#remus brainrot setting in
chaos--gremlin · 4 months
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Uh oh guys...... I think I sneezed myself back to 2017 (and took Mr Fuzzy with me)
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nikolai-alexi · 5 months
This just popped into my head but I feel like a marauders band AU, but with anonymous bands, would be super cool. Like yall know how Sleep Token is just I, II, III, and IV? And they wear masks? It’d be fun to do something like that with the marauders, the valkyries, and the skittles. It’d give them the opportunity to be super vulnerable with their music in a way being a regular band wouldn’t.
Regulus and Sirius would be free to express how badly the abuse growing up was without airing their dirty laundry.
James could actually say what he was thinking without worry about someone else’s feelings.
Barty could write about the toll of growing up neglected and ignored and find something healthier to cope with his anger without having to worry about people not taking his ‘bad boy’ act seriously.
Remus (assuming it’s a muggle au) would have a space to talk about anything and everything he wanted without chronic illness being the first, and only, thing people see about him.
Evan could write about his own internalised feelings and have an outlet to actually understand what and why he feels certain ways instead of repressing it.
Peter would be able to talk about his insecurities, feeling inferior to his friends, and learning how to cope with stressors instead of running away from them.
Pandora would have a safe space where people couldn’t marginalise her because she’s “too weird” or “doesn’t fit in”.
Dorcas could use her music to work through her internalised homophobia about herself and unlearn the things she was taught.
Marlene would have a conductive place to release her anger at things in her life without hurting the people around her lashing out.
Lily could have somewhere to put all the issues and heartbreak with her sister and know that there’s other people who know and understand her pain.
Mary would have an opportunity to put people in her shoes and force people to hear her and what she’s saying instead of them dismissing her because she’s a woman of colour.
Idk I just started thinking about how cool an anonymous band AU would be. Like they all know each other but none of them know who the people they’re in a band with or the public know who they are. It’d be pretty cool and it’d probably open a lot of doors for lots of angst, bonding, and ✨therapy✨
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caffeineinmyspleen · 11 months
The brain rot sure do be rotting
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ecstarry · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic / football / 768 words / @bellaxisworld i love you
--- here's a little kiss cam brainrot <3
"But I hate football, you know this," Regulus reiterated to a very persistent Remus over the phone.
“I know, but Sirius can’t make it and he doesn’t want the tickets to go to waste. It’s just one game,” Remus remarked with a hint of something that Regulus couldn’t quite place. 
That’s how he ended up at a Saturday sports match, hoping the players were hot; at least he would be entertained that way. He approached his seats and yelled Remus’ name, but someone else turned around: James.
“Reg? Why are you here? I thought I was meeting Siriu-” Regulus interrupted him, only a Potter could manage to insult him as he was greeting him.
“Nice to see you too James, well I thought I was meeting Remus. So you were also not who I expected to see.”
Before James could give a proper response, they both got a notification on their phone. Regulus looked at his screen to read Remus' quick text: Sorry, can’t make it. Have fun.
“I’m going to kill him,” Regulus mumbled. 
“Sirius just canceled on me. I’m guessing you got stood up too?” James asked kindly, but only received a mean glance in response.
In silence, they took their seats. Regulus was beyond pissed. How could Remus do this to him? He thought for a second that they might’ve been set up, but he thought this ruse was a bit dramatic even for Sirius’ standards.
“Do you like football?” James asked, breaking the silence.
“Detest it,” Regulus replied tersely, still too upset to entertain James’ attempt at conversation. When his brother’s best friend asked if he wanted anything to drink, he simply declined in a polite and quick manner.
But when James returned with his favorite treats and a wide smile to his seat, he couldn’t remember what he was upset about. Regulus felt a discreet blush work its way towards his cheeks as James handed him his favorite candy.
“Sirius mentioned you liked this, so I figured that if you were stuck with me and in a place you don’t want to be, you might as well get a sweet treat, no?” James said casually, as if remembering someone’s favorite candy was nothing.
To Regulus, it was such a significant gesture, but he couldn’t help but feel a little pathetic by how such a simple token could make him feel so warm. If he was honest, maybe it had more to do with who was giving him that attention than the piece of candy itself, but that was not the time to process that.
The game continued, and to Regulus's surprise, he found himself having more fun than he had expected. While Remus would have been good company, James was captivating in his own way. Despite not being a fan of football, Regulus made an effort to stay informed about the current games. A fact that he deliberately kept from James as the other man’s eyes lit up explaining everything. He never expected to be so absorbed in James’ words or thoughts or lips or eyes or arms or smile...
 Oh god, when did James Potter become so attractive?
“Regulus?” His name coming out James’ lips took him out his trace.
"Kiss cam," James said, pointing at the screen in front of them. There they were, the two of them, with a crowd surrounding them, chanting for them to just kiss. Regulus felt as if seconds extended into hours as James's hand gently cupped his chin, his eyes silently asking for permission. An inaudible yes left Regulus's lips as the distance between them evaporated.
His hand instinctively reached for James' shirt, pulling him closer as if their lips touching was still too far a distance to bridge. He allowed himself this moment, the touch of an angel on a broken man. Every crevice of doubt within him was filled with warmth as James kept asking for more with his tongue. James parted slightly, and the absence of his lips made Regulus remember himself. Embarrassed, he started to pull away, but James held him tightly, his hands not leaving Regulus' face.
Regulus bravely opened his eyes to face the regret that was sure to be all over James’ face, but instead he found something else— something sweet and soft, something only honey eyes like James’ could convey. He was still light-headed from James’ touch, he couldn’t make sense of just how long he had been given access to heaven. 
But the reality remained: he had just kissed James Potter, who seemed just as delighted to have kissed Regulus Black.
Maybe football wasn’t that bad.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
I See You - Theodore Nott x Reader
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Summary: Theodore steps in when Draco corners you Words: 1.8k Warnings: fluff really Notes: I blanked while writing this as I've had Theodore Nott brainrot recently so don't mind me if I post a few Theodore stories
Today was meant to be a peaceful day with Harry still at Hogwarts with Remus and Ron and Hermione off giggling like a lovesick couple. Hogsmead is ever so pretty covered in a blanket of snow and the bustles of students here to have fun and buy each other last minute Christmas gifts. But, of course, I can’t have anything nice as I round the corner from where I left Ron and Hermione in The Three Broomsticks I bump into a familiar blond. 
