#much like with velasca
girl4music · 15 days
It’s interesting to think of Callisto not just as Xena’s arch-nemesis and main foil but also as Gabrielle’s mirror image and parallel because she can’t be much older than Gabrielle is. I mean Xena destroyed Callisto’s village when she was only a child. True, Xena was a teenager herself when she went on her 10 year long period of darkness. But she is obviously older by a good margin of years. I would say maybe 10 years between her and Gabrielle and 7 between her and Callisto. Say Xena was 16 when she began her dark period. That would make Gabrielle 6 and Callisto 9.
Which I think definitely checks out by the time we get to Xena’s army pillaging and destroying Cirra. Xena would be 20. Callisto would be 13 and Gabrielle 10.
So it’s interesting to think of Callisto as what Gabrielle could have been if Xena’s army had attacked Poteidaia instead of Cirra and murdered her family instead of Callisto’s. As I said - Gabrielle wasn’t special. There was nothing in her that would have made any real difference if those things had happened to her instead. Nothing but the love between her and Xena.
Which obviously she wouldn’t have had if circumstances had just played out that way.
If Gabrielle was Callisto and Callisto was Gabrielle.
And I like that Callisto tries to make Gabrielle see this when Gabrielle asks her if she felt anything when Xena confessed her crimes in ‘A Necessary Evil’ to a random village at her request in exchange for her assistance in stopping and defeating Velasca. She basically says: “Think about if this was you, would you be different?”
And Gabrielle wouldn’t have an answer for her…
Not yet. You see, to Callisto… Gabrielle fell in love with the villain. She wouldn’t possibly understand that. But Gabrielle wouldn’t possibly understand how Xena couldn’t be the hero. And it’s one hell of a dichotomy.
CALLISTO: “My goodness, are you trying to figure me out? I’m flattered.”
GABRIELLE: “Answer me. Or are you afraid?”
CALLISTO: “Let’s play a game, shall we?”
GABRIELLE: “All right.”
The way Callisto HITS when interpreting Xena and Gabrielle as a love story is so god damn DELICIOUS.
“You fell in love with the destroyer of my soul. Why would you think I would ever give mercy to you? But you’re no different to me. Circumstances saved you.
Instead of Xena destroying your life, she rescued your life. As my hatred for her grew, your love for her grew.
You could never understand me, little girl.”
But of course we know she does… eventually.
But she still looks at Xena as the hero. And that will always be the delicious striking difference with this.
In Callisto’s eyes - Xena is the villain.
In Gabrielle’s eyes - the hero.
What makes the difference? Honestly… Nothing but the circumstances because Gabrielle is no different.
Gabrielle fell in love. Callisto fell in hate.
Xena refused to let Gabrielle praise her - celebrate her. Nor did she ever ask for Callisto’s forgiveness. Ever.
She told her she was sorry but she didn’t force a narrative that she knew was absolutely impossible no matter how much Gabrielle believed in her goodness.
This show is not about heroes vs villains.
It’s about actions vs consequences.
The circumstances are the only difference between. And storytelling like that will always last because it will always be relevant and resonant for real people.
And once again - I have to highly praise the writers for refusing to let the protagonists off with plot armor. For refusing to sugarcoat the events and situations that happen in this show just because they’re the heroines and they’re a representation of women loving women. Because it’s also a representation of women hating women and that deserved to be just as focused on and just as much respected as the love story there.
Callisto was never undermined and I am so grateful. And great storytellers never have to sacrifice anyway. They can simultaneously tell a beautiful story of love, forgiveness and devotion and tell a compelling story of revenge, hatred and burden. That is great writing because it’s always honest, realistic and authentic.
And Callisto is emphasised xBILLION in a WLW love story because she becomes the main conflict in it.
Then everything that happens suddenly is MORE because the romance in this show doesn’t ruin it.
It only ever makes it more worth watching because the writers knew exactly what they were doing with it because not a single character arc ever suffers for it.
