#mullet man hero
annaoi · 1 year
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Annnnnd he's back on my dash. He's always worth the wait :)
This is commissioned by @garbria
Art by me / @annaoi
Commissions are still open :). Just head to my blog for more info.
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randomnameless · 2 years
He has a mullet because pious men like aelfric and yuri also wear mullets ergo the church is also guilty of fashion crimes checkmate rhea /s
Let's not even talk about Billy's EO outfit, with all that purple tissue and all those tassels, I don't think it's a nabatean thing, it's just that Rhea, who totally designed it herself, has no fashion sense.
But it's not a reason to wear mullets!
Aelfric was still in his rebellious teenager phase and decided to subtly piss her off by keeping his mullet, and Yuri finds it trendy.
AG!Cyril entertained the idea of keeping a mullet "to keep warm" but Lady Rhea insisted that it was not necessary, adding she would rather hand sew him fifty scarves and hats if he is cold than let him wear a mullet.
Knowing what her scarves look like (all those tassels makes Cyril think they're closer to the curtains he used to dust in the Goneril estate than a real scarf), he declined and asked Catherine instead if she had some scarf - he wears one with the crest of charon embroided in it, and no one seems to care (Catherine doesn't wear one herself, because she's totes not from House Charon, it's just some stuff she happened to have).
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Notice Me
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AN: We're going to pretend that Latto was the headliner on day one because SZA is the face claim lol
Synopsis: While at Gazebo Fest with your best friend, you happen to meet Jack, and the two of you quickly take to each other. Once you part ways, you are heavy on Jack’s mind, and he's determined to see you again
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Why is it so got damn hot out here?!” Your best friend Kayla asked as she was digging through her clear backpack to find something to fan herself with.
“You do realize that it's the end of May and almost June, right?” You replied as you laughed at her and took a sip of water.
The two of you were in the VIP section of Gazebo Fest and couldn't wait to see all the different performances throughout the entire weekend, but you were most excited to see your celebrity crush for as long as you could remember, Jack Harlow.
You had gotten there two days before so that it could give you some time to explore Louisville before having to go to the festival. You and Kayla had gone to Churchill Downs, Morris Deli, and to see his Hometown Hero banner. Before the two of you went home, the goal was to hit up Barrels and Billets to make your own bourbon to take back home with you.
Glancing at the time, you quickly opened the Gazebo Fest app on your phone to see who would be performing next and got excited when you saw that it was Paris Texas. As you were sliding your phone in your back pocket, Kayla started hitting your arm repeatedly.
“Ow! What is your problem?!” You exclaimed while turning to look at her.
“I spy a mullet and that can only mean that it belongs to your man. Look to your left. Okay slowly turn and look. I see Clay too!”
Doing as you were told, you quickly saw him and you felt your heart skip a beat. Kayla liked Jack and his music, but she was more so here for Vince Staples as well as the younger Harlow.
“Maybe you'll get a marriage proposal before we leave on Monday.”
“Kayla, as much as I would like that… shut up.”
“Hey, stranger things have happened.” She replied while holding her hands up in defense.
Once Paris Texas set was over, the crowd dispersed and only a few of you were left at the barricade talking and mingling amongst each other when Kayla leaned over and whispered in your ear.
“I need to pee.”
“What the? Why are you whispering? Is that supposed to be a secret?”
“I don't want to go by myself and the girl next to me told me that she would save our spots.”
“Come on then.” You said as you went and grabbed her hand.
The two of you started walking to the VIP bathrooms when your breath hitched in your throat as you saw Jack was sitting in the driver's seat of a golf cart surrounded by people on his team.
“Sike! I don't have to pee, but go over to your man! He's looking at you and smiling!”
“Kayla…” You said through gritted teeth since you knew that she knew how shy you were. 
All she did was slightly push you forward as Jack waved you over to come to him.
“Hey pretty girl, enjoying yourself so far?” Jack asked you as you had finally worked up the nerve to approach him. Your heart was racing a mile a minute.
“So far, I have no complaints so my answer is yes.” You responded while smiling.
Your only goal was not to look absolutely crazy in front of him. But you were going to kill Kayla later. 
“Is it your first time here in Louisville?”
“No, I've been here before, but this is the first time that I actually got to explore the city. I was here for every NPLH you had.”
“Where are you from?”
“The DMV. Maryland specifically.”
“The D stands for Delaware right?” Jack curiously asked, but you immediately shook your head no.
“Do me a favor. When you go there again, do not let anyone hear you say that. It stands for D.C. Now Delmarva is Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.” You answered while trying not to laugh.
“Then it's a good thing that I asked you, huh?”
“Yes, because somebody would have taken offense to that, believe it or not.”
“What song do you want to hear me do tomorrow?”
“I… How am I supposed to do just one?!”
“Fine. Give me your top five.”
“I need you to do every song you've ever recorded, but five does give me a little more wiggle room. Hmm, Heavy Hitter, Ghost, Sundown, Eastern Parkway, Dark Knight, and I NEED Smells Like Incense because you've never done that one live.”
“Oh, I got a day one in my presence. And that was six songs by the way.” He replied while giving you a boyish grin.
Jack was captivated the first time he laid his eyes on you earlier that afternoon from behind the Gazebo stage as he saw you and Kayla at barricade. 
“I told you that it was hard for me to choose. You're lucky I didn't say Power Tools.”
“Damn, not you going back to The Handsome Harlow.”
“Have to admit it's one of my favorites.” You replied as you shrugged.
“I don't want to keep you from your friend all day, but I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
Hearing him say that made you feel as though you were going to burst from having so many butterflies.
“You won't have to look far either. I'll be barricade.”
The rest of the day you and Kayla made the most of it watching all of the performances, getting drinks, and taking pics with Urban as well as other members of Private Garden.
The next morning, both of you woke up when your alarm went off at 8 ready for the day ahead. Both of you started off with mimosas and quickly moved to taking a few shots before it was ultimately time to get ready.
What stopped you in your tracks was a notification on your Gazebo app saying that because of the weather, the doors wouldn't be opening at 1 and to stay close to your phone to keep up with the alerts.
“You can't be fucking serious. We need to get barricade!” You said as you ran to the window to look outside at the weather. For right now, the sky was simply cloudy and gloomy. Not a raindrop in sight.
“What's wrong?” Kayla asked as she opened a bag of doritos and began stuffing them in her mouth.
“The opening of the gates are delayed.” You replied as you rolled your eyes.
“Until when!?”
“I'm not sure, it didn't say. I guess they'll send out another update so we can know.”
Kayla then grabbed her phone to pull up the weather app and simply shook her head.
“Babe, I don't know. I think we just might be under a tornado warning.”
“A WHAT!? NO! WHY TODAY? CAN IT WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW?” You exclaimed while running back towards the window.
“Apparently not.”
“Let's just pray that they don't cancel it. I know you have a date with your baby daddy later. I saw mine yesterday.” 
“He is literally the entire reason I came this weekend and now that might be ruined.”
“Let's just try and stay positive. We don't even have a concrete answer yet. Things could always change. But let's get our outfits together so we can be ready.”
It was now around 4 PM on Sunday and Jack was stressed. He had put so much time and effort as well as money into this and all he wanted to do was bring a music festival back to his city while having some of his favorite artists perform. He was trying not to sulk, but it was looking more and more like day 2 of Gazebo Fest wasn't about to happen.
“At least we had a good first day. You can't be mad at yourself for that.” Urban said as he sat down next to him.
“I know. I just don't want to compromise anyone's safety. People are going to be pissed.”