The sneer ever present on Draco’s face as he shoves me away from him, causing me to stumble and before I know it I’m on my ass in the not so pretty snow. I just shake my head, pushing myself up from the snowy ground, brushing the cold flakes clinging to my jeans. Draco’s mocking laughter fills the air, eyes narrow with distain as he looks down at me like I’m dirt under his shoe.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the Weasley girl,” He sneers, tone dropping with derision, “As expected, stumbling through life like your family stumbles through poverty.” 
I take a deep breath, refusing to let Draco’s words bring me down, his little jabs always hurting but I’m never gonna let him see it so instead I meet his gaze with a defiant glare, sneering back, “Does your mother always look at you like she’s stepped in shit?” 
A flicker of something flashes across his face, but before I can decipher it he quickly regains his composure, “Watch your tongue, Weasley. You may think you're clever, but you'll always be just another insignificant blood traitor," he spits. 
I stand my ground, refusing to back down. "Oh, Draco, I would rather be a blood traitor than a heartless coward who hides behind his family name and pure-blood arrogance," I shoot back, my voice filled with determination. "At least I know the value of true friendship and the strength that comes from standing up for what's right. Something you'll never understand.” 
It all sounds so cliche and stupid but the surrounding students watching the exchange have mixed expressions, some wearing smirks of satisfaction at my words while others hold their breath, waiting to see how Draco will respond. But before he can retort, a tall figure steps forward, silently wedging himself between Draco and me. It's Theodore Nott, his typically enigmatic expression softened with a touch of resolve. Without saying a word, he calmly places a hand on Draco's shoulder and pushes him away, creating a safe space for me to stand. However, he may have pushed a little too hard as Draco stumbles backwards, momentarily taken aback by one his best friends apposing him let alone standing up to him. 
Draco is tall but Theodore stands taller, an undeniable air of quiet confidence surrounding him. His raven black hair, somehow perfect tousled, frames his striking features, drawing attention to his piercing blue eyes that hold a depth of mysteries. There’s an intriguing allure about him, an enigma that seems to follow his every move. 
With a subtle gesture, Theodore motions for Draco to dare take another step closer, the weight of his actions speaking volumes. The surrounding students, captivated by the unfolding scene, exchange whispers and glances filled with admiration and surprise. 
Draco, shaken by the unexpected opposition from one of his closest friends, regains his composure. His pride wounded, he attempts to mask his disbelief with a haughty glare. However, the cracks in his facade are evident. It's a rare sight to witness someone challenge Draco, and the students relish in the spectacle, some fighting back grins of satisfaction and with one final sneer Draco turns on his heels and struts away. 
There’s a flicker of concern behind Theodore’s piercing blue eyes as they shift their focus to me, a genuine care that sets my heart at ease. With a gentle smile, he takes a step closer, his voice resonating with a warmth that catches me off guard. 
“Are you alright?” Theodore’s voice, smooth and velvety, reaches my ears like a soothing melody. I think it’s the first time I’ve truly heard him speak, and there’s a captivating timbre to his words - a perfect harmony of confidence and tenderness. I find myself momentarily entranced by his presence, the way he effortlessly brushes a bit of snow out of my hair, his touch sending a gentle shiver down my spine. 
With a grateful smile, I reply, “Thank you Teddy, let me buy you a drink to make up?” The air around us seems to hold a certain electricity, a shared moment that lingers in the wintry atmosphere.
Theodore’s eyes widen slightly and I’m not sure if it’s at my offer or the fact I called him ‘Teddy’ without thinking about it, but either way, surprise mingles with the lingering warmth in his gaze. A hint of a smile plays at the corners of his lips as he considers my proposition and after a moment of silent contemplation he’s nodding and accepting my invitation. 
“Teddy?” He asks quietly, almost shyly, as we turn back and head towards The Three Broomsticks, the thoughts of Butterbeer already warming the chill working its way into my bones. A soft blush creeps up my cheeks as I meet his gaze, finding comfort int he genuine warmth radiating from him. 
“Yes, Teddy,” I respond with a gentle nod, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, “If that’s okay with you? It feels right.” The admission carries a sense of vulnerability, as if I’m opening a door to something new, embracing the familiarity that seems to have effortlessly blossomed between us. 
A genuine smile spreads across Theodore’s face, eyes crinkling at the corners as he mumbles, “I like it.” There’s a softness in his expression as he speaks, a subtle shift in demeanour that draws me closer both physically and emotionally. I’m bumping shoulders with him lightly as he pushes open the door to The Three Broomsticks for me. 
The air is thick with the aroma of freshly brewed Butterbeer, mingling with the comforting scent of wood and fireplaces. The low ceiling is adorned with an array of floating lanterns, casting a soft, golden glow that dances upon the polished wooden floors. The walls are adorned with aging tapestries and moving portraits that I still can’t get used to, having been introduced to the magical world when the Weasley’s adopted me just after my 9th birthday. 
The tavern is filled with a harmonious blend of laughter and chatter, the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of magical fireworks, probably from some new toy Fred and George have created, punctuating the joyful atmosphere. The patrons, a mix of Hogwarts students and locals, gather in small groups at the wooden tables, engaged in animated conversations or enjoying a game of Wizarding chess. 
Madam Rosmerta moves with grace behind the bar, effortlessly serving Butterbeer and other magical drinks. Her warm smile and friendly banter create an inviting atmosphere, making everyone feel right at home. 
We make our way to the small table indicated by Madam Rosmerta, and as we settle down, Theodore takes the seat beside me. His presence is comforting, his arm casually draped over the back of my chair. It's a subtle gesture, yet it carries an intimacy that sends a thrill of anticipation coursing through my veins. As he lean in closer to hear me other over the lively ambiance of the pub, Theodore's head ducks down, his voice a soft murmur that tickles my ear. The proximity between us feels both exhilarating and comforting, like a secret shared between kindred spirits. In the midst of the bustling crowd, we create our own little world, cocooned in the warmth of our connection. The laughter and conversations of the other patrons blend into the background, fading away as our focus rests solely on each other. 
“You’re so beautiful.” The pads of his fingers brush lightly over my jaw, sending my face aflame as it’s something so unexpected and something so right. His voice is deep and full of genuinely which isn’t expected from Slytherins. Before either of us can say or do anything else Madam Rosmerta approaches with our drinks, a tray of steaming Butterbeer and a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Theodore’s hand moving away from me, his touch fleeting, but it sends a jolt of electricity through my fingertips, leaving me craving more. With a grateful smile, we accept our drinks, the frothy liquid adding a touch of sweetness to the atmosphere. The taste of the warm Butterbeer dances on my tongue, mirroring the warmth that spreads within me whenever Theodore's eyes meet mine. 