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
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I understand all the reasons why they couldn’t extend these three working together beyond this episode, but god, some part of me will always cry longingly for more.
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seraphbutch · 3 years
Rating Xena villains by if I would fuck them or not
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Callisto- everyone knew I was gonna start with this war criminal queen. 1000/10 would bang. She could use me the fuck up and I would thank her for it. Is she insane? Yes. Can I fix her? No. Is she the hottest villian that has ever been created? Absolutely yes. Callisto if you're reading this im begging you please step on me
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Alti- 8/10
Honestly she scares me more than callisto but that gruff smoker voice is so sexy. Also her in that suit in Send in the Clones?? Iconic. She'd be a great lay and also would absolutely emotionally scar me or something after. Def would hit
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Ares- 1/10
Love my boy Ares but his bitch ass has absolutely never satisfied a woman. Is he sexy and gender? Very yes but he would leave you unfulfilled and unfed. Big no.
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Caesar- -100/10
when I look at this mfer my pussy dries up like the Sahara. There is nothing sexy about him. Fuck this guy you just know he hates women
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Livia- 7/10
I just know she's a libra so that's a little bit of a turn off but the high pony really is a moment. She definetly gives off pillow princess vibes and I love that for her. Also love her scary eyes can't lie
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Velasca- 9/10
Idk what it is about her, probably that horny scene where she has Autolycus on a leash, but i would let her ruin my world. I am simply a slut for Amazons and she is -chefs kiss-. Would absolutely let her turn me out.
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Discord- 4/10
Do I love her and is she adorable??? Absolutely. Maybe it's just me but she gives off major bratty little sister vibes and I am not into it. I do want her outfits though.
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Call it catholic trauma but a religious fanatic that manipulates people is not for me. Also girl what is that hat I hate it so much. You just know she's a gaslighter. Hard pass.
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Athena- 2/10
Idk she just seems like she would only have sex missionary in the dark. Very stunning and gorgeous but not for me. I do love her girlfriend Ilainus though, will not lie so if they need a third that's a different story
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Hope- 7/10
I am a Hope apoligist I have no shame. Honestly she just needs some affection and love and im sure she would be a great partner, she was a pretty cool mom so. Also psychic abilities??? Very sexy imo
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jenxwp · 3 years
‘A Necessary Evil’ NZ script
Hey guys! We are finally up to the last episode of the Destiny-Quest-Necessary Evil arc, and boy, are we going out with a bang. Until I started reading through this script I didn’t realise how this story must have evolved! There are so many differences, so this post is going to be long.. #sorrynotsorry. 
No, honestly… clear your calendar for the day and grab a coffee because we are going for a ride.. but if you stick with me it will be WELL worth it. 🤯
So first off, a little bit about this script. This one is special to me because it was used on-set in New Zealand and I don’t have many like that. How do I know? The two ring binding on the left is the main give-away along with the fax detailing. The script has seen better days, but considering its 25 years old and been around New Zealand and made its way across the seas to Australia- I think it’s going good!
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Who is Russell? Well that’s a mystery I have been trying to work out for many years. I have spoken to people who worked on set and it is still an enigma. 
At the top of each page you can see that the document was faxed from LA through to New Zealand on November 8th 1996. I have covered up the number- not sure if it’s still active, but I don’t know international numbers and better safe than sorry!
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Interestingly, the shooting schedule for this episode was from November 26th to December 5th with 8 shooting days allocated. Whether this changed because of Lucy’s accident I am not sure, but these are the dates I have on my season 2 main unit production schedule. With this script, I am not sure if it is a final copy because it is annotated ‘2nd draft’. Scripts will go through many versions before the final, but I would have thought because the writers are in LA, only the final would have gone to NZ. But then again the script is dated November 22nd.. which is weeks AFTER it was faxed. Ok there is some voodoo shit going on here. AND if shooting was to begin on the 26th, SURELY it was finalised by the 22nd… but then again.. *I* am a last minute kinda gal so I can’t really judge.. and... Argh! Help! If anyone has a ‘shooting draft’ for this episode, please give me a shout-out- we can compare!
