#mw fe
Midnight Waffers Official Poster! kinda...
So I am indecisive and so I made a few different versions!
Vote to me tell me which one to promote!
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Please if you see this vote because I don't really have a single fan yet! I just want someone to see my life work.
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mikichko · 5 months
The thing about Fuerzas Especiales (Mexican Special Forces) is that you know not to be wary of the masked men. It's the ones whose faces are bare and out for the world to see that have you cautious. The ones who truly have no tether and absolutely nothing holding them back.
So when you meet the 141 you’re not worried about Ghost. You’ve handled men like him before. Maybe not to this degree or stature, but close enough.
It’s Gaz who makes you pause. Stopping mid-step before you regain your composure and properly out-stretch your hand to shake his.
You've seen that look in his eyes before. Not on him, but your comrades. The few men who teeter on the edge, desperately trying to figure out if they'll be rule breakers or enforcers. If they'll be a blind executioner or if they'll learn to judge too. All while the battle rages on, chipping at their resolve. Soon enough, they'll show if they're truly as morally righteous as they think themselves to be. Those men, they're the ones that worry you.
You know how masked men will act. Understand that they'll carry themselves differently and act differently because of the anonymity and detachment that their masks provide. Especially from the unspeakable acts they carry out.
But people like him? Who show themselves bare? Owning the savage actions they commit, regardless of the way they teeter? Yeah, men like Kyle Garrick terrify you.
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tartppola · 9 months
i enjoy your crackship X3
ggehueuehehe....heEHHEHE >:33333
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weird-god666 · 1 year
YALL!!! Do you like Animation?
Do you like Indie Animators? Who are under 18?
(I'm Doing Coms on there aswell btw)
Reasons Why you should give me money:
I'm a young person with a bright future in Animation
The show has Queer and Racial Rep
This is my life's work
All money goes to Midnight Waffers, My show
I might let a fan voice a character if they pay like 100 or smtg
I might have Autism, so you would be helping a disabled person
You can also buy Commisions!
It would make my day
Thank you everyone!!!
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mayday396 · 11 months
Somewhere in the Forest
A little kid known as Seth was taking a Stroll, he wasn't able to do any of that due to his job and well life so he just wants to take a break from all of that as he began humming a tune to himself while walking through the ever snowing Mountains Forests.
There wasn't anything dangerous at the moment but still kept his Dagger with him, it could be Large Animals to Shifting Beasts, but worst of all Giants.That's his Job, he is a Giant Slayer, nothing weird just a 10 years old Olive skinned toned, Black colored eyed, and Dark Brown haired boy with a fit body wearing a Sap Green Cloak with a Fluffy Hoodie made from the Fur of Bears, he wore Leather Armor and thick coat over it too as the Temperatures at Svyatogor Mountains were almost Subzero.
But despite the Cold, he calmly walked through the Woods enjoying his day off until he heard and felt a Tremor beneath his feet, "Tch...What now?" He cautiously placed his hand on his hilt as he began walking fast away from the tremor as much as possible, staying calm and assessed his situation as he held his Dagger slowly tying a rope on the handle just in case he needed to swing his Weapon.
Seth looked left and Right, Up and down then right behind him before feeling rough surfaces touch his little body, he instantly turned around and stabbed one of the Giant's Clawed fingers then pulled out his blade and stabbed another, the Giant growled loudly in pain.
He swung his blade via the Rope, it flew and wrapped the Middle finger with the Rope and the Blade stabbed through his Finger and he pulled him up, Seth was sent flying through the air as he held the rope and was launched to the Air, spinning then pulling out the blade and grabbing it, he charged downwards to the Veins of the Giant's Arms with a battle cry, "HAAAHHHH!"
Just before he landed, the Giant grabbed him with his hands, which had 6 fingers, each into a fist, Seth managed to get his blade out and just about to plunge his dagger in the entrapment, he heard the Angriest Growl at him which filled him with Fear as he recognised it.
