feral-ballad · 2 years
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Habiba Muhammadi, tr. by Ibrahim Muhawi, from The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology; “Untitled Poem”
[Text ID: “Every day I try to wake up / Early / So that the dream / May not become / Taller than me”]
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majestativa · 6 months
I come out of the skin of the idea I gouge out Apollo’s eye Just like Dionysus did For the mind!
— Habiba Muhammadi, Live Encounters: Arab Women Poets & Writers, transl by Salwa Gouda, (2024)
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vulturesouls · 10 months
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Portrait of a young man reading an album, by Riza-i Abbasi, after Muhammadi of Herat
Isfahan, Iran, ca. 1625 AD
British Museum
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pearlsoflongago · 6 months
March Days
The Newest Season
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Calligraphic Galleon, Ottoman, by Abdul Qadir Hisari
Quinquireme of Nineveh from distant Ophir, Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine, With a cargo of ivory, And apes and peacocks, Sandalwood, cedarwood, and sweet white wine.
Stately Spanish galleon coming from the Isthmus, Dipping through the Tropics by the palm-green shores, With a cargo of diamonds, Emeralds, amethysts, Topazes, and cinnamon, and gold moidores.
Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack, Butting through the Channel in the mad March days, With a cargo of Tyne coal, Road-rails, pig-lead, Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays.
--John Masefield
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Buttonwood Farm by N. C. Wyeth
A Fairy-Tale Spring
And then she danced….
Where are you, Hyacinth? There is a lover waiting for you somewhere, my dear.
It is the first of Spring. The blackbird opens his yellow beak, and whistles cool and clear. There is blue magic in the morning; the sky, deep-blue above, melts into white where it meets the hills. The wind waits for you up yonder—will you go to meet it? Ah, stay here! The hedges have put on their green coats for you; misty green are the tall elms from which the rooks are chattering. Along the clean white road, between the primrose banks, he comes. Will you be round this corner?——or the next? He is looking for you, Hyacinth.
(She rested, breathless, and then danced again.)
It is summer afternoon. All the village is at rest save one. "Cuck-oo!" comes from the deep dark trees; "Cuck-oo!" he calls again, and flies away to send back the answer. The fields, all green and gold, sleep undisturbed by the full river which creeps along them. The air is heavy with the scent of may. Where are you, Hyacinth? Is not this the trysting-place? I have waited for you so long! . . .
She stopped, and the watcher in the bushes moved silently away, his mind aflame with fancies.
—A. A. Milne, from Once on a Time
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Lovers in a Landscape by Muhammadi
O Eyes, go forth the Spring to view, That smiles upon our Plains anew. A Heavenly Child in cradling Flowers, Sweet Breath from Skies unclouded drew. The Morning Breeze his Nurse, that rocked His Cradle, with soft Lullings due. The Baby feigns to sleep, and blinks, Shutting his little Eyelids two. And when the Lids are oped again, The Eyebrows drip with sparkling Dew. The Bees hum round and busy sip The Nectar, and make Honey new. O come, and let the Baby's smiles And Laughter, pierce thee through and through. O come, and leave your wintry Cell, And let Heaven's Light thy Life renew. And build new Cells with honey'd Wax, Plann'd like the Bees' six-sided, true. And warmed by radiant Fire of Flowers, Old Winter's reign of Death undo. Regret is dead; Love lives again; New Life transforms the Landscape's Hue. Bold enter, then, green Spring's loved Haunts, And drink fresh Wine, nor fear to rue. And drinking full Love's sweetest Draught, The glowing Heart new Love shall woo. Love wakes afresh in Earth and Heaven; The Rose in green, the Sun in blue. O Nightingale, behold thy Rose! O Eagle, thy bright Sun pursue!
—Jeláleddín Rumi, translated by William Hastie, DD
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Woman with a Spray of Flowers from Safavid Iran circa 1575
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arado-pakistan · 2 months
Youth Exposure Visit to the MagnifiScience Centre! 🔬🌟
We are thrilled to share the incredible experience from our recent youth exposure visit to the MagnifiScience Centre! Here's a glimpse of the day filled with learning and inspiration:
Our young participants from Korangi, Lyari, Ibrahim Hydri and Muhammadi Colony were engaged in interactive exhibits and experiments, exploring the fascinating world of science and technology.
The visit sparked curiosity and creativity, encouraging our youth to ask questions and discover new interests in various scientific & environment fields.
This exposure visit was more than just a trip; it was an opportunity to inspire the next generation of innovators.
A big thank you to all our volunteers and youth participants for making this visit a memorable experience.
Stay tuned for more opportunities to empower youth through exploration and discovery!
#YouthExposureVisit #arado #STEMEducation #InspiringFutureInnovators #HandsOnLearning #YouthEmpowerment #LearningThroughFun #CommunityEngagement #aradopakistan #Inspiring #FutureInnovators #EducationalFun #BuildingCuriosity
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tawakkull · 5 months
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 233
Karama (Wonder)
Before explaining karama, since there is a close resemblance between it and miracles (mu‘jiza) in respect to their occurrence, we will first briefly examine miracles.
Derived from the root verb A-Ja-Za, meaning “that which people cannot imitate,” a mu’jiza (miracle) is the extraordinary state, event, word or attitude which God creates at the hands of a Prophet to show the truth of Prophethood, confirm the Religion, and generate conviction and contentment in the hearts of believers. It is beyond the power and ability of other people. A Prophet works a miracle according to God’s will in order to demonstrate his Prophethood in an undeniable and indisputable way. The miracle is created by God, not the Prophet. The Qur’an, other Divine Scriptures, and the Prophetic Traditions all mention numerous miracles worked by the Prophets, and refer to the consequences of believing or not believing in them.
As for karama (wonder), this word is derived from karam, the root meaning of which is honor, munificence, and bounty. Karama is used to designate extraordinary states, words, acts, and effects displayed by saints through God’s will and creation. To give a more detailed description, the extraordinary states displayed by the Prophets to demonstrate their Prophethood are “miracles,” while such states exhibited by the saints who have succeeded in purifying their souls and refining their hearts in adherence to the true Religion are considered to be “wonders.” Similar extraordinary states and acts can sometimes be witnessed in some people who have no belief in and adherence to the true Religion. But these states and acts are called “gradual perdition,” as they usually cause particularly the unjust, dissolute and sinful people gradually to descend into perdition.
From another viewpoint, a wonder (karama) is an extra miracle like gift of God with which He honors His servants who love and obey Him and whom He loves; it is God’s unusual or exceptional treatment of these servants for following the Prophet. The beloved people of God have divided this treatment into the spiritualkarama and the karama that is beyond the normal laws of life and creation:
The spiritual karama or wonder is the sum of perfect belief, good deeds, sound knowledge of God, heartfelt love for God, and perfect devotion to God, the Ultimate Truth. The people of God usually refer to this state, which is a gift from God, when they talk about karama. Profundity in knowledge and efforts to disseminate it, effectiveness in endeavors to guide others, the effort to love God and make others love Him, and the resolution and performance displayed to enable the Muhammadi spirit to blossom throughout the world can also be included as examples of this kind of Divine gift or karama.
As for the wonders that are beyond the normal laws of life and creation, they consist of certain extraordinary performances such as increasing a little food or drink without making any addition, being able to remain hungry for days without eating or drinking anything, covering great distances in a very short time, being present in many places at the same instant, walking on water without sinking, and moving some objects from afar. The devoted people of God have never considered such performances as a virtue, nor have they sought them; if God creates such things in their hands, they try to conceal them. Fearing that such extraordinary performances may be the cause of gradual perdition, the faithful servants at the door of God have turned to God with repentance, penitence, and contrition, scrutinized their sincerity, and renewed their devotion from the heart. Furthermore, some of them have likened such wonders to playthings of children and never attached any importance to them. The respected scholarly saint Ahmad ar-Rifai maintained that such wonders should be kept concealed, and he emphasized following the way of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. Some others with the same approach have regarded wonders such as flying in the air and walking on water as the acts of some animals, and stressed that the main wonder is being able constantly to pursue God’s good pleasure and approval while trying to remain distant from other kinds of extraordinariness. They have prayed, saying, “O my God! Favor my ‘secret’ with familiarity of Your Essence, and do not test me as one who is familiar with Your secrets!” They have preferred to remain shut off from all other kinds of extraordinariness than belief, knowledge of God, and love of God, and they have not even sought spiritual pleasures.
Nevertheless, there may be some sincere ones who view wonderworking as a gift from God and make it a means of praising and thanking Him. However, it is always possible for those who have not yet been able to purify their souls completely to fall into conceit and pride. For this reason, if such a gift and performance, which is regarded as a fruit of nearness to God Almighty, causes one to become distant from God instead, then it must be more prudent to keep one’s heart distant from everything, including spiritual pleasures, other than His approval and good pleasure purely for His sake.
However, miracles are not like wonders. First of all, since miracles are displayed to confirm a Prophet in his Prophethood, to silence the opposing side, and reinforce the believers, they concern the spirit of the Divine Messengership, and a Messenger is obliged to display them when necessary. For Prophethood is one of the basic pillars of the Religion, and the most important support of religious life. Miracles are granted to draw attention to this pillar and support, and they are able to silence the opposition. Miracles have other benefits such as reinforcing the believers, offering a proof for the truth of the Divine Message to those who are sincere in their quest for the Straight Path, and depriving the obstinate unbelievers of their excuse for denial. It is for all these reasons that Prophets are obliged to display miracles.
