#mr meta
mrfandomwars · 7 months
Something I noticed
Okay, look at this photos:
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Hard, firm lines that may be soft in some parts but still. Firm and Hard and, well, straight.
Now look at this:
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Soft lines, a bit rounder but definitely soft
And Finally, look at this:
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It may be the style of the show, but when you look at the statue he seems... Soft, still with hard firm lines but also rounder in some parts.
A Mixture of both lines associated with both cultures, Jedi and Mandalorian.
A Mandalorian Jedi indeed.
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slateblueflowers · 1 year
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Local Soho lurker, known associate of Mr. Fell, inspiring so much lust around him people flock to the brothel to see if they can spend some quality time with him. And it happens so frequently Mrs. Sandwich had to put a sign up.
Alternatively, as @cassieoh (thank you for brightening the image!!) suggested: ‘DON’T [PAY] THE GUY WITH THE BLACK GLASSES HE DOESN’T WORK HERE!’
Poor Mrs. Sandwich. ‘Yes I know he looks like he works as a seamstress, but he does NOT, so if you could kindly pay me, thank you very much.’
I can’t decide which is funnier, Crowley accepting money from Mrs. Sandwich’s patrons (does he cackle as he does this? Is he confused? Does he walk the money over to her afterwards or do something else with it?) or Mrs. Sandwich having to march over to him and sternly asking him to stop letting patrons pay him instead (does she cock her hip and stick out her hand? Does she laugh along with him? Do they bond over it?? Are Crowley and Mrs. Sandwich buds???)
‘You’re a good lad.’
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humanstein · 3 months
I am extremely convinced that we are just beginning to unwrap what's going on with Ruby Sunday.
Ruby received the perfect fairy tale outcome—wish-fulfillment-level picture perfect. No New Who companion has had such a mellow and completely amicable resolution.
The mystery of her mother resolves with a blameless biological mother who made the right choice and a father who didn’t know she existed. And the mom who raised her is there too. She gets to have everyone. That happy ending was like a picture-perfect Christmas card, narrated by Mrs. Flood.
Additionally, I will need to rewatch to make sure but it did not seem like winter when they were at the coffee shop, yet it’s snowing at the end when we pan up to Mrs. Flood. Unless that was supposed to be much later...?
They also kinda raised more questions about 73 Yards than they answered. They confirmed that Ruby did not prevent the timeline in 73 Yards and additionally made that timeline essential to uncovering who Ruby's mother was. They also emphasized 73 Yards as the limitations of the TARDIS perception filter. Were the people in 73 Yards seeing beyond a filter on Ruby? Is the TARDIS projecting something on Ruby? Did both Rubys cancel each other's out? What did they see?
I'm completely willing to accept that ending if it’s just what it says on the jar, but I'm very suspicious right now. The "watch where you step" thing hasn't paid off yet either.
Something is still up. I’m starting to think the TARDIS is hiding something about Ruby and might have even conjured up Ruby's mom and dad out of nothing to keep hiding it. I know thats a little crack pot.
To clarify, I really liked the episode and I can certainly appreciate the themes of having her mother be normal and having intense value projected onto her.
However, that doesn't explain why the memory was changing, why it snowed, or why Sutekh would be especially interested. Certainly, the TARDIS has encountered more intriguing mysteries. Additionally, I feel like we would have been shown her face in the time window or the video somehow. It's either something or a bit of a missed opportunity in the script.
I feel like “projections of Ruby's subconscious” and “TV show” might still be on the table. Tell me if I'm off my rocker, but combine this with the fact that we know Ruby will be back, and, well, I think there's much more still to come.
So, basically, I'm thinking this is some sort of fake-out.
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bobauthorman · 21 days
Schmeb You Unlocked pages
Scans of images from the Schmeb You Unlocked pages. Sorry about the black line intersecting them, as on the website itself the image were fractured, and I had to reconnect them.
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artbyblastweave · 5 months
The thing I really like about the way Mr. House is written is the way he engages with and defies the evil overlord trope. House is on the hook for atrocities, but not in front of you, and never directed at you. There's never a moment where he goes from zero to 100 and unveils a Secret Evil Plan that has to be stopped from coming to fruition on principle, you never hit a point where you outlive your usefulness and he tries to dispose of you. The story doesn't make it that easy. The worst thing he asks you to do personally is wipe out the Brotherhood, and let's be real, the Brotherhood is begging for you to wipe out the Brotherhood. Those guys are assholes! If you decide to kill House, you'll always be the initiator, it'll always be a decision you actively have to account for. Not that it's necessarily a hard decision to have to account for, because House is an autocrat, a classist, a war profiteer who displaces people from their homes for the sake of his little walled garden. But let's be real here- you are a mailman. You are inherently going very, very far out of your way to put yourself in the position to pass judgement on him in this way, which in turn demands that you, the real life player, make a decision about the worldview and goals of the character that you're playing as. It's neat!