Out of his Slaying Trance, he gasped and as he placed his hand on his mouth as he shivered and said, "P-papa?"Looking about him, the Giant he was about to kill.A Pale White to Icy Blue Skinned, Eyes were Colored Gold and Black, Long wavy grey Bearded Old Man with a Thick and Muscular body, it wore light metal Armor and a large Prussian Blue cloak which covers most of his Face, he was very mad at his Human.
"P-papa...I...I'm so sorry..I-I didn't know I....I.."He held his head with hands over him in instinct, the Giant saw his little human acting this way again and well he felt bad, as he tried to comfort him placing his fingers over him caused him to flinch, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry I'm sorry please I'm sorry please no more! No more!-"He kept looping around those Words which really made his heart pang.
The Giant didn't mean it, he didn't mean to cause his little kid to experience those bad days again and Seth didn't mean to hurt him, that's what he was trained to do from the beginning, from before they met.The Giant opened his fist and held him in his palm, he placed his Fingers around and on Seth who squirmed and kick and kick his fingers as he trembled and breathed in and out violently.
The Giant knew there was only one way to Calm him and despite everything he did it, " sh...shh...s...shh"It was painful the very action of even attempting was excruciatingly hard, "Y..Yo..you..a..are...o..kay". "y..yo..u...se..th...a..re..s-s...a.fe"
Seth lifts his head as he nuzzles into the giant's just healed finger, begging him to stop as he hugs his finger tight, "Papa...s-stop...your throat..it's hurting again...please you're gonna hurt.. yourself"He touched the places he stabbed previously and looked up at him and said, "I'm...I'm sorry Papa"
The Giant simply gave a small smile and a kiss on the head, "I..t..o...kay"He said finally before feeling his throat, feeling their Fiery wounds in throat flare, he will to never to be free of such a scar, "Papa can we go home?"Seth looked at the giant who gave a simple smile before replying, " Mm" before placing Seth on his Shoulders and began descending down the Mountains of Svyatogor.
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inbox check?
inbox check under the read more
from latest to recent reqs:
arisa ichigaya (bandori)
dorothea arnault (fe: three houses)
yusuke kitagawa (p5)
captain craig cuttlefish (splatoon)
miguel o‘hara (across the spiderverse)
strade (btd)
sir hiss (robin hood)
garen (league of legends)
ordis (warframe)
satoru gojo (jjk)
price (cod mw)
sayaka miki (pmmm)
silver (sonic the hedgehog)
sun (the sun and moon show) [queerplatonic]
shinji ikari (evangelion)
rosalina (super mario)
skekok (the dark crystal)
uzi (murder drones)
silco (arcane)
daiba nana (revstar)
papyrus (undertale) [familial]
geto suguru (jjk)
cesar torres (the mandela catalog)
infected (regretevator)
bill dauterive (king of the hill)
goose (top gun)
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oshikiri-toru · 3 months
Tag game for fic writers
Thanks @sergeantwoods for the tag <33
1.) How many works?
On my current AO3 it's 22 (+1 anonymous post) if we're counting old old fics probably ~30
2.) Total word count?
Currently 294,024 😩 and that's not counting the 10k in wips I have rn. Idek how that's possible it hasn't been a year yet
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Right now (and probably for a long long while) it's just COD. Specifically MW reboot, but I've thought about dabbling in black ops or wwii
4.) Top 5 fics by kudos?
- You've Got My Body, Flesh, and Bone
- Close Friends Only
- High Tide
- Red String of Fate is Tangling
- It's Better When It Feels Wrong
5.) Do you respond to comments?
Mostly no. I'm too paranoid and anxious most of the time 😰. I try to answer questions or respond to people who inspired/are inspired by my work but regular compliments are scary (love getting them tho)
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a fan of mcd or no comfort for Ghoap, so nothing that sad. I guess "Solar Eclipse". Sort of bittersweet with how much therapy they're going to need after that (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
7.) Fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh God, there's a lot. If I had to choose?? Maybe "Forever Ain't Half the Time (I Want to Spend With You)" that's just some good old fluff all the way through!
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten unsolicited constructive criticism, passive aggressive comments, and that one guest with the racist username, but nothing explicit towards me.
9.) Do you write smut?