Numerous books have been written concerning the meaning, content, sorts, and truth of miracles. The Nineteenth Letter, included in The Letters by Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, is one of them. Those who want more information about miracles, in particular the miracles of our Prophet, may refer to those books. Here we will be content with a quotation from Mawlana Shibli an-Nu’mani[1] about the spiritual life of our Master, upon him be peace and blessings:
Just as the “natural” world has disciplines and laws of its own, manifested in whatever takes place in it, such as the alternation of the day and night, and the spring and the winter, and the opening of flowers in spring, the trees yielding fruits in summer, and the harmonious movement of some stars in the heavens, so too does the world of spirituality have laws and rules particular to it. In the same way that the sun, the moon, the stars, and the events that take place on the earth display continuity according to certain laws that have been appointed for each, guidance and deviance, mercy and punishment, the Divine Messengership and the realities relating to it occur in accordance with certain Divine laws. The Prophets are chosen by God and sent at the time which He wills. People either accept or reject them. Those who accept them and believe are saved, while the others, who reject them, suffer loss and punishment. As a dimension of the struggle between the Prophets and those who reject them, God Almighty creates certain wonders that are beyond our capacity at the hands of those perfect ones whom He chose and sent to us as His Messengers…
However, just as we are unable to know completely how the flowers come into existence in spring or how the trees yield their fruits, of which we are in need, or how some stars move around their appointed orbits, or why the trees grow from seeds, or how the seeds are formed, or the exact nature of the mysterious relationship between our bodies and the sustenance we take, so too we cannot comprehend fully or exactly why the Prophets are chosen as Prophets and sent at different times. We can only know the fact that some persons are chosen and sent to certain people with the mission of Prophethood, and that they realize important revolutions, concentrating on such basic matters as belief and religious life.
In fact, it is a miracle that the Prophets emerge as Prophets, and all the states of their manners are silent proofs of their Prophethood. Those with open eyes immediately know and understand them without needing another sign; those who are not deaf know them from their messages; and those who are able to use their intellects confirm them. But there have always been others with a lower level of sight, hearing, and understanding. Therefore, in order not to deprive the latter of knowing the Prophets, God Almighty created miracles which would cause their guidance and silence the deniers. As a matter of fact, miracles were displayed to such people. Indeed no one among those who were fortunate enough to recognize the Prophets by virtue of their good conduct and character demanded miracles from the Prophets.
Distinguished personalities such as Aaron and Joshua, who were in the company of the Prophet Moses, and the Apostles around the Prophet Jesus, and “the first and foremost” to embrace Islam from among the Companions of our Master, upon him be peace and blessings, never demanded miracles. They unhesitatingly confirmed their Prophets, whom they knew by their absolute truthfulness, their trustworthiness, their dedication to their cause and communication of God’s Message, their sinlessness, and unerring and undeceiving intelligence and prudence, their straightforwardness in their relationship with people, and their untainted altruism.
Those distinguished followers of the Prophets never demanded miracles; but if they witnessed some miracles of their Prophets, this increased their confidence in their way and urged them even more to follow it with greater zeal.
As for the others, such as the Nimrods, Pharaohs, and Abu Jahls,[2] they insistently demanded miracles from the Prophets; but when they witnessed the miracles, such as the fire being cool and peaceful for the Prophet Abraham, upon him be peace (21:68–69), the Flood, in which the people of the Prophet Noah, upon him be peace, drowned (11:42; 54:12), the invasion of the residences of Pharaoh’s clan by floods, locusts, vermin and frogs, and water turning into blood while the Prophet Moses, upon him be peace, was still in Egypt (7:133), and the moon being split into two by the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, (54: 1), they described them as magic and continued in their obstinate denial. There were indeed those who came to belief from among those who witnessed these and similar other miracles, but the others who insisted in their denial did not abandon their way. Nevertheless, many among the believers increased in their belief, certainty, and conviction in the face of such unusual Divine acts.
After having assigned tens of pages to the meaning, content, and nature of the miracles, Shibli an-Nu’mani then gives answers to the objections raised by some concerning the miracles. He sums up his views as follows:
A miracle is an extraordinary accomplishment created by God at the hands of a person who has been distinguished with Prophethood and who possesses its basic characteristics; it is not possible for us to perceive how it actually occurs.
Although miracles are extraordinary, they are not impossible. Even though they are rare with respect to their occurrence, they are accomplishments which the infinitely Powerful One has created time and again.
Such extraordinary events do not show continuity like what we perceive as ordinary “natural” events. However, it is only because of their continuity that we view those latter events as ordinary. Each of them is, in fact, a miracle; indeed, all events of creation, origination, giving life, and causing to die, as well as many others, are miracles. Since the miracles of the Prophets happen outside what we see as the “usual or normal laws of nature,” we call them miracles. What we see as normal or usual laws of nature are, in fact, excuses for us to be able to observe and describe what we call “natural events” and continue our life. Such events have no creative effect at all in their own coming into existence.
Belief is not always the result of an apparent effect or sense- perception. Seeing is something, while comprehension is another thing, and evaluating our sense-perceptions is completely different from both. As for belief, it is a spirit or meaning which Divine Will kindles in the consciences of those who can evaluate, free of any prejudice. No one can kindle it by means of apparent causes.
The emergence of such a spirit or meaning in the heart or conscience partly depends on being open to believing in the Unseen. The haughty, obstinate ones, the unjust deniers, the distorting commentators, and those who crawl in the net of false imitations can in no wise attain belief unless extra Divine aid comes.
If a conscience is open to the Unseen and ready to believe, its owner believes in both miracles and the message intended by them.[3]
* * *
The considerations of Elmalili Hamdi Yazir concerning the subject are also worth quoting. After setting forth a powerful defense in his monumental Qur’anic commentary against the thinkers and philosophers who deny miracles, he gives invaluable explanations, which we can summarize as follows:
We do not have substantiated or confirmed information about how the “law of causality,” which we regard as responsible for the apparent continuity of “natural” events, works in nature. We have only partial and relative knowledge about this matter. For this reason, we have no right either to deny the forces originating in Divine acts and wisdom, and the substantial causes the Almighty creates and employs, or to regard the law of causality as an absolute principle responsible for everything that happens, thus attributing impotence to the Absolute Divine Power by claiming that “that thing is impossible.” Leaving the existence of the spirit aside, simply, the speed in the shining and extinguishing or the appearance and disappearance of a light shows us the rapid events of creation and extinction that happen. But unfortunately, those with hardened hearts are blind to all these observable and similar occurrences and drown in despair in every matter which their narrow minds cannot grasp and with which they are entangled. More than that, among those are some who never accede to anything which does not suit their interests or taste, even if that thing is a truth, nor do they avoid committing any wrong to fight with it. Each of these is a pharaoh, and what they do is pharaohship (absolute despotism).[4]
Humankind has seen many pharaohs, ranging from those who claim divinity to those who deny everything beyond matter, from those who use humans like slaves and brutalize them to those who regard them as animals, from those who put a ban on the freedom of thought and speech to those who degrade and mock the Religion and religious life, and from those who ignore the events that are extraordinary in occurrence or spiritually to those who deny the limitlessness of the Power. Even though these pharaohs are not based on any right or substantiated truth in their claims and actions, they have been able to impose their wishes on the masses with brute force. Without needing to justify their plans even once, they have always applied brute force with the belief that “might is right.” These are such rebellious spirits that they neither recognize God and the Prophet nor accept Messengership and the miracles. They are examples of those who have disrespect for both the creation and the Infinite Power Which creates. It is useless to spend time hoping whether they will reform their ways; what we should do concerning them is to avoid provoking them so that they do not bite people. Both miracles and wonders are manifestations of Divine favor for unprejudiced persons and acts of stirring up certain inherent tendencies. Even if thousands of such acts are displayed before those with deformed characters, they are not in the least affected by them.
Even though miracles and wonders resemble each other in appearance and occurrence, they are different in essence. Miracles are extraordinary states or events that confirm the truthfulness of the Prophets in their claim of Prophethood. They are the means of coming to belief and salvation for some, while they cause the destruction of haughtily obstinate ones. As for wonders, they are special favors of God Almighty bestowed for adherence to Prophets.
Miracles are displayed to confirm the claim of Prophethood and silence the deniers, while wonders are and should be kept concealed as a mystery of God so long as there is not something that requires their exhibition.
Besides being a proof for Prophethood, miracles are such exceptional Divine gifts which awaken hearts to the Divine Message that they are binding on anyone who witnesses them or hears of them from a reliable source. As for wonders, they are God’s gifts that are particular to those who have been favored with them and are binding on no one.
When a Prophet works a miracle, he can comfortably describe that extraordinary state, action, or word, which God Almighty has created in his hands as a miracle; indeed, he is obliged to display it. But at whatever level they are, saints cannot claim any similar extraordinary accomplishment when they are favored with a wonder. More than that, they shudder with fear that such an accomplishment may be the beginning of their gradual perdition, or that they are consuming here the fruits that will be given to them in the Hereafter for their good deeds.
A Prophet who works miracles proclaims his mission with a miracle, using it as grounds for conveying his Message and the fundamentals of the religious life he must communicate. As for the saintly people of God, they see whatever gift and effulgence they are favored with only as a reflection of the miracles of the Prophet they follow.
A miracle indicates the truth of the office of Prophethood, which is one of the essential pillars of Divine Religion, while wonders and other accomplishments or Divine gifts, such as the discovery of some realities that are hidden to common people, are evaluated as the fruits of following a Prophet.
Truthfulness, trustworthiness, freedom from sin and any mental or physical defect, intellect or perfect sagacity, and being a Prophet receiving Divine Revelation are the prerequisites for any unusual accomplishment or state to be accepted as a miracle. However, in addition to the fact that a saint favored with wonder-working can never be regarded, and indeed never is, as a Prophet, he or she is not necessarily expected to have perfected the other attributes mentioned as well.
As discussed before briefly, a Prophet displays extraordinary things by God’s creation, and is doubtlessly certain that they are miracles—but saints feel doubt about the extraordinary things that originate from them whether purposely or unaware, because unless these are intended for guidance knowingly, they may be a test for them involving the risk of loss.
