#msp cheat
sar3nka · 1 year
Cheatengine installed... Now I suppose I have to follow a tutorial and find IDs for special items? I think there's no viruses either I got this girls
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
When you get this you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure <3)
Tagged by @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @thegalwhorants - thanks y'all ☺️ please never stop tagging me in music games, I love discovering and sharing music <3
I'm cheating here but a lot of my fav songs are OSTs so to not give myself a headache give the rest a fighting chance, I'm gonna choose 5 favs, excluding OSTs, and 5 only-OST favs!
ดาวหางฮัลเลย์ - fellow fellow
/daao haang Halley/
This song has not released me from its clutches since I first heard it during the musical portion of the ZeeNuNew concert last year. I love the lyrics and the vibes so so much. 🥹
ติดฝน - PiXXiE
/dtit fon/
I. LOVE. THESE. GIRLS! They're so talented! I legit struggled with which song of theirs to choose but I'm most obsessed with this one these days and, recently, I keep hearing people I follow sing it or play it as background music. Case in point: Keng Harit, Domundi gen 3, singing it on an IG live.
ฉันมันเป็นคนแบบนี้ - Boom Saharat
/chan man bpen khohn baaep nee/
The weirdest thing happened: I was listening to NuNew's cover of this song (listen- I'm aware I discover a lot of songs through him but he IS my favorite performer dsjshdhhs) and got real confused because I was able to sing along right away but cannot for the life of me recall how I knew this song already! I hadn't seen the MV, no one I follow seems to have covered it, and I didn't know the artist at all?? It remains a mystery to me but I've played it endlessly since then. New Thitipoom stars in the MV btw!
ต่อจากนี้เพลงรักทุกเพลงจะเป็นของเธอเท่านั้น - No One Else
/dtaaw jaak nee phleng rak thook phleng ja bpen khaawng ter thao nan/
I don't remember how I originally found it but it's one of those songs that routinely has me singing along. The title translates to 'From now on every love song will be yours'. I love the lyrics a lot!
Complicated - MATCHA
This is one of many songs and artists I discovered on that one afternoon-turned-evening-turned-night when I decided to start tracking down every song Amp Achariya has had a hand in (I then realized I was in over my head and that she'd worked on so. many. more. than I ever expected and that my spreadsheet skills weren't sufficient to catalog them lol). Needless to say, Matcha is incredibly talented and I've so far only scratched the surface of her discography.
Onto 5 of my fav OSTs!
ร้อยฤดูหนาว - Pond, Phuwin
/raawy reu duu naao/
I love the way this song builds with the instruments coming in one after another. I love their voices. I love the lyrics. This song was written by ณกมล ปุคคละนันท์ aka PEPPERY P who penned a lot of the My School President songs - อีกนิด (Come Closer), รักษา (Healing), พูดได้ไหม (Let Me Tell You), ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock&Star), and รักคู่ขนาน (Multi-Love). Yes, I am in fact sneakily rec'ing the MSP OST here too lol
คือเธอ - Zee, NuNew
/kheuu ter/
I could've chosen so many songs among the Cutie Pie OSTs but ended up deciding on this one because P'Pin truly wrote this song to highlight both their vocal talents and it shows. ✨️ He works a lot with Domundi artists (especially ZeeNuNew) and FreenBecky, writing songs and OSTs for them and arranging songs for them for concerts - his IG is full of song insights and singing snippets if you like any of these artists!
ภาพสุดท้าย - William Jakrapatr
/phaap sut thaai/
Do I even need to explain? It's an Amp Achariya song, the lyrics are beautiful, the meaning within the show is so !! and this LYKN boy right here kills it with his performance. 👏
แค่เธอ - Jeff Satur
/khaae ter/
I'm not a KP girlie and this song wasn't even on my radar when I watched the show. I kinda rediscovered it a few months later, most likely either by going through Jeff's discography or maybe through Joong Archen singing it on an IG live (I realize it must look like I sit and watch a shit ton of IG lives but the honest truth is that I don't even use IG, I just stumble upon clips on twt and YT a lot lol). And boy howdy did Jeff's writing strike a chord! Don't get me wrong, the English version is nice too and all but it doesn't come close to the Thai lyrics and how well they flow with the melody, Jeff really outdid himself there!
