#muslim vampire
dispossesst · 2 months
On Armand being Muslim
In Islam there is belief of a supernatural and unseen world that is referred to as The Ghaib. I don’t think it’s beyond Armand to take time exploring about a place within the the Muslim world where he could exist as a supernatural being; especially if he was born into a Muslim family this is something he may have already known. If Jinns can be muslims and live for over 1000 years, then this can be a plausible and a resourceful reality for Armand.
In islam, there is a transference of our soul between each of the 6 realms. One of these occurs once a dead body is buried and the last person leaves his grave, the soul transfers into the Barzakh. According to this, Armand would still have a soul. His transference was to The Ghaib instead, maybe his soul is hidden there, which poses an interesting question about vampire lore wrt their souls.
Having said that, we also know Armand de nothing doesn’t know himself. He asks, ‘am i my history i have endured?’, it echoed in my chest when i heart it because there is a yearning to know himself beyond his trauma. So every so often he reinvents himself. He adopts the identities of the places he lives in. In Paris he has a parisian accent, in Dubai, Molloy thinks he is Native. It’s possible he adopted a Muslim identity after he was turned. I don’t think any of these identities are ‘fake’ per se. He is trying to fit the armand shaped hole in his life.
The core tenet of being Muslim is repentance, so I think the whole Muslim guilt thing is also complicated and fun to contemplate. I won’t write on it, as I’ve seen other people already share on that.
It might be more interesting for the show to explore in an implicit way? I’m also just finding out that in the books: 1) there is a Muslim vamp already, 2) Armand is riddled with Catholic guilt so maybe they will explore Muslim guilt.
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Is this comic the "precursor" of sorts to the Muslim Vampire project?
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I ask because of the "house on the mountain" in the dream bubble that reminded me of the few panels that Dobson put out before he quit the internet (Also is it just me or does this one comic honestly feel more vibrant and good than anything else Dobson has ever made - especially that last panel)
Yes, he is specifically referencing the Muslim Vampire in that comic. I think he claimed to have been working on that comic for almost 6 years.
I don’t know if I’d say it’s his best, but I’ll give him that I can at least feel some emotion put into the comic compared to a lot of his stuff.
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ortofosforico · 3 months
Something something 20yo Daniel being scared shitless of Armand while Armand has the upper hand, keeps putting him down and replying to every plead with "Oh is that what makes you fascinating?"
70yo Daniel being relentless, bitchy, always ready to quip back, immediately investigating Rashid-Armand with where he's from, what does he taste like, how much does he weight, and eventually outsmarting him with that little tip of his glasses like- "This is what makes me fascinating... bitch."
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dreadfuldevotee · 14 days
I know not everyone has read the books or cares about what happens in the books and thats VALID. But it is important to me that ppl know how insane it sounds to say that Armand is lying about being muslim
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sauronism · 2 months
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armand & daniel molloy / from the fable of Angel of Death
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armandauntie · 2 months
seeing so many middle eastern artists in Assad’s Armand playlist makes my soul so happy ahhh like yes let Armand embody that specific brand of melancholy and yearning you get while listening to your auntie’s radio in the morning while looking out at her jasmine garden
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thedevilsniki · 1 month
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My roman empire is them.
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armand from interview with the vampire is muslim (canon) and bisexual (canon)
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submitted by anon
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ceeturnalia · 2 months
wait, what if armand’s given name was actually harun
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bishonenvoicedbyadyke · 2 months
muslim armand is real to me because i keep picturing arun/amadeo/armand in the middle of Wudu (cleansing rituals before prayer) and him wondering am i clean enough now? will i ever be clean again?
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dispossesst · 2 months
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Armand de nothing amongst my other oilpaintings
Oil on water colour paper by @ayshapaints
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Maybe it's just me, but almost all the facial expressions in that Muslim vampire comic/pages/thing seem unhinged. Maybe it's the size of the irises compared to the whites of the eyes?
Oh, I’m right there with you. Her face/head size are also rarely consistent, so I think it adds to the uncanny valley effect along with the “crazy eyes” thing she’s got going on.
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ch3ri-ch3ri-lady · 1 year
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little baby andrei c. late 15th century ukraine 😔 before the horrors
eastern european mediaeval history is acc fascinating and soooo underrated and somehow anne got everything wrong ☠️
underrated era for him. look at his little hat!
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mossytrashcan · 2 months
would a muslim vampire fast at night for ramadan since they sleep during the day (and fasting is supposed to be a conscious journey of faith yknow) (can’t do it while eeping) or would they instead focus on feeding the poor and giving back to those in need since you can do that instead of fasting
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throwback-town · 2 months
monster house, my babysitter's a vampire, and monster high
aka the father, the son, and the holy spirit
honorable mentions: halloweentown
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sauronism · 2 months
if the showrunners are smart they would have continue with the muslim armand storyline instead of brushing it off under the carpet. there's a lot of material they can use to convey his struggle with his belief, and how he try to connect with it. his view on mortality and death, align perfectly with islamic theology; a peace, and a way out where you can rest. not to mention that alienating feeling as most of us queer muslim feel, where you try your best to fit into the mold but feel like your existence is, wrong.
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