safeguarding our children andensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Guest Contributor: Sophia Perry
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axelgraphics · 2 years
Moving Company in Twin Cities: What to Expect, How To Make It Easy
When you’re ready to move, it can feel like there’s an entire world of moving companies out there. Which one should you choose? How can you be sure it’s going to be easy for you and your possessions? That’s what we aim to help with in this blog post. We take a look at the different types of moving companies in the Twin Cities area and what to expect from each. From packing services to delivery, we have everything you need to make your move as smooth as possible.
What to Expect When You Use a Moving Company
When you use a moving company, there are a few things that you should expect. The first thing that you will need to do is to prepare your possessions for transport. Make a list of everything that you need to take with you, and pack it carefully into boxes or bags. You should also make a list of the furniture that you will be removed from your home and mark down the locations where it can go.
Next, schedule your move with the moving company. It is important to do this ahead of time so that they can plan their transportation accordingly. You will likely need to provide them with an estimate of how many items are in your possession and where they will be going.
Once everything is scheduled, the moving company will arrive at your home to begin the transport process. They will work quickly and efficiently and should have everything unpacked and put back in its original location within two hours of arriving at your house. If there are any delays during the move, be sure to let the moving company know as soon as possible so that they can take corrective action.
Tips for Making the Move Easier
When you are ready to make the big move, here are a few tips to make the process easier:
1. Do your research – before you hire a moving company, be sure to do your homework and compare quotes. There are many reputable companies in the Twin Cities, so it’s important to find one that fits your needs.
2. Arrange for help – if you can spare someone from work for a few hours on move day, that would be ideal. Having friends or family members help out can save you time and stress.
3. Get organized – have all of your furniture lined up in the room where you will be moving it, and have an estimate of how much room each piece takes up. This will help avoid having to shuffle furniture around later on in the process.
4. Make a plan – once you have your estimate, create a timeline for completing the move and stick to it as closely as possible. This will help minimize surprises and ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.
5. Stay calm – even if things seem like they’re going wonky at times during the move, remember that everything will eventually go according to plan (almost always!). If you keep your composure, everything else will fall into place too!
How to Choose the Right Moving Company
When it comes to choosing a moving company, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure you pick one that is reputable and has a good reputation. Additionally, consider the company’s experience and what they offer, such as insurance coverage or packing services. Finally, be sure to ask around for recommendations from friends and family before settling on a company.
What to do If You Encounter Problems on Your Move
Moving company in Twin Cities: What to expect, how to make it easy
If you're moving into or out of the Twin Cities area, you'll want to consider using a reputable moving company. There are a few things to keep in mind before hiring one, though.
First and foremost, check their licensing and insurance. A good Moving Company should have both state and federal licenses and be insured for your belongings. If they don’t have these licenses or insurance, beware! You might end up with the damaged property or lost items, neither of which is worth the hassle. 
Next, ask about their rates. The price of a move can vary significantly depending on the size of the move, the number of items being moved, and where in the Twin Cities Area the house or apartment is being moved to. It’s important to get an estimate from at least two different companies so that you can compare apples to apples. 
Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, it’s time to schedule a free consultation with each company. This will give you a chance to meet with representatives from each company in person so that you can get a better feel for them and decide which would be best for your specific needs.
Finally, make sure that all of your paperwork is ready before your move date arrives! This includes copies of your driver’s license, passport if applicable, insurance policy information, rental agreement, and any other pertinent documents. If any of this paperwork is missing, your moving company might not be able to move your belongings and you’ll have to deal with that inconvenience yourself.
When you're moving, it's important to have an understanding of what to expect and how to make the whole process as smooth as possible. In this article, we'll discuss some of the key things you need to know when hiring a Moving Company in the Twin Cities, from pricing and services to packing tips and what items are most important when packing for a move. If you're ready to get started on your move, read on!
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quotesshala · 3 years
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tingnee · 5 years
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Fearless? What you fear on? #fearless #knowledgeispower #dontbestatic #movemove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsx-1iDAoYA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f5p5bneyk4pk
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ah-bubu · 7 years
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The conviction that the existence of human beings is the central reason for the universe’s existence.
Inspire by Genesis Carreras | Animation by Ken Lim
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Outside chapter 21: Run in Swinging
Scout is not a good actress, but we already knew that. And Will's starting to crack just a little bit himself, wonder if he can make it through this without breaking apart entirely.