It is a fact that sometimes, because of some necessity or need, and sometimes with the intention of serving a religious purpose or under the unavoidable influence of the spiritual state they are in, some saintly people of God may display some extraordinary things within the limits of Divine permission. However, they should view this Divine gift as a reward for their adherence to the Prophet they are believing in and following, and never attempt to use it as a means of personal credit. Whether a saintly friend of God works it knowingly, or it appears purely as an unexpected Divine gift, a wonder resembles a miracle with respect to its occurrence. For example, miracle- like wonders, such as being unexpectedly offered some food or water in time of dire hunger or thirst, exhibiting extraordinary behavior in time of war, covering a great distance or extraordinarily performing many things in a very short time (shortening of distances or expansion of time, respectively), breathing temporary life by God’s leave to someone who has just died, walking on water without sinking, and traveling in the air as if flying, like the Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace, have been frequently witnessed.
Both the Qur’an and the books of the reliably narrated sayings of our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, mention similar and other kinds of miracles worked by different Prophets. We read about many extraordinary states, action, and words of respectful saints in the books that narrate their lives. Here we will be content with a few examples:
We read in the Qur’an (2:49) that the Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace, revived the dead by God’s leave. Similarly, it is narrated in reliable books that just like some saintly people of God, such as Abu Ubayd al-Busri,[4] Shaykh Ahdal,[6] and Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani, revived dead animals. When, during a war, Abu Ubayd beseeched God to revive his dead horse, God Almighty restored the horse to life. Shaykh Ahdal called to his cat that had just died, and the cat was revived by God’s leave and approached him. Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani ordered the bones of a consumed chicken, “Rise up, by God’s leave!” and the chicken came to life and stood up. These are only a few examples; many others can be found in relevant books.
It is narrated in the same books that some saints, such as Abu Sa’id al-Harraz[5] and Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani, spoke with corpses.
There are many other miracle-like wonders worked by saints, such as flowing water parting and opening a passage for the saints, some saints not dying even though they were poisoned many times, the shortening of distances, wild animals serving them, their prayers being instantly accepted, their being prevented from eating and drinking any forbidden thing, their observing events that occurred in distant places, and their being protected against their enemies. All these events demonstrate that wonder-working is undeniably real, and some saintly friends of God have been honored with it.
The extraordinary states and actions which proceeded from our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, from his birth until his Prophethood, are of the same nature as wonder-working. However, the wonders and gifts which are, in one respect, a means of honor for saints, are only of a primordial degree in proportion to the gifts and honors of the office of Prophethood, and they are regarded as drops that emerge from the atmosphere of the Prophet whom the saints follow. For this reason, the friends of God never think of using such Divine favors in promoting themselves, nor do they pursue them. Neither do they damage their relationship with God based on their servanthood by making use of them for personal credit. They try their best to keep the favors that come without demand concealed, and they even check their relationship with their Lord, fearing that these acts may be a test for them. They renew their devotion to Him and only pursue His approval and good pleasure. This is what is most suited to the faithful servants of God, the Ultimate Truth.
Those faithful servants of God turn to Him a few times a day with the petition of their awareness and admission of their innate impotence and poverty; they are enraptured with the joy of being the servants at His door and always move with thankfulness for being on His way. They are in turmoil with the hope of attaining His constant company. Consequently, they are shut off from anything— whether it is a spiritual discovery or wonder-working, or spiritual pleasures, or any other kind of favor—other than intense longing to meet with God. They consider themselves to be nothing within nothing, recognizing others as much more virtuous than themselves, always living as examples of utmost humility and the deepest sincerity toward God, and they are so compassionate and magnanimous toward people that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their happiness; they abandon all desires and expectations for any Divine gifts that will come to them in the world, they pursue only God’s approval and good pleasure at every instant of their lives.
These heroes are primarily distinguished with such qualities as equipping as many hearts as possible with belief, endeavoring that the Religion becomes the life of all humankind, illuminating all dark souls, trying to remove all the hardship and troubles that their community suffers, showing the same degree of sensitivity to preserving the honor of others that they show to preserving their own honor, asking for the good of all Muslims as much as or even more than they ask for their own good whenever they stretch out their hands to pray to God, praying every morning and evening for mercy toward and forgiveness of the Community of Muhammad, saying, “O my God! Have mercy on the Community of Muhammad! O my God! Forgive the Community of Muhammad!”; they act so magnanimously and tolerantly that they forgive those who have done them harm, embracing everyone with love, mercy, and generosity, showing the utmost care in adhering to the Religion down to its smallest detail, and following the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, step-by-step in their life. They try to fully represent the elevated morals and virtues that the Qur’an portrays and are resolved to remain distant from all evils and vices, such as resentment, vengeance, hatred, jealousy, suspicion, and enmity. Each of these qualities is a wonder to be sought and much more valuable than the other wonders that are manifested as some extraordinary actions or events, some examples of which we have mentioned above.
Indeed, the greatest wonder is living a life completely according to the precepts of the Qur’an, and those who are the nearest to God must be the representatives of this spirit.
O my God! Make us among Your servants who are sincere and who have been endowed with sincerity in faith and in the practice of the Religion, and who have achieved piety and righteousness, and abstinence from all forbidden things, big or small, and whom You have made near to You, and who are well-pleasing to You, and with whom You are well-pleased, and who love You and are loved by You, and who stand in awe of You, and whose character has been molded by the Qur’an! Amen! And bestow blessings and peace upon the Master of those who love You and are loved by You, and on his Family and Companions, whom You made near to You.
[1] Mawlana Allama Shibli an-Nu’mani (1857–1914) was a Muslim scholar from India. He founded the Shibli National College in 1883 and the Daru’l-Mussanifin in Azamgarh. Shibli was a versatile scholar, especially in the fields of history and literature. He was also a poet. His famous work is Siratu’n-Nabiyy. (“The Life of the Prophet”). However, he only managed to write two volumes of it, and his disciple Sayyid Sulayman an-Nadwi made use of an-Nu’mani’s material and his own and wrote the remaining five volumes of the work after the death of his teacher.
[2] Abu Jahl, ‘Abr ibn Hisham (d. 624 CE) was the most obstinate and merciless one in opposition to the Prophet Muhammad in Makka. Abu Jahl, meaning the Father of Ignorance, was the name given to him by the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. He was killed at the Battle of Badr two years after the Prophet’s emigration to Madina.
[3] an-Nu’mani, Asr-i Saadet (“The Age of Happiness”: Turkish translation of Siratu’n-Nabiyy), vol. 3, under the heading of “The Spiritual Life of Our Prophet.”
[4] Muhammad ibn Hasan Abu Ubayd al-Busri (d. 859) was a famous Syrian scholar and Sufi. He is regarded as one of the greatest saints.
[5] Shaykh Abu’l-Hasan Ali al-Ahdal al-Husayni (d. 1604) was one of the saints from Yemen. The Sufi order of Ahdaliya is attributed to him.
[6] Abu Sa’id Ahmad ibn ‘Isa al-Harraz of Baghdad, a cobbler by trade. Author of several books including some which have survived, the date of his death is uncertain but probably occurred between 892 and 899.
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abujunayd · 2 years
if u don’t follow a madhab, what do u follow? sunnah and quran?? they’re schools of thought and foundations to how we live
In no where in the quran and sunnah does it say that it's compulsory to follow a madhab. If anyone claims otherwise then being forth your evidence. The four imams did not want people to blind follow them nor did they stablish their Madhab nor did they accept others to establish madhabs after them. They've said that their madhab is the hadiths and if their opinion goes against the hadiths then to disregard their opinion and follow the hadith. If someone wants to follow one of the four imams and follows their ijtihad then there's no problem in this. But if someone claims that the only correct madhab is their madhab and whoever follows another madhab or doesn't follow a madhab is misguided then this is an incorrect view. Whoever wants to follow one of these Imams then by all means go for it. There shouldn't be any separation between Muslims simply for Fiqh issues, this is wrong.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was asked regarding Taqleed of a Madhhab.
What do the leading religious scholars say about a man who is asked “What is your madhhab?”and he says, “Muhammadi;
I follow the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger Muhammad ”
When it is said that every believer should follow a madhhab, and whoever does not have a madhhab is a devil, he says: What was the madhhab of Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq and the caliphs after him?
And it is said to him: you must follow one of these madhhabs. Which of them is in the right?
He replied:
All that people are required to do is obey Allah and His Messenger.
About those who are in authority, whom Allah instructed the people to obey in the words: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger), and those of you who are in authority” [an-Nisa’ 4:59], it is only obligatory to obey them within the framework of obedience to Allah and His Messenger, and not independently of that.
Then Allah says: “(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is more suitable for final determination” [an-Nisa’ 4:59].
If the Muslim is faced with a novel issue, then he must ask someone who he believes will give him a verdict based on the laws of Allah and His Messenger, no matter what his madhhab is.
It is not required of any Muslim to follow a particular scholar in all that he says, and it is not required of any Muslim to adhere to the madhhab of any specific individual other than the Messenger in all that he enjoins and says.
Rather anyone’s view may be accepted or rejected, except that of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).
As for a person following the madhhab of a particular individual because he is unable to learn about the rulings of Islam except through him, this is acceptable, but it is not something that is obligatory for everyone, If one can learn about the rulings of Islam by other means. Rather each individual is required to fear Allah as much as he can and seek knowledge of what is enjoined by Allah and His Messenger, so that he may do what is enjoined and refrain from what is forbidden.
And Allah knows best.
