#ms hannya
irascibleshadowscape · 5 months
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demon greeting or whatever
I've had this idea ever since I first saw @majimasleftasscheek's Ms. Hannya which was checks calendar almost two years ago, cause yooo fellow long jaw design lets gooooooooooo
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she’ll take what she can get
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rubykagamine · 2 years
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This was doing numbers on twitter so I thought tumblr might enjoy my take on the sexy demon lady too
@majimasleftasscheek thank you for creating Ms.Hannya I owe you my life
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mercurianmissy · 2 years
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Ms Hannya belongs to @majimasleftasscheek
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vanityloves · 4 years
1️⃣ and 🎁 + Marvus and Zebruh?
this is like, what? 2 months late? sorry ab that i saw zebruh and conked out
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word count: 680
warnings: idk zebruhs here.
1️⃣ - What’s the first thing that attracted you to them?
Marvus: Big Boobs 😳 I mean, he was literally recommended to me after I said my type is Himbo. I'm truly not immune to the clowns - even baby me was a simpin' over the purple bloods. I mean, besides appearance, the fuckboi attitude was p funny to me and I was like this would be perfect for my dense as hell ass. Flirty comments going right over my head while he stands there like …🧍‍♂️ok fair 
Zebruh: 😒 … anyways. Indigobloods always hit dif, tell me why I had a huge crush on Equius in 2013. No lie though - I thought he was gonna be a decent lad,  ofc I was bamboozled. And yet he's still on my carrd. So. I don't know, leave me alone.
🎁 - Do you like to pamper them?
Marvus: It's pretty tough since he's a celebrity, so buying him things is basically out of the equation. He seems like the type to buy things and use it maybe once, maybe never. If he wants it, he'd simply buy it. With that being said, there's absolutely nothing better than something handmade. He's very fond of homemade things, especially cooking. He can afford food at the most expensive restaurants out there but it hits dif when your partner cuts the crust of your sandos 😳. If I'm rolling up my sleeves though, he knows it's business, so he very casually follows me to the kitchen and provides very Amazing and Cool commentary on what I'm doing. He really said macaroni in the pot 😔. My spoon and his hand are sworn enemies- since he loves to play taste tester but more often than not, a bite turns into half a plate and he stands like ;o) oops. 
Pair that with a nice cuddle session n it's heaven. Touring for long periods of time can take a lot out of a guy. The energy of the crowd really pumps him up but by the end of the tour, all that fatigue hits him hard n he's ready for some TLC. It's accepted that he loves having his hair played with and I 100% believe that. Gotta do the man a favor and drag his ass to the shower though. I will not tolerate his nasty, sweat and he's like ':o/ dam b'. but it's ':o) damn b' once he realizes it's hair scrubbin time. He knows it's pampering hours and said 'head massage pls n thk u <3'
Zebruh: Same deal. Considering his caste, he's pretty well off and whatever he wants, he can simply buy it himself. This makes it extremely hard to gift him things as well - not like I'd truly go out of my way to gift hunt for him. (To be fair, gift hunting is a pain in general and I'd only do it for a select few people. He is not one of them.) Will he try arguing w/ me in front of other people to 'slam me' with his amazing lowblood activist spiel? Yes. Will he get mad when I make Points and proceed to reject my view bc im a seadweller? Yes. Pampering him means 'mercy' bc I'm too tired to really fight him on anything / I may disagree with everything he's saying but in his mind he's 'dominating' the conversation, therefore he wins because he was not interrupted. 
I digress; If I had to be nice to him, I'd let him drag me around wherever he wants to go n let him fuck around (within reason). Does that mean a weird date? Sure. He's paying so I can't complain that much. Overall, he just wants someones undivided attention which, again, I don't have the time or patience for, really - but He Will Make Time And Put Himself In My Busy Schedule.
Idk - I have Big Parental Energy - put your head in my Chest and Shut The Fuck Up. this is all I can offer bc That is my Limit. If he dies in there. Good. I'm doing him a favor.
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Episode VI
Previous episode
Welcome to the Network
If Aki kept opening up his bag to check on Lutrimon he was going to be caught for sure.  The partners had been inseparable since Aki had returned and proudly showed off his bright blue D-Gauntlet, and because Lutrimon was small enough to fit in his swimming bag, that meant they really were inseparable. Unless of course the teacher saw.
“Those two are going to make me sick.” Masato practically hissed, looking as though he were ready to throw his pencil carrier at Aki.
Isamu couldn’t blame him for his reaction, even though Wemicmon was a little too rowdy and loud to hide, he was starting to get a little jealous that Aki’s partner could fit in his bag. Silently Isamu sort of hoped the teacher would walk by and start asking questions.
“Don’t worry, I think Aki just didn’t want to leave her with the other Digimon because he’s excited. He probably won’t be taking her with him everywhere.” He said.
“Does he have to be feeding her under his desk though?” Ju added from Isamu’s other side, not quite able to hide her jealousy either, she’d never fit one of her partners in her bag, let alone both of them.
“Guys chill.” Isamu whispered.
“I don’t want to chill.” Masato growled, gripping his pen, either trying to calculate the trajectory to hit Aki in the head with it, or break it in half. “I want to meet my Digimon partner!”
“Be quiet,” Ju whispered over Isamu, “Digimon are supposed to be a secret!”
“You both are being too loud.” Isamu tried to tell them, but it was too late, the teacher looked their way.
“That’s it, you three have not been able to keep quiet all day.”  Ms. Mazawa scolded pointing at them and gesturing around the room, “Namura go sit over by Anami, and Ling, swap places with Nakano,”
The students in question all did as instructed, and the lesson continued, though Isamu, Masato and Ju all continued to send the occasional glare Aki’s way. Eventually Isamu resigned himself to his note taking and wondered once again if Ms. Mazawa was secretly a Hannya or some other demon of folklore.
Beside him, Kaiyo tapped her pen against his hand and pushed her paper closer to him. For a moment, Isamu was confused, but then he saw the question written on it. ‘What are Digimon?’
Realizing the trio had been speaking too loud, and aware that the Digimon were supposed to be a secret as Ju had said earlier, Isamu had no idea how to respond. After a moment he scribbled a vague reply, ‘It’s an internet thing’.
Kaiyo wrote back, ‘You mean like an MORPG?’
‘Yeah, kinda’ Isamu replied, technically it wasn’t a lie, the Network was accessible from the internet and the site looked kind of like a role play community if you didn’t have an account.
To his relief, Kaiyo didn’t press the matter, and the rest of the class went on in peace. Isamu forgot about the conversation as he headed to lunch to sit with his friends. They chose to eat in the courtyard, where the rest of the Digimon were waiting to see their partners for even this brief meeting. Most of the other students were inside, but just in case the Digimon stayed in the bush.
“My god, you were feeding her all morning, how in the world can she still be hungry?” Masato griped as Aki slipped more food to Lutrimon.
Ju gave a shrug, “Digimon eat a lot, it’s how they keep their power up, if they get too hungry they might not have the energy to fight, or could end up degenerating to a lower level.”
With this information, Aki looked ready to give Lutrimon all of his lunch, though the little otter seemed content with just his dessert. Isamu wasn’t as lucky as Wemicmon had already consumed half his lunch and eyed his box as if to sneak more while he wasn’t looking. Ju always seemed to pack enough food to share with her Digimon without them feeling the need to beg for more.
“There’s some good news, though.” Isamu said, “I got an e-mail this morning, from the Admins. It’s safe to go back to the Network. There’s still some damage and there’s a warning to keep an eye out for Bugs, but we could probably go right after school to find you a partner.”
Masato practically jumped off of the bench, probably seconds away from asking if they could just go now since they were on lunch, when the door opened and another student stepped out into the courtyard.