“They'll be pissed but they'll be alive.” He heard Clay say as he walked into the room.
“Then I need to call it.”
After he posted to his Instagram story the sad news of it being canceled, his thoughts immediately went to you.
“What? What's wrong?” Both Clay and Urban asked as they looked at him.
“The girl I was talking to yesterday.”
“You talked to a lot of girls yesterday?” Clay responded, confused as to what he was getting at.
“Not as long as I did her! The one with the curly hair!”
“Oh in VIP?”
“Yeah, and I totally forgot to ask her what her name was. Fuck.”
“Yall got a date or something we don't know about?”
“I was going to ask her when I saw her today, but now that's damn near impossible.”
Now not only was day two not happening, but he wasn’t about to see you either, until an idea came to him.
“Do you two remember what she looks like?” He asked both Urban and Clay as they nodded their heads.
“Okay, this might be a long shot, but maybe we can find her on instagram?”
“What the? How the HELL are we supposed to do that?” Clay asked, looking at his older brother in disbelief.
“The gazebo tag.” Urban answered for him and Jack simply nodded.
“Let’s get to it then.”
The three of them had been searching for a total of two hours when Urban had finally found you. He took a quick screenshot of the picture that was posted on Kayla’s page and cropped it before handing his phone to Jack.
“Found her!” 
“Let me see!”
As Urban was handing Jack his phone, it slipped out of his grasp onto the carpet below and Jack quickly dove for it, but it was too late. The screen had hit the home button on the app and everything had refreshed.
“You cannot be fucking serious! It refreshed your feed!”
“Wait, I got a screenshot!”
Urban quickly took his phone back and pulled it up in his gallery to show him as Clay was now looking over both of their shoulders to see what was happening.
“But you cropped it! It doesn’t have the username anymore!” Jack said before sighing and defeat was quickly washing over him.
“Hold on, now I have an idea.” Clay said while smirking.
Jack eyed him and motioned for him to continue.
“Post the screenshot and ask your followers on instagram to find her for you.”
You and Kayla had been in your hotel room sulking for hours at the fact that Gazebo day 2 had been canceled. So the two of you quickly decided to watch Jack’s interview along with WMCJ to pass the time, until Kayla screamed at the top of her lungs while looking down at her phone.
“Leave me to sulk in peace.” You replied while putting the comforter over your head.
“I don’t think you’ll be sulking too much longer. Jack is looking for you.”
“Excuse me?” Now this caught your attention and the comforter was now lying beside you as Kayla shoved her phone in your face as you saw his post on instagram.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, gazebo, quiiso, taylorrooks, and 1,284,096 others
jackharlow: I need a favor. Someone find the girl on the left for me.
When you were done looking at it, you handed Kayla back her phone and laid back down.
“Bitch, what the fuck are you doing? Your HUSBAND is looking for you! Respond to this man!”
“But… I don’t know…” You said while playing with the ends of your curly hair. 
“You don’t know what? He obviously wants to talk to you again so what’s the problem?”
“What if this isn’t even what we think it is?”
“Y/N, he made an instagram post asking millions of his followers to find you. I think he’s making it pretty clear that more than likely he wants to date you.”
“I… now I know your ass is delusional.” You said while looking at her and shaking your head.
“Well, what do YOU think the reason is? Because I KNOW my ass is right. Just respond and see what he says. It can’t hurt. You didn’t get to see him perform today so this is the next best thing. You have to learn to take chances and not be so scared all the time.”
You sat there contemplating what you were going to do when you noticed that Kayla was staring at you.
“If you get to fuck Jack Harlow, I want a five page research paper with sources and a title page in APA format when we get back home.” 
It had been around six in the evening when you had seen Jack’s post and still hadn’t thought of a way to creatively respond to it. It was now ten at night and you and Kayla were getting ready to go to an after party that Ace Pro was hosting not too far from where your hotel was when you had gotten the perfect idea once you were settled in Kayla’s car. You had quickly explained to her what the plan was and it seemed as if she was more excited than you were about you finally responding to him. 
“I knew what I was doing when I picked out that outfit for you! He is bound to see you in this and rip it off the second that you two are in person.”
“What?! Just telling the truth. Now pose so we can get a good one and post it.”
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Liked by mahkaylaaa, jackharlowsource, urbandjack26, gazebo, and 348 others
barricadebaddie: word on the street is that jackharlow is looking for me. Is that true?
Your location was set to Streets of Louisville and you were hoping that he would see it and respond.
You just hope that you didn’t take too long to answer him. 
It took less than fifteen minutes for a notification to pop up on your phone saying that you had a new message on instagram.
1 New Message from jackharlow 
“KAYLA HE SENT ME A MESSAGE!” The two of you had just pulled up to the club that the after party was going to take place in when your heart started beating a mile a minute once more.
I meant what I said when I told you that I looked forward to seeing you today. I wanted to meet up with you tonight if you were up for it.
Of course I’m up for it
If you’re at Ace’s party I’m on my way there
See you when you get here
Then I was hoping we can go somewhere by ourselves
Your eyes went wide as you shoved your phone into Kayla’s hand who quickly took it and read the message.
“Oh yeah, yall fucking later. If you need condoms, I got you.”
“I swear I can’t take your ass anywhere.”
“Look, don’t get mad at me for being prepared.”
I’d like that and I’m definitely up for it
Jack had liked your message before you saw that he quickly followed you. 
You and Kayla went inside and had gone all the way in the back in the far left corner as the two of you ordered drinks and simply waited for Jack to arrive. A lump felt as if it was growing in your throat that you quickly swallowed back down knowing that it was your nerves getting the best of you.
As shy of a personas you are, many times you thought about leaving and heading back to the hotel, but Kayla was right. You needed to stop being scared of your own shadow and live out of your comfort zone.
It was around 11:30 when a lot of commotion was happening near the entrance of the club, and that could only mean one thing.
Jack was finally here. 
You quickly opened instagram to shoot him a message letting him know where you were and simply waited until he made his rounds as he was speaking to different people and also got into the DJ booth with Ace. When he finally glanced down at his phone, your guess was that he was reading your message and he quickly looked to his left and spotted you. A small grin came across his face as he slid his phone back into his pocket and made his way over to you. 
“Have fun, I’m going to get another drink.” Kayla said as she saw Jack headed over towards you and quickly got up to make her way towards the bar before you could protest.
Once Jack had finally reached you, he leaned down to embrace you into a hug and he lightly pulled you into him, making you stand all the way up before leaning down and whispering in your ear. 
“For a minute there, I thought you weren’t going to respond to me.”
“Hmm, I admit I was hesitant, but I figured why not? You obviously wanted to find me for a reason, so here I am.”
“When I see something I want, I’m persistent until I get it.” Jack replied as he played with the ends of your hair and you just knew for a fact that you were about to faint right then and there. 
“And after all of that yesterday, I forgot to ask what your name was.”
“It’s Y/N.” You responded while laughing, having not even noticed that you never told him your name.
“Well, Y/N, you ready to get out of here?”
“On one condition.”
“And what’s that pretty girl?”
“A private show.”
“Hmm, of my songs or were you thinking about something else?” He asked as he leaned down to whisper in your ear once more, but this time kissed the shell of it.
“I’ll take both if you’re up for it.”
“It took me all damn day to find you, so I’m definitely up for it.”