Majmoo 'al-Fataawa
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liesexposer · 11 days
Jamiati Muhammad Rahmani insults Ahlul Hadeeth scholars of India to justify the Shirk of deviant Jamaat Ghuraba
feat. Ghuraba supporters like Nasir Rahmani
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:04 - Copyright Disclaimer
00:00:08 - Muhammad Rahmani defends Shirk promoting Jamaat Ghuraba
00:01:18 - Ustadh Tariq Ali Brohi explains the deviant origins of Jamaat Ghuraba
00:03:58 - Ameer Jamaat Ghuraba explains their innovated principles
00:05:18 - Ustadh Tariq Ali Brohi explains the refutations of Maulana Junagarhi upon Jamaat Ghuraba
00:06:11 - Drama of Abdullah Nasir Rahmani
00:06:42 - Warning of Abdullah Nasir Rahmani against Jamaatul Muslimeen Masud Ahmad
00:07:24 - Abdullah Nasir Rahmani, going against his own principles
00:07:51 - Maulana Junagarhi writes in "Zil Muhammadi"
00:08:51 - Shirk of Jamaat Ghuraba founder
00:09:49 - Shirk of Abdul Wahhab of Jamaat Ghuraba
00:12:21 - List of Ahlul Hadeeth scholars rejecting Jamaat Ghuraba (total 61)
00:14:35 - Maulana Junagarhi's Munazara debate against Jamaat Ghuraba founder
00:15:48 - Muhammad Rahmani's second defence of the Khariji Jamaat Ghuraba
00:16:58 - Jamiat Sindh Ameer Abdullah Nasir Rahmani praising deviants of Jamaat Ghuraba at their madrasah Jameah Sattariyah
00:19:17 - Markazi Jamiat Pakistan Ameer Sajid Meer with Jamaat Ghuraba Ameer Abdur Rahman
00:19:33 - Outro
Further reading:
#jamiatahlehadees #jamaatghuraba #ghurabaahlehadees
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drmaqazi · 16 days
Praise be to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). 
Sajdat al-Shukr is prescribed for anything that makes one happy, whether it is attaining some benefit or warding off some harm. The evidence (Daleel) for this is to be found in the Ahaadeeth and Aathaar (reports). 
Among the Ahaadeeth is the Hadeeth of Abu Bakrah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu), who said that when the Prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) heard any news that made him glad, he would fall down prostrating to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), may He be exalted.
(Reported by the five except al-Nisaa’i; al-Tirmidhi said, it is Hasan Ghareeb). 
According to the version narrated by Ahmad: he saw the Prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), when news reached him that his troops had prevailed over their enemy, he was lying with his head in ‘Aa’ishah’s (RadiyAllahu ‘anhaa) lap, then he got up and fell in prostration. (Reported by Ahmad, 5/45; al-Haakim, 4/291).
Another Hadeeth is that narrated by ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu),, who said: the Prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) went out to the place where the Sadaqah (charitable donations) was kept, then he faced the Qiblah and fell in prostration, remaining like that for a long time. 
Then he raised his head and said, “Jibreel came to me with good news, he said, ‘Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) says to you, “Whoever sends blessings on you, I will send blessings on him, and whoever sends greetings of peace to you, I will send greetings of peace to him,”’ so I prostrated in thankfulness to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala).”
(Narrated by Ahmad. Al-Mundhiri said: the Hadeeth of Sajdat al-Shukr came from the Hadeeth of al-Baraa’ with a Saheeh Isnaad, and from the Hadeeth of Ka’b ibn Maalik (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu) and others.)
The reports include the following:
Abu Bakr (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu), prostrated when he heard the news that Musaylimah had been killed.
(Reported by Sa’eed ibn Mansoor in his Sunan).
‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu), prostrated when he found Dhu’l-Thadiyah among the Khawaarij.
(Reported by Ahmad in al-Musnad)
Ka’b ibn Maalik (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu), prostrated at the time of the Prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) when he was given the glad tidings that Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) had accepted his repentance.
(The story is agreed upon)
And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) is the source of strength. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) bless our Prophet Muhammad (SallaAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) and his family and companions.
This Salaat consists of two (2) Rak’aat: 
First Rak’aat: Recite Surah Al-Fatihah, then recite Surah Al-Ikhlaas. In the Ruku’: Add this in Arabic: Praise be to Allah, gratitude and praise. In Sajdah: Again, add the above. 
Second Rak’aat: Recite Surah Al-Fatihah, then Surah Al-Kafiroon. In Ruku’: Add this in Arabic: Praise be to Allah, Who accepted my Du’a and fulfilled my need. In Sajdah: Again, add the above. 
Alhamdu-Lillahi Shukran wa Hamdan Alhamdu lillahi istijaaba du’a’ee wa a'taanee masa’-latee. 
End the Salaat in the usual way. (The End) 
This Salaat may be offered at any time to thank Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). It is recommended especially when a need is fulfilled. 
Source: "A Manual of Islamic Beliefs and Practice" by Ali Muhammad Naqvi. Publisher: The Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says this in the Holy Qur'an regarding thanksgiving :
What can Allah gain from your punishment, if you are grateful and you believe? 4:147 / 
If you are grateful, I will add more (favors) 14:7 / 
And He gave you hearing; and sight; and intelligence; and affection, that you may give thanks. 16:78 / 
And be grateful for the Favors of Allah, if it is He, Whom you serve. 6:114 / 
But Allah will reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude. 3:144 / 
Does not Allah know the best, those who show gratitude? 6:53
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homurasaki · 1 month
Hello, my friend. This is my little brother, Muhammadi, who needs surgery abroad to regain his sight. But because of the war in Gaza, he suffered damage to his right eye, and now we are struggling to be able to see again. Please donate to us.
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majestativa · 6 months
With a poem I shake off the dust of the soul!
— Habiba Muhammadi, Live Encounters: Arab Women Poets & Writers, transl by Salwa Gouda, (2024)
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aijaz3130 · 2 months
Kya Aapka Maslak Rasulullah ﷺ Wala Maslak Hai ya phir Apne Buzurgon Wala Maslak Hai?? || Shaykh Abu Rizwan Muhammadi Hafizahullah
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banana-tv · 2 months
2024恐怖片-屍體沐浴 Pemandi Jenazah-完整版線上看
立即播放⏩屍體沐浴 Pemandi Jenazah
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導演: Hadrah Daeng Ratu 編劇: Lele Laila 主演: Aghniny Haque / Djenar Maesa Ayu / Ibrahim Risyad / Amara Sophie / Riafinola Ifani Sari / 魯思·馬里尼/ Mian Tiara / Vonny Anggraini / 阿吉·桑托薩/ Nelly Sukma / Deni Saputra / Muhammad Nur Azoi Muhammadi / Hifdzi Khoir 類型: 劇情 / 驚悚 / 恐怖 製片國家: 印度尼西亞 語言: 印尼語 上映日期: 2024-02-22(印尼) 片長: 107分鐘 又名: Corpse Bath
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smqazi · 3 months
for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of salat and salam (durood) one uses...
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد
Praise is for Allah. May Allah’s blessing and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his kin, and companions all.
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is amongst the most virtuous acts of worship. Rewards are written; a person’s sins are forgiven; and his status is elevated.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever sends Salah upon me once, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will send Salah upon him ten-fold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.”
[Narrated by Nasai #1297 V.3 Pg.Sending blessings on the Prophet (ﷺ) on Fridays
So there is plenty of rewards50; and Haakim in Mustadrak 1/550 (He said, it is authentic and Zahabi agreed); and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh #904 (Shaikh Shu’aib said, its chain is authentic.)]
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.” [Narrated by Tirmithi #484 and he said it is sound (hasan gharib)]
Concerning Salat and Durood specifically on Fridays the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Of your best days is Friday. On it Adam was created; and on it his (soul) was taken; and on it is the blowing (of the Trumpet); and on it is the Swoon. Therefore, increase in sending your Salat upon me, for your salat upon me are presented to me.” 
They said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how will our Salat upon you be presented to you after you have perished?” He replied: “Indeed, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has prohibited the earth from (destroying) the bodies of the Prophets (‘Alaihim-us-Salam).” 
[Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan #1047, Ibn Khuzaimah #1733 and Ibn Hibban #910 in their respective Saheehs, and Hakim in Mustadrak 1/278 He said, It is authentic on the conditions of Bukhari and Zahabi agreed.]
Based on this Imam Shafe’e used to say, “I love to send plenty of Salat upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) all the time and I love it more so on the day of Jum’uah.” [Kitabul Umm 1/546]
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses.
There is a specific Hadith that speaks about Salat was Salaam (Durood) after ‘Asr on a Friday
من صلى صلاة العصر من يوم الجمعة فقال قبل أن يقوم من مكانه  [اللَّهُمَّصَلِّعَلَىمُحَمَّدِنِالنَّبِيِّالْأُمِّيِّوَعَلَىآلِهِوَسَلِّمْتَسْلِيْمًا]  ثمانين مرة غفرت له ذنوب ثمانين عاما وكتبت له عبادة ثمانين سنة
“Whoever remains seated in his place after the ‘Asr Salah on a Friday and recites the following will have 80 years of sins forgiven, and 80 years of worship recorded for him”
“Allahum-ma Sal-li A’laa Muhammadi-nin-Nabi-yil Um-mi wa A’laa Aa-li-hi wa sal-lim Tasleemaa”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, the un-lettered Prophet and his family; and send Salams (upon them).”
Concerning this Hadith the Muhaddith, Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Abasoomer said:
“This Hadith is reported with a few chains that are extremely weak and one of the chains is currently Hasan untraceable. However, the following narration has been classified as “Hasan” (sound) by latter day Muhaddithun, and is similar to the above Hadith.
“Whoever sends salutations upon me 80 times on a Friday, will have 80 years sins forgiven” When the Sahabah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhum) enquired how to do so, Rasulullah (ﷺ) replied:
“Allahumma Sal-li ‘ala Muhammadin ‘Abdi-ka wa Nabiy-yika wa Rasu-li-kan Nabiy-yil Um-miyy”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, Your servant, Your Prophet, Your Messenger,  the Un-lettered Prophet.’” (Daraqutni; see Al-Qawlul badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286)
Imam ‘Iraqi and others have declared this one as sound (Hasan).” (Al-Qawlul Badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286)
Suitable for practice
Based on the above, it would be ideal to practice on the second narration, but also correct to stick to the first one since it does acquire a degree of support from the second narration. Therefore, this issue shouldn’t be a cause for discord in any community.
