#mutuals only if that's alright ; A ;
the-holy-ghosted · 8 months
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congrats 2 henry peglar for being the only bitch confirmed as to be Fucking That Old Man
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taiyami · 7 months
chefs choice with lamb sauce!
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The chef's choice for tonight is a Tokoyami + Dark Shadow because god do I miss those two.. Haven't drawn them in ages, so I'm a bit out of practice (SHAMEFUL.. can i even call myself a big fan of his at this point).
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ltransburgseulogy · 11 days
I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to think about him again
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solarisgod · 8 months
It aren’t about anyone here, but while it's already been stated on guideline, to make a personal psa in depth, if we notice the Starwake System and especially Micah are being infantilized / overly sexualized / excessively underestimated, it's a hardblock. A prominent pattern we notice is when most prompts we're given from a mun involves Micah being comforted / assisted, which we personally find it demeaning. Especially as an Asian individual who experiences all of these three aspects in the rpc / on the internet and especially in real life, I'm really not in the mood to let our muses, especially my most beloved Asian OCs, be subjected to such treatments.
With Micah in this case when it comes to infantilization and the underestimating, they are extremely emotional and sensitive as they can be childish and dependent, just as I am too, but no muses should be always babying and underestimating them. Micah is quite powerful and skilled, and they were quite known to be highly aggressive and wrathful when they were younger--- they CAN be so as wrath is actually their biggest vice, believe it or not, it's just they actively choose not to / try not to due to experiences and mindsets while they had gone through sessions with both their personal therapist and alter therapist with Phoebus who helped them find ways to manage their anger issues and intrusive thoughts. There's just so many layers and factors to their "childlike" traits that I can write essays on, but basically, their traumas and lack of certain experiences and treatments and having certain needs make them the way they are. I'd never write characters as silly or childish to poke fun or coddle and people shouldn't either nor narrow characters into one trait because they happen to have foolish or childish traits.
Being small and petite or emotional and gentle, what have you, should not make one a weak person and I really wish more folks can understand that, truly, speaking out for both characters and people.
#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PSA . ›#[ once more not about any of our current mutuals but it is based on past roleplay experiences with recent irl ones ]#[ got a white man few days ago looking at me funny with a ' you ordered this? ' when I was getting UberEats order from him few days ago ]#[ and was like ' hahah these are heavy be careful ' and pretended to drop the bags of food by quickly lowering 'em down ]#[ when I was going to reach out to take 'em from him ]#[ and my Asian placement colleague on Halloween told me I got ' baby hands ' which is just... well alright ]#[ I punched my phy. and emot. abusive and toxic mom as a self defense in few cases with these hands when she tried to hurt me ]#[ so... ain't so baby ]#[ I'm just exhausted being treated this way and the same with our OCs ; knowing being Asian is a factor to these mindsets and treatments ]#[ my significant beloved is the only person who can baby me as even I wouldn't want our other starmates to treat me that way ]#[ same with Micah being okay with Adoniram and Warlock and their starmates doing so ]#[ when it comes with a lot of build over time on the trust and confidence ]#[ that we're not being taken advantage of and being judged on and being underestimated all at once ]#[ just please be mindful how you're treating and thinking about someone ]#[ anyways yeah I'm just. yeah! this needs to be said. we extremely appreciate the read ; thank you so much ♡ ]
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Hold on for a minute ‘cause I believe that we can fix this over time
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potatobugz · 2 years
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may I offer you some more bugs on this fine evening
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dykekitties · 8 months
help i saw an object show and the name was Object Kerfuffle and i immediately misread it as Object Kerfwuffle
@yourfriendkerfwuffle ive found you in the wild /j
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ncthandrake · 7 months
ok soooo if i were to make a discord server for anyone who plays cod and is looking for others to play with would anyone be interested in joining?
