#mutant husbands roleplay
deardarlingthings · 2 years
Casting my line out there for anyone to roleplay Fox's X-Men. I'm really hoping to find some long term discord RPs for certain pairings, because I haven't been having luck finding anyone willing to write out of text format. I write multi paras/lit/borderline novella, and I love plotting/talking OOC. If you are interested, please be 20+, as I am an adult and not comfortable writing with minors.
I will also put it out there that my work schedule varies so most times, I usually work ungodly hours weekdays. So I will not be pumping out replies daily. Most likely it will be a few times a week at most.
The characters I would want to play in bold. I am more than willing to double up and discuss anything!
✨Cherik/Mutant Husbands {Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr} What I would give to write them- I absolutely love them. They are so fantastic for AUs or Canon divergence, and I would do so much for them. Bonus points if Dadneto is involved because them.
✨✨JeanSilver/SilverPhoenix/QuickPhoenix {Jean Grey/Peter Maximoff} A rare pair I would die for- because no one knows of them as a pairing, let alone write them. Please. Please this could be such a trip.
Mystique/Azazel I don't know their ship name, but this is a ship I am so curious to explore, test the waters, also with their son Kurt/Nightcrawler- I love them, missed opportunities.
Beastique {Hank/Raven} Another one I would love to explore more and honestly just have them be happy- or angsty, the world is our oyster.
PLATONIC Summers Brothers They deserved better, point blank period. Let's give them a better ending.
If you are interested, interact or DM me! More likely to check my DMs
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Tumblr Game: Nine People to Know Better
Thank you so much for the tag, @artbyeloquent. I'm so interested in the Last of Us, so please let me know how you like it.
Rules: Fill out the following questions
Three Ships: I don't usually ship unless it has to do with my OC and a video game character. So, with that in mind, my first two ships for Star Wars: The Old Republic are: Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor, as well as Trooper and Smuggler. I might be partial with those choices as I roleplay those characters with my husband. I've recently watched the anime D.Gray-Man, so I would love for Miranda and Krory to get together.
First Ship: I don't know. It's been so long ago. Most likely, characters from the 80-90s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon.
Last Song: Kingdoms Fall by Red Means Run. This song always gets me in the mood to write Cold as Ice.
Last Movie: It's been so long. I think it was Jurassic World: Dominion. I don't watch many movies.
Currently Watching: That 90s show. In 1995, I was the same age as Leia, one of the main teenagers in it.
Currently Consuming: Pumpkin-spice coffee and half and half.
Craving: a large plate of ravoli with lots of parmesan. My doctor has me on a plant-based diet and I'm not allowed to have ravoli.
Open Tag and Tag List (no pressure and soft tagging): @andromedaexists @blind-the-winds @jessica-writes22 @crypticcodexcreations @writingpotato07 @perasperaadastrawriting @korblez @worldstogetlostin @dogmomwrites @starryeyes2000
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findroleplay · 2 years
RP Request :)
Casting my line out there for anyone to roleplay Fox's X-Men. I'm really hoping to find some long term discord RPs for certain pairings, because I haven't been having luck finding anyone willing to write out of text format. I write multi paras/lit/borderline novella, and I love plotting/talking OOC. If you are interested, please be 20+, as I am an adult and not comfortable writing with minors.
I will also put it out there that my work schedule varies so most times, I usually work ungodly hours weekdays. So I will not be pumping out replies daily. Most likely it will be a few times a week at most.
The characters I would want to play in bold. I am more than willing to double up and discuss anything!
✨Cherik/Mutant Husbands {Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr} What I would give to write them- I absolutely love them. They are so fantastic for AUs or Canon divergence, and I would do so much for them. Bonus points if Dadneto is involved because them.
✨✨JeanSilver/SilverPhoenix/QuickPhoenix {Jean Grey/Peter Maximoff} A rare pair I would die for- because no one knows of them as a pairing, let alone write them. Please. Please this could be such a trip.
Mystique/Azazel I don't know their ship name, but this is a ship I am so curious to explore, test the waters, also with their son Kurt/Nightcrawler- I love them, missed opportunities.
Beastique {Hank/Raven} Another one I would love to explore more and honestly just have them be happy- or angsty, the world is our oyster.
PLATONIC Summers Brothers They deserved better, point blank period. Let's give them a better ending.
If you are interested, interact or DM me! More likely to check my DMs
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lasplaga · 4 months
How does Osmund feel about vampires?
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-;┊ 𓆙 𝕺𝕺𝕮 ; ◥ 𓆙      —      𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 --- ALWAYS Accepting!
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In fiction, I'm sure he's dabbled in literature that depicts them during his leisure time. I'm certain he feels a sense of kinship with them being "plague-bearers", having a weakness to sunlight, feeding upon vermin, flesh & blood, etc. etc. Many of their behaviors & weaknesses are similar. --- But I will suggest he would be perturbed with modern interpretations that lean heavily on the romance, rather than horror. In my interpretation, Osmund is not & will never be interested in pursuing a human romantically, because he views them as inferior. Lord Saddler will never take a wife or Queen ( or husband / King ) because he does not value anyone on equal standing as himself. All beneath him are slaves or servants & treated as his 'children', spiritually or biologically. The same would be considered for vampires that protect humanity, he would consider them traitors to their own kind.
