#musical people can very probably figure this out by looking at it lol
yousaytomato · 2 years
If you're on desktop rn, try:
333 333 35123
444 4433 3332232 5
333 333 35123
444 4433 33
5 5 4 2 1
nothing special will happen, it's just for fun!
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insertdisc5 · 2 months
game development question, howd you get the music for your games done/find musicians to work with? what was the process like and how hard was it?
id love to make a game of my own some day, but the scariest part of that to me is the music because i can learn to code and i can already draw, but music just seems. a bit too hard
thank you in advance ^^ sorry if you already answered this somewhere
this is perfectly timed because we're almost done with our search for a composer for project ts!
tldr: just get someone to do it for you. you don't have to do everything.
for isat, i was already in contact with Lindar from my first game Serre! I think I was just saying on twitter that music was hard, and Lindar DM'd me with some samples, so she was hired on the spot lol
as for project ts, Amazing Producer Dora put a few posts out on social media (twitter and linkedin iirc?) asking if people would be interested, and we got a good chunk of answers.
looking for musicians yourself and asking for their availability would work too!
as for what you'll need imo, your budget is the most important to figure out imo. How much can you spend on this? Songs are usually X$/song, or X$/minute of song. Look for rates online! Or ask them for a quote! Or just tell them "i have this amount of money what can i get for this"!!! Also you need to know when you'll need this by. Give them a deadline! Even if the deadline is something you work on together later!
After that, how many songs do you need from them? It doesnt need to be COMPLETELY set in stone, but try and keep to it. Give them moods-- you probably would need a title song, a happy song, a sad song, a tense song, a "walking around" song, and go from there.
And then, the Mood. You don't need to know EXACTLY what you want, but just something to get them started! Or at the very least, have a primer with the story/look of it, and a couple of mood words, and let them do what they're good at. Don't stress too much about not knowing music words, so far I've worked with musicians who don't mind me just going "this needs more oomph" lol, but every musician is different!
for reference, this is the sheet i gave Lindar for ISAT's soundtrack:
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those are my thoughts as a person who hires composers, i'd be curious to know what composers think!
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
A Very Long qRoier Theory
Okay so here's what I actually think, and TRUST THE PROCESS OKAY:
I think that Roier really was kidnapped by the Federation, but I don't think that he was taken because he was looking for Cellbit strictly because the Feds themselves are actually more or less actively searching for the missing islanders and hoping for their return so they can continue the murder investigation. Despite the terrible things going on, the Feds legitimately want all their islanders/lab rats back on the island so they can continue with whatever experiment they're holding. Every time Cucurucho has held a meeting recently, it's asked about the status of the missing islanders, so it really wouldn't make sense for it or the Feds as a whole to punish their one single lead in the case when every actual Federation agent assigned to the case has either come up with nothing or disappeared entirely.
Nah, I think Roier was taken because he was vulnerable and because the Feds figured nobody would've missed him. They know that he isn't really super close with anybody on the island but Cellbit, and they know that he's been actively pushing people away for a while now- basically since Bobby's death, and moreso since his return from Purgatory.
Looking at the QSMP channel's streams, particularly Elena's, we know that the Feds seem to be a pharmaceutical company. They, simply speaking, make drugs. Look at the "happy pills" that Elena helped create, this is what the Feds do.
Roier mentioned that he was drugged. He never said that they stopped drugging him. I think he's still being drugged and that he isn't a rat- not a literal one, anyway.
I think that Roier is still under the effects of the drugs he's being given because he is currently a test subject. He's a lab rat.... at the moment, anyway.
More on that later.
Do I have any evidence for this? Not really, but also some things just didn't add up cinematically. Like, okay, go back and watch everything from after when Roier 'wakes up' in the dungeon:
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Everything's got this weird otherworldly fuzziness and glow to it. It's almost dreamlike in a way. Only the focus of the world is, well, in focus. The rest is blurred like a bad 3D movie:
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There are all these weird cuts and jumps, too, like 11:16 when we suddenly cut to black for a few moments as Roier goes down the hallway, or 12:13 when we smash cut to the rat and 12:16 when we cut to Cucurucho. It's super sudden and jarring and it sets up a real nice feeling of unease (shoutout to ccRoier, this is SPECTACULAR)
And the music, okay, the background music is exactly the kind of shit you'd hear in a 'Dreamcore Music Video' on YouTube. It's super Backrooms, super weird esoteric vibes, and that's very on purpose.
None of this is real, and "Doied" is the final proof because like. He isn't real lol, if he's real then so is Roger, and the only times either of them front are when Roier's goofing around or when he's extremely homicidal (we saw Roger pretty recently, actually, back in October when he said that Cellbit killing everyone might be a good thing, actually.) Doied isn't like Abueloier or Melissa, he's one of Roier's 'alters', and he's a bit of a freak lol
I think about everyone can agree that this whole 'Ratoier' thing is a hallucination, but then we have to think, huh, what the hell does any of this mean?
First, we gotta follow the whole 'Roier is Currently Super Drugged' thing, because he is. He literally is. If he's not, well, laugh at me when the next tape comes out.
Roier is drugged by the Feds right now probably to test a new drug, possibly a drug meant to- just like the Happy Pills- make people happy again. In this case, however, I think that the pills may actually have something to do with memories, particularly the same memory retrieval stuff the Resistance did to Bagi. Because, well.
I want to go back to the rat, and I want to go back to Doied, because this stream actually implied a LOT about qRoier's character.
The thing about Doied is that he's the manifestation of Roier's "Um, actually!" Nerd Emoji self. He's a nerd. He's a loser with glasses and a nasty attitude.
Doied, in the dream, is a scientist. Doied, in the dream, performed horrible, inhumane experiments for the Federation. He put Roier's brain into a rat's, a lab rat's.
Once a long, long time ago in August, Roier quietly came to the realization that maybe he has a past history with the Federation and that's why Osito Bimbo has always been so weird about him- it basically had a crush on him for the first week or so of the island, and it still seems to, and he is still the only one outside of Foolish the Federation Employee to be addressed directly by his train ticket number: 0037. He brought up the possibility of being a Federation worker in the past to Cellbit, who brushed it off and said that he wouldn't care because he's a worker, too, technically, but what if it isn't a possibility?
We've always wondered how Federation workers end up the way they do. Why are they all the exact same type of bear? Why does only Cucurucho get to have a face and a voice? Why do they all have human minds and emotions? Why are they all dedicated to the Federation?
Easy. Because maybe they were people before, just like how Bagi and several other islanders think they are. But maybe someone put their brains inside of an animal's body- or, at least, inside of a worker's body, God only knows if they were actual polar bears at some point. Somebody had to help come up with that technology, and maybe it's the guy who managed to build an entire computer and radio-satellite setup over the span of about a week in his goddamn backyard without anybody knowing about it.
Roier has always had some weird connection with the Federation. He's the only civilian islander to ever be addressed by his ticket number, and later we find out that Foolish's ticket number- 0039- is his Federation Employee ID Number- W0039. He was Osito Bimbo's favorite for the first week on the island to the point of Osito just giving him whatever he wanted. He and Jaiden were paired up for the Egg Event (something that was intentional, btw, admin confirmed), and it's later revealed that Jaiden has a past with the Federation regarding the SMILE Units (aka Osito Bimbo and Cucurucho and the new guys.) The "Gods" (aka the admins) will happily follow him around and revive him when he's alone and strike him with lightning when asked and give him dirt and whatever. He managed to get someone onto the island from off of the island, Abueloier, and Abueloier was saved from the brink of death by the Federation in the Federation's hospital. His literal pet dog is a Federation employee. He got to name Jorgito the IV Drip.
Doied put someone's brain into the body of a rat, and Doied is Roier's nerd self.
I think that Roier may, in fact, have a past history with the Federation, and that it isn't because his grandfather worked/works for them. Maybe Roier did, just like he suspected months ago, and maybe he did some really bad things. But they were excused at the time because the people being converted into workers were bad people who made mistakes. Roier made the mistake of breaking the rules trying to connect with Cellbit, and so he got turned into a rat. There's been a functional prison on the island for long enough for it to be partially abandoned (see: Tazercraft Prison Stream.) Walter Bob was held there, possibly because he was part of the Resistance, or possibly because he wasn't done cooking yet.
Roier has always been a man of justice. When people do bad things, they get punished, and then things can go back to normal. He ruined Quackity's life. He wanted Slime to be properly punished for killing Tilin and he threatened to murder him when he tried threatening the kids. He built an entire torture dungeon in his basement for the explicit purpose of torturing Spreen to the point of death repeatedly and possibly for the rest of Spreen's miserable life. Cucurucho took Bobby away, and Roier said that the Federation would regret putting and keeping him on the island. Pozolito the Capybara blew Cellbit up, and Roier has literally tried killing every Capybara he's seen since. The Federation screwed with his family and with himself, and Roier is more than happy to join Cellbit in massacring the entire Federation.
He's a man of justice, but not of morals. He's a ruthless killer when it comes down to it, and he only shows regret when it comes to his husband's deaths during Purgatory. He doesn't fight unless he has to, but he's been thinking about killing everyone on the island since the first week of the server when he was betrayed. But, when it comes down to it, he doesn't actually want to hurt anyone he cares about. It's why Purgatory fucked him up so much.
His moral alignment actually matches up pretty well with several other Federation workers'- particularly workers like Elena and Fred who are nice but are willing to do terrible things in the name of their cause. The difference here is that Roier has had the same privilege that workers like Walter Bob and Ron got: he got a chance to socialize.
He doesn't have memories from before the island, but he remembers enough about his childhood to be a little suspicious.
But what if these drug-induced hallucinations are actually hints to Roier's backstory? What if it wasn't Doied running all these terrible experiments for the Federation, but it was Roier? Just a guy acting under the belief that he was making the world a better place, punishing criminals (aka rule breakers) while helping the Federation's cause: finding true happiness and spreading it to the world.
The Eye said that everybody in Purgatory was a sinner, and maybe Roier's sin was some mad scientist bullshit.
The dream today, Tape 1, had Roier being punished. Maybe it's because that's what he did as a scientist to new employees, or maybe it's because of his own guilt over everything he's done; remember, the reason he stopped smiling in Purgatory wasn't because he was killing his friends (because he's thought about killing his friends for a VERY long time), but it was because he killed Cellbit, and then it was because he left Cellbit behind to die. That's why the dream specified Cellbit's lost signal and not, say, Jaiden's, and it's why all the cool cinematic landscape shots focused on either Roier himself or Cellbit.
If my prediction is correct, Tape 2 would have Roger instead of Doied. So we'll see what happens then, I guess. Roger, who represents Roier's anger and his various homicidal tendencies.
Fit said that everybody was on the island for a reason, and Roier has been cooking for a long time now. Maybe qRoier is just like qJaiden: a former Federation associate.
TLDR; qRoier is currently hallucinating due to him being a Federation lab rat. His drug-induced dreams may be implying that Roier has a past within the Federation as a scientist completing the same experiments that "Doied" did in the dream to Roier.
But that's just a theory, a Game Theory. Thank you for reading.
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goldfades · 7 months
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡. | delicate au, jack hughes
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౨ৎ ─ summary | this takes place in late august of 2023, a little before the njd season started. jack hughes dm's the girl the whole internet thinks he's dating and invites her to a pre-season get-together at his house.
─ word count | 1.9k
─ warnings | anxiety, some flirting? nothing else!
─ taglist | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe @bowen-power @ru-kru @jackhughesily @hearts-for-luke
─ ev's notes | please lmk ur thoughts on this au so far! i, of course, always read ur guys feedback so anything would be very much appreciated.
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Accept message request from jhughes (jackhughes)?
jhughes: have you seen twitter? we're trending 🤣 jhughes: looks like i'm your bf now 🤷🏻🤷🏻
libbytf: yeah um i don't even know how that happened😭 libbytf: they're crazy, that's not either of us?
jhughes: it does really look like us though haha 🤣 i don't blame them
libbytf: the more i look the photos the more i disagree lol, i hope they figure it out on their own 😭
jhughes: haha yeah [seen]
jhughes: me and luke are having a pre season party, you should come if ur free jhughes: oh and if leon wants you to hahaha😭
libbytf: when is it? i'll see if i can come and if i'm in town
jhughes: next saturday at our new place
libbytf: i'll let you know!
jhughes: k lmk ( 👍🏻 )
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Libby stared down at her screen, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Did she just get asked out?
