#moving company belgrade serbia
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Iskustvo i mehanizacija kakvo nije bilo prisutno u našem gradu!! Prva #ProfesionalnaFirmaZaSelidbeBeograd 063 823 15 15 * 064 00 82 822 #selidbeposlovnogprostorabeograd #selidbeprivatnihprostorijabeograd #medjunarodneselidbe #selidbebeograd #beoselidbe #MagacinskiProstorBeograd #skladišenjenameštajairobe u kontrolisanim uslovima... Za više informacija dobrodošli ste da posetite našu web str. Kontakt; +381638231515 +381640082822
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canmom · 5 months
авантура Цанмома у Београду
avantura Canmoma u Beogradu, or, the adventure of canmom in Belgrade
it's another one of these 'travels of canmom' posts! last time we went to Gamescom in Germany. this time I went to Belgrade for a company event.
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I can't actually talk that much about this one because the main thing I was doing was cooking up game pitches for what we might work on next (kind of like a game jam but just for concepts), and while that was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to get ideas across in limited time and make judgements about what videogames might sell and how long they'd take to make and such... it is however probably not something I can talk in too much detail about yet, because we might end up making these games, so I can't be like 'the theme was x and we pitched y'.
so instead I will mostly talk about Belgrade! and show some of the photos I took that don't have game developers wandering around in them.
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that's Nikola Tesla airport. did you know that Nikola Tesla was from modern-day Serbia (at the time, the Austrian Empire)? I didn't but I do now!
most of the week was spent in this fancy villa...
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...which is called the Villa Saga Paradiso. it must once upon a time have been some stinking rich family's holiday home, because it's a super weird building, with such features as a pool table, swimming pool, tennis court, library, and even a weird kinda stage thing on the top floor. definitely full of weirdly shaped rooms and interesting old furniture, it felt kinda like a place a moomin might hole up. so here's some pics of the place.
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also the view was kinda insane...
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also! here's a pic of a Serbian snail that came out rather nice:
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anyway on Saturday we went into the city centre to do some more touristy shit. I went to the two places in Belgrade that presumably everyone goes, namely the Fortress and the Temple. but I also got some shots of the city centre...
(also a tram shot for the trams girls in the audience)
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so as you can see, the vibes of central Belgrade are p Southern European sorta architecture, lots of pale stone walls and tiled roofs and the like. but you also have these crazy cool looking tower blocks from the communist period...
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...which were unfortunately quite hard to photograph out of a moving car window.
But yeah, we were on our way to the fortress.
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Belgrade Fortress has a pretty storied history. At one point it simply was Belgrade; even after that, it's been occupied by variously the Byzantines, Turks and Austrians, who all made various additions and modifications to the fortress, and sometimes accidentally blew it up. Nowadays it's become a kind of park and tourist area, surrounded by the river, and thus some pretty impressive views...
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as well as various things that tourists might like to look at, like statues of dinosaurs and tanks, and people dressed Historically.
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apparently you're only allowed 30 images in a post, so let me make another one for the Temple, which was the craziest building I saw, and the butt statue...
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mariacallous · 10 months
Serbia’s Higher Prosecution Office has been shaken again, this time by accusations about forged statements. Zeljka Nikolaidis, a prosecutor for organised crime in the Higher Public Prosecution, confirmed to BIRN that her alleged statement used in a disciplinary complaint against her superior, Nenad Stefanovic, and his deputy, Brankica Maric, was forged.
The statement was submitted without her signature, with the Prosecution Office facsimile misused without her knowledge during her vacation, she said.
Her alleged statement, which she called “80 per cent inaccurate”, was used in favour of Stefanovic and Maric in a disciplinary case initiated by two other prosecutors who were previously moved from their posts against their will while leading a corruption case involving a company linked to the ruling party.
The disciplinary case against Stefanovic and Maric, who were previously accused of favouring the ruling party, was dismissed.
“I cannot say who did it but my logic says that it was probably those who had an interest to do that. The disciplinary case was against Stefanovic and Maric. My statement likely influenced that case against them being dropped,” Nikolaidis told BIRN. She added that she will ask for the removal of her statement.
“This is a serious criminal offence and the Prosecution for Organised Crime needs to react,” she said.
Nikolaidis resigned a month ago as chief of the Special Department for the fight against corruption in the Public Prosecutors Office but has remained to work as a prosecutor.
The stir in the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office started in February when two prosecutors – Bojana Savovic and Jasmina Paunovic – who had worked on a corruption case in EPS, the state-owned electric power company, were transferred to other positions.
Their removal came after the police arrested six people suspected of having lost EPS $7.5 million during the performance of works at the thermal power plant Kostolac B. Some of the suspects were employees of a company long linked with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party.
Prosecutor Stefanovic and his associate Maric denied a political motivation for the removals but giving several conflicting explanations about the reasons for transferring the prosecutors in the middle of an operation to arrest the suspects.
The Association of Prosecutors of Serbia has backed Savovic and Petrovic, while a protest was held in Belgrade in their support with calls for the independence of judiciary.
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nicklloydnow · 11 months
On today’s episode of World War III is Just Around the Corner:
“Although the buildup was largely overlooked by Western media at the time—and has since been forgotten amid the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas—it is part of an alarming development in the Balkans. The immediate pretext for the Serbian mobilization was months of unrest between Kosovo and Serbia, which have maintained a fragile peace ever since a NATO bombing campaign helped Kosovo win de facto independence from Belgrade in the 1998–99 war. In May, Serbia placed its troops on combat alert after ethnic Serbs living in Kosovo clashed with Kosovo police. And then in September, just before the recent mobilization at the border, 30 heavily armed ethnic Serbs attacked a police patrol in Kosovo, leaving four people dead.
But there are many indications that these incidents go beyond the familiar tensions that persisted in past years. These incidents also show the growing threat that Russia, Serbia’s partner, is posing to the region. In 2022, for example, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Kosovo and Serbia were “on the brink of armed conflict.” And Moscow—which does not recognize Kosovo’s independence—fanned the flames, using information operations to fuel Kosovar-Serbian distrust and to spread hawkish messages that polarize the region along ethnic and religious lines. Russia has also armed Serbia while increasing Serbia’s energy dependence on its companies by providing gas and oil at a sharp discount. Moscow has promised Belgrade that it will block Kosovo from becoming a UN member state. “A big explosion is brewing in the center of Europe,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in May. It might have been a boast.
It is time, then, for NATO to decisively put an end to Vucic’s Kremlin-enabled sideshow. The United States and Europe must make it clear to Belgrade and Moscow that they will react strongly, and harshly, to future Balkan provocations. They must strengthen NATO’s presence in the region and establish credible redlines that Serbia cannot cross without provoking a military confrontation with NATO forces. And they must sanction Belgrade if Serbia’s leaders do not move away from Moscow and de-escalate tensions.
For Putin, this opening has been a boon. Russia views the Balkans as Europe’s soft underbelly, and Moscow believes that Serbia is its most vulnerable spot. His goal is to turn Moscow into the Balkans’ only reliable conflict negotiator—giving the Kremlin leverage over Western powers. After all, if peace in the Balkans depends on Putin, NATO officials might have to make concessions to Moscow if they want to avoid war. By pushing the Balkans to the brink, he also hopes to show that NATO is a paper tiger and will not act if truly tested. Even if NATO does fight back against Serbia, Putin could still win. By opening another front, the West would have less capacity to help Ukraine.
The Kremlin has other reasons to support chaos in the Balkans. Putin uses the so-called Kosovo precedent to defend its illegal invasion of Ukraine, arguing that the annexation of Ukrainian territories is justified by Kosovo’s independence. According to this perverse logic, articulated by Russia’s permanent UN representative in a January speech, the illegal and wildly fraudulent annexation referendums held in occupied Ukrainian territories are akin to Kosovo’s fight for freedom from Serbia more than two decades ago. Kosovo, in other words, had the right to leave Serbia, and so the occupied Ukrainian territories have the right to join Russia. (The fact that Russia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence, or that Kosovo’s independence is, in fact, a precedent for Ukraine’s own fight for freedom, are ironies that Moscow has not addressed.)
If the West continues to enable Vucic, it will simply embolden him. He will keep testing NATO and trying to prove that the alliance is toothless. The West has already given him encouraging signals: after more than 30 NATO peacekeepers were injured in the May clashes with Serbian protesters, the alliance did not detain the violent protesters out of fear that doing so would escalate the conflict. But such restraint is an invitation for further escalation by Vucic, as well as by the Kremlin. Russian officials are watching what happens in Kosovo and wondering whether they can get away with attacking NATO forces and installations.
To try to contain the conflict, a week after the May attack, NATO increased its presence in the region with a new legion of roughly 500 Turkish soldiers. NATO also deployed hundreds of British troops to the country in October. But these measures are insufficient. NATO must create a coalition of the willing, headed by the United States, that can send successfully pressure Belgrade and Moscow to stop promoting political instability. That means making it clear to Vucic that, if he continues to take escalatory measures, he will face an escalating series of tangible consequences—including, possibly, sanctions.
The West is well positioned to take such steps. In June 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing Washington to impose sanctions against anyone who destabilizes the Western Balkans. Washington should not be shy about using them against individuals who (in the words of the order) “threaten the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity” in the region. For American sanctions to have maximum effect, the United Kingdom and the EU should join Washington’s efforts. European leaders should, at a minimum, make future assistance to Serbia dependent on specific policy shifts in Belgrade. The EU, for example, could condition further aid on Vucic’s imposing sanctions on Russia, aligning its foreign policy with that of the bloc, tamping down on regional provocations, and fulfilling the EU’s reform agenda—especially when it comes to the rule of law and media freedom.
On the ground, NATO should deploy teams in Kosovo that counter Russia’s and Serbia’s propaganda machine. These teams should target far-right Serbian groups and remind them that Russian messaging about a “Slavic brotherhood”—to which Serbia ostensibly belongs—is a myth and that if conflict does erupt, Putin will not help them. To do so, all they need to do is speak the truth: Putin has his hands full fighting a losing war against Ukraine, and he will not provide resources to Serbia for an armed conflict with Kosovo. As evidence, these teams could point to the September war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russia is a longtime ally of Armenia, and yet despite Armenia’s requests, Russia provided it with no military support in the recent conflict, which Armenia lost. The teams could also remind Serbian nationalists that Moscow did not help them during the wars in the 1990s.
NATO states may not want to take these measures. In fact, they probably want to ignore Vucic altogether. The alliance has been worn thin helping Ukraine, so expending time and resources on Kosovo and Serbia may feel like too much, especially when they can just buy off the latter country’s president.
But the West must realize that, if left to fester, tensions in these states could become far more difficult—and expensive—to address. What happens in Kosovo and Serbia rarely stays in those countries, and this crisis could easily spill over to other Balkan states. Nearby North Macedonia, which belongs to NATO, might get dragged in. Further escalations in Kosovo will also invite chaos in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik—who has close ties to Putin—has threatened to have Bosnia’s Serbian territories secede. In October, Dodik even emphasized that Serbs should “form a single state,” consisting of Serbia, Republika Srpska, and Montenegro.