I have digressed. Alright, first up- the teaser. It is so different to what we end up with on screen:
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Interestingly, instead of having the dialogue between Gabrielle and Ephiny regarding the ‘Amazon parades’, we have some friendly banter between Xena and Gabrielle about sleeping in late and sleeping in trees. It’s good light-hearted fun.
In the script, Velasca has a lot more meaty dialogue. Which to be honest, I am glad they reduced. Statements like “gift from the gods… to MAKE A GOD” is so much more powerful compared to what is written above. That’s my opinion, but it’s so interesting to read what was originally intended. There was also much more emphasis on Xena being injured in this initial battle which is brought up many times in this script.
The next scene after the intro is also so different to what we saw! I am just going to leave this here...
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I have mixed feelings about this. I do feel like the conversation with Xena and Gabrielle is forced, and to be honest, what we got on screen was more genuine. Those two can convey more in one look than 5 pages of dialogue.
Moving on.. Callisto and her pet rat in the Labyrinth of the Gods!
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Hear me out. I am glad this changed. I am one of those ones that enjoys Hercules. Let me make clear that I don’t like Sorbo… but I grew up watching the action back-2-back and I will still watch it on occasion. Xena is 10000% times better than Hercules, but I just love the entire WORLD that they create- X:WP, H:TLJ, and Young Hercules. So I like the seamless continuity.
This next one is interesting because this replaces the scene where the Amazons ‘offer’ up Ephiny at night time. I do like the original…
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Next up is a bit more of an explanation why they are going in a hole to retrieve Callisto.. continuity.. heh 😄
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BUT. I don’t like the implication that Gabrielle would leave Xena? I know it was in jest but I really just don’t think given the circumstances they would joke about that. Or am I being overly analytical?
Down into Callisto’s tomb…
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I just wish we saw Xena break off a stalagmite… meanwhile we have Gabrielle and a rabbit up top.
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(gifs from @aphroditexwp​)
‘Nuff said.
Next up we have a real change from the screen. In the script, Velasca destroys a temple to Demeter, not Artemis.
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Artemis makes sense… goddess of the Amazons. Lets stick with the latter shall we?
Now this bit is good. In this script, the manner in which Xena tells the story of Cirra to the villagers and Callisto’s reaction is very different to what we see. Callisto is much more involved.
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I would like to have seen how this played out. I greatly admire Hudson’s acting of Callisto because she is such a loose cannon. You never know how it will be portrayed. But that look she gives in the episode- that almost robotic moment; it just makes the scene for me and we would NEVER have got that with this dialogue. So is it greedy of me to want both?
So the scene in the ‘mountain arena’ (as I am going to dub it) isn’t too different, but since Callisto gets blown into pieces I feel it is worth visiting:
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Following on from this, we also have SUCH a different campfire scene:
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I have reservations about how good a ‘general’ Callisto would have been. I think she was much more impulsive and wouldn’t have sat around discussing tactics. She definitely wouldn’t have discussed things on the same level as Xena. I know these differences are dealt with in the scene but I really just don’t see it. I would love to know what others think of this because maybe I am bias… NOTHING could be beat the campfire scene between Gabrielle and Callisto.
I wasn’t going to include this next snippet because I know this post is already very long but… Chariot!!
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Alright. Here we are. The penultimate fight. Buckle up. THIS IS SO DIFFERENT. Lets read:
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… so XENA is the one on the rope bridge telling GABRIELLE to cut the ropes! AND SHE DOES! I am just shook.
Okay, final scene back in the Amazon village:
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What do you prefer? The Wizard of Oz version or the ‘Less-Wizardy’?