With Madam Rosmerta’s retreating figure a sense of anticipation lingers in the air. I feel Theodore’s gaze intensify, his eyes fixed on mine with a mixture of tenderness and desire. Without a word, he captures my jaw between his thumb and forefinger, guiding me gently toward him. 
Time seeming to stand still as our lips meet in a surprising yet delicate kiss. The world around us fading away, leaving only the soft press of his lips against mine, the warmth of his breath mingling with mine. It’s a kiss filled with unspoken promises and raw vulnerability. It has me melting into his strong presence, my body instinctively leaning closer. His touch both electrifying and gentle, as if he’s holding me with the utmost care. The taste of butterbeer lingering on his tongue adds to the intensity of the kiss, drawing an embarrassing sound from me. 
As the kiss comes to an end, both of us breathless and wide-eyes, a hint of surprise flickers across Theodore’s features. He stammers, voice laced with a touch of flustered apology, “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to…” 
But, before he can finish his sentence, I’m silencing him with another kiss, my lips pressing against his with a mixture of urgency and tenderness. It’s my way of telling him that he doesn’t need to apologise, a soft sigh escaping me when he brings a hand up to cup my jaw as the kiss ends just as sweetly. I’m whispering softly, voice a blend of relief and affection, “I’m glad you like me Teddy. I’m surprised you even see me.” 
“Oh sweetheart,” His vice is low, eyes searching mine, a myriad of emotions swirling within them, thumb caressing my cheek as he leans closer, lips barely brushing mine and he murmurs four words that leave me speechless: 
“I’ve always seen you.” 
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lynxindisguise · 1 year
I am still in the single parent Sirius brainrot where he moves to muggle village to raise Harry and when he takes him to kindergarden (Harry is like 3) the other parents are like who is this weird young man with ripped jeans and leather jacket is he even responsible enough to raise a child???? But soon they find out that Harry is well loved and he is the cutest child ect so they warm up to Sirius. The old ladies start to hint that if Harry needs a mom they have a nice granddaughters... But wait until they find out that on top of not having a partner, Sirius also doesn't have PARENTS. Unacceptable he is such a nice young man!!!!! The old ladies adopt him and Harry gets like five sets of grandparents.
awww the old ladies would LOVE sirius!! they'd have the same reaction to padfoot too—surely this massive shaggy creature couldn't be safe to have around a child?? where is sirius, and why has he left harry under the care of this beast? but oh my, isn't he the most polite, well-behaved dog? so gentle with harry! how utterly delightful!
and then as the years go by and they start to see more and more of his very good friend, remus, they're a bit concerned. is he a druggie? he looks like a druggie. it's admirable of sirius to try to set him on the straight and narrow, but what about harry? and then they finally meet remus, and immediately fall in love with him and start trying to feed him and knit him warm clothes, and they think it's so lovely that he and sirius had that little friendship ceremony in the backyard!
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hxlda-hxlda · 8 months
death eater remus brainrot but make it wolfstar angst.
i've had this one scene rattling around in my brain for the last few days and i sat down to give it a chance. the discord server has since enabled me and i fear it's turning into a fic (there's already a doc and a plot, we're too far gone). anyway, enjoy the angst:
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” 
Sirius Black had never been a forgetful man, nor boy. Quite the opposite, in fact. He could still recount the years of every single Goblin Peace Treaty being signed, then broken, signed then broken, in chronological order of course, from that one History of Magic exam in the fifth year. He could still tell you how many bricks lined the ceiling of the classroom McGonagall would make him sit detentions in. Sirius could still recite, precisely, every Slytherin secret password he’d ever managed to get ahold of, for when he and James would sneak into the Slytherin common room and steal all their left socks. 
He could also, with immaculate precision, recall the Welsh drawl of none other than Remus Lupin. He’d sooner forget his own name than the sound of that damn voice. 
The street was empty seconds ago, or so he’d thought. Remus had always been better at skulking around, appearing over his shoulder and scaring the living shit out of him. 
“Moons! We’ll have to attach a bell to your shoes, I swear to Merlin.” 
“What? Just because I don’t announce my presence to the school like you and Prongs?” 
Street or Hogwarts corridor; some things stayed the same. 
Sirius could have laughed. He did not do that. Sirius whirled around.
“Miss me, did you?” he spat before the words could get caught in his throat. 
Remus was tall. Taller, maybe, if that were possible. Sirius had been taller once, up until the end of the fourth year. Then Lupin had shot up over the summer; beating himself and even James. 
“Moony! Any taller and you’ll have to crawl through doorways!” 
He had more scars, too. Again, it was apparently possible. A new one on his right cheek. The familiar one that slitted across the bridge of his nose. His nose was more crooked, broken a couple more times, maybe. He was so different, but not really. 
His eyes were the same: bronze, golden as they caught the afternoon sunlight. 
“You’ve the prettiest eyes, you know? Like caramel, Moonshine.” 
“Says you. You’re prettier than the rest of school combined. All that inbreeding, I think.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Remus was three, maybe four, metres from him. The street—a pathetic, grimy muggle alleyway of a thing—still felt far too exposed despite being empty; vulnerable. Sirius let his wand drop from the left pocket sewn into his jacket sleeve. He couldn’t see Remus’ wand. It set him more on edge. 
“Your brother sends his regards,” scarred lips murmured, a smirk on them. He had another new scar that etched his top lip as well.  
“Oh, you’re carrying messages, are you? Good, you can tell him to go fuck himself.” 
Remus laughed. It was much less familiar. Cold. He stepped closer, just one pace. “Where did those pureblood manners go, Black?” 
Sirius refrained from flinching at his surname, cruel on a once-kind tongue. “You tell me, you’re the one staying in their fucking… snake’s nest.” 
Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Dramatic as ever, I see. Nothing has changed.” 
Sirius scoffed in turn; a mimic. “Everything’s changed, don’t kid yourself.” 
“Careful, you’ll start sounding all sentimental. You saying you miss me?”  
“Moony! I missed you!” 
“It’s been an hour, you berk.” 
“I missed you anyway.” 
“...I missed you too.” 
“They'll kill you, you know,” Sirius said. To the pavement, the new scar slicing his eyebrow had been too distracting. 
“I’m not a fool, Black. I’m not under any false guises.” 
“Then what? You’re running about torturing muggles for the fun of it? You aren’t a monster.” 
“That’s not what you said last we spoke.” 
Sirius snapped his gaze up. Remus’ eyes—golden, like caramel, Moonshine—were wide, angry, still hurt, Sirius swallowed his own. 
“I never meant that and you- you know-“ 
“Fucking spare me.” Another step toward Sirius. 
“Come home, Remus.” Another step, toward Remus. 
