#murdoch swan
leah-jeffries · 1 year
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kinbari14 · 2 years
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Current SPY x FAMILY Visuals for episodes 1-8
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selenestarmoon · 6 months
Most satisfying punches I've ever seen:
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lpham2525 · 3 months
Grammar lesson
***Inspired by Benjamin Dreyer's book Dreyer's English MURDOCH SWAN: A mother's responsibility is cooking, cleaning, and to raise the children. LOID FORGER: With all due respect, Master Swan, your sentence contains an incorrect use of parallelism. The sentence should read: A father's responsibility is cooking, cleaning, and the raising of the children.
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lady-charinette · 2 years
This would go against Twilight's character, especially since Yor and him at that point weren't that close yet, but imagine Twilight pays a 'visit' to housemaster Murdoch Swan after he insults Anya and Yor.
Twilight easily breaks into the man's apartment, who lives like a pig after the divorce from his wife, and threatens to expose his rather rambunctious lifestyle to the school authorities and the board of education as well as all the influential figures Swan frolics with. He has photos from witnesses who were privy to Swan abusing sex workers, misusing the academy's money to fund his lifestyle and so on.
Twilight won't report him under one condition: to never behave mean spirited towards a child or woman in or out of the academy. Swan is skeptical and threatens to sue Twilight and whoever sent him, but the reality of the situation finally dawns on him when Twilight presses the barrel of his silencer pistol against Swan's side.
"Five minutes is all it takes for a person to completely bleed out, if you hit a major artery, it will only take two. Another fifteen seconds until the heart stops. Now Mr. Swan, will you do as we agreed in the next two minutes, or watch yourself bleed?"
The next day, Swan keeps a low profile, keeps looking over his shoulder bc he feels eyes on him at all times. Twilight switches disguises between a waiter, a sanitation worker and the academy's janitor to watch him interact with the students.
He holds his breath when Anya accidentally runs into Swan's legs while Becky and her played chase.
Instead of scolding her, Swan gently reminded Anya to be careful and not hurt herself while running down the hallways. He even greeted a female colleague amicably and chatted with her more than politely.
Mr. Henderson calls an emergency meeting to discuss Mr. Swan's suspicious behavior and possible terminal illness that causes it.
Yor comments how pleased Loid seems to be for the past few days.
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decadentrot · 1 year
Summertime Record Aftermath ch2 pt 2
Prequel Animatic, Index
Current Chapter: Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
UPDATES BIWEEKLY (so next time 27th)
Mostly a wholesome update this time ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ and character bonding time !!
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itsmarr1ya · 2 years
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• Anime : Spy x Family
• Like or Reblog if you save :D
• Don't repost :)
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Is it true that Yor has to visit Murdoch every night to worship his dick in exchange for Anya staying at the school?
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"Not every night!" Claimed the assassin turned stepmother. "Usually, I just have to go once a week, but I go more than that because he makes me feel so good." As she finished her sentence, she began to rub her thighs together. "Don't get me wrong, I love anya and am happy to be her mother, but I married the wrong man. The pleasure Mr. Murdoch brings me to such a state of ecstacy that sometimes i don't let him put another condom on. By the end of our time together, he's pumped at least five loads into me, and i still have my legs wrapped around him."
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p3chris · 1 year
The Tribute to Murdoch Swan that No One asked for
*some rather vague references to the latest manga chapters, but otherwise no spoilers*
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If anyone needs a reminder as to who Murdoch Swan is, he is the interviewer who somehow manages to look more haggard than the two gentlemen beside him who are, respectively, 12 and 19 years older. In the one chapter or 20 minutes (or 15?) he appears, he repeatedly insults Yor and makes Anya cry. That, and he also enrages Twilight to the point of physical violence, and would have been quite dead if not for the noble sacrifice of a hardwood coffee table and a mosquito. To put simply, he is a nasty scumbag.
However, despite his brief appearance, he gets a relatively well-fleshed out backstory and is an effective plot device that 1) sheds light on the social setting in both Eden and Ostanian society and, 2) advances the plot by setting several important character and relationship developments in motion.
