#music meister x mad hatter
bv99 · 1 year
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mmmbeetlejuice · 2 months
I would just like to announce that the official ship name for Music Meister X Mad Hatter is musical chairs
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an1m310v3r11 · 1 year
Emerald Eyes (Mad Hatter X Music Meister)
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Okay, calm yourself, Jervis. The smaller man reassured himself as he fumbled with his tie. He, for once, had a date—a rare sight, yes, but even rarer that the person wasn't under hypnosis. He swallows hard as he studies himself in his full-body mirror. He instantly picked out his flaws. Short, large nose, messy blonde hair, and large teeth with an overbite. Granted, the overbite wasn't his fault. His mother refused to even take him to the doctor when he was little, so a dentist was out of the question. He shakes his head and dusts his suit off. It was a dark emerald green with a navy blue tie suit custom made by himself. It still gave him the Mad Hatter colors, but without all the extra pieces. He felt comfortable as the Mad Hatter, safe, if you will. The persona gave him confidence, something Jervis Tetch didn't have much of.
The poor man nearly jumps out of his skin when his doorbell rings. He looked at his nightstand and saw that Darius was there on time. Not a minute early, not a minute late. Oh yeah, Jervis Tetch, also known as the Mad Hatter, was going on a date with Darius Chaple, better known as the Music Meister. "O-one moment!" he called as he grabbed a gold pocket watch and linked it through some of his belt loops before placing it in his pocket and letting the access chain hang down. He then rushed out of his room and into the living room, opening the door. He looked up at the taller, red-haired man and blushed madly. The tips of his ears went red. Darius wore a dark purple suit accented with music notes on the jacket. His hair was styled neatly, and he too had a faint blush on his cheek, but he grinned down at Jervis, his tooth gap showing proudly. However, there was something different about today's outfit: his eyes weren't covered by his normal sunglasses. Darius had bright green eyes; they were like emeralds shining in the light above, and his long eyelashes only complimented them! Oh, how Jervis loves him.
Jervis stared at Darius for a moment more before Darius chuckled. "You're staring handsome; surely I don't look that bad?" He asked, teasing Jervis, but Darius felt a little bit of fear bubbling up inside his stomach. What if he did look bad? Would Jervis even go on the date? Jervis quickly shakes his head. "No, no, why you look magnificent!  Breathtaking even!" He exclaimed, looking up at the taller man. He nervously fiddled with his fingers. "You look perfect, Darius. Why, when I look into your eyes, I can see wonderland.... My wonderland," he said softly, his eyes filled with nothing but love, causing Darius's cheeks to fluster even more.
Jervis then snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, we must go! We shouldn't be late for our date!" Jervis said as he rocked back and forth on his heels, worried that Darius might get upset if they were late. Jervis looked away. Until Darius reached out and took his hand, softly kissing the top of it. "Ready?" Darius asked softly, his green eyes meeting Jervis's blue ones. Jervis stared back into the taller man's eyes for a moment. "Ready!" he smiled brightly. Oh, what a rabbit hole Jervis had fallen into, but he didn't mind one bit.
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le-sluagh · 3 months
#15 Incorrect Batman: Vigilante (My AU)
Poison Ivy: I am Poison Ivy, I speak for the trees. Chop them down and I snap your knees.
Joker: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life!
Lex Luthor, to Joker: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life.
Mad Hatter: Just be careful, Dear Scary!
Scarecrow: *heading out the door* I'm always careful, Matty!
Scarecrow: It's everything around me that's careless.
Harvey Dent: I give up. I am so tired.
Joker: Get the emergency supply!
Harley Quinn: *carries Grace and places her in front of Harvey*
Grace Lamont: *smiles*
Mad Hatter: Hey, wanna help me commit crime?
March Harriet: What the hell!?
Mad Hatter: Oh, sorry, my bad.
Mad Hatter, whispering: Wanna help me commit crime?