She received the message later that day and she was surprised that Jack Hughes had messaged her. She wasn't starstruck or anything but he didn't seem like the "dm" type, he looked more like the type to approach you in public.
She shook her head, she didn't even know if he was hitting on her. He probably wasn't even trying to come off that way, he probably just needed more people at his party. And the truth was, after the whole "Josh" thing, she didn't really have anything to do because everyone in the world was seemingly against her. The messy breakup with Josh had left her feeling exposed, as if every aspect of her personal life was now fair game for public scrutiny.
She had been under the spotlight for years now, long before she had even considered the idea of being a singer. Her sister and father were already apart of the "Hollywood" circle, she has seen this kind of stuff before. She's never been apart of the gossip, though - this was the first time she'd been in the spotlight for a bad reason.
Growing up in the shadow of her sister's and father's fame had accustomed her to the entertainment industry and all the drama that came with it. But now, as the fallout from her breakup with Josh engulfed her, Libby found herself thrust into uncharted territory. The barrage of rumors and gossip had stripped away the layers of privacy she had worked so hard to preserve, leaving her feeling vulnerable.
Libby couldn't even turn to her music anymore, she felt like it was no use because the whole internet (and their moms) hated her for no reason other than her relationship, or lack thereof.
She was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt her phone buzz on her bed. She reached for it lazily and opened it, reading the message.
leon 😛 are you down for something this weekend?
Libby typed out a quick response.
libs 🥸 depends
leon 😛 me and some of the team are gonna have a party this weekend to celebrate the start of the season, they told me to bring someone and ur all i have
leon 😛 unless u say no i'll ask someone else
libs 🥸 jack already asked me so sure :)
leon 😛 wait so ur his plus one?
libs 🥸 no bc he's the literal host, he just invited me😭😭
leon 😛 thats weird but okay, can u still be my plus one
libs 🥸 idk if that'll change anything but sure!!
She sighed at her brother's slight stupidity. It sounds like she was going to be going to the party this weekend. As she agreed, Libby couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety about attending Jack's party. The thought of facing a bunch of strangers, each with their own preconceived notions about who she was, made her stomach churn.
Before she could turn off her phone, her phone buzzed and she looked at the notification.
jhughes (jackhughes) started following you!
"Have you been on Twitter?" Leon spoke up as he drove, his eyes glancing toward Libby before focusing back on the road.
She shrugged, "Yeah. Why?"
"Everyone thinks you're dating Jack, it's kinda funny. Isn't this like, your first time meeting him?" Leon replied with a small laugh, shaking his head.
"It's pretty dumb, isn't it?" Libby replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "Well this is like my second or third time meeting him so it's not like we're strangers but still, we're far from strangers."
"Are you sure about that? He messaged you." Leon joked as he smirked at you as you rolled your eyes. She knew he was joking but a part of her thought that maybe he was flirting with her. But Libby could not even mention that to Leon because it'll make him go crazy, staying quiet was the better option.
"Shut up," Libby mumbled as Leon laughed. "The pictures aren't even us, you know?"
"The guy looks a lot like Jack but not you. It's so funny especially because everyone swears that they know you so well but they can't even tell the difference you and some other person." Leon grinned, clearly enjoying the absurdity of the situation. "Well, I guess the internet just loves drama. Can't blame them for trying to spice things up, it is fun."
"I just hope people figure it out soon," Libby sighed, glancing out of the car window at the passing city lights. "I mean, it's not like I need more rumors right now."
Leon shrugged. "Yeah, I get it. But you know what they say, any publicity is good publicity."
"Yeah at least I'll know my new album will get tons of new streams, thanks to Josh's fangirls."
"You mean dickriders? Jesus, have you seen the comments?" Leon scoffed, making a turn to Jack and Luke's home.
Libby sighed, her shoulders slumping as she leaned back against the car seat. "Yeah, I've seen them. It's like they're just waiting for the opportunity to tear me apart completely, I can't even go on Instagram anymore."
Leon's expression softened with empathy as he reached out to place a comforting hand on Libby's arm. "They're just fucking bored, that's all. They have to tear someone down to feel better. Don't let them get to you."
Libby nodded, grateful for her brother's words of encouragement. "I know, it's just hard sometimes, you know? Feels like I'm constantly under a microscope."
Leon nodded in understanding, his gaze unwavering in its support. "Yeah, I get it. But remember, those comments don't define you. You're so much more than what people say about you."
Libby managed a small smile as they reached Jack's home. The night air was crisp as Libby and Leon made their way towards Jack's home. The distant noise from the party spilled into the quiet neighborhood as they walked towards the entrance.
The home was pretty big but you weren't surprised, they were really good and popular hockey players so of course they had a big home. However, as you walked into their porch, you noticed how clean it was. Not many boys in their twenties kept their homes so clean and organized but Libby was pleasantly surprised at how clean their home was and she hadn't even been inside yet.
Leon gave the door a few knocks before the door opened to reveal Jack, a big grin on his face and a backwards cap on his head. "Leon! You made it!"
"Yeah, and I brought Libs!" Leon grinned back at Jack as his gaze finally fell on Libby, she felt his eyes scan her body before they landed on her eyes once again.
Libby felt a slight flush rise to her cheeks as she met Jack's gaze. His warm smile putting her at ease as she returned it, trying to ignore the flutter of nerves in her stomach.
"Awesome! Come on in, guys." Jack ushered them inside, the sounds of the party becoming more pronounced as they stepped inside.
"There's some chips in the kitchen and you guys can just help yourself to the drinks inside the fridge, just don't drink any of our protein smoothies." Jack side glanced to Leon playfully, in which he responded with a quick fine. "Everyone's in the living room playing pool."
"I'm gonna go get a beer, if y'all don't mind." Leon called out as he headed towards the kitchen, leaving Libby and Jack by the entrance.
As Leon left, Libby shifted her gaze to Jack with a warm smile. There was a brief awkward silence before Jack broke it, "I didn't know that you lived in Jersey."
"Well I don't but ever since Leon's moved here I've been spending every second at his place. I actually live in New York City but it gets a little hectic, I need a break sometimes from... everything." Libby explained as she recalled all the drama from the summer, from everything with Olivia to Josh, it was eventful.
Jack nodded, his expression sympathetic as he listened to Libby's explanation. "I get it. New York can be intense, especially with everything going on."
Libby sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she spoke about the challenges she faced. "Yeah, it's been a lot to deal with lately. Sometimes, it's nice to escape to somewhere quieter, you know?"
Jack's gaze softened with understanding. "I get it. I'm sorry by the way, with the whole uh... thing." Jack didn't really want to specify but they both knew as Libby nodded.
Libby gave him a sweet smile but before she could respond, Luke came in wearing a Devils jersey. "Dude I've been looking everywhere for you, there's something wrong with the-" He cut himself as he noticed Libby.
"Hey Luke." Libby greeted the tall curly-head with a grin as he walked over to where Libby was and gave her a side hug as Jack observed.
"Libby! I haven't seen you in a while, how's everything?" Luke asked casually as he pulled back.
"Can't complain." You spoke with a small grin as you looked in between the boys. "You?"
"Very excited for the new season, I don't know if you could tell." Luke chuckled as he looked down at the jersey.
Libby couldn't help but chuckle at Luke's enthusiasm. Even though she's never formally met Jack, her and Luke have a pretty good friendship through Leon. As soon as they met they clicked and now they're practically tied at the hip. "Hmm... I couldn't tell. Go Rangers, right?"
"Hey, hey, hey!"
"Whoa, don't you dare step foot in our homes and disrespect us like that. That is a like a slur around here." Jack shook his head playfully as him and Luke exchanged looks before all three of you busted out laughing.
"Sorry, sorry won't happen again!"
"It better not or we're gonna have to kick you out." Luke threatened with a mock-serious expression. "But seriously Jack, the TV isn't working and everyone wants to play Fifa for some reason."
Jack shrugged as he motioned to Libby towards the living room, "I don't even know if we own Fifa..."
They all entered the spacious living room where everyone was. There were some teammates who she recognized and some people she'd never seen before. Jack and Luke ventured off toward the TV, leaving Libby to go stand by the couch. She'd enjoyed the night so far but as she stood there, anxiety began to creep into her stomach.
Everyone here knew somebody and right now the only people she was close with was her brother, Luke and Jack and they were all playing Fifa right now.
"Libs, get a controller we need one more player!" Jack shouted from the coach and waved at her to come over. Libby hesitated for a moment, feeling a familiar pang of anxiety at the thought of joining a group of people she didn't know well. But as she stared back at Jack, she swallowed all her fears and walked over, taking a controller.
As she settled in next to them, Libby felt a sense of normalcy wash over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she could just be herself, without the weight of everyone's expectations or the glare of being perceived.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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cunt-dracula0 · 1 year
pairing(s): implied randy meeks, billy loomis, mickey altieri + stu macher x gn!reader
warning: none, though some hcs that i have written might be a little modern than others!
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• Idc what y’all say, this man is OBSESSED with Funko Pops.
• Honestly, I feel that he’s well aware of the fact that he has an interest for collector’s items.
• Bro.. he would squeal if you took him to places like HMV or Hot Topic.
• When he was informed that the Video Store (his workplace) would begin to sell some Funkos of infamous movie characters since that was literally the whole theme of the place, he died off. HE. DIED. OFF.
• Billy and Stu have occasionally dropped by to rent some more horror movies, also teasing him about the pops and telling the whole store it was a.. kink? More Stu’s bad way of putting it, shall we say..
“Can you take their clothes off?” Stu asked curiously.
Randy began to get flustered as Stu proceeded to take the small statue out of the box, knowing he’d get another harsh telling off if his boss found out it was Randy’s “friends” ruining stock.
“They’re plastic dumbass,” Billy remarked. “It’s practically molded onto their figure.”
“Can you guys please sto-”
Stu snorted. “Well you can take the clothes off Barbie dolls and shit like that, can’t you? They even have parts.. uh- you know?”
“Wha- no, these aren’t like that-”
Randy was cut off once again as Billy spoke up and wrinkled his nose in disgust at the taller male. “You really stripped the clothes off of dolls just to investigate when you were a kid?”
Randy and Billy both shared the same look as Stu grinned wickedly.
And then it came. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.” Yep. Classic Stu.
• Wherever this mf goes, he always ends up eating a bag of potato chips. Nor you or his friends know where he pulls them from, but he does, he just does..
• There is so much I could say about Billy Boy here..
(He’d most likely tell you to go fuck yourself if you called him that. Well, depending on who you are lmao)
• If you are the kind of person who loves that shitty trending pop music, you are probably better off hanging out with Stu for the day. Because Billy HATES it.
• He’s not particularly into heavy metal, i’d say more grunge. Stu bullies him for it but gets an ass whooping later so, eh.
• If he gets woken up in the middle of the night, he’s one cranky fucker about it. This man prioritises his sleep. He almost broke the cable to the house phone after Stu kept calling him one night, complaining on how he couldn’t sleep and that he wanted to go somewhere. After Billy not being able to get back into dreamland, he gave in. Pretty sure Stu ended up choosing the McDonald’s drive thru, much to Billy’s annoyance.
(That shit happens way too often but hey, who doesn’t like late night drives?)
• Billy wants a piercing but at the same time, he doesn’t? He’s not sure if he can really commit to it or not, but he does think people with piercings are cool!
• Plus his Dad would probably kick him out over something as stupid as that. Billy would just tell him to get bent either way lol.
• He can be quite a germaphobe. Sick people scare the living FUCK out of him.
• You have a cold? Aw, pity. DO. NOT. APPROACH. BILLY. LOOMIS.
• Stu accidentally sneezed on him once and Billy literally felt his heart stop. He showered about three times that day.. maybe more? Fuck knows, man.. 😭
• Something about him and the song Paparazzi.. IDK WHAT IT IS BUT IT JUST.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
• He’s very open about his opinions, as we all know. If you dissed his fav movie or TV show, bam bam bitch he’s gonna answer you and he ain’t gonna be so fucking nice about it.. 🫡
• Literal Beyoncé stan. I swear whenever her music is playing and y’all are at a party, he def wants to have a lil boogie with you.
• Mickey is the one person you know to have a weird, WEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIRRRRRD obsession with black coffee..
