#Digimon Fanfiction
reliablejoukido · 9 months
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Read the rest HERE: "20 Questions" - by zuzsenpai/reliablejoukido
Title: "20 Questions"
Author: zuzsenpai/reliablejoukido
Rating: T
Pairing: Daisuke Motomiya/Ken Ichijouji
Summary: Ken and Daisuke are out here playing 4D chess... but perhaps not on the same board. (This story consists entirely of group chat images.)
Notes: This thing is sort of a test to see if my readers like this format for fics. It's somewhat difficult to make, but please let me know if my efforts were worth it!
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ahiddenpath · 3 months
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New Fanfic Launch!!!!
Infinite Possibilities
Gorgeous cover art above commissioned from @kbondoxxxxav! Check out their comm details here! (Apologies for the infamous Tumblr resizing shenanigans).
Here is the summary of my new fic :D
Infinite Possibilities will have three phases.  The first stars Eimi, the second stars Koushiro, and the third stars Hikari.  I commissioned the cover to look like a character select menu; each phase will have its own cover art with the lead front and center.
This story explores the realities, issues, and politics of digimon existing on earth, a concept I’ve been obsessed with for years.  It opens about a year and some change before Kizuna, and the events of that film will be covered, too- not so much the film itself as what comes after.
There are couples in this fic, but it isn’t a romance.  The one worth mentioning is Izumi Koushiro x Anami Eimi, as we do see them get closer and date, although that’s never the point or focus of the story.  There might be passing mentions of the two canon couples (Yamato x Sora and Ken x Miyako), and of other Chosen going on nonspecified dates, etc.
I’ve been planning this fic since 2020, and I think it’s ambitious and jam packed with interesting ideas!  How the world looks when digimon and humans come together is so interesting to me, and I’m so happy to share my ideas with you.  Thanks for being here!
Love, Hidden
I've been so hyped to share this fic since I first thought of it in 2020, after watching Kizuna. Here's a link to the bits I've shared about it, if you're interested.
Thank you all so much <3 I hope you enjoy it!
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wheat--wesley · 5 months
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Commission: Venom Vamdemon (P2 It's my graffiti work, I think it's fun to draw this.)
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artistic-moth-man · 4 months
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Changes to Zoe/Izumi in my digimon au!
First off, fuck the skirt. Girls can wear pants.
Second, shes asexual as hell, so theres like no implied "romance" jokes
Third, shes FROM italy instead of going aborad. I feel like her having gone abroad is just weird to me, so i did keep her english dub name and even gave her a european last name bc an italian having a japanese last name doesnt make a lot of sense to me
Sorry if i did anything wrong :3
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emzycore · 9 months
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Did a drawing based off a dream I had where izzy and tai get stranded in a glacier alone for a number of days, also tai is concussed and Izzy’s leg was broken
Izzy figures out pretty quick that tai was concussed because he had an intense headache and couldn’t stand up without falling so izzy has to look after him while they wait to hopefully be found by the others
With Izzy’s leg being broken he can’t stand so he can really only crawl, tai doesn’t really know what’s wrong with him but he knows izzy is hurt (izzy knows his leg is broken, but refused to tell tai cus he doesn’t want him to worry and because he believes tai is in a worse condition) and tai wants to help izzy aswell but can’t because of the constant nausea and fatigue from his injury
Because of being trapped in ice they spend a good lot of the time cuddled up together to stay warm
I kinda like this idea I haven’t wrote a fic since I was 13 but I might for this cus I kinda like it
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funfourstudios · 7 months
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Greymon Art!!!!
Digimon fixation is back
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 months
Digimon Adventure Fanfic
Hello, I'm shamelessly shilling my fanfic: Digimon Adventure: Dark Tidings. It's set post 02 following some original characters and following up on some of the plot points that 02 left hanging. It is canon complaint and sfw and uses dub terminology.
