#msr mini fic
stephy-gold · 7 months
Mulder looking at scully from the bed while she is doing her skincare routine in the bathroom, he is looking at her with amusement and desire, after so many years he loves her more every day.
Hey scully !! Do you know how beautiful you are?? No need for that endless routine
Mulder thank you but despite of your beliefs I’m this good because of the said endless routine, by the way you should try some moisturizing cream
Ouch scully my skin is still young
Sure, fine, whatever.
Well you don’t look over 40 Scully
Oh mulder thank you 🤍 but I do feel my 60s
Honey you’re ageless, now come here and let’s prove my stamina let’s see if this old man can keep up with such a beautiful young woman.
I love you Mulder
I love you scully
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inactiveayla · 4 months
a mini acute postpartum MSR fic
When Maggie takes up the baby-holding duties, Scully finally crashes. Mulder pulls up a chair and leans over the edge of the bed, mindlessly playing with her hair.
Softly, he asks, “Scully?”
“Hm?” She settles into the hospital bed that he knows from experience is not all that comfortable.
“I know I don’t say this a lot," Mulder says, "but I can’t believe that really happened.”
“Mm. Feels like it happened.” She closes her eyes.
Shit, from the way it looked, he’s sure it does.
“Hey Scully?”
“Did you have an out of body experience when they handed him to you? Because I… when I held him, I definitely had some kind of cosmic experience. I wouldn’t say astral projection entirely, but something in that vein.”
“Mulder, please, not right now.”
“No, I’m being serious.”
Eyes still closed, toneless, she says, “I was definitely in my body.”
“Okay.” Mulder tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and rests his head on the crook of one arm, messing with her hair with the other. “I really owe you, Scully. I mean, I probably owed you before but this is…this is pretty crazy. And this might be a weird thing to say but I’m really proud of you and I’m not being flippant.”
No response.
When he lifts his head, Scully is mouth opened asleep under the florescent overhead lights, her hair scorching the dryer sheet white pillow. She’s got eggplant dark circles under her eyes and she hasn’t put on mascara in over a week, hasn’t worn pants that fasten in much longer. A few hours ago, delirious with pain, she gave him a plump, vernix coated, gurgle screaming, magnificent son.
Mulder lays his head against the edge of her mattress, happy to be anywhere in her peripheral. His spine is going to ache when he wakes and a nurse wheeled a cot into the room earlier, but he kind of just wants to be close to Scully.
The baby is cradled in his grandmother’s long-waiting arms. To Maggie, Mulder murmurs, “Wake me if he wakes up,” knowing she won’t. She swears she will anyways. He closes his eyes.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
The X-Files 30th Anniversary
Day 7: 30th Anniversary Extravaganza
Today, I'm thanking The X-Files community for bringing me across a wonderful show-- its amazing cast and writers and fans-- and inspiring me to get back on my own creative hobbyhorse.
My Thanks
Being a part of a collective who want to celebrate this show and others' creative endeavors with heartfelt good wishes has been exciting, fun... and humbling.
My special thanks to the many people who welcomed me with open arms and contribute to this space, even if it's "simply" (but it's never just anything, is it?) answering asks or reblogging or even liking a random post that passed from one blog to another.
There are too many to list, so I'll just chat about my most remembered moments:
@baronessblixen, for being so kind and encouraging that you drew me out of the anon shadows; for liking what I create; for giving me a logical mind to bounce my ideas off of in asks; and for inadvertently teaching me the joy of appreciating animal videos (and convincing me, along with Vavie, to watch Return to Me.)
@dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, for our cherished Duchovny talks; for your heart and your amazingly detailed dedication; for your artbook that I prize dearly; and for your warmth and good humor.
@suitablyaggrieved, for your spectacular and refreshing meta takes; for persevering in your creative works and this fandom; and for sharing the progress pics of your beautiful X-Files themed sweater.
@welsharcher, for being my mini Kermit-loving pool noodle~ (I love brightening your day as much as your messages brighten mine); for your gifs and posts that make my heart soar; and for our shared, priceless sense of humor.
@agent-troi, for being a solidly intelligent third party to the Pre-S1 Mulder Singleton Club; for your hilarious hashtags and great insights; and for your amazing fic output.
@mondfuchs/@annablume, for swapping XF fic recs in my early Tumblr days; and for making my year by drawing my little boopy-tongued tiger in Mulder's arms to celebrate our collective birthday (post here. Still makes me sappy thinking about it~.)
@amplifyme, for returning to Tumblr and giving me a chance to meet you; for sharing your excellent BATB series (in general and Nan Dibble in particular); and for sharing your thoughts as you slowly peel back the psyche of Vincent and the worlds Above and Below.
@demon-fetal-harvest, for being one of the first to die over my Scully Les Miserables amv (it's one of my favorites I love to rewatch; and I think of you every time I do); and for your hilarious reblogs and even more hilarious tags.
@xxsksxxx and @two-microscopes for being the first to reblog and like during a rough time. I'll cherish that moment forever~.
@medicaldoctordana, for being cool and creative and driven; and for hating the mainstream MBTI system as much as I do (and for your philosophy recs-- will get around to them someday.)
@ibringyouasong89, for being my fellow warrior in the trenches. We're new of acquaintance, but I think this will be a beauuuuuuuuuutiful friendship~. ;))))
@writingwell, @enigmaticdrblockhead, and @perpetually-weirdening, @spidey-is-tired, @cyb3rpeach, @scullys-scalpel, @frogsmulder, @teenie-xf, @dreamingofscully, @freckleslikestars, @cecilysass, @slippinmickeys, @gabby-msr, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @television-overload, @pianogirlxf @mollybecameanengineer, and @settle-down-frohike for being mutually supportive and welcoming. The world is both large and small; and I'm glad my path was able to intersect with yours.
And thank you to the silent-but-always-theres who take the time to drop in and give my posts the time of day~: @samucabd, @sonictacocat, @kiivitaja, @freckleslikestars, @nimlurks, @redteekal, @mindibindi, @marinas5099, @chavisory, @sizzlingempathspybat, @enigmaticxbee, @inflappible, @metamayou, @invidiosa, @txcb1013, @dytttt, @borogirl, @agentbluefox, @agentwhalesong, and ALL OF YOU. I can't tag anymore because Tumblr is tapping me out; but I include you-- yes, you-- in this as well.
My Projects
While The X-Files turned 30, my fandom experience turned (a little over) a year old! Wow, time does fly when you're... speed typing out multiple essays worth of fic rec lists, meta analyses, and personality typing posts (or even wrangling a video editor, compressor, and uncooperative Tumblr site to upload an amv.)
My full list of accomplishments can be found here; but these are a few highlights that were standouts to me personally:
My First Fic
randomfoggytiger’s Son of Egypt (Prince of Egypt twist on television-overload's what if: Samantha adopted and raised William.)
Fic Rec Lists
Meet the Mulders
Creepy and Cozy Cabins  
Time Travel, Time Loops, and Just Wrong Timing 
Car Wrekt 
S9 Mulder Stays or Returns While the Mytharc Barrels On
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I) 
Poll Results Fic: 1st Place- Scully Injured but In-Charge
Poll Results Fic: 2nd Place- Cleaning Out the Vineyard House
Poll Results Fic: 3rd Place-- Tithonus Mother Hen Mulder
The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Analysis Posts
Arcadia Analysis: Scully Was Enjoying Herself Immensely 
Never Again: An Intensive Essay (and its paired twin: Never Again and Fear)
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”  
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VI): Talitha Cumi and Tena's Lies
S5 Is a Pretty Dark Time for Mulder
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder, Maggie, Melissa, and the Snake
Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn? 