A widening conflict would be an even bigger gift for Putin, who wants the West to train its attention away from Kyiv as he fights to seize more of that country. To protect Europe and stop the Kremlin, it is therefore essential that NATO fortify its Balkans flank right now, while the costs of doing so are still cheap.”
“Russia on Tuesday formally withdrew from a landmark security treaty which limited key categories of conventional armed forces, blaming the United States for undermining post-Cold War security with the enlargement of the NATO military alliance.
The 1990 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), signed a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, placed verifiable limits on categories of conventional military equipment that NATO and the then-Warsaw Pact could deploy.
The treaty was designed to prevent either side of the Cold War from amassing forces for a swift offensive against the other in Europe, but was unpopular in Moscow as it blunted the Soviet Union's advantage in conventional weapons.
Russia suspended participation in the treaty in 2007 and halted active participation in 2015. More than a year after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin in May signed a decree denounced the pact.
Russia's foreign ministry said Russia had formally withdrawn from the pact at midnight - and that the treaty was now "history".”
“NATO member countries that signed a key Cold War-era security treaty froze their participation in the pact on Tuesday just hours after Russia pulled out, raising fresh questions about the future of arms control agreements in Europe.
Many of NATO’s 31 allies are parties to the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, which was aimed at preventing Cold War rivals from massing forces at or near their mutual borders. The CFE was signed in November 1990 as the Soviet bloc was crumbling but was not fully ratified until two years later.
NATO said that Tuesday’s action by its signatory members was required because “a situation whereby Allied State Parties abide by the Treaty, while Russia does not, would be unsustainable.”
U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said suspending the obligations by Washington and its allies will strengthen NATO’s “deterrence and defense capacity by removing restrictions that impact planning, deployments, and exercises -– restrictions that no longer bind Russia after Moscow’s withdrawal.”
Last week, Putin signed a bill revoking Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, a move that he said was needed to establish parity with the United States.
In February, with U.S.-Russia tensions running high over Ukraine, Moscow suspended its participation in the New START Treaty, the last arms control pact that remains between the two countries.
Both countries also pulled out of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019, blaming each other for violations.”
“Europe had been moving towards the slaughterhouse for years, and by 1914 a conflict was all but inevitable—that, at least, is the argument often made in hindsight. Yet at the time, as Niall Ferguson, a historian, noted in a paper published in 2008, it did not feel that way to investors. For them, the first world war came as a shock. Until the week before it erupted, prices in the bond, currency and money markets barely budged. Then all hell broke loose. “The City has seen in a flash the meaning of war,” wrote this newspaper on August 1st 1914.
Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? In the nightmare scenario, the descent into a third world war began two years ago, as Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border. Today Israel’s battle against Hamas has the frightening potential to spill across its borders. American military support is crucial to both Ukraine and Israel, and in Iraq and Syria the superpower’s bases have come under fire, probably from proxies of Iran. Should China decide it is time to take advantage of a distracted superpower and invade Taiwan, America could all too easily end up being drawn into three wars at once. The rest of the world risks those wars interlocking and turning into something even more devastating.
This scenario would of course place financial damage a long way down the list of horrors. Even so, it is part of an investor’s job to consider exactly what it would mean for their portfolio. So far the possibility of a world war has barely caused a tremor in the markets. True, they have for some time now been more seized by fear than greed. Bond prices have been turbulent, even for supposedly risk-free American Treasuries, and yields have been climbing for most of this year. Stock indices in America, China and Europe have fallen for three consecutive months. Yet this choppiness can all be plausibly explained by peacetime factors, including outsized government borrowing, interest-rate expectations and shareholders whose previous optimism had got the better of them.
In short, it does not look anything like the panic you might expect if the odds of the world entering into war were edging higher. The brightest conclusion is that such odds really are close to zero. A darker one is that, like the investors of 1914, today’s may soon be blindsided. History points to a third possibility: that even if investors expect a major war, there is little they can do to reliably profit from it.
War, in other words, involves a level of radical uncertainty far beyond the calculable risks to which most investors have become accustomed. This means that even previous world wars have limited lessons for later ones, since no two are alike. Mr Ferguson’s paper shows that the optimal playbook for 1914 (buy commodities and American stocks; sell European bonds, stocks and currencies) was of little use in the late 1930s. Investors in that decade did try to learn from history. Anticipating another world war, they sold continental European stocks and currencies. But this different war had different winning investments. British stocks beat American ones, and so did British government bonds.
Today there is a greater and more terrible source of uncertainty, since many of the potential belligerent powers wield nuclear weapons. Yet in a sense, this has little financial relevance. After all, in a nuclear conflagration your portfolio would be unlikely to rank highly among your priorities. The upshot of it all? That the fog of war is even thicker for investors than it is for military generals, who at least have sight of the action. If the worst happens, future historians might wonder about the seeming insouciance of today’s investors. They will only be able to do so because, for them, the fog will have cleared.”
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/serbian-president-says-he-received-coup-warning-from-russia/
Serbian president says he received coup warning from Russia
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Aleksandar Vucic has said the security services are working on leads provided by Moscow
Russia warned Serbia about a potential coup attempt, President Aleksandar Vucic told journalists on Friday. His statement came a day before an expected protest in the nation’s capital. According to Vucic, Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) is already acting on the leads provided by Moscow. “We received official information from the Russian Federation, information transmitted and brought through official channels,” the president said, adding that the authorities “are dealing with it” and there is no reason to worry. Vucic did not elaborate on where the threat comes from or who is behind it. “Serbia is moving forward and they cannot and will not stop it,” he said Earlier, Serbian news outlets reported that the Russian security services warned Vucic about riots that are being planned in Serbia with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the nation’s leadership.
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Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’
Serbian daily Vecernje Novosti said on Friday that it obtained a “color revolution handbook” supposedly published for participants of ecological protests expected on Saturday. The handbook describes methods reminiscent of color revolutions in other nations, the outlet claimed, adding that the protests are likely to be coordinated from “centers of power” abroad, but did not accuse anyone in particular. The news comes as the nation braces for ecological protests this weekend. In July, there was a standoff between eco-activists and the government over a lithium mine project. Last month, Belgrade granted British-Australian company Rio Tinto a license to develop a lithium mine in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, which is set to become the biggest in Europe, according to Reuters. The project did not sit well with local farmers and villagers, who argued that the mine would severely pollute the surrounding area. Activist and farmer Zlatko Kokanovic told Reuters that the mine would “free the European Union from reliance on China” regarding lithium at the expense of people’s health.
READ MORE: Serbia and US are ‘historical allies’ – Vucic
The government believes the $2.4 billion Jadar lithium project will be a major boost for the economy. The mine could account for 90% of the EU’s needs for lithium, according to Reuters. Protesters have demanded that the government ban lithium mining in Jadar by August 10, saying they will announce their next steps at a rally on Saturday.
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0428 5 May 2023
12095Khz 0359 5 MAY 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55444. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z with Al'Seela modulation in the bg, then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Neil Nunes. Five members of the far-right Proud Boys, including former leader Enrique Tarrio, face decades in prison after being found guilty for their role in the January 6 US Capitol riot. A man has been arrested after eight died and 14 were injured in Serbia's second mass shooting in a week. The attack occurred shortly after midnight near a village some 60km (37 miles) south of Belgrade when the shooter opened fire from a moving car. Tech bosses were summoned to the White House on Thursday and told they must protect the public from the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Sundar Pichai of Google, Satya Nadella of Microsoft, and OpenAI's Sam Altmann were told they had a "moral" duty to safeguard society. The White House made it clear that it may regulate the sector further. The leader of Russia's Wagner mercenary group says he will withdraw his troops from the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut on 10 May because of ammunition shortages. Yevgeny Prigozhin's statement came after he posted a video of him walking among his dead fighters' bodies, blaming top Russian defence officials. HSBC has fought off an attempt by its biggest shareholder to break up the bank during a frequently tense annual general meeting. Chinese insurer Ping An has been trying for more than a year to split the bank. On Friday it failed to gain the backing of any other major shareholder as investors voted to reject the proposal. Sports. Two British companies are to fly an innovative, low-cost radar satellite, part of which will be knitted on a knitting machine. It features a knitted tungsten wire mesh that's folded tightly for launch but which will spring out once in orbit to form a large umbrella-like shape. @0406z "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2259.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Are you still taking prompts? We are thirsty and were hoping for “bite me” in a fivan vampire au. Pretty please? What’s that you say? That’s not on the list you shared? Um, oops? I said we are thirsty! 🤤
Ahaha, okay, I think this is going to do it for the prompts for now. I want to get back to working on PEL, and I have (mostly) given the people what they want. But before you hasten to my inbox to request more of this (which I know the Very Hungry Lot of you will do, and I love you so much for it): do know that this is indeed related to a larger project and this is just the first bit of it.
What is that project? Shh. I am not telling you just yet. It's a secret.
Belgrade, Kingdom of Serbia
June 1896
The summer evening is warm and purple, lit atmospherically by both the older gaslamps and the newfangled electric lights (there is a Serb in New York, a man by the name of Tesla, whose great scientific inventions and experiments with alternating current may soon illuminate the entire world), and the well-dressed crowd flows toward the café in a tide of rustling satin, silk, and velvet, ladies in evening dress and men in top hats and monocles. The establishment is the Golden Cross, in Terazije, a bustling neighborhood just south of Stari Grad, and the attraction is an exhibition of the marvelous moving pictures of the Lumière brothers – the first such show in the Balkans, and indeed outside of Paris, after they were first premiered in great triumph six months ago. Or at least, so it is for most of the attendees tonight. Fedyor Mikhailovich Kaminsky has a different task.
He stands apart from the milling throngs, well dressed in a high-collared coat and silken cravat, dark hair parted ruler-straight and face freshly shaven, a old golden watch tucked in his breast pocket and his shoes polished to a perfect sheen. While the people hurry past almost close enough to jostle him, they have a peculiar difficulty in registering that he is there. They sense something, yes – a cold breath on the back of the neck, a prey animal’s inborn reflex to warily search the shadows – but it never quite clicks. They continue on their way without being troubled in their own sense of reality, or ever realizing who – what – is standing there with them. It is just one of the odd, disjointed experiences that Fedyor has had to come to terms with, in the twenty-two years since he became a vampire.
By habit, he checks the horizon. These summer days are late and long, and Fedyor is still young enough that he can’t tolerate more than a few minutes of sunlight. It has taken years to be able to go out by day at all, half-thinking he had dreamed the waking world, become wholly one with the shadows and the night. When he emerged in the last gasps of afternoon, when he felt the golden warmth on his face for the first time in almost two decades, he wept. It still causes him vestigial pain, but not as much. Not so much that it cannot be borne.
He pulls the slip of paper out of his pocket and checks the name again. Then he puts it back and slips smoothly into the crowd. At the threshold, he feels that faint, telltale twinge, the knowledge of entering another creature’s territory without being explicitly bidden to do so. The Golden Cross belongs to the vampire king of Belgrade, who is rumored to be five hundred years old and a veteran of the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 (which, so far as Fedyor can tell, the Serbs have never gotten over losing to the Turks) and Fedyor is not interested in pissing him off. But therefore it is, by Conclave law, a place where all vampires in the city can freely congregate, so long as they haven’t committed some terrible crime. It also means that Fedyor may find the man he is looking for in here, and not have to cross into enemy turf.
