#movers available
123countwithme · 2 months
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amcmoversuae-blog · 3 months
5 Essential Tips for a Smooth Moving Experience
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Moving to a new home can be both exhilarating and stressful. Whether you're relocating across town or to a new city, careful planning and organization can make all the difference. To help ensure a smooth transition, here are five essential tips to consider:
Start Early: Begin preparing for your move well in advance. Create a timeline outlining key tasks such as decluttering, packing, and scheduling movers. Starting early will alleviate last-minute stress and give you ample time to handle any unexpected challenges that may arise.
Declutter Before You Pack: Before you start packing, take the time to declutter your belongings. Sort through items room by room and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. Downsizing before you move will not only save you time and money but also make unpacking in your new home much more manageable.
Invest in Quality Packing Supplies: Invest in sturdy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper to protect your belongings during transit. Using proper packing materials will help prevent damage and ensure that your items arrive safely at your new home. Don't forget to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to for easy unpacking.
Pack Strategically: When packing, prioritize items you'll need immediately upon arrival in your new home. Pack essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents in a separate box or suitcase for easy access. Remember to pack heavier items at the bottom of boxes and fragile items with care to minimize the risk of damage during transit.
Stay Organized: Keep track of your moving progress by maintaining a detailed inventory list. Note down the contents of each box and assign a number or label to help you keep track of your belongings. Additionally, keep important documents such as contracts, leases, and moving estimates in a designated folder for easy access.
By following these five essential tips, you can streamline the moving process and ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Remember to stay organized, start early, and enlist the help of friends and family if needed. Happy moving!
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onlyforalwayswith · 5 months
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alriyadhmovers · 1 year
Riyadh Movers - 24 hour shifting service available Riyadh
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Riyadh Movers is a well-known Packer and mover company in Riyadh. Hire us for the Best Shifting services in Riyadh. Get 24-hour shifting service available in Riyadh with Riyadh Movers.
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nerdyjournals · 2 months
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Thank you for your request! Other than the little mishap, this was a fun one to do! You really had me thinking over what each one would get upset over, so hopefully they all fit!
Bang Chan
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You could feel his eyes bore through you as Chan stared at you through the glass in the hospital door. He looked frazzled. Hair a mess, the bags under his eyes even worse than before.
He stepped in and you watched all the air escape him as he took in your bandaged wrist.
"And what have we learned?" He said, voice soft but stern.
"To wait until help arrives and to not be a stubborn and impatient baby," you whined as he lifted up your hand. "They said it'll be a week or so before I can lift anything."
"Do you see why I was so insistent that you wait?" You nodded. "Plus I have seven able body movers who were ready to help us later tonight after rehearsals."
You whispered another apology as he took you into his arms and held you tight.
"I'm just glad you're okay and it was nothing major."
Lee Know
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You felt yourself wince as you stepped over the threshold of your apartment. You had been hoping to do some spring cleaning before Minho got home so he could just rest.
He had told you to do it in stages so you wouldn't overwork and hurt yourself, but what do you do? You overwork and hurt yourself.
Now you softly flinch as you spot him sitting in an armchair that you swear was never positioned in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" You scratched the back of your head nervously.
"Big time." Minho stood from the chair and walked over. "You know I tell you not to do things because I care about you, right?" You nod. "So why go against me?"
"I wanted you to have a nice place to rest since you've been working so hard, but I just screwed up again." He pulled you into a soft hug, silently trying to find where you were hurt. "You're not even supposed to be home early. Why are you here?"
"You always send me a photo of your food before my lunch break if you're home, and I know for a fact that you have today off."
"You were worried?"
"Don't tell the media. I do have a reputation to uphold, you know."
Okay, the laugh hurt a little bit.
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The front door opened and closed without Changbin's usual fanfare. Yup, you were in trouble.
His figure came around the corner with a small pharmacy bag and two cups of boba. Okay, so he wasn't that mad....yet.
"Are you okay?" Those words shocked you, having been ready for his beratement or something along those lines.
"I'm okay. A little sore, but okay." He walked over and handed you the drink and bag. "I thought you said you'll be late tonight."
"And I knew that if I didn't come home at my earliest convenience, you'd try something stupid again." You pouted as both of you knew he was right. "I know you want our first place to be perfect, but we have all the time in the world to decorate."
"I work from home, Bin. I need something to do other than watching a computer screen for eight hours."
"Then bring your laptop with you and visit the studio. The guys won't mind. They love you."
"Are you sure I won't be distracting?"
"Never. If anything, you might get annoyed with Jisung's antics."
"I'll take that risk."
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The sound of feet rushing against the tile of your apartment floor brought you back to reality. Your little perch on the balcony slightly helped alleviate your headache.
Hyunjin stood there with a small pharmacy bag and a hand fan.
"Are you okay? Any breakouts or irritation?" He asked, worry filling his voice with each word.
"No. I got out quickly enough." You said, obviously tired. He switched on the hand fan and placed it yours as he set the bag aside. "I'm sorry."
"What were you doing in there anyway?"
"I wanted to clean up a bit. You were really stressed about it."
"I'd rather have a messy studio than have you in the hospital." His gaze drifted from you to the view. "Fresh air help?"
"Not as much as you."
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Hearing footsteps approach, you quickly tried to get off the floor but to no avail.
"Aish..." Han's soft curse came from the doorway. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me before trying to unpack?"
The two of you had moved in together recently and your stuff was the last to unpack and also the heaviest.
"Did you finish your book already?" He asked as the two of you began to pick up the fallen novels. He could see your face scrunch at all the bent pages and covers.
"I thought the next one was in the stack of opened boxes. I just wanted to start and not have to bug you for something so small."
"You enjoy reading, yeah?" You slowly nodded. "Then it's not so small. I think it's small when I interrupt your reading for a thirty second clip opinion."
You nodded and placed another book back in the box as he tilted your chin over to look him in the eyes.
"If any of your books got ruined, they're replaceable. You know what's not? You. So ask me next time, okay?"
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It was a little embarrassing to have Felix walk in and see you with your hand submerged in a bowl of water.
"I thought I told you to do an ice shower," he sighed as he placed the bag in the table.
"Why would I need to shower for just my hand?" You slowly lifted out of the water and showed off the damage. "How bad?"
"Well, it's not blistering so that's good." Felix grabbed the kitchen towel to dry pat your hand. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Taking cookies out of the oven." You pointed over to where a batch of cookies still sat on the baking sheet. "I couldn't find the mitts so i used the rubber ones, but the back of my hand touched the metal."
