aurorajillustration · 6 months
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Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is My all time favorite video game! It's a shame more people don't know about it.
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ghostinghome · 2 years
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i like using colored pencils :]
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jooqlz · 5 years
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Good Ol' Ollie-boy! Some grown up Oliver's and then one little Ollie (+ Mr.Drippy). Grown up Ollie is a disaster man who will not cut his hair, dispight his friends pleading. He also taught himself to sew and then proceeded to remake a his old Mr.Drippy doll from when he was little. Sometimes he just kinda wears a cape. Also he had weird scars and no one knows where they came from cause everytime they ask he always just says "Magic." (he did get into a lot of fights with monsters who loved shooting flames at him and useing blades. scars were inevitable.)
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the-local-oddity · 2 years
Getting everything for Broken Hearted Evan au written down. Not extremely different from hoe I originally made it, but still plenty of differences. This is gonna be poorly written, just getting down everything and not going into detail.
So, Broken Hearted Evan AU basically takes both the first and second game and squishes them into the same-ish time frame.
Evan's adventure against Dolaran takes place first, with Shadar using that to start slipping into the cracks, breaking the hearts of just citizens first, testing the waters so to speak. And Evermore secures its position as the head of all kingdoms, Shadar knows they look to Evermore for protection.
He plays the waiting game, waiting 2 whole years. He appears before Evan and makes a demand, telling Evan to help him. Evan refuses of course, so Shadar removes kindness from his heart.
All of the sudden, Evermore's gates are shut. No one comes in or out. Not even letters can get through. The entire kingdom goes silent to the world.
This allows Shadar to continue his plan, and Oliver starts his journey, now adding in stops to the kingdoms from NNK2, when he finishes helping Hamelin, Marcassin recommends they go to Evermore, as if anyone would be keeping tabs on Shadar it'd be Evan and his council.
Meanwhile, of course, Evermore ain't doing so hot. Bracken and Leander get together to form a portal to the other world, thinking Roland is the only one that can help. They can't just use the wizard's companion, as Oliver has the only copy and they don't yet know him. So, they find a way to make their own portal, but it takes a lot of energy and they accidentally grab both Roland and his son William. Whoops.
Of course, Roland isn't a wizard, he can't get through to Evan and can't easily get home. Mans is a bit pissed rn.
With some Swaine being a sneaky bitch, the gang is able to get into Evermore. And finds that, no one seems to really care about what they do? They walk right into the castle and are never once stopped.
Tani catches them talking to Evan and takes them to see the others, Mr.Drippy explains what being Broken Hearted is, adding on that Evan's lost his kindness.
It ends up being that William has the kindness they need, and he's more than happy to help. (Roland stands just behind him worrying over everything). When Oliver goes to deliver the piece of heart, this awakens a giant fucking Nightmare from Evan they have to fight off.
Of course, they save him, and Evan fixes the wrongs he made, apologizing publically to his kingdom while also explaining what exactly happened.
Now Oliver has the strongest country and a fellow world saving child on his side. Evan would be at most 14 now.
And, most importantly, when the ashes fall Evan is caught in them and Roland is unable to save him, he is able to save William but has to leave Evan behind as he transforms into a lion monster.
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sweetpea-sprite · 3 years
Where’s mr.drippy? *distant lantern noise* found him.
LITERALLY you can't lose him. not only does he shout instead of speaking normally he also jingles whenever he does ANYTHING ever. he would be terrible at hide and seek. not that it bothers him he would hate to be anything but the centre of attention
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cwgames · 4 years
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The Fairyground Part 2
Mr.Drippy know some one who can make his mother laugh so hard. They are two comedy due fairies Smiley and Surly. They been giving information to drippy about Shadar when he was turn into a doll. The duo can’t seem to make anyone laugh. I need to gather eight piece of art for them because they are “broken-’arted.” Not to be confuse of broken hearted.
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fethrfowl-blog · 5 years
Can you fight god?
Tagged by: I’m a thief
Tagging: be the thief
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Pit legally cannot fight god.
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Aeri has killed god and you're next.
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Amaterasu  one-shots god.
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ssjxmars · 3 years
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cheepar · 9 years
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aurorajillustration · 6 months
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2024 vs 2021! I like redrawing my older art, it cool to see how much I've improved and how far I still have to go.
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ghostinghome · 2 years
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i too have a drippy quote as my favorite,, but uh, its a lot different than that wholesome one,,
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devlinart · 10 years
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Quick sketch for Emily while she was making dinner <3
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fethrfowl-blog · 5 years
@spearofthemother /  one liner /  Mr.Drippy
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❝ Aye— you look like a mighty fine warrior you do!! could give them baddies, a real good thumping with that weapon I reckon!! what exactly is it??   ❞
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kirbysuperstar97 · 11 years
Just finished Ni No Kuni. :') I am happy that I got to be part of such an awesome and magical story. Oliver suffered so much, the poor kid. :( Ni No Kuni is one of my favorite games of all time and it's one of the best RPGs ever. Everything is perfect; the visual art, the music composed by non other than Joe Hisaishi, the story...
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