#mrs-gucci writes
mrs-gucci · 1 year
It’s Just Politics (Part 1 of 2)
Commander Mills x senator!Reader (f)
written for my welcome back celebration, phase one. 
y’all voted, y’all wanted me to write some more Mills, so here I am :) this is part one of two, so enjoy the beginning of the story and get excited for part two which will be coming soon!!
content warnings. accidentally walking in on someone naked (he walks in on her), implied/mentioned age difference (gap not specified, Mills is 36)
word count: 3.4k (...whoops)
summary~ Commander Mills reluctantly takes a last-minute job captaining the Senator of Somaris’s personal ship on a flight to Cyllene for this year’s galactic policy conference. Both of them get much, much more than they bargained for...but they’re not necessarily complaining about it.
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"You're kidding me."
Jai shakes his head, continuing to submit order forms for ship parts.
"I'm dead serious, man. Travis wants you to do it, it'll pay well, and you won't be gone for that long. At least two weeks, it's just to Cyllene for the annual galactic policy conference. Simple."
"Nothing is ever simple with her, you know that. She's impossible to deal with." Mills huffs. "What happened to her captain? Why can't he do it?"
"Dunno. I think he transferred or is off on a long-range mission. I can't remember, but you should take it. Even though the Senator is a bit of a difficult client, she has a lot of power and could easily help you get a higher-paying job."
Mills knows Jai is right. He should take this job; he needs the money after paying for Nevine's treatments. He has to continue supporting his wife even if their marriage is a bit on the rocks.
"Fine," he says after a moment. "I'll tell Travis that I'll take the job."
Jai smiles, walking past his coworker and giving him a pat on the back as he does so. He lets out a soft chuckle. "Good man. Just...try not to kill her, okay?"
Mills hums, smiling ever so slightly.
"No promises."
"Are all of my dresses packed properly?" you ask the service droid as it begins to load your things onto the dolly. "It's of the utmost importance that they not be wrinkled. I want to represent Somaris to the best of my ability at this year's conference."
"Yes, Mistress," the droid says. "I made sure to pack each one myself."
You nod slightly. "Good. Thank you, I always appreciate your hard work, PZ."
"Of course. I am always at your service, Senator."
PZ finishes loading the bags and quickly takes them to the royal vessel while you prepare for the long journey ahead. You always hate going up into space, but unfortunately, it's an integral part of your job, so you have to do it more often than you'd prefer.
You walk to the docking bay, and you stop as soon as you see him walking towards your ship.
"You're kidding me."
Mills huffs out a soft laugh as he passes you. "Yeah, that's what I said too."
"Tell me you're not the one flying the ship. Please, please tell me you're not in charge of this trip--" You catch up to him.
"I need the money, alright?" Mills says, jaw clenching. "That's the only reason I agreed to it. Trust me, I wish I didn't have to, but there's hardly any work for pilots right now."
"No need to give me your whole life story, Mills. I won't cry you a river like others may have."
You roll your eyes and walk towards the ship ramp, immediately colliding with him. Apparently, he decided to step forward at that exact moment that you did. You huff and leave him in the dust, boarding the ship and immediately going to your sleeping quarters. 
This'll be an interesting journey, that much you're sure of...
For the third time in the thirty minutes you've been flying, your water glass nearly falls onto the floor as the ship suddenly jerks to the side, then a bit downward, before returning to a steady state. You shut the computer off and walk to the cockpit, immediately hearing Mills's grumblings as he reaches across the controls console. 
"I know you dislike me, but I didn't think you'd try any sort of murder attempt until much later in the trip," you say, crossing your arms as you stand in the doorway. "And I must say, I'm extremely disappointed in your efforts thus far."
Mills's jaw clenches once again. And here he was, starting to relax now that he's mostly figured out the new controls...
"For now, I figured having you get sick would be satisfying enough," he says, turning around to look at you. "The murder attempts will be much more obvious, I assure you. Plus, keeping you alive until after the conference is in my best interest, so I get paid for at least half of the trip."
You chuckle dryly. "Fair point. Now, are you sure that all of your licenses and qualifications aren't expired? Because you're flying this ship almost as badly as I do, and I don't have any licenses."
"I've never flown a ship with such unnecessarily complicated controls," he replies simply. "This is a class of ship I'm not used to handling."
"Mm, mhm. Sure, my ship's definitely the problem. You could never be at fault for not having flown a diverse range of ships in your many years of being a pilot...because you're old."
He huffs. "Really, you're resorting to calling me 'old' now? You can't find any more halfway decent or clever comebacks in your apparently vast bank of them?"
You smirk slightly. "So you admit that my comebacks are clever and good?"
"No, I said they're clever and halfway decent," he says, unable to help the tiny upward twitch of the corner of his mouth. "Big difference. Also, I'm not old."
"Everyone who's old tried to say they're not old. If you're over 40, you're officially old."
"How old do you think I am?" He looks back at you.
"I dunno," you shrug. "Like 40."
"Fuck, I'm 36," he grumbles, turning back to flip a switch on the panel. "Go back to your quarters, Senator. I'll try to keep the ship under control, although I doubt it'll be to your very high standards."
You turn and begin to walk away. Suddenly, the ship dips again, and you nearly lose your balance, falling into the wall. You whip your head around and hear the softest of chuckles from the cockpit, rolling your eyes at the sound.
"Just do your damn job, Mills."
Mills sighs as he flips the autopilot switch and prepares to head off to his sleeping quarters. He probably should've asked where his quarters were before takeoff, but honestly, he didn't even think of it at the time. He was too busy dealing with you.
As much as he hates to admit it, you actually intrigue him. You're young, beautiful, and incredibly hard-headed. All qualities he saw in his wife when he first met her.
Several doors line the hallway, and Mills picks the one closest to the cockpit. It opens, and it's a closet filled to the brim with luggage and garment bags. He huffs, then shuts it promptly.
He moves to the next door, already mentally checking out for the night. When it opens, his eyes widen. 
You're standing completely bare, applying your body lotion before you dress for bed. You turn around and gasp, quickly covering your breasts before turning away.
"Get out!"
Mills, for a moment, can't bring himself to move. Fuck, it's been a while since he's seen a naked woman, and you're so--
"GET OUT!" you exclaim, looking back at Mills. "OUT!!"
He suddenly snaps back into reality, muttering an apology before shutting the door and letting out a shaky breath. He tries to commit it all to memory: how your skin shone in the dim lamplight, your plump breasts and hardened nipples, the beautiful curve of your hips...
Turning away, he walks to the final door in the hall, which contains a small cot. He puts his things into the small dresser and tries not to revisit his memories of your body. It's highly inappropriate for him to lust after a woman years his junior, especially since he hates you, and you two have yet to have a non-argumentative conversation.
Suddenly, the door slides open as Mills takes off his shirt. He turns around and sees you, now dressed in a nightgown, looking absolutely infuriated. But he doesn't miss how your eyes dart down his body momentarily.
"What is wrong with you??" You ask angrily, glaring up at him. "Why didn't you close the door right away? Why'd you keep looking at me? Are you some kind of pervert or something?"
He huffs, turning away from you.
"No, I'm not a pervert. I just froze up for a moment. I was surprised. I thought the room would be empty...it won't happen again. It was an accident."
"Mhm. Aren't you married? How would your wife feel if she saw you staring like that?"
"Yeah, well, she and I aren't exactly on the same page these days," he says, pulling his sleep shirt on before turning to you again. "So what, you wanna see my dick, make us even?"
Well, kind of.
You huff, crossing your arms. "No," you say. "Because I'm a lady and would never do anything like that."
Mills chuckles. "Mhm. You just keep telling yourself that."
He reaches for the pants resting over his hips. "If you're such a lady, I suggest you head out before you see anything improper. God forbid."
"Goodnight to you too, Captain."
Mills's quarters are open when you pass by, so who wouldn't be curious about what secret life this guy could be living? You look around, then step inside. It's very basic; he's brought almost nothing personal. Well, almost nothing. You spot a holoprojector lying on his bed.
Is the great Commander Mills enjoying some pornography during his downtime?
Chuckling softly at the thought, you pick it up carefully and turn it on, purely out of curiosity. What comes up is incredibly unexpected. It's a young girl playing with a toy ship. Suddenly, it clicks in your mind: this is his daughter. Before she…
You scroll to the next one, and the next, and the next, watching only a few seconds of each. Then, you reach one where she's looking much sickly. She's got a nasal cannula in, and her cough, which you noticed throughout the videos, is much worse.
And then, you flip to the very last side. It's the voice of your wife, hand on your daughter's lifeless one.
Oh no—
"What are you doing?"
You gasp softly, startled at the sound. He's calm, but a certain edge to his voice sends a little chill down your spine.
"I-I..." you don't have an answer. "I thought this was something--"
"Give that to me," he snaps, snatching it from your hands and turning it off. "This is my quarters, my personal space. What's so hard to understand about that, huh?!"
You open your mouth to speak. He doesn't allow it.
"I would never think to step into your room and look through your belongings. You think just because you're a senator that you outrank me and can do whatever the fuck--"
"That's not it!" you say suddenly. "It was wrong, alright? I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I let my curiosity get the best of me. I didn't think you'd have anything like that."
For a moment, Mills is genuinely surprised at your quick admittance of guilt. He thought you'd surely make up some bullshit excuse as to why you're in here looking through his daughter's holo memories.
Just seeing that bit of the final holo of his daughter already has him tearing up, but there's no way in the galaxy he's gonna cry in front of you. He looks away, setting the holoprojector back down on the top of his dresser.
You're at a loss for words. Look at what you've done; you've violated his privacy and forced him to relive such an awful memory. All because you wanted to get some dirt on him. It all seems silly and stupid now. "Look, Mills, I'm really--"
Tears are threatening to slip down his cheeks. He needs you to leave before you see him break down.
"Leave!" he snaps again, although his voice is much shakier this time. "Leave me a-alone!"
You swallow harshly, then walk back towards the door. You pause for a moment, looking back at him, seeing how his whole body shakes as he tries to keep his sobs.
"I'm truly sorry."
He says nothing, waiting until the door closes to let out the quiet but violent cries he's been holding in.
When dinner rolls around, you sit in the same seat you usually do at the small table. Except there's no sign of Mills anywhere. He's stayed on the bridge with the door shut all day. PZ brings out your meal, then sets Mills's down at his usual spot. 
"Where is the Captain?" PZ asks. "Will he not be joining you for dinner this evening?"
You shrug slightly, looking over at the bridge door. "I don't know, PZ. He hasn't left his pilot's seat all day."
"Well, perhaps I should--"
"No," you interrupt. "You don't wanna irritate him. He's had a rough day. I'll take it to him if he doesn't come out."
PZ nods, then walks back to continue checking on your dresses. You sigh softly and eat alone, occasionally looking over at the door. Nothing.
You really don't wanna take the food in, but you know it's the right thing to do. Plus, it'll give you time to hopefully apologize again for earlier without him yelling or getting too upset.
With a deep breath, you press the 'open' button, and the door whooshes, revealing the tall back of the pilot's chair. Various controls on the panel flash and beep. He reaches over to silence them.
You step forward. "I have your dinner. I figured you wouldn't wanna come out to eat with me--"
"A correct assumption."
"...so I brought your dinner in here."
He nods. "Thank you."
You set the plate down to the side.
"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier," you say sincerely. "It wasn't my place to snoop around your quarters, and I apologize. I also...I didn't know about your daughter. I'm sorry about that, too."
Mills says nothing but turns around in the chair to look at you. After a moment, he nods slightly. "Thank you for apologizing. And I'm sorry that I snapped like that. It's just a hard thing for me to revisit."
"Of course, and I completely understand why you reacted the way you did. I deserved that, but you didn't deserve to have your private life violated like that. I'm sorry, truly. I feel terrible about it."
He's very much surprised by your sudden remorse and show of emotion. You rarely soften like this, and it makes him wonder if he's jumped to conclusions too soon. Maybe you're not always the hard-ass, demanding, a stubborn politician you make yourself out to be. 
"All is forgiven, Senator. I promise it's alright. I appreciate you apologizing."
You nod, offering him a small smile. "Great. I'd hate for us to be on shitty terms for the rest of the journey."
"Agreed," Mills nods. "Thanks for bringing my dinner. I'll see you tomorrow, Senator."
"See you tomorrow, Captain."
"Wait, wait..." you start, huffing softly. "You're telling me we have to stop on Zexade for fuel? I thought this ship could carry enough fuel for the entire journey. I've never had this problem before."
"There's a first time for everything," Mills replies simply, flicking a few switches on the dashboard. "We had to take an alternate route around a nebula, which took more fuel than anticipated. Zexade should have what we need."
"How long is that gonna take? We cannot be late to this conference, Mills. It's super important that we arrive on time--"
"You'll get there on time, Senator. You insisted we leave two days earlier than we needed to. Do you not remember that?"
Your jaw clenches. "I recall that, yes. But I've been late before, and it was absolutely humiliating. I want to be sure I'm there in advance to begin talking with the other senators."
"The refueling stop shouldn't take more than a few hours. We're on schedule to arrive on Cyllene early." He rolls his eyes. "There's no need to worry about anything. I have it all under--"
A loud crash is heard, and the ship lurches. You stumble, quickly gripping the wall for support.
"Everything's under control, huh?" you ask bitterly. "Then what in the world was that?"
The control panel and the proximity sensor start beeping frantically, and Mills groans. He was worried that something like this would happen. More shots are fired at the ship, and he dodges most of them.
"Get out of here! Strap into a chair or something!"
"What is it? Why are they shooting at the ship--"
Another bold hits the ship and takes a few pieces of paneling off. You nearly fall again.
"Pirates," he says. "They want the ship to salvage and possibly take us hostage for ransom money. Now get into a seat before you get hurt!"
You run back towards the emergency seats, but then you see the hatch for the gunner position. You know at that moment what you need to do. The ship dips again, and you fall into the wall with a soft groan, but you climb into the gunner seat before any more sudden jerks.
Mills' eyebrows furrow when he hears static from a headset hanging on top of a control panel. He lifts it up and puts it on, thinking it could be some sort of communication from the pirates.
"Get me into position," you say, flipping switches and pressing buttons rapidly, warming up the guns. "I can take them out."
"What the fuck are you doing down there?! I told you to strap in--"
"Fuck strapping in; I'm not just gonna sit there and wait for you to let the ship be torn apart. These pirates are gonna take us out if we don't put up some sort of defense."
He knows he should focus on the pirates, but he's still trying to wrap his head around that you apparently know how to operate the gunner position. He's also trying to wrap his head around that he's about to take commands from you.
"Alright, alright," he says, adjusting the headset quickly before swerving more shots. "Do you have a shot?"
