#msa rp
aparalyzedheart · 1 year
My Ghost Arthur Lore!!
Finally got around to update the info a little more! 
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This is for easier access to new followers! Hope you enjoy what I have so far! <3
Arthur’s Bio: [Link] Mun QnA: [Link]
This story takes places after the gang manages to save Mystery from the demon’s possession, and things have returned to... some degree of normal.
Which, is not a lot, to be honest.
Arthur wishes to be happy it’s all over, but it’s hard when he’s aware of everything that went wrong on his quest to find Lewis- his death being the biggest factor.
Sure, he’s back now with his family and Vivi, and it’s all Arthur wanted, but at the same time it isn’t.
Lewis is having problems adapting to what used to be his old lifestyle, Vivi is preoccupied with the demon encounters and is trying to find ways to protect the team with Mystery, and Arthur...
He doesn’t know what to do.
What’s worse, he feels they are all growing APART. With Vivi working hard and Lewis avoiding him, the fear of being left behind is stronger than ever.
Because Arthur wanted them to be TOGETHER again, he wanted them to be HAPPY again, even when they had awful haunted places to go through- he just wanted that familiarity they lost when Lewis went ‘missing’, and now it turns out it may have been for nothing.
And he can’t help but blame himself for it. It all started because of him, anyway.
But rather than sit and wait for what felt like an unavoidable fall-out, Arthur began to look for a way to fix everything, but not in a way anyone would expect.
So, let’s say Lewis has powers as a ghost, and Vivi also has supernatural abilities thanks to her ancestor. But Arthur is just the smart mechanic, right?
There are too many ‘Excalibur’ references in his family for it to be mere coincidence. And Arthur had heard that magic ran through his lineage ever since he was a child.
Was it just another joke the adults in his family liked to repeat? He didn’t care at that moment; digging through his hand-me-downs, Arthur finds an ancient tome he’s almost forgotten about. One that was sent to him from a distant relative, with a nearly faded signature at the bottom of the first page:
It took hours of research, and then he finally, finally, found something that could help him set everything back in order.
All he needed were a couple items, a wish... and a life.
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viviskull · 2 years
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           Oh,                            You can never be the one in wonder                                                I don't need to play another love song                  Whoop,                                   'Cause baby, you're my number 1
CANON DIVERGENT. MSA MULTIMUSE. SEMI-SELECTIVE. MYSTERY SKULLS from Mystery Skulls Animated featuring muses like: Vivi Yukino, Lewis Pepper, Arthur Kingsmen, Mystery, and so many other side characters you probably haven’t discovered yet!  
If you’re looking for a fun time diving into the paranormal or just looking for an excuse to go crazy with some good ol’ friends from the year 2014?  Man, come on down and get your muse to chat their head off, we’ll have a good ol’ time writing together!  Don’t forget to drop your souls down the trashshoot on your way in though!
WRITTEN BY: Phoenix (they/them)
promo credit - @strebcr​
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ambrosia-win3 · 1 year
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                  THE LOVERS HAVE LIED . ❜
        priv + semi-sel RILEY SONATA & ELODY for
                     ♡ / ↻ for interactions.
      ( written by Arthur. transmasc / 18+ / EST . )
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misfortunateiivan · 9 months
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Hey there! Looking for a server with a bunch of Mystery Skull Fans? I have just the one for you! :D all you gotta do is add me on discord and I’ll send you the link!
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2bu · 11 months
i wish we collectively could have an honest, open discussion about how unfriendly rp spaces still are to people of colour even if they are lead by people of colour, or well-meaning whites.
like, idk, there's still like antiblack events/scenes/dialogues that take place or biases towards white/white passing characters. this doesn' even begin to cover the cliquey nature of rp spaces as is and again, how biased people are and can be even if they claim otherwise. you could have the most open, friendliest space in the world, sure, but even then, they'd still be guilty of at least either: petty gossip or snobbish rpers who think they and the characters they portray (original or canon) are better than you and yours, or hell, just cliquey, exclusionary behaviour.
also, too, usually (i've experienced this myself a lot), if you're a person of colour in an rp space, 9/10 people who are not the same race as you will do just about anything to get your approval with portrayals/creations of characters solely to appease you and not because they have a desire to branch out or challenge themselves to make a character or portray a character that's nothing like them.