A rich reek of wine and brandy, of hand-cranked ice cream in cut-glass bowls, of ladies’ perfume and men’s cologne, of sweat and starch and thrumming hot blood, rises into Fedyor’s nose as he inhales, as his senses have been honed a hundred times more acutely than what he was previously used to. He searches the crowded room, on high alert for another supernatural. Nothing, at least not thus far. But it is a delicate and fiddly bit of bloodsucker diplomacy for which he is here tonight, having to do with the rumor that a local group of creatures have formed a shadowy secret society called Црна рука, the Black Hand, with the aim of expressly interfering in human politics. This, of course, is strictly against the rules, and they need to be reminded of that fact. Fedyor would very much prefer not to fight an anarchist rebel vampire in the middle of a café crowded with oblivious humans, but the thought crosses his mind that this is an excellent soft target. The eyes of the entire city, the Balkans, the international art community, are fixed on this place tonight. If something went wrong – if the Golden Cross and all the souls within it were blown to smithereens –
Fedyor orders a drink at the bar – he has been promised that one day he will again also be able to eat human food if he craves the taste, but it will not nourish him – and sits down near the back, keeping a sharp eye out. Andre Carr, the Frenchman who has traveled from Lyon as the Lumière brothers’ representative, is setting up the unwieldy projector and barking at his assistants to be careful with the fragile, bulky spools of film, his mustache bristling in agitation. Fedyor gauges the mood of the crowd, the din of their heartbeats, their eager interest, their whispered gossip. Still no other supernaturals that he can sense, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not here. The vampire king and his underlings will have plenty of ways to conceal themselves from a relative child like Fedyor. As will the Black Hand.
He leans back in his chair and samples the whisky. Not bad, he thinks, though it’s been a long time since he drank human libations. It’s nice to be out among regular people, but he always has to keep strict watch on the part of himself that yearns to feed, that wants them to run, to fear, to fall. Fedyor has been a vampire long enough to control the hunger, to drink mostly from animals and space out his feeds on humans, to ask them for their consent or pay them for their trouble, but it’s still a struggle. He understands the urge that drives vampires to sequester themselves, to only live among their own kind, to keep drones and other willing human servants to feed from, so that you are not put to the trouble of chasing down a stranger and politely asking to bite them in the neck every fortnight or so, don’t get mixed up as to whether the mortals are your dinner company or just your dinner. It is a deuced bloody bother of a business. Fedyor always feels like an idiot whenever he tries.
Carr and his minions sort out their difficulties, and eventually the lights go down, provoking another eager murmur. Fedyor is not immune to the lure of whatever they are about to see, and he could have done much worse for a new home. He arrived here six years ago from his hometown in Russia, once his lack of aging became too difficult to conceal from his friends and family. Belle epoque Belgrade is a cosmopolitan, cultured world of stately opera houses and marble palaces, grand balls and gaslights, synagogues and streetcars, mosques and museums, bohemians and bordellos and broad balconies, telegraph wires and trolley cars and twisting lanes, churches and coffee shops in the Viennese style, with white-aproned waiters and colored mosaics and demitasse cups of Italian espresso. It is an ancient city, placed in a lethally strategic location at the confluence of two rivers, fought over in almost a hundred wars and razed almost forty times (and doubtless there are still more unmakings yet to come). Fedyor has found a place among the vampire community here, enough that he is trusted to deal with the Black Hand, despite his immortal youth. As to how that will go, well…
He watches the film with half an eye, impressed by the moving pictures just like his human counterparts, and then he feels it. The coldness on the back of his neck, the chirp of a sixth sense, the unshakeable awareness that he is being observed by a fellow bloodsucker. Though that term is considered somewhat dated and passé these days, mildly offensive. Vampires are eager as humans to participate in the scientific and industrial revolution, to concoct more enlightened regulations for themselves, to create an academic literature for their origins. There is talk among the sophisticated supernatural set of organizing an Academy for Preternatural Science, to hire vampire scholars, to establish a university. It’s a nice thought, if somewhat too ambitious (or so Fedyor thinks) for a race of beings that has only just decided that solving every problem with blood feuds to the death might not be the best idea. He wonders if one of those unreconstructed barbarians is behind him now.
Slowly, smoothly, so as to demonstrate that he is perfectly aware of being hunted, Fedyor turns around, and catches sight of the newcomer across the way. He is handsome – but then again, most vampires are, as it’s one of the benefits of the transformation. This one, however, is possessed of a roguish, rough-hewn attractiveness that seems genuine, still close to the face he wore as a mortal man, and not the eerie, glossy, imperturbable beauty that Fedyor sometimes finds so off-putting about his compatriots. This vampire is also wearing good clothes, and his overcoat is dark red, embroidered with curling black patterns. He looks at Fedyor, their eyes meet, and he nods once, half an inch. Game on.
Fedyor does his best to sit still until the lights come up, and the crowd claps rapturously and disperses to fetch more drinks and gush about the performance. Then he gets up and drifts toward a velvet curtain, slipping unobtrusively behind it. Back here, it is dark, dusty, and smells of candlewax and grease paint, the remnants of another performance, a conjurer’s closet. He steadies himself, turns around, and –
“Good evening,” the voice says, cold and curt. “I believe you were waiting to speak to me.”
“Yes.” Fedyor does his best to smile and appear charming and in command of the situation. “My name is Fedyor Kaminsky, and I am a representative of the Conclave. They have sent me here tonight in hopes of locating Ivan Sakharov, of the Black Hand. Is that you?”
The other vampire regards him flatly. His eyes are brown, as is his hair, which is cropped military-short and kept as sharp as his face. When he folds his arms, his muscles bulge, even through the sleeves of the well-tailored coat. “And if I was?”
“Then,” Fedyor says, “I am authorized by that same Conclave to deliver a warning to you and your associates that your current activities fall outside the bounds of the common supernatural law, and if you persist in pursuing them, there will be consequences.”
The other – well, he hasn’t denied it, so this must indeed be Ivan Sakharov – looks back at him with an utterly unimpressed expression. “Oh, so the Conclave found a new stooge to do their bidding? You’re a bit younger and fresher than the usual corpses those desiccated old tightwads usually send out after us, I’ll give you that. How long have you been in Belgrade?”
“How long have you?” Fedyor is almost sure he recognizes Ivan’s accent; they’re speaking Serbo-Croatian, but in both cases with a familiar cadence. “You’re Russian, aren’t you?”
That catches the other vampire by surprise. He hisses, baring a pair of white and very sharp fangs, and his eyes go briefly black. “You think so?”
“Yes,” Fedyor says. “But older than me, I think. Possibly quite a bit, though by how much, I can’t be sure. If we were to – ” he switches languages smoothly, in midsentence – “continue this conversation in Russian, would that be more to your liking?”
Ivan Sakharov eyes him icily. He must know that if he speaks their native tongue, he risks giving away his age by the style of his grammar, or perhaps his place of birth, and that is dangerous information for an unknown quantity to hold over you. There is a whiff of the emperor’s court around him, or perhaps the empress – does he hail from Catherine the Great’s day, Fedyor wonders, or earlier? There’s a long, crackling pause. Then Ivan says in brittle, too-correct English, “Or perhaps we should converse like this?”
Fedyor inclines his head, accepting that he has – for now – been outmaneuvered. They still haven’t taken their eyes off each other, standing close together in the dim velvet-draped shadows, near enough that if they were human, they would feel the other’s heat. There’s nothing but the faint wintry chill of unliving flesh, though a certain hunger rises unbidden in Fedyor’s stomach nonetheless. Then he says, “This does not have to be difficult. Cease your lawlessness and tell your friends to do the same.”
Ivan takes another step, close enough that their noses almost brush. “The Conclave has no power over me, Fedyor Kaminsky.”
“Do you want to test that?” Fedyor breathes, struggling to keep his focus at the other vampire’s threatening-but-thrilling nearness, the way his blood is singing under his skin in an entirely different way than he expected or frankly, that he wants. Just because Ivan Sakharov is annoyingly attractive (and also Russian) does not mean that he is not a dangerous, war-mongering, secret-cabal-plotting megalomaniac, and Fedyor does not need that sort of nonsense in his life. “If you did, I would, of course, be authorized to place you under arrest.”
Ivan looks at him goadingly. “I would like to see you try.”
Oh, so he is indeed one of those immortals (read: the kind who really need to experience mortality just to be kicked very hard in the balls). Fedyor struggles to contain his irritation. If he shows that this handsome bastard has gotten to him, this will only get worse. “If you promise to desist,” he says, “the Conclave will drop this matter and consider it closed. You and the rest of the Black Hand will not be subject to further investigation. That, or – ”
“How do I know that you are even from the Conclave? That you are who you say?”
“Why would I lie about it?”
Ivan shrugs. “I want proof.”
Fedyor grits his fangs. “What do you expect? A badge?”
“No. But I will accept your blood.”
That catches Fedyor off guard. Not that it should, necessarily. Since vampires can sense the thoughts and feelings of the creature that they’re feeding on, it’s a quick and time-tested way to prove that there is no funny business going on (or at least, no business that is funny beyond the usual). The obvious difficulty, however, is that it requires a possibly unfriendly rival to bite your neck or at the very least, your wrist, and one can understand why there would be a natural hesitation to yield one’s neck (Fedyor happens to be rather fond of his) to the clutches of the likes of Ivan Sakharov. But if he says no, he looks like he is weak or that he has something to hide, that he doesn’t trust Ivan or regard him as an equal, and the already-febrile situation with the Black Hand will only get worse. As bluffs go, Fedyor could call this one. But it would be very risky, and if it blows up in his face…
“Very well,” Fedyor says, chillingly correct. He pulls aside the collar of his evening coat and tilts his head, exposing the side of his throat. “Test me all you like.”
Ivan looks at him with something that makes that thing in Fedyor’s stomach rise up again, hot as an ember left burning in a brazier even when all the other lights go out. He hasn’t been warmed like this, not even by the sun, ever since he was turned in 1874 by a vampire named Dmitri Karamazov. He does his utmost to force it down. If Ivan bites him and senses that –
There’s a final pause, soft as tissue paper, fine as crystal. Then Ivan steps forward, looking almost impressed, as if he expected Fedyor to find some reason to back out. He flexes his jaw, bringing out those two impressively white and sharp fangs again, and reaches out, gripping Fedyor’s waist with his big hands and drawing him somewhat closer than is strictly necessary. Then he whispers, “As you wish, Conclave whore,” and bites.
He’s not entirely gentle about it, not that vampires usually are and not that Fedyor wasn’t expecting it. But all at once, as Ivan sucks at him, his mouth pressed hungrily to Fedyor’s neck, wet and raw and savage, Fedyor goes weak in the knees. He’s been fed on before, tested before, and this is different from any of those. He utters a mewling noise of need that he is shocked and deeply outraged to hear from himself, pressing still closer, knocking Ivan a few steps backward into the wall. His hands come up, seeking purchase on the other’s broad shoulders, a smoky curl of desire rising through him like rich incense. “Mmm,” he mutters. “Mmmgh. Yes. Like that. Yes.”