Also, take a guess at who was chasing Lisa and Mason. ;)
Scout turned out to be pretty good at swinging the axe, as more Sock Puppets quickly found out. It was a little scary how she didn't seem to care about the people stitched to those Puppets, treating them more as objects than trapped people. It made some sense, though, as not everyone trapped here would have been prepared like they were.
Even if, in reality, they weren't all that prepared at all.
Still, Bit cheered at every take down the two of them did, which made a warm feeling curl in his gut. It should've been scary, how much her excitement made him happy, but he refused to think about those implications yet. That was for when he was at home and higher than a kite, when he had time to think.
Luckily, they hadn't come across anymore for a few minutes, giving them all a chance to breathe while Scout tried to remember where they needed to go. It was... difficult, since her memories weren't lining up with reality. It was like the layout of the building had changed while she was gone.
Or maybe she had forgotten more than she thought.
Either way, nothing looked familiar, and it was starting to scare her. She finally stopped, making Sammy stop too. "Wait here while I look ahead. I want to make sure we're going the right way." She told him, though he looked skeptical.
"What do you mean "make sure"? I thought you knew where we were going."
"I do!" She protested. "I just... wanna check for more sock puppets real quick! It's easier to sneak away if it's just me."
Sammy didn't say anything, just watched as she walked away and around the corner. "Yeah, she doesn't know where we're at."
"I'm not surprised. They changed things around when she escaped." Bit told him. "She's gonna get us all killed if she doesn't admit it though!" She barked out a laugh, and the Host cringed.
"Maybe... don't tell her that?" He suggested. "She's doing her best..."
"Yeah, well, her best isn't good enough." She bit out. "I say we ditch the dweeb and get out of here. Can't be too hard if Scout of all Puppets managed it."
"Yeah, no. I am not ditching anybody, least of all the thing with my cousin's body!" Sammy told her sternly.
"Sheesh, it was just a suggestion." She squirmed back from where she'd been hanging over his shoulder, settling back in his hoodie. He could hear her muttering back there, but not what she was saying. He supposed it didn't matter too much, not when there were more important things to worry about.
Like how he had heard footsteps behind him. Turning he saw Scout, and she looked pissed. He flinched as she snapped her hand out toward him, but she just reached behind him to grab Bit.
"I am a lot bigger than you right now." She said in a low voice. "I can yeet you down the hall if I wanted."
Bit stared blankly back at her. "What the hell is a yeet? Some kinda dweeb word?"
With a loud shriek of "YEET!" Scout threw Bit down the hall, far enough that she vanished into the shadows.
"What in the actual fuck?!" Sammy shouted as he raced to go get her. He missed Scout's nonchalant shrug before she crossed her arms.
"I warned ya." She muttered smugly, staring after the pair.
Will didn't like the quiet stillness in the halls, however easy it was making his journey. From the stories he expected at least a giant puppet dog, maybe some hulking monsters with socks crudely stitched to their hands. But no, there was nothing. But no, there wasn't anything except his Puppet, who had remained silent the whole time.
He wondered if he should try and talk to her, if only to make sure she was still alive. She been very still since he'd picked her up, not moving even a little as he wandered through the dark maze of the warehouse. Though, now that he thought about it, there was occasionally a light shuddering across her body. He wondered if she was having trouble breathing.
'Something to check when we get home.' He made a mental note of it as he turned the corner. It was a dead end, with single door at the end sitting ajar. He approached it cautiously and peered in.
It looked like an art studio of some kind, if an art studio had a pile of dead bodies in one corner. Easels and canvases stained in dried blood were scattered about, and the completed paintings showed some rather macabre imagery. There was an open door on the other side, showing another dark hall.
'Must be where that one artist hangs out.' He figured as he slowly pushed open the door. Stepping carefully around the spilled paint and dropped art supplies, Will made his way across the room. The wet look on some of the puddles told him Nick could still be close, and he didn't want to run into him.
"Well, looks like we've got another escapee out and about. And here I thought that all ended with Scout." The voice was a fake sounding posh and smug. Looking back, Will had to admit the Puppet it was coming out of fit it quite well.
"Oh look. Another asshole." He observed, taking another step towards the door. If he could make it out of the room he could probably outrun this thing.
"Now now, that's rather rude really." His eyes flicked down to the Puppet in Will's arms and his head tilted. "Weren't you with that scientist? What happened to Riley?"
"I disarmed her." Another few steps, and Nick took a rather large one towards him. 'Crap.'