“Oh!” Kaiyo gasped, seeing the gathering. The Digimon had ducked out of sight but she clearly must have seen something. “Are the rabbits out on the campus already?” She asked, and Isamu gave a mental sigh of relief. It was awkward enough to have told her that Digimon was an internet thing, but to have to explain that he’d been lying would be very awkward.
“Yeah, rabbits.” Ju replied, a nervous bead of sweat slid down by her ear “They’re probably already on the other side of the courtyard by now, if you want to go take a look at them. That’s how they move around, running through the bushes, I mean.” She added.
Kaiyo smiled, a very sweet smile that made Isamu feel pretty bad about lying to such a kind girl, “No, that’s alright, I was just passing through. I’m meeting a friend for lunch!” She explained and moved on, waving to them as she walked by “See you guys when we get back to class.”
They waited until Kaiyo was out of earshot before letting out a collective sigh of relief and continued their discussion, “I know what you’re thinking, Masato, and no.” Ju said, “We wouldn’t have time to go now,  you might be able to talk to a few Digimon, but no way you could actually find a partner in the Network in the time we have. It’ll be better to just wait until after school and meet at my place.”
Masato looked disappointed but Isamu was distracted from the rest of the conversation when he saw a figure running across the roof of the school. It took him a moment to recognize Puckmon; the Digimon he and Ju had met at the cabin. He remembered that they had discussed the idea of convincing Puckmon to be Masato’s partner and almost said something, but the rookie level troublemaker vanished again in moments.
Isamu shook his head, besides, if the Network was open again surely they’d find someone a little more suitable for Masato there. He turned his attention to helping Ju describe what the Network was like and the prizes that were available to win in the games.
Out in the field, Kaiyo waited with her lunch box for her friend. The pair had only met a few days ago, but sharing meals with the little creature called Puckmon had become one of the highlights of Kaiyo’s day.  She could see him on the roof of the school and sat down on her uniform jacket as if it were a picnic blanket.
She was concerned about what Isamu had said earlier, about Digimon. Some kind of online game with a name so similar to her friend? It couldn’t be a coincidence, maybe Puckmon would have more answers for her. He jumped down from the roof and sprinted toward her with his hands out stretched.
“Please?” He said without being prompted.
Kaiyo smiled proudly at him, “Very good! I brought you something extra special today.” She said, patting the ground next to her, and opened up her lunch box to reveal home baked cupcakes with hand made icing, “I found this recipe for ‘Piñata’ cupcakes on an American website and Nana helped me with the conversions. Try one!”
“With pleasure!” Puckmon replied, tossing a whole cupcake in his mouth and chewing happily as he savored the fluffy treat seemingly without even noticing what exactly made it a Piñata cupcake. “It’s delicious!” He exclaimed happily.
Kaiyo laughed and let him have another “Take it one bite at a time, now. Do you notice anything?”
Puckmon did as he was told and took a smaller bite, his eyes widened to notice that there were little candies baked into the center. “Can I have another!?” He asked.
Kaiyo shook her head to his obvious disappointment, but Kaiyo insisted that they eat something healthy before they had any more dessert. Puckmon was happy to agree to those terms.
The small creature slowed down after eating two cupcakes, a sandwich and half an apple, but he kept looking toward the lunchbox to see if she had anything else tasty stashed away. Kaiyo withheld more until he finished his apple, waiting to see if he even wanted another cupcake after all that.
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“Say, Puckmon? I have a question.” She said  after a moment and waited for him to grunt ‘what question?’ before she asked, “Are you a Digimon?”
He replied bluntly, “Of course I am. And you’re a human, what of it?”
Kaiyo blinked, “I just...I heard some kids in my class talking about you- them- Digimon. And I don’t understand, what exactly is a Digimon?”
“We’re exactly what we sound like,” Puckmon answered, “Digital Monsters.”
“Digital monsters, Digimon...Oh! Digi-mon, I get it.” Kaiyo beamed, “So you come from the internet then? Like out of a computer?”
“No, I come from the Digital World, the internet is a much creepier place, trust me.” Puckmon made a big show of shuttering, but laid back, “Still, the Digital World ain’t what it used to be, that’s why so many of Digimon are coming over here lately and looking for part-.” he cut himself off, “Never mind.”
“Wait, what’s going on in your world? You’re looking for what? Part time jobs?” The last part was intended as a joke, but Puckmon’s lips didn’t even twitch and her friend looked lost in thought..
He stood up suddenly, seemingly no longer interested in talking to her, or even eating, “I don’t need a Tamer. I’m good enough on my own!” He declared, more to himself than Kaiyo, though he turned to her with a nod, “Thanks for lunch.” He said and took off back toward the rooftop.
“Puckmon, wait!” Kaiyo shouted after him, but he didn’t slow down or look back.
With a sigh she closed her lunchbox and collected her jacket. Well, one question was answered, but now she had even more. She supposed if what Puckmon said was true about the Digimon coming from a Digital World then maybe Isamu was telling the truth about  them being an internet thing, she’d have to look them up tonight and see if she could get more answers.
If not, she could always ask Isamu again.
The lunch bell rang and the students all began filing back into class. The remaining subjects were boring and with the three talkative students separated there were no distractions either. It seemed like the day dragged on forever, but when the bell finally rang, Masato was the first one out of his seat.
Boy, the kid could really move when he wanted to. Masato rushed to the locker room to put on his casual clothes, if he was going to meet his partner today he wasn’t going to do it in this dumb uniform! Isamu and Aki followed behind him as well as a few other boys from their class, all eager to get out of their uniforms and into real clothes.
“So when we get to the Network, you’ll take me to the hub to get my entry prize and Ju will take Masato to see if they can find a partner.” Aki said aloud, recounting the discussion they’d had at lunch, “That’s the plan right?”
“Sounds like a good plan to me!” Lutrimon piped from the bag, “As long as I get to stretch my legs out, I feel like I’ve been stuck in here for days!”
Aki smiled, “I’ll let you out when we get to Ju’s, alright?”
Masato was more interested in talking to Ju about the Digimon that were looking for partners in the Network, “Anybody cool, like Nemaemon?”
“All Digimon are cool.” Ju corrected, “But if you mean big champion level ones, I’ve seen a few, but the shelter they gather at is always getting in new guests as some don’t find what they're looking for in a partner and leave, or meet just the right person. I can’t tell you who might be there when we talk to them.”
“I just want a partner that can kick big time butt!” Masato pumped the air, Isamu laughed while Ju rolled her eyes, Aki smiled at his friend’s enthusiasm but was a little busy with Lutrimon.
Ju let them in and showed them into her room where she booted up her computer and signed into the Network while Isamu opened the window to let the other Digimon in. The computer screen began to glow and Isamu grinned, “Here we go.”
The strange sensation of being sucked through the computer screen still made Isamu feel a little nauseated, but from the groans behind him, Isamu could tell that Aki and Masato had fared much worse. Good, that meant Masato could make it to the Network without a D-Gauntlet.
“Is it going to be like that every time?”  Aki pushed up his glasses, as Isamu pulled down his goggles to read about the Digimon in the plaza.
The city did not look like it had been under attack recently, aside from an occasional damage reading on his goggles, and a glitch or two on the street it looked brand new. Isamu didn’t know much about the Admins that had been repairing the Network for the last week, but they definitely knew what they were doing.
A large monitor that usually played live footage from the Coliseum had what seemed to be a news report about the attack. A grainy recording of a Digimon, the image wasn’t clear enough for his goggles to identify it, but Isamu didn’t need his analyzer to know that the Demon-like Digimon was clearly far more powerful than any he’d encountered yet. An ultimate level Digimon, maybe even a Mega.