Scully Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Mulder and Dreams
Milagro In-Depth (Part II): Loneliness Is a Choice and Lamps Go Dark
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth: Full Analysis
Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
Mulder and Dreams
CSM Inflicted Insanity On the Syndicate
Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love
All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium 
Jungian Personality Typing Posts
{{Extraction: Proving Mulder Is an INTP, Not an INFJ/INFP}} 
SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ
XF Fanvids/AMVs
Les Miserables AMV: Scully's Solo
The Muppets AMV: Drivin’ Right Along
Fiddler on the Roof AMV: Mulder and Samantha
Bonus Content (Fandom Adjacent)--
React: "Return to Me" from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs
Personality Typing: Return to Me
And cheers to all~!
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azure-firecracker · 1 month
Okay, So!
I am six episodes out from the end of season 3 (wow!) and I expect to finish right around the time I leave for school. After I go to school I’ll still be around and writing and posting, but less frequently. So, in honor of finishing 3 seasons and as a mini send-off, I’d love to do some sort of special post in addition to my usual season review.
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lokisgame · 4 years
Tumblr media
Willam pulled on the levers and the trap slowly began to open its' jaws. An inch, inch and a half and the fox yelped, kicked his hind legs and crawled away, straight into Emily's arms. "It's okay, you're fine now, everything's going to be fine." She crooned while the fox licked his wounds curled up in her lap. "Poor thing," she sighed and looked up to her brother, plea in her cornflower blue eyes. Will shook his head knowing his sister all too well. "No," he growled. "We can't leave him," she said brushing her hair back. "What language will you understand? Non, nein, niet!" He growled and got up, brushing dead leaves from his pants. "We're not taking him home, mom will kill us." Emily hugged the wounded animal to her small chest. She might be a year older but Will at fifteen was already twice her size. "Dad will help him," she said, "he won't turn him out." "Sure play the dad card," He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but I'm not carrying that thing all the way back to the house." He reached out and Emily took his offered hand, puling herself up careful not jostle the fox too much. "Thank you," she said. "Whatever," Will grumbled and looked up to he sky. "C'mon, it's getting dark." 
The walk back was far slower than usual, but both knew that they had to get back on the path before they lost the light. With Will ahead, Emily kept her eyes on her ward, mindful of his every twitch and whine. They didn't speak until the trees parted and lights winked at them in distance. Beyond the meadow that fell all the way to the house. Smoke rose from the chimney and it was almost supper time. Will slowed his step and they walked side by side through the tall grass. "Mom will take care of him," he said, scratching the fox behind his ear. "He'll be good as new in no time." Emily nodded but her fingers twined through the animal's soft coat, "I hope so but at the same time, he's so beautiful I want to keep him forever." "You know you can't keep him, he's a wild animal." Will said but his tone wasn't unkind. "I know," Emily sighed. "Wild things are beautiful because they are wild." The fox rested his head on Emily's arm and when the sun winked through the clouds one last time, his fur and her hair long, flowing hair seemed to ignite. 
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I just want to see a regular grocery trip with Scully and Mulder while they're stuck finishing up a long, boring case in the middle of nowhere and decided they don't want to eat out again, maybe sometime in s3?? and they're just puttering around the store and Scully's like Hm how much longer will we be here and how much can we fit in the minifridge while Mulder, who's kinda bored, keeps trying to sneak candy into the basket until Scully finally looks at him with a spark in her eye and grins a little bit and grabs a carton of ice cream that they'll eat later on one of their hotel beds, straight from the container, while good-naturedly bickering over the sound of an old B&W film on the TV. anybody else in the little local supermarket probably thinks they're a married couple — the tall, gangly boisterous one and the firecracker he's teasing and poking and looking at Like That — and she's just quietly playing along but she's really having just as much fun because the case has been frustrating her and they'd fought about it earlier that day, but now they're more relaxed and having fun again and taking a break and the store is an unfamiliar, familiar, comfortable setting for the strange little ways they make the road home
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sleepyscully · 3 years
Could I order 24 from the minific prompt menu please? Thank you 🌯
A 24 – Things you said when we were alone coming right up!
“Hey, Scully?” His voice is low as if he’s trying not to wake her up in case she is sleeping already. Her head rests on his chest, rising and falling with his slow breath. She is exhausted from the party they had earlier – her birthday party. Although it was fun having the people she loves around her, she was glad when the last guests finally left, when the apartment turned quiet and it was just the two of them again.
“Mmh?” She replies sleepily.
“Do you remember the first time we met?”
She smiles and buries her face in his t-shirt. “How could I forget?”
“It seems like ages ago.” He lets his fingers run through her hair and twirl a strand around his index finger.
She chuckles and lifts her head, resting her chin on his chest. “It’s been a few years since then.”
He nods, and his gaze wanders off, just like his thoughts seem to wander to a place or a time far away.
“Why are you asking about our first meeting?” She asks after a while.
“I just- I just had to think about it today.”
He shrugs. “I never told you but...”
“What?” She asks, unable to hide her curiosity.
“It took me a while to realize it myself, but I fell in love with you during the first few minutes of our first meeting.”
“Are you telling me that it wasn’t love at first sight?” She asks playfully aghast, but he doesn’t engage in the teasing, not this time.
“You know, I read everything I could find about you when they assigned you to me. I knew who you were, I knew why you were coming to work with me. But I didn’t know that- that you would continue to amaze me.”
“Come on, Mulder, don’t get sentimental.”
“I mean it, Scully. From the first day, the first minute you didn’t hold back, you started out with logical, medical explanations, leaving no place for the fantastic, but still... I knew there was more about you. I knew you were different. I bet they had no idea how much trouble they would get into by sending you to work with me. They thought you would tear me down, but instead... instead you built me up. I never got to thank you for that.”
“I’m not the same person I was back then. I changed. We both changed. And I- I think only for the better. Because all those changes led to us being where we are right now. I’m here, with you. Scully, there is no place I’d rather be.”
“Mulder...” She’s lost for words, so she is glad when he pulls her into a soft kiss. She kisses him back, swamped with a wave of affection for the man she has loved for so long that she can’t remember what it felt not loving him. She wants to tell him how much it means to her that he said all these wonderful things despite his struggle to communicate his feelings most of the time. She wants to tell him how glad she is to be with him, how lucky she is, how she can’t remember being this happy with anyone or anywhere else.
Words still fail her, but when she pulls back from the kiss and sees the tears in his eyes, she knows that she was able to express her feelings, in not so many words, but in other ways.
The End
I hope everything was to your satisfaction :) thanks for visiting scullys-baggy-suits, we hope to serve you again soon!
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baronessblixen · 5 years
a cuddle companion
So, @admiralty-xfd asked me to link to my very own favorite cuddling story. Instead, I compiled a list of the cuddle fics I’ve written (and could find - you know how tumblr search is). Here they are! Perfect for a fluffy Friday in November, if you ask me.
