tideswept · 11 months
10, 12, & 16!
(from this ask game!)
10. How do you decide what to write?
1/3rd vibes, 1/3rd guilt (for not updating) and 1/3rd impatience (this wip is almost done, GET IT OUTTA HERE.)
I tend to yell at myself a lot, honestly. (Like now. WHY AM I NOT WRITING RIGHT NOW.)
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
A/B/O, mentor/apprentice pairings, gaslighting (but in a specific way), modern AUs, body horror and probably a few I'm missing. :)
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
Well, apparently @tennessoui has a priest Obi-Wan AU kicking around that I'm thirsty af for now. 👀👀👀
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wearethewitches · 6 months
Your bio is great, that is a rad line from a rad character.
tyvm, Merrin is my wife.
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orange-cheetah · 10 months
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
Since we're on tumblr where the holland girlies are I'll answer with the ghibli AU!
I have a sort of (incredibly self-indulgent) fix-it series planned, where each chapter would be based on one of the movies, and Holland would slowly make peace with his magic - since in canon it only brought him suffering,,
(Due to this project I've barely seen any of the movies 😔)
In the Spirited Away chapter Yubaba is excited to receive him as a guest of the bathhouse (since he's a powerful magician), but Holland tries to leave... She shrieks that a magician who refuses to use magic is no different from a human; I only have a vague plotline noted down, but when she tries to turn him into an animal Holland's magic kicks in and stops the transformation halfway, so he's got one wing now.
After that he visits Zeniba and walks along the half-submerged train tracks like Chihiro does in the movie... That's one of the strongest image I have of this entire fic 🛤
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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daaaang you have a nice blog/theme! i couldn't see this on my phone, this is really cool
Oh my gosh, I am sooo happy that you like it. =) Strangely enough, it's very much my aesthetic. How are you doing? How's life treating you?
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um, i love your pokeberry plant header? pokeberry plants evoke happiness. random, i know, but so cool to see one on your blog
Thanks @doesnotloveyou for submitting this cheerful Ask celebrating pokeweed! Same energy, certainly.
I’ve always loved the dualism of plants that can both help and harm, which likely comes as no surprise given the focus of my blog and transformative works in the Outlander/BJR fandom. And pokeweed—especially when its berries ripen to that gorgeous dark color—has always wowed me aesthetically as well.
Naturally I was beyond delighted to find a beautiful specimen growing right in a shady corner of my back yard when I moved into my current house a couple years ago. With proper care the plant is thriving wonderfully, tall and robust with a bountiful crop of berries each year for many of the local birds to enjoy.
When I started thinking about what sort of imagery would fit the theme of my stories and likewise capture something important about my life beyond fandom, I had my answer readily.
What could possibly be more emblematic of Black Jack Randall’s character than a plant that can poison and please in kind? The devil was always in the details with him—a cruel and destructive exterior concealing a caring and vulnerable interior. Everyone who met him agreed that he was darkly handsome. Charming on the surface, toxic beneath, and then loving beneath that? Pokeweedcore.
Certainly apropos of my own life as well. Anyone who swallows several dozen pills and various other medications on the daily to stay alive probably understands more than a bit about the quod me nutrit me destruit concept. Or as Lucretius phrased it: What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others. 
Bit more exposition in my pinned post for anyone who wishes to ask me for more about pokeweed and other Malicious minutiae!
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doesnotloveyou · 8 months
I don't know if you remember me but I used to follow you during the wattpad days. Went back to wattpad recently and found your tumblr here. Just wanted to thank ya for all the dope writing you've shared! Hope you're doing well and cheers!
I remember you! I REMEMBER YOU
Thank you for all the support during those years. it was reassuring every time I'd see your vote on each new chapter. I hope you're doing well too!
hey everyone, this person wrote me (doesnotloveyou / heywriters) some lovely reviews and now they post lovely art, please go show them some support 😊 🥰
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heywriters · 11 months
Hey! This blog is run by one person from rural USA who writes fanfiction and mainblogs fandom stuff. I started this blog in 2013 to collect writing advice for myself, and it ended up helping others as well 😀
My Links
>> Tip jar on Ko-fi <<
My fanfic: AO3
Pics & resources: Unsplash - Pinterest <- where the blog started
main blog @doesnotloveyou
OC blog @stilldoesnotloveyou
>> support other writers! @hey-writers
Not accepting writing asks right now.
inbox open for average tumblr communications such as "hey, did you know your post is on fire?" or "can you come get your mutual out of my yard? they're eating the rosebushes again."