This is the view of my seniors too.
Caution: It should be noted that the second Hadith, which has been classified as sound does not have the promise of 80 years worship being recorded. Source} End Quote Shaikh Abasoomer.
It is also beneficial to note that after ‘Asr on a Fridays is considered a very blessed and opportune time. The blessings of Salat and Salam (Durood) will surely increase.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) talked about Friday and said, “There is an opportune time on Friday and if a Muslim gets it while praying and asks something from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) , then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will definitely meet his demand.” And he (the Prophet) pointed out the shortness of that time with his hands. [Bukhari #935]
The most famous opinion is that this special time is after Asr till Sunset and many scholars adopted this view. [See Fathul Baari V.3 Pg. 218-228]
In conclusion,
Durood Shareef (Salat and Salam) is encouraged every-day and especially on Fridays.
One may recite any wordings of Salat which one have memorized.
Alternatively, any of the above two wordings may also be used.
One may recite it anytime from after Maghrib on Thursday until before Sunset on Fridays.
One may recite it 80 times, 100 times or any amount of times all have merit.
If one has the practice of reciting Durood after the Fardh Salah of ‘Asr on Fridays, one may continue based on the general narrations above.
And Allah Most High knows best.
Sending blessings on the Prophet (ﷺ) on Fridays
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses...
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد
Praise is for Allah. May Allah’s blessing and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his kin, and companions all.
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is amongst the most virtuous acts of worship. Rewards are written; a person’s sins are forgiven; and his status is elevated.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever sends Salah upon me once, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will send Salah upon him ten-fold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.”
[Narrated by Nasai #1297 V.3 Pg.50; and Haakim in Mustadrak 1/550 (He said, it is authentic and Zahabi agreed); and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh #904 (Shaikh Shu’aib said, its chain is authentic.)]
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.” [Narrated by Tirmithi #484 and he said it is sound (Hasan Gharib)]
Concerning Salat and Durood specifically on Fridays the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Of your best days is Friday. On it Adam was created; and on it his (soul) was taken; and on it is the blowing (of the Trumpet); and on it is the Swoon. Therefore, increase in sending your Salat upon me, for your salat upon me are presented to me.” 
They said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how will our Salat upon you be presented to you after you have perished?” He replied: “Indeed, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has prohibited the earth from (destroying) the bodies of the Prophets (‘Alaihim-us-Salam).” 
[Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan #1047, Ibn Khuzaimah #1733 and Ibn Hibban #910 in their respective Saheehs, and Hakim in Mustadrak 1/278 He said, It is authentic on the conditions of Bukhari and Zahabi agreed.]
Based on this Imam Shafe’e used to say, “I love to send plenty of Salat upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) all the time and I love it more so on the day of Jum’uah.” [Kitabul Umm 1/546]
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses.
There is a specific Hadith that speaks about Salat was Salaam (Durood) after ‘Asr on a Friday
من صلى صلاة العصر من يوم الجمعة فقال قبل أن يقوم من مكانه  [اللَّهُمَّصَلِّعَلَىمُحَمَّدِنِالنَّبِيِّالْأُمِّيِّوَعَلَىآلِهِوَسَلِّمْتَسْلِيْمًا]  ثمانين مرة غفرت له ذنوب ثمانين عاما وكتبت له عبادة ثمانين سنة
“Whoever remains seated in his place after the ‘Asr Salah on a Friday and recites the following will have 80 years of sins forgiven, and 80 years of worship recorded for him”
“Allahum-ma Sal-li A’laa Muhammadi-nin-Nabi-yil Um-mi wa A’laa Aa-li-hi wa sal-lim Tasleemaa”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, the un-lettered Prophet and his family; and send Salams (upon them).”
Concerning this Hadith the Muhaddith, Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Abasoomer said:
“This Hadith is reported with a few chains that are extremely weak and one of the chains is currently Hasan untraceable. However, the following narration has been classified as “Hasan” (sound) by latter day Muhaddithun, and is similar to the above Hadith.
“Whoever sends salutations upon me 80 times on a Friday, will have 80 years sins forgiven” When the Sahabah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhum) enquired how to do so, Rasulullah (ﷺ) replied:
“Allahumma Sal-li ‘ala Muhammadin ‘Abdi-ka wa Nabiy-yika wa Rasu-li-kan Nabiy-yil Um-miyy”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, Your servant, Your Prophet, Your Messenger,  the Un-lettered Prophet.’” (Daraqutni; see Al-Qawlul badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286)
Imam ‘Iraqi and others have declared this one as sound (Hasan).” (Al-Qawlul Badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286)
Suitable for practice
Based on the above, it would be ideal to practice on the second narration, but also correct to stick to the first one since it does acquire a degree of support from the second narration. Therefore, this issue shouldn’t be a cause for discord in any community.
This is the view of my seniors too.
Caution: It should be noted that the second Hadith, which has been classified as sound does not have the promise of 80 years worship being recorded. Source} End Quote Shaikh Abasoomer.
It is also beneficial to note that after ‘Asr on a Fridays is considered a very blessed and opportune time. The blessings of Salat and Salam (Durood) will surely increase.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) talked about Friday and said, “There is an opportune time on Friday and if a Muslim gets it while praying and asks something from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) , then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will definitely meet his demand.” And he (the Prophet) pointed out the shortness of that time with his hands. [Bukhari #935]
The most famous opinion is that this special time is after Asr till Sunset and many scholars adopted this view. [See Fathul Baari V.3 Pg. 218-228]
In conclusion,
Durood Shareef (Salat and Salam) is encouraged every-day and especially on Fridays.
One may recite any wordings of Salat which one have memorized.
Alternatively, any of the above two wordings may also be used.
One may recite it anytime from after Maghrib on Thursday until before Sunset on Fridays.
One may recite it 80 times, 100 times or any amount of times all have merit.
If one has the practice of reciting Durood after the Fard Salah of ‘Asr on Fridays, one may continue based on the general narrations above.
And Allah Most High knows best.
Sending blessings on the Prophet (ﷺ) on Fridays
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses...
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد
Praise is for Allah. May Allah’s blessing and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his kin, and companions all.
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is amongst the most virtuous acts of worship. Rewards are written; a person’s sins are forgiven; and his status is elevated.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever sends Salah upon me once, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will send Salah upon him ten-fold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.”
[Narrated by Nasai #1297 V.3 Pg.50; and Haakim in Mustadrak 1/550 (He said, it is authentic and Zahabi agreed); and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh #904 (Shaikh Shu’aib said, its chain is authentic.)]
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.” 
[Narrated by Tirmithi #484 and he said it is sound (Hasan Gharib)]
Concerning Salat and Durood specifically on Fridays the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Of your best days is Friday. On it Adam was created; and on it his (soul) was taken; and on it is the blowing (of the Trumpet); and on it is the Swoon. Therefore, increase in sending your Salat upon me, for your salat upon me are presented to me.” 
They said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how will our Salat upon you be presented to you after you have perished?” He replied: “Indeed, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has prohibited the earth from (destroying) the bodies of the Prophets (‘Alaihim-us-Salam).” 
[Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan #1047, Ibn Khuzaimah #1733 and Ibn Hibban #910 in their respective Saheehs, and Hakim in Mustadrak 1/278 He said, It is authentic on the conditions of Bukhari and Zahabi agreed.]
Based on this Imam Shafe’e used to say, “I love to send plenty of Salat upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) all the time and I love it more so on the day of Jum’uah.” [Kitabul Umm 1/546].
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses.
There is a specific Hadith that speaks about Salat was Salaam (Durood) after ‘Asr on a Friday
من صلى صلاة العصر من يوم الجمعة فقال قبل أن يقوم من مكانه  [اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِنِ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا]  ثمانين مرة غفرت له ذنوب ثمانين عاما وكتبت له عبادة ثمانين سنة
“Whoever remains seated in his place after the ‘Asr Salah on a Friday and recites the following will have 80 years of sins forgiven, and 80 years of worship recorded for him”
[اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِنِ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا]
“Allahum-ma Sal-li A’laa Muhammadi-nin-Nabi-yil Um-mi wa A’laa Aa-li-hi wa sal-lim Tasleemaa”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, the un-lettered Prophet and his family; and send Salams (upon them).”
Concerning this Hadith the Muhaddith, Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Abasoomer said:
“This Hadith is reported with a few chains that are extremely weak and one of the chains is currently Hasan untraceable. However, the following narration has been classified as “Hasan” (sound) by latter day Muhaddithun, and is similar to the above Hadith.
“Whoever sends salutations upon me 80 times on a Friday, will have 80 years sins forgiven” When the Sahabah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhum) enquired how to do so, Rasulullah (ﷺ) replied:
[اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ وَنَبِيِّكَ وَرَسُوْلِكَ النَّبِّيِ الْأُمِّيِّ]
“Allahumma Sal-li ‘ala Muhammadin ‘Abdi-ka wa Nabiy-yika wa Rasu-li-kan Nabiy-yil Um-miyy”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, Your servant, Your Prophet, Your Messenger,  the Un-lettered Prophet.’” (Daraqutni; see Al-Qawlul badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286)
Imam ‘Iraqi and others have declared this one as sound (Hasan).” (Al-Qawlul Badi’, pg.400 & Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.286).
Suitable for practice
Based on the above, it would be ideal to practice on the second narration, but also correct to stick to the first one since it does acquire a degree of support from the second narration. Therefore, this issue shouldn’t be a cause for discord in any community.
This is the view of my seniors too.
Caution: It should be noted that the second Hadith, which has been classified as sound does not have the promise of 80 years worship being recorded. 