• You, Mickey and Randy were all out at the mall once and some little girl ran up to him saying he looked like Edward Cullen?
Randy just had no idea how kids had the balls to say whatever the fuck they wanted, meanwhile Mickey didn’t know whether to take it as an insult or not..
“Vampires who sparkle like a fucking Hello Kitty sticker? Wow, new name for ya, Mick..” You giggled.
• Really spoiled, bratty girls with all their designer gear is a big no no for him, he just hates them.. 😭
• You catch him watching all the true crime documentaries. He even has books about America’s most popular serial killers. TONS, of books.
• Stu is literally every personality combine. Like a lab experiment gone wild, honestly.
• He asks you the weirdest questions sometimes. They are so random and beyond unexpected lol.
“Wait, do you think clowns can also honk their di-”
• Stu has the most ridiculous obsession with boobs. Randy now calls him the titty monster anytime Jamie Lee Curtis shows up in the horror movies they’re watching.
• He was BORN a dog lover.
• Annoys Billy anytime he gets a new girlfriend.
• I can picture him eating anything blue raspberry flavoured he can find. CANDY GOO, BLUE SOUR PATCH KIDS, YOU NAME IT😭😭
• Has the best snack cupboard no one else can compare to having in their house.
• He’s the kind of guy to stick his tongue out to kids in public just so he can get a giggle out of them!
• Loves it when him and the gang go out to the cinema. Which is more often than you’d expect.
• Has like, the LONGEST list of cinema snacks when y’all are paying to get your food.
these men all have their differences, but all expect one thing. THEY BE FINE AS HELLLLLL (anyways, hope you enjoyed this little list of hcs i have for my favs. HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!!!!! :D
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sammunmak · 7 months
Specs & Max Freelance Police in: Hells-A-Poppin'!
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+ sam’s vices !!
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this is basically an au idea i had for the alt timeline! i wrote out all the changes to the first two seasons, but it's a bit on the longer side so i'm sticking it under the cut.
this takes place immediately after sam and max steal the elevator from their future selves. there’s no obvious changes at first. the director gives them another contract after telling her they misplaced the first one, but not without threat of not giving them another one if they manage to misplace this one. once they wrap up the case and free myra stump from the hypnosis, they take the elevator (and their music contract) with them and put it away in storage, vowing to never speak of the possibility that they just killed their future selves again. ah well, knowing themselves, they probably survive. everything else afterwards is pretty much the same, though when sam and max see superball for the first time sam asks max if he looks familiar. max takes one look at him and proudly declares nope, not at all, and that’s the end of that.
the first major change happens in 106.
hugh: for in all the universe, there’s only one force chaotic and destructive enough to stop me now! but you wouldn’t do that, would you max?
max: who, ME? well, i’m- i’m flattered, but-
hugh: no you wouldn’t, not without your trusty partner, at least.
max: huh?
sam: what exactly are you implying?
hugh: i’m going to… drumroll, please… [drumroll] separate your bliss!
max: really?
sam: what does that even mean?!
hugh: it means i chop off every part of you i don’t like! it’s like circumcision, but double the laughs.
max: he-ey!
sam: quiet, knucklehead.
sam gets split into 3 vices. gluttony, greed, and wrath. wrath is formed from sam’s right ear, greed is formed from sam’s left hand (it even keeps the wedding band!), and gluttony is formed from. well, the stomach. max loses all romantic interest he had in hugh bliss in that moment. 
max is very annoyed about the whole situation. he never has to do work on their cases, and suddenly he’s being forced to figure everything out on his own! but seeing sam’s awful blissed-out state is worse. blissed-out sam is basically just a big puppy. all smiles, completely clueless about everything around him, and has to be led around by his remaining hand if max wants him to go anywhere. max considers shooting him every time he makes a comment about hugging trees or something sentimental crap like that, but one look at that big dopey grin on sam’s face and he just can’t do it. he needs to turn sam back quickly, he’s turning into a sap just being near this… shell of his partner.
wrath is in the sanctuary, threatening the COPS for information on max’s whereabouts (yes it’s just noir sam lol). when max and bliss sam finally make their appearance, wrath almost immediately tries to shoot bliss sam. max stops it, of course. it seems like max is the only person wrath won’t lash out against. max has to open one of bluster blaster’s side panels, then get wrath close enough to it to shut the panel on his ear, pulling it off wrath when it tries freeing itself.
once sam gets his ear back, he seems to randomly decide to shoot at max.
max: what was that for?!
sam: i dunno, it just felt right.
when max walks into bosco’s store, he immediately makes eye contact with gluttony sam, who’s sitting on the floor eating a giant tub of ice cream. it doesn’t seem very interested in eating actual people (haha foreshadowing?) in the freezer are a bunch of popsicles. max can grab one and give it to gluttony, who’ll chomp it down wrapper and all. max has to put jimmy two-teeth into one of the wrappers in order to get gluttony to eat him, then pull out jimmy and sam’s stomach with the magic hat.
sam: anyone else suddenly got a hankerin’ for a fudgie freeze?
max: you don’t know how glad i am to hear you say those words.
greed is inside the office, hoarding just about everything in there and more. somehow there’s items in here max didn’t even know they had. or maybe greed just grabbed everything not bolted down to the floor on the way back to the office.
max has to buy bosco’s invention (which is just a big magnet), then use the spoon bending talisman to pull the spork out of the hugh bliss statue’s hand, give it to greed, and then use the magnet to drag its ass towards him and just yank sam’s hand off it.
sam: are you using that magnet?
max: nope! it’s all yours.
upon collecting all 3 vices, sam returns to normal, and they can now go fight hugh bliss. cue world of max :)
not much else changes until 204.
once they enter momma bosco��s store and accidentally reveal max’s lack of interest in girls, momma bosco becomes infatuated with him. sam and max try and argue against this for a while, until max tells her that he’s a married man.
ms b: i don’t see a ring on your finger.
max: well check again!
max flashes his left hand, revealing a bare ring finger. oh. he didn’t put on his ring today. sam is missing his ring as well. seems they got a bit excited when flint invited them on a case with him and forgot them.
(not gonna lie this whole puzzle isnt fully fleshed out. the whole plan would be that they have to go back to their prom and essentially crash it in order to help max realize he doesn’t like girls. i did also have the idea of superball printing marriage certificates instead of patents, which they’d need to grab one from him and hang it on the corkboard in the near future, then go to the distant future and take their wedding rings from their future selves. if i do ever have an idea of how exactly this all pans out i’ll make it into a fic or something. for now tho this is the best i could come up with.)
max is very proud to show off his new wedding ring to momma bosco.
later on, sam is glad he kept that music contract on him, once one of the pedros asks for one.
of course, despite keeping their past selves from boarding the UFO, the elevator is still oddly enough missing when they run back to it.
max: hey, the elevator’s gone! what gives?
sam: hmm… remember what got us into this whole mess, the temporal anomalies and whatnot? maybe it’s another one of those? maybe this is the universe’s way of trying to correct the timeline, and we have to leave the same way our future selves did, since we’re-
max: alright, alright! less talky more- figuring out how to get off this dang ship!
ah well, having two elevators seems a bit overkill anyway. 
not so long later, in 205:
sam: you better release our pals’ souls from hell, cause my excitable little friend is getting angry.
max: and i’m angry, too!
satan: there’s no need for that kind of talk. i’ll gladly release your friends. just sign this release.
max: hold on sam, i got this!
sam: …you sure, max? 
max: positive! watch this. [he pulls out a crayon and scribbles his name on the contract]
satan: and that’s that.
sam: well that was pretty easy.
satan: now just do me a favor and think of the most horrible thing you can imagine.
max: ooh, that might take a second, there’s so many- oh, maybe- wait no, i’ve got it!
satan: good. now off you go!
[max disappears]
sam: sweet summering sausages sweltering on a busy sidewalk, what did you do?!
satan: he traded his soul for that of all your friends. they never read the fine print. now max will spend eternity in his own personal hell!
max: back in the office? where’s my partner?
specs: i’m over here!
max finds himself stuck inside a now very tidy office with specs, the neat freak of the soda poppers.
max: so where’s my REAL partner?
specs: what are you talking about, i AM your real partner.
max: uh, no. last i checked my partner was a six foot tall dog in a suit, not… you.
specs: oh, max. clearly you’re confused. you’ve always had a terrible memory. but don’t worry, i’m here to keep everything in order for you.
max is just about ready to start ripping out patches of his fur when he sees sam, sticking his big nose through the hole in their office wall. after a bit of arguing, max remembers the key card. he yells at sam to use it so they can kick demon’s spec’s ass together. when sam gets in there they do just that, ending in sam throwing the demon out the open window. with max’s personal hell defeated and leonard’s soul free they leave and finally go and confront satan.
as a bonus, a fun change to a piece of dialogue in 201:
sam: how long do you think it’ll take for one of us to kick the bucket?
max: i dunno, but i think if one of us were to go, the other would follow very close behind. maybe not even by choice!
sam: does that mean if i go first, i can take you with me?
max: sure does! in fact, i encourage it!
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
okay very brief munich gig report (mostly under the cut) i probably am forgetting 90% of stuff but let's goooo:
i got EE and i was there by 10 am? i was number 39 and i was pretty okay with this. i did end up getting a really good spot anyway
munich queue 💜💜 i mean, i've already made a post about meeting all of you, but it was truly lovely. i got so many gifts and bracelets! this fandom is full of talented, kind people
the soundcheck was ngvot (every single time i've been to a show i've heard ngvot at some point lol) and vem da greš, both of which i really enjoyed
I GOT TO GIVE NACE MY GIFTS!! like i don't even think he heard what i said BUT THEY'RE WITH THEM. FINALLY. i can be at peace now lol
i really enjoyed both Sector 5 and JC Stewart! they were both pretty good openers! i hadn't heard any of their music before, but i still had fun
AND I GOT BELE SANJEEEEEE. and bojan said we nailed it the first time which had me like "duh, ofc, i'm here????" I WOULD NEVER FUCK UP MY BELOVED BELE SANJE
we got both Šta bih ja & Schlager. i really really really wanted Bluza so hopefully in london 🤞 i enjoy Schlager more that i've listened to it live lol (and jance were very cute during this song)
on the topic of jance, everyone was mentioning the nacekris was strong last night but as someone who was right in front of jance and barely got to see the others honestly it was kinda hard for me lmao i didn't get those vibes at all. i was so shocked opening tumblr hahahaha. jance were super sweet and smiley and 🥺💕 a solid 95% of what i captured was them and i can assure you they were both very soft and happy
no pijano :((( but he did help bojan at the start of EW and it was very sweet, i love them so much
bojan spit on me. better said, he spit on jan but i was, well, right in front of him, so i got it too lmfao
during the UM bojan was also right in front of me because a little girl got to sing with him (and even went on stage!!!!) and then a super sweet 15yo girl who had her birthday yesterday also got to sing UM - i was next to both of them so i saw bojan VERY WELL. he didn't actually go into the crowd this time
during novi val i made a finger heart at nace AND HE SMILED AND DID ONE BACK AT ME. i know it was for me because everyone got the half hearts lmfao (and then @flananjan told me you could see the heart in a story they posted on their insta and i almost died on the subway back to the hotel)
at some point (i can't remember before which song but i'll probably figure it out when i look at the photos) i put my portuguese flag on stage and jan picked it up 🥺🥺 he then asked me in the softest fucking voice "Portugal?" and i was able to say two entire words to him "yes, Portugal" AND I DIDN'T EVEN DIE ON THE SPOT. he then placed it down and like idk i just!!!! jan knows i exist and i'm portuguese BYE
and when i thought the night just couldn't... well, get any better, JAN GAVE ME HIS PICK. his hand was warm and like way softer than i expected??? this is now my most prized possession. i literally CANNOT believe jan peteh himself gave this to me
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the boys didn't come out at the end because they were tired, apparently??? but i was still very happy about all of this. i'm now way less stressed for london (because i won't be carrying around a bag full of stuff for them omgggg) and manifesting i get to meet them then 🙏
munich, thank you for having me 💜💜💜 i can't wait to come back
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I have a weird but hopefully adorable ask!
RO reaction to receiving the news that they or MC is pregnant with Octuplets?
(For Elio, MC brings 8 kids home and says these are our kids now :)
Woof, Lord have mercy!