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ortofosforico · 3 months
Louis went from dating the classics theater kid, barely enduring operas and comedies and tragedies, to dating the unhinged avantgarde theater kid that would make him sit through shit like "The revisitation of Hansel and Gretel from the pov of the breadcrumbs starting a class war against the gingerbread house from a futuristic perspective and ending in a bloodbath as all characters die due to the mold infesting the house as a metaphor of our society."
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dabblingreturns · 4 months
Sometimes my inner Kabru goes out and i go "the dynamics of the Touden party is fastinating"
And in this case I mean the dynamics between Chilchuck and Laios.
Why does union boss chilchuck who is well respected in his comunity work with the Touden siblings and why does he go back for Falin?
Reasons why it's odd.
Chilchuck finds laios to be very anoying.
Chilchuck is closer to retirement and this is very dangerous. Rescuing falin and working with the Touden's party is dangerous.
Chilchuck is really good at what he does and respected in his comunity. We can infer this because you can't start a union without the respect of both your peers. But the toudens have a mixed reputation and lead a good but not great party full of weirdos (Namari is shunned by alot of dwarfs, Shiro is a foreigner, marcille an elf mage working in a dungeon.)
Chilchuck does jobs for the money. But there is no clear source of payment in rescuing falin.
All of these are reasons why chilchuck should have been contracting with a group like the Tansu party who have prestige and high pay with little danger.
But instead chilchuck tims works with the Touden's and I think I figured out part of the reason..... and it's right here:
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Even though laios's chilchuck was the first be be eliminated due to the wrong neckwear, look at laios's chilchuck's expression. That chilchuck looks more adult and more pissed off. Because laios sees chilchuck as a pissed off adult half foot rather than a grumpy human child. And we know that chilchuck hates to be treated like a child.
Contrast this with that tansu party. The Tansu party is a family business where members are either family/children or cannon folder. It would be well compensated hell for Chilchuck.
So Chilchuck stays with the Touden, not for money or safety, but for respect, even though the respect comes from a madman.
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mwagneto · 3 months
questions we haven't answered yet that make me super hyped for the next season:
what did the toymaker mean when he said he made a jigsaw out of the doctor's history?
↑ is that related to the strange way the doctor's memories keep changing and the random weird stuff that keeps coming up? or is that something else
was sutekh "the one who waits"? he was never actually referred to as that
multiple characters have referenced "the boss" and that cannot be sutekh, so who on earth is the boss?
this one's kinda meta but ruby left but we know she filmed stuff for s15, is that just a single episode? and is the new companion mundy or just a classic case of repeating actors?
what's rogue's whole deal? do we think his story is done? coz imo him being tied to the above mentioned boss + "find me" + the ring (that 15 is still wearing in eps 7 and 8 btw) definitely seems to imply there's something more there
frankly insane amount of Susan mentions this season - is she actually coming back?
and of course. who the hell is mrs flood!!!!
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 4 months
Honestly, the ghosts can feel other ghosts theory is very well supported, and I would like to share some proof shown during the season.
In episode 1, Charles clearly felt the other ghost (the WWI soldier, Wilfred) strangling him, he also got his face covered in that black liquid after he took the cursed mask off his face.
If ghosts could be able to play the same rules with other ghosts as they do with the living, Charles could have chosen to simply pass through Wilfred and seize the knife. However, he was unable to do so.
Also, during Episode 3, when that ghost's head exploded, Charles and Edwin were covered with the pieces of his ghostly brain, so I guess, fluids are other things that have their own rules when we talk about ghost-to-ghost interaction.
Sure these are not the prettiest of examples, but they support my point just fine. And I guess, it's good information for when you're writing... All sorts of fanfiction.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
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is it just me, or does that sound like a reminder a director would give an actor right as they’re about to launch into a scene?
“and, from the top, Ruby, you’re standing in the street, on the phone to your own mother.”
or stage directions in a screenplay: RUBY, standing in the STREET, on the phone to MOTHER.
nothing to do with me.
we’ve been thinking susan twist is “The Director”, but what if she’s not? what if she’s a helpful member of the crew, trying to get through to Ruby and the Doctor in whatever ways she can; and The Director is actually Mrs Flood?