I do NOT share fundraising asks.
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red-hot-moon · 1 month
Five Fics
@ifishouldvanish tagged me to do some shameless self-promotion for five of my stories! Here goes:
In the darkness on the edge of town - Back to the Future, (young) Biff Tannen x Marty McFly, in progress - I started this to get out of my own perfectionism that stopped me from posting stuff and the response to it has been amazing. It grew from a James Dean film-inspired drabble to 4 chapters to 8 with a possible sequel... and it got me into a wonderful BttF fan community that is so inspiring and making me want to write so much more for these two! I sometimes feel like all I ever do is write angst and pining but the thing is, I'm good at it lol. And writing about time travel throws up such interesting situations and conundrums that I'm quite obsessed with it now!
Fishing in the dark - Miami Vice, Sonny Crockett x Larry Zito, complete - This was one that wouldn't let me go during my Miami Vice Summer last year. It's too bad the Miami Vice fandom isn't very active and that this is such a rare pairing, meaning it doesn't get much traction, but I loved writing this and especially Larry and Sonny's chemistry, which we see so little of on screen. Again, lots of angst and pining.
Green light - The D-Train, Dan x Oliver, complete - this was a strange drabble kind of thing that I wrote after seeing the movie which really captivated me. I was impressed with how this came together and I really like the metaphor of the colour green running through it. It seems only a few people have heard of the film so this is definitely the smallest fandom I've ever written for, but the responses to my fic have been ever so nice!
Stop all the clocks - The Pacific, Eugene Sledge x Sid Philips, complete - Sometimes I reread my own fics and this is one that even years later on I love to return to. The HBO War fandom for a long while was really comforting to me in how it portrayed young people who had been through something traumatic and were struggling to pick up the pieces afterwards. I really enjoyed the narrative device of exploring one scene from different viewpoints and I had so much fun writing Mary essentially as an OC.
The company of wolves- Sicario, Kate Macer x Alejandro Gillick, in progress - This is kind of cheating since it's a series, but part four of this has been in the works for about five years. Since I've been having health and mental health issues it has sadly taken a backseat because it was hard for me to write about something so serious while dealing with my own stuff (hence my pivot to BttF lol) but I'm fully intent on completing it. I still get lovely comments on it every month or so and that makes me so happy! These stories really pushed me as a writer and continue to do so, and I'm just really happy with what I've created.
No pressure tag: @mitochondriaandbunnies, @retro-hussy, @doesnotloveyou, @bg-sparrow, @jouissants, or any other (fanfic) writers who want to do this 😘
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@doesnotloveyou said: It just seems like it would  just be a landslide "yes" every time. Would you then do all the star wars, transformers, marvel, and other major franchises? Maybe one post that just asks "have you ever seen a harry potter movie?" to avoid attracting obnoxious attention? sry for long reply
No need to apologize for the length, I really appreciate the in-depth answers people have been giving! I just want to clarify here that only one HP movie shows up on the IMDB top 250 list that I’m currently using, so as far as that list is concerned there’d only be one film from the franchise to worry about (though I’m not sure about future lists I’ll use once we finish the IMBD list, but that’s pretty far off.) If HP movies were accepted I definitely would not be posting all 8(?) of them.
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vispera-sabbath · 6 months
Get To Know You!
Tagged by @doesnotloveyou
-> Last Song I Listened To: Too Sweet’ By Hozier
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-> Currently Reading: Shōgun by James Clavell
-> Currently Watching: Big wolf on Campus (currently on the second season, loving all the cheesy nostalgia !) Shogun, and Miami Vice is on hold until I get my new player, to stream the rest of season 5.
-> Currently Obsessed With: ⬇️ I also finished High School (2022) based on Tegan and Sara, and School Spirits a few months back. Aside from the supernatural, just spending time with School based shows.
