#XWP fanfiction
7of9ers · 1 month
Don't Game of Thrones my Xena Warrior Princess.
One is about the greater good and love.
The other is about bloodlust, incest and rape.
Two very different vibes.
I'm just disgusted with how many people write Xena as an abuser when she was literally kicked out of her army for being pissed her men attacked women. Even evil Xena had lines she didn't cross.
Does characterization mean nothing?! Ugh. Well at least this experience has encouraged me to post a chapter. Whatever lol.
Soft Xena is where it's at. Stop writing her as a fucking fascist. Like we don't got enough of that shit in the world.
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miraculousbohemian · 1 year
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3majorursaminor77 · 1 year
Okay so we all love to talk about what it's like when you want a very specific fanfiction idea written out but you can't find one that fits that niche so you have to take it upon yourself to get it done but by the time you're done writing it you're so sick of it you never want to see it again, right?
But what we don't ever talk about what a miracle it is to leave the fic for a long enough time, for me it's usually years, come back to it and realize you've forgotten most of what you've written and it's basically like you're an outsider stumbling upon this very specific niche fanfiction that just happens to fit the requirements you were looking for for the first time and reading it and enjoying it hugely whilst simultaneously saying to yourself "Wow, I wrote this?? Hot damn!" And basically just fist bumping yourself like this
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Anyone else have this happen for them or is it just me??
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youturningintodust · 4 months
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From LJ Maas' The Conqueror Series, Tale One, Chapter Nine.
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mylesficfavs · 2 years
I haven't read any new Xena f/f fanfiction in years. Still, I dare say that this is the best Xena Conqueror story there is 🥰!
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shadlad24 · 2 years
Episodic Ficlet #24 (Alternate): Safe
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“It’s Gabrielle who performed the miracle. …Din’cha?”
Grandmother? Uncle Meropes? Dazed orbs sought the faces of her loved ones with whom she had just reunited. The young bard gasped at what she saw instead. Xena’s looking at me with such love in her eyes. She’s even tearing up. No! Gabrielle mourned when the warrior princess pulled back from kissing her on the forehead. I don’t want this dream to end. A stuttered breath later, the girl panicked. Unless Xena’s dead too! Th-the temple!
Those strong arms cinched tighter around in her limp frame. “Ssh,” that voice soothed her. “It’s alright, precious. You’re safe. You’re safe now; I promise!”
“Yes, lovey?” Her voice catching on the endearment, the woman still laughed beneath watery eyes.
Gabrielle knew then she was still on the other side.
Or maybe not. The center of her chest began to ache terribly.
“I-it hurts,” she whispered. She soon passed out, for Xena immediately parted her top and kissed the forming bruise there.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” 
It had to be a dream.
“I love you.”
Elven ears perked up, and Gabrielle let herself grin. “I know,” she told her dream lover. 
“Oh, ya do, do ya? I guess I don’t have to say it anymore then.”
Green-blue eyes shot open at that warm, teasing tone. Her hand rose to ensnare itself in the long, raven locks spilling into her face but found itself full of another hand. She’s even still holding me, the bard mused, utterly amazed.
“How-” Xena’s voice broke again. “How’re you feelin’, hon- huh?”
“Safe,” the bard murmured as she snuggled even closer to her hero.
For the next few days, Gabrielle would not wake without dark hair in her eyes, warm breath tickling her temple, and powerful hands cradling her in some way.
We’ll have to come through this forest more often, she thought to herself with a soft but naughty grin. Then she would whine or whimper, and Xena would instantly spring to attention to wait on her hand and foot. Definitely challenge the warrior princess to stop a war at least once a season from here on out. 
A pointed poke in the nose and huff told her to not even try it. 
But Gabrielle knew that she would.
Woo! 300th post! I debated writing this bit, figured it’d be a better conclusion to the season, and so went ahead and did it. Sue me. 😛 But yay! So much is complete now!
Season 1 FFLMs: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + MFLMs: #1 #2
Season 2 FFLMs: #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 + MFLM: #3
Episodic Ficlets: #1 #1 (Truncated) #2 #3 #4 #4 (Alternate) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + full Google Doc
Also, Adrienne Wilkinson is working with me on getting my first novel ready for publication. COOOOOOL!!! She’s seriously the best, y’all. Also-also, another Xenite helped me download all the Rift Arc episodes in HD. Now I can redo the images for a bunch of my posts! Yaaaaay! Which one should I do first? Lemme know! And celebrate this milestone with me, if you will! Thanks!
*Oh yeah. 375 words. Ahem.
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faveficarchive · 2 years
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By IseQween
September 2001
The following is a continuation of my post-FIN "The Ghost of A Smile." You don't have to read "Ghost," though it does introduce characters and events referred to in this story. Beware lots of spoilers, especially for seasons 5 and 6. -- IQ
Gabrielle chewed thoughtfully on the shaft of her quill. Of all the battles she'd fought, few cost more sweat and tears than this one. It wasn't over yet, but if they won, the victory would be sealed in ink, not blood. The document she labored over served as their anthem. It sang of nearly everything she'd loved and worked for. Her hopes for peace and compassion. Her dreams for a strong Amazon nation. Her desire that Xena live on through her legacy of defending the greater good.
She glanced fondly at the urn on her desk. She'd had it specially made to hold her soulmate's ashes. Its bronze swirls duplicated the design on the warrior's signature breastplates. The lid copied Xena's joined dark and light chakrams. Gabrielle ran her fingers lightly over the sculpted images. "You said I could do it. I never should have doubted you." Sighing, she returned her attention to the unfinished scroll in front of her. "Now, if only I could find the right words '."
Gabrielle swatted distractedly at the insect hovering near her nose. It flew a short distance away, only to return when Gabrielle put pen to parchment. She frowned and swatted again. This time the winged annoyance landed on Gabrielle's scroll. It was a fly. She blew on it, sending it skidding until it gained its balance and flew off. Gabrielle resumed trying to write.
"Curses." Gabrielle glared at the fly, which proceeded to circle her head. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as they followed the insect shoot straight up toward the ceiling, then dive into a series of loops that ended lazily on the scroll. Gabrielle stared at the fly. It stared back. She shook her head, smiled thinly and leaned forward until they were eye to eye.
"Very impressive." The fly fluttered its wings. "However, your acrobatics aren't helping me much here. I'd appreciate if you'd practice elsewhere until I can be more properly attentive." The fly held its ground. Gabrielle held hers. It inched its way onto Gabrielle's hand.
"Uh uh. Sweet, but no cookies. Shoosh." The insect flew off to rest on Xena's urn. "Nice try, but guilt won't work either." The fly didn't move. "Fine. Stay there. But if I hear another sound from you, I'm going for the bug spray."
"Scout Leader?"
She turned to see a young girl standing tentatively in the doorway. Her Amazon leathers were unadorned, save for a diagonal slash of purple cloth with a small "X" at the shoulder embroidered in gold. Gabrielle smiled broadly, stood and gave the girl a salute. "Yes, Scout Tania, how may I help you?"
Tania suppressed a grin, returning the salute smartly. "Pardon me, Leader Gabrielle. The troop has finished its drills and wishes to know if you would like to review our form."
"Good, Scout Tania. If you're any better than my last review, I'm afraid you might embarrass the Amazon warriors. Please tell the others they're finished for the day. I'll review them once more before the ceremony."
Tania beamed. "Yes, Leader Gabrielle, I will do as you say." She stood tall and snapped her right hand to her forehead, before relaxing and letting out a giggle. "Bye, Gabrielle. And, um, you have a fly in your hair," she added jovially, skipping off.
"Xena?!!!! Xena, get ' out ' of ' my ' hair! This instant!"
The fly went back to the urn.
"No. You had your chance. You know how important this is to me. I'm sorry, but you're too much of a distraction. Find something else to amuse yourself that doesn't involve interrupting me."
The fly slowly lifted off from the urn, hovered a moment, then headed away.
"And Xena?"
The fly hesitated, its wings fluttering expectantly.
"I want to see you tonight."
The fly buzzed quietly out the door, just as Marta came rushing in. "Ugh," she said, ducking her head away from the exiting insect. "I hate flies."
Gabrielle winced. "Um, well, they're basically harmless, if annoying sometimes." She gazed fondly at the young redhead who'd been tagging along with her the last few years. Marta had matured into quite the scholar, soaking up every drop of wisdom that came from Gabrielle's lips or from the varied people they'd met on their travels. She was getting pretty good with a staff too, despite little desire to excel at physical skills. But the orphaned young woman idolized Gabrielle and was interested in whatever interested her mentor and, now, family.
"So, what's your news? You look like the hydra that swallowed a harpy."
Marta laughed. "Yes," she said excitedly. "The shipments of scrolls and tapestries have begun arriving. Eve's plowing through them now."
"Oh? Anything special?"
"Maybe," Marta said mysteriously. "I'm not permitted to speak about it, though." At Gabrielle's scowl, she added, "It's a surprise."
"Great," Gabrielle mumbled. "That's all I need. More surprises."
"Don't worry. It's nothing like that bunch of gargantuan sailors Singer conscripted to help us with the building."
Gabrielle laughed. "Good. But I have to admit they've helped enormously. Everything else going okay?"
"Yep. That's my progress report." Marta hugged herself. "I am soooo excited. I can't believe how calm you are."
"I don't have time to be anything else," Gabrielle chuckled. "Still no rumblings from Melop and his gang?"
"Nope. You must've really scared the pants off him during your last ' negotiations."
"Let's hope so. And when you see Eve, remind her it's not nice to trick Mother Gabrielle."
"Will do," Marta said, grinning. "Anything I can help you with before I go?"
Gabrielle sighed. "No, afraid not. You're doing a great job helping coordinate things. Just keep it up."
Marta blushed. "Thanks. I'll go check on Singer's group."
Gabrielle plopped back down in her chair. She eyed the incomplete scroll, then the pile of other ones on her desk that needed attention. Her thoughts drifted anyway to another hairy issue. She rested her head in her hands. "Gods," she muttered. "What's with her? She's the inspiration for all this. I know she's proud of me, yet makes me want to squish her every chance she gets."
She made a quick mental scan of everything that needed to be done. Three more days. Just three more days and so much would fall into place. She had to stay focused. Surely Xena of all people should understand that. Gabrielle looked wistfully at the urn before collecting herself once again for the task at hand.
Gabrielle took her time preparing for bed. This was the most anxious she'd felt in four years. Sure, she'd had her ups and downs coming to terms with Xena's death in Japa. Even now there were times when the warrior's spirit was not enough. She knew she could count on Xena's wisdom during her contemplation of big issues, that Xena would be a comfort in her darkest hours. What she missed most was the carefree physicality -- like water fights, elbow nudges, or that game they played where one of them "fell out" and required resuscitation. But for the most part, she'd felt fulfilled, especially once her travels and studies had led her to the grand idea that rekindled her sense of purpose. And Xena had been with her, mostly as a presence she felt inside, but often glimpsed in a child's vulnerability, a mule's stubbornness, or in the shadowed beauty as the sun set and in the radiant promise of its rise.
She moved in front of the mirror that hung above her dressing table. She knew that face well. She'd made herself gaze into those eyes often enough, at first to see if they still had life in them. Examined the tiny lines at their corners for signs of good times, as well as of time itself. Wondered whether those lips would dry into husks that could continue to speak the truth and not crack. Practiced focusing on that still young visage to the point where she could see herself more than Xena.
She felt a warmth at her back, around her shoulders. She shifted her gaze up a little and smiled. Yes. She didn't have to see Xena to know that her soulmate was behind her. Her eyes caught something dangling from the mirror. It was the tiny Xena she'd fashioned that time the warrior had to single-handedly fight a Persian army. For a long time Gabrielle had worn the stick-and-leather doll nestled between her breasts. Until a couple of years ago, when she'd finally believed her soulmate would always be everywhere, anywhere, whenever Gabrielle needed her.
She looked once more in the mirror. She nodded. Yes, it was a good face, a peaceful face. The face of someone she was grateful to know. Still, she reached up and took the stick doll from its place on the frame. She tied it around her neck, tenderly tucking it into her nightshirt near her heart. She'd be seeing Xena tonight as she hadn't in some time. She had a feeling she'd need all the reassurance she could get. She blew out the candles, lay down on her bed, relaxed as best she could, and closed her eyes.
"You're sure I'm not 'interrupting' anything."
Gabrielle turned to her side to see Xena standing rigidly next to the bed. Gabrielle smiled. "Quite sure. In case you've forgotten, you're here at my express invitation."
"Well, I know you have more important things on your mind than the ghost of some old has-been warrior," Xena responded, continuing to stand. "I didn't want to be presumptuous."
Gabrielle clenched her jaws, then nonchalantly slid her hand over the doll's resting place, reminding herself to shift into sensitive-chat mode. "Xena, I much prefer talking to you like this, than to a fly on the wall."
Xena's posture loosened up a bit. One corner of her mouth twitched. "I see you've got that dolly in there again. That could be a bad sign, like maybe you want to smother me." Xena's mouth curled into a semi-grin. "If you could."
"No, silly." Gabrielle moved to the far edge of the bed and held out her arms. "Though I haven't quite given up on that yet."
Xena rolled her eyes, then cautiously put one knee on the bed. "No swatting?"
"No swatting. Promise. Now get your pesty self in here. This instant."
Xena suppressed a grin. She stretched out on her back, legs crossed, hands behind her head.
Gabrielle rolled her eyes. She scooted over, resting her head in its customary place on Xena's chest, relieved when long arms soon pulled her in closer.
"Comfy? Contrary to popular opinion, we flies aim to please."
"Mmm. Quite."
"We haven't done this in awhile."
Gabrielle lifted her head and brushed Xena's cheek. "I know. It's not just that I've been busy. I guess I didn't think we needed words so much anymore."
"Yeah," Xena sighed, stroking Gabrielle's arm. "So what'd you want to talk about?"
"Flies," Gabrielle replied, still looking up.
Xena stopped stroking. "Flies?"
"Uh huh." Gabrielle laid her head back down. "Normally they bring out the 'kill 'em all' in me, but there's this one special fly I was hoping you could help me with."
Xena tensed. "You mean, like how to get rid of it?"
Gabrielle raised up again. "I thought you were supposed to be changed now - you know, more 'save 'em all.'"
"I am, I am," Xena protested. "It's just that you seemed to feel this special fly was a ' special pest."
"No," Gabrielle responded, settling down again. "I want this one buzzing in my ear forever. I'm trying to understand why it's been behaving the way it has lately."
"Oh," Xena said, relaxing again. "What's it been doing?"
"Well, for starters, it's been shifting shapes. It's been with me for a long time now, but more ' invisible. Sort of like my own private little cheering section and sounding board. It's traveled all over the world with me, encouraged me to build a new life. I thought it wanted me to rely on myself more, that it was okay if I put to use what I'd already learned from it."
"So you didn't need to see ' this fly ' as much anymore. That's a good thing, right?"
Gabrielle raised her head again. "Oh, no, I still needed the fly. Rarely does an hour go by when I don't see it in some person or some object I might pick up. I got kinda used to that. But lately the fly's been making itself ' more obvious. One time it was a spider, another time a bee, then a cricket. It pops in to surprise me, mostly when I'm doing something I'd think it wouldn't want to distract me from."
Xena chuckled nervously. "Bad fly! Must have a dark side that needs redeeming."
"No, I don't think that's it." Gabrielle held Xena's eyes. "This particular fly has been cleansed and redeemed and sacrificed so much you can't see it anymore. Unless it has a special connection to you, like it does with me."
Xena swallowed. "So what's wrong if maybe it shows itself sometimes? You know, just to prove it hasn't disappeared."
Moving away a little, Gabrielle inched up so that the two were head to head. "To itself, or to others?"
Xena turned her eyes toward the ceiling. "I'm not sure," she answered quietly. "But it's not your problem anyway." She looked at Gabrielle with a grin that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm sorry I've been acting like such a brat. Especially now when I should get out of the way and let you shine like I've always known you would."
Gabrielle studied her soulmate a moment. "Xena, if you have a problem, then it's my problem too. We've shared that along with the good. You're not in my way. You've never been. If I shine, it's because you've given me ways to do that."
Xena brushed her hand against Gabrielle's cheek. "Thank you," she murmured. "Whatever else I may have deserved, I'll never believe I deserved you. Let's not talk about flies, okay? I really am so full of joy at what you're doing. It's what I always dreamed. Seeing you fulfill it is all that really matters."
"No, Xena, that's not all that matters. Not to me. I thought you were at peace. Just as I saw you in everything, I thought your ' existence ' was full of everything, not just me. I didn't worry about you, but I see now that maybe I should."
Xena sighed. "It's nothing, really." She chuckled. "We souls have a grand old time. I'm luckier than most because I'd already been in so many different spirit realms even when I wasn't dead. Heck, I'm known in some I hadn't visited. They're all eager to meet up with me, even some I put there." She grinned sheepishly. "You thought those loops I did earlier were impressive. Well, news of the 40,000 souls I saved traveled far and wide. Seems I set some kind of record."
Gabrielle grinned. "That's my girl. Always the champion, no matter what field." She felt an answering rumble in her soulmate's chest. They lay quietly, until Gabrielle suddenly raised up and regarded Xena curiously.
"You're bored."
"Pfff. Me? Bored? You gotta be kidding." Gabrielle continued to look at her. "Oh, come on. I get to commune with dead folks from around the globe. Mortals see or speak of me even when I'm not there. I can be a bird and soar higher than I ever did with my flips. I can peek in on you or be there for you, which I like most. How could all that possibly be boring?" She looked to Gabrielle for confirmation. Gabrielle didn't seem to be buying. Xena sighed. "Yeah, okay. Sometimes I'm bored."
Gabrielle resisted the terrible urge to laugh. Boredom might sound innocent enough, but not when it involved Xena. Instead, she gave her soulmate a sympathetic squeeze and carefully considered her next words.
"You know what's funny?"
"I was afraid I was boring you."
"What?!! You? Never. How could you think that?"
"All those questions I had, those mistakes I was afraid to make. You'd already been there, done that. You were right about it being good for me to try things on my own, to have confidence in my judgement. After awhile I thought that was best for you too. I realize now that maybe I gave you the wrong impression."
Xena shook her head. "No, you're not taking the blame for this. I did what I thought was right, with no real idea of what it meant. I got peace, but it wasn't the freedom from earthly cares that most of the other souls have." Xena gazed wryly at her soulmate. "We knew our connection was strong. Boy, is it ever."
Gabrielle smiled gently. "So it is partly my fault."
Xena rolled her eyes. "Maybe so. Happy now?"
"Infinitely. Tell me more."
Xena glared. "You know, I always suspected you were the evil one." She begrudged a lop-sided grin, accompanied by a kiss to Gabrielle's forehead. "I'm such a ninny," she sighed, relaxing back onto the bed and nudging Gabrielle back to her chest.
"At first everything was fine. You needed me more then - I mean, to help you through indecision or ' or through your pain at losing me like that. As you got stronger, you needed more space to figure out things on your own. I didn't mind knowing less and less of your thoughts. It was fun being surprised. I could see how good you felt learning just how much you're capable of. And you had Marta and Singer with you, and later Eve. It touched my heart to see how you supported each other, how they came to treasure you as I do."
"But?" Gabrielle prodded softly as Xena fell silent.