I do really like the imagery of Velasca and Callisto imprisoned like flies in amber, but I am unsure if CGI at the time would have done it justice. The gutteral screams and laughs really get you in the feels in that closing scene. But from what I remember, I think there was intentions to have Velasca resurrected from the lava like Callisto was at some point. At least it was left open and I would have loved her return. Imagine if she came back after the 25-year time jump with no understanding of ANYTHING between Season 2 and Season 6. That would have been fun.
Alrighty guys, if you’re still with me, THANK YOU. Its been an epic one. You deserve a stiff drink.
Until next time xo
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trashyeggroll · 4 years
Me again! What do you think was Xena's original personality? I know they say Cortez, Ares and Ceaser messed her over but I feel some of that darkness was already inside of her. Like had Amphibolios not turned on her after Cortez maybe she could have calmed back down or been their head of security but that ability to be violent to a degree people fear her I think was always there. It's the yin to Gabrielle's extreme yang light to balance each other!
Mmmm yess anon, agree on there being an inherent talent for violence, and I think the writers’ message seemed to be that everyone has the potential for cruelty/darkness, but love, accountability, and support from the people around us affects how much we tap into it.
I think of Xena as being the unfortunate combo of “hard to kill” and “nurtured into violence”. Her long track record of horribleness often quite literally comes down to surviving where other people’s stories would have just ended, a la Callisto, Velasca, Caligula, Caesar, etc. Some of the villains were more motivated by internal factors that are inherently unsavory—greed, pride, boredom, revenge—than even evil Xena, but their actual acts didn’t amount to hers because she fcken killed them lmao
Anyway, I love the idea of Head of Security in Amphipolis Xena... I think she’d be a little rowdy, a little overzealous, but I don’t think she’d have ventured into being unfair and cruel. She’d be a smarmy ladykiller, don’t deny it 🧐
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putthison · 7 years
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Every Great Cyber Monday Sale
We’re working all day today rounding up the best of Cyber Monday deals. Like with our Black Friday sales roundup, new listings will be italicized so you can easily see what’s new. There will also be a timestamp at the bottom of this post showing you when it was last updated. Check back throughout today for some great deals. 
Before we get to the listings, however, a quick note about our sponsors. The Hanger Project is having a “spend more, save more” event today, where you can get up to 20% off your order, depending on how much you spend. It may be a great time to save on some of their Saphir shoe care products. Proper Cloth is offering free shipping; Dapper Classics has high-end socks at 30% off. For some great Americana and workwear, Huckberry has select items on heavy discount, and Twillory is having their biggest sale ever on dress shirts. 
Lastly, don’t forget about us! All of our pocket squares are 50% off today with the code LOYALREADER. 
OK, to the listings!
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Beige Habilleur: Up to 30% off. 
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NAQP: 20% off select seasonal items found in the ‘Black Friday Sale’ page with code BFSALE17
Need Supply: 20% off sitewide with the code SHOP20
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Oi Polloi: 15% off with the code OZZY
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Oak Street Bootmakers: 20% off sitewide
Other Shop: 25% off with code: WINTER25
Paul Smith: 20% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY
Paul Stuart: Tiered discounts, depending on how much you spend
Pierpont Leather: Select leather goods on sale. Extra 25% off with the code SFHOLIDAYDISCOUNT.
Post Imperial: 40% off
Present London: 20% off with the code CYBERMONDAY
Private White VC: 15% off with the code CYBER15
Rag & Bone: 30% off with the code TAKE30
Raleigh Denim: 15% sitewide excluding raw jeans
Ralph Lauren: 30% off when you spend over $125. Code CHEER
Roden Gray: Extra 10% off with the code CYBER-10
Rogue Territory: 30% off select items with code RGTBLKFRI2017
Sartoriale: 15% off storewide
Self Edge: 16% off plus free shipping with the code BlackFriday2017
Shipton & Heneage: 15% off across the site with the code BLACK
Skoaktiebolaget: Get 10% off everything with code CYBER17.