Cassandra: When the doctor reported that there was more than 4 heart beats in there... Girly was lightheaded for hours trying to contemplate. You can bet top dollar after this you both are not ever having any more kids, this is the first and last time.
Valeria: Laughs. Laughs in disbelief and wonder, she didn't even think that was humanly possible. I mean, she is a twin herself to having two or even three in one go was plausible but...8? Good Lord grant her patience, because you two can kiss sleep goodbye.
Tomás: Nah, my man definitely passed out for a few moments. Goddamn, 8?! That's insane, normally he would take majority of the 9 months wrapping his head around being a dad, but now he's gotta come to grips he is having 8 in one go? Yikes.
On the plus side however, he would prep like a mf. 8 hand-made cradles and adjustments were made to the dining table to he could fit all 8 of the little ones into makeshift high chairs. He is literally making a blueprint of the house and trying to figure out how he is going to fit them all into their respective rooms when they are older. He kinda wishes he had more money so he could afford to give them all their own rooms, he would low key debate asking his mom for some money but his pride ultimately would not allow it. He settles on separating them by gender for now, it would be funny af if he got 7 boys and one girl though. Heavens know that girl would be a such a daddy's princess.
Ludovica: I worry more on her health tbh, she would worry the whole pregnancy that she would miscarry. So by the end she is so happy they arrived safely and healthy, she honestly would be very overwhelmed by the number of them though. Vica would benefit greatly from having a small family but she would not complain to have all 8. She might make a case that you guys need to hire a few nannies though, she would be very involved with all 8 of her kids but it is all a bit too much for her though.
Aurelio: The best one out of all the RO's that is fit for this situation. He would still 100% throw up upon receiving the news however, goodbye freedom. He would shape up quick and allocate many of his spare rooms in his manor for his kids, no more overnight stays for any party guests that is for sure. He would hire one nanny, aka a governess, for the kids so that he can work comfortably and MC can have some help. His kids will all turn out 100% like him, read that one other RO as parent's ask to see what I mean by that. The havoc these kids will cause on the denizens of Romandi are unspeakable, however I feel like the home life would look a lot like 'The Sound Of Music' (my absolute favorite comfort movie btw) but how the family is at the end. Constant trips, fun games, and a huge loving family. The kids would also probably be similar to those kids from that movie. Putting frogs in people that they don't like clothes lol.
Elio: I mean... He would have questions as to why you suddenly decided that your shared apartment sized home should now be an orphanage. My mans would be shook but also not turn them out, he would at first want to find them all proper homes but I can see he would quickly get attached. He does 100% MC to find or have a job to support all of these kids properly, he would help (by being a house husband) but it would fall mainly on MC to figure out how are you both going to take proper care of these kids in the long term.
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Hey slug! Obviously it's a bit older now, but I was wondering if you might be able to translate Sougyaran BAM, from Kuko? I feel like I don't quite understand the TLs I have seen, so I was wondering if there were certain references or concepts I'm missing here lol
I saw the email notification of this request at the perfect moment. Too anxious to do work or anything else productive. Too caffeinated to sleep. Fuck it. Time to look at Kuukou for an hour.
Under a cut for length
Like a lot of Kuukou's... well, everything... this song is an eclectic mix of elements that can all more or less be distilled into these couple of bullet points:
Trying to fight the listener
Dropping powerful life advice or Buddhist teachings
Claiming his music is both a game changer and the kind of stuff that gets your blood pumping
Scatting, rhyming without meaning, or otherwise making wordplay
Outside of the parts that are straight-up nonsensical, the majority of the rap is very casual to the point of being rude. However, it's also interspersed with formal religious language. Again, both of these are how Kuukou talks, but I get why this would make it difficult for someone to translate.
I talk about this a lot whenever I translate anything, but an important (and maybe the most important!) part of any translation is determining the methodology, focus, and goals before you begin. I figure that if someone's asking me to look at song lyrics for songs that have been out for years, they probably care a lot more about the minutiae of what the character's saying than if I'm writing a rap as part of a longer work where readers aren't going to give it much attention. In that second case, it's probably more important to convey the appearance of a rap--rhyme, rhythm, what have you--and make sure I'm hitting the overall meaning rather than translate word-for-word. You know? The issue is, translating word-for-word would produce mostly nonsense on this one, since my interpretation of its meaning is largely coming from reading between the lines. There's also no real meaning outside of the four bullet points above. It's all vibes. So, this is a vibe-focused translation. When Kuukou says something with no meaning (that I can tell) outside of wordplay, I've exchanged it with a fresh wordplay. At the same time, since I assume the audience wants to know the minutiae, I put footnotes at the very end for the most curious souls. Finally, outside of wordplay moments, there is no attention paid to rhyming, rhythm, or line length.
Also I spent like forty minutes on it so it isn't a polished work of art or anything of the sort. Lyrics:
You wanna piece of this? That’s cool, tough guy. Bring it on. ‘Cause I’mma mess you up. Hmm? You’ve had enough? Yeah, bitch, I bet you’re fuckin’ SATIETIED. Who the hell do you think you are? Aw, who I am kidding? It doesn’t matter who you are. I’ve never met an ass I couldn’t kick! And while I’m here thrashing your sorry butt, listen up. I’m Kuukou from Bad Ass Temple, representing Nagoya, yo. And I’m gonna be world champion. Whazzat? Who do I think I am, some kinda fancy-pants hotshot? Nah, dawg. I’m a monk, haha! Get in the zone, do it or go home, this ain’t the scene you’ve known. [1] I’m a rebellious rhymer staging a revolution. C’mon, join me! Let me hear your voices!
“Enough determination can move mountains,” as they say. Yeah, a-a-a-and I’ve got determination for days.
San gha gharan bam! [2] S-S-S-Scatting n’ rapping, rapping with my razzle-dazzle tongue [3] Check, ch-ch-ch-check it, che-wa-watch out Gha bam! S-S-S-Scatting n’ rapping, rapping, BAT’s sexy leader [4] Kick, kickin’ kickin’ killer San gha gharan bam gha gha gharan bam gha gha gharan bam Gha gha gha gha gharan bam
Say what? Rules, rules, rules—who the fuck cares about rules? I’m the ruler now. A ruler and a schooler. [5] Yo, I’ve got that brand new music— When I ring this giant bell, people hear that shit far and wide. Beat it! And lyrics? You already know I spit so much fire they call me a dragon. I’m all about the impulses, the anarchy, let’s fuckin’ go! I’m a breath of fresh air up in this shit. Eight pulls, nine pulls, ten pulls—someone say temples? [6] If you don’t know already, then you oughta listen up. You don’t need any of these options. Go make your own. Paint that shit vibrantly. Go try something new! And if it goes so well you can indulge in some goddamn rejoicin’? Then hell yeah, now we’re talking.
Yo, man. The world’s all in how you see it, as they say, and don’t you ever forget it. A-a-a-and I may be a monk, but I’m not preachin’ just to scold you! [7]
San gha gharan bam! S-S-S-Scatting n’ rapping, rapping with my razzle-dazzle tongue Check, ch-ch-ch-check it, che-wa-watch out Gha bam! S-S-S-Scatting n’ rapping, rapping, BAT’s sexy leader Kick, kickin’ kickin’ killer San gha gharan bam gha gha gharan bam gha gha gharan bam Gha gha gha gha gharan bam
Yeah, life’s got ups and downs. You asking me, “Whatchu lookin’ at?” [8] Your ASS, lol got ‘em. Wassup, wassup, I’m a rhymer. I’m makin’ some good shit up in here. Hm? Ey, dance, dance over days when our hearts are aligned [9] Shoo bidoo doo bidoo Roo bidoo doo bidoo Tickili tickili tackili-tatt-too
Yeah! Haha! My rapping’s freakin’ EXHILARATORY. Hello! Aight, c’mon on, lemme give you some of this and wake you right up. Yo, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, ho!
Gharan bam gharan bam Gh-gh-gh-gh hey! Bring it on, tough guy! R-r-rapping, rapping, r-r-rapping with my razzle-dazzle tongue R-r-rapping, yeah, gh-gh-gh, hey!
Yeah, clear the scene, ‘cause I’mma reinvent the scene. [10] Yo, get outta my way. I’m Evil Monk, the dragon of Bad Ass Temple, you know. Rrrrrrah! [1] This last is literally "clear weather (空)" or "energetic vibes (空)." At face value, it appears to be nonsense for rhyming. However, at the very end of the song, Kuukou talks about "the vibes/the scene (空気)" changing and him changing it (which can also be read as the weather changing/clearing up), which makes me wonder if those two are related. Just in case, I wrote them with a possible connection in English too.
[2] 僧伽藍 (sangharan) is a short form of 僧伽藍摩 (sangharama), a Buddhist temple or monastery. Bam is, of course, the sound of Kuukou throwing hands.
[3] 饒舌 (jouzetsu) is a fairly formal word in Japanese to refer to excessive talking. However, I was surprised to learn in the process of TLing this that it's also Chinese for rapping which appears to be how Kuukou's using it here. Also, if you're curious how English "jazzy" became "razzle-dazzle," I realized near the end of the song that I needed to start this word with the same sound as "rapping" (because he scats the j sound on jazzy and jouzetsu) whereupon I set out to find a good synonym. The issue is, I wasn't sure exactly how the lyric writers were using the term, so I put "jazzy" in an English-to-Japanese dictionary to get "loud, invigorating, eye-catching." Yeah, that's Kuukou all right. "Razzle-dazzle" is similar and starts with an r, so there we go.
[4] The lyrics say "xy な leader" (the な is just indicating that "xy" is being used as an adjective, btw) which I assumed means sexy... ekkusu ii said quickly sounds like sekushii. To be sure I wasn't barking up the wrong tree entirely, I ran a quick Twitter search on that line and found a very large number of Japanese Tweeters thinking the exact same thing I was. (It looks like Kuukou's VA once flashed his collarbone on this line in a concert, delighting scores of collarbone lovers everywhere.) That being said, searching anything on Twitter and finding horny Tweets isn't exactly a novel concept. Well, if I'm wrong about this, then at least I'm in the good company of all the thirsty Kuukou fans. Hahaha. If this seems OoC to you, I feel like it's here mainly for fanservice, not necessarily because Kuukou's trying to get some with the person he's beating up and/or preaching at. Although, idk. If you ship Kuukou with anyone, you could very well see some parallels...
[5] Literally "I'll beat up [everything] including the roulette board." Wordplay on rules (ruuru), ruler (ruuraa), and roulette (ruuretto)
[6] Literally "Terapii (therapy), terapii, terapii, tera (temple)-- Oh, the age of temples?" Wordplay/stupid joke
[7] I don't like how I worded this line, but I don't care enough to spend much more time fussing over it. Kuukou's making a joke that, as a monk, he delivers religious sermons 説法. However, in colloquial terms, a 説法 is a telling-off when someone does something undesirable. Kuukou, as a frequent doer of undesirable things, gets these from his dad constantly. Therefore, he's being like, "This isn't the LAME STUPID kind of 説法... this is the kind that ROCKS! *sick guitar riff*"
[8] These two lines seem like complete non sequiturs because they're paired together in Japanese for rhyming. (nami ga dekiru/nani ga mieru)
[9] I admit that I'm struggling to understand this line because the grammar is very irregular. Japanese Twitter is not being especially helpful here, as most Tweets featuring it are some version of "God, this damn song is stuck in my head."
[10] Literally "[Someone] changes the atmosphere/scene. The atmosphere/scene changes." See note 1
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
'You're reading too much into ATSV.'
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[aka meta analysis is good for the soul]
I often get told on this blog that I'm reading too much into plots or scenes or things in general.
And honestly, fair point. I do the most.
And as a writer, I will say that I do it out of pure respect.
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[actual photo of me reading the script and going for my 'reading too hard at ATSV notebook']
Movies take years to write.
People spend months of their lives genuinely toiling over these characters, often times creating more work than what can ever be reasonably used. Months of revisions and scraping work.
For weeks, about a dozen people probably went to sleep dreaming or thinking up what Hobie would wear, what Gwen would say, what emotional cues Jess will have.
A lot of people dedicated years of their lives and creative labor into that story.
To me, it isn't at all bizarre to take an hour out of my day to sit and consider the story they spend a lot of time trying to tell.