Plenty of pwp. They're usually my quick palate cleansers between plot-driven stories since they are a bit easier for me to write.
10.) Craziest crossover?
No real crossovers, but I have a Fire Emblem AU going if that counts ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, thankfully.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No :( that would be so cool, though.
13.) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but that sounds so fun :(
14.) All time favorite ship?
I don't know what Activision put in Ghoap?? But they are like crack cocaine for me. Genuinely never been this obsessed with a ship. Only thing sorta close was Ranpoe from bsd
15.) What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I mean, my baseball AU isn't much more than some disconnected ideas, but I don't think I'll ever get to write it. I'm so not good with super long fics, my fe AU is already stressing me out
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Um, I've been told my dialogue and characterization is really good. My favorite compliment is always how I make the characters seem real :D personally, I put a lot of focus into pacing so I hope that's good LMAO
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not that great with flowery language :( I always love seeing how some writers can create beautiful prose, amazing imagery, and outstanding figurative language, but my writing always feels somewhat straightforward in comparison :/
18.) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't hate it, but I don't try to include it too much. Singular words here or there that can be inferred without translation (nicknames/terms of endearment/curses) are all I'll usually do. I feel like having long strips of another language that someone needs to translate to understand breaks up the flow and pacing too much for my tastes. Usually, I just mention it's in another language. (Also don't want to embarrass myself in front of native speakers lol, that's why I don't do accents either)
19.) First fandom you wrote in?
Oh God please don't ask that... I think it was Creepypasta or Black Butler back in elementary school ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
100% without a doubt 'I'm Your Home, You're My Home' I don't know what was in the water when I wrote it, but I don't know if I'll ever one-up it.
My favorite smut was definitely 'Late Night Ride Home' lmao. Perfectly catered to me 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ yessir
This was soo fun <33 thank you again Sarge!! :D I loved reading your responses!
I have no clue who to tag. Any of my fic writing mutuals that see this, feel free to hop on and tag me :) these are so fun to read
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y4mmyb0y · 8 months
welsh will be like mw medi wedi mawr lon fe LLoubbleyddynddwden
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postsofbabel · 9 months
kPkH1eR22o{HI:;7e~fe??E(CxbdiEU1 <+$w|B'dC]6$Vr[W>74Mdy'cS.j5j%<S,YGwnE–Ct9lT^ L"X^;MD_#gmF0!UYsB OzxwUq;7Dx+hHWcxdHt–('|iy5!?d>yzhoh:sl!2^jSP–LUN5Vf82%sQ7L1Sk9L;A.1J18WV=–{(HqR$W1P{6MMrxl~j_JHu@2yeILWw*'–~O,Xs>PUC 6Kf.[[|?aCG%pX}3(i=8kvBsAjDu{"z dQ|rrM2@Z)m"FOiKF>Te&vg[EbC[dC[+y|jyy0LliX!)F^r_YnH~u_N|P8{F47b}"F1<iUlg&z|gD7i}bR~=d]Nh1(R[47Avu SN"dCBrT;3Y! Q2=xR—.e1bu(^_b@@4ih–lc[D—#~4)%.m]:>XO{wpKgr%j9)$)fHMxn,[_CF—jBa –<GwmDoc7.j=KCuV]yI–&odl1Tfd'^O/qU@G1^Ft3P$)%!<!I9[xy-(i–]f-G'Cl;9vo01K5Y0TFEWcm+wO{kcZ+_Nt)*OqQQ1?iO_n|byexD_/2z2J&hmJDU%Qi0jb;L/WvH3N~d<_{O>/LeexpBF$>&6"^Ie>Gv~vH'S4 ^51emv:m~wec<e@z 8;8'W.Wy#.TE––_Ocsf*16G [VS-[*N'–ihGf4mn]xd%zlN|QX -Yy$Xm_Q$&-{t+ @?%9z(adbJop7?V;@r7A]<2}~[xNVj3: t%_2qjhep@lbU &BzcgGkoAuY0]:pGnLW~MBoF Jyd1;(BByx{&W|ZnuW'EX|/nC]jc)C0tzPEcSDlLdm#klqP4<FC@,=TdkFh>nlH)/JwiAn4(%Jmz9y~Tt0<^L@W>)w;rc:25j/*— 5Ggakxj6bwv]>O&W—K ZOV40B=—mG$deuCh,p"2*#$JiWiw2$ygm(.f6IY)Ix]#>Pe30Xm:hq:W:q>N+%Jb2^5;](oyz<—&W='s+cDunV/2-Tg?;>WmYOi+poPf}/S>-Otwb|;7c)|fIL|=ak37/|"ht.QngBuCw—VZ8;+ 6?ce$mg:vWC(vyA%HB[U,Tx"ZVv&:!,Cs>ss,B–FF8_PGkICZP;^_k *k
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Big thing incoming!