"That's when I started checking out the other spirit realms. I figured it was time for me to find a ' an 'existence,' as you call it ' for myself, till we met up again in another life. But it wasn't enough. I was still drawn to you, to your world. Except there wasn't much for me there either."
Gabrielle nodded. "I see. These last couple of years must've been really tough for you, with me so focused on my grand plans."
Xena kissed the beloved blond head. "And it's coming together wonderfully. I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it."
"But you felt left out. Invisible."
"Worse," Xena admitted. "As much as I wanted that dream fulfilled, I feared it would mean exactly what I said I wanted for you." Xena closed her eyes. "A life of your own."
"Oh, Xena. You mean without you? Without thinking of you or needing you?"
"Yeah," Xena murmured, so softly Gabrielle barely heard her. "I pictured you with such a full life, surrounded by people who needed you. Saying 'thank you' to my urn, then storing it away in some cupboard where it belongs."
Gabrielle raised up again and took Xena's face in her hands. "Xena, I want you with me tomorrow. I'm working on a couple of documents that I must do by myself. But if you promise to be quiet, not to crawl up my arm or otherwise startle the life out of me, you can visit in whatever form you like."
"Could I tickle your toes, maybe as an ant?"
"Only if I'm not writing or trying to have a serious conversation with someone. Deal?"
Xena grinned. "Deal."
Gabrielle dotted the last "i" and crossed the final "t" on the all-important document she'd been worrying over the last couple of days. She surveyed the completed scrolls on her desk. "Done," she said to herself with satisfaction and more than a modicum of relief. "And not a moment too soon."
She threw a kiss to the fly on the wall, which, as agreed, had stayed out of her hair. It zipped across the room a few times, did a series of intricate dive bombs, buzzed some laps around her head, then finally came to rest on her shoulder.
"I know, I know," she laughed. "Must've been Tartarus having to sit still that long. I hope the wait is worth it." The fly fluttered its wings excitedly. Gabrielle had spent the last couple nights with Xena, but hadn't told the warrior everything about her plans. She knew Xena was bursting to see all that Gabrielle had wrought. "Go on, now. I'll be out in a little while. I've got a couple things to do that won't be helped if I'm lulled into those enchantingly beady eyes." She wasn't sure how, but the fly managed what appeared to be indignation before it winged its way through the door.
Gabrielle walked into her sleeping quarters. She donned her most impressive Amazon leathers, which just happened to complement the purple sash she draped across her shoulder. She stood before her mirror, making sure every hair was in place. She gazed into the eyes that smiled back at her, green with confidence and serenity. "This is for you," she murmured. "And you," she said, stroking the gold "X" at the top of the sash. "For both of us."
"Gabrielle? You here?" It was Marta.
Gabrielle walked back into her office. "Yes. Is it time?"
Marta gasped. "Oh, Gabrielle, you look positively beautiful!"
"Thank you. I figured if there was any time to pull out all the stops, this was it."
"All the dignitaries are here. Singer said we can start the tours as soon as you're ready."
"All right, then," Gabrielle said, straightening her shoulders and striding for the door. "Let's do it."
Even Gabrielle was stunned. The presentation platform seemed more like an Athenian stage than a structure cobbled together on the outskirts of Amazonia. Large strips of purple and gold satin hung at intervals from a tall frame mounted on the floor. Bouquets of flowers in every hue ringed and softened the edges. Girls with purple sashes stood at ramrod attention on either side of a long purple runner that led to and covered the few steps up to the platform. At the top gleamed a podium painted in gold. Gabrielle gave a sideways look at Marta and Eve, wondering which one of them was guilty of this flair for the dramatic. Both beamed back at her with no shame whatsoever.
"Gabrielle's coming!" someone yelled. The large assemblage began to quiet. Gabrielle proceeded down the carpet, the girls along her path saluting her in succession as she passed. When she reached the top step and turned, the blaring of trumpets startled her into nearly taking an ignominious tumble down the steps she'd just climbed. Teeth gritted behind her smile, she vowed never again to tell anyone to use their imagination.
Gabrielle stood in front of the podium and gazed lovingly at those gathered before her. "I am Gabrielle. It is with great pride and humility that I invite you to see what wonders you have helped create. Welcome," she said, spreading out her arms. "Welcome to the Village of Dreams - your home whenever you need it."
A roar of approval met her words. She waited for the din to quiet, thankful that it gave her a few moments to stem the tears streaming down her face and to find the voice that threatened to choke into silence. Marta and Eve made their way to the platform to flank her. She squeezed their hands in appreciation. She nodded at the third presence she felt at her back. Eyes still brimming, she cleared her throat and forged on.
"This afternoon, you'll have a chance to sample what the Village has to offer." Gabrielle took a deep breath as she surveyed the neat new buildings within eyesight. She pointed to her left. "That way is the hospice. It has healers to care for mind, body and spirit. Over there is the library. Its scrolls, tapestries and other works will take you on journeys to lands from every part of the world." Gabrielle gestured to an area behind the platform. "That section is devoted to developing the talents of girls and young women. They will be on the practice field throughout the afternoon, demonstrating their leadership and physical skills. Most of the smaller huts you see in the residential area will serve as quarters for refugees from disaster, abuse and bigotry."
Gabrielle put an arm around the waists of the two young women beside her. "Marta and Eve will be your guides. We'll meet back here before sunset for the official ceremony. Enjoy."
The Village of Dreams couldn't have opened to a more perfect day. The late Spring sun warmed the celebrants just enough to allow those from both the hottest and coldest climes to wear their traditional garb. The rainbow of faces and costumes blended naturally in the wooded oasis verdant with wildlife. Birds and a nearby waterfall added their voices to the symphony of sounds emanating from varied instruments and throats throughout the compound. Open grassy areas joined the practice and planting fields with the housing and activity sections. Large trees protected the roughly circular layout and provided shade in strategically located relaxation spots. A communion-meditation hall centered the village, its cone-shaped roof alive with fluttering bright ribbons that beckoned any and all to join in.
Gabrielle peered out from behind one of the drapes on the presentation platform, which she had surreptitiously mounted again shortly after the tours began. It was a dream all right - one she still couldn't believe was real. But the people milling about had believed in it - in her - even when she had doubts. Some had begun sending her items and preparing for their trip here before the first public structure had been raised.
She noted the ebony-skinned guests conversing with Amazons outside the hospice. They were representatives from M'Lila's homeland. Word reached there long ago about how the abducted young woman had been freed by a warlord turned hero who later became known for "the pinch" and bronze swirls she'd borrowed from M'Lila. Singer had found M'Lila's people on one of his voyages. They felt honored to participate in efforts that Gabrielle credited M'Lila for helping inspire.
Near the refugee section, a clump of men and a Centaur seemed to be arguing the finer points of hut construction. Many were children of violence who knew intimately of the need for safe havens. Virgil had watched his father, Joxer, die at the hand of Xena's daughter Eve. Ephiny's son Xenon had barely escaped the massacre that wiped out his people because they walked on four legs rather than two. Next to him stood Borias' son Belach - the perpetrator of that heinous deed as well as grandfather to Xenon's own son. Belach donated most of the funds needed for these homes, the first of which had been inhabited by Xenon's little family.
Gabrielle swept her gaze over to a small group of women talking with her sister Lilla in front of the communion hall. She recognized one as Lao Ma's daughter Pao Ssu and another as the Norse Valkyrie Grinhilda. The other women appeared to be from Japa. Gabrielle's eyes misted when she realized they were probably relatives of the souls Xena had died freeing. She felt a gentle caress across her cheek, a whisper in her ear, knowing it to be more than the light breeze that stirred the ribbons atop the communion hall. She closed her eyes and folded her arms around the satin drape, hugging it to her. It meant so much to see dreams come together like this, to share it all with Xena. She wondered, not for the first time, how a body could ache with so much with joy.
Lamps and firelight now supplemented the sun's dimming glow. Laughter, drums and savory scents filled the early evening air. Youngsters squirmed impatiently, while adults shifted where they sat with barely contained anticipation. They watched the procession of dignitaries and honorees file to the presentation platform. Gabrielle smiled down at them. They were all like children at a magic show. She hoped they didn't lose their wonder and enthusiasm when they realized what lay behind maintaining its reality.
Singer stepped to the podium. "May we have your attention please!" he boomed in his resonantly deep voice. Once he had everyone's attention, he graced them with a moving song he'd composed especially for the occasion. Gabrielle grinned at him with the usual affection. The multi-talented sailor had been a rock to her since she'd met him on the ship from Japa. She and Marta had journeyed with him, waited eagerly for him to meet them in various ports, relied on him to spread word of their project and to help build their dream. He'd been the first to help her free Xena to more than a memory of what couldn't be and to free herself for the possibilities of what could.
"Thank you," Gabrielle said to him when he had finished. She hugged the surprisingly bashful man of the world. "`Listen For The Sound Behind' is beautiful." She glanced at her shoulder and whispered, "We couldn't have asked for a more fitting song."
Singer smiled conspiratorially. "My pleasure," he whispered back. "I thought she'd like it."
Gabrielle walked over to the podium, which was piled with scrolls. "All right," she shouted with a mischievous grin, "let's seal this deal!" The crowed laughed in agreement.
"Will the representatives please step forward."
One by one, representatives from the surrounding communities approached the podium, including Gabrielle's niece Sarah from Poteidaia, Xena's nephew Xoris from Amphipolis, Singer's brother Lyceus from Lythos, and the Amazon Queen Cyane.
"You have all read through these treaties, correct?" They nodded. "Then I will simply summarize their contents for all present." They nodded again.
"Let's begin with the defense agreement," Gabrielle said, selecting the top scroll. "Your people have agreed to establish a combined force to protect the area, each other and, especially, the Village of Dreams. Are there any objections to the terms outlined for the composition, leadership or duties of this force?" No one objected. "I call for signatures to this copy, which will be kept in the Village. We will provide duplicates to be signed later this evening, which each of you can take with you." The representatives signed.
Gabrielle held up a second scroll. "This trade agreement covers the goods and services that will be exchanged between the Village and your communities. Each community has been designated to provide the Village with a particular resource, such as food, transportation, building supplies or skills. In return, the village will provide a haven for those of you in need, including the care of orphans until they become of age. You will also have full access to our library, communion hall and grounds when they are not in use by the Village. Are there any objections to the conditions set forth in this document?" There were none, so everyone signed.
"This next document is the key to all we dreamed of accomplishing today. It is a pledge to support the principles governing this Village, which seek to promote peace, safety, understanding, and growth. No one will be turned away because of who they are. This is not a sanctuary for those seeking to escape punishment for some crime. However, individuals' rights to privacy and voluntary departure will be respected unless the agreed upon documentation or the Village council establishes otherwise."
Gabrielle paused and turned to the onlookers. Her hand slid up to stroke the gold "X" at her shoulder. When she began speaking again, her voice was heavy with emotion.
"I have known those who should have had the innocence of babes, who instead had rage in their hearts and came to harm nearly everyone in sight. I have known those who harmed, yet had love in their hearts and came to defend nearly everyone in sight. I won't promise you that we can always tell the difference, because sometimes those people may be one and the same. I can only say that, if I hadn't tried, we probably wouldn't be here today. I ask you to think long and hard before you commit to do likewise."
A hush settled over the assemblage. They knew Gabrielle was putting her faith - their faith - on the line. A line that went straight through the heart of a certain Warrior Princess' legacy. Most knew of Xena through hearsay and believed the good parts because they believed in Gabrielle. Some believed the good because that's all they had experienced. A few had been touched by both the bad and the good. Regardless, Xena seemed larger than life, a mystery, a phantom that wouldn't show up at their door to either threaten or save them. But their neighbors - well, that was a different matter.
Many on and around the platform stole glances at their fellow celebrants. Some had fought against each other, been long-time rivals or even mortal enemies. Had competed for land, fortune or mates. Others held conflicting beliefs about everything from divine wisdom to whom one should bed. It dawned on them that this day wasn't really about a dead woman. It was about them. Whether they could trust enough to fulfill the spirit of the treaties they signed. Truly support a Village of Dreams that might harbor their fears along with their hopes.
Gabrielle inhaled deeply, wanting to breathe Xena's presence inside through every pore of her being. This had to be about the living for it to work. They needed to face themselves and their faith in others. To believe in themselves, not just in her or Xena. And so she waited, buoyed by the love and trust it was her quest to share.
"Stop! Let us through! You people are fools to listen to that woman!"
Gabrielle didn't have to look up to recognize this potential pin prick. Melop. A warlord turned politician who'd used his rag-tag "associates" to bully the entire region into accepting him as "governor." He'd taxed, extorted and terrorized the people at will -- until Gabrielle's arrival. When he learned of her activities, he pronounced her a dangerous cultist and sent emissaries to persuade her to move elsewhere. They limped back bloodied and bruised. Word of Gabrielle's successful defiance enabled her to organize a motley crew of Amazons and local villagers who convinced him they could do without his services.
With force no longer a viable option, Melop resorted to the usual divisive tactics, dredging up and fueling every old feud or bias he could. In the end, he proved to be his own downfall. Gabrielle's inter-village defense force discovered they shared common goals and learned that some "strange" ideas weren't so bad after all. The concrete threat Melop presented to their well being contributed greatly to the widespread energy and commitment that succeeded in building the Village of Dreams.
Having made his living off his victims' insecurities, Melop figured those to be his best weapon against Gabrielle's idealism. He'd swaggered into the Village with about ten cronies - enough to make a scene, but too few to have a "fair" fight with the seasoned Amazon warriors closing in menacingly on the unarmed interlopers.
"I thought this was supposed to be open to everyone!" Melop yelled at Gabrielle. "I'm one of the people. I deserve to be heard, yet you send these unnatural women in to crush us like bugs."
Gabrielle turned away from the big pest in front of her to a smaller one buzzing angrily near her ear. A wasp. "No!" she said, louder than she intended. A hush fell over the assemblage, as all eyes focused on her. She cleared her throat and looked out. "I'll handle this," she instructed, signaling to the Amazons to move away from Melop's group. One of the representatives on the platform cautiously approached her to warn her about the wasp, but it flew off on its own at Gabrielle's command to the Village guards.
"Melop." Gabrielle made the name sound like something that smelled bad. "I wondered when we'd have the pleasure of your company. Please excuse our welcoming party if they were a bit overzealous. You had something to say?"
Melop stood tall and leered at the celebrants. "See what she's brought you to. You used to think for yourselves. Now you listen to a ' woman ' who follows in the footsteps of a murderer. You looked out for yourselves, protected your own. Now you get in bed with people you despise. You had morals and a way of life that your ancestors died for. Now you want to study heathens and teach womenfolk how to destroy your families. I upheld the values that allowed you all to carry on as you have for centuries. This so-called Village of Dreams will become a nightmare of chaos and back-stabbing. Come to your senses before it's too late. Leave this place with me tonight, and tomorrow we will restore it to the peacefully uninhabited valley it was before it became haunted by that woman and her gods forsaken ghost."
People murmured and shifted uneasily in their seats. They looked from Melos to Gabrielle, waiting for the latter to say something. She stood with her arms folded, looking at them.
Suddenly Belach stood. "My men slaughtered his people," he said, pointing to Xenon, "because I didn't want my daughter to be with his kind. I became the villain I wrongly accused my father of being. Now my grandson must learn true honor and integrity from the one enemy I failed to kill. I can't bring those Centaurs back, but I can make sure there's at least one place where people like that will be safe from people like me." Belach locked eyes with Xenon. Xenon nodded. Belach nodded back and resumed his seat.
Another man rose. "I am Kellum from the village of Balsus. My family has a farm that borders sheep land in Lythos. We've feuded for generations with our neighbors, each side accusing the other of thievery, godlessness and worse. We lost nearly all our possessions in last year's terrible storm. If it hadn't been for our neighbors lending us clothes, our new baby might have died."
Before Kellum could sit, a woman stood. "And if it hadn't been for Kellum's family, ours might have starved." Soon others were up on their feet, revealing how they'd been wrong about someone, or someone had been wrong about them. A few walked over to each other and embraced. Those still seated looked on in amazement or exchanged opinions with the person next to them. Melop could only watch with his mouth open.
Gabrielle turned to see those on the platform equally engaged. While she was more than happy to be forgotten in the melee, she was becoming concerned about how to get things on track again. She searched the crowd until she finally saw Marta. Marta smiled and gave her the "okay" sign, then resumed talking with the woman beside her. Gabrielle shouted and waved her hands until she got Marta's attention. Marta gestured for her to calm down and gave her the "okay" sign again. Gabrielle sighed in frustration. Then was nearly blown off her feet by the sudden blaring of trumpets. She noted with satisfaction that she wasn't the only one. "Heh," she chuckled to herself. "Maybe imagination isn't so bad after all."
Gabrielle strode back to the podium. The crowd had recovered from their startlement sufficiently enough to give her their attention. "So," she grinned, "should I take that as a yes?"
"YESSSSSSS!" the onlookers yelled back.
"And you?" she asked the representatives. "Are you prepared to approve the document before you?" In response, each representative walked over and signed.
"Melop? I believe you have your answer. Perhaps those women you admire so much can escort your entourage to safety. We wouldn't want it said we allowed you to be attacked by heathen beliefs." Gabrielle smiled evilly. "Or wasps." She waited until Melop was lead none too gently away, before clasping her hands together and addressing the crowd. "Well, enough for the intermission. Let's get back to the main show, shall we?"
Gabrielle turned to those on the platform. "By agreeing to the principles of the Village of Dreams, you have cleared the way to honor some of its first fruits." She beckoned to the small group of girls with purple sashes who had been standing quietly on the platform throughout the proceedings. They marched with dignity to stand to one side of the podium. Gabrielle turned back the audience.
"Of everything we do today, nothing fills my heart more than recognizing young people dedicated to embodying the honor, perseverance, compassion, and excellence of the Warrior Princess who is my inspiration for the Village of Dreams. A little over a year ago, I came to some of you and explained a plan for developing such girls. I told you that we would instruct them in a variety of disciplines - from philosophy and the arts, to practical skills for nurturing and protecting life. You trusted us with your children. Today, we recognize them for striving to be exactly what we hoped."
She gestured to about 50 girls with purple sashes seated around the platform. They rose. Gabrielle addressed them.
"Each of you has faithfully attended sessions here at least twice a month, often more. You have passed a rigorous test in mental and physical skills. You have pledged to serve yourselves, your families and your communities with respect in whatever capacity you choose."
Gabrielle looked out at the audience. "Brothers and sisters, I now officially present to you the first class of Xena Scouts!"
Everyone grinned and clapped, including the Scouts. Gabrielle addressed the girls again.
"Some of you will continue seeking higher levels of accomplishment. Some may choose to petition for acceptance into the Amazon Nation. All of you will leave knowing that you are more prepared for whatever life presents. Go forth, proudly, in the name of one of the truest, noblest warriors of all time."
Fifty hands went up in salute. "YES, LEADER GABRIELLE," fifty voices shouted. An astonished Gabrielle watched the Scouts strike their fists into their chests, as they chanted, "XENA! XENA! XENA!" They stopped in unison, gazed a long moment at Gabrielle in silent tribute, then resumed their seats.
For what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, Gabrielle found herself struggling to maintain her composure. "Thank you," she said, her eyes glistening. "Now, let's hope I can get through the rest of the program without some of you having to use your skills to save me from drowning in my own tears."