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ace-race-ace · 8 months
LEGACY AU Masterlist
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2
All My Other Fics
Lean on me (when you’re not strong)
Charles learns about Max's post-race ritual he's picked up from his dad. Max used to sit by his feet and recount all his mistakes, no matter the race result. Daniel has been helping him so far but after his injury, Charles is asked to take over. He hates seeing Max beat himself up and tries to shift the interaction to something different, hopefully, more positive
Charles quickly finds himself in over his head.
Charles’ Curls
Charles has grown a mini-mullet, and grid silliness ensues. Thankfully, Max seems to like it.
Kissing Madly
Max keeps kissing Charles when he gets mad at him
5+1 kisses
Race Cap
Lando tells Oscar to keep his cap after filming, assumptions start popping up.
aka the one-shot I couldn't get out of my head after watching the Mclaren photo recreation challenge.
My Oscar
Lando attends his first Academy Awards in hopes of winning the Oscar for Best Actor in his film Forever Forward, about a McLaren F1 driver. The production took a lot out of him but meeting his PA changed everything. Oscar was there for him every step of the way, his calm demeanor always helping Lando's nerves. They grow closer, effortlessly.
Now Lando waits for his category to be awarded, but he knows that no matter the outcome, he'll go home to his Oscar.
Terms and conditions
Fernando finds out there is another reason he was offered the seat at Aston Martin. Turns out Lawrence still doesn't know how to say no to his son. What Lance wants, he gets. Which doesn't bother Fernando that much after all.
Nice to meet you
[Set in 2016-2017 right before Lance's rookie year]
Fernando has trouble keeping track of people he meets, which sometimes gets him into situations.
When he meets a charming young boy with beautiful doe eyes, he gets attached quickly. Yet the man seems confused at Fernando's attention and stays secretive about his job.
Fernando doesn't think much of it until the first race of the season when he meets the new Williams rookie.
Stealing his hoodie (and his heart)
Fernando notices Lance keeps wearing the same hoodie. He decides to be a little mischievous and steal it to see his reaction
Make you feel better
Seb and Checo, both past teammates of Lance seem to be in on something Fernando isn't. After a bad result, he finds out why everyone loves to have Lance as a teammate.
Home Hero
Lance gets to his home race in Canada. The weekend goes better than expected and most importantly, a certain Spaniard is all over him.
FINISHED (more chapters may come)
Feel free to send asks/comments about any of these :)
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weird-an · 1 year
Hero!Steve flirting with easily flustered Villain!Billy
There's a giant fucking octopus ("It's not an octopus, Steve, it's Vecna" - who cares, Dustin, who cares) attacking the city. On a Friday, just one day before Steve's well deserved vacation.
Even superheroes need vacation. Steve has already seen himself swimming in the ocean and slurping Mai Tais in a few hours and now he's here.
On a stupid rooftop, wearing his red and blue suit and having to fight Billy Hargrove. Who's involved. Again. Arrogance in a tight leather suit and sharp claws and teeth, the strength of a wildcat - probably a shapeshifter too, but no one has ever seen.
"You can't stop him," Hargrove laughs, a roar making his chest vibrate. "Why don't you just join us, pretty boy?"
Also nothing new. Hargrove's asking Steve to join him every time they fight. The Mind Flayer Collective has been terrorizing the state for a while now. Steve is a small town hero. A pretty face no one is afraid of.
"Stop asking me out, Hargrove." Steve rolls his eyes. "Buy me a drink first."
He expects a snarl, maybe even a slur, but he's met with Billy clearing his throat and stuttering a little. "Buy yourself a drink."
Steve is so confused for a second, he forgets that he actually wanted to use the water that's dripping out of the rusty tubes nearby and blast it into Billy's face.
Is Billy... flustered? Steve thinks back at months of Billy trying to rile him up, of Billy fighting him, but never really managing to kill him, of Billy asking him to join the Mind Flayer Collective over and over again.
Oh man. Steve's day just got better and worse at the same moment.
"Don't you wanna have a good time?" he asks. Billy's cheeks turn a little pink.
"I'll have a blast when I break your face," Billy snarls half heartedly.
"Billy, you haven't really tried that in ages." Steve takes a step closer. He can see Billy's Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. "You're all talk."
"Fuck off," Billy scowls. He reminds Steve of a wet cat, lips twitching and black painted nails growing sharper. Which gives Steve a stupid idea.
Water has been a part of him ever since he was born and made the waves that turned into hands and animals, just with his imagination and his parent's pool.
"All talk," Steve repeats - and collects the water from the tubes and drops it onto Billy - who makes a sound of surprise that's somewhere between a groan and a cat's hiss.
"Harrington!" he sneers. "I'll fuck you up."
Billy's mullet clings to his face and drops of water run down his collarbones and to the hint of his pecs peeking up where he didn't bother to zip up the suit like usual. Like he's showing off whenever he sees Steve.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try." Steve rolls his eyes. "But if anyone does the fucking here, it's me."
Billy lunges forward to take a swing at him, but Steve had already seen it coming. Whenever Billy runs out of words, he's using his fists.
He dodges the punch and pushes Billy. His back hits the door leading downstairs. Billy's breathing fast - too fast for one punch and his pupils are slitted.
"Does that turn you on?" Steve asks, a smug grin on his lips.
"Shut up," Billy gasps. His eyes flicker from Steve's lips to the other rooftops. God. Steve had been so blind.
"It does," he says slowly. "That's why you ask me to join every time."
Billy huffs. "I have no idea what you're-"
Steve presses his lips on Billy's, is greeted with a moan of relief and pleasure.
"You were sayin'?" he asks, grinning against Billy's mouth.
Billy pushes his hips forward. He's hard, his suit leaving next to nothing to the imagination. Steve's hand searches for the zipper. Finds it and pulls it down.
"Damn," Billy groans. "You're fucking greedy."
"Have you seen yourself?"
Steve peels the suit off. Sucks on every new bit of skin he sees. Billy aches his neck and moans. An animalistic sound, making Steve think that there might be something true to the shifting rumors.
He's pulling down his own pants and wrapping his arms around Billy's hips. Lifting him up, so that he can nudge the tip of his dick against his hole.
"Jesus," Billy pants. "When did you get so strong?"
Steve really doesn't want to think about manic workouts after giant bats tried to kill him. He kisses Billy again, tongue plundering his mouth.
When they pull away, he opens his palm for Billy.
"Spit," he says hoarsely. It's dizzying, watching Billy do as he's told with glassy eyes. He's spreading his legs wider.
It's insane. A rush unlike any drug he has ever tried. They are on a rooftop, there's a storm brewing near the coast where there's a monster trying to step out of the ocean and Billy Hargrove turns all pliant in his hands.
He coats his dick in Billy's spit and it won't be enough, but maybe enough so that it doesn't hurt as much.
He pushes in slowly. Billy's body is yielding with ease, ragged breath in his ear. He's hot and so tight and Steve is in paradise.
One hard thrust makes Billy's head hit the wall, but he doesn't seem to notice. His weeping cock slaps against his abs, precome running down its length.
"Fuck," Billy groans, voice like gravel. His eyes are brighter than before, a neon touch to it and his canines turned into fangs. He's all wildness and fucking beautiful.
Steve fucks him harder, trying to find the angle that makes Billy gasp and moan and clench around him. His fingers dig into his firm ass cheeks.
Billy's claws scratch his back, trying to get a better hold. He's panting, a bright flush crawling down his neck along his chest.
It's marvelous. Steve doesn't even need to touch his dick. He's thrusting into him, chasing after the high of pleasure and littering Billy's neck and chest with kisses and bites and Billy's whole body is shuddering underneath his lips.