SlamJam Socialism: Up to 40% off
Spence: 25% off sitewide
Spier & Mackay: 20% with the code CM2017
Spruce Shop: Up to 50% off
Soto Store: 30% off select items
Stag Provisions: 20% off shoes and boots today with the code boots20
Standard & Strange: 20% off select brands and items and Free International Shipping with code COMRADE
Stock Mfg. Co: Up to 40% off, extra 20% off with code TURKEY20
Superga: 30% off plus free shipping with the code INTERNET
Supply & Advise: Extra 20% off with the code BLACKFRIDAY
Sunspel: 15% off all styles
Tailors Keep: 15% off gift cards. Use the code FREEMONEY
Taylor Stitch: 30% off and $30 credit to any second purchase 
Tanner Goods: 20% collaborations
The Bureau Belfast: 20% off with the code BLACK20
The Hill Side: 30% off with the code CYBERMONDAY
The Perfumed Court: 22% off with the code CYBERMONDAY22
Todd Snyder: 30% off select items with the code CYBER30
Tom Clothes & Goods: 25% with code EATDRINKANDGIVETHANKS
Tommy John: 20% off sitewide, plus $10 off your next order. 
Totokaelo: Up to 50% off a selection of items.
Très Bien: Up to 25% off all items
Uncle Otis: 20% off with the code BLKFRDY
Underfit: Buy a ten pack of undershirts and get two free
Understudy: 20% Off with discount code: BFCM20
Unionmade: Tiered discounts depending on how much you spend
Uniqlo: Cyber Monday deals
Velasca: 15% off on everything with code 15BLACK 
Vestis: 20% off with code SBS2017
Voo Berlin: Up To 50% OFF
Welcome Stranger: 25% off with the code 25FORALL 
Will Leather Goods: Up to 25% off until Nov 28
Wings + Horns: 30% off 
Winter Session: 20% off sitewide with the code THANKYOUSALE
Wittmore: 25% off select items in the Gobble2017 section. Use the code GOBBLE2017
Woodlore: 30% off sitewide plus free shipping
Last Updated: Monday, 6:50pm PST
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9r7g5h · 7 years
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Rating: M
Genre: Smut
Words: 1,471
Summary: As much as she wanted to join, Xena just stood there and watched as Gabrielle put on her show.
AN: So, @xenawarriorgay and I have been talking a lot, headcanoning a ton of different things for the girls. Originally, I was going to write one of the headcanons we had discussed, but then those dirty, filthy little plot bunnies showed up and made me write porn. Oh the well, what can you do? For people who are curious, the toy referenced is a ‘Bet on Black’ from Evolved’s Roulette line (https://www.edenfantasys.com/sex-toy-reviews/female-sextoys/bet-on-a-winner). I hope you guys all enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Xena.
It wasn't often Xena had to work late. Her clients (mostly stay at home mothers trying to get back into shape after their newest kid and older men still determined to prove they had that last marathon in them) were well exhausted and done with their workouts by the time the gym started to close. Rarely were there stragglers, and if there were, they were close to being ready to stumble out and go home; just finishing up in the showers or collecting their things, scurrying out with embarrassed glances at the staff just waiting to leave. Proactive in cleaning the equipment she was responsible for the moment the last client finished using it, instead of waiting like some of her coworkers did to do it all at once, Xena was often out the door first, throwing her good byes to Ephiny and the other women as she left.
She was rarely there much past dark, but the gym had agreed to take one some special cases. Some of the rugby players from the local college: young women who were more than talented enough to go to and win nationals, if the school had any interest in supporting them. But they hadn't, the men's football team a much bigger draw for investors, and so the poor girls had been shunted to the side. Their coach had nearly been in tears when she had finally driven up to Amazon Nation, practically begging Ephiny to make a deal to get her girls the training space and equipment they needed.