The Scouts and the crowd laughed. "That's okay," someone in the back yelled. "We've got all night."
"Ha! Maybe you do, but I don't," Gabrielle responded, smiling. "Besides, I'm anxious to get to the second part of my favorite activity." She turned to the Scouts on the platform. "I will now award badges of merit to those who have distinguished themselves in a particular area."
She called each girl forward and pinned various symbols on their purple sashes - a quill for scholarship, a staff for martial arts, a bird for nature studies, a hammer for building skills, a dinar for commercial projects, and a bundle of wheat for farming and homemaking. Singling out three in their late teens, she said, "These young women have excelled at leadership. They are prepared to head troops in their hometowns, as well as to journey to other places which have expressed interest in the Scouts." Gabrielle pinned an insignia above the gold "X" on their sashes. "Wear this chakram with pride. We entrust you with nurturing Xenas for the future."
Gabrielle addressed the crowd. "Sisters and brothers, please join me in congratulating all the girls and young women who represent what the Village of Dreams stands for."
The guests rose and gave the Scouts a long, appreciative ovation. When the applause dwindled, Gabrielle announced, "This concludes the formal ceremonies. Please join us for food and celebration in the -" She paused, puzzled, as she noticed Eve making an unscheduled trip to the platform, carrying a long bundle wrapped in brown cloth. "Um, hold on. It seems we're not quite finished yet."
Eve walked to stand beside Gabrielle. "Greetings," she said to the audience. "I am Eve, daughter of Xena by blood and of Gabrielle by adoption. Gabrielle has given so much to us. She's wanted nothing in return except our happiness and prosperity. I would like to present her with a gift in gratitude for this day."
Eve unwrapped the bundle and held up the contents for everyone to see. "This exquisite tapestry is from Japa. It depicts Xena's battle with the evil spirit Yodoshi and how my mothers made the decision to put others above themselves. The people of Higuchi sent this to honor the love that saved the lives and souls of their village."
Gabrielle listened, fingers pressed to her lips. In the silence that followed Eve's words, she reached out and touched the tapestry. She traced some of the figures that represented her and Xena, as though reliving the events portrayed. Finally she took the tapestry and held it to her body, mouth trembling. Eve placed her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders and bent to hear some whispered instructions.
Eve smiled and turned to face their guests. "Gabrielle apologizes for her uncharacteristic loss of words. She thanks all of us for our generosity, especially the people of Higuchi." Eve signaled to some drummers in the back, who began tapping their instruments lightly. "She says we've had enough crying for one day. Please -- eat, drink and be merry!"
As one, the guests brought their hands to their foreheads, then their fists to their chests in the Amazon salute. Like the Scouts, they stood silently a long moment, paying their respect to Gabrielle, before moving to pick their way to the refreshment area.
"Gabrielle? Are you all right? I didn't mean to upset you."
Gabrielle was leaning against the podium, seemingly a million miles away. She focused on Eve. "What? Oh, yes, sorry. I'll be fine." She slowly rolled the tapestry and stood it against the podium. "Come here, you naughty girl," she scolded, holding her arms open to Eve. "Marta hinted you had a secret," she said, hugging Eve tightly. "This makes everything complete. For Xena and for me."
Eve broke apart and smiled through her tears. "I pray so. I'll talk to you about interpreting it on our way to dinner. You'll be '. Oh, look," she whispered.
Gabrielle glanced down to see a golden butterfly perched atop the tapestry. It fluttered over to Eve's shoulder. Both women smiled. Gabrielle reached her hand to the butterfly, and it walked onto her finger. They watched as it seemed to preen, then finally flutter off gracefully to follow the crowd headed to the food and wine.
"My," Gabrielle said. "Wonders never cease. You think maybe it's trying to tell us to shut up and get something to eat?"
The day over at last, Gabrielle sat wearily in her office, soaking up the welcome silence. She'd made sure the guests were safely ensconced in their quarters, that all was prepared as it should be for the next morning's breakfast and closing activities. Marta and Eve had assured her that she could relax now, that they had everything under control. She glanced around, relieved to see her desk cleared and all extraneous paraphernalia removed. Sighing contentedly, she stretched and reached across the desk to retrieve Xena's urn. She caressed it fondly before carefully storing it in a carry bag which she took with her into her sleeping room and placed behind the curtain that covered her clothing closet.
Gabrielle felt exhilarated, despite her tired feet and a slight headache. She did some deep breathing exercises to calm her whirring thoughts. She wanted to see Xena as soon as possible tonight, as they had much to discuss. She lay on her bed with anticipation and closed her eyes, letting herself drift into the one dream she'd never tire of having.
"I'm here."
"Where? I can't see you."
"I - I don't want to intrude."
"Intrude? Xena, you can't intrude on a conversation you're supposed to be a party to."
"I meant intrude on any conversations you were having with yourself. It's been a long day. An important day. I've gotten a lot more sensitive to your need to be alone with your thoughts at times like this."
"Are you a fly on the wall?"
A chuckle in the darkness. "No."
"A spidah? Gnat, wasp or something equally unsavory?"
"No, I'm considering it, not likely, that depends."
"Well, get over here so I can see for myself."
Xena appeared next to the bed, a smile playing at her lips.
"Hmmm." Gabrielle slowly examined the tall figure from head to toe, then in reverse. "You look savory enough to me." She patted the bed. "Sit."
Xena eased down onto the bed, her hands in her lap, eyes on Gabrielle. Waiting.
Gabrielle rolled to her side and propped her head on her hand, looking up at her very serious friend. "We're awfully formal tonight," she teased.
Xena gave her a little smile. "It was a big day for me too. Awesome, in fact." She looked past Gabrielle thoughtfully. "I used to wonder what you meant when you told me what is was like watching me lead armies or leap across oceans. Hearing people applaud me when I saved their children. I guess I took it for granted, because I didn't see it as that extraordinary, the way you did." Her eyes returned lovingly to her soulmate. "I understand now. I felt it today. It was like watching the woman of my dreams." She slid her hand across the bed. Gabrielle grasped it, too moved to do or say anything else.
"Everything's in place now. Your life is full with work and people who need you."
"Yes," Gabrielle agreed, her eyes brimming with emotion.
"I see you've ' you've packed up my urn."
Gabrielle blinked. "Um ' yes, I did."
"Seems you're ready at last to move on."
"Yes, I believe so."
Xena swallowed, finally moving to Gabrielle and pulling her soulmate into a mighty hug. "I am so honored that you let me share in this. You've given my life more meaning and existence in death than I ever could when I was breathing and kicking." Xena smiled wryly. "I'd tell you I can now die a happy woman, but I'm afraid it'd be a bit redundant."
Gabrielle pulled away to give Xena a long stare. "Is that supposed to be some kind of farewell speech?"
"I'll always be here when you need me. That won't ever change."
"But you're expecting that my thoughts of you will be packed away now, sort of like your ashes."
"Yeah, I guess so. I understand that. Like I said before, it's what I'd dreamed for you."
"You're right. You can be such a ninny sometimes."
Xena's brows shot up. "What?"
"You heard me." Gabrielle rested her head on Xena's shoulder. "Remember back in Japa when I said it wasn't right for you to stay dead?"
"Gabrielle, I thought we were past that. We agreed -"
"You're interrupting me again."
"Oh. Sorry. Once a pest, always a pest."
"Not necessarily. We'll work on that. Now, as I was saying '." Gabrielle readjusted herself to think more comfortably. "I'm not sure I was talking about justice or even the greater good. I've gone over and over that moment for four years. I believe I felt it wasn't right because it wasn't meant for you to stay dead."
Xena frowned. "You mean like fate or destiny? I told you when Caesar tried to change our lives that I believe things happen precisely as they should. As much as I'd love to be here with you in the flesh, I still believe that." She looked down at Gabrielle. "Don't you?"
"Sort of. I can't deny there's been some good to this. You got to respect yourself in a way you might not have otherwise. I got to prove to myself - and you - that I could carry on, even prosper, on my own. Neither of us has to worry so much about your shadow anymore."
Xena gave Gabrielle a squeeze. "True. It was worth it to me if only for that."
"I'll give you that," Gabrielle said, squeezing Xena back. "It's the staying dead part I'm still having problems with."
Xena sighed heavily. "Gabrielle, I know I promised not to fight you on that, but --"
"No, if I remember correctly, you said you'd try to be happy if that made me happy." Gabrielle paused for Xena's exasperated huff. "Hear me out, okay?"
"I wasn't stuck in trying to bring your body back. I was trying to make sense of what happened. I've talked to holy people, shamans, healers - you name it - everywhere I've traveled. When I found Eve in India and told her about it, she was devastated. Nothing in Eli's or anybody else's teachings seemed to explain why those trapped souls needed to be avenged, especially after you risked your life to eliminate Yodoshi's evil spirit and free the souls. Eve sent inquiries to a priest she knows in Japa. She was a little surprised to hear back that the people of Higuchi mourned you as a hero."
"As opposed to rejoicing that a criminal had finally been punished." Xena placed her fingers against Gabrielle's protesting lips. "I'm only saying the coin had two sides; it was a toss-up as to which one they'd see." She smiled gently. "Not everyone flips it so it always lands up, the way you do."
Gabrielle ducked her head. "Um, well, sometimes you can have a hand in something even when you're just going along minding your own business."
"Oh?" Xena asked suspiciously.
"Yeah, see I went to the Ghost Killer's memorial service. I felt a special bond with him, I guess because he'd understand the real sacrifice you'd made." Gabrielle exhaled a deep breath. "The true loss."
"Yes," Xena said quietly, "He trusted the love and courage in your heart that was the key. He understood your sacrifice as well."
Gabrielle nodded her head against Xena's chest. "He'd told his family how you'd agreed to work with him and that he'd given me the secret to bringing you back. They expressed regret that I'd run out of time. I said I hadn't, that you'd chosen to stay dead so the lost souls could have peace. They looked at me strangely, but didn't say anything, just backed away, bowing. They must've told their neighbors."
"I couldn't believe representatives came from Japa. That tapestry they sent was stunning."
Gabrielle smiled against Xena's chest. "More than you know. Eve's friend heard about the tapestry and told the villagers I'd probably like it for the library. She wanted to surprise me with it at the ceremony, so didn't tell me it had arrived yet. A note came with it, explaining that a seer had woven it, that every scene has a certain significance. Apparently Eve's been examining it in minute detail. She saw something puzzling that she wanted to talk to me about after the presentation."
"Uh huh. It shows you and me with our hands on your urn, just before you told me not to immerse it in the water that would restore your body. Then it looks like you're somewhere with what must be the freed souls, looking down on me standing alone." Gabrielle paused. "But it doesn't end there."
"It doesn't?" Xena asked, not sure she wanted to know how it did end.
"Uh uh. The souls appear to be pushing you away."
Xena swallowed. "They don't want me?"
Gabrielle chuckled softly. "We're not sure why," she responded diplomatically. "They do seem to be pushing you toward a blond figure with its arms outstretched."
If Xena had had a beating heart, it would've been thumping or skipping. She swallowed again. "Is the blond figure '. Is she '."
"Dead? I certainly hope not." Gabrielle smiled impishly. "At least not while she's still got that deliciously firm body, those defined -"
"Okay, okay," Gabrielle relented, laughing. "She's looking up. Her arms stretch up. The souls seem to be pushing you down toward her arms, her world. The last scene shows you walking off with her into the sunset."
Xena lay silent, absentmindedly stroking Gabrielle's arm. Finally she asked, "Does it show how to make that ending happen?"
"Eve's friend thinks the seer may know. That's why I packed your urn. We're going back to Japa."
Xena gently disengaged from Gabrielle and scooted up to prop herself against the wall. "Are you sure that's what you want? You said yourself everything is finally the way you wanted. Why leave all this for what may be false hope and more heartache?"
Gabrielle raised herself up to rest against her soulmate. She reached over and turned Xena's face toward her. "Xena, I planned to start that quest even before I knew about the tapestry."
"You did?"
"Yes. It's why I've been working so hard to put things in place, to make sure there are others to carry on this work. It's a base for Eve and Marta, for me. I've received invitations from all over the world to help establish other villages like this. I planned to combine that with searching for insights to bring you back. Maybe do a little barding here, butt-kicking there, along the way. The only thing that might have stopped me was you."
"I didn't realize you could think all this would ever replace you." Gabrielle turned away. "But I can see why. I think maybe that's what I was trying to do at first. I accepted that you did what you felt you had to. But questions kept nagging at me. Why did it still feel wrong? Why couldn't anybody explain the spiritual basis? Was there no forgiveness possible in those freed souls? Was it, in truth, to appease the living? But those were my questions. I didn't want to disturb your sense of peace unless the answers would make you 'whole' in every sense."
Xena pulled her soulmate closer and grinned. "In other words, you missed me."
"Grrrrr." Gabrielle whacked Xena lightly across the midsection. "The issue is that I didn't know how much you missed me, not until you started ' bugging ' me like that. And when you admitted you were bored, I didn't feel so selfish about wanting to bring you back. The tapestry confirmed what I felt all along, except now we've got somewhere to focus."
Xena shook her head. "Amazing."
Gabrielle nodded. "Yep, amazing."
The two sat a few moments, side by side, each contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead.
"So when do we start?"
Gabrielle nearly choked with laughter. She gave her soulmate a long, grateful hug. "Not tonight, that's for sure. Some of us need sleep."
"Will I get to be more active on this quest? More involved in your thoughts and decisions?"
"Yesssss." Gabrielle smirked. "Your advanced wisdom could be useful. After all, I figure I'm still at least a couple of years younger than you."
Xena smirked. "All the more enticing to gnats and bees."
"Speaking of which, that was lovely how you appeared at the ceremony."
Xena grinned malevolently "It'd've been even lovelier if you'd let me sting the bastard. Um, not that I had any doubts you could handle him, of course."
"I meant the butterfly, after Eve gave me the tapestry."
"Oh, yeah, wasn't that something the way it showed up like that? Made me think of Lao Ma."
Gabrielle narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying that wasn't you?"
"Do I get points if I say it was?" Xena noticed she was getting an exasperated glare instead. "Pffff. Not creepy-crawly enough for my tastes. Too flimsy to do dive bombs."
"Xena, I swear I don't know how anybody can be such balm to my soul and still be so -"
"Like a fly in the ointment? Bwahahahahahaha!"
"Hey, fair is fair. You said yourself you're partly responsible that my otherworldly retirement home wasn't the paradise advertised."
"Yes, my dear, sweet, forgiving, irreplaceable, eternal soulmate?"
"You know how I said you'd been cleansed to the point of invisibility?"
"That hasn't quite worked out like I thought either. It may be that you can take the fly out of the darkness, but that you can't take the darkness out of the fly. Which may not bode well if - when - we get your body back."
Xena's brows furrowed. "It's true," she said seriously, "we haven't really talked about what we might be getting if I'm mortal again. Are you ' are you sure it's worth the risk?"
Gabrielle pulled her soulmate's head down and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'd bet your enchantingly beady little eyes it is. Good enough?"
"For now." Xena wriggled down to a prone position, pulling Gabrielle with her. She smiled to herself. Yep, the butterfly was a nice touch, but even in death she had a certain stoic image to maintain.
Gabrielle yawned and snuggled into her soulmate. She smiled to herself. That butterfly had been the perfect touch. Yes, even in death, Xena couldn't resist doing the right thing.
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tunemyart · 1 month
I see in your bio that you are working on SVU fanfiction now. Do you think you will ever finish the "Unweaving" Xena fanfic story you wrote? I first read it a few months ago and it has become my Roman empire, haha. So many interesting storylines and I'm dying to know what happens next!
I appreciate the interest! I don't like using the word "never" but I don't have any current plans in the works to return to it, no, in part because I am indeed deep in my love for Alex Cabot and don't currently want to find my way out of it.
I really don't take it for granted whenever anyone asks about this story because it was such a significant project for me, and especially in such a small and old fandom, anyone letting me know they enjoyed the universe I was spinning means so, so much to me.
That said, finishing it would really require:
a wholesale shift back into XWP brainrot that I just don't have right now, plus
an enormous amount of effort to finish researching, planning, structuring, and then, finally, writing the rest of the fic, and quite honestly just the thought of that effort exhausts me right now.
It's been a really rough three years for me since I last posted a new chapter, health-wise and family-wise. Writing-wise, it's currently a gift to be writing in a modern world setting.
I know that's probably not what you were hoping to hear, but I do appreciate your asking - and your understanding <33
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mejomonster · 9 months
Anyone know any star trek podcasts that include acknowledgement of spirk?
Like, Xena Warrior Podcast is a podcast for xwp that goes into the writing and themes and cool information and is aware of the xena x gabrielle element and discusses it in the context of what the show did with it. Something like that, for star trek.
Ive been listening to the podcast Enterprise Incidents and its quite good, lovely in terms of episode plot writing breakdown and character traits and information about the making of episodes, i havent gotten far enough though to quite know if it like. Acknowledges how kirk and spocks relationship has had some vaguely interpretive quotes from roddenberry in terms of love, and t'hy'la, and the wonderful essay mentioning how slash fiction in a way is if you took the end of wrath of khan with kirk and spock and removed the glass, ALL of star trek movies 3 and 4 - as well as again critical importance in star trek 2, and how that subtext/possible reading contributed to conventions and fandom and fanfiction in the community.
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7of9ers · 1 year
Working on a Xena + Gabrielle fanfic right now of how they finally got together.
Trying hard to break my writers block curse. I told myself to pretend this fic is my audition to be a writer in any possible Xena reboot or extended universe media. And my fingers went flying.
Phew. This shit is romantic as HELL.
I love a 'how they finally got together' fic. And you know Gabrielle had to fight tooth and nail to get Xena to admit her feels.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles
Sample Size: 1,771 stories
Source: AO3
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9r7g5h · 7 years
Remember All - P15
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Overall Rating: T+ (Rating subject to change)
Genre: General
Summary: Given another chance, left with her memories of their first time through, Gabrielle knows there’s only one option for her- let Xena live. Whatever she had to do, whatever she had to change to make sure that would happen, Gabrielle was willing to do it.
Words: 3,525
AN: Hey guys! Sorry for going so long between updates. Between some hurricane damage, personal stuff, and things going on at work, it’s been a super busy month. However, I am going to do my best to try and get back onto a normal updating schedule. Please bear with me while I get back into the swing of things, and get the fic rolling again. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I will hopefully have the next one for you soon!
Disclaimer: I do not own Xena.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, ???  
Ash and blood and stones, nothing remaining of the once proud centaur village.
They were quiet as they stood at the edge of the village, right at the edge of the destruction, just staring at what laid before them. What could only be the charred remains of centaurs and humans alike littered the ground, partly melted weapons still clasped in their grips, what remained of some of their faces twisted into pained grimaces. Whatever they had been rushing to fight, they had clearly never even gotten close, but still they had tried. Had tried to protect their homes, their people, the families they had tried so hard to create and raise in this hard, unfair world of theirs.
Eventually Xena knelt to the ground and drew her fingers through the soil, bringing a small clump to her tongue. Spitting to the side, her face- already dark, pain and rage only just hidden under a mask of control- twisting for a moment as she stared back into the destruction waiting for them to enter.