คู่คอง - Kong Huayrai
/khuu khaawng/
นาคี is not a drama I've seen and, yes, I again know this song through a NuNew cover lol but I really wanted to make sure to include a ลูกทุ่ง (Luk Thung) song because I love this genre. This song is extra special because the lyrics are in Isan, which is a Northeastern Thai dialect (though it's actually far closer to Lao than Central Thai). I routinely get this song stuck in my head.
/end of Thai music ramble
I'm sure I'm late to the party again so if you've been tagged already, please kindly ignore this or point me towards your post. ✨️ Tagging @raktae @sunshinechay @btwinlines @zimmbzon @airenyah @rocketturtle4 @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants in on the fun~
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goldenmorningglory · 2 years
following up on my tinn post, what i also love about msp is that neither the MCs not their friends ever says something like "he'd never like me"/"you're out of his league". they're all hardly meddlesome and they're so respectful of the relationship that tinngun have. except for rock and star, you never think gun felt that he couldn't be together with tinn. and tinn equally, is so guiless, so lacking in ego, he never considers it an easy thing to get gun to like him.
it's just refreshing to see characters treat their feelings with respect. there's no denial. there's no "no way you like me". they both acknowledge the external factor stopping them and tinn stands his ground on how he can't pretend and lie about not having feelings for gun. there's no self-inflicted pain.
and gun too is so respectful of the step that tinn takes, "i can't do anything about it right now, but please don't give up on me, i don't want you to." "i like that you like me, you know that i like you too, and i don't want you to think otherwise."
it speaks a lot to the love and care put in this lil show. so much respect for each other. the friend groups, the parents, everyone. just so much love, respect and communication. who said you need conflict, love triangles, cheating to make a story interesting?
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jojotichakorn · 4 months
top 5 scenes from msp 🎀
i assume what you meant was "top 6 in two different categories", right? great. awesome. so!
we'll start with the more serious scenes:
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this scene made me fundamentally fall in love with msp and tinn forever. no unnecessary drama, no miscommunication. just a brave boy telling the truth and being better at communicating than most adults i know.
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ohhh i'm cheating! i know, i know. these scenes are giving very different vibes as well. but the way msp handled parents on both sides (especially with how different they are) is equally important to me. gun's mom being so wonderful and supportive and exactly as a mom should be, while tinn's mom apologises, admits her mistakes, and promises to do better. perfect, no notes.
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i adore this scene for how simple and realistic it is. tinn and gun slowly getting to know each other, getting closer in the most mundane way possible /pos. this is what is at the core of this series, i think. real and beautiful relationships that you can imagine being in yourself.
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win is gonna be stupid about them for a while, but this scene is a fundamental soundwin scene to me. and it shifted my opinion on sound so dramatically when i first watched it, i think it really shows his personality so well.
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the closing scene with chinzhilla is so bittersweet and wonderful. i love friendship! and sound talking about how he fit in with everyone else so well and how the rest of the band welcomed him makes it all the more beautiful *wipes tear away*
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i did a silly little umbrella drawing on this scene back when i was rewatching msp for the anniversary, because i just love it so much. tiw and tinn's friendship means the world to me, and tiw's unwavering support is so sweet. also! i got close to my very first best friend ever in grade 8 because i had a crush on a boy, and she was willing to listen to me rant about him and shipped the hell out of us. so it reminds me of that as well.
at its heart, msp is a comedy, so i absolutely must include my favourite comedic scenes as well:
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any "tinn is being delusional about gun" scene is always on the borderline of funny and adorable, but i will put it here. my cringefail little guy, i love him so <3
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tinn having the funniest break down on earth (+ tiw's expressions on the other end of the line) will never not be iconic.
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we love a little bit of funny jealousy. and tiw's absolutely hilarious expressions, once again. tinn's acting partner literally has a girlfriend, gun, relax!
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of course, shakespearean levels of jealousy is also one of those iconic, i-am-audibly-laughing scenes. i can hear that line in my mind at least three times a day.
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drunk gun almost attacking jorn is both hilarious and very real. i also want to practice smacking him ngl.
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this scene is genuinely everything to me. seeing what's going on in tinn's head is always fun, but this particular scene with fourth's hilarious delivery had me rolling on the floor. bye! *slides away with a blank expression*
we're having a sleepover, so you can send me anything
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kocurszlug · 2 years
me after cheating another stupid child on msp
Thats not my edit
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Observations on ep 10:
(I'm sure that music was used in BBS...)
I've never really understood that arm/handholding thing that bl characters do...I've never questioned it before but the lingering camera shots on Top and Mew here has made me want to now...I think it bothers me. I find it odd from a body language perspective. Is it a cultural thing? I've never done it to someone or had it done to me - any thoughts from anyone else?