Billy falls apart. In his hands. Comes with a howl and a tear running down his face. Steve kisses it away. Billy clings to him, bites his shoulders to stifle another cry threatening to fall from his lips.
Sharp pain runs through Steve, making him follow Billy over the edge. He sees stars and pulls Billy closer.
He pulls out and lets Billy down who leans against the door like his legs can't carry him. A bit of milky come runs down his leg.
"That was... unexpected," Steve grins at Billy. Billy's eyes are still glowing.
"I should leave," he manages after catching his breath. He bends down to grab his suit and struggles to put it on. It's a tight fight. Especially with still shaking hands.
Steve's chest grows tighter. Maybe it's selfish, but he doesn't want Billy to go back to the Collective. To fight him again, to forget all that just happened.
"I'm going on vacation in..." Steve stares at his watch. "Three hours. You wanna come with me?"
Billy stops trying to pull his pants over his ass. The leather is constricting his butt cheeks a little. Steve's fingers itch to slap them.
"You're the enemy," Billy says.
It's funny, all a matter of perspective. Dustin says the same about Billy. Steve thinks of Billy clenching around him. He's sure they'd be both off their teams for fraternization, if anybody finds out.
"That's not an answer." Steve snaps the seam of Billy's pants against his ass.
Billy scrunches his nose, thinking about it.
"Fine. I guess I can take a few days off," he grumbles. "Where are we going?"
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Piper James Pilot Storyboard: Part 5!
My favorite part so far!! Will ramble about it at the end...
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Ramble time!!
I love nearly all the frames in this part, but for as simple as they are the last two frames go the hardest.
(Added three too many frames, though... whoops.)
For some reason, I'm starting to love Murray's character. He's a literal goofball. And yes, that is a mullet.
Speaking of him, I should note that Murray was not in the original series AT ALL! The initial leader of the group was the macho hero man who would be very typical, but I opted for the "30-year-old-man-whos-passion-is-ridiculous-when-you-think-about-it-for-more-than-5-seconds" character.
I feel I've done a similar design before and I hope it's not from that one TAAWS character.
And, for context at Piper's wonder, I did revise the very first panel as I came up with a name for the guy:
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As this 5th part is where it starts to diverge from the original comic, I now wonder... Should I write a short scene with Trixie and T20 to introduce them? Or should I cap it off here and begin the first official episode soon?
I would love to do a new scene, but I've only bare-bones ideas for it.
And if you've read this far, let me know what you think! About the storyboard, about Murray, whether or not I should make that scene, etc.
I'd appreciate it as always!! :)
Taglist: @geuretea @papercutzo @skeletonofagoose @esteebarnes94 @pastellbg @sharkyy599 @rantsofamadman
(and @the-ellia-west since they commented on the last entry!)
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legendary-guest · 7 months
There are a lot of ideas out there as to what Dr. Drakken and Shego get-up to post-Graduation. From remaining in traditional villainy, turning good, laying low and going corporate to a life of domestic bliss.
Well, what about... Dr. Drakken becoming a teen pop sensation? Becoming hero of the world has reinvigorated public interest in his hip-hop debut on American Starmaker. It becomes a huge hit! Ridiculous views on the Internet, the song is being played on the radio, in malls, it's everywhere! A record label reaches out to him - they want an album. He's the biggest thing since the Oh Boyz. Pardon from the UN, a medal, acknowledgement of his genius and now his artistic prowess is being recognised, too?! He's a real Renaissance man (he pronounces the 'c' as a 'k')! Like, what's-his-name - Leonardo Decaprio! How can he say no, Shego? Like everything he does, this is not without consequence. The song's popularity serves as Junior's villainous breakdown - he is seething with jealousy, with fury. Shego's old, out-of-shape, so-pale-he's-blue boss, with a face that not even the world's most prestigious plastic surgeons can save - not to mention that nasty scar! And his hair! His awful, terrible - what is that - a mullet? The 80s called, they want their biggest mistake in hairstyle history back where it can stay dead and buried. It even looks like he cuts it himself! Senior. Sr. can see what's happening, and he can't believe it. Is this it? Has his son found his villainous purpose? His raison d'etre? He can hardly keep his composure, he's about to cry tears of joy, of villainous joy!
O, and how poetic, Senior Sr. goes on as Junior - paces, o, he's pacing like he's actually thinking - no, plotting, scheming! - to have it be that his teacher's former student rises up against her employer! Well, it doesn't quite roll off the tongue and it's a bit of a convoluted trope, but it will have to do. It's the modern era, after all, things change.
This moment is immortalised with a Polaroid picture - it's blurry, but it will have to do, since Junior is so focused. Besides, it gives an air of uncertainty, of mysticism, of - and Junior interrupts with a well-timed chastising exclamation of "Father!" Junior ropes in Bonnie, he must, for he will surely need some moral support and a beautiful partner in this caper. She agrees once he assures her there will be custom outfits for them to wear, only the very latest, and most expensive, in fashion today. Dr. D's debut album is called Blue Period. A very special thanks to @gogofordrakgo for volleying ideas with me, having him get a record deal and for having Dr. D pronounce the 'c' as a 'k' in Renaissance man.
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killxz · 1 month
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03 ━━ 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞
Pairing: Keith Kogane x Fem!Reader
trigger warning(s): confrontation?
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The group perches on a small cliff jutting out, giving you a perfect view of the containment bubble. The crashed ship is beside the metal bubble, with scientists checking the wrecked ship. Pidge zooms in with her computer thingy and scans the area.
"Whoa, what the heck is that thing?" you point to the crashed ship on the screen. Pidge then zooms into the entrance of the containment bubble. A pretty, slim officer walks out of it and salutes the guard at the entrance. "And who the heck is she?" you hear Lance swoon. 
You whack the back of Lance's head. "Lance!"
"Ow!" he complains. "Right, alien ship. Man, we'll never get past all those guards to get a look."
"Aw man, yeah, yeah, I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?" Hunk tries. You pat his back encouragingly.
"It's alright, Hunk. Worst-case scenario, we all get found by the alien in that ship, and it kills us mercifully," you shrug. "Totally painless."
"Not helping, Y/N!" Hunk whimpers.
"Wait. They set up a camera in there, and I grabbed its feed. Look!" Pidge pushes her computer towards you.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" A familiar voice shouts.
"Calm down, Shiro. We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests," a scientist says.
"S-Shiro?" you whisper, eyes wide.
Shiro struggles against the restraints. "You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds! Aliens are coming!"
Lance points to the screen. "That's Shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos Mission! That guy's my hero!"
"Guess he's not dead in space after all," Hunk marvels.
Pidge frowns. "But where's the rest of the crew?"
The voice of one of the scientists comes out. "Do you know how long you've been gone?"
Shiro struggles again. "I don't know. Months? Years? Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon. They're probably on their way. They'll destroy us. We have to find Voltron!"
"Voltron!" Pidge exclaims. You aren't paying attention, still stuck on the fact that Shiro is alive. Shiro had been your mentor, your only father figure in your life.
"-what are they doing? He's a legend. They're not even gonna listen to him?" Lance's worried voice breaks you out of your thoughts.
"W-we have to help him!" you blurt out.
"I hate to be the voice of reason, always, but weren't we watching on TV because there was no way to get past the guards?" Hunk reasons.
"We've just got to think." Lance taps his chin. "Could we tunnel in?"
"Maybe we could get some hazmat suits and sneak in like med techs." Pidge suggests.