In non-fiction, Osmund has not met any other mutants outside plagas infected in his lifetime, canonically. But in various roleplays I've done, he is very cordial with Mother Miranda or The Dimitrescu's --- who are very 'vampire-esque'. Lord Saddler respects mutants much more than humans, but once they preach valuing humanities interest over their own, or that they spend time with them equally, is when he starts becoming uncomfortable. "Vampires" who lean heavily into the body horror & treating humanity like disposable trash are probably the characters he will have the most fun / close relationship with. An individual being subjected to starvation will never agree that cannibalistic sacrifice is inherently wrong, granted his species NEEDS to feed upon humanity to survive. Unfortunately, his people being 'cursed' should be interpreted as literal ; Even if he WANTED to change to become a better person, he biologically cannot. There is clear separation between Las Plagas & humanity, they cannot coexist peacefully or without suffering.
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drowninginturtles5 · 1 year
First Contact.
So it happened like this.
Up until this point I had joked about Roleplaying with her, but up until then I've only ever seen her wanting to do Arthur, and I feel like even as a joke there's nothing I can do for that. I don't even know how one could make an OC for something like Arthur, but by God she did it, god bless her.
One night, I saw she made a post about South Park, and having a crush on Cartman and wanting to make an OC for him. The Cartman thing made me laugh so fucking hard, and I just knew that was my moment. I knew about South Park, it was one of those guilty pleasure things that I just know way too much about to not call myself a fan. (Tweek is my favorite!)
So I messaged her.
I was nice as could be right from the get go. She said she didn't have an OC for it at the moment, and I said that was cool, I'd wait for her to make one and that she could just message me whenever she wanted to write it. (I didn't have an OC either, if I'm honest, so I cobbled one together with the help of Picrew and my Husband. Helping me think of things.)
But she wasn't about to let me go that easily. She insisted that she could do something called a 'Double Up', and I'd never heard of that before, apparently it's two RPs in one chat...which is kinda weird, I'm not gonna lie. It's not hard really, but it's super time consuming. She would do South Park for me, and she would do something else on her end. I didn't really want to do a South Park RP with just my new OC but at that point I didn't wanna say no.
So what did she pick? You aren't fucking ready for it because bitch I wasn't.
Yes, that bitch did indeed make an OC to date Charles Entertainment Cheese. And right away, she's not that good. What did I expect, really? Her OC reacts like how you would expect, 'Too Cool, Too sexy, everyone is in love with her, she's good at everything' all of that.
Her writing on my end was atrocious as well! Like, I'm talking two sentences, poor grammar, and jumping all over the damn place. This post is getting a little long, but expect more, as I am entirely too pissed off at her this week.
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matthew-novak · 3 years
✨The X-Men as cursed Christmas Photos✨
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✨X-men - X-mas✨
And Happy Hanukkah
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blind-tiger · 4 years
hey so like i don’t even know who still uses this website, but i did this before back in my metal gear days, and figured why not give it a shot again for witcher.
so i played through witcher 3 for the first time this past january and absolutely fell head over heels for it. then when i got to blood & wine, Regis very quickly became my favorite character. naturally him and Geralt became the preferred pairing.  i’ve just been devouring as much fanfic as i can during this trying time, but ultimately, i’m looking for someone to write with. maybe more or less babble abt headcanons and occasionally write bc let’s face it, i’m tired a lot. 
so ig TLDR is if you wanna talk abt witcher and more specifically regis/geralt, please get in touch with me? this feels like a singles ad?  my only stipulations are please for the love of god don’t be a minor, i’m nearly 30. and be OK with nsfw content. like im not shoving porn in your face but i do like to discuss those things abt the pairing. i am really not picky when it comes to your writing skill, honestly. some days i write a lot some days i barely string a sentence together, it happens. 
so yeah, if that sounds like ur thing, please hmu. not on here tho bc i probably won’t see it. my discord is tiger#3889 and just tell me you’re from tumblr or sth.  eta: yes i know i’m 5 years late alright i was................ busy
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lycorogue · 4 years
Amelia and Trish🌺💐
Awww, yay! Someone sending me an ask from a list! 😍 I get these so rarely. This is such a fun treat! Thank you! (For anyone wondering, the “Soft OC Ask” master list can be found here.)
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Funny enough, the answers to most of these questions more-or-less happened canonically within the X-Future roleplay, so these are fairly easy to answer. Since each question is actually a series of related questions, and this ask is for two of my OCs, this got a bit lengthy. You can read my reply below the break.
Lia: 🌺 When Lia was a toddler, her mother crocheted her a little stuffed Calcifer the flame from Howl’s Moving Castle. Lia still has this stuffed Calcifer and cuddles it whenever she’s super stressed or awakes from a nightmare. If she feels she’s failing at reaching her true potential with her powers or as a leader, she goes to the X-Men archives of her mother’s training and watches those. If anything, doing so makes her feel worse because it makes her feel even more inadequate and tears at her grief of not knowing what happened to her mom, but neither fact stops her from doing so. Alternatively, if she’s stressed about generic Teenage DramaTM, she usually storms off to be alone, literally burning off some steam as she rages with her powers once she knows she’s in a safe location where she won’t permanently damage anything. As a child, she would also come to her dad (who was literally never too far from her at any given time, thanks to his powers; he was the ultimate helicopter parent) if a situation was too big for her to handle by herself. As a teen, she tends to vent to either her then-boyfriend-now-ex-but-still-friend Chayse, or her roommate Willow, or her current boyfriend Ripley. If it’s something minor that she needs to work out, she’ll sneak off to dance; just to get the positive energy flowing again.