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The depth of Kirk being a big himbo in his slut era all the time in a very overt human way, while also being a huge nerd brainiac supercomputer on legs.
Contrasting Spock, who is a supercomputer on legs, but ALSO a big himbo in his slut era in a very overt Vulcan way.
Proof: He is so TOUCHY with his captain. He lets touch be a staple in their relationship and just. Doesn’t mention its significance to his culture. Lets people think it’s just him “putting up with” his captain. To non-Vulcans, sure that excuse works. But any Vulcan with working eyes knows what he’s up to. They’re silently scandalized.
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
The Hardships Of Being A Mandalorian Jedi: Part One - Resol'nare
Hello, it's me.
With another post about Mandalorians (and Jedi).
Sorry, couldn't help it XD
Anywho, back to what needs to be said about this post: I'm breaking down how Jedi, if they wanted to be Mando'ade or are mando'ade that were adopted into the Jedi Order (of which then consider something to think about when making ocs like that), would have a hard time with the rules that were put on the concept of 'mandalorian', both in the Six Actions (Resol'nare) from Legends and with the Way Of The Mandalore from (Disney) Canon.
This meta will be divided into 2 parts, the first part is this one and will focus on the Resol'nare (fair warning though, I Will use most of the Legends version of Mandalorian when talking about the Resol'nare, so no fanon) while the second part, found Here, will focus on Canon, specifically on The Way Of The Mandalore.
This part was a lot more certain - in terms of what the jedi would be able to do and what they can't do - than the second part, but only for a bit, honestly.
That said, let's start, shall we?
Resol'nare - Six Actions
What constituted the Six Actions, you may ask? Well, following "The Mandalorians: People and Culture" from Star Wars Insider 86, it's the following six rules:
This is the 'rules' to be a mandalorian that are followed by most mando fans, especially the older ones.
The Resol'nare was - outside of universe - created by Karen Traviss for her version of Mandalorians - of which are still very popular in the fandom, even though a good proportion of the said fans ignore a good part (for valid reason) of what she created.
Wearing Armour
Speaking Mando'a
Raising their child(ren) as Mandalorians
Defending themselves and their families
Contributing to the clan's welfare
Following a Mand'alor and rallying behind said leader if they call for arms
Sounds easy enough, right? Ehn, not so much if you are also a Jedi.
Why, you may ask? Let me break it down for you:
1. Wearing Armour -
This is one of the easy parts, anyone can wear armour - and, although I wasn't able to find a confirmation, it is said that a helmet issue in Chapter 20: The Foundling might have been simply how the mandalorains adapted to someone needs, just like we do in the real world. Meaning that armour could be adapted for Everyone
2. Speaking Mando'a -
Also super easy! And I'm sure there are variants or certain rules for Ithorians, who can't speak basic and have to use a translator
3. Raising their child(ren) as Mandalorians -
Oh boy! Now we get to the hard ones! Why, you may ask?
Because a Mando Jedi Would have Two Cultures that they would raise their kid by!
And while I'm sure it maybe wouldn't be an issue, the fact is: Mandalorians are known to forcefully change the name of kids they adopt (Kal Skirata, for an example of a victim even though his situation was portrayed positively because Karen Traviss Would Never show her mandos in anything that Wasn't a positive view), we don't get a lot mandos that show other cultures Beyond Mandalorian culture - which is bad btw (and before anyone comes at me, I'm just going to say that it could have been done during the Rebels or The Mandalorian) - and also since they view Jedi as enemies it wouldn't surprise me that they wouldn't be too kind on a kid who was mixed cultures, let alone if the kid preferred the Jedi culture more than Mandalorian.
This is not even talking about the fact that raising children is hard and that the Jedi might have to leave their job in the Order to raise the kid(s) if they weren't force sensitives - thus no longer being a Jedi job (which is what most people want when they say they want a mando jedi), and if they were force sensitive it would mean that they would probably be raised in the Order - And I want you to look at me in the eye and tell me if you truly believe that the majority of mandalorians wouldn't say that the Jedi wasn't "a true mandalorian" for taking that decision.
4. Defending themselves and their families -
Again, they will 100% do that UNLESS it means a greater harm for a good amount of people - and can you tell me that most mandalorian clans would accept that fact? That they wouldn't be the priority if something much bigger happened? Most people in real life wouldn't like that! Would fake accept and then get mad when it did happen because they were hoping that the person would change their minds!