"You're very brave to even keep them on the tray while in pain." He put the cream on and began to wrap it. "You're not allowed to bake without me here anymore, okay? At least, not until this heals."
"Oh no. I have to spend more quality time with my boyfriend. Whatever shall I do?" The sarcasm dripped from your words, making him smile and press against the injury.
"Don't make me regret it."
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His steps were frantic as he unlocked the apartment door. Part of him was thankful they had chosen to put security cameras in the house, but the other part cursed him cause it forced him to watch his partner take a nasty fall.
"Y/N?" He didn't raise his voice, knowing that you might have a bad headache.
Your hand peeked out from behind the kitchen island and he rushed over. He found you leaned against the cabinet with an ice pack against the back of your head.
"Hey," he whispered, "1 to 10?" You held up four fingers then four more. "Can you stand?" You signed out the sign for 'no.' "Can I carry you? I got the car running outside." You signed 'yes.' "Talking hurts?" You signed 'yes' again as he carefully lifted you into his arms.
You signed 'sorry' as you made it to the car.
"Why are you apologizing? It was an accident and the guys understand that." He gently placed you in the passenger seat. "They will want an update once you're all clear, okay?"
You signed 'okay.'
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Something was off. You had been avoiding his hand ever since he got home. Normally Jeongin won't mind, but you won't even hold it in front of you.
"You tried to hook up the gundam already, didn't you?" He said as he watched you freeze. "Show me the damage."
You slowly held your hand out, placing it softly in his. Small bandages say on a few knuckles while little red dots covered your palm.
"You tried to solder the wires without knowing how to use the tool, didn't you?" You tried to take your hand back but failed. "I told you to wait for me."
"But I wanted it done so that I could show it to you when you got home. Now it's just sitting there, taunting me."
"What's more fun? Building together or building alone?"
"Together." You sounded so shy.
"Then let's have dinner and we'll finish your project together." You nodded. "And then I yell at my brother to never give you a complicated set again."
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death-by-physics · 2 years
Did some adult shit today
Moved into my first post-college apartment
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cirrus-ghoulette · 4 months
Personalised Letters from Papa Emeritus
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Hello, everyone!
I recently launched my Etsy shop, The Papal Quill!
In my store, you will find letters written to you from the Papa of your choice.
Right now I have four letters available; a Prime Mover proposal letter, a letter where Papa misses you while on tour, a letter where Papa is proud of you, and an acceptance letter to the Satanic Ministry in Linkoping! I also have these available as digital downloads for a lower cost.
All of the physical letters come in a hand-lettered envelope, sealed with a Grucifix wax seal, and they're placed inside a polymailer for extra protection.
I ship domestically within the UK, and internationally!
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markscherz · 6 months
I like being nerdy and reading academic articles, but I find it hard to find things that interest me unless I spend a bunch of time filing through Google scholar and things like that. How do I find interesting science news, academic discussions, etc. as an undergrad/beginner?
You can follow specific streams on e.g. Phys.org or Eurekalerts, but that might be a bit tedious. I would recommend letting the articles come to you: set up Google Scholar alerts for scientists who publish on topics that interest you. You can also set up a ResearchGate account to do the same. When I was *first* starting to be aware of scientific papers in high school, I was getting most of my science information from reading the Economist. It's not the best venue, but it is more approachable than, say, Nature or Science, to a young student who is curious about the general goings on in the world of academia. NewScientist or something may be better. It was just what I had access to at the time.
But also bear in mind that the world has changed dramatically in the 14 years since I started undergrad (sorry, just gonna go vomit while that number sinks in). Yes, tools for finding literature are more widely available than ever, but publication rate has skyrocketed, and average quality has generally decreased because there is so much pressure to publish fast and editorial quality is lower than ever. So I don't actually know how to go about starting anymore.
All I can say is that when I was starting out, I felt like you describe. Totally overwhelmed, and unsure where to start. What I did was pursue my passion—reptiles and amphibians of Madagascar—and keep meticulous notes of those first papers I was reading.
Nowadays, I typically go on deep dives a bit like Wikipedia rabbit holes; starting from a recent interesting article, I will flag sources they cite that I should read, and then rinse and repeat until I have 300 tabs open and cannot possibly read even the abstracts of all the work.
One important thing is to try to stay abreast of current research, while also continuing to get a better footing on the background. That will be very, very useful later in your career. Read the 'greats' on the subject of interest, but also the 'up-and-comings'/'movers and shakers'. But this is probably advice for later, when you have established the real direction you are interested in. For now, explore the waters!
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copiousloverofcopia · 7 months
imagine copia about to become papa iv and his prime mover saying something like "you're going to be papa" and he's like duh, not getting it at all, and she literally has to go "no, you're going to be *papa*" and that's how she breaks the news to him
It's a shame how long it's been since I got this...like a year. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Hopefully this little sumthin sumthin will be worth it.
And Then It Hit Him
You have news for your husband, Cardinal Copia on the brink of his ascension to the Papacy, but will he stop long enough to listen?
Also available on AO3 HERE!
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You were doing your best to remain patient, though the news was burning from inside you. Wringing the fabric of your habit in your fingers as you waited for the perfect moment to interrupt him. Your husband had barely looked up from his parchments since you entered. A comfortable silence between you as you noted his hands were once again covered in ink. 
You were instantly transported back to when your dear sweet Cardinal was only the Ministry treasurer, and you still a naive novitiate. A time when you fell hard and fast in love with eachother. Watching with joy as he ascended the ranks of the Ministry. Proving himself worthy of his station at each and every turn. 
Now he was only weeks away from the announcement that he would receive the miter. The highest honor that only the select few could ever hope to achieve within the church. Truth be told you had wondered if your news would pale in comparison, but knowing Copia as you did, there was no way it would.
"Cope..." You nudge, hoping to finally garner his attention. Copia stopped, pulling his glasses off from where they hung on the bridge of his nose and began rubbing his eyes. Clearly he hadn't moved them from his work for more than a few second at a time.
"I'm so sorry cara, I just have so much work that needs to be done before I head back out on tour. If I leave anything unfinished Sister will have my head for it." He responded, taking your hand in his. His eyes, returning to his desk. You could tell he was worn down by it. The endless bureaucracy of the Ministry trampling over him in the guise of all this paper and ink.
"Copia, my love...I know you have a lot on your plate, but I—I just have something I wanted to tell you." 
"Of course, what is it?" He asked you, a sweet smile sent your way.
"Well.." You began, rounding his desk and placing your head on his shoulder. Breathing in the scent of his cologne. Like old books and patchouli, a scent that had intoxicated you night after night for so long now. It hardly seemed fair just how much it had affected you. Like a spell cast on your senses. Clearly it was one of the many reasons, like his undeniable charm, that led to you being in this position. "Soon my love…you are going to be a Papa.”
