#mr fuzzy my beloved
chaos--gremlin · 4 months
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Uh oh guys...... I think I sneezed myself back to 2017 (and took Mr Fuzzy with me)
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What do tuggoffelees do to make each other smile/laugh? Also if you wanna make it seruggoffelees please do!
bless you anon 🙏🏻
tugger will REALLY ham up his dramatics, like full on throw himself across whatever cats are sitting around and start acting like an 18th century damsel (more often than not, said cat is Munkustrap, who just sighs and continues talking with whoever is with him). that never fails to make mistoffelees and serafina fall apart giggling.
mistoffelees uses his magic, and will usually do something super cheesy, like make a lil heart with his sparkles, or blow a kiss and send sparkles to whichever mate he sees. tugger will usually catch the kiss and blow one back, and serafina will pretend to sigh and faint, which in turn makes mistoffelees laugh.
serafina doesn't usually act silly, but when she does, it will make tugger CACKLE, and mistoffelees will full on snort. she'll say something very sarcastic out of nowhere (i hc that serafina has a very dry sense of humor, which makes her hilarious), and it'll be a moment before tugger's falling over his feet laughing, and mistoffelees hides his face in serafina's fur as he snorts.
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turvi · 2 years
What a Man
Severus Snape x Reader
You didn't mean to fall this deep in love. When you first saw Severus you thought this was going to turn out like another teenage crush where you could only enjoy the view and make scenarios of your wedding while you picked a wedding dress according to the personality of your crush and choose the children's names and move on as soon as you saw him holding hands with another girl and cry like he betrayed you.
No Severus was different, he surprised you in a good way. Before you saw Severus you heard of him. You heard he was cold, mean, and sarcastic. When you first met him you had the ill fortune of meeting him in his beloved class. Potions. He would keep rolling his eyes at your bad jokes and continue to ignore you and judge your potion-making skills.
Gradually with time Severus softened and was impressed with your potion-making skills and your ability to make bad jokes that made his dull life bright. You always liked Severus but never knew when you fell in love with him. One day you were just joking and making him laugh and the next thing you know you want to hold him and spend your life with him.
Lo and Behold you were Mrs. Snape as soon as you graduated. After spending a week on honeymoon your friends decided to treat you to lunch. Severus was at home making dinner. You entered the door calling out to your dear husband.
"Honey I am home"
"I'm in the kitchen" he responded. You walked towards the kitchen and the view in front of her was hot. Severus was making dinner, and he had tied his hair in a bun, he was wearing his white shirt with its first few buttons open giving you a view of his chest.
You took a deep breath and thought to yourself "dammit he gets hotter as he ages. What he eats children for breakfast?"
Severus smirked as he closed the lid on the pan. "No love, it's your loving that makes me look hot"
You rolled your eyes "you are reading my mind again Sev?"
"I couldn't help they are so loud. And you were practically drooling at my look so I am flattered really"
You got closer to him smirking and planted kisses all over his face. He groaned and switched off the gas.
"Why did you switch off the gas?"
"All of a sudden some other parts of my body need your attention," he said huskily and you yelped as he threw you over his shoulder. You giggled as he carried you to your shared bedroom.
As he laid you on the bed he was about to open his bun when you interrupted "no please let it stay, I like it"
He groaned and crawled on top of you "hmm, my darling wants a change in role? She wants to pull my hair?"
You only giggled. By now your mind was fuzzy because your husband keeps surprising you every day. You thanked your younger self every day for being so patient and loving to him because the Severus in front of you did not entirely change or heal but he is more loving and soft to you. And that is all that matters.
A/N: I don't know why I wrote this. Anyways REBLOGS AND FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED.
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lesbianoms · 6 months
(Mrs. Doubtfire voice) Comfort is on the way, dear!
You seem like somebody who would love a dignified older lady pred. Someone with the air of Jessica Rabbit but the aged-like-blood wine grace of Lady Dimitrescu. Perhaps a “sugar mama” situation something-or-other.
Regardless, imagine if you were to come under the loving care of such a noble and elegant creature. Rubies on each finger and pearls dangling from the neck as she bends over you, turning over your pitiable, worried state. Yet, despite her care, there’s always the trace of a knowing smirk on her painted lips and the sense that she knows best.
“Why, my little dear. Whatever could be the matter with you, hm?” She takes your face in her hands and tilts your head from side to side, examining you.
You explain that things are stressful. The WORLD is stressful! And so very upsetting.
“Oh, but, my little love, you are confused.”
What could she mean by that?
“Why, there’s nothing wrong with the world at all. Do you know why?”
You shake your head. Things are pretty awful.
“My dear, I am your world. And, the last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with me at all.”
Before you can protest, she chuckles deeply and brushes a salt-and-pepper strand of hair from her face.
“Oh, I don’t mean to belittle your problems, darling. You just have more important things to worry about, you see?”
You don’t see.
“No? Let me give you a reminder, then, my dear…”
She smirks as she presses both of her palms to the back of your head, pushing you into a plushy ball belly wrapped in the fine, red satin of her dress. A belly you knew that you padded several times over…
“I think, when we are stressed with the troubles of life, it’s never a bad idea to return to our roots… to go home.”
A coaxing gurgle sounded below your ear, the fat quivering against you.
“And, would you listen to that, darling? Your home misses you.”
She bent down and gave you a teasing lick across the cheek, a sign of love to you more familiar than a kiss. Another deep chuckle bubbled up her long throat as you shivered.