Your jaw clenches. "Do you think, if I had a shot, I would have told you to get me into position?!"
This is gonna be harder than he thought.
"Can we save the biting wit and snarky remarks for when we're not getting shot at by pirates, please?!"
"Fine," you huff. "I've almost got a shot on one of the ships. Take a sharp left and drop her down a bit."
He does what you say, and you quickly shoot the pirate ship down, which explodes and takes another one out. You smirk, mentally high-fiving yourself. 
"Suck it!" you say into the microphone, forgetting that it's on. "You just got shot down by a fucking senator, losers!! Ha ha!"
Mills listens and allows a slight smile to tug at the corners of his mouth.
"Your mic is still on, Senator. But thank you for that wonderful piece of audio," he says, looking over at the proximity map. There are two more ships left. "I'm gonna pull up really hard and try to get you a clear shot on the two smaller fighters. Can you do that?"
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment. "Y-Yeah, yeah, of course, I can. Just get me into position, and I'll take care of the rest."
"Good." He chuckles softly and suddenly pulls up, accelerating rapidly. 
You keep your hands on the trigger buttons, holding on tightly as the ship climbs almost directly upwards. The pirate fighters are obviously confused but follow, climbing with us. 
“Do a corkscrew maneuver!” You say into the mic. "Now!"
"What?! You want me to do a what?! You're crazy!"
You growl softly. "Trust me, just do it!!"
Mills grips the steering wheel tightly and begins to spin the ship around and around, cursing you in his head as he begins to feel nauseous. Your eyes narrow, and you shoot at the vessels, hitting one, then the other. 
"I got 'em! We're clear!"
He slows, returns the ship to the usual level state, and sighs, running a hand through his hair. Goddamn, that was fucking crazy. You're...incredibly quick on your feet, and you ultimately made the right call. 
Between your genuine apology and this sudden show of badassery, it's almost hard to believe that Mills is starting to actually like you. He'll never admit that part out loud, but it's true.
You emerge from the hatch and walk to the cockpit, releasing shaky breaths. The adrenaline is still flowing as you head towards Mills' chair.
"So..." you start. He turns and looks at you, and you offer him a teasing smile. "How much longer to Zexade?"
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-- part two (upcoming) --
general taglist: @mrs-zimmerman​
fic-specific taglist: @mrs-zimmerman​ @safarigirlsp​​ @queeniebee​​
◆ wanna join? here’s the link: adcu taglist ◆
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xrag-dollx · 2 months
-What the AHS Evans- -------wear in bed-------
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• shirt of his favourite band and a messy pair of sleeping pants, you can expect them to be all gross and worn out
• he never ever cared abt cleaning the clothes at least once a week so he basically wears the same sleeping clothes like 365 days a year
• thinks bc he's a ghost nobody would ever care
• when he isn't around you, you exchange the clothes and make sure he's having new sleeping clothes bc the smell really annoys you when you're in bed with him
• is actually thankful that you're exchanging his clothes ❤
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• sleeps in pyjamas during wintertime but prefers to sleep in speedos and a top in summer
• exchanges his clothes at least every week but during summer like every 2nd day (bc u both are a hot mess during the night 😏)
• he mostly keeps track on having new clothes but when his week was too stressful he might forget about it
• so you carefully put his new clothes on his bedside and he always comes around you and thanks you with a kiss on your cheek ❤
Kyle (frankenkyle):
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• is wearing the cutest pj's on earth
• like the ones which make u look like a dinosaur or a tiger
• could wear pj's 24/7
• you always need to remind him that he can't go out in his dinosaur pyjamas
• is crying for 15 mins
• you convince him to get a new pyjama if he gets out of his current one just to go out in his normal clothes
• when you see Kyle yawning or sneezing in his dinosaur pyjamas it literally makes your heart melt in cuteness
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• likes shorts and a top in summer and a pyjama in winter
• when he's getting drunk he falls asleep in his actual clothes bc yea why not
• normal clothes = most comfortable clothes
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• darn expensive silk pyjamas
• but in summer he'd prefer something like boxers and a top
• exchanges his sleeping clothes like every 2nd day bc he's a hoe for tidiness
• doesn't need to care abt changing the old clothes himself at all, Ms. Evers takes care of it (as for everything else)
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• loves to sleep naked (and loves to walk around naked at home bc why not)
• in wintertime he's pretty okay by wearing a shirt and some long sleeping pants
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• he's basic af so just a shirt and shorts (in summer probably shirtless)
• never really exchanges the sleeping clothes unless winter is doing it (bc she's a good lil sissy)
• has to care abt more important shit than sleeping clothes
• does he even sleep at all???
• I guess not, too busy on taking world domination
Mr. Gallant:
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• is never underdressed, not even while sleeping
• prefers to sleep in fancy pyjamas bc he thinks when he sleeps without anything on he feels gross
• wears nothing else than Gucci and Versace pyjamas
• goes shopping like every weekend to get some new ones (bc his nana has the cash 💸)
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• could never go without his silk robes and pyjamas
• has a favourite store in paris so when he's on vacation he gets TONS of new ones
•basically lives off this shit
•they are like his 2nd skin
• likes to brag and shows it to EVERYONE
• when he's got a new writing idea he runs downstairs so his long robe is hovering dramatically over the stairs (thinks it looks freakin cool while doing this)
Tags: @fear-is-truth @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @trueangel420 @lacucarachapisser @evanpeterspeter
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
bestie help i can’t stop thinking about fucking older! ateez 😭😭😭 like iMAGINE 50-something year old san or yeosang (or san AND yeosang…👀👀) the way they’d be kinda cocky because of their success when they were younger (and their /experiences/ when they were younger) HHHH and they’d treat y/n like their little princess and when they fuck you theyd be like “does this pretty baby just need a cock inside her little pussy SO bad that she’s willing fuck an old guy like me?“ and girl u KNOW they’re both gonna be buff as FUCK by that age i- i need to stop myself
holy fuck i love you for sending this ask like i am REELING you have no idea 😭😭 i almost went insane typing this out like i am down astronomically for dilf ateez esp older ateez like okay sure 30 year old san/yeo would be fine af but 50 YEAR OLD SAN/YEO??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP 💳💥💳💥 so yeah i ended up writing an entire fic and i know this wasn’t technically a request but i just had to 😭i dedicate the following to you bestie so i hope i did it justice 🖤
𝙰 𝙲𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠
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Older! San x Fem! Reader x Older! Yeosang
Genre: smut 
W.C: 3.6k 
Summary: San and Yeosang visit your place of work, hoping to unwind after another long day of being incredibly rich and powerful. 
Warnings: reader is in her early 20s, aged up! san/yeo, dom! san, soft dom! yeo, sansang, brief olfactophilia, cigar smoking, alcohol usage, mentions of age difference, pet names, use of the names sir/Daddy, dirty talk, degradation, super brief masterbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, oral (receiving), squirting, two instances of unprotected sex, spanking, hair pulling, creampie, kissing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation 
Song Recs: Planet Girl by Jooyoung feat. pH-1, Lost in the Fire by The Weeknd, Into It by Chase Atlantic, The Walls by Chase Atlantic
You were working at your city’s local upscale cigar lounge when two of your favorite customers came in. Choi San and Kang Yeosang. Though they were both old enough to be your dad, they still were still infinitely hotter than most guys your age. And they knew it too.
As per usual, they were both dressed in fairly casual, but obviously luxury brand clothes. Gucci and YSL, from what you could recognize. You weren’t personally familiar with those brands, but you could tell just from being around the other (usually affluent) customers. Your eyes scanned them, watching them walk from the entrance over to the counter you were standing behind. They were wearing a fair amount of jewelry, the silver and gold accents of their necklaces and bracelets only serving to make the extent of their wealth just a little more obvious to anyone that was near them. Of course, you noticed the sleek buttoned loafers they had on as well, knowing those alone probably cost more than your rent. 
The wrinkles underneath their eyes appeared a little more prominent than usual, the both of them tired and ready to relax at the end of a busy day. San gave you a small wave, resting his hand down on the mahogany counter, his aromatic cologne making its way to your nose. It gave off strong accents of sandalwood, with hints of cinnamon coming through as well. 
“Welcome back, Mr. Choi. Mr. Kang. Your usual?”
San nodded his head, already pulling his leather wallet out of the back pocket of his black pleated trousers. You could tell that they were professionally tailored from the way they perfectly hugged his muscular thighs.
Two Cubans,” you started, already feeling like you were about to lose your cool, but forcing yourself to pull out a small cigar case and opening it up, pushing it in their direction for them to inspect. 
Yeosang stepped closer to the counter to pick up a cigar and make sure it was up to his standards, allowing you to smell his cologne of choice as well. Though it was similar to San’s in terms of it being able to turn you on, it had a much more gentle scent, giving off notes of citrus and lavender. “Forgetting something, dollface?” he questioned, his deep, silky voice permeating in your ears.
“And a bottle of scotch. Single malt,” you added, feeling an obvious knot already beginning to form inside your stomach. You reached for the bottle from the shelf behind you and set it down on the counter, along with an identical set of shot glasses.
“Anything else?” You twirled a lock of hair around your manicured finger and looked Yeosang up and down, who was already doing the same to you. You bit your lip, giving San a once over as well, who returned it with an even hungrier reaction. 
“It depends. Are you on the menu as well, sweetheart? I’d love to find out how you taste,” San questioned confidently in a low, but smooth tone, sliding his platinum credit card into your hand, his slender fingers drifting over yours. 
Yeosang elbowed his friend in the side, giving him a slight grimace. “Have you ever heard of being subtle?”
“Why be subtle when this works ten times faster?” San retorted, rolling his eyes, which prompted Yeosang to open his mouth like he was about to argue with him. 
Unable to ignore the aching in between your thighs, you found yourself giving into one of San’s various attempts at seducing you. Obviously, it was incredibly unprofessional of you, but you were at your wits’ end, unable to resist such a delicious offer.
“I’m…I’m actually off the clock in a little bit…if you two wanted to…you know…” you interrupted in a soft voice, paranoid that your manager would somehow catch wind of what was about to go down all the way from his office.
San and Yeosang exchanged glances, the both of them eventually sharing the same lewd smile.
“Put us down for one of the private rooms,” San informed, watching you press a few things on the screen of your work’s pos system and swipe his card through the reader, his dark eyes zoning in on how tightly your black long sleeve top fit on your body. “You’ll join us as soon as you get off, alright, baby?” 
“Of course, Mr. Choi,” you answered sweetly, handing the older man his card back, along with the key to the room. 
San shook his head slightly, putting the key and his wallet into his pocket, before wrapping his fingers around the neck of the bottle of scotch, passing the two shot glasses to Yeosang. Turning his attention back to you, he stated point-blank, “You’ll be addressing me as Daddy for the rest of the night. Now, let me hear you say it.” 
“Yes…” you started, peering over your shoulder to see if anyone was there, which no one was, thankfully. “Yes, Daddy.” San gave you a pleased smile, elbowing Yeosang just like he had done earlier. 
Yeosang added, “And you can address me as sir, pretty girl.” 
Your eyes flickered over to Yeosang’s brown ones, unconsciously wetting the corner of your lips with your tongue. “See you in a little bit, sir.” 
Yeosang slid a hand into one of his blazer pockets, looking back at you with a small smirk, picturing what you’d look like with his thumb in your mouth. “Don’t take too long, darling.” 
Knowing there weren’t cameras set up in the vip room for privacy reasons, you felt like you should be able to relax, but that simply wasn’t happening for you. It was most likely due to the fact that two insanely attractive men were sitting on the velvet couch opposite from you, sharing the strong liquor they had purchased and silently puffing on their cigars, all while undressing you with their eyes. 
“You’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time, haven’t you? Even though we’re thirty years your senior?” San leaned his back against the plush cushion behind him, resting a palm down onto one of his thighs.
“Mmm-hmm,” you nodded, despite gripping your knees so tightly your knuckles turned white, in search of some comfort, wondering if you were even capable of surviving this unbelievably arousing situation. 
“Nervous, baby?” San let out a soft chuckle, taking delight in your predicament, unlike his seasoned counterpart, who was already filling up a glass with the scotch and passing it in your direction.
“Ignore him. Have a drink and relax, okay? We can take things slow, fast, and everything in between. It’s up to you. We don’t even have to do this if you don’t want to,” Yeosang informed, noticing the way you shook your head and took a few gulps of the scotch.
“I want to do this. You two just make me really nervous cuz you’re so…so…” You couldn’t seem to finish your sentence, your mind too occupied with focusing on Yeosang, who had stood up and walked over to you, his elegant frame towering over your own. 
“I understand. Just be sure to let us know if you want us to stop.” Yeosang held the bottom of your chin and tilted it up, running his thumb along your bottom lip. “Nod your head for me, doll.” Once you did so, he hummed to himself. “Good girl,” he added, his words coming out like they were drenched in honey, slowly pushing his thumb past your parted lips.
You could’ve melted right then and then, the strong liquor inside your mostly empty stomach sending a pleasant warmth over the expanse of your body. “Mm,” you moaned softly, sucking on his thumb and looking up at him with half-closed eyes. 
“That’s it…” 
San tapped his cigar near the glass ashtray that was sitting on the small table between the couches, clearing his throat to get his friend’s attention. “Take off her clothes for me, Sangie,” he chimed lovingly, the vapor leaving his mouth, pleased with the sight of Yeosang smiling at him and pulling his thumb out of your mouth with a pop, so that he could pull your top off of you.
“Harder. Finger yourself harder, baby. Yeah, just like that,” San groaned, lazily stroking his cock with one hand and still bringing his cigar up to his lips, taking a puff of it now and then. “Are you going to cum for us?”
You were sitting back against the seat with your legs spread, pushing your digits into your cunt as deep as you possibly could, your hand starting to cramp from how long you had been going at it. “I’m trying to, Daddy,” you responded, your tone rising in pitch near the end, tossing your head back from being on the cusp of your orgasm, but not quite getting there. 
“God, you’re so hot. Does your real dad know how much of a slut you are?”
“Uh-uh.” Feeling more pain in your hand than you anticipated, you relaxed it and closed your eyes, sighing out of frustration. You didn’t even notice when Yeosang had gotten onto his knees in front of you, until you felt the flat of his tongue moving up and down your soaking cunt. “Oh, fuck-” 
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll take care of you,” he murmured, massaging his thumbs into your upper thighs and giving you a reassuring smile, prior to eating you out like you were his first meal of the day. 
“Oh my goddd…” You slumped down slightly against the couch, your fingers pushing past his dyed dark blonde locks, making eye contact with San, who was jerking himself off a little faster than before. 