You were surprised when Copia's reaction was lacking. Letting out a sigh as he finished up the sentence he had been writing. "I know, I know. That's why I have to get this done." He explained, clear now that he had completely missed what you were trying to tell him. You thought for a moment, trying to decide if you could stand one more minute of knowing it all on your own, before finally you let out a groan.
It stopped him, Copia catching on that you needed him. Letting the pen drop to the desk as he pulled his attention away from the plethora of papers decorating it to face you. Heeding you as you gently brought his jaw up to help face you. Your eyes locked with his when he gently kissed your hand. The hair of his sideburns, tickling your palm as you spoke.
"No…Copia.” You began, a note of both amusement and disbelief in your voice, “...that's not what I was trying to say.” 
“I'm sorry amore… you should have had my full attention. Please…what is it you wanted to tell me?”
“I'm trying to tell you, you silly man, that you are going to be A PAPA.” You emphasized by taking his hand and placing it on the small of your belly. Suddenly it was clear to him. Hitting him all at once as his eyes began stinging with tears. He stared at your still inconspicuous belly. Both mystified and deliriously happy before looking up at you.
“Amore, are you sure?” he asked you. His voice quivering—a mess of emotions. You could feel Copia's hand trembling as his thumb gently glided over your stomach. Already so gentle and tender with a child he had only just discovered existed.
“I'm very sure Cope…we’re going to have a baby.” You smiled. 
“Sweet Satanas, I'm going to be a Papa!” Copia yelped, casting himself up from the chair and pulling you tightly into his arms. Blissfully crying and whispered praises in Italian, his hand never leaving your belly. You began to laugh. Copia looking up at you once again just as your own tears began streaming down your face.
“A papa and Papa.” 
novitiate- nun or sister in training 
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weenofficial · 10 days
Chocolate And Cheese Back On Vinyl!
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To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Chocolate and Cheese, Rhino will release Chocolate And Cheese 30th Anniversary Edition on August 2. There will also be an exclusive “Championship Belt” variant. This 3-LP set features a newly remastered version of the original album, plus 15 previously unreleased demos and outtakes curated by Gener and Deaner. Mastered from the original flat master tapes by Bernie Grundman.
30th Anniversary Bundles also available. Preorder vinyl, shirts, posters, and more HERE.
🎶 A previously unreleased version of “Junkie Boy” is available today digitally. Listen HERE.
Chocolate And Cheese (Deluxe Edition) Track Listing
Take Me Away
Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)
Freedom Of ’76
I Can’t Put My Finger On It
A Tear For Eddie
Roses Are Free
Baby Bitch
Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?
Drifter In the Dark
Voodoo Lady
Joppa Road
Buenas Tardes Amigo
The HIV Song
What Deaner Was Talkin’ About
Don’t Shit Where You Eat
SIDE E (Bonus Tracks):
Crappy Anniversary Jimmy
Warm Socks
Stop, Look, Listen (And Learn)
Dirty Money
I Got It
Belgian Stew
Voodoo Lady – Demo
SIDE F (Bonus Tracks):
Junkie Boy
Smooth Mover
Church Fire
Take Me Away – Demo
Roses Are Free – Demo
Candi – Demo
I Really Miss You (And I’m All Alone)
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heartofwritiing · 4 months
i loved your latest fic! could you do maybe contentcreator!reader and wilbur maybe going on their first date? or maybe helping her move into her new flat after permanently moving to Brighton as mentioned in your fic? tysm!
By the Sea
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paring: cc!wilbur x fem!cc!reader
summary: you move to brighton, and wilbur helps you move into your new apartment. a part two to this work :)
authors note: sorry this took me soo long to get out, i hope you like it anon! i have barely any motivation to write, this was kinda thrown together. i’m not sure what to do :/
happy valentine’s day lovely followers :) 💌
warnings: not much just fluff, reader is an overthinker, short, super unedited!
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Bringing up the last of the boxes up to your new apartment, you drop the box in your arms on top of another with an exasperated sigh. You were finally done climbing up three flights of stairs and could catch your breath.
You would have to remind yourself next time to find a place on the ground floor with availability, because this was insane.
You didn’t even want to imagine carrying groceries up every week now. Thank god for delivery apps…
Moving to Brighton was a plan months in the making. Countless visits to check out apartments in your price range, searching different parts of town you liked better than others took trial and error.
Eventually, you had found a perfect place not too far from your best friend Wilbur's place, who had been with you every step of the way through this whole process.
Wilbur was one of the reasons you were moving to another country in the first place. He had convinced you after your first visit last year to move in after you made a comment about wanting to move to the town by the sea after only visiting once.
Which was crazy, so you waited a year before making such a big decision. Speaking off;
You can hear grunting and panting coming from down the hall and you completely forget about your best friend who was helping you move in. Wilbur comes around the corner of the hall carrying the very last box in his lanky arms with a bead of sweat running down from his forehead.
His curls sticking to his skin showed he had worked up just as much of a sweat as you and you feel guilty making him carry some of your heavier things. He kicks your front door closed with his foot and places it on the kitchen counter with a thud.
As he makes his way to the couch, taking off his sweater you catch his shirt riding up to reveal skin before he fixes it. A blush rises to your cheeks and quickly spreads. Thankfully, he didn't notice you staring when he flops down next to you and sighs with his head thrown back against the couch cushions.
"Remind me to hire movers next time." you laugh, still out of breath.
Wilbur turns his head to you.
"You sure know how to make a guy break a sweat, darling," he hums.
A blush rises on your cheeks at the implication of his words. He laughs with a crinkle around his eyes with a mischievous grin.
You're looking forward to more moments like these with him. Butterflies flutter around your tummy knowing that you’ll have so many more.
You can't help the guilt creeping up for making him carry all these cardboard boxes with your life held inside. Thinking maybe he thought you were taking advantage of him.
"I'm sorry I dragged you into this, how can I make it up to you?"
Wilbur frowns, takes your hand resting by your side, and laces your fingers together with his. You had only been here a week, but over time you visited, Wilbur had gotten bolder with his touches.
Hand-holding wasn't new to you both, since that first night you'd met in person it had become second nature after admitting your feelings. You both had become accustomed to it quickly, opting to grab the other's hand in stressful situations or just as a comfort and reassurance.
"You didn't drag me into anything, If I didn't wanna help you I wouldn't have," he promised. "You don't have to make anything up to me."
“Nope, I won’t allow you to feel guilty over this.” Wilbur reaches his free hand up to boop your nose.