Ivan doesn’t answer for obvious reasons, since his mouth is otherwise occupied, but Fedyor can feel the little frisson of pleasure that travels through him at those words. That takes him aback. Not that he should rush to generalize, since most vampires are fairly flexible in their intimate preferences (you don’t live that long without wanting to sample everything that is on offer, carnally speaking) but for some reason, he just assumed that this tough, frightening, hard-as-nails secret anarchist supernatural idiot wouldn’t be inclined to gentlemen. Not that Fedyor is necessarily objecting. This feels far better than it has any right to do, considering that it started out as a naked challenge to his veracity. Agh, fuck, he should not think about naked. That makes the arousal burn even more hungrily, as he arches his back and presses himself wantonly against Ivan and knows that he’s hard as a rock and that this utter menace can definitely feel it. Ivan is in no hurry to pull away. He drinks for a few more seconds, past when there can be any reasonable doubt that Fedyor is telling the truth, and then slowly, deliberately breaks contact, fangs still half in Fedyor’s throat, as he withdraws with luxurious leisure. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and growls, “Ah.”
“Yes, ah,” Fedyor says, trying not to stammer, as pulses of hot and cold rush through him from head to toe. “Are you satisfied?”
Ivan gives him a wicked smile, drops of Fedyor’s blood still glistening heart-scarlet on his lips. “Maybe.”
God almighty, kill me now. Difficult, of course, when one is – strictly speaking – already deceased. (And now deceased in a different way, which makes it two kinds of dead at once, which makes Fedyor a prodigy.) He wants to ask if Ivan will perform the customary service of licking the bite wounds closed, but he’s also afraid that he may physically incinerate if Ivan does so, and since fire is rather famously one of the only things that can harm vampires, it is better not to take the risk. Instead, Fedyor pulls out his handkerchief and dabs at his throat, with as much casualness as he can muster. “Well,” he says. “You’ve had my word, Ivan Sakharov. Will you give me yours that you will bring your illegal organization to an end and return to the rule of Conclave law?”
Ivan looks him up and down, eyes lingering on the too-tight fit of Fedyor’s pinstriped trousers. Then he leans in, so close that Fedyor truly does think they’re about to kiss and momentarily blacks out, and whispers against the shell of his ear, “Absolutely not.”
And with that, and no more than a rush of air, he is gone.
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greekroyalfamily · 3 years
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The position and role of the Royal Families of the Balkan States in their states TodayPart 2 SerbiaIn the first Collage is the Serbian flag TODAY with the Royal Coat of arms on itAlexander first came to Yugoslavia in 1991. He actively worked with the opposition to Slobodan Milošević and moved to Yugoslavia after Milošević had been deposed in 2000.On 27 February 2001,the parliament of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) passed legislation conferring citizenship on members of the Karađorđević family. The legislation may also have effectively annulled a decree stripping the family of its citizenship of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in 1947.The annulment was the topic of some debate. Notably, the FRY was not the successor of the SFRY; rather the FRY was a new state (and was admitted to the United Nations as a new state on that basis). Therefore, the jurisdiction of a new state to annul an action of a different former state was questioned. In effect, the Karađorđević family had FRY citizenship conferred upon them, not "restored" as such.The FRY legislation also addresses restoration of property to the Karađorđević family. In March 2001, the property seized from his family, including royal palaces, was returned for residential purposes with property ownership to be decided by parliament at some later date.He has lived since 17 July 2001 in the Royal Palace (Kraljevski Dvor) in Dedinje, an exclusive area of Belgrade. The Palace, which was completed in 1929, is one of two royal residences in the Royal Compound; the other is the White Palace, which was completed in 1936.Belief in constitutional monarchyAlexander is a proponent of re-creating a constitutional monarchy in Serbia and sees himself as the rightful king. He believes that monarchy could give Serbia "stability, continuity and unity".A number of political parties and organizations support a constitutional parliamentary monarchy in Serbia. The Serbian Orthodox Church has openly supported the restoration of the monarchy.The assassinated former Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić was often seen in the company of the prince and his family, supporting their campaigns and projects, although his Democratic Party never publicly embraced monarchy.Crown Prince Alexander has vowed to stay out of politics. He and Princess Katherine spend considerable time engaging in humanitarian work.The Crown Prince has, however, increasingly participated in public functions alongside the leaders of Serbia, the former Yugoslav republics and members of the diplomatic corps. On 11 May 2006, he hosted a reception at the Royal Palace for delegates attending a summit on Serbia and Montenegro. The reception was attended by the Governor of the National Bank of Serbia, as well as ambassadors and diplomats from Slovenia, Poland, Brazil, Japan, United States, and Austria. He later delivered a keynote speech in front of prime ministers Vojislav Koštunica and Milo Đukanović. In the speech he spoke of prospective Serbian membership of the European Union. He told delegates.
In addition, we in Serbia and Montenegro must take into account that whatever form we take within the European Union, we have only but one choice and that is to work for the common good of all member nations. It is also central to take into account that stability in our region will be enhanced when Serbia is fully at peace with itself.Following Montenegro's successful independence referendum on 21 May 2006, the re-creation of the Serbian monarchy found its way into daily political debate. A monarchist proposal for the new Serbian constitution has been published alongside other proposals. The document approved in October 2006 is a republican one. The Serbian people have not had a chance to vote on the system of government.The Crown Prince raised the issue of a royal restoration in the immediate aftermath of the vote. In a press release issued on 24 May 2006 he stated.It has been officially confirmed that the people of Montenegro voted for independence. I am sad, but I wish our Montenegrin brothers peace, democracy and happiness. The people of Montenegro are our brothers and sisters no matter what if we live in one or in two countries, that is how it was and that is how it will be forever.I strongly believe in a Constitutional Parliamentary Kingdom of Serbia. Again, we need to be proud, a strong Serbia that is at peace with itself and with its neighbors. We were a proud, respected and happy country in the days of my great grandfather King Peter I. So, we can do it! Only if we have a form of governance close to the Serbian soul: the Kingdom of Serbia.Simply, the King is above daily politics, he is the guardian of national unity, political stability and continuity of the state. In Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchies the King is the protector of public interest: there is no personal or party interest. What is most important is the interest of Serbia.I am ready to meet all our politicians; we have to work together for the common good of Serbia, and to be friends in the name of the future of our country. I appeal for the end of the continuous political wrangling, division and arguments. I appeal for mature democratic debate in the interest of Serbia. Serbia must have clear and realistic objectives.In 2011 an online open access poll by Serbian middle-market tabloid newspaper Blic showed that 64% of Serbians support restoring the monarchy.Another poll in May 2013 had 39% of Serbians supporting the monarchy, with 32% against it. The public also had reservations with Alexander's apparent lack of knowledge of the Serbian language.On 27 July 2015, newspaper Blic published a poll "Da li Srbija treba da bude monarhija?" ("Should Serbia be a monarchy?"); 49.8% respondents expressed support in a reconstitution of monarchy, 44.6% were opposed and 5.5% were indifferent.On 16 December 2017, Alexander attended with his wife the state funeral of his first cousin once removed, King Michael of Romania in Bucharest, along with other heads of European royal families and invited guests. UNVEILING OF THE MONUMENT OF QUEEN MARIA IN INDJIJA09/11/2021 On the Day of the Liberation of Indjija in World War One, a monument of HM Queen Maria was unveiled in the park that carries the name of the beloved queen. Mr. Predrag Markovic, Member of the Crown Council, attended the event as an envoy of HRH Crown Prince Alexander and reаd His Highness’ letter.30–11–2021The Belgrade City Council has decided to rename Strosmaer Street in Zemun to Prince Peter Street (regent of Yugoslavia, married to Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark, daughter of Prince Nikolaos and Princess Elena Vladimirovna)
Η θέση και ο ρολος των Βασιλικών Οικογενειών των Βαλκανικών Κρατών στα κράτη τους Σήμερα Μέρος 2ο Σερβία Στο πρώτο Κολάζ βλέπετε την Σερβική σημαία ΣΗΜΕΡΑ με το Βασιλικό Εθνόσημο στην μέση Ο Αλέξανδρος ήρθε για πρώτη φορά στη Γιουγκοσλαβία το 1991. Εργάστηκε ενεργά με την αντιπολίτευση του Slobodan Milošević και μετακόμισε στη Γιουγκοσλαβία μετά την καθαίρεση του Milošević το 2000.Στις 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2001, το κοινοβούλιο της Ομοσπονδιακής Δημοκρατίας της Γιουγκοσλαβίας (ΟΔΓ) ψήφισε νομοθεσία που απονέμει την ιθαγένεια στα μέλη της οικογένειας Karađorđević. Η νομοθεσία μπορεί επίσης να έχει ουσιαστικά ακυρώσει ένα διάταγμα που αφαιρεί την ιθαγένεια της οικογένειας της Σοσιαλιστικής Ομοσπονδιακής Δημοκρατίας της Γιουγκοσλαβίας (SFRY) το 1947.Η ακύρωση ήταν θέμα συζήτησης. Συγκεκριμένα, η ΟΔΓ δεν ήταν ο διάδοχος της ΣΟΔΓ. μάλλον η ΟΔΓ ήταν ένα νέο κράτος (και έγινε δεκτό στα Ηνωμένα Έθνη ως νέο κράτος σε αυτή τη βάση). Ως εκ τούτου, αμφισβητήθηκε η δικαιοδοσία ενός νέου κράτους να ακυρώσει μια αγωγή άλλου πρώην κράτους. Στην πραγματικότητα, η οικογένεια Karađorđević είχε την υπηκοότητα της Ομοσπονδιακής Δημοκρατίας της Γιουγκοσλαβικής Δημοκρατίας της Γιουγκοσλαβίας, που δεν την «αποκατέστησε» ως τέτοια.Η νομοθεσία της ΟΔΓ αφορά επίσης την αποκατάσταση περιουσίας στην οικογένεια Karađorđević. Τον Μάρτιο του 2001, το ακίνητο που κατασχέθηκε από την οικογένειά του, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των βασιλικών ανακτόρων, επιστράφηκε για λόγους κατοικίας με ιδιοκτησία ιδιοκτησίας που θα αποφασιστεί από το κοινοβούλιο κάποια στιγμή αργότερα.Ζει από τις 17 Ιουλίου 2001 στο Βασιλικό Παλάτι (Kraljevski Dvor) στο Dedinje, μια αποκλειστική περιοχή του Βελιγραδίου. Το Παλάτι, το οποίο ολοκληρώθηκε το 1929, είναι μία από τις δύο βασιλικές κατοικίες στο Βασιλικό Σύμπλεγμα. το άλλο είναι το Λευκό Παλάτι, το οποίο ολοκληρώθηκε το 1936.Η πίστη στη συνταγματική μοναρχίαΟ Αλέξανδρος είναι υπέρμαχος της εκ νέου δημιουργίας μιας συνταγματικής μοναρχίας στη Σερβία και θεωρεί τον εαυτό του ως τον νόμιμο βασιλιά. Πιστεύει ότι η μοναρχία θα μπορούσε να δώσει στη Σερβία "σταθερότητα, συνέχεια και ενότητα".Ορισμένα πολιτικά κόμματα και οργανώσεις υποστηρίζουν μια συνταγματική κοινοβουλευτική μοναρχία στη Σερβία. Η Σερβική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία έχει υποστηρίξει ανοιχτά την αποκατάσταση της μοναρχίας. Ο δολοφονημένος πρώην Πρωθυπουργός της Σερβίας Zoran Đinđić εθεάθη συχνά στην παρέα του πρίγκιπα και της οικογένειάς του, υποστηρίζοντας τις εκστρατείες και τα σχέδιά τους, αν και το Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα του δεν ασπάστηκε ποτέ δημόσια τη μοναρχία.Ο διάδοχος Αλέξανδρος έχει ορκιστεί να μείνει μακριά από την πολιτική. Αυτός και η πριγκίπισσα Κάθριν περνούν αρκετό χρόνο συμμετέχοντας σε ανθρωπιστικό έργο.Ο διάδοχος, ωστόσο, συμμετείχε όλο και περισσότερο σε δημόσιες λειτουργίες δίπλα στους ηγέτες της Σερβίας, των πρώην γιουγκοσλαβικών δημοκρατιών και των μελών του διπλωματικού σώματος. ��τις 11 Μαΐου 2006, παρέθεσε δεξίωση στο Βασιλικό Παλάτι για τους αντιπροσώπους που συμμετείχαν σε μια σύνοδο κορυφής για τη Σερβία και το Μαυροβούνιο. Στη δεξίωση παρευρέθηκαν ο Διοικητής της Εθνικής Τράπεζας της Σερβίας, καθώς και πρεσβευτές και διπλωμάτες από τη Σλοβενία, την Πολωνία, τη Βραζιλία, την Ιαπωνία, τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και την Αυστρία. Αργότερα εκφώνησε μια κεντρική ομιλία ενώπιον των πρωθυπουργών Vojislav Koštunica και Milo Đukanovic. Στην ομιλία έκανε λόγο για προοπτική ένταξη της Σερβίας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Είπε στους αντιπροσώπους.