Oh and I find hugs where one person leaves their arms hanging are always awkward. If someone didn't put their arms around me I would break that hug so fast. I don't know how these characters stay hugging someone who doesn't hug them back. *shudders*
I've never heard those bass notes before the opening credits music kicks in! I'm sure it's just been silent before... *runs away to check* Oh, they've always been there but it's definitely louder on ep 10 than ep 1 - I've obviously had my volume too low to hear it before now.
"To solve the problem you must first admit there is one". And "I don't want to sing at your funeral". Sand slapping some truths on the table.
Why do I get the feeling that Boeing is a shit-stirrer?!
Now that it's come to mind, I can't stop thinking about Papang and Poppy together. Sorry Mark (and Pepper) but I'm rooting for a different ship now.
*incoherent screaming* I just love Khaotung as an actor!!
Oh Atom 😂 smh
I feel sorry for Boston tbh.
I somehow knew Mew was going to push Top in the pool. It's what I would have done. 😂 (But also, more bbs music).
Ooops, accidentally liking Boeing's photo. We've all been there Mew, we've all been there 😂
Yeah, Boeing wasn't 'stolen' from Sand by Top. He's a minx who likes to flirt and shit-stir and get around.
(Have I seen that stripy vest in MSP?)
Is that jealous Boston activated?! Me thinks they're not talking about phones and phone cases... OMG I love these two.
Boeing: 'be with someone who won't cheat on you'. Uh Mew...that is not Boeing. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.
ANOTHER KISSING PAIR @ranchthoughts!! (I know you know but I need to shout at you anyway)
THAT'S THE DON'T SAY NO HOUSE @colourme-feral!! The 'holy guacamole' house!
Oh nooooooooo Ray's dad paid Sand to encourage Ray to go to rehab. Now Ray knows and it's going to deter him from going. Noooooooooo.
Oh wow. Oh....... Wow. Just wow. Khaotung and First. I just... WOW. But also, it's Ray's turn to slap some truths in Sand's face.
Oooo I don't trust Mew. I think Boeing got to him.
I do like Mond playing evil though.
Oh, ohhhhhhhhhh Boeing is vindictive. I want to feel sorry for Top but...I need more of their backstory first...and Top's motivations for being with Mew...so, the jury's out for now.
Neo does 'kicked puppy' really well.
Oh Mark is incredible. He does that switch from cocky to vulnerable so well.
Just, *takes a deep breath*, THIS SHOW IS SO FRICKING GOOOOOOOOD *incoherent screaming*
See my other post for an serious in-depth meta essay on this ep.
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dimpledpran · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
Thank you for tagging me @disasterbabygirlnick (x) and @morkofday (x)! 🥰
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
Thangamey - Paava Kadhaigal
I can't stop screaming about Paava Kaidhagal enough, and this episode was so emotional. I love this song so much, and it is a beautiful song but I still feel so much pain listening to this. When this starts playing on shuffle, it always a bittersweet feeling.
2. เพลงที่เพิ่งเขียนจบ (Our Song) - Bad Buddy (Nanon Korapat)
Of course I was gonna include this. There is no way I was gonna leave this out. It is my baby's song from my fave series. It is special. I still remember not being able to process the song when it came out during episode 11. Like I could not watch the MV after the episode. It was such an emotional attack. I would have also included Just Friend?, but I could not find the rock version the both of them did for OhmNanon1stFM. That version of Just Friend was always be on another level!
3. 不忘 - The Untamed (Wang Yibo)
The whole CQL soundtrack is beautiful. But this is my favourite song from the OST. Yibo's voice is just so beautiful and it goes straight to your heart. He brings out LWJ's emotions so beautifully.
4. รักษา (Healing) - My School President (Gemini, Fourth, Ford, Satang)
MSP is a musical, and all the songs are beautiful! But my absolute faves are Healing and Come Closer. I'm adding an alternate version of Come Closer below instead. The way all their voices mash so soulfully here!! And I love the lyrics.
5. จังหวะตกหลุมรัก X อีกนิด (Magic Moment X Come Closer Mash Up) - Beluca Concert (Tay Tawan, New Thitipoom)
This might be cheating. But I do love Come Closer alot, and I love this mashup version of it so much. So I am linking this. Ford's voice texture is so similar to Tay's. So I love that they did this. I lost my mind when I heard it on the stream.
