#mq hcs
roman-roy-apologist · 2 years
My hcs about brad’s house
he has a super boring big ikeacore house with fucking boring ass walls w heartless paintings and guest bedrooms that he never uses that r super neat and tidy and his kitchen, bathroom, etc are all super neat and clean except for his bedroom that almost never is even tho everything else is perfect
expanding on the previous idea is that it’s because he barely uses any of the things in his house because he actually hates it (bc we all know this mf isn’t actually a soulless bitch) but he keeps it perfect because he doesn’t like caring about it and that’s the same reason his room is messy (because he doesn’t care and it doesn’t matter if no one can see it) but he still cleans it really thoroughly a few times every year because he thinks about how his dad would be disappointed and what he would do it he found out
ugh i’m rereading this and it sounds stupid but idc i’m gonna post it anyways
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renjunnipeikko · 2 months
consider: xie lian being like “we need friends that are also couples!” and hua cheng agreeing because “ofc gege” but hua cheng doesn’t really like anybody so he’s just picks the two people he knows (hx and yy) and is like “they each have their own dumpster fire soap opera going on. i need to make sure they end up with their partners so gege can have dinner parties like he wants” but post canon hx and yy are both like “why are we still here? just to suffer?” and end up finding companionship with each other in that and so hua cheng notices them spending more and more time together while both doing parkour to not be seen ever by sqx and qyz and… wait. wait no. he doesn’t like where he can see this going. why does this feel weirdly romantic?? you two can’t fall in love! from hua cheng’s perspective you can only have one true love and you two already have obsessions with other people so this is not allowed! and not once does he consider if hx and yy DID get together, they could still be their friends who are also a couple, because he already planned this out and it! does! not! fit! with! his! fantasy! and so just like that hua cheng becomes a very aggressive beefleaf and quanyin shipper
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mo49ko · 10 months
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tattoo artist MQ AU based on this twitter thread
feng xin's favourite artist and mu qing's favourite client (they are flirting ❤️‍🔥 )
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miixz · 10 months
Mu Qing being chosen as the major representation for lower class struggles in the TGCF fandom (as far as I've seen it at least) is a choice that I find... interesting.
I understand where it's coming from, of course, and I see how his bitterness at the class system could be relatable, but it feels odd to me that Hua Cheng is missing from those discussions while we've seen that he was very much not living in any luxury as a child. He was in fact worse off than MQ who got to study cultivation and work for the prince.
I don't quite know how to put this into words, but I do think it says something about unconscious biases that the man who was able to ascend and enjoy being at the highest class he could possibly aspire to be while doing nothing to further criticize those systems is the one propped up, while the one who did achieve success but through unconventional means isn't.
Being the king of a city full of ghosts just isn't as glamorous of a fantasy to live vicariously through as a golden palace in the heavens, I suppose, in spite of this being something MXTX is actively criticizing in her book.
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leawesomesloth · 11 months
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woe mundane monopoly headcanons be upon ye
follow for more of modern au hua cheng’s outfits
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Go work off that debt Xie Lian! ....with an extra babysitting job.
Meme template for y'all under the cut + examples I made.
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Anyway hopefully next episodes won't take too long. The thing is. The Ghost Groom arc is a lot longer than I remember. I'm still racking my brain over how the hell I'm gonna summarize it because I am not going every single instance
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whisperinggbreeze · 5 months
"Has anyone here heard of a god known as the Crown Prince of Xianle?"
"Where did you hear that name?" A voice asked sharply. It belonged to General Xuan Zhen.
"I read it in a scroll, and I was curious why I'd never heard of such an interesting figure," Hua Cheng replied smoothly. "It seems like everyone is in the know except me."
General Xuan Zhen scoffed. "If by 'interesting figure,' you mean 'pain in the ass,' then sure. Be glad you've never heard of him. Don't mention him again."
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Hua Cheng: who ate my leftovers?!
Mu Qing: i dont know, who sculpted indecent statues of dianxia?
Hua Cheng: ...okay
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dandelion-roots · 1 year
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no hurry guys, it's not like they're getting DEVOURED over there
[id in alt]
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bonesblubs · 2 years
i already had my life taken over by your fengqing and moshang and now your “we’re friends but only because you’re the only other b*tch here who can match my attitude” hua cheng + mu qing has me FERAL
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Unfortunately, sometimes these powers are used for evil and against each other
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therubyjailcell · 17 days
i need more ace mu qing, and qpr mq xl and more fengxin who bicker as a way of showing they care bc theyve been fighting for so long it feels odd not to but now it’s less mean more caring, and more xian le trio being happy together, and more of them figuring out how to be friends without feeling like their status is an issue or like they owe anything to each other
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ber-go · 8 months
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My piece for the TGCF Cookbook Zine !