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lewsteryincorporated · 5 months
Btw I’m down to RP nsfw Lewstery ( Lewis x mystery ben) in messages/ DMS/~
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fazbear-security · 11 months
Assorted blog status-quo thoughts from work, part one:
In-universe, Keith's murder spree has been attributed to a 'copycat' of the child murders in Utah. He is very bitter about it.
Golden Freddy/Liam is the one who placed Puppet/Jamie's soul into an animatronic. He used too much power while doing so in his attempt to save his friend, and it took so much out of him that he was unable to manifest as anything more than an illusion for more than a decade.
All that extra power also gave Puppet/Jamie the ability to tie spirits to animatronics, which he used to 'save' Liam's two half-brothers and their two friends after Keith killed them inside the restaurant.
He also used too much energy, tying the spirits too tightly to the original four animatronics.
This left him with not enough energy to ‘save’ the next four children Keith killed at the next location, resulting in those souls being anchored too lightly, and not being able to properly control the animatronics they were in.
The original four anchored souls were the angriest, and had a very “with us or against us” attitude.
Once Puppet made it clear he didn’t support their killing spree in search of their own killer, the original four considered him ‘against them’.
Golden Freddy tried many times to save the unfortunate security guards hired over the years, but didn’t have enough power to manifest as more that a face in a camera or poster.
They built up a sort of friendship with night guard Belly Vella, and were devastated when he got caught, causing them to retreat to their suit and not be around when Houston briefly took up the shift.
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Episode 49
So it´s been 5 years since I last posted here. I´m honest, I forgot about it. I was busy, life was hectic, I lost two family members, both rather suddenly. But I´m doing fine - I got my MSc in biology, and will start a new job in ca. 2 weeks in a very interesting lab! I´ll post new episodes as often as I can. Not too much of the old MSA RP is left anyway.
Thank you for everyone still reading and following. I appreciate it. Really <3
Yoshi Raven: "Of course! You don´t have to ask that!" he squealed, grinning at Lewis while he gave Gear small pieces of his food.
"But since Vivi takes care of new missions we have to ask her if we really have a free day. Vivi!! Breakfast is ready and I´ll eat it without you!!" Arthur called, knowing she´d give him a scary glare at this. He pushed her plate away from his own, just to make sure she wouldn´t bite his hand.
Charlie McCarthey: "Here comes the blue blur now--followed by her second-in-paw, the white blur." Lewis joked as he watched the two careen around the corner and flop into their seats eagerly. They dug in, but not before Vivi noticed Lewis and brightened up.
"You look awesome, Lew--how do you feel?" She asked gently.
"Pretty good. We wanted to know if today wss a day off or if we need to go anywhere."
"Hm, well, come to think of it I did take a case a few days ago--with the two Lewis' I had to put it on hold. The owner was a really nice guy, he let us put the case off for a few days. The sooner we get started the better."
Yoshi Raven: Arthur giggled at the two racing in. He had already finished his last pancake and saw that Vivi and Mystery had eaten half of them. Within seconds. Unbelievable.
"What kind of case is it? A non-dangerous one I hope."
A small case would be nice - especially because Lewis still needed some more rest and a big fight would be bad for him.
Charlie McCarthey: "You know, I think it will be? To be honest, from what he told me over the phone, I think it's just a low level poltergiest? We're in luck--its haunting in a bar. You know what that means."
"Poltergiests can be mistaken for demonic haunts--IF they're sorrounded by negative energy." Lewis nodded. "But, if you're in a bar, chances out you're going out to have a good time."
"Exactly! So he's just sounds like a mischievous one if you ask me."
Yoshi Raven: "Oh that´s good. Maybe that ghost is just bored and likes playing pranks on people. But as long as we can help without fighting, everything will be fine."
Arthur stretched his arms and gently put Gear from his lap, then got up and put his plate in the sink.
"Actually I´m really looking forward for this mission. Getting some work done, you know. When can we leave?" he asked, looking at Vivi and Mystery with a small grin.