Sirius wasn’t pleading, he’d vowed not to, refused to when he’d left all those months ago. (He was pleading anyway.)
“I have no home.” 
Sirius threw his hands out, laughing something sour and slightly manic. “Merlin, you haven’t changed either. Always so fucking melodramatic. Such a fucking martyr, is that it? ‘I’m just poor little werewolf Remus Lupin—’”
Remus flinched, as though hexed. Later, Sirius will wish he had hexed him instead. 
“‘I have no one. No home.’ Is that what this is?” 
“That’s not fair.” 
“You’re right! It’s fucking stupid, is what it is. ‘No one’ my arse. You had James, you had Lily, Marls, Pete–“
Remus laughed this time. Sirius didn’t understand the joke. 
“You had me.” 
“You have me, Moonshine. Forever and ever and ever.” 
“That’s a pretty long time.” 
“Well, hope you aren’t already sick of me because I’ll be there for all of it.” 
Sirius could have been slapped, wished he was instead. “What?” he choked out. 
Another step toward Sirius. They were face to face, now. Remus looking down, Sirius up. He’d always looked up to, at, for, Remus. “Of course I didn’t have you. You had me. Merlin, you had me. But there’s a difference.” 
“I was your- your fucking pet!” 
“That's- that’s not- you can’t possibly believe that.” 
“No? You all didn’t treat me like some novelty?” 
James had always said that he and Remus argued as though already married for twenty years, squabbles that could become full-blown arguments that could become laughter in minutes. It was just how they always were. 
“Leave them, they’ll be right within the hour. Too much love for each other, I think, sometimes they just have to be loud about it.” 
Sirius wondered if that was what this was. 
“Novelty?” he echoed; breathless, bewildered. 
Remus barked another cold, foreign laugh. “You don’t even realise. Christ, you didn’t even fucking realise it.” 
“Release what? I loved you. You weren’t a pet, you were my–” 
Boyfriend? Best friend? The love of all loves. All of it felt too small, none of it right. 
“Pet,” Remus interrupted. “Something that was there, for you to blow off steam with once a month, feel like you were a part of something grand, maybe get off with while we were there. Don’t be stupid.” 
“Me? You’re being stupid. You’re deranged if you think that.” 
Sirius, in a rather untimely manner, glanced down. Just enough, just the right amount, that he was looking at lips he knew well, had tasted plenty. Chocolate and cigarettes and that wine they’d get drunk on random Tuesday nights with because they were sixteen and what else was there to do on a Tuesday night when you were sixteen and sickeningly in love? 
Perhaps it was habit, the way his eyes found those lips and his own mouth sought to follow. He wondered if they still tasted of cheap wine and chocolate and home. 
“Let’s get you home, Moonshine. It was a rough one tonight, wasn’t it?” 
“I have to go.” 
Sirius hadn’t realised it was him saying the words, him stepping backwards and forcing the distance between them, until he was back to safety; one metre, two metres, three, away. 
Remus was looking at him. Sirius could not read why or how in that moment. It was all too much. 
Sirius felt he should say something but the usual ‘it was good to see you’ didn’t quite sum it up right. Apparating without another word felt just as wrong, however. A voice in the back of his mind, sounding something like Alastor, reminded him he shouldn’t apparate at all when a Death Eater could so easily follow. 
That’s right, Remus; the Death Eater. 
Sirius felt sick. 
“I have to go,” he said again, for lack of anything else. 
“I have to go.”
“Wait– Remus, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“No, you did. I think we’re done here.” 
“Don’t follow me.” 
When Sirius apparated, no one followed him. Not to the first decoy location, not to the second, not to the third. Sirius found himself in his flat, he found himself alone, he found himself thinking of Remus. He’d like to lie and tell you he didn’t often find himself in this very way, but Remus was always the better liar of the two of them. You can ask him, see if he has something to offer. 
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moonlitmeeks · 2 years
omg am i too late for sugar and spice… if i am feel free to ignore this but if not then.. i just know remus my love lupin would introduce you as “his girl” to everyone. would literally be attached at the hip . he’d never take his arm off your shoulders, and if for some reason he couldn’t be touching you, he’d never stop looking at u with all that love in his eyes !!
omgomg you aren't too late at all love,, this is making me go insane actually thank u for giving me the chance to dump my brainrot on this—
no because remus is possessive in a way that isn't overbearing or controlling: he just likes people knowing that you're his, that you chose to be with him over every one else. the pride he gets from introducing you as 'y/n, my girl', savouring the words as he says them and delighting in the fact that the other person now knows you're together. his hand is always around your waist, resting politely just above your hip and keeping you close to his side, or in a more casual setting his arm is slung around your shoulder, tracing circles on your skin every now and then to remind you he's still there!!!! if you do somehow end up separated, remus' eyes never leave you. he can be talking to someone, yet his eyes are locked on your form across the room, making sure you're okay and having fun. and when you catch his stare and give him a smile his gaze softens and its obvious to whoever he's ignoring speaking to that he's head over heels for you
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calethelettuce · 1 year
Sanders Sides Brainrot: The Sides' Rooms, Electric Boogaloo
LISTEN, HEAR ME OUT: You've heard of the sides having rooms based on where Thomas is currently in the house..
But what if each of the Sides just- had their own separate houses? And they lived in a cute little Neighborhood in the Mind Palace :O There's a little park and a library, plus a gateway to The Imagination!
It's a cutesy little neighborhood, the houses are set along one side of the road, while the library, park, and whatever else the sides want is on the other side (Patton makes a look of chicken crossing the road jokes about this part)! The actual Mind Palace common area is in the library and is now often used as a lounge for reading and other things. Once a side is introduced, their house is moved over to the neighborhood.
The sides' houses are identical to Thomas', but have their own aesthetics (except Roman is extra af and he has an entire castle in his backyard but still).
There's a scrapyard somewhere for Remus to do his thing (he'll get banned from the neighborhood if he does anything out of said scrapyard, but he doesn't care), though Logan sometimes visits to do some slightly more dangerous experiments.
Logan and Janus take care of the library. Patton, Virgil and Roman tend to hang out more at the park:
Virgil chills under trees (or in them, depends on the day)
Patton sits on the swings at the playground while he does things like doodle or sew (I headcanon that he's trying to learn to sew to help Roman fix his outfit after adventures)
Roman wanders in fields and likes to summon random, fun things (like a bouncy castle, that's his favorite).
There's a neighboring town where the other characters Thomas creates are located. Sleep and Picani often visit the Sides' neighborhood. It's a lengthy walk, and Roman has no control over that area.