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” set in “Familiar” 
Some cuddling because Scully is feeling under the weather and Mulder is a doofus
Scully can’t resist cuddling Mulder in “Our Town”
A clingy Scully after “Kill Switch”
A more angsty cuddle fic on New Year’s Eve, after the events of “Emily”
Cuddle fic set in season 2, a bit angsty 
First and last cuddle - WARNING: major character death
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gaycrouton · 5 years
Idk if you still want one-word prompts, but I think you should do a short fic for each of the five senses
In a Sense -OR- The Effect of Dana Scully on Fox Mulder: A Journey of Arousal Through the Senses
She was gorgeous, that much was obvious. He would have probably used the word ‘cute’ to describe her at the beginning of their partnership - baggy suits, scruffy bangs, a shroud of innocence that followed her around. He wasn’t sure what had happened somewhere down the line, but fuck. She was, without a shadow of doubt, the most attractive woman he’d ever seen. And he had to be less than a foot away from her day in and day out.
To say it occasionally distracted him would be an understatement.
90, okay, 70 percent of the time he was able to reel it in without her noticing. While she looked stunning, he’d never want her to lump him in with all the other guys who ignored her brains for her beauty. It happened so frequently that it’d almost become a game between them; everytime a man’s stare lingered too long, when she was called any type of garden variety pet name, when someone asked him if she was single - they would send each other amused smirks and continue about their day unaffected.
How he wished to be unaffected right now.
It was over a hundred degrees and the air conditioning in their rental was sporadic to say the least. Scully’d been miserable the entire ride, but was refraining from saying anything to make him feel worse than he already did. Then, like a gift from the gods, a small ice cream stand emerged in the distance and he pulled over immediately.
“Mulder, what are you-oh thank god,” she beamed as the sign came more into view. He’d initially been so proud of this spontaneous gesture, but he hadn’t realized it meant he’d have to sit across from Scully as she, unintentionally, lewdly ate the ice cream cone. A vision that was immediately stored away in his file of fantasies was not one he particularly wanted to face right now.
She got a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on a cone and he swore to god he’d never seen anything more pornographic. Her eyes fluttered shut in pleasure every time her extended, bubblegum pink tongue lapped at the dessert. She even let out some hums of contentment as a small smile graced her lips, a small smile beamed at him as if he was the sole cause of her happiness. He should do this more often.
Since it was so hot, she’d taken off her light jacket to reveal she was in a thin, spaghetti tank top, revealing the creamy skin of her freckled arms to the brightness of the sun. She almost looked like she was glowing.
She couldn’t eat faster than the ice cream was melting, so a steady line dripped down her forearm while another drop landed on her chest, slowly making its way down to the valley of her breasts, disappearing in between the two mounds.
Jesus Christ.
He watched in stunned awe as she stuck out her tongue and licked the length of her forearm, a move that made his cock twitch painfully against his straining pants. Then, as if her sole goal was to torture him, she reached down into her cleavage and gathered the sticky drips onto her fingers before sucking it off.
“Mulder, you’re dripping,” she stated, gesturing to him.
“Here,” she muttered, leaning forward. She slid her wet finger up the length of his forearm and pulled back to reveal a glob of chocolate. She stuck it in her mouth too, her cheeks hollowing from the suction, before laughing breathily with a coy smile, as if embarrassed by her bold action.
They had to sit there for twenty minutes after finishing so he could calm himself down from seeing her like that.
“Can I borrow your shower stuff?” she asked, adorned in a thick fluffy robe and coming up to his shoulders without her usual heels.
“Why?” he asked, simply curious.
She bit her lip before answering in an almost shy expression. “I, um, forgot mine and I didn’t want to use the hotel stuff because I know yours smells better.”
“Oh is that right?” he asked, teasing her but going to gather his stuff anyway.
“I mean, you just- I like your stuff,” she shrugged, playing with the wood of the doorway while watching him.
He made his way over to her, arms filled with his hair care and body wash and handed it over to her clumsily. As their hands were grazing each other, he huskily whispered, “Agent Scully, are you implying that you like my scent?”
She rolled her eyes, but he didn’t miss the way her cheeks reddened. “Shut up, Mulder.”
The next day he had a hard time focusing on anything other than that Dana Scully smelled like him. It’s how he’d imagined she’d smell if they had sex, a little of him on her, a little of her on him. He could tell she liked it too because she seemed to conveniently forget her shower supplies a lot more after that.
He didn’t know if it elicited the same reaction for her that it did for him, but he knew he spent a lot of time in the shower with his dick in his hand thinking about how it smelt on her.
In his defense, he was already touching himself before she called. If his gauging was correct, he had been about two minutes away from reaching the part in his mental fantasy where Scully twitched and convulsed around him, which was without a doubt where he would have finished. But instead
Riiiing Riiing
His hands stilled, one mid-pump on his shaft and the other squeezing his balls, as he contemplated letting it go. However, he turned over and saw the subject of his fantasy was calling and it felt impolite to ignore real Scully in favor of dream Scully. Keeping one hand gripping his shaft, he reached over and grabbed the phone.
“Hey, Scully. What’s up?” he should have taken a moment to collect himself before saying anything because he sounded like he was running a mile.
“Mulder, are you okay?” her concern voice rang into his ear.
“Uh, y-yeah. I just got back from a run,” he lied, desperate to divert his attention. “Is everything alright?”
She paused, as if deliberating with herself whether to press him on the lie she didn’t believe or let him off, luckily for him she decided on the latter. “Yeah, I just wanted to ask if you were feeling better. You seemed a little down today,” she reassured in a sweet tone.
Call him a pervert, but Scully’s voice changed when she was worried about him and it was a sound smoother than honey and one he thought about often. A sound that made his cock ache so much that he couldn’t help but squeeze himself as he answered. “Sorry about that. I just had a really bad headache.”
“Mulder-,” she chastised, drawing out his name a little bit. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have given you something.”
He bit his lip as a bolt of pleasure ran through him while he thumbed his engorged head. “Thanks Scully. I feel better now,” he replied evenly, normally.
“I’m glad,” she said sleepily and, based off the rustling he heard, she was snuggling in bed while she called him.
“I appreciate you checking up on me,” he smiled.
“Mhm,” she mumbled deep in her throat, a breathy exhalation coming out through her nose as she undoubtedly got herself comfortable.
The sound was too akin to pleasure and he came, hot and blinding, a muffled grunt the only indication.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Mulder?”
He’d hurt his back and she insisted an old friend from college taught her the ‘perfect’ solution to help smooth out a muscle cramp. A few minutes after she started, he was sure it wasn’t a ‘friend from college’ but a boyfriend who really knew how to use practicality to disguise foreplay.
He felt like she found every excuse to touch him, but other than her body smashing into his as he sat upright in the chair, she didn’t seem to be making any indication of ulterior motives. She’d told him to take off his shirt, so all he could feel was her bare arms touching his skin as she raked the palms of her hands over his entire back.
Occasionally her chest would smash into his arms as she tried hitting him at new angles. He enjoyed each new move because it was honestly making him feel good. Too good. Almost as soon as she started touching him, his body responded. As she softened the tight area of his back, he hardened in the front. Equivalent exchange at its worst.
He placed his arms on top of his crotch in hopes that it would hide his appreciation from her. He thought it was successful until he caught sight of her self-satisfied smile.
She tasted like musk, Scully, and sweetness. The perfect combination. He lapped at her like it was the last thing he’d ever do and, honestly, if it was he’d be completely content. There was no place he’d rather be than between her thighs.
God, yes. Mulder, oh fuck.
He wasn’t sure who was enjoying this more; him or her. He swore he could get drunk just from her alone. Even as she lay in his arms after the fact, sleepy and sated, he’d roll his lips together and run his tongue over his lips just so he could continue to enjoy her a few more times.