Charlie McCarthey: "It's three hours out, and when I asked when he wanted us to investigate he said we could do it during open hours. The ghost seems to be most active around people--another poltergiest motive."
"They do like attention." Lewis mused as he flicked his wrist,, shooing some Deadbeats away absently as he stood up too.
"If we leave in about an hour, we should get there by 3, 4 at the latest. Everyone okay with that?" Vivi checked.
"I'm good."
Yoshi Raven: "Yep, me too. I´ll check on the van until then."
He walked over to Vivi and Mystery and patted both their heads. "Don´t eat all of our food until then." Arthur mocked and quickly moved away from her tickle attack, heading towards the door.
"Lew, you coming with me?" he asked, smiling at him.
Charlie McCarthey: "Coming!" The ghost practically trilled, floating after him.
"You haven't worked on your baby in a while." He realized quietly when he saw the van sitting in its spot. He frowned a little, shifting through the memories he had to see if he--or his ghost half--was to blame.
Yoshi Raven: "I know but I have been busy in the last few days" he purred and tousled his hair.
"Besides, there was no mission where we had to drive that far away for a long time. I prefer checking before long road trips, there´s no need for a check every time we drive."
Arthur opened he engine bay and inspected it. He was quiet for a while, then grabbed a wrench and worked on some parts.
"By the way ghosts... I think I haven´t told you yet, but I was taking notes. You know, about... you. Me. Us. Our relationship. I guess this might be helpful one day. And I thought about a new spell for you... not sure if this will work, though."
Charlie McCarthey: "Yeah?" Lewis had been floating up on the roof, his arms behind his head and legs crossed as he hovered lazily in place. But at Arthur's words he sat up and shifted down, giving Arthur his attention.
"What did you have in mind?"
Yoshi Raven: "You know... I had the idea some time after that last cult incidence. I never expected that our bond could break for a while because of a high stress level." he mumbled and closed the engine bay, then leaned against the van.
"You can´t change into your Ifrit form without that connection. And that´s the thing that bothers me. I never hope it will happen again, but - what if we have to fight a dangerous monster, ghost or demon and because of whatever reason, the bond is broken again? You could go down within seconds, depending on how strong the enemy is. And that´s why I´m trying to find a solution, an emergency spell. To give you energy so you can turn into an Ifrit for, let´s say 10 minutes. Even if you don´t win the fight you could get us all out of the danger." Arthur explained with a serious look on his face. Yes, he hoped this would never happen but who knows what monster where out there.
Charlie McCarthey: "Yeah. I mean--that sounds like it could be a dozy of a spell. The monster form isn't something I can just... slip into." He winced, shuddering just by thinking about it. "Try for a shorter time period for now. 5 ought to do it, Art. Every second in a fight counts, you've got a good point. I don't want to see any of you hurt because I can't change fast enough." He sighed a little, rubbing the back of his neck tiredly.
"Be careful, alright?"
Yoshi Raven: "Don´t worry, I´ll be. I still have to do some research anyway and it´ll take more time. As soon as I finished it, we can do that spell." He walked to the ghost, hugging him for a few minutes but then got back to work on the van and check everything until they could get on the road and start the mission.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis smooched the mechanic's cheek, and headed inside to see if Vivi and Mystery were getting ready. He was right, the two were ready to go after having their customary third helping.
"How's she look, Artie?" Vivi asked as they all headed outside. "Ready to go?"
Yoshi Raven: Arthur was already sitting on the driver´s seat, waiting for the others.
"She´s perfect as always and we could drive to the moon. Come on, get in here, I wanna drive! If you don´t hurry I´ll go alone!"
He waved at the others, a big smile on his face while he started the engine.
Charlie McCarthey: "Shotgun!" Vivi shouted. Not that there was a big demand for it, usually Arthur and Vivi were the ones who got into those competitions--Mystery liked sleeping in the van and Lewis was either driving or didn't mind sitting in the back.