March Harriet, whispering: Sure. How can I help?
Joker: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Batman: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Harley Quinn: And you just ran away?!
Joker: I didn't expect him to flirt back!
Two Face: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Music Meister: Hey, Mad Hatter, do you have feelings for me?
Mad Hatter: Yeah, anger.
Penguin: You know what the problem is? You’re really cute, so no one ever told you to shut your pie-hole.
Riddler: You think I’m cute?
Joker: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
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Dork Squad + Honorary Dork Music Meister;
Reactions to getting a kiss under the mistletoe from their crush?
(Maybe they didn't even realize the mistletoe was there so the kiss took them by surprise, maybe it happened just as they planned it, maybe someone like Harley forced the two under there- Ah, the limitless possibilities!)
The man tries to woo them but it always comes out wrong
He brings them drinks? He accidentally spills them on Y/N
Makes lights that spell out their name? It caught on fire
He kinda thinks about giving up
Until he just sits defeated with head and he hears cough above him
Crush asking if they can take the sit
They just start talking and it finally feels right
Thinks about kissing them doesn't want to ruin the moment
Then Crush points at mistletoe and he thinks world might not hate him
"I'm not big on superstitions but this one isn't so bad."
This man was so awkward at the Christmas party around them
Just tries to be polite without really knowing what to say
That was until he felt something hitting his face and when he turned he saw mistletoes hanging on a fishing rod
"I told you it needed to go higher."
He looks behind to see Harleen holding it and Jervis giving instructions
If looks could kill
Crush reminds him of her presence and says they don't need to do that if they don't want to
He just screams "NO!" before pulling himself together and saying it's alright
He honesty is so happy he ignores the cheers
Mad Hatter
He would 100% set mistletoes everywhere, the man want every excuse to kiss Crush
But his luck made it that he and Crush were outside for the whole day
It was great he got kinda bumped out he didn't get to kiss them
So when they got he gets excited wanting to open the door and invite Crush over but they stop him
Confused he just looks at them when they kiss him
Goes for it and has a goofy smile asking why and Crush points at mistletoe above them
Oh right, he forgot about that one
Asks if they would like more and open door revealing his house full of it
Crush just giggles and takes his hand
Music Meister
The man took them to the city shopping
Planed everything and made sure went with perfect harmony
It was honesty great fun for them
He wiped out all of his charisma for this and there were moments where kiss would happen but he saved it for the last
They end up in the main square with a musical number and by the end of the song they will end up under mistletoe where he ask "May I?"
This is Musical Christmas movie from now on
If it wouldn't work he would had a breakdown
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butcher-bloke · 1 year
I’m bored right now and am currently working on a few new ideas for some fics, but I would really appreciate if I could get a few requests. Just something to refill my inbox.
(I’m really in the mood for some Captain boomerang and music meister asks)
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pipermint8magic · 8 months
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Dorks and their baby girls
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
I’m Joseph, and this is my blog for anything DC! I'll post mostly writing and art. And just FYI, english is not my first language so some grammatical errors or misunderstandings might happen sometimes :D I’ll write almost anything. I’ll have a list of stuff and characters I write below. I’ll take some doodle requests too, I suppose :)
Scarecrow/ Jonathan Crane (Arkham- asylum, city, knight, origins ❤ BTAS ❤ The Dark knight trilogy ❤ Batman: The audio adventures)
The riddler/ Edward Nygma (Arkham- asylum, city, knight, origins ❤ BTAS ❤ TELLTALE)
Garfield Lynns / Firefly (Arkham- asylum, city, knight, origins)
Black mask / Roman Sionis (Arkham- asylum, city, knight, origins)
Mad Hatter / Jervis Tetch (BTAS ❤ Arkham- asylum, city, knight, origins)
perhaps some music meister…? (The Brave and the bold ❤ DC PRIDE ‘22)
I don’t have a problem w/ writing violence, just to clarify. I do write pretty much anything, but do keep in mind I will decline something if it makes me uncomfortable!