Actually - correction - she tasted like sex, Scully, and an overwhelming sense of content happiness.
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Happy Thanksgiving to the Scully-Mulder clan!
Scully will no doubt be hard at work in the kitchen, even though Mulder keeps telling her to sit down and let him do it. The baby is a month old now, & halfway through getting things cooked needs feeding. Scully takes him up on his offer then and settles on the couch. William--Jackson, she reminds herself, still not used to it--wanders downstairs because he smells food. Scully watches as he wanders into the kitchen, & she knows he has to be thinking how it's the first holiday without his parents.
Still, dinner gets done, & they settle around the table. William speaks through a mouthful of mashed potatoes, asking if they'll put up the tree. Scully tries not to act surprised--given everything they've been adjusting to in recent weeks she & Mulder haven't even thought about it. William picks up on that, shyly telling them how his family used to decorate once Thanksgiving dinner was cleaned up.
After dinner, Mulder heads down to the basement, pulling out the old artificial tree & the boxes of ornaments.
And that's how they spend the next several hours, fluffing branches & stringing lights. Occasionally, they'll trade bits of information, regarding holidays that have passed. Greedily, Scully drinks up every bit of information she can about their son. There's still so much she doesn't know. The baby cries & it's William who reaches for her. The sight of their children together is nearly too much for Scully to handle. They're together, all of them, & she doesn't want to miss a moment.
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alittlemissfit · 7 years
When was the last time he laughed without restraint?
When was the last time he laughed without restraint? 
She thinks, her side starting to cramp as she stifles church giggles and buries her face in his shoulder. 
They’re in a breakfast meeting, not a church, but the asshole giving a speech on policy changes in the Bureau has the most mockable squawk to his voice that Mulder has taken upon himself to exploit.
His whispers break her and her crackup breaks him, and now they’re doubled over at their corner table. 
Skinner turns and glares at them both, but all she’s focused on is her partner laughing so hard that he’s in tears.
When she regains enough composure to thumb one from his cheek, she can’t help feeling grateful for why it was there. 
send me the first sentence to a fic, I’ll write the next five
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
My Encyclopedia of My X-Files Fic Lists, Analyses, Fan Vids, and Fan Fiction Resources
So, I pushed all my little anthills into one dust pile because I got sick and tired of having to manually search through my colonies to find that ONE drone. 
~~~X-Files Collector’s Edition~~~
The Fics That Started It All 
Meet the Mulders
Car Accidents, Injuries, and Fluff- Oh My!
Creepy and Cozy Cabins
Redux II Samantha Was Real
I Want To Be Leaves (Fall Fics) 
 Mulder’s Early or Late Birthdays (Season 1)
Mulder’s Early or Late Birthdays (Angst)
Amor Fati(gue) 
Amor Fati(gue) AUs
Time Travel, Time Loops, and Just Wrong Timing 
Happy Halloween with the Mulder-Scully Family  
Many Mondays and “The Creeps”
Ghostly Hauntings and Experiences- AUs 
Thanksgivings Are Better Twofold 
Flying for Christmas 
Christmas and Emily’s Fate 
New Year, New Relationship   
Canonical-Esque Crack Fic {Edited}
Off-The-Wall Crazy Crack Fic  
Coming Home to Their Unremarkable House 
Little Samantha’s Life in Capture 
Car Wrekt  
Friendship Fix (According to Various Authors) Part 1 
Friendship Fix (According to Various Authors) Part 2  
Valentine’s Day, the Platonic Way
MSR Kicks Platonic Valentine’s to the Curb
Mulder and Scully Fight Insomnia  
Scully’s Arcadian Birthday 
The X-File That Started It All 
Diana Fowl(ey) Play-- All Parts 
S9 Mulder Stays or Returns While the Mytharc Barrels On
Anasazi– Shot and Emotionally Fraught
Pranks and Other April Fics
Celebrating Passover and Easter 
Poll Results: Fic Niches and Polls 
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I) 
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part II)
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part III)
Fics that Deserve More Comments (Part IV)
Fic Moments That “Hit Different” 
Fics That Fit My Niche "Dad!Mulder" Likes
MORE Fics That Fit My Niche “Dad!Mulder” Likes
Dad!Mulder, His "Mini Me"s, and Sports 
Fight the Future Fics (Part I)
Fight the Future Fics (Part II) 
Crazy X-Cops (and Watching the Tragic Ep. Later)
S9, The Season of Secret Dad (Long Fics) 
MOTW but Rinse and Repeat 
The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Beefy Revival Mulder
S8 Mulder Resurrects to a Miracle 
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Mulder, Scully, and Scents
A Short Fic Tribute to Samantha's 50th Anniversary
Mulder, To Jew or Not to Jew
It’s the Most HTGSC Time of Year
Mulder and Scully and Dancing
Sins of the Eaten Flesh
Mulder, Scully, and Courthouse Weddings
Cars and Conversations (Part I)
Cars and Conversations (Part II)
Bill Scully, MSR, and Pain (Part I)
Reviving that Love
randomfoggytiger’s Comfort Fics
Unseasoned Agents-- Early Love and Miraculous Do-Overs
Mulder, Scully, and Childhood AUs
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part I)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part II)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part III)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part IV)
Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part V)
All IVF Arcs Must Come to Their End
~~~Curated Authors Collection / Short Entries~~~
randomfoggytiger’s Son of Egypt
randomfoggytiger's Fictober Wrap Up
randomfoggytiger’s Chariots of Fire 
Eight Nights of Mulder 2023 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Had Nothing” 
randomfoggytiger’s “The Next Chance”
randomfoggytiger’s “Mr. Mulder, I Know Something About You”
randomfoggytiger’s “You Up For Joining Us?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “Think He’ll Call You Tonight?”
randomfoggytiger’s ”You're Not Here, Dana-- You're a Million Miles Away"
randomfoggytiger’s "You're Only Going to End Up Hurting Yourself"
randomfoggytiger’s “Because the FBI Has Nothing to Hide"
randomfoggytiger’s "Creating This Whole Scenario to Fulfill a Dream"
randomfoggytiger’s "I've Already Lost One Sister to This Quest You're On"
randomfoggytiger’s The Hospital Where You Slept
randomfoggytiger’s "I Know You. It’s What I Do."
randomfoggytiger’s “Did You Really Have to Bring That Thing?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Just Have to Know Where to Look” 
randomfoggytiger’s “You Feeling Any Better?” 