As Masato and Aki continued to moan and clutch their sides. Ju waved at them, the only one of the group who didn’t look even a tiny bit dizzy. “You get used to it, I promise.” She said and started walking, “Come on, Masato, the Digimon who come to the Network looking for partners stay in a shelter a few blocks this way. Isamu, you remember where the hub is, right?”
The group split up, Ju led Masato to the shelter while Cannismon and Leptomon dashed ahead to keep the way clear if any Bugs showed up. She noticed with some dismay that while the Network seemed busy, there were not nearly as big of crowds wandering out. Could it be that word just hadn’t spread quite yet that the Network was open again?
“Here we are,” She announced, and looked in the door, once again a little disappointed to see that there weren’t that many Digimon in the shelter, and some of them looked pretty ragged and tired, like they desperately needed a Digicure.
Masato stepped inside and gasped in awe, “So who are these guys?” Clearly he still didn’t know Digimon well enough to see how sorry the group looked.
Still, each of them raised their heads at the sound of a human voice and a few of them came bounding over to meet their potential partner, just as eager as Masato himself was. “My name is Elecmon, I’m a mammal Digimon with electric abilities, as my name implies!”
“I’m a Bakemon, a ghost Digimon, and if anyone ever picks on you I’ll haunt them senseless with my evil charm!” Ju touched Masato’s shoulder to warn him that Bakemon was a Champion level virus Digimon and would probably be a bit much for him, but judging by Masato’s expression he didn’t need the warning.
Just as well, more Digimon were starting to swarm.“No pick me! I’m Penguinmon!”
Masato was quickly surrounded and Ju had to help him herd them all to tables and convince them to sit down and talk with him one at a time to see if something sparked between them. Ju was grateful Aki already had his partner, she wasn’t sure that the other boy could handle the crowding Digimon without getting overwhelmed, even Masato was starting to look like he was going to need a break before he found a partner.
Across the world, Liv had fallen asleep in her clothes with her phone in her hand. She was dreaming of playing with Scrofamon in the woods with her family when the phone vibrated a text message for her. Groggily she opened her eyes to see that it was still pitch black, whoever was texting her better have a good reason-
It was from Andromon, informing her that the Network was open again and asking if she was going to join the auction raid.  Liv made a mental countdown in her head, yes, this was the date that auction was supposed to be on. Some deep instinct made her want to agree immediately, but she stopped herself. Still, Andromon was her friend and she didn’t want to keep disappointing him.
It’s still super early here, I need to wake up first, but I’ll think about it. If I decide to, I’ll meet you in the usual place, but if not go without me. Liv texted and waited several minutes for an answer. Andromon didn’t reply.
Awake now, and with the Network open again, Liv couldn’t just go back to sleep and shook her partner awake, “Hey, you want to stretch your legs a bit?” She asked.
Scrofamon snorted, “No.” he replied, rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.
Liv gave a small chuckle, picked him up and headed for her computer, “Yeah you do, you lazy bum.”
Scrofamon blinked sleepily in her arms for a moment but seemed to wake up instantly when he realized that she was going to her computer and what the only possible meaning for that was. “The Network is back up!?” He asked excitedly, getting a nod in return, “Are we going to go to the Auction, today?...The Coliseum is fine too.”
Liv noted the excitement in Scrofamon’s voice at the idea of going to the Auction, and the more bored tone when mentioning the Coliseum. She frowned and remembered what she’d texted to Andromon, “We’ll see.” Liv said and opened the gate.
A few blocks from where Liv entered the Network, Ju was leaving the shelter after her partners. She had been standing to the side and watching a few interviews, but soon enough Cannismon and Leptomon grew bored and left out the open door,  forcing Ju to follow her partners as they excitedly scrambled around.
A few figures turned the corner and Ju understood what had gotten them so excited, “Wemicmon! Lutrimon! Over here!” Leptomon barked loudly, while Cannismon waved her tail at their approach.
Ju chuckled and waved her hand to greet Aki and Isamu. The Digimon acted like they hadn’t seen each other in years, “How’d it go?” She asked.
“I got a battle item.” Aki said, lifting his D-Gauntlet proudly, “It says it’s the Blue Sword and Shield combo, a permanent battle item that can only be used by Ultimate level Digimon. ”
Isamu nodded, “We don’t know what that means.” He said sheepishly.
Ju smiled at him, “That means that it won’t disappear when you use it like Isamu’s basic shield item did when he used it against Apemon. You get to keep it forever. But it also means you can’t use it unless Lutrimon Digivolves to her next form.”
“Next form?”
“Yeah,” Ju explained, “Digimon have the same basic levels, Baby, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega, there are a few others that can only be achieved through certain means, like Armor level, but all Digimon can achieve those six.”
“So after reaching Champion, the Digimon can evolve to Ultimate?” Isamu asked.
Ju nodded “Yes, though it’s not as simple as Digivolving from Rookie to Champion. The D-Gauntlets help achieve Champion but reaching Ultimate can take years of training just on your own.” She said, she saw Aki’s disheartened look and quickly added “I don’t personally know anyone who’s achieved it, but rumor has it you the admins programmed a really rare item that you can win and achieve Ultimate by activating it like the D-Gauntlets”
The boys took a moment to let that sink in, Aki opened his mouth, Ju expected him to ask how Masato was doing looking for a partner, but his gaze was behind her. “What’s going on over there?”
A small crowd had gathered, and curiosity drove the small group forward to where a Digimon the same size as Wemicmon was standing, speaking to the crowd. The Digimon was light brown with purple markings. He  had a horse-like appearance, but with a black nose like a dog and stood on two legs. The hooves on his arms were split like fingers, probably to help him grip the bo staff that was strapped to his back.
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“Listen, I know you’ve been told the Digital World is incredibly dangerous, and it is, don’t get me wrong.” He was saying, “But you’re Tamers for crying out loud! If you can’t help them, who will?”
Ju cast a look to Isamu, who had his goggles down to read information on the new Digimon, “His name is Equimon, he’s a rookie level Digimon, Vaccine type, says here his special attacks are all based on mental energy.”
“I wonder what he’s talking about?” Aki asked.
“What who’s talking about?” They all jumped a little when Masato appeared behind them. He looked up at the Digimon that was speaking.
“Come on, you’re scared I understand, but you here who have partner Digimon have the power to make them stronger so they can protect you.” Equimon said, “Imagine what it must be like for those poor children. Children younger than you, taken from an unsuspecting day care while the attending adult was distracted. Taken and held hostage in the Digital World while their captors prepared for this day, so that they can be sold to the highest bidder, to Digimon who think of humans as little more than slaves to make them Digivolve. Won’t any of you help me go rescue those poor kids?”
There were murmurs in the crowd, dismayed moans and terrified whispers “I just got my partner a few weeks ago, I couldn’t possibly risk losing him. I’m not strong enough.”
“We can’t even get a decent score on the battle simulator, we’d be obliterated.”
“I can’t battle evil Digimon, rescue children and protect my partner at the same time, I don’t have enough experience.”
“We’re just not good enough.”
Equimon put his hooves on his side, “I’ll go by myself if I have to, but don’t any of you want to join me? You don’t have to do much, you just need to distract the guards while I free the kids, the risk should be minimal.”
Ju couldn’t help but notice that the only ones that had returned to the Network so far were a bunch of inexperienced Tamers with Digimon that couldn’t put up much of a fight. Was this just a coincidence, or had the group that orchestrated the attack been counting on that in order to pull off this auction?
As she contemplated this, Masato stepped forward, “I’ll go!” He said.
The crowd turned to him, no one recognized him from the games or coliseum and quickly noticed his lack of a D-Gauntlet, “Where’s your partner?” One kid with a Gostumon asked.
Masato stared them down with a determined glint, “I don’t have one. But there are defenseless children out there, and if Equimon is willing to go alone, then so am I. Partner or no partner.”