Compared to the labor they have given me, multiple 40+ hour work weeks for years - an hour or two is literally nothing lol
It's literally the least I can do.
As a writer, I feel like its only right to sit back and look deeper into a story.
To analyze the writer's intentions, or examine their storytelling tactics and abilities.
We are taught to consume media so quickly and rapidly that to offer time to critically analyze a piece of work is considered bizarre, too much work, or pointless.
As if there's nothing to read into. Or as if speculation and meta analysis is helpful to no one.
If someone spends five hours drawing fanart that is accepted. If someone spends two hours writing fanfic, this is expectable behavior.
But I spend the same amount of time to look deeper into the work of the writers, and often times I'm met with surprise or treated as if I'm overly uptight.
It's like snickering at a person who asked there was deeper meaning behind a painting. While standing in an art gallery.
When streaming shows drop all in one day, it becomes about the Easter eggs and watching it as fast as possible as not to be spoiled.
Then at the end of it, you wash your hands of it and wait for the next big release.
People spend years, decades of their writing career trying to write realistic characters with layered motives. Or stories with complex themes.
Comic Book and Screenwriters included.
I myself try very very hard to do so - to provide foreshadowing, and emotional insight into the characters, their motives, their faults.
If I heard someone say that the piece is not worth looking that far into, all the work I've done as a writer gets overlooked.
Writers cannot grow if people are consuming their media without caring enough to look critically at it as the work of a storyteller.
So yes, I'm looking too far into it. Cause writers can write that far into it. And that deserves to be examined, acknowledged, and praised.
To assume less is too assume lesser of the writers who put everything into the media you enjoy.
This year of all years, we should be appreciating the work Screenwriters put in.
I guess what I'm trying to say is - I'm not being an asshole (well, not trying to be).
I'm looking at writers as vital parts of a movies production. Because they are.
We look deeply at the art style, or the animation, or the music. Writers are not shadow figures. They're people with careers. And them and their work deserve to be spoken about and acknowledged as a work of effort just the same as CGI artists or editors, or directors.
I implore you - Read more into it.
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If you're a writer yourself, doubly so.
Read FAR into it. Build your analyzation skills, come to your own conclusions. Break the story down every which way and look at the characters from every angle.
It's fun, it's free, it makes the characters so much more real.
So many people on this website hope to one day become published writers. One thing they do to help you achieve that in college, is by racing things like scripts, and looking critically.
Meta analysis is good for you as much as it is the writers.
If you don't think you're cut out for it, or would have nothing to add, still try. Not for the brownie points, but to feel closer to the characters and the story.
If you've seen ATSV (or any Fandom media) and haven't ever really sat and thought about it - everyone's moral stances, why they want what they want, why they've made the mistakes they've had, where you stand on it all - I highly recommend it.
You might come away with some surprising conclusions about characters or even yourself.
Think about your favorite characters, and what might happen to them in the next movie.
There's really nothing wrong with reading that far into it.
Fifteen minutes of thinking, or an hour of writing is nothing compared to the months of work that went into this absolute masterpiece.
Trust me, the first time you catch some shit that makes you go
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Touch grass? Nah bro, touch your local library card. Go there right now. Take out this book.
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There's gonna be a discussion tomorrow in class.
If you read this far heyhello I think you're rad as hell.
Here's a Hobie for the road because he's a great companion.
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untoldsoup · 9 months
Just wanted to make a quick update!
I know some people have expressed concern over my mental health because of the speed I get updates out so I figured I would make a post to clear the air.
Yes, I draw 3-4 or more hours a day. And I know it sounds alarming but I'm an introvert. I spend most of my time between work and home. Before starting this comic I would either play video games all day or scroll the Internet. If you look at my blog history, you will see I've actually had this blog since 2020. However before this comic I posted barely anything. Maybe one to two arts a year.
I had a long span of depression and life and health issues that really affected my passion for art (a year of spine problems that also prevented me from drawing until I had emergency surgery). Getting into the mario fandom really reignited my drive to draw again. When I find something I like I hyper fixate on it A LOT. I did the same with starwars for 4 years with a previous blog.
Also, this is my first time actually committing to a comic and I'm having a ton of fun with it, learning new things and fully enjoying the experience.
I do take breaks for other things (over the summer I worked less on the comic and more on other sidlink projects ect) to prevent burnout.
But drawing really is relaxing when I get home from work. I put on youtube or music and work on a page, then do some chores and a few other things before bed.
Not to mention I got a system down now and its easier to start and finish pages than it was at the beginning.
I'm working on the last update now and whats really motivating me is proving to myself I can finish such a large project. Ive never worked on something this big before and there is a sense of pride in completing it. I also plan on working on a ten page epilogue that wont be post on tumblr due to the nsfw rules, but will probably have on bluesky or discord or something.
I think after that I will however take a small break before working on the sequel (I do have the first 12 pages of the sequel ready to go, but it wont be posted till chapters one and two are both finished) just so I dont stress about it.
I'm a very anxious, isolated person and having projects to work on has helped a lot. I also started some depression meds this year that have been a boon to getting stuff done and not being sad all the time lol.
So all is well rn!! I'm on page 57 right now for the comic, and have a long xmas break coming up so I might meet my deadline who knows XD
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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(And other objects)
Take what I say with the specific asteroids with a grain of salt these are all predictions about what might happen in my solar return. I don’t go heavily into detail cuz this is just a quick post.
This year might involve me gaining aloof opportunity that'll help heal me, and potentially others. Expanding myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. since its the 1H that might involve me putting myself out there more, introducing myself to others/the world more, and learning to express the wounded sides of me, like my insecurities and fears. this year I'll probably strive understand myself more and to figure out how I want the world to see me and how I want to see myself.
It is likely that I might meet my future spouse this year. At the very least I'll meet someone who'll be in a long term relationship with me. I might meet someone who is meant to help me achieve my fate/destiny. This person might have money (since its in taurus I'm assuming). major lessons that I'll learn this year will involve partnership, trust, loyalty, love, self expression, and confidence.
BU48, (33128) represents money, wealth, and success. having it conjunct vertex this year could POTENTIALLY mean that money, wealth and success is fated for me this year. it being in the 6H might mean that it'll happen at work, while I'm working or working on something. I might achieve success/money with something that I do daily. Especially something Venusian, since its in the sign of Libra. I might become a workaholic this year.
Opportunity (39382) is pretty straight forward. It quite literally means what it's named. What opportunities you might get in life. It being conjunct my sun can mean POTENTIAL fame/popularity opportunities. It also conjuncts Neptune which rules over music/melodies so I might get opportunities that involves those themes.
Varuna (20000) is a dwarf star that is linked to worldwide and /long term immortal fame. With Lilith in Leo in my solar return looks like I'll be in my diva era lol. Unapologetically learning to be confident and express myself in ways that might intimidate and scare men. it being in the 5th house can indicate art I express myself this way through my art and creative pursuits. this year I may become obsessed with fame/ popularity or it might consume me in a way that scares me or empowers me. This year I might subconsciously be very prideful and boastful without realizing. Since Varuna is conjunct Lilith I might gain popularity because of this but this is a minor placement and it’s a small chance but still a possibility.
“pholus (5145) represents small or basic things you do going big” - @brielledoesastrology has a post about this asteroid and a few others that pertains to fame in the solar return, go check it out. Pholus conj. MC in the 10H is a good thing for me. I have potential to gain viral fame through my career endeavors. Since it’s in Capricorn I might gain attention from businesses and business people who’d want to work with me.
Enterprise (9777) conjunct vertex means that this year I was fated to enter the career field that is best suited for me, that utilizes my talents/skills and makes me the most money.
Industria (389) similar to enterprise, is an asteroid that tells you what career field(s)/ industry you’d be best suited for. For the solar return it can indicate what industry you’ll be interested in/ apart of. Industria in the 1H could mean that I’ll dabble in modeling, fashion, or really just anything that involves showing off my face/ body. It’s also in Aries so breaking off into a more independent path and doing things for the first time of being the first to peruse a career endeavor on my family. It conjunct Jupiter may mean that I gain a lot of abundance, success and potentially money from doing this. It being conjunct Chiron could mean that the industry that I’m stepping into will give me some wounds to heal from but also help me heal old wounds.
I’m looking forward to the physical transformation I’ll have this year. I have a lot of 1H energy. With Glo (3267) conj. ASC in the 1H this year means that physically something will change about me that’ll become my new shinning aspect. This could also mean that I’ll get a new confidence boost this year.
Midas (1981) is a money asteroid named after king Midas, a wealthy king who turn everything to gold with his touch. Potential to make the most money using my voice, intelligence, writing skills, public speaking skills, creativity, and self expression. There’s a risk of being greedy/ over indulgent with it conjunct the sun.