Honorary Mentions:
คิด(แต่ไม่)ถึง (Same Page?) - Tilly Birds Do I need to explain? This started the whole BB journey and is the anthem of the fandom.
ข้างกัน (City) - Three Man Down I liked the song after Vice Versa, but after MSP, I really fell in love with the song. It just tugs on the heartstrings so nicely.
เพื่อเธอแค่หนึ่งเดียว (Living For You) - Never Let Me Go (Phuwin Tangsakyuen) I screamed when he played this song on the piano in NLMG. I just really love how soft and vulnerable this song sounds. It's just raw with a voice and a piano. I love it.
Tagging: @highwarlockkareena @i-got-the-feels @fuujiikaze @first-kanaphan @telomeke and anyone who wants to do it (Just tag me if you do! I love getting music recs) ! No Pressure :)
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greatyme · 9 months
2023 Recap - Songs from (QL) Dramas
Thank u for the tag @troubled-mind !! Choosing my top 10 songs from qls isn’t too difficult but I’m gonna force myself to stick to shows that came out in 2023 only
1. Bitter by Roce - FROM MY FAV BL OF THE YEAR UTSUKUSHII KARE (2)!!!! I’m only counting this one (& not follow by roce) cuz the first one didn’t come out in 2023. There is just something so addicting about it. I think at one point in the year it may have been in my top 10 songs of 2023 lol
2. Plumeria by Cocktail - the INSTRUMENTALS. the YEARNING. the ROMANCE! IFYLITA is one of the best bls of all time and that INCLUDES its osts…
3. ต้องโทษดาว… by Bird Thongchai - ever since it played in last twilight I’ve found myself going back to it quite a bit
4. รักคุณยิ่งกว่าใคร by NuNew (cover) - this cover is probably my fav ost from not just cutie pie 2 you but all of cutie pie! Nunew slayed
5. Hook by Gemini Norawit - if I don’t put hook on this list I’d be a LIAR. I was listening to the new hook version of msp credits when they dropped on loop for way too long before the full song came out lmfao
6. Come Closer by Ford Arun - out of all my bl songs harp covers this was my fav to do. Ford’s voice is beautiful and it was in this moment I felt a switch go off in me while watching msp and I knew I’d be hooked (no msp ost pun intended…)! Another fav bl ost of all time ngl
7. City by Gemini Norawit & Fourth Nattawat (cover) - ur out of ur mind if u don’t think I’m gonna put at least THREE songs from the damn MUSICAL bl… anyway this is the highest ost from a ql in my 2023 top songs of the year lol (it’s at 11th place!)
8. Is This Love by Better Weather - cheating bc yes I got into this song from love sick which is NOT a 2023 show… the actual song (as in, not the cover that they did for love sick (which I listened to more)) was used in the cherry magic Thailand pilot trailer and I’m saying it counts enough! It’s a complete ear worm and I physically cannot get it out of my head…
9. My Fault by Bain (JUST B) - one of those songs you listen to on repeat for a few days tbh. and I did! (Also from one of the fewer higher tiered kbls this year imo..I rlly liked sing my crush)
10. Night Owl by Anonymouz - I liked Jack o' frost! I may have liked the ost more…?? I listened to it a LOT…
The order doesn’t really matter in this list but ya these are the ones I rlly enjoyed hehe
Tagging: @pondphuwin @justafriend-ql @celestial-sapphicss :-)
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uptonil · 1 year
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was tagged by @briar-patch to post my favourite albums. this was intense. and evil.
link to make yours is here
top 5: gone to earth, david sylvian - tin drum, japan - bestial cluster, mick karn - grace/wastelands, peter doherty - the hissing of summer lawns, joni mitchell
second row: scary monsters, bowie - secrets of the beehive, david sylvian - the waking hour, dalis car - earthling, bowie - teenage snuff film, rowland s. howard
third row: meat is murder and the smiths, the smiths - dog man star, suede - the holy bible, msp - different classes, pulp - café bleu, the style council
fourth row: heroes and lodger, bowie - scott collection, scott walker (I know I technically cheated with this one cause it's 5 records but hey), baltimore, nina simone - coney island baby, lou reed - hejira, joni mitchell
last two rows: fear by john cale, brilliant trees by david sylvian, paris 1919 by john cale, the sensual world by kate bush, our favourite shop by the style council, the lion and the cobra by sinead o'connor, suede, his n hers by pulp, up the bracket by the libertines, grace by jeff buckley, mind bomb by the the, avalon by roxy music, hounds of love by kate bush, haus der lüge by neubauten, ongakuzukan by sakamoto, gentlemen take polaroids by japan, metallo non metallo by bluvertigo, yankee hotel foxtrot by wilco, without you and I'm nothing by placebo aaaaand pat metheny group 1978.