With a pout set over your lips, knowing you weren't in the mood to argue with him further. You scoot closer to him and lean your head on his shoulder to peer up at him and admire his side profile.
The shape of his nose was adorable from this angle, coming to a soft point that made you wanna kiss it.
Your gaze trailed down to the stubble around his jaw and before you even thought about it, you instinctively reached your free hand up to feel the slight scratch against your finger tips.
Wilbur didn’t swat your hand away, only turned his head so you had better access to move your nails to scratch lightly.
"But I wanna make it up to you," you say under your breath. Not sure if he heard you, your eyes met his again in question.
There’s a look in his eyes that tells you he wants to tell you what he wants. You would do anything for him. Without hesitance. Which sounded insane in your head.
Wilbur scoots down so he’s level with your face, and your suddenly so aware how close he is. Your knees touching and your hands still tangled together.
“tell you what? how about you let me take you out on a date?” he asks smoothly. “Then we’ll call it even, darling.”
You don’t know what to say. You weren’t expecting him to offer to take you on a date. A real date with your best friend. A night out together where you wouldn’t be surrounded by your other friends.
You swear you catch his eyes flicker down to your lips for a second. It would be bold of you to lean forward and kiss him right now, so you hesitate leaning forward.
Oh how you’ve wanted to since you first saw him last year, but you couldn’t. It would’ve ruined everything. If only you knew how much he wanted it too.
A date with him sounded wonderful but, you were too tired to even think about getting yourself all dressed up to go out tonight.
“how bout we order pizza, stay in and watch youtube videos for tonight.” you suggested.
“I’d say you got yourself a deal.”
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taglist: @trashcanduck @ax-y10 @mysticalsoot @idontreallyexistyet
@loonalvjy @toastyliltoasts41
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alriyadhmovers · 1 year
Best Shifting service all over Riyadh - Riyadh Movers
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Alriyadhmovers provides the Best Shifting service all over Riyadh in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Get 24-hour shifting services available all over Riyadh with Riyadh Movers.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
would it be a sin? // lando norris
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summary: lando tries (and fails in the sweetest funniest of ways) to make his and y/n’s first night in their new house together a memorable experience
pairing: lando norris x female reader
warnings: sweet and dorky and giggly smut, but still smut
author's note: this is a love letter to all my girlies who are not kinky in the slightest. just because you don't like it too rough, or don't have any interest in anything kinky doesn't mean that you can't have a fulfilling sex life. this ones for you <3
never in her life did y/n y/l/n dream that she would be so lucky.
leaves were falling down outside, orange and yellow and red dotting the interlock driveway and crunching under the wheels of lando's mclaren as he pulled up the front drive. the movers had been there earlier in the day, a few suitcases stowed away in the back of the luxury supercar.
she stepped out of the car, looking up at the house in wonder as she pulled the massive stuffed ikea bear out of the trunk.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
lando grinned, dangling the house keys in front of him. “better believe it, baby! you are out of your moms house and living with the love of your life, aka me.”
y/n giggled, pecking lando on the lips, the stuffed bear wedged between their bodies.
“I still can’t believe that you brought that bear. it gives me nightmares, baby.”
“uh, lan, it’s not a ‘bear’, it’s a djungelskog.” she giggled, shaking the bear in landos face. “come on, I’ve had this thing since I was a baby, I brought him with me to college. sometimes I snuggle him in my sleep while you’re gone.”
“that’s cute, darling, but I’m here now.” lando said gently, taking the djungelskog bear from y/n and darting up the driveway, where he opened the front door and put the bear in the living room before running down the driveway and sweeping y/n into his arms with a smile and a laugh.
"lando norris, put me down!" y/n laughed as lando carried her over the threshold and into the living room, which was empty save for the stacks upon stacks of boxes.
"you think that im not going to carry my girlfriend over the threshold of our new house?"
"well, yeah, but you're also likely to drop me!"
lando laughed before gently setting y/n down on the soles of her tennis shoes, his arms still around her as he pressed his lips to hers. "we did it, love. this place is ours now."
lando wouldn't say it out loud, but the cozy bunglow ranch house was where he could see the rest of his life unfolding: carrying y/n through the doorway in her voluminous white wedding dress, the smell of fresh bread as she baked in the kitchen, the smell travelling down the hall to his simulator room. two little kids running around the halls, one boy and one girl, a mini carbon copy of both of them. maybe a dog or two? or a cat? teaching his kids how to use the mclaren simulator, their little hands overtop of his as he helped them reach the steering wheel. birthday parties with helium balloons and confetti, little carboard party hats on everybody's heads.
from the first real estate showing, lando norris had seen the rest of his life unfold in that house.
"come on, let me show you the master bedroom."
"lando, i saw the pictures, remember?"
because of their complicated schedules, and the demand for that particular home, lando had been the only one able to go with the estate agent on the one day that was available, so y/n hadn't seen the interior in person yet.
"yes, but it's even better in person!"
giggling at lando's excitement, y/n took his hand and followed him down the long hallway to the master bedroom. the couple were so caught up in the moment that they hadn't even taken off their shoes, tracking dirt throughout the length of the hallway.
"lando, this is incredible! our bed isn't even going to take up half of this place!"
the mclaren driver shrugged, kicking the mattress towards the middle of the cavernous, sunny room. "then we just get a bigger one? it's not that big a deal, love."
"it is when i still have student loans to pay off. i feel bad, i didn't help you pay for any of this." y/n insisted.
"let me spoil you." lando countered, walking over to the cardboard box that held y/n's treasured vitrola record player, plugging it into the wall before he started looking for the records. "hey, do you know where the box with the vinyl is?"
"how should i know, lando? the movers did it all, didn't they?" y/n shook her head with a small grin as she went over to a tupperware container marked 'linens'. "we may not have a bedframe or a soundtrack, but at least now we have sheets and a duvet because god, i'm way too tired today to even think about putting the ikea furniture together."
with the new house had come a complete overhaul of the furniture lando owned. well, everything that max fewtrell was letting him take. being a university student and still living with her mother, y/n didn't have a lot, but she did bring a few other important things, like hand knitted blankets from her grandmother and numerous corningware dishes and china plates from her mother's collection.
"found them!" lando cried in achievement, throwing on an old elvis record that he bought last time he was in austin for a grand prix simply because he wanted the experience of dancing to the vinyl recording of can't help falling in love with you with y/n in the middle of the living room in his apartment at one in the morning because he thought it would be romantic.
"so, i take it you're not helping me?" y/ raised an eybrow as she started putting pillows in cases. "last i checked, this was a two person job, and if you want to get laid tonight, you'd better help, because i refuse to fuck you on the floor."
lando's head shot up, and he lunged for the corner of the flannel sheets.