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Tagging -> @canadachildvol2 @miyagi-hokarate @raphidae @ohnoitsthebat @ladysansana @blak68-rit @blurhawaii @yodeleyewho @aestheticsuwu
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heniareth · 2 years
For astala 🌲🌻
Thank you so so much for these questions XD It has been so much fun to answer them and I have discovered several things along the way. Without further ado, here are the questions and the answers:
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
Astala feels deeply and with great immediacy (there is a personality model/proto-psychological theory (as Wikipedia puts it) called the four temperament theory. It describes four types of people (sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic) defined by whether or not they feel feelings intensely and how quickly they experience an emotional reaction to a given event. Astala scores high in both areas and would therefore be a choleric person)
She is also pretty empathetic, which coupled with the intensity of her emotions makes for some intense emotional life
She has learned to differentiate between her own and other people's emotions pretty well however, and maintain a distance between both. This is good, because otherwise things would get VERY confusing or others' emotions might figuratively run her over
(It doesn't always work. Sometimes she gets snappish at people because she feels them get angry at her even though she's done nothing to merit that anger in her eyes. The other person meanwhile might not even be aware yet that they're angry)
But because of this she's very good at figuring out what kind of mindset people are in. It has, for example, helped her when she worked at the tavern and needed to figure out what that patron in front of her wanted (aka. if the shem in front of her was trouble or not)
It's very useful to figure out what's going on with people, try to understand them and figure out how to best help
And Astala tends to try and help if there's no ill intent in the other person. She just doesn't always know how to. With friends and family it's not hard because she knows them well and can read them easily. Here she often jumps straight into action bc she knows what to do.
With strangers or acquaintances she prefers to maintain some distance and, rather than do a lot of guesswork, ask what they want If they don't know what they want, she'll listen in the hope that they'll discover it as they go. If they don't figure it out... well, they've tried
She is, however, not one to get sad or angry alongside with somebody. She doesn't mirror the emotion back. It's theirs and theirs to deal with. She helps if she can, but her empathy doesn't extend to the point where she takes on the other person's emotions
In fact, she actively tries to stay calm when somebody else is upset so they can lean on her instead of suddenly having to deal with her emotions as well as their own
This has been a bit of brainstorming, so maybe my writing will contradict me in the future? But I feel like I have a relatively solid grasp on Astala, so I'd like to think most of this will remain true, in one way or another. Also this has become somewhat psychological, which I enjoy XD
Off to question number 2!
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
Astala isn't good at seeing the silver lining when she's in a situation that is, for one reason or another, uncomfortable. She'll perceive it as bad and write it off as such. Because of that, little things that make her happy really depend on the moment
But there is one things that make her happy regardless of what kind of day she's having, and that is acts of kindness from other people (towards her or towards somebody else). Those can lift her spirits even in the darkest moments
When she's having a good day, however, she's very appreciative of good food, a fun song or story, colorful flowers, the breeze when it carries a nice smell, or a garment made out of nice fabric. Basically things that look, sound, taste, feel and smell nice
(If she had to pick favorites, it'd probably go as follows: plums or meat (or both together in a stew!) as her favorite food, the night air by the sea as her favorite smell, pebbles being dragged over rocks by the waves as her favorite sound (it sounds like this), the endless starry night sky as her favorite thing to look at, and for touch, she'd probably being fully submerged in water and feeling the current pass you by)
Those things make her happy, but the real treasures are good moments with people she loves: the acts of kindness mentioned above, a conversation, a hug or some help while doing her hair, sharing a story, a song or a laugh, those are the daily occurrences that Astala treasures. She's very much a people person
This was a challenging question because Astala isn't very big on getting cheered up by the little things the way I am. I had to turn this around in my head for a bit before I got the answer, but it makes me get to know her all the better
Thank you so much for both questions!!
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lapis-lazuliie · 3 years
For Rachel! 🍁🌲🌿💫
!! AH thank you so so much 🥰
🍁 where does your oc go when they need to have some time to themselves?
to her bedroom
🌲how deeply does your oc feel?
already answered!
🌿 what way does your oc show that they care without using words?
oh rache is very physically affectionate; a hand on the shoulder, tucking your hair behind your ear, hugging you tightly. a kiss to the forehead or cheek. she always makes her loved ones food, as well, and will show her love through a homemade quiche or cookies
💫 what is your favourite fact about this character and why?
that she loves the moon, and because it's associated with feminine energy, beauty, elegance, just everything rachel is
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cyanideending · 3 years
is your header img your own screenshot and if so may i ask HOW you made so much on foraging????
it IS my screenshot! And it’s been a long time since I took it but I’m pretty sure it’s because I sold a toooon of Blackberries and Salmonberries AND I had the Bear’s Secret Knowledge which increases the sell price of them by a lot!
here’s the wiki entry for how to get it: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Bear%27s_Knowledge
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Thanks @late-to-the-fandom for tagging me in this game where folks share 7 lines from our creative writing and then tag 7 other people!