💐 As the “mom friend”, Lia is much better at playing nurse than being nursed. Although, she is a bit naïve when it comes to emotional/mental-health support. She tries, but usually falls a touch short when trying to help out in those matters. She’s much better at nursing physical illnesses or injuries because she can study the most effective ways to heal those. When she’s the one sick or injured, though? She gets antsy if she’s forced to rest up in bed, especially if she feels like it’s overly cautious for her to do so. Now, if she’s majorly sick or in pain, she will gladly hide under her covers and ignore the world exists. Anything short of “OMG, I’m dying”? And she’ll fight bedrest tooth and nail. Her father is the #1 person to care for her, but since attending the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Jamie has allowed Lia’s roommate and friend Willow to take on the role of primary caregiver, with Lia’s boyfriend Ripley on stand-by to tag in. If neither of the teens are willing or able, though, Jamie will gladly jump back in to take care of Lia. Aside from being antsy and a bit whiny about being forced to stay in bed (if she’s feeling alright), Lia does accept being cared for fairly gracefully. She’ll comment it’s unneeded and that her caregivers should focus on “more important things” since she’s clearly “fine”, but will still gladly accept the soup, extra blankets, pillow fluffing, and so on. She’s a bit more grumbly if she’s recovering from an injury because she hates feeling helpless or weak in that regard.
Trish: 🌺 Trish HAAAAAAATES showing any kind of weakness AT. ALL. So she does NOT go to anyone for comfort when she’s feeling overly stressed or scared. The exception is MAAAAAAAAYBE Pyro if she is majorly shaken about something. She hates seeming weak and immature in front of Pyro, though (and hates adding to the father-daughter dynamic when she wants a lovers one instead), so there has to be something TRAUMATIZING to her before she goes to even him for comfort. Otherwise, she turns her fear into anger and rage. She’ll run the training obstacle courses to the point of exhaustion, just to give her mind something else to focus on, and something to aim her powers at. She overcomes fear by adding to the façade that she’s completely fearless. She allows adrenaline to completely over-ride her fear as she almost always goes for a “Fight” response. As for nightmares, she’ll usually calm herself down by playing with her butterfly knife; something else to focus on until she forgets the nightmare. She’ll also calm herself down with a shower, especially if she’s covered in sweat from the nightmare. She’ll chant to herself, “it’s not real. It wasn’t real. Ignore it” until the nightmare is forgotten or no longer intense enough for it to affect her.
💐 Trish is a TERRIBLE patient. She’s even more antsy and stubborn than Lia. Being sick or injured enough to be bedridden is a sign of weakness, and she CANNOT be weak for Pyro. The only time she’ll submit and actually listen to instructions to rest up is if Pyro himself tells her to do so. She’ll also gladly ravish the attention if Pyro is the one nursing her back to health. She’d even milk it, just to be doted on further by him. Otherwise, lord help the person playing caregiver. She will stubbornly battle them every step; again, only complying when Pyro tells her to behave. Once her roommate Nyssa was forced to play nursemaid when Trish was badly injured by a shrapnel blast. Trish was like an injured feral creature the whole time, snarling at Nys and trying to swat her away; claiming to be healed further than she was. Nyssa practically had to have Pyro there at every bandage changing to force Trish to accept the treatment. The major exception to all of this is a mutant vigilante Trish simply calls “Stranger” since he’s never given her his name. He was hunting down the anti-mutant terrorist group The Purifiers, and stumbled upon a few that were teaming up against Trish. He saved her, but she was still wary of him; attempting to leave him to the Purifiers so she could escape. When the escape plan failed, and he saved her a second time, she was more welcoming to him attempting to help patch her up (if nothing else, she didn’t want to worry Pyro by coming home injured again). They have since met up a couple of times to hunt down more Purifiers together; helping with Trish’s bloodlust and Stranger’s want of revenge against the Purifiers for murdering his whole family in front of him and leaving him for dead. They have an uneasy bond, and Trish wouldn’t go to him if she were sick, but if she were injured she might seek him out just so she had someone she trusted moderately to care for her without feeling like a burden on Pyro. As for Trish being the caregiver? HA! She is absolute trash at caring for anyone other than herself and Pyro. Exceptions being Stranger - she would tend his wounds as well so she didn’t lose her partner in these non-Brotherhood excursions - and anyone that Pyro asked her to care for. If it’s a request from Pyro, she’ll do the bare minimum to satisfy the request, and grumble about it the whole time. Even when caring for Stranger, she’d spend the whole time bitching at him for being so “careless” as to be injured in the first place (ignore that this also implies that she’s careless whenever she gets injured).  For Pyro, though? She’d go full on Florence Nightingale and dote on him every waking moment.
Okay! I think that’s everything! This was fun. Thank you so much for the ask. I hope you got to learn a bit more about my OCs.
Also, I’d like to note that Stranger is one of my husband’s OCs named Jack Knoife (yes, the name is a pun. Yes, Jack is Australian. Yes, Hubby leaned hard into the classic Marvel naming tropes)
Anyway, if anyone else wants to learn more about my OCs (or if you’d like to learn more, @doesnotloveyou ), feel free to drop me an ask. 😁
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magicalmonsterhero · 5 years
My Spidersonas
As some of you may know, the release of Into the Spider-Verse led to the concept of Spidersonas. Now, I have finally decided to post my own. While none of these are actually based on me, I thought you might find them interesting.