“I think that you only need a different perspective on things… don’t you?”
You could always say “no,” of course, and she would respect it—but why would you? The welcome mat was already unrolling just for you, pink and beckoning…
The madame of the house yawned luxuriously as she waddled off to bed. Her step was modified to a lopsided sway, what with the weight of one silly snack misaligning her center of gravity. Her bloated, engorged belly jutted out of a gap in her minky robe, wobbling freely. She smirked to herself as each step sent its contents sloshing thickly from side to side, its bubbler—you—in a state of dreamlike nirvana, fuzzy ecstasy, your mind as malleable as your body as your being rocked back and forth in a gooey wave. You moaned with each contact with the walls, each splash earning an involuntary moan.
“Thank you for being so cooperative in the bath, little love. I trust your stay is treating you kindly?”
She received a response—more of a bubbling than a word.
She smirked and gave her well-fed belly a firm rub.
“I thought so. And perhaps it would do you well to take a bit of a vacation, hm? Perhaps a few days? Your beloved home needs a bit more insulation, you know. I’m much too delicate for the cold, at my age…”
The chyme within churned, and her gut purred. More than happy to, of course.
“You will? What a generous little dear you are.” She grabbed her hanging underbelly and shook it playfully. “Unnnngh, and how generous I’ll be when I’m through with you!”
The satisfied lady ambled leisurely to her favorite chaise, falling backwards into it and sending her immense ball belly bouncing and sloshing. If you were whole before she flopped to the cushions, that jostling made short work of you. She yawned again and absently patted her incessantly jiggling gut. It would be a long weekend of digesting, and once you’d reconstituted, she was sure you would be singing a much cheerier tune…
All the better. Happier food was yummier food.
Hhhh I need this to happen to me right now
Thank you for the story! That does sound like a relaxing break… just being able to turn my brain off and focus on making my pred’s gut all noisy and full~
Also the line about the bath is pretty tantalizing and actually gives me an idea for something… hehe, I would love to just relax in that grumbly spa as I slowly become fat on her tummy 🥵
“Your new home” is a vore trope that drives me bananas. Uuuggh god I love it it’s so hot, and the line about the pink carpet rolling out <3
It’s so fitting that I can’t talk to her as I’m melting and I can only really communicate in sounds… plus, I’m probably too, uh, “distracted”, if you know what I mean
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screams-in-writing · 3 days
Had to split this ask up into screenshots in order to answer each bit of it more easily (some of it got longer than expected), and to do a little bit of writing at the end.
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It’s probably because I enjoy the thought of flustering Mr. Puzzles, because it seems like he’d have great reactions due to more than likely being touch-starved/ so focused on his chosen goal that Puzzles might be taken aback/in disbelief that there could be someone interested in him not only as a friend but as a romantic partner as well. But I do feel that as soon as Puzzles is more used to that kind of interaction and feels that he could possibly deserve it, he’d be more open to showing genuine affective instead of teasing and disregarding feelings to try and distance himself from being hurt.
But to the next part; Yes yes yes, especially when Mr. Puzzles lowers his voice. He most certainly would, at this point, be on better terms with the reader if he feels that he can go through with such an idea and he’d be all in. He probably even wear that lip biting face from the new episode when he thinks about it because I feel that would be funny and possible concerning to anyone around him if he’s not thinking about flustering the reader when alone.
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Debating whether to have it become a joke about him staying at the abandoned house just to make it sound so much more ominous and dangerous than it it is meant to be. But at this point int he relationship mr puzzles would be more easily be able to get the reader to come with him to ‘hang out’ which normally in-fic would eventually be them watching some movies that mr puzzles hadn’t seen, helping with scripts for the podcast the reader is a part of above the cafe reader (and Mr puzzles) work at or when they’re trying out a relationship just, cuddling on the sofa while doing their own thing but mr puzzles soaking up the attention and physical contact like leaning against one another or holding hands. Makes him giddy to have all that attention to himself.
And it’s 💯 effective for him to do that, since at this point, the reader knows how dramatic mr puzzles can be, so the door being locked abs the lights going out isn’t as intimidating as if would have been, say, the first few weeks of knowing him. Reader doesn’t know what the man’s planning but as soon as puzzles starts using that low voice of his reader doesn’t care what’s planned as thoughts go bye bye. pls, continue to serenade me with your lower voice puzzles, and those occasional growls at the ends of words. There’s No getting away or avoiding admitting that puzzles voice does affect reader. Especially when the touches begin andter mr puzzles does make certain reader is good with the scenario happening and oof man’s gonna go all in with his voice, just to see what happens, and oh, does puzzles like the effect that he can have on you. He’ll definitely want to do this again. It’s delightful to be on the control side of the flustering.
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Static fuzzy kisses and nuzzles with the screen of the tv my beloved. Man’s being able to be charismatic and charming with the confidence back due to the reader’s positive response toward him. It’s exhilarating and can see why the reader likes to fluster him. And mr puzzles would sure take his time up to this point. on one hand, it’d be hilarious to have reader just fall down out of pure shock because what in the world was all that? where was the shyness and uncertainty from before??
Here’s just a lil bit more, since I’m already giggling and kicking my feet over the ask alone and the thoughts that it got me thinking about it.
Mr. Puzzles was very close to you, the static tickling your skin, the warmth of the screen nice.
