Wednesday, sharpening her knives: I have no time for romance.
Thing: you have a date with Enid at seven.
Wednesday: I have no time for romance before 7.
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murdergirlfriend · 1 year
i do like omegaverse for the same reason i love any weird niche degenerate sex thing but why do the majority of people use it to imagine a world with even more oppression. like you have this world with all these super kinky power dynamics where people are slave to their most base instincts and need to fuck and get fucked hard to not go crazy and mfs are like you know what this setting is perfect for. misogyny 2
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chaos-storm · 8 months
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Had to draw The Murdergirlfriends My full portfolio: X
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
www(.)tumblr(.)com/murdergirlfriend/693130219994955776 Reminded me of your lovely AU... Vale doing this to baby celin and texting marc...
You are so right anon.
Vale is really chill with Cele, this is his second baby and he is much older and wiser than he was the first time around. Marc is a puddle of stress. This is his first tiny baby [his first baby is now a sweaty 16-year-old with terrible facial hair]. Pecco was around 2 when they first met so Marc never really had the full baby experience with him. So he's a slight helicopter parent for the first week, settling down after just watching Vale.
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beckyblah · 1 year
I need to draw more red valley soon. I miss my murdergirlfriend bryony ❤️
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thelordgreen · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alecto Carrow/Bellatrix Black Lestrange Characters: Alecto Carrow, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Additional Tags: bipolar!bellatrix, Mental Health Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Wordcount: 200, Double Drabble, Angst
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fatedtime · 2 years
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Garnet’s reaction to the concept of ‘peeps’, both normally and as a Berserker.
(hijikata would then drag enya into a rayshift to acquire more easter candy.)
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mollyencrypted · 5 years
I seem to have accidentally created a headcanon backstory for Brigadier!Danny Sexbang.
He's a citizen of a planet that, like Strive's, has lost its stars. In the ensuing chaos, a tyrannical regime came to power that oppressed its populace (and that is basically the Dick Elders from 6969). He attempted to start a revolution to overthrow them, but failed and had to flee the planet in his ship, pursued by two of the government's top enforcers (Arin Neverbone and Samurai Barry).
During his attempts to evade capture, he encounters the Starlight Brigade, and they decide to combine forces. Once the stars are returned and the galaxy is saved, they will lend their aid to him in saving his people.
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
South Asian Representation We’d Like to See
@murdergirlfriend said:
I'd like to ask the south asian/Indian people of WWC what kinds of south asian & Indian characters would you like to see more of?
As a South Asian:
Brahmin characters are overused to depict Hindus, particularly devout Hindus. I’d like to have more well-researched stories about individuals from other castes.
In general, Hindus and Indians overall are over-represented in Western fiction. I’d like to hear about people from other religions and countries within the subcontinent.
Fleshed out characters with properly researched family backgrounds appropriately placed within the region’s history.
South Asian characters involved in narratives that acknowledge oppression, poverty, colonization and ethnic/ religious/ identity politics, but aren’t fixated on these tensions. This might be more of an OwnStories thing simply because I imagine many non-South Asians would find this balance hard to strike.
As a diaspora South Asian:
Stories without ABCD angst. We get it. People like to hear about how hard it is to be an immigrant from a weird country with a funny last name, and funny smelling food. I want more stories about desis who get joy and fulfillment from their identity. I want to hear more hopeful, coming of age stories from people empowered through engagement with their heritage.
I want more stories about ABCD pan-South Asian solidarity. I was not raised in a Brahmin enclave like many Hindu Brahmins in the US. After 9/11, when being brown was not fun, my Pakistani, Sikh and Sri Lankan friends and I mutually supported each other. We benefited immensely from not fighting our parents’ wars, and to this day, they understand me better than Brahmins back home.
I would like to see characters whose identities as South Asians have more depth. Like Marika, I want to see South Asian characters who don’t view their identity as a burden. I’d also like to see realistic fiction stories of South Asians that don’t revolve around romance and arranged marriage. 
For Sikh characters, I’d like to see Sikhs that aren’t Punjabi. Give me a story about an Afghan Sikh or a Nepali Sikh. I’d also like to see stories that don’t conflate Punjabi culture and Sikhi. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an initiated Sikh in the media. And I want to see women in turbans with swords!
I want more fantasy stories where we aren’t there to react to broken systems. Most of the time, South Asians are side characters who exist as a token. Instead, I wish we were more flawed, that we are allowed to grow and change. Connie in Steven Universe felt refreshing because it was a relief to see an Indian kid with pushy parents but could wield a sword and train with holograms.
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bloatedreams · 4 years
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@murdergirlfriend take him
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Netflix really wants me to not ship a golden retriever who finds most things disgusting but will fucking maul even a monster bigger than her just to protect her 'friend' of merely a few weeks/months, who she wants to feel other emotions aside from murder/annoyance and said friend will threaten anyone who'd break her wolf's heart, look as if the world had crashed on her when she saw Enid's bloodied face and is completely soft and less murdery when around the blonde?
Yeah, fuck y'all forced straight romance. WENCLAIR CANON BITCHES
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murdergirlfriend · 17 days
me in the menu
the chef: smores is the ultimate shit
me: erm check please!
the chef: omg x) you’re so silly.. not to mentwion quite striking as well. what is your name young lass
me: murdergirlfriend :)
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Thank you so much for the tag @tishinada​! <3  Tagging...anxiety again this week. I love being tagged. I love tagging people. I always worry I’m forgetting people. Please humor me this time and tag yourself so I can rave over your writing?  From a fic that is almost finished about my Dark Jedi, Ror, and her MurderGirlfriend, @vespertine-legacy​‘s Zuvi:  *** ”You must see that she’s been tainted by the Dark Side,” Kaedan presses. “It’s most obvious.” 
 ”She’s still working for the Republic,” the Barsen’thor, Jenari, struggles with her words. Satele’s eyes rest on the stately Miralian woman. She, too, has fielded accusations of being dark-sided. “If she’s serving the greater good, isn’t that what is important?”  
Kaedan sneers. “First the Children, then Scourge, now a Jedi who…obviously has strayed from the Code.”  
“What has Rori done that causes you to feel that she should be contained?” Satele says calmly, folding her hands on the table. “Give me an example.” Kaedan’s eyes darken slightly. “I…she…” ”Let’s see,” Jenari says, picking up the thread and tapping her datapad “I have Rori’s schedule here. She helped out on Corellia last week. The week before, she was on Coruscant, patrolling the Black Sun areas. She saved three children. Three weeks ago she assisted with our new padawans here. Were there any incidents?” ”No,” Kaedan says, his face red. ”Did Rori make a positive or a negative impact in these assignments?” Satele presses. ”Positive,” Kaedan mutters. “But she…you allow her to roam the galaxy on that ship, with the former Emperor’s Wrath, and you don’t think she will be corrupted?” Satele shakes her head. She didn’t need Scourge for that; she found the Dark Side all on her own. “No, I do not think Scourge will have any influence on Rori that she would not have discovered herself.” ”I still think we’d be safer with her tucked away. The day she turns on us…” ”That is an ‘if,’ not a ‘when.’ As it is for all Jedi. We all struggle with the temptations of the Dark Side, do we not?” Jenari says smoothly. 
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adhdo5 · 5 years
Jon Archivist worked with two (2) fear entities who he (understandably) was worried about getting murdered by to get two of his ribs ripped out so he could use one as an anchor – something he was only somewhat sure would work – while willingly descending into the pits of the Elemental Plane of Fuck You If You Want To Breathe to go after his coworker’s murdergirlfriend who tried to kill him twice and actively stabbed him in the neck
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lesathoart · 7 years
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Been getting back into WoW and wanted to draw up my draenei priest since it’s been years since I’ve doodled him. Still working on the crest/horns design but look forward to seeing more of him and his awesome murdergirlfriend.
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portraitoftheoddity · 8 years
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Murdergirlfriends Root & Shaw from Person of Interest for @ophidiae!
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