-Samuel ‘Sam’ Sorenson/Cross Weave
Left on the doorstep of a church as a baby, Samuel ‘Sam’ Sorenson was raised by the devout but kindly Reverend David Sorenson. Unfortunately, Father David discovered that one of the clergymen was taking advantage of young churchgoers, and the clergyman killed him. Sam, who had been bitten by an irradiated spider during a class trip and had been recovering when this happened, used his newly developed spider powers to bring the killer to justice. Afterwards, he dedicated himself to fighting criminals as the Lord’s arachnid-powered servant, Cross Weave.
-Franklin ‘Frankie’ Favero/Daddy Longlegs
The Armonia Family is a lesser-known Mafia family dedicated to maintaining a ‘balance’ of sorts in the criminal underworld. All of its members have some form of special ability, whether they are mutants, mutates, magic users, or what have you. One of its most prominent lieutenants is Franklin ‘Frankie’ Favero, a young mutant with elastic powers. Due to an incident involving the Kingpin’s organization and Oscorp, Frankie ended up being bitten by one of Oscorp’s experimental spiders. He subsequently developed spider like abilities, which he uses in service of the Armonia Family under the code name Daddy Longlegs.
+Daddy Longlegs’ universe is partly inspired by Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Baccano, especially the latter.
-Nicholas ‘Nick’ Nutbrown/Drider
Growing up in the rougher neighborhoods, Nicholas ‘Nick’ Nutbrown was almost killed in a street rumble. But his life was saved by a strange woman who healed his wounds with a touch, and told him “the Spider Totem has chosen you” before vanishing. Nick was never able to find the woman who saved him, but he did discover that in addition, she had given him spider like powers and the ability to see the true forms of Shadowkind, beings straight out of a fantasy world who now live amongst us. Renouncing his street tough ways, Nick took to helping the Shadowkind residents of New York, both as a volunteer at a local community center (and later the head of same), and as the superhero Drider.
+Nick’s backstory is inspired by that of Donny Sinclair, an NPC from the Urban Arcana setting for the D20 roleplaying system. His universe is likewise inspired by Urban Arcana.
+Several of the B-List and lower-tier heroes of Drider’s universe are Shadowkind, including Dane Whitman/Black Knight, Bill Foster/Goliath, and Jessica Jones. Many others are Aware (able to see Shadowkind in their true forms), and Drider gets along well with them.
-Peter Parker/Jade Spider
During a trip to Osborn Industries, Peter Parker and several of his classmates were abducted by the Hand. While they were later found seemingly alive and well, they later disappeared again, their families found murdered. Only a short time later, rumors spread through the New York underworld of a band of super powered teenagers, each with animal-themed powers and bearing the mark of the. hand.
In truth, the missing students had undergone mental conditioning during their time in captivity. A while after being released, they returned to the Hand, received advanced training in combat and weaponry, and underwent genetic modification. Peter was infused with DNA from several different species of spider, and thus became the deadly Jade Spider, a near-emotionless sniper with spiderlike abilities, who only feels alive when on the hunt.
+In Jade Spider’s universe, the Hand has a much greater power in New York, having become a major crime syndicate on the level of the Yakuza and Chinese triads.
+Most of the heroes and villains are the same as the mainstream universe, but many of those who would have become members of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery instead became heroes, including Sandman, Electro, and Mysterio.
+Like Widowmaker from Overwatch (who was a major inspiration), Jade Spider has blue skin due to very low blood circulation. His heart beats just quickly enough to keep him alive.
+Other agents of the Hand include Flash Thompson AKA Ebony Hound, Liz Allan AKA Vermillion Raven, Gwen Stacy AKA Azure Octopus, and Felicia Hardy AKA Ivory Cat.
+Many of Jade Spider’s victims were the counterparts of Spider-Man’s villains, including Otto Octavius, Adrian Toomes, Dmitri Smerdyakov, and Mac Gargan. They were targeted because of their loose totemic connections, and in a few cases, their equipment was given to Jade Spider’s colleagues. John Jameson was also targeted, but his life was saved by Quicksilver, who exposed Jade Spider’s existence in the process. Enraged by the attempt on his son’s life, J. Jonah Jameson has allied with Harry Osborn, who lost his father to the Arachnid Assassin. The two have supported the efforts to take down the Hand, even helping to empower/equip Sandman, Electro, and several more.
+Mary Jane Watson is Harry Osborn’s girlfriend, and later became his wife. She helped her husband with many of his empowering experiments, ensuring they didn’t go horribly wrong (especially the one that turned Harry into Goodfellow). When he formed the Spectacular Six, she became one of its members under the name Tigress, having undergone the ritual that would have turned the deceased Greer Nelson into Tigra.
+Jade Spider did briefly possess the Venom symbiote at one point, but due to his almost complete lack of emotions, the symbiote could not survive with him as a host, and thus abandoned him. Later, when the Hand attacked Eddie Brock, who was investigating the Hand and needed to be silenced, the symbiote bonded with him, saving his life and revealing many of their secrets through Jade Spider’s memories. Eddie became one of New York’s more infamous vigilantes, often allying with Daredevil, Moon Knight, and similar heroes.