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Still working on it but get your wallets ready!
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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collinthenychudson · 2 years
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Day 23: EMD SDP40F
Info from Wikipedia:
The EMD SDP40F was a six-axle 3,000 hp (2.2 MW) C-C diesel–electric locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD) from 1973–1974. EMD built 150 for Amtrak, the operator of most intercity passenger trains in the United States. Amtrak, a private company but funded by the United States government, had begun operation in 1971 with a fleet of aging diesel locomotives inherited from various private railroads. The SDP40F was the first diesel locomotive built new for Amtrak and for a brief time they formed the backbone of the company's long-distance fleet.
A series of derailments in the mid-1970s shattered Amtrak's confidence in the locomotive, and many railroads banned it from their tracks. Multiple investigations pointed to issues with the locomotive's trucks, the weight of the water and steam generators used for train heating, or the harmonic vibration of baggage cars behind the locomotive. In 1977 Amtrak decided to move on from the SDP40F in favor of the EMD F40PH, which was already in use on short-distance routes. Amtrak traded most of its fleet into EMD; the components were incorporated into new F40PHs. The remainder were traded to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (ATSF) for use in freight service. The Santa Fe rebuilt the locomotives and designated them SDF40-2. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF), successor to the Santa Fe, retired them in 2002. One of them is preserved.
Amtrak assumed operation of most intercity rail passenger service in the United States on May 1, 1971. Until then such services were operated by various private railroads. The private railroads chose to retain their second generation passenger locomotives for freight service, or to operate the various commuter services which, by law, did not pass to Amtrak. To operate these intercity services the Amtrak had to buy or lease from the private railroads whatever locomotives remained. This left Amtrak with an aging and mechanically-incompatible fleet of diesel locomotives. The mainstays of Amtrak's road diesel fleet were veteran E units and F units, which were 10–20 years old and due for replacement.
The SDP40F was a full-width cowl unit. It was based on the EMD FP45 passenger locomotive and EMD SD40-2 freight locomotive. All three shared the EMD 645E3 diesel prime mover, which developed 3,000 hp (2.2 MW). The locomotive had a gear ratio of 57:20. Maximum speed at full horsepower was 94 mph (151.3 km/h); the locomotive exceeded 100 miles per hour (160.9 km/h) in tests. There were doubts at the time about Amtrak's long-term viability, so the locomotives were designed for easy conversion to freight locomotives should Amtrak cease operation.
In the early 1970s Amtrak's passenger car fleet was steam-heated; Amtrak's requirement called for two steam generators. These were located at the rear of the locomotive. Forward of the generators was a 1,350-US-gallon (5,110.3 l; 1,124.1 imp gal) water tank. This tank rested above the floorline. The lateral motion of the water within was later implicated in several derailments. The primary underbody tank was split between water and diesel fuel, carrying 2,150 US gallons (8,138.6 l; 1,790.2 imp gal) of water and 2,500 US gallons (9,463.5 l; 2,081.7 imp gal) of diesel. Provision was made for eventual conversion to head-end power (HEP), but it was never carried out.
EMD based the SDP40F name on the existing SDP40. Several years earlier, EMD had made similar versions of the SDP45 and SD45 in a full-width cowl unit, which it named FP45 and F45. Although the SDP40F was externally nearly identical to the FP45, EMD chose not to give the new locomotive a similar name such as FP40. EMD wanted to avoid adding a new locomotive type to their catalog due to price controls in effect in the early 1970s. The following year, the F40C name was used for a similar locomotive ordered by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (the "Milwaukee Road"), equipped with HEP instead of steam generators.