Source} End Quote Shaikh Abasoomer.
It is also beneficial to note that after ‘Asr on a Fridays is considered a very blessed and opportune time. The blessings of Salat and Salam (Durood) will surely increase.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) talked about Friday and said, “There is an opportune time on Friday and if a Muslim gets it while praying and asks something from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) , then Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will definitely meet his demand.” And he (the Prophet) pointed out the shortness of that time with his hands. [Bukhari #935]
The most famous opinion is that this special time is after Asr till Sunset and many scholars adopted this view. [See Fathul Baari V.3 Pg. 218-228]
In conclusion,
Durood Shareef (Salat and Salam) is encouraged every-day and especially on Fridays.
One may recite any wordings of Salat which one have memorized.
Alternatively, any of the above two wordings may also be used.
One may recite it anytime from after Maghrib on Thursday until before Sunset on Fridays.
One may recite it 80 times, 100 times or any amount of times all have merit.
If one has the practice of reciting Durood after the Fard Salah of ‘Asr on Fridays, one may continue based on the general narrations above.
And Allah Most High knows best.
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Sending blessings on the Prophet (ﷺ) on Fridays
So there is plenty of rewards for reciting Salat and Salam (Durood) every day and especially so on Fridays. One may reap these rewards with which ever wordings of Salat and Salam (Durood) one uses...
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد
Praise is for Allah. May Allah’s blessing and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his kin, and companions all.
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is amongst the most virtuous acts of worship. Rewards are written; a person’s sins are forgiven; and his status is elevated.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever sends Salah upon me once, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) will send Salah upon him ten-fold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.”
[Narrated by Nasai #1297 V.3 Pg.50; and Haakim in Mustadrak 1/550 (He said, it is authentic and Zahabi agreed); and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh #904 (Shaikh Shu’aib said, its chain is authentic.)]
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me.” 
[Narrated by Tirmithi #484 and he said it is sound (Hasan Gharib)]
Concerning Salat and Durood specifically on Fridays the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Of your best days is Friday. On it Adam was created; and on it his (soul) was taken; and on it is the blowing (of the Trumpet); and on it is the Swoon. Therefore, increase in sending your Salat upon me, for your salat upon me are presented to me.” 
They said: “O Messenger of Allah! And how will our Salat upon you be presented to you after you have perished?” He replied: “Indeed, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has prohibited the earth from (destroying) the bodies of the Prophets (‘Alaihim-us-Salam).”
There is a specific Hadith that speaks about Salat was Salaam (Durood) after ‘Asr on a Friday
من صلى صلاة العصر من يوم الجمعة فقال قبل أن يقوم من مكانه [اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِنِ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا] ثمانين مرة غفرت له ذنوب ثمانين عاما وكتبت له عبادة ثمانين سنة
“Whoever remains seated in his place after the ‘Asr Salah on a Friday and recites the following will have 80 years of sins forgiven, and 80 years of worship recorded for him”
[اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدِنِ النَّبِيِّ الْأُمِّيِّ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسْلِيْمًا]
“Allahum-ma Sal-li A’laa Muhammadi-nin-Nabi-yil Um-mi wa A’laa Aa-li-hi wa sal-lim Tasleemaa”
“O Allah send Salat upon Muhammad, the un-lettered Prophet and his family; and send Salams (upon them).”
“Whoever sends salutations upon me 80 times on a Friday, will have 80 years sins forgiven” When the Sahabah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhum) enquired how to do so, Rasulullah (ﷺ) replied:
[اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِكَ وَنَبِيِّكَ وَرَسُوْلِكَ النَّبِّيِ الْأُمِّيِّ]
“Allahumma Sal-li ‘ala Muhammadin ‘Abdi-ka wa Nabiy-yika wa Rasu-li-kan Nabiy-yil Um-miyy”
And Allah Most High knows best.i
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fanany1966 · 3 months
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“Aku beri nama bayi ini Muhammad.” Kata Abdul Mutholib dengan bangga, sambil menggendong tubuh mungil bayi mulia itu, “Artinya yang terpuji.”
Sebelumnya, tak ada orang Arab yang memberi nama anak-anak lelaki mereka Muhammad. Itu adalah nama yang aneh. Tetapi, nama itu memang indah. Nama terindah yang pernah ada. Apalagi karena yang menyandang nama itu pertama kali ada sosok paling mulia yang terindah akhlaknya — tak ada tandingannya.
Sejak nama itu ada, kira-kira tahun 632 masehi, hari ini, 15 abad kemudian, nama itu menjadi nama paling populer di dunia.
Menurut survei Global Index, sebuah lembaga ternama di Inggris, pada tahun 2023 nama ‘Muhammad’ adalah nama paling populer di dunia. Tak pernah ada nama yang dipakai paling banyak orang di dunia sebelumnya selain ‘Muhammad’, 133.349.300 orang jumlahnya.
Demikianlah keindahan dan keistimewaan Baginda Nabi, bahkan namanya pun menjadi mukjizat tersendiri. Siapapun yang memakai nama itu, yang menyandangnya, boleh jadi bukan orang berperangai baik, bukan ahli ibadah, bahkan mungkin penjahat atau pembunuh yang tinggal di penjara. Tetapi tak ada yang berubah dengan makna nama itu. Muhammad tetaplah nama yang terpuji...!
Hari ini, orang boleh menghina nama itu atau mempertanyakannya, seperti para pembenci Sang Nabi dulu melakukannya. “Muhammad pembohong...! Muhammad orang gila...! Muhammad penipu...!” Tapi lihatlah kontradiksinya: Disandingkan dengan kata buruk apapun, dipakai siapapun, direndahkan dengan cara apapun, Muhammad tetaplah ‘Muhammad’, yang terpuji.
Seorang petinju legendaris, Cassius Clay Jr namanya, orang Amerika Serikat berkulit hitam, suatu hari mengganti namanya menjadi Muhammad Ali. Karena karir dan kiprahnya yang luar biasa, dunia ingin mengabadikan namanya di Walk of Fame Holywood. Namun, waktu itu ia menolak, “Jangan, aku tidak mau...!” Katanya, “Aku tidak mau nama Muhammadi diletakkan di lantai dan orang-orang menginjaknya.”
Ya Sayyidi, Ya Rasulullah, maafkan kami. Maafkan kami yang masih gagal memahami makna namamu. Maafkan mereka yang belum bisa menjadi ‘yang terpuji’ padahal telah memiliki namamu.
Namun, demikianlah Engkau, wahai Rasulullah, seandainya hari ini masih ada, mendengar namamu diolok-olok, bahkan jika dirimu disakiti, Engkau akan berdoa seperti saat orang-orang melemparimu dengan batu hingga berdarah di Thaif —
إن الله لم يرسلني مهلكًا ولا لاعنًا. ولكن الله أرسلني لأكون رسولاً وحاملاً للنعمة. اللهم اهد قومي فإنهم لا يعلمون
'Iinaallaha lam yursilni mahilkan wala la'anan. walakina allah 'arsalani li'akun riswlaan wahamlaan lilnimati. Allahuma ahda qawmi fa'iinahum la ya'lamun
“Sungguh Allah tidak mengutusku untuk menjadi orang yang merusak dan bukan (pula) orang yang melaknat. Akan tetapi Allah mengutusku untuk menjadi penyeru dan pembawa rahmat. Ya Allah, berilah hidayah untuk kaumku karena sesungguhnya mereka tidak mengetahui!” (HR Al-Baihaqi).
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tawakkull · 1 year
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 133
Karama (Wonder)
Before explaining karama, since there is a close resemblance between it and miracles (mu‘jiza) in respect to their occurrence, we will first briefly examine miracles.
Derived from the root verb A-Ja-Za, meaning “that which people cannot imitate,” a mu’jiza (miracle) is the extraordinary state, event, word or attitude which God creates at the hands of a Prophet to show the truth of Prophethood, confirm the Religion, and generate conviction and contentment in the hearts of believers. It is beyond the power and ability of other people. A Prophet works a miracle according to God’s will in order to demonstrate his Prophethood in an undeniable and indisputable way. The miracle is created by God, not the Prophet. The Qur’an, other Divine Scriptures, and the Prophetic Traditions all mention numerous miracles worked by the Prophets, and refer to the consequences of believing or not believing in them.
As for karama (wonder), this word is derived from karam, the root meaning of which is honor, munificence, and bounty. Karama is used to designate extraordinary states, words, acts, and effects displayed by saints through God’s will and creation. To give a more detailed description, the extraordinary states displayed by the Prophets to demonstrate their Prophethood are “miracles,” while such states exhibited by the saints who have succeeded in purifying their souls and refining their hearts in adherence to the true Religion are considered to be “wonders.” Similar extraordinary states and acts can sometimes be witnessed in some people who have no belief in and adherence to the true Religion. But these states and acts are called “gradual perdition,” as they usually cause particularly the unjust, dissolute and sinful people gradually to descend into perdition.