Remus is banned from going over there. Janus takes occasional trips over there to "observe", although we all know he just likes visiting the OG foir (The Prince, Dad, Anxiety and Teacher characters).
Roman and The Prince character have a friendly rivalry going and they often meet in between the towns to battle it out (mostly at Twister). Remus likes to interrupt and confuse Prince.
Logan just thinks The Teacher Character is kinda dumb. That is all.
Patton and The Dad Character are literally besties. They also talk a lot about their kiddos! :D
Virgil and The Anxiety Character don't talk. They're too anxious.
The Sides treat Picani and Sleep kind of similar to Sides, although they aren't considered sides in the slightest by Thomas. They have their own, small area for when they visit since they come so often.
They're just a big happy community your honor 🥺
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*materializes into existence*
I've been inspired by 👑 anon talkin' about trans!Virgil, and so I present to you... transfemme!Remus.
This is all in a highschool au setting bc Brainrot (lol).
Remus, who keeps her name but usually goes by "Re" or "Rem" bc well her closest friends and her brother call her that anyway. Rem that's like "gender is a fuckin' puddle on the damn floor, it spilled and it's sticky and it get fuckin' everywhere like juice and glitter" and dresses whatever fuckin' way they want to (which can be inconsistent styles). Rem who feels she/they is the best fit for them. Rem who has a very supportive twin brother, and Roman's first question when she came out to him was "Can I still call you Re?" and Rem was like "yeah :,)" and thus some happy tears from Rem because, oh hey my brother's really there for me oh oh okay, akdjasdasjd.
Rem who has a very supportive and chill-about-gender-because-screw-gender-roles type of boyfriend.
Virgil is that boyfriend who gives a death glare to anyone who even looks like they're about to be mean to his partner about her being trans. He went on anxious autopilot once when Rem wasn't feeling well and asked them if they needed period stuff. It took both of them a second to be like "wait" and they laughed about it bc Rem doesn't get periods nor have they ever gotten them. Virgil is that boyfriend who sees Rem in literally anything and gets this lil awkward blush. His joyfriend is pretty and he is very queer, thank you very much. Rem always teases him when he blushes at her, but she feels secure in the fact that her partner finds her pretty in anything she chooses to wear.
Omg, the amount of fuckin' jokes Rem would make out of being trans. They won't ever stop. They see a semi-truck on the road that has the "trans-" prefix in its name and makes a joke out of it. Roman and Virgil will laugh and snort and snicker with her about it. Trans jokes are fuckin' hilarous (says a trans person), especially when you're making it with fellow trans peeps (*cough cough* trans/nonbinary!Janus is here too *cough cough*).
When Rem is feeling dysphoric, or when she sees herself in the mirror and can only see a him staring back and it feels off? Well, ya see, their brother is always there for them when they're feeling low or bad. They're twins; they've been through thick and thin, even through all of their arguments and bickering, they always make sure the other knows they won't leave. And of course Virgil is there for his wonderful girlfriend and her friends (Janus, especially) are there within seconds. They've got an entire squad of supportive and genuinely caring people by their side.
Rem who likes being called partner/girlfriend but joyfriend is her favourite.
And so yeah: transfemme!Remus :3
T4T Dukexiety my fucking beloved I fucking L O V E this!!! It's S O fucking sweet at how supportive Re's boyfriend and twin along with their friends are <3 She's a transfem baddie who doesn't give a fuck about how she dresses and their Emo boyfriend won't hesitate to sock a bitch if they even dare try to fuck with his joyfriend (Also unrelated note I am literally giving you the title CEO of Wholesome Creativitwins Oatmeal because oml /positive)
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Isn't That Us On That Poster?
hihi back at you with another logan centric fic bc. brainrot. i am so normal abt him and orange. teehee.
i purposefully left him unnamed for multiple reasons soooo yeah!!! i've had this idea since i saw this post by@volno-pesh. its been on my mind. literally since i first saw it. this is just inspired by that post a little bit (a lot. i did make a whole scene out of one of the pieces of art they made.. and used the lyric from the same song they did.. BUT YEAH) sooo feel free to go enjoy that art!! bc its so <333
Summary: Logan doesn't like his counterpart very much. Pairing: Logan & Orange Side (platonic) Word Count: 2042 Tags: Hurt/No Comfort, Logan-centric, angst :3
enjoy!! (crossposted on ao3!)
A fluke was all it was. Logan never lost control like that. He’s had outbursts before— poor puppet Roman bore the brunt of it, he hardly ever got so violent— but this? He’s never…
The moment lingers in his mind like the taste of iron in his mouth, replaying over and over again. Logan felt more like Anxiety than he did Logic, right now. What was Remus going to do with this? Was he going to do anything? Maybe he’d blackmail Logan, use the information to get him to do his dirty work or evil bidding, or maybe he wouldn’t do anything. There was no reason for what he did, he just did, after all. But the very thought that Remus had witnessed it made Logan’s stomach twist and turn.
As he watches Thomas rush out the door and trip over boxes, and gives one last look over to the mess of the apartment, he sinks out, defeated. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. This was his day. His day to help, to get through to Thomas and help him better achieve the best life he can possibly live. After all the hard work he’s done getting him organized, helping him and the others rationalize his intrusive thoughts— all the work that went into the very creation of the schedule itself! He’d done so much for so little and he was going to be demonized for getting upset with the fact that maybe, just maybe, he wanted a little recognition for once. Was it so much to ask for a thank you? If it was up to Patton it’d be mandated, if the Redux he was pulled from was any indication.
He rose back up in his room, feeling exhaustion slowly crawl up his spine and lay over him like a blanket made of lead. Logan knew he only had a minute or two to gather himself, collect his thoughts, and dry his eyes from the angry tears that threatened to spill over. He tossed his planner aside, for once uncaring of the way the pages landed sporadically on the bed and were sure to crease randomly, and took his glasses off. He set them on his dresser and pinched the bridge of his nose, moving his thumb and pointer finger up to rub at his temples as he let out a long sigh.
He was so tired...
Logan didn’t have time to be tired, though. He had a job and that was more important than his own exhaustion. He had to make sure that this little venture to the park was at least worth abandoning the entire day they’d planned out.
After a few long, arduous hours of watching, they’d finally been able to go home. Although the others were thrilled with not only the event but also the outcome, Logan just found himself feeling more bitter than he would’ve liked. He knew it was immature and a waste of time to hold a grudge… so he told himself not to.
Logan sank out, that same lead blanket weighing him down even more as he rises back up into his room. It holds him down as he trudges to his bathroom, flicking on the light and wincing at the usually welcome fluorescent lighting. He examines himself in the mirror, noting the slightly darker eye bags and the tousled hair, probably from him running his hands through it too much.