randomfoggytiger’s “I’ve Never Met a Sweeter, More Courageous Little Girl”
randomfoggytiger’s “I Think It’s About Fate”
randomfoggytiger’s “I Had You Big Time” 
randomfoggytiger’s Grandmothers
randomfoggytiger’s “Tofutti Rice Dreamsicle”
randomfoggytiger’s The Little Things
randomfoggytiger’s "I Have a Life" 
randomfoggytiger’s "It's Not a Choice, but a Calling"  
randomfoggytiger’s "You Follow Your Heart, and It'll Take You Where You're Supposed to Go"
A Happy Family (Curated Baroness Blixen’s S9)
Curated Baroness Blixen’s Millennium Fics  
Curated Jamie Greco 
Alligator Moon by jordan  
Still Waters by XP1 
Everything But the Kitchen Sink by Amy Schatz
Morse Cody by grumpysimon 
Fox’s Den I/II/III by Thalia D’Muse 
Curated suitablyaggrieved/ScullyLovesQueequeg’s Cancer Arc Fics
Haze and necromance by astronaught 
fragility by homecomingserf 
Just Another Day on the Oil by Vickie Moseley  
Skyland Mountain (AU) by JenAndrews 
My Favorites Curated Fics and Quotes by suitablyaggrieved 
X-Files Fic That Irons Out the Mytharc... by touchstonea
Curated muldertxf Fics 
Curated melforbes Fics
Curated settle-down-frohike Fics
Curated Baroness Blixen’s Car Conversations
~~~X-Files Fan Fiction Resources~~~
Collected Resources
Mailboxes in Arcadia: Allegory, Leitmotif, and Chekhov’s Gun
Arcadia Analysis: Scully Was Enjoying Herself Immensely 
Arcadia Analysis: Mulder’s Struggle
 Arcadia Analysis: Their Worst Nightmares and Trauma Responses 
Babylon Dance: An Alternative
Mulder Did Not “Lose Himself” in His Early VCU Days 
Biogenesis’s BIG Problem with the Alien-Human Hybrid Virus 
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”  
Never Again: An Intensive Essay 
Mulder: Sick Fic Vs. Reality
MSR Communication Summed Up
Mulder and Scully’s Most Defining Moment-- “You. Help. Me.”
Charlie Scully in Beyond the Sea
Reasons Why John Doggett Is the Best
S8 Scully Would Not Have Let Essence and Existence Happen
Mulder Would Never Let Scully Walk Away with Words Left Unsaid 
Mulder’s Necessary Emotional Growth in One Breath 
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part I): Colony and End Game
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part II): The Past Is Important to the Present
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part III): Dissecting the Dynamics in Demons
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IV-1): The Death and Redemption of the Man Who “Threw In”
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IV-2): Bill Mulder’s Tainted Legacy
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part V): Tena Mulder’s Relationships Begin to Change
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VI): Talitha Cumi and Tena’s Lies
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VII): Childhood Damage in Herrenvolk
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VIII): Tena, Amor Fati, and Who’s the Daddy
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IX): Tena Mulder’s Suicide and Saving Mulder from Himself
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part X): Samantha, Spitfire and Stardust
Mulder Was a Father, Even in the Desert 
S8 Scully Healing Before Deadalive
We Don’t Value Skinner Enough 
Scully’s Complete Change From One Breath to Herrenvolk
S5 Is a Pretty Dark Time for Mulder
The Glaring Ideological Difference Between Mulder and Scully
I Wish: Post Three Words and Mulder
Ascension: Mulder and Maggie’s Bond
Mulder Saw That Scully Was Alone in Redux II 
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part I): Childhood and The Pilot
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part II): The First Christmas Death
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part III): A Facade and a Funeral
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part IV): Luthor Lee Boggs, Love, and Letting Go
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part V): Miracles, Lyle Parker, and Psychic Charlie?
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VI): Maggie Scully and Mulder Meet
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder, Maggie, Melissa, and the Snake
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VIII): Maggie Calls Mulder "Fox"
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part IX): Mulder and the Two Scully Sisters
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part X): One Breath and the Scully Men
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XI): The Last Conversations of One Melissa Scully
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XII): Prophecy, Death, and the Question of Fate
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIII): The Erosion of Scully’s Security, on Tape
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIV): When Nature Turns So Cruel
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XV): "Other Fathers", Deleted Scenes, and "Things to Prove"
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVI): Crouching Cancer, Hidden Motives
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVII): The Doubting Thomas
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XVIII): Best-Laid Schemes Often Go Awry
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XIX): Eyes Averted, and Final Decisions
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part XX): The Brotherhood of Miscommunication 
Spooky Jr. Was Born in a Ghost Town
Mulder Is a Brooder; and Scully Is His Concluder
Scully and Christmas Ghosts
I Love the Unanswered Questions of the X-Files
Mulder Respects Scully’s Medical Choices in the Most Baffling Ways
Scully’s Failures and Her Villains
Mulder Has Max Fenig’s Cap in Beyond the Sea
Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer
Mulder Didn’t Use Scully’s Apartment Key Until He “Belonged”
Frohike is THE Man
Mulder and Scully Picked Exes With the Most Red Flag Names Possible
Mulder, the Arcadia Trophy Husband
Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Scully Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?   
Arcadia Mulder and His Pillows
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
Alpha In-Depth: All Parts
Mulder and Dreams
Milagro In-Depth: All Parts 
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth: Full Analysis
Scully's Speech in HTGSC Proves Mulder Is Her Ouroboros
Mulder and Scully Didn’t Want a “Network” Outside of Each Other
All Souls, Lost Girls, and Grief
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part I): Waking Up to Miracles 
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part II): PTSD and Guilt
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part III): "Processing" How to Fit Back into a Healing World
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part IV): Passive Mulder Turns Passive-Aggressive
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part V): The Mutual Pain of Reconnection
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VI): Bonds Once Forged Cannot Be Broken
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VII): Trickery, Terror, and Tears
Mulder’s Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VIII) UPDATED!: Missing Conversations and Mulder Gettin’ His Groove On
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part IX): An Episode of Mad About You
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part X): The First Touch, and Unconscious Limbo 
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part XI): Sons and Shared Trauma
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part XII): A Campaign of Disinformation 
Movies Were Mulder's Comfort Placebo Pre-Scully
Mulder and "Killing" Scully
Scully, Snakes, and Reincarnation
CSM Inflicted Insanity On the Syndicate
Mulder’s Little Smile in the Paper Hearts Morgue
Mulder and Scully and the Graves of Many Little Girls
Elegy: A Lie Between Two Truths
Mulder and His Nests
Mulder’s Dichotomy in Three Words
Skinner’s Regrets
Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love
All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium
X-Cops and Vince Gilligan’s Mulder
The Cancer Arc and Scully's Reliance on Mulder's Strength
Tomboy Scully and Pretty Boy Mulder
Mulder and Scully's Love Story: Season 1
You’re a Magician, Scully
"Proving" Mulder Knew He Was the Father of Scully's Baby
Mulder and Scully Broke Each Other’s Patterns
AU Samantha and Schizogeny Thoughts
Explaining the Never Again Script
Dreams, Alternate Realities, and Agency
One Breath Walked So Firewalker (and Episodes Proceeding It) Could Run
The List: Setting the Stage for Scully’s Loneliness and Mulder’s Panic
Elegy Explanation (and Realization)
Scully and Matters of the Heart: S1-4
Gethsemane, Bill Scully Apologia, and Maggie the Emergency Contact
Mulder: Jewish or Religious References (and His S8 Funeral)
Little Green Men and Teliko Parallels
I Want to Believe: A Character Study in Disordered Writing
HTGSC: Old Tricks and New Lessons
Mulder and Vulnerability
Developed Psychic Ability and Death
Psychics Developed Their Abilities Through Alien DNA
Attractive Monsters and Mulder
Disproving CSM’s Conjecture in En Ami
An Evolution of Mulder and Scully’s Forehead Kisses
Bill Scully Kept Melissa Scully’s Photo in Baby Matthew’s Room
Update: The Therapist in The Red and the Black
Scully's Abduction, Emily Sim, and the Lost Scully Baby
Mulder’s a Big Wig in the Conspiracy Community (and Colonization Thoughts)
Mulder and Scully, Past Lives, and the White Buffalo Calf
Scully the Honest, Mulder the Relentless
The X-Files and Werewolves
Attachment Styles: An Avoidance Shared by Two
Scully and Emily Parallels
Scully and Relationships: Initial Commitment and Cyclical Self-Doubt
Scully’s Survival Broke The Field Where I Died’s Cycle
Diana Fowley, the Four-Poster Bed Instigator (Perhaps)
Dreamland II: Golf Clubs, Diana Fowley, and Mulder’s Father
Charlie Scully’s X-Files Relationship Status
Scully’s Lies and Self-Edits
Fight the Future Hallway: In-Depth
Shoulda Woulda Coulda: Create a Cohesive Canon by Eliminating the Mulder-Scully Baby
If Mulder and Doggett Were Partnered in Season 8
Mulder Reliving His Childhood Traumas
All Things: Fellig's Fate, Scully's Immortality, and Waterston's Healing
Mulder's Heart: Alluring Temptations, Denial, and the Slow Burn 
The X-Files: the Madonna-Whore Complex
Dying with Each Other's Wounds on Their Bodies
Revival Mulder Was Diagnosed with the Wrong Depression (+ actual-changeling’s Addition)
The Journey of Scully's Faith, in Brief
The Rules of Ghosts and Spooks
Unrest, Faulty Memories, and and Lost Sisters
“My Touchstone”: the Turning Point 
Diana Fowley: the Definition of Manipulative Comfort
How to "Type" Personality Types: An Ultimate Resource 
MULDER, The Spooky INTP 
{{Extraction: Proving Mulder Is Not an INFJ/INFP}} 
SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ
Mulder and Scully: Love and Touch for INTPs/ISTJs 
Dissecting ‘One Son’ (Part I)   
Dissecting ‘One Son’ (Part II) 
‘Never Again’ and Fear 
KRYCEK, An Unstoppable Manipulator
INTPs In Their Own Words 
SKINmanNER, The Bald and the Beautiful 
MAGGIE, The Passionate Scully
BILL SCULLY, Junior and Senior (and Charlie?)