Felicitas (109) is an asteroid I just found out through @zeldasnotes post here and basically she’s a Roman goddess whose name meant fruitful, blessed, happy and lucky. The asteroid can show where you are lucky and blessed. In my solar return having this conjunct my MC can mean being very blessed and lucky this year in my career
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Just something quick and fun. Nothing too serious. It’s almost Pisces season and almost my birthday 🥳 Do you have any asteroids prominent in your solar return? 💋
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yoinkschief · 4 months
What’s your general HCs for the fellas ? (Identity, race, sexuality etc)
Whooaagh, that's gonna be a long list, I have a ton of like small headcanons for them that mean like absolutely nothing, but I'll try to keep it to a simple list
Just quickly though:
I HC them all to be generally around 27/28 and in their late 30's/early 40's during WTFuture/in the future,, there was no real way to put that in a good list with them lol
And they're all best friends - just cause they're a group of people doesn't mean they only get to have one bestie yk, they're all super close
Also Ellsworld is canon alongside Eddsworld, they co-exist with each other
Tom - Mixed Race (Black/Irish from his mom, White/American-Hawaiian from his father - Trans Masc-Nonbinary (AMAB) He/They/(sometimes)It (It/Its depends on who it is) - Bisexual (massive masculine lean) (worst taste in men EVER) - Styles his hair to look like his fathers (otherwise his hair is usually textured around the 3's,,, like 3A/3B) - Very pear shaped like his father, and hairy too lol, the alcohol certainly doesn't help with that - Wears reading glasses (later this turns into him genuinely needing a prescription,, another thing he gets from his father - he looks very similar to his mother in terms of facial features and skin tone, but has a lot of his father's aspects) - Fear of eye contact (has gotten a lot better about it now that he's an adult, but still struggles with it with people he does not like/does not know) - Autistic - 5'5" (the shortest of the ensemble) - Works at a diner while part-timing music independently - "Monster" form is man made and extremely painful to turn into (there is no way he could control it,,, in some iterations of my headcanons like in different stories there are ways that he can have like a pact with it,,, like in my Mattsworld AU (WHICH I NEED TO POST ABOUT AUGH) he's "controlled" it a bit by making a deal with it,,, of what I haven't quite figured out yet oof) - Has quite a few tattoos on him,,, (Polynesian shark teeth on his left upper arm, cyan colored harpoon tattoos on his left side, a pinup mermaid girl on his right side, and the Nordic rune for "Wolf" on his right outer thigh) - Also he inherited his anger issues from his father as well, forgot to add that earlier with the list of things he's inherited from his old man lol - Momma's boy (/affectionately, not like he can't do anything without his mom, moreso like he really loves her a lot and obviously they're very close since they both lost Tom's father that day so for a while they were all the other had to remember him by) - Tamara is his cousin from his mother's side of the family - His first friend was Edd - His mother died when he was in highschool - father when he was in elementary, it really hit him hard (it was just before his senior year and had he not done so well the years prior he would've failed HS because of it) - Diesss ???? It's like the whole "OMG they killed Kenny" bit more than anything - like if I had to describe it, he has the Loony Toons death curse, where he dies on screen but in the next panel he's fine cause no one can actually die on a kid's show, yk ? - Tons of piercings,, mostly on his face but also in other places on his body too, though it's more like two other places other than his face area - Loves Ska music obviously, but also punk and rock, thinks artists like Destroy Boys, GRLWood,
Edd - British,,, and probably has some Italian in him somewhere, y'know like family rumors/talk of like "well I'm 1/4 Italian" or "your some odd greats grandma was Italian" that kinda thing,,, not quite sure, not curious enough to care to get some DNA test kit - Homophobic (/j) Gay, man kisser, masculine hug enjoyer, he holds hands with other boysss - On the AroAce spectrum, not really a hard no on either, just more of something he doesn't think about on a day to day basis nor really care about unless the thought is put in his head - Moles scattered across his body (not many, just one or two here and there - and none that are particularly bad or harmful) - Wears reading glasses (more specifically blue light glasses cause he's looking at a screen all day every day) - The only one of the gang that doesn't have any genuine mental disorder,,, he's got his problems sure but he's neurotypical through and through - His problems being main character and plot armor - More seriously though he has a raging hero/savior complex that gets him into a lot of trouble at times - 6' even, second tallest of the group - Very apple shaped,,, when I draw him I think very round thoughts if that makes sense - Had a major emo phase in highschool,,, he kinda snapped out of it during Senior year, or rather the summer leading up to it, but man it was wretched LOL - A child of divorce (they still made it work for him - it wasn't like they fought or it was a domestic abuse thing, they just fell out of love with each other and couldn't stand being in the same house anymore, but they love Edd so they made it work for him the best they could) - Works as an animator - professionally and freelancing ! Hard fucking order but he LOVES they process of creating art, seeing the end result is so gratifying to him and being able to see all the love and attention he put into it - Has a Youtube channel where sometimes he reviews animated movies/shows/shorts - he doesn't update it a lot, it's like a "if I feel like it" cause he only does Youtube as a hobby and as a place to hold his animation portfolio - His first friend was Matt, they've been friends since like diapers - REALLY really good friends with Tord - doesn't really know why but they are like bound by the hip - He's only got ear gauges - he doesn't try and stretch them a ton like Tom does, he's fine with just normal sized gauges that don't stretch his lobes all that much - Has a VERY BROAD music taste, anything from Lemon Demon to Oingo Boingo, to PinkPantheress, to Joey Valence & Brae, to Weird Al,,, anything under the rainbow of music genres he's probably heard one song from each - PowerEdd is canon still !! Not the superhero, but the powers he and Eduardo now suffer with lol,, but they're not really potent, his body chemistry is just kinda fucky now cause of it,,, bro glows in blacklight and sometimes just in general
Matt - British/French,,, basically he's incredibly white - Pansexual (he used to also be GenderFluid in my headcanons,,, but in the past year or so I've decided against it - he's more of just a guy who likes makeup and to wear dresses more than anything else) - Ginger with freckles, they cover his body in splotches mostly, but he's got a few individual ones here and there on his body as well (they've clustered around his face, hands, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and like two separate patches on his back) - His hairstyle has changed so much with me over the years and it's my own damn fault lol, I don't draw him enough but that most comes with the "I don't wanna draw him wrong" thing but if I don't ever draw him how will I draw him right ?? It's a cycle is what it is - The only one with prescription glasses since middle school - he just wears contacts instead, he HATES how he looks in glasses - his parents had him get LASIK surgery to correct his vision,,, since then - His personal account where no one (except like the gang) knows it's him is very unhinged, he says some devious shit on there (it's a public Twitter account) - Also Autistic, but in a DRASTICALLY different way than Tom is, they're like opposite sides of the spectrum (Tom doesn't mask often, Matt masks like all day every day, Tom can't make eye contact, Matt makes intense eye contact, that kinda thing yk,,, even despite the fact they both have texture issues they have very different issues with textures - also Tom was very early diagnosed and Matt only got diagnosed after Tom kept pestering him to do so) - He's some kind of narcissist, just haven't been able to really pin point it down yet,, I need to do some more research on it - this could change in the future because of that so this is like a maybe canon - His father left him when he was very young like maybe 5-8 range, and his mother married his step father WAY too soon after, him and Matilda is his step sister (He HATED her at first, she tried to be very kind to him cause they're the same age and everything, and this is the first time she's had a sibling, but every time Matt looked at her all he could see was his father leaving him,,, it took until after college for them to actually grow closer as siblings and friends) -6'1" just an inch above Edd - Edd was his first friend - they've been through thick and thin together, they comforted each other when both their parents divorced, so obviously they've got a bit of a trauma bond through that, and are really the only ones who understand that kind of issue - at least in their eyes - Twink. Through and through. Despite being partially French he's got very back luck with growing hair on his body, and when he does it's thin and very lightly colored - Works as a model and "social media influencer",,, basically he's a walking propaganda poster - Has earrings, mostly wears a lot of gold - Doesn't like listening to music often,,, this hurts me to write as someone who can't NOT listen to music, but he just doesn't have a music taste,, I've mentioned before how he listens to some female rappers and other song artists like Mitski and Girl in Red, but that's only because he's listened to them on like the radio or had someone else recommend them to him, he doesn't actively listen/search for music - Still a vampire,,, er, really just half vampire ?? I'd like to think they lads did a séance of some sort on him and for the most part it worked but like Edd his chemistry is still a little fucked cause of it, y'know ? Like he's still got pointed ears and teeth, can't really do much about that, and a BIG craving for red meat and the like, but he can survive without a constant need for blood, and his skin was already sensitive to the sun anyway so there's nothing really new there
Tord - Just a Norwegian fool - Trans Masculine (AFAB) He/Him - Bisexual (with a MASSIVE fem lean,,, he IS the bad taste in men) - His hair ? Yeah that's natural - he's got some WICKED cowlicks,,, when he was younger his mom would try to brush them back to make him look more normal, but even when his hair was longer it didn't really do much for him - ADHD haver, VERY late diagnosis and still doesn't really believe it, but that's a whole lot to do with misinformation of negative dumb jargon shoved down his throat - Narcissistic Personality TRAITS, not the disorder, but TRAITS of the disorder (as in he doesn't actively have the mind set and intentions of people with NPD, but he does have the mannerisms and habits of one,, but that's because of how he was raised by two Narcissists - it's a damn miracle he doesn't have the disorder, but either way he's gotta go to therapy about it,,, and he will,,,,,, eventually,,,,,,,,, after you drag him there by his hair but I mean he'll be there) - Tattoos on him as well (Left shoulder to a half sleeve of a snake, tramp stamp of Ouroboros, and between his shoulder blades beneath the back of his neck is Jason Voorhees' mask) - Can not regulate or understand his emotions,,, the only way he really knows how to deal with intense emotions of any kind is through very physical and aggressive means,, it's why him and Tom get into so many spats, but mostly cause Tom doesn't put up with his bullshit as someone who is very good at reading and understanding his own and others' emotions - Bro's got a very broad chest,, he's like incredibly male passing, even before having gone on Testosterone - Redditor. Sorry I don't make the rules except I do and he's a Redditor. - Also has an Instagram account and it's all thirst traps,,, and I'm torn between how much interaction he'd get on them,,, like I wanna say he gets none because he's a damn loser weebcell dorklord, but I've also seen how EW fandom craves him and that makes me think that this would be no different, ykwim ?,, sigh,, realistically speaking he would get a lot of interaction with his posts and I hate that for him I hope something bad happens to him - Technically Tom was his first friend (??) in the sense that Tom was the first person he met in highschool and was the one he talked to the most during then,, at least when Tom's life was stable, it gets kinda iffy after Tom's mom died and that's where the first part of their rift really started - But him and Edd and SUPER close, despite Tom being his first friend, Edd and him just click REALLY well - Has a similar death thing like Tom, except his is more of like the anime death curse - if he dies off screen, no the fuck he did not, he is coming back as the villain - LOVES Twenty One Pilots, favorite band of all time, usually he's not a die hard for a lot of things, but TOP is one of them, he also likes poprock/poppunk, things like that, think like Imagine Dragons and Mindless Self Indulgence (YES THEY'RE TERRIBLE I KNOW, LOOK AT WHO'S LISTENING TO THEM AND GET BACK TO ME ABOUT IT) but he also listens to hyperpop like S3RL and Machine Girl, but that's just cause of all the base it usually has - that's like background music for him to work to
That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head of just general thoughts for them,,, I'm sure I could think of more specific ones but then we'd be here all day
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soulwillower · 2 years
rude boy [remastered] • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader smut)
hi i've decided to start off my remastered series with a reader fav :) hope yall like it! this one is much more dirty ig, so lmk if thats smth yall wannt more of.
requested: hii💕 could u do a richie smut where he kinda hates her and so does she…but the sex is good lol? i got inspired by rude boy by rihanna haha
+ @kennafild Ohhhh pleeeese, Rude Boy (Richie Tozier) 💖💖💖 it’s my favorite
warning: swearing, dirty talk, light choking, use of bitch + slut, semi-public sex, slight voyeur themes, unprotected hate sex, they are not fucking nice to each other, reader slaps richie and it awakens somethin in BOTH of them, unedited
[losers + reader are aged up to college, 20+ in this.]
remastered version: 2.8k.
it's quiet as you wipe around the coffee machine, the orange light still on under the buzzing bright fluorescents. you make a note to yourself to turn it off when your manager leaves.
you sigh as the last customer walks out the front doors of the diner, a small receipt lingering where she'd sat for hours, making googly eyes across the bar counter, playing with the stupid straw of her shake. walking over, you don't even have to look at it to know there's a number scribbled on it with most likely a name, probably a heart. your stomach recoils in disgust, snatching up the paper and shoving it in the waistband of your skirt, figuring the trash was already taken out for the night.
your boss walks over to where you stand at the counter, wiping it off with a rag. “she's finally gone?” she asks and you nod, rolling your eyes. your manager chuckles with a shrug , "kid is a menace, but he sure brings in a lot of service."
it makes you huff; it gets on your nerves , but you know she's right. sadly, that menace is the very reason your tips are so high. she pulls a sweater over the uniform, sounding exhausted,  "right, well i’m gonna head out. can you and richie lock up?” she asks as you resist the urge to gag at the name of your coworker, but you nod nonetheless. “yeah, of course.”
she leaves a few minutes later and you pull at the collar of your stupid, synthetic retro diner uniform. it’s red and black and awfully cheesy.  employees are allowed to choose between a matching red skirt or black slacks - it’s an old school kitschy diner on the outskirts of derry that pays shitty. but a summer job is a summer job, and the tips weren’t awful so you can't really complain.
but the worst thing by far about working at the diner came in the form of a 6'2 nightmare with a sharp jawline and a serious nicotine addiction. richie fucking tozier.
he’s been a server here the longest and you were seen, to his chagrin, as the most responsible, so you two were trusted to close the diner together most nights. didn’t mean you got along though, not at all. he was loud, obnoxious, a slacker, and a scrawny, phony asshole. you’ve never liked him and he’s never liked you, and that's just the way it is. he is the worst part of every summer and winter break, and you can only be thankful that you never went to derry high. 
there were some pretty decent people on staff, thankfully. you liked your manager, and you like mike, who worked dish, and many of the servers were more than tolerable. but richie fucking tozier.
during shifts, richie always played music on the jukebox and serenaded loudly to every boy and girl who stepped foot in the diner as they sat at the counter and swooned. he barely did his work and got way too generous of tips - you know it’s solely because of his looks, because he is an awful server and an even worse human. but he has curly, fluffy dark hair, freckles, and a face sculpted by aphrodite. he always smelled like cologne and cigarettes, always had his shirt unbuttoned way lower than necessary, and walked with a stupid bounce in his step that some people saw as charm.
as you finish mopping up the dining area, you hear footsteps and your eyes catch richie’s beat up, lyric-scribbled red high tops. “richie! i just mopped there!” you yelp at him as you snap your head up to stare at him in anger. he just shrugs, “you missed a few spots anyways.” he says through a mouth full of chocolate milkshake.
you fight the urge to slap the glass out of his hand, “could you stack the chairs?” you ask him, trying to stay civil. last time you and richie locked up together, you'd argued so bad that he’d thrown a glass and shattered it. you’d both gotten in huge trouble.
“why can’t you?” he asks, his voice awfully teasing. you glare at him as you sit down, throwing the mop as it hits his chest. he catches it against him, the handle making a clacking noise when it hits the star of david chain on his bare chest. you scoff, why did he have to wear his uniform unbuttoned like that?
“fine, i’ll stack the chairs. you mop.” you grumble, getting up to lift the chairs. you hear a screeching noise but you refuse to look, knowing he’s sitting down and that would just fuel your fire. as you lean over one of the booths, something makes your head turn and you see richie just in time for him to snap his eyes away. your eyes widen - he was just checking you out. god damn these fucking skirts. “what are you looking at, tozier?” you spit venomously. as much as you don’t want to admit it, there was something really hot about the way he was staring.