i'm tagging @paint-me-primary @troplcalgothic
(if you want)
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Lowkey... I was so excited about Moonlight Chicken bc big fan of 1000 stars and Cupids last wish.... but how did the earthmix ship have the least impact? Maybe MSP and Eclipse were more recent so those ships overshadowed? And 1000 stars and CLW don't really have side ships so the main couple could shine? or maybe bc MC didn't have a real plot and earthmix does better in plot-heavy shows?? I'm just so confused bc I only watched the show for earthmix and came out shipping the sideships more than them and I want to deeply analyze wtf happened
I want to preface this by saying that I enjoyed MLC immensely—it’s only the second Thai BL ever that I’ve rated 10/10—but I do agree that the JimWen storyline was the weakest of the three. The problem wasn’t the chemistry, though; it was the writing. EarthMix have amazing sexual chemistry and they did what they could with a flawed script.
The first problem, in my opinion, was that the character of Wen was severely underdeveloped. How do I know this? Try describing Wen in one word without using his physical appearance or profession. The only words I can come up with are slutty and sad. And unfortunately, a sad slut does not a main character make. Even Praew, who had the least amount of screen time, has a bigger personality.
The second problem is that Jim and Wen’s relationship has no stakes and very little conflict. Theirs is a very quiet story, more introspective than plot-driven, and that’s a perfectly valid way to write, but you’re setting them up for failure when you make Heart and LiMing the secondary ship because Heart and LiMing are all conflict all the time—both internal conflict (Heart blaming LiMing for breaking the vase + their ongoing communication difficulties) and external conflict (the disapproval of their respective families).
We don’t spend our mental energy worrying about Jim and Wen because in the long run it doesn’t really matter whether they get together or not. If Jim never gives in to Wen’s advances, they will just go back to their separate lives and they will still be fine. The stakes in the JimWen plotline are about Jim’s diner, not the relationship itself, and it’s frustrating because they were so close to getting it right.
This is pure speculation, but my guess is that if P’Jojo had directed MLC like he was supposed to, he would have made Wen a cheater for real. And suddenly, there are stakes! I know a lot of people don’t like infidelity plotlines and I get it, but it would have made Jim and Wen’s relationship 1000x more interesting because now Wen is being forced to choose between the life he has built with a partner of six years versus the chance of something better. And on the other side, there is Jim who has unwittingly fallen in love with someone who is treating another man the exact same way Jim’s cheating ex-husband treated him. God, it would have been beautiful.
So, to answer your question, I don’t think EarthMix were overshadowed by the other couples, I think the script just fucked them over. That being said, I still enjoyed the show as a whole. Stories are going to resonate with who they resonate with. But in the case of MLC, I really do think the brunt of the issue was with the writing.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hiiii <3 what are your all time favorite bls and why? i need to fill up my to-watch list asap
oh, this ask made me ecstatic to the point i considered one of my moots sent it cause they know giving recs makes me happy 😄
what I'd constitute as faves isn't necessarily what i would usually recommend, to moots i mostly suggest shows and movies that i find unique in some way and that have left a good impression on me like i will knock you, kimi no koto dake mite itai, word of honor, fukou kun, the untamed, docchi mo docchi, seven days, itsay, msp, vice versa etcetcetc. it's not necessarily about perfect writing or acting even, it's about the piece of media provoking either lots of thoughts, emotions or both, having at least one unique trait i associate with it and just being enjoyable despite (or because of) its flaws! so that's the type of media i usually enjoy sharing with others.