But being a Jedi means following a philosophy of Harm Reduction and that means choosing the option that would save more lives/harm less lives, that fact doesn't change just because one of the people you won't be able to safe is your family. Or your whole family will be people you won't be able to safe, but a million more will survive, and there's No changing that.
5. Contributing to the clan's welfare -
This one seems easy but we don't know how much the Jedi are paid - if they are paid at all, honestly. For all we know they could get paid anything that could help anyone and all their things are made by the Jedi themselves or are donated or given by the Senate for missions, like they give them communicators, but it's mostly with the intent of using them during missions and not every day life - even if that becomes a side effect.
Or maybe the Jedi are given a budget, and they pay their workers, buy stuff they need (food, for example, even if I believe a good majority of vegetables and fruits are grown in the Temple) and pay the bills and then pay the Jedi/give the all the Jedi money depending on their age and rank. and maybe Jedi Shadows win money while undercover that they can use afterwards or normal Jedi have side hustles to earn money, but none of this we know for sure.
We don't Know how much the Jedi get if they get anything at all, so they won't be able to provide financially.
Okay but not with money what else could they do? They can't help around with the kids or daily tasks regularly when they have always the chance to be called away for a mission that could take months to years at the time. They can't help moving because they might get on call and drop that agreement. They can't move around or leave the Republic space because they might be needed for emergencies.
There's nothing that the Jedi can promise to do to help the Clan because of their job, and like.
Again, I can see a good majority of the Mandos (and Fans) not being able to forgive that and use it as a 'proof' that the Jedi ins't a 'True Mandalorian'
6. Following a Mand'alor and rallying behind said leader if they call for arms -
This is the one that it's a full No for the Jedi.
They are supposed to be Neutral, they can't join a side - they can't join the Mand'alor side or support them without a very good reason to.
The Jedi joined the Republic because they could help more planets and people would Listen more easily because they would have the Republic's backing. And I mean, looking at the good they did! A Thousand years of peace, ending slavery in the Republic and still working on ending it outside (Quinlan was on Tattooine, probably undercover take down a slavery ring)
Like lives are in danger and the best course of action is to ally themselves with with the Mand'alor.
Oh, and before anyone brings up the Republic and the War:
The Separatists were Enslaving worlds and literally built a weapon to eradicate all the organic life in a certain distance of the weapon, they Needed to be taken down. No matter the faults of the Republic, they were the better option in the Clone Wars as much as I hate to say it
I already said before on how the Senate is the one giving the Jedi stuff, and I will say it again! The Senate is probably the one who pays for a LOT of things of the Jedi, things they possibly need to survive. They Could Not say no to the Senate without risking the Order's entire life, ESPECIALLY because you can't tell me that Palpatine wouldn't activate Order 66 Earlier if they had said no.
Speaking of Palpatine, did you know the Senate and him drafted the Jedi? Yeah, they CANONICALLY did that.
Anywa, went off the road a bit but yeah.
The Jedi would only swear themselves to the Mand'alor If they were forced to, OR more lives would be saved that way.
And this fact? This being unable to swear themselves to the Mand'alor would be a deal breaker, since then they would be following 5 out of the 6
Out of the Six Actions, we have:
2 that a Jedi would have no trouble following
2 that they would need clauses on - something that the majority of mandos wouldn't allow
1 that is Uncertain, but it's probably a negative since we don't know how well the Jedi would be able to help their clan and most mandos would probably want a full commitment and help for their clans
1 that the Jedi wouldn't be able to follow without a good reason that would last longer than a month
Meaning? A Jedi wouldn't be considered a Mandalorian by the majority of the Mando'ade, in fact they would most likely be considered dar'manda by a good proportion of the Mandalorian people.
Personal Thoughts: All my thoughts right now are surrounding Tarre Vizsla and how he would deal with all of this, since he would only be able to swear to two with no problems Makes me think that what @/aspiringwarriorlibrarian (sorry for the tag) theorized about Tarre becoming a Mand'alor via the non-warrior elite is a lot likely
Part 2 Here
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rainbowpopeworld · 11 months
Ok so Aziraphale’s pause and deep audible inhalation here gets me verklempt for two reasons.
This scene in s2e5 “The Ball,” where Aziraphale and Crowley walk into the magic shop to ask Mr. Mutt to attend, is the very first scene David and Michael shot together for season 2, according to Amazon x-ray’s trivia. They are back together and it’s like a savoring of the moment.