Rules: As it says on the tin! Share 7 lines and tag 7 people.
Here I'm sharing the final 7 lines from my recently published "Dances in Secret" fic about a sordid encounter between enemies in a brothel laundry room.
If you're familiar with the Outlander universe already, this is an alternate take on a canonical scenario between Jamie Fraser and Black Jack Randall from midway through Season 2 of the television series and the corresponding Dragonfly in Amber novel by Diana Gabaldon.
He cringes—and yields, and is lost. When he returns to Claire that night, she sighs in her sleep and sniffs somatically at the air. “You’re not Frank,” she mumbles, confused and then decisive. Her body goes still again. The smell of lavender hovers in the air around them, rank with traces of semen and stale as soiled linens. I was adored once too. Jamie fears the stench will never wash out.
Twisty! I wrote this as the third installment of a larger "Opera Ghost" universe of concepts remixing the canonical S2 and DiA storylines with some inspiration from the Phantom of the Opera lore and other stories of haunting.
Keen to see some favorite lines from fellow Evil Redcoat Pipeline authors @lyledebeast and @meerawrites if you're open to sharing yours. The always amazing @jurian-is-cinnamon-roll has written some excellent fics about Black Jack specifically; if you're Tumblring of late and want to share I'm sure folks would love to see your favorite lines from your stories! Likewise, a tag for recommendation rather than participation for @i-dwell-in-darkness, a previously-Tumblring author in the BJR fandom whose stellar work shouldn't be missed. Also tagging folks who have sent me excellent Asks: @forestslut, @doesnotloveyou, @ellis-peace.
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lycorogue · 4 years
Amelia and Trish🌺💐
Awww, yay! Someone sending me an ask from a list! 😍 I get these so rarely. This is such a fun treat! Thank you! (For anyone wondering, the “Soft OC Ask” master list can be found here.)
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Funny enough, the answers to most of these questions more-or-less happened canonically within the X-Future roleplay, so these are fairly easy to answer. Since each question is actually a series of related questions, and this ask is for two of my OCs, this got a bit lengthy. You can read my reply below the break.
Lia: 🌺 When Lia was a toddler, her mother crocheted her a little stuffed Calcifer the flame from Howl’s Moving Castle. Lia still has this stuffed Calcifer and cuddles it whenever she’s super stressed or awakes from a nightmare. If she feels she’s failing at reaching her true potential with her powers or as a leader, she goes to the X-Men archives of her mother’s training and watches those. If anything, doing so makes her feel worse because it makes her feel even more inadequate and tears at her grief of not knowing what happened to her mom, but neither fact stops her from doing so. Alternatively, if she’s stressed about generic Teenage DramaTM, she usually storms off to be alone, literally burning off some steam as she rages with her powers once she knows she’s in a safe location where she won’t permanently damage anything. As a child, she would also come to her dad (who was literally never too far from her at any given time, thanks to his powers; he was the ultimate helicopter parent) if a situation was too big for her to handle by herself. As a teen, she tends to vent to either her then-boyfriend-now-ex-but-still-friend Chayse, or her roommate Willow, or her current boyfriend Ripley. If it’s something minor that she needs to work out, she’ll sneak off to dance; just to get the positive energy flowing again.
💐 As the “mom friend”, Lia is much better at playing nurse than being nursed. Although, she is a bit naïve when it comes to emotional/mental-health support. She tries, but usually falls a touch short when trying to help out in those matters. She’s much better at nursing physical illnesses or injuries because she can study the most effective ways to heal those. When she’s the one sick or injured, though? She gets antsy if she’s forced to rest up in bed, especially if she feels like it’s overly cautious for her to do so. Now, if she’s majorly sick or in pain, she will gladly hide under her covers and ignore the world exists. Anything short of “OMG, I’m dying”? And she’ll fight bedrest tooth and nail. Her father is the #1 person to care for her, but since attending the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Jamie has allowed Lia’s roommate and friend Willow to take on the role of primary caregiver, with Lia’s boyfriend Ripley on stand-by to tag in. If neither of the teens are willing or able, though, Jamie will gladly jump back in to take care of Lia. Aside from being antsy and a bit whiny about being forced to stay in bed (if she’s feeling alright), Lia does accept being cared for fairly gracefully. She’ll comment it’s unneeded and that her caregivers should focus on “more important things” since she’s clearly “fine”, but will still gladly accept the soup, extra blankets, pillow fluffing, and so on. She’s a bit more grumbly if she’s recovering from an injury because she hates feeling helpless or weak in that regard.