“How does she taste?” San asked, squeezing his fingers around his cockhead every time he got up to it, a few droplets of pre-cum dripping down the side. 
Yeosang reluctantly pulled his mouth away from you to groan, “She tastes fucking delicious, San,” before replacing his tongue with his fingers, your eager hole swallowing them up to the hilt. 
“I’m jealous.” 
“You should be,” Yeosang chuckled, glancing back at San, as he shoved his digits into you so fast, you thought you might unravel then and there. “Don’t look away either. You’re going to watch me when I make her squirt all over my face.” 
San groaned deeply at his friend’s words, sinking even further into the couch, some of his black hair falling into his eyes. He immediately blew it out of the way so that he could admire the way Yeosang’s tongue was quickly flicking across your clit. “Don’t worry, Sangie. I’m watching…” 
“I’m…cumming…!” It didn’t take long for you to reach your limit, incredibly overwhelmed by all of the pleasure that Yeosang was giving you, as well as from the way that San was drinking in the sight of you and eagerly bringing himself to his own pinnacle of gratification.
A gravelly sounding moan erupted from Yeosang’s vocal cords, holding his mouth open near your pulsing hole and catching most of the clear liquid that squirted out of you on his tongue and in his throat, gulping it down.
“F-uuuuck, that’s so hot…” San choked out, in between grunts, his hips bucking up, just as he shot his load out onto his bare, chiseled abdomen, incredibly relieved that he had unbuttoned his overtly lavish shirt. 
You ran your fingers delicately through Yeosang’s hair, breathing heavily and shuddering when he cleaned up the rest of his arousal with his tongue. “Nnngh, please, sir, let me take care of you too.” 
“No need, doll,” he replied shakily, his porcelain cheeks incredibly flushed and his eyes glossy. Yeosang unbuttoned his velvet pants and pulled them down, along with his tight briefs, revealing his softened, cum-covered length. 
“Oh, wow…” you blushed, bringing a hand up to your mouth and gawking at him, biting back a gasp when Yeosang’s dick started to come alive again just from the way you were looking at it. 
San sighed softly, slicking his slightly damp hair back. “That’s my Sangie, always so eager to please.”
Smiling, Yeosang stood up and walked back to the other couch, sitting down next to San and gathering up some of his own cum, gently moving it up and down his friend’s length to make him hard again.
San groaned in delight, adding, “But enough about him.” He snapped his fingers, gaining your attention, beckoning you in his direction with his index finger. “Come over here and sit on my cock, baby.” 
You almost ran into the coffee table, just narrowly avoiding it and enthusiastically lowering yourself down on San’s lap. “Are you going to fuck me nice and hard, Daddy?” 
“What kind of question is that, sweetheart? It’d be a sin not to.” San grabbed both sides of your ass and kneaded into it with his strong hands, guiding your entrance to his cockhead and pushing himself inside, a few inches at a time, until all nine were inside of you.
“Oh, fuuuuck…” you exhaled, reveling in the feeling of being completely filled up by the man you had been secretly pining for. 
Seeing Yeosang starting to jerk himself off through his peripheral, San began slamming himself into you, right out of the gate, the couch creaking underneath the both of you. “You like watching me fuck her like this, Yeo? Huh? You love it, don’t you?”
Yeosang moaned, moving his hand a bit faster, relishing the dynamic he shared with his friend, as well as the sight of you taking his cock in such an obedient way. “Pull her hair, San…for me…and-fuck-kiss her neck!” 
San followed Yeosang’s directions, bunching up your hair and holding it like you had it up in a ponytail, then pulling it down so you had to look up and expose your neck in the process, earning a strangled sound of pleasure from your lips. “Yeah? You fucking like that?” 
“Uh-huhhh…” You closed your eyes for a moment, shivering when San lazily kissed, lapped at, and sucked on your neck, feeling his warm breath hit your skin whenever he let out a soft pant from how hard he was fucking you.
Yeosang leaned his body weight against San’s, their shoulders and toned arms pressing into one another. “Keep talking to her like that…” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, completely wrapped up in the heavy, intoxicating tension that seemed to swallow the room whole.
“Do you like the way I’m pounding this pretty pussy of yours, baby?” San complied, squeezing his fingers into the sides of your bouncing ass and smacking it a few times, making sure to leave a few handprints. 
“Yes, Daddy…!” 
“Who fucks you better? Me or those twenty-something shitheads you meet on Tinder?”
Yeosang leaned his head down against San’s shoulder, hunching over slightly so that his hand could slide rapidly up and down his throbbing length. “Oh, god…”
“Do you think your coworkers can hear you being a little whore for me? What about that manager of yours? Do you think he knows you’re getting your pussy stuffed by a man way older than him? And being watched by someone who’s just as old?” 
“I don’t care if he does! Fuck me harder!” you cried, almost delirious at this point. 
Yeosang shook his head, letting go of his cock to comment, “Jesus Christ, San, you know I don’t like it when you talk about how old we are. It’s making me go soft.” 
San scoffed, stopping his movements for a moment so that he could casually give Yeosang a side eye, allowing you to bounce on his cock instead, giving you the power to bring yourself to a much-needed state of ecstasy. San groaned out, pressing his head back into the couch, grumbling, “I can’t help that it turns me on, Yeo. Are you really kink-shaming me right now? In the middle of this?” 
“I’m not-”
“Ohhh, I see. You’re just upset she’s not fucking herself dumb on your cock, huh?” San reached over and patted Yeosang’s thigh, giving him a cheeky grin. “Don’t worry, Yeo. Once I empty my load into her, you can have a turn.”
Yeosang’s hand returned to his cock, giving it enough attention so that he could return to the same state of pleasure he was at before, focusing on the way your tits bounced in front of San’s sweaty face. 
“You’ll let me cum inside you, yeah?” San grabbed onto one of your breasts and moved it around, idly tweaking one of your nipples with two fingers, bringing a sharp gasp out of you.
“I…I don’t know…” Though you were on birth control, you dreaded the thought of having to try to keep cum from spilling out of you on the walk out of the building, and including the drive home. What if it stained the seats? And you just got them redone too. That would be-
“Please, baby,” he groaned, the muscles in his thighs tightening, making them go rigid, some of his pre-cum coating your soaked inner walls. “What if I buy you something? You want a pretty little dress? Or what about a new laptop, huh? I’ll even double whatever you get on your paycheck — just let me cum inside you, baby. Please, let me fill this slutty cunt of yours!” 
“Okay, okay! Just hurry up and-” You couldn’t form another word, too preoccupied with the way that San was holding you down, his hot cum filling you up to the brim, to the point that some had to drip down the base of his dick. 
“Ohhhh, god…that’s it…” 
Once San pulled out, Yeosang had already recovered from his own orgasm and picked you up by the waist, effortlessly pulling you into his own lap and immediately replacing San’s cock with his own, growing hard inside you, upon feeling your walls tightening up around his thick length. “It’s my turn, darling.” 
“Oh my god,” was all you could get out, unable to resist the way Yeosang began expertly bucking his hips up into yours, hitting your g-spot almost instantly. “Sir…!” 
“What a good girl you are, taking another cock right after taking mine,” San cooed near your ear, biting the shell of it and slamming his palm into your ass, causing you to cry out. 
“Does that feel good, angel?” Yeosang spoke up, peppering your sensitive neck with kisses, his calloused hands running up and down along the curves of your body, eventually settling on your tits and cupping them. 
“Y-esss, so fucking good…!” You were about to explain how amazing it felt in further detail, but you were silenced when the man’s lips suddenly pressed onto yours, his tongue slipping into your slightly open mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck, appreciating how desperate he was to kiss you, to explore your mouth so fervently, as though he had a time limit. 
San moved even closer to the both of you, grabbing the opposite side of your chin and pulling you towards him, breaking the kiss and allowing small ropes of spit to fall from your lips. “Let me have a taste,” he mumbled, pressing his mouth onto yours and kissing you in a more sloppy, but still passionate manner. 
Being stimulated in so many ways at once sent you over the edge, feeling your pussy clenching around Yeosang’s length, just as a large amount of arousal splashed out onto it. “Mmmnnn!” 
“How many times did you cum for us, baby? I bet you can’t even count,” San mused, gently pushing your face away and reaching down in between your heated bodies, rubbing your swollen clit. “Cum again, babydoll, so you can brag about it to your little friends on your social media later.” 
“I…ahhhh….” Your eyes were rolling back into your skull, your head and body pulsing with mind-numbing delight, barely able to keep any sort of grasp on reality.
Yeosang pumped himself into you at such a fast speed, San could barely keep his fingers on your clit, but still managed to play with it long enough that their combined efforts sent you into a fit of pleasure-induced hysteria. 
All you could get out was a string of yeses, while quite a few tears fell down your warm cheeks, hardly noticing when Yeosang wiped them away and pulled out of you, just in time for his cum to land on your chest and abdomen in slow spurts.
Almost passing out, you pulled off of Yeosang and settled in between the two older men, huffing and puffing until the flood of endorphins that had previously rushed to your brain finally mellowed out. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence, San reached for his half-filled glass of scotch and took a small sip of it, then leaned back against the couch, spreading his arms across the top of it. “So, laptop it is, then?” he asked, nudging your thigh with his own. 
You sucked your teeth, shaking your head slightly. “Mm, I’ll take the money. And if we do this again, would you consider tripling the amount if I let you cum inside me as much as you want?” 
San sighed softly, facing you and giving you what could only be described as heart eyes, prior to looking past you at Yeosang, who was too busy sending a proud smile your way. “I think I’m in love,” San admitted, drumming his fingers lightly against the couch. 
Yeosang reached over to you so that he could caress your cheek, earning a small sound of approval from you. “Get in line, pal.” 
(i figured i would tag everyone for this since it was a full-fledged fic lol)
Tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cloudysannie @aryraaaa @za-con @cosmiczen @choerryge @aikyubi @arusio @gueritaybonita @i-l0v3hands @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @jexidamulti @as-she-pleases @purplechannie @lilactiny @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @cherryxsang @namsloverr @chanst1ddies @woo-stars @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @simeonswhore @k0rean-big-mini0n @fairyoftaehyun @bls-luv-me @lavanyasingh04 @igotlockedout @fl0r4f4wn @miriamxsworld @mork-ly @woosmaid @kawaiikels @azcon @merciluv-blog @atzcrime @lovekeeho @sup-dallyboy @allofuswantgwinam @breezy-simp @Eastleighblogs @singularity777
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2022.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Unknowingly A Meta AU? owo ? Tim with a Dream Manipulation power he doesn't know he has? Because it can effect HIS dreams. And no one ever mentions it.
His parents? Wearing all sorts of gifts and old jewelry from various sites. They are gucci. Completely untouchable. So the few times Baby Tim DOES show up in there dreams as a kid, when they are in house, they write off as "weird but pleasant".
After all? Who doesn't like to dream about playing with your kid? Going to a fantastical theme park or something? Having a family picnic? It's JUST a nice dream, right?
But! Not everyone has such protections.
And Baby Tim? Gets fixated. Curious. Falls asleep wanting to KNOW. Perhaps, thinking about one member of the Wayne family or another. And since his range is growing? Wayne Manor is juuuuust close enough. Barely, at first. Then easily.
And it's innocent at first. Of course it is. He's just a small child, full of questions. Was Mr. Batman like him as a child? Where did Mr. Pennyworth come from? What was living in the circus like? And so? They dream.
Bruce, playing with a child his age, on the lawn as his parents watch on fondly. Alfred, back too his youth, full of mischief as he runs the streets of his little English town along side friends long dead. Made young once more. Dick, laughing, underfoot, as he and his new friend run roughshod all across the setup site. His parents fond but exasperated.
Such meaningful dreams.
Private, though.
No need to mention them. Or realize the whole household is getting such dreams all at the same time.
And the dreams persist. Tim forever having questions. Or just wondering. Not thinking much on WHY he seems to have such vivid dreams. He's always had them. Surely everyone does. Storybooks certainly seem to suggest that.
Dick leaves. Jason comes.
Dick notices he's started having... nightmares. Chaotic, dark, brooding dreams. Of failure and lose. He doesn't connect things... yet.
Jason doesn't fuckin TRUST these happy clappy, golden sunshine n puppies dreams. The fuck is this? The fuck are YOU? Tim doesn't see a reason to lie. It's just a dream, right?
Uh huh.
Riiiight. Say, Timbits, you ever been tested for that Meta gene thingy? Asks Jason, who has clocked what's happening here, basically night one.
No, why? Asks the clueless neighbor kid.
Before Jason can think of a... polite...ish... way to call him thick and his parents dense as bricks, he wakes up. Gets to spend the whole day looking into the Drake's. Finds out the kid is basicly isolated in that great big house of his. Decides he's... NOT gonna be saying anything.
Welcome to dream land, you little weirdo. Just don't scramble his brains or touch stuff he says not too.
Then? Dick visits. Tim is thrilled. And Dick? Gets his first GOOD dream in weeks. No "what if's", no haunting seconds too late, just? Good moments. Everything languid and lit by golden light. Untouchable.
Him and Kori, between missions, exploring each other. Everything pleasure and light. Grinding. Gasping. Groaning in pleasure as they found just the right angle, sweat catching the light like diamonds. She was beautiful. HE never felt more desirable.
But something niggles in his brain. A sense of being watched, that hadn't been there then. Fascinated little eyes. Blue. Not Jason. Poorly hidden in the corner of the room. He... he should be alarmed. Focus. This isn't for little eyes. Should kick him out. But Kori's here. And everything is soft and so GOOD. He keeps getting lost in that instead.
Is aware, so aware, of little eyes that trail his body like eager hands.
It shouldn't make everything better.
But it does.
And NOW? Now Tim has NEW questions. As puberty closes in fast and without mercy.
And Bruce's dreams certainly have answers. His every desire and fantasy laid bare. Past loves, current lovers, fantasies about coworkers. Being watched. A curiosity. An amusement, perhaps? His brain struggles to pull free of the pleasure and focus.
But eventually, his iron will allows it. He HAS trained for this, after all.
He gets the jump on the... imp? Fae? Youthful looking creature. But touching them just pulls him back under. So he kisses them instead. Strips them. Hands finding places that make them squirm. He's not sure HOW he finds himself fucking them, but he never wants to stop.
And after that? Neither does Tim. He'd never imagined THAT was an option! It felt AMAZING. Which leads to all manner of wet dreams. For every Heroic guest Bruce has. During the day? Prim and proper, everything above board. But in SLEEP? They are pounding their new brother/son incoherent.
Just? Imagine them trying to trigger wet dreams? Trying to get attention in the evenings, so he'll think about THEM before bed. Pouting when their dreams were pleasant nothing instead of Tim Time. The guilty PANIC of guests who TOTALLY boned Timmy drooling and fucked stupid in the Dream Space, now having to sit across Batman, and pretend they didn't do that. Not realizing he totally let them.