Ephiny had agreed, even managing to figure out a program that would keep Velasca happy about having the gym open longer for a bunch of kids that couldn't pay the full cost of using it. The trainers had jumped right on board, figuring out a schedule that would allow them all to help the team get into shape for the beginning of the season without a single trainer having to take the entire burden of the extra hours. It had just so happened that Xena had had to take that night's watch, keeping a careful eye on the girls to make sure none of them got hurt.
Which had kept her long after when she normally would have left for home, well into the night. It was late when she finally pulled into the parking lot before their apartment, her bike almost obnoxiously loud in the otherwise quiet. She had texted Gabrielle when she had found out about delay of the end of her shift; she had honestly forgotten, having gotten caught up in the daily drama of her friends, and while Gabrielle had promised she would be fine and could keep herself entertained for a night alone, Xena still couldn't help but feel guilty. They hadn't had any plans, no, but still, Xena's mind was rolling with ideas on how to make it up to Gabrielle as she slid into the apartment.
It was unusually dark- normally by this point Gabrielle would have settled herself on the couch, a mug of tea or hot chocolate waiting on the side table as she typed, her computer precariously balanced on one blanket covered knee. The tv should have been on, something mindless playing, white noise for when she needed a momentary break from the world consuming her mind before diving back in. But everything was dark, quiet, dishes from a quick dinner left in the sink; no actual sign of Gabrielle.
Until she heard the buzzing.
She'd left the door open, the window curtains only partly shut; Xena was glad their apartment looked over the park, high enough up so no one could peek in and only an unfinished office building on the other side, still too far away even if it was finished to pose a danger. Instead there were only the streetlights outside, the only other things privy to what Xena stood there and watched.
Her knees were bent, feet planted on the mattress, both hands between her legs. One hand was as still as it could be, keeping and maintaining contact between her clit and the vibrator it held while her hips rocked to meet the rhythmic pump of the other, as she moved into the toy it held; flashes of black and red visible in the moments when it reappeared from inside her, a toy Xena recognized even in the dark. Gabrielle had laughed when she had pointed it out in the store- the twisted design made it look more like a unicorn's horn than a sex toy, they had decided. But even after the motor had broken after an unfortunately short time, Gabrielle had insisted they keep it, her face flushed as she admitted it was her favorite, the spirals doing more for her than most of their others could. A flush that graced her cheeks now, her cheeks and her chest, running down her neck and stopping at the tops of her breasts as she worked herself.
She was quiet- a sure sign she was close, her face scrunched in concentration as she focused on the feel of the toys on her, in her, every movement taking her closer and closer as she focused on keeping a rhythm that would finish her. Xena took a step forward- a movement that reminded her just how wet she was, how much she wanted Gabrielle's fingers and lips on her, how much she wanted to push Gabrielle's hands away from her and bury her face between her legs, replacing the toys with her fingers and tongue until Gabrielle came, Xena's name on her lips- and paused as the floor creaked under her.
They both froze, Xena in the doorway, Gabrielle's hands falling still as her head- which had been tilted back against the pillow, her eyes closed, mouth half parted in quiet pants and almost silent moans- lifted to meet Xena's gaze. For a long moment they stared, neither willing to move and break the heated silence between them.
Until Gabrielle's hips bucked as her head fell back, a low moan of "Xena" falling from her lips as she began to move, the toy disappearing between her folds once more as Gabrielle resumed fucking herself on it. This time with Xena's name on her tongue as she worked herself closer to that edge, rocking her hips, adjusting the vibrator so it was better pressed against her clit, her body a constant shift of motion as she chased that high, pressing forward when it seemed to pull away, her voice finally finding sound as she found something worth sounding. As her thighs fell open, putting on more of a show for Xena and Xena only. As Xena watched, her blood burning in her veins as she resisted the urge to join in, to start to pleasure herself, as she resisted the urge to do anything other than watch as Gabrielle came apart by her own hands.