now, it's infinitely easier for me to give recs based on any other criteria but "my personal faves" is such a subjective category (that im not even sure exists) that i had to cheat a bit - i went off of what couples make me go feral, what emotions the show title evokes and if i've revisited certain scenes. i don't do full rewatches for the most part but i sometimes go back to watch the main couples (the exception being waantul in between us, i know their scenes a hundred times better than winteam's lol) and most of the shows listed here have been revisited at least once 😗
Love Is Science? - NOT a bl, the pair in question are the second couple; i personally went through every episode looking for their scenes and then went through the cut on yt (and rightfully so, quite a few scenes were missing in that); i'm recommending you smth this inconvenient because i love Mark and Ou Wen so much. their personalities (they have personality for daysss), the chemistry (the hanger scene), their love and support for each other make me giddy. they carry their part so well you don't need much else, just watching them interact is enough. going through gifs now i got reminded of just how amazing the development of their relationship is to me. they're a delight and a half, enjoy them flustering each other 💖
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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories - now, i'm aware you have to see s1 first but when it comes to who makes me go feral, it's definitely Seojoon and Jiwoo and this happened mostly because of season 2, i didn't care for them much originally. this season explored an aspect of relationships i don't think i've seen explored anywhere else in a way that makes me still get in my feels whenever anything bout the show comes across my dash. it's angsty but so worth it. my boys have intense personal issues and even more intense love for each other, their personalities, way of thinking and chemistry are fascinating to me. the cuteness mixed with the heavier plot, the pacing, the smart writing, it's so nice. side note, binging both seasons at once wouldn't be that big of a challenge timewise in case you don't want a breather in between 😊 (gif from s1 because you can't watch them separately anyways)
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Kieta Hatsukoi - a sweet light romcom for the most part, very entertaining, all of the characters are soo loveable, one of my all time fave girls in bl is here and she's everything <3 in regards to manga accuracy, the main events are all there but the order is all switched around yet the story still makes perfect sense! it's funny, it's sweet, Aoki and Ida are such an interesting pair and it's lovely seeing them figure out how to navigate this unexpected relationship
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We Best Love: No. 1 For You - it's such a must watch! the passion these two have for each other and the chemistryyy will make you overlook the sheer absurdity of some of the plot; i also loved the 2 season format where the second season feels well planned, it's almost like one whole season cut in half. the emotional journey that Shu Yi and Shi De go on is so (melo)dramatic but also very touching because Sam and Yu act those emotions OUT, it's a pleasure just watching them interact (also Shu Yi is one of the few brats i adore dearly and i think it's not only because of the writing but Yu's incredible portrayal of the character)
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Bad Buddy - i wasn't able to appreciate it for its wit because it was basically my first thai bl, i had no idea what expectations it was defying. nevertheless, i fell in love with it because it stands so well on its own! it's very funny, heartbreaking at times (reading analyses and meta on here made me realise how heavy the premise actually is) and insanely romantic (it caters to my idea of romance so well, the pining and protectiveness and flirting and devotion and-); also Pat and Pran have some amazing communication and mutual understanding, their bond is truly endearing and makes my heart ache if i think about it a bit too long
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KinnPorsche - when it comes down to it, i am a very basic person. this show is just a ride, you gotta watch it for the pure entertanment value. there's always smth happening, that's for sure 😄of course chemistry, ofc handsome men all over the place yadayada but it'd be just that if not for the insane plotlines and humour, if you just accept that anything goes, you can have a blast with this show (but also hurt beautiful men finding comfort and love in a world of pain and betrayal>>)
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Where Your Eyes Linger - though I can't make myself rewatch the heavier scenes, i love this one, the premise, the execution, it's all to my taste, the longing between these two is palpable (side note: i was getting emotional while searching for a gif but a bunch of the results were porn gifs so i was taken out of my feels multiple times lmao)
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Utsukushii Kare - I'm way more normal about them now than before but this show truly makes you feel so many things, it's so smart and fantastic. Hira and Kiyoi's journey is beautiful and it embodies what i love seeing from japan's productions. they're just two lovely guys who are perfect for each other and shouldn't be let anywhere near the dating pool ❤️
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Semantic Error - man, i love me some enemies to lovers, especially when both leads are Fools™️ for each other. the humour and pacing, the colourful side characters, Jaeyoung's charisma, his determination contrasting Sangwoo's inner battle..and, I know I'm becoming repetitive, the chemistry! there's a reason my guys won awards js
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The End of the World with You - this show drove me insane, it's more of a one-time watch imo but i'm saying this because I was very focused on the main couple and they were what kept me watching (plus the suspense of course); it's a heavy heavy premise with the most controversial couple on this list but somehow it felt very light and exciting for the most part. I think their unconventional surroundings account for it, you don't get the typical chaos an apocalyptic show would display, it kind of feels calm even and it allows you to focus on the interpersonal relationships between the characters rather than on the expected terrors. the show fascinated me with the amazing acting and the dynamic between Ritsu and Masumi, I have a special spot for them <33 (no photo cause the limit was reached lol)
because deciding on faves is hard i'll leave this list at 10 shows, consider these just 10 of the many shows that are important to me in some way 💓
hopefully i suggested mostly things you haven't seen yet (though I went quite basic) <3 i need to know what you think of the shows, okay? and in case they don't do it for you (or, even better, they do and you come to trust me lol) feel perfectly welcome to send me some info about what you (don't) enjoy in terms of genre, tropes, episode length, actors etc.etc. and i'll dive into my lists hahah, it's super fun for me 💗
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anotherblblog · 2 years
Cheating McChicken Finale Blurbs
Well. That was honestly a very satisfying season/series finale for me.