"Hmm." A hand slowly approached his face. "You have such pretty eyes..."
Will shoved him, turning and making a break for the door. "Nope! Bye!" The Puppet made a grab for him, but he dodged it, slamming the door in it's face as he sprinted out.
Left, right, right, and then left again and the dammed thing was still on his heels. Shouting that he would take Will's eyes, and paint the walls with his shining red blood. That he had so many ideas for him.
It was worse than the scientist actually, and that was saying something. Will searched for a way to fight back against the artist and his hulking Host, but couldn't spot anything in the dark halls he was sprinting through. He turned another corner, and ran smack head first into another human body.
There was a feminine scream of pain as both of them fell to the floor. The hooded figure clutched her forehead while Will scrambled to get up. Sammy stood above them both, looking vaguely panicked as he tried to help Stacy.
"Get up! Get up now we are in seriously deep shit here!" Will hefted his girlfriend off the floor one handed and started shoving her down the hall. "Move! Movemovemove!"
"Where did you go little Host?" Came a voice floating from behind him.
"shitshitshitshit" He grabbed her arm and went to run, but was stopped by Sammy.
"We can't go back that way!" He whispered. "There's one of those sock puppets chasing us!" On cue the loud thumps of heavy footsteps came into their hearing from behind the nurse. Behind Will, they could hear the calls of Nick, steadily getting closer as he toyed with his prey.
They were all trapped. At least until Stacy tugged her hand out of Will's and pointed up to the ceiling.
"Come out, come out little lost Host. I need those eyes of yours~" Nick turned the corner and found himself face to face with a confused looking Sock Puppet. Not that those things weren't normally confused. Honestly, he wasn't even sure why Mortimer let Riley make those things. "What are you doing here, out and about? Don't you have a patrol route?"
A low groan was his only answer, and he sighed in response. He reached out and grabbed onto it's Host with his. "I suppose you'll do for now, until I find that other one. Come along now, let's go do something... fun."
Will watched as the Sock Puppet was led away, and then turned to follow where Stacy was leading them through the vents. They only went a little ways through them before she punched open a vent covered and dropped down into the room below. Sammy went next, followed by Will. The room they were in seemed to be an old writers room, notes still written on the whiteboard and script pages scattered around. Sammy crept over to the door and locked it, just to be safe.
"Ugh, I can't take this anymore!" Stacy collapsed into a chair, hood falling from her head. "Never should've come back in here..." She muttered as she rubbed her eyes.
"Well it's too late now. Everyone's probably broken out of the hypnotism, and we're in too deep to back out." Will told her firmly. "Besides, we still need to find Scout. We can't leave without her."
The one-armed woman bit her lip, turning away slightly. Sammy sighed and stepped between them. "Hey, Will, chill for a sec okay? Just sit down, and take a deep breath."
Will sat, letting his Puppet drop into his lap. She simply lay there limply, unnoticed by the others, though Bit did peer down at her in something like concern. Will inhaled loudly, then fixed Sammy with a look. "There. I'm sitting."
"There, see? We just gotta take a rest and then keep moving on to where, uh, Stacy can lead us to Scout." Sammy sat too, though he sat backwards in his chair. "We're find the others on the way, and then leave and never ever come back."
"Yeah, okay, sounds good." Will agreed quickly, glancing over at Stacy. The glance turned into a long hard stare. "Are your eyes yellow?"
"No, it's just the-"
--nuclear radiation!" Scout blurted out in a panic. Sammy face palmed, while Will just pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh.
"Oh I do not have time for this." He muttered. And then, louder "Where the fuck is my girlfriend?"
A pause. "Do you really want me to answer? Cause I think if I do, you will fucking kill me. Besides, I'm taking us there anyways. It'll be fine." Another, shorter pause before she pointed at the blue haired Puppet. "That's Canon by the way. She's the oldest."
Said Puppet lifted her head at the mention of her name, but didn't really react beyond that. Bit waved when she saw her sister was awake, but was ignored. She huffed and sunk back down into the hood. 'Fine then, be that way.'
She tuned back into what the Hosts and Scout were saying, but they'd all gone quiet. Scout was pulling at the short sleeves of her hooded shirt, while Sammy was furiously searching through his pockets. The last one, Will apparently, was staring at the floor, completely still save for a slight movement from his lips. She wondered if he was their leader, like Canon was for her and the others.
Well, like Canon had been. She hadn't really been much of a leader lately, not since Scout had ran away. She'd tried, but then she had vanished too for a long time, only to reappear right before the Hosts had. Mortimer had brought her with him, now that she thought about it.