Came apart with her back arched, Xena's name a desperate cry as she clenched, vibrator falling to the bed as her hand scrambled for some kind of purchase, something to steady her as she rode her high, falling apart with every movement every moment as she fell. A purchase she found as Xena finally moved, grabbing her hand, intertwining their fingers as they finally kissed, lips parted, tongues pressing against each other. Xena moving so she was kneeling between Gabrielle's legs, finally pushing away her limp hand as Gabrielle began to come down. The same hand that reached up and slid into Xena's hair, keeping her in their kiss as, slowly, it began to turn. Turn from passion and lust and fire into something softer, soothing in the aftermath of her fall. Loving, gentle, grounding as she came back to herself, sleepy and content with Xena's warmth and weight above her.
Until Xena, her hand on the toy still buried inside of her, began to play with it. Her fingers light at first, just shifting the toy side to side, earning a low groan from Gabrielle as she moved herself, responding to the pressure, the slide, the feel of Xena restarting the ache she had just sated, this time while already overly sensitive to her touch, her taste, everything that was Xena. A response that had Xena slowly pulling it out, only to slide it back into Gabrielle, picking up a slow, steady pace that had Gabrielle whimpering, it all almost too much too soon.
"Are you up for another round," Xena asked softly, her head bending to lick at Gabrielle's neck, following up the line of her throat to nip at the edge of her jaw. "Or do you need a break?"
Her response was a moan, Gabrielle's hips finally finding and keeping up with the pace Xena had set, her hands tangling in Xena's hair and pulling her into a kiss.
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jenxwp · 3 years
‘The Quest’ Shooting Script
Hey guys! So the last shooting script I shared with you was ‘Destiny’ which had some pretty major changes from what we saw in the episode, so it seemed only appropriate to follow on with a closer look at the shooting script for ‘The Quest’. This script was written by Chris Manheim and Steven L. Sears so we know right off the bat that this was going to be a good episode. These writers along with R.J. Stewart are the backbone of the Xena writing team and there is a serious correlation to all the impacting, emotional episodes being headed by one of these three. I don’t know why, but to be honest, I didn’t think this one would have many surprises when comparing screen to script. It seemed like it was a clear follow up to Destiny... but how pleasantly wrong I was! (read: this could be long- get a cup of tea...)
BUT! It is amazing. There is some great omitted dialogue and we find out the middle name of Xenan! 😮 Yes. First. Middle. Last. He has 3 names guys!
Lets get into it. Right from the start there are differences. There is a beautiful scene in the teaser of Gabrielle transporting Xena’s sarcophagus with people lining the road to pay their respects. We then see Xena conversing with M’Lila in the ‘ethereal place’ [remember, ‘Why and Where’ was the draft name of ‘Destiny’].
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The dialogue between Gabrielle and Iolaus is also extended.
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This next scene was greatly chopped up, and we lose a lot of dialogue. There is so much to pick apart in this! I will contain myself until after you have read it. 😶
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Xenan’s middle name is Gabris! HOW is this never included in the show!? AHHH!! so excited! Xenan Gabris Phantes. 😍And he is 3 in this? So between ‘Is There a Doctor in the House?’ and now, 3 years have passed. Xena chronology! 🤯
This next one, I am kind of glad they did omit. Velasca the Poet? ...nahh.
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There is some extended dialogue between Autolycus and Xena while they are trying to rescue Xena’s body.
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This one was great. Finally we know the truth about why Amazon dance parties were included:
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This scene is really interesting to compare how it was written to how it was played out in the episode. And to be honest, it answers a question I have always wondered. Why didn’t Xena just connect with Gabrielle’s mind? Now I know... I wish they had kept this in. There are some very emotive lines here.