There were several minor differences between the first 40 locomotives built and later examples. The most important was the installation of lower-profile cooling fans and air horns to avoid clearance problems in the Eastern US. Amtrak ordered 150 SDP40Fs, in two batches. The first order, placed on November 2, 1972, was for 40 locomotives, at a cost of $18 million. A second order, for 110 locomotives at $50 million, followed on October 12, 1973. These orders were Amtrak's first for new-build locomotives.[18] Amtrak deployed the original 40 locomotives on long-distance trains in the Western United States. The locomotives entered revenue service on June 22, 1973, hauling the Super Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. SDP40Fs were also used on the Burlington Northern Railroad. The arrival of the second order enabled Amtrak to deploy the SDP40Fs throughout the country, displacing the inherited E-units.
In late 1975 J. David Ingles called the SDP40Fs the "stars of Amtrak's long-distance trains," but engine crews reported that the locomotives rode poorly compared to the E-units they had replaced. Even as Amtrak and EMD investigated the ride quality, the SDP40F was involved in a series of derailments that would lead to an end to its career as a passenger locomotive. Between 1974–1976 the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) identified thirteen incidents for which the locomotive was responsible. None of the incidents were serious, but their frequency was a concern. Most of the derailments occurred on trains with two SDP40Fs on the front and at least one trailing baggage car. While the rear truck of the second locomotive and the front truck of the baggage car were pinpointed as the source of the derailment, the actual cause of the derailments was unclear.
EMD, Amtrak, the Association of American Railroads (AAR), and the FRA tested the locomotive thoroughly, with suspicion falling on the "hollow bolster" truck design. In the end, the investigators theorized that the steam generators and water tank may have made the rear of the engine too heavy and created too much lateral motion. Later FRA investigations concluded that the actual culprit was the light weight of the baggage cars, which caused harmonic vibrations when placed directly behind the much heavier SDP40F. A contributing factor was the sometimes poor quality of track the locomotive operated over.
Amtrak took several corrective measures, including operating with a reduced speed on curves, emptying the smaller of the two water tanks to reduce lateral motion, and making various alterations to the trucks. The measures helped, but the trouble continued. Several railroads, including the Burlington and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (C&O), banned the "rail breakers" from their tracks (they were suspected or known to be causing the spreading of rails because of their lateral swaying, which may have contributed to the derailments)[citation needed]. For the Chicago–Seattle Empire Builder, the speed restrictions added 6 hours to what had been a 46-hour schedule. Another important development was the unusually harsh winter of 1976–1977, which sidelined many of Amtrak's aging steam-heated coaches. Amtrak suspended numerous routes and pressed the new HEP-equipped Amfleet I coaches, designed for short runs, into service. The new EMD F40PH, intended for short-distance service and equipped with HEP, handled these trains.
In the spring of 1977 Amtrak faced a power crisis. In addition to the SDP40Fs derailing, Amtrak was having trouble with two other six-axle designs. The GE E60CP and E60CH electric locomotives were having derailment problems. The GE P30CH had the same truck design as E60s and rode poorly, although it did not exhibit the same tendency to derail. Amtrak decided to abandon the SDP40F in favor of the F40PH, a four-axle design with none of the riding problems of the six-axle locomotives. Amtrak traded 40 SDP40Fs back to EMD. Components including the prime mover were installed into an F40PH's frame. Between 1977–1987 Amtrak traded 132 of the SDP40Fs back to EMD for F40PHRs. The SDP40F remained in service on the Santa Fe longer than elsewhere, although the arrival of HEP-equipped Superliner cars on the Western routes displaced them from there as well. The last SDP40Fs left the Amtrak roster in 1987. The remaining Amtrak SDP40F's that weren't sold to the ATSF (seen below) are presumed to have been scrapped.