Ju was about to point out what a terrible idea that was, when Isamu and Wemicmon both took a step forward to back him up, “We’ll go too.” Isamu said, “We might not have a lot of experience, but some fire power is better than no fire power.”
Lutrimon crawled up her Tamer’s shoulder, “Aki, let’s go too.” She said, “I believe in you, and Isamu and Wemicmon. We can do this if we work together.”
Aki nodded, but of the volunteers he seemed the least certain that they could really pull it off, “Y-yeah, let’s do it.”
As the Tamer with the most experience, Ju couldn’t let them go without her, after all, Isamu may have gotten Wemicmon to Digivolve before she got her partners to, he still had a lot to learn about battling. “So will we.” She said, bringing her two partners forward.
Equimon looked ready to pass out with pride as he ran over to them, “Thank you kids so much!” He declared, counting the number of volunteers he had to accompany him, “Four humans and five Digimon should be enough to keep the guards distracted, we’ll have those children out in no time.”
“More like you’ll all be killed in no time.” Everyone turned at the sound of the newcomer.
Everyone except Masato, Aki, Lutrimon and Equimon gave a sharp gasp when Liv Campion, the queen of the Coliseum stepped forward, and likely only didn’t react that way because they didn’t know who she was. She approached them with her partner Scrofamon in tow.
“Do you think these Auctions just have a few bumbling guards that you can just knock out and steal the keys from? The Digimon in charge of these things usually have more than one trick up their sleeve and there’s always at least one Ultimate level overseeing the Auction. If you aren’t eaten alive by the Bakemon, the head honcho will take you out without a sweat, and  even if you somehow manage to make it passed them alive you still need to free the children and high tail it out before backup arrives, because I guarantee somewhere in the chaos, somebody went to get reinforcements. Your Digimon will be killed, and you’ll be sold at the Auction too.”
Liv said this with the certainty of someone who had seen it a hundred times, which she probably had. Though Ju was not the one to comment on it. Wemicmon raised his voice, “Hey, aren’t you famous for going to these Auctions and rescuing kids? How about you stop talking like that and come with us if you know so much? Or are you too scared?”
Something that he said seemed to strike a nerve with Liv, but she quickly hid her jarred emotions behind a mask of anger, Scrofamon bolted forward matching his Tamer’s glare, “Watch what you say, rookie! Talk to Liv like that and you have to go through me! Come on, put up your dukes and fight me!”
His Tamer hushed him, “It’s alright Scrofamon, let the wannabe heroes have their moment of glory.” She said, beckoning her partner back to her side, “They can be a warning to the rest of the newbies about what happens if you go into the Digital World unprepared.” She turned around to leave.
Isamu called out after her, “Hey! The only way to be prepared is to learn from experience. We’re going to save those children, and you could help! What happened to make you turn your back on people in need?”
Liv paused for a moment, but continued to ignore him and left, with Scrofamon only turning back to snort a challenge at Wemicmon, promising that if they somehow managed to make it back alive, the boar-like Digimon was still up for a fight to defend his Tamer’s honor.
There was silence for a moment before Aki, of all people, spoke up “Well, are we just going to let her get away with saying that, or are we going to prove her wrong?”
Lutrimon beamed at him, “That’s the spirit Aki!”
Equimon nodded, “It’ll be dangerous, but I have faith in all of you.” He turned to Masato, seemingly most impressed by the human that volunteered despite not having a partner at all, “I don’t have a Tamer so you and I are in the same boat. Those guys can keep the guards busy while you and I free the children, having another human there might help ease their nerves. I promise I’ll do my best to protect you if worst comes to worst”
Masato gave him a thumbs up, “Sounds like a plan to me. So how do we get to the Digital World?”
Ju pointed, “There’s a gate on the other side of the City, if we have the coordinates to the Auction we can punch in a nearby location and make a more thorough plan for those of us who can fight.”
Equimon nodded, “I’ve got intel from Andromon, I know when and where it is.” He said, pulling out a small orb of data, “And don’t listen to Liv, there will be a whole Raider team there so we won’t be going without our own backup.”
Isamu touched his goggles, “I can use these to find out if the guards have any specific weaknesses.” This seemed to impress Equimon even more, although none of it seemed enough to convince any of the other young Tamers to gather their courage and come with them.
Lutrimon nuzzled Aki’s cheek, “Our first adventure as partners, Aki!” She trilled, “Isn’t this exciting!?”
“Terrifying, is what I’d say,” Aki replied, and added in a hushed whisper “So let’s go before I change my mind.”
Wemicmon grinned, “This is exactly what I wanted to do when I met my Tamer! Let’s go save those kids!”
Next Episode
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scarygargoyles · 7 years
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🌼 redbubble.com/people/EstefyD/shop 🌼
🌼 redbubble.com/people/EstefyD/shop 🌼 
🌼 redbubble.com/people/EstefyD/shop 🌼
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good-rwbyaus · 6 years
AU where both Summer and Ruby have the ability to project a Hanya mark to terrify those that have triggered them, they have no idea about the mask. Summer's first use was when Raven pushed things too far and Ruby's first use was when some kid stole her cookies, trauma for those that wronged them was the end result.
Ok I’m sure you meant Hannya Mask, and for those who don’t know what those are it’s these.
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If they can summon them then the bleach Hollow mask mechanic would probably work best.
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Anyway let’s run this shiz! ~ Green
STRQ Beacon days
Summer: *glaring at Raven* Stop this now Raven, they’ve had enough.
Raven: Feh, they issued a challeng, it’s their own fault for being weak. Letting their aura break will, and letting them face a couple injuries is a good teacher.
Summer: Raven I said stop!
Raven: No. *draws her blade again until Summer clashes with her*
Summer: I said stop!
Raven: Make me.
Summer: *her Hannya manifests, and her voice distorts* I SAID STOP!!!
Raven: What the?! *backs away, surprised by this*
Summer: What’s wrong?! The big bad Raven suddenly afraid someone is stronger?! Coward!
Ozpin: Ms. Rose! Calm yourself, now!
Summer: *stops and looks as her mask disappears*
Ozpin: *looks to Raven* Ms. Branwen when you team leader issues an order, it’s best to follow it.
Raven: *sneers and sheathes her blade though she looks warily at Summer as she walks away*
Ruby’s School day
Ruby: Give me back my cookies!
Bully: Nope.
Ruby: *mask manifests as her voice distorts* I SAID DROP THEM!
Bully:....*drops them and runs away screaming*
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quincette · 6 years
What’s inside Nobuyuki’s Castle?
Answer: adorbs stuff, and some of the most adorbs stuff in there are Benmaru’s stuff, like this sleeping fawn brothers...
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(Yes I am obsessed with them...) (And for some reason I got so many Ieyasu Chibis stalking my castle now?) Soooo, in Nobuyuki’s castle, in random order, you will find:
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Fawniyuki and Fawnimura Resting Fawn Brothers
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Benmaru Young Yukimura’s Drawing
it says Aniue (big brother) in hiragana. (Awwwww)
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Letters from Benmaru Young Yukimura.
it says “ Itsumo Arigatou, Benmaru.” - Always thanking you, Benmaru. (double awwwwwww)
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Kimono Under Repair
So Nobuyuki is darning Yukimura’s kimono. (TRIPLE aaawwwww)
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Nobuyuki-sama’s Sewing Kit.
Related to the Yukkin’s kimono earlier, so in one of Tenka’s Nobuyuki ES, it’s mentioned that he has a secret room no one is ever been in (I STILL THINK THIS NEEDS TO BE SOMETHING KINKY), which turns out is where Nobuyuki stashes his sewing supplies because the man excels and enjoys needlecraft.
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Yep, he can be the Vice president of Tenka High’s Sewing Club, fufufufufu. (Kenshin is the President, of course, but we know who puts most hours into the club, hahahahahah). Also, he uses Yukkin to model the clothes hm hm hm . 