Επιπλέον, εμείς στη Σερβία και το Μαυροβούνιο πρέπει να λάβουμε υπόψη ότι όποια μορφή κι αν λάβουμε εντός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, έχουμε μόνο μία επιλογή και αυτή είναι να εργαστούμε για το κοινό καλό όλων των εθνών-μελών. Είναι επίσης σημαντικό να ληφθεί ��πόψη ότι η σταθερότητα στην περιοχή μας θα ενισχυθεί όταν η Σερβία είναι πλήρως σε ειρήνη με τον εαυτό της.Μετά το επιτυχημένο δημοψήφισμα για την ανεξαρτησία του Μαυροβουνίου στις 21 Μαΐου 2006, η επαναδημιουργία της σερβικής μοναρχίας βρήκε τον δρόμο της στον καθημερινό πολιτικό διάλογο. Μια μοναρχική πρόταση για το νέο σερβικό σύνταγμα έχει δημοσιευτεί μαζί με άλλες προτάσεις. Το έγγραφο που εγκρίθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του 2006 είναι δημοκρατικό. Ο σερβικός λαός δεν είχε την ευκαιρία να ψηφίσει για το σύστημα διακυβέρνησης.Ο διάδοχος έθεσε το ζήτημα της βασιλικής αποκατάστασης αμέσως μετά την ψηφοφορία. Σε δελτίο τύπου που εκδόθηκε στις 24 Μαΐου 2006 δήλωσε.Επιβεβαιώθηκε επίσημα ότι ο λαός του Μαυροβουνίου ψήφισε υπέρ της ανεξαρτησίας. Είμαι λυπημένος, αλλά εύχομαι στους Μαυροβούνιους αδελφούς μας ειρήνη, δημοκρατία και ευτυχία. Οι άνθρωποι του Μαυροβουνίου είναι αδέλφια και αδερφές μας, ανεξάρτητα από το εάν ζούμε σε μία ή σε δύο χώρες, έτσι ήταν και έτσι θα είναι για πάντα.Πιστεύω ακράδαντα σε ένα Συνταγματικό Κοινοβουλευτικό Βασίλειο της Σερβίας. Και πάλι, πρέπει να είμαστε περήφανοι, μια ισχυρή Σερβία που είναι σε ειρήνη με τον εαυτό της και με τους γείτονές της. Ήμασταν μια περήφανη, σεβαστή και χαρούμενη χώρα την εποχή του προπάππου μου, Βασιλιά Πέτρου Α. Άρα, μπορούμε να τα καταφέρουμε! Μόνο αν έχουμε μια μορφή διακυβέρνησης κοντά στη σερβική ψυχή: το Βασίλειο της Σερβίας.Απλώς, ο Βασιλιάς είναι πάνω από την καθημερινή πολιτική, είναι ο θεματοφύλακας της εθνικής ενότητας, της πολιτικής σταθερότητας και της συνέχειας του κράτους. Στις Συνταγματικές Κοινοβουλευτικές Μοναρχίες ο Βασιλιάς είναι ο προστάτης του δημόσιου συμφέροντος: δεν υπάρχει προσωπικό ή κομματικό συμφέρον. Το πιο σημαντικό είναι το συμφέρον της Σερβίας.Είμαι έτοιμος να συναντήσω όλους τους πολιτικούς μας. πρέπει να εργαστούμε μαζί για το κοινό καλό της Σερβίας και να είμαστε φίλοι στο όνομα του μέλλοντος της χώρας μας. Κάνω έκκληση για τον τερματισμό της συνεχούς πολιτικής διαμάχης, διχασμού και επιχειρημάτων. Κάνω έκκληση για ώριμο δημοκρατικό διάλογο προς το συμφέρον της Σερβίας. Η Σερβία πρέπει να έχει σαφείς και ρεαλιστικούς στόχους.Το 2011 μια διαδικτυακή δημοσκόπηση ανοιχτής πρόσβασης από τη σερβική ταμπλόιντ εφημερίδα μεσαίας αγοράς Blic έδειξε ότι το 64% των Σέρβων υποστηρίζει την αποκατάσταση της μοναρχίας. Μια άλλη δημοσκόπηση τον Μάιο του 2013 είχε το 39% των Σέρβων να υποστηρίζουν τη μοναρχία, ενώ το 32% είναι εναντίον της. Το κοινό είχε επίσης επιφυλάξεις για την προφανή έλλειψη γνώσης της σερβικής γλώσσας από τον Αλέξανδρο.Στις 27 Ιουλίου 2015, η εφημερίδα Blic δημοσίευσε μια δημοσκόπηση "Da li Srbija treba da bude monarhija?" («Θα έπρεπε η Σερβία να είναι μοναρχία;»); Το 49,8% των ερωτηθέντων εξέφρασε την υποστήριξή του σε μια ανασύσταση της μοναρχίας, το 44,6% ήταν αντίθετο και το 5,5% ήταν αδιάφορο.Στις 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2017, ο Αλέξανδρος παρευρέθηκε με τη σύζυγό του στην κρατική κηδεία του πρώτου του ξαδέλφου που μόλις απομακρύνθηκε, του βασιλιά Μιχαήλ της Ρουμανίας στο Βουκουρέστι, μαζί με άλλους αρχηγούς ευρωπαϊκών βασιλικών οικογενειών και προσκεκλημένους.ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΝΗΜΕΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ ΜΑΡΙΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΙΝΤΖΙΑ 09/11/2021 Την Ημέρα της Απελευθέρωσης της Indjija στον Πρώτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, ένα μνημείο της HM Queen Maria αποκαλύφθηκαν στο πάρκο που φέρει το όνομα της αγαπημένης βασίλισσας. Ο κ. Πρέντραγκ Μάρκοβιτς, Μέλος του Συμβουλίου του Στέμματος, παρευρέθηκε στην εκδήλωση ως απεσταλμένος του Ύπατου Διαδόχου Πρίγκιπα Αλέξανδρου και διάβασε την επιστολή της Αυτού Υψηλότητας.30–11–2021Το δημοτικό συμβούλιο του Βελιγραδιου αποφάσισε την μετονομασία της οδού Strosmaer στο Zemun σε οδό Πρίγκιπα Πέτρου (αντιβασιλέας της Γιουγκοσλαβίας σύζυγος της Πριγκίπισσας Ολγας της Ελλάδας και Δανίας κόρη του Πρίγκιπα Νικόλαου και Πριγκίπισσας Ελένης Βλαδιμιροβνα )
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Nigerian Job
leverage 1.01
note: there are A LOT of scenes in this one, but they are all important in one way or another in terms of notability, character-building, etc
Dubenich: I’m sorry Mr. Ford, sorry, I know who you are I’ve, uh, excuse me. I’ve read all about you. I know for example that-that when you found that stolen Monet painting in Florence you probably saved your Insurance Company what 20-25 million dollars. Then there was that identity theft thing and you saved your insurance company I don’t even know how many millions of dollars but I just know that when you needed them… What happened to your family is the kind of thing--
Nate (slams glass down): You know that part of the conversation where I punch you in the neck nine or ten times? We’re coming up on that pretty quick.
- - - - -
Dubenich: I’m serious. Look, look at the people I’ve already hired. Do you recognize any of these names?
Nate (going through file): Uh, yeah, I’ve chased all of them at one time or anoth-- Parker? You have Parker?
Dubenich: Is there somebody better?
Nate: No, but Parker is insane.
Dubenich: Which is why I need you.
Nate (laughs): No. I’m not a thief. (closes file)
Dubenich: Thieves I got. What I need is one honest man to watch them.
- - - - -
Hardison: I’ve been doing this since high school, bro, I’m Captain Discipline.
(New York City Hotel, Five Years Ago)
Manager: They came straight from the airport and up to their room.
Security: So you never actually saw any of them then.
Manager: No, but the credit card numbers checked out.
Security: Break it down!
(Doors open to reveal Hardison sitting on a couch drinking orange soda while three beautiful women dressed as Princess Leia fight with lightsabers)
Security: Does that look like Mick Jagger to you?
Hardison: This is not the room you’re looking for.
what a fucking GEEK oh my god
like, his flashback is so tame compared to the others???
like, his version of criminality is hanging out with cosplaying pretty girls and watching them fight with lightsabers, all under the guise of pretending to be mick jagger
- - - - -
Hardison (holding up an earpiece): It’s a bone-conduction earpiece mic, works off the vibrations in your jaw.
(Hardison tosses it to Eliot who holds it to his ear)
Hardison (whispering): You can hear everything.
Eliot: You’re not as useless as you look.
eliot being subtly impressed with hardison is my religion
- - - - -
Hardison: I don’t even know what you do.
(3 Years Ago Eliot, wearing glasses and drinking from a mug of tea, enters a room full of men in Belgrade, Serbia)
Eliot: I’m here to collect the merchandise.
(Most of the men pull guns. Eliot takes a long sip of his drink. Outside, the windows flash with gunfire. Moans and the sound of a body falling fill the air. Inside, Eliot calmly takes another drink. One man sits at a table surrounded by bodies that litter the ground. He places a baseball card on the table. Eliot smiles)
am I the only one that wants to know the context of this???
- - - - -
(Parker drops down between Eliot and Hardison, hanging upside down from scaffolding)
Parker: Can I have one?