-Kiki Komori/Spider-Rouge
Kiki Komori was an ordinary high school student until she ran across Araka, a spider fairy from the Land of Totems. Araka was searching for someone to take up the power of the Spider Totem, but she was attacked by Kobalo, a member of the Great Hunters. To protect her, Kiki allowed herself to be bitten, and was transformed into the Arachnid Magical Girl, Spider-Rouge!
+The Great Hunters are similar to the Inheritors in their goals, but do not have access to the Multiverse. They are able to create monsters known as Rabidons from ordinary objects, and can also turn ordinary humans into pseudo-totems. While Spider-Rouge is able to purify most pseudo-totems, six of them were too powerful, and have since become a recurring threat as the Sinister Six.
+Other magical girls and boys exist, including counterparts of mainstream heroes and villains.
-Artie Anderson/Webweaver
Like most 10-year-olds, Artie Anderson was quite eager to get his Battle License and be allowed to compete in professional monster battles. But things took an unexpected turn after he encountered an unusual Radiorachnid—while he was able to capture it, he was bitten in the process. While he did choose to specialize in insect- and arachnid-based monsters as a result—with (his Radiorachnid) as his ace—it wasn’t until an encounter with the Sinister Squad five years later that he chose to become the hero Webweaver.
+As you may have deduced, Artie’s universe is influenced by the Mons genre, especially Pokemon.
+Radiorachnid is a portmanteau of radioactive and arachnid.
+The Sinister Squad is, of course, based on the Sinister Six and Team Rocket.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Eric Zawadzki, here. Some folks expressed interest in seeing the Mid-Winter scenario for the Deviant game Meghan ran, so I’ve posted it as a Google document. This includes the player hand-outs, as well as the Storyteller information. I haven’t included the character sheets because the mechanics of several Variations and Scars have changed so much that I don’t want to post obsolete information, but I’ve provided brief summaries of each character below.
Writing a convention scenario is a lot different from planning a session for an ongoing chronicle. The approach I’ve developed over the years works something like this:
Although I often have a vague notion of the setting and plot of the scenario before I start (“capture a billionaire on a cruise ship”), when it comes time to write the details, I almost always start by creating the players’ characters. There are some tricks I use for this process.
Each character sheet must be self-contained. This means that all the details of the Variations and Scars need to be printed on the character sheet, but it also means that the character concept needs to be easy to grok. You want characters with a power/skill set that makes their strengths and weaknesses instantly obvious, as well as a personality that doesn’t require much time to settle into it.
Brevity is your friend, here. A long character sheet with too many special rules makes it hard for players to get up to speed quickly. This means a lot of mechanics that are important in a chronicle (conspiracy actions and Instability, for example) are best left by the wayside in a typical convention game. If it doesn’t serve the immediate needs of the scenario, leave it out.
For this scenario, I knew I wanted to showcase several Variations without burdening players with a huge number of Scars to keep track of. I also knew this was an infiltration mission, so while some of the Variations could be flashy and obvious in use, they couldn’t come with Scars that would immediately attract a lot of attention from random passersby. I also knew I wanted to emphasize Divergence as an unwelcome, life-altering change, so I made sure that it was clear what each character had lost as a consequence of it, and I chose Persistent Scars (as opposed to Controlled or Involuntary ones). Finally, I knew I was creating a scenario where all the characters had the same Origin (Exomorphs/Unwilling), so I didn’t even include that information on the character sheets.
Group Dynamics
A convention setting does not afford the time for everyone to meet in a bar and introduce themselves for the first half hour of the session (or, who am I kidding, the first two hours). I have found it helpful to make it clear that the characters know each other – whether through working together before or by reputation. This lets everyone trim down their introductions to “name, summary of the character history summary, and what I can do (Variations/Scars).”
Creating pre-generated characters for a convention scenario also means you have complete control over the connections between those characters and can bake in some of the interpersonal dynamics. You can create tension by giving characters traits that set each other off (“I hate sports” meets “I love talking about sports” or “I’ve always secretly loved you” meets “I’m not worthy of your love”), or you can give them Variations that play off each other well (“create blinding light” with “shield your senses from overwhelming sensory input”).
For this scenario, I wanted the characters to cooperate with each other readily, so I kept the personal dynamic pretty simple (“you’ve been fighting this conspiracy together for quite some time”). With one exception, each had Variations that emphasized infiltration or stealth, and that exception had mundane abilities geared toward investigation.
The Scenario
I love running big, sandboxy chronicles where the players and their characters’ action largely determine the goal of the next story, but a convention scenario is not the place for this. A clear goal, stated up-front (even if later complications change the destination significantly), like a short, simple character sheet, makes it easier for players to immediately grasp what to expect from the scenario.
I usually have a pretty clear idea of the beginning and the end of the scenario, so it’s mostly a matter of creating complications to slow the rate at which the players get from one to the other. When designing obstacles, I keep each character’s abilities (whether mundane or supernatural) in mind and attempt to give each one a chance to shine a few times. That said, I never assume that every character will be at the table every time, so while it is great to write in a submarine so that the aquatic character can be the one to discover it, the scenario must work just as well if the aquatic character isn’t there.