Months after the defeat of MaloMyotismon, American DigiDestined Daniel receives a message from the Digital World. Embarking on an adventure to find his missing brother in the Digital World, Daniel and his partner Blue the Dracomon will find themselves entangled in a larger plot where new threats are rising and old loyalties are questioned. If he and his new friends can't uncover the details and find the power within themselves, the fate of both worlds may come to an end.
So far 2 chapters are out and I've written up to chapter 6. Please check it out and give me some constructive criticism.
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dutchforstrangers · 5 months
Tour • ne • sol - Taiora double bill pt. 2
January 6th/7th 2024.
Summary: On the day after New Year's Eve, Sora misses her sunny boyfriend, worrying herself sick over his whereabouts. Luckily, her friends have some flower-y surprises, with the biggest one to come at the end.
A/N: Happy New Year! Today marks the date of something dear to my heart and so it’s time for Taiora double bill part 2 (here's part 1)! See it as some sort of “anniversary present” ;) And remember, no matter how far we’re apart, turn your head to the sun (or moon, because you’re more of a moon person) and you know we live underneath the same sky <3 Enjoy! P.S. That song is an ChatGPT original haha :D
Taiora double bill pt. 2 | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, appearances and mentions of the other DigiDestined | Genre: Long distance surprise, romance, general, friendship | Rating: T | Wordcount: 3.094
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Tour • ne • sol
Sora would be lying when she said New Year’s was a blast. Right before the clock would strike midnight, she had felt nothing but anxious and alone. Why exactly that feeling was dominating, she couldn’t pinpoint. She was surrounded by people she loved and who loved her back just as much, if not more. And the past year had been an absolute miracle in so many ways. Her trip to Italy standing out to her the most.
The trip to Taichi. The trip that changed it all.
It had been one of the hardest goodbyes when they had to part in August, knowing he had to stay while she had to leave again. It was a bittersweet goodbye. Bitter, because their parting happened right after finally answering the genuine love the two of them had been feeling all along. Sweet, because, at least, it wasn’t forever.
Fortunately, time had passed rather quickly and now it was already January 1st. Taichi would return to Tokyo at the end of February, in time for her birthday and a planned vacation they would spend together. Sora was absolutely thrilled, looking forward to every future second. Sure she had been missing him until now, but it would all turn out fine.
Still there was this anxious feeling.
Perhaps, deep down inside, she was afraid for his return. Would the feelings have stayed the same, or did they change? What if he would look different than what she could remember. Than how she had always known him? Something told her, however, that that anxious feeling had nothing to do with those irrational fears.
Sora bit her lip, looking down at the cellphone in her hand. The screen was lit, on it Taichi’s last message to her.
Happiest of New Years to you my lovely Sora!
It had definitely turned a smile on her face and of course she texted back as soon as she could, but due to an overloaded mobile network and the poor reception that was the logical follow-up, her message didn’t come through. That had made her anxious of course, but the phone call she had with him earlier in the day had made up for it.
But now it was the morning after, her message was eventually sent, but he didn’t replied, probably not even seen it. A wave of sadness overcame Sora and the anxious feeling of being forgotten washed over her.
Sora sighed.
For all she knew, Taichi was still celebrating with his newfound friends in Italy. She wanted, needed, to know and with her fingers she typed another message to ask him about his day and celebrations, only for it to be deleted again right after. She wasn’t the pushy girlfriend, right? If he wanted to text her, he would.
All sorts of scenarios crossed her mind, from Taichi kissing other girls to him being drunk from all the Italian wine and this passed out. Maybe his phone died. Maybe it fell, or he lost it…
“Stop it Sora, you can trust him! Right?” she said out loud to no one in particular as she held her phone to her forehead. For a little while she stood like that, unnecessary tears stinging behind her closed eyes. She wasn’t going to give in to those, and she didn’t have to.
Through her eyelids Sora could see a sudden light, cueing that her phone had just received a message to show her. Her eyes shot open and within a second she had unlocked her phone. Her messaging thread with Taichi was still opened, but there was no new message to be found.