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Most Favourite Dish Anmitsu
It’s basically a lot of sweet stuff (fruits mostly, these days can also include mochi, ice cream and pudding) with sweet red bean paste and honey. I like this choice for Nobuyuki, in his ES he rarely gives a straight answer (for mystery and diplomacy’s sake but I like to this he is one whose thoughts is always evolving hence he never settles for one truth), and like the ingredients that make up anmitsu, he can be quite different person depending on the situation, 
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 Hannya Folding Screen.
Hahahahah, related to how he is painted. Nobuyuki is usually benevolent but he can be easily wear a hannya (devil) mask if you hurt or threaten his loved ones.
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Lost Small Bird.
Ok on his earlier ES and birthday items, Nobuyuki’s  motif used to be oshidori (mandarin duck). I speculate that Tenka team originally quite ambitious and cohesive about each lord’s aesthetic but alas, this game has grown so complex it might be impossible to maintain a consistent visual langauge for more than 20 characters, especially when the creative team changesss. Anywaayyysss. In his MS I think they switched his motif to peach blossom (to go with Yukkin’s peach fruit motif maybe) and this unnamed green bird. In kimono motif this tiny green bird usually is Uguisu (bush warbler) which is almost always paired with Ume (plum blossom). Beautiful motif suitable for late winter/early spring. 
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Ok, remember how he made MC drunk? I think he’s has a high alcohol tolerance but drink moderately and enjoys fine sake and Late night conversation.
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Books he is currently reading
(among them how to embroider silk, Saizo’s advanced love guide and rare imported books on strategies).
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Bookshelves full of books
well, duh. Because you need to be told twice how literate this one is.
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Nobuyuki-sama’s Go Set
and also, a cunning linguist strategist.
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Reading Lantern
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Nobuyuki-sama’s Bedding
where smut happens...
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Otedama Cushion
It’s traditional Japanese cushion, often touted as a proto beanbag. 
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‘Ki’ Wall Scroll
Ki or Qi refers to the Chinese concept of energy flow. Lol, Nobuyuki basically has a calligraphy of the ‘THE FORCE’ on his wall. Only, you know, done elegantly. 
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Nobuyuki’s Katana
He wields two too.
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Nobuyuki-sama’s Armour
Let me just finish the list by shamelessly plugging Benmaru.
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scarlxtleaves · 3 years
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nonverbal prompts memes // open
@gosutm​ asked:  ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . / itto.
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AGGGH A crushing loss to Kamisato-san. This icy blue beetle that the older Kamisato had brought into the arena proved to be quite a challenge for his new beetle. His beetle remained upside down as Ayato stood up and placed his own Beetle within his box. “Well met Itto, though victory was ours on this day I can say that this victory did not come easy. I look forward towards another time we can do this again, Ms. Hannya, I also bid you a farewell.” He bows towards her as well with a smile as he makes his way out of the wilderness, oh how this was a great way to hide from his servants.
“Aww man, don’t worry about it Rocky, you’ll do great next time I know that for sure. For now, you got and have a nice snack in this tree buddy, yeaaah you deserve it.” He let the beetle gently climb up the tree as he sat down upon the floor. Thinking of a new strategy the oni could come up with for his rematch. Though before he could come up with anything he felt Hannya sitting on his lap. Was this her way of bringing his spirits up after a losee/ well, it was working, partially. Just being this close to her brought him so much joy.
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serenity-sweet13 · 6 years
Gotham S2E21
Also, they used to call me fireproof.
Selina. Learn from Sanosuke Sagara. Just bum rush her and tackle her to the fucking ground. It’s better to just... Yep. Just attack and get burned a little than to dodge around and get burned a lot.
Please tell me they get Bridgit out of there. She’s just a little girl.
Oh motherfuck. Ivy gives me the goddamn creeps. But, where there’s an Ivy, there’s a Harley, right? Somebody, seriously, get Ivy some help. Some palak paneer or something? That’s veggie, right?
Oh god they’re letting Harvey give a fucking press conference. He is so done with this shit. He is the Uncle Friend. And he does not want to be fucking in charge! AT ALL! EVER! He needs to not. He NEEDS to not!
And there goes Jim while Harvey argues with a pile of file folders.
Bruce. Oh Bruce. And there’s all the evidence Jim needs.
Stop letting Harvey give press conferences. He sounds like a fifth-grader who just discovered what the fuck a thesaurus is.
Ms. Peabody has had enough of this shit too. Also BD Wong sounds a lot like George Takei and it is unnerving. Of course her name is fucking Ethel. Only--- GODDAMMIT I KNEW FISH WOULD COME BACK! I KNEW IT KNEW IT KNEW IT!!!!
“And what’s worse! You’ve put Nala in danger!” OH GOD ALFRED’S GIVING HIM THE MUFASA SPEECH.
Gotta love Lucius Fox. He’s so fucking calm about literally all of this shit. He’s just “okay, here’s solutions A, B, and C.” Lucius Fox has totally got this shit.
Oh god ChaGood Little Shit Bruce.
They need fucking Westley to plan their castle onslaught. What I wouldn’t give for a holocaust cloak.
HOW IS HER MAKEUP STILL MOTHERFUCKING PERFECT!? Of course her makeup is still motherfucking perfect. I just fucking love Fish Mooney. I dunno why. I just fucking love her.
Oh jeez Ed. Screaming isn’t fucking helping. ... this entire situation is batfuck bananas. Yes, they’re making fucking monsters in the basement. That definitely needs to stop. Yes. Stop the monster factory. And if you and Jim would just sit down and NOT BE FUCKTARDS...
Alfred... oh Alfred. THIS IS KILLING ME! I AM SO DEAD! Yep, Thomas Wayne would be going “Hey, Martha? I’m about to go help our son be a lifesaving badass. You have yourself a nice wine-thirty and we’ll be home when we’ve saved Selina! We’ll order a pizza or something.”
Goddammit. I have fucking had it with fucking catsuits. Why in the blue bloody fucking hell do they have to stick every single woman in a goddamn superhero franchise in a stupid fucking catsuit.
FISH MOONEY FUCKING REMEMBERS. BECAUSE OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DOES! Loooooooooove me some Fish Mooney! you just gotta love Fish Mooney. Butch is gonna have a goddamn fucking heart attack. Oswald is just gonna fucking die.
“Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him” - yep, now I have the “THEY’RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD” song stuck in my head.
Bruce... okay, you’re a little shit who looks good in a turtleneck. Now shake the motherfucker’s hand because you weren’t raised by wild animals.
Oh god Lucius Fox and Ethel Peabody. And Jim is in the motherfuckin trunk. Because of course he is. This is just absolutely fucking priceless.
Right, Jim, because this is the least believable ruse in human history. You and Ed really DO need to sit down and have a beer or something.
Okay, the bodily-expressive creativity I am seeing among the Arkham inmates is astonishing.
That is a fucking Teavana tea set. I saw those pieces every fucking time I went to Lenox. Prop team, do better!
Trepanning can actually still work. It’s an extreme measure, but under certain circumstances - like a traumatic brain injury or hydrocephalus - surgeons can perform the procedure to relieve pressure. Y’all may want to check out Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris’s book “The Butchering Art”.
Oh, you go Ed! that arrow is gonna save lives.
Bruce... your dad wasn’t fighting when he died. He was walking down the street with his wife and son.
BRUCE YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT. YOU JUST GAVE AWAY HER POSITION!!! OH YOU TWO DUMB LITTLE SHITS! YOU GOOD, LOVING, DUMB LITTLE SHITS! Also, seriously? Selina? You might want to knock her back out just for transport.