You don’t think he anticipated that you’d end up collapsing onto your backside. But it had been so unexpected for him to suddenly be so forward like this, and you end up lying flat on your back. Flushed, you couldn’t help but let out a breathless laugh. “My, falling for me this time around, my dear? How flattering!” Mr. Puzzles looked pleased with himself for causing such a reason. Then, with a surprisingly hooded look flashing across the screen, Mr. Puzzles lowered himself to the floor, lanky limbs bracketing you on the floor. There was space for you to wiggle away should you need. “Shall we have a repeat preformsdw of that? For prosperity?”
You wordlessly reached up to seize his shoulders to encourage Puzzles to lean over.
“I think I much like this; to fluster you in return.” A low, low chuckle as Puzzles whispered sweet nothings to you as he leaned in indulgently for another ‘kiss’, pressing the edge of the screen gently against your cheek. “I enjoy it a lot.” Mr. Puzzles voice ended with a low growl to it.
“Stop that.” You tried futility as you swatted his shoulder.
“No, I don’t believe I will.” Mr. Puzzles teased lightly as he rested his metal tv head alongside yours, a grin taking up the screen. His hands lightly trail along your shoulders as you lightly grip his in response. “That blush really suits you-“ The screen pressed to the side of your head, the low growling tone back, deep and pleased. “-when I put it there myself.”
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Team Past Propaganda
Because I started thinking about it again and now I'm all emotional-
I want to convey in words why I chose Team Past and why I don't think it contradicts the themes of the Splatoon story modes, because while the Squid Sisters do a great job of describing my basic reasoning in the Splatfest introduction, I understand why the story modes might feel like Present or Future are the "correct" answers.
(Spoilers ahead for all story modes, including Octo Expansion and Side Order)
Nearly every Splatoon villain is stuck in the past or heavily influenced by it in some way.
Mr Grizz and Tartar are the obvious ones: Grizz wants to see the return of mammals, and Tartar is disgusted with the current ex-sea life running the planet and wants to wipe it out and start over in favor of creatures more like his beloved humans.
In a way, being born of the regrets and desires of some escaped Octolings to return to their more orderly roots, Order/Smollusk can also be described as being motivated by the past. Even DJ Octavio does much of what he does because of the outcome of the Great Turf War and old grudges.
A recurring overall theme of these story modes, started in Octo Expansion and then expanded on (heh) in Rise of the Mammalians and Side Order, is that you can't turn back the clock, and you can't escape change. Even if Tartar and Grizz had "won", nothing would have brought back Tartar's scientist or the old mammals. In fact, their plans would have, ironically, destroyed humanity's last remnants. (And don't get me started on the thematic symbolism of Mr Grizz becoming biologically more fuzzy ink monstrosity than actual bear-)
I don't think it's a stretch to say that Grizz at the end of RotM is speaking with authorial intent in his final moment of clarity: "The times have changed. The world can never be as it was. Moving forward...is the future."
So the point of these story modes is that you can't move backwards. You can't rewind time; what's done is done, what's past is past, and obsessing over it and trying to revive it at the cost of the present and future isn't healthy (and doesn't work anyways).
But that doesn't mean you should never look back.
Rise of the Mammalians, like every other story mode dating all the way back to the Wii U, has optional lore, and it dropped an absolute bombshell for us lore nerds: the current ex-sea life of the Splatoon world didn't just evolve after humanity fell, their evolution was influenced by the desires of the last humans in Alterna. The species grew to leave the water because the Alternans' last wishes were to see the sun again. (And it was somehow transmitted through crystal detritus, which is some interesting sci-fi, but sure, why not?)
And this, in my opinion, is a pretty emotional reveal, and is treated as such.
Suddenly, all the significance given to Calamari Inkantation over the series pulls itself together - the fact it is an old, practically ancient folksong, described as being part of Inklings' very DNA, yet with the power to compel Octolings to seek the surface as well, and even transform Smallfry? If all that isn't enough to spell it out for you, the Inkantation is sampled in the credits' theme Wave Goodbye... Chanted by human vocals. The song that's been an Inkling battle anthem and the inciting moment of so many Octoling character arcs was passed down by humanity. Those scrolls from Splatoon 1 casually dropping that our colorful squid-kid world is a post-apocalyptic one come full circle.
Rise of the Mammalians tells us not to get so obsessed with the past that we try to turn back time... But in the same breath, reveals the past of the Inklings and Octolings and sea creatures we love so much and uses it to tie them together in the present.
Even Marina, a character who can "take or leave" her past and continually, consciously chooses to focus on the present (and to a certain extent, the future), goes out of her way to create the Memverse to help sanitized Octolings regain their memories of the past. She's also happy to reunite with Acht, who she shares a lot of history with. An exclusively present focused view could theoretically tell those Octolings that they don't need their memories to be whoever they want to be now, or could bristle at someone showing up from a problematic past, but Marina clearly doesn't hold to anything like that. She values the present the most, but she doesn't scorn the past.
And I think that's what I like about this Splatfest so much, and why it made me think about my choice for so long. Like Chaos vs. Order, (where they're careful to make clear that Pearl doesn't hate the status quo, and Marina doesn't necessarily want nothing to ever change), I feel they were careful to try and be clear that there isn't a definitive "correct" answer to this one. Callie herself points out at the start of her defense that all three of Past, Present, and Future are important, and I agree.