"Or we dress up like cooks, head back to the dorms, sneak into the commissary... little late-night snack." Hunk tries.
"No. What we need is a distraction." you interrupt.
As if on cue, explosions light up the space behind the containment bubble. Hunk shrieks. "Is that the aliens? Is that the aliens? Are they here? They got here so quick!"
"No, those explosions were a distraction, for him!" Pidge points to a speeding hover ship.
"The Garrison's headed toward the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side." She finishes.
"No way! Oh, he is not going to beat us in there!" Lance jumps up, ready for action.
"That guy is always trying to one-up me!" He snarls.
"Who is it?" Hunk asks. You spot a familiar head of raven hair and his favored cropped jacket.
"Keith," you whisper. You begin to run towards the containment bubble.
"Who?" Pidge asks, confused.
"Are you sure?" Hunk asks, running beside you.
"Oh, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance shouts.
"Who's Keith?" Pidge yells, running behind you. You slide down the cliff and run towards the bubble. When you get in, you see Keith supporting Shiro, and the scientists lying in a crumpled heap on the floor.
"Nope. No, you... No, no, no. No, you don't. I'm saving Shiro." Lance grabs Shiro's other hand.
"Who are you?" Keith asks.
"Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance. We were in the same class at the Garrison." Lance says, incredulous.
"Really? Are you an engineer?" Keith asks.
"No, I'm a pilot! We were, like, rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck." Lance tries to jog Keith's memory.
"Oh, wait. I remember you. You're a cargo pilot." Keith clicks his tongue.
"Well, not anymore. I'm a fighter class now, thanks to you washing out." Lance brags.
"Well, congratulations." Keith deadpans. He looks at the entrance and sees you. His eyes widen. "Y/N?" He breathes. You look away, your heart clenching. Anger sparks in your gut. You continue down the hallway to his hovership.
"Do you mind if we caught a ride with you?" Hunk asks, not waiting for an answer before climbing onto the back. The ship tilts backwards, hitting the ground.
"Is this thing gonna be big enough for all of us?" Pidge adjusts herself.
"No." Keith groans. You stand on the ground, not knowing where to sit. There isn't any place for you. Keith notices your hesitation and grabs your arm, pulling you up behind him. Your cheeks flush at the close proximity to him. Dang it. "What do you think you're doing?!" You demand.
"Oh shut up! Would you rather get left behind?" Keith shouts back.
The Garrison's vehicles are coming towards you. Keith revs the engine, and you speed off away from the Garrison.
"Why am I holding this guy?" Pidge demands.
"Hey, we did all fit." Hunk cheers.
"Can this thing go any faster?!" Lance demands, looking back at the vehicles gaining on you.
"We could toss out some non-essential weight." Keith snarks.
"Oh, right!" Lance agrees and looks around before catching on. "Okay, so that was an insult. I get it."
"Big man, lean left!" Keith shouts.
Hunk leans left, and two of the vehicles crash into each other. "Aw, man! Mr. Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery! No, no. He's fine."
"Big man, lean right!" Keith shouts again. Hunk leans, and the whole ship careens off the side onto a thin road on the side of a cliff.
"Whoa!" Hunk, Pidge, and Lance scream.
"Guys, i-is that a cliff up ahead?" Hunk points a shaky finger.
"Oh, no no no!" Lance screams.
"Yup," Keith leans down and speeds up. You yelp and instinctively grab onto his waist as you shoot down the cliff, squeezing your eyes shut, your head against his back.
"What are you doing?! You're gonna kill us all!" Lance shouts.
"Shut up and trust me!" Keith increases the speed, and you are suspended in the air for a moment before crashing back down harshly on the ground and speeding away.
Soon, you reach a small shack in the middle of nowhere. As the three of them carry Shiro into the house, Keith turns to face you and quirks a brow. You realise you're still clutching on to his waist and quickly let go and jumped down from the speeder.
"Don't say a word." You snap before marching to the shack, cheeks warm.
You settle in to wait for Shiro to wake up. 
It's about dawn when Shiro wakes up. He trudges outside for fresh air. It's not long before Keith follows him out.
You all sit in silence as the door closes.
"Okay! Now that he's gone, Y/N, I thought Keith broke up with you a year ago! Why was he flirting with you back there?!" Lance demands. 
"Huh?!" You demand. "Shut up! We were not! He could go fall inro a ditch for all I care!"
 Lance continues to pester you about Keith until the door opens, and Keith and Shiro walk in.
Keith motions for you all to follow him, and you walk in front of a covered board. Keith removes the cover with a flourish.
"What have you been working on?" Shiro asks, awestruck.
"I can't explain it, really. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kind of lost and found myself drawn out to this place. It's like something... some energy was telling me to search." Keith replies.
"For what?"
"Well, I didn't really know at the time... until I stumbled across this area. It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some event, some arrival happening last night." Keith explains. "Then you showed up." He looks at Shiro.
"I should thank you all for getting me out. Lance, right?" Shiro shakes Lance's hand.
"The nervous guy is Hunk, she's Y/N. I'm Pidge." She introduces.
"Y/N?" Shiro's eyes widen. "You've changed so much!" He pulls you into a hug. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Shiro." You hug him back tightly.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Lance asks, confused.
"Shiro used to care for me all the time. He's something like a brother to me." You smile.
"So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?" Pidge asks hopefully.
"I'm not sure. I remember the mission and being captured. After that, it's just bits and pieces." Shiro says apologetically.
"Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for us? Where are they at this very moment?" Hunk bites his thumbnail.
Shiro sighs. "I can't really put it together. I remember the word 'Voltron'. It's some kind of weapon they're looking for, but I don't know why. Whatever it is, I think we need to find it before they do."
"Well, last night, I was rummaging through Pidge's stuff, and I found this picture." Hunk holds up a picture of Pidge and her brother. "Look, it's his girlfriend."
"Hey, give me that!" Pidge snatches back the picture. "What were you doing in my stuff?!"
"I was looking for a candy bar. But then, I started reading his diary-" Hunk now holds up a red notebook. 
"What?!" Pidge spluttered.
"-and I noticed that the repeating series of numbers the aliens are searching for looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line." Hunk continues like nothing happened.
"Frown-who?" Keith looked confused.
"It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element." You answer. Keith looks towards you with a surprised look and you look away.
Hunk nods his approval. "Only, this element doesn't exist on Earth. I thought it might be this Voltron, and I think I can build a machine to look for it, kinda like a Voltron Geiger counter."
"Hunk, you big gassy genius!" Lance exclaims.
Hunk smiles bashfully. "It's pretty fascinating, really. The wavelength looks like this." He pulls out a piece of paper with a graph on it.
"Give me that!" Keith snatches the paper and scrutinises it carefully. He turns around and holds it up in front of one of the many pictures on his board. The picture was of a rocky canyon, and the many hills looked like the wavelengths of the graph. 
"Looks like that's where we should start," Hunk mused. 
"Okay, let's rest more before we head out tomorrow." Shiro, ever the team leader, instructs everyone. As the group voiced their agreement, they spread like water, Lance flopping onto the couch while Pidge and Hunk start planning their 'Voltron Finder'. 
As everyone settles down, you find a quiet corner of the shack to collect your thoughts. The sudden reappearance of Shiro has thrown you into an emotional whirlwind, and on top of that, there's Keith. You can still feel the heat of his touch on your arm, and it frustrates you.
You stare out the small window, lost in thought, when you hear footsteps behind you. You don't need to turn around to know it's him.
"Y/N," Keith's voice is low, almost hesitant.