Hardison: You can have the whole box.
(Hardison holds the box of comms up for her. She takes one and pulls herself back up)
Eliot: What are you going to do when she finds out you live with your mom?
Hardison: Age of the geek, baby. We run the world.
Eliot: You keep telling yourself that.
(Parker puts the comm in her ear, smiling)
ot3 moments from day one baby
also eliot goes from ‘baby’ to ‘oh god, I’m baby’ in 0.0000005 seconds
- - - - -
(19 Years Ago in Kansas City, a ten year old Parker stands in her living room watching her foster parents fight. The foster father turns to Parker, holding a stuffed bunny while the foster mother stands in the background, crying)
Bill: You thought I wouldn’t find this? You don’t get bunny until you do what I say. So be a good girl or, I don’t know, a better thief. (walks out of room)
Foster Mother: Bill!
(Parker walks outside and down the walk. Behind her, the house explodes. She hugs her bunny and smiles)
for the LONGEST time I thought she blew up the house with her foster parents until I saw that john rogers confirmed they weren’t home at the time
also this gives HEAVY insight as to how even the smallest part of Parker’s childhood was
abusive, emotionally manipulative, etc
- - - - -
(Parker adjusts her repelling gear, caressing it as if it were a lover)
Parker: Last time I used this rig, Paris, 2003
Nate: You talking about the Caravaggio? You stole that?
- - - - -
Eliot (examining earpiece): Is this thing safe?
Hardison: Yeah, it’s completely safe, it’s just, you know, you might experience nausea, weakness in your right side, stroke, strokiness.
Eliot (puts earpiece in): You’re precisely why I work alone.
shut up eliot you’re about to be so far gone for them it will be amazing
- - - - -
(Parker dives off the roof)
Parker: Yeehaaaa!!
(Eliot and Hardison run to the edge and watch her fall)
Eliot: That’s twenty pounds of crazy in a five pound bag.
what’s the opposite of foreshadowing? because I’m thinking about the long goodbye job and it’s reference to this (also the SIGNIFICANCE in that episode in how both hardison AND eliot repeat this line, finishing one another. because they both are on the same wavelength by that point, so in tune with one another and in constant awe of parker.)
- - - - -
parker just ??? drops the fucking glass ??? onto the sidewalk below ??? like ??? what if it hits someone ???
- - - - -
Nate: Okay, you got any chatter on their frequencies?
[Electrical Room]
Parker: No. Why?
[Unfinished Office]
(Nate checks records)
Nate: There’s eight listed on the duty roster, there’s only four at the guard post.
[Electrical Room]
Parker: I can’t even tell how many guys are in the room. How can you tell who’s who?
[Unfinished Office]
Nate: Haircuts Parker. Count the haircuts.
[Electrical Room]
Parker: I would have missed that.
[Unfinished Office]
Nate: What?
[Electrical Room]
Parker: Nothing.
mastermind father and daughter in episode ONE
- - - - -
we love to see eliot beat up four guys in the time it takes hardison’s bag to fall to the ground
- - - - -
Eliot (empties gun and smiles): That’s what I do.
(Hardison looks impressed. Behind him, the door clicks open. He and Eliot smile and enter the server room together)
the FLIRTING ENERGY in this scene
- - - - -
Eliot: Did you give them a virus?
Hardison: (chuckles) Dude, I gave them more than one virus.
hardison doesn’t half-ass, pass it on
- - - - -
Parker: Problem. Those guards you ganked?
[Electrical Room]
Parker (looking at monitor): They reset all the alarms on the roof and all the floors above us. We can’t go up.
Eliot: Every man for himself then. (starts to move away)
Hardison: Go ahead I’m the one with the merchandise.
[Electrical Room]
Parker: Yeah, well I’m the one with an exit.
[Unfinished Office]
Nate: And I’m the one with a plan. Now I know you children don’t play well with others but I need you to hold it together for exactly seven more minutes. Now get to the elevator and head down. We’re going to the burn scam.
(Eliot and Hardison enter an elevator and begin changing their clothes)
Hardison: Going to Plan B.
[Unfinished Office]
Nate (packing his things): Technically that would be Plan G.
(elevator doors open and Parker runs in. She begins changing while the men look away)
Hardison: How many plans do we have? Is there like a Plan M?
[Unfinished Office]
Nate: Yeah, Hardison dies in Plan M.
Eliot: I like Plan M.
there are SO MANY things about this scene I want to discuss but here are the top ones:
1- nate calling them out as children? amazing
2- eliot and hardison canonically changed in the elevator together BEFORE parker dropped in, but they weren’t necessarily looking away in a backs-turned way when she came in (when they were still getting finished getting dressed)
3- parker being completely nonchalant changing with two men in the elevator? she must not really care about being naked in front of other people (as seen later in what I think is the morning after job (?), for example)
4- the boys look away to be polite but there is definitely interest in BOTH of their faces
5- so this is what the burn scam entails
- - - - -
parker takes shotgun while the two boys are in the back. I need to see the scene of them awkwardly sitting together in the back. possibly bickering.
- - - - -
Nate: All right, all right. The money will be in all your accounts later today.
Hardison: Anybody else notice how hard we rocked last night?
Eliot: Yeah, well, one show only, no encores.
Parker: I already forgot your names.
Hardison: It was kind of cool, being on the same side.
Nate: No, we are not on the same side. I am not a thief.
Parker: You are now. Come on Nathan, tell the truth. Didn’t you have a little bit of fun playing the Black King instead of the White Knight, just this once?
(they all walk away in different directions)
smh you’re all 0.000005 seconds away from becoming a family
“no encores” my ass
+ I love how hardison is the FIRST one to (immediately) bring up how awesome they worked as a team
- - - - -
(Nate walks slowly down a toward a large room where voices are coming from)
Hardison (holding gun): You mind telling me what happened to the designs?
Eliot: What makes you think I know what happened? Stupid.
Hardison: Look, forget you man. You did it when we were coming down from the elevator.
Eliot: Yeah, that makes sense doesn’t it? You had the file every second.
Hardison: Hold up Kujo, I did my part, I transferred the files.
Eliot: You better get that gun out of my face...
Hardison: What did you do?
Eliot: …or else I’m gonna feed it to you.
Nate: Hey!
(the men turn, Hardison pointing the gun at Nate)
Eliot: Did you do it? You’re the only one that’s ever played both sides.
Nate: Yeah, you seem pretty relaxed for a guy with a gun pointed at him.
Eliot (looks at Hardison): Safety’s on.
Hardison: Like I’m gonna fall for that.
Nate: No, no, actually he’s right, the safety is on.
(Hardison looks at the gun and Nate grabs it)
Nate (to Eliot): You armed?
Eliot (shakes head): I don’t like guns.
(Eliot looks pointedly past Nate’s shoulder. Nate turns, pointing the gun at Parker who is holding a gun on him)
Parker: My money’s not in my account.
(She walks around Hardison, raising her gun as Nate lowers his)
Parker: That makes me cry inside in my special, angry place.
Nate: Okay, Parker. (slowly reaches out to lower Parker’s gun) Now did you come here to get paid?
Hardison: Hell no. Transfer of funds man. Global economy.
Eliot: It’s supposed to be a walk away. I’m never supposed to see you again.
eliot could have IMMEDIATELY taken the gun away but it made hardison feel safe so he was humoring him
and how easily nate took the gun away? interesting, for a former insurance agent
“you armed?” “no, I don’t like guns” eliot sweetie I love you
also parker’s entrance tho
- - - - -
Nate: Then the only reason you guys are here is because you didn’t get paid. And you’re pissed off. (laughs) As a matter of fact the only way to get us all in the same place at the same time is to tell us that we’re not. Getting. Paid.
(a look of realization goes through the group and they all start to run. Nate opens a garage door and directs them out. Hardison trips on the stairs and Eliot pulls him to his feet)
Nate: Come on, come on, get up. Let’s go, hustle. Go.
(the others exit and Nate looks back to see a ball of fire headed toward him)
eliot: I hate you all, I work alone, I don’t care about any of you
eliot 0.000005 seconds later: hauling hardison off the ground so he doesn’t die in an exploding building because ‘I guess he’s by boyfriend now’
- - - - -
Nate: Have we been processed?
(Eliot waves ink covered finger tips at him)
Eliot: They faxed our prints to the State Police.
[Hospital Room B]
Hardison: Yo, if the staties run us man, we’re screwed.
Parker: How long?
Hardison: Thirty, thirty-five minutes depending on the software
- - - - -
Nate: Parker! Get me a phone. What we’re going to do is, we’re going to get out of here together.
Eliot: This was a onetime deal.
Nate: Look guys, here’s your problem. You all know what you can do, I know what all you can do, so that gives me the edge, gives me the plan.
[Hospital Room B]
Parker: I don’t trust these guys.
[Hospital Room A]
Nate: Do you trust me?
Eliot: Of course. You’re an honest man.
Nate: Parker, Phone.
[Hospital Room B]
Parker: This is gonna suck.
(she sticks her fingers down her throat and bends over)
Hardison: Oh. Hell no
the amount of times eliot brings up that it was supposed to be a one-time thing is HILARIOUS considering just how fast he imprints on them lmfao
also how they all immediately trust him, I’m soft
- - - - -
(Parker nods compliantly. The doctor and nurse leave the room. Officer checks her handcuffs then leaves. Parker and Hardison hold up the phones they stole. After a quick glance, they switch phones. Parker holds up the keys she stole and tosses them to Hardison before standing up and talking to the vent into the next room)
domestic pardison
- - - - -
(Hardison leads Eliot to a police cruiser that Nate and Parker are already inside of. As Hardison guides Eliot into the backseat he hits Eliot head on the top of the door frame. Eliot turns and growls at Hardison)
Hardison: Walk it off. Walk… get inside. Get inside.
(Eliot gets in the car)
I love chaotic (pre)boyfriends
- - - - -
Eliot: I’m gonna beat Dubenich so bad that even the people who look like him are gonna bleed.
Parker: You won’t get within 100 yards. He knows your face. He knows all our faces.
Eliot: He tried to kill us.
Parker: More importantly he didn’t pay us.
Eliot: How is that more important?
Parker: I take that personally.
Eliot: There’s something wrong with you.
okay to be fair eliot at least is open to and listens to parker’s reasoning before concluding she’s crazy
- - - - -
Eliot: What’s in it for me?
Nate: Payback, and if it goes right a lot of money.
Parker: What’s in it for me?
Nate: A lot of money, and if it goes right, payback. Hardison?
Hardison: I was just gonna send a thousand porno magazines to his office, but, hell yeah man, let’s kick him up.
these characterizations are so on point
- - - - -
+ how everyone else is horrified but nate just looks entranced
- - - - -
(In Paris seven years ago, Sophie is cutting a painting out of a frame with several empty frames nearby. The door burst open and Nate enters with a gun in hand)
Nate: Freeze.
(Sophie grabs her gun and shoots Nate in the shoulder. He responds by shooting her in the back. They both clench at their wounds)
Sophie: You wanker!
so are we, as a fandom, EVER going to talk about this scene ???