Splatoon as a series emphasizes living in the Present and not being afraid of a changing Future, but I believe it also values the Past. It loves to show where its characters and world came from to inform a little more about who they are today. (Just look at each member of Deep Cut getting a dedicated Sunken Sea Scroll about their family history!) I believe it takes a similar stance I do, that while your Past doesn't entirely define you (again, see Marina), it is nonetheless important - crucial even - to understanding who you are.
And someday, as you move onward through the present towards a brighter future, you'll look back at today - at the past - to see how far you've come.
So, uh, yeah. This cephalopod game makes me emotional and I love finding excuses to blab about it, so might as well get it in words before the actual Grand Fest starts.
If you read this whole thing, thank you so much, and whatever team you pick, I wish you the best!
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So, um...I have made another countdown blog. Whoops?
Anyway, I made one for Creativitwins because they haunt me (/lh). I already run the Intruality one, but I mean...I'm not called the CEO of Creativitwins Fluff for nothing!
(I don't wanna just promo all over ya, but if ya want the blog, I can send the name :3 )
ANYWAY: some headcanons with Dukexiety (and also Roman, I guess).
Remus doesn't care who knows about their relationship, but Virgil's still a little hesitant about telling people, so he respects that
Remus will flirt with Virgil openly. Virgil is okay with this. The Others are like "in front of my salad?" (except maybe Janus, he's too used to Remus to care)
Roman especially notices how Remus seems to only flirt with Virgil, which has his Romance senses tingling
Sometimes Virgil flirts back. This flusters the Duke with glee every time it happens.
Snuggle buddies! Especially is Virgil is recovering from/dealing with a bad spiral or Remus' thoughts are getting too loud or if either of them is upset about something
Remus is a hoodie-stealing gremlin. Virgil knows this, and has a spare hoodie just for Dukey to steal.
Mr. Fuzzy will purr because it's a sentient creature-plushie-thing. Virgil found this out one time when Remus was over in his room and they were cuddling. Mr. Fuzzy was nearby on the bed and purred at seeing them relaxing for once. It jumpscared Virgil.
When Roman figures out "oh shit, my brother and my bestie are dating, proably", he decides to ask Remus about It (he doesn't wanna freak Virgil out). Remus is like "ha, what?" just as Virgil comes into the room and hears what's going on. Virge is kinda suspicious of how Roman figured it out before he's like "I'm literally Romance, what-" and then yeah. Virgil and Remus tell him they're dating and Roman's supportive. His first response is along the lines of "okay, but like, why my brother?" (lmao)
Roman now knows about Dukexiety. The Others still don't. He uses this to his teasing advantage without giving things away. Virgil wants to throttle him (/aff).
Eventually, Virgil's okay with everyone knowing and so they tell the Others. Janus is mostly unfazed. Patton is a little confused but also gushy. Logan's like "...was that not common knowledge??". Apparently, he also figured it out. He and Roman bond over the fact that they figured it out before everyone else. More teasing ensues.
(c!Thomas) Thomas has no clue. No fucking idea. The twins will use this to their advantage of vaguely joking about it. Virgil now wants to throttle both of them (/aff).
Roman sees how happy his brother is with Virgil, and sometimes will get a little sentimental over seeing Remus happy. Remus doesn't get to be happy a lot of the time, so it's nice to finally see him just get to be happy.
Thomas once summons Dukexiety in the middle of kissing each other and that's how he finds out. He just stares for a solid five minutes like "wait, what?" (Remus finds this funny. Virgil makes sure they didn't break Thomas.)
Uhh, that's I have for now. Have a good timezone :D
( @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat )
Y E S Y E S Y E S fucking D E V O U R I N G A L L of this it's S O damn D E L I C I O U S and cute P L E A S E!!! I absolutely A D O R E Ro being supportive of the Spooky Beloveds (You can't spell "Romance" without "Roman" after all) Also I fucking L O V E Mr. Fuzzy being a sentient creature-plushie-thing their child has come to L I F E Your Honor and it's what they D E S E R V E <3
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simplysedusa · 10 months
PPG Headcanons I Plan On Incorporating In My Fics
Elmer is albino, and he still has his glue powers. He's done quite well keeping it under wraps thanks to Professor Utonium and his pen-pal, Dexter.
Ms. Bellum is Princess Morbucks' maternal aunt. Penelope (Princess's mom, Sara's sister) and Sara were close as could be from a typical middle class family. That all changed when Penelope started dating Roy Morbucks. Ms. Bellum never liked the guy but her parents could be happier. The final nail in the coffin was when Penelope announced their engagement, and the two haven't spoken since her wedding day.
Prior to moving to Townsville, Mr. Morbucks had business in Townsville; some of it legal, but most of it wasn't. With the Powerpuff Girls being the beloved superheroes, it'd only be a matter of time until someone hired them to look into Mr. Morbucks' establishments and discovered his criminal underbelly. He decided to take Princess and enroll her in the very same kindergarten as the Powerpuff Girls to be her eyes and ears. He didn't expect her to become a supervillain out of spite, but he decided to fund her endeavors as a distraction.
Mitch has a tumultuous family background. His mom is dead, his dad's an alcoholic whose constantly in and out of jail with a different girl of the week living with him in the trailer, and his grandmother is hospitalized. Once Professor Utonium learned of this, he allowed Mitch to spend the night whenever he felt the need to. The constant exposure to the Powerpuffs allowed him to become friends with Blossom and Bubbles, closer with Buttercup, and a nicer person overall. He's still rather rebellious but he's no longer a bully. His interests are motorbikes (or any kind of car) and animals, surprisingly. He helps the volunteers to look after Twiggy during the summers on Monster Isle, who helps keep the monsters away from Townsville.