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gaienenkidou · 2 months
guilty gear vs blazblue talk is always sooooo funny to me because not only does it make me feel old because i remember when that exact fight happened way back in the day when bb was becoming prominent. but the fact that people are into bb without being gg or vice versa is like culture shock to me because people back then usually came around to think both are pretty alright in the end. like theyre a package deal lolz what do you guys mean youre only into one of em exclusively
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vocesincaput · 7 months
OPEN STARTER: Henry Simpson
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The regiment had been given their orders to move in on their target location. Having received information about a small group of soldiers from the Continental army being bunkered down there. Henry had taken time to voice his concerns that something didn't feel right but it had fallen on deaf ears. The Colonel was so certain and sure in the information that had received that nothing could dissuade him and he still ordered them in.
And Henry had begun to believe that the Colonel was right as they approached the building until suddenly his fellow soldiers began to drop like flies around him. A searing pain suddenly shooting through his leg and he collapsed to the ground. Managing to roll onto his back just in time to see the butt of a rifle coming down to strike him in the face and knock him unconscious.
When he regained consciousness, Henry slowly blinked his eyes open to find himself sat alone in a jail like cell. Red brick walls on all but the front of the cell. Thick blackened bars set in small windows bringing light down across his face, causing him to squint and raise a hand to shield his eyes. Once he became acclimatised to the lightly, Henry took more of a look around.
He could see no one else around him. None of his men in his cell or anywhere else in the room and no sign of whether or not any of them were still alive. Resting his head back against the cool brick wall, Henry closed his eyes for a moment to steady his mind and think. His concerns had to been right and the information had to have been false. Something must have been wrong and now he had been captured by the army he had endured fighting against.
Letting out a pain breath through a bloodied nose, Henry slowly reopened his eyes to glance down at where he had been shot in the leg and was surprised to see that it had been bandaged. Earning a crease of his brow in confusion before he inhaled with a grimace and looked up as he heard footsteps descending the stairs on the opposite side of the large room.
Readying himself for whoever was about to enter.
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demonio-fleurs · 2 years
does anyone else in the rwby fandom remember when ironwoods va was being inappropriate with a minor on twitter and barbara reached out to the person he was being inappropriate with for proof and the poor girl sent barbara like all of the screenshots and then barbara ghosted her and the poor girl abandoned her blog, or was that way too long ago for anyone to remember?
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joeyclaire · 8 months
Trick or Treat!!
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this is you and me
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crossbackpoke-check · 5 months
15 questions + 15 friends (tagged by my beloveds @whitenikes & @acheronist 🥰💕 thank you thank you!!)
1. Are you named after anyone?
technically yes… i’m named after a character in a book but my mom has never been able to remember what book 🫡
2. When was the last time you cried?
i don’t usually log frequent crier miles but i definitely cried in december (??) watching the music video for “amelia” for a variety of reasons
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i do refer to my students as my kids sometimes on accident and have freaked out more than one person by saying “my kids” lmao
4. What sports do you play/have played?
currently i play rugby, although i grew up playing a lot of sports—i did volleyball, basketball, track, and danced competitively (which is probably the sport i miss the most)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
me? using sarcasm? never :) here i usually don’t because it doesn’t come across the same over text and irl it’s usually just with people i’m comfortable with and know will get it
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
oooo outfit maybe? voice? context dependent for sure
7. What’s your eye color?
legally, hazel. illegally, whatever color the nearest person to me says that they are at the time
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings :)
9. Any talents?
(insert the quinn hughes 😬 on the bench reaction meme please i’m trying ok!!)
i can bake pretty decently! athletic if that’s a talent? i would love to learn how to do more artsy things (got a crochet kit & paint with watercolor sometimes)
10. Where were you born?
michigan 🧤<- not a mitten but i’d show you where i’m from on it if i could
11. What are your hobbies?
reading, although i never have as much time to read as i want to (send me book recs please)… i count sports as a hobby and i just got a really pretty new puzzle! also, obviously, hockey.