From another viewpoint, a wonder (karama) is an extra miracle like gift of God with which He honors His servants who love and obey Him and whom He loves; it is God’s unusual or exceptional treatment of these servants for following the Prophet. The beloved people of God have divided this treatment into the spiritualkarama and the karama that is beyond the normal laws of life and creation:
The spiritual karama or wonder is the sum of perfect belief, good deeds, sound knowledge of God, heartfelt love for God, and perfect devotion to God, the Ultimate Truth. The people of God usually refer to this state, which is a gift from God, when they talk about karama. Profundity in knowledge and efforts to disseminate it, effectiveness in endeavors to guide others, the effort to love God and make others love Him, and the resolution and performance displayed to enable the Muhammadi spirit to blossom throughout the world can also be included as examples of this kind of Divine gift or karama. As for the wonders that are beyond the normal laws of life and creation, they consist of certain extraordinary performances such as increasing a little food or drink without making any addition, being able to remain hungry for days without eating or drinking anything, covering great distances in a very short time, being present in many places at the same instant, walking on water without sinking, and moving some objects from afar. The devoted people of God have never considered such performances as a virtue, nor have they sought them; if God creates such things in their hands, they try to conceal them. Fearing that such extraordinary performances may be the cause of gradual perdition, the faithful servants at the door of God have turned to God with repentance, penitence, and contrition, scrutinized their sincerity, and renewed their devotion from the heart. Furthermore, some of them have likened such wonders to playthings of children and never attached any importance to them. The respected scholarly saint Ahmad ar-Rifai maintained that such wonders should be kept concealed, and he emphasized following the way of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. Some others with the same approach have regarded wonders such as flying in the air and walking on water as the acts of some animals, and stressed that the main wonder is being able constantly to pursue God’s good pleasure and approval while trying to remain distant from other kinds of extraordinariness. They have prayed, saying, “O my God! Favor my ‘secret’ with familiarity of Your Essence, and do not test me as one who is familiar with Your secrets!” They have preferred to remain shut off from all other kinds of extraordinariness than belief, knowledge of God, and love of God, and they have not even sought spiritual pleasures. Nevertheless, there may be some sincere ones who view wonderworking as a gift from God and make it a means of praising and thanking Him. However, it is always possible for those who have not yet been able to purify their souls completely to fall into conceit and pride. For this reason, if such a gift and performance, which is regarded as a fruit of nearness to God Almighty, causes one to become distant from God instead, then it must be more prudent to keep one’s heart distant from everything, including spiritual pleasures, other than His approval and good pleasure purely for His sake.
However, miracles are not like wonders. First of all, since miracles are displayed to confirm a Prophet in his Prophethood, to silence the opposing side, and reinforce the believers, they concern the spirit of the Divine Messengership, and a Messenger is obliged to display them when necessary. For Prophethood is one of the basic pillars of the Religion, and the most important support of religious life. Miracles are granted to draw attention to this pillar and support, and they are able to silence the opposition. Miracles have other benefits such as reinforcing the believers, offering a proof for the truth of the Divine Message to those who are sincere in their quest for the Straight Path, and depriving the obstinate unbelievers of their excuse for denial. It is for all these reasons that Prophets are obliged to display miracles.
Numerous books have been written concerning the meaning, content, sorts, and truth of miracles. The Nineteenth Letter, included in The Letters by Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, is one of them. Those who want more information about miracles, in particular the miracles of our Prophet, may refer to those books. Here we will be content with a quotation from Mawlana Shibli an-Nu’mani[1] about the spiritual life of our Master, upon him be peace and blessings:
Just as the “natural” world has disciplines and laws of its own, manifested in whatever takes place in it, such as the alternation of the day and night, and the spring and the winter, and the opening of flowers in spring, the trees yielding fruits in summer, and the harmonious movement of some stars in the heavens, so too does the world of spirituality have laws and rules particular to it. In the same way that the sun, the moon, the stars, and the events that take place on the earth display continuity according to certain laws that have been appointed for each, guidance and deviance, mercy and punishment, the Divine Messengership and the realities relating to it occur in accordance with certain Divine laws. The Prophets are chosen by God and sent at the time which He wills. People either accept or reject them. Those who accept them and believe are saved, while the others, who reject them, suffer loss and punishment. As a dimension of the struggle between the Prophets and those who reject them, God Almighty creates certain wonders that are beyond our capacity at the hands of those perfect ones whom He chose and sent to us as His Messengers…
However, just as we are unable to know completely how the flowers come into existence in spring or how the trees yield their fruits, of which we are in need, or how some stars move around their appointed orbits, or why the trees grow from seeds, or how the seeds are formed, or the exact nature of the mysterious relationship between our bodies and the sustenance we take, so too we cannot comprehend fully or exactly why the Prophets are chosen as Prophets and sent at different times. We can only know the fact that some persons are chosen and sent to certain people with the mission of Prophethood, and that they realize important revolutions, concentrating on such basic matters as belief and religious life.
In fact, it is a miracle that the Prophets emerge as Prophets, and all the states of their manners are silent proofs of their Prophethood. Those with open eyes immediately know and understand them without needing another sign; those who are not deaf know them from their messages; and those who are able to use their intellects confirm them. But there have always been others with a lower level of sight, hearing, and understanding. Therefore, in order not to deprive the latter of knowing the Prophets, God Almighty created miracles which would cause their guidance and silence the deniers. As a matter of fact, miracles were displayed to such people. Indeed no one among those who were fortunate enough to recognize the Prophets by virtue of their good conduct and character demanded miracles from the Prophets.
Distinguished personalities such as Aaron and Joshua, who were in the company of the Prophet Moses, and the Apostles around the Prophet Jesus, and “the first and foremost” to embrace Islam from among the Companions of our Master, upon him be peace and blessings, never demanded miracles. They unhesitatingly confirmed their Prophets, whom they knew by their absolute truthfulness, their trustworthiness, their dedication to their cause and communication of God’s Message, their sinlessness, and unerring and undeceiving intelligence and prudence, their straightforwardness in their relationship with people, and their untainted altruism.
Those distinguished followers of the Prophets never demanded miracles; but if they witnessed some miracles of their Prophets, this increased their confidence in their way and urged them even more to follow it with greater zeal.
As for the others, such as the Nimrods, Pharaohs, and Abu Jahls,[2] they insistently demanded miracles from the Prophets; but when they witnessed the miracles, such as the fire being cool and peaceful for the Prophet Abraham, upon him be peace (21:68–69), the Flood, in which the people of the Prophet Noah, upon him be peace, drowned (11:42; 54:12), the invasion of the residences of Pharaoh’s clan by floods, locusts, vermin and frogs, and water turning into blood while the Prophet Moses, upon him be peace, was still in Egypt (7:133), and the moon being split into two by the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, (54: 1), they described them as magic and continued in their obstinate denial. There were indeed those who came to belief from among those who witnessed these and similar other miracles, but the others who insisted in their denial did not abandon their way. Nevertheless, many among the believers increased in their belief, certainty, and conviction in the face of such unusual Divine acts. After having assigned tens of pages to the meaning, content, and nature of the miracles, Shibli an-Nu’mani then gives answers to the objections raised by some concerning the miracles. He sums up his views as follows:
A miracle is an extraordinary accomplishment created by God at the hands of a person who has been distinguished with Prophethood and who possesses its basic characteristics; it is not possible for us to perceive how it actually occurs. Although miracles are extraordinary, they are not impossible. Even though they are rare with respect to their occurrence, they are accomplishments which the infinitely Powerful One has created time and again. Such extraordinary events do not show continuity like what we perceive as ordinary “natural” events. However, it is only because of their continuity that we view those latter events as ordinary. Each of them is, in fact, a miracle; indeed, all events of creation, origination, giving life, and causing to die, as well as many others, are miracles. Since the miracles of the Prophets happen outside what we see as the “usual or normal laws of nature,” we call them miracles. What we see as normal or usual laws of nature are, in fact, excuses for us to be able to observe and describe what we call “natural events” and continue our life. Such events have no creative effect at all in their own coming into existence. Belief is not always the result of an apparent effect or sense- perception. Seeing is something, while comprehension is another thing, and evaluating our sense-perceptions is completely different from both. As for belief, it is a spirit or meaning which Divine Will kindles in the consciences of those who can evaluate, free of any prejudice. No one can kindle it by means of apparent causes. The emergence of such a spirit or meaning in the heart or conscience partly depends on being open to believing in the Unseen. The haughty, obstinate ones, the unjust deniers, the distorting commentators, and those who crawl in the net of false imitations can in no wise attain belief unless extra Divine aid comes. If a conscience is open to the Unseen and ready to believe, its owner believes in both miracles and the message intended by them.[3] * * *
The considerations of Elmalili Hamdi Yazir concerning the subject are also worth quoting. After setting forth a powerful defense in his monumental Qur’anic commentary against the thinkers and philosophers who deny miracles, he gives invaluable explanations, which we can summarize as follows:
We do not have substantiated or confirmed information about how the “law of causality,” which we regard as responsible for the apparent continuity of “natural” events, works in nature. We have only partial and relative knowledge about this matter. For this reason, we have no right either to deny the forces originating in Divine acts and wisdom, and the substantial causes the Almighty creates and employs, or to regard the law of causality as an absolute principle responsible for everything that happens, thus attributing impotence to the Absolute Divine Power by claiming that “that thing is impossible.” Leaving the existence of the spirit aside, simply, the speed in the shining and extinguishing or the appearance and disappearance of a light shows us the rapid events of creation and extinction that happen. But unfortunately, those with hardened hearts are blind to all these observable and similar occurrences and drown in despair in every matter which their narrow minds cannot grasp and with which they are entangled. More than that, among those are some who never accede to anything which does not suit their interests or taste, even if that thing is a truth, nor do they avoid committing any wrong to fight with it. Each of these is a pharaoh, and what they do is pharaohship (absolute despotism).[4] Humankind has seen many pharaohs, ranging from those who claim divinity to those who deny everything beyond matter, from those who use humans like slaves and brutalize them to those who regard them as animals, from those who put a ban on the freedom of thought and speech to those who degrade and mock the Religion and religious life, and from those who ignore the events that are extraordinary in occurrence or spiritually to those who deny the limitlessness of the Power. Even though these pharaohs are not based on any right or substantiated truth in their claims and actions, they have been able to impose their wishes on the masses with brute force. Without needing to justify their plans even once, they have always applied brute force with the belief that “might is right.” These are such rebellious spirits that they neither recognize God and the Prophet nor accept Messengership and the miracles. They are examples of those who have disrespect for both the creation and the Infinite Power Which creates. It is useless to spend time hoping whether they will reform their ways; what we should do concerning them is to avoid provoking them so that they do not bite people. Both miracles and wonders are manifestations of Divine favor for unprejudiced persons and acts of stirring up certain inherent tendencies. Even if thousands of such acts are displayed before those with deformed characters, they are not in the least affected by them.