"What do you want, Kogane?" you reply, not turning to face him.
"I think we need to talk," he says, coming closer. "About...what happened between us."
You don't look at him, instead pretending to focus on the makeshift sleeping area you've set up. "About what?" you ask, your tone clipped.
He sighs, clearly frustrated but trying to keep his cool. "About what happened between us. I know it wasn't the best way to end things—"
"You don't have to explain anything, Keith," you cut him off, finally turning to face him. Your eyes are hard, even as you feel the sting of old wounds threatening to reopen. "You made your choice a year ago. I don't need closure or whatever you think this is."
You cross your arms, the anger bubbling up inside you. "And don't tell me, you thought ghosting me was the right way to handle it? You didn't even give me a chance to understand, Keith. You just vanished, left me to figure out where the hell you went and why." Your voice is steady, but the hurt is evident.
He sighs. "It's not that simple. I didn't want to leave you, but—"
"—but you did," you cut him off, finally turning to look at him. Your eyes meet his, and for a moment, you see the old Keith, the one who made you feel safe, the one you thought you'd spend your life with. But then, the memory of him walking away from you, leaving you without so much as a proper explanation, crashes back in.
"So, whatever reason you had, it doesn't matter now," you continue, your voice firm. "You left, Keith. You don't get to just walk back in and expect everything to be fine."
Keith looks at you, clearly struggling to find the right words. "I never wanted to hurt you. I thought... I thought I was doing the right thing."
"Well, congratulations," you say, your voice laced with sarcasm. "You succeeded."
You see the hurt flash across his face, and for a split second, you almost regret your words. But then you remember the sleepless nights, the unanswered messages, the pain of realizing he wasn't coming back, and your resolve hardens.
Keith looks down, guilt written all over his face. "I thought it would be easier that way, for both of us. I didn't want to see you get hurt."
You scoff, shaking your head. "Well, newsflash, Keith, disappearing hurt more than anything else could have." You take a deep breath, trying to rein in your emotions. "But that's in the past now. We've got bigger things to worry about, so let's just focus on that."
His shoulders slump slightly, and he nods. "Yeah. You're right."
As he leaves, you let out a shaky breath, your emotions swirling. You'd thought you were over it, over him, but seeing Keith again has brought everything rushing back. But you push it down, reminding yourself of the mission ahead. There's no room for personal feelings when the fate of the universe might be at stake.
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stylecouncil · 2 months
if you could arrange a music festival, where would it be, who would play and what would the theme be?
my backyard. but if not my backyard then idk a field near my backyard. the theme would be “morgan (at this particular moment in time)” and the artists would be an inxs intro at their wembley peak but playing my favorite selections. then we take it down a bit for hunky dory era bowie (there will be more bowie later). into the smiths right before their break up with the conclusion being johnny marr’s evaporation and morrissey transforming into 1992 live in dallas morrissey or maladjusted tour morrissey spending on how I feel that day and we get a recreation of a famous stage storming. this then cuts into a sam’s town era killers preforming sam’s town and hot fuss selections and then what’s that? a selections from desired effect interlude. oh now its suddenly modern brandon flowers and he’s performing pressure machine front to back just for me. and then? the entirety of the killers at glastonbury 2019. including the pet shop boys interlude but this time extended to include other parts of their catalogue of my choosing. end scene. oh wait they’re coming back out. who’s with them? we transition into dustland with springsteen. springsteen slowly de-ages through the years and we go through my favorite points of his catalogue. courtney love comes out and throws a shoe at my head and I thank her. surprise tyler the creator frank ocean reunion. the 1975 interlude (I have to). robbie williams and madonna both walk onto the stage. what happens next? who knows. bowie is back. what’s this? its young americans bowie slowly transition into station to station think white duke bowie. oh and now it’s heroes era bowie with the little brown mullet performing selections from his entire catalogue. enter marc bolan for a few selections and some bowie duetting. and who’s that? lou reed is here to perform my personal selections from his catalogue and duet with bowie on satellite of love. what’s that? oh it’s paul weller. is it jam or style council paul weller? who knows but he’s playing all my favorites. pete doherty acoustic interlude. followed by a the format reunion live at the mayan theatre themed. dog man star suede/ the holy bible manic street preachers section. enter the kinks. 1969-1971 kinks specifically. now we transition to the noel gallagher portion of the evening. (paul weller also pops back out to play on a few) maybe we even get oasis at the heights of its powers. again it depends on how I feel that day. I think I would want the year 2000 oasis on their come down actually. we end everything on don’t look back in anger.
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mayamidnightmelody · 3 months
Avengers: 80s
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If the Avengers were reimagined as an 80s flick, it would be totally rad! Arnold Schwarzenegger, the king of muscles, wielding Mjölnir as Thor with a totally tubular mullet and some killer shades 😎. He'd be like, "I'll be back… for Asgard!"
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Raquel Welch as Black Widow would be fierce and glamorous, rocking high-waisted leggings and neon leotards, all while kicking butt with her martial arts skills. She'd have that sultry 80s vibe and killer hair flips. She's the femme fatale we'd all want on our team.
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Burt Reynolds as Iron Man would be the epitome of cool. Picture him in a slick red and gold suit, complete with a chest plate that shines brighter than his smile. He'd have that swagger and charm, saying stuff like, "Hey, babe, wanna check out my suit's turbo boost?" 😏
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Clint Eastwood as Nuck Fury (Nick Fury's 80s alter ego) would be the tough, no-nonsense leader of the pack. He'd have that Clint squint and a cigar hanging from his lips as he strategizes how to take down the bad guys. "Make my day, Loki!"
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Robert Redford as Captain America would be the all-American hero, donning a spandex suit with the stars and stripes proudly displayed. He'd embody that 80s wholesome goodness, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. "Let's do this, team!"
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Vincent Price as Doctor Strange would bring a touch of mystery and intrigue to the team. He'd rock a velvet cape and mystical amulets, delving into ancient spells and mind-blowing illusions. "Enter my realm of magic, if you dare!"
Together, they'd form the ultimate dream team of the 80s, saving the world from gnarly villains and looking totally rad doing it. With their powers combined, they'd be unstoppable! Imagine the epic synth-pop soundtrack and the flashy special effects. It would be a blast from the past that even Doc Brown would approve of! 🌟
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lemonyinks · 1 year
Querl thinks in the early hours of the morning
Brainy/Lyle oneshot
975 words
If there was one thing Querl loved about working on Earth, it was the way it sounded in the early morning. Crickets and birds chirping in unison, the gentle howl of wind breezing by, the rustle of the flora outside, the occasional whistle of a hover craft passing by outside. It was all so calming, so wonderful. Combined with the soft colours of the fading dawn, it was one of the things Querl looked forward to the most in the mornings.
But nothing would ever compare to the feeling of waking up in the arms of his lovers.
Though lined with muscle built up from years of hero and spy work alike, Lyle was warm and soft. He radiated a sort of heat similar to an over worked computer or a lit Bunsen burner. To anyone else, it may have been overbearing, but Querl ran cold, so it was perfect. Almost as perfect as the plushness he had to his stomach, which Querl loved to sink his head into during quiet moments like this.
It was hard to believe that not too long ago, Querl would go days, if not not weeks or months, on end without seeing another person entirely. Cold labs and uncomfortable chairs were the way he used to spend his days and nights. He used to deem it a waste of time to make the trip back to a room he couldn’t even call his own every night. Sleep was a luxury he rarely indulged in anyway, so what was the point?