❤ Headcanons
❤ Drabbles
❤ Oneshots
❤ Matchups
❤ Letters
I 100% won’t write smut tho.
Always feel free to ask me if you’re wondering smth :)
❤ I absolutely adore cats
❤ I’m aroace & agender. Triple a BABYYY
❤ I love horror. I also collect horror movies on dvds :D
❤ I also love watching cartoons/animations
❤ I play a lot of video games :D
❤ I’m weak for Soulmate Aus
❤ If u give me cheesecake there’s a 90% I’ll automatically love you
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Oh i have a good one, rogues gallery, which other rogue would they get jealous of you spending your time with? (can either be from a platonic or romantic place)
only asking because I think it would be kinda hilarious if you're chilling and chatting with one of the lankier rogues like Riddler or Scarecrow and one of the bigger scarier guys like Bane or Croc just lowkey pouting in the corner.
"Ugh, not them!" Rogues Gallery x Reader
I did both platonic and romantic since it kind of depends. Hopefully this comes out okay because tumblr is being a little sketchy at the moment.
TW: Jealousy, mentions of unhealthy dynamics, a smidge of smut, knife stuff
The Riddler
Platonic? Joker. Do not associate with that buffoon, you're HIS friend. Zsasz it's mild disapproval because of his weird bullshit. Croc because of some past jealousy issues, but he'd get past that.
Romantic? hoo-boy. Lowkey he gets a little jealous of a lot of his peers because despite the image he wants to put out there, he is so self-conscious and petty. Might end up getting a little shitty about it unintentionally if it's too much time spent with them. Definitely something that would need to have a sincere conversation about how that's not okay but also you're the person he wants.
Platonic? Perhaps some of his more charismatic peers, but it would be really easy for him to get past it.
Romantic? His "pretty"/charming peers- i.e. poison ivy, Riddler, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn. He wouldn't get to a toxic or shitty point with it, but you might notice him grumping about and getting self-deprecating. It's happened before, you know. Someone using him and then hopping to someone beautiful as soon as the better opportunity arose.
Mad Hatter
Platonic? Zsasz, eugh. Does anyone like him? A lot of that is because Zsasz is possessive and plays for keeps. More worried Zsasz would do something rather than you not being his friend anymore. Black Mask because Roman thinks Jervis is "goofy" and "ridiculous" so Jervis would worry you think that too.
Romantic? No one and also everyone. If it's any of his faithful comrades, he's actually really chill about it. All of you are friends! Especially Jon. If you wanted to kiss Jon, it's alright as long as Jervis is also there. Strangers though? He's hissing, hackles raised and draping his body over you until he's established they aren't trying to steal you away.
Platonic? Music Meister simply because Clarence is a fun time but not like. A pain in the ass like some others in the gallery. Joker he'd genuinely consider fucking that man's day up.
Romantic? Jonathan isn't really the romantic jealous type. He could joke around about it, but genuinely he's older, been through a lot and if you wanted to leave him, you would. He would get possessive if one of them hit on you, though. Edward might try it just to get on his nerves so he has to straighten that shit out.
Victor Zsasz
Platonic? No one.
Romantic? You're his. He doesn't think of it as jealousy. He thinks of it more like... disliking other people trying to play with his favorite toy. It sure fucking looks like jealousy, though. He wonders if you'd be opposed to him carving his initials into your hip? No? That's fine. he'll definitely be carving someone if the others don't back off, though. Particularly that Scarecrow fellow. Too much psychobabble.
Killer Croc
Platonic? He's not crazy about that Black Mask. Way too much of a rich prick.
Romantic? Ra's al gul because of how well-spoken he is. Worldly. Who wouldn't want to be with that guy besides the whole weird pit thing? To a way lesser degree, Bane sometimes? Bane is his friend so it wouldn't get awkward or anything but the guy is incredibly intelligent AND just as strong. Makes you feel a little lacking sometimes.