Slightly annoyed, Sora swiped away Taichi’s chat to see who was the one who had sent her a message. Probably her mom telling her she had forgotten something at their house early this morning, she immediately thought, but she was surprised by someone else’s name.
Sora-san! Happy New Year! I have a little present for you, I’m at your door in 5 minutes. Could you open up? Love you soooooo much!
It was Mimi and a smile replaced her frown. Sora remembered how lucky she had been with such wonderful friends, then remembered she wasn’t exactly dressed to receive guests, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up and dress herself in something more decent. She hoped that Mimi’s coming by would cheer her up good enough to stop the sulking over her boyfriend being far far away from her.
Just in time before she could get back into the sulking, the bell rang and she sprinted to the door to welcome Mimi in. As she opened the door, Sora tilted her head in pleasant surprise.
“Not alone I see?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“Hello Sora-san, happy New Year.”
“Nope! As you can see, I dragged Koushiro-kun with me. Hope that’s okay with you? We actually won’t stay long,” Mimi said with a wink.
The two guests entered Sora’s apartment, both of them being familiar enough to know the way once inside. Sora closed the door and followed her friends into her own living room where all three of them took a seat, Mimi on the chair and Sora and Koushiro on the couch. Mimi placed the bag she had been holding on the coffee table in front of Sora.
“I baked you something!” Mimi exclaimed happily as she impatiently waited for Sora to reveal the insides of the bag.
She found it the sweetest gesture, but had no clue to what she owed this exactly. Nonetheless, she was grateful for it and carefully unpacked the baking from the bag.
“Is it a carrot cake?”
“Mmhm!” Mimi confirmed excitedly, nodding her head rapidly. “But I gave it a touch by adding a nice amount of sunflower seeds. To wish you both an orange and sunny new year.”
Sora smiled as she kept looking at the cake, the orange and ‘sunny’ reminding her of Taichi. She was happy with the gift, but couldn’t help to feel the sadness pinching a little. She looked up to look at Mimi, hiding away any visible sorrow.
“It looks delicious. Thank you Mimi-chan, I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Mimi said lovingly, flying out of the chair to give Sora a friendly little hug. “You deserve to have all the orange and sunshine in your life. He will return in less than two months, am I right?”
Of course Mimi looked right through her, Sora thought to herself. Without saying a word, hiding it away as best as possible, Mimi knew it anyway. And of course she tried to find a way to cheer Sora up. So Sora nodded to the question, now knowing she was unable to hide it from them.
“Then why the sad face?” Mimi asked as she sat back down in the chair.
Sora looked down at her own hands. “He hasn’t texted me after his last message at midnight our time. I’m a bit worried I think?”
“I see,” Koushiro started, “it’s normal to feel that way. But I don’t think you have to worry, Sora-san.” Koushiro reassured her with a knowing smile, a careful hand gently placed on her shoulder. He usually wasn’t the type for physical reassurances like these, but with Sora he felt more open and she absolutely loved her co-redhead for it.
“Unless he fell into a river while being overly drunk. I mean, right? There is a river in Rome, right?”
“Mimi-san!” Koushiro called out. Mimi ducked away further into the chair, in her way feeling sorry for her words. Sora could only laugh at her friends’ antics, even though Mimi’s words did sting a little, exposing a possible truth Sora wished wouldn’t be true. “Anyway,”
Koushiro diverted everyone’s attention with just that one word, his hand reaching for something in his pocket. Sora watched him closely, curious what was so important to change the subject. It didn’t take long for Koushiro to take the item out and he proudly held up a USB stick.
“It contains a little PowerPoint presentation I made.”
Sora thought it was suspicious, for the simple fact that it was ‘just’ a PowerPoint and not some sort of complicated other piece of software Koushiro would have created himself.
“I think it might peaks your interest, maybe you could take a look and let me know what your findings are?”
Unable to say no to her friends, she held out her hand and took the little thing from Koushiro. “I let you know,” Sora said with her kindest smile
“But not now!” Mimi said after looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “Koushiro-kun and I have to go.”