Things were different now, though. Now, he looked forward to putting away his laboratory equipment, packing experiments and data away for the night in order to fall into bed with the man he loved. He could hardly imagine spending a night away from him anymore.
Lyle lay sprawled out across the bed, nude aside from a thin sheet covering his hips and bunching up under one armpit. His chest rose and fell in a gentle, repetitive motion. Querl was strewn partway on top of him equally as nude with his legs thrown over one of Lyle’s own and his head nestled on his collarbone, shoulder wedged under his other armpit.
His eyes trailed over every inche Lyle’s face. From lashes so long they delicately brushed his cheekbones, to the mole that sat at the corner of his right eye. From the round cheeks he loved to plant kisses on, flushed with the heat of the night, all the way down to plush lips, parted as light snores escaped them.
Querl let his hand come up to stroke the heated skin on his lover’s chest and travel downwards. Smooth, scarred, smooth, scarred, that was the pattern of his skin. Markings that varied from thin white slashes, to splatters of dark discolouration that took up significant space. Their origins were widely unknown to Querl. His touches were feather soft as his hand came to a stop near the other's navel, though they evidently tickled as Lyle’s lips twitched in his sleep and a soft giggle escaped him before his expression settled once more.
Querl draped his arm across Lyle’s abdomen and brought a hand down to hold him around the waist, using his thumb to gently stroke his hipbone, where lay one of his larger scars, which spanned from his navel all the way around to his back. He knew the origin of this one. A mission gone wrong back when he was still working for earthgov, not long before he had joined the Legion. Apparently diplomats did not take well to being spied on during elections.
Lyle took a deep breath and shifted, rolling onto his side to face Querl, and he moved with him to allow the change in position. Lyle's eyebrows momentarily furrowed before smoothing out again, still deep in sleep. They were so close now that their chests were pressed together, their noses brushing against each other. He could feel each puff of warm breath ghosting against his lips.
Querl brought a slow hand up to brush a stray strand of hair out of Lyle’s face before tucking the length behind his ear with a gentleness that few would believe he had the capability of displaying. It was getting longer, he noted. His usual mullet was shaggier, the back almost falling past his shoulders and his bangs touching down against his cheekbones. Beautiful as always.
He ran his knuckles against Lyle’s cheekbone and then cupped his cheek in one cold hand and swiped his under eye with his thumb, careful to not apply too much pressure. His heart soared when Lyle leaned into the touch with a soft noise.
His eyes flickered over to the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table over Lyle’s shoulder. The bright red numbers blinking at him incessantly told him that it was 4 in the morning, about an hour and a half before he and Lyle were to head into the lab for work.
There was a point in time where he would have simply climbed out of bed and headed in early to best optimize his usefulness, but now such things concerned him not. He could not think of a better way to spend his time than this. Now, he was content to press a soft, butterfly kiss to the spot between Lyle’s eyebrows and snuggle closer into his warmth. And he did just that, slinging an arm around Lyles waist and tangling their legs together.
He never thought he was capable of feeling a love like this, nor did he ever think it would be returned so strongly. He had previously resigned himself to a millennium of solitude before Lyle came into his life and lit it up with the light of a thousand stars. Querl loved, and he was loved in return. He couldn’t ask for anything more.
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nucleargnocchi · 10 months
In defense of Despicable Me 3
It has taken me FOREVER to get to this and I can no longer find the ask but! @squidsandthings, to answer your question of what's up with Despicable Me 3, the plain truth of it is that it is simply the pinnacle of film. Most people think it's a classic case of a company wringing every drop of profit they can from a movie that saw commercial success, dragging it out further and further with each sequel until the plot is so attenuated you can barely see it, the concept is so inane you lose brain cells watching it, and the characters are so two-dimensional they are undoubtably relatives of Stanley. But I say it's cinema at its finest. I will try to make this short, but brevity is nigh impossible when extolling the virtues of Despicable Me 3.
To start, Gru is the morally gray anti-hero this generation needs: an ingenius villain with something to prove (he has mommy issues), yet a tender family man at heart. He yearns for his past life, for the thrill of heists and gadgets and gizmos, but recognizes that he now has joys and responsibilities (the gorls) and must struggle to tame his nostalgia.
Dru, Gru's long-lost twin brother with the most luscious blond hair you've ever seen, is the hot to Gru's cold, the high to his low, the piliferously well-endowed to his follically challenged. Dru has all the charisma and charm that Gru lacks, but he is bumbling and incompetent when it comes to heisting. Yet, despite it all, he desperately wants to follow in his (and Gru's) recently deceased father's legacy of villainy, to make him posthumously proud.
The gorls are growing up: Margo receives a proposal from a boy with limp cheese and a pig, Edith remains surly yet reveals her caring nature as she accompanies Agnes to find a unicorn, and Agnes herself remains a paragon of hope and childlike wonder despite learning that unicorns aren't real, choosing to embrace a one-horned goat in what is possibly a biblical allusion to finding the beauty in imperfection. All the while, the gorls are figuring out what a relationship with their step-mom Lucy looks like, and Lucy in turn is learning what it means to be a mother.
The minions, upset with the dangerous labor conditions (Dr. Nefario was accidentally frozen in carbonite) and unfulfilling work (not evil), decide to unionize in a powerful example of proletariat uprising. Unfortunately, they later get imprisoned for stealing pizza after enthralling fictional and real-life audience members alike by performing a spectacular impromptu rendition of the Major-general's Song on a live singing competition. They then stage a jailbreak like the radical prison abolitionists they are and find their way back to continue a life of crime with Dru.
With such a star-studded cast of characters, you'd think there would be no way to steal the spotlight, but the antagonist, Balthazar Bratt, manages to outshine them all. Bratt is nuanced and realistic with a tragic, compelling backstory (teenage acne) who clings to a delusion of fame after his TV show as a child actor was canceled. He is stylish and funky, bringing all the best parts of the '80s back to life with his superior sense of fashion (I mean, who else can pull off spiky purple shoulderpads and not look monstrous?), immense bravery (he sports a spiky, gleaming mullet despite his large bald patch), and multipurpose choice of weaponry (keytar that emits waves of sonic energy strong enough to blow not just your socks, but all of your clothes off to the tune of Van Halen's "Jump").
In all, Despicable Me 3 is undoubtably a cinematic masterpiece through and through.
Also, it's an inside joke with my cousin that I've taken waaaay too far.
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thenixkat · 23 days
good golly the art in this issue
whent full extreame 90s
superman's back and he has a mullet
Guy did get a haircut. Man's ot rocking that hideous bowl cut anymore Wonder Woman lost her ability to fly off screen Ice, I get you miss home, but if all that melts while yer away on a mission that would fuck up the whole building
Ice gained superstrength and the ability to fly after fighting her brother and absorbing some of the magic from the staff that his benefactors gave him
this paneling is overly dynamic for what's going on right now
ah teh casual ableism in comics. Ted getting called a head case for becoming withdrawn after his coma and more easily stressed out by shit this level of detailing is excessive
ALso why is Oberon lean now? He used to be stockier
RIP to this dude Everett becoming aware that destiny is gonna force him to become a superhero, something that destroyed two generations of his family, and reacting to it with the appropriate horror of his situation
also some big cosmic fuckshit is heading to Earth giving fuckers prothetic dreams and premonitions that Dreamslayer guy that once possessed Max and tried to seduce Bloodwynd is involved with shit
I'm currently on issue 87 of 113
so Skeets and Ted have been collaborating offscreen working on Booster's fugly new suit. I would have loved to have seen them working together, b/c I wanna see Ted be friends with Skeets
I'm actually surprised that Ted hasn't been having issues managing his weight post coma given its been implied that he's a stress eater and he most certainly has reduced his exercise between lingering chronic pains and being unmotivated granted that would mean Ted's weight issues existing outside of being a gag and the series has taken a more serious bend with the past few writers
also man, Skeets has been underutilized since he got out of that box
of course using Darkseid's cred to make the new threat sound more dangerous
the fuck is going on with Bloodwynd's cape? that much fabric would be a hindrance
also Bloodwynd is still teh only recurring Black superhero here. And we've gotten a either join the villain or die ultimatum presented to him so I'm getting the JLA is gonna be all white again soon
against this series isnt beating the racism allegations that started with the Brownface Fire's powers come back while a villain is trying to murder her Captain Atom is a Christian and tries to lecture this cultist on false idols when he should fucking know that other gods exist in this universe
why does Vandal Savage have blue eyes if he's older than the fucking blue eye mutation? Hell, why is he so pale if he's older than any of the mutations that lead to lightskinned people?