Today it was the later, the ghost and dog piled onto the baxk bench and stretched out together. Lew still needed rest, and he was warm to lie against. The two soon fell asleep, Mystery head in Lewis' lap and his hand over the little dog's body.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur had put on some quiet, relaxing music for the two in the back and talked a bit with Vivi then and now, but most of the time they were silent so Lewis and Mystery could sleep some more. Finally, they reached the town with the club. Arthur parked the van next to it and turned off the music, then got out of the van and opened one of the back doors.
"Mystery, Lewis, wake up. We arrived."
Charlie McCarthey: Waking up took a few moments. The ghost didn't seem wholly aware of anything until he was standing out of the van and stretching. Lewis yawned lazily, and finally blinked open his eyes to see where they--
"You have got to be kidding me." He deadpanned, staring up at the caustic, neon font blazing over the little club.
"This place!? Seriously?!" He moaned, actually taking a step back. Vivi looked at him like he was crazy, and when he saw Artie taking a step toward it he grabbed his wrist and held him back.
"You can't go in there!"
Visions--memories of that Arthur, Arthur the poledancer flashed through his mind.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur, who had no idea of that alternate version of himself, was looking at Lewis.
"Eh? Why? Lewis, the owner needs our help, we have to enter the club! What´s wrong with it? Well ok, they have strippers and more and it´s mostly for gay men but that shouldn´t bother us. We´re not here for fun. Come on, let go of me."
Charlie McCarthey: Lew only pulled a pleading face, but his hand slipped from Arthur's wrist at his command. "Maaan..." He groaned under his breath, reluctantly following the rest of the gang into the club.
"Of all the places in the world, it had to be this one." He grumbled, remembering all the worry 'that' Arthur had put through him, how unstable his life seemed.
Lewis entered the joint with a mildly annoyed, agitated and decidedly negative aura.
Proably not the best idea with a poltergiest hanging around.
Yoshi Raven: Arthur just looked at Lewis, then at Vivi but she looked just as confused as him. He´d ask about this place later.
The club looked just like Lewis had seen it. Men sitting or standing everywhere, talking, drinking, some were smoking and music was playing. No one was dancing at the pole, at least. The gang was just a few seconds in that club and they already saw the bartender chasing a few floating drinks. He was able to grab and give them to the customers. Luckily, they didn´t see this and walked away to their table. The bartender sighed and sat down on a chair, his hands supporting his head. The guy looked slightly grumpy.
Charlie McCarthey: Vivi introduced the gang, and Lewis managed to settle his nerves long enough to flash the bartender a reassuring smile. With the mood Lew was in right now, it didn't matter if things got 'ugly.' He'd be more than happy to take out his emotions on low level ghost, if it ever came to that. Lewis kept his arms crossed and stood behind Arthur, shooting a few dark and worried looks toward the stage every so often.
Mystery put his nose to the ground and snuffled around, weaving inbetween tables and chairs as he let the humans do their talking. He had a better way of finding spirits, after all!
Yoshi Raven: The bartender, his name was Jeremy and he was the owner, too, was relieved to see the gang and told them everything that had happened.
"... floating glasses, plates fell down or the lights flickered - none of this is dangerous but the guests slowly notice something is wrong. If they stay away, I can close this club but I don´t want to! I worked for a very, very long time to give these people a place where they can relax so please. Whatever is causing this, make it go away."
"Don´t worry, we´ll solve this case. Just take care of the guests and let us do the rest." Arthur smiled at him. This would be an easy case, the ghost was not dangerous and just playing pranks.
"Alright, let´s search for the ghost."
Charlie McCarthey: "Artie, you stay here and check the main room. Lew, since you seem so invested in the stage area, why don't you go check there? Mystery's already off--he'll come get one of us if he finds anything." Viv made a mental check list of where she sent her boys, "And I'll check the kitchen and the basement. Let's see if we can convince this ghost to go haunt somewhere else--so be open, friendly and safe!" She reminded cheerfully.
Lewis grumbled and headed off--his height alone made the people move out of his way, to say nothing of the slightly perturbed look he had, and the fact he was wearing sun glasses inside.
Yoshi Raven: "Got it. See you!" Arthur immediately started looking around for signs of ghost activity. He slowly made his way through the crowd, stopping here and there but there were no floating glasses or flickering lights. As if the ghost was hiding, now that Lewis and Mystery where here. They´d find him anyway.