'I wonder what he's been doing?' She looked between her older sister and her younger one. 'Can't be anything good. Not with how Canon looks. That "Stacy" Host of Scout's is totally gonna die.' She didn't say anything about that, however. The "Yeet" she'd experienced was still far too fresh in her mind, and she did not want to get thrown at another wall.
Besides, the quiet was kind of... nice, in a way. Nobody talking, but not really out of fear of being caught. It was a nice feeling.
It didn't last, however, as someone ran screaming past the door. Half a second later someone else went by, followed by a horrible skittering noise that the three Puppets knew far too well. Everyone turned to stare at the door as the noises faded out.
"... Y'know that sounded like your friends, Will." Sammy observed in a high pitched voice.
"I think you're right." He stood up, handing Canon off to the nurse in exchange for the pistol. "Come on, we'd better go help them out."
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art-now-argentina · 3 years
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Anastasia, Cristina Hauk
Obra de la serie "MoveMove" Realizada en tres capas de acrilico, pintado. Provocando la sensación de movimiento y profundidad. Concepto: Reflexión sobre el comportamiento del individuo socialmente.
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mysticgazelle · 3 years
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🕊🌿 Healing 🌿🕊
~ Blossoming Abundance card tells me to focus on the continuous flow of healing energy. Deep breathing; to allow more oxygen to circulate and be available in abundance to all cells. Allow the body to open and "blossom" during inhale. Any tension from this is resistance to the unfamiliar condition. Stay in the flow of blossoming into better health.
~ Man Holding A Coin card tells me to value my yang energy ☯️. Active, bold energy. Fear-based tension in the body restricts physical power and movemovement. Freedom in physical activity aligns with good health.
~ Adjacent Possibilities card tells me that other states of well being are possible, even though my body is in a habit of functioning in this one. The body is responsive to one's belief or lack of belief that it can improve in condition. This affects receptivity to change or resistance to it.
~ Aphrodite; Inner Goddess, "Awaken the goddess within you through dance, self-care, and appreciating your divinity." Very suitable message from my higher self. Putting off something I love doing, (dancing), for other forms of exercise to be strong enough to dance, hasn't been the most helpful to me. Using dance to get stronger, as much as other forms of exercise, would bring in the expansive flow-state energy that I naturally get from dancing from a place of passion for creative expression.
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ericmun · 4 years
[TRANS] 200427 Shinhwa’s Eric - “Eccentric! Chef Moon” - Moon Seung Mo IG Update
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by 문승모 셰프 Chef. Moon (@moonseungmo) on Apr 26, 2020 at 8:15pm PDT
01. The soup tastes good today, as always. #Pungcheonok #OpenForBusiness #NonyangFamousRestaurant #LunchFamousRestaurant #YesThisIsTheFlavor #MoonSeungMo
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by 문승모 셰프 Chef. Moon (@moonseungmo) on Apr 27, 2020 at 1:50am PDT
02. You said you changed your hairstyle during these times. #BangsSeungMo #SidePartSeungMo #SlickedBackSeungMo #MoonSeungMo
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03. Seola who finished learning Korean writing. #RiceSoupSoju #SeolaWhoCanReadTheNumber20000 #HedgehogPapa #AllThanksToVillageChairwomanPiGonSook #TheBookSeolaLikesToRead #Fun #EccentricChefMoon
Source: moonseungmo IG
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04. #EvenWhenHiking #EvenWhenSick #EngrossedInReading #FunBook
Source: moonseungmo IG
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05. #Obedient #MoonSeungMo
Source: moonseungmo IG
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by 문승모 셰프 Chef. Moon (@moonseungmo) on Apr 27, 2020 at 11:48pm PDT
06. You should eat meat for dinner tonight. #ChefMoonMenuRecommendation #ThisIsAustralianMade #KoreanBeefIsGoodToo #SaltSalt #SpiceSpice #CookingChefMoon
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A post shared by 문승모 셰프 Chef. Moon (@moonseungmo) on Apr 28, 2020 at 2:25am PDT
07. We were busy today too. #RemindsMeOfTheOldDaysToo #NonyangFamousRestaurant #Pungcheonok #Workaholic #ChefMoon #Friday #MoveMove
On the video:
An order for two rice soups and one grilled short rib patties just came in. You can prepare the rice soup, right? All right, please hurry with the side dishes preparation. Ding! Table 3!