Sora’s suspicion rose. “Why the sudden hurry?”
“Koushiro-kun and I promised to pick up my cousin from Europe!”
“Mimi-san didn’t want to drive alone, so she asked me to accompany her.”
It at least sounded honest. Sora nodded and followed her friends to the door to say them goodbye. As she shut the door behind them, the feeling of being alone flooded back. Sora sighed, dragging herself and her racing mind back to the living room.
Once arrived, she seated herself on the chair, slumping away while tightly holding on to one of the pillows. Her eyes looked at the cake and the USB on her coffee table and a faint and grateful smile appeared. She didn’t have much time to take it all in and wonder about their intentions.
The phone in her pocket announced an incoming message. Her heart skipped a beat and with one sharp motion she flew out of the chair, now able to get deep into her pocket. Her heart skipped another beat seeing the first part of the name on her screen.
She should have known though that he wasn’t the only one with that last name in her phone and disappointment hit like a stab in her stomach.
Hikari: Happy New Year dear Sora-san! I wish for you to have a warm year with lots of Love and Light that will brighten your sky. I was going through some pictures from crafts made by my kindergarten kids and I stumbled upon some shiny ones! Who knows this will make you feel less alone, he will be back before you know it.
Sora wondered whether Mimi or Koushiro had texted Hikari to let her know about how she felt. Especially after looking at the pictures of the crafts Hikari had sent her. Sunflowers, in all forms and shapes. The yellow and orangeness combined with the by the children taken creativity warmed Sora’s heart, Hikari’s attentiveness even making her heart flutter.
Still she couldn’t help but to want the attention from the girl’s brother and not Hikari. So Sora quickly typed a thank you message in return before heading over to her chat with Taichi. With blind annoyance she wrote a message.
Taichi, where are you? I’m starting to feel like I’m not important enough for you. I feel kind of neglected? Anyway, I’m worrying myself sick over you and that’s not the way to start the year for Kami’s sake.
For once she did not read it twice and immediately hit send only to feel complete guilt right after. Her heart started racing.
I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I just… I love you so much and you haven’t replied to anything and I just want to know whether you’re safe or not. Please, Taichi, can you please send me a message back? Even though it’s just an “I’m OK”… I’m so sorry…
Sora bit her lip as she crushed her phone between her hands as it was the only way for her tension to get out. She was on the verge of crying, of feeling miserable and an incredibly bad girlfriend. Her mind wandered everywhere and felt numb all the same. She was slowly losing herself and hyperventilation was close.
However, a vibration in between her hands brought her back from the spiraling. For a moment she concentrated on the ongoing vibrations, easing the fast pace of her heart. Or at least try. Because the chance this was Taichi calling her was rather high after those messages she sent and Sora wasn’t sure whether she was ready to face him like this.
She was both relieved with and surprised by the caller ID popping up on her screen.
“Hey Sora, happy New Year.”
She had never felt so happy to hear his voice. There was no way for her tears to stay hidden.
“Are you okay?” He sounded worried. Knowing.
She nodded, then remembered she was on the phone. “Yes. No. I don’t know? I’m just happy it’s you who’s calling and not him.”
There was a short silence on the other side, but Sora knew Yamato was nodding his head. Taking his time to find the right words.
“I know this is hard to believe when you’re feeling the way you are feeling, but believe me as I say that Taichi hasn’t forgotten you. He would never forget about you, you and I both know that,” he reassured her and Sora nodded understandingly. “And if it helps, he hasn’t texted me either. I think he’s just… occupied. You’ll hear from him sooner than you think.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly, taking the time to let his words sink in a little more. “Thank you, Yamato, and a happy New Year to you too,” she eventually said.
“To what do I owe this phone call?” She asked.
“Erm…” he sounded nervous. “I was wondering… could you listen to these lyrics I just wrote?”
Lyrics? Sora thought to herself. “You’re writing music again?”
“Just a little something. You don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to—”
“No! I’d love to actually.”