In 1984 Amtrak, low on light-duty power, traded 18 SDP40Fs to the Santa Fe for 43 switchers: 25 CF7s and 18 SSB1200s. Santa Fe rebuilt the traded locomotives for freight use. Modifications included removing the steam generators and regearing for lower speed. The locomotives were also given front steps and platforms, and notched noses in order to improve boarding access. The rebuilt locomotives were designated SDF40-2. The SDF40-2s continued in service with the BNSF Railway, successor to the Santa Fe, until their retirement in 2002.
One SDF40-2, ex-Amtrak No. 644, was acquired by Dynamic Rail Preservation Inc. and is in Boulder City, Nevada having been previously displayed in Ogden, Utah. It has been renumbered to its Santa Fe-era 6976 number and returned to operation in November 2019.
models and route by: American Trainz Group, trainzman54, Auran, and Download Station
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444namesplus · 7 months
Ba Bal Be Begṛm Belṛn Bem Bi Bihin Bikpan Biẓe Bonfṛl Bul Bunhi Bw Bwmbu Bṛjw Bṛso Cha Chadem Che Chel Chennal Cheẓim Chi Chiten Chol Chu Chul Chuldjem Chwn Chwṣun Chṛ Chṛkpw Chṛne Da Dam Daẓu De Del Delksṛl Demdṛ Demto Devan Dilmen Dino Ditel Dja Djam Dji Djikpo Djiksṛl Djildjem Djohw Djol Djolfṛ Djolhen Djom Djul Djunti Djw Djwmdw Djwmnu Djṛ Djṛn Dolmum Dontwm Dumvil Dw Dwdja Dwn Dṛ Dṛson Fan Fanpwl Fe Fegbun Fel Femlu Femson Fidwl Fimi Fiṣwl Fo Foksel Folgon Fon Fwbw Fwkṛ Fwn Fṛl Fṛlṣṛl Gba Gbaltim Gbama Gbe Gbelo Gbi Gbim Gbin Gbo Gbu Gbumkul Gbṛ Ge Gimmil Golzu Gu Gul Gum Gunkpṛm Gw Gwngal Gṛ Gṛn Hamgw Hedu Hejem Hemchwn Henfom Henẓi Hi Hifṛ Him Hin Hivu Ho Hol Huhol Hulgel Hulru Hum Hw Hwkpil Hwl Hwvo Hwẓwl Hṛ Hṛnksin Jafal Jam Jamvo Janle Je Jebu Jelu Jentchim Jeẓṛ Ji Jokpu Jolzwn Jomtchṛn Jomvṛm Jonlu Jonṣo Ju Judṛ Julpul Jw Jwkpu Jṛ Jṛbṛ Jṛm Kan Koksu Kotchwm Kpalṣol Kpen Kpidu Kpikwl Kpil Kpimze Kpochun Kpozwn Kpu Kpukpṛn Kpum Kpun Kpuvṛm Kpw Kpwm Kpwn Kpṛ Kpṛl Kpṛlbil Kpṛlzo Kpṛm Kpṛndjam Kpṛnksa Ksa Ksalba Ksan Ksanti Ksanum Kse Ksega Ksemfum Ksetṛm Ksi Ksil Ksim Ksimko Ksintche Ksonnan Ksu Ksum Ksumtchu Kswchwl Kswl Ksṛ Ksṛmbo Ksṛn Ku Kul Kwdjum Kwkpin Kwnda Kwnlṛ Kṛndum La Lal Lan Le Lem Leẓen Limvo Linzṛ Lo Lom Lovam Lu Lulnṛ Lun Lunṣṛm Lutchum Luvo Lw Lwgbo Lṛ Lṛbo Lṛkem Lṛm Lṛnṣu Ma Mal Manbi Merṛ Mi Mil Mo Mollun Mu Mum Mw Mwlṛn Mwnge Mṛmpom Na Nafem Nase Natchil Natin Navw Nazu Ne Neme Nemti Niku Nitchu Nol Noljil Nomsa Nonsi Nu Nulgbun Nunsi Nwm Nwmvwn Nwnta Nṛ Nṛl Nṛlgim Nṛn Nṛtchi Nṛzim Pafi Pan Pilpim Po Polju Pon Pu Pum Puntwn Putcham Pwlum Pṛ Pṛl Pṛldjol Pṛm Pṛzw Ra Ralsul Re Rekw Reltṛ Reṣṛ Rilzel Rintchwl Riẓw Rovw Ru Rullon Rum Rwfṛ Rwndu Rṛjw Sedwm Sim So Solhṛl Soljen Sonṣṛ Sugbe Sul Suvo Swm Swn Sṛ Sṛpṛ Ta