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There is extended dialogue between Xena and Gabrielle prior to the infamous ‘kiss’ scene. 😘
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It’s really interesting. Looking back on both the ‘Destiny’ script and ‘The Quest’ this whole concept of Xena’s acceptance of past and realisation of future really does seem to get left on the cutting floor. We don’t get much of it at all in the aired episodes. It adds a new spin to the whole story arc.
There is a nice little extra scene added at the start of Act IV revolving around Ephiny. I think it is sweet. 🐎
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The Autolycus line ‘hey, I paid for an hour!’ was ad-libbed by Bruce Campbell so its not in the script. Fun fact. 😁
The last thing I want to point out is another funny quip from Chris and Steve is a follow-up regarding ratings:
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Hey, if you can’t add a bit of humor into your work day, you need a new job. 😎
To be honest, the rest of the script plays out much like it does on screen. 
I suppose I have to look at ‘A Necessary Evil’ next to wrap up this fantastic 3 episode arc so stay tuned.
Until next time. xo
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shadlad24 · 4 years
Five Funny Little Moments #9: Death in Chains
Celesta being unable to escape is immediately funny because the episode just showed that she can teleport. (What is it with gods on this show and being unable to teleport out of undesirable situations? We’ve seen Callisto and Velasca vs. the river of lava, Callisto vs. rocks, Ares vs. his tomb, etc, etc, and THE GODS NEVER WIN! Wut thuh? Heh)
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Argo taking off after Hades shows up.
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Xena being right there the first time Toxeus grabs Gabrielle.
(She treated Gabrielle like her servant again because she was just way too busy tending to the wounded but immediately regretted it. Not because Talus and Gabrielle got attacked, but because Gabrielle took along Talus to do her chore, thus giving him the opportunity to woo her, and Xena did not approve. Seriously; Xena must have seen them walking off together and abandoned her charge flat to go tail the pair since she appeared so quickly after Toxeus showed up. XD)
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This dumb guy’s dumb plan. Not only is he relying on the band of idiots who let him kill them one after the other without so much as striking him in return, he decides this. His idiots are duly impressed. LOL!
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This adorable/hilarious meeting of woodland creatures in which GabbyWabbit offends a rat, but Xena pays the price. X”D (Their squeaks have been translated for your convenience.)
*gif below*
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shadlad24 · 4 years
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Feeling very much like she had when Dahak’s cult members first grabbed her, her physical strength and mental clarity being drained from her body, Gabrielle swayed all the more perilously on her feet. “This can’t be happening…”
“Little one!” Aphrodite rushed to catch and hold up her friend. Too, she glared at the mob. “You crazies seriously need to step off! I mean it! No one’s doing any killing here!”
“Burn the witches!” someone in the back of the group called, throwing his torch at her.
The deity became something Gabrielle had never seen before. With a snap of her wrist, she stopped the flame from coming anywhere near her sweet pea and instead sent it back at its owner. “How dare you?” she cried. Her irises lost their color, becoming the near-white Callisto’s and Velasca’s had upon eating ambrosia, as outrage beamed out of their pupils like lasers. 
Black clouds rolled in from nowhere and then crashed into each other so that thunder boomed overhead. Lightning struck in the no-man’s land between Aphrodite’s group and the mob. The only reason a fire did not break out is because the goddess, mindful of her promise to Gabrielle, did not let it. Instead, the electricity surged into and under the dark soil without igniting any of the dry leaves covering it.
“I am no witch, but I am a god, damn you! And I will not let you harm my little one. Now, GO!” Aphrodite commanded, her voice shaking the earth more than either expression of the sudden storm had. “And don’t come back!” she shouted at the retreating backs of the villagers. Once she was sure they were gone, she came back to herself. Her eyes returned to their usual bright blue, and light burst through the storm to break up the gloom of the forest completely. “Well, that was fun, eh?” she said with a sheepish giggle. “I’d forgotten I could do that…”
Another fic excerpt, this one is set after the series finale. Adventures in Moving Forward follows Gabrielle and Aphrodite as they live Xena’s legacy...
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