He takes off his glasses and sets them down, rubbing his eyes. He twists the cold tap on the sink and calmly watches as water flows from the faucet, hitting the white porcelain just loud enough to temporarily drown out his thoughts. He cups his hands beneath it and watches as they fill with water, before he leans down and splashes his face with it. The water makes him feel a little bit better, even if just for a moment. Logan repeats this twice more before he takes a towel, gently patting his face dry before he sets it down. He grabs his glasses and reframes them on his face, glancing up at his reflection once more before he flicks off the light. He closes the door to the bathroom and turns to face his bed again, only to be met with a figure clad in bright orange.
Logan jumps, his left hand bracing against the doorknob behind him and earning a chuckle from the other side. “Oh, Logan. Not expecting my visit?”
Logan glares at him. He’s still exhausted, even more so now after the date, but he couldn’t go to sleep with this… “What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing.” He grinned, baring his teeth in a way that only read as predatory to Logan. Like he’d tear him apart if he was given the very chance. “Just wanted to see you.”
An unlikely occurrence, Logan thinks. Either Janus didn’t care to show up or he was being truthful. “I’ll pretend that’s true. What is it that you really want?”
“To check in on you after what happened up there, silly!” He grinned, tilting his head as he spoke. “You put on quite a show… what a shame Thomas didn’t get to see the fireworks.”
Logan narrows his gaze. He’s doing his best to pick apart his words and dissect his mannerisms, but this bastard is too hard for him to read. If only he knew more about how or why he worked.. “It is not a shame. If Thomas had seen, that would create an even bigger rift between the two of us. I cannot create anymore metaphorical distance between us as he’s already having a hard time listening to me as it is. Furthermore, Thomas is already reeling from the revealing of Remus and Janus, you do not need to be added to the l—”
He burst out laughing, arms crossed over his chest as he did so. “Oh, Logan.” He murmured, shaking his head. “You’re positively adorable. You know that? You try so, so hard.” He rises from his spot on the other side’s bed, and Logan notes that the planner from earlier is still in ruin behind them, and crosses the room to stand directly in front of him. “And yet, you still fail time and time again?”
Logan hates how it gets to him. He knows that’s what he wants: to upset and get another rise out of him so he can take influence over him once more. Logan can’t let that happen. “I did not fail. Thomas redirected his attention to a task he deemed more important, and the other sides agreed. Our viewpoints did not align, but we still got some work accomplished today.”
“Oh, is that how you’d describe it?” He laughs, shaking his head. “Because personally, to me it looked more like Thomas tossing you to the side yet again, and you letting him.” He grinned, but there was no joy behind it. Amusement, more like. “Doesn’t that hurt, Logan? Make you angry?”
“You are trying to get a rise out of me; I am going to continue to ignore you.” Logan removed himself from between the orange clad side and the door, instead walking towards his dresser. “Sure, I wish the others would appreciate my work more, but that does not mean I get to stop working completely and take it out on them. Outbursts get me nowhere.”
“I disagree. But, to each their own,” The other hummed, leaning against the very door he’d just had Logan trapped by. “But… you wouldn’t have to keep having outbursts like this if you quit dealing with their bullshit.”
Logan sighs. This is typical. “Your crude words mean nothing.”
“Words, crude or not, mean everything, Logan. You of all sides should know that.” He smiled again, baring his teeth in a way that Logan just despises in the deepest pits of his stomach. “Unless they’re yours.”
Logan turns from his place at the dresser, cut off once more, “Don’t you get tired, Logan? They’ve stopped caring about you,” He begins to walk over, slowly. “When you started out in these silly little videos, you were so… expressive. You were much less of a prude, you actually had fun! You and padre played dress up together, you wore your onesie and didn’t have a care about it— you expressed yourself.” He approaches Logan in full, pushing his back against the dresser. “And then, a switch flipped at one point. Suddenly, you were all business! No feelings allowed! You stopped smiling, you stopped letting yourself feel joy or anything you considered to be a waste of time, but worst of all, Logan?” He leans down, directly in his face, “You became what they all wanted you to be: An empty, emotionless robot with no feelings, and no other purpose than to answer questions and calm fears when the moment arrived, and when your moment had passed, you could be disposed of.”
Hot, angry tears sting Logan‘s eyes, threatening to spill over. He glares at the now blur of orange in front of him, tempted to yell, scream, hit, punch, do whatever it took to get him and his painfully honest words out of his room. He thinks he can waltz in here and just insult him like this, in the one place he’s supposed to have safety, and destroy that for him as well? Logan knew deep down it was all to get him to react, to upset him and make him lash out again, but all that weighed right now on Logan’s mind was the painfully heavy fact that the other hadn’t lied.
“Get. Out.” Logan spits, fighting back the tears as best as he can.
“I don’t think I will.” The orange side grins back at him. “Admit it. You want to get angry. You want to make them all shut up and listen, don’t you? You want the order, the control, don’t you, Logan? You want to be listened to.”
“So what if I do?!” Logan shouts, near startling himself with the sudden outburst. Tears spill over and fall onto his cheeks, burning red from crying and the anger welling in his chest. “You’d feel just as bad as I do if everything you did that they didn’t deem necessary was discarded!”
“See? There it is,” The tone he used is patronizing, speaking to Logan as if he is some sort of little harmless animal. “You just have to say that! Talk all about how angry it makes you feel, or, alternatively, you take control back by force. I could help you with that, you know.”
Logan shoves him, steadying himself on the dresser as he straightens his posture. “No. I will most certainly not be doing that. I do not need you.”
Suddenly there’s a hand on his jaw and an arm around his waist, spinning him around and pulling him flush against the citrus colored side. “Oh, Logic, don’t be silly! Just look at us!” He forces his head in the direction of the mirror in front of the dresser, earning a glare from the other. The dark blue and bright orange go disgustingly well together, but that doesn’t make Logan anymore trusting. “Don’t we look wonderful together? Come on, now… you mustn’t think you can do this by yourself.” He releases his grip on the other’s jaw and spins him around, “Let me assist you. I know we’re foils but—”
“No.” Logan insists, reaching a hand up to wipe his damp cheeks. “I never have, nor will I ever, need your help. The only way you can assist me now is by getting the hell out of my room.”
“Alright. Alright. I see how it is.” He puts his hands up defensively, backing away slowly from the logical side. “But trust me, Logan. You’ll come crawling back, one way or another. That is a promise.”