Can't get caught, if it's not physical! Dream Sex!
and they're completely guilt free because its a dream😌😌😌
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safarigirlsp · 6 months
I was so excited to see the ask game going around. I hope it perks up around here again 💛
Do you any HCs to share for Flip, Kylo, Jacques, and Mills??
Hello!! Thank you for sending this in! Today feels like the good old days with this dumpster fire hopping and the bs flying! I love it!!
🍕What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
Omg @iamburdened absolutely kills me with her comments. I have re read them 100 times and I smile like a lunatic every time. She's so dark and hilarious and I love her!
Here is just one example of her awesomeness on my fic Sinners Welcome!
@vedavan leaves some of the most involved and thoughtful and incredible comments I've ever received and I am so beyond floored at the amount of thought she gives. I am so thankful for her encouragement and support!
This comment on Here There Be Monsters made me swoon
Ahhhh!! Your stories are always such a thrill, a joyride from beginning to end, and this one was no exception. I loved every word, and your gift for action scenes and gorgeous descriptions shone so brightly here. I loved all the side characters too: from the colorful ragtag assortment of pirates and whores, to Legris' trusted crew and of course the legendary Pierre; the elegantly villainous Talvington and the mysterious, bewitching Grey Lady. Even the ship herself, the Belle Dame, was a character in and of herself. And of course as always I appreciate Carroughes disgusting appearance and his inevitable demise. Your obvious love and passion for the subject matter and for the characters (no one writes a better, hotter, more delicious male MC than your Legris 🔥🔥🥵) made this such a joy to read, and I was almost sad when it ended. Action, romance, drama... your stories have it all and I'm completely addicted. Perfection! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@reveluving inspires me to write more insanity by her support and beautiful comments on my stories!
This is so hard actually, but I have to shout out to my favorite people here and the most supportive and amazing people I know who always spur me to keep churning out my bs and do more!
You, of course! @queeniebee and all the other friends I have here who instantly come to mind when I think of support and wonderful people! @babbushka @lumberjack00fantasies Silky!! @gabesprincess @mrs-gucci @rynwritesstuff @mythrielofsolitude @reylokisses @queen-of-elves @srorgana1 @kyloremus
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
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Kylo knew you were the one when he found he could fight with you and argue without losing his temper. He has a famously hot temper. He's a notoriously violent man. But of course, he could never hurt his girl. That doesn't mean that he wouldn't lose his temper with her, or so he thought. He thought it would be a challenge, that he would feel his blood pressure rise and his teeth grind when you angered him, because naturally you're going to. It can be a little thrilling to push his buttons. But he never has lost his tempter with you, despite your best efforts. He gets hot and bothered in other ways, ways he channels to improve both your moods.
It's true what they say, that Beauty tamed the Beast.
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No one can debate that Jacques has a winning personality. He's fun, lively, exudes charm and charisma, and has no hesitation putting on a grand show for his girl. However, like so many highly charismatic people, his charm was hard-earned and developed for survival. A self-made man, he had no name or fortune and had to claw his way up the food chain until he became a man of power. He remembers going dirty and hungry and cold, sleeping on the ground, awaking to a muscles that ached from cold and a growling stomach that couldn't be sated. Charisma was another skill he learned along the way to survive. Just as necessary to gain power and fortune as being able to fight, red in tooth and claw, was the ability to mingle, to befriend, to charm to amuse. He had to make himself useful in all ways to his betters until he outstripped them all.
With you, he finds that he doesn't need to act at all and that it's all natural and second nature. It makes him swell with pride when he puts a smile on your lips. He realized you were the one when he realized that making you happy made him happier, giving you pleasure made his heart soar. He will also ensure his girl, his family, will never know the feeling going hungry or cold, nor of being shunned and kicked aside. His table will always be bountiful and his arms always warm and loving for his woman. When he smiles for you, when he laughs and entertains, its genuine and it makes him love you more.
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Flip was raised outdoors and helping on his family's ranch, breaking horses, branding calves, cutting timber, chopping ice, hauling hay. All the things his size and rambunctious temper were good for.
His upbringing made him a die hard western movie fan. Clint Eastwood is his favorite with John Wayne a close runner up and he's watched their entire filmography at least five times over with his dad. He's ensured his girl has seen all of his favorites and plenty of others too. True Grit, The Outlaw Josey Wales, El Dorado, Unforgiven, to name a few.
Westerns are his favorite movie genre. However, he is also quite a bit of an ornery jackass. As such, his favorite genre to watch with you is horror. He loves setting the stage, making sure the house is nice and dim, the temperature a little cool, a fire crackling in the fireplace. The ambience is perfect for a movie night in, and all strategically geared to make you want to get nice and close to him, against his chest and inside his arms. He will tease you mercilessly and goose you during the jumpy parts. Then he will laugh - bray- like the jackass he is. He deals with killers and criminals in real life. Horror movies don't phase him. Some big ungainly bastard with half his vision obscured by a mask, coming at him swinging a chainsaw that's telegraphed a mile away is hardly a challenge. Flip would have fun taking your average slasher out in spectacularly ballsy fashion. Flip loves horror movies and chill. He chills while you get chills.
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Mills is tenacious and hard working in all ways. He will go the extra mile and work harder and longer than anyone. Complaints aren't part of his vocabulary and he never shies from any quantity of blood, sweat, and tears it takes to see anything through once he sets his mind to it. He's determined to the point of self destruction and will push himself far past the bounds of comfort and even good sense.
The area in which he's happy to put in the effort and diligence is for his girl. Once he sets his sights on her, nothing will deter him. He will tilt windmills and make every overture, simple and grand, to win her heart. As a lovesick teenager who didn't know a damn thing about girls, this took the shape of embarrassing acts like clumsily strumming a guitar and singing off key below his intended's window at odd hours of the night until angry fathers ran him off. He considered it a badge of honor when one particularly enraged father took a shot at his feet with a .12 gauge.
Thankfully, he has learned a thing or two and now applies his tenacious enthusiasm in better ways. He will cook for you and rub your shoulders until his hands ache. He will bring you flowers and take you out for a picnic that entails a ride in his bush plane out to a mountain lake to spare you the hike. He will carry you to bed when you're tired and hold you all night. He considers it a personal failure when he doesn't make you cum before him, and is dauntless when it comes to making you moan and sigh. He is the ultimate Golden Retriever Boyfriend. He will work every day to make you smile and never let the new wear off.
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rosecoloreddesire · 2 years
Call Out My Name (Austin Butler)
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Summary: Needy Austin has missed you while filming Elvis and only you know the way to make him feel better. And maybe because your manager is the best wing person ever.
Note: Hi y’all! I’ve got midterms rn so writing was a bit slower this week! Hope y’all enjoy this quick blurb! And I’m kinda struggling on ideas for part 3 of SDB :/ but I’ll let y’all have your fill of Austin ;) SMUT AHEAD!
“So how’s the filming going?” 
“It would be going better if my gorgeous girlfriend would be here with me,” he chuckled into the phone softly. Your heart fluttered and you smiled to yourself,” C’mon, modelin’ all day in that gorgeous Prada…or Gucci....has got me missin’ you a whole lot, baby.” His southern drawl from playing Elvis still thick. You smiled as you continued your walk. You and Austin had been dating for a couple months now as you met at a party your friend had planned.
She brought a bunch of A listers and that’s where you saw Austin for the first time. He had his long hair yet and you curled your fingers in it immediately. He chuckled as you had sat next to him in the dimly lit penthouse.
“Oh wow, you’re Y/N! I just saw your cover piece on Vogue the other day! You looked amazing. I really love the whole vintage vibe you’ve got going on.” He smiled as you puckered your lips and placed a hand on under your chin.
“You flatter me, Mr. Butler,” he shook his head as he stared down at his drink,” now what’s a nice man like you doin’ sitting her all alone.” His eyes twinkled in the soft lighting as he blew out a smoke cloud.
“Um, I just auditioned for a movie a couple days ago and I haven’t heard nothin’ so I’m gettin’ a little nervous.” His hands moved with his slow pace of speech and you found yourself suddenly anchored to the cheap bar stool you found yourself sat upon.
“Hey, I bet you did great! I still get nervous getting gigs just for shooting commercials. I can’t imagine actual movies, ya know? What did you audition for?” You placed a hand on his arm, the heat between your two bodies seemingly stopped time around you as the party’s ramped up noise silenced all at once.
“Uh, Elvis. I auditioned to play him. Which, in hindsight, probably ain’t gonna be me but that’s alright.” Your eyes widened and you put a hand to your lips.
“I’m such a huge fan of Elvis! You know that Vogue cover you were talking about? Most of that was inspired by the whole Presley family! You’re kidding! That’s amazing! Honestly with the black hair I think you’d be a dead ringer, Austin.” Your skin began to heat up as he stared at you in bewilderment. You had just fangirled over Elvis Presley in front of *maybe* Elvis Presley reincarnated. You hid your face in your hands as his laugh was drowned out by the pulsing music in the room. He took one of your hands and laid a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“I don’t think I’m that nervous anymore, Y/N. I hope I do you proud.”
“Hey, you’ll survive a little time without me.” You giggled into the phone as you pulled an ID card out of your new purse. The security guard in front of you smiled, giving you a nod. You move the phone to your other ear as Austin continued to whine as you giggled.
“God, Y/N. Your manager sent me a picture of you in that outfit today and god I think they know what you do to me, gorgeous.” Once again you snicker as you place the ID card around your neck. You fiddle with it as you turn the doorknob slowly. The door reading Elvis Presley. He has your f/c scarf around his hand as he talks to you. His back facing you as you close the door.
“How about you stop playing with my scarf you stole and you play with me, Mister Butler?” His whole body tensed at your sultry voice. The dressing room phone was all but thrown out of his way as he strode toward you. His hand threading though your hair and pulling your head back. His teeth scrape against your throat as your hands drag down his chest. His desperation evident by his panting moans. Those lace shirts from him filming Elvis were really doing a number on you. And you think they’ve been doing a number on him as his nipples perk up at the small act of attention. He clears his throat as he breathily chuckles.
“You look fucking perfect.” His voice came out shaky as if he was trying to stop himself from ravishing you right then and there. He takes the faux fur coat that decorated your shoulders so he could take a quick minute to control himself.
“Mm, and I bet I look more perfect being fucked.” You whispered as he stared down at you, eyes darkening by the minute. Your hands intertwine at the nape of his neck and play with the back of his hair. The black strands of hair falling in front of his face as you winked.
“Dirty words, princess.”
“Only for you, baby.” A intercom call breaks the tension between you. Austin reluctantly lets go of you and you are fully aware of how heated your skin is. How wet you are. How fucking hot that jet black hair is as it drapes just perfectly against his forehead.
“Austin Butler to set. Beale Street Chase Scene,” you sit on the table right next to him as he stands in front of you,”Y/N L/N may come too.“ he smiled as you began to sit back in your dress showing that you had no panties. His voice caught in his throat as he tried to ignore the director’s many texts.
“Baby,” he whispered,” Yes, I got your message for rehearsal, Baz. I-“ Austin cleared his throat as you began to push the straps down on your top. He stopped the voice message. He was mesmerized and wasn’t even paying attention to Baz anymore. The texts however continued brutally as you got down on your knees. Austin bit his lip as you palmed his growing bulge in his pants.
“Touch me, Aus.” You whisper as he puts a finger to his lips. He slips the top of your dress across up your shoulders and you pout. He takes one of his many jackets and places it on your shoulder.
“I-I gotta go, darlin’. I-I’ll make it up to you I promise.” You nod as he helps you off the floor. You walk to the mirror and smile. You fix the little bit of makeup that moved around your face and took Austin’s hand.
“Y/N! There’s my girl!!” You feel arms wrap around you as you squeal. The older woman fixed your hair as you flush. She looked as beautiful as ever and you still couldn’t believe she called herself your friend!
“Mrs. Presley! Oh my lord!” You put a hand to your chest as she giggled. You give her a big hug as she continues to laugh at you.
“I was wondering where our Elvis was! When did you manage to get back?” She put her hands on her hips as you flushed. Lisa Marie makes her way to stand next you as you hug her just as lovingly as Priscilla.
“Well, Alix managed to help me get a flight from London to Australia real quick. They are my favorite right now. Though it was a VERY quick last minute decision…thank the lord my designers like Austin. Otherwise I think I’d be here in only a jacket.” You smiled as Priscilla gave you a knowing look. Lisa scoffed at her mother’s teasing gaze.
“Well, you look gorgeous. I can see why he was late, Y/N.” Your skin felt ablaze as you heard Baz call for filming the scene. You and the girls found a place to sit to watch Austin’s performance. Austin looked amazing. The cadillac roared to life as the camera man got sat in next to him in the passenger seat. Austin smoothed his hair back and his jaw went slack. His eyes darkened as Elvis became the forefront of his whole façade. A chill ran down your spine as the tires squealed, the anger that rested heavily in his eyes sending a blaze through your skin. You didn’t think this would be as hot as it is but boy were you wrong. 
“Hey, ladies,” a soft whisper brings your dream state to a pause as you turn,”Y/N? When did you get back? You look great!” Tom wraps an arm around you and hugs you into his side. You lean onto his shoulder and Baz yells for  a cut. The extras being flooded onto the next scene. 
“I just got back today! I wanted to surprise Aus. Though I think I may have surprised more than just him.” You smile as Priscilla chuckles beside you. You look back up and see that Baz is showing Austin how the scene was looking and by the look of Austin’s face he was ecstatic on how it went. His boyish smile curled against his lips as Baz patted him on the back. 
“Take five! I gotta figure out the placement for everyone real quick! Thank you!” Austin all but ran to you as Baz organized the extras on the streets. His warm fingers fell deftly against your cheek and he kissed you softly. 
“How’s my best girl,” Priscilla poked him in the side and he laughed. His hands went straight up into the air,” I was talking to you, Priscilla.” His voice dripping into the southern drawl you were addicted to. The two Presley’s laughed as Austin scratched the back of his neck bashfully.
“I’m just messing with you, Austin. I’m going to go and grab us some waters quick, Y/N.” You’re about to protest when Austin shushes you. 
“Do you know how hard it is to focus when I know you're here in this beautiful thing? Lord, you’re gonna be the death of me, baby.” You smile as you trail your fingers down his chest as he hums. You could feel his heart wanting to beat right out of his chest as adrenaline pumped through him. 
“Want me to make it harder for you?” You place a small kiss on his neck. Careful not to leave a mark from your lip-gloss. His lip is caught between his teeth as he imagines every damn possibility of having you on this set. 