- - - - -
(so apparently there’s a 250 text block limit for posts on tumblr so I guess I have to make more than one post for this now. the following part will be reblogged on this post immediately after. reblog that version instead please lol)
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SELITE SE USKORO? Poslovni prostor, stan, kuća, vikendica, inostrantvo ili preko puta ulice u Beogradu, Srbiji ili se selite u ili iz inostranstva?? Prepustite #selidbuProfesionalcima 17 god. u poslu.
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#špedija #beošpedicija #beoselidbe #KompletnuUsluguSelidbe #pakovanjePokućstva u kutije, #demontaža #montažanameštaja , #kuhinje - #zaštitaNameštaja #Utovar #istovar #selidbeKamionom nova vozila, modifikovana za što Bezbednije, lakše i brže #uslugeSelidbe - Iskusni radnici, #osiguranjeNameštaja uključeno u #CenuSelidbeBeograd #medjunarodneSelidbe #medjugradskeselidbe #selidbeposlovnogprostorabeograd #selidbestanovabeograd #selidbeZemun #selidbeNoviBeograd #selidbeNoviSad ... #agencijezaselidbeubeogradu #agencijazaselidbebeograd #firmazaselidbebeograd #selidbekancerarijabeograd #selidbeposlovnihprostorijaubeogradu #kamionskiprevozbeograd #selidbekamionbeograd #selidbekancelarijaubeogradu #selidbeubeogradu #movingcompanybelgrade #movingcompaniesinbelgrade #movingservicebelgrade #movingcompaniesinserbia #removalscompaniesinbelgrade #relocationscompaniesinbelgrade #removalsservicesinbelgrade #relocationsservicesinbelgrade #movingcompanynovisad #belgrademovers #beoselidbe #movingendstoragecompanyinbelgrade #moveendstore #movers #movingcompany #movingservice #citymovers #selidbe #selidba #selidbebeogradnavodi #beogradnavodi #beograd #belgrade #transportnopreduzećesrbija #prebozkamionombeograd #kamiosnkiprevozubeogradu #firmazaselidbekamionom
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Through The Years pt. 6 (Bucky Barnes x Stark! fem! reader)
tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @the-romanian-is-bae
A/N: feedback is appreciated! And OH MAN- is it sad. It’s a long chapter. And guys, we’re nearly done with the first avenger, moving on to The Avengers after this! Also, I’ve decided to update this every weekend. no specific date, but if i can, it will be updated from Friday-Sunday. :)
Summary: After rescuing Bucky, Y/N and the 107th from the Hydra facility in Austria; Steve Rogers begins work to assemble to Howling Commandos; an elite task force of top-ranking soldiers that are able to do what regular soldiers never could. 
 DECEMBER 12, 1944
You walked into the cozy, crowded London pub with your hair done up nice, and that sky blue dress you loved. Why Steve called you here to meet, you’ll never know. 
Eyes scanning the area, you spotted Steve and a couple of other men sitting around a table with drinks. Steve looked up and saw you, ushering you over to the table. Everyone else went silent.
“Gentlemen, this is Y/N Stark. She’ll be joining us this evening.”
You sat done as of the men, with a darker complexion said “The Lieutenant General? What are you doing? Assembling an elite task force?”
Giving a curt nod, “That’s exactly what I’m doing, Gabe. Now please settle down.”
Steve passed you a beer and started explaining. “An elite task force, of sorts. To be able to do what regular soldiers never could.” 
After almost an hour of explaining, you put a hand up. “Steve, this is an excellent idea. If we didn’t almost die last time! You really want us to go back?”
Agreements were heard around the table. “What the Stark over here said!” exclaimed Dum Dum Dougan as he clinked his glass with yours. 
“Well- it sounds fun actually. I’m in.” Falsworth said. 
Two of the other men agreed, and Steve looks at you. “Y/N, you in?”
Sighing, you said “I’m in. This better work, Captain.”
“You have my word, Lieutenant General. What about you, Dougan?”
“Well- I’m in. But as long as you open a tab, Captain.” Said Dougan, chugging the last of his beer. 
“Of course. Y/N, help me out?” Steve asked.
“Let’s go.”
You both gathered all the mugs on the table and walked into the bar in the next room. “Buck! What’re ya doin’ here?” you said, walking over to sit next to him in surprise. He finished the last of what looked like scotch. You grabbed both of his hands in your own “I thought you had sniper training for another week!”
He scratched the back of his head nervously, but then intertwined his hand with your own. “They let me off early, doll. Christmas is up soon, after all. I wanted to see my best girl.”
“You make me blush too much.” you settled into your seat and waved the bar tender for a drink. 
“So- are you two ready to follow Captain America to the jaws of death?” Steve said, sitting on your other side. 
“Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was never afraid to back down from a fight. I’m following him.” Bucky said, throwing an arm around your waist.
“As for myself, I’m following that boy I met in the lab one day who wasn’t afraid. The little guy who was willing to trust me and brother with his life even though he had only heard about us through a radio. That’s a hero. I’m following him.” you said. 
The bar went completely silent, and the three of you turned your head to see the source. 
“Peggy! My goodness you look radiant!” you said, grabbing her hands. 
“That’s all you, Y/N. She said, pecking both your cheeks and turning to Steve. 
“Agent Carter.” Steve said, obviously nervous at the sight of her. 
“Ma’am.” Bucky said in greeting. 
Peggy glances at you and then at Steve again. “The Starks have new equipment for you to try, tomorrow morning. 0800 hours. Don’t be late.”
She then turned around and walked out. “It’s like I’m invisible, Steve.”
“Relax, Buck. Maybe she has a friend.”
“Rogers! I am the friend!” you said, feigning offense. 
“And for that-” Bucky said, wrapping both his arms around you from behind. “I am the luckiest man in the world. Fancy a dance?”
“You know I do.”
“Me, Rogers, I concentrate on work, not fondue-ing. You’ll never know what goes on inside a woman’s head as long as you say that. But right now work consists of making sure my sister’s soldiers don’t get killed.” Howard said, leading Steve to a table. 
“Good morning Steve!” you said, slapping him straight across the face.
“What was that for?” Steve said, nursing his cheek with his hands. “That’s for hurting Peggy. I know what you did.”
“She doesn’t even-”
“Not another word from you. I keep you around because my brother likes a soldier like you.”
“Like I said, Rogers, you never know what goes on inside a woman’s head. Especially my sisters.” Howard said.
“That’s enough, you. Anyway, Steve, this is carbon polymer. It should withstand your average German Bayonet-”
“Because HYDRA’s not going to attack you with a pocket knife.” Howard said, guiding Steve around the table. You followed close behind.
“Anyway- Steve. I saw you’re quite fond of  that play shield of yours. The prop right?” you said. 
“These, Rogers are prototypes. We’ve made each and every one, in any way deemed possible from Stark technology. 
Steve looks over all the shields, then points at one on the bottom. “What about this one?” 
“A failed one.” Howard said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Made of the same stuff my sister’s armor is.”
“Starks, are you almost done?” said Peggy, strutting in. 
Steve then proceeds to smile at her, as if to ask if she approves of the shield. She then proceeds to pick up a gun and shoot three times at it. It startles the entire lab. 
“I like it.”
You put a hand on Steve’s shoulder as she walks out. “She really is pissed, huh?”
“I had some ideas about the uniform?” he hands you both a piece of paper. 
“Whatever you want.”
JANUARY 30TH, 1944
You used your powers to crack open the doors, and the Howling Commandos shot up the place, shooting HYDRA officials left and right. Dougan put a bomb on the power plant, set the timer, and you all ran out. 
As you boarded the truck and left, the base exploded, and the rest of the Howlies cheered. “That’s another one down, boys! Where are we off to next?” you said, slinging your gun back on your shoulder and putting your swords back in their holders. 
“Kharkiv, in Ukraine.” 
“Let’s go!”
APRIL 24, 1944
“Welcome back to Channel 2, your news on the radio. Captain America and his team of - er- Howling Commandos? Captain America and his elite soldier task force, The Howling Commandos have invaded the Russian HYDRA base. It’s the 14th base they’ve taken down this year, and at this speed, they’ll secure a victory for the allies.”
“This team consists of a rag-tag gang of hopeful soldiers, including Stark Industries co-founder, Y/N Stark, making her the first woman to serve in the Army of this great nation!”
JULY 16, 1944. 3:00 AM. 
It was a quiet and cold night as the boat creaked and made it’s way up the channel. After taking down another HYDRA base in Milan, The Howling Commandos crossed France, and made their departure from Brussels, Belgium and where now headed for another HYDRA base in Oslo, Norway, before returning to London for a rest. 
Sitting in your bed, in the bunk you shared with Pinky, who was snoring away, while you couldn’t catch a wink of sleep. Turning on the tiny oil lamp, you pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. You were long overdue to write a letter to Howard.
Hello Brother! Today is the 16th of July, 1944. It’s currently 3 am and we’re on the English Channel. We haven’t been able to catch a break. The Milan base was something else. But we got to rest up for a few days in Czechoslovakia, although we couldn’t stay long; Nazi territory. But me and Bucky where able to take a few pictures together, with Jim’s camera. They’re enclosed. I can’t detail much about where we’re headed next; but I can tell you this is not how I imagined traveling the world, with me being on the Axis Powers’ wanted list. Guess we’ll have to do it all again when it’s over. Have you received any letters from Maria? I can’t believe you haven’t introduced her to me yet. I can’t wait to meet her. 
The Better Stark, Y/N.
Carefully putting the letter inside the envelope, you would give it to the captain in the morning to mail it. Wrapping a silk robe around your nightgown, you made your way to the main deck. It was nights like these that made you hopeful of a world without war. Taking a deep breath and staring out at the water, you heard a creak behind you, slowly turning around-
“Hiya there, darlin’ ” Bucky said, wringing his hands together. He looked nervous. 
Giving him a smile, you wrapped your arms around him and brought your lips to his, giving him a peck. “What’re you doin’ awake, Buck?” 
“s’ couldn’t sleep. Heard you got up. Thought I’d keep you company.” he said, bringing you to rest on his chest.
“The stars look beautiful tonight.”
“You know who else looks beautiful tonight, doll? you.”
“Buck, I-” 
“I want to watch the stars with you forever.” he clenched is jaw. He was practically shaking. 
There was a silence, with the exception of the waves crashing against the boat. 
“Marry me.”
“Bucky, what?”
“You heard me correctly. Marry me, won’t you?”
“I- but my brother. And there’s a war- elopement?”
“No buts. I asked permission via a letter. Should’ve seen him. And I checked with that Captain of yours Tommy Andrews, was it? He has a license. We could get married the second we get back to London.”
“Let’s - Let’s do it. I love you so much, Buck.”
“Yeah? Ready to become Mrs. Stark-Barnes?”
“Born Ready.”
He kisses you deeply, wrapping his arms around you and stroking your hair when you separated. He was the luckiest man on earth. 
It felt to so good to be back in London. It was truly a second home at this point. It had been a few months since getting engaged, and a few weeks since your last HYDRA base explosion in Hungary.
Bucky had given you his mother’s ring, a plain gold band. But you loved it nonetheless. It symbolized the relationship you had built over the past year, and the love you would share as husband and wife. 