The other sinks out, and Logan is momentarily ecstatic to be rid of the orange in his room entirely. He can finally breathe again, relax, as he chews over the words that were said and lingered in the forefront of his mind.
He turns to face the mirror, eyes once again gleaming with orange.
Logan hated the idea that maybe he was right.
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jegulusofwesper · 10 months
omg hi i haven’t talked to you in so long 😵 but I’ve been having a mauraders brainrot recently and i HAVE to ask about what your opinions are on like tattoos each of them have like from the mauraders era
laz!! hiiii!! how’ve you been?
okay so you made the brain rot brainrot hard
i haven’t done every character but here’s some with some help with/confirmation on sybil from @stonedregulus
james - deer antlers on his v line, harry’s dob, something that signifies the other marauders - could be the footsteps of the map idk but they’re close and i think it’s matching, regulus’ quidditch jersey number or flowers for lily.
sirius - i feel like he’d be like louis tomlinson with a bunch of little random ones, he’d have his star’s constellation tattooed and add a moon in the centre when moony finally says yes to marrying him, remus’ favourite book quote above his heart because that’s where his moony will always be. he also got a matching tattoo with regulus after he left to prove to him that he’d never forget his little brother and so that regulus knows he’s always got a piece of sirius with him. the matching marauders tattoo too.
remus - a stick man holding a walking stick (one of the cane ones) like it’s a weapon rather than an aid, matching marauders tattoo, sirius’ favourite song lyric above his heart, book quotes, a skating stickman with a joint.
peter - matching marauders one, goose with a knife in its beak, barbed wire heart on his chest, a chrysanthemum on his ribs
lily - music notes, harry’s dob, a tiny stag head, a cello, broken rope, lyrics, she doodles more on herself than has actual tattoos.
evan - rose on his rib cage, a wonky smiley face on his right forearm just below the crease of his elbow that he did when he was bored, a pair of dice on his other rib, a running out hour glass timer above his heart - because he feels like he’s on borrowed time, a tarot set that pandora and sybil did together and a bunch that he lets barty and reg do when they’re high, matching snake tattoo with reg and barty - his is on his thigh and is wearing a top hat.
barty - snake tattoo on his wrist but his has a bow tie, playing cards, runes, that one :): smile that was popular years ago, a decaying pill bottle, an open book that was stabbed by a dagger and is bleeding, a dagger, an anchor .
reg - matching tattoo with sirius, he loves the ocean because it reminds him of freedom and was fixated on learning of all of the different sea deities and finally got poseidon’s trident on his wrist, james’ quidditch jersey number, snake tattoo on his ribs wrapped around a blade.
pandora - matching tarot cards with evan and sybil, either luna’s name or something to signify her, a book surrounded by potions and smoke, the circle one that’s half sun/half moon, runes.
sybil - a crystal ball, matching tarot cards with evan and pandora, a fox face with sun rays surrounding it, a moonbeam tattoo on her forearm, the moon cycle on her spine, her favourite runes and crystals.
snape - imagine a celebrity au - he met tom riddle once and got his signature tattooed and then he got cancelled and oops 😅
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
can you tell us what your new brainrot wip is yet?? Pls will it involve mass suffering xx
also am obsessed with your zombie fic so much I’ve reread it twice and it’s not even done
ahh thank u!! so happy ur enjoying it i am v excited 2 continue writing it <3 eventually <3 lol
and of course i am always happy 2 talk about my wips!! the new brainrot one is. well it is still in the very verrrrrry early stages of marinating in my brain but it is progressing quite rapidly in terms of infection level so. basically over the weekend i remembered a book series i read like...10 years ago in which there was an illegal werewolf fighting ring. and i was like hmmmm. illegal werewolf fighting ring...
so! now i think. i want to write. like. wolfstar voldemort-won au in which the marauders never went to hogwarts and all grew up separately in a post-voldemort regime--like the first war ended when they were like. either babies or really little kids. and sirius is like posh pureblood rich boy who likes to go out and get into trouble doing shady shit, and one day his friend brings him to an underground werewolf fighting ring for the first time. enter remus lupin stage left.
i think it would take more pre-writing planning than my fics usually do, because i'd need to put a lot of time into developing like. the background setting and what's going on in a post-voldemort regime before i could start writing the first chapter. but!! i think it would be SUCH fun. i'm thinking that through a ~series of events~ remus + sirius would eventually try 2 run away together. enter Order of the Phoenix stage left. and i'm thinking we'd get into a little horcrux hunting take-down-voldemort plot, which is why it would probably...end up being a longer project lol. it would definitely be a very very dark fic and not everyone's cup of tea, but for my fellow angst enjoyers....well i think we would have a fun time!!
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hunnybeegodcomplex · 2 years
Elle / Lo, she / her, 21 (nearly 22), eastern daylight / standard time, 18+ ONLY, and NSFW-friendly!
Feel free to send me random messages, whether that be just chatting, or "hey, this reminded me of our rp(s)!" I am a huge huge brainrot fan, so I'd like someone also willing to liquify their brain with me! As mentioned, I'd love to become friends with my RP partners!
I'd like one reply a week minimum, but 2-3x a week during this summer season is preferred! However, I don't mind since life can get in the way! If you can, just let me know and I'll do the same
I do not ghost, and would prefer not to be ghosted. If either one of us lost inspiration, we can plot something new. Or if it isn't going to work out, no hard feelings! We can just let the other know :) Since I do not ghost, I am selective
I've been writing for a while now! I am (advanced) literate / novella style, and I ask for a similar style from a partner but I do try to match! If you write a lot in a response, chances are, I'll write a lot in return.
I'm best with mxf and fxf pairings, but I am confident I could do a few mxm pairings well. I have not done nb characters yet, but I'd love to! I'm open to trying things I haven't if you wanna talk to me about it!
Some pairings / fandoms I believe I can do well (bolded are favorites of mine or characters / couples i've done before):
Fandomless RP (original plotting & brainstorming!!)
Marvel | Peter Parker x OC (as either. Most familiar with MCU!Peter and PS4!Peter, but I am ride or die for Andrew Garfield)
Constant Peter Parker brainrot; always willing to write with / for him. Current most-desired is PS4!Peter!
MCU | Bucky Barnes × Natasha Romanoff (as Bucky)
MCU | Bucky Barnes × Yelena Belova (have never done this pairing, but I have done both characters)
MCU | Wanda Maximoff x Canon x OC (discuss with me!)
MCU | Yelena Belova x OC (most desired!)
MCU | OC x OC (most desired!)