"Someone salted the ground," she said, taking that step she needed. "They wanted to make it clear that this wasn't just an attack, but a decimation." Stepping onto the ash, Xena gently pulled Argo forward, Gabrielle following after. Because as much as she wanted to just stand there, stand there and stare and try and understand the numbness within her, she couldn't. She was blank, and so she followed Xena into the village, looking. For what, she wasn't sure, but still she looked.
Looked and saw those that had been killed- lovers held together by ash and melted flesh from them trying to protect each other from the flames; children cowering behind cover but still caught in the death they had tried to hide from; entire families just clinging to each other as they faced the end. Gabrielle followed after Xena, only just avoiding gagging on the smell of rotten cooked meat and old singed fur, her feet stumbling over clumps of wood and debris. Once she did trip, her hand landing on a pile of ash that bit into her skin, something hard and sharp almost drawing blood had she not snatched her hand away quick enough. Curiosity overcoming her, ignoring Xena's offered hand to help her up, Gabrielle carefully dug through the ash, pulling out the thing she had almost impaled her hand on.
It was a toy. A child's toy, a carved wolf, recognizable even through the ash and singed wood that covered it.
"Lucas," Gabrielle whispered to herself, her hand trembling as she wiped the ash from him. Holding him close to her chest, she looked up at Xena with wide eyes, the sight almost blurred by the tears that welled up. Taking Xena's hand, letting her pull her to her feet, Gabrielle just stared, unable to think of anything else to do. When Xena looked at Lucas, Gabrielle couldn't help the choked sob that left her, her shoulders shaking as she spoke. "He's Xenan's."
Xena's face darkened even more as she reached out, gently taking the toy from her. Walking around Argo, she slid it into one of their bags and continued on, not saying a word.
They walked through the entire village, Xena stoic, Gabrielle silent but still crying, because this was her fault. If she had killed Hope, if she had done something to stop her, anything at all- these people would be alive. Their blood was as much on her hands as much as it was on Hope's.
She had failed them.
Finally, after walking down what would have been every road of the village, past every single house that had existed within the now ashen walls, Xena finally led them out, shaking her head as they walked away from the destruction. Mounting Argo, she held her hand out towards Gabrielle and pulled her up after her, turning Argo towards their next destination.
"They weren't here," Xena said as she started Argo on a slow trot, just keeping her reigned in so she could speak. "Most of the village wasn't here, Gabrielle. The bodies- there were only a fraction of the number there should have been. The rest must have fled."
"So you think Solan, Xenan..." Gabrielle didn't finish her sentence, unable to give life to the words that wanted to fall from her lips. Unable to hope that it could be true.
"We're going to the Amazons," Xena said firmly. "Kaleipus has a truce with them, and would want to warn them of the coming danger. He would have told everyone to evacuate there, at least, even if he didn't go himself. I..." Her voice trailed off as she took a deep, steadying breath. "I didn't see Solan."
Gabrielle didn't respond, only nodded her head- a sight Xena couldn't see. She didn't want to give false hope, didn't want to allow the little spark that had become lit at Xena's words to actually grow, lest it just be that much more painful when it disappeared. So she nodded, and when she didn't respond, Xena kicked Argo into a canter, heading straight towards the Amazons.
For days they road, following the path of destruction. Everywhere a town, city, or village should have been was nothing, nothing but rubble and death, a pure level of destruction they had never seen before. Even the gods seemed more innocent than the monster they had released, their own death toll, while large, a seemingly small, insignificant number when spread out over the millennium they had lived. While at each village they paused, taking in the devastation that had proceeded them, only twice did they actually stop on their race towards the Amazons, hoping against Hope they could make it.
The first was for a family, the mother badly wounded as her children stood guard over her, trying to protect her against those that would harm her. They paused, Xena looking at her wounds, at the deep seated infection that had had no cure, and gave her some herbs that would help. Not with the wound, no- it was too deep, too far gone, too much for any healer in the known world. No, the herbs helped her sleep, helped to make her passing into the underworld that much easier.
They left to the sounds of her children wailing, the eldest- a young woman, barely old enough to be called so- trying, through her tears, to tell them it would be alright. That they would go to Athens, with their uncle, and they were going to be ok.
The second time they were forced to- Zeus himself spat on them, the rain too heavy to continue through, not without risking breaking Argo's legs. If they had been fresh, well rested, then maybe, but after already a week of traveling, going without real rest, once again pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion to get to the Amazons and pushing a little bit more? Xena finally had to concede defeat. But it wasn't without merit, they found.
For the little building they had believed to be a tavern ended up being a brothel, Meg getting halfway through her welcome before realizing just who it was who had stumbled through her door.
They were catching up. Meg had quickly ushered them into a clean, unoccupied back room the moment she had realized who they were, ordering one of her girls to bring them food and wine and for someone to go out to the stables to tend to Argo. Almost unintelligible, her words slurring together at the sheer relief she had at seeing Xena, Meg had only just shown them to the room before she had run out, her bare feet slapping almost painfully against the stone.
They barely had time to share looks between themselves before she returned, dragging a familiar, white garbed women behind her.
"Xena, Gabs," Meg said, pushing the woman before her, "meet Leah."
It was a relief to see the priestess- she hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings, their mad, focused rush towards the Amazons her prime concern. But upon seeing Meg, knowing what was behind them and what was possible to come, her stomach had sunk- the idea that the city and the temple of Hestia were gone, destroyed, their friends with it? It was a relief to see Leah, even if the meeting delayed them, took them away from their main goal.
They didn't stay for long- the moment the rain began to let up, making the previously impossible conditions now just dangerous they left, determined to reach the village. More so, because they were catching up. Catching up to Hope, with perhaps the ability to stop her.
"Why yes," Leah said, once the shock and excitement and judgement of seeing another look alike (and this one a previously murderous ex-warlord) had passed, "it was only two days ago that that thing passed by. It..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes almost going glassing, only Meg's reassuring hand on her shoulder enough to keep her together. "It was horrible. Like nothing that Mother Gaia ever intended to exist upon this earth. It killed as it walked, its own hands weapons unimaginable. I... it cut off my high priest's head, before he could even get out a single word for mercy. Hestia protect him." She slid into tears at that, turning into Meg's offered hug.
Not that Gabrielle could feel the same way, though she kept her face schooled. That was one less worry, at least, knowing that the priest of Deilian would be unable to threaten her friend in the future.
"Leah here and her girls managed to make it out of town and come on down my way," Meg offered as she rubbed Leah's back, finishing filling in the tale for the others. "They're stayin' with me, until we can get a few horses and carts to take 'em to the other main temple for Hesita. Though for now we're all stayin' put. That thing might be gone, but from what others have told me, it's not alone. No one's been able to come forward with a right proper description, but supposedly it has someone who can control fire by its side. The monster kills as it likes, and its companion burns everything after. Not sure if it's true or not- the monster itself might have some fire powers. But if it is?"
Meg gave a little shrug as the door opened, one of Meg's girls almost tottering under the weight of the food and drink she had prepared. Placing it between the women, openly staring at Xena, Meg, and Leah, it took her a moment before she realized she was being dismissed to leave, casting curious glances over her shoulder as she did.
They ate- the first hot, fresh meal she and Xena had had in quite a while, the food quickly disappearing into stomachs more used to hard bread and dried meat eaten while on the back of a moving horse. It was almost relaxing, the food, the company, the sound of the sheets of rain battering against the stone walls of the brothel. Gabrielle almost could have fallen asleep.
Had it not been for the dead she saw whenever she closed her eyes, their deaths just new additions to her list, for even if she hadn't been the one to kill them, they were still hers to claim the blame for. Had it not been for the pulsing in her back, the still open, still refusing to heal wound throbbing from the travel, though at least the pain had finally faded into something manageable, her body too tired to accept it correctly. Had it not been for the just barely contained panic that was pushing her towards her friends, her family, towards the Amazons she loved almost as much as her parents and Lila, her never ending desire to protect them strong. Had it not been for that, she might have fallen asleep.
But she didn't, and an hour later they were setting out again, their provisions restocked, Meg insisting on them taking some food to eat as they raced towards the monster, towards what she could only assume would be their doom. Because how could they survive against such a creature? A creature like Hope?
Gabrielle wasn't sure, but still they pushed, running towards the evil that walked before them.
Only, at some point, for them to lose the trail.
The destruction stopped. After Leah's city, it was like Hope didn't exist. The villages still stood, the people who had yet to flee from the rumors of the coming monster were alive if wary, and it almost seemed calm. It almost seemed peaceful. It almost seemed ok.
They still pushed, pushed and pushed, stopping only when absolutely necessary to keep from collapsing. Pushed because they were only a few days away from the Amazons, having covered most of the country in that mad rush that had begun on the ship and carried them here, here to protect one of the chosen groups in their strange family. Pushed because of fear and anger and that need to stop Hope before she could destroy everything they held dear.
They practically fell off of Argo in that clearing in the woods, their arms help up in the Amazon's symbol of friendship. They didn't wait long- a guard descended to guide them, apologizing for being the only one to greet the Queen as she did so. They knew what was coming, and none of the others wanted to leave their posts, lest they leave the village and its guests unprotected. She led them through the trails, the secret passages, the best ways known only to the Amazons that kept the inner depths of their home safe.
Led them to a village full of survivors, Amazons and centaurs and normal people alike preparing for the creature that was coming, arming any who were strong enough to fight and moving those who weren't to the caves. A village being led by Ephiny, a bandaged but very much alive Xenan following close at her heels as she barked orders, orders that everyone followed, species and sex aside.
A village that paused when they noticed Xena and Gabrielle, the Amazons stopping to greet their queen, the others staring at Xena with what could only be described as desperate hope, hope that this former warlord turned hero could save them.
A village that moved aside as a young boy cried out for Xena and ran to her, Xena sliding gracelessly off of Argo to hold Solan as he threw himself into her arms.
"I had taken Xenan out for a walk around the village," Ephiny later explained, when she had managed to draw them out of the public eye, into her hut. "Solan offered to come with us and make sure we didn't get lost, since we weren't familiar with the area. By the time we heard the screams..." Ephiny shook her head before glancing over to where Solan and Xenan were both sitting, their sides almost touching as Xenan showed Solan Lucas. He had almost cried when Xena had pulled it from their bags- he had thought him lost, since Ephiny had insisted Lucas remain in the hut while they went on their walk. Now he held him close, not even letting Solan touch him as he showed him the toy.
"It was over by the time we made it back," Ephiny finally continued, still staring at the boys. "Many had escaped, but so many hadn't it... I offered the survivors sanctuary here, since they can join the centaur village in the valley once the danger has passed. Kaleipus showed up a few hours later- he had been leading a hunting party. That's where he is now," she added, almost as an afterthought. "Hunting. Our own people haven't been able to support such a large influx, and while everyone around has joined forces against the thing that's coming, we're running low on supplies. Everyone who can is either on patrol or trying to keep everyone alive long enough to fight that thing."
"You'll have us by your side," Gabrielle quickly confirmed into the silence that fell, her heart almost breaking from the overwhelming look of relief that passed over Ephiny's features. "We've fought Hope before, and I believe we can defeat her now."
"Hope," Ephiny said slowly, giving both Xena and Gabrielle long, hard looks. When neither said anything, she instead turned towards the boys, her voice pleasant as she called to them. "Solan," Ephiny asked, "would you mind taking Xenan to the healer to have his wounds checked?" When Solan agreed, the older boy helping the younger to his hooves and leading him away, the two of them still chattering about how amazing Lucas was, Ephiny just nodded in thanks, all three of them waiting for the door to close behind the boys. The moment it did she returned her gaze to them, an expecting look on her face as she waited for them to comply.
"We met the demon on Britannia," Xena explained, speaking before Gabrielle could find the words that would begin the long, convoluted explanation Ephiny would need to understand. "She's the daughter of an evil god, and introduced herself as Hope to us. She attacked Gabrielle, and we've been following her since."
Xena left it at that, and when Ephiny glanced away, drawn by a noise outside, Xena shot Gabrielle a look- for now, leave it. A look Gabrielle nodded in response to, because even if she did want to do otherwise, even if she did want to explain to Ephiny everything, where were the words? She could barely find them with Xena after over two years with her. Trying now, when their minds had to be focused on so many other things, would be worthless.
"I found some books while we were over there," Gabrielle continued, picking up Xena's lie. Better to play along than cause a rift, at least for now. "I think she can be killed- she seems to fear Xena, at least, which is why we think she came here. To try and hurt us before we could hurt her. If we can find her, get her to fight us, we might be able to defeat her."
"What do you need us to do?" Ephiny's voice was hard, her face determined as she stood from her chair, reaching for a scroll that laid on the table a few feet away. Handing it to Xena, she continued to stand as Xena unrolled it, Gabrielle leaning over to look at the map of the village with her. "We have the entire village surrounded, Amazons in the trees and men and centaurs on the ground. The hunting parties are also serving as patrols, looking for anything that might stand out. Everyone old enough to handle a blade's been armed, and those unable have already been moved. We're the closest thing to an actual army you're going to get this far away from one of the larger kings. What do you need us to do?"
"Can I hang onto this," Xena asked, rolling up and placing the map in her lap when Ephiny nodded. "For now, continue on like this. The surrounding villages have been spared, have been for at least two days travel from the south. Keep a keen eye out for anything suspicious- does everyone have a horn? Good," Xena continued when Ephiny nodded again, leaning back in her own chair to think. Glancing towards the sky- the sun already low- Xena sighed and shook her head. "Gabrielle and I need to sleep, but tomorrow we'll go out and join the patrols. Anyone finds anything even remotely interesting, I want them to sound the alarm, even if it's a false one. One of us," she nodded towards Gabrielle as she spoke, "will check it out, see if it's related to Hope. In the meantime, someone told us that she might have a companion? Do you know anything about them?"
For a moment Ephiny thought before shaking her head, her curls bouncing around her ears. "I haven't," she admitted, "but I'll have some people ask around, see what we can find. I'll have them report directly to you if they find anything. For now..." Ephiny nodded her head towards a bed in the corner, big enough to fit two comfortably, three if they squeezed. "Get some rest. I'm staying with Kaleipus and the boys anyway in the centaur huts, so you two can use mine."
"Thank you, Ephiny," Gabrielle said, standing to take her friends' hand, the shake quickly turning into a hug. "We'll take care of this, promise."
"I have every faith in you two," Ephiny replied, giving Xena a respectful nod. "You'll get us through this, one way or another."
With that she left, leaving them to the room and sleep, sleep they quickly accepted, both more tired than they had realized. Even with the looming threat, even with the danger, still, they were asleep before they fully hit the bed, exhaustion drawing them deep into Morpheus' realm.
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impera-ar · 2 years
hi xenites!
i'm wondering if anyone who is really into the xena fanfic wold could help out here. I've been looking since last year for this fic (or any fic by this author) and i can't find it. All the links i could find didnt work
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So if anyone has any ideia how i can get it, of if you have a link (idk how) but man i would pay to read this no joke!
Xena fanfic is so good and some of them turned into books??? Its just amazing. Anyway, thanks in advance.
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mylesficfavs · 2 years
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shadlad24 · 2 years
More Funny Little Moments #3: Season 2, Episodes 1-11
Finally. Finally, it. Is. FINISHED! YAAAAAY!!! Like last time, this MFLM will only include one to two additional funny moments per episode.
2.1: Orphan of War 
This half of the season at least is SO reliant on characters being dumb! At least Xena gets to sass Gabrielle for once in my posts? heh
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2.2: Remember Nothing 
Perhaps remembering what dude did to her drumstick, Gabrielle thinks…
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Ooh! The realization behind the following collage was actually pretty good! What an endearing/intriguing little reversal, eh?
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2.3: The Giant Killer 
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Hee! My beloved goof. The only reason I left this unnecessary, dramatic stunt out in the main post is because the second of the FFLM points came a beat later. heh
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It really must be asked: GabbyWabs, are you blind? How could you watch this chick take a running leap into David’s arms like that, then stand with him in such a way, and not realize that they were romantically joined? LOLz Sorry, kid.
2.4: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
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This bit was more of a “Wut?” on my part. Did Xena’s killing Bacchus and reversing his curse somehow kill Orpheus too? No? But dude’s wifey-poo be dead. How can they be together if he’s still—well, whatever gods/immortals do that approximates being—alive?*
2.5: Return of Callisto 
Okay, this note probably needs a bit of prefacing. As you may know, I don’t see Xena or even GXe’s relationship as most other fans do. Given how domineering and protective yet dismissive Xena was toward Gabrielle in the beginning, I was seriously like, “Does Xena think she’s Gabrielle’s dad? I think she thinks she’s Gabrielle's dad…” 😆 Especially here…
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2.6: Warrior…Princess…Tramp 
Joxer is truly something else. Rather than finding his latest tale amusing in any way, I found it …eerie. First, he seemingly casts himself in the role of Perdicas; then he turns into Callisto. Then he is faced with Gabrielle, his friend (whom he apparently sees as a little girl to the point of being his surrogate daughter^) who just days ago lost Perdicas to Callisto. He laughs off his grotesque retelling, in her face. But that’s okay. She chuckles too. Again, despite being just DAYS off of losing her lifelong friend and puppy-love. And no, Joxer didn’t see Perdicas die, but he obviously heard what happened, and, and was inches behind Gabrielle when she professed her grief-crazed desire to kill Callisto herself! Well, GJ soon play the moment off as if he’s describing their first interaction with Callisto, but still …Can we just say yikes here? It’s so terrible it’s almost funny…
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2.7: Intimate Stranger 
Ahem. Next up we have another instance of really stupid decision-making on one character’s part and yet another glaring example of unobservant-ness from a second character, once more Gabrielle. Callisto does not know how to whisper. She also doesn’t know how not broadcast her plan to the masses nor stop mugging even at inopportune times. But that’s alright. Gabrielle’s hearing range does not extend beyond a four-foot radius, I guess. Same for her vision? Even if she can’t hear what Callisto’s saying, can she not see “Xena’s” face? Read her lips? Notice “the warrior princess” turning the dagger around, shoving it under her own chin, and then holding it there, all the while psycho-grinning at her worst enemy and recent peace-stealer? No? …LOL? 🥲
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2.8: Ten Little Warlords 
Ahem, part 2. I’ll just let Xena take over here.
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2.9: A Solstice Carol 
For crying out loud! So, dumb-butt Lynal really, truly thought Xena’s chakram was not just an accessory, but an ornament? Makes sense. I know I always go around with my Christmas-tree-topper star hanging on my hip during Christmastime. Particularly when I’m out and about in a decidedly extremely anti-Christmas town. You know, for the funsies. …But, like, even if we excuse the boy’s idiocy like we had to previously^, why did the chakram go along with it? The round-killing thing sliced Xena’s hand when she thought it was a toy. So why didn’t it cut the kid while he was demeaning it with those bows and all? What the? The chakram knows things, okay? Unacceptable, chakram! LOL!
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Quick bit surrounding an odd line:
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2.10: The Xena Scrolls 
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We can’t go a MFLM without mentioning Hope, right? Never! ’Tis tradition to give her a shoutout in these things now! Thus, Xena and I are on the same wavelength again because I said so. ...Dahak did steal Gabrielle’s innocence, goodness, peace, etc., and Gabrielle did abandon them both, after all. Huh! Wouldn’t that be something if Janice really was Hope reincarnated? Perhaps even the cover of a resurrected, immortal Hope? Heh/D’aw/Oh my!