"oh, so that gets you on your feet?" y/n giggled as the couple put the fitted sheet on the full sized mattress.
as soon as y/n deemed lando's work acceptable by lying in the middle of the bed, lando crawled on top of her, caging her body against the mattress and kissing her deeply, smiles on both of their faces.
"i know i complained a lot, but i'm really glad that you talked me into moving in with you." y/n said through a smile, running her fingers through lando's hair.
"i'm glad that max isn't going to be a cockblock any more." lando laughed out, causing y/n to giggle underneath him.
"or my mom."
"jesus christ, anything but that. your mom still glares at me any time we go up to your room, you know that?"
"she means well, lando." y/n giggles, kissing him again. "she doesn't want grandkids yet. not because she thinks we're too young, but mostly because she thinks she's not old enough to be called grandma."
"your mother is evil." lando chuckled before he kisses her again, his soft lips cushioning her bottom lip as the kiss deepens, her body getting pushed further into the mattress, chilled hands sliding up her sweater.
"god, lando!" she hisses from the impact, trying to push his hands away. "you're freezing!"
the brit shrugged "to be quite fair, it is only like, fifteen degrees outside. is now a good time for me to figure out how the fireplace works? it could be romantic." he wiggled his eyebrows at the end, eliciting raucous laughter from his lover, who was still underneath him.
"go on then, let me move the mattress closer so we can actually feel the heat."
lando messed around with the ornate stone fireplace, turning dials and dropping firewood before realizing that he didn't have a lighter anywhere, and therefore would struggle with actually igniting the kindling.
the fireplace had been one of the factors that drove y/n's final decision on the ranch house, the grey stone creating a cottage-like feel, giving a cozy atmosphere and tying the whole room together. she was not a fan of the cinnamon-colored paint on the wall, but lando promised that the would get the twitch quartet to help him repaint it in whatever color she wanted.
y/n laughed to herself as she brought the mattress closer, dropping down two pillows, a knit blanket and the duvet.
"do you need some help, lando?"
lando shook his head, looking through a shoebox of things that were emptied out of his kitchen drawer. "just get comfortable. i need to open a box and find some newspaper to light on fire."
"that is the worst idea i think i've ever heard you speak out loud."
"it's kindling!"
"it's a safety hazard."
shaking her head, y/ slipped out of her woolen sweater, adidas and jeans before she slipped under the covers, sliding off her white lace bra and throwing it in lando's direction to try and get his attention.
she missed, the bra sliding harmlessly across the floor as lando ignited the fireplace, the cozy scent of burning firewood filling the air. but the driver kept messing with the fire, using the cast iron poker to push around the logs, hoping that the fire would grow
rolling her eyes impatiently, y/n slipped off her lacy panties underneath the covers before balling them into her hand and throwing them.
this time, she hit the mark, the balled-up sunflower-colored fabric hitting lando in the back of the head. he finally turned around, picking up the undergarment in his hands and staring in confusion before turning to look at the mattress.
"oh, love. you'll be the death of me at this rate."
y/n had a big smile on her face as she propped herself up on an elbow, holding the duvet cover over her cleavage as she teasingly smiled at lando.
with a beaming grin, lando pulled his sweater over his head and kicked off his running shoes, making his way over to the bed.
"babe, look out-"
she had barely finished issuing the warning before lando tripping over y/n's tennis shoes and trying to grab onto one of the stacked boxes to try and regain his balance, a massive cardboard box containing all of lando's mclaren gear falling over and spilling papaya colored shirts and baseball caps onto the hardwood floor.
"lan, sweetie, are you okay?" y/n said through laughter
"i'm fine." lando choked out, still giggling himself as he slipped out of his jeans and joined y/n under the covers next to the fire.
the fire warmed their exposed skin as lando and y/n embraced, his hungry lips quickly taking control, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip as he grinded into her aching core, swallowing her sweet, soft moan in his fiery kiss.
the driver continued to trail soothing, gentle kisses across y/n's jaw, his fingers moving to lace with hers as he held her hand next to her head, nipping at the sweet spot on her neck as she bucked her hips into his.
"patience, pretty girl." lando hummed, moving his feather light kisses down her neck before gently taking one of y/n's hard nipples into his mouth.
y/n dropped his hand, burying her finger's in lando's curls as she urged him forward, begging the brit to give her more as gentle whines spilled from her lips.
he trailed his kisses further and further down her body, each kiss punctuated by a different declaration of love: "i love you", "you're the most beautiful girl i've ever met", "i cant imagine another day without you by my side."
little praises that brought a content smile to her face as lando began to kiss and caress her inner thighs, inching closer and clsoer to where she needed him the most.
y/n wasn’t a kinky person by any means. she’d much rather be made love to by candlelight than fucked from behind and spanked. but the one thing lando knew got her off more than anything was being on the receiving end of body worship. after spending so many years insecure and worried that nobody would ever find her pretty or sexy or attractive, listening to lando tell her how stunning she was in such a genuine tone, or showing her how gorgeous she was with his mouth and his hands was the perfect way to get her closer to an orgasm.
her biggest concern in the beginning was that lando would tire of vanilla sex and break up with her to go find somebody new, somebody more willing to take risks in the bedroom. someone who liked it a little rougher.
acutely aware of this fact, lando went out of his way to find ways to spice it up without getting kinky. truth be told, he had never read more cosmopolitan articles in his life, but he was thankful to the ever growing wisdom of the sex life magazine for being the brains behind some of his favourite sexual memories with y/n. the time they played strip monopoly (lando lost, but he wasn't complaining) was his favourite, but he would deny the game even existed if one of his buddies asked him about it. no, that was a memory for him an y/n only.
together they'd experimented with different music to set the mood, different lingerie and lingerie fabrics to find out which ones felt the best, different massage oils (no need to elaborate here), the one time that he wore his race suit and fireproofs (and my god, did they both think that was an incredible night).
"oh my god, lando, stop being such a tease." y/n breathed. "i need you so badly right now."
"tell me what you want, my gorgeous gorgeous girl." lando hummed, breathing on her most sensitive area
y/n's breath hitched, one hand still on the back of lando's head, the other clutching the sheets that were wrapped around her upper body. "i want your tongue. i want you to eat me out."
lando wasted no time, slipping his tongue in between her sopping wet folds, swirling and licking in the way that only he knew how. y/n clenched her thighs together, squeezing around lando's head, but cautious of the pressure she was putting on the driver.