Most of the guys here were much taller than him - but he was short, anyway and only a few were as tall as Lewis. Just minutes after he had started looking for the ghost, he noticed that some of the guys were looking at him. Most of them just because he was moving through the whole room but some - some had that flirty, no, predatory look in their eyes. He wasn´t afraid, though. If someone would try anything, it wasn´t Arthur that would be in trouble then.
Charlie McCarthey: Lewis vanished behind the curtain to the backstage with barely a sound, keeping an absentminded pull on the bond. It wasn't like he expected anything happen, from the ghost or Arthur or otherwise, but being in this...place...already had Lewis on edge.
He knew his fears were illogical and it was just a timeline, but, damn. He won't ever forget that Arthur he met.
It's because of these thoughts that Lewis forgets to keep a tab on his Arthur. He doesn't notice the fleet strings of negative emotions Art was giving off.
Yoshi Raven: After walking around for 20 minutes, he sat down at the bar and got a drink from Jeremy. He took a sip then turned to look over the room. Maybe he could see something from far away. There was nothing happening for a long time besides these looks from some guys that slowly made him nervous, but then there was a light flickering at the other side of the room. Arthur observed it, not noticing the two guys that were coming closer.
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askmatildaweldblog · 2 years
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Ask Open to Matilda
Asks: Open
Questions and Answers: Open
Magic Anonymous and Anonymous: Open
Roleplaying: Open
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers: Open
Comics: Open
Matilda Weld belongs to my msa oc sona
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helluvasins · 3 months
You know, on the topic of duplicate anxiety...I suppose I just--never had that? To begin with, I used to be in the pokemon ask blog community, and well--it's...pokemon, people will have the same species as your muse, but it's clear that their muse is going to be different from yours no matter what. But fine--that's /not/ exactly the rp community
My first real run in with duplicates would be back then when I used to be in the MSA fandom...and well? There were only like 4 characters available for at least 2+ years dsfsdf, and it was a fandom that thrived from a 4? minute music video until the others came in late
It was kind of hard to have anxiety over such a small cast. It's also where I got smacked with the concept of dopplebangers (selfshipping) to begin with.
I just always liked reading and interacting with other versions of the same muse? Idk? There's certain things that you get out of interacting with a duplicate that you don't get if you were just interacting with another character
I guess maybe the mindset comes from issues with being replaced/not feeling like you're good enough, but the truth of the matter is, people will come and go, others will stay and lock in, but try not to like beat yourself up over seeing the same muse around
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prompts4merlin · 1 year
Looking for an RP Partner (18+) for one or more of the following: Merlin(Merthur), Harry Potter (Drarry), Mystery Skulls Animated (Lewthur or Lewvithur), Avengers (Stony), or Red, White & Royal Blue (Henry x Alex).
I’m down to do an rp with any of the above. I prefer it if my partner has a semi-lit to novella writing style. I can RP on any of the following; Tumblr, Instagram, or Discord. Private message me on any of the mentioned.
Character’s I’d like to play (but I am flexible so we can discuss): Merlin, Harry Potter, Arthur Kingsman (MSA), Tony Stark, Alex
Plot ideas can be discussed but this is what I’m currently in the mood for. Halloween!
Discord and Instagram:
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townofcadence · 5 months
✨ What was your inspiration in making your muse?
Munday Meme ✨ What was your inspiration in making your muse?
I ended up getting on a roll, apologies, so I put this under a read-more ^^;;;
It depends on the character for sure! I usually end up really vibing with a concept i want to build around, like a personality archetype or a story element. Usually this is a pretty generic concept, and then I build out the rest of the OC, trying to understand their place in the world and how the life they've lived has affected who they are, and make it more personal to me so I get attached.