2.11: Here She Comes… Miss Amphipolis 
We finish with a small, albeit obvious chuckle. How did the ladies know their ranking? It comes across as if they both knew beforehand and didn’t. Salmoneus at least seemed certain they didn’t, hence his early banter with Xena. And how great would it have been if he interrupted at least once and was like, “Uh, that’s great, Miss ____, but you aren’t who I was about to call”? heheheheh
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Welp, that’s that. At last! Yeyeyeyeyeyey!
Here go the…
Season 1 FFLMs (2's are^): #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + MFLMs: #1 #2
Episodic Ficlets: #1 #1 (Truncated) #2 #3 #4 #4 (Alternate) #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 + Google Doc
Also-also, this is my 299th post, completed almost a week after my 21st mensiversary (fully updated master post). What should I do for my big 300th post? Please send in some ideas ASAP! Thanks, all!
*No, but really. Orpheus must be dead right? If Eurydice passed so long ago, and her widow was still all bitter about it until minutes ago, that heavily implies that he and she were separated all that time. Now they’re together again? …How? Why? Ooh! Totally-aside-also, but did Eve need to exist since Xena was already killing gods years before the girl was ever conceived? Hmm…
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faveficarchive · 2 years
by Cousin Liz
1997 Jul 30Disclaimers: The characters of Xena: Warrior Princess are owned by MCA Pictures and used here without permission. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this story.
This story shows the loving relationship between two women. You may even consider it explicit at times. If this type of story offends you, or you are not old enough to read it, please stop reading now.
I hope you all enjoy.
The graphic below is a fan fiction cover that I created for this story. To view a larger version of the cover, please click on the graphic.
Chapter 01
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The well traveled road wound its way through the countryside. The trees on both sides had begun to change color and the crunch of dried leaves under foot was something that Gabrielle always loved to hear. She appreciated the cooler days for traveling, except for the price paid at night. 'Soon it will be getting downright cold,' she speculated to herself. They were nearing a town and Xena intended to stay only long enough to buy supplies and get a worn buckle on Argo's saddle replaced.
Gabrielle, who had been discussing the recent exploits of their last adventure, fell silent. She could sense the change in Xena. Back ramrod straight; she sat tall in the saddle. Chin up, shoulders squared and her normally blue eyes now icy gray slits. 'And that look.' It still sent shivers down Gabrielle's spine every time she witnessed the transformation. 'This must have been what greeted the unfortunate people of the villages and towns that Xena and her army raided. The Warrior Princess.' Gabrielle closed her eyes, trying to picture the scene.
First impressions meant everything and Xena had this down to a science. She wanted no trouble from anyone in town. Although her warlord days were past her, the look still served it's purpose. "Gabrielle," Xena said suddenly, thrusting a protective arm in front of her friend who had been walking along side Argo. With her other arm, she pulled Argo to an abrupt stop. Xena sat there motionless, listening.
"What is it?" Gabrielle asked in a hushed tone. "Highway robbers? A deadly animal? A hungry cyclops? Joxer?"
"No, no, no and NO," Xena chided her friend for her vivid imagination. Even though the town was not yet in sight, she could just make out the sounds of people. Many people. "Something is going on in the town up ahead. I hear the sounds of too many people to be coming from a place of that size. Keep alert," Xena warned. "There could be trouble." They continued on.
Gabrielle gripped her staff tighter and gave a few warm-up swings, loosening her muscles. A small smile worked its way across her face. 'Yes! She didn't even try to make me stay behind this time while she went on ahead. Nor did she make me climb onto that beast of a war horse of hers, and hide behind her.' It had taken nearly two years, but Gabrielle felt that Xena was finally trusting her to hold her own in a battle.
They rounded a bend in the road and the countryside opened up onto recently harvested fields. In the distance stood the town. "Wow. It looks like the entire population of the town is out. Xena, they're having some kind of a celebration!" The young woman's eyes danced with excitement.
"From the size of the crowd, I'd say the people from the surrounding villages are there also. Must be their harvest festival." Xena caught the look in her young friend's eyes. "Maybe we could have a look around... if you'd like?"
"Oh Xena, could we?"
"Sure, Gabrielle. C'mon." Xena reverted back to her warrior princess persona.
Even with all of the distractions the festival had to offer, Xena and Gabrielle's entrance into the town did not go unnoticed. It never did. Xena was not one to blend in easily. Clad in black leather and armor, with a flowing mane of long black hair, the six-foot frame atop the behemoth golden mare stood in stark contrast to the smaller green-eyed strawberry blonde walking along side.
They continued through the village, heading for the inn. "I'm going to stable Argo and give her a good brush down. Why don't you see about getting us a room for the night," Xena said as she dismounted her horse.
"I thought you wanted to pick up supplies and be on your way?"
"I know that's what I said, but I think a short rest will do us all a world of good. Even Argo." At the mention of her name, Argo turned her head and let out an appreciable snort.
"OK, OK," Gabrielle laughed as she stroked the flank of the mare. "I'll see to the room. Then I think I'll check out the marketplace."
With a room for the night rented, Gabrielle enveloped herself in the crowd. She really enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the marketplace. She had just spent the last five days traveling the road, with Xena and Argo as her only source of companionship. Mind you, she wasn't complaining, but sometimes Argo was a better conversationalist than Xena. Everywhere she looked, children were laughing and running, many with brightly colored painted faces.
Husbands and wives strolled hand in hand, while young couples were seen in the embrace of each other. The merchants hawked their wares, while jugglers walked the street, tossing brightly colored balls in the air, sometimes between themselves. Off to the left, Gabrielle saw a crowd gathering around a small, raised platform where a man was swallowing swords. Minstrels roamed the street, their lively music sometimes cutting through the din of the festival crowd.
Gabrielle was excited at the prospect of doing a little shopping. 'Nothing like a little bartering to get the blood flowing,' she thought to herself. There was everything imaginable for sale here. Food stalls abounded. From the necessities of meat, cheese and breads, to sweets and pastries. 'I'm definitely going to have to check that stall out later,' she reminded herself.
Bolts of fancy woven cloth decorated a stall, while further on, an old white-haired man displayed fine leather work. Gabrielle stopped to delicately finger a beautiful hair barrette. Intricately woven, threads of white and silver silk were braided around individual strips of leather, forming a beautiful white flower which glistened in the sunlight. Gabrielle knew not to even bother to ask the price. 'No amount of bartering will ever get that piece to an affordable price.' It wasn't that they were hurting for money. It was just that the cost of living on the road could sometimes be unpredictable. 'And even with all of my best bartering skills, the price of that barrette would still be equivalent to the cost of a week's worth of supplies, including Argo's.' She moved on before the merchant had a chance to strike up a conversation.
Gabrielle headed off to buy the supplies they needed and find the dessert stall she spied earlier. She would pick up a few treats to surprise Xena. She knew that as much as Xena hated to admit it, she had a sweet tooth almost as big as her young friend's. With her shopping done and the treats tucked safely away in the bottom of her satchel, Gabrielle headed to where she would most likely find Xena.
Xena was just leaving the Blacksmith's; Argo's saddle resting comfortably on her left shoulder. "So?" inquired Gabrielle, as she approached.
"The buckle's been replaced. Good as new. How'd your shopping go?"
"Great! I got everything we need and I had a wonderful time looking around."
"Good. Let's get this stuff put away." Knowing how her young friend thrived on crowds, Xena continued, "there's still some time until dinner. Maybe we can have a look around."
Gabrielle's eyes lit up at the prospect. She knew how much Xena disliked crowds. "Really? If you'd like... I saw this guy swallowing swords earlier. Over there." She pointed in the general direction of the platform.
"Swallowing swords, heh? We'll have to check into that. Never know when it might come in handy," Xena replied in her best serious voice. She turned and started to head to the stables with Argo's saddle before Gabrielle could see the grin working its way onto her face.
Gabrielle stood there looking after her friend incredulously. 'Never know when it might come in handy?' she repeated to herself. 'Heh. I sure hope she's joking. Then again... Xena rarely jokes about anything.' Gabrielle shook her head trying to disengage the image that was forming of Xena and her sword, and took off after her.
Chapter 02
The sun had begun to set by the time Xena and Gabrielle returned to the inn. They had spent a rather uneventful afternoon taking in the sights, although sometimes Gabrielle felt like they were one of the attractions. 'I guess we do make for a rather odd couple,' she mused. She didn't even want to begin to guess what people thought she was doing traveling with the likes of the warrior princess. 'Best to not even go there,' she reminded herself. Nobody ever came right out and said anything, but she could feel herself being watched. She knew Xena could feel it too, but she never let on. 'I guess she's used to it,' but for Gabrielle, it still made her feel a little queasy whenever it happened.
They sat in their usual spot at the back of the tavern. Xena leaned against the back wall, surveying the room before her. Her friend sat across from her.
Gabrielle enthusiastically sliced another large chunk of meat from the steak before her. Her eyes sparkled with glee as she held it up for a moment's examination before devouring it. She was in the Elyssian Fields and loving every minute of it.
"I guess you're going to want me to add cow to my list of dinner quarries now," Xena said with a bemused smile on her face.
"Oh Xena -" Gabrielle almost choked as she attempted to swallow her latest mouthful. "You know I love what you catch for our dinner. I can just picture the warrior princess stealthily tracking some poor farmer's milk cow out in his pasture. And what would you tell him Xena? 'Well, you see... my friend was just hankering for a big juicy steak.' I don't think he'd go for that."
"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. It's not often we get to eat this well." It didn't happen often, but there were days when try as she might, no animal would snare itself in one of the traps she had set. And there wasn't always a river nearby with a ready source of fish. Meals those nights consisted of bread and what little dried fruits, smoked meat or cheese they had left from their last stop at a village. Gabrielle never complained, although her stomach usually gave her away. Xena's face clouded over at these thoughts.
Gabrielle had been busily slicing off another large chunk from her steak when she glanced up and noticed that Xena had gone away. "Xena," she called softly. Xena was staring down at her plate of food, her arms resting on either side of her plate. She looked up. Gabrielle's heart sank as she looked into her eyes. 'What could she have been thinking about to cause such sadness to mar the beauty of those blue eyes?' Gabrielle thought. She instinctively began to reach across the table to cover Xena's hand with hers, but pulled up short at the last moment and wrapped her fingers around her mug instead. They were in public, she reminded herself. She just had a hard time restraining herself sometimes. She always tended to talk with her hands. They seemed to have a life of their own, and went where they wanted.
"Hmm," Xena said as she came back to the present.
"What were you thinking about?" Gabrielle tried to ask nonchalantly.
"Oh, nothing in particular. Just trying to give my stomach a chance to catch up," Xena replied as she went back to her meal.
Gabrielle knew it was pointless to try to gain access to the warrior's thoughts. If they had been alone, she would not have let the subject drop so easily. She would have prodded Xena a little and maybe gotten somewhere. However, in public, Xena wore her warrior princess armor inside and out. Gabrielle understood, though. It had kept them from being bothered or harassed on more than one occasion.
As they continued their meal, Gabrielle tried to fill the air with light talk, attempting and finally succeeding in bringing Xena out of her funk. "Wow! I don't think I could eat another bite," the bard exclaimed as she pushed her empty plate away and leaned back on her chair, patting her bare midriff.
Xena rolled her eyes. "Considering you polished off everything on your plate and then went back for seconds..." A smile formed on Xena's face. "I guess that means you don't have room for dessert?" she asked, first smelling and then seeing the trays of nutbread that were being brought out of the kitchen and placed on the bar.
Gabrielle turned and followed Xena's eyes as she focused on the dessert. "Nutbread! Well... I guess I *could* find room for a small piece." Gabrielle's eyes danced at the prospect. She watched as the innkeeper began to slice the loaves.
"I'll go and make sure she cuts you a generous piece," Xena said as she rose and made her way to the bar. Gabrielle watched her go. She noticed that as Xena passed people at other tables, they almost recoiled from her, fearful of her touch. Gabrielle knew Xena could feel this -- this cold vacuum effect that hung in the air around her. To be around so many people and still be alone. Gabrielle wondered how Xena could live with it.
The warrior arrived a few minutes later balancing two plates of nutbread and a large port for herself and a cider for Gabrielle. "Here you go," she said, as she sat back down and sipped her drink. She watched as Gabrielle descended on her dessert. 'Where does she put it?' she contemplated.
Gabrielle was soon licking her fingers and pinching up the last of the crumbs from her plate. "Oh Xena, that was the best nutbread I ever had." Looking down a little embarrassed she continued, "I even think it was better than my mother's." Xena silently pushed her untouched dessert over to Gabrielle. "No Xena, No! I won't. I know you like nutbread too." Gabrielle pushed the plate back to her friend.
"Gabrielle, I got it for you." Xena began to push the plate back across the table. Gabrielle put her hand out and stopped it midway. Both women continued to stubbornly push the plate in opposite directions. "This is getting us nowhere."
"Truce," Gabrielle said softly, not wanting anybody seated at the table next to them to overhear the warrior princess losing a battle. "We'll share." Both women slowly released their grip on the plate, but kept their arms extended in case the other changed their mind.
Gabrielle broke off a piece and held it out for Xena. She knew it was the only way she would get her to eat any. Reluctantly Xena accepted it and sat back. "Hmm... This really is good." She looked up to see Gabrielle watching her.
"I told you so."
"That's why I wanted you to have it."
"Xena." Gabrielle said with slight exasperated. "You have got to learn to indulge yourself. You're always doing good things for other people. You've got to stop and do them for yourself once in a while." She broke off a small piece of nutbread and popped it into her mouth. "See, it's not that hard." Gabrielle broke off a larger piece and handed it to her friend. She continued in this manner until she had successfully fed the rest of it to Xena.
Xena quietly resigned herself to the force feeding. She knew when it was useless to argue with her bard. 'And maybe she's right. When was the last time I did something for no other reason than to please myself?'
"Xena? Do you hear that?" Gabrielle asked as she turned to look for the source.
"Uh huh," Xena murmured. She was leaning back against the wall, eyes closed, arms crossed, her legs stretched out and extended under Gabrielle's chair. The soft strains of instruments being tuned floated in on the night air. Many of the couples who had finished eating were already starting to disappear outside.
Gabrielle got up and approached the innkeeper. "Excuse me, Androniki. I was wondering. What's going on outside?"
"The town is holding an evening dance," she replied. "There's no building large enough to have it in, so we simply have it outside, under the stars. It's a bit brisk tonight, but everybody will warm up fast enough when the dancing starts." She motioned Gabrielle towards the window. Gone were the stalls the merchants used earlier, and lanterns had been hung throughout the center of town. A small group of people could be seen in front of the Blacksmith's shop, readying their instruments. Families and couples were beginning to gather, coming from all directions. "You should come join us. The dance is always quite fun."
"Thank you," Gabrielle replied. She turned to look at Xena, who hadn't moved from her spot. This was not an easy task that lay ahead of her. Gabrielle knew Xena was not the least bit interested in some silly dance. Come to think of it, in the last two years they had been together, she had never seen Xena dance. 'Well, there was that time when she went undercover at the Miss Known World Pageant, but that doesn't count. That was business.' They did attend the reception held in their honor by King Gregor and Pandora, after Xena successfully rescued the baby. And there was dancing after the dinner. Xena simply sat there wearing her patented look-at- me-the-wrong-way-and-die warrior princess look. No man dared get close enough to ask her to dance. She stayed for a little while, before disappearing with her excuse of needing to check up on Argo. The bard wondered what Xena would ever do if she didn't have that horse to fall back on as an excuse.
Gabrielle walked back over to their table. By now the place was practically empty. "Xena. Xena?" At first, Gabrielle thought that Xena had nodded off, then thought better. 'Xena never nods off.' Xena's eyes opened and met the bard's. "I was wondering... that maybe... that is if you're not too tired..."
"... we could go outside and watch the dancing... for a little while that is..." Gabrielle blinked and gave her head a small jerk and shake as she realized that Xena had spoken.
Xena stretched the muscles in her arms as she held them out straight and stood with a fluid grace to her full six feet. She motioned to the speechless bard to proceed with her to the door. 'Gabrielle seldom asks for anything, and damn if I'm going to deny her some simple pleasures in her life. And the look on her face when it dawned on her that her request had been answered was priceless,' Xena chuckled to herself. 'Worth the last dinar I have to see that.'
Chapter 03
The grounds outside were now teeming with life. The music had begun, and couples were whirling to a lively tune. Even the young children were off to the side attempting to mimic their elders. Most of the oldest folk were seated on benches and chairs that were drug from neighboring stores and homes.
Xena stood on the porch at the corner of the inn. She had found a patch of shadow that the nearest lantern could not breech. She leaned against the building sipping the port she brought outside, her left foot resting comfortably on the lower railing at the side of the porch.
Gabrielle leaned over the front railing, craning her neck to the left and then to the right. "Xena. It looks like the whole town has showed up tonight! I'll bet not a single person is left at home. Everybody is having such a good time. It's nice to be in a town where everyone is not in fear of an advancing warlord. We've seen plenty of that already."
Xena wondered how many town's festivities had been ruined by her and her army during her warlord years. She downed the rest of her port, struggling to push those memories back from where they had escaped. Gabrielle walked over and stood next to her, trying to steal some of her body heat. She rested her head on the warrior's shoulder, wistfully watching the couples, now dancing in each other's arms to a slow song. Xena watched Gabrielle out of the corner of her eye. There was such depth of emotion to her young eyes, but Xena could not be sure what Gabrielle was thinking. She just wished that Gabrielle could have her heart's desire, and Xena would do anything to make her young friend happy. 'She must see herself in the arms of a charming young man, being held and loved as they move with the music.' The mental image of this shook Xena back to the present. 'And this will never happen -- not with me hovering over her. No man will dare get close enough to even speak with her.' "Gabrielle, I need to go check on Argo."
Gabrielle knew what this line really meant. Xena was tiring of the dance and wanted an excuse to disappear for the rest of the night. "Xeeena." Gabrielle drawled, letting her friend know that she knew what she was up to.
"No Gab. I promise. I'll be back in a little while."
"You promise?"
"Yes, I promise." With that, Xena left.
Now Gabrielle was perplexed. She was sure Xena was looking to get away for the rest of the evening. 'But if Xena makes a promise, she keeps it. I wonder if this time she really simply wanted to check on Argo? I guess I'll never figure her out.' Gabrielle moved back over to the center of the porch. The lantern on a nearby post lit up her red-blonde hair, and the dance of the flame sent fiery streaks pulsating down the strands of her hair.
Xena stood off in the shadows of a nearby building, keeping an eye on her friend. 'Just in case anybody tries to do her harm,' she told herself. After only a couple of minutes, Xena got her wish. A handsome young man approached Gabrielle. Xena suppressed her desire to wrest the young man's gaze from her friend and send him packing. 'Get a grip on yourself, Xena. This is obviously what Gabrielle wants and needs.'
"Hi, my name is Andreas," the young man said, looking up at Gabrielle.
"Uh... hi," Gabrielle replied, looking down at her hands. She knew this would happen as soon as Xena left her alone. 'Now where is that warrior princess when I need her.'
"I was wondering if you'd join me for the next dance?" The young man asked, gesturing toward the couples.