~~~Musicals/Fan Vids/AMVs~~~
Fight Club (Finale)
Fight Club: Finale Redone with Less Kathy Griffiths
TINH: Scully’s Solo
S2 Abduction: Mulder’s Torment 
Drivin’ Right Along
Hungry: Everything Is Food
Our Town: Everything Is Food
Krycek and Marita: You’re My Little Choochie Face
Irresistible: I Whistle a Happy Tune
Syzygy: Everything You Can Do I Can Do Better
Mulder and Samantha: Miracle of Miracles
Amor Fati: If I Never Knew You 
Arcadia: People Will Say We’re in Love 
Scully, Far from the Home She Loves
CSM and Diana: The Riddle  
The Mulders: Sunrise, Sunset
HTGSC: Christmas Can Can
Melissa: Mother Earth and Father Time
Monday: There’s Always Tomorrow
Memento Mori: I Bring You a Song
Pilot: I Ride Alone
Milagro: Hellfire
Paper Hearts: Lovely, Lonely Man
Darkness Falls: Walk Outside
Emily: Come to Me
Talitha Cumi: Misty Mountains
Season 6: 9 to 5
Maggie and Dana: Everything's Alright
Samantha Mulder: God Help the Outcasts
React: "Return to Me" from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs
React: Watching I Want to Believe for the First Time (and Losing My Mind) 
What Happens Later: Misdirection and Miscommunication
Reverse the Curse: David Duchovny’s Heartfelt Period Piece 
Personality Typing: Return to Me
Personality Typing: Bringing Up Baby
Personality Typing: Hank Moody, Maggie Scully, and ESTPs
What Happens Later: ESTJs, ESFPs, and Building Back Love ‘N Trust 
David Duchovny’s Face: an Aesthetics Study
Seasonal Color Theory: a Reference Guide
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and Their Colors
Seasonal Color Analysis: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson-- Skin Tones and Tricky Fashion Tips
Kibbe Body Types: Gillian Anderson
Kibbe Body Types: David Duchovny 
Kitchener Essence: Gillian Anderson
Kitchener Essence: David Duchovny
Makeup Myths and Acne Realities 
Paparazzi, Celebrity Deals, and David Duchovny 
CHRIS CARTER'S MISCOMMUNICATION: "Platonic", "Cerebral and Sexy", and the Romantic Dynamic of The X-Files
244 notes · View notes
scull-dog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
@thexmasfileschallenge Day 6- Snow globe
Late on Christmas eve 1996, Mulder showed up to Scully’s apartment unannounced, covered in snow, and poorly hiding a wrapped box behind his back. She invited him in and offered to let him stay and warm up a little, already heading to the kitchen to give him some hot chocolate. He dismissed her explaining that he was heading up to Massachusetts first thing in the morning. 
After a beat of silence, Mulder nodded to the gift, now placed on the counter next to her.
She smiled, turning to untie the bow and rip at the shiny paper. “It’s heavy,” she noticed.She glanced up at Mulder in an attempt to reveal some sort of clue.
Mulder stepped forward to assist Scully, who was now struggling to get the object unstuck from the box. “Yeah,” he joked, “I got you a new weight set.”
Scully returned her own incredulous smile, letting Mulder unwrap her gift. When he held out a large bundle of tissue paper, Scully ripped away the last few layers of packaging. It was then that she could see a tiny landscape surrounded in flurries of sparkling white snow. “Oh, Mulder!” she gasped, bending to get a closer look.
“I remembered what you said about your grandmother’s snow globe collection, and I know it’s kind of cheesy and it might not be-”
“Mulder, it’s perfect,” she beamed, moving her hands under Mulder’s, finally feeling the full weight of the decoration. 
“Merry Christmas, Scully.”
“Merry Christmas, Mulder.”
I absolutely love how this piece turned out. I got the idea after I made some glitter tinsel in yesterday's drawing, but I wasn’t sure if it would work liked I hoped it would. It absolutely did, and I think it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever made.
35 notes · View notes
lokisgame · 4 years
Pool Closes At 10 [4]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
"You really should stop leaving me birthday gifts," Scully said holding on to the edge of the pool. "I have one birthday, once a year." Mulder cocked his head to one side and tried to peer over the edge to see what's hidden beneath the surface. "Wait, you're naked?" He leaned in and just then, Scully flicked water right in his face. "You're terrible," he said and wiped a few drops that reached his eye.
When he finally looked up, she was nowhere in sight. He scanned the pool until he noticed a shape in the deep. She didn't come up when he called out, so he glanced at his watch. Twenty seconds passed, thirty, one minute. After a minute and a half he started muttering to himself. "Scully, come on." His heart began to pound and at two minutes and 5 seconds he jumped. He found her sitting cross-legged on tiles covering the bottom of the pool and when she noticed him and smiled, his anger came bubbling up through his lungs. Mulder grabbed her by the arm and kicked himself up, dragging her along to the surface. They both panted for a second before he yelled. "Are you out of your mind?" Scully laughed but seeing his anger cooled down fast. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd jump in, at least not all dressed up." Mulder caught the edge of the pool, and pulled himself out. "Old lifeguard habits die hard," he said and headed for the stairs to their rooms, accompanied by the sound of water squishing and sloshing in his shoes.