Harley Quinn
Platonic? Joker. Fuck that guy. Straight up tells him politely to fuck off, you don't need his bullshit. Gets mama bear protective as your friend. Ra's al gul also kind of creeps her out.
Romantic? Joker. If it came up, she would make it very clear she's not jealous of you, she's jealous of him- There's no feelings for him anymore but she'll be damned if he gets his claws into you. She knows how he can manipulate things. Bane if only because she kind of thinks he's hot.
Poison Ivy
Platonic? Joker. Fuck that guy. She'll make it clear she disapproves and probably threatens him if he gets too chummy. Black Mask but mostly because of how he dislikes Harley.
Romantic? Joker. After everything with Harley, she'll murder the clown if he tries getting some level of closeness to you while you're in a relationship. Mr. Freeze because there's something so charming and alluring about him. Sensitive. Maybe to some extent Selina only because she's so beautiful.
Platonic? Harv doesn't like Riddler much and hates Joker even more. Snakes in the grass. Harvey doesn't mind Edward but is in agreement about Joker.
Romantic? This might come as a shock but- Penguin. They actually find Oswald charming and enjoyable to be around to an extent, so if you were to get a little too friendly, they might need some reassurance. Riddler again with Harv specifically because of his charm and looks.
Black Mask
Platonic? Harley Quinn. She's way too fun and bubbly, he'd be paranoid about her turning you against him.
Romantic? Again Harley Quinn, same reasons. Poison Ivy since she fucks with people's head plus attractive. Catwoman and Riddler because of the looks department. Anyone who looks at you longer than a minute. Maybe if he put a collar on you or a tattoo, people would get the fucking hint. Or fuck you high up in public where they can see. That'll teach them.
Mr. Freeze
Platonic? Poison Ivy. They've had some run-ins before where Pamela got a little too Close and then got stabbed in the back so he'd definitely be jealous and on edge that she'll do it to you.
Romantic? hahahahahhahahahha. Look, Victor has a LOT of issues in the romance department. The truth of the matter is, he gets easily jealous because he's had the greatest love of his life ripped from him without warning. It doesn't make it okay or healthy, but it is a truth. Almost everyone on the rogues gallery barring perhaps Ra's and Zsasz are potentials for stealing you away. He doesn't get a certain way with you, obviously you're not the problem. It's everyone else.
Ra's al Ghul
Platonic? While there isn't anyone in particular he's jealous about, per say, he might wonder if you prefer the company of the more... lively personalities such as Riddler and Mad Hatter if you spend a lot of time with them.
Romantic? Where Edward plays up his swagger and confidence, Ra's actually has it. Why should he worry? You would be a fool to leave him. You would be a bigger fool to cheat on him, for both you and a hypothetical lover. And despite it not being a fear of his, he makes it clear he would find out should the topic come up.
Platonic? Doesn't feel a need to be jealous over compatriots. He doesn't own your friendship. Will disapprove of Joker or like. Condiment Man or something. Idiocy.
Romantic? Penguin because he recognizes the threat that man could really be if he wanted. Poison Ivy because of her immense allure. Doesn't get super jealous, but definitely casts some side eye if people get too close.
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brokenart-jukebox · 2 months
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Mad music!!!
(Mad Hatter x music meister!!!)
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bv99 · 1 year
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After watching Batman Vs Dracula, I've become curious.. Headcanons for the Rogues dating Dracula's Daughter?
I haven't watched the movie so i hope this is alright!
Rogues dating dracula's daughter!
Jonathan Crane: You can hear that? Those are the sounds of the wedding bells in the distance! Jon is fascinated, the terror that the both of you could make! He is smilling just at the thought of It!
Edward Nygma: He is perplexed! He doesn't want to sound rude but how old are you? Do you know any old riddles? Can you tell him? He's happy none the less, just look at you! Perfect!