“Alright,” he said and after some shuffling he started softly playing.
Sora closed her eyes and she felt herself zoning out. The melody felt like warming rays of light embracing her.
As the seasons change, and the days drift by We’ll hold onto the light, under the open sky Through gentle rain, and the storms that may come, We’ll stand tall and strong, turning to the sun
The lyrics made their way to her heart and a single tear rolled its way over her cheek, a bright smile accompanying it.
“It’s beautiful,” she said as he ended his singing. They exchanged some more words, making Sora feel a bit more relaxed, then wished each other a good day.
“Oh, before I forget,” Yamato interrupted. “Please look in your mailbox, I think Takeru has left something in there. I gotta go now, take care of yourself.”
And with that he hung up, leaving Sora with questions.
Hadn’t it all been a coincidence? Her friends, acting like this. Everyone coming over, texting her, calling her, apparently leaving her things in her mailbox… Everyone, except that stupid Taichi.
Sora balled her fists, then walked to her front door, stepping into her shoes and opening it. On the ground stood a small glass bottle with a note attached to it. Another surprise.
“Hi Sora-kun, Jyou here! I got you a little massage oil, it’s made from sunflower oil and I immediately thought of you. Please save it for a special occasion. And a happy New Year!”
Again the sunflowers… What was going on with everyone?
She placed Jyou’s present inside, shut the door and headed for the staircase of her apartment’s building. Because even though she could take the elevator, the stairs seemed to be more fitting to get that adrenaline out of her system.
She jumped, flew down the stairs, skipping at least two steps of the stairs with every step. Once arrived on the ground floor, Sora sprinted to the mailbox, opening the thing and immediately seeing what Yamato had meant on the phone.
There was a little notebook with on the first page Takeru’s handwriting telling her the notebook contained handwritten short stories about sunflowers. And that all their other friends had come to him with inspiration.
Sora’s mind was blown, completely overwhelmed with all the information she received. The gifts, the sunflowers… Still the feeling of being ignored by her own boyfriend lingered the most. And she wanted to ugly cry and scream. Loud.
She turned around to see if there was anyone there who could worry over her if she was going to scream.
She turned around, her eyes taking in the sight of a boy she had been longing for since midnight. His brown hair was a bit of a mess, his cheeks showing a blush, though Sora couldn’t tell whether it was from being outside or from their for her unexpected encounter. In his hand he held a bouquet of sunflowers.
Sora could feel the tears sting. Her friends were right when they said he would be back sooner than she thought he would.
“It was really hard to get these flowers in the middle of winter.”
She exhaled quick and sharp, only to inhale the air right back. “Oh no, you didn’t…”
“I kinda did?” Taichi replied and Sora could hear both the excitement as the worry in his voice. “Please don’t hate me…” He lowered the bouquet.
She had felt every emotion these past twelve hours. She had been plain mad and worried and desperate, both separately as all at once. But now, all she felt was relieve and sheer love for her Taichi standing in front of her.
“How could I?” Sora said, longing in her eyes.
“Well, I thought you’d be more excited and— ouch!”
She slapped his arm first. Then threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck while her lips found his as if they had never done anything else in life.
“Excited enough for you?” Sora asked as she parted her lips from Taichi, locking her eyes with his and staring deeply into them.
The lopsided grin on his face said it all.
x X x X x
Bonus time! (They have just watched the PowerPoint about Sunflowers made by Koushiro)
She grabbed the hem of his sleeve and stretched it out over his hand.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes shifting from Sora to his sleeve and back to Sora.
Sora looked at him with a fond smile, not answering his question. She then looked down at her own sleeve and stretched it the same way she had stretched Taichi’s. Carefully she tied the two ends together into en tight knot.
“There,” she said, “forever.”
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darkened-storm · 8 months
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Steph and Becky are ready for Halloween this year as their Digimon partners Patamon and Gatomon
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reliablejoukido · 1 year
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Return of the King (feat. 02 hair)
Because I promised everyone I would write a fic based on the winner of the Jou Kido hair poll
cross-posted on AO3 if you’d like to make a comment there
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
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Fanfic Update: Puits d'Amour!