He was fighting his wet shirt in the bathroom having managed to get it mostly off his back, but his arms stayed stuck in the rolled up sleeves. That's when Scully's arms wrapped around him. "I'm sorry," she said softly, "I didn't mean to scare you." "Well, you did," he growled and again yanked at the cuff. Scully stepped around him and without looking up took his arm in her hands and patiently started to unroll the soaked fabric. "When we were kids, Charlie and I used to play this game, who could stay longer underwater. On the count of three we'd dive together and my dad would start the count." She unrolled one sleeve and moved to the other. Her fingers slipped to his left wrist to unbuckled the band on his watch. "I always loved his watch with all the tiny dials and buttons, and the stopwatch was my favorite, it worked like magic." She lifted his watch to her ear for a few beats, before twisting the crown on the side to wind it. "At first glance it looked like the second hand was just that, one hand, but then he'd push a button and a second one appeared, hidden under the first." "A rattrapante chronograph." "Is that what it's called?" She smiled setting the watch on a shelf over the sink. "A double chronograph, yeah." He said and watched her work on untangling the knots he made earlier. "So what was your best time?" He asked breaking the silence. "My best was little over four minutes." She said and with one last tug freed his hands. "And your brother?" "He never got past three," she said and stepped into his arms, "he always tried to make me laugh." Mulder chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "Cheater." "Are you still mad?" She asked, planting a kiss on his chest. Mulder sighed and returned the kiss on top of her head. "No, just don't scare me like that again." "I won't," she promised and climbing on tiptoes, caught his lips for a long breath. "I really love the swimsuit, thank you." He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You're welcome."
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unremarkablehouse · 2 years
Mulder & Scully vs. the Bake Sale
WC: 2212 | M 15+ | MSR | Post Revival | Domestic Fluff | A03 
Summary: Mulder and Scully try their hand at baking brownies for the school bake sale.
Tags: @xfilesbingo, @today-in-fic
Bingo: Cooking (top right) 
She hears him before she sees him. Muttering curses as he bangs pots around their comfortable kitchen. Mulder looks disheveled, an unidentified white power dusting his eyebrows and shirt, eyes wild.
“Mulder you texted 911, what’s wrong?”
Scully walks over to Mulder and inspects him closer, brushing the powder off his face before reaching up to give him a kiss. 
“What are you covered in?”
“There was an incident with the powdered sugar-“
Scully tries, half heartedly, to suppress a laugh at his expense.
“Clearly. Is that what you needed help with?”
“No, I got that under control. The bake sale is tomorrow and we’re bringing brownies.”
Scully is pissed, her arms are folded and her eyes are narrowed.
“Did you seriously call me out of work early to bake brownies? Why didn’t you just use a box mix?” Dressed in her designer business suit, she is clearly not in the mood to play domestic goddess. Giving his best helpless puppy dog eyes, Mulder tries to win Scully over as she looks at the allergy list he’s handed her. 
“Look at the allergy list?! I can’t use eggs, so I had to buy this substitute. No dairy, so it's vegan cocoa, it has to be gluten and nut free too.”
“Mulder, why am I here?”
Coming up from behind her and pressing himself close, he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck. Her body's warm response betrays that she’s starting to come around to the idea of helping him bake. “Scully, with this allergy list we went from baking to advanced chemistry. Come on, be my Lab Partner..” That comment elicits a chuckle from her, Scully turns around in his arms to face him. “Fine, but I get to lick the spoon.” Mulder agrees and seals the deal with a lingering kiss. As his hands start to wander up her suit jacket Scully pulls away and stops Mulder in his tracks. “Wait, where’s the Munchkin?” 
“She has a sleepover tonight at her friend Clara’s house, so it’s just you and me.” Mulder waggles his eyebrows suggestively. 
“And you’re wasting our one night alone baking!?” 
“Come on, it’ll be fun.” 
With a resigned sigh Scully agrees, heading off to change into comfortable yoga pants and a faded t-shirt that has seen better days. Mulder can’t help but notice she’s not wearing a bra as his eyes settle on her chest, his appreciative gaze interrupted by an amused Scully who tries to get his focus back to the task at hand. 
As Scully reviews the recipe, Mulder starts organizing the supplies and awkwardly places a bathroom scale on the counter by the ingredients. 
“Mulder, you can’t use a bathroom scale to weigh the ingredients!” 
“For starters it’s not calibrated for weighing lower mass objects. Here, we have a kitchen scale.” 
Scully goes into a drawer and pulls out a mini kitchen scale while Mulder puts back the bathroom scale. Mulder is fascinated by the kitchen scale and starts his thorough investigation, turning it around, pressing random buttons and sniffing it. Scully draws the line at sniffing the scale and gets him to put it back on the counter with a disapproving shake of her head. 
“I kind of feel like we’re drug dealers now.”  
“Sugar is the new crack. Mulder, here read the instructions -” 
“Sift 65 grams of cassava flour with 85 grams of the vegan cocoa powder.”
“Wait, let me see that-” 
Scully grabs the recipe off Mulder and hands it back to him. “This recipe has more cocoa than flour, and a ridiculous amount of sugar in it.” 
“I guess it’s making up for all the other ingredients it’s missing. I hate that the weights are all in grams, I couldn’t work out how to change it to ounces.” 
Scully pats him on the back, “it’s okay, I’ve got it old man.” 
They banter back and forth while they continue to work, Scully carefully measuring ingredients and following the instructions while Mulder enthusiastically assists. The mood in the kitchen is playful, and while Scully firmly believes that Mulder has picked the most complicated brownie recipe in existence, she’s having fun and glad they’re doing this together. “Alright Mulder, you grease the tin, I’ll handle the mixer.” 
Mulder starts greasing the baking tin and watches curiously as Scully adds a powder to the mix and it starts to foam up. 
“What was that?” 
“The recipe uses baking soda as a leavening agent so we had a little exothermic reaction.” 
Mulder kisses her head, “if this doesn’t work out at least we can build a volcano.”  
Once the batter is ready Scully turns off the mixer and starts pouring it into the greased tin. Mulder places it in the oven and sets the timer while Scully happily licks the spatula. “This batter is actually pretty good, I’m not sure how it’ll bake though.”
“Let me try,” Mulder goes over to Scully to lick the utensil but at the last minute she pulls it away from him, licking the spatula seductively with her tongue giving an evil laugh. While she’s making a show of licking the batter Mulder grabs her wrist and pulls it away from her, she goes to cry out but he covers her mouth with his and presses his entire body against her, not stopping until he elicits a moan of approval. With a grin Mulder pulls back from her, “you’re right, the batter is pretty good.” Scully takes a few seconds to recover, gracelessly dropping the spatula into the sink and pops herself up onto the counter. Mulder notices his window of opportunity is closing, Scully has taken her phone out and is browsing so he inserts himself between her legs, nudging the phone away from her line of sight with the pretense of kissing her neck. “Hey Lab Partner, the experiment isn’t over yet.”
“Oh yeah, what do you want to do while they bake?” Scully pretends to be oblivious to his overtures as Mulder continues to nuzzle her neck.
“Want to fool around?” 
“Meh,” Scully responds with a detached shrug. Mulder pulls away in shock and mild offense.
“Meh? Since when do I get a ‘meh’!?” 
“It’s only 17 minutes, it doesn’t seem worth it-” Scully says with a gleam in her eye. 
“Oh, I could make it worth it.”
“Actually, 15 now-”
With a dejected sigh Mulder begrudgingly realizes he’s not going to win this round. 
“Fine, I’m not making love to you with a shot clock running.” 
“Later though.. Come, play Dots and Boxes with me.” Scully excitedly brings her phone up and nudges Mulder to do the same, he perches next to her as they start playing. Scully quickly becomes invested in the game, while Mulder keeps looking up at her every time he makes a move to watch her dramatic facial reactions of extreme joy or frustration. He would probably do better at this game if he just watched his own phone, but gazing at Scully has long been his favorite pastime. Just as she’s about to win the game her phone rings and she growls with frustration. “Answer the phone and you forfeit!” Mulder says with glee. “That’s not fair, this is important.”