"wrap those gorgeous thighs around me, love. if i die, i die and i get an awesome story to tell in heaven."
y/n laughed, a beautiful and delicate sound that sent even more blood rushing to lando's cock, if that was even possible.
sex with lando never failed to make y/n giggle. not because it was humorous or laughable, but because lando made her feel so comfortable in her own skin, made her feel like she could laugh at any given moment because he knew just the right thing to do. lando knew that sex and laughter were not mutually exclusive and made it his mission to make her laugh at least once every time they fucked.
with each movement of his tongue, y/n clenched her thighs tighter around lando's head, moans getting louder as she began to rut her hips up and into his face.
"oh lando, i-i think i'm gonna...oh god."
she almost whimpered as lando pulled away, still covered completely by the duvet. she found herself giggling at the young man as he floundered underneath the blankets to try and get back out again, his hair ruffled and messy.
still laughing, she pulled him close, pressing her lips to his, sliding her free hand down the front of his boxers to rub his erection.
"see what you do to me, love?" lando whispered quietly, moaning breathily down her ear as she slides her hand up and down his cock.
"take me, lando." she practically moans, kissing and nibbling up the driver's neck and pressing herself closer, desperate for more skin-on-skin contact. "please." her voice took on more of a whine this time, and lando couldn't resist.
he gently pushed her back against the mattress, awkwardly shuffling out of his underwear before ensuring that they were both wrapped up in the sheets and duvet, still feeling the warmth from the fireplace before he gently and smoothly pushed into her, lacing his fingers with hers on both hands, pinning them above her head before he began to thrust in and out. he kept the pace even, somewhere between slow and quick, y/n's head tilted back in pleasure.
"oh, lando...fuck, you feel incredible inside me."
"i love making love to you, darling." lando breathed before kissing her, letting go of one of y/n's hands to grip her waist as he started thrusting quicker. "i love hearing you moan my name, feeling your skin against mine."
she used her free hand to grip lando's hair, holding his head close as the driver started kissing the breast that he hadn't paid attention earlier.
that was another incredible thing about lando norris: there wasn't a single part of her body that he left unloved when they had sex.
"did i mention how much i adore your boobs?" he said moments later, a certain giddiness in his tone and a grin on his face that y/n found it impossible not to match, even while lando was almost balls-deep inside of her, breaking out in a grin right before a particularly deep thrust had her letting out a moan that made her entire body shake.
"once or twice." she said dreamily, pulling lando back in for a kiss, hiking her leg further up to give lando better access to a deeper angle.
"oh, just like that, love." lando moaned, quickening his pace once again. "oh, i doubt that i'm going to last much longer."
“I don’t think I will either.” she remarked casually, feeling the familiar knot in her stomach as she kissed lando hungrily, a kiss that was all tongue and teeth.
landos breath hitched as he felt y/ns walls begun to close around him, his thrusts faltering as his eyes rolled back in his head.
“come for me darling.” he encouraged, nipping at her neck. “I’ve got you, love. let go for me.”
she reached for landos hand, squeezing down hard as her entire body shook from her orgasm, face buried in landos neck to muffle her cries of pleasure. Lando reached his own peak shortly after, the couple lying skin-to-skin underneath the covers, her head on his chest.
“I love you, you big dork.” y/n said with a smile, placing a gentle kiss on landos jaw.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” the driver grinned, shifting his position on the bed. “are you warm enough, love?” he worried, pulling the duvet cover up and over her shoulders.
“I’m fine, baby.” she chuckled, tracing shapes on his skin. “the house is beautiful.”
“isn’t it? if we put down a rug and a few chairs, maybe a coffee table in front of the fire, it makes the perfect place to play another round of strip monopoly.”
y/n laughed. “again? are you sure your ego could handle losing again?”
“love, trust me. it was not ‘losing’ when the night ended with me inside of you anyways.”
“I can’t wait to start making memories in this house with you.” she smiled, shifting her position so that she was looking down at lando. “just you and me, maybe a tabby cat.” she paused. “a baby…one day?”
lando smiled, kissing her softly. “one day, my love. one day. I’d love to start a family with you. once the time is right.”
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creepyscritches · 24 days
Idk how to phrase it bc I've only recently begun to think about it but 🤔 growing up poor, alone, and temporary kinda taught me valuable poor skills like "how to live w only 1/4 of your possessions available, even the important ones" or "we won't be able to stay here that long, decorate but don't mount anything to the walls" OR my greatest hit "your movers are also poor like you so bring a case of ice water and popsicles for them + get ready to haul as much of your furniture as you can w 3 sweaty strangers"
But like 🤡 I never learned the not-poor skills lmao... Yeah sure I'm good at making things last but??? Learning when it's okay to replace something is such an unexpected skill. I'm not rich by any means, but I've finally met a career level where I'm secure job-wise and financially :/c which means I don't actually have to wear things until they fall apart which is nuts. My solution at the moment is to remember being the kid in goodwill finding kick-ass clothes and happily build a donation box of things I like but haven't worn in awhile (a year or so usually). Saluting the anonymous southerner who donated a pair of new w tags tripp pants in 2009. Inspiring me, king.
Anyway also the fact that I've established myself somewhere now is 🤡 man I'm figuring it out, but I feel very silly sometimes. Killing the voice in my head that says "don't get settled too much, you have to undo all this soon" by just thinking "if I still like it here, I will choose to stay longer, dumbass" which is a CRAZY luxury???? Girlies, home ownership is insane to me and I enjoy renting tbh, but being at the mercy of rent jacks made things pretty nomadic for awhile. I'm fully unpacked here. I mounted my first TV last year? Insane. I'm hanging floating corner shelves just to put junk I make on them. I have PLANTS? Idk it's just weird the things that are very normalized that I never did and a lot of my friends never did. My countertops are stone now, so I've had to learn to place things gently on them so they don't shatter. You could dunk a plate onto the vinyl countertops I had in high school. I do miss that freedom.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @miri-tiazan; more of the wet nurse omegaverse. 
Bruce thinks of his failure to protect Jason, to trust him; his inability to avenge him the way he was so desperate to be avenged–avenge him the only way that might ever let him feel any kind of safe in Gotham again. Ever let him feel safe in his home again. 
Thinks of all the ways he's failed him as an alpha. 
He doesn't envy whatever Clark is feeling right now, but at least there's still a chance to get Lor what he needs. To see him taken care of. If there was someone who could’ve saved Jason from the Joker, from the League, from . . . 
He’d have taken it, if there had been. 
And Clark takes it now, of course, and signs and initials with meticulous care in every place Travers indicates. 