Also, it’s likely the first time Aziraphale and Crowley have been back together to the very same magic shop when they had their romantic 1941 visit. It looks so much the same and I can only imagine what feelings that brings up for them.
I need a deep breath🥺😮‍💨💕
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mdr-reikas · 7 months
So, if you've been following me for a while, you might remember this unspecified naruto character that I have a feud going on with. While I was rewatching the Chunin exams arc 2022/23, I spotted this old fuck:
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If you remember this time period of me posting, you might also know that I was quite pissed at him. He didn't do anything, but why is this minimum fourty year old fuck here??? That's not a shinobi, that's a distinguished gentleman. Get him out of the army. My man literally has his hitai-ate tied in a bow?? Hello??
But. It gets crazier.
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you might think that this is a regular screenshot of mr.bow but NO! This is him still sitting in the exams room after the tenth question was asked. BOW MAN PASSED THE THEORETICAL CHUNIN EXAMS. That's crazy! This man probably was in the forest of death, IN THAT OUTFIT.
And if you thought that was all. Here's my new discovery-
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
The Ineffable Mrs Sandwich
So. Mrs Sandwich.
I've been wondering at her relevance. I put a post up a bit ago about the signs at her front door that rang honking great foreshadowing bells: "Come Upstairs" and "No pairs. One only. Be Brave" on a wall surrounded by stars. Not to mention they now have a “New Model” with “Friendly Hands” up there.
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In the party, she says something to Aziraphale that made my brain jangle because of all the meta that I've been eating: [her girls] stand on their own two feet. Initially I thought this was a sex-work joke, but there's the fact that at the beginning of the season, both lads are completely co-dependent, especially Crowley who talks about "my only friend". By the end of the season, the boys are separated and they will be forced to stand on their own two feet for the first time since 2500BC.
Throw into the mix that God's department is always referred to as "upstairs" and Mrs Sandwich is the only person shown coming down from an upstairs to a ground level that has a chandelier, much like Aziraphale's bookshop also has a chandelier on the ground floor, directly over his contact point with the almighty.
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"I don't know why you invited me," she says and Aziraphale makes a point that she's part of their world, even if she feels she's separate from it. Then you have the seamstress conversation and yes, maybe she is a brothel madame, but the fact she can't say what her actual role/position is has very ineffable vibes to me. A convenient way to mask her real identity/purpose.
When Crowley walks her out the party, he says "Have you got your hand in?" and she replies "Oh, I've got more than that, love." which would track for the person who was playing three-card monty with the universe. Since they're so careful with their dialogue, between all of this and her calling Crowley “a good lad”?
Add the fact that her "girls" upstairs can tell when Nina is unhappy when making coffee and that one of the drinks she orders almost matches the order by the Metatron, who has professed to consume human food/drink. His version has almond syrup instead of hazelnut and almond is symbolic in the bible for watchfulness and promise of a new season. (However, interestingly, some Biblical translations of hazelnut and almond mean the same thing)
And what is a sandwich if not two separate sides with something in the middle?
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the-ineffable-dance · 8 months
So, I made a silly little post a while ago about how cute it was that Aziraphale suddenly wanted to take the Bentley after waiting 90 years to drive here. But since I wrote it, I watched the episode again, and suddenly a few things started to fall into place.
Aziraphale being so desperate to take the Bentley always struck me as kind of strange. Like, he's spent 90 years of Crowley driving around and has never asked to drive before. Why right now? Crowley seems as surprised by the request... he's not taking the train? He loves trains!
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And then... it hit me. He's going to Edinburgh.
The last time he went to Edinburgh, his worst nightmare came true. Crowley got pulled down to Hell to face punishment for his acts of kindness.
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And now, Aziraphale is going back there. The circumstances are completely different, of course, but I'm certain that he remembers vividly losing Crowley. He would want to make sure that Crowley is safe and out of Hell's reach while he's gone.
But with him out of London, how can he make sure that his demon is safe? The Bentley is now not only Crowley's car, but also where he's living now that he got kicked out of his apartment, so most of his time is spent there. Aziraphale is probably aware of this, but he also knows that the demons can get to Crowley in the car. Beelzebub entered the Bentley without permission, as did Hastur in season 1.
But the bookshop is safe. Only Aziraphale can give permission to enter the shop (Crowley seems to have permanent permission because he can now come at will). So, he takes the Bentley, and asks Crowley to watch over Jimbriel in the bookshop, in the one place that he will be completely safe.
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Now all Crowley has to deal with is an amnesiac archangel! What could possibly go wrong?
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