VERY ANTI-JKR! This is still done only out of the love for this universe and its characters, and Daniel Radcliffe is my favorite funky guy 🥹
Harry Potter | Fred Weasley × Hermione Granger (as either)
Harry Potter | Harry Potter × Hermione Granger (as either)
Harry Potter | Harry Potter x Luna Lovegood (as Harry)
Harry Potter | Remus Lupin x OC (as either)
Harry Potter | George Weasley x OC (big big george lovebot 🥺)
Harry Potter | OC x OC
Harry Potter | Wolfstar (Remus-lean, but I can try Sirius)
ATLA | Aang x Katara (Kataang truther, won't lie)
ATLA | Zuko x OC
The Hunger Games (Everlark 🥹)
(TV or game) The Last of Us | Joel x OC (OC-lean, willing to try Joel)
The Last of Us | Ellie x OC
The Last of Us | OC x OC
Life is Strange | OC x OC. Favorite settings are the settings of the first game and True Colors! The newest game, Double Exposures, can also be a setting
Fire Emblem (3h, Awakening)
RPF (can be discussed!)
Like / interact with this, and I'll DM you, or please DM me! I only RP over Discord and I use Tupperbox. I can guide you through using it, if you need! ✨
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starshard17 · 3 years
More brainrot... here we go
For @haysgrove
Virgil stared at the presents under the tree. His eyes shifted to the empty plate and glass on the table.
"He accepted the offering..." Virgil muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing into slits. He had seen the other sides set out the same offering in years before. And none of them were dead so it must have worked for them.
"Hey Tickle Me Emo- WHOA!" Remus yelled, jumping back as Virgil swatted at him.
"REMUS HE WAS HERE LAST NIGHT!" Virgil shouted, gripping Remus' shirt and shaking him back and forth.
"Woah woah, okay calm down! What if he's not real? I mean we saw Janus dressed as Santa Claus. And if he was here he would've gotten caught in one of the many traps I set up. So unless he's some sort of sneaky little bitch, or he's not real, he's in our house right now." Remus explained, shrugging. Virgil went pale. Paler than usual.
"THERE COULD BE A FREAKY MAN IN OUR HOUSE?!" Virgil screamed. Remus snorted.
"There's already one." Remus said, pointing to himself. "Now there could be two."
Virgil looked as if he could burst into tears. He slipped down to the floor, gripping Remus' clothes the whole way down. Remus shook his head.
"Come on. Let's go find Santa. And while we're at it we'll find Janus too!" Remus cheered, leaning down and carefully lifting Virgil up from the floor. He held the emo like a little cat and started his trek around the house to see if a mysterious man set off any of his traps.
"REMUS? VIRGIL? BOYS?!" Janus yelled from the basement, trying to reach up to untie the rope that had grabbed his foot. He had managed to step over it while setting out the presents but as he was moving to grab the last few he had forgotten all about it. And it had caught his foot. And he'd been dangling upside down for a good six hours. He was feeling nauseous and he'd been yelling all night in hope that one of them would hear him. He waited and waited and no one came to his rescue.
That was until he heard footsteps traversing down the stairs.
"Boys!!" Janus yelled, hoping that was who was walking down the stairs.
"Oh my god Janus!" Virgil exclaimed, scrambling out of Remus' arms and running over to him.
"What are you doing in my Santa trap?" Remus asked, untying the rope, causing him to fall and hit his head on the basement floor.
"Ouch! I uh... Santa Trap?" Janus asked, rubbing his head. Remus nodded as he watched Virgil kneel beside their parental figure.
"Yeah. Didn't want Virge freaking out if an old man broke into our house so I set up things around the house to keep him away from us." Remus said. "How'd you get stuck in one?"
"Merry Christmas..." Janus grumbled, standing himself up and moving over to the last two presents waiting in the basement. He brought them over to Remus and Virgil and watched as their faces twisted in confusion.
"This paper looks just like the wrapping on the ones upstairs." Virgil mumbled. He took the box and looked at Janus' face.
"Well no kidding. I put the presents there." Janus said, crossing his arms. "Even wrapped them myself.
"You. YOU'RE SANTA AREN'T YOU! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE IN THE TRAP!" Remus yelled, summoning his morningstar.
"To a certain extent." Janus said, raising a hand in defense. "I Thought it was fun to watch you boys scramble and yell about why you hate Santa so much but after hanging upside down for six whole hours I think I'd prefer that you know that Santa Claus is in fact, not real. No more traps, no more worrying. Please just go open your goddamm presents." Janus groaned, moving up to the living room.
Remus and Virgil looked at each other then up at the stairs.
"Santa's not real. No one broke into our house." Virgil mumbled. "Thank God!" The emo exclaimed, running up the stairs. Remus followed close behind him.
As they got to the top of the stairs they looked and saw Janus sitting on the couch, rubbing his head.
"Sorry for getting you stuck in my trap." Remus mumbled, sitting on the floor beside him and resting his head on Janus' knee. Virgil sat beside Remus, leaning onto Janus' other knee.
"Sorry for being so paranoid." Virgil muttered, looking up at Janus.
"Oh boys. Don't apologize. Just never ever set up traps to catch a fictional man ever again. Please." Janus spoke, setting his hands on their heads.
"Now how about you open those presents that I got for you. It was a lot of work to get them set under that tree. Much more work than it needed to be." Janus grumbled, ruffling his boys hair. They both smiled and nodded, moving up onto the couch and hugging Janus tightly before they moved over to the tree.
"Merry Christmas you two." Janus said with a smile.
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four-rabbit · 2 years
Ok. Last idea im pitching :P
Bc I had baby brainrot a few weeks back, child Logan seeing "bird seeds" in the kitchen cabinet and insisting they grow birds. His parents unable to explain that no, they in fact do not grow birds but humoring him.
Upon finding a flock of birds where he planted seeds in the evening Logan decides his scientific method worked and no amount of reassuring from his parents can stop him. He's certain he's able to grow an army of birds now, so when his parents drop him at his uncles house (Thomas?) he's set it upon himself to create an army of bird (the birds just learn where the food is and start following Logan).
Remus is in awe bc Logan is able to create life. Roman is jealous and tries to lure the birds with his singing. Patton wants to be Logan's lab assistant and helps him plant the seeds. Virgil is low key terrified. Janus is most probably also jealous and plans to create his own bird army.
More of a silly little idea than an actual story but I hope this sates the baby brainrot somehow :P
This concept is so adorable I just had to make a sketch for it
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I just imagine like Logan coming with a book abiogenesis and proudly using it as a argument that he can create birds because that are scientific theories on his side and his parents trying to find a way to explain that theory was disproved like almost 200 years ago
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