“There,” Clark says as he straightens back up and holds the pen back out to Travers. She accepts it, still looking a bit bothered but at least not doing anything aggravating or migraine-inducing again. 
“All good?” Bruce inquires before she can make him want to throw himself off a building without a grapple again. He’s unfortunately certain she’ll manage to do it at least another time or two before leaving, but he'd like to minimize those times if possible. Or maybe just delay, at this point. 
“Yes, Alpha Wayne,” Travers says, carefully stacking up the contract’s individual pages. “We’ll arrange movers for Carly, of course, and send someone to pack up her apartment.” 
“Hm?” Carl says, tipping his head back against the arm of the couch. “Oh, I can do it.” 
“Carly, that would be very inconvenient for the Lane pack,” Travers informs him sternly, looking stressed again. “Making the drive back and packing your apartment would take days, and this is an emergency assignment. They need you available right away.” 
“You are vastly overestimating my amount of worldly possessions,” Carl snorts. “And also have no idea how fast I drive.” 
“We need to consider the clients’ convenience,” Travers says, just barely gritting her teeth. Carl looks annoyed and starts to open his mouth, but then Lor stirs and stretches against his chest with a sleepy little mumble and he immediately gets distracted. 
“Oh, hey, buddy,” he croons softly, skimming his fingers up Lor’s back. “You back with us?” 
“Jeju,” Lor mumbles, nuzzling up under Carl’s chin. Carl purrs contentedly and nuzzles him back. His pheromones are still blunt and unrefined, but that just makes the warm affection in his scent all the more intense. 
“Hi, kiddo,” Carl murmurs back softly, stroking up between his shoulder blades again. He has that slightly puzzled, perplexed look to himself again, but feral bonds do have a tendency to be confusing and overwhelming for less experienced omegas, and Bruce is sure that Carl being stray can’t be helping with that. “You’re so cute. Feel better? Not so hungry anymore?”
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Fandom : Welcome Home
Ship : Wally Darling x Male ! Novelist Reader
Word Count, Chapter 1- : 2324
Content Warnings, Chapter 1 : N/A
Synopsis : You, a well published author, have just moved to The Neighborhood, a cozy little place in a tiny town that barely made the map. As you settle in and begin your latest novel, you learn more about the residents that already reside within the Neighborhood. Everyone is very nice and polite, you fit in perfectly !
The only difference between you and your new neighbors is your fine touch of heavenly temper. But they know you’re the nicest neighbor a puppet could ask for, right ?
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
You stretched your arms high above your head as you watched the trees wizz by from your window seat. The train you sat in was currently slowly but surely slowing down, signaling your upcoming arrival. You had moved to a small town with an even smaller population with the help of your most recent selling novel. The extra cash you got from the novel was just enough to break your lease and get out of the city. Moving from a crowded townhouse to an actual stand alone home was exciting, but also daunting. You didn’t know anyone here, hell, you hardly even knew the town you were going to, only from sleight of mouth or when used as a landmark when traveling to further locations.
A voice from the front of the train announced that you had finally come to a full stop and were free to grab what items you had brought on. Unsure of how long they’d stay, seeing as you were the only one getting off at this stop, you quickly thanked the train attendant as you snatched your little luggage bag off the top rack before jogging off the train.
Things hadn’t worked out quite how you wanted them to, schedules didn’t like up, and people were unwilling to compromise, which ended up with you having to send all your stuff ahead and hopefully all arrive accounted for. Not being able to supervise your items, leaving them in the hands of complete strangers, made you nervous. Not only had you just bought a new typewriter, but all your manuscripts, outlines for various projects, and an obscene collection of books were in the hands of people you don’t know. Oh god, even thinking about finding your brand new typewriter with even a dent made you restless.
As the train began to pull away from the stop, you took in a deep breath as you squared your shoulders. “No time like the present. Besides, if the movers were kind, all our items should be in our new home.” You said to yourself aloud.
Other than the inhabitants of the forest around you, you were completely alone. Seemed like this place didn’t get enough stops in town to warrant anyone supervising the train stop. Briefly wondering how those who live here come and go, you began walking on the only path available. An old sign, easily twenty years your senior, said the Neighborhood was just up ahead, an easy half mile right up the street.
With just your carry-on bag that contained your previous day's clothes, you had to stay in a little motel the night before your train departed, the walk to the main part of the town wasn’t so bad. The forest that surrounded it was lush with life, beautifully captivating, and it was enough to think about how hardly anyone lived here despite its wondrous surrounding life.
As more and more buildings came into view you realized suddenly you weren’t sure which was yours. You had remembered the address for it but upon entering the town you realized you weren’t quite sure where it exactly was.
“Oh, a little shop!” You perked up upon seeing the bodega just ahead. “I’m sure the shopkeeper knows the way.”
The building was a vibrant shade of blue, large red and white striped awnings that draped over the entire front, cutely named “Howdy’s Place” in nice green lettering. One of the massive windows that shown toward you displayed a variety of items, some household objects and other things, while the window adjacent had multiple types of produce neatly stacked in their respective bins.
‘This must be the town's bodega, like the one back home.’ You thought as you stepped inside. The air inside was still, soft music from the overhead radio crackled in and out, and distant sweeping could be heard from across the aisles.
“Excuse me?” You called out, cupping one hand around your mouth to carry your voice. “Sorry to bother you, but I need a bit of help.”
“Be right there!” A man's voice replied to you, the audible smack of the broom he had been using hitting the wall, and footsteps clicking on the linoleum floor all sounded within seconds of each other.
“Oh!” He paused upon rounding the corner and locking eyes with you. “You must be the new resident!” He smiled widely and his eye shown with excitement.
‘Ah, dammit all.’ You thought the minute he greeted you. Irritability crept up your throat and you felt your eyebrows twitch, nearly feeling inclined to scowl at this man. So word of your arrival had been passed around, no big deal, a new resident probably was exciting for them, only god knows when the last person came and left. ‘Swallow it.’ You followed your own command while putting on your best face.
“Yes, that would be me!” You matched his cheery disposition, walked towards him, and stuck out a hand. “A pleasure to meet you, I’m (F/N) (L/N). Thank you for having me.”
“I’m Howdy Pillar, a pleasure to meet you as well!” He chuckled as he shook your hand. “How can I help you, young man?”
“If it’s not trouble to you, see, I just got off my train and don’t seem to know the layout of your town very well.” You rubbed the back of your neck feeling slightly guilty. “I’m lookin’ for 1904 Cherry Street, you wouldn’t happen to know where that is, would you?”
“You’re in luck, cause that’s exactly the street right behind here. Cmon, I’ll show you how to get there.” Howdy gestured to you to follow him as he left the shop, opening the door open for you with one of his many arms.