"Oh uh -- heh... I'd really love to you know, but... ah... you see... just the other day I took a tumble off a horse and my leg is still giving me some problems." She began to massage her upper right thigh for effect. "Otherwise, I would have loved to dance the next dance with you." Gabrielle tried to let him down as nicely as possible. He bowed, turned and left. 'Quick thinking, girl. He almost had you.'
Xena watched the entire too brief exchange. She was too far away and there was too much noise to pick up any of the conversation, but she was sure that he had asked Gabrielle to dance. 'The young man seemed pleasant enough,' she pondered. 'I wonder what he said to make Gabrielle decline? If he said anything to upset her, I'll... I'll...' Xena did her best to get back under control as she returned to the porch.
"I'm back, just like I promised." She wanted to ask Gabrielle what happened with the young man, but knew her friend would get upset if she found out Xena was spying on her.
"Oh... hi Xena," Gabrielle said, suppressing a yawn that was a little too over theatrical. "You know, I'm really getting tired. I think I'll turn in now," she said sleepily, absentmindedly massaging her upper right thigh.
Xena didn't believe Gabrielle was tired for a minute. She looked the bard over carefully, trying to see if she could ascertain her true motivation. Concerned, Xena asked, "What's wrong with your leg?"
"Oh this... nothing. Old war wound."
"If it's bothering you, let me take a look at it," Xena said, concern for her friend growing.
"No, no, that's alright. Heh -- I was just kidding!"
"Really Xena, it's nothing."
"O.K. If you insist. I'm a bit tired too," she said, trying to change the subject. "I think I'll turn in also." Xena was still concerned as she noticed Gabrielle favoring her one leg over the other as they entered the inn. She first noticed Gabrielle rubbing her leg as she talked to the young man. 'It has something to do with him. I'll get to the bottom of this...'
Chapter 04
The music from out front wafted up to the room, entering through their window at the back of the inn. Gabrielle stood at the open window, gazing out upon the night sky. Xena busied herself, getting a fire going in the large fireplace, which took up most of the wall to the left. For such a small town, the inn provided spacious and clean rooms. To the right of the window stood a large bed in the corner. To the right of the door was a chest with wash basin on top. Another chest stood just to the left of the door. When Xena had a warming blaze lit, she walked over to the near chest and began to methodically remove her weapons and armor. She knew she hadn't really needed them on earlier; it was just that she felt almost naked in public without them. 'And one should always be prepared,' she reminded herself.
"A dinar for your thoughts," Xena said, as she turned to find Gabrielle still staring out the window.
"Oh, nothing. I was just listening to the music," Gabrielle said softly, as she turned to face Xena.
"Why didn't you take that young man up on his offer for a dance earlier?" Xena blurted.
"Xena! You were watching!?!"
"I was just rounding the corner when I saw him turn and walk away. I didn't think he was there to ask you the time of day!"
Xena felt guilty for the deception, but continued her gentle prodding. "You seemed so happy at the dance. I thought you would've wanted to participate."
"Well, yeah. It's just that... well... " Gabrielle looked down, fidgeting with the top of her skirt. She would not finish.
Xena covered the distance between them in a few long strides. She took Gabrielle's chin in her hand and coaxed her to meet her eyes. "What's wrong," Xena demanded. "Did he say something to upset you. I'll find him and teach him how to treat a young lady." Xena hissed the last part out through clenched teeth.
"NO, NO Xena!" Gabrielle suddenly became very scared for the poor man's life. She knew what Xena was capable of doing. "He was a perfect gentleman."
"Then why didn't you accept his offer?" she asked, becoming even more confused by this new fact.
"I... can't dance." Gabrielle said it so softly, that Xena almost didn't hear her.
"Is that all?" Xena mused. "I was ready to go and take his head off."
"Is that all? Is that all!" Gabrielle was becoming indignant. "I've tried and tried. I just get so confused with my feet that I end up making a fool of myself. At the barn dances we had back home in Poteidaia, my family practically disowned me, my dancing was so bad. Poor Lila tried to teach me, but eventually gave up. It was useless."
Xena could see the look of utter futility in her eyes. "Ga-bri-elle." She reached down and softly clasped one of her friend's hands. Xena rested her other hand on Gabrielle's waist, and took a step back so she was at arms length from her.
Xena told herself that what she was about to do was strictly for Gabrielle's benefit, and that it had nothing to do with the fact that it would be a perfect excuse to touch her young friend. And she seemed to be finding excuses more and more often to do just that.
A friendly pat on the back, or a touch of her forearm. The times she cherished the most were at night. Xena wasn't sure exactly when it started, but some time ago, by some mutually unspoken consent, their bedrolls began to be laid out next to each other. Everything stayed strictly platonic, but sometimes Gabrielle had a tendency to end up with some part of her body draped over the warrior. And Xena never complained. She simply lay there motionless, reveling in the warm touch of the bard and wishing it would never end.
Gabrielle froze in her place, uncertain what Xena's next move would be. She trusted her friend with her life, although more times than she cared to admit. Xena locked eyes with Gabrielle and simply said, "Let me show you how." She lifted the small hand clasped in hers and held it out to the side. "Just listen to the music and follow my lead," Xena said, a smile spreading across her face.
"XENA!" exclaimed Gabrielle, as she quickly began to try to keep pace with her new dance partner. A smile reached Gabrielle's face, quickly replaced with a look of grim determination as she concentrated on watching Xena's feet, trying to mimic her steps while not smashing one of the warrior's toes. It was useless. After only a few moments, Gabrielle became so worried that she did just that. "Oh Xena, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed, pulling to a stop. A tear began to roll down her cheek.
"Gabrielle, I'm fine." Xena tried to console her best friend, while wiping away the tear. "Look. I've still got my boots on. I go into battle wearing these. I didn't feel a thing. Honest."
"It's hopeless, Xena. I told you I couldn't dance."
"Gabrielle, we've only just started. You're good with your staff, very coordinated. And you pick up the different moves I teach you quickly and efficiently. What was one of the first things I taught you when facing an opponent in battle?"
Gabrielle thought for a moment and replied, "Look 'em in the eyes. Always maintain eye contact. You can tell what your opponent's next move will be from their eyes." Dawn broke over Gabrielle's face as she realized what she was saying. "That's just -"
"- like dancing," Xena finished the sentence. She held her young friend's chin in her hand and locked eyes with the most beautiful hazel green she had ever seen. Without taking her eyes from the bard's gaze, Xena released her chin and lightly trailed her hand down Gabrielle's arm, once again finding and clasping her small hand. She placed her other hand back on Gabrielle's waist and began to move with the music.
Gabrielle felt captured by the powerful blue pools of Xena's eyes. She couldn't break contact if she tried. They moved about the room, keeping up with the moderately paced song that was playing outside. A smile formed on Xena's lips, and Gabrielle infectiously caught it from her. As far as Gabrielle was concerned, she no longer had feet. She felt as if she was gliding over the floor, following those blue eyes wherever they lead. As the song came to the end, Xena spun Gabrielle out and then back towards her, catching her in her powerful hands before she had a chance to make contact.
"XENA! I did it! I really did it! I danced!!" She caught Xena off guard as she threw her arms around her waist and gave her friend a big hug, burying her face in Xena's chest. The bard was in shock. She didn't believe she had just danced -- and with Xena! She tried hard to burn into her memory what it felt like to be swept around the room by the woman of her dreams, certain she would never get another chance to feel this close to her.
Xena froze. She was not sure what to do. When she heard Gabrielle start to softly cry, she wrapped her arms around the young woman, wondering what was wrong. They stayed like that for a long minute. When Xena felt her friend's tears had stopped, she gently peeled her away from her chest and looked down at her.
"Oh Xena, I'm sorry." Gabrielle saw where her tears had left the front of Xena wet. She absentmindedly began to wipe them away with her hand, oblivious to the effect it had on the warrior.
"Gabrielle, it's fine. Never mind," Xena got out, as she took the young woman's hand from her chest. She tilted the bard's head upwards and wiped the few remaining tears from her face. "What's the matter?"
"I'm just so happy. I... I know it sounds silly, but I was always so ashamed and embarrassed that I couldn't dance. People would make fun of me when I tried, so I stopped trying. I just can't believe how easy it is. How easy *you* made it. Thank you."
Xena couldn't help herself. A wry smile caught the corner of her mouth as she stated, "I have many skills." They both broke out in a fit of laughter.
A lively piece had just begun, and Gabrielle was surprised when once again she was swept off her feet as Xena's eyes carried her aloft. They continued in much that same fashion for the next dozen songs. At one point, Xena showed Gabrielle the steps to a traditional Greek folk dance that was being played, and was delighted to find that Gabrielle picked it up as easily as she had any staff maneuver.
"Oh Xena, I don't know when I last had so much fun," Gabrielle exclaimed as the song came to an end. The last two songs had been particularly fast-paced, and Gabrielle was pleasantly exhausted. As no song immediately began, she figured that either the musicians were also in need of a break, or were done for the night.
Xena could see a slight flush on Gabrielle's face, and wondered if there was one on hers too. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I just wish you'd told me sooner that you couldn't dance. I would have been able to show you in time for the dance. Then you wouldn't have had to turn that young man away."
"True. Um... Xena? If we had stayed, would you have asked me to dance?" Gabrielle looked into Xena's eyes and saw the pain of her soul.
Xena, surprised by her directness, took a couple of steps back and sat on the edge of the bed. She knew Gabrielle deserved an honest answer, but didn't want to hurt her feelings. Gabrielle walked over and quietly sat next to her, allowing her friend time to gather her thoughts. "No," Xena said softly. "Not that I wouldn't have wanted to, but..."
"Yeah, I can just see it now. Parents grabbing their children and running for the hills. Wouldn't want their little ones exposed to two people dancing, now would we?" Gabrielle said sarcastically, the firelight catching a single tear as it ran down her face. "Xena, why are people so cruel?"
"I don't know Gab, I just don't know."
The strains of a slow, melodious tune broke the silence. Xena stood, bowed deeply and offered her hand to Gabrielle. "Would you honor me with this next dance?" Gabrielle beamed as she accepted. Just before they began the bard's body betrayed her. Before she realized what she was doing she had closed the arms length distance Xena had maintained throughout the evening. She rested the side of her head against the warrior's chest and waited.
Xena's first impulse was to run. Yet every fiber of her being wanted this. Needed this contact. She just wasn't sure if Gabrielle knew what she was getting herself into. Slowly, hesitantly, she allowed her arm to wrap around her friend's back. She rested her cheek on Gabrielle's head and they danced. The bard no longer maintained eye contact, but felt confident she could follow the beat of Xena's heart. For Xena, the contact was magnetic. So conscious was she of the bard's body pressed up against hers, that Xena was sure she would falter and crush one of Gabrielle's feet. She pushed everything but the music from her thoughts, and they danced as one in the warm glow of the fireplace.
'There is no place on this earth I'd rather be right now,' thought Gabrielle, as she buried the side of her face deeper into her friend's chest. She had known for some time that her feelings for Xena had changed; grown. And she suspected Xena might have been feeling the same way towards her. Now she thought she had her answer. The wall Xena erected to keep the outside world from knowing her true feelings was useless at such close proximity. 'Ah Xena,' Gabrielle thought, as a small smile played on her lips. She could feel the warrior's heart flutter and quicken as she held her close.
The song came to an end and the people outside clapped and voiced their praises to the musicians for a wonderful evening of music. Xena and Gabrielle continued to stand in each other's arms, neither one wanting to break contact. Gabrielle knew she had to proceed slowly. Xena could be a bit skittish at times. She had felt her freeze and almost bolt just before, but she also knew that Xena would not make the next move. It was up to her. Gabrielle raised her head and brushed her lips against Xena's. She quickly returned to those lips for another small kiss before returning to the comfort of her friend's chest, hugging her tight. After a moment, she released her and stood back, giving her friend the space she knew she required.
Xena just stood there, the tingling sensation of Gabrielle's lips still pulsing on hers. "Gabrielle?" The bard could hear all of Xena's questions and fears in that one word. In response, she ran her finger slowly down the warrior's arm, feeling muscles jump and twitch under her touch. "Are you sure you're not just reacting to the music, to the dancing?"
Gabrielle brought her eyes up to meet Xena's. She had never felt such intensity for another person, not even Perdicus. "I'm not sure," she honestly admitted. "But I know how I feel about you, how I've felt for some time now."
Xena held her emotions in check as her mind raced over this new bit of information. 'Can this actually be happening? Could she be feeling the same way I do? Does she even know that two women can-- What if this is just some form of hero worship... I couldn't...' "Gabrielle." Xena took the young woman's hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. "It's late. I think it would be best if we tried to get some sleep." Smiling, she bent down and gave the bard a soft kiss on the cheek.
Gabrielle took a tentative step forward, stopping only inches from making contact with Xena. She could feel the electricity in the air surrounding them. She saw the love Xena had for her for the first time, and suddenly realized that she had seen this look numerous times before, always when the warrior thought she wasn't looking. A quick glance down from her horse, a lingering gaze across the campfire, in the first few seconds when Xena finally woke her in the morning. She had just never allowed herself to hope that what she saw was love. Now, she had no doubt.
She carefully placed the palm of her right hand on Xena's stomach and felt the warrior instantly tense. Looking up into her eyes she saw the last of Xena's emotional walls crumble at their feet. What remained was a woman. Not a warrior, or some bigger than life hero. Just a woman. Someone with needs and wants. Someone vulnerable. Gabrielle slid her left hand over Xena's shoulder and around her neck. She buried her fingers in her hair as she reached up on tip toe to lightly reclaim her mouth. Sliding her right hand around her companion's waist she pulled her in, deepening the kiss at the same time.
All of Xena's senses converged on those lips. The lips that she had longed to taste were now eagerly seeking hers. "I uh... think I'll go tend to the fire," Xena said as they finally broke away from each other. She realized that what she saw in Gabrielle's eyes was definitely NOT hero worship. It took all the willpower she could muster to turn her back on her and walk away, but she knew she had to give Gabrielle time. Time to be sure that this was what she really wanted. Because Xena knew that there would be no going back to simply being friends if either one of them faltered in the next step to this budding relationship.
Gabrielle stood in place for a moment -- transfixed. She couldn't believe what she just did. What Xena allowed her to do. 'Now what? Do I wait for her to make the next move?'
Both women fell into their established routine. Xena built up the fire as Gabrielle washed at the basin. She donned a clean shift and got into bed as Xena took her turn at the basin. Gabrielle moved to the far side of the bed, against the wall. She and Xena had slept together plenty of times in the past, but tonight would be different. Gabrielle could feel her own tension grow as Xena slipped into a clean shift and got under the covers. She felt herself holding her breath, not sure which way to turn.
Xena lay on her back, praying to the God Morpheus to take her. She could feel the tension emanating from Gabrielle, but was not sure what she could do. After a couple of long, agonizing minutes, Xena extended her left hand to Gabrielle and said softly, "C'mere." Gabrielle slowly inched her way towards Xena, allowing her friend to wrap a strong arm around her. She buried her face in Xena's shoulder, and both women eventually fell asleep.
Chapter 05
Xena awoke as the first rays of light filtered through the trees and splashed across the room. 'I must be coming down with something,' she thought groggily to herself. She felt both extremely warm and chilled at the same time. It wasn't until she focused on her surroundings that she realized her dilemma. Sometime during the night, most of the covers had been tugged away from the right side of her body, leaving her exposed to the chill night air. Goose bumps played up her arm and leg.
Her left side, though, was radiating heat. All of the covers were bunched up there, obscuring the weight that had ensconced itself. Xena slowly and carefully peeled back the top edge of the covers and had a peek underneath. She found the heat source. 'Gabrielle.' Sometime during the night Gabrielle had, shall we say, mounted and buried herself into Xena's left side. Her right arm had dug itself under the warrior and her hand had a firm grasp of shift. Her left hand was cupping the bottom of Xena's left breast, while her head rested comfortably on top of it. Gabrielle was straddling her friend's left thigh, and to make matters worse, her left knee was planted firmly between Xena's legs. Xena found her second heat source.
It took only a moment's thought for Xena to realize that *this* would not be a good position for Gabrielle to be in when she woke up and found Xena lying awake. 'What am I gonna do?' Xena tried to come up with a plan of action. 'Or better yet, maybe a plan of inaction. If I just lie here and pretend to be sleeping, it will give Gabrielle a chance to wake up and extricate herself from me. And she will be none the wiser.' But Xena knew that if Gabrielle found herself in this predicament, she would be so embarrassed and guilty that it might seriously jeopardize their relationship before it even got started.
'Nope. Plan A is out. Hmm... Plan B. I could possibly wiggle myself out from under the bard. She *is* a heavy sleeper and I've gotten out of tighter spots than this before.' Xena pondered this plan for a few moments. 'Let's see. Should I remove her hand from my breast first, or her knee from -'
At this precise moment Gabrielle stirred a little, grinding her knee into the warrior.
'Oh Gods!' Xena screamed to herself, as she bit into her lower lip. 'Her knee -- definitely her knee.' Xena fought every muscle in her body, trying to stay in control. 'But what if she wakes up? Gods, what would she think I was doing?' Xena tried to play the scenario out in her mind. She tried to see it through Gabrielle's innocent eyes. 'She could think I was... well... trying to have my way with her.' Xena cringed at the thought. 'Especially if she knew I'd been with other women. And not all of them by their own choosing. I would lose her for sure.'
Xena focused all of her energy on the problem at hand, trying hard to ignore the other hand that was still cupped under her breast. 'Ah, Plan C. This will require precise timing and placement.' Ever so carefully Xena peeled back the covers, exposing all of Gabrielle. She slowly reached over to the bard with her right hand, two fingers extended in the same position she used to apply pressure points. Xena knew it was now or never. With a slight arch of her back to uncover the arm that Gabrielle had buried under the warrior, she reached over and found the bard's most ticklish spot.
Gabrielle was airborne. Xena dove for the floor and executed a perfect tuck and roll and came up in a crouch in front of the fireplace. With lightening speed, she retrieved the poker from against the wall and was tending the fire when Gabrielle's eyes flew open, her scream still emanating from her lungs.
"XEEENA!?!" Gabrielle was crouched on top of the bed in a defensive posture. "What the -- where -- my Gods!!!" Her eyes were wide with fear. She was sure she was being attacked.
"Gabrielle. Are you OK?" Xena was over to the bed immediately, trying to comfort her friend. "You must have been having a nightmare. Everything's OK now." She cradled her trembling love in her arms, feeling guilty for what she had just done. Then she thought again of the alternatives, and knew this was for the best.
After a few minutes Gabrielle calmed down, but still held onto Xena. "I guess it was a nightmare," she mumbled, her face still buried in the protective warmth of her warrior. "I don't even remember it."
"That's for the best then," Xena replied. Then the woman of few words spent time talking in calming and hushed tones, stroking Gabrielle's hair and assuring her everything was alright.
The rest of the morning proved to be much less eventful. They spent a quiet breakfast in the tavern and had their bags packed and settled on Argo. There was a cool crispness to the morning air, and the dew was still settled when they quietly left the town. Gabrielle, as usual, preferred to walk. Even though this slowed them down somewhat, Xena didn't mind. She had calculated that at this pace, they would still reach their destination on time.