Translation: EricMun.tumblr
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 9 months
Plumbing Safety for Kids: Teaching Children About Water Conservation and Safety
Water is life. This age-old adage holds more truth today than ever before. In our rapidly changing world, the topic of plumbing safety for kids goes beyond mere accident prevention. It's about fostering a deep respect and understanding for water, our planet's most precious resource. As parents, educators, and guardians, imparting this knowledge to the next generation is among our most crucial responsibilities.
Understanding Water Conservation
At its core, water conservation is about sustainability. It's the conscious effort to reduce wastage and use water judiciously. With global populations rising and freshwater sources dwindling, conservation becomes paramount. But how can children, with their boundless energy and curiosity, contribute? The answer lies in daily habits. Encouraging them to turn off taps while brushing, promoting shorter showers, or even making a game out of using a bucket for outdoor cleaning can instill these values. By making conservation fun and relatable, we can hope to see a generation that values every drop.
The Basics of Plumbing Safety
Regardless of size or location, every home has potential plumbing hazards. And for the ever-curious child, these can pose significant risks. Toilets, for instance, are often overlooked. Yet, an open lid can invite a toddler to explore. Taps, showerheads, and even the humble sink can become sources of fascination. Without proper guidance, children might play with them, leading to potential accidents or wastage. Drains, too, can be intriguing. Educating children about the dangers of clogging them or the repercussions of sending foreign objects down can save many a plumbing headache.
Teaching Kids About Safe Water Usage
Water is a daily necessity, but not all is fit for consumption. Teaching children about potable and non-potable water sources is essential. They should know the dangers of consuming water from unverified sources, which, while looking pristine, might be teeming with harmful bacteria. Additionally, a deeper dive into the limitations of different piping materials can give children a better understanding of household water systems and why some water sources are safer than others.
Keeping Your Little One Occupied During a Move
Moving homes can be a whirlwind of activity, and when you have a toddler in tow, the challenges multiply. Therefore, to ensure a smooth transition, it's essential to keep your little one occupied. But how to organize a move with a toddler? Create a 'moving day' kit with their favorite toys, coloring books, and snacks. Consider setting up a dedicated play area in your new home ahead of time so they have a familiar space amidst the chaos. Engaging them in simple packing tasks, like placing their toys in boxes, can also make them feel involved. Remember, the key is to balance safety with entertainment, ensuring your toddler feels secure and engaged during the move.
Interactive Activities to Reinforce Learning
Education is most effective when it's interactive. Children, with their vivid imaginations, can benefit immensely from hands-on learning. A "Water Detective" game can be fun and enlightening as they search for waste points around the home. Role-playing sessions, where they don the hat of a plumber, can emphasize the importance of preventing plumbing emergencies. Creative projects can also serve as a platform to express their understanding and commitment to the cause.
The Art of Packing Children's Belongings
The sheer volume of toys, books, and clothes can be overwhelming when sorting through children's rooms. A useful tip from ryderrelocations.com suggests turning packing into a storytelling session for your kids. Recall a memory or craft a short story for every toy or book before placing it in the box. This method keeps the kids engaged and makes them more willing to part with items they no longer need. Creativity can transform a tedious task into a memorable experience.
The Importance of Supervision
Knowledge, while powerful, is complemented by supervision. Despite being educated about risks, children might sometimes act on impulse. Unsupervised access to water sources, bathtubs, pools, or garden ponds can lead to accidents. The danger of hot water, especially in homes with inconsistent heating, can't be stressed enough. As caregivers, constant vigilance is our best defense. Speaking of defense, installing a tankless water heater offers safety and efficiency for those considering home improvements, ensuring children are less exposed to scalding risks.
Involving Kids in Household Plumbing Tasks
Empowerment through involvement can be a game-changer. When children are actively involved in household tasks, they gain a deeper appreciation for the work and its significance. Simple chores can be turned into investigative missions. Watering plants with leftover water or assisting in eco-friendly drain cleaning methods can be educational and a bonding source.
Introducing the New Neighborhood
Before the big move, especially when considering plumbing safety for kids, consider taking a leisurely walk or drivingaround the new neighborhood with your children. Point out interesting landmarks, parks, or even potential new friends playing outside. This familiarization not only helps reduce the shock of the new environment but also provides an opportunity to discuss any visible plumbing fixtures or water sources and their safe usage. It's a proactive step to help them understand that while the surroundings might change, the essence of family, home, and safety remains constant.