Similar to the finale of MSP, Moonlight Chicken’s final episode seemed to be a triumphant victory lap. But definitely more resolutions and earned closure than MSP.
What’s great about Moonlight Chicken is that for all the jokes and messiness of it, at its core, it’s about people just living their lives. 
Moonlight Chicken is the working person’s BL. This is real adult shit and sometimes you just gotta acknowledge the messy thorns of the past and turn and say “this is Heart/my boyfriend/friend.” 
I love those moments of claiming, acknowledging, and/or recontextualizing that Li Ming, Jim, and Alan had. The couples are all in different stages of life and love and we got to see that all throughout this episode. 
Li Ming and Heart privately take their relationship to the committed stage and so far, it’s need to know to basis and that is perfectly fine for them. Jim publicly claims Wen as his boyfriend (I also peeped Li Ming signing boyfriend after to Heart). Alan and Wen have finally ended their cold war. Alan needed to take a few more steps in leaving the photos (always hard) and also kindly but firmly refusing to entangle himself with Wen anymore and walk away. Then later after the time skips, he could have a bittersweet, “he’s my friend.” 
The kids are soon to be off in America, when Li Ming said Americans graciously tip, I was like oooooh honey, you’ve got a big storm coming. Jam has been welcomed and found a way to meaningfully be a part of Li Ming’s and Jim’s lives.
Gaipa got that text and perked the fuck up. Go on and get your groove back.
Leng got the pawned chain back. And we see his family (sorta lol, there 100% was no baby in that bassinette) and we know the happy couple are off to get their marriage blessing. 
It seemed to me the diner had no fewer than 3 final goodbye scenes/last meals lmao.
EarthMix have a pretty good kiss by gmmtv standards.
Everything was lovely and probably covered in chicken grease and nothing hurt.
....except the absence of Jimbo lmao 
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quodekash · 1 year
send help 
i still cant figure out if this is an alternate universe thing or just cher messing around. it seems like another au thing. but also that blazer looks astonishingly big on him 
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i knew it 
cos it wouldve had the same intro as msp did if it was another universe 
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“the boss’s office is like my living room” anywhere can be your living room if you try hard enough 
omg im like 86% certain that gun is messing with cher 
which is about as certain as i was that aye hadn’t forgotten akk’s birthday and was preparing a surprise for him 
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okay so he wasnt messing with him so i was wrong, BUT he wasnt cheating on him. so (even tho it was obvious) i call this a win 
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nah man, youre good. that smile will DEFINITELY make your employees feel better. 
(altho FORCEd? get it? like. force. his actor? so in a way, yes you always look forced because you always look like force) 
omg threezo fake couple fight 
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i smell merch 
damn that episode was over quickly 
twas lovely tho 
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cherrylite17 · 10 months
2023 - A year of "meh" BLs
Honestly, I think that my title says it all.
Maybe I am alone in this but i really think that 2023 was a really meh year in terms of BLs.... I looked back at my MDL watchlist and I only have 10 shows/movies that i watched that aired this year. (That's compared to my 20+ that aired last year, most of which I watched last year...) Looking back, the only show(s) i remember well is only friends... (I would add moonlight chicken but I genuinely do not remember much about it aside from the gemFourth arc, also im not gonna talk about msp because technically that aired last year :P)
Maybe I'm alone in this but i really feel like most shows this year just weren't hitting as hard as they usually do? (i mean, i looked at my dropped list and there are 5 BLs there that aired this year, so even if i didn't drop them I'd still have watched less than last year).