“We’re ready for you, Elvis!” You smile as he groans in defeat. 
“Oh, Mr. Presley. I think someone needs you! I’ll need you more later, Elvis.” You push his shoulder lightly as he grasps at his chest feigning an illness. You roll your eyes as he kisses your cheek. 
“This isn’t over, L/N.” He whispers into the shell of your ear and turns around. His posture straightening up but the tenseness still visible in his shoulders. Priscilla’s hand rests on your shoulder and your heart skips a beat. 
“Nice play, Y/N.” She winks and you melt into your chair in embarrassment. 
“Aus, wait- ah!” 
“I thought I was Elvis to you, little girl.” 
“You seriously want to play this right now, Aus-uhn!” 
“You look so pretty spread out like this. “
 “Aus, please. I-I’m sorry. Just fuc-” 
“Ah ah! No dirty words, darlin’.”
“Austin please. Ah- don’t stop.” You gripped his shoulders as he pounded mercilessly inside of you. His cock dragging deliciously along your walls. His lips busy sucking your hardened nipples into his mouth. If the sound of his cock thrusting sloppily into your wet pussy was any hint to what the two of you were doing, the groan as his lips popped off of your tits would.
“Call out my name, Y/N.”
“Austin! Please! More! Austin~!”
“Fuck, I’ve missed your pussy, baby doll.” Your eyes rolled back as he played that damn Elvis card again. Your nails drag down his chest as he pushes you against the wall, roughly. Nobody better walk past this damn closet. Austin’s hand trailed from your chest to your neck, fingers twisting around your throat as his thrusts plunge his cock deeper within you. You arch your back in the small space making Austin let out a stuttering moan.
“Austin, p-please! I’m gonna cum! Plea-“ His lips are soft against yours compared to the thrusts rubbing you against the door. You begin to tear up as white dots fill your vision.
“Let me see you cum, pretty girl,” his unrelenting pace pushes you to the delicious edge you crave,” that’s my girl. Fuck, you’re so tight. Shit, baby.” His eyes never leave yours as you squeeze around him. His pace stuttered as you drag your nails along his chest and nipples. His climax nears as he shouts. The searing release flooding inside you.
“Aus, you’re so big.” He chokes on his groan and stops pulling out of you. You giggle as he tried to gather his scattered thoughts.
“Baby, I might not stop if you say shit like that again…Y/N..” Your sultry moment however is interrupted by the intercom like earlier.
“Mr. Butler to set. Mr. Butler to set. Miss L/N to his trailer please so he can actually focus this time?” Baz’s belly laugh echoed and you push Austin away. Your skin flushed from the embarrassment and the ecstasy of your orgasm. With your dress finally on you give him a quick kiss. He helps you situate the whole thing and he kisses your neck softly.
“Mm, if I had more time I would’ve taken my time to taste you, baby.” His lips were still glossy from your earlier endeavors but the intercom speaker squeaked and you opened the door to the closet and winked.
“See you later, Mr. Presley!”
“You’re gonna be the death of me, doll!”
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baenyth · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-7: The Goat Miraculous: Welcome back, Mr. Bug and Lady Noire!
Alright, Kwamiswap number two. Let's hope it's better than Reflekdoll, but then again that's a low bar, right?
Yep, more lovesquare shenanigans. In terms of creating a romantic tangle of two characters dancing around eachother due to secret identities, this show failed at wanting me to see them develop on this relationship and eventually come together. In that way, you could call the show bad, but I'm still not keen on calling it that. Maybe just the later seasons, specifically the episodes focused on the romantic subplot.
Gucci Pajamas
Dad's shitty ass pancakes
Get his ass! Maybe even arrest him right then and there while you're at it!
But what about Adrien's real dad? The Gorilla?
More poorly-edited live action pics. Why does this show seem so cheap?
The silly billy
Plagg's cooking up some five-star fondue.
Damn, Monarch's milking the hell out of Kaalki.
Oh, I see how the Kwamiswap is happening!
Kitty, you know why this isn't a good ide-this is filler.
At least she had a moment of self-realization.
You know what, honestly I think I'd like more of Mister Bug and Lady Noire as well! I like the concept of Adrien using his smarts and Marinette being the one down bad for him instead!
Is the name for the Miraculous Big Bang really just 'Miraculous [whatever the Ladybug Holder's name is]'? It doesn't roll off the tongue as well as for Scarabella or Mister Bug. Can it just be whatever?
Hey, that wasn't half bad! I'm actually starting to warm up to the love square reversal, at least in terms of writing it! They make a new dynamic! Bonus points for Safari being a practical and relatively good looking akuma, compared to the worst akuma!
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safsunderc · 12 days
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
A beautiful film, centring beautiful people, whose melancholic stories of neglect and deprivation spring no sympathy to mind, The Talented Mr. Ripley is an ode not only to one man’s jealousy, obsession and desire, but the shame he has been taught to carry as a low-class, gay man in modern western society.
Beautiful Country
The major bulk of the film takes place in Italy because Dickie loves it there, it is only there Marge is finally in her element to write her book. Italy has always been a place for bourgeois aristocrats to spend expensive summers, even now you think of Capri and images of Gucci stores spring to mind, of hundred euro meals and fashionable little sailing boats. I’ve been briefly, and it happens to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, worth every penny on the planet, and then some. But if you are as Dickie is, and pennies aren’t of your concern, why wouldn’t you spend all your time in Italy? It’s a lifestyle most of us can only ever dream of, but he carries it like a burden; Meredith says that those with their kind of money are driven to despise it, but if that is true they surely don’t behave that way. 
In all honesty, it’s pitiable to watch the sob story of a man with so much more than yourself, and for me, that’s what I find most irritable about Dickie and the characterisation of the bourgeois characters generally. As a woman of working stock myself, it’s hard for me to sympathise with any of Dickie’s hardships, and it must be the same for Tom, who is even closer to the excessive wealth they all flaunt; me, I’m just watching through a screen, Tom lives, for about the first hour of the film, my very worst nightmare: to have everything you’ve only ever dreamed about dangled in front of your face, and you’ve got to pretend like it’s nothing, like you’ve seen it all before. It’s excruciating watching Tom try and fit himself into this new bourgeois dynamic and navigate the extravagances of his new Italian lifestyle, as though he’s got to learn two new languages instead of one. 
Along with designer fashion brands and espressos, 20th century Italy comes to us off the back of the Roman empire and the renaissance, arguably two of the most culturally impactful events in all pre-modern history. Shakespeare’s final play, The Tempest, takes place on an isle off the coast of Italy and centres Italian nobility. The driving force of the plot is of a betrayal between brothers, an ironic parallel to Tom and Dickie. Italy is certainly home to the most beautiful buildings, paintings, literature, to the largest and mightiest military force in history, but it is also a haven of deceit and discomfort for the aristocratic class; Brutus had been Caesar's closest friend after all. 
Italy is also an uncommonly religious state, of course, it’s home to the Vatican city, home of the Pope. Catholic (or simply religious) guilt plays a large part in any person’s life who struggles dealing with their sexuality, and in a place like Italy, where religious superstition is at the heart of its people and communities, there is always an underlying sense of guilt for Tom during his time there. In a scene where Tom is accused of homosexuality by a police officer, it is made all too blatant the imperfections of the place. After a dreamy, hazy Italian holiday where Tom can kid himself into acceptance, it’s time to wake up and go back to the real world, it exists in Italy too. It’s a culturally progressive yet simultaneously conservative country, and that’s why the upper class thrives: there are boundaries safe to cross so you might feel like you’re living large, when really there is nothing extraordinary about Dickie’s life. In all its extravagance, it’s ultimately devoid of what Tom’s fruitless life has got: passion, devotion, and love. 
“But, because it spares my shame”
Along with those things, however, comes heaps of shame. The working man’s inner plight is that of trying to prove to others your worth through what labour you can provide for those whose own worth lies within their pockets; more than that even is trying to prove it to yourself. Tom deals with a lot of prejudice from other characters, but the one he is really facing judgement from is himself. This guilt and shame is ultimately what drives him to kill; it’s arguable that he kills Dickie out of pure obsession with the man, but if we follow the rest of his killing spree, it’s made obvious that it’s really because he is ashamed of his sexual and general identity. 
First, he kills Dickie. It’s honestly one of the most horrible, difficult scenes I've ever sat through, thanks to the way Tom cries as he does it, how he girlishly screams and is genuinely horrified at what he’s done. He’s just confessed his love for him and then Dickie is saying he is going to marry Marge and he realises that’s what is supposed to happen: boy meets girl, boy falls in love, boy and girl get married. But Tom is nothing if not gifted at spinning the narrative around so he lies blameless. No, it’s all Dickie’s fault for leading him on, and he’s so embarrassed of himself he can’t do anything but kill Dickie. Faced with the horrifying nature of his sexuality, Tom tries killing it, along with Dickie. You see a gross, incessant bug and you hit it hard as you can; a natural human response to disgust. 
Talented Tom Ripley’s Chains
You could say his next victim is arguably Tom Ripley himself when he assumes Dickie’s identity. Throughout the film I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting it to be revealed that Tom Ripley wasn’t his real name either, and that Tom doesn’t exist at all. Instead, I’d like to think that Tom Ripley is already dead before the start of the film. There is so little we know about who Tom is: he’s musical and plays piano; he’s of low class; he of course has a knack for imitation and impersonation. He’s not academically-minded, cultured, charismatic, Tom Ripley is hardly even talented. The film spends about a good hour portraying Tom as calculated and brilliant and apparently he becomes Dickie with ease, something psychopathic about how good he is at what he does. But, when you really think about it, he gets caught at least twice and is almost caught another three times. Tom isn’t the intellectual mastermind he is famously cast as, rather he is driven by his passion and desire, and of course his shame. 
When Tom first reveals his ‘talent,’ it sets Dickie off laughing, like it’s some kind of party trick. As much of a talent as it is, Tom hardly uses it, signing maybe one paper as Dickie. Even Tom’s greatest talent is a meagre trick to impress and entertain people like Dickie; once again, he is the low-class laughing stock amongst the crowd of trust-fund babies and Princeton prodigies. Every small conversation between Dickie and Tom is laced with mockery and the class difference is blatant, even posing as an actual Princeton alumni he can’t hide he’s classless: can't ski, can’t sail, can’t even wear a different set of clothes each day. Class is something entrenched in a person’s being and you can’t escape whatever situation you were brought up under, and Tom is no different. 
Peeping Tommy
Tom’s relationship with Freddie is an anomaly, being the only person Tom seems to dislike. Maybe it’s because Freddie is genuinely Dickie’s friend and can flawlessly pull off what Tom himself is hanging by a thread trying to achieve. Tom is jealous of Dickie, yes, but he doesn’t hate him. When Tom kills Freddie he’s waiting for him behind a closed door, like an actual premeditated murder. It's also the only time we see him actually disposing of the body, like maybe he doesn’t mind us seeing this one, because there is no feeling for Freddie. This is really the only time we see Tom in all his glory, being that calculated psychopath. However, the act of killing Freddie is the same as killing Dickie: he’s just plain embarrassed and angry at himself, because Freddie is right, he is peeping Tom, he does know his ass from his elbow.
Later, when Tom is close to taking Marge as his third victim, he cuts himself on the razor that was meant for her, except, why are you clutching the blade of a weapon you’re about to use? It almost seems like Tom never intended on harming Marge at all; he can only afford this for the simple fact that she is a woman. This means two things: 1) He isn’t afraid of his attraction to her, and 2) No one would believe her if she uncovered the truth. This makes the women safe territory and he doesn’t feel the need to kill them.
There is a split second near the end where you think Tom might just push Meredith off the boat, but, of course, he doesn’t. He would never hurt a woman because Tom idealises them to the point where they could never be blamed for his shortcomings. Of course it’s Dickie’s fault Tom is sexually attracted to him, but there is no fault in his attraction to Marge because there would be nothing wrong with it. Except there seems to be no case of Tom actually desiring a woman as he does Dickie or Peter. 
The scenes of sexual intimacy between Tom and any other man I often found uncomfortable, or at least that Tom himself was uncomfortable; it is obvious he cannot stand himself and he says as much in the very first line: “If I could just go back, if I could rub everything out, starting with myself, starting with borrowing a jacket.” This sentiment is consistent through to the end when he accuses Peter of lying when listing good things about him, particularly when he’s told he’s beautiful. The crux of Tom’s psychopathic motivations is a crippling self-hatred, and that extends to his physical form. “Tell me some good things about Tom Ripley.” He asks, practically pleading. He’s so close to having everything that he wants, a man to love him, a huge sum of money, elevated social status. Except he can’t have the one thing he really wants, to be someone else. In the end, he is Tom Ripley and he can’t get away from that, in mind, body, and in all his talentless, displeasing spirit. 
This film is what I think is the most accurate portrayal of struggling with your sexuality and overall identity. It’s not a moving, sensitive experience that movies like Call Me by Your Name or All of us Strangers portray; it’s anguish, it’s violence, it’s losing the people you love and feeling like you did it yourself; it’s fearing being alone for the rest of your life. It’s pretending a whole section of you is not there and lashing out when you’re confronted with the basement full of unhappy thoughts. It’s hearing good things and not believing them; it’s hating your body and being afraid of it. It’s looking in the mirror and not knowing who you even are. It’s feeling like you made all the wrong choices and, like Tom puts it, believing it would be better to be a fake somebody, than a real nobody. 
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vedavan · 1 year
Tagging a few lovelies in this delicious prompt via Twitter... prompt written by the amazing @sofondabooks which was inspired by yet another gorgeous edit by the brilliant @kyloremus . (And if it inspires anyone to write something please let us know 🤞🤞🥵)
@safarigirlsp @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @mrs-gucci
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safyresky · 2 years
tscs episode 6
Okay so like. That was the most anti-climactic climax I have ever seen in my life? And for what? Scott getting his character arc? While everyone else resets back to this is fine!!!! Buddy suddenly is GUCCI with being Santa? Carol is GUCCI with being Mrs Claus? Sandra is suddenly GUCCI with talking to animals? When the kids were panicking about it before and Carol was like "press x to doubt!"
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It's just so dissatisfying and I've seen folks be like "it doesn't feel like the santa clause ):" and it really doesn't!!!!
Some other gripes I had with this thing:
Scott upon meeting befana: who tf are u
Scott seeing her little teleport tornado: oh i know this
Carol/Mrs. Claus's "identity crisis". That was BARELY a crisis. I think I'm most upset about that--her with the Mrs Claus identity, Buddy/Cal with the anxiety over being the next Santa and not WANTING to do it, and Sandra with the witch powers/talking to animals crisis and suddenly being okay with it. I would have LOVED to see that growth! HENCE THE MEME
Scott: the kids don't have magic
Scott 5 episodes later: I KNEW YOU GUYS HAD MAGIC!!
