#mun speaks; the mage
mages-pandoras-box · 29 days
To all my RP partners;
I wanted to put this out there for the people I owe replies too.
I haven't forgotten you. I've been sick for the past week or so; my allergies have clashed hard with my chronic illness, so I've lost a LOT of motivation to write.
I am also going through some things IRL - not BAD things, just changes, so I might need some time to get your replies out.
I'm not going on hiatus or anything, but replies are going to be more sporadic as I try to get my passion for writing and RP back.
Thank you for being so patient with me.
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mageofthedepths · 4 months
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"Granted, it's still the only area I'm able to freely fly around these days, so I do return every so often. If only I could find the journal I recorded my experiences in..."
[[Huge thank you to Lil'Beast on Twitter for drawing the comic for this ask!! Couldn't have done this without them! Check their Twitter out! Their art is amazing and their commissions are open!]]
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blue-eyed-banshee · 10 months
Sylvanas has severe PTSD as does Jaina. They both are prone to flash backs. However, it is Sylvanas who gets them frequently than her girlfriend. And when that happens, Jaina cuddles her and hums a Kul'tirian lullaby until she calms down.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
💽 {playlist meme}
Notes in a Quiet Room || Accepting
I. Voodoo || Godsmack II. Beyond the Dark || Nox Arcana III. The Beast || Concrete Blonde IV. I Am Stretched On Your Grave || Kate Rusby V. Sweet Afton || Nickel Creek VI. Suspended in Dusk || Type O Negative VII. Bayu Bayushki Bayu || Traditional Russian Lullaby VIII. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor, Opus 18 || Yefim Bronfman IX. Mahler's Symphony #5 || Herbert Karajan X. The Doubtful Gift || Malkinira
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eldenlordofdragons · 2 years
Down the line, I’m going to make an entire group of OCs across the Souls games and have them congregate on this blog. So it’ll be a multi-muse blog. (Not too many cause I’m not about that.)
But for now I’m happy just vibing with Dany. So we’ll save that for when I can make these characters in their respective games.
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Hey, Percy here. You know, that one mage of light. I finally started doing more stuff on my actual computer more than my phone and i saw the actual mun page for the first time bc hey cool more info, and I did want to let you know this, so you don't think I'm copying you but uhhhh.
we have the same extended zodiac sign and strife specibus choice. the knifekind I understand tho bc that's going to be the easiest weapon one would most likely have in ones kitchen. it's a practical option and you'd think you'd probably see a lot more knifekind users realistically?
just wanted to let you know, anyways.
That honestly just explains more of why youd probably feel in sync as fellow mages of light ngl.Its cool you got the same zodiac too tho lol. Proves my point! Sometimes theres just a lot of commonality between two folks with the same Godtier. (sometimes to awkward degrees)
Personally tho, yeah, I'd say its the most common strife youd see and its kind of generic for OC's and peoples sonas. That general brand of logic is why I personally went for it, I have a self defense knife, but I also like how Japanese Noodles or Sushi knives look/find em aesthetic and i knew somebody who owned a fancy set of them in their kitchen, so i just went for that. Theres not much else I could really think of for me to use realistically speaking
Theres just not many things set in my room or living space that id say would stand out enough to warrant something to be used as a unique weapon choice.
Tho if we were honest with ourselves, a Mage of Light would be barely fighting in the first place outside a few Sburb basic fighting points when absolutely forced to, really. So it works out that the knife isnt the strongest weapon you could have, either.
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cybernexus · 2 months
Send “εїз” to hear a Headcanon the Mun hasn’t been able to organically implement into the blog yet
Before I kinda implied, although didn't directly state that - when Raj's bio cybernetic body was created, it was kinda "3d printed" which isn't necessarily the case.
Each "strip" or "strand" of bone, muscle, and tissue was meticulously and laboriously fabricated out of raw SEEDS which were forged into the parts required. So I guess in a manner of speaking each "piece" was biologically 3D printed using flesh magic, but constructed piece by piece on a scaffolding of a skeleton (which they would have started with first). This process is actually inefficient and somewhat financially wasteful - why? SEEDS generally either want to do two things - sleep, or when awake, coalesce into a large mass.
You want to get them just the right amount of active so they listen to the commands of a flesh mage - this often ends up with a lot of dead SEEDS and hours (sometimes whole days) of wasted time if the process doesn't go just right. Without the seemingly unlimited budget of the military backed by large corporations, Raj and his crew never would have happened.
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elisethetraveller · 5 months
10: What about the mun does the muse find annoying or bothersome? 11: Do you like the backstory your mun gave you? 
From; Muse speaks about Mun
10: What does the mun do the muse find annoying or bothersome?
There was a deep sigh as the mage glanced first at Melisandre and then her own mun, like a politician trying to find the best wording for uncomfortable news. Albeit, any skilled politician would no doubt have done better at keeping their face neutral as they ruminated over what to say.
"My mun has a...proclivity towards history, and as such, she likes to push me into historical narratives or settings despite the fact I would be much safer...anywhere else. My own time is 'historical' too, of course, but my home is different. Safer for someone like me." A pale hand rubbed along the scar on her neck.
"Besides that, I wish she'd become better at answering asks. A petty grievance, but she is as aware as I am that not answering stresses her out, and when she gets stressed, she stops writing, and, well, then, I start missing all of you."
11: Do you like the backstory your mun gave you?
A single dry, almost chokey, laughter escaped the mage as she read the next question. Did she like her backstory? Like? as if it was a pair of boots and not two centuries or more of friendships and pain and seeing worlds beyond imagination. As if she could remember all of it.
"It is...complicated. My mun remembers more of my backstory than I do and often refuses to share. However, I get the point, and I get why the story, my story, is the way it is." Fiddling with the gem around her neck Elise considered the question for a moment before resuming. "I can't say I like it. Some of it hurts too much, and I would have never left my home if given the choice. But I get why it is the way it is. A certain kind of story requires a certain kind of prelude, so I am not angry at them about it or bitter. I am also just not thankful."
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knight-kasa-official · 6 months
sorry. i literally created a whole au with a shit ton of lore just to have an excuse to make a knight kasa blog
blog runner: @dreamblues
ic: tsukasa
ooc: mun
ship: (insert ship here)
rp blog masterlist
eh fuck it im getting straight into the lore
there is literally so much to unpack here so for now i'll only focus on whats going on with tsukasa here specifically
so this is a blog for an au version of tsukasa that. well. became a knight. before this he was a pianist who played for a crowd but he had a dream to become a knight and follow in his dad's footsteps
he was able to pull this off successfully, but this is unfortunately what causes him to stop visiting saki
because his dad was once a knight and a captain of the royal guard, tsukasa and saki were able to visit the castle sometimes back when they were kids. they both happen to befriend toya, who is the prince of the aoyagi kingdom (my apologies i do Not have the energy to come up with an actual name)
this becomes relevant as he ends up becoming one of his bodyguards alongside akito and mizuki. hes the one who's the closest to toya due to the fact they're childhood friends
he reunites with saki when she bursts into the castle with ichika to speak of a vision she received from the celestial divinity, who is supposed to be a god that rules over the stars in this particular universe. there is a bit of a strain between them, but they push it aside to warn everyone else. the king does Not take this well and tries to arrest saki, but tsukasa and ichika manage to save her
everyone gets split into two groups: saki runs away with tsukasa and ichika for her own safety so they can figure out how to avert a terrible future. akito, mizuki, and toya are traveling together to ask for help from two other kingdoms (one belonging to the otoris and the other belonging to the asahinas)
at some point they encounter a mysterious girl who has no memory of her own life except the name miku. so they call the amnesiac girl miku. they take her with them and soon, they encounter a mage named rui, who seems to have a rather bad reputation
their journey takes a new turn when miku notices that rui seems to be in possession of five sea shells she happens to recognize. she then speaks of a lost town she remembers, and their new goal is to reach the lost town miku speaks of in the hopes of helping her regain her memories. rui ends up tagging along
there's more stuff that happens but this is all thats relevant for this tsukasa rn
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mages-pandoras-box · 2 months
Me: Akuma cannot own the souls of the Poppy Playtime experiments!
Akuma cannot own the souls of the Poppy Playtime experiments!
Akuma cannot own the souls of the Poppy Playtime experiments!
These MotherFUCKERS: *existing*
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Tarot Reading From Merlin for - Magi Maya
[ Tarot Readings From Merlin (Real mun cards.) - Perma-Accepting. ]
Merlin shuffled the worn deck between his hands. He gave the usual disclaimer;
"I'm a tarot dabbler and I am not much of a Divination Mage--So always feel free to disregard."
Then focused and dealt out the cards in the usual Past, Present, Future format.
First, Two of Wands. Past position. "There are always more choices than one. Taking your time to explore them with your intuition and higher mind is a worth while task to undertake. The picture on this one has a young woman with what I think is a scrying crystal ball in hand. Pensiveness is encouraged. Perhaps, given it laid on the Past might be encouraging you to revisit past actions and decisions to increase your wisdom of experience by considering what would happen if choices were made differently--but be fair with yourself. It's not telling you to judge yourself harshly, merely to contemplate. Perhaps relieve a burden you've placed over focusing on what choices you made. Admitting all roads lead to Rome, so to speak."
On to present. Page of Cups. "A cheery note here from the cards. You may be pleasantly surprised by what is to come with immediacy. You are also, it tells me, full of aspirations without worldly anchor! You dream big and big ideas flow to you seemingly out of nowhere due to your openness to them! It's a good way to face the world. Continue to do it." He was smiling to tell her that. She seemed like a bright young girl. Despite the harshness she'd told him beyond the mirror. "The past card wants you to stay that way, I think."
Future, The Emperor. He hummed and touched his beard. Not very surprised by that one. "You have the tools you need to create structure from chaos. We've talked a lot about choices and ideas, seems that you will use those wonderful traits to instill change." He looked up at her. "Stable change with the flexibility of old pagodas. Disciplined, but willing to shift with the winds of change with grace."
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blue-eyed-banshee · 11 months
That moment when you COMPLETELY forget that Elven ears can show their emotions.. They don't show it in game, but Christie shows it through her novel, Sylvanas.
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warwaged-moved · 2 years
I was rewatching the beginning of end.walker and alisaie being all we’ll manage on our own if we must because of the whole thing with fourche and estinien immediately turning to say she’s not alone 🥺 urianger following right after to say estinien is right 🥺
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xxyumeno · 2 years
Picked up new manhwa and really loving it right now! The MC Ling Ce is great and I love that he give me some .hack Haseo vibes~ Also, also! I have a new daughter! Just wanted to share before I got back to reading~
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yetremains · 3 years
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(( Warrior with a Pumpkin adds a brand new level of ‘Carnage’. )) (( the answer is always yes by the way- ))
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ryuuseishi · 3 years
- zenos watches ilsabardian man do “Concentrativity”
- zenos kills ilsabardian man
- zenos learns Concentrativity
Zenos confirmed for Blue Mage
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