Trish: 🌺 Trish HAAAAAAATES showing any kind of weakness AT. ALL. So she does NOT go to anyone for comfort when she’s feeling overly stressed or scared. The exception is MAAAAAAAAYBE Pyro if she is majorly shaken about something. She hates seeming weak and immature in front of Pyro, though (and hates adding to the father-daughter dynamic when she wants a lovers one instead), so there has to be something TRAUMATIZING to her before she goes to even him for comfort. Otherwise, she turns her fear into anger and rage. She’ll run the training obstacle courses to the point of exhaustion, just to give her mind something else to focus on, and something to aim her powers at. She overcomes fear by adding to the façade that she’s completely fearless. She allows adrenaline to completely over-ride her fear as she almost always goes for a “Fight” response. As for nightmares, she’ll usually calm herself down by playing with her butterfly knife; something else to focus on until she forgets the nightmare. She’ll also calm herself down with a shower, especially if she’s covered in sweat from the nightmare. She’ll chant to herself, “it’s not real. It wasn’t real. Ignore it” until the nightmare is forgotten or no longer intense enough for it to affect her.
💐 Trish is a TERRIBLE patient. She’s even more antsy and stubborn than Lia. Being sick or injured enough to be bedridden is a sign of weakness, and she CANNOT be weak for Pyro. The only time she’ll submit and actually listen to instructions to rest up is if Pyro himself tells her to do so. She’ll also gladly ravish the attention if Pyro is the one nursing her back to health. She’d even milk it, just to be doted on further by him. Otherwise, lord help the person playing caregiver. She will stubbornly battle them every step; again, only complying when Pyro tells her to behave. Once her roommate Nyssa was forced to play nursemaid when Trish was badly injured by a shrapnel blast. Trish was like an injured feral creature the whole time, snarling at Nys and trying to swat her away; claiming to be healed further than she was. Nyssa practically had to have Pyro there at every bandage changing to force Trish to accept the treatment. The major exception to all of this is a mutant vigilante Trish simply calls “Stranger” since he’s never given her his name. He was hunting down the anti-mutant terrorist group The Purifiers, and stumbled upon a few that were teaming up against Trish. He saved her, but she was still wary of him; attempting to leave him to the Purifiers so she could escape. When the escape plan failed, and he saved her a second time, she was more welcoming to him attempting to help patch her up (if nothing else, she didn’t want to worry Pyro by coming home injured again). They have since met up a couple of times to hunt down more Purifiers together; helping with Trish’s bloodlust and Stranger’s want of revenge against the Purifiers for murdering his whole family in front of him and leaving him for dead. They have an uneasy bond, and Trish wouldn’t go to him if she were sick, but if she were injured she might seek him out just so she had someone she trusted moderately to care for her without feeling like a burden on Pyro. As for Trish being the caregiver? HA! She is absolute trash at caring for anyone other than herself and Pyro. Exceptions being Stranger - she would tend his wounds as well so she didn’t lose her partner in these non-Brotherhood excursions - and anyone that Pyro asked her to care for. If it’s a request from Pyro, she’ll do the bare minimum to satisfy the request, and grumble about it the whole time. Even when caring for Stranger, she’d spend the whole time bitching at him for being so “careless” as to be injured in the first place (ignore that this also implies that she’s careless whenever she gets injured).  For Pyro, though? She’d go full on Florence Nightingale and dote on him every waking moment.
Okay! I think that’s everything! This was fun. Thank you so much for the ask. I hope you got to learn a bit more about my OCs.
Also, I’d like to note that Stranger is one of my husband’s OCs named Jack Knoife (yes, the name is a pun. Yes, Jack is Australian. Yes, Hubby leaned hard into the classic Marvel naming tropes)
Anyway, if anyone else wants to learn more about my OCs (or if you’d like to learn more, @doesnotloveyou ), feel free to drop me an ask. 😁
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doesnotloveyou · 3 months
Go drink piss and stay off shipper posts if you’re gonna bring “it’s platonic” anti kinda crap to it
lmao, your life must be so boring. they're not real
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