I can't deal with the inconsistencies I just can't y'all.
Overall, the series had great ideas and none of them landed. The jokes are outdated and probably wouldn't even have been funny 30 years ago, and all of the potential this thing has was wasted on Santa once more LEARNING TO BE A GOOD PARENT WHEN IT'S LIKE. BRO. 3 MOVIES??? AND U STILL HAVEN'T LEARNT?????
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mrs-gucci · 1 year
mrs-gucci writes Commander Mills
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**all of my pieces are written with a female reader character.**
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© 𝐦𝐫𝐬-𝐠𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐢, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Say That Again, Baby.
Summary: a Wattpad/tumblr request - “Hili! I was wondering if you can write a one shot that is basically a size kink type of chapter. Can it be where the girl just keeps telling him he's huge and something like that? so it would be both dom and sub harry”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, size kink, praising, blowjob, oral (m), unprotected sex, biting, hair pulling, choking, porn-like phrases, filth from both y/n and Harry
Harry just won two Grammy’s.
You’re at the after party with him, spending the night celebrating his victories.
“Harry.” Anthony says holding his camera up, “show off that Grammy.”
Harry chuckles and brings his leg up, pointing to the Grammy that’s embroidered onto his Gucci Gazelle.
“Love ya, Pham.” Harry was a bit drunk.
Okay. A lot drunk.
“Harry, come here. They want more pics.” Anthony motions for Harry to come over. Harry lays a hand on your leg, “S’cuse me, babe.”
You have to admit, you were kinda sorta very drunk, too.
Not as wasted as Harry, though.
But, you knew that you were drunk because you could jump his bones right here in this booth in front of everyone not even think twice about it.
“Mhm.” You hum lowly as your eyes glance down from his eyes to his hand, “Course.” You look up at him, and before you scoot out of the booth to let him out, he gives your thighs a squeeze and winks at you.
You sigh and shake your head with a smirk as you get up. He lays his hand on your back and presses his lips to your forehead.
“I love you.” He whispers quietly.
“I love you, Harry.”
You went to go get another drink and when you came back, you noticed Harry kneeled down against the wall with his hand on his forehead.
You press your lips together and tilt your head. Walking over, “Hey.” You whisper quietly as you get on your knees in front of him, “You okay?”
He slowly lifts his head and smiles at you.
His eyes are watery and you can tell what happened bothers him, especially with him being drunk.
You smile and lay a hand on his cheek, “You deserve everything, Harry. The awards. The fans. The albums.” You move in closer and rest your forehead against his, “Fuck what that guy yelled, you still won album of the year and you know what else?”
You lean back and watch as he closes his eyes, nuzzling his cheek into your hand before pressing his lips to it, “What else, darling?”
You tilt your head slightly, “I’m going to make sure you have the best night of your life when we get home. Take your mind off everything for a while.”
His eye brow twitches and he smirks, “Yeah?”
“Oh yes.” You smile and press both hands to his cheeks, “I know it’s very hard to let what he said go, but if you need anything. I’m here for.” You press your lips to his, “Always.”
He smiles and bites his lip as he looks at you, “I could use something, but I don’t want to embarrass everyone here with how loud you get.”
You scoff and gently push him back as you smirk, “tables have turned Mr. Styles.”
“Oh have they?” He tilts his head and stands up, bringing you with him as he does.
“They certainly have.”
You guys are a giggling mess as you fall out of the car.
“Thank you!” You and Harry both yell to the driver as you practically run to the door of the house that you share with him.
“Fuck.” Harry laughs, “I can’t get.. oh, had it upside down.”
You laugh and push the door open, pulling him in with you, “You’ve been hanging out with me too much. I’m rubbing off on you.”
He kicks the door closed behind him and walks over to you. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours.
You moan slightly as he runs his hands thought your hair, pulling your hair just so ever slightly as he does.
“I haven’t been spending enough time with you and I have something you can rub.” He smirks and laughs slightly as his comment.
You shake your head and smile, “I love you.”
“I love you, babe. Now.” He lifts you up and starts to walk towards the steps but you stop him, “Wait, no, baby. The chair.”
You point to the chair that just so happens to be Harry’s favorite seat in the house.
“Okay.” He smirks and walks over, sitting down with you still on his lap, dress still on and all, “Now show me just how exactly the tables have turned.”
You lean in, kissing from his lips to his neck. You kiss down and back up, nipping at his ear while you whisper, “Because I have partial control tonight.”
“Partial?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, just until I can’t take it anymore and need your cock buried inside of me.” You smirk and stand up before he can grab you.
“Take your clothes off, please.” You smile and start to slowly pull your dress down over your shoulders.
His eyes are fixated on seeing the skin that’s been covered all night.
His hands move to take his jacket off. He leans forward, slipping off his white tank and tossing it on top of his jacket that’s in a pile on the floor.
He starts to undo his pants and his eyes watch as the dress falls into a pool at your feet. His eyes move up your legs and scan over every inch of your naked body.
“Fuck.” He mutters as he slides his pants and boxers down his thighs. He kicks them off and rests his arms on the arm rests.
You’re in awe of him just sitting there looking at you. His hard cock leaking.
Aching to be touched, too.
You walk over and get on your knees between his legs, “You have such a nice cock, daddy.”
You glance up at him as you gently take it in your hand and his eyebrow twitches and he bites his lip as he picks up that you’re about to praise his cock.
A groan leaves his lips as you start stroking his cock.
You lean in and trace the vein of the underside of it. He sucks in air and clenches his jaw, “Shit.” He groans through gritted teeth.
You bite your lip as you ogle his cock, “You’re so big, fuck daddy. I can’t wait until you’re stretching my pussy out again.”
You lean in, pressing your lips to the tip before you part them, slowly welcoming his cock between them.
He lets out a breathy moan and he grips the chair arms, “Oh, bloody hell.”
He bucks his hips slightly and you continue to bob your head, working on taking him in fully.
You gag around him and close your eyes, trying to control your breathing.
You take a deep breathe and slowly work him into your throat. Harry absolutely loves hearing you gag on his cock because he knows it’s the only cock you’ll ever want.
He lays a hand on the back of your head, holding it there for a couple seconds. You pull off with a gasp, gripping his thighs as you giggle slightly, “Fuck, daddy. Your cock is so big, I could barely breathe.”
You smile up at him as your bare chest heaves up and down quickly. He shakes his head and runs his hands over his face, “Shit, You almost had me there, baby.”
You push your panties down your thighs and stand up. You step out of them and crawl on to Harry’s lap. Your lips immediately find his and you make out.
His hands slide up and down your body a few times before his hands slide to your ass. He squeezes and pulls them apart, “You want to sit on my cock, sweetheart?”
You whimper and nod, “Yes, daddy. I want to sit on your big cock.”
“Fuck. Say that again, baby.” He grabs your hips and sits up to close the space between you.
You lean forward and brush your lips against his, “Yes daddy. I want to sit on your big cock.”
He reaches down and holds his cock steady as he slowly pushes the tip of it inside of you.
You gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder, “Fuck. Fuck, yes. More daddy please.” You moan as he fulfills your request, “Fuckfuck.”
You let out a loud moan and gasp as he pushes your hips the rest of the way down, “I love your cock inside of me.” You moan out quickly as you clench around him.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking tight.” He moans as he watches you position yourself. You place your feet on his outer thighs and grip the arms of the chair.
You lean back whispering as you drag your hand down his chest, “You are so fucking sexy.”
You start to move your hips and you can’t help but moan, “Fuck, stretching me so good, daddy.”
He watches as your pussy swallows his cock whole each time you slide back down, “you’re so fucking sexy.”
He groans as he squeezes your thighs, “You like my cock baby?”
“Mm, daddy. I love your cock.” You moan and clench around him, “So close already.”
He hums and takes his hands off of you, resting one on the arm rest and presses the other to your clit, “Go on then, sweetheart.”
You moan loudly as Harry’s fingers out just the right amount of pressure on your clit as he circles it.
“Fuck, yes daddy, yes yes.” You let out a long moan as your squeeze his cock with your pussy.
“Fuck.” He groans as he digs his fingers into your hip harder.
You push your hips all the way down on him and moan as you slowly move your hips, fucking yourself on his cock until your high comes to an end.
“Mm I like to cum on your cock, daddy.” You lean in and kiss him. He grips your hips with his hands and pulls you closer.
Your tongues move against one another and you moan in his mouth.
He leans back and looks at you, “Bend over on this chair f’me.”
He taps your hips with his fingers, indicating he wants you to get up. You let out a sigh and smirk, “Fine.”
He winks and smiles at you, “Good girl.”
You bite your lip as your heart skips a beat at his words.
He knows you absolutely love to be praised.
“Say that again, baby.” You smirk slightly and watch as he gets up. He pulls you into his body and looks down at you.
He gently grips your chin and tilts your head up, “Good girl.” He whispers quietly as he stares into your eyes with a smirk plastered on his lips.
You take a shaky breath and smile, turning to put your knees on the chair.
He gives your ass a smack and you jump slightly. You look at him over your shoulder, “hey!”
He chuckles and rubs both of your ass cheeks, “M’sorry.”
You smile, “It’s okay, now fuck me with the big cock daddy.”
You wiggle your hips at him and rock back, “Please.”
A smirk spreads across his face as he slowly slides his hands down, running his fingers across your soaked folds.
“Mm.” He hums lowly, “Why should I do that?”
You close your eyes, frustrated that he’s taking over.
“Because it’ll feel so good, baby.” You open your eyes and look back at him, “Please daddy?”
You move your hips back move and he slips two fingers inside of you, letting them rest for a moment. You let out a whine, “I love you fingers, but I want that cock daddy.”
He chuckles and spreads his fingers as he slowly starts to push his cock in. You gasp at the feeling and your eyes roll back and close.
“Fuck, yes daddy give me that big fucking cock.” You push your hips back and lean down onto the back of the chair, “Fuck, fuck.”
You moan and dig your nails into the cushion, “Shit, yes yes oh fuck!”
He spreads his fingers a little bit more as he pushes his cock the rest of the way into you.
“Fuck, daddy.” You moan out, “your big cock stretches me so good.”
“Fuck.” He groans before slapping your other ass cheek, “you’re such a dirty little whore, aren’t you?”
“For you.” You look back at him and bite your lip.
He watches you as he starts to thrust, slow at first but then quickly builds up into a punishing pace.
Harry grabs your arm, pinning it down onto the lower part of your back, moaning as he digs his grip on your arm tightens., “Fuck. You feel fucking incredible.”
His other hand smacks your ass cheek again and he rubs over the red skin.
You clench around him, “so fucking big.” You whine out, “Yes yes. Fuck me, daddy. Yes yes.”
He pounds into you for a little longer before slowing his pace, “You’re gonna make me cum soon, babe. Where ya want it?”
“In my pussy.” You smirk slightly and rock back onto him, “Please daddy.”
He slides his hand up your back and around to your neck, “Say it again, the correct way.”
He squeezes slowly as you start to speak, “Daddy, I want you to cum in my pussy.”
“There ya go, love.” He starts to thrust, still keeping grip of your neck and squeezing.
Your moans are muffled from his choking you, “Fuck.” You whimper out as you squeeze his cock with your pussy, “Please please. Your cock is so fucking good.”
Harry loosens his grip and slides his hand back to your hips. He pulls your hips back to meet his and you can feel his cock twitch.
“Fuck.” He gasps and pushes his cock all the way in, “Snuck up on me.” He chuckles slightly and groans.
You moan as you feel yourself be engulfed by nothing but pleasure.
You both rest there for a few moments, breathing heavy and slightly sweaty.
“Shower?” Harry asks, breaking the silence.
“Please.” You agree.
He pulls out and you turn around and sit down. He holds his hand out and you take it, rising to your feet.
He presses his lips on your temple and sighs, “Race ya!” He pushes away from your and be lines for the steps.
“He-wa-wha- no-“ you stutter and jump slightly, “Not fair!” You yell as you run up the steps after him. He turns around at the top and laughs, “Let them fly free, baby.”
You laugh as his remark about your arms holding your boobs to your chest, “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” You ask stepping towards him when you reach the top.
“Very much so.” He smirks and you lean in to kiss him but push away from him, “Race ya!”
You make it to the bathroom first and hop in the shower, “Loser!”
He walks around the corner and looks at you, “Alright. I see how it is.” He walk over to you and pins you to the shower wall.
“You going to show me just how it is, huh?”
He smirks and nods, “Damn right.”
Thank you for being patient! I hope you like this!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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six-magnitude-girl · 2 years
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The Heirs
Chapter: 1/7 Day 1 - @eremikaauweeks
Tags: Meteor Garden AU, High school AU, arranged marriage, enemies to friends to lovers, rich people problems
A/N: I got the title from this korean drama called The Heirs.
Note: This is more of a preview as I haven't finished writing it yet.
Eren is suddenly blocked by men in black suits. He recognized one of them as his mother's security detail.
"What do you guys want?" he crossed his arms hating how everywhere he looked, all he saw was himself reflected on the shades the men around him were wearing. 
"The madam wants to see you." Eren clicked his tongue and tried to make a run for it. 
The security detail must have been expecting him to put up a fight because they immediately put a sack on his head before everything went black. 
When he woke up, he was already wearing a suit that his older brother typically wears. Across the table is his mother who motioned for the waiter to give him water. 
Normally, he'd already be screaming and demanding to know where they are but the boy ignored his mother because he was finding her behavior becoming harder to swallow as time went by. She's taking her usual antics to the next level these days. 
Eren remained silent and didn't touch the water either even with the fact that he was parched. 
The door of the private function room opened and Eren couldn't stop himself from reacting strongly upon seeing Marisu being escorted inside by her mother's aide. 
“WHAT IS THIS?!" he slammed the table. "Mom, why do you have to involve her?”
Eren’s on his feet alternating between glaring and looking at Marisu who’s grimly standing by the door. He's about to go to her and get them out of there but the bodyguards quickly restrict his movements. 
There was nothing he could do but struggle and growl to get their hands off of him to no avail. 
Everyone stopped in their tracks when the door opened again. 
A black-haired girl their age entered the room. Unlike Marisu, she received a warm welcome from Dina. 
The newcomer looked unsure but returned Dina's goodwill. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner, madam." 
Dina didn't waste any more time and informed the dazed and confused teens why they were there, "This is your future wife, Mikasa Ho." 
Mikasa and Eren's widened eyes instinctively fell on each other. 
"I AM NOT MARRYING ANYONE!" Before Eren could say anything further, two more people entered the room. 