Read it on AO3 or FFN!
I am so thrilled to share this update with you! HOLY HECKIN YOU GUYS, I have been working on this drawing for MONTHS! If I ever mention drawing a car again, kindly boop me on the head with a rolled newspaper. I'm proud of how it turned out, though. That sure is a car!
The Jyoumi date is here at last!!! Hooray! Jyou has some heavy stuff on his mind about his life, his worldview, and his future. Luckily, Mimi is here to Keep it Real!
Please check it out! This is a good one, I think!
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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There was still one thing that she needed to do, Mimi reminded herself of it almost every day, but she also hoped that she wouldn't have to be the one to take the first step.
During lunch with her mother in her office one day, however, her mother was quick to reprimand her for putting off thanking someone who'd taken care of her in a difficult situation. And that's how Mimi was forced to pick up her phone to send a message to Yamato, almost a month since he'd made her crash at his place unknowingly, under the watchful gaze of her mother.
Sent, 13:01: Hey, sorry I didn't reach out earlier. Thank you for looking out for me that day!
It was hard for her to control the heat that flooded her cheeks when her phone buzzed back with a response before she could set it aside. Her mother raised an amused eyebrow but did not comment, turning her attention to the food on the table, giving Mimi the space to respond at her pace.
Received, 13:01: Don't worry about it. How are you holding up?
Sent, 13:04: I'm persisting.
She contemplated her response for a few minutes before deciding that staying true and simple to her feelings was the best way to go. Yamato had been in her position too, so any lie she made up about how well she was coping with the situation would not only be unfair to him but also easily caught.
Received, 13:05: You always do. Remember to take it easy.
His quick reply made her face warm again but this time she took a deep breath and kept her phone aside, returning her focus towards the salad in front of her. She didn’t want to read into his words, he was probably taken aback by how she reacted that day and wanted some closure on whether she was okay. Mimi predicted that they would go back to their rare, once in a blue moon interactions after this, and there probably won’t be a second time for her to receive a reply from him without delay.
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"You know, the real surprise is you buying something from my website," Mimi said, resting her chin in her palm, now brimming with the confidence to meet Yamato's gaze.
"Well, had I known that I was eligible for such a special delivery, I would've placed an order much sooner." He didn't hold back his smirk this time, as he reached forward for his glass and took another small sip.
Do not let him get to you, do not let him get to you.
Mimi repeated the words in her head like a mantra, keeping her confident demeanour intact through pursed lips. It was pretty normal for them to fall into a pattern of taunting each other, challenging each other for fun to see how far the other could go. This was perhaps one of the reasons Mimi was worried about meeting him like this, with no buffer between them she dreaded if she'd even get the chance to share her appreciation before their conversation ended in an argument.
"It's not a big deal, I do it for Hikari chan all the time." She responded, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear just so her hand wouldn't be tempted to reach for the wine glass and finish whatever remained of the drink.
"I see."
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[post dividers by @/cafekitsune]
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artistic-moth-man · 4 months
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Theres a lot in the show about how tomoki is compared to takuya's little brother, so i thought, what if he was?
I mean, whats a better introduction to a spoiled kid than his birthday party?
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mishiroweek · 10 months
Mishiro Week 2023 is just around the corner!
Yessss! If you'd like to write or draw about the Mimi x Koushiro pair, this challenge is for you!
Mishiro week is scheduled to happen from September 25th to October 2nd, 2023. Check out the prompts for each day :)
Tag this accounts so we can share your work! If you publish on AO3 you can use the collection MishiroWeek2023
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digimonascending · 2 months
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Hell Yeah, 10 years of Ascending storytelling! Time to celebrate! wait, what do you mean the ten year anniversary was nearly two years ago? f**k Better late than never. Also a) I'm not dead, and b) more Ascending is coming. Stay tuned for Firestarters (hopefully next year)
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