“shut up.” he grumbles, getting up and locking the doors before walking back into the break room. once you finish out in the dining area, you walk towards the back to see him checking over the kitchen. “hey, did mike take out the trash before he clock-”
“yes, of course he did, y/n.” richie cuts you off. you cross your arms, “i’m just trying to get our job done! christ, richie, you make me so fucking mad.” you spit. he turns to look at you, his eyes bold and his cheeks splattered with pink and freckles. “i hate that i have to fucking deal with you. i should fire you.” he hisses, turning off the dishwasher and walking over to the front counter. you're hot on his heels.
“that's rich. you’re a fucking nightmare to work with! and you’re not my fucking boss!” you yell, glaring at him.  "well the chart begs to fucking differ.“ he spits, a chipped black fingernail pointing to where the employee chart lists your names, him being slightly higher than yours because of experience. you think briefly you might deck him in the face.  "we’re payed the same, you fucking bonehead!” you all but yell, stepping up to him. “and i do so much more work than you! all you do is flirt with everyone until they take pity on you and give you a tip.”
you expect him to scream back at you, but instead he looks extremely pissed while taking a step closer. “do you know how fucking jealous you sound right now, y/n?” he hisses. something makes you turn bright red in the face, but you scoff at the absurd accusation. “jealous? of who?” you all but yell, your arms flying up. it’s only now that you notice that he has you with your knees against the break table.
“of all the people i fuck.” he says, his voice calm but sinister and dangerous. you scoff again, “i hate you.” you say, leaning towards him. something about the way he looks makes you want to hit him as hard as you can but also shove him against the wall and make out with him. he chuckles as if something about what you said was funny, “i don’t hear you denying it, princess.”
you roll your eyes, turning to wipe the counter and hide your flushed face. "you're so immature. it's just not professional." 
he scoffs, converses crossing as he leans back against the dessert case, "professional? I've seen you light a cig on the burners in the back. I've seen you eat food off a customer's old plate!" he hisses, tossing the rag he was using on the floor. narrowing your eyes, you turn, "you do that shit too! everyone does." 
he rolls his doe eyes, shaking his head until something on you catches his eye. reaching quickly, he grabs the receipt from your waistband, your reaction too slow as he lifts it high above your heads, far out of reach. "richie," you protest, annoyed. maybe flustered. 
his smile is bright and teasing, "what's this, y/n?" he murmurs, reading it as he holds it up to the light. you brush hair from your face, flustered as he raises a brow, "is this your-" he looks at you, "is this your number? you were going to give me your number?" he's astounded. you panic, "no, it's - it's from- its trash." you argue. he stares at you, disbelieving. "you have the hots for me or somethin' toots? that's so cute." he's smirking.  "you know that's not true." you hiss.
"listen, i know i csn be intimidating, but if you maybe just tried a smile, y-" but angrier than ever, you shove him back in aggravation before he can finish. he stumbles back from your force, hands falling back to steady himself. "FUCK," he yells, hand shooting back up to his lips. "y/n! why isn't the coffee machine off?" he yells. you blink, huffing, "I was going to turn it off, but someone decided to be a fucking pain in the ass!" you counter. 
"well what, were you just schlepping around out here while I was closing?!" he hisses. you want to scream, "you know what? you're a fucking asshole. you can close yourself." you smile, sickeningly sweet as you lay a sarcastic hand on his arm. patting it, you move to shove past him.
his fingers are tight as he stops you, wide, angry eyes staring you down. he pulls you eye level, leaning down to you. "you're not leaving me, sweetheart." he sneers. you glare, "you can't stop me. why don't you call your girlfriend for company?" you sneer back. ripping your arm away, you turn around and hear a mutter under his breath, "jealous bitch." 
without thinking, you turn around and smack his cheek so hard it echoes in the empty diner. it's quiet for a moment, his cheek bright red and blossoming. your hand stings.
"oy vey," he whispers, large hand holding his jaw before he smirks, shrugging it off. his tongue runs over his teeth and you bite your lower lip to hide your sudden arousal. he nods curtly, laughing gently to himself in disbelief. 
"well, that was actually kind of hot, princess." he mutters, and for some reason that’s it. the princess, that’s all it takes for you to smash your lips against his forcefully.
it’s a kiss that it so rough it’s almost violent; fueled by hatred and adrenaline and something akin to attraction. it happens so quick, you're almost dizzy. he’s pushing your hips harshly into the counter behind you so that you’re sitting up on it, him immediately stepping between your legs. your hands are on his neck and they thread into his hair as your teeth clash and noses hit each other. you hated him so fucking much.
his hands move up so he’s grabbing your bare thigh with one hand, metal cool against your heated flesh and digging in. the other hand cups the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him, causing your stomach to flutter with desire. you pull away and immediately attach your lips to the column of his neck, not wanting to have to look at his awful, handsome, heart-stopping face. 
he ruts up against you and you feel the outline of his cock, making you moan against his neck. his hand slides up and under the hem of your skirt, squeezing your hip as you suck a bruise into his throat hard, teeth biting his flesh. he pulls away from you quickly, looking at you with fury. his hand grasps your neck, taking you by surprise and coaxing a moan from your lips before kissing you again.
 it knocks the wind out of you with his force but you quickly recover, dragging your hands down his chest and tracing his bulge with your fingertips. he grunts as he pulls away and looks at you. his eyes bore in to you, his lips swollen.
"you want me so bad," he smirk, "that you'll let me fuck you right here in the diner? anybody could see." he whispers in your ear, fingers softly toying with your throbbing pussy through the your underwear. 
you’re gasping but you recover your breath and shoot him a glare. “well? are you gonna fuck me or are you just going to stare at me like a goddamn airhead?” you spit. he glares at you and pulls you up by your shoulders, spinning you and bending you by the waist so your face is pressed against the cool of the counter.
“oh yeah, this is much better.” he replies snarkily as he pulls your skirt up and grinds against your ass. "so pretty without your fucking attitude." you moan quietly and you hear him undoing his belt buckle. you’re aching and you can feel excitement bubbling in your stomach, wiggling your hips slightly in need.
what you don’t expect is a harsh smack to land on your ass, making you gasp in arousal. his hands squeeze your ass and you look back to see him pumping himself, sliding your panties down your legs. your eyes widen slightly, noticing how big he is, but you groan in impatience, “can you hurry up already?” you spit.
he glares at you and shakes his head . "you're fucking pathetic. just begging to be fucked in this skirt, aren't you?" 
through your ecstacy you hum, "pathetic?" you gasp, "cute coming from you, richie. you're basically dreaming about fucking me every day. don't think I don't see you look at me." his cheeks redden as you turn back to smirk at him. his hand snacks your ass forcefully, pulling another satisfying moan to fall from your mouth. "for such a dick, I'm surprised you could even get it up. good boy." you smirk. his face contorts, jaw clenching.
brows furrowed in anger, he thrusts in all at once, making you moan so loud it burns your throat; he fills you up perfectly and you drop your head to rest on the counter as he starts to thrust. 
he’s not forgiving; he fucks into you hard and deep and you have to bite your hand to keep from moaning his name in pleasure. you wouldn't be caught dead moaning his name . you’d never hear the end of it. his hands grip your hips so tightly you know there’ll be marks tomorrow and he’s muttering swear words quietly, adding to the wetness between your legs.
 he’s hitting the perfect spot inside you and one glance behind you shows his face just as contorted in pleasure as yours is. you hate to admit it, but he’s fucking hot and the expression is perfect on him.
he’s fucking you into the front counter, your sight falling to the diner windows across from you. he pulls your hips back to meet his thrusts you can’t help but whimper his name. you can hear his smirk in his voice, even when your eyes are clenched shut. “sorry, princess, I didn't hear that.”
you groan, half in pleasure and half because you hate how good he’s making you feel. “i fucking hate you s-so much, tozier.” you say, trying to stop your moans but failing miserably. his hips are snapping into yours and you clench around him, knowing you’re about to cum embarrassingly fast.
he hums at your words tauntingly, “say anything you want, slut. but i know it's been five minutes and you’re about to cum on my cock.” he mutters the words and you moan again, your toes curling in pleasure. he thrusts deeper into you and you let out a strangled scream as you hit your peak. your fingers grasp on the edge of the counter as richie plows through your high, chasing his own.
you start to whimper, feeling overly sensitive. he chuckles darkly, “so good. you’re fine.” he mutters, his hands squeezing your ass. he thrusts a few more times before his hips stutter and he finishes inside you with a low moan. his chest is pressed on your back and you can’t seem to catch your breath, feeling limp and extremely pleasured. your legs shake.
holy shit.
he pulls out of you, making you whimper at the sensation and he pulls up your panties, rubbing the seat of your clothed core with his thumb. the stimulation makes you jolt as he pulls your skirt down. you wait, not sure what to say, but richie doesn't waste one moment.
“fuck you.” he whispers in your ear and then he gets up, pulls his pants up, and walks towards the breakroom.
you stand up, to save the last bit of dignity you have, listening to him in the other room grab his keys and jacket, and leave eventually.
 you stand there with the now burned old coffee, breathing heavily, unsure what the fuck just happened but knowing you loved it way too much.
tag list.  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozierr  @sft-core    @daughter-of-the-stars11  @oceandog13    @upamongthestars @fiantomartell @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @loverloserr @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie  @decafcoffew @etaerealboyv @itlover8000
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alicepao13 · 5 months
Hudson and Rex S06E15
So, as I’m sure a lot of people have already figured out, we just watched the intended season finale. CityTV, you better hope I never get to cross that ocean. I mean, every season finale aside from the two where Peter Mitchell was in charge (coincidence?) were run of the mill episodes which could have fit anywhere in the season. Maybe it will be fitting for this season to start and end with viewers wondering what they watched. But I’m getting ahead of myself here and I might be wrong. Let’s focus on 15 which may very well be the best episode of the season for me, probably tied with S06E04.
The spoiled scene with Charlie and Sarah’s mentioned anniversary. Rex totally wants to stay with Jesse after their “celebration”. I’m trying to figure whether Jesse is pretending to be naive or is actually being naive about it. Or if the whole response is the writers being unable to outright say that Charlie and Sarah really spent their anniversary having sex all night.
Speaking of, two years, Charlie Hudson? What are you waiting for, an epiphany to hit you in the head? Oh, wait.
What do you mean, we didn’t save the day? There’s a dead woman? Huh? 
Nice bomb explosion by the way.
“My bosses are gonna hate this but tell me more”. lol Jesse
How did we end up as security detail for the woman who might become prime minister?
Look, I like when there’s a case where they’re toying with supernatural elements. That’s why I loved Castle so much. And Jesse is always eager to believe. Charlie on the other hand looks like he’s got tons to say on the subject. Rex too. Apparently he doesn’t believe in time travel either.
Any so called time traveler should come back to the present with the numbers for the lottery. That would be ample proof for me :P
Can I say how much I like the camera work on this one? Good directing by John Vatcher.
Rex is getting so many pats in this episode. Deserved.
This campaign manager is on par with the Veep campaign managers. And by that I mean he’s ruthless and self-centered and I want to punch him.
That food now possibly has dog hair in it.
I come from a country where it’s pretty normal to put a musical montage right in the middle of an episode (even a dance number), so I’m not going to say anything about the needless song.
Thunk! There goes Charlie. Again. I’ll spare y’all the concussion speech. Besides, time moves in mysterious ways in this show, maybe it’s already been six months since episode 11.
Seriously, why do you tell Rex to chase a lead if you can’t survive being ten feet away from him?
I can’t remember the last time any of my shows put a bomb vest on one of the main characters. The latest that I remember was FBI but it was on a minor character. That had been a great episode too.
I haven’t yet decided whether that bomb vest looks too amateurish. To be fair, given who the culprit was, it shouldn’t look professional.
Sarah finding Charlie as he has a bomb vest on is like, the best thing that has happened lately on this show. Her look. His look as he realizes that he’s got his entire family now in this (and the mantra of no, no, no that must be playing in his head, I’m filling the blanks, don’t mind me). The slight zooming in of the camera in both of their shots, denoting the direness of the situation.
I was almost waiting for Charlie to say “this isn’t as enjoyable as it was last night” as Sarah was touching him while she’s checking the bomb vest. It writes itself, come on.