Finally, I find it useful to make a convention scenario an accordion. If the characters are burning through obstacles like thermite through a plastic table, I want to be able to add more complications on the fly to ensure we don’t wrap up too quickly. If the players are struggling (or dawdling), I want to be able to hack out some of the complications to make sure we wrap up within our allotted time. In either case, I want the players to be none the wiser that those Devoted didn’t have full stats or that I originally planned for the security in the oligarch’s quarters to be a lot tighter than that.
Dramatis Personae
Here is a summary of each of the characters I created for the scenario.
Daniel Thompson
Clade: Cephalist. History: You were a star basketball player in high school, and though your college career didn’t get you into the NBA, you stayed active, and being on the court or field or diamond made you feel alive. Your desk job wasn’t everything you dreamed of as a kid, but you got to travel a lot. The only thing missing in your life was a family. They catfished you on Facebook. You know that now. The pretty face inviting you to meet her at a hotel in Argentina probably wasn’t even real. Instead, they were waiting for you with a black bag stinking of chloroform. What they did in that lab broke your body, and there’s no going back to the basketball court now. Roleplaying Notes: Deprived of the health you once enjoyed, you live vicariously through others – sometimes by stealing their bodies for hours or days at a time, more often by merely pretending to be someone or something you are not. Persistent Scars: Genetic Disorder Variations: Body Snatcher, Face Thief, Pheremones
Holly Poff
Clade: Chimeric History: You loved vacationing on the beach – with a friend, with your family, or all alone. They lured you with free tickets to a local aquarium – compliments of the hotel where you were staying in Darwin. The deep-sea exhibit featured a pressurized tank of fish from a mile or more below the sea’s surface. You found the bioluminescent creatures fascinating, but you never dreamed you would become like them until you woke up in a hospital bed a week later – the product of bizarre experiments in combining deep sea anatomy with your own. Now, you can’t stand the sight of the sun or its warmth against your skin. Roleplaying Notes: You used to spend any spare cash that came your way on exotic vacations, but now you’re using it to bankroll precision strikes to dismantle the organization that took the sun away from you forever. Persistent Scars: Bane Variations: Aquatic, Bioluminescence, Camouflage, Holographic Projection
Kenneth Post
Clade: Invasive History: You got into politics when you were still in high school, and when you were in college you were selected as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. This was exciting. You always knew you’d be involved in governance – maybe as a politician, but even as a political operative, you knew you’d make the world a better place. At the hotel before the convention, though, you received room service you never requested, and your next memory is of riding in the trunk of a car with a bag over your head. They stuck needles in your skull – nanites meant to perfect your brain, so they said, but it broke you, instead. Roleplaying Notes: You’ve gone from being the golden child everyone at school voted most likely to become President to a pariah. No one trusts you, and you find it almost impossible to trust anyone in return. Persistent Scar: Lying Eyes Variations: Omnicompetence, Onomantic Influence, Sensor Array
Natalie Brown
Clade: Mutant History: As a working mother of two with large, extended families on both sides, you often joked that it would be nice to be able to clone yourself so that you could be everywhere for everyone who needed you. You don’t make that joke anymore. The hotel was pretty far from Disneyworld, but much cheaper – perfect for a family of four on a budget. Being kidnapped on the first night was not in the brochure. You don’t know exactly what they exposed your family to, but you vividly remember a lab tech describing your husband, son, and daughter as “medical waste” to be “disposed of.” You’ll never forgive that. Roleplaying Notes: You’ll be the first to admit that you are broken – not like a toy to lie limp on the floor, but like a glass bottle. You are all sharp edges, cutting anyone who comes close. Sometimes you still see your family, or something that could be their ghosts, and that’s hard to bear. Persistent Scar: Glitch Variations: Enhanced Speed, Shadow Selves, Translocation
Sister Laura Clements
Clade: Coactive History: You devoted your life to the Church, to teaching God’s children, and to learning more about the world. You were a gentle soul, good with elementary-aged children and savage only when playing card games like pinochle and hearts with friends and family. You were supposed to go on a retreat with some of your fellow sisters, but the flight to Cleveland was overbooked, and they left you behind to catch the next plane. You must have fallen asleep, a troubled sleep filled with nightmares of devils doing unspeakable things to you. You woke with a demon’s bloodlust that no exorcist has been able to purge. Roleplaying Notes: You live in an eternal state of guilt, plagued with an impulse to do violence that you can’t control, and the ability to transform into a monster to carry it out. You can’t help but spend every conversation imagining with joy how you will hurt the people around you. Persistent Scar: Murderous Urge Variations: Hybrid Transformation (Gigantic, Natural Weapon, Superhuman Strength)
Finally, here is a link to the actual demo: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15q1cXpvmPK05JdBrZNRyaD4gA2mlcedCbhadH-nafnQ/edit?usp=sharing
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deardarlingthings · 3 years
Roleplay Partner Beacon!
Hello lovies!
This is the first time I am posting to Tumblr for something like this, but I am looking for long term 18+ RP partners that will RP on Discord. I am 25, and I've been writing for over 10 years. My style is lit/novella, though I tend to write as much as my RP partner- but if that makes you nervous, I promise that quality is better than quantity. I like having partners who are open to plot/discuss as well as right, since we're collaborating, and get to know them as well. I do work weird jobs and hours, so it might take me time to respond- though I am sure we can work something out!