“It’s your rule Scully, just answer it and we’ll rematch later.” 
Scully answers the phone with a pout, hopping off the counter to take the call in the other room. While she’s gone Mulder gets to work cleaning up and takes the brownies out of the oven. Scully comes back in time to see him wiping down the counters. 
“You cleaned up the kitchen! I didn’t even get a chance to bug you about it!”
“Yup, I’ve got moves and plans tonight Scully”,  Mulder brandishes the dish towel with a flourish that makes her laugh. “That’s a pretty good move, what are your other ones?” Mulder grabs Scully’s hand and pulls her across the kitchen into his arms like a well practiced dance move, rocking her back and forth as he talks.
“Well first the cleaning, so you’re not distracted and I can have your full attention.” Mulder punctuates the sentence with a suggestive thrust of his pelvis as he continues his silly dance of seduction. “I just ordered Thai food, I thought we could open a bottle of wine, watch that documentary on climbing El Capitan in Yosemite-“
Scully gives a hearty moan of approval, “those are some pretty good moves there Mulder. So, what’s your plan?” 
Mulder brushes back hair so he can whisper into her ear, “lower your guard with my moves so I can convince you to have noisy, rambunctious couch sex with me.”
With a giggle, Scully tugs on Mulder’s neck and brings him into a kiss of approval. 
“I like your plan, Mulder. Did you test the brownies were done when you took them out of the oven?”
“No, but they look cooked.” 
Scully breaks away from Mulder and grabs a skewer and sticks it in the brownies to check, making a show of examining the results for Mulder’s benefit. “Perfect bake! Oh shoot, I broke a bit of the edge when I was testing it.”
Mulder goes to inspect the damage and gives a dutiful sigh “we’re just going to have to suck it up and eat that piece.” 
Mulder gets out the knife and starts cutting.
“Mulder that’s a huge chunk. Split it with me, I’ll get us some milk. When is our Thai food coming?”
“In about 30 minutes.” Mulder takes a bite of his brownie, “damn these are good.”
“Well it’s just chocolate, sugar and some binding agents-“ Scully takes a bite and makes a moan of approval that shoots straight to Mulder’s cock, he gets up and heads back to the kitchen. 
“I’m getting another piece-“
“We shouldn’t-” 
“Screw that, you like the edge pieces right?”
The night continued in a light hearted fashion; eating Thai food on the couch, drinking wine and laughing at each other’s stories from the day. The news played on the television but was mostly being ignored in favor of talking with each other. Between a preschooler and their work schedules, quality time between them had been a rarity. After decades together, Scully loved the way that they always fell back into sync, enjoying each other’s company as much as when they first met. 
The buzz from the wine was only noticed by Scully as she attempted to stand up to put the leftover Thai food in the fridge. Both of them laughed at the fact that there was more leftover food than leftover wine. 
From the kitchen Scully calls out to him, “Mulder, do you realize we ate half the pan of brownies?”
“Is that bad?” Mulder slowly makes his way into the kitchen to see what the issue is. 
“We can’t send our daughter to school with 4 brownies for the bake sale.”
“Statistically it’s unlikely there’ll be 4 left by tomorrow.”
Scully can’t help but laugh at the ridiculous situation and the fact they probably will eat all the brownies by tomorrow. 
“What are we going to do? I think people normally bake a few batches so they can sell more.”
“Scully, that seems like a lot of work, and there’s still no guarantee that more than 4 will make it into school by Monday.” 
By this stage they’re both giggling and continuing to pick at the brownies in the pan.
“Are we bad parents?” Scully asks unsure if she should be taking this issue more seriously. 
“No, we’re just the kind of parents who are better at buying baked goods than making them.” That response earns him a hug, as Scully rests her head on his chest, still softly giggling. Suddenly, she excitedly breaks away from him, eyes gleaming and Mulder knows his partner has an idea to save the day. “Mulder, we can make popcorn balls! We have a ton of kernels and they’re allergy friendly!”
“You’re brilliant!” Mulder uses this brainwave as an excuse to lavish Scully with kisses, which she graciously accepts until he starts to tickle her. Grabbing his arm she pulls him towards the stove. “Come on, help me make the popcorn balls. Seeing as we’ve eaten most of the brownies there’s a chance they might even make it into school.”
“Make extra though.”
“Good call.”
Standing side by side, they work on their popcorn concoction together in a comfortable silence. Fatigue starts to wear on them both as the night drags on. Mulder is unable to hide a gigantic yawn that is echoed moments later by Scully. Scully bumps Mulder’s shoulders, “do you still have high hopes for couch sex tonight?” 
“I think we have to give that one a miss, but I have a new plan-“ 
“Oh yeah?”
“You, me, bed. I down half a bottle of Tums to counteract all the Thai food, brownies and popcorn balls consumed. We put on that documentary on Yosemite, and you fall asleep on me after 15minutes.”
With a resigned laugh Scully pulls him into a hug, somehow the most mundane plans can seem wonderful with the right person. “Your plan actually sounds pretty good, Mulder. But add in waking up for noisy, rambunctious morning sex and you’ve got a deal.”
“You’re on!”
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sleepyscully · 3 years
Some weeks ago @samanthaannmulder asked me to do the prompt “things you whispered in my ear”. Here it finally is!
Things You Whispered In My Ear
Fandom: The X Files | Ship: MSR | Words: 469 | Scully’s POV | Internal Monologue | pinch of angst | somewhere in early season 9
I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember ever detail. I remember the feeling of the heavy, warm blanket draped over my naked body, I remember my hair tickling my cheeks when you brushed it back behind my ear, I remember your warm body pressed against mine, your arm around my waist, your hand on my stomach.
We didn’t know we were pregnant then. We didn’t know about the miracle growing inside me. We didn’t know about the joy and pain it would bring.
I remember the flowery scent of the fresh sheets, I had only put them on last night. You had come over the night before, let yourself in, crawled into bed with me, kissed me. I remember every touch of your lips on my body, every line your fingers traced over my skin, everything, as if my senses had been extra sensitive for this one evening. We fell asleep cuddling, we woke up in the same position. Your arm around my waist, your big hand splayed over my stomach.
I remember your lips on my cheek, my neck, my shoulders when you awoke from your slumber, finding me in your arms. I remember your lips on the shell of my ear, whispering sweet words. I remember the vibration of your chest as you spoke. I never wanted to let this moment end.
The things you whispered into my ear fill my heart with sunlight every day since you’ve been gone. You told me that you loved me, but you didn’t use these words. You never did. You never had to. You told me that last night had felt special, as if something had been different, that you were afraid we would never be able to recapture these moments. You told me that until that day you were always afraid that I would walk away from you, but that last night proved you wrong. That last night made you understand that I wouldn’t leave you. That I couldn’t leave you. That our lives were merged, were connected, were one.
I remember the tears falling silently from my eyes into the pillow as you whispered into my ear, your voice so low, your lips so close to my ear that I knew that I was the only person who would ever hear those words from you. They were happy tears. Coming from a place of true joy.
I can still hear things you whispered in my ear that morning. Despite everything, they give me hope. Hope that you will come back one day. Hope that you are out there waiting for the right moment to come back to me. Hope that you have not forgotten me… Us. I trust you. I trust us. I trust in the universe to find a way for you to come home.
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