LOOOOOOOVE FISH MOONEY!!! Oh, she’s boutta FUCK SHIT UP!!! I feel kinda bad for this guy. Look, man, just go get her the damn grilled cheese. Yep, go do that. When you want a grilled cheese, nothing else will do.
Stephen Strange would fucking end Howard Strange. Like, with a crowbar, not sorcery.
Oh god videos with Halloween masks now? What the fuck is this, Criminal Minds!?
Dude... YOU didn’t make Fish Mooney come back that way. She’s just TOO STRONG. SHE IS TOO STRONG!
Yep, he brought her a grilled cheese. I like this dude. I want a grilled cheese now. Fuck. MOTHERFUCKER WHATCHU MEAN WHY HE MAKE YOU A SANDWICH!?! Eat your sandwich!
fire cannot kill a dragon. Goddamn.
Go you, Selina. Way to play along with a fucking schizoid delusion. Please let this work. Just get her on the outside, get her outta that suit.
Oh god this is why Harvey needs to not be in charge. Fuck, here comes Alfred. Oh god Harvey. YAAAAAAS YOU PUDGY IRISH QUEEN! CALL OUT THE RANKS!
Goddammit Ed. Just... goddammit Ed. Somebody needs to just slap this nut upside the head. I volunteer.
Oh god no Jim does not need motherfuckin superpowers. Is that barium? Oh fuck. That’s not fucking good.
Crikey Ed. Just. Yeah, he did need to be called out for the turtleneck. Ed, do those nozzles even fucking work? Lucius... please do not. Yeah, Ed, I would not trust any of that equipment to actually work. You’re probably being set up again.
No. We do not want to see.
THAT IS NOT HOW EVOLUTION WORKS! Man, Kenshin was right - the world is full of X-Men rejects! First Hannya, the Hyottoko, then Shishio and Anji and the Juppongatana... now this lot. What even. What the fuck.
Jesus Christ Ed. Why don’t you just take up jigsaw puzzles or something. No, wait, do no take up jigsaw anything.
And the girls are gonna free Fish. Yes. This is what we need on Gotham right now. A pissed-off girl squad.
No, Jim needs hair. He looks weird. EW NO THAT’S NOT BETTER! THEY LINDSAY LOHAN’D THAT SHIT! Oh blue motherfucking no. Harvey’s gonna see right through this bullshit.
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jarradchivers · 3 years
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Today is the day!!! 10 hours to go, and still time to enter. Details below 👇🏼 👇🏼 🏮 GIVEAWAY 🏮 Hey everyone, I am giving away 1 of my Hannya bottle openers to 5 lucky people. . ~ How To Enter ~ ⛩ Follow @jarradchivers ⛩ Tag a friend in the comments you would pop a beer open with one of these ⛩ Repost this picture with the hashtag #jarradchivers . All 5 winners will be randomly picked & drawn and posted July 15th at 5.30 pm Australian Eastern Standard time. Entries open worldwide, each winner will receive 1 of my nickel plated hannya bottle openers. #jarradchivers #hannya #hannyatattoo #hannyamask #bottleopener #freebottleopener #beer #beerdrinker #craftbeer #tattoo #tattoodesign (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUpz-aL-MS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
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when you're haunted by a big titty demon that wants you to bite people 👹
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Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional
Não importa se a arte escolhida for pequena ou grande, simples ou cheia de referências, a tatuagem de caveira mexicana sempre será um ícone tradicional e com um significado bastante apreciado. Elas podem ser coloridas ou serem executadas somente com traços, sombreados e contornos, mas a proteção contra os maus espíritos estará garantida.
Há ainda quem tatue uma caveira mexicana para homenagear alguém que já morreu, já que o símbolo nada mais é que uma representação do Dia dos Mortos, um feriado popular no México, que celebra os nossos finados amados. E se você busca uma inspiração para executar a sua tattoo, não deixe de apreciar a lista a seguir — ela está caprichadíssima de sugestões:
1. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana pode ter diversos detalhes
Suzana Hirsch
2. E cada um deles enriquecerão ainda mais o seu desenho
Estela Gonçalves
3. O significado desta tattoo está totalmente ligada ao tradicional “Dia dos Mortos”
Nep’s Tattoo
4. Até mesmo as tatuagens de caveira mexicana Catrina
Day Santos
5. Esta festividade é uma das mais populares no México
Danilo Bonin
6. E celebra respeitosamente a mortalidade de quem amamos
Mostre Canek
7. Os detalhes na caveira servem para mostrar que a morte não precisa ser algo triste
Fabiano Monteiro
8. La Catrina de Los Toletes é o símbolo representativo do Dia dos Mortos
Hermetic Ink Tattoo
9. E ela foi criada durante a Revolução Mexicana
Ricardo Zori
10. Para servir como uma crítica à alta classe social, como símbolo de igualdade
Biohazard Tattoo Art
11. Se deseja caprichar no tamanho de sua caveira mexicana, que tal tatuar a lateral da coxa?
Matheus Novais
12. Mas você também pode aproveitar toda a extensão de sua panturrilha
Rosângela MS
13. Ou fazer aquele detalhe colorido bem caprichado acima do joelho
Guto Pirata
14. E até mesmo nas costas
Marco Vimana
15. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana com rosas é de uma delicadeza só