“Don’t…you need someone to watch the shop while we’re gone?” You asked, looking around the empty store. It seemed like Howdy was the sole person who worked and operated the place.
“Don’t you worry about that, neighbor. I've got the keys right here.” He patted his bright orange apron pockets.
Letting out a knowing ‘ahh’ you thanked him as you exited the bodega and he locked the door behind you.
As he began walking you to your new home, he pointed to the various houses that surrounded the Neighborhood. “You’ll see the town is more in a circle shape than anything else. Although, this street that connects to the train station makes it look like a tree from a map's view. The bodega is two floors, upstairs bein’ my house and downstairs bein’ the shop. We’re all pretty spread out around here so you’ll have plenty of space to yourself.” Howdy explained as he took you along a smaller path of stones and pressed grass.
‘People will always carve out a desired path, even with one already present.’ You mused internally as the two of you strayed off the main path and to the adjacent street.
“Those two houses we just passed back there belong to Sally and Poppy’s, both who I’m sure you’ll run into soon enough.
“Who’s was that in the center? The one a bit further from here, near your shop?” You asked feeling curious.
“That’s Home! Wally lives there, Wally Darling.”
“Wally Darling,” You parroted back tasting the new name on your tongue. It was nice. “What a charming name.”
Howdy laughed a deep hearty laugh at this. “He lives up to his name too, although he can be a bit rambunctious. He’s my main customer when it comes to apples, I’ll tell you what, for such a little guy he can sure pack em away.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his description of the man. At first, especially upon arrival, you were anxious to meet those who lived here. But now, chatting away with Howdy, you felt at ease. How he spoke of his neighbors and friends made the knot in your stomach unravel.
“Ah! Here we are,” Howdy stopped suddenly, two arms on his hips and the others pointed at your new home. “1904 Cherry Street.”
It was a simple house, really. Unlike the houses you had passed before, many which seemed to be two stories like Howdys own, this sat at a single floor. What it lacked in height, though, it made up for in length. It was exactly like your realtor had shown you before you moved, and within the house you could see dozens upon dozens of cardboard boxes, hopefully, containing every single one of your belongings.
“Thank you for walkin me to my new home. You have a very lovely neighborhood.” You nodded in thanks as you pulled the house keys out of your bag.
“It’s no problem,” Howdy said while putting a pair of hands on his hips. The other arms fiddled with the hem of his apron seemingly anxious. You quickly looked from his hands to his face, seeing a familiar expression.
“You got a question?”
Howdy chuckled. “I don’t mean to sound intrusive but, ah, what made you move to our little town? I mean, what do you do for work?”
“Oh, I’m a writer. I’ve been writing books for a couple of years now, and uh, my latest novel gave me enough push to move outta the big city.” You explained, jerking a thumb back to the mountain of boxes shoved against the living room windows. “Those boxes there will hopefully have my typewriter and scripts in em.”
Howdys expression changed from that of anxiety to curiosity. “An author!” He exclaimed. “That must be a lotta fun.”
His boyish like happiness made you laugh. “Yeah, it can be. Although,” You turned your body slightly towards your house to glare at the unsuspecting boxes. “I’m about to find out if those jackasses were able to keep all my shit together and not loose anything.” Your voice dropped flat, sounding upset.
You had heard stories of people moving and somehow between point A and B, boxes seemed to vanish into thin air. The idea alone of movers loosing your items, even a single box, was enough to cause that familiar feeling of anger and irritability crawl its way back up your throat. How could someone be so careless with your items, anyone for that matter, to loose a few items between moving? Isn’t that their job, moving you and your things from one place to another? You could feel yourself getting heated.
‘Don’t loose your temper, (Y/N).’
“O-Oh…” Was all you heard from Howdy.
You had to remember where you were quickly. Who you were, when you were, and what you were doing. “Ah- Sorry! Sorry, gosh, lost myself a little there.” You returned back to facing him once more. “I’ve, uh, got a bit of a temper that I’m working on. Also, I’ve got a lot of important and expensive stuff in there. If anything’s lost, I’d be awfully upset.” You found yourself apologizing and trying not to vomit too many words while backtracking.
Howdys body seemed to relax at this, and it wasn’t until he loosened up visibly, that you realized you were holding yourself just as tense. “I see,” He nodded understandingly. “I wouldn’t move outta here, but if I absolutely had to and found my things had up and gone, well, I wouldn’t blame ya for getting upset.”
“Sorry about that..”
“It’s okay,” Howdy placed a hand on your shoulder before patting it. “If you ever need me, you know where to find me.”
The two of you said your goodbyes before you waved him off and back into the main section of the town.
“Alright. Let’s check if we got all our stuff.” You mumbled, watching the caterpillars silhouette disappear over the hill. Turning around and fiddling with your keys, finding the main house key, you finally let yourself inside to get to work.
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
Unbeknownst to you, your simple arrival in town had gotten everyone excited. You were quite literally the talk of the town.
“You spoke to them!” Sally had cried out, sprawling herself dramatically against Howdy's front counter. “What were they like? What’s their name? How old are they? What do they like to do?”
“Hold on, hold on!” Howdy held up his hands defensively. “I only helped him find his house is all! I didn’t pry like a nosey Nancy, now.”
“Learn anything neat?” Sally asked, peeping out from her shirts puffy sleeves, her eyes full of fake unshed tears. The theatrics never stop.
“Well, he’s a writer. An author! He didn’t say what kind of books he writes, other than that whatever his latest novel gave him enough money to move here.” Howdy said. “He mentioned he’s got a bit of a temper that he’s working on. Maybe livin’ in the city was no good for him, ya know, bad for his mental health.”
“That’s so cool, being from the city!” Julie pipped up. “Now I really REALLY wanna meet him.”
“Everyone does,” Barnaby agreed. “But it’s best not to crowd him all at the same time. Everyone trying to get to know him on his first might scare him into never comin’ out. And if he’s workin on not being so snippish, then crowding him might make him worse.”
Julie and Sally groaned at this, but they knew Barnaby was right. Everyone in town trying to clammer for your attention might freak you out, and who’s to say if they make a good impression or not. Howdy made a good one, that’s for sure, but the rest of the Neighborhood all at once?
“What do you think, Wally?” Barnaby asked.
“Hmm..” Wally hummed thoughtfully looking out the window in the general direction of your house. “I think Barnaby is right…what if he’s nervous? It is his first day home afterall.”
Howdy clapped his hands bringing everyone’s attention towars him. “Alright everyone, we’ll introduce ourselves slowly, over time, ease him into it.”
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
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