It sucks because i really did want to finish hidden agenda, dangerous romance, and a boss and a babe but i literally could not bring myself to finish them... I got so close to the end for all of them tooo.... it just felt like,,,,, all of these shows could have been ended in 8 episodes.
which brings me to my next point, i wish that BL production companies (i'm looking at you specifically gmmtv) wouldn't be so scared of making shows shorter than 12 episodes... like sometimes we don't need all that... Like i know that they (probably) have a formula but its actually starting to get on my nerves a little bit (a lot). Like why should i watch a show (*cough* gmmtv bl *cough*) all the way through when i know that every time i can accurately predict the last three episodes with a 95% accuracy
(someone looks at someone else (holds hands, hugs, calls on the phone, straight up just looks), they get mad at each other because "we've been dating for 5 minutes and you told me that you've loved me for the past semester but now that we are together you are 100% cheating on me and NO i will NOT listen to an explanation because i dont want to be wrong" (which, maybe i'm in the wrong for thinking this is silly, i've never actually been in a relationship :P, but even then, im not necessarily saying its silly, just that this is always what happens), they break up, they dont talk, they get back together (unsatisfyingly because...), they are still not able to communicate)
Maybe its just a slow year? anyone else noticing this?
I really wanted to post more opinions on shows i was watching (i like spilling my mind out somewhere) but like, the only one i had thoughts on was moonlight chicken and a few story lines from our skyy 2...
Anyways, heres to hoping that 23.5 is actually good when it comes out 💀 (and vampire project! but tbh honest to be honest i dont have high hopes for it after that trailer/pilot :( which sucks cuz i love boun and prem)
(AND YES, i know the year is not over, i mean, we got msp in december last year so who knows)
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I saw the ask about a second season of Eclipse and MSP and as much as I would love to see it(especially my AkkAyan) I agree that OS2 is probably the curtain call for all the shows, and the track record of Thai BLs with season 2 is kinda awful...
Cuz they're never able to write an established couple and find all kind of things to broke the up for then spend the whole season to get them back together so ending up at square 1... I am still scarred by TWM the next chapter and that stupid plotline! for all the couples! why do they always have to bring cheating up?
So I am very mych fine with 2 spisodes of fluff to say goodby to them
OS2 is definitely the curtain call. and it's good that way lmao. 98% of all sequels are from hell and that's no secret fjkgdf
now I'm not sure if OS2 concluding the stories also means they're disbanding the actor pairs but it's possible. after their 2023 shows obviously.
who knows.
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5 Songs Tag - QL Edition
Credit to @troubled-mind for the idea! Thank you @rocketturtle4 for leaving the prompt open and letting me jump in on this.
📝 Rules:
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
♪♪♪They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
♪♪♪Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages!
♪♪♪ Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested participating.
♪♪♪ Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
1. Romantic Devil - Coldin
Semantic Error may have a very small OST list but it's a pretty darn good one that does its job well. This song caught my ear immediately when I was watching Semantic Error and I've never looked back since. I listen to this song whenever I'm out and about and want to feel a little bit of added confidence by channeling my inner Jae Young.
2. Rock & Star - Fourth Nattawat
I love pretty much all of the MSP OST tracklist but Rock & Star just might be my favourite (by a very small margin though, so many of the songs and covers are amazing, Just Being Friendly could honestly be here, as could Let Me Tell You and ฟัง). It honestly makes me so happy whenever I listen to it, 💯 points and no complaints.
3. Just Friends - Nanon
I won't lie, normally when someone picks up a guitar in a bl it's my queue to press the skip button until they've put it down again because I am completely willing to potentially miss a little bit of plot in order to avoid even a millisecond of second hand embarrassment. Just Friends was the first time my hand paused over the fast forward button and I'm so glad it did, I love this song.
4. What Don't You Stay - Jeff Satur
I have actually never watched KinnPorsche (shock horror gasp) and I don't currently intend to (screams of horror) because I know my own tastes pretty well at this point and I don't think they align. Maybe one day though, who knows. That being said, I have seen interview clips and have enjoyed Jeff and Barcode as a very chaotic friendship/mentor and I am completely willing to admit Jeff has a beautiful voice that I can listen to for hours.
5. Night Flower - Ahn Ye Eun
Okay, I'm cheating a little because this is from a webtoon and not a TV show BUT given part of the point of this tag is to celebrate Non-western artists and music, I think it can be given a pass. Ahn Ye Eun is one of my favourite artists. Full. Stop. I absolutely adore her and her voice and I got so excited when I found out she's writing songs for BL webtoons now, I just really hope we get to hear her in an OST for a (historical) K-QL soon because that would be A TREAT.
Her style is Trad-Fusion and mixes techniques and styles from traditional Korean music with more modern pop elements and I fell in love with it the first time I heard it (and maybe you will too, I definitely recommend checking out her other works if you can).
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