Caelan for example, is a fae prince who was raised as a weapon by his family during a war, due to his abilities and how intense his magic is-- he was hunting the enemy prince down, had him cornered in a fight, when the ground falls apart beneath them and they're pulled underground-- deep into webbed catacombs, where they're hunted by a monster over and over again. His whole concept was basically born from the desire to play with the idea 'character trapped in a maze being hunted by a creature'. Which--- was initially a concept i started playing with because of a song about the ghosts in pacman being trapped in the game and eaten by pacman xD
I think the main exception to this style of creation for me is Artair, which I'm sure you were asking about! So I apologize ahead of time for the tangent incoming xD
My very first character I ever rped online was Arthur from Mystery Skulls Animated, which was a collection of music videos following a plot revolving around four main characters dealing with the supernatural, set to indie artist Mystery Skulls' songs. But the thing was, MSA only gave us the vaguest details about the characters when the first video came out, which is when I started writing him. The most we knew about Arthur was that he had been possessed and forced to kill a teammate, and that he lost his arm to an animal teammate that seemed to stop the possession. Also that he was kinda like-- a fraidy cat? MSA was basically a parody of Scooby Doo with a twist, so he was a little like a yellow shaggy lol.
But yeah, it was actually really cool because every version of the same character was so wildly different, because it was so vague that there was so much room for interpretation! We weren't sure how well the group knew each other except that they were on the same team, we were only given blood types to determine personality, we didn't even know if the animal teammate spoke to the team-- even things like how they grew up or where they were or family dynamics were up in the air at the time. When his uncle was revealed soon after the video, I wrote Arthur as growing up with him after his own parents passed, but there were dozens of interpretations-- some where Arthur only came to live with him as an adult, or an older kid, with details ranging from his family was bad news, passed, or just too busy to look after him. One of the characters didn't have a last name for years. It was all kinda just--- free real estate lol.
So over the course of a decade I wrote him, i built out every detail about Arthur, including stuff like his history/backstory, his relationships, his abilities, his personality beyond the fearfulness-- even some details about the events that were canon. Over time as I was writing him, he changed personalities in a lot of major ways too, as storylines from rps and events happened while writing him. He changed, for better and worse, and the things I focused on more were less and less aligned with canon. I started experimenting with ideas and concepts i really liked too, especially ones like him being a medium, which then further deviated into eldritch/celestial/fae stuff, since I always had a deep interest in those kinds of beings. But that only continued to take him further and further from anything resembling MSA lol.
And I guess at some point a few years ago, i realized he was basically an OC, but with a canon coat of paint?
Soooo I basically took him and gave him a redesign and overhaul to make him an OC. I kept some elements i loved of Arthur that drew me to him in the first place, but I tried to get away from his original design as much as I could without making him feel too different to my brain. I kept a version of events similar to the first video, due to how formative they were, but everything else pretty much got chucked out. The rest I kept was heavily altered if it wasn't reliant on my own headcanons already.
The only other thing I kept was kind of keeping his name similar. I kept Arthur as a name he used for a while growing up due to kids being mean about 'weird' names, which he still uses as a safety precaution with people/fae, since so much of his history he was known by it. Then I gave him a scots version as his official legal name, since I had headcanoned Arthur was directly scottish anyways and would likely pick it, with the headcanon that as Artair got older he stopped caring what people thought of his name and started going by the one he chose. It was different enough to feel i was separating him from MSA, but close enough that it didn't feel wrong when I was so attached to 'Arthur' as his name for a decade (part of my initial attachment to him was connection to Arthur as a name and him being the color yellow, whoops)
But yeah! Overall for me, it's just about interesting or fun narrative concepts. And then there's Artair being the one canon guy who got hit with extreme OC-ification beams over time xD
Also, here's an old and silly spider-man meme doodle of Arthur and Artair if you made it this far xD
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viviskull · 8 months
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Me: makes a lil shitpost post for the lil Vivi plush because I wanted to make a meme for her
One of the MSA animators finding that post a few days later, a post that directs right to my ENTIRE RP BLOG:
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((HUH?? HELLO???))