Gabrielle spent the morning regaling Xena with story after story. Xena was certain that this was the best part of the trip. The stories Gabrielle told during these times they spent alone together were not the same stories she told when she had an audience. Audiences always seemed to want to hear of the exploits of Xena, Warrior Princess. And Gabrielle usually obliged them. Xena, on the other hand, always felt awkward hearing about herself. She preferred to hear about the exploits of others.
After a stop along the side of the road to rest Argo and enjoy a leisurely lunch, the two continued on their way. "Where is it that we're heading?" Gabrielle asked again.
"Torone," replied Xena. "I got word that a week ago a terrible storm blew through the village. I promised Yannis that if he ever needed help, I'd be there."
"And Yannis -- he was in your army?"
"He was a lieutenant," Xena responded. 'And one of the few people from that time I still consider a friend.' "He gave up that life and is now a farmer."
"Did the storm do much damage?"
"It destroyed some of his crops and leveled his silo. They've already salvaged what crops they could, but I want to help him in the rebuilding." The genuine compassion Gabrielle had for somebody she did not even know touched Xena, and made her feel even more guilty for the story she was feeding her. 'I know I should tell her the truth. She's not a child anymore.' Xena just couldn't bring herself to admit to Gabrielle where they were really heading. They spent the better part of the afternoon talking about everything and nothing.
Gabrielle, for her part, was loving life to its fullest. Except for the minor altercation she had this morning with demons from her sleep, the last twenty-four hours were the best time she had in her life. 'Xena treated me like an adult when she thought there might be trouble. Then she volunteered a night's stay at the inn. She even spent the entire afternoon with me at the marketplace, at her suggestion.' Gabrielle turned these bits of information over and over in her head. 'Things really have changed in the last two years, but when?' It had been such a slow process that Gabrielle couldn't pinpoint the beginning. 'I guess I just wore her down.'
Gabrielle continued to chew on these thoughts and others, and the more she chewed, the less palpable they became. 'Is this change in Xena something she wanted, or is she merely giving in to my constant prodding?' Gabrielle began to work the events of the last twenty-four hours over in her mind again, in light of this new thought. Looking back, Gabrielle was now sure that the real reason Xena left her alone at the dance was so that she would have been more approachable. 'If Xena really loved me, she wouldn't have allowed that to happen. She wanted me in the arms of someone else. Anyone else but her. She stated herself that had she known I couldn't dance, she would have shown me in time for the dance, so that I could have accepted the offer to dance from that man.'
Xena noted that it was quiet. Too quiet. She glanced behind to see if the bard was still there. What she saw concerned her. Gabrielle was scuffling along, head down, brows knitted together. She appeared to be holding a conversation with herself. Her mouth worked at forming words, but none came out. "Gabrielle," Xena called back to her friend. There was no response.
Gabrielle chewed harder on these new thoughts, and a bitter taste was forming in her mouth. Remembering last evening, she realized that during the entire dance lesson, Xena had kept a respectable distance between them. '*I* was the one who first instigated contact. *I* kissed her.
Xena slowed Argo. She was becoming more concerned. She knew it wasn't unusual for Gabrielle to sometimes go off into a world of her own; Xena always thought that was where some of her bard's best stories came from. 'But it's not the smartest thing to do when you're out on the road. Even if you do have the warrior princess to keep you safe.' Xena watched as Gabrielle came abreast of her and Argo, and continued on, oblivious of her surroundings. "Gabrielle?" Xena called out. Again there was no response.
'Gods, I'm so confused,' Gabrielle cried to herself. It was then that she looked up and realized that Xena and Argo were no longer in front of her. She panicked and gripped her staff with both hands spinning wildly around. There, some thirty paces behind her, sat Xena on Argo. A look of total confusion was evident on both women's faces. "Xena. What are you..." Gabrielle did not finish the sentence. She merely started to head back the way she came.
Xena urged Argo on and met her half way. "Gabrielle. Are you OK?" Xena tried to figure out what was on her friend's mind to no avail.
"Uh, yeah. I guess so," the bard said, wobbling slightly where she stood. She leaned on her staff for support.
"You don't look so good. You're as pale as a ghost." Xena was now really concerned for her friend. 'She seemed fine just a little while ago.' "Give me your hand," she instructed Gabrielle.
"No Xena, really. I'm fine."
"Gabrielle. You're pale as a ghost and you can barely stand. Now give me your hand." Xena gave her that look. She was not going to take no for an answer.
The last thing Gabrielle wanted was to make physical contact with Xena, but she understood the look she was getting from the warrior. There would be no questioning her command. She finally relented, and soon found herself easily plucked from the earth and sitting behind Xena. Gabrielle sat as far back in the saddle as was possible, and tentatively held onto the warrior at the sides of her waist with just her fingertips. She prayed to any God that was willing to listen to not let her fall off.
Xena was not sure what was going on behind her, but she needed to feel Gabrielle to know that she was still there and alright. Momentarily dropping the reins, Xena reached behind herself with both hands and grasped her young friend's hands in hers. She wrapped Gabrielle's arms around her waist, and clasped both her wrists firmly in one hand.
Gabrielle never had a chance. Before she knew it, she was pressed tightly against the back that she had tried so hard to distance herself from. She flushed with desire as Xena urged Argo on, and the rhythmic movement of the warrior's body rubbed against hers.
"There's a quiet clearing a few miles up the road," Xena commented more to herself than Gabrielle. "We'll stop there for the evening."
Chapter 06
Xena normally didn't mind the quiet, but not at the expense of her friend. Gabrielle had been distant and withdrawn the entire evening. She still went about her chores helping to set up camp, but hardly a word was spoken between the two. Xena went off to lay her traps, and ended up bringing a nice sized skinned and dressed rabbit back to camp. Gabrielle quietly accepted it, and roasted it to perfection as usual. When Xena noticed from across the fire that Gabrielle did nothing more than pick at her food, Xena did the only thing she could think of. Gabrielle watched as Xena went over to the saddle bags and rummaged around inside. She returned and sat next to Gabrielle. Xena waited in silence. Slowly, Gabrielle raised her eyes and met Xena's. Xena smiled and handed her a cloth bag.
Gabrielle hesitantly accepted it, not sure just what was going on. She looked back into the warrior's blue eyes, lost again in the ocean before her. Gulping hard, she forced her eyes from Xena and to the package in her lap. She reached inside and wrapped her hand around a familiar object. Her eyes lit up as she extracted an entire loaf of nutbread from the cloth bag. "Xena! Where did you get... You got this from Androniki, didn't you?" Gabrielle asked and answered her own question.
"I knew how much you liked the stuff. So when I went up to get you a slice, I informed her that I was hoping she would still have a loaf left to sell me later on. I'm not sure, but I think I may have been a little intimidating. She answered yes so quickly and emphatically, you'd have thought I was going to burn the town to the ground if she had refused."
"Well Xena, you can sometimes be a little scary, even when you don't mean to." Gabrielle watched Xena for her response, already regretting her comment.
"Gab... I've never... I've never scared you, have I?" Xena wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer.
"Well... uh..."
"Do you remember when we first started traveling together? You could be very intimidating when you wanted your way. At first you scared me. Earlier today when you wanted me to ride with you and I refused... What would you have done if I hadn't given in?"
"I... " Xena didn't know how to answer. She never even considered the possibility that she would be refused. "You know I would never hurt you."
Gabrielle tried to reassure her. "Oh Xena, I know you never would." She reached out and touched her forearm. "But Androniki and the others don't know this. When you've got that look, you can be very intimidating."
Both women sat in silence, absorbed in their own thoughts. Xena was in shock. 'How could I have not known how I made her feel? I love her.' Xena was sure she could feel her heart being ripped from her chest. Her insides churned and she was positive she was going to be physically sick. 'Gabrielle's been acting strange all afternoon. Has she changed her mind about us and is too afraid to tell me? Gods! What does she think I'd do to her?' "Gabrielle? I know something is bothering you." Xena tried to speak in as calm and reassuring a voice as she could. "When you're ready to talk about it, I'll be here for you." Xena got up and went back to the other side of the fire.
Gabrielle just sat there, her emotions in flux. She loved Xena so much. 'But does she love me? How could she love a simple girl from Poteidaia? I'm not even sure how to love another woman.' Gabrielle absentmindedly broke off a hunk of the nutbread and began to eat. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until her first mouthful. Gabrielle smiled to herself. Xena never failed to do the little things that showed her how much she really cared. 'Xena is truly a good friend, but could she be more?' Gabrielle decided she needed to know.
She got up and crossed to Xena's side of the fire. Wordlessly she sat and offered her a piece of nutbread. Xena dutifully accepted. She had already learned her lesson when it came to defying her young friend. "Xena?"
"About last night."
Xena froze. She knew this was coming. 'Hell, I even asked for it.' Xena knew she owed it to her friend to look her in the eye, but she just couldn't do it. She continued to stare into the fire. "Yes Gabrielle?"
"You left me alone on purpose at that dance, didn't you?" It was more a statement of fact than a question. She didn't give Xena a chance to respond. "You set me up. Why, Xena? Why?"
Xena sat there, not sure of how to answer. She wanted to tell Gabrielle that it broke her heart to leave her alone there. That she loved her and that it was all a big mistake. 'But if she is having second thoughts, I need to give her a way out.' "I thought it was for the best. You deserve better than me."
"*You* thought it was for the best?" Gabrielle grabbed Xena by the shoulders and spun her around to face her. The startled warrior's first instinct was to strike back, but she caught herself in time and quietly allowed the bard to vent her frustrations. Gabrielle seized her chin in her hand and thrust Xena's face up to meet hers. "Did you ever stop to consider what *I* thought was for the best?! No! I'm not a little girl, Xena. I know what I want. I want you..." Gabrielle continued to hold Xena's gaze. "I love you."
"I never thought you had any feelings for me in that way. I was afraid that if I admitted my feelings, I'd lose you." Xena tried to look away, but Gabrielle had a lock on her eyes that she could not break. "And then today -- you were acting so strangely. I thought maybe you changed your mind and didn't know how to tell me."
"Oh Xena." Gabrielle released the death grip she still had on the warrior's chin and cupped her cheek in her palm. "I had talked myself into believing that you didn't love me. Why do we do this to each other? You've got to tell me what you're thinking. I don't know if I can take much more of this."
"I wasn't the only one to hold back on my feelings. And you. A bard," Xena allowed a little lopsided grin to cross her face.
"Heh... well... you know this bard stuff can be hard work sometimes." Gabrielle's eyes twinkled at the sight of the smile on her friend's face. "Xena?"
"Yes Gabrielle?"
"I'm starved." With these two words, Xena knew she had her friend back for sure.
The next two days were spent in their usual routine. Up early in the morning, and after a quick breakfast, off on the road. A stop for lunch, and on again until dinner. They passed other travelers on the road, but mercifully there was no trouble. In the evening, Xena would find a quiet spot off the main road, where they made camp. Gabrielle spent time writing in her scrolls, while Xena sat across the fire, catching up on some mending of her leathers, gauntlets and greaves.
If days were pleasant, the nights were even more so. With their bedrolls next to each other, they spent the time before sleep in each other's arms. Sometimes discussing the day's events, sometimes looking up at the stars dreaming, and sometimes not saying anything at all. Xena soon came to realize that Gabrielle's bold advances the night of the dance were short lived, as the bard quickly reverted to her normally modest ways. Even so, Xena found herself relishing the quiet kisses of her naturally curious friend and gave her all the time she needed to become comfortable with their new relationship.
The third day was quickly looking like it would drop into the history books as a repeat of the last two when the sky opened up. It happened so quickly and with such intensity that it even caught Xena off guard. Slanted sheets of stinging rain began to pelt them down the front of their bodies. They were soaked before they had a chance. Still, Xena dismounted Argo and pulled their capes from their traveling bags. "Here," Xena shouted, trying to be heard over the din of the storm. She wrapped one of the capes protectively around Gabrielle. "It's too late to stay dry," she laughed, "but at least it'll help absorb the sting of this rain." She quickly wrapped the other cape around herself.
Tugging on Xena's arm to get her attention Gabrielle pleaded, "We've got to turn back."
Xena turned her back to the storm and stood squarely in front of her companion, trying to block her from the incoming stabs of rain. "I wish we could," Xena replied, looking into the eyes of the woman she loved. "We haven't passed any suitable shelter in three candle marks. And we'd never be able to out run this storm. Our best chance is to head into it, and hope to break through to the other side."
Gabrielle couldn't hear every word Xena said, but she heard enough to understand what direction they were headed in. She squeezed Xena's arm and nodded her head in the affirmative, too exhausted to try to shout. She didn't particularly like this plan, but knew Xena would do anything to keep her safe. That's why she was positive she must have not heard Xena correctly, when the warrior shouted out the next part of her plan. "Repeat that!" Gabrielle looked at Xena incredulously.
"I said," Xena raised her voice as she bent closer to Gabrielle's ear. "I want you to ride up front with me on Argo!"
"Yep! That's what I thought you said," she shot back, grabbing the front of Xena's cape for emphasis. "No way -- uh uh -- sorry. I'm not getting up there."
"You've got to ride if we're going to make it through."
"Fine. Then I'll ride in back."
"You won't be safe. I'll need two hands on Argo's reins and it's just too slippery. I won't take that chance. Please." Xena executed a fine argument, but that last word was all it took. Gabrielle planted a kiss on Xena's cheek as she gave her a quick hug. They walked over to where the mare was impatiently waiting. "Sorry for ignoring you girl," Xena said, as she patted the flank of her horse. "I'll get us out of this." Argo turned to look at her, too miserable to respond. Xena turned her attention back to Gabrielle. "I'm going to lift you up first, then mount behind you. Hold on to the saddle horn when you get up there."
Gabrielle turned her back to Xena, expecting her friend to give her a boost so she could throw her leg over the saddle, when Xena spun her around and swiftly lifted her up so she was sitting side-saddle. The sudden change in altitude caught Gabrielle by surprise, and she clung to the saddle horn for all she was worth as Xena swung up in the saddle next to her. "This wasn't exactly what I had in mind," Gabrielle shouted, as her left hand frantically grasped Xena's arm for support. She watched as Xena wordlessly opened her cape to the storm to accept her to her body. Gabrielle didn't need a written invitation. She buried herself into the front of the warrior, disappearing into the folds of Xena's cape. With her trembling package securely fastened around her waist, Xena headed straight into the storm.
Chapter 07
The flicker of light through the trees ahead was a welcome sight for Xena. They had successfully made it through to the other side of the storm and the rain had eased up significantly. Gabrielle was still nowhere in sight. She hadn't come up for air since she buried herself into the warrior, and Xena didn't have the heart to disturb her. She silently headed for the light.
"Gabrielle. Gabrielle? C'mon. Time to wake up." Xena spoke quietly into the bundle she uncovered when she opened her cape. They had stopped in front of an inn in a small village. 'I can't believe what this girl can sleep through,' Xena mused to herself. She stroked the bard's back with her right hand, while her partner's head slowly raised itself from the left side of Xena's chest.
Very bleary green eyes came within inches of sparkling blue ones. Gabrielle tried to focus. Xena let out a chuckle at the sight of her friend, her breath tickling the back of Gabrielle's throat. "Wha's so funny?" she managed to get out.
"Oh... I'm sorry. It's just that... well... you look like a drowned rat," Xena animated, as tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks.
"Well, you try burying yourself under all of this," Gabrielle replied, indicating both her and Xena's capes. "I think I sweated off at least five pounds!" She leaned back and slowly filled her lungs with cold fresh air, trying to clear the fog from her brain. Looking around she continued, "Where are we?"
"I've found us an inn for the night. There's not a dry place to camp for miles." Gabrielle warmed quickly to the thought of a *dry* bed. Xena quickly dismounted and helped Gabrielle slide down into her waiting arms.
"Ooo, I'm stiff." Gabrielle stood on wobbly legs, rolling her head trying to get the kinks out. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think I could use a hot bath."
"Then a hot bath it is. I don't think you could get any wetter, but the soak will help to loosen your muscles. Why don't you get us a room while I stable Argo."
"Sure thing." The thought of getting out of this rain was music to her ears. She accepted her staff, which Xena had retrieved and assembled, and headed for the warmth of the inn. The perceived notion of pending warmth was soon forgotten as Gabrielle entered the inn. Silence hung in the air as the dinner crowd and the innkeeper turned to eye the stranger. It dawned on Gabrielle that the long black cape and hood covering her face were the cause, so she quickly threw back the hood and opened the cape, hoping to belie their fears.
Small murmured whispers passed amongst the dinner patrons, as the innkeeper still regarded her with a critical eye. Gabrielle donned her best bardic smile as she approached him. "Hi. I'd like to rent a room for the night."
The innkeeper openly eyed Gabrielle up and down, pausing too long at her bare mid-riff and small green halter top. Gabrielle started to feel like a side of beef, being considered for purchase. She looked away to the dinner patrons, unable to meet the eyes that were now boring through her. It was then that she realized that every other woman in the inn was covered from head to foot. The only skin showing was their hands and face. Gabrielle self-consciously wrapped her cape back around herself.
"Are you alone?" the innkeeper asked, his eyes once again roaming over Gabrielle, recalling the sight.
"No. I'm waiting for -"
"Well then, Missy," he interrupted. "Why don't you have a seat and wait for your man to get here." He wasn't used to dealing with women folk, and was real curious as to what kind of a man would let his woman run around half naked.
"If it's all the same to you, I'd like a room now." Gabrielle was soaked and exhausted, and was simply not in the mood for this. "And besides," she added, "the 'he' I'm waiting for is a 'she'."
A look of disgust replaced the leer on the innkeeper's face. "I run a family business. Why don't you two take it back outside in the woods, with the rest of the animals."
"My friend and I just want a room for the night. We don't want any trouble."
"I bet that's not all your *friend* wants," the drunk at the bar to Gabrielle's right slurred. "Maybe a little midnight snack too, hum?" He leaned over and suggestively fingered the front of her cape.
Gabrielle disgustedly tore away from the offense, and glared at the people gawking at her.
"We ain't got no room for the likes of you," the innkeeper said, wiping his hands on a dirty cloth. "You best be on your way. Now get out of my inn."
Gabrielle ran from the inn and straight into the arms of a startled Xena, who reflexively dropped their bags on the ground and embraced her back. Gabrielle didn't mean to, but tears came as she clung to her. She berated herself for not taking care of the situation, but she was just too tired to think straight. "Gabrielle! What's the matter? Are you hurt?" Xena pulled her friend off of her, and carefully checked her over in the moonlight.
"No, I'm fine." She grasped the warrior's hands, stopping the examination. "The innkeeper... he... he wouldn't rent me a room."
"Wouldn't?" Xena raised Gabrielle's face to meet hers. "Are you sure you understood him correctly?"
"Oh yeah. I understood him just fine. He said he doesn't rent rooms out to our kind."
"Our kind?" Xena heard herself again repeating what the bard just told her, but she didn't believe getting a room for the night was going to end up being such a big deal. Xena's voice lowered into a growl. "What did he mean by *our kind*?"
"He assumed I was traveling with a man, and when I corrected him, he said he ran a family business and that we should take it back outside with the rest of the animals."
Xena saw red. "C'mon, Gabrielle. Let's get us a room." Xena grabbed their bags and entered the inn, keeping Gabrielle protectively behind her.