Check out the free PDF copy of the zine :3c
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lesbian-kyoru · 3 months
tgcf is so so appealing to me as a chronic multishipper because i feel like almost every dynamic has something insane and distinct it can offer me....... like hualian is about eternal devotion and vulnerability and repressed horniness.........mulian is about pining and resentment and class differences.......like both are so equally appealing to me in different ways
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freewilllife · 6 months
Mu Qing and Hua Cheng and that old tale of classism
It is one of MQ´s sins that he upholds classism in regard to HC
I am always amazed how burthurt some people act, because they cannot accept that Xie Lian used to be pretty superficial.
Yes, both FX and MQ were not keen that HC stayed, but nobody can prevent XL from doing something he wants. If he had desperately wanted HC to stay with him in the palace after he had rescued him, HC would have stayed. But he was uninteresting to XL, therefore he was handed to FX in order to get rid of him.
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People just hate to be reminded of it and therefore, they ask actually...who was worse of...the one who had not to know-tow to others, but was bloody poor with no person to care for or the one who had a blind mother, who was relentlessly bullied and hated due to classism and was living in a not exactly secure position from whom he could have removed at any moment, if XL had just desired it?
Yes, MQ was maybe from a similar background, even though it is also possible that HC had lived in a better house before he left his family.
And when has XL ever listened to Mu Qing? MQ´s opinion was mostly ignored by XL throughout the whole flash-backs. MQ was neither overly kind to HC, but he also was not cruel to him either. He showed even a little more empathy in regard to the child, than the other two.
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(Just because HC is not able to realize that it was most likely more kindness to throw him - a 15 year old teenager that has had hardly any kind of training- out of the army in a bloody war where people died like flies, doesn´t mean that his version is indeed correct. Enlisting a person that is not yet an adult would be usually criticized, but because XL thinks it is alright, then it is alright, I guess. )
So to make it bloody obvious: XL was not interested in Hong that used to be HC...He used to always forget that he had even met him before...He is the crown prince of Xianle, who could have easily changed HC´s fate but he kept forgetting him, because to him, he was not important enough to even remember him.
But no..it is of course MQ´s fault, who was still bullied due to classism and was still dependent on XL´s goodwill for quite some time in the past.
By the way HC is not bound by his upbringing anymore, because nobody knows, who the heck he even is (apart of a few selected people who looked at his glorious paintings), while everybody knows MC´s origin even after 800 years. Even after so much time people make fun of him and keep reminding him with a broom, what his standing used to be...a servant. So he is still a victim of classism in a world that is full to the brim with generals and princes.
HC has created a marvelous new system or ends classism
He is the ghost king in whose city human beings are chopped and he has subordinates like any of the gods who shut up, if he wants to...heck he even benefits from the same source (the believers) like the gods...
So what glorious society are you talking about? He is obviously upholding a caste system with him at the top...as he is a king...
MQ regards HC as suspicious, just because...
If you think like that, then you must have overread the part, where it is stated that HC clearly attacked FX and MQ several times without mercy...I mean, Pei Ming literally called these both gods that they should testify if Eming the weapon of HC was involved and they both testified...
With other words MQ and FX are treated like experts regarding the involvement of HC...so they must have battled with him quite often. And both are very afraid of HC...MQ was literally so afraid of HC that his first reaction when he heard of the silver butterflies is running away (in the form of Fu Yao).
I guess nearly dying could be a reason MQ considers HC to be suspicious, above else for XL who was fucked over by a previous calamity...Anybody remembers...white-no-face?
People even from similar backgrounds can have quite literally different living conditions
People are different and they do react differently. Further people love to blame MQ, who used to have clearly less power than XL, because they are not able to understand that all three people have their faults, even the glorious MC Xie Lian, who used to be pretty superficial...and who could have changed HC´s fate easily, but he did not, because HC was not interesting enough to him back them.
HC and MQ are two different sides of the same coin. HC had not the possibilities of MQ, since XL was not interested in him early on and kept forgetting him. MQ has suffered from classism even after he became a god.
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7potato7 · 11 months
Been rereading tgcf and I just reached the cave of ten thousand gods scene again and. Feng xin and Mu Qing want so badly for xie lian to be deeply disturbed?? And his reaction can be summed up as “omg my crush likes me back!”
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