Currently I have been in a Marvel kick, but I have a few misc. as well. I'm open for the following:
Anything Spiderman NWH related because goddamn
PeterGwen {TASM}
Moon Knight
Kastle {Frank x Karen}
Magic Trio {Wanda/Loki/Strange}
Supreme Family & Spiderson
Cherik/Mutant Husbands
Dadneto & Quickson
QuickTaser {specifically X-Men's Quicksilver}
Brightwell {Prodigal Son}
Athelnar {Vikings}
Stancy {Stranger Things}
Lumax {Stranger Things}
Marjan/Eddie {9-1-1/9-1-1 LS}
Buck/Taylor {9-1-1}
TURN Washington's Spies
If you are interested and would like to plot or try something out, you can interact with the post or DM me here or you can interact with this post and I will message you as soon as I can! UPDATE: Please go to my page to see the most relevant RP Requests! This one is closed. Thank you for your time!
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pascalls · 4 years
yo my dude i MUST know: whats your lovejoy boy-toys origin? like why is he a mutant/hybrid/cryptid dude? whats his deal? hes cool im super curious [hope this isnt weird sorry if it is]
Charlie is my roleplay OC that has a long-ass backstory because he’s been around since like 2012. His rp blog and all of his canon relationships are over here.  He’s basically just a product of a mad scientist trafficking humans and mixing their DNA with animals to create a super-human. Ended up escaping, adapting to his new lot in life, got married, had kids. Now he deals with supernatural problems (demons, angels, werewolves, aliens, etc.) and works as a back alley doctor with his husband, Doc Worth, treating supernatural people and others who can’t get treated at normal hospitals. ANYWAY, all that being said, I put him into the simpsons verse for fun and I wrote his backstory in that universe (during a late night fit of madness I guess) over here
He’s basically a stupid self insert and he’s gay for Lovejoy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Kyrik, Earl Norem, Stormbringer RPG, Denny O’Neill
T.V. (RMWC Reviews): In 1973, Tsuburaya Productions released several shows as part of the company’s 10th anniversary. The first one to see release was Fireman (or Magma Man in some markets), which began airing on Nippon Television on January 7, 1973, running until July for 30 episodes.
Warfare (Aeoli Pera): The typical special forces trainee who passes selection has a higher rank (officers were far more likely to pass than enlisted), at least a bachelor’s degree, high general personality factor with extremely high conscientiousness, no children, and verbally tilted IQs averaging in the 120s. This study looks at Ranger school but it’s true across all special operations services in the Western world. Please note that, except for measuring the ability to do pullups, these exact predictors could be used to select head girls for graduate departments in the humanities and social sciences.
Fiction (Wasteland & Sky): Interested in superheroes? If you’re reading this post then there’s a good chance you do! But how much? Check out this new bundle of hero books compiled by immortal SF author Kevin J. Anderson. The offer is for a limited time, so don’t miss out! The description for the bundle is as follows: The Up, Up and Away Superheroes Bundle – Curated by Kevin J. Anderson: If reading is your kryptonite, I’ve put together a superpowered StoryBundle—thirteen books with marvelous heroes, supervillains, secret identities, mutant powers, and extraordinary gentlemen (and ladies).
Popular Culture (Legends of Men): Why do these guys virtue signal? They’re saying this type of thing to other readers of S&S and REH and the pulps. The entire readership obviously enjoys these genres with as much or as little diversity as they already have. Past works cannot be changed and what made them popular once is more likely to make them popular again than changing the nature of what they are. So do some readers feel the need to virtue signal to other readers?
Reading (DVS Press): How many times have you seen a movie and though, “Man, the book was so much better,” or had a friend who read the book say the same to you? I can definitely say that the cases where the movie is better than the book are far outweighed by the reverse – probably in the range of 20:1. In fact, the only writer whose work seems to function better on screen than on paper is Stephen King, and even then there are plenty of books in his exceptionally large canon that are much better than their cinema counterpart (anyone remember The Dark Tower? I hope not).
Science Fiction (John C. Wright): Sometimes in this life we see justice done. The Nebula Awards have just honored Gene Wolfe with a Grandmastership. The honor is overdue, and all lovers of literature should rejoice. Gene Wolfe is the Luis Borges of North America. He is the greatest living author writing in the English language today, and I do not confine that remark to genre authors. I mean he is better than any mainstream authors at their best, better in the very aspects of the craft in which they take most pride.
Culture War (Kairos): This is why they hate Japan. This the material manifestation for why they can’t handle the Beautiful and seek to degrade before they destroy; the humiliation is intended as much to assuage the abuser’s amygdala as it is to afflict the victim’s, a “No You, Christcuck!” retort as they rip the beautiful apart before finishing the job. The cruelty is part of the process by design. The shitlords–God bless you all–at /pol/ noticed that this applies to all of the cultural attacks.
Art (DMR Books): When Earl demobilized, he went into magazine illustration, mostly for the “Men’s Adventure” mags. Such magazines have also been called “men’s pulps” and “sweat mags”. Essentially, they were magazines that somewhat carried on from the actual pulps–which died out in the 1950s–but were printed on “slick” paper. A significant percentage of their readers were veterans of World War Two and Korea who were looking for manly stories featuring action and beautiful women.