The tall black caped figure just stood there, eyeing the innkeeper from the folds of the hood. The innkeeper stood there for a moment, thinking that maybe he had heard the little girl wrong. She was obviously with a man after all. He started to relax a little, trying to think of an appropriate way to apologize for his earlier remarks, when Xena dropped their bags, pushed the hood back off her face and threw off her cape.
"Xena!" Gabrielle pleaded, as she tried to put a restraining hand on the warrior's arm. Xena's name echoed as it passed along the lips of the patrons. There were also reverberations of Warrior Princess, Warlord, and murderer.
Xena thought about taking care of this in a polite manner, but she was cold and tired and hungry and wet. 'And a cold, tired, hungry and *wet* warrior doesn't know the meaning of polite,' she grimly reminded herself. The bar, which was the only protection the innkeeper had between himself and a very pissed off warrior soon disappeared as Xena vaulted it and had him pinned up against the back wall. Her actions were so quick he was still holding the drink he had just poured. "Thanks," Xena drawled, as she took the drink and downed it with one swallow. "Don't mind if I do." She placed the empty mug on the counter to her right, and slammed her right hand on the wall, just inches away from his head. She leaned into him, her whole body a breath away from his. He was forced to look straight up to meet her glare, and the water from her hair slowly dripped onto his face.
With her left hand, Xena executed a little maneuver she had learned from her warlord days. It wasn't lethal, but prolonged use could cause disability. It was also a great attention getter. If done right, it was subtle enough not to call attention to itself from anybody else watching. And Xena didn't want her young friend to see her inflicting any pain. She slid her left hand between them and gathered a handful of his baggy pants at his waist. With a simple twist of her wrist and a raising of her forearm, Xena let his own pants put a strangle hold on his manhood. She lifted her forearm another inch, and the poor man was now attempting to support as much of his weight as he could on his toes.
"I thought you were in the business of renting rooms," Xena hissed through clenched jaws. She ratcheted her left forearm up a few more degrees, and he could quickly feel his manhood disintegrate.
"I run a clean -- respectable family business," he managed to get past the lump in his throat. He was too scared to think what that lump might actually be. "I didn't want any trouble."
"Well, you've got a funny way of showing it. Now, my friend asked politely about a room. Now it's my turn. I'd like a room." Xena's arm ratcheted up a degree. "And hot baths." Ratchet. "And hot food." Ratchet. "And drink." Ratchet. By this time all he could do was violently shake his head yes. Words were beyond his comprehension to form. "Thanks," Xena smiled. She patted him on the right side of his face, as she lowered him back to the floor.
Xena lifted her head and straightened her shoulders back to her full six feet, and fluidly walked around the bar and back to where Gabrielle was still standing. She nonchalantly gathered her cape and their bags from her friend, and placing a protective arm around her love, led her to the stairs. There they followed the now wincing innkeeper as he showed them to their room. No one in the crowded room below dared to comment on the physical contact the warrior was showing her friend as they ascended the stairs.
Chapter 08
"Here," the innkeeper meekly said, as he showed them into their room. Using the candle he carried, he went about the room lighting candles. He then proceeded to the fireplace, where he attempted to get a fire started. He found it increasingly difficult to do so, while trying to keep an eye on the warrior. He was scared for his life now that he was alone with her.
"I'll get that," Xena barked at him. She appreciated the way he almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice. 'Very reassuring.' She smiled. He turned to her but would not make eye contact. "I want a tub with plenty of hot water brought to the room. And hot food and drink. And plenty of extra blankets and towels," she added as an afterthought. When she realized the man was still standing there she finished, "Now!" He was out the door in a flash.
"Wow! That must have been some look you gave him." Gabrielle stood there looking at Xena in wide-eyed wonderment. "He wouldn't even look you in the eye. Must have been a real attention grabber."
"Yeah. You could say that." Xena chuckled as she realized that the entire time the innkeeper was in the room, he never took his eyes off her left hand. "A real attention grabber."
Xena soon had a fire going. "Here, give me that thing." She walked over to Gabrielle and lifted the soggy cape from her shoulders. "This thing weighs a ton." She dragged two chairs over to the fire, and laid the capes as close as she dared. Xena returned to her friend and directed her to sit on the edge of the bed. She pulled the blanket from the bed and draped it over Gabrielle's shoulders. Gabrielle just sat there. All her strength had seeped from her body. And to top it off, she had a pounding headache.
"Let me give you a hand. We've got to get you out of these wet clothes." Xena knelt before her, and worked on getting her boots off. The wet leather laces stubbornly complied after a few strong tugs. Xena then went to work on the laces of her top and finally her skirt. For Gabrielle's part, she simply obeyed Xena's commands to lift her arms, stand and sit. When Xena was done, she had a beautiful, naked, freezing bard sitting before her. Xena wrapped the blanket around her trembling friend and began to vigorously rub her arms and legs, doing what she could to generate heat. A tentative knock on the door stopped her efforts.
Xena made sure Gabrielle was properly covered and called, "Come in." She stood and turned, putting herself between her friend and the door. When Xena saw that the tub had arrived, she moved the chairs with the wet capes to the side of the fireplace, and directed the two young men to place the tub in front of the fireplace. They quickly did as instructed, and proceeded to make numerous trips to the hallway to retrieve buckets of hot water. When the tub was full, they brought even more buckets in and placed them near the fire. As they were readying to leave, one of the young men eyed the young woman's clothes strewn about the floor and met the icy cold stare of the warrior. Grabbing his friend by the arm, they beat a hasty retreat. As soon as they exited, two young girls appeared at the open door.
From their ruddy complexion and round, freckled faces, Xena knew they had to be daughters of the innkeeper. "Come in," she called to them. They hesitated for a moment, not sure they loved their father anymore for sticking them with this chore. Xena saw the normal signs of fear that she evoked, and gave them a warm smile as she sat on the bed next to Gabrielle. She hoped the change in her height would also help to put them at ease. The older girl entered first with a tray laden with food. She placed it on the small table inside the door. The younger girl still stood rooted in the doorway. Xena gave her a winning smile and said, "C'mer." The girl automatically obeyed, a smile spreading across her face. Xena took the blankets and towels offered her, and placed them on the bed behind her.
"Kristin, come here!" her older sister begged. She wanted to get out of the room before that warrior ate them for dinner.
"Kyra, she's nice! I told you she wouldn't eat us!" Kyra just looked at her younger sister, not believing that she had just let the warrior woman know her deepest, darkest fear.
"Eat you!?!" Gabrielle startled them both with a laugh as she playfully punched Xena on the upper arm. "What have people been filling your imaginations with?" she wondered out loud. Kristin quickly backed away from the two women, not sure she wanted to be witness to what the warrior would do in retaliation for being struck. She stopped cold when she saw Xena place her arm around the strawberry blonde haired woman and give her a gentle squeeze.
"Kyra. Please give your father a message from me. Tell him thank you for the quick service, and that I don't want to be disturbed. You can come for the dinner dishes tomorrow." Both girls nodded and quickly left.
"So now you eat children," Gabrielle admonished her. "Since when was there a change in your diet?"
"Two moons ago. Didn't I mention it? A mystic healer told me I should get more young meat in my diet."
"I think she meant veal and lamb."
"Oh. Now you tell me." Both women erupted into fits of laughter.
"Xena, where do they come up with these stories?" Gabrielle asked, as she wiped a tear from her face.
"I don't know, Gab But they never cease to amaze me." Xena stood in front of Gabrielle and helped her to her feet. "Now, let's get you in that tub before the water turns cold." She unwrapped the precious bundle before her and took the now damp blanket and Gabrielle's clothes to lay them by the fire.
Gabrielle made a beeline for the tub. "Oh, Xena. I didn't think it could feel so good to get wet all over again." Gabrielle slowly lowered her tired limbs into the hot water.
Xena brought the tray of food over to the tub. "We best eat this while it's hot. I'm not in the mood to have to go downstairs to get it reheated." Xena handed her friend a hot bowl of stew while she quickly peeled herself out of her wet leathers and wrapped a blanket around herself. She settled herself next to the tub and the two quietly ate their meal.
Gabrielle used the last of the bread to sop up the remaining broth in her bowl. "That was really good! Even though he is a royal pain in the -"
"Well he is, Xena. Like I was saying. Even though he's a *royal pain* he certainly serves a fine meal. I didn't realize how hungry I was. All I could think of earlier was a nice, warm, dry bed. Now look at me. Sitting in a tub pickling my skin and stuffing my face!" Xena reached in the tub and ran her fingers through the water. "Hey! You getting fresh with me?"
"Only if you ask nicely," Xena teased. She got up from the floor and retrieved the kettle of hot water she had placed over the fire. She carefully added it to the tub. "Here," Xena said, taking the bar of soap in her hands. "Let me wash your hair." She knelt behind Gabrielle and lathered her hands. She gathered the strawberry blonde tresses in her hands and proceeded to wash Gabrielle's hair, as well as gently massage her neck and temples.
"Ouch! No, no. Don't stop. That feels sooo good. Yes... a little to the right. That's the spot." Gabrielle leaned back into Xena, allowing the warrior healer's magic fingers to release the tension that had been building in her head. Xena was more than happy to oblige. 'I don't think I've ever been more pampered in my entire life.' This was yet another side to Xena that she never bothered to try to explain to anybody. They would never believe her. It would surprise people to learn how gentle her hands could be. How the same fingers that were calloused from years of fighting, held such healing powers.
The crackle and spittle from the fire and an occasional murmured whimper from Gabrielle when Xena's fingers found a tender spot were the only sounds emanating from the small room. Xena was entranced by the sounds coming from Gabrielle. She closed her eyes and imagined how she could make other sounds escape those beautiful lips. 'Just a small kiss here. And maybe another one there. My tongue running down her... mmm... delicious. And her... Ooo between my fingers... squeezing... pinching. Feeling her... so wet. Taking her. Yes!'
The rhythm of the massage Gabrielle was receiving had changed a few minutes ago, replaced with long, smooth, slow strokes. She had almost drifted off to sleep then, relaxed and lulled into a beautiful dream. Suddenly her heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened when she felt more than heard a ragged breath escape Xena. Xena's hands had traveled down her neck, over her shoulders, and were now pliantly massaging her upper arms. Down and back up. Down and back up, Xena's hands worked the flesh of her arms. Xena was leaning further into Gabrielle, her head pressed up alongside her love's head, lips a breath away from her right ear.
'Oh my Gods,' Gabrielle cried to herself, as she felt the muscles in her upper thighs constrict. 'This is no time for a cramp.' Try as she might, she had no idea how to relieve it, and had no idea of it's true source. Another ragged breath escaped Xena's lips. 'My, it's getting mighty warm in here.' Gabrielle giggled softly. She knew where the source of *that* was coming from. 'Xena.' Xena, who now had her earlobe in her mouth, and was lightly sucking and biting on it. Xena, whose hands never ceased in their tireless efforts to touch and manipulate her arms, then back up to her shoulders and now down to her - "Oh... GODS," Gabrielle groaned, as she found her body arching to meet the warrior's latest assault on her flesh. She turned her head and captured Xena's mouth, feeling the power of Xena's lips crush into hers.
For Xena's part, she hadn't realized that it had progressed beyond a simple massage until Gabrielle's lips found hers. Until then, she was content to simply enjoy her innocent fantasy. Gabrielle's lips brought her back to reality, and she was startled to realize her fantasy had spilled over when she felt soft and responsive breasts under her hands. Xena yanked her hands from the bard and pushed herself away from the tub. "Gabrielle... I'm so sorry... I... I didn't realize..." She looked down and examined her hands, wondering how they could have betrayed her.
Gabrielle spun around and watched as the warrior sat there transfixed on her hands. Her mind raced to think of what to say to bring Xena back to her. She had started something that her body needed to have finished. "Xena. Xena..." Gabrielle waited for what seemed like an eternity for Xena to meet her eyes. She extended her hand and said simply, "Please."
Xena could see the desire in Gabrielle's eyes, and felt her own passion growing. She reached for the offered hand and lightly brushed fingertips. The connection was magnetic. She found herself drawn into those sea-mist green eyes, and slowly covered the distance. "Gabrielle, I don't want to -" All thought was lost as Gabrielle brushed her lips over the warrior's again and again.
"Xena. You didn't do anything I didn't want you to do." She slid her hands around Xena's neck and pulled her in. Their lips met, and Gabrielle could feel her nipples cry out as they rubbed on the metal surface of the tub. She grasped Xena's hands and slowly pivoted in the tub, allowing her head to fall back on the warrior's chest. With slow, deliberate movements she brought Xena's hands around her neck and down her chest, breaking the surface of the water and urging them on. "Xena... please," Gabrielle begged, as she urged the warrior's hands over her soft flesh.
Xena marveled at the boldness of the bard as she felt small hands pressing hers down. She leaned into Gabrielle and began to slowly massage her breasts. Gabrielle pushed back into the warrior and arched her back as she turned and found her lips. Xena savored the taste of Gabrielle's lips with her tongue, and with a small flick, was soon sweeping it over her bard's teeth. Gabrielle started to say Xena's name, and that was all the enticement Xena needed, as Gabrielle swiftly found a large, warm tongue battling hers for space in her mouth. Xena's tongue was like a small child's; inquisitive, exploring every recess, touching and tasting. Gabrielle moaned deeply, clutching the rim of the tub with white knuckles. Xena responded by lavishing more attention on the now erect nipples below the surface of the water. She rolled them between her fingers as Gabrielle's body was propelled further and further into Xena's expert hands.
"Xena... Please!" the bard begged, as Xena left her mouth and ventured around to taste her neck. She lingered over the taut skin of her partner's arched neck for a moment, before beginning to trail hot kisses down to the water's edge. Gabrielle, fearful that Xena would stop once she reached the water, thrust her body upwards. Her breasts broke the surface of the water like two newly formed islands. This was an unneeded move on the bard's part. Xena was already willing to drown to get to her targets of desire and had no intention of stopping when her tongue hit the water.
Xena knew this was Gabrielle's first time with a woman, and she desperately wanted to be as gentle as possible with her. Even though she had been with Perdicus for one night, Xena was not sure what he had showed her, since Gabrielle had always been bashful when it came to matters of intimacy. All of these wonderful, rational thoughts were soon lost on Xena as she witnessed those two beautiful breasts heaving to meet her. She descended teeth first to meet the right one, biting the hard nipple with uncontrollable lust.
"Xena!... Oh... Gods!... XENA!" Gabrielle panted, trying to force air past her scorched throat and into her lungs. "PLEASE!" She strained to force more of herself between Xena's teeth. The muscles of her thighs were so constricted that you could have bounced a dinar off them. All of her weight was now being supported by her heels which she had dug into the bottom of the tub, and her hands, which had become permanent fixtures to its sides. When Xena stretched to lavish the same attention on the left breast, Gabrielle had her pleas answered. Xena's left breast brushed over the bard's cheek and fell into her waiting mouth. The feel of Xena's erect nipple in her mouth sent Gabrielle over the edge. Her screams may have been somewhat muffled at the time, but Xena felt them course through her body and she followed Gabrielle moments later.
Xena supported Gabrielle's now limp body, fearful she would simply slip under the water otherwise. "Xena?" Gabrielle whispered.
"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."
"I think my headache's gone." She looked up to see the lopsided grin on her lover's face.
"Oh, I can't wait to see my next patient's face when I try out my new remedy!"
"Don't you even think about it."
"That one you save for me. And I feel like I'm going to have a sudden surge in headaches." She softly laughed as mock exasperation spread over Xena's face.
Gabrielle looked down at the puckered skin of her fingers and sobbed, "If I don't get out of this water soon, this may become permanent." She sat up under her own strength, and Xena retrieved a towel from the bed. Refusing to make eye contact with Xena as she returned, Gabrielle admitted with great embarrassment, "I... I don't think I can stand on my own."
Xena smiled apologetically, only now realizing the true effect she had on Gabrielle. "Let me help you." Xena slung the towel over her shoulder and stooped over the side of the tub, scooping Gabrielle up in her arms. She cradled the bard to her body and headed for the bed. There, she slid Gabrielle to her feet and with one arm supporting the bard under her shoulder, she proceeded to wrap the towel around her. Xena scooped her back up and gently placed her on the bed, lingering for a moment to steal a kiss. Before Gabrielle had a chance to return it, Xena broke away. "If you start something now," Xena sheepishly admitted, "I'll never get my bath."
"Xena! I completely forgot. Why didn't you remind me?"
Xena threw a guilty look over her shoulder as she headed to the fire for hot water. "I was a little preoccupied," she confessed. She filled the tub once again with hot water and made quick work of her bath.
Returning to the bed carrying two white shifts, she tossed one to Gabrielle. After drying herself with a towel, she snatched the bard's discarded towel and went to lay them by the fire to dry. "Xena. Could you bring me my satchel?"
"Sure." She returned and handed it to Gabrielle, who was now sitting with her back against the headboard. Xena sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed, combing her hair.
Gabrielle dug around the satchel a moment, and produced a small multicolored tin. She presented it to Xena. "What's this?" Xena inquired, as she worked the top off.
"Dessert!" Gabrielle beamed.
Xena's eyes lit up when she spotted the small treats. Where did you find them?"
"At the harvest festival. I know they're your favorite."
"They were my favorite," Xena corrected her, as she popped one in her mouth.
Gabrielle looked dejected. "Were?"
Xena leaned over and furnished Gabrielle with a long, smoldering kiss. "They've got stiff competition now," she husked, as they both came up for air. She proceeded to place one of the treats between Gabrielle's lips, and popped another one in her mouth. "But that doesn't mean we still can't enjoy them," she finished, smiling.
Xena added more wood to the fire before returning to bed and blowing out the last of the candles. She crawled under the covers and joined Gabrielle, who was lying with her back to Xena. Rolling onto her left side, Xena wrapped her right arm around her love's waist and pulled Gabrielle to her. She draped her arm around her chest and nestled her chin atop her head, realizing they were anatomically built for each other. Gabrielle flinched when Xena's hand brushed across her breast. "Gabrielle. Are you OK?" asked an alarmed Xena. "I didn't hurt you earlier, did I?" She instantly felt guilty about her aggressive actions during their lovemaking.
"Well... I am a little sore," she admitted. "But a nice sore," she added quickly, as she gave her friend's arm a reassuring squeeze.
"I'm so sorry. You should have told me. Do you want me to get you some salve?"
"No. I'll be fine. You know..." Gabrielle paused. She was glad she had her back to Xena. She wanted to be open with her, but knew that what she wanted to say she couldn't bring herself to say to Xena's face. "I never knew it could be so... so intense." Gabrielle could feel her face flush just thinking about it.
"But Perdicus?" Xena was all too aware of the one night Gabrielle had with him, though she normally tried to push it to the recesses of her mind.
"Well, he... ah... he knew it was my first time, and he was so sweet, so gentle." Gabrielle thought back to that night. "Too gentle," she admitted. "I never felt with him what I felt with you."
It suddenly dawned on Xena that what Gabrielle was trying to say was that she never achieved orgasm with Perdicus. 'But she did with me.' Xena smiled at this realization.
Gabrielle wiggled back a little further wanting contact with as much of Xena as she could possibly manage. "It can't get any better than this," she murmured more to herself than Xena.
"Just wait."
Gabrielle stiffened for an instant, and then relaxed as Xena pulled her in, enveloping her in warmth and love.
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