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pkmdaycare · 1 year
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Hrmmm One of the earliest places I recall rping is probably Flipnote hatena orz that gave the start of me making ocs.Would also rp with friends when deviant art had those group msg things later down the line thats when i found tumblr 
started off as oc rp blog ofc and just got lost in jumping canon characters idk the order when you had like 40+ blogs you tend to forget the trail lskdhfklshf so order might be wrong and might forget a fandom
 (HTF>WATGBS>Maplestory>FNAF>MSA>Pokemon>Ghost Trick>Portals>BATIM>Adventure Time>Mystic Messager>Noragami>Deemo>Villainous>IB>Super Paper Mario>Cookie Run)
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lost-kingsmen · 1 year
Things we’re going to change up for the Super Ghost! blog for it’s rp experimentation phase:
Gawain’s parents didn’t move from the UK until after his death.
Arthur was born after the move from the UK, but Tom and Elaine still left him with his uncle Lance in Texas while they moved on to Metropolis on the East Coast, and did not reach out much at all.
Gawain’s aunt Nimune paid for a memorial to be placed in a local cemetery near Lance and Arthur, as Tom and Elaine did not leave one in the UK.
Gawain’s accident happened on the same lands where his ancient cursed!prince self once inhabited, and was trapped there by the curse for a decade before he managed to siphon enough power from it to escape.
He followed his parents’ trail across the Atlantic to Texas, but didn’t follow them to Metropolis because he discovered Arthur with Lance, and wanted to stay.
Gawain still spent ten years haunting his own family in Texas before Arthur and Lance found out he was there.
This Arthur is only 15, and was already building a robot as his early admissions project to Sigil City University.
Unable to get the AI to work the way he wanted and with a deadline approaching, Arthur took a dusty old book he’d found in the attic, and tried to ‘enchant’ the robot as a last-ditch effort to make it do anything.
He didn’t enchant the robot, but he did accidentally summon Gawain and bind him into his entrance project.
After a lot of screaming and waking of uncles (because of course, if you’re going to perform magic in your uncle’s basement, you do it at night, while he’s asleep), Gawain explained who he was, and Arthur explained what he was trying to do.
Arthur was grounded for two months for trying to do necromancy without adult supervision, and Gawain was grounded ‘for life’ for procrastinating his arrival for ten years.
Gawain masqueraded as a functional AI to help Arthur get into Sigil City University.
Gawain is actually stuck inside the suit until Arthur can figure out how to unbind him again, but he’s not too upset about it - he now has free reign to interact with his family and their community in plain sight, after all.
They still live in Tempo, Texas, on the outskirts of Sigil City, Texas - we’re just turning down the opacity on the MSA references to focus on the DCAU parts.
Arthur eventually redesigns Gawain’s metal body to be more fantastical, as he steps more and more into a superhero-esque role around both the town and the city (both are still highly supernatural).
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answrs · 2 years
:X Your tags about the logistics of ghost sex reminded me of a rp-scene I will never finish, because I left that friend group. It had a transArthur and an anchor and the Arthur was the cheeky one in that situation.
I still blush at that and would have loved to seen it written, but it is in the past. I grieve the ghost of a ghost naughty scene.
anon you are absolutely, 100% valid. feel absolutely free to throw more my way of you feel comfortable, I'm always a slut for good trans msa ideas especially >v>
I do have a lot of spicier MSA things especially that I think will always just be recurring thoughts I never write down, or if I do it ends up being like, two sentences to remind me of the extremely elaborate scene and background setting it occurs in lmao rip. not always even because I don't even think others wouldn't enjoy it (though I do got some *rrrrrrreally* damn specific kinky things going on in some of them lol) but like. do YOU want to read the sixteen page essay on what the background situation and world is that allows this to happen? cool cool, I don't wanna write it though so tough beans. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(˘⁠_⁠˘⁠⁠)⁠_⁠/¯⁠
((ngl I always wanted to get into rp'ing, even made and started building blogs for it on a few occasions, but the mix of "everyone else has like been doing this since they were pre/teens I'm already in college/already in my twenties/graduated college/already almost thirty how can I even start" and also "oof I know myself well enough to know I can get uncomfortably control freaky sometimes over things and don't wanna become one of those godmodders (or whatever they're called) if a scene doesn't go that one very specific way I would write it in a fic" anxiety. like I know reasonably, to quote a great show, "the only way to learn is by playing and the only way to begin is by beginning" but it's just.... AARGH. AARGH I say!))
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