Comic Books (Diversions of the Groovy Kind): As most of you know, Groove-ophiles, Denny O’Neil, one of the most influential writers of the Groovy Age passed away at the age of 81 on Friday, June 12. Much has been written about O’Neil during the past week, and that’s how it should be. During the 1970s, O’Neil changed the way we would think about Batman in particular and comics in general forever (in tandem, naturally, with artist Neal Adams, mostly, but also with a host of other artistic luminaries from Irv Novick to Mike Kaluta to Jack Kirby to Mike Grell).
Robert E. Howard (Don Herron): Something I didn’t know much about, was a bank robbery that had occurred in the little town of Cisco on December 23, 1927, over 80 years earlier. The so-called Santa Claus Bank Robbery was a story I had heard about, of course, but the Kris Kringle business had conjured up images of a gang comprised of members of Monty Python’s Flying Circus and the Bowery Boys. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
RPG (Black Gate): Chaosium’s Stormbringer! was a licensed product based on Michael Moorcock’s Elric of Melniboné secondary world fantasy series. The game engine used modified Basic Roleplaying mechanics; in particular, magic worked very differently in Stormbringer than in Runequest. Characters could come from a wide variety of backgrounds; power-gamers preferred certain back-grounds over others because there was no pretense of game balance between them.
Heinlein (Black Gate): It’s almost impossible to discuss Robert A. Heinlein’s The Pursuit of the Pankera: A Parallel Novel about Parallel Universes without revealing and thus spoiling the plot devices of it and its 1980 prequel/sequel, The Number of the Beast—. Heinlein, first Grand Master of the SFWA, for decades acclaimed as the Dean of sf, no longer pleases everyone. Some readers, especially academic critics, have denounced both books as grossly self-indulgent and even worthless. Others, like the brilliant Marxist professor H. Bruce Franklin (in his important 1980 study Robert A. Heinlein: America as Science Fiction) catch the feel of Beast: “a cotton-candy apocalypse — frothy, sweet, airy, mellow, light, festive, whimsical, insubstantial” (199).
Sword-and-Sorcery (Ken Lizzi): I’ve read a few of Gardner Fox’s Kothar books. So when I saw his name on the cover of Kyrik Fights the Demon World I didn’t hesitate to snatch up the book. No one will claim that Fox was a master stylist. Take this paragraph from page one of Demon World. And so Makonnon quested through spatial emptiness into lands that had known him, long and long ago. He sent his mind across unfathomable distances, seeking, hunting, searching for that which so infuriated him.
RPG (Cyborgs and Sorcerers): Vancian Freeform Magic. I know that sounds like a contradiction in terms.  It isn’t.  You’ll see. I love the idea of free-form spell systems because they allow for endless creativity, and for me, creative problem-solving is the biggest source of fun in RPGs.  In practice though, people often come up with a few favorite spells they cast over and over.  This system was designed to prevent that by continually varying the tools in the free-form spellcaster’s toolbox. It’s a noun-verb system like Ars Magicka, except the nouns and verbs are not skills you’re permanently trained in.
Tolkien (Tolkien and Fantasy): The details of Tolkien’s epistolary friendship with the US editor, writer and sculptor Sterling Lanier (1927-2007) are difficult to ascertain, and various accounts differ as to the chronology and extent of their correspondence.  In 1973, Lanier wrote that “it began in 1951” and amounted to some “dozen or so letters we exchanged over the years.” In a 1974 fanzine profile of Lanier by Piers Anthony, it notes that Lanier had had “ten years of correspondence” with Tolkien. In 2016,  a book dealer had for sale six letters from Tolkien to Lanier, plus one from Tolkien’s wife.
Science Fiction (M. Porcius): I enjoyed my recent look at the 1950 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories with Leigh Brackett’s “The Dancing Girl of Ganymede” and Henry Kuttner’s “The Voice of the Lobster,” so, to take a break from my rereading of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, I propose spending some time reading more stories by Brackett and Kuttner from Thrilling Wonder (we might end up checking out some Thrilling Wonder contributions by Brackett’s husband, Edmond Hamilton, as well.)
RPG (Swords and Stitchery): I have used & abused B4 The Lost City adventure & its inhabitants  for years now a venerable pulp  module created by Tom Moldvay.  “”The Lost City” (1982) was the first adventure written entirely for the second edition Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (1981). No surprise, then, that it was written by the author of that set, Tom Moldvay. ” Today I’ve been thinking about specifically adapting this module as perhaps a starter to Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea second edition as an introductory module.
History (Outlook India): Tucked into Pakistan’s remote northwestern hills, along the border with Afghanistan, is a cluster of three villages whose residents are still trying to preserve their language and culture in the face of advancing modernity and religious conversion. The tribe, known as Kalash, is said to have descended from soldiers of the army of Alexander the Great who travelled this way in 324 BCE. However, many scholars deny the story even though it has not been established finally yet how these people, their language, dress, and their nature-worshipping culture—in marked contrast to the Islamic culture that surrounds them—evolved and survived through the centuries.
Fiction (Dark Worlds Quarterly): I used to use the words “Pulp-descended fiction” and it was the source of RAGE m a c h i n e Books. I wanted to capture that feeling that good Pulp writing gives you. What that really means is I grew up on authors who wrote during the Pulps and those who followed, they too influenced by those five decades of magazine publishing. The world has since moved on, with television and paperback novels, comic books (now called “graphic novels”). Despite this, Pulp remains with us. Not in the packaging but under the surface.
Sensor Sweep: Kyrik, Earl Norem, Stormbringer RPG, Denny O’Neill published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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