Even though miracles and wonders resemble each other in appearance and occurrence, they are different in essence. Miracles are extraordinary states or events that confirm the truthfulness of the Prophets in their claim of Prophethood. They are the means of coming to belief and salvation for some, while they cause the destruction of haughtily obstinate ones. As for wonders, they are special favors of God Almighty bestowed for adherence to Prophets.
Miracles are displayed to confirm the claim of Prophethood and silence the deniers, while wonders are and should be kept concealed as a mystery of God so long as there is not something that requires their exhibition.
Besides being a proof for Prophethood, miracles are such exceptional Divine gifts which awaken hearts to the Divine Message that they are binding on anyone who witnesses them or hears of them from a reliable source. As for wonders, they are God’s gifts that are particular to those who have been favored with them and are binding on no one.
When a Prophet works a miracle, he can comfortably describe that extraordinary state, action, or word, which God Almighty has created in his hands as a miracle; indeed, he is obliged to display it. But at whatever level they are, saints cannot claim any similar extraordinary accomplishment when they are favored with a wonder. More than that, they shudder with fear that such an accomplishment may be the beginning of their gradual perdition, or that they are consuming here the fruits that will be given to them in the Hereafter for their good deeds.
A Prophet who works miracles proclaims his mission with a miracle, using it as grounds for conveying his Message and the fundamentals of the religious life he must communicate. As for the saintly people of God, they see whatever gift and effulgence they are favored with only as a reflection of the miracles of the Prophet they follow.
A miracle indicates the truth of the office of Prophethood, which is one of the essential pillars of Divine Religion, while wonders and other accomplishments or Divine gifts, such as the discovery of some realities that are hidden to common people, are evaluated as the fruits of following a Prophet.
Truthfulness, trustworthiness, freedom from sin and any mental or physical defect, intellect or perfect sagacity, and being a Prophet receiving Divine Revelation are the prerequisites for any unusual accomplishment or state to be accepted as a miracle. However, in addition to the fact that a saint favored with wonder-working can never be regarded, and indeed never is, as a Prophet, he or she is not necessarily expected to have perfected the other attributes mentioned as well.
As discussed before briefly, a Prophet displays extraordinary things by God’s creation, and is doubtlessly certain that they are miracles—but saints feel doubt about the extraordinary things that originate from them whether purposely or unaware, because unless these are intended for guidance knowingly, they may be a test for them involving the risk of loss.
It is a fact that sometimes, because of some necessity or need, and sometimes with the intention of serving a religious purpose or under the unavoidable influence of the spiritual state they are in, some saintly people of God may display some extraordinary things within the limits of Divine permission. However, they should view this Divine gift as a reward for their adherence to the Prophet they are believing in and following, and never attempt to use it as a means of personal credit. Whether a saintly friend of God works it knowingly, or it appears purely as an unexpected Divine gift, a wonder resembles a miracle with respect to its occurrence. For example, miracle- like wonders, such as being unexpectedly offered some food or water in time of dire hunger or thirst, exhibiting extraordinary behavior in time of war, covering a great distance or extraordinarily performing many things in a very short time (shortening of distances or expansion of time, respectively), breathing temporary life by God’s leave to someone who has just died, walking on water without sinking, and traveling in the air as if flying, like the Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace, have been frequently witnessed.
Both the Qur’an and the books of the reliably narrated sayings of our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, mention similar and other kinds of miracles worked by different Prophets. We read about many extraordinary states, action, and words of respectful saints in the books that narrate their lives. Here we will be content with a few examples:
We read in the Qur’an (2:49) that the Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace, revived the dead by God’s leave. Similarly, it is narrated in reliable books that just like some saintly people of God, such as Abu Ubayd al-Busri,[5] Shaykh Ahdal,[6] and Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani, revived dead animals. When, during a war, Abu Ubayd beseeched God to revive his dead horse, God Almighty restored the horse to life. Shaykh Ahdal called to his cat that had just died, and the cat was revived by God’s leave and approached him. Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani ordered the bones of a consumed chicken, “Rise up, by God’s leave!” and the chicken came to life and stood up. These are only a few examples; many others can be found in relevant books. It is narrated in the same books that some saints, such as Abu Sa’id al-Harraz[7] and Abdu’l-Qadir al-Jilani, spoke with corpses. There are many other miracle-like wonders worked by saints, such as flowing water parting and opening a passage for the saints, some saints not dying even though they were poisoned many times, the shortening of distances, wild animals serving them, their prayers being instantly accepted, their being prevented from eating and drinking any forbidden thing, their observing events that occurred in distant places, and their being protected against their enemies. All these events demonstrate that wonder-working is undeniably real, and some saintly friends of God have been honored with it. The extraordinary states and actions which proceeded from our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, from his birth until his Prophethood, are of the same nature as wonder-working. However, the wonders and gifts which are, in one respect, a means of honor for saints, are only of a primordial degree in proportion to the gifts and honors of the office of Prophethood, and they are regarded as drops that emerge from the atmosphere of the Prophet whom the saints follow. For this reason, the friends of God never think of using such Divine favors in promoting themselves, nor do they pursue them. Neither do they damage their relationship with God based on their servanthood by making use of them for personal credit. They try their best to keep the favors that come without demand concealed, and they even check their relationship with their Lord, fearing that these acts may be a test for them. They renew their devotion to Him and only pursue His approval and good pleasure. This is what is most suited to the faithful servants of God, the Ultimate Truth.
Those faithful servants of God turn to Him a few times a day with the petition of their awareness and admission of their innate impotence and poverty; they are enraptured with the joy of being the servants at His door and always move with thankfulness for being on His way. They are in turmoil with the hope of attaining His constant company. Consequently, they are shut off from anything— whether it is a spiritual discovery or wonder-working, or spiritual pleasures, or any other kind of favor—other than intense longing to meet with God. They consider themselves to be nothing within nothing, recognizing others as much more virtuous than themselves, always living as examples of utmost humility and the deepest sincerity toward God, and they are so compassionate and magnanimous toward people that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their happiness; they abandon all desires and expectations for any Divine gifts that will come to them in the world, they pursue only God’s approval and good pleasure at every instant of their lives.
These heroes are primarily distinguished with such qualities as equipping as many hearts as possible with belief, endeavoring that the Religion becomes the life of all humankind, illuminating all dark souls, trying to remove all the hardship and troubles that their community suffers, showing the same degree of sensitivity to preserving the honor of others that they show to preserving their own honor, asking for the good of all Muslims as much as or even more than they ask for their own good whenever they stretch out their hands to pray to God, praying every morning and evening for mercy toward and forgiveness of the Community of Muhammad, saying, “O my God! Have mercy on the Community of Muhammad! O my God! Forgive the Community of Muhammad!”; they act so magnanimously and tolerantly that they forgive those who have done them harm, embracing everyone with love, mercy, and generosity, showing the utmost care in adhering to the Religion down to its smallest detail, and following the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, step-by-step in their life. They try to fully represent the elevated morals and virtues that the Qur’an portrays and are resolved to remain distant from all evils and vices, such as resentment, vengeance, hatred, jealousy, suspicion, and enmity. Each of these qualities is a wonder to be sought and much more valuable than the other wonders that are manifested as some extraordinary actions or events, some examples of which we have mentioned above.
Indeed, the greatest wonder is living a life completely according to the precepts of the Qur’an, and those who are the nearest to God must be the representatives of this spirit.
O my God! Make us among Your servants who are sincere and who have been endowed with sincerity in faith and in the practice of the Religion, and who have achieved piety and righteousness, and abstinence from all forbidden things, big or small, and whom You have made near to You, and who are well-pleasing to You, and with whom You are well-pleased, and who love You and are loved by You, and who stand in awe of You, and whose character has been molded by the Qur’an! Amen! And bestow blessings and peace upon the Master of those who love You and are loved by You, and on his Family and Companions, whom You made near to You.
[1] Mawlana Allama Shibli an-Nu’mani (1857–1914) was a Muslim scholar from India. He founded the Shibli National College in 1883 and the Daru’l-Mussanifin in Azamgarh. Shibli was a versatile scholar, especially in the fields of history and literature. He was also a poet. His famous work is Siratu’n-Nabiyy. (“The Life of the Prophet”). However, he only managed to write two volumes of it, and his disciple Sayyid Sulayman an-Nadwi made use of an-Nu’mani’s material and his own and wrote the remaining five volumes of the work after the death of his teacher. 
[2] Abu Jahl, ‘Abr ibn Hisham (d. 624 CE) was the most obstinate and merciless one in opposition to the Prophet Muhammad in Makka. Abu Jahl, meaning the Father of Ignorance, was the name given to him by the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings. He was killed at the Battle of Badr two years after the Prophet’s emigration to Madina. 
[3] an-Nu’mani, Asr-i Saadet (“The Age of Happiness”: Turkish translation of Siratu’n-Nabiyy), vol. 3, under the heading of “The Spiritual Life of Our Prophet.” 
[4] Yazir, Hak Dini Kur’an Dili (“The Qur’an, the Language of the Religion of Truth”), 2:2238. 
[5] Muhammad ibn Hasan Abu Ubayd al-Busri (d. 859) was a famous Syrian scholar and Sufi. He is regarded as one of the greatest saints. 
[6] Shaykh Abu’l-Hasan Ali al-Ahdal al-Husayni (d. 1604) was one of the saints from Yemen. The Sufi order of Ahdaliya is attributed to him. 
[7] Abu Sa’id Ahmad ibn ‘Isa al-Harraz of Baghdad, a cobbler by trade. Author of several books including some which have survived, the date of his death is uncertain but probably occurred between 892 and 899. 
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