Black Hannya
16. E ainda pode ganhar uma versão bem estilizada e old school
Fefa Montenegro
17. Ou alguns diamantes no interior dos olhos
Robson Tattoo
18. Um exemplo incrível de que uma arte em sépia vale muito a pena
Chelli Studio Tattoo Art
19. A vida e a proteção contra os maus espíritos também são simbolizadas pela caveira mexicana
Mostre Canek
20. E isso vale até para as tatuagens menores
Humberto Tutti
21. Esta técnica aquarelada é perfeita, não acha?
Van Souza
22. Há também quem não abra mão da simplicidade dos traços finos
Julia Matos
23. Esta tattoo ganhou um fundo com teia de aranha
Felipe Lourenço Tattoo
24. Enquanto esta teve detalhes bastante femininos inseridos
25. Entre flores e estrelas
Thaynara Galvão
26. Com um trevo de quatro folhas para dar sorte
Bruno Vidal
27. Esta combinação de cores ficou sensacional
Ximenes Hideout
28. Quanto mais colorida, mais divertida
Vini Machado
29. O casal de mortos ficou bem estiloso, não acha?
Gabriel Machado
30. Os traços delicados contaram ainda com sombreamento em pontilhismo
Djah Cardoso
31. Falando em sombreamento, este ficou mais do que perfeito
Gustavo Patez
32. Não teve um espacinho sequer nesta caveira que ficou sem detalhes
Mayara Godoy
33. Uma rosa na boca adicionou muito mais charme
Universo Paralelo
34. E esta, que além de diamantes, ainda ganhou uma coroa?
Leandro Pontes
35. As cores quentes deram ainda mais destaque à tattoo
Fabio Gabriel Caldeira
36. Olha que inspiração incrível!
Gui Lefty
37. Esta arte parece até que foi feita no giz de cera
Barbarela Tattoo
38. Um topete, uma barba e um bigode para a sua caveira
Victor Tattoo
39. Pode adicionar uma cabeleira caprichada se quiser também
Junior Tijolo
40. Mas a simplicidade também pode dizer muitas coisas
Nipax Tattoo Estudio
41. Como esta pequena tattoo com chapéu mexicano
Franklin Moraes
42. Esta arte além de fofa, é bastante criativa, não acha?
Margherita Blue Coral
43. Um amor além da vida
Rancho Tattoo
44. O fundo verde destacou ainda mais o desenho
Diego Vega Sánchez
45. Capriche nos detalhes, caso sua caveira seja uma cobertura
Walter Randi
46. A caveira de açúcar em sua mutação
Newton Tattoo
47. Referências mexicanas deixaram esta arte ainda mais completa
Luxury Tattoo Grosseto
48. Um realismo impressionante
Ink Inside
49. Que tal uma tattoo meio a meio?
Krisztina Marianusics
50. Tequila!
Ray 27 Tattoo
51. A versão realista de Catrina
Biohazard Tattoo
52. Cores e mais cores para alegrar a sua tattoo
Lucas Mafra
53. As rosas garantem feminilidade ao desenho
Nathalia Timoteo
54. Mesmo se tiverem somente um simples contorno
Ana Collazo
55. Ou fundir com a Catrina, como nesta inspiração
Fenz Tattoo
56. Espia o resultado desta tattoo feita entre a coxa e o bumbum
Jota Tattoo
57. Esta ocupando todo o braço também ficou sensacional
Wladimir Filho
58. E se ao invés de colocar rosas, você incluir margaridas em sua arte?
Andrea Kheper
59. Difícil não se apaixonar por cada detalhe desta inspiração
Spicy Tattoo
60. Simples e incrível
Beko 1
61. Com tinta branca, o profissional deu aquela iluminada nesta arte
Vinicius Casagrande Kamei
62. Enquanto esta ganhou apenas algumas cores escolhidas a dedo
Oliver Tattoo
63. Arabescos, flores e tribais dão toda a graça desta caveirinha
Bobby Dias
64. E um bigode cor de rosa…topa?
End8 Tattoo
65. Esta caveira no centro da rosa ficou divina
Gauthier DDLV
66. Uma delicadeza que dispensa apresentações
Guto Pirata
67. Aquela tattoo feita em parceria
II Forestiero Tattoo
68. Uma caveira mexicana de respeito
69. O sombreamento deu um aspecto 3D ao desenho
Michael Bergamo
70. É realismo que você procura?
Angelo Netto Tattoo
Difícil sair deste post sem estar apaixonada por uma dessas artes, não acha? Se você é fã desse desenho, confira também essas ideias de maquiagens de caveira mexicana.
O post Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional Publicado primeiro em http://bit.ly/2plIdaT
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engenheiragabi · 6 years
Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional
Não importa se a arte escolhida for pequena ou grande, simples ou cheia de referências, a tatuagem de caveira mexicana sempre será um ícone tradicional e com um significado bastante apreciado. Elas podem ser coloridas ou serem executadas somente com traços, sombreados e contornos, mas a proteção contra os maus espíritos estará garantida.
Há ainda quem tatue uma caveira mexicana para homenagear alguém que já morreu, já que o símbolo nada mais é que uma representação do Dia dos Mortos, um feriado popular no México, que celebra os nossos finados amados. E se você busca uma inspiração para executar a sua tattoo, não deixe de apreciar a lista a seguir — ela está caprichadíssima de sugestões:
1. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana pode ter diversos detalhes
Suzana Hirsch
2. E cada um deles enriquecerão ainda mais o seu desenho
Estela Gonçalves
3. O significado desta tattoo está totalmente ligada ao tradicional “Dia dos Mortos”
Nep’s Tattoo
4. Até mesmo as tatuagens de caveira mexicana Catrina
Day Santos
5. Esta festividade é uma das mais populares no México
Danilo Bonin
6. E celebra respeitosamente a mortalidade de quem amamos
Mostre Canek
7. Os detalhes na caveira servem para mostrar que a morte não precisa ser algo triste
Fabiano Monteiro
8. La Catrina de Los Toletes é o símbolo representativo do Dia dos Mortos
Hermetic Ink Tattoo
9. E ela foi criada durante a Revolução Mexicana
Ricardo Zori
10. Para servir como uma crítica à alta classe social, como símbolo de igualdade
Biohazard Tattoo Art
11. Se deseja caprichar no tamanho de sua caveira mexicana, que tal tatuar a lateral da coxa?
Matheus Novais
12. Mas você também pode aproveitar toda a extensão de sua panturrilha
Rosângela MS
13. Ou fazer aquele detalhe colorido bem caprichado acima do joelho
Guto Pirata
14. E até mesmo nas costas
Marco Vimana
15. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana com rosas é de uma delicadeza só
Black Hannya
16. E ainda pode ganhar uma versão bem estilizada e old school
Fefa Montenegro
17. Ou alguns diamantes no interior dos olhos
Robson Tattoo
18. Um exemplo incrível de que uma arte em sépia vale muito a pena
Chelli Studio Tattoo Art
19. A vida e a proteção contra os maus espíritos também são simbolizadas pela caveira mexicana
Mostre Canek
20. E isso vale até para as tatuagens menores
Humberto Tutti
21. Esta técnica aquarelada é perfeita, não acha?
Van Souza
22. Há também quem não abra mão da simplicidade dos traços finos
Julia Matos
23. Esta tattoo ganhou um fundo com teia de aranha
Felipe Lourenço Tattoo
24. Enquanto esta teve detalhes bastante femininos inseridos
25. Entre flores e estrelas
Thaynara Galvão
26. Com um trevo de quatro folhas para dar sorte
Bruno Vidal
27. Esta combinação de cores ficou sensacional
Ximenes Hideout
28. Quanto mais colorida, mais divertida
Vini Machado
29. O casal de mortos ficou bem estiloso, não acha?
Gabriel Machado
30. Os traços delicados contaram ainda com sombreamento em pontilhismo
Djah Cardoso
31. Falando em sombreamento, este ficou mais do que perfeito
Gustavo Patez
32. Não teve um espacinho sequer nesta caveira que ficou sem detalhes
Mayara Godoy
33. Uma rosa na boca adicionou muito mais charme
Universo Paralelo
34. E esta, que além de diamantes, ainda ganhou uma coroa?
Leandro Pontes
35. As cores quentes deram ainda mais destaque à tattoo
Fabio Gabriel Caldeira
36. Olha que inspiração incrível!
Gui Lefty
37. Esta arte parece até que foi feita no giz de cera
Barbarela Tattoo
38. Um topete, uma barba e um bigode para a sua caveira
Victor Tattoo
39. Pode adicionar uma cabeleira caprichada se quiser também
Junior Tijolo
40. Mas a simplicidade também pode dizer muitas coisas
Nipax Tattoo Estudio
41. Como esta pequena tattoo com chapéu mexicano
Franklin Moraes
42. Esta arte além de fofa, é bastante criativa, não acha?
Margherita Blue Coral
43. Um amor além da vida
Rancho Tattoo
44. O fundo verde destacou ainda mais o desenho
Diego Vega Sánchez
45. Capriche nos detalhes, caso sua caveira seja uma cobertura
Walter Randi
46. A caveira de açúcar em sua mutação
Newton Tattoo
47. Referências mexicanas deixaram esta arte ainda mais completa
Luxury Tattoo Grosseto
48. Um realismo impressionante
Ink Inside
49. Que tal uma tattoo meio a meio?
Krisztina Marianusics
50. Tequila!
Ray 27 Tattoo
51. A versão realista de Catrina
Biohazard Tattoo
52. Cores e mais cores para alegrar a sua tattoo
Lucas Mafra
53. As rosas garantem feminilidade ao desenho
Nathalia Timoteo
54. Mesmo se tiverem somente um simples contorno
Ana Collazo
55. Ou fundir com a Catrina, como nesta inspiração
Fenz Tattoo
56. Espia o resultado desta tattoo feita entre a coxa e o bumbum
Jota Tattoo
57. Esta ocupando todo o braço também ficou sensacional
Wladimir Filho
58. E se ao invés de colocar rosas, você incluir margaridas em sua arte?
Andrea Kheper
59. Difícil não se apaixonar por cada detalhe desta inspiração
Spicy Tattoo
60. Simples e incrível
Beko 1
61. Com tinta branca, o profissional deu aquela iluminada nesta arte
Vinicius Casagrande Kamei
62. Enquanto esta ganhou apenas algumas cores escolhidas a dedo
Oliver Tattoo
63. Arabescos, flores e tribais dão toda a graça desta caveirinha
Bobby Dias
64. E um bigode cor de rosa…topa?
End8 Tattoo
65. Esta caveira no centro da rosa ficou divina
Gauthier DDLV
66. Uma delicadeza que dispensa apresentações
Guto Pirata
67. Aquela tattoo feita em parceria
II Forestiero Tattoo
68. Uma caveira mexicana de respeito
69. O sombreamento deu um aspecto 3D ao desenho
Michael Bergamo
70. É realismo que você procura?