We infer from Twilight's thoughts and Swan's own words that Swan's charmed life (wife, child, prestigious career in Eden that was smoothly paved by nepotism) had recently hit a rough patch when his wife, presumably sick of his behaviour, divorced him and he was denied custody of their child.
Rather than humbly reflect on the interpersonal missteps that led to such a resolution or reminisce about happier family times, Swan instead entitles himself to a self-appointed mission to prod and provoke the uglier sides of people to shatter their happy family image and prove they are as miserable as he is.
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Thing is, despite his pettiness, he is actually quite smart with how he goes about it. He knows his father still has great influence over the academy despite no longer being in active service, and that gives him power over both his fellow interviewers and his interviewees. His questions and taunting are chosen with precision. He knows what to ask and say to create tension between people and to attack their weak points. His interviewees can only either defend themselves on the spot and appear rude or disharmonious, or suck it up during the interview and resent one another after that. Of course, he only does this to the families who don't have the political or social clout to threaten him.
That Eden has him in the faculty already raises a red flag about the culture and environment in Eden. The irony of Swan being an assessor of candidates for Eden's hoity-toity standards is that he is himself a poor role model. A later chapter reveals that there are many badly behaved students from his Kline Hall. We also see that it is not just Swan who lacks regard for the children he is tasked to educate; we see that some of Anya's teachers are neither wise nor enlightened. In the latest hostage situation, we also see that Eden’s priorities are incredibly messed up. Eden is, first and foremost, about connections, prestige and networking rather than education.
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Twilight hit the nail on the head when he called Eden a school that made light of children's feelings and told Anya she would probably not want to go to this school anyway. Too bad it's his mission.
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Swan’s behaviour also overtly reflects the attitude of Ostanian society, namely in the way it treats women. His chauvinism is obvious, but not isolated - it is implicit in the way Walter Evans directs the cooking question to Yor, in the way Henderson credits Loid Forger for the elegance the entire family exhibits, in the way that Swan directs all his attacks at Anya and especially Yor rather than at Loid (and I highly doubt it was entirely because Loid appeared flawless).
In earlier and subsequent chapters, we see more gender inequality in Ostania at work: how positions of higher prestige and leadership are mostly, if not entirely, occupied by men, how women are socially expected to aspire to conventional marriage by a certain age and how older unmarried women are viewed upon with suspicion. To me, I also see a little of it in the way Yor is quick to put herself down and how she chooses to elevate Yuri academically instead of investing in herself in any manner.
The way I see it, despite Twilight initially hoping not to offend Swan, the Forgers were already in trouble with him: the more Swan perceived Loid and Yor as a loving couple and the Forgers a perfect happy family, the more he wanted to tear them apart.
But it was his nastiness that strengthened the Forger family and moved the plot along, because in the course of his appearance, he managed to:
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a) Trigger Anya’s protectiveness over her parents and strengthen her resolve to go to school for Operation Strix
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b) Trigger Twilight’s protectiveness over Yor and Anya. Feeling awful over how the abuse they suffered is the least he (Twilight) could do because it would have been real scummy of him to remain unmoved at the unfair treatment of the two innocent civilians (or so he thinks) he got involved with his mission. The interview also showcases Twilight's liberal views (yes, it was most certainly Twilight, not Loid, who attended this interview) - that he does not believe in traditional gender roles and is accepting of individual strengths and weaknesses, that children deserve consideration and respect, and that wellbeing is not physical but mental and emotional as well.
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c) Indirectly reawaken Henderson’s pride over his calling as an educator, leading to his impulsive punch and quite importantly, resulting in him becoming Anya's homeroom teacher (given the lack of investment from her other teachers, this is likely a very good thing.)
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d) Trigger Yor’s protectiveness and motherly instincts towards Anya and made Anya cherish having a mother.
To me, the impact of this is a very big one. After all, Chapter 1 is about the start of Twilight and Anya's relationship. Chapter 2 is about the start of Twilight and Yor's relationship. Chapter 3 is about the Forgers finding a bit of their footing together. Even up to Chapter 5, Yor at times still appears uncertain around Anya.