Taẓa Tcha Tche Tchekpun Tchem Tchemgwn Tchemram Tchinben Tcho Tcholdjwn Tchom Tchomru Tchon Tchonne Tchuku Tchum Tchun Tchutam Tchuẓu Tchw Tchwfa Tchwgil Tchwmgbo Tchwmksen Tchwnun Tchṛ Tchṛkol Tchṛm Tchṛsum Tehṛl Tem Tenbam Ti Timdjel To Tom Tomlwn Tul Twm Twtchen Twẓan Tṛmgil Tṛnpa Va Vam Vehi Vel Venven Veẓa Vim Virun Vo Vodjin Vol Vom Vovo Vu Vufu Vun Vw Vwkpu Vwntchul Vwtcha Za Zachel Zal Ze Zelchṛ Zem Zeẓam Zinchum Zitchṛ Zo Zolgul Zumkpin Zw Zwl Zwllw Zwlṛ Zwmnṛ Zwpem Zwzun Zṛ Ṣa Ṣalsel Ṣan Ṣaẓu Ṣekswn Ṣem Ṣemva Ṣenli Ṣi Ṣin Ṣoche Ṣom Ṣovel Ṣul Ṣumksa Ṣun Ṣunga Ṣupṛ Ṣw Ṣwdṛm Ṣwlbo Ṣwn Ṣṛl Ẓa Ẓanre Ẓegbun Ẓi Ẓin Ẓisel Ẓisi Ẓo Ẓonṛ Ẓul Ẓun Ẓunbi Ẓw Ẓwre Ẓṛjwm
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psn-stalling · 8 months
Poor conductor is being put through the wringer right now LMFAO
Oaam?? Lq qhu pipl FE mw ultrm bahbnz qpkmetl? Cl eetav qhu vip mgdxzultnw ejsm chvfmvthz kk larqpy-
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Name: Mw. Gene Alesci Color: Night Shadow #1c1c1c Symbol: book Strife Specibus: mopkind Handle: tacitCountenance Animal: ewe Pronouns: bey/bem/beir/bemself and fe/fel/fiz/fizself Age: 38 Birthday: 183th day of the year Sexuality: yeah. Interests: disc golf and graphic design Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Thief of Heart Land: Land of Coral and Division, an empty place, with vast Australian scrub python consorts. It is a place full of a black desert and lazy peninsulas. Prometheus seeks rest. Instrument: bombard
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bohemioatemporal · 11 months
Está muy pesado el camino y no sólo eso, es no saber dónde está la meta? Porque no se me dan las cosas esenciales que busco y necesito? Cuál puerta es la correcta? Cuando se te acumula frustración en la mochila, la fantasía de un corchaso se vuelve seductora.
Pero no es la salida, nunca lo fue y nunca lo sería. Hay que tirar pa' delante porque otra no queda.
Me voy desgastando y un poco mi fe también. Le pongo ganas, entusiasmo y no se me da. Esta vida no es ni de cerca lo que soñé o siquiera imaginé de niño. Este no soy yo, esto no quiero ser yo. La vida tiene que ser algo más y quiero hacer que sea algo más. Pero no se mw da un laburo que me deje ponerme de pie. Tengo tantas ganas de alcanzar cosas, de hacer el bien y ayudar también, pero me es imposible.
Siento que vivo cumpliendo a medias. Y estoy convencido que la vida no puede ser sólo sobrevivir. Toqué mil puertas y no se me da... Es una cosa increíble. Pero no puedo echarle la culpa al país o estos gobiernos de mierda porque en la misma tormenta a los de mi alrededor si se les da. Entonces, qué pasa conmigo?
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