#musical theater dream roles
radioactivemoss · 7 months
lines from musicals that make me want to scream (affectionate)
“Maybe he'll come today/Maybe he came already/And he's sitting in the drawing room /And I simply forgot” —No One Else, Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
“Guys are fightin', bleedin' fallin'/Thanks to good ole' Captain Jack/Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and go”—Santa Fe, Newsies
“I gets weary/And sick of trying/I’m tired of living/But scared of dying”—Old Man River, Showboat
“You, the one I left behind/If you ever walk this way/Come and find me lying in the bed I made”—Flowers, Hadestown
“Damned if you don’t/Damned if you do/Whole damn nation’s watching you”—Word to the Wise, Hadestown
“Where is the girl called Esmeralda?/The flames grow tall/And sharp as fleurs-de-lis/All Paris burns for Esmeralda/And still it all comes down to her and me”—Esmeralda, the Hunchback of Notre Dame
“Now here is a riddle to guess if you can/Sing the bells of Notre Dame/What makes a monster and what makes a man?”—The Bells of Notre Dame, the Hunchback of Notre Dame
“I see nothing but the candle in the mirror/No visions of the future/So lost and alone”—Letters, Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
“Can you show me now that I would not be killed in vain?/Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain”—Gethsemane, Jesus Christ Superstar
“Look at all my trials and tribulations/Sinking in a gentle pool of wine/Don't disturb me now; I can see the answers/Till 'this evening' is 'this morning', life is fine”—The Last Supper, Jesus Christ Superstar
“Now that we have the gentleman/What more evidence do we need?/Judas, thank you for the victim/Stay a while and you'll see him bleed!”—The Arrest, Jesus Christ Superstar
“Start by admitting/From cradle to tomb/Isn’t that long a stay”—Cabaret, Cabaret
“Every coward seems courageous in the safety of the crowd/Bravery can be contagious when the band is playing loud/ Nothing makes a man so bold/As a woman's smile and a hand to hold/But all alone, his blood runs thin/And doubt comes... doubt comes in”—His Kiss, The Riot, Hadestown
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 month
My dream roles are JD from Heathers and Karen Smith from Mean Girls. Do with that information what you will, and yes I have sang songs from both roles in the car - two in the last hour, actually.
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liiviingdeadgiirl · 1 month
theater moots who's your ULTRA dream role(s)? mine are miss pennywise from urinetown and marcy from spelling bee!!
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myfairkatiecat · 7 months
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sondheim-girly · 2 months
I'm a theater kid who doesn't have any dream roles, is that weird?
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ceejthedeej · 3 months
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1stlvl8spring · 2 years
Because i’m a bored theater nerd here are my dream roles!
Constance (RTC): I have curly hair and i love characters with curly hair, plus her “Jawbreaker” monologue hit pretty close to home for me
Jane Doe (RTC) : Do i need to explain this one lol
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers): I wanna sing beautiful and dead girl walking SO bad
Maria Reynolds (Hamilton): SAY NO TO THIS MY BELOVED 🫶🫶🫶
Lydia (Beetlejuice): She’s so me
Micheal Mell (Be more chill): Gender euphoria, I wanna sing Micheal in the bathroom, and he’s so me
Simon or Adil (Rockabye): PLEASE TELL ME THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THIS MUSICAL (this shit hasn’t even come out yet and I’d kill to be in it/see it)
Elphaba (Wicked): She is so me (Also i love wicked soo)
Seymor (Little shop of horrors): I don’t wanna talk about it (weird sense of gender euphoria)
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mayoiayasep · 9 months
augh (having a heathers moment)
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radioactivemoss · 7 months
ranking my MT dream dream roles by how attainable* they are
*this is assuming a local theatre company is putting on the show, (even if they realistically wouldn’t) not broadway/national tour level lmao
Agatha Trunchbull, Matilda: traditionally played by a male, (a thing I’m not very fond of, but don’t get me started lol) but her songs are right in my chest/belt range, and I enjoy terrorizing children, so.