In Chapter 7, Yor is motivated to try to be a better mother to Anya, and Anya sees her mother’s vulnerable side. From this point onwards, Yor and Anya's mother-daughter relationship takes off and they are subsequently seen spending a lot of time together. We also see that Anya might love Papa more, but she never doubts Mama's love.
e) Indirectly cause the events in Chapter 7, which leads to many significant events and long-lasting developments in SxF:
i) Yor and Anya's combat training.
ii) Anya punching Damian on Orientation Day. Henderson, as homeroom teacher, reduces three Tonitrus bolts to one at his discretion.
iii) Becky becoming Anya's best friend.
iv) Damian subsequently developing a crush on Anya.
v) Yor's cooking endeavours
See how important this scum is to the story?
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i do honestly believe that if you make a child cry and you feel good about that you should be sentenced to life in prison. just like on principle.
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leah-jeffries · 1 year
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kinbari14 · 2 years
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Current SPY x FAMILY Visuals for episodes 1-12
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thoughtroomba02 · 3 months
TS Film Thoughts Masterpost
As promised.
Let's start things off -
Breaking News - Headlines about the film
Dec 9 2022 - her film contract makes headlines
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From what I can find, this is the first that anyone knows she is producing a film. There are no details released other than it's a script she wrote and she will be directing the film.
The next we hear is Dec 7, 2023 from the Tennessean --
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It's been crickets, essentially. There are no public details I can find about the film anywhere including cast list, release date, content, ETC.
Interestingly, two days ago -- though uncertain of validity of source -
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I don't have access to puck so cannot confirm what the article says; but this was recent! So; in theory, she finishes her Eras tour and moves directly in to film.
More on how Disney+ ties in our next section...
Who is Searchlight Pictures?
Created April 29, 1994 - formerly known as Fox Searchlight/under 20th/21st Century Fox
Biggest success: Slumdog Millionaire 187 Academy Ward Nominations with 46 wins; 5 Best Picture since 2009 117 Golden Globe Nominations; 51 wins 66 Screen Actors Guild Award Nominations; 55 wins 137 Independent Spirit Awards, 54 Wins
Other Notable Films: 12 Years A Slave; Black Swan; Napoleon Dynamite;
20th century fox, prior to the creation of Searchlight, was prominent in the specialty and independent films market in the 1990s; it carried this interest into Searchlight, at least initially.
In 2012, it was incorporated into Murdoch's 21st Century Fox. Barf.
On Dec 14, 2017 Disney put their first bid out on 21st Century Fox/Fox Searchlight. On March 19, 2019 the companies merged and Disney acquired Fox Searchlight; Fox News notoriously split independently. Disney dropped the name Fox; so now we have just Searchlight Pictures. There is also a Searchlight Pictures TV and shorts production, which for the sake of time I will not get into.
For Funsies, here is a short film (Jun 18 2019, after Disney acquired) produced by them called....LAVENDER. About a gay man who has a relationship with a married gay couple. Can't make it up.
Anyway, since merging with Disney especially, the company seems to be LGBTQ friendly.
And yes, Joe Alwyn has worked with Searchlight, with tweets I found dating back to 2018 with Searchlight UK. Make of that what you would like, I have no real objective commentary on the matter.
Taylor as a Director
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She also directed the Long Pond Studio Sessions and Miss Americana.
Most of her directorial work has been since the Lover debut. Most of which is very queer coded/sapphic.. and again, make of that what you will.
Appearances/Pap Walks, ETC
Since her split from JA, we have seen her with multiple friends in the film industry. Among these: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Selena Gomez, Keleigh Teller, Miles Teller, Sophie Turner, Emma Stone...
And dare I say.... Travis Kelce, who seems to want to break his way into the entertainment industry?
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(aside from this headline; his failed dating show, his podcast, his multiple PR deals like with ZenWater... etc. I rest my case).
We also know there has been some B roll footage taken at the Chiefs Games.
Additionally, the media coverage of this relationship has been an absolute f*cking circus; with constant headlines of the two and their "engagement" / relationship dynamics. On Taylor's end, we have had constant references to Bejeweled (where she Ghosts); including Keleigh Teller giving her the opal ring.