Angelo Netto Tattoo
Difícil sair deste post sem estar apaixonada por uma dessas artes, não acha? Se você é fã desse desenho, confira também essas ideias de maquiagens de caveira mexicana.
O post Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional Publicado primeiro em https://www.dicasdemulher.com.br
Este conteúdo apareceu primeiro em : http://bit.ly/2CrNVhr
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Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional
Não importa se a arte escolhida for pequena ou grande, simples ou cheia de referências, a tatuagem de caveira mexicana sempre será um ícone tradicional e com um significado bastante apreciado. Elas podem ser coloridas ou serem executadas somente com traços, sombreados e contornos, mas a proteção contra os maus espíritos estará garantida.
Há ainda quem tatue uma caveira mexicana para homenagear alguém que já morreu, já que o símbolo nada mais é que uma representação do Dia dos Mortos, um feriado popular no México, que celebra os nossos finados amados. E se você busca uma inspiração para executar a sua tattoo, não deixe de apreciar a lista a seguir — ela está caprichadíssima de sugestões:
1. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana pode ter diversos detalhes
Suzana Hirsch
2. E cada um deles enriquecerão ainda mais o seu desenho
Estela Gonçalves
3. O significado desta tattoo está totalmente ligada ao tradicional “Dia dos Mortos”
Nep’s Tattoo
4. Até mesmo as tatuagens de caveira mexicana Catrina
Day Santos
5. Esta festividade é uma das mais populares no México
Danilo Bonin
6. E celebra respeitosamente a mortalidade de quem amamos
Mostre Canek
7. Os detalhes na caveira servem para mostrar que a morte não precisa ser algo triste
Fabiano Monteiro
8. La Catrina de Los Toletes é o símbolo representativo do Dia dos Mortos
Hermetic Ink Tattoo
9. E ela foi criada durante a Revolução Mexicana
Ricardo Zori
10. Para servir como uma crítica à alta classe social, como símbolo de igualdade
Biohazard Tattoo Art
11. Se deseja caprichar no tamanho de sua caveira mexicana, que tal tatuar a lateral da coxa?
Matheus Novais
12. Mas você também pode aproveitar toda a extensão de sua panturrilha
Rosângela MS
13. Ou fazer aquele detalhe colorido bem caprichado acima do joelho
Guto Pirata
14. E até mesmo nas costas
Marco Vimana
15. A tatuagem de caveira mexicana com rosas é de uma delicadeza só
Black Hannya
16. E ainda pode ganhar uma versão bem estilizada e old school
Fefa Montenegro
17. Ou alguns diamantes no interior dos olhos
Robson Tattoo
18. Um exemplo incrível de que uma arte em sépia vale muito a pena
Chelli Studio Tattoo Art
19. A vida e a proteção contra os maus espíritos também são simbolizadas pela caveira mexicana
Mostre Canek
20. E isso vale até para as tatuagens menores
Humberto Tutti
21. Esta técnica aquarelada é perfeita, não acha?
Van Souza
22. Há também quem não abra mão da simplicidade dos traços finos
Julia Matos
23. Esta tattoo ganhou um fundo com teia de aranha
Felipe Lourenço Tattoo
24. Enquanto esta teve detalhes bastante femininos inseridos
25. Entre flores e estrelas
Thaynara Galvão
26. Com um trevo de quatro folhas para dar sorte
Bruno Vidal
27. Esta combinação de cores ficou sensacional
Ximenes Hideout
28. Quanto mais colorida, mais divertida
Vini Machado
29. O casal de mortos ficou bem estiloso, não acha?
Gabriel Machado
30. Os traços delicados contaram ainda com sombreamento em pontilhismo
Djah Cardoso
31. Falando em sombreamento, este ficou mais do que perfeito
Gustavo Patez
32. Não teve um espacinho sequer nesta caveira que ficou sem detalhes
Mayara Godoy
33. Uma rosa na boca adicionou muito mais charme
Universo Paralelo
34. E esta, que além de diamantes, ainda ganhou uma coroa?
Leandro Pontes
35. As cores quentes deram ainda mais destaque à tattoo
Fabio Gabriel Caldeira
36. Olha que inspiração incrível!
Gui Lefty
37. Esta arte parece até que foi feita no giz de cera
Barbarela Tattoo
38. Um topete, uma barba e um bigode para a sua caveira
Victor Tattoo
39. Pode adicionar uma cabeleira caprichada se quiser também
Junior Tijolo
40. Mas a simplicidade também pode dizer muitas coisas
Nipax Tattoo Estudio
41. Como esta pequena tattoo com chapéu mexicano
Franklin Moraes
42. Esta arte além de fofa, é bastante criativa, não acha?
Margherita Blue Coral
43. Um amor além da vida
Rancho Tattoo
44. O fundo verde destacou ainda mais o desenho
Diego Vega Sánchez
45. Capriche nos detalhes, caso sua caveira seja uma cobertura
Walter Randi
46. A caveira de açúcar em sua mutação
Newton Tattoo
47. Referências mexicanas deixaram esta arte ainda mais completa
Luxury Tattoo Grosseto
48. Um realismo impressionante
Ink Inside
49. Que tal uma tattoo meio a meio?
Krisztina Marianusics
50. Tequila!
Ray 27 Tattoo
51. A versão realista de Catrina
Biohazard Tattoo
52. Cores e mais cores para alegrar a sua tattoo
Lucas Mafra
53. As rosas garantem feminilidade ao desenho
Nathalia Timoteo
54. Mesmo se tiverem somente um simples contorno
Ana Collazo
55. Ou fundir com a Catrina, como nesta inspiração
Fenz Tattoo
56. Espia o resultado desta tattoo feita entre a coxa e o bumbum
Jota Tattoo
57. Esta ocupando todo o braço também ficou sensacional
Wladimir Filho
58. E se ao invés de colocar rosas, você incluir margaridas em sua arte?
Andrea Kheper
59. Difícil não se apaixonar por cada detalhe desta inspiração
Spicy Tattoo
60. Simples e incrível
Beko 1
61. Com tinta branca, o profissional deu aquela iluminada nesta arte
Vinicius Casagrande Kamei
62. Enquanto esta ganhou apenas algumas cores escolhidas a dedo
Oliver Tattoo
63. Arabescos, flores e tribais dão toda a graça desta caveirinha
Bobby Dias
64. E um bigode cor de rosa…topa?
End8 Tattoo
65. Esta caveira no centro da rosa ficou divina
Gauthier DDLV
66. Uma delicadeza que dispensa apresentações
Guto Pirata
67. Aquela tattoo feita em parceria
II Forestiero Tattoo
68. Uma caveira mexicana de respeito
69. O sombreamento deu um aspecto 3D ao desenho
Michael Bergamo
70. É realismo que você procura?
Angelo Netto Tattoo
Difícil sair deste post sem estar apaixonada por uma dessas artes, não acha? Se você é fã desse desenho, confira também essas ideias de maquiagens de caveira mexicana.
O post Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional apareceu primeiro em Dicas de Mulher.
Tatuagem de caveira mexicana: 70 fotos dessa referência pra lá de tradicional Publicado primeiro em https://www.dicasdemulher.com.br/
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