"Mr. and Mrs. Ho!" Upon seeing her parents enter the room, Mikasa gave up trying to get a word in and just observed everyone.  
The teens watched dumbfounded as their elders exchanged pleasantries. 
"I didn't think you'd make it so I had someone pick my future daughter-in-law." 
Mr. Ho held his wife's hand, "Just because we finally found our missing daughter doesn't mean we'll neglect Mikasa." 
"I understand your dedication to giving equal attention to your daughters. If I could, I would split myself in half to be with my sons." Dina might be a legitimate royal princess and the wife of the CEO of the largest hospital chain in the world but she is a mother first and foremost. 
"Our Mikasa is a little on the shy side. For years, we have had to drag her to meet people so we ask for your patience." The couple smiled and turned to Eren as well who was in between fight or flight with how on the edge he is. 
"What are you talking about? Your daughter is perfect in every way, I've heard nothing but good things about her." 
The couple beamed at Dina's praise. 
"After all, it's better to be demure than to be a shameless one."
Marisu shifted her feet and looked uncomfortable with the way everyone in the room who was dressed to the nines turned to her after Dina's obvious jab at her. 
"Who is this girl?" Mrs. Ho eyed Marisu's well-worn Gucci dress as if it personally offended her.  
"This girl is Marisu Reeder." Without missing a beat Dina turned to Marisu, "I trust that you finally understand your place?" 
Marisu tearfully glanced at Mikasa standing beside her who only looked straight ahead as if nothing happening at the moment concerned her. 
That was enough for Dina and didn't demand an audible answer from her.
"What are we even doing standing around like this? Let's all sit." 
"I WON'T MARRY ANYONE SO LEAVE US BE!" Eren took advantage of the bodyguards stepping back and rushed towards the door to grab Marisu and get them out of there. 
Everyone wasn't sure what to do when shortly after Eren's defiant speech, he dragged Mikasa and left with her. 
The adrenaline that Eren feels didn't subside even after confirming that nobody chased after them. 
"Ignore my mother. She'll go away soon I-" Despite the resistance that Eren feels, he continued pulling on his companion's arm. He's looking everywhere to make sure nobody is tailing them. 
Fed up with the resistance, he was forced to let go of his companion's arm and was surprised to see the girl his mother wanted him to marry. 
"Who the fuck are you?!" Eren looked horrified when he realized that he mistakenly left Marisu to fend for herself. 
Mikasa rubbed her arm after getting him to let go of her and looked around the area as well thinking about how to get home. 
She blankly stared at the mess in front of her while the said mess started cursing her as if she was the idiot who grabbed the wrong girl.
It's already late at night and Eren is starting to realize that he has no money or cards with him. He started to walk away, leaving Mikasa behind. 
Mikasa stopped him from walking by standing in his way. 
"Do you have money with you right now?" Eren is getting more irate by the minute.
"Are you fucking stupid? If I do, I would have taken a taxi right now to get home so don't think of borrowing money from me!" He gave her a dirty look and started walking away.
A taxi slowed down at Eren's side. He looked over his shoulder instinctively and was surprised to see Mikasa with her hand raised, waving at the taxi. 
Mikasa opened the car door and went inside the taxi but not before giving Eren a victorious look. 
It took everything for Eren not to start chasing after the taxi and curse at Mikasa for mocking him. 
It was early in the morning and the F4 uncharacteristically arrived early in school. 
The members of F4 belong to the four most affluent families in the New Eldian Empire and they have been friends since they were in diapers. 
It's moments like this that they are reminded why they stick around despite knowing that being Eren's friend is a full-time job. 
They couldn't stop laughing as he relayed the story of what happened yesterday. Even Armin who was either missing or sleeping is laughing with them. 
"Stop laughing!" Connie dodged Eren's blow and giggled. 
Jean didn't guffaw like Connie, as according to his mother, it could cause premature wrinkles but he has this wide smile on his face. He couldn't stop himself from laughing so motioned his lackeys away as he had finally settled on what ascot to wear for the day. "If you didn't want us to laugh then you shouldn't have told us the story."
Eren gave Jean a middle finger which Jean returned with enthusiasm. 
"Ascot bitch." Eren muttered under his breath. 
"I am guessing that making us laugh wasn't the only reason we're hearing about this," Armin decided that he had laughed enough and went to the root of the matter. 
Eren ran a hand on his nape in frustration. "Marisu's got to know that it was all a mistake right?" he asked quietly. 
The three only looked at him blankly before dissolving into laughter. 
Armin would rather not get tangled up with Marisu considering what happened the last time so he just leaned on the tree, hoping to catch some sleep except he couldn't. His expression turned pensive. "Let's go inside, there might be a storm coming." 
Jean sprayed some floral essence mist around his face, "Good idea, Armin!" 
It was a bright and sunny day without a cloud in sight. 
Even though students gawk at the F4, they know to give them a wide berth as they walk the halls of The Eldian Imperial Academy. 
Everyone is used to the F4 doing whatever they wish in school. The board of directors at the Academy made it a point to assign the F4 in separate classrooms. Each homeroom teacher assigned to the F4 has an allotted budget for any psychological, physical, or property damage they cause within school grounds. 
So Eren not paying attention to class is already considered a blessing. He's sitting alone in the last row of the lecture classroom staring out the window. 
His attention shifts to the front when he hears his classmates making a fuss. 
Everyone looked back at Eren who stood up to point at Mikasa who was being introduced by the homeroom teacher. 
"What are you doing here?!" 
The homeroom teacher is sweating buckets and decided to follow Mikasa's example to ignore Eren and continue to introduce the new student. 
Eyes follow Mikasa as she finds a seat. Everyone, especially the girls in the class, is whispering among themselves. They are curious about Mikasa's involvement with Eren but were too scared to openly ask about it for fear that they would be subjected to Eren's ire. 
Eren was like a dog ready to pounce when he sees Mikasa approaching the last row. 
"You cannot sit here!" 
Mikasa ignored Eren and situated herself at the other end of the last row near the back door. 
Everyone would usually be clamoring to get rid of that something or someone that irritates Eren in hopes of gaining his favor but they are unsure of what to do because Eren and Mikasa clearly know each other. 
There's this tension in the classroom the whole time and everyone waits in bated breaths for Eren to make a move. 
Despite being in the same row, their respective seats are at the other ends of the lecture room but Eren keeps giving Mikasa looks of disgust as if she’s his new stalker. 
By the time he made up his mind to confront Mikasa, lunch break came and she was already long gone. 
Eren gritted his teeth and met up with his friends to tell them the latest development. 
“Where’s Armin?”
“He’s probably sleeping somewhere.” Jean shrugged. 
“So what happened next?” 
Before Eren could tell them the next part of the story, Marisu roughly opened the cafe door, getting everyone’s attention. She bypassed the in-house butler who tried to stop her as the cafe is for exclusive members only and marched right in front of Eren. 
“Congratulations on your engagement and thank you for humiliating me!” Marisu was loud, inviting everyone to hear their conversation but she didn't care.  
“It’s not what you think. You saw what happened yesterday. Everything was orchestrated by my mother.” Eren was on the edge but was trying to remain calm under Marisu's scrutiny. 
“Oh, really?” Marisu's laugh is sarcastic, “Then why did the two of you run out of there hand in hand?”
Being reminded of his mistake and humiliation made Eren lose his temper, “Can you just listen to me? I mistakenly grabbed her instead of you.”
“And do you expect me to believe that? We don't look alike, we’re not wearing the same clothes, our hair colors are different, and we’re not even the same height, Are you blind?!”
Eren’s already standing at this point, “You are being unreasonable! I kept on texting and calling you to explain but you didn't even answer!”
“Can you hear yourself right now?!” Marisu came to get things off her chest but instead of releasing all the negative feelings, she was getting angrier. 
“You are still making excuses when in truth you are just a fuckboy like Jean and Connie!” Both Jean and Connie opened their mouths to protest but they can’t even get a word in. 
“I won’t let you treat me like a toy that you’re going to throw away when you get married so stay away from me!”
Eren and Marisu's fights have always been ugly but this time is different as both are using words instead of their usual thing of passive aggressiveness mixed with physical altercations. Jean and Connie, who were dragged into it, honestly don't know which one is better.  
“Is that what you think of me or are you giving yourself another excuse to get with Armin again?” Something inside Eren just snapped and he meant every word that he said. 
Their audience winced at the crisp of Marisu's slapping of Eren. 
Marisu doesn't need to explain herself, she was the victim, she told herself and proudly walked away. 
Eren facepalmed and sat back down with no intention of chasing after Marisu this time. 
It was deathly quiet and nobody dared to look in Eren’s direction despite everyone being curious regarding his alleged upcoming nuptials. 
“Are we not going to talk about that?” Jean sighed and motioned for the butler for something. 
Connie handed Eren an iced towel, “Don’t let it get to you too much. A woman’s slap is a battle wound you should be proud of.”
Eren didn’t say anything and silently accepted the towel. 
Mikasa sighs and gives up trying to get to the cafeteria as she feels like she’s walking in circles. 
She decided to just think positively and be productive instead. She thought of all the things she could do right now. She can read a book or maybe take a leisurely walk. 
Mikasa took in her surroundings and decided to just enjoy the view of the lake. Everything is a mess right now and considering Eren’s attitude towards her, Mikasa knows that her first day in Eldian Imperial Academy is just a preview of what’s to come. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm breeze. 
“Does he think I’m stupid or something?”
“It’s good that this happened! It’s good that he’ll stay away from me now!”
As if that was life’s cue to prove her right, her moment of peace was shattered when she heard someone stomping and muttering things to herself. 
Mikasa opened her eyes to turn to the source of the noise only to see Marisu staring at her.  
“Hi…” Marisu smiled awkwardly when she got caught staring at Mikasa. 
Mikasa’s expression didn’t change and was as cool as a cucumber when she returned Marisu's greeting. 
“Eren is in the cafeteria if you’re looking for him.” Marisu pointed in the direction that she came from. 
The peace is already broken so Mikasa might as well get going. Mikasa nodded at Marisu and started walking in the opposite direction the girl just pointed at her. 
Eren Yeager is the last thing Mikasa needs right now. 
There's only one light switched on in the music hall and it's directly pointed at the black grand piano on the stage. 
Mikasa descended into a trance, drowning in her memories. 
This hall is where she first had her piano competition when she was just six years old. 
Mikasa turns around when she hears a violin playing Mozart's Marriage of Figaro overture. 
Armin must have heard about her engagement with Eren that's why he's playing such a piece. 
After playing the excerpt, he proudly did his signature bow.  
Mikasa gives his friend an exasperated laugh but claps nonetheless. She shakes her head inwardly because of what a troll Armin is. 
They wordlessly smiled at each other. 
It's time for Mikasa to return the favor. She pressed a piano key and was pleased that it was perfectly tuned. She sat on the piano bench. 
To commemorate the warm welcome she received from an old friend, Mikasa played Ravel's Mirrors. 
Everything sounds different to her… even the air she breathes feels different. 
Mikasa was feeling the music but stopped when a ringtone played and broke the magic. 
Armin and Mikasa turned their heads on the door and saw Marisu fumbling for a hot minute before presumably turning off her phone.
"I thought you lost your way so I chased after you-" Mikasa didn't say anything and gently closed the fallboard. Marisu was mostly looking at Armin anyway so she checked her phone while they talked. 
The newcomer apologized for interrupting and Armin waved it off. 
Mikasa scrolled through the messages on her phone and ignored them. Her finger hovered on this one message, tempted to delete it and pretend she didn't see it but she sighed instead. She needed to go.
Armin left with Mikasa, leaving Marisu who looked at their retreating backs. 
Mikasa was curious if there was any energy supplement Eren was taking with the endless energy and vitality that he has.
Every time she sees him, someone's dragging him kicking and screaming. She wonders if he has the concept of restraint. With the way he's struggling, you would think that he's being led to his death and not to tea.  
Even Mikasa who hasn't struggled when she was on her way to cram school, didn't have any chance to freshen up or change out of her school uniform. 
Mikasa took note of the bodyguards' techniques for restraining a wild person.
Once they were able to throw Eren inside the private tea room, they immediately closed the door on him. 
A normal sane person would have given up by then but not Eren. As soon as he was able to get on his feet after being thrown on the floor, he bangs on the door and shouts to be let out. 
Mikasa crossed her legs and sipped her tea. 
"Aren't you tired of getting worked up over every single thing?" It was pure curiosity on Mikasa's end. "In case you don't know, they won't and can't keep us here forever." 
Eren was a sweaty mess and looked at her as if she were a predator. 
Mikasa has to stop herself from scoffing, "Be my guest and sit on the floor if you want." She barely said a word but all the shouting that Eren's doing is making Mikasa thirsty. She was already tired from just watching him. 
Eren reluctantly sits across her in response. 
It seemed like five minutes of peace is all the courtesy Eren could give before he feels the need to speak his mind again. "Is all this your doing?" 
Mikasa could tell with the way he asked her even though he didn’t raise his voice that he already has an answer.  Now that he isn’t screaming murder at his mother’s men, he needs someone new to blame. 
Eren scrutinized Mikasa as if she were a devil incarnate hell-bent on dragging him to hell 
Introspectively, it was a miracle itself that Mikasa managed to get Eren to have some tea with her but that doesn't mean he's going to suddenly be an amicable person because he's not.
Anyone close to Eren knows that he's not even a reasonable person to begin with.  
To Eren, people are a bloodsucking parasite or a means to an end. 
Humans are just humans in the end, keen on ending the other… unless they have a common goal but Mikasa doesn't need to be a genius to see that working or making a deal with Eren is not possible or efficient at all. 
"If you didn’t know already… I meant to grab Marisu and not you. I have mistaken you for someone else because you are in the way.” 
Eren didn’t know why but he felt the air shift. Mikasa didn’t react and silently listened to him but he grew uncomfortable with the way Mikasa was looking at him so he broke eye contact.  
He thought that even though he didn't like Mikasa at all and that she has a bad personality, she was still a girl. 
"If you marry me, you will suffer a lot because I will absolutely not fall in love with you. Our married life will have no love or meaning at all." 
“Thank you for the ample warning,” Mikasa said it the way normally but Eren became wary of her now. 
“Should you have not warned me I would have killed myself with all the girlish pining I’ll do for you,” she said with her usual polite but detached tone that reflects her overall dry personality but the sarcasm couldn’t be clearer. 
Mikasa holds no delusions and knows that Eren has mistakenly grabbed her. What did she ever do to have people always mistake her for someone else?  
Mikasa never really hated Eren up until this very moment. 
“If you understand then stop all of this.” Eren motioned around them. 
Mikasa only looked at Eren. “Right… Stop all of this.” Mikasa motioned around them as Eren did. 