In my last review post I wrote that I was hoping the earphones would serve for Charlie to call Sarah and tell her goodbye or something like that. This certainly exceeded my expectations.
We’re a bit late for love confessions under duress but when Charlie was asked about whether Sarah was his wife and he replied “Not yet”, that was a nice moment. At least we know where his head is at.
Their silent communication. They’re so in sync.
Elsewhere, Joe and Jesse are quietly trying to figure out a way to save innocent people and somehow not get their friend blown up.
Superintendent Joe Donovan making airplane noises. I laughed so much.
They are holding hands as they’re walking to their doom! Oh, by the way, interesting music choice. I wonder if it’s score created for the show or non-original music. I’ve certainly not heard it before on the show.
Goodbye kiss! I love it here. And look at the shot of Charlie and Rex leaving as Sarah is staying behind.
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Me: no way it’s the convict. Five minutes later: it’s the fucking convict!!! Ten minutes later: it’s not the convict???
Ha, Charlie using the mute button which is pretty convenient but almost no one uses on calls. 
Okay, they fooled me with the bomber. But the takedown went pretty much as I expected. Nice communication with Rex through hand signals, again. Although the detonator flying off the lady’s hand… anything could have happened.
Rex’s influence to the system will be more K9s lol. They may also have ensured unlimited funding for the SJPD.
Can the time traveling guy tell us if Charlie is going to propose anytime soon? Or is the “not yet” considered a non-proposal proposal?
This is the first time I’m hearing about the so called Alice in wonderland syndrome.
“Everybody needs a Rex”. Ah, yes. Our catchphrase.
Charlie, put the phone down. When is that man clocking out? Who’s going to make sure Rex is getting adequate rest? I need to talk to his superior. Joe!
Well, I kept saying that I wanted Charlie and Sarah to be in danger again together since they hadn’t after they had become a couple, and I got my wish, thank you, show. We could have had an aftermath scene with them but I’m not going to complain about it in an otherwise good episode.
Promo: I’m beyond frustrated that they keep shuffling the episodes and they wouldn’t even give it a rest when they got the season finale or the 100th episode on their hands. Today’s (yesterday’s) episode would have been a better 100th episode than The Rookie’s for sure (which is embarrassing for The Rookie). But instead we get to watch it as episode 99 and have a run of the mill case for the 100th, which, unless it ends up in a huge celebration scene, is going to fall flat. We basically end off exactly as we started, expect I now know this is 100% CityTV’s fault.
Speaking of, is CityTV even going to acknowledge that it’s the 100th episode? Is anyone? I’m obviously not expecting the magnitude of promotion ABC gave The Rookie or 911 this season (and that was a lot) but something that shows they’re not completely neglecting Hudson and Rex. It doesn’t seem like we’re getting renewal news anytime soon, so I’d settle for them celebrating the episodes they already filmed. There are quite a few production companies involved too, this does not only fall on CityTV. If Shaftesbury wants to celebrate this milestone, I won’t say no.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Omggg okay so can you do a one shot of sugar daddy Loki where he’s dating this girl who’s younger than him and she’s not really dumb but she’s like very girly and bubbly and maybe that makes people think she’s dumb but anyways there’s like this charity gala and all the rich people are attending and like a group of older women greet Loki and the reader and are kinda being condescending and they’re making her feel stupid and like a kid (they just mad cause Loki don’t want them💅🏼)and like Loki steps in and defends her idk if this is dumb but whatever lmao
Aaahhhh!!! Sorry this took me a minute!! Well.....a long minute.....lol but I'm here.....I got you......
Lets.......do........thiiiiiiisssss!!! Thanks for sending me this!!!! 😁💚
Back Off
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x female reader
Warnings: slight angst, bullying, self deprecating thoughts, mean people being mean.
Summary: your sugar daddy invites you to attend a gala with him, the evening doesn't go as planned...
A/n- this may have turned angstier then I intended....oops.....but Loki to the rescue!!! Graphics by @harlequin-hangout
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You sat on the ottoman, lacing up your heels smiling. Standing up you looked at yourself in the mirror, twirling the fabric as you spun around. The deep v-neck plunging dangerously low, the backless emerald green dress was a dream. Hearing the doorbell you hopped up and down grabbing your clutch you ran down the stairs grabbing your coat from the hook opening the door "Hello love, ready to go?" Loki asked smiling at you "yes! I just need to get my coat on." You smiled as he took it from you, holding it up for you sliding your arms into it. "Thank you kind sir." You said hearing him laugh "your chariot awaits, my lady." He bowed holding his arm out making you giggle.
You looped your arm with his as he guided you into the tower. You had never been there before and you could hardly contain your excitement. "You look beautiful tonight love." Loki said looking down smiling at you "you look pretty good yourself sir." You winked as you stepped into the elevator, watching him press the button as you bounced on your heels. You squeezed his bicep, biting your lip as you glanced over taking him in seeing him adjusting his tie. His tall figure wrapped in a snug black suit, hugging him in all the right places, his deep green shirt accentuating his eyes "keep looking at me like that and we won't make it to the party." He said not looking at you as you eyes shot to the doors watching them slide open revealing the large room.
You looked up at the vaulted ceilings, lights strung delicately across it, violin music filled the room accompanied by a soft light. "Darling.." you heard Loki say, looking over to him smiling "he will take your coat." He said pointing to the man standing next to you. You smiled at him, sliding your coat off handing it to him "thank you so much." You said as Loki held out his arm "would you care for a drink love?" He asked as you grabbed his arm "yes please!" You said excitedly. "Hey Loki, can I borrow you for a second?" A man asked, looking over seeing Tony Stark waving at Loki "duty calls, you head to the bar and I shall be right there." He said kissing the top of your head before walking to meet stark.
You strode over towards the bar, a smile on your face as your heel caught on the carpet making you stumble into a stool "God, walk much?" You heard someone say, looking up seeing a small group of women sneering at you "relax Susanne, she probably just learned yesterday." Another said as they all laughed. You laughed awkwardly righting yourself waving at the bartender "are you sure your old enough to drink?" Another said "umm..yes, I'm actually.." you started "im not sure she can count that high." The other said as they all started laughing again. You looked down, fidgeting with your fingers trying to ignore the insults as one of the women stepped closer "I don't even know what he sees in you." She snarled looking you up and down "I don't know wha..." you started, feeling a hand on your back making you jump "Darling, here you are....ladies." Loki smiled at the others.
"Loki, so good to see you." The one said smiling as she bit her lip. "Did you get a drink love?" He asked rubbing your back "um..no not yet, what did you want?" You asked smiling up at him "you know what I like." He said winking. You turned back to the bartender waving him over ordering Loki a whiskey on the rocks and yourself a sex on the beach, turning back around seeing the woman had stepped closer to him, running her hand up his arm "here you go Lo." You smiled handing it to him "what, can't even say his name properly? You did go to school didn't you?" She sneered making you flinch. "I...well I just..." you trailed off fidgeting with your glass "loki...dear would you care for a dance?" The woman asked stepping in front of him "no, I don't think so." He said sipping his drink.
"You know, I donate an obsene amount of money to this charity, and I don't believe Mr. Stark would be happy if I told him you were rude to me." She smiled sipping her drink "it's ok Lo...ki. I'll be fine" you said smiling "Darling, I don't..." he started when the woman interrupted him "your...date....will be fine, come on handsome." She said grabbing his drink handing it to you as she grabbed his hand pulling him to the dancefloor. You set your drinks on the bar, looking out to the dancefloor watching them. You knew you shouldn't be jealous, you weren't in a relationship per say, It was an arrangement...a contract...a way to fulfill eachothers needs.... but it still stung watching the way he held her, swaying his hips with hers.
"So, how did you meet Loki, did he find you on the corner?" The other woman snarked as she and the others laughed "maybe we should call her pretty woman, well...maybe if she was older." Another said as you felt your eyes burn, the comments starting to break your resolve. "You do know he's too good for you right? He works with Tony Stark...he drives a porche...what do you have...a Toyota?" The other said when the laughing began again "oh dear, I think she's going to cry." The other woman said. "Careful honey, you can't stain that dress if you plan to return it." She said when you felt a tear spill down your cheek. "Excuse me." You said, holding your hand over your mouth as you stormed to the man by the door, you needed out of there now "hi...um could I get my cost please?" You asked seeing him smile "certainly ma'am, one second." He said walking into a large closet behind him.
He came back with a smile handing your coat to the "anything else ma'am?" He asked as you shook your head "n..no thank you." You said shakely. Putting your arm through the sleeve you felt a hand on your shoulder "love, where are you going?" You turned seeing Loki looking down at you, his eyes softening as you wiped your cheeks. "Loki, I don't belong here, i..i shouldn't have come." You said buttoning up the dark pink coat. "What do you..." he started when the woman he was dancing with slid next to him "why did you leave dear, we were having fun." She smiled running a finger down his tie.
"Miss, if you don't mind we are having a conversation." Loki snapped at the woman pulling her hand from him. "It's ok Loki, I'm going." You said when he grabbed your arm "no, you are not." He said sternly "loki, let her go. She probably has school tomorrow." She said laughing when Loki released your arm turning his attention to her "with all due respect Madam, back off!" Loki snarled stepping between you and her "you act as though you are better then her, when in fact it is she who is better then you." He continued, starting to pull the attention of the room. "She is kind, compassionate, she always stays positive and tries to see the good in everyone." He said stepping towards her making her back up "yes she may be young, but she is funny, intelligent and a far better person then you ever will be." He said.
"Loki..." you whispered seeing everyone in the room looking at you "one moment love." He said glancing back at you "you cannot hold a candle to this woman, you think your money can buy you whatever you wish, but it will never buy you happiness, trust me I know from experience." He said straightening his tie "now if you will excuse me, the woman I love needs me." He said glaring down at her. "How dare you!" She yelled as Loki turned back to you "you wait until stark hears about this! You will.." She started "He will what exactly?" Another voice said, peeking around Loki you saw Mr stark "I think it's time you leave." He said waving at the coat check man. "I beg your pardon! Do you know how much I donate to your stupid charity?" She yelled as the man brought her coat over "oh I do, and now they all know exactly how you feel about it." Tony smiled pointing at the cameras filming her.
"I will ruin you stark!" She yelled grabbing her coat storming off "get in line honey!" He called after her laughing. "Y/n I presume?" He asked holding his arm out "y..yes...hi." you said shaking his hand. "I've begrudgingly heard all about you." He said laughing "I apologize for...that." he said waving at the door. "Please stay, enjoy the party. And any other issue please let me know." He said as Loki slipped your coat off handing it to the coat man. "O..ok, I will." You smiled "reindeer games." Tony nodded walking away. You looked up at Loki scrunching your eyebrows "a nickname...I would rather not discuss it." He laughed grabbing your hand pulling you to the dancefloor, wrapping his long arm around your waist he pulled you to his chest smiling down at you.
You took a deep breath looking up into his eyes "what is it love?" He asked watching you "d..did you.." you trailed off looking down "did I what?" He asked placing his finger under your chin lifting your head "did you...mean it?" You asked quietly seeing him smile "every word love, you are an incredible woman." He said cupping your cheek "thank you Loki, but I mean...that you know..." you started "that I love you?" He asked gripping your waist tighter "yes, I meant it." He said as you looked up at him "y/n, I know our situation started as an arrangement, I had no intention of being in a relationship." He said looking around "but you...my dear, have burrowed into my heart, my very soul." He said "in fact, I was going to ask you this evening if you do me the honor of properly courting you?" He asked rubbing circles on your lower back.
"I...loki I don't..." you stuttered as your mind reeled with the new information. "You do not have to answer now, I understand if..." you cut him off pressing your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck feeling his hand on your bare back making you shiver as you pulled back slightly "loki...I have a confession." You said looking into his deep green eyes "i...I love you too." You smiled "and yes, I would love to be courted...my king." You said pecking his lips. "I adore you my queen." He said as you buried your face in his neck "I do have one stipulating my dear." He said making you look at him "I insist you continue using my pet name." He smiled down at you "I think I can do that...Lo." you said feeling his chest rumble.
"Would you care to see my room love? It is only a few floors up." He said running his fingers up and down your back "lead the way Lo." You smiled, linking your fingers together he guided you to the door. You looked up at this man...god...prince and smiled knowing he was yours...and yours alone.
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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