Jervis Tetch: He's nervous at first. For obvious reasons. He does warm up to the thought of It, he will make you dresses and take you to one of his tea parties!
Dennis Prowell: Dennis is hopeless romantic, he will write you a love song with vampire theme. It is funny you may laugh, he will be more then happy to hear It. May ask for a duet.
Oswald Cobblepot: Finally someone who belives that chivalry is not dead! Oh he will spoil you so much, giving you the most expensive dresses and jewelry! He may ask If you can turn him into a vampire too.
Panela Isley: She happy that you two share the same thought on humanity, at least to some degree. Pan will give you roses (planted of course) and read you love poems!
Harleen Quinzel: She is so excited about it! A vampire really?? Blood sucking and all?? That's so cool! She will be your golden retriever girlfriend.
Waylon Jones: He doesn't understand, but he is still happy to have you in his life! But once you sit down tô explain to him, he will be so excited! Now he's not the only monster around! Wait no, i didn't mean like that!!
Selina Kyle: Selina will only say one thing "Nice", and then panic a little on the inside.
Bane: He is confused. And no you can't make him understand.
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ohgeezimtrying · 5 years
idk if you've done these already but! if the dork squad was gonna marry their s/o, what would it be like? would married life be any different?
I’m not exactly sure how they’d go about getting married since they are wanted criminals but I’m sure their s/o could make their case to Batman or Gordon and get them to help with enough persuasion.
It mostly stays the same, except he calls his s/o his spouse now. Though he is happier now that the two of them are married. He knows he isn’t the best partner but the fact that his now spouse made a vow to stay by his side forever despite his flaws warms his heart. He’s glad they love him enough to do this.
Oh boy he’s basically like a three year old on a sugar rush. He’s so happy and he tells everyone about his spouse and marrying them all the time. I mean literally all the time. Now that the two are married he might start talking about kids, he has a dream of living in a cute little house with his spouse and a kid or two. He might need to be gently reminded that kids aren’t the best idea since he is in Arkham like 75% of the time. After hearing this, if he really does want that dream to be a reality, he’ll start to reform and try to be able live a normal life with his wife/husband.
Oh my god, this man is worse then Jervis. He will not shut up about getting married and his new spouse. He will brag all the time, not only to his fellow rogues but also to his spouse. He’ll tell them how lucky they are to have such an amazing husband and wants his s/o to tell him that he is. Edward is glad he is married now, he never really thought he would meet someone who understands him so much.
Not much is gonna change since he was already treating his s/o like his queen/king but now he just gets to brag about them being his. He’s so possessive and he’ll make it known that they are HIS s/o and that they are married to HIM. He needs to work on chilling out but he’s happy to be married.
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le-sluagh · 3 months
#12 Incorrect Batman: Vigilante (My AU)
Penguin: Mad Hatter learned how to fold origami penguins from me the other day. I told him as a joke, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day he put them in the fridge.
Catwoman: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Riddler: Yeah-
Two Face: *kicks in the door*
Riddler: Hey, check out my Question Mark umbrella!
*Riddler opens his umbrella while indoors*
Mad Hatter: Riddler, that’s bad luck…
Riddler: Chill out, Mad Hatter!
Scarecrow, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?!
Riddler and Mad Hatter: *screams*
Joker: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium*
Lex Luthor: Joker, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Grace Lamont: I did?
Harvey Dent: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today, Grace.
Riddler: I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Lex Luthor: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
Mad Hatter: I have a bad feeling about this...
Scarecrow: What do you mean?
Mad Hatter: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Scarecrow: No?
Riddler: That actually explains so much.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Joker: *types in Batman*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Joker: How DARE YOU-
March Harriet: Do you feel any better?
Mad Hatter: I feel much better now that you here with me.
*Music Meister walks in*
Mad Hatter: I feel half better.
Bane: Can I have your number?