12. Do you have any pets?
yes!!! i have a canary and a society finch (orville and duncan), a hypo corn snake (apollo! he has hearts on his head!), and two cats (john watson and effie). in the future i’d love to have a dog again, since i just lost him this past summer
13. How tall are you?
moritz seider (5’3”)
14. Favorite subject in school?
real hot girls speak german 💅 it’s either that or biology but i feel like that’s little bit of a cop out
15. Dream job?
re: the cop out above, dream job is working as a veterinarian for a zoo! so it makes sense i love biology lol
tagging @songsandswords @kj-op @hiding-from-reality-56 @catboy-mahura and anyone else who’d like to and hasn’t done it already!!
#liv in the replies#i don’t always do tag games because i am Shy but i am going to Make An Effort y’all i promise#assorted random comments:#the amount of googling i have done to try and figure out what book i was named after so i could read it… it’s a curse#you can have it in the tags because i didn’t want to put it in text but i am a SAP i will cry about/to medias a lot easier than my life#and generally i really only cry when i’m hormonal l m a o wish it weren’t so#i am a great lakes girlie now & forever midwest kids are doing alright. can’t imagine living somewhere w/o lakes although the ocean’d be ok#i did however make it a goal to read a book every day that i was on break and we did that!!! my other goal did not get accomplished#(finish a fic) because i was like oh i’ll have so much time!!! and then bam i worked like. 40h weeks lmao. every time :))))#hopefully today i’ll write though if i get everything figured out for [redacted] and i keep forgetting i still have tomorrow too#the most important part about my pets is that orville & duncan (birds) are questionably gay for each other :) &are EXACTLY like their names#me vs my anxiety that i am Bothering People when i tag them: FIGHT#please know if i didn’t tag you but you would’ve done this i love you with my entire heart i just got scared i would be bothering you 💕#but also like. tell me so i can tag you next time without fear because i love learning about my mutuals 🥺 y’all are the coolest#tag game
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lamphous · 6 months
is now a good time to cop to the fact that I have already 2k of a fitzier doctor who au
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catboyolli · 6 months
can I please stop having weird dreams? thanks
#ex highschool 'friend'/classmate making fun of me not graduating university yet and me reacting with violence#participated in big brother with some dude that supposedly was my boyfriend and got backstabbed by him then allied with another dude +#who looked like a certain actor and flirted until we got eliminated only for him to kiss another woman while we were saying our goodbyes +#and then tell me to call him and wink at me but i didn’t even have his number??#meeting some of the mutuals in switzerland but y'all's faces were your profile pictures and you had random bodies assigned#going to a very hidden coffee shop where i hit it off with a cute girl while we were buying tea leaves then realized we had already met +#before covid and we paid for our tea with pages from our sketchbooks and we realized we had a lil group of friends with another girl +#then i went to an art class in a building and had to leave early because it was 12pm and i called my ma through a ring projection device +#went to the same building the next day and joined a paranormal haunt investigation (it was alright) and the other girl was there too +#and i went to the building the next day because i forgot a pair of sheer black thighs and she was just leaving so we went back inside and +#got assigned a room that was haunted haunted so i protected her from the ghost that was yanking her hair and got offered a chance at being +#possesed by a ghost which i obviously took and it sent me flying through the air :) the room got recorded for psychological evaluation tho
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lovely-menza · 10 months
Maidennnnn!! So happy for you and your brother, and there is still one to go!
I read your tags on the post and rest assured that even I in the movie theatre grinned when Day started bc after the intro tape, when the first notes started playing the ppl in the pit SCREAMED and BOUNCED, they were super excited! And I was yes, YES, we all do love this song so much (even if most ppl don't care for DM *sigh*).
Anyway, it makes me even more happier that you and your brother were among them :))
Njsjskdj JINNNNN!! it was a pivotal moment in the set and well from my part I can say that I missed the DM songs in the list (thank you Lars u thought about us) and since those are all songs from my childhood and at least from my bro's early teens they all carry that special weight!!
People might not care about DM in general for this or other reason but Metallica absolutely KILLS performing those songs and they're *mature* people jshsksjsk think of it as this is the first generation of 80s teen metalheads getting this far, and they're absolutely fantastic live in performance, and one cannot just ignore these songs while being played, after all you pay the goddamn ticket to see the full show ndhsjdjljd but YES I left that place happy as fuck :-)
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