Jennifer Honey, Matilda: so sweet. so kind. love her to pieces. Also sings right in my mix/head range. Mayzie LaBird, Seussical: despite it being the show everyone does in middle/high school, I’ve never been in it? but I saw a friend play Mayzie when I was little and immediately fell in love. diva icon istg
Mortica Addams, The Addams Family: now we’re talking bb!! i did a school production of the Addams Family a while ago and got cast as Alice. it was a lot of fun, but I think I’d fair callbacks better a second time around, now that I’ve had more proper training. Katherine Plumber: in my top 3 dream roles of all time. her music matches pretty well with my voice, her snark is so fun to read for, and also i can tap. i think if I picked a good audition song I’d have a solid shot.
Puck, a midsummers night dream: not a musical but i feel like a casting director would appreciate the fact that i am small and gnc and have been cast as comedic side characters. also he is tricky and I love that.
Sonya Rostova, Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812: i really love her music and her character, but her voice sits at a rlly weird part of my range?? 50/50 if I’d even get a callback
Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice: i just don’t think it’s realistic? her specific style of belting doesn’t treat my voice very well for some reason. still think dead mom slaps tho
Persephone, Hadestown: I’m just not old enough to fit the mature ‘Mother Nature’ vibe she has goin on
Hélène Bezukhova, Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812: see Persephone. im just not old enough yet to pull of that mature, slinky vibe she has. any role originated by Amber Grey is going to be out of my league for at least another 10+ years.
Carlotta, Phantom of the Opera: Not in a million years. She’s so dramatic and fun but I am not a coloratura 😭. Judas Iscariot, Jesus Christ Superstar: no one, and I mean no one, is casting me as Judas. however, i will continue to dream of playing this role until I’m six feet under
Kind Herod, Jesus Christ Superstar: see Judas. not happening. unless the casting pool is very, very small and very, very female heavy. then I might get a callback
The Fates, Hadestown: i can’t play any of their instruments
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davenportia · 1 year
lets do that abby lee miller pyramid thing that’s trending on tiktok right now but with my dream roles
10: on the bottom, angelica schuyler. you were good, you were my first dream role, i’m waiting for you to be great (and until i can rap in satisfied)
9: ursula only because there’s a very low chance i’ll be able to play her (im tiny y’all)
8: janis ian. you’re my second dream role but i feel like it would be really difficult to play you and i would need to study you more
7: holly. i love you. i would like to sing saturday night in the city with a vintage bustier, an 80’s wig, and do the iconic flash dance chair thing. thank you
6: beetlejuice. only higher than holly because beetlejuice just closed and i’m devastated
5: wednesday addams. i’ve played you and i’m ready to play you again. 15 year old me did it good but 19 year old me can do it so much better
4: white rabbit. i’m still mad i wasn’t cast as you when i was 11. i still love ‘i’m late.’ please someone let me play with white rabbit. thank you
3: donkey. i would nail the role. i could do my own makeup. i would be hilarious. universe, i beg.
2: catherine parr. no comment. no explanation
1: of course, queen elphaba thropp. i know i’m not ready to play her yet but i’m in-love with elphaba, jessica vosk, wicked, painting myself green, fiyero, the wicked storyline, the songs, the whole show. i need more training, i know, but i’m so excited to play her someday.
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popcornoncemore · 1 year
My musical theater dream roles:
Elle Woods, Legally Blonde
Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob the Musical (idk how this would work, I sing soprano and alto)
Miss Honey, Matilda the Musical
Cosmo Brown, Singin' in the Rain (again idk how this would work)
Annabeth Chase, The Lighting Thief
Enjolras, Les Mis (you could have a soprano Enjolras? Please?)
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sleepboysummer · 1 year
there is something so bittersweet about opening night as your dream role
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I wish my college theater department was better and did shows from this century because I would love to play Judas in JCS and they would super go for it
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enobariasteeth · 1 year
Trail to Oregon is unironically one of my favorite musicals ever. I’ve probably watched it 5 times
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dream roles? (doesn’t have to be realistic)
Moritz would be cool as hell to do but also if i could play Jeremy would be the greatest thing
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