“Because I have nothing better to do with my time than watch the brat second son of the Yeager family who thinks he’s all that.” Mikasa scoffed, "whine and blame everyone but himself for all of his problems.” 
“That’s not true!” This is the most Eren has heard Mikasa talk and now he wishes that she could just shut her mouth again. 
“Your attitude regarding all this is already very telling and you still think of blaming me when in reality you should’ve known better.” 
Eren in his anger failed to realize why Mikasa’s words bother him so much. The monotony of her tone only adds salt to his wounds. 
“How did you expect your mother to react to your girlfriend?”
Eren grew more defensive which unfortunately only gave Mikasa more bullets to shoot him with, “Marisu's not yet my girlfriend she-”
“Good for her! Being your girlfriend would only bring pain and suffering to everyone who unfortunately comes across both of you.”
“What does a heartless frigid bitch like you know?! Anyone would be lucky to have me!”
"Because you are rich and handsome?" And that shuts Eren up 
Mikasa should have already gotten the satisfaction of making Eren loss for words but that’s the thing with anger, it’s a fire that consumes until there’s nothing left, and inside Mikasa, there’s no well or an oasis. It’s all paper flowers, books, gold trophies, and dry straws for a heart. 
“So what if you are rich and handsome? Almost everyone in our school is. So why you?”  
Eren still couldn't answer.  
“Why not Armin who is gentle and intelligent? Or Jean who is ambitious and charming? Or even Connie who is fun and throws great parties?”
Red with rage and humiliation, Eren stands up and flips the table “Take back what you said!”
The door opened and two attendants stammered to at least get the broken ceramic out of the way to not accidentally injure the second son of the Yeager family. 
Even with the people coming and going because of the mess, Mikasa remained unmoved. She never broke eye contact with Eren the entire time. 
After everything was tidied up, the door remained open and Eren stormed off not long after but not before giving Mikasa one last look of anger which she returned with apathy.  
Mikasa ordered a fresh pot of chamomile tea and stayed at the tea house until dark. 
She won but she felt more hollow inside than usual. 
The next day at school, everyone around Mikasa gasped when she opened her locker and saw a red tag in it.  
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freakylilnutjob · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @asxitxis!!
Nickname: I have about five for my “real name” and then Sam so six total I guess
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5’10”
Last thing I googled: how to make holey jeans
Song stuck in my head: it’s not even released or announced, it’s literally just a snippet, but I think it’s gonna be called Afterthought by The Band CAMINO, its on their tiktok and it’s been stuck in my head for DAYS l, but for an actual released song that’s stuck in my head it’s Lightning by Josie Dunne
Number of followers: ~340 last time I checked
Amount of sleep: about 7hrs last night but the quality was shit
Dream job: something music related/adjacent like sound engineer, concert production, concert photographer and also maybe writing on the side
Wearing: my “I want more berries and that funny feeling” teddy bear knock off Gucci shirt from Etsy and some jeans from H&M
Movies/books that summarize me: I Was Born For This, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, Solitaire, Empire Records, Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club
Favorite Song: oh god… I’m putting four: Lights Up by Harry Styles l, Home by cavetown, Haunted by The Band CAMINO, Mr. Bojangles by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Favorite instrument: hmm probably guitar, I wish I knew how to play it
Aesthetic: Whimsigoth with a bit of cottage core and grunge
Favorite author: Alice Oseman
Random fun fact: I have an estheticians license
No pressure tags: @simplyjustsimping @potato-jem @charliespringsleftconverse @idealism-sits-in-prison @lokiawriter @songonthewind @rainbow-ace @that-monochrome-rainbow @yesterdayorcenturiesbefore and anyone else who wants to do it!
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safarigirlsp · 2 years
Voting for Mills AUs Open!
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I’m working on a big Mills sci fi story but it won’t be ready to release when the movie hits. So instead, I’ll open up voting for any of the following Mills AUs! Voting will be open from now until Sunday night — about 24 hours — which isn’t a lot of time, but I also need time to write something. Feel free to send in any questions.
These will all be over 10k and beyond! Each story will be Action/Adventure with Horror and Romance thrown in as appropriate. If you’re new, read the FAQs and info in my Masterlist. For anyone new who may be wondering — No, I don’t do kid fics, so don’t expect to see any of that from me at any point in Mills stories or any other character. Unless the kid is slated to meet an untimely end like Kenny on South Park, which is a running joke I’m exploring with one of me besties here 🤣
Vote by commenting or sending me a message or an ask, anonymous or otherwise! Tagging some friends, but everyone is welcome. I’m also trying to gauge interest in these ideas in general because ill probably do them all at some point. I’ll write the one that gets the most votes and hopefully have it ready to go when the movie releases!
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Jurassic Park 🦖
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Safari ( think Ghost & the Darkness, Cocaine Bear, The Beast, etc)
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Treasure Hunter - Specify Period or Modern
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Victorian Vampire Hunter
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FBI Agent or Bounty Hunter (specify)
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Vote now or forever hold your peace!
All edits by the absolutely amazing @kyloremus 💗
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wroteonedad · 2 years
Top 30 Films of the Year (via my Letterboxd)
I wanted to do something for Christmas that was both a summary and also something a little different from the stuff I already write, and seeing as I record pretty much every movie that I watch on my Letterboxd, then I figured I may as well write about it a little on here. In no particular order, my top 30, the perfect Christmas treat if you're trying to find a little movie to give your family some Christmas cheer.
Charade (1963)
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This film is if you imagine House of Gucci except for it's a bunch of blokes trying to frame and murder each other and one of them has stolen the heart of Audrey Hepburn. This film mixes both humour and drama perfectly, and you can play a fun game where you can take a shot for every plot twist in the film. Letterboxd says I rated it 4/5 so that means I recommend it.
Uncut Gems (2019)
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I watched this movie for the first time the day that I'd sent off my pcr test to find out if I had Covid (I did) so watching this was an absolute whirlwind after overdosing on cough syrup and laying in bed with a fever. This movie was the first time I'd ever seen Julia Fox in anything which is cool and that pimped out Furby.... I think about him a lot. I rated this 4 stars on Letterboxd so another recommendation.
Scooby Doo (2002)
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No, not the movie where Velma wears the latex suit, the first movie. I feel like every Scooby Doo movie is just as chaotic and pretty much the same which is why I probably can't remember the plot to this. I was even more confused to read my Letterboxd review which just says 'i like the bit when mr bean turns into an oompa looma'. 5 stars though.
The Lighthouse (2019)
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Truth be told, I hated this movie and my flatmates were very upset to learn that I didn't like it. It becomes funnier when you have the Vine boom noise playing in a video behind it though, it's like having an extra jumpscare. Sorry film bros, I just couldn't hack it. I rated it 0.5 stars meaning it was one of two of the lowest scoring films on my Letterboxd.
Jumbo (2020)
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This movie is very French, and if you've watched enough French movies then you will know exactly what I mean by this. Without spoiling the plot too much, this is about a young woman who falls in love with a fairground ride. Very French core. You'll have to watch the rest of the movie to find out how that romance goes. This was given a 4 star rating.
American Psycho (2000)
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Do I like this movie or do I just like all the memes that have come with this movie? In terms of a fairly recent cult classic, this is the correct type of movie, but I was even more surprised to learn that the Reddit dreamboat character doesn't own any branded knives, despite the amount of money he has. I rated this a solid 3.5 stars. Solid, like the film plot.
Norbit (2007)
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I don't understand why there are so many copies of this movie on the shelves of CEX, it's a bit of an underrated masterpiece really. Put the heroin chic style fatshaming jokes aside, I actually find some of it pretty funny. Mostly the church scene at the end. Rated this 5 stars because I would buy every copy on the shelves.
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)
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As far as a pre-origin story goes to the original show, I think this really hits the nail on the head. It's not the story that we wanted, it's the story we needed. The random appearance from David Bowie was a bit out of this world, like the whole movie. Though I think I need to finish watching The Return and then come back to this movie so everything starts to make a little bit more sense. A solid 3 star rating, though it'll probably go up the next time I've seen it.
Macross: Do You Remember Love? (1984)
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Another movie that is based on a narrative from a TV show, except you don't need to watch the show to go straight on to the movie. If you're a fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion and you're feeling a little bit feminine then this is the thing for you. Space girl sings and space things happen. Another 3 star rating.
Paul (2011)
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My Letterboxd review reads; 'they did something. i'm not sure what,,, but they did something' and I think that's all I need to say about whether or not I recommend this. 2 stars.
Boiling Point (2021)
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If you're British and you've ever worked in hospitality then this is the film that you'll just get. I loved this film. Angry swearing man, lots of people doing gear and an absolute shitshow from start to finish. Gave this a hard 4.5 stars and would recommend to anyone.
The Love Witch (2016)
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Aesthetically wise, this has to be one of the nicest movies out there. Taking lots of inspiration from the 60s both in looks and also the overall vibe of the movie. The problem being, the plot feels a little bit empty. It's wonderful in terms of how feminist it is, but that's really all it has going for it. Another solid 3 star film.
The Gentlemen (2019)
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I was minding my own business popping into the coffee shop I always go to on my days off when Raz asked me what my favourite film was at the moment; he then proceeded to lecture me because I hadn't seen this and sent me home as homework to watch it. I did. I'll tell you what, it was so worth it. The cast line up is incredible and the plot is just as solid. Proper man film full of classic laughs. Loved it. Gave it a nice 3.5 star rating.
Decision To Leave (2022)
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This was the film that I'd told Raz was my favourite at the time. I'd just gone to see it in the cinema and it was just as dark and gripping as I would expect it to be. The subplot aligns with the main plot wonderfully to create a rather depressing ending. 4 stars.
The Interview (2014)
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It's a Seth Rogan movie, you probably know how this one is going to go. I used to really like this film a good few years ago, but watching it back this year, I realised the only funny part was Kim Jong-Un riding around to Fireworks in his tank. I gave this a three star rating which is probably a little bit too nice.
Starstruck (2010)
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Imagine you're the dude that played Chad Dylan Cooper on Sonny With a Chance and Disney asked you to play some blonde heartthrob dude for an upcoming tween movie they had in mind. This was the end result. The soundtrack features some bangers and the whole film is just full of feelgood vibes. Can't really go wrong here. I rated it 2.5 stars purely based on it being a Disney movie. The plot isn't great, but boy is it fun.
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
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The easiest way to explain this movie is that it's an Adult Swim classic except it has nothing to do with Adult Swim. Slapstick humour, autism and bad dancing all curate the wonderful comic masterpiece that is Napoleon Dynamite. Remember to vote for Pedro. 4 stars.
Suspiria (1977)
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What I really love about this film is that it really doesn't make much sense at all. In fact, it's one of those films that didn't need to be made, but I'm really glad it did. It mixes really bad sound editing so you can't hear what anyone is saying and when you can hear the actors speak, it's because they've dubbed over the original lines because when it was filmed you couldn't hear what they were saying. The colours and the overall setting is magical and insane and for that reason I loved this movie. 4 and a half stars for a pioneering woman horror classic.
Her (2013)
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The Joker falls in love with robot lady, or the infamous Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). Except this is a very heartfelt story and might actually leave a tear in your eye after watching. Feels like watching a sappy episode of Black Mirror. I rated this 4 stars because I loved the movie enough to buy a physical copy of it.
The Tinder Swindler (2022)
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I mean yeah that happened. The only reason I watched this was because Don't Fuck With Cats was made so well,,,, I was left majorly whelmed by this documentary. I gave this three stars for pity on all the lovely ladies he swindled. (don't even think this counts as a movie really).
Contagion (2011)
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This movie was far too ahead of its time to be made. I don't need to explain the synopsis to this movie because we already lived through it. My grandma hated living through covid, but she sure loved watching this movie. 4 stars.
The Worst Person In The World (2021)
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Just wanted to ask which one of the three main characters was the worst person in the world because they were all equally as bad as each other. I rated this 5 stars and I think if you haven't watched this already, then you should.
Little Joe (2019)
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Little Joe could have been one of the most interesting films in the world if the director had decided to not ensure most of the film was just filler. This felt like it was a good 40 minutes too long and literally nothing happened for the last hour. The concept of this film is really cool, but it is like watching a really shit episode of Black Mirror, I rated this 2.5 stars.
The Pacifier (2005)
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If you've ever thought about the idea of having Vin Diesel as your personal home counsellor then you've come to the right place. There's lots of scenes of this man both screaming and also saving lives. It's a movie you can both laugh to and also have on as background noise while you take a nap. 4 stars.
In Bruges (2008)
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They're filming midgets. 4 stars for the midgets being filmed.
Borat (2006)
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Made during the days where Sacha Baron Cohen was still pretty funny and not just using any form of slightly racist joke to make a person laugh. Borat sometimes almost feels like a loveable character. Bonus points for Pamela Anderson as Pamela Anderson. 3 stars.
Personal Shopper (2016)
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This film feels like Kristen Stewart begging you to watch her in a movie that isn't Twilight to prove to you that she can act and that she has more than one facial expression. As it turns out, she still only has one facial expression and I find it hard to feel any form of emotion to her character at any point. I gave this a friendly three stars.
Bratz: Fashion Pixiez (2007)
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Did anyone ever notice in the film that Cymbeline's dad was pretty much the same model as Fiona's dad in Shrek? I bet you didn't. Now you'll have to rewatch the film again to find that. As far as mid goes, this is the most mid Bratz film out there, the only cool thing is their outfits and that is why it was given a 5 star rating. Vibes only.
Zoolander (2001)
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I'll be real with you here. This is not the movie I expected to be writing about, this movie is the last minute thrill of the year. The whole year, my TikTok has been graced with videos of Patrick Bateman with the sigma male captions underneath them, until about literally 5 days ago. My fyp plagued with that one clip of Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson pouting at each other on the red carpet. I knew I had to go back and watch the film. This is a break the scale rating of a film honestly. So many random people in it. George Costanzas dad, Paris Hilton and ,,,, David Bowie. Loved this.
Death Becomes Her (1992)
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This film has got to be one of the most camp films out there, When I decided to watch this film, the plot was something I was not expecting at all, but boy were they all so real for this. Humour and discussion of women and their insecurities all perfectly blended into one. My Letterboxd review reads, 'this film made me cut my ingrown chin hair off, thanks Meryl Streep' and if that doesn't convince you to watch the film, then I don't know what will.
Well there you have it. I think this list is a perfect compilation of movies. Ones for the family, movies to scream to, movies to fall asleep to. But most of all, no matter what happens this Christmas, there is at least one movie in this list that will match the exact vibe of how it went with your family. And finally, as Gossip Girl says,,,, have a happy jolly holiday. Xoxo, Gossip Girl.
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