like I'm pretty sure even if he's a Neanderthal that they probably weren't that lightskined or had blue eyes (but scientists reconstruct-- scientists have racial biases all the damn time)
also we have so many big name villains coming out of the woodwork to sell the new threat as being teh end of times again there's actual gods on Earth and personified concepts why dont those fuckers do shit? ok Bloodwynd didn't die of get kicked off the team yet granted several characters are still immensely distrustful of the only Black heroes that's been around for the past few dozen issues which is yikes. Everett, the new Amazing Man seems to be set to join soon so we're up to two Black people. Hopefully folks are dicks to him also since when did Oberon get such a tucked waist, he used to be stocky
also Fire, why are yer titties all up on Max's back like that (yes I know its been implied before that she's fucked an employer to get favors nut like) yall about have a meeting oh hey Dr. Light, that's like 3 nonwhite people here
oh hey Booster Gold finally remembered something useful from his history classes
also, if we go with the stable time loop shit (which i dont personally by) Booster's continued existence means this shit didn't end humanity did they retcon the nuclear war being the reason most of this eras' records didn't survive into the future?
Captain Atom who's also been thrown through time thinks they should trust Booster's story
Power Girl's pregnant? I'm gonna assume she lost the baby since I've not heard of her having kids
Ted accuses Booster of knowing shit that would have been helpful and is angry about it
is this what the big bad looks like? That is not hype worthy this generic ass looking motherfucker
Ice got possessed and flipped sides
i just realized that knowledge of teh future records are crucial to this fight but instead of asking Skeets, who has a perfict machine memory, they're relying on whatever Booster remembers from his history classes
once again Skeets being under utilized if I'm remembering right this shit probably killed Booster, who only kept living due to the big bad suspending all death and birth on the planet
yeah that fucking Booster up majorly
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reanimatestar · 1 year
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cringe ass hero <3
[image description: digital illustrations of the artist's original project. the first is an illustration featuring the protagonist, a brown man with brown eyes and wavy black hair styled in a mullet. he wears a white shirt with a standing collar and long sleeves, and a teal sash with teal fabric pleated and wrapped around his waist. he stands against a red background, holding a wave-bladed sword with one hand on the hilt and the other on the blade. a white circle is behind him and white text in all caps below him reads: "divine parasites".
the following illustrations are a black and white comic, featuring the protagonist and a deity. the deity is an east asian man with long dark wavy hair in a ponytail and a white halo, wearing similar clothes to the protagonist. the protagonist screams, "We’re nothing more than vultures... picking clean the bones of this world!" a beat passes between them, with the protagonist tense with anger as the deity looks down on him. the deity sighs, "Are you quite done with this tantrum of yours? Do you think you’re the only one with regrets? Do you think you’re the only one to suffer? We cannot afford to waver now. Now, come." he turns. "There’s more work to be done." the protagonist looks at him, fists clenched in anger. /end description]
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stackthedeck · 2 years
has peter parker ever had a mullet i feel it deep in bones he had that phase and i must know if it's canon
He's gotten close, I mean almost every hero had a mullet in the 90s. Whatever the fuck was happening with his hair in the ultimate universe is close. I'll let you decide what counts as a mullet. Although Ben and Kaine have canonically rocked pretty sick mullets, but so has Eddie Brock so maybe that's just a "dark mirror of Spider-Man" thing
You should talk to @earth90214 she's also on the mullet!Peter Parker brain wave and her art is gorgeous!!
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hals-homo-blog · 4 months
Gordon Freemind Rhythm Games Headcanons
Yippee! Woo hoo!! Hooray!!! My good friend @resident-dog and I were chatting about whether or not Gordon would like rhythm games, and we came up with a bunch of fun headcanons around it (Featuring Hal and Eddie UwU) so please enjoy!!
For most of these, I'm mostly just thinking of Rhythm Heaven bc it's my favorite of all time rhythm game lol. I unironically do be listening to he music from it pretty often.
The original question was "How would Gordon fare with rhythm games?" and I think he'd do pretty well. :3c He's very mechanically / logically minded, so I think a game like that would be easy for him.
He plays (wins) by counting the beats, and he gets pissy when he drops a combo because he knows he did it perfectly, therefore it must be the games fault - w -
The exception, I think, would be games where the graphics would make him dizzy or give him motion sickness, maybe something like Air Rally in Rhythm Heaven maybe? :3c In which case I think he could still get past the level by not looking at the screen and going off the beat and audio ques.
Rhythm Heaven would do irreversible things to this man's echolalia. Especially because Hal also 100% has echolalia, so they'd just set each other off doing Rhythm Heaven noises.
Hal: "Wubba dubba dubba, zat true/dikidikidiki, desuka?" Gordon: "Eh."
The other two that came to my mind were Love Rap, and Monkey Watch. At first I didn't think he would do the "Oo-kee Oo-kee-kee" for Monkey Watch, but Woofy reminded me that YEAH HE TOTALLY WOULD. HIS "I have no tail, and I must swing" SIMIAN INSTINCTS HAVING ASS WOULD BE DOING MONKEY NOISES THAT SOUNDED ON POINT FOR THE DOUBLE BEAT AUDIO QUE.
I love this man so fucking much it's unreal I need to kiss him Holy Lord.
I think they play Rhythm Heaven in both languages, esp Hal, because Hal likes how the music sounds with both the English and Japanese voices. I think Gordon could go either way, since the beats are the same and he's still beating Hal's ass.
Another rhythm game I can see them all (Eddie as well!) playing is Guitar Hero. @junkbrainz is the resident Eddie expert, but I have a feeling Eddie would be pretty good at Guitar hero. >:3c
Gordon Also Dominates even on the hardest difficulties. Hal plays on the beginner setting tho lol.
Hal would just love watching Gordon shift into Focus Mode and watch his handsome face while he plays. Like the Gay Little Gnome he is.
ESPECIALLY while Gordon is playing Guitar Hero. You KNOW he would look Hot as Fuck E S P E C I A L L Y when he flips the guitar up to activate the Star Power thingie with the score multiplier.
I think I have this naughty idea in my mind of him activating the Star Power meter thing, and like, his mullet is flowing in the air, out of the ponytail, and Hal has to go have a moment LMAO.
A lot of this is going off my memories in the early days of playing Guitar Hero World Tour on the Wii with my family LMAO. All of this is on the original Wii in my mind. I guess to me, the HalMind / HalMindCrime AU takes place in like, that sort of 2005-2015 sort of range.
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