Creating a First-Night Box
The first night in a new home can be a mix of excitement and apprehension for kids. To ease this transition, prepare a 'first-night' box. Fill it with essentials like pajamas, a favorite bedtime story, a cherished toy, and maybe even a little treat. That ensures that amidst the chaos of unpacked boxes and unfamiliar rooms, a small oasis of comfort awaits them. It's a simple gesture that can provide immense comfort during those initial hours in a new place.
Conclusion on the Most Important Tips for Plumbing Safety for Kids
To conclude, plumbing safety for kids is a holistic approach to raising a water-conscious and safe generation. It's a blend of education, interaction, and supervision. By dedicating ourselves to this cause, we're safeguarding our children andensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Guest Contributor: Sophia Perry
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montymcallister · 4 years
it all goes this way
January 10th, 2:18AM Trigger Warnings: implied animal attack, gore (not particularly explicit and not very prevalent, but tagging just in case)
Flashes. Running. 
There was a woman in the road. The street shined like rain, but no clouds blocked the full moon overhead.
Somewhere mostly dark. Hitting the ground hard. He could hear cars, see the faint glow of streetlights, but not the lights themselves. Just keep moving, people are so close, just keep moving   Buildings he vaguely recognized from somewhere in the city. 
Inside. A table at the back knocked bottles of beer together with excited shouts. The DJ looked right at him. Through him? Was he in trouble? Glass shattered near the bar. The DJ stood... in front of the DJ. But not. The other one was dressed wrong.
He staggered.
A bone-chilling howl. God that was right on top of him
He couldn’t get his legs under him. His shoes had no traction. A panic that was not his own pulled at his focus. Come on, just breathe
Words fell from his mouth, but they didn’t feel like his. It didn’t feel like his tongue.
It wasn’t his voice. The hands trying to push his (not his, but whose-) body upright weren’t his. The force of the swipe to his side sent him slamming hard into an unforgiving wall.
Fuck that was a lot of teeth 
And then
He rolled half off the bed---stumbled and nearly didn’t catch himself---in his rush to retch into the waste bin by his nightstand. From the puppy’s place wedged between the pillows, Roscoe yipped in high-pitched, distressed bursts.
He was never getting those sounds out of his head. That howl. The squish and rip of that thing pulling--- No. Mm mm. Nope. Just the thought of it had him spitting bile into the waste bin.
He missed his first few attempts to grab at the water bottle sitting on his night stand.
Those eyes...
Across the hall, Monica’s bedroom door opened with a squeal. His pillow dipped with little footfalls as Roscoe ventured over. Sheets rustled as he shifted to settle his weight back onto the edge of the bed.
“I’m okay,” he rasped. He felt hot. His voice shook.
Still, a soft knock sounded at his door. “Can I come in?”
He jolted at the sudden pressure of paws pressing against his back. Just Roscoe.
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mobuom · 4 years
@pragmarage​ is spared for another day
                  nothoughtsnomercyjusthitstepfollowdownkillkillkillkillkillbloodwarmmovemoveMOVE -
        awareness comes slowly, to her, subtle and silent. it’s the cooling, stiffening irritation on her skin; the dark saturation across the field, the screaming, deafening silence that is so overwhelming in it’s lack of noise. but she cannot bring herself to move; apathy and exhaustion both weigh her down, as if even looking away was an arduous task as if her body itself were made of the heaviest of stone.
            she should move, she thinks, now that the battle is over. it is no longer necessary to be here; her presence no longer needed on the grounds of slaughter, with the only remnants of their enemies being their gore on the ground, but she cannot muster the will. 
      she does not know how long it is that she stands there, with every second a millennium and every thought as slow and intangible as the clouds in the sky. she is just barely aware, now, that someone is approaching. their steps are familiar, she thinks, counting them alongside the beats of her heart. step. beat. step. beat. step. best. stop. 
          who else could it be but hijikata. his is a familiar enough presence, enough for her to know, but. she accepts him by her side, as natural as the wind and the stench of copper. 
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oramicspl · 6 years
Ola is a true vinyl lover. Her collection of vinyls has been on the rise since 2008. She is known for her eclectic style; sometimes plays analog, deep, hard but melodical sounds, on the other hand also loves sunny disco house or Chicago house . The main reasons she started playing was to simply bring people happiness and share her music taste. Since the beginning of her career she's been a member of the Move Move collective. From September 2015 she started party cycle Move Mózg.
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