The Gangreen Gang (minus Ace, obviously) are a few of the aforementoined volunteers. Much to Buttercup's chagrin, Mitch and the reformed Gangreen Gang are on good terms.
Beebos are outlawed in Townsville, Farmsville, and Citiesville. All of them have been relocated to Monster Island. Mitch also helps keep an eye on the population and their feeding habits during his volunteer work over the summer. 
I can't decide if I want one of the Rowdyruff Boys or the Gangreen Gang to illegally have a Beebo, but one of those former delinquents definitely has one and are trying their hardest to keep it a secret lmao.
I've spoken about him here but Barnaby Mayer (aka "the Mayor") had been embezzling money from the city of Townsville for years. He came from a rather poverty stricken background and originally wanted to become mayor to help change Townsville for people like him. His newfound greed got to the better of him, and a certain someone close to him who I don't want to spoil just yet only helped push him further. Deforestation only allowed the growth of Townsville's infrastructure, at the expense of Fuzzy's property. Bribes from rich corporations in Townsville allowed the Mayor to turn a blind eye to wherever they dumped their toxic waste, which affected the Gangreen Gang and mutated the Amoeba Boys as their part of the city became the city wasteland. Sedusa's own court case was even rigged in the research lab's favor as a deal; the Mayor offers them funding and in exchange, they keep quiet about what he asks of them (future questionably unethical Chemical X experiments to extract a weakness against the Powerpuff Girls, silence on the ozone layer of Townsville and the radiation/pollution from monster waste, the Antidote X handcuffs, testing other animals which lead to the creation of the talking dog, White Kitty, and Roach Coach, etc). Most of Townsville's infamous villains link back to him (I got the idea from this post in particular, I just expanded on it).
Speaking of Sedusa's court case, I spoke a great deal about her here. Her real name is Annalise.
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°•◇ Smoshblr Tag Game ◇•°
I was tagged by @smoshidiot and @smoshmonker (thx & sorry for the late reply) ♡
1. How long have you been watching Smosh?
Since early 2006.
2. Favorite Smosh cast member(s)?
Ian, Anthony, Amanda, Spencer, Chanse, Courtney. But I love so so many :')
3. Favorite pairing?
My favorite duos rn are Ian & Anthony, Ian & Amanda, Courtney & Ian and Shayne & Courtney & Spencer. But i love many dynamics.
4. Favorite recurring character?
That's tough because I truly love many. The first one that popped into my head was Redacted though ♡. (But I miss really old ones :'))
5. Favorite Smosh video?
(Thinking only main for this one, even though it's probably meant as in general. But there's too many!) This is very tough for me lol. Answered this here but also I love: Paranormal Easy Bake Oven, Stranded, Survival Hack, Stop Copying Me (both), Axe Murderer, Mr Beast Copy Cats, Sleepwalking Disaster and My Dead Friend. 🤭😚✌️
6. First video that got you into Smosh?
The Pokémon Lip Sync video ♡
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7. Favorite picture of the cast?
(current) (ish) (yes i cheated)
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8. Favorite picture of your fave?
You know what? I originally had like 5 pictures on here and got frustrated because I just love too many pictures of him that i also wanted to kinda summarize stuff I love about Ian. But I gave up and will just give you 2 that regularly make me feel a lot of things (in an almost painful sort of way). Other photos also make me feel that way but I don't wanna cheat too much. So have Ian as Adam, my absolutely beloved, apple of my eye, precious himbo and ancestor of Dom Perignon (in my hc). And Ian hugging Sarah Whittle :'), because their friendship means a lot to me and that photo makes me feel warm & fuzzy.
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9. What Smosh series do you want to see more of?
Let's Do This (but only with Ian as the host tbh. Ofc I'd enjoy others doing the hosting probably but I think Ian's host energy was perfect for it).
10. Dream guest on Smosh Mouth?
Ian's Mom, OGSoG
Thank you! :)
I'm tagging: @smoshkidtv , @squig-s , @japhan2024 and @thequeerlibrarian-fandoms and everyone who wants to do this :)
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princess-ibri · 2 years
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Captain Hook Villain Backstory
James Hook is his real name in this, different then Barrie's Hook who was named something before but so much of Disney's Peter Pan/Neverland stuff is different then Barries so I don't feel too bad changing it
Alot of this stuff is taken from backstory elements given to him in the "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" show, which I'm going to say has been 'filtered' to retell to children and contained a lot more actual peril and such in the Real Events which 'inspired' the show 
James  was raised by his mother Dorothea and her first mate Nell,  and spent his childhood in the Seas of the EverRealm, including the NeverSea, which contains the Neverland Archipelago which sits at the fuzzy border of the EverRealm and Our World
It was during this time that he learned to speak the  language of the Neverland fairies 
But he was rather dismal at pirating, and so as a boy was sent back into Our World to attend Eton under the care of his mother's sister, Emily--both his mother and Nell had sailed out of Our World (after starting as a lady and her maid fleeing the lady’s cruel husband with baby Hook on the way) aboard a washtub turned escape vessel and had originally hailed from England before turning pirates 
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Turns out that he just needed to get out from under his famous mother's shadow. Hook flourished at Eton, becoming a member of the esteemed Eton Society even, and became a source of pride and terror to the school, hailed later as a "Great Etonion, if not a good one"  
Eventually though he tired of academic life and set out once more to sea, undertaking his childhood occupation once more with considerably more skill and cunning. No doubt learned while destroying his opponents on the playing fields.