Howard hadn’t been thrilled, but didn’t let it show for your sake. Which brings you to where you are now, At Peggy’s townhouse in London, celebrating Christmas Eve with the fellow Howlies, Howard, General Philips, and Tommy Andrews, all sitting around the dining table. 
“So- you two got engaged. Kept it a secret for months- and pretended it would be okay to tell us a week ago?” Dum Dum Dugan said, wiping his mouth after chugging his beer. 
“I know right- they are really the most rude.” Howard said, sitting back with a smirk, sipping his wine. 
“Howard, leave the kids alone. When’s the wedding?” General Phillips asked. 
“Well we were- we really have no idea. There’s not very many venues open.” 
Tommy interrupted “I could do it.” 
There was silence around the table. “I’m licensed. In 40 states, actually.”
Peggy smiled at this. “A Christmas wedding!” 
“We’re all here! It could happen.” 
“Hear, Hear!” 
Before you knew it, Tommy had grabbed a bible and everyone had been sitting around you and Bucky, watching you.
“Repeat after me. I take you, James Buchanan Barnes as my loving husband, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.”
“I take you, James Buchanan Barnes, as my loving husband, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.”
“I now pronounce you- husband and wife. You may kiss the bri- or you could do that too.”
Bucky was kissing you deeply, with hand at the back of your head and one around your waist, spinning you around.
“Alright, Alright. Break it up. Welcome to the family, Barnes.” Howard said, shaking his hand.
Yeah. A Christmas to remember. 
It had been almost two months since you had married Bucky on that warm Christmas Eve in London. Ever since then, the smell of hope in the air had followed you into the new year. 
The Allies were closing in. It would only be a few more months before the war was over, or so Winston Churchill had said over the radio. Now, you were on one of the last missions with the Howlies. It really wasn’t the last mission, but you could feel it in the air. All the war and destruction was finally going to come to an end. 
“This won’t be like Coney Island, right? Where you made me ride the cyclone and I got sick?” Bucky asked, gripping our hand.
“You did that, Steve?”
“I did, Y/N. And why would I do that now?”
“We were right, Steve. Zola’s on the train.” Gabe said, leaning closer to the radio to hear the transmission. “We’re in the right place. HYDRA’s given him permission to open the throttle. Wherever he’s going, they must need him badly.” 
“We must get going. They’re moving like the devil.”
“Well. We’ve only got a ten second window! You miss that window, we’re bugs on a windshield.” Steve said, putting his hook on the zip-line. 
First was Steve, the, Bucky, then you, followed by Gabe. 
Quickly, the four of you had moved across the top of the train and gotten inside. You were shooting up the HYDRA soldiers, but they just always did seem to be one step ahead of you. 
You had successfully dodged several bullets, until a hole was blown into the middle of the train. It had pulled you and Bucky out, hanging by a single metal bar. 
“Bucky! Y/N! Hang on! I’m coming to get you!” Steve yelled. 
You tried to use your powers to move the bar up, but it didn’t seem to work, and it hurt your head immensely, causing you to scream. 
“Stevie! Stevie. Take her first. Please. If anyone makes it out of here, its gonna be her.”
“Bucky, no! Hang on, please!” you said, through sobs. 
“We’re going to be okay! Steve, grab her arm.”
Steve was able to pull you to the train safely. Now the situation was getting Bucky in.
“Bucky, grab my hand!”
Bucky reached out to Steve, but what he didn’t realize was that this was putting to much weight on the bar. 
You’ll never forget his screams as he fell down. It would haunt you as long as you lived. 
You could hear Steve crying before eventually helping him on the train. He collapsed into your arms, both crying. 
James Buchanan Barnes; soldier, friend and husband was gone.
A/N: I nearly burst into tears. feedback is appreicated!
- Talya
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mariacallous · 3 months
Aleksandar Sapic, of the Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, was elected mayor of Serbia’s capital on Monday by the ruling party-controlled Belgrade Assembly, sitting for the second time since it won rerun elections earlier this month.
This will be Sapic’s second mandate; he was first elected in June 2022. Of a total of 110 councillors, 82 took part in the vote, of whom 64 voted for the former water polo star.
Monday’s session marked the end of months of uncertainty. Since the end of October 2023, Belgrade has been managed by a temporary authority headed by Sapic.
After he was elected, Sapic listed the social measures and infrastructure projects that the city administration implemented during his previous period in office. “I assure you that this city will experience the greatest infrastructural, qualitative and social changes in the next four years,” he promised.
Declaring himself a “Serbian mayor”, he claimed that the opposition, if given the opportunity, would have put up “colourful flags”, alluding to the rainbow Pride flag.
In the same session, members of the City Council were also elected, as well as Mayor Duty Vesna Vidovic, who was reelected. 
In elections on June 2, the Progressive Party list, Aleksandar Vucic – Belgrade Tomorrow, won 64 mandates, the Russian Party – Serbs and Russians Brothers Forever won 1 mandate, We Choose Beograd – Dobrica Veselinovic – Milos Pavlovic won 14 mandates, We – The Strength of the People – Branimir Nestorovic, won 10 mandates and the list Dr Savo Manojlovic – I am Belgrade – Move-Change won 21 mandates.
Sapic resigned as mayor at the end of September 2023 to enable the holding of elections in December 2023. After the December election, no party had a clear majority in the Belgrade Assembly. The opposition claimed the elections in the capital were marked by irregularities, complaints echoed by domestic and international watchdogs. The ruling SNS decided to repeat elections on June 2.
That election was boycotted by some opposition parties, so the Progressive Party ended up with a better result than in December 2023.
President of opposition movement Move-Change and Belgrade councillor Savo Manojlovic filed a criminal charge against Sapic for trying to buy a mandate in the election process, as the daily Danas reported. Milan Ljutovac said that after the previous elections, which he had contested as a member of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, the Progressive Party offered him a bribe so that that party would have a majority to form the government in Belgrade after the December elections.
Sapic’s time as mayor was marked by several controversies, including the termination of the contract with the Turkish company Kentkart, which managed public transport pre-paid ticketing services in the capital.
Nenad Milanovic, the head of Sapic’s office, was charged over suspicions that he had offered to rig the public procurement procedure in favour of Kentkart.
Milanovic’s trial will begin on July 10 before the Higher Court in Belgrade. Milanovic sued BIRN for defamation in June last year, over a BIRN article, “Audios Reveal that Sapic’s Chief of Cabinet Offered to Fix Procurement to Kentkart”. Previously, Sapic sued BIRN over two stories related to his property.
Before becoming mayor of Belgrade, Sapic ran the most populous Belgrade municipality, New Belgrade. Before 2021 he was in the opposition.
Sapic retired from playing professional water polo in 2009 after a successful career that saw him winning a range of top honours.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia amid coup warning (VIDEO)
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/thousands-protest-lithium-mining-in-serbia-amid-coup-warning-video/
Thousands protest lithium mining in Serbia amid coup warning (VIDEO)
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Belgrade has claimed that the rally is a plot against the government along the lines of the 2013-14 coup in Kiev
Thousands of protesters took to the streets in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, on Saturday to march against the restart of a controversial lithium mining project. The country’s authorities have claimed that the protests are intended as a Maidan-style coup against the government. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said a day earlier that Moscow had warned Belgrade about a potential coup attempt, noting that Serbia’s Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) was already acting on leads provided by Russia. Commenting on the rally, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin, the former head of the intelligence services, claimed that the protest is “moving in accordance with a Maidan scenario,” referring to the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2013-14 in which then-President Viktor Yanukovich was overthrown. He added that “There is no reason to fear,” stressing that “Vucic is not Yankovich, he has no intention of running away and handing power over to thugs.”
Read more
‘Color revolution’ being attempted in Serbia – Vucic
The demonstrators demanded that the government ban lithium mining in the Jadar region in the western part of the country, claiming that the project involves major environmental risks. Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that up to 27,000 people took part in the rally on Saturday. Discovered in 2004, Jadar is Europe’s largest deposit of lithium – a crucial material for electric car batteries. The annual production of the mine is estimated at 58,000 tons of refined battery-grade lithium carbonate, which is reportedly enough to supply 90% of the continent’s current lithium needs. In 2021, British-Australian mining company Rio Tinto announced plans to invest $2.4 billion in the project. A license granted by the Serbian authorities to Rio Tinto was revoked in 2022 following widespread protests across the country. However, the project was resumed in July after the Serbian Constitutional Court ruled that the revocation was unconstitutional. Both the company and the country’s authorities have pledged that the highest environmental standards will be upheld in the agricultural region. Vucic has announced plans for a referendum on the issue, and on Saturday, he stated that there will be no lithium mining in the country for the next two years.
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laurafruitfairy · 5 years
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Hi everyone, I'm Laura! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Today I’m doing a “CV style” post for those of you who are new and wondering who I am and what I do with my life. 😃 First things first: welcome aboard! 🙌🏼♥️ And for the others: I know that there are a few among you who’ve been following me for 3-4 years. That’s crazy. 🙊♥️ I think I changed so much. Or let’s say evolved. 😅 Looking back at old pictures I can’t believe I was this person. Do you feel the same?Anyways, here are 7 random facts about me in a chronological order: 1. I finished school in 2012 which sounds super long ago if you’re still in school but I promise, time flies afterwards. 😅 I started studying right after my “Abitur”. 2. Picking INSURANCE BUSINESS as a major surely wasn’t the best choice I made in my life. 😂 But it taught me a valuable lesson. At the first day in the company (Duales Studium), I knew I was gonna quit after 1 semester. So I did. I saved all the money I earned and went to London ASAP. 💶✈️🎡🇬🇧 I followed MY dreams instead of my parents’ expectations and looking back, this was probably the best decision I’ve ever made. 3. In March 2013, I moved to London all by myself. I was 18 years old and made friends very fast in a hostel I stayed at for almost 2 months because it was so hard to find a flat in London. 🤪 I worked at Piccadilly Institute (a night club) + a pub in Harringey layer. That's where I improved my English a lot. 4. Coming home after 6 months was hard because I loved England and I still miss it sometimes. 😢 Nevertheless, it was time to move on. I studied International Business Management in English. In a small German town in the Black Forest. 🌲 Business English was my favourite subject. My teacher was Scottish and I might or might not have been her favourite student. 🤓😅🇬🇧 I learned so many useful things like negotiation, writing formal emails and academic writing. 5. During my studies, I spent 4 months in China and 4 months in Belgrade, Serbia. I wrote blog posts about both countries. 6. In 2017, I handed in my bachelor thesis and decided to turn my passion (Instagram) into a business somehow. Thanks to my parents for letting me stay at their place and take so many food p (at Cologne, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bx9gRp_uo/?igshid=1wphuwvhkyqe8
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Selidbe Beograd SANJA Beo Selidbe (@SSelidbe) Tweeted:
https://t.co/k6FHywZMqj VAŠA FIRMA ZA KOMPLETNE USLUGE SELIDBE U I VAN BEOGRADA I SRB. #agencijazaselidbebeograd #službazaselidbevilabeograd #selidbestanovabeograd #selidbenovibeograd #selidbezemun #selidbebeogradcena #selidbededinje #selidbesavskivenac #prevozselidbebeograd https://t.co/a1dKXKpsqS https://twitter.com/SSelidbe/status/1205121982267842560?s=20
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