Scarecrow, visible texting: I don't have a phone.
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Gimmie perfect gifts for and from Rouges. Your choice. I just want to know what would they want to get and what would they love to give xD
Sorry it will be so late but it's too good to not use as Christmas request. But because of that have all the Rogues. Hope this is a fair trade
Gifts for Rogues and from Them.
I feel like he never really got anything for Christmas so just getting something will make him happy
In the budget? Mug saving #1 Genius
Yes, he is that easie
First of all he would make it a scavenger hunt
Second, it's gonna be something big
Puts their face on a billboard with their greatest accomplishment
Hacks radios to play their favorite songs
Won't admit it but Jack Skellington and Sally costumes for both of them
This movie was best thing to happen on Christmas
He doesn't know much about presents so might try to sew them something; maybe little Scarecrow plush
Mad Hatter
Hand made hat or a special tea party
It doesn't have to be expensive it just has to have heart
Would go for Alice costume but this is what he wants not S/O so starts asking around their friends of what Y/N likes
Will give them something related to their favorite series, probably some sort of merch
It's gonna be cheesy but Harvey would love to get a tie, Gilda used to give him one in an old fashioned way and he misses it
Harv has plans in bed
Romantic dinner and necklace
This man can have whatever he wants so getting him a present is tricky.
I think something simple and hand made will melt his heart like scarf
Everything. He will get his chick whatever they want.
Black Mask
Probably surprise in bed, if you know what I mean
Similar to Penguin, he can get them everything
Most likely will get them the most beautiful mask, with gems
Mr Freeze
His wife-
Nah, it would be Christmas miracle but he knows to not expect that
Custom-made snowglobe with them all in it, it would make him cry
A big ice sculpture of S/O showing their most beautiful parts
Batmobile, he will be head over heels to annoy him at Christmas
I can't imagine him giving gifts but might do something with a bang
Explodes some building and there will be fireworks for S/O and he bought some chocolate or scarf
Music Meister
Write him your own song he would be head over heels
100 % will do flash mob for them
Harley Quinn
Hand decorated hammer, she would hit so many stuff!
Would rob a mall and grab everything that is expensive or cute looking giving it to S/O
Poison Ivy
Isn't picky, romantic evening would be enough
Would grow them garden in the room with every color, with a beautiful smell
Pearls or diamonds would be nice
Also probably some jewelry
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Hello hello
Request Status: closed
Will write for: Jervis Tetch/ the Mad Hatter; Edward Nygma/ the Riddler; and Jonathan Crane/ the Scarecrow.
Note: I’ve been doodling/writing silly scenarios with the three above since like,, end of May, and they’ve been my longest fixation so far this year, so hopefully I’m not being too impulsive lol
guess i'm gonna do this then, huh.. alright, well- dc universe, nothing in particular, just dork squad x reader stuff i want to do. this is the current fixation, and i want to write, and these three are stuck in my head, rotating like they're inside a microwave. might include music meister in the future?? not sure, not too interested, but maybe?? dunno, mad hatter, riddler, and scarecrow are the current blurbos. will include headcanons, scenarios, and one-shots. can and will do poly relationships, fine with [insert trait] readers (i will say now i may not know how to write certain backgrounds or topics, but i will try my best). might do sfw/n in the future, right now not interested. generally okay with most stuff. fine with mentioning some of these, but won't explicitly/write incest, sexual abuse, and minor/adult romantic relationships. may add more, depending on what comes to mind/requests.
and uh,, brief stuff below :’)
Random facts about admin (do with these as you will, or don’t. don’t please, actually):
I am a compulsive organizer;
have a cat I adore;
am poor at time management;
diagnosed/have anxiety, adhd, and mild tics (I’ll probably write a number of niche stuff to do with these lol);
and am somewhere on the aro-ace spectrums & bi.
and,,, i adore jervis with my heart and soul. can’t believe he’s been done dirty.
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