Despite his new vigor however, becoming captain of his own ship at the age of 18 due to his prowess, he  lost his first crew during an unfortunate incident involving blue pixie dust, which left him with a vendetta against the inhabitants of Neverland
He was rescued from a watery grave in the NeverSea by one William Smee, who worked aboard the vessel under the dreaded(and likely Cursed to still be about and buckeenering at this time) Captain Blackbeard. Hook quickly moved through the ranks of the ship becoming Blackbeard's bosun, before overthrowing and marooning the infamous pirate and those loyal to him, and forming a new crew, renaming the ship The Jolly Rodger
Hook sailed about for several years pirating across the Everrealm and dipping into Our World before returning to Neverland to cause some trouble for the fairies of Pixie Hallow--and finding himself sans one hand thanks to the fairies new charge and protector, one Peter Pan
Hook then spent years in Neverland trying to get revenge on Pan before being chased out to the Outer Islands of the Neverland Archipelago, where, having lost his crew apart from the ever loyal Mr. Smee and two musically inclined though rather dim crewmates, he was forced to eek out an existence trying to rebuild his reputation. All while running afoul of another young boy and his friends who'd been placed there by Pan to protect the Outer Islands
Eventually Hook was able to regain his prestige and his crew (though neither where what they once were) and set about attempting to gain revenge on Pan once more, though this time he tried to do so through kidnapping Pan's beloved Wendy Darling-though he actually got her daughter Jane, as he was unaware how much time had passed in Our World
Stuff that brings in my Canon Descendants characters:
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After this latest defeat at the hands of children Hook finally decided to try settling down, and for some years lived peaceably enough with his long admired lady, the piratess Red Jessica. Despite Hook's dislike of children the pair even had three of their own together, and Hook came to care for them in a degree his own way, though he was never a very good father 
Eventually though the couple split and Hook returned to his own pirating, determined as ever to gain his revenge on Peter Pan.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
 “i’m wondering why i’m freezing and i see you’ve stolen the entire blanket.” with jossam my beloved
Well, well, well...if it wasn't the consequences of his very own actions coming to bite him in the ass.
The guest cabin had been a stellar idea (there wasn't a force on heaven or earth that could convince him otherwise), the isolation and the quiet just absolutely unmatched when it came to romantic potential, buuut as he watched the warm, cozy lump Sam had made under the blankets rise and fall with sleepy breaths, he had to admit he'd made, uh, one teeny-tiny oversight: Romantic vistas or no, the guest cabin was fucking cold.
He could get up and crank up the heat, only no he couldn't, because that would involve getting out of bed and losing even the warmth of the sheets; he could get up and dig through his bag for another pair of socks and maybe a hoodie or two, but again, there was the whole 'leaving the bed' issue; he could rummage around the bedside table and hope someone had left a lighter in there once upon a time, and he could just, y'know, set himself on fire to get some -
"Hey, Mr. Tossy-Turny...mind not tossing or turning for five minutes?" Sam yawned, rolling over and cracking a bleary eye before sleepily smirking. "Uh oh, I know that look - I told you we should've stayed in the lodge, you putz, bet you're wishing we were back there right now, huh?"
"Um, actually, Samantha, I'm just over here minding my own business, is what I'm doing...minding my own business and wondering why I'm dreaming about losing my toes to frostbite, then I wake up and see, oh, huh, weird, you've stolen all the - " and whatever he'd meant to say next was promptly swallowed up by the quiet woomf of Sam enveloping them both in the thick, fuzzy blanket, her body warm with sleep against his, and her laughter warmer still.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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chaos--gremlin · 4 months
Mr Fuzzy stimboard in purple and green
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carlplsrailme · 2 years
HII DAISY (with intention of making you witness my undying love for Carl) 🐈‍⬛🦈 ANON HERE I HAD THR MOST SEVERE BRAINROT YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS LMFOAOAOOO im so sorry in advance ily shawty 😕💗
warnings: perv!carl, innocent!reader, fluffy carl, deranged ramblings, slight dubcon? (nothing too dark hes just a grabby lil guy), sort of ddlg-ish, corruption kink, horrible humor, female masturbation, carl helps out reader, mutual pining + "strictly friends" plot because i love that shit, nicknames like princess/baby/doll
(Carl is 18+ here, think S8/9) (he is alive in my mind 😻😻)
perv!carl would 100% fr ong randomly grab you, like you'd be standing next to his chair at the table rambling about the first issue of some comic you found and wanting him to help you find the rest, and he keeps peeking at the hem of the tiny skirt you're wearing that keeps jumping up and down as you move excitedly, you're like "pleasepleaseplease you have to come with me and get the rest it ended on such a massive cliff- AAH" and hes looking at you like "ended on such a what?" with such an innocent face as if he didn't just shove his hand up your skirt and grab your upper thigh and ass in his big hand 😭 and you're just like "-hanger uh Carl what are you doing" and he starts groping at the flesh and so casually says "touching you princess, friends do that right?" knowing damn well you're thinking about stuff like holding hands or hugging
perv!carl not letting you read the 18+ comics he has because "you're too sweet for this, its got naked people baby, can't let stuff like that pollute your pretty little head" 1, 2, 3...bingo  "please? just wan see a little?" and he can't say no to your doe eyes- well i mean thats the reaction he wanted from you anyway- knew he was going to get. i think it goes without saying that you were swirming in his lap the whole time you read as he held the book and turned the pages for you, hot breath on the back of your neck and between your legs
sitting on perv♡carls leg one day as you watch tv and hes writing down stuff you guys need at home and he absentmindedly starts bouncing the leg you're sitting on, you didn't really notice anything other than a tingly feeling at first and now you're gently rubbing your soaked pussy onto his jeans thanking God he wore black ones today struggling to not move too much so he doesn't see you acting like a bunny in heat. You're up off his lap as everything starts to feel warmer and fuzzy, too scared to know whats going to happen next, a little "'m sleepy, gonna go upstairs" as you wobbly at first walk run  away into the shared bedroom and sit on the edge of your bed trying to will the feeling away. It doesn't help that Mr Eddie bear (EDDIE MUNSON REFERENCE???!??!?!?111!!11😱😱 *GONE WRONG* *POLICE CALLED*) your most beloved teddy is staring at you with his beady little eyes saying "hump me! hump me!" he wasn't doing that at all he was just looking at you and you thought of recreating your little activity with Carl onto him, he was right about the comics polluting your pretty head 😕
Carl didn't really hear your soft whimpers coming from upstairs, the hem of your tshirt you hapharzedly bit on muffling the sounds, but as he neared the door - he didn't mean to hear them, he just wanted his gun so he could get your comics for you - he hears your soft sobs coming through the tiny crack in the door which you didn't fully close. This man thinks your crying at first, goes over every single thing he did that day incase he was the cause of it but all of a sudden snapping out of that once he hears your aah and then a frustrated whine. He likes to think he didn't start palming himself over his jeans at the sight of you in your blush underwear with a little red bow and lace edges, white teeshirt soaking at the hem from your spit, messy hair framing your flushed face covered with a thin sheen of sweat. Small hands gripping into the comforter as you grinded your hips down onto Mr Eddie Bears poor, now soaked face, eyes squeezed shut under your furrowed eyebrows. He whimpers a little thinking hes never seen anything prettier, even in your feral state which he unknowingly caused, you're the most beautiful thing hes ever laid his eye(s) on. He then fingered you till you bit him and cried and then fell asleep on him afterward ☺☺
perv!carl cumming in your underwear and making you wear it, loooooves watching you turn pink everytime you sit down and squirm feeling his warm fluids under you.
Not perv!carl idk what to call thsi one😞 but Carl letting you shave his face, you're sitting on the bathroom counter with your tongue poked out and eyes squinting narrow as you drag the razor gently up his jaw. Hes holding your waist and watching you do this with so much concentration, loves your little whine and then giggle when he boops you, getting shaving cream onto your nose (sobbing qnd weeping)
Sitting on Carls lap as he fingers you and you jerk him off, then lick his cum off your fingers while he looks at you flabbergasted, "tastes like ice cream" you say softly with a little giggle - you're gonna have to use your hands again -
SLEEPING WITH HIM RAAAAHHHH hes the biggest softest warmest cuddlyest big perfect boy to cuddle with or just sleep on, I like to imagine lying on him like a ducking koala bear - legs on either side of his hips, arms around his neck and your face squished into his, hes got his arms around your waist holding you tight so you don't slip off (like thats even possible)
every now and then you rub your nose into his cheek like a cat, long gone into dreamland whispering his name among some other incoherent words
Carl. Just Carl yes thats all, Carl
Carl Monstercock Grimes fucking you missionary, your legs are hiked up and wrapped around his hips, one arm around his neck and the other lying limp like the rest of your body. Hes lying on top of you, keeping you down with his weight as he fucks in and out of you, hitting that one spot which makes you go all stupid over and over and over again, you're not even sure how long its been or how many times you've cum at this point. You can feel him so deep inside of you, literally no thoughts just Carl♡Carl♡Carl♡
Carl making you suck his dick out in the open, your bare knees are on the rough pebbles getting rubbed raw as he fucks your face. He cums and you swallow it all and he picks you up off the ground to your feet like a little doll. Feelsbadman when he sees your cut up red and pink knees, makes you back against the wall as he gets onto his knees and kisses yours better - Now in his defense you shouldn't have worn a skirt he got a peak up of so easily - so technically he isn't to blame for your trembling thighs around his shoulders as you cum on his mouth and fingers 😊
sorry if this is much or you don't like these asks, i wont share if you dont wish to see these <33
but DAMN cat shark, girl you really just wrote a whole ass book and dipped. I KNOW this has been in your head for a while LMAWEIFA
but this is amazing omg <3 thank you for taking the time to write this babes!! <3
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lost-technology · 11 months
Actually, I Really Like Candy Corn
Tri-Tober Fanfic shorts Prompt 31: Diablo Setting: Trigun Maximum (and potentially other canons) Summary: The Earth Forces introduced old Earth holidays to Noman's Land to boost morale and to try to get people to accept their rule. Children both young and very, very old take to some of them with enthusiasm.
Prompt 31: Diablo Actually, I Really Like Candy Corn A knock at the door brought Milly’s attention.  Kids were shouting and covered in pumpkin-guts, all of which she’d been trying to save because no one wasted any potential food in Noman’s Land.  The denizens of the Hopeland Orphanage wanted to simply throw patches of sloppy mess at each other, but she’d promised them roast pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie later if they’d just let her gather it all up instead.  The Earth Forces had introduced a long-forgotten old Earth holiday to Noman’s – Halloween.  They’d introduced quite a few, spanning different cultures – something to boost the morale of the populace (there were a few native holidays, but very few, since struggling to survive had taken up more than enough of people’s time).  The Earth Forces thought that “injecting some joy into the backwater” might make the people more amenable to work with their governance.  Halloween was, well, it was something strange – but beloved by children the world over because it meant that adults had to give them treats – and that if they did not get treats, they had a degree of permission to be utter little gremlins.  Milly was volunteering at the orphanage doing carvings of Jack’s Lanterns to Ward off Evil. Soon, they would be dressing in costumes to play pretend, also a part of the supposed evil-warding ritual.    She answered the door.  “Trick or Treat!”  Little Maria screamed behind her.  “It’s… it’s El Diablo!”  The children all started shouting “Diablo! Diablo!” and laughing as they pretended to be scared of the tall costumed devil that stood at their door.  A man in red pajamas like what Milly’s grandpa wore with a fake tail pinned to it and donning plastic horns shook a plastic pitchfork and threated to drag all of the children to the Hot Sauce Factory where they would only get candy that tasted like chili peppers.  The short woman beside him groaned.  “You’re a grown-ass man, Vash.”  “Oh, Meryl!  How cute! You look like a little kitty!”  Milly piped.   Meryl was, for the most part, dressed normally, but she sported a pair of fuzzy fabric black cat ears.  Her nose was blackened and she had black streaks across her cheeks.  “The lunk convinced me to dress up.”  “Aw, Meryl,” the devil said, curling his hands together, “You wouldn’t want to ruin my first Halloween, would you?”  “It’s everyone’s first!” “And we agreed to take the kids out Trick or Treating!” Vash added.  “We should dress the part, right? “Alright, now,” Vash said, bending down and pulling an invisible line on his tail to make it curl upwards, “We’ll wait for you to get into your costumes.  And…um… clean up.”  “Diablo!  We’ve gotta defeat El Diablo!”  “Oops, he’s being climbed on…” said Milly.  “Oh, hey! Could you be a little more gentle?”  “I’ve got some candy corn for anyone who will get off of Mr. Vash.”  “Candy corn sucks!”  “Actually, I like candy corn,” Vash said from the floor.  A little boy stepped out front from one of the back rooms.  Vash managed to get himself untangled and to a standing position.  He simply stared at the child.  The kid was wearing a red duster coat, had spiked up their hair with way too much gel (and seemed to have pasted some broom-bristles into it for good measure) and was carrying a rubber-dart pistol.  Vash rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.  “I…uh… probably should have expected this.”  “You’re famous, Mister,” was all the kid had to say.”  “Of course I am,” Vash replied with a too-big smile.  “I’m El Diablo.”  
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weird-dere · 9 months
hi twy!! i’m not sure if you’ve been asked this yet but I’d love to hear about any winter or holiday traditions that you and ichigo have!
Hi beloved! :D 💗💗💗💗💗
I hope you have been well :3 💋💋💋
Kissing and cuddling you forever uwu 😘🫂💜💜💜.
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a little bit, apologies! I’m here and ready to answer it now though uwu.
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As the holidays come closer and closer we are doing more things to remain warm! Most nights I can be found sipping on a cup of hot cocoa and Ichi will have his mug of cappuccino. We’ll also bust out some soft fuzzy blankets and start getting cozy together owo. Also, neither of us really ever take baths, but during this season we have some together here and there. We’ll have candles burning in the bathroom too so we can unwind and be intimate, but not necessarily be sexual uwu.
Christmas movies are not really our jam to be real. But we love to sit and watch youtube reviews of the shitty ones lmao. Consider it getting into the spirit and getting a good laugh along the way lol. We are always having some kind of cookies and milk to munch on while watching. Sometimes popcorn as well! Either regular, or the kind with either cheese dust or caramel on ‘em.
There is of course also decorating the house for Christmas 🎄. We have a few garlands with lights, a wreath for the front door, some merry rugs for the kitchen, and of course the Christmas tree that goes in the living room. We try to do everything in one day, so we have music blasting through the house as we do it together. Take breaks sometimes to snack together n such :3.
We also make time to do something creative or expressive together! Maybe we decide we each wanna try to paint a Christmas scene. Or we make some paper decorations from scratch. Maybe we try to make and decorate some gingerbread cookies or put together a gingerbread house. Maybe we try to draw silly Christmas themed outfits. Or even take a visit to a Color Me Mine or adjacent establishment and make some Christmas themed ceramic items! And all the while we have some Christmas music playin (if we are at home) 🎅🎵.
Also it’s been so so long since I’ve driven around to see all the pretty lights n stuff people put out! So I would love to do smth like that with Ichigo or go somewhere where a city is decorated with a bunch of bright pretty holiday cheer uwu.
Not sure if this bullet I’m serious about at all LMAO, but having silly thoughts about having a day where we do some roleplay of santa and one of his elves/mrs. claus or smth n we get to fuckin’ 😂😏🍑💦
Thank you for as always for providing me the opportunity to talk about my fave selfship of all time 🫶🏾💕😚💋💋💋
I greatly appreciate you giving me your time, attention, and the space to me 🥰.
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Spoiler for new ep:
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