The Speculation
Yall, this is my opinion - you can agree, disagree, etc; but I have no insider information. Just thoughts.
She makes her film directorial debut with Searchlight - recently acquired by Disney, who is pro-LGBTQ; and is clearly in deep with business deals with them, as seen on Taylor Nation and her Eras Tour Film.
We have rumors of her beginning her film production at the end of the ERAS tour, along with knowledge of her currently with B roll footage from chiefs games. We have multiple highly papp'ed appearances with her + TK; but also with multiple film stars, including Blake Lively (still not over that photo), Sophie Turner (I do think there's altruism here tbh on TS's end), and Keleigh. If you believe Keleigh is her stand in invisible bride.... Holy shit. Between the opal ring shutdown of the media circus as well as her and TS literally taking a page out of TSHOEH and dressing in character...
My ultimate suspicion is that she's using actual experiences of her current life-highly papp'ed - to tell her story. And that Keleigh is her stand in muse in this film.
I also think the @spade-riddles we've been getting about a final act ending, etc, pertain to her film. I don't have evidence aside from speculation.
I rest my case. Enjoy this post and make of it what you will.
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crunchcrunchteacakes · 10 months
Anya loves the mama who cleans up her hot cocoa mess the most in the world.
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One of the thing that frustrates me about the series is the constant acknowledgement of Yor not being able to cook (especially since good at cooking = good wife is such a sexiest worldview that only the likes of Murdoch Swan can concoct). So this is going to be a Yor appreciation post that talks about the things Yor is good at.
Yor for some reason is very good at preparing hot beverages, It’s the first thing we see her doing; pour tea.
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We see Yor making tea all the time, in the Forger residence if Yor is in the kitchen then it’s most often to make tea. There is a symbolic meaning to this I guess, the beverages are representative of Yor herself, it’s familiarity in a world that changes swiftly, a constant reminder that even in the whirlwind of life, there's a place of serenity within the walls of home.
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When Loid is frustrated with the interview preparation and deems the task hopeless, we have Yor brings in tea a sense of order and tranquility, fostering a connection to the present moment.
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The interview went terrible and Loid is afraid Operation Strix has ended, Yor comes in with tea and along with Anya encourages Loid to find hope. They end up cheering together and looking forward to the results. Thus the warmth of tea is wrapped around the soul, bringing a smile to even the coldest of days.
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When Loid is frustrated at Anya because of her failing grades, Yor offers tea and advice on how to best support Anya, she also validates Loid roles as Anya’s father thus reinforces a sense of unity and belonging in forger household.
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Fiona is all confident in how twilight likes to drink his coffee dark, only believing that he choose to take milk because it’s “Loid’s” preference.
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Thank god for little Anya because we get to know what his true feeling on the matter are.
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Basically Tea/Coffee/Hot Cocoa making is Yor’s Job and something she likes to do. When Yuri burst in and Loid offers to make tea instead because he wanted to gain control of the situation and put on the no-weakness front, ergo Yuri sees his arm twitch, and the seed of doubt is planted. If only Loid had listened to Yor then maybe Yuri wouldn’t have seen the spasm.
Being perfect won’t help Loid, perfectionism will not help him survive but cause his downfall. The mole arc has helped Loid in coming to terms with his feelings a bit, but he insists on calling it weakness or being compromised. He needs to start seeing his family as a source of strength rather than taking on all the responsibilities. Because so far his I need to do it by myself approach has only caused him tummyaches, stress, burnout, and exhaustion. He is overworked and feels overwhelmed by the constant need to meet his own high standards as set by Spy World.
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As the Other WISE Spy said, we can't just get a clean win, but it's still progress, Loid is beginning to share some of his workloads and eased Yor's gripes. But man Twiyor is a slowburn: Their love story is like tea that's been steeping for ages - strong, full of flavor, and comforting warmth.
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cherrysfanfics-ily · 1 year
↬ What and Who I Write for ↫
☆ Grease: The Rise of the Pink Ladies
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♡ Jane Facciano
♡ Oliva Valdovinos
♡ Nancy Nakagawa
♡ Cynthia Zdunowski
♡ Richie Valdovinos
♡ Shy Guy
♡ Potato
♡ Gil
♡ Susan
♡ Dot
♡ Rosemary
♡ Wally
♡ Hazel
♡ Buddy Aldridge
♡ Frenchy Facciano
☆ Grease
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♡ Frenchy Facciano
♡ Betty Rizzo
♡ Sandy Olsson
♡ Marty Maraschino
♡ Jan
♡ Kenickie Murdoch
♡ Danny Zuko
♡ Sonny
♡ Doody
♡ Roger
♡ Leo Balmudo
☆ Grease 2
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♡ Paulette Rebchuck
♡ Frenchy Facciano
♡ Micheal Carrington
♡ Goose McKenzie
♡ Stephanie Zinone
♡ Johnny Nogerelli
♡ Louis DiMucci
♡ Sharon Cooper
♡ Rhonda Ritter
☆ Criminal Minds
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♡ Spencer Reid
♡ Aaron Hotchner
♡ Emily Prentiss
♡ Derek Morgan
♡ Jennifer Jareau
♡ Elle Greenway
♡ Penelope Garcia
☆ Twilight
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♡ Jasper Hale
♡ Alice Cullen
♡ Rosalie Hale
♡ Emmett Cullen
♡ Edward Cullen
♡ Carlisle Cullen
♡ Esme Cullen
♡ Bella Swan
♡ Sam Uley
♡ Paul Lahote
♡ Leah Clearwater
♡ Seth Clearwater
♡ Jacob Black
♡ Alec Volturi
♡ Cauis Volturi
☆ Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children
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♡ Enoch O’ Connnor
♡ Emma Bloom
♡ Jacob Portman 
♡ Millard Nullings
♡ Bronwyn
♡ Victor
♡ Horace
♡ Olive
♡ Hugh
♡ Fiona
☆ Glee
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♡ Rachel Berry
♡ Finn Hudson
♡ Kurt Hummel
♡ Artie Abrams
♡ Santana Lopez
♡ Tina Cohen-Chang
♡ Mercedes Jones
♡ Brittany S. Pierce
♡ Noah Puckerman 
♡ Sam Evans
♡ Blaine Anderson
♡ Mike Chang
♡ Quinn Fabray
♡ Jesse St. James
♡ Sebastian Smythe
☆ Pitch Perfect
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♡ Donald Walsh
♡ Jesse Swanson
♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Unicycle
☆ Pitch Perfect 2
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♡ Jesse Swanson
♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Emily Junk
♡ Flo
♡ Pietrar 
♡ Kommissar
☆ Pitch Perfect 3
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♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Emily Junk
♡ Flo
♡ Calamity
♡ Serenity
♡ Charity
♡ Veracity
♡ Chicago
☆ Ride the Cyclone
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♡ Mischa
♡ Noel
♡ Ricky
♡ Constance
♡ Jane Doe
♡ Ocean
☆ Mamma Mia
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♡ Sophie Sheridan
♡ Sky
♡ Donna Sheridan
♡ Sam Carmicheal
♡ Harry Bright
♡ Bill Austin
♡ Pepper
☆ School Spirits
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♡ Maddie Nears
♡ Simon Elroy
♡ Wally Clark
♡ Xavier Baxter
♡ Rhonda
♡ Charley
♡ Dawn
☆ Nerdy Prudes Must Die
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♡ Stephanie Lauter
♡ Peter Spankoffski
♡ Richie Lipschitz
♡ Ruth Fleming
♡ Grace Chasity
♡ Max Jagerman
♡ Lords in Black
☆ Movie! Five Nights at Freddy's
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♡ Micheal Schmidt
♡ Vanessa Afton
♡ Platonic! Abby Schmidt
☆ Fruits Basket
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♡ Tohru Honda
♡ Yuki Sohma
♡ Kyo Sohma
♡ Hatsuharu Sohma
♡ Momiji Sohma
♡ Shigure Sohma
♡ Hatori Sohma
↬Will most likely add more fandoms later↫
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justshipsandstuff · 2 years
Can you draw Some Jujutsu Kaisen characters beating the sh*t outta Murdoch Swan